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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

© 2013 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday, the Workday logo, Workday Enterprise Business
Services, Workday Human Capital Management, Workday Financial Management, Workday Resource
Management and Workday Revenue Management are all trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand
and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
HCM19v 1

2 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19 ......................................................................................... 9
Section One: Your Workday ...........................................................................................................9
Section Two: Working in Workday............................................................................................... 10
Section Three: Workday Tools .................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics .................................................................. 11

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 11
Core Concepts ............................................................................................................................ 12
Business Objects ......................................................................................................................... 13
Custom Labels ............................................................................................................................ 14

Basic Navigation ......................................................................................................................... 14

Additional Navigation Topics ........................................................................................................ 17

Activity 1.1: Navigation ........................................................................................................ 25
Activity 1.2: Faceted Search ................................................................................................. 26
Chapter Review .......................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday .................................................................................... 29

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 29
Supervisory Organizations ........................................................................................................... 30

Reorganization ............................................................................................................................ 34
Activity 2.1: Create a Supervisory Organization ...................................................................... 35
Managing Supervisory Organizations ............................................................................................ 39

Activity 2.2: Create Subordinate Supervisory Organization ...................................................... 41

Activity 2.3: Creating and Dividing a Supervisory Organization ................................................ 42
Additional Organization Types and Organization Hierarchies .......................................................... 44
Activity 2.4: Create a Company Organization ......................................................................... 48
Organization Hierarchies .............................................................................................................. 49

Organization Assignments on Supervisory Organization ................................................................. 50

Activity 2.5: Default Organizations Assignments ..................................................................... 51

Chapter Review .......................................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 3: Staffing Models ..................................................................................................... 56

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 56
Staffing Models ........................................................................................................................... 57

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Hiring Restrictions ....................................................................................................................... 58

Differentiating Staffing Models ..................................................................................................... 59

Headcount Planning .................................................................................................................... 61
Activity 3.1: Select a Staffing Model ...................................................................................... 62
Chapter Review .......................................................................................................................... 64
Chapter 4: Jobs and Positions ................................................................................................ 65
Overview .................................................................................................................................... 65

Job Profiles ................................................................................................................................. 66

Differentiating Job Profiles, Job Families and Job Family Groups .................................................... 69

Activity 4.1: Creating a Job Profile ......................................................................................... 70

Creating Positions and Headcount Groups .................................................................................... 71
Managing Filled and Unfilled Positions and Headcount Groups ....................................................... 76

Switch Primary Job ...................................................................................................................... 79

Activity 4.2: Creating Positions .............................................................................................. 80
Chapter Review .......................................................................................................................... 85

Chapter 5: Compensation ....................................................................................................... 87

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 87
Compensation Components ......................................................................................................... 88

Activity 5.1: Creating Compensation Rules ............................................................................. 93

Activity 5.2: Creating Compensation .................................................................................... 100
Compensation Segment Security ................................................................................................ 110

Elements and Element Groups: Pay Components ....................................................................... 110

Currency Exchange Rates .......................................................................................................... 111

Adjustment Processes ............................................................................................................... 111
Total Compensation .................................................................................................................. 112
Activity 5.3: Compensation Rule Assignment ........................................................................ 114
Compensation Plan Roll Out ....................................................................................................... 115
Compensation Reports .............................................................................................................. 116

Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 117

Chapter 6: Security Groups .................................................................................................. 118
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 118
Security Groups ........................................................................................................................ 119

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Security Group Types ................................................................................................................ 120

Configurable Security ................................................................................................................ 122

Functional Areas, Securable Items and Security Policies .............................................................. 124
Activity 6.1: Modify Domain Security Policy .......................................................................... 128
Activity 6.2: Modify Business Process Security Policy ............................................................ 130
Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 131
Chapter 7: Defining Business Processes .............................................................................. 132

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 132

Business Process Framework ..................................................................................................... 133

Business Process Configuration Options ...................................................................................... 137

Activity 7.1: Assign Superior Organization ............................................................................ 140

Activity 7.2: View Business Process Diagram ........................................................................ 141
Business Process Functionality ................................................................................................... 142
Business Processes and Subprocesses ........................................................................................ 147
Activity 7.3: Edit Business Process for Hire Employees .......................................................... 149
Activity 7.4: Copy Business Process of Hire Employee for Training ........................................ 153
Activity 7.5: Edit Business Process for Terminate Employee .................................................. 154
Deploying Your Business Processes ............................................................................................ 155

Resources and Reports .............................................................................................................. 155

Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 157

Chapter 8: Transactions in Workday .................................................................................... 159

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 159

Hiring and Supervisory Organizations ......................................................................................... 160

Process Overview ...................................................................................................................... 160
Create an Applicant ................................................................................................................... 163
Hire Process ............................................................................................................................. 165

Activity 8.1: Hire into Wealth of Knowledge ......................................................................... 169

Assigning User Based Security Groups ........................................................................................ 172

Activity 8.2: Assigning User Based Security Groups .............................................................. 173

Activity 8.3: Hire into Position Management ......................................................................... 174
Hiring into Headcount and Job Management ............................................................................... 177
Activity 8.4: Hire into Headcount and Job Management Organizations ................................... 179

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Contracting Contingent Workers ................................................................................................ 182

Activity 8.5: Contract a Contingent Worker .......................................................................... 183

Activity 8.6: Convert a Contingent Worker ........................................................................... 185
Staffing Movement .................................................................................................................... 187

Activity 8.7: Change Job ..................................................................................................... 192

Activity 8.8: Transfer a Manager ......................................................................................... 196
Termination .............................................................................................................................. 198

Activity 8.9: Termination .................................................................................................... 201

Job Overlap .............................................................................................................................. 203

Activity 8.10: Job Overlap ................................................................................................... 205

Event Management ................................................................................................................... 208
Activity 8.11: Request Delegation........................................................................................ 214
Activity 8.12: Rescind an Event ........................................................................................... 218
Correct Business Process ........................................................................................................... 219
Activity 8.13: Correct Hire Event ......................................................................................... 220
Change and the Supervisory Organizations ................................................................................. 223
Activity 8.14: Move Workers and Inactivate a Supervisory Organization ................................. 224
Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 225

Chapter 9: Self Service ......................................................................................................... 227

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 227

Workday Accounts .................................................................................................................... 228

Viewing Personal Data ............................................................................................................... 229

Professional Profile .................................................................................................................... 231

Employee Self Service ............................................................................................................... 233
Manager Self Service ................................................................................................................. 235
Activity 9.1: Employee Self Service ...................................................................................... 238
Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 239
Chapter 10: Integrations and High Volume Events ............................................................. 240

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 240

Workday Web Services API ........................................................................................................ 241
Workday Integration Tools ........................................................................................................ 241
Integration Cloud Connect ......................................................................................................... 241

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Custom Integrations .................................................................................................................. 242

User Built Integrations ............................................................................................................... 242

Definition of High Volume Events ............................................................................................... 243
Create EIB ................................................................................................................................ 243

Demonstration: High Volume Event – Hire ........................................................................... 246

Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 247
Chapter 11: Report Writer, Custom Fields, and Trending ..................................................... 248

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 248

Report Writer ............................................................................................................................ 249

Data Sources ............................................................................................................................ 253

Activity 11.1: Copy Standard Report to Custom .................................................................... 257

Contextual Reporting Tools ........................................................................................................ 258

Custom Fields ........................................................................................................................... 260

Activity 11.2: Create and Edit a Custom Object .................................................................... 264
Activity 11.3: Worker Trending ............................................................................................ 268
Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 269
Chapter 12: Resources ......................................................................................................... 270
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 270

Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 271

Workday Adoption Toolkit (WAT) ............................................................................................... 273

Workday Community ................................................................................................................. 274

Learning Management System ................................................................................................... 279

Chapter Review ........................................................................................................................ 280

Chapter 13: Workday Mobile ................................................................................................ 281
Workfeed on the iPad ................................................................................................................ 282
Analytics on the iPad ................................................................................................................. 282

Apple Push Notifications ............................................................................................................ 284

Directory Search and Organization Swirl ..................................................................................... 284

Workday Mobile Solutions .......................................................................................................... 287

Review Questions .................................................................................................................. 288
Day One ................................................................................................................................... 288
Day Two................................................................................................................................... 289

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HCM Fundamentals: Day 4 Lab ........................................................................................... 290

Part One ................................................................................................................................... 290

Part Two .................................................................................................................................. 293
Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 295

Deployment Overview ............................................................................................................... 295

Workday Deployment Methodology ............................................................................................ 296
Workday Streamlined ................................................................................................................ 297

Notes ..................................................................................................................................... 302

8 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19


This course will cover the Workday HCM fundamentals which will help you progress through your
Workday HCM deployment. We will cover how to execute the major HCM business processes, perform
administrative activities and setup of the core system functionality. In addition, we will cover business
process configuration and using Report Writer.

