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SCRIPT (Mock Trial):


Court: Appearances?
Prosecutor: Prosecutor Miguel Anas Jr. for the prosecution. Your Honor, we are now ready to
present our first and primary witness, MARIAFE D. ARELLANO, the private complainant in
this case.
Court: Prosecutor, please call your first witness.
Prosecutor: I call the private complainant herself, Mariafe D. Arellano to the witness stand.
Clerk of Court: On the witness stand.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, we are offering the testimony of this witness to prove the material
allegations in the information; to identify the accused in this case and likewise to identify certain
document and some pieces of evidence to this case and to testify on such other matters as may be
relevant, your Honor. With the permission of the Honorable Court, may we proceed your Honor?
Court: Proceed.
Prosecutor: Madam Witness, at the time of robbery, you mentioned that you were then carrying
various school items. Are you a student Madam Witness?
Witness: Yes, your Honor.
Prosecutor: What proof do you have to show that you are a student, and of what school?
Witness: I have my school I.D. as proof of being a student of Adamson University.
Prosecutor: Your honor the ID has already been marked as exhibit C during the pretrial, and I
move that the same be admitted into evidence.
Court: Exhibit C is admitted into evidence.
Prosecutor: Madam Witness, where were you on the night of January 11, 2020 at around 11:30
Witness: I was then on my way home walking alone along San Marcelino Street, Ermita,
Prosecutor: Do you remember what happened to you on that night?
Witness: Yes, Sir.
Prosecutor: Please tell this Honorable Court about what happened to you on that night.
Witness: While I was walking along San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila towards my
apartment at General Luna Street, two men riding a motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of me,
and the man riding at the back pointed a “balisong” at me and said, “Akin na ang bag mo kung
ayaw mong may mangyaring masama sa iyo.”
Prosecutor: What did you do then?
Witness: Because I was shocked and terribly scared, I gave my bag to the man pointing a
“balisong” at me.

Prosecutor: Please tell us what were the things inside your bag when you handed it to the man
you are just referring to?
Witness: Inside my bag were a brown Guess wallet with Identification cards, ATM card, a credit
card and Four Thousand Pesos (P4,000.00) cash inside; a rose gold iPhone 8 with navy blue
cover; various school items, Sheaffer ball pen and Parker fountain pen.
Prosecutor: Madam Witness, I will show to you some objects marked as Exhibits D to D-7, are
these items belong to you which you have just mentioned inside your bag when it was taken by
the accused?
Witness: Yes, Sir. These were mine and these were the same items which were forcibly taken
from me by the accused.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, I move that these items marked as Exhibits D to D-7 be admitted into
Court: Exhibits D to D-7 are admitted into evidence.
Prosecutor: By the way Madam Witness, do you still recall the faces of the accused in this case?
Witness: Yes, Sir.
Prosecutor: If you will see them again, would you be able to identify both of them Madam
Witness: Yes, Sir.
Prosecutor: Are both of them in court?
Witness: YES, your honor.
Prosecutor: Please point to the accused.
(The witness pointed to the two accused)
Prosecutor: Madam Witness, are these two persons you are pointing to are the same persons
who forcibly took your bag containing your aforementioned belongings?
Witness: Yes, Sir. They are the ones who forcibly took my bag.
Prosecutor: Do you have already know their names?
Witness: Yes, Sir. I later identified both of them at the Police Station to be Joselito M.
Belarmino and Armando C. Canuto.
Prosecutor I have here Madam Witness, a copy of the Complaint-Affidavit marked as Exhibit B
which was purportedly used in filing this case. Is this yours?
Witness: Yes, Sir.
Prosecutor: Is this your signature appearing in this Complain-Affidavit?
Witness: Yes Sir, that’s mine.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, I move that this Complaint-Affidavit marked as Exhibit B be admitted
into evidence.
Court: Exhibit B is admitted into evidence.
Prosecutor: No further question your honor.

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