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Radio Philippines Network, Inc. (RPN) is a private corporation duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Roberto S. Benedicto, a stockholder thereof, entered into a compromise agreement with the Presidential Commission on Good
Governance (PCGG) whereby he ceded to the government his shares of stock in RPN with an outstanding capital of 72.4% (which
was later discovered to be only 32.4%). Meanwhile, Carandang assumed office as a general manager and chief operating officer of
RPN by virtue of President Estrada’s appointment. Carandang and the other officials were charged with grave misconduct before the
Ombudsman on the ground of him, as general manager of RPN, entered into contract with AF Broadcasting, Inc. despite his being an
incorporator, director and stockholder of this said corporation; that he help financial and material interest in a contract that had
required the approval of his office; and that the transaction is prohibited under Section 7 (a) and Section 9 of RA No. 6713, thereby
rendering him administratively liable for grave misconduct.


Carandang insists that he was not a public official considering that RPN was not a government-owned or -controlled corporation; and
that, consequently, the Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan had no jurisdiction over him..


Government owned or controlled corporation contained in Administrative Code of 1987, any agency organized as a stock or non-
stock corporation vested with functions relating to public needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature, and owned by the
government directly or indirectly through its instrumentalities either wholly, or where applicable as in the case of stock corporations to
the extent of at least fifty-one (51) percent of its capital stock.

The definition mentions three (3) requisites, namely, first, any agency organized as a stock or non-stock corporation; second, vested
with functions relating to public needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature; and, third, owned by the Government directly or
through its instrumentalities either wholly, or, where applicable as in the case of stock corporations, to the extent of at least fifty-one
(51) of its capital stock.

In the present case, all three (3) corporations comprising the CIIF companies were organized as stock corporations. The UCPB-CIIF
owns 44.10% of the shares of LEGASPI OIL, xxx. Obviously, the below 51% shares of stock in LEGASPI OIL removes this
firm from the definition of a government owned or controlled corporation. x x x The Court thus concludes that the CIIF are, as
found by public respondent, private corporations not within the scope of its jurisdiction. Consequently, RPN was neither a
government-owned nor a controlled corporation because of the Government’s total share in RPN’s capital stock being only 32.4%.

RPN-9 is not a government owned or controlled corporation within the contemplation of the Administrative Code of 1987,
for admittedly, RPN-9 was organized for private needs and profits, and not for public needs and was not specifically vested
with functions relating to public needs.

Neither could RPN-9 be considered a "government-owned or controlled corporation" under Presidential Decree (PD) No.
2029 dated February 4, 1986,

The PCGG’s Opinion/Clarification was affirmed by the OP itself. Relative thereto, please be informed that we affirm the PCGG’s
opinion that RPNI is not a government-owned and/or controlled corporation (GOCC). As government ownership over RPNI
is only 32.4% of its capital stock, pending the final judicial determination of the true and legal ownership of RPNI, the
corporation is deemed private.

The RPN officials, are outside the jurisdiction of this Office (Office of the Ombudsman); they are employed by a private corporation
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the RPN, which is not a government owned or controlled corporation 

In fine, Carandang was correct in insisting that being a private individual he was not subject to the administrative authority of the
Ombudsman and to the criminal jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.

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