This class is designed for members of the deployment team prior to the Planning stage of deployment.
While customers who are in production will also find this class useful for new workers, it is not designed
to be an HCM transactional class. Various recorded training modules and HCM transactional virtual
classes for in production customers will meet that training need more efficiently.


We will cover basic navigation, present an overview of the deployment process, review core concepts of
the Workday HCM system as well as introduce you to the business process framework and how to modify
a business process. Below is a list of the areas we will address.
 Core Concept Overview

 Navigation
 Tenant Setup and Configuration

 Organization Structures
 Creating Supervisory Organization

 Other Organization Types and Hierarchical Rollups

 Staffing Models

 Jobs and Positions

 Creating Jobs and Positions Using Each of Our Three Delivered Staffing Models

 Compensation Components
 Compensation Overview

 Configuring Compensation
 Security
 Defining the Security Groups
 Modifying Security

 Business Process Framework

 Modifying Your Business Processes
 Reports for Understanding and Managing Business Processes

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19


Workday allows you to manage, administer and support your workforce. This includes tracking employee
data as well as applicants and contingent workers. In this section we will be generating examples of
basic transactions and discuss the steps involved. These activities will help you become more familiar
with the Workday system and the methods of navigation. We will be performing the following tasks:

 Hiring an Employee
 Contingent Workers

 Staffing Movement
 Job Changes Such as Promotions and Transfers
 Termination and Job Overlap

 Task Reassignment and Delegation

 Event Management and Security

 Self Service


Once your data is in the Workday system and your business processes have been configured to meet
your business needs, it’s time to start using the tools and resources available to you. Below is a list of
the areas we will address.

 Integration

 High Level Overview

 Understanding the Integration Flow

 Defining High Volume Events

 Workday Standard Reports: XpressO and Custom Report Creation

 Reporting Roles and Strategies

 Trending Reports

 Custom Fields
 Resources

 Workday Community

 Updates and New Functionality

 Documentation Overview
 Workday Mobile

 Workday on the iPad

 Workday on the iPhone

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19


In this chapter we will take a high level look at the core concepts within Workday HCM. This will provide
you with an overall view of what is needed to perform transactions in Workday.
Navigating through Workday is made simple through the use of powerful search capabilities and multiple
navigation tools. In this chapter we will review these tools as well as discuss the multiple methods you
can use to find tasks, reports and business objects. In many cases, there is more than one way to
perform an action on an object.
Keep in mind that all tasks and reports are secured and access requires you to be in the appropriate
security group. If you cannot see a task, report or data described in this guide, it is because you do not
have permission to access it. Security is configurable, so during this training we will be using Workday
factory default security for our discussions.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Core Concept Overview

 Business Objects

 Basic Navigation
 Landing Pages

 Related Action Menus

 Search

 Slide-out Tabs

 Hyperlinks

 Additional Navigation Topics

 Actionable Reports

 Single and Multi-select prompt fields

 Standard Screen Icons
 Task Page Icons
 Workfeed

 Landing Page Configuration Options

 Find Worker

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 Supervisory Organizations: The foundation of Workday HCM. This type of organization groups
workers into a management hierarchy.

 Staffing Models: Defines how jobs and positions are created and filled in a supervisory

 Job Profiles: Defines generic features and characteristics of a job and of a position that is built
off that profile.

 Compensation: The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles and plans.
 Security: A security group is a collection of users or a collection of objects that are related to
users. Allowing a security group access to a securable item in a security policy grants access to
the users associated with the security group.

 Business Processes: A sequence of one or more tasks that accomplishes a desired business

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

Workday uses a very powerful object-action model that drives navigation and reporting. When you view
a page in Workday, most of the items on the screen are links and many of those items have a related
actions icon next to them. These features make Workday’s reports and viewable pages actionable.
Workday stores data as business objects (e.g. organizations, workers, positions, etc.) which are similar to
database tables or worksheets in Excel. Just as a database table or worksheet has columns and rows; a
Workday business object has fields and instances. Workday automatically links related business objects
together. For example, a Worker is associated with a position, the position is associated with a job
profile and the job profile is associated with a management level, job classification, exempt status, etc.
The Power of Objects: When you see something in Workday, you can perform an action on it.
In the diagram below, the “Worker” is the object and the attached bubbles are examples of related
objects or groupings of objects related to the primary object.


Roles Job Profile


Groups Worker Address

Benefits Compensation

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If certain terms used by Workday do not match up with the language used in your enterprise, you do
have the ability to override some of these objects labels. The Maintain Custom Labels task enables you
to create, edit, and delete custom labels which will override the original Workday terms in certain tasks
and reports. You can define override values for different variations of the term when relevant, such as
the singular, plural, and possessive forms of the terms. We also provide a Preserve Case option that
always displays the custom label in the case you define.

You can only rename the following terms in specific areas: Contingent worker, contingent worker's,
contingent worker(s), contingent workers, contingent workers', employee, employee's, employees,
employees', worker, worker's, worker(s), workers, workers'.

Workday is designed to give you multiple ways of doing the same task. To navigate the system you need
to be familiar with the following:

 Navigation tools

 Single and Multi-select fields

 Standard screen icons

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The following chart describes elements of the Workday screenshot pictured on the previous page:

Elements Description

The All About Me page displays commonly used links to support employees or
All About Me
contingent workers. This page is displayed when they sign into Workday.

The My Team page is designed for managers to provide access to tasks they
My Team most commonly imitate on their workers. This will be the manger’s default
landing page when they sign into the system.

This landing page provides quick and easy access to existing tasks and reports
for technical administrators and implementers. All the tools you need to create
and manage custom reports, calculated fields and analytic indicators are
available from one convenient location. The Workbench landing page also
helps to highlight new and existing functionality with which you may not be

The My Workday 2.0 page is a configurable landing page which is available to

anyone who has been assigned an organizational role (except manager) or an
My Workday 2.0 administrative role. It displays information based on your roles and the content
you have chosen to display. It includes Workfeed and up to four additional

This is a menu button for easy access to the eight dashboards (Compensation
and Benefits, Financials, Talent Management, Workforce Planning, Labor Cost
Dashboards Analysis, Payroll, Projects, and Spend Management) we deliver. These
dashboards are targeted toward managers in your organization. These same
dashboards also are used with the Workday for iPad application.

Click on the Related Actions icon to display the actions you can perform on an
item. For example, in a report listing the workers in a particular organization,
Related Actions clicking the related actions icon by each name displays a menu of the tasks you
can perform on that worker (compensation change, job change, terminate,
etc.) as well as reports you may run on that worker’s information.

You can search on tasks, objects (such as workers, applicants, and

organizations), and reports in the search bar. The system returns all matching
results to which you have access via your security configuration. Indicating a
search scope in the drop-down to the left of the search bar allows you to target
your search to an area of interest, thereby producing faster and more accurate
results. You can set a default search scope in your Preferences. That default
scope shows when you sign into Workday. If you manually select a different
Search scope, it applies for the remainder of the session, unless you change it.
Search prefixes also allow you to narrow down your results to a specific type of
search result. If you use a search prefix, Workday searches all items of that
type, disregards the search scope, and returns all the results available to you.
If enabled and configured, you can search on synonyms for Workday terms
that you would like to find when searching, as well as suppress types of results
that you don't want to see in search results.

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Elements Description

These are tabs that can be activated from the right side of the page giving you
access to information without interrupting in-process transactions.
 Navigate: Contains the Menu, your Favorites and any Audits you have
access to based on your security groups. The menu provides links to
actions organized by categories such as Compensation, Benefits and
 Inbox: Contains information about transactions that you request or
that requires you to take action. It has four tabs:
o My Tasks: Lists all of the tasks that you need to take action
o My Requests: Lists all of the processes that you requested
even if you do not currently have a task to complete.
o Process Status: Lists all of the processes that you have been
Slide-Out Tabs involved in; processes you have initiated, processes you have
approved and processes you have completed any actions on.
o Notifications: Shows both system and custom notifications
sent to you.
 W: Drive: The Workday drive is a virtual drive in which you can store
generated reports. This is not a mapped drive on your computer. If
you have access to the My Workday page you will have a W: Drive
slide out. Managers will find the same information through the Reports
worklet in the My Team landing page. When a new report is available
in your W:Drive, a notification will display both in your Workfeed and
under the notification icon next to your name. You can also tag reports
sent to your W: Drive to make them easier to locate.
 Dashboard: The same worklets available to you on the My Workday
page will be available in the Dashboard tab. You may configure
different worklets on My Workday and your Dashboard.

Hyperlinks Each linked item takes you to a new page showing details about that item.

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Workday uses a very powerful object-action model that drives Workday’s navigation and interactive
reports. When you view a page in Workday, most of the items on the screen are links and many of those
items have a related actions icon next to them. These features are what make our reports and viewable
pages actionable.


If a field displays a prompt list icon , you are required to use one of the prompt values. In single select
fields, only one value is allowed and the prompt list will disappear once a value is chosen.

If a field permits more than one value, there will be an X next to the selected values so that they can be
removed. The field expands as you enter additional values and you can click the X to remove entries.
The prompt list will stay open until you close to allow you to choose as many values as necessary.

As mentioned on pg. 16, your favorite items can be found on the Favorites tab of the Navigate slide-out
tab. You have the ability to mark any item in Workday as a favorite by using the Favorite -> Add related
action off an item in the system. This allows for easy access to those items which you use most often in
the system and also means that your prompt boxes will display a filter for easy access to your favorites.

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Icon Description

Display the related actions menu for an object (available only if the user has
permission to perform additional actions on that object).

Use this icon to close a window, a prompt list or a related actions menu.

Used to narrow down data. Clicking this icon will create a row on your report where
you filter data to display from one or more columns.

Used to indicate that the report can be viewed as a chart.

Click to view this page as a PDF file. This can be restricted using the domain Export
to PDF and Excel.

Click to view this page as an Excel file. This can be restricted using the domain
Export to PDF and Excel.

Talent Pool Tag: Click to put worker(s) into selected talent pool.

Enable access to the report using an RSS feed reader.

View the report using a REST-fed web service.

Change prompt values and rerun either a report or a task with new values. The
previous values selected from the prompts are displayed, providing you the
opportunity to change them as desired.

Appears on the right side of each column heading in reports. Displays a context
menu that enables you to Freeze or Unfreeze the selected column or to Sort the
report output by the results in the selected column.

Refresh a cached worklet.

This icon appears in the upper right hand side of worklets and acts as a menu option
for the worklet.

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Icon Description

Required Field indicator: A field with an asterisk indicates that you must enter a
value for this field before saving or submitting the page.

Prompt: Click on this prompt icon to see a list of available values.

View Details: Click to view more details about the data in a small pop-out window.

Delete Row: Click this icon to remove the current row from the grid.

Add Row: Click this icon to add a row to the current grid.

OK or Submit Buttons: When you click OK or Submit, the system accepts your

Cancel Button: Click cancel to disregard all changes.

View details about the instance in a new window.

Open the associated instance, replacing the current view page (only available on
select view pages).

Display a printable version in PDF format.

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The Workfeed is a modern activity stream that displays business process tasks, approvals, to dos and
notifications, divided across two tabs called Actions and Notifications. The Actions tab displays tasks,
approvals, and to dos, while the Notifications tab displays notifications regarding business processes and
rules-driven alerts such as birthdays and time off. Each tab displays 25 items at a time, however
navigation arrows allow you to easily move through your items when you have more than 5 action items
or notifications.

Each tab of the Workfeed displays filter options and item totals specific to the tab you’re viewing. Some
examples of filter options are:

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Bulk Approvals
In Workfeed there is a multi-checkmark button at the top, right-hand side of Workfeed.

When you select this option, your Workfeed view is filtered automatically to show only approvals, and a
check box appears next to each. You can select the “Check All” option or you can select individual items
to approve in bulk.

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At the bottom of each landing page you will find a Configure this Page link. By clicking this link, you can
personalize your landing page. You can add or remove any recommended or optional worklets to or from
this page. You can also specify the order in which you would like these worklets to appear.

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Use the Find Workers page to filter search results by various criteria, such as Location, Job Profile and
Supervisory Organization. As you select a value for any filter category, or facet, the Find Workers page
dynamically updates the resulting list of workers and facet value counts. The facet value counts help you
understand the worker population that satisfies the current filter criteria and guide your exploration.
Workday displays search facets on the left side of the Find Workers page. Facets are non-tenanted; they
correspond to generic categories such as location. Each facet contains one or more facet values. Facet
values are tenanted; they correspond to specific values in your tenant. For example, the facet Location
would display facet values for your specific locations.

Each facet value is followed by a number indicating how many workers have that facet value. For
example, if you have a Chicago Sales Office location with eight workers, the location facet would display
a facet value of Chicago Sales Office (8).

By default, no facet values are selected. As you select facet values to narrow your search, Workday
dynamically updates the facet value count numbers for other facet values. For each facet, Workday
displays the facet values with the most workers. If there are more facet values for that facet, click the
More... link to display them. For facets with many possible facet values, Workday provides a prompt to
select an additional facet value.

To create a custom Find Workers report, copy the standard version and then modify the report to suit
your needs.

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Workday provides a Workbox slide-out tab along the right side of your Workday window. It is the only
slide-out tab visible to self-service users.

You place workers into the Workbox by tagging them individually with the Workbox tag. You can tag up
to 25 workers for inclusion in your Workbox. Note, however, that you can only tag individual workers for
inclusion in your Workbox one at a time. You cannot "mass tag" a group of workers from Find Workers
or from report results, for instance.
A check box appears next to each worker in the Workbox, enabling you to select up to five individuals for
comparison (the check box is selected automatically when workers are initially tagged for inclusion in the
Workbox). Click Compare to view a side-by-side comparison of key worker attributes from the Talent,
Compensation and general HCM areas.

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Business Case: You are a new Workday User. Sign on to your system and follow the instructor. If you
have trouble accessing the Workday application, use the URL listed below.

Your training system# (“X”s in the url above): __________________________


User Name: lmcneil for Logan McNeil

System password: ________________________

1. Navigate to the following:

 My Workday 2.0 page  Search

 My Team  Slide-Out Tabs
 All About Me  Page Icons
 Related Action  Documentation
 Hyperlinks

2. Perform the following tasks. You are provided with no navigation/steps in order to make the exercise
more challenging for you. Feel free to solicit help from other members of your team or the facilitator
as needed.

a. Remove worklets from the All About Me page that you do not think you will be using in your
initial deployment (perhaps Benefits).
b. Output a worklet to chart, output a worklet to excel (only possible if excel is loaded on your
c. Run the Address Change Report with no date criteria. Who had the most recent address change?
d. Find the supervisory organization that handles payroll. How many workers are in that

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Business Case: You are looking for a group of workers with high potential in a specific age range who
speak German. You will be using the Find Worker report to do this.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. In the search field enter Find Worker and select the report Find Workers.
2. On the left-hand side you will see the faceted search options. Use the faceted values on the left of
your screen to answer the following questions.

a. How many high potential workers are there?

b. How many high potential workers within 41-50 years of age are there?

c. How many high potential workers within 41-50 years of age speak German?


 Add the workers in your results to your Workbox.

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When you see an object in Workday you can click on it to get more information, or use the Related
Actions Menu to initiate an action.

 There are four landing pages;

o All About Me which is available to all workers who have a Workday account.
o My Team which is available to workers in the manager security group.

o My Workday 2.0 which is available to anyone who has been assigned an organizational
role or an administrative role.
o Workbench which provides quick and easy access to existing tasks and reports for
technical administrators and implementers.

 All four landing pages are configurable; Worklets can be added and removed at any time.

 Worklets can be configured to be required or optional for specific security groups. Required
worklets will be pre-loaded when a worker first signs into Workday and can’t be removed.
Optional worklets will be pre-loaded when a worker first signs into Workday and can be removed
by the user at any time.

 Most reports and Workday pages can be exported to either a PDF or Excel file.

 Search can be used to find information in the Workday system because most data is indexed and

 The Workfeed is where you find tasks that you’re responsible for completing. The Workfeed can
be configured to be available on the All About Me, My Team and/or My Workday 2.0 landing


1. There are four landing pages. Which one is designed specifically with managers in mind?
2. True or False: Search allows you to use partial searches, abbreviations and misspelled words

3. Search results are displayed under two tabs. What are they and what is the distinction between

4. What is the name and location of the icon you should select when you want to act on or make
changes to an object?


© 2013 Workday, Inc. 27

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19


1. What worklets are required for your enterprise? Optional?

A. What’s on the All About Me Page?

B. What’s on the My Team page?

2. Will you need Dashboards? Who should see them?

28 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19


Workday supports several organization types but the primary organizational structure for HCM is the
supervisory organization. In this chapter we will begin by focusing on the supervisory organization,
which is the foundation of Workday HCM, and then look at other common organization types that can be
created and maintained. This includes custom organizations which are optional and may be required to
support your individual business and report requirements.
Workers are grouped and tracked within supervisory organizations. Other organizational structures can
be put into the system to represent multiple organization views, but the primary structure is the
supervisory organization, not cost center or department costing structure.
In addition, organization hierarchies will be defined and the purpose of these hierarchies explored. Once
your organizations and organization hierarchies are created, these structures may change over time. The
reorganization tasks will allow you to restructure as your business changes.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Supervisory Organizations
 Setup of a Supervisory Organization Structure

 Reorganizations
 Managing a Supervisory Organization

 Additional Organization Types

 Organization Hierarchies

 Organizational Assignments

 Organizational Reports

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 29

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Supervisory organizations are the foundation to HCM; they group workers into a management hierarchy.
A supervisory organization can be a business unit, department, group or project. Jobs, positions and
compensation structures are associated with supervisory organizations and workers are hired into jobs or
positions associated with a supervisory organization.
Business processes can be assigned to a supervisory organization. All approvals and checklists are
established for the supervisory organization hierarchy, with possible variations for particular organizations
within that hierarchy.
As the primary organizational structure, supervisory organizations will be the focus of this section. The
diagram* below illustrates the grouping of workers in supervisory organizations.

*This view is derived and not currently available in the system.

There are four key characteristics unique to a supervisory organization:

1. Positions are only created within a supervisory organization.

2. Employees must be hired into a supervisory organization.

3. Organizational roles have responsibilities within a supervisory organization.
4. Unique business processes can be assigned to a supervisory organization.

The supervisory organization can have organization subtypes like Division and/or Department. You
define each organization subtype (managed with the Maintain Organization Subtypes task) for your
specific needs. All organization subtypes are tenanted data.

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An organization's visibility determines who can view the organization. Visibility options are:

Visibility Definition

Everyone Makes the organization public and visible by everyone.

Makes the organization visible by the organization owner, supporting

Members Only
worker or workers assigned as organization members only.

Makes the organization visible by the organization owner or worker with

Administrators Only an organization role for the organization (whether assigned directly,
defaulted or inherited).

Makes the organization visible by the organization owner or worker with

an organization role for the organization (whether assigned directly,
defaulted or inherited). For workers with organization roles, access is
Administrators Only
treated as “Current Organization and All Subordinates”, meaning that if a
All Organizations
worker is assigned a role for an organization, she can view child
organizations even if her inheritance of the role ends because another
worker is assigned that role on child organizations.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 31

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

In the Workday system, a location can be created either as a business site, a business asset or a work
space. The business site location is used to account for the physical location of workers and provides a
page to enter time profile, time zone and locale information. This is the type of location that would be
associated with a supervisory organization, while a business asset location is linked to finance.

A minimum of one location must be entered into the system prior to creating a supervisory
organization because Primary Location is a required field when creating a supervisory organization.
A location represents:

 A work location that will include the physical address as well as additional details such as email
and phone number(s).

 Time Profile defines the standard number of hours worked in that location each week. Usually
this is 40 hours (8 hours per day), but in locations such as Paris the work week might be defined
as 35 hours. The Time Profile is created prior to creating the Location.

 Locale controls the format for dates, times and currency. If you specify a locale for a location,
users belonging to that site inherit that locale.

If locale is not set at the location level, users inherit the locale set in the tenant. Users can override
any inherited locale by changing it in their preferences.

32 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Information Why It Is Important

Superior and Subordinate

Determine the organization hierarchy.

This date is simply a reflection of when the supervisory

Availability Date*
organization was created.

Organization Name Name of the supervisory organization.

Optional field that can be used as an additional identification

Organization Code

Organization Subtype* User defined field; can be used for reporting.

 Administrators Only
 Administrators Only – All Organizations
Organization Visibility*
 Everyone
 Members Only

Allows you to identify a URL associated with the supervisory

External URL

Required data when creating a supervisory organization;

Primary Location* inherited from the superior supervisory organization if not
entered. Used for security routing and reporting purposes.

Each of these staffing models provides a different level of

Staffing Model (Tab)
control over staffing and supports different staffing goals.

Denotes the manager and other support personnel. Drives

Assign Roles (Tab)
business processes.

Appears during the create/edit supervisory organization task

Identifiers (Tab)
to provide government identifiers.

*Required fields

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Organization roles drive security tasks, access to employees and involvement in business processes.
Organization roles reside in each type if organization (e.g. Supervisory, Location Hierarchy, etc.). Roles
are used in business processes to assign tasks; they can either be inherited from a superior organization,
specifically assigned to an organization or roles can be defaulted. These roles assignments and the
security groups to which are linked are critical for business process routing and notifications.

When creating organizations such as supervisory organizations, companies, cost centers, and regions, a
reorganization event needs to be created. The reorganization event might include one change to the
organization structure or it can group multiple reorganization activities for one or more organizations and
track these activities in the reorganizations report.
Matrix organization creation and changes do not require a reorganization event.

34 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: You are part of the team setting up the supervisory organization structure for Wealth of
Knowledge, a professional training organization. You will use some existing values and create others
during the process.
In this activity, you will create the superior supervisory organization. First, you will verify that the correct
time profile exists, create a location and then create a supervisory organization. You will need to do all of
these tasks as Logan McNeil because of the administrative roles, Supervisory Administrator and
Organization Owner, which she has assigned to her.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Enter Time Profiles into the search box
2. Select the Maintain Time Profiles task

3. Verify that the time profile which represents 40 hours is available

4. Click OK
5. Click Close
6. Enter Location in the search box

7. Select the Create Location task

8. Enter the location information:

Field Name Entry Value

Location Name Reading – UK

Location Usage (check the box) Business Site

Location Type Headquarters

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 35

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

9. Click on the Add Phone button

10. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Country Phone Code United Kingdom (+44)

Phone Number 01635 201 325

Phone Device Telephone

Primary Turn on check box

11. Click on the Add Address button

12. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Effective On Today’s Date (which should default in)

Country United Kingdom

Address Line 1 204 Stephens Rd

City or Town Reading

County Berkshire

Postal Code WC1V 7EN

13. Turn on the Primary checkbox

14. Click OK

15. Enter the Location information:

Field Name Entry Value

Time Profile Standard Hours- 40

Locale English (United Kingdom) – en_GB

Time Zone Western European Time (London)

16. Click OK
17. Click Close on the confirmation page

36 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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1. Enter Create Supervisory Organization into the search box

2. Click on the task hyperlink

3. Click on the Reorganization field prompt
4. Select Create > then the Create Reorganization task
5. Enter the following data:

Field Name Entry Value

Reorganization Name Workday Class Reorg

Reorganization Date Today’s date

6. Click OK to save and continue

7. Click OK
8. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date

Organization Name Wealth of Knowledge

Organization Code WOK

Organization Subtype Company

Organization Visibility Everyone

Primary Location Active Locations > Reading - UK

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9. On the Staffing Model tab select Position Management Enabled.

10. On the Assign Roles tab enter the following Organization Roles:
 Manager

 Absence Partner

 HR Partner

 HR Analyst
 Recruiter

 Benefits Partner
 Security Partner

 Compensation Partner

 Payroll Interface Partner

11. Assign Logan McNeil to each of the Organization Roles (add a line for each role)

12. Do not add Organization Assignments

13. Do not create Identifiers

14. Click OK to save

15. Click Close on the confirmation page

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Managing changes to the supervisory organization is part of life. Workday easily facilitates any structural
changes you may require.
Below is a screen shot displaying the reorganization options for existing supervisory organizations.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 39

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

Reorganization Options Description

Provides the ability to move the supervisory organization within the

Assign Superior

Allows you to quickly create a new supervisory organization and

include it in the hierarchy as a subordinate. The new supervisory
Create Subordinate
organization will inherit the same staffing model as the superior

Allows you to create a new sibling organization and select which

Divide Organization
subordinate organizations move into it.

To inactivate an organization that uses Headcount Management

you need to move all headcount groups out of the organization
prior to inactivating.
Inactivate Organization
To inactivate a Position Management or Job Management
organization the individual positions and workers need to be moved

This allows workers to be moved in or out of a supervisory

organization (provided that they use the same staffing model).
Move Workers
When Headcount Management is enabled, you must move the
entire group, not individual employees.

The reorganizational activities utilize the business process framework which means you can route the
organizational changes to relevant parties for approval before they take effect. You may also rescind or
cancel a reorganizational activity, if needed.

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Business Case: Wealth of Knowledge has a subordinate supervisory organization named Learning and
Development. In this activity, create a Learning and Development Department that reports up to the

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Wealth of Knowledge into the search box
2. Click on the hyperlink Wealth of Knowledge

3. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Wealth of Knowledge

4. Select the following action and task:
Reorganization > Create Subordinate
5. Leave today’s date as the effective date
6. Click OK
7. Enter the following data:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date

Organization Name Learning and Development

Organization Code LearnDev

Organization Subtype Department

8. Click Submit to save

9. Click Close
10. Navigate to LearnDev and view the Organization Roles that have been inherited from the superior

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 41

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Business Case: Learning and Development has two subordinate supervisory organizations. In this
activity, create a subordinate organization Training Department. We will then divide to create the Course
Development Department.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Learning and Development into the search box
2. Click on the hyperlink Learning and Development

3. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Learning and Development

4. Select the following action and task:
Reorganization > Create Subordinate
5. Leave today’s date as the effective date
6. Click OK
7. Enter the following data:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date

Organization Name Training

Organization Code TRN

Organization Subtype Department

8. Click Submit to save

9. Click Close to confirm

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1. Enter TRN into the search box

2. Click on the hyperlink Training

3. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Training Department
4. Select the following action and task:
Reorganization > Divide Organization
5. Leave today’s date as the effective date
6. Click OK
7. Enter the following data:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date

Organization Name Course Development

Organization Code CoursDev (optional)

Organization Subtype Department

Primary Location Reading - UK

8. Click Submit to save

9. Open the Assign Roles task

10. Click Submit

11. Click Close to confirm
12. Enter WOK into the search box

13. Click on the Related Actions icon, and then click (another option: enter Org Chart into
the search box and enter WOK into prompt box.)

14. Click on the on the Learning and Development supervisory organization to view only Learning
and Development and its subordinates.

15. Click on the printer icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen to note your options for
exporting an org chart to a PDF document to allow for printing.

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An organization is used to group resources, workers and costs to support a particular business function.
Organizations can be included in a hierarchy to represent a structure, such as a reporting hierarchy used
to view reporting relationships. New organizations can be added and existing organizations can be
divided or inactivated.
Different types of organizations track different information. Supervisory organizations track workers and
enable business process approvals. Cost centers track costs. Companies provide a vehicle for statutory
You can create unlimited numbers of each type of organization and then use them for different types of

Companies are the primary organization type used by Workday Financials. A company in Workday
equates to a single tax ID within your enterprise. Most of the delivered financial reports are run in the
context of a company, such as balance sheets and income statements.
Applicable to the businesses located within United States, an Employer Identification Number or EIN
(also known as Federal Employer Identification Number or FEIN) is the corporate equivalent of a Social
Security Number, although it is issued to anyone, including individuals, who have to pay withholding
taxes on employees.

You can specify a base currency for each company, which enables you to use multiple currencies across
your Workday deployment. Even though different companies may use a different currency, a base
currency can be defined so that all currencies are converted to the base for accounting purposes.

Cost centers are used to account for related revenues and expenses.

Matrix Organizations allow you to create and manage dotted-line relationships between workers and
managers. You can now assign workers who are working in more than one group to a matrix
organization in addition to their supervisory organization. A matrix organization reflects the fact that a
worker has a dotted-line relationship to one or more managers. For example, a marketing worker and an
engineer, reporting to the Marketing manager and Development manager, respectively, can be assigned
to a group that reports to a product manager.

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Reports Description

Matrix Assignments View all matrix assignments for workers based on selected organizations.

View the details of a matrix organization including visibility, members and

Matrix Organization
supporting organization roles.

Tasks Description

Use to add members to an existing matrix organization by worker name

Assign Matrix Member
or position as of an effective date.

Assign Matrix
Assign worker to a matrix organization. This is a business process.

Assign worker to a matrix organization. This is a business process that

Assign Matrix
can be added as a sub-process in business processes such as Hire
Employee and Job Change.

Create Matrix
Create a new matrix organization.

Remove From Matrix Remove worker from matrix organization of which they are currently a
Organization member.

Remove Matrix Member Use to select a matrix organization and remove a member.

Matrix managers can be involved in approvals of HCM business processes, such as job changes, merit
increases and performance reviews, for the workers in their matrix organizations. Business process
definitions must be configured to include matrix managers in order for them to participate. This input
supplements and informs the staffing decisions made by the worker's primary supervisory manager. You
can configure the role so that the manager can or can't view workers' compensation information.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 45

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Workday defines and delivers the most common types of organizations. Within each type, you can define
organizations to reflect your company’s requirements. You can create unlimited numbers of each type of
organization and then use them for different types of reporting. Some types of organizations can be
combined in a hierarchy to represent a structure. The following table lists the types of organizations

Hierarchical Use

A functional organization that has an assigned manager and

Supervisory Yes support roles. When placing a worker in a supervisory organization
you are assigning a manager to the worker.

Company No An organization that represents a legal entity.

An organization used for financial reporting, such as a financial

Cost Center No
department, to track revenue and expenses.

Customer-specific regions reflect the area of responsibility for a

Region No
worker instead of work location.

Matrix No Establish an indirect manager relationship.

Pay Group No Group workers with similar payroll processing parameters.

An organization used to hold retirees; tracks and provides access

Retiree No
for retiree administrators and partners.

Allows you to define grouping attributes for reporting purposes.

Custom Configurable
Also used to define company, cost center and regional hierarchies.

Company Allows for multiple relationships of companies for reporting

Hierarchy purposes.

Cost Center Allows for multiple relationships of cost centers for reporting
Hierarchy purposes.

Yes Allows for multiple relationships of regions for reporting purposes.

Location hierarchies are used to assign the locations and

Location organizational roles that support them. Allows for multiple
Yes relationships of locations for reporting purposes.
*Note: Locations are not organizations.

46 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Workers can reside in a number of organization types. They must be hired into a Supervisory
Organization, but can also be part of a Company, Cost Center, Region and custom organizations.
Oliver Reynolds is a member of all of the following organizations:

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Business Case: In this activity Logan McNeil will be creating a new company organization called Wealth
of Knowledge, Plc. to be used for reporting purposes by the Finance organization.

Sign In As Logan McNeil

1. Enter Create Company into the search box

2. Select the Create Company task
3. Click on the prompt to select the reorganization event.
4. Select the Workday Class Reorg you created

5. Click OK
6. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Organization Name Wealth of Knowledge, Plc.

Organization Subtype Company

Organization Visibility Everyone

Company Currency USD

7. Click on the to add a row

8. Assign the following organization roles:

a. Compensation Finance Partner (Sara Goldstein)

b. Company Costing Manager (Sara Goldstein)

c. Controller (Sara Goldstein)

d. Budget Manager (Sara Goldstein)

e. Grant Budget Specialist (Sara Goldstein)

9. Click OK to save
10. Click Close to confirm

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Organization hierarchies are used for reporting to reflect different organizational roll ups. You can
change how you roll up organizations at any point and can have multiple views (hierarchies) of your data,
as long as the lowest level assignments are correct. Hierarchical organization types support inheritance
of organizational roles down the hierarchy.



Organization hierarchies do not store positions, workers or transactions; only organizations of a relative
type. Therefore, cost center hierarchies store cost centers, company hierarchies store companies and
regional hierarchies store regions. Organizations group positions, workers and transactions. Positions
and workers are created within/hired into supervisory organizations and locations. They are then
assigned other organization types such as companies, cost centers, regions, matrix and any custom

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Supervisory organizations have an Organization Assignments tab. Use this to identify organizations as
defaults for organization types you select to assign during staffing changes. This allows employees who
are hired or moved into a supervisory organization to automatically become members of other types of
organizations such as companies and cost centers.
These default organization assignments can be set up for each supervisory organization or for an
individual position and the assignments can be edited for individual employees. These assignments are
inherited by the supervisory organization's subordinates unless overridden.
There is an Allowed Organizations field in which you can enter one or more organizations. This
controls which organizations will be available in the prompt list when assigning organizations to an
employee. The Default Organizations field is the organization that the employee is automatically
associated with when moved into the supervisory organization.

If this needs to be changed, you can use change the organization assignments for individual employees
or use the Change Organization Assignments task to change the organization assignments for one or
more workers in a supervisory organization.

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Business Case: In this activity, Logan McNeil will assign the organization assignments for the supervisory
organizations. We will set up default organization assignments on Wealth of Knowledge and the
subordinate supervisory organizations.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Navigate to the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of Wealth of Knowledge
3. Select the following action and task:
Supervisory Organization > Edit Supervisory Organization
4. Enter the following Organization Assignments in the Default Organization field, leaving the Allowed
Organizations fields blank:

Organization Type Default Organization

Company Wealth of Knowledge, Plc.

Cost Center 40000 Office of CHRO

Region Headquarters – Corporate

5. Click OK to save
6. Click Close to confirm

7. Navigate to the Learning and Development supervisory organization

8. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Learning and Development

9. Select the following action and task:
Supervisory Organization > Edit Supervisory Organization
10. Enter the following Organization Assignments in the Default Organization field, leaving the Allowed
Organizations fields blank:

Organization Type Default Organization

Company Leave the default (Wealth of Knowledge, Plc.)

Cost Center Leave the default (40000 Office of CHRO)

Region USA – Northeast US

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11. Click OK to save

12. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Training

13. Select the following action and task:
Supervisory Organization > Edit Supervisory Organization
14. Enter the following Organization Assignments in the Default Organization field, leaving the Allowed
Organizations fields blank:

Organization Type Default Organization

Company Leave the default (Wealth of Knowledge, Plc.)

Cost Center Leave the default (40000 Office of CHRO)

Region EU – Northern Europe

15. Click OK to save

16. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Course Development
17. Select the following action and task:

Supervisory Organization > Edit Supervisory Organization

18. Enter the following Organization Assignments in the Default Organization field, leaving the Allowed
Organizations fields blank:

Organization Type Default Organization

Company Leave the default (Wealth of Knowledge, Plc.)

Cost Center Leave the default (40000 Office of CHRO)

Region EU – Northern Europe

19. Click OK to save

20. Click Close to confirm

52 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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We have many delivered organization reports available within Workday. Below is a list of just a few of
the reports:

Report Description

View a directory listing of workers for one or more supervisory

and/or matrix organizations. Details include worker, supervisory
Directory by Organization
organization, phone number, email, title and location. Enables
you to audit workers for organizations.

View an organization spreadsheet of the selected hierarchy and

Organization Hierarchy subordinates. Accesses the organization as its primary object.
The organization object returns one row per organization.

View an organization chart of the selected organization to see the

relationship between this organization and subordinate
Org Chart
organizations. You can expand organizations to see a workers'
reporting structure.

View the organizations you belong to with organization roles,

location, organization type, organization subtype and organization
Organizations I Belong To roles you fulfill. Enables you to check your organization
memberships and if you have security access, use may use the
related actions menu for these organizations and roles.

View the organizations you manage with organization roles,

location, organization type and subtype, and organization roles
Organizations I Manage
you fulfill. Enables you to access related actions for these
organizations and roles.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 53

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 19

The main organization type within Workday is supervisory organization. This is a critical component to
the set up of HCM. Supervisory organizations are used to run business processes, collect data and
designate workers to their management and support teams.
You must have a reorganization event when creating an organization. Reorganization activities such as
inactivating, dividing, creating a superior or subordinate and move workers utilize the business process
framework allowing you to require approvals and the ability to cancel or rescind the process.

In addition, other organization types drive different behaviors in Workday. We provide different types of
organizations and even have the ability to create custom organizations to meet your unique business
needs. Some types of organizations can be combined in a hierarchy to represent roll up structures for
reporting and tracking. You can create an unlimited amount of organizations within Workday to reflect
your company’s requirements.


1. What is the primary organizational structure within Workday HCM?

2. True or False: Workday gives you the ability to rescind a reorganization task such as Assign Superior.
3. Which of the following are changes that can be made to supervisory organizations?

a. Create Subordinate

b. Dividing Organization
c. Assign Superior

d. Inactivate Organization
e. All of the above
4. How many organizations are allowed in Workday?

5. What are other types of organizations?


6. Where on the supervisory organization can you limit the (other) organizational assignments?


54 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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1. What is your supervisory organization structure?

2. What organization subtypes represent your terminology?

3. What locations represent your organization?
4. What is a considered a standard work day (time profile) for each of your locations?
5. What other organization types will you use?

6. When assigning other organization types to a supervisory organization, what is allowed and what is
the default for each?

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 55

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When setting up your supervisory organizations, you need to consider your staffing strategy and budget
needs. In this chapter, we will review staffing models, which at their simplest, are used to determine
how jobs are defined and filled, provide different levels of control over staffing and support different
staffing goals. Every supervisory organization must be associated with a staffing model. This chapter
provides specific information about the difference between the three types of staffing models available
within Workday.

Position Management

Headcount Management

Job Management

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Staffing Model Definitions: Position Management, Headcount Management, Job Management

 Hiring Restrictions
 Differentiating Staffing Models

 Maintaining Staffing Models

56 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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A position consolidates key job information, such as job family, job profile, worker type and location, as
well as whether the worker is full-time or part-time. You may also define required qualifications,
experience and education level for positions.
The three types of staffing models are position management, headcount management and job
management. Each of these staffing models provides a different level of control over staffing and
supports different staffing goals.

 A single position is created to be filled.
 To hire, promote, demote or transfer into a position, there must be an approved and available
position as of the worker’s start date.

 Positions can open after a job change.

 Positions can be moved from one supervisory organization to another as part of a job change.
 A position can be closed if it is no longer needed.

 A headcount group is created.

 Defined number of allocated positions.

 To hire, promote, demote or transfer a worker into a position, unfilled positions must exist in the
headcount group.

 Position within the headcount is opened when a worker is transferred, demoted, promoted or

 Headcount allocation can be reduced or increased.

 Headcount group can be closed if they are no longer needed.

 Hiring restrictions are established at the organization level.

 No quantity is defined for the number of jobs available for hire within an organization.
 Position no longer exists after a worker is transferred, demoted, promoted or terminated unless
moved with the employee.

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Restrictions for any staffing model may be established using the following:
 One or more job families

 One or more job profiles

 One or more locations

 Worker type (employee or contingent worker)
 Time type (full time or part time)

The restrictions apply to each staffing model in a different manner:

Staffing Model Restrictions

Position Management Restrictions apply to the single unfilled position.

Restrictions apply to all of the unfilled positions in a headcount

Headcount Management

Restrictions apply to every job created within the supervisory

Job Management
organization during the hire process.

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Below is a summary of the different Staffing Model features:

Position Headcount Job

Management Management Management

Capability to Report on Open and Filled

 

Assign Cost Center, Company and Region to an

Unfilled Position
 

Assign Default Compensation   

Position History Tracked 

Capability to Move Position With Transfer,

Promotion, Demotion (For Headcount Must   
Move Entire Group)

Individual Positions Can Be Moved as Part of a

 

Groups Positions Together That Have

Similar/Same Job and Compensation 

No Hiring Limits (e.g. No Open Position or

Headcount Required to Hire)

Positions are always assigned to a specific supervisory organization regardless of whether they are
assigned to specific workers. Each supervisory organization will have a designated staffing model that:

 Determines the process, approvals and restrictions for opening and closing positions.

 Defines what happens to a position when it is vacated.

You will find the selected staffing model information under Staffing on the navigation ribbon of the
supervisory organization.

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The staffing model can be assigned while creating a supervisory organization or after it’s been created as
a separate task named Edit Staffing Model. Once a position or headcount group has been created or a
hire has been initiated, the Edit Staffing Model task is no longer available, as the staffing model of an
organization can no longer be changed. The navigation to find this task is as follows.
Click on the Related Action icon off of the organization and navigate to Organization > Edit Staffing
Model. Once assigned, the staffing model can be edited using the same navigation.

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In thinking about staffing your organizations, you can use headcount planning and reporting functionality
as a building block for workforce planning. This will enable you to analyze headcount performance,
identify risks and opportunities, and take steps to optimize your workforce so that you can achieve your
business goals.
In Workday you can create headcount plans for any staffing model, using different statistic types,
dimensions, and time frames. You can optionally link headcount plans to Workday financial business
plans. After you load data into a headcount plan, you can use Workday's delivered reports to compare
actual headcount to plan, view headcount activity, and take steps to optimize your workforce.
Use the Create Headcount Plan Structure task to build the foundation of your headcount plan. You
can also optionally include headcount plan dimensions in your headcount plan structure and link the
structure to a Workday financial business plan to enable Workday Financial Management to retrieve
headcount plan numbers for reporting purposes. Establishing a link requires selecting company as a
dimension an existing fiscal schedule.

After defining a headcount plan structure, you can use the new Create Headcount Plan Template task to
specify the plan name, plan structure, plan year, top-level supervisory organization for the plan and the
number of additional organization hierarchy levels to include in the plan.

Finally, you can populate headcount plan data manually with the new Maintain Headcount Plan task or
load it with the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB).

Workday 19 delivers 2 new business processes for headcount plans:

 Maintain Headcount Plan is the main business process that manages headcount plan versions for
the top-level supervisory organization in the plan.

 Edit Headcount Plan is a subprocess for the Maintain Headcount Plan business process that
manages headcount plan versions for supervisory organizations subordinate to the top-level
organization in the headcount plan.

These business processes don't have review, approve, or correct actions and aren't designed to support
the headcount planning process which you should complete externally before you populate headcount

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Business Case: Currently, all of the organizations within the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory
organization structure are position management. In this activity, you will select a different staffing model
for some of the supervisory organizations you created within this structure - Training and Course

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Training into the search box and click on the hyperlink

2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Training

3. Select the following action and task:
Organization > Edit Staffing Model
4. Select Headcount Management Enabled
5. Click OK to save
6. Click Close


1. Enter Course Development into the search box and click on the hyperlink.
2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Course Development

3. Select the following action and task:

Organization > Edit Staffing Model

4. Select Job Management Enabled

5. Click OK to save
6. Click Close

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The Maintain Staffing Models task allows you to view all supervisory organizations that have the
staffing model selected but do not yet have any positions, headcount groups or jobs created.
A supervisory organization’s staffing model can be edited until positions, headcount groups or jobs have
been created. This report finds all the supervisory organizations that are still editable and allows you to
select a different staffing model.

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In Workday, you assign staffing models to supervisory organizations to establish how jobs are defined
and filled. Workday supports three types of staffing models: job management, position management or
headcount management. Each of these staffing models provides a different level of control over staffing
and supports different staffing goals.


1. What are the three staffing models?

2. Which staffing model has the most control?

3. Which staffing model is the most flexible?

4. True or False: Staffing models can be modified at anytime following deployment.


1. What staffing model will be used for your organizations?

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Depending on the staffing model you’ve selected, you will create either an unfilled position or an unfilled
headcount group prior to initiating a hire. In comparison, when using the job management staffing
model a job is created during the hire process.
There are a number of required data fields that must be populated during the hire process, including a
job profile which enables you to specify general characteristics of the position, as well as identify special
skills, training or other qualifications. A job profile can be used to create multiple positions or jobs within
organizations. Workday allows for the categorization of job profiles through the use of job families. Job
families in turn may be grouped and organized using job family groups.
For all three staffing models, hiring restrictions can be established and used to control some of the data
that can be selected during the hire business process. Other controls, such as the ability to close an
opening that is no longer needed or temporarily freeze a filled or unfilled position or headcount group,
are also available.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Job Profiles

 Differentiating Job Profiles, Job Families and Job Family Groups

 Creating Positions and Headcount Groups

 Hiring Restrictions

 Managing Filled and Unfilled Positions and Headcount Groups

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In Workday, positions, headcount groups and jobs use job profiles as their foundation. Job profiles
enable you to describe general characteristics of a position and identify special skills, training or other
qualifications. A job profile can be used to create multiple positions.

IT HelpDesk
Job Profile

IT HelpDesk
Position 1
Specialist - 1

IT HelpDesk
Position 2
Specialist - 2

Of all the fields available in a job profile there are only two required fields: job profile name and job
code. All other fields track information that you, as a company, need to maintain for reporting purposes.
Values such as management level and job classification are defined by the customer and loaded into
Workday as part of deployment.

Only two required fields:

Job Profile Name and Job Code

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A job profile definition consists of the following fields:

 Job Profile Name (required)  Job Code (required)

 Include Job Code in Name (checkbox)  Job Title Default

 Management Level  Job Exempt or Non-exempt
 Job Classification, e.g. EEO  Job Category (direct or indirect labor)
 Work Shift Required
 Job Family: categorization
 Pay Rate Type
 Company Insider Type
 Compensation Grade and Rules
 Qualifications: Knowledge, Skills,
 Metrics (Difficult to fill or critical job)
Experience, Certifications, etc.


Some of the fields listed above provide the ability to enter country specific information. When you staff a
job or position using a job profile with country specific values, Workday determines the default country to
apply to the employee based on the primary business address and country of the location entered during
the staffing change.

The fields that allow localization are as follows:

 Job Classification
 Pay Rate Type

 Certifications

 Workers Compensation Code

 Job Exempt


You may have a one-to-one relationship between job profiles and compensation grades. When creating a
job profile, the Compensation Grade field enables you to assign a compensation grade directly to the job
profile. The Impacted Eligibility Rules field lists eligibility rules that include the job profile. This enables
you to look at those rules and see if any changes should be made to the rule.

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Many of the values that can be selected in the job profile are defined by you, the customer. For
example, job category, job level, company insider type and management level are defined and then
loaded into Workday as part of a deployment.
The management level hierarchy allows a customer to define the hierarchy of management levels such as
manager, vice president and so forth. Management levels can be used for reporting or in the creation of
condition rules and business process workflow, as well as eligibility rules. For example, you may want to
create an eligibility rule in compensation stating that everyone who falls into management level 4 Vice
President is eligible for a certain salary grade. In order for this to work in the system, you must define
your management levels.

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• Can be used as eligibility condition.

• New job profiles need to be added to eligibility rule as a comparison value.
Job Profile

• Can be used as eligibility condition.

• New Job Profiles – add to Job Family.
Job Family • New Job Family – add to eligibility rule as comparison value.

• Can be used as eligibility condition.

• New Job Profiles must be added to Job Family.
Job Family • New Job Family – add to Job Family Group.
Group • New Job Family Group – add to eligibility rule as comparison value.

The use of job families and job family groups is optional, but they can help to organize and group your
job profiles and allow you to use these groupings as criteria in condition rules or compensation eligibility

Another use for a job family and job family group is as filters for locating a specific job profile in a prompt
list, as well as when writing reports related to your job profiles.

Job Family Group

Job Family Job Family

Job Profile Job Profile Job Profile

If using job families or job family groups in an eligibility rule when a new job profile is created, it is
important that it gets added to the appropriate job family. If job family is used as the criteria for a
compensation eligibility rule and that rule is associated with a compensation package, if a new job profile
is not added to the job family, no defaulting will occur when an employee is hired into the new job

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will create a job profile that will later be used to create a position.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Enter Create Job Profile into the search box

2. Select the Create Job Profile task
3. Use today’s date as the Effective Date.
4. Click OK to continue
5. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Job Profile Name Chief Training Officer

Job Code 100

Management Level 2 Chief Executive Officer

Job Family KM-Training

Company Insider Type United States - SEC Section 16 - Officer Insider

Add rows for both the United Kingdom and the

Pay Rate Types
United States; set both to Salaried

1112 – Directors and chief executives of major

organizations (British SOC)
Job Classification
1.1 – Executive/Senior Level Officials and
Managers (United States EEO)

Difficult to Fill Difficult

6. Click OK to save the Job Profile

7. Click Close

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When a position is created in Workday, it is built within the context of a supervisory organization. All
staffing transactions in Workday, including hires, promotions and transfers, take place within or between
supervisory organizations. Before you can staff a supervisory organization, you must have an open
position or available position in a headcount group.
The only required fields in the Create Position or Create Headcount tasks are the posting title, the
number of headcount allocations, the availability date and the earliest hire date. There is the ability to
set hiring restrictions but it is not required. If no restrictions are going to be selected then the No Job
Restrictions check box must be turned on otherwise at least one restriction must be entered.
When a position is filled, if information such as qualifications is entered both on the position as well as on
the job profile, the qualifications on the position will be used since they are considered specific to this
unique position.

This can be a generic or broad

definition of the position. The job title
comes from the job profile entered as a
hiring restriction or during the hire
employee business process.

The process of filling a position with either an employee or contingent worker will use whatever
information is provided in the unfilled position and the information in the Job Profile that defaults from
the position or entered at point of hire.

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The fields that can be populated in the position (not including hiring restrictions) are as follows:

Fields Description

Position Request Reason Customer defined.

This is how you communicate the open position externally.

Job Posting Title It can be as specific or generic as needed based on your

Identifies positions that will allow tenured status for higher

Academic Tenure Eligible education. This must be turned on at the tenant level to be
available (Edit Tenant Setup, on the Public Sector tab).

The date the position will be seen in the system and can be
Availability Date
worked on by recruiting.

Earliest Hire Date The position will not be available for hire prior to this date.

If no restrictions, turn on this check box; otherwise at least

No Job Restrictions (Check Box)
one restriction must be entered.

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After a position has been created, you can set up default compensation. To find this task, use the related
action off the position, select Compensation and the Request Default Compensation Change task.
Alternatively, you could choose to include the Request Default Compensation step in the business process
of Create Position.

All compensation components can be used as a default regardless of eligibility. This includes the
compensation package, grade, grade profile, step, salary, unit salary, allowance, unit allowance, bonus,
merit, commission and stock.

If compensation rules have been set up as well as default compensation, the

compensation rules will be ignored and default compensation will take
precedence and be populated at time of hire.

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Hiring restrictions are used to set controls on how a position, headcount group or job management
supervisory organization can be filled during hire. These hiring restrictions control who can fill an
opening, the location and other conditions of employment. For example, if you set a hiring restriction on
a position stating that location is San Francisco, then when you hire into that position the location of that
worker must be San Francisco. It cannot be changed at the time of hire. Whether the hiring restriction
controls a single position, a group of positions or the hiring into an entire supervisory organization
depends on the staffing model selected for the supervisory organization.
It is a mandatory step to establish hiring restrictions for all positions, headcount groups and supervisory
organizations that use the job management staffing model. If you choose not to identify a hiring
restriction, beyond availability date and earliest hire date, you must turn on the No Job Restrictions
check box.

All hiring restrictions are enforced during the hire and contract contingent worker events. The job profile
restriction is also enforced during job changes such as transfers; however the other restrictions are not
enforced during these events. No job restrictions are enforced during the edit position event.

• Hiring Restrictions are established for each position.


• Hiring Restrictions are established for all positions in

Headcount a headcount group.

• Hiring Restrictions are established for entire

Job supervisory organization.

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The following is a list of Hiring Restrictions you can select:

Fields Description

Job Families group job profiles. Select a job family as a restriction so all
Job Family
job profiles in that family are available to select from when hiring.

Limits what job profiles you can select. If one value is selected it cannot
Job Profile
be changed when hiring.

Limits what location you can select. If one value is selected, no other
location can be entered during hire.

Select from employee or contingent worker (e.g. if you select employee,

Worker Type
the Contract Contingent Worker task will not be available).

Time Type Limits what time type you can select; either full or part time.

You may require a job requisition be created before a worker can move into an open position. If you
choose to enable the job requisitions functionality then you must:

 Use the position management staffing model.

 Have a job requisition for all staffing changes (e.g. hire or do a job change into a different

 Have an open job requisition when you plan on moving a worker into an unfilled or filled position
so that you can recruit or hire for the position.

 Set hiring requirements in the job requisition.

 Enter hiring requirements in the job requisition and they are all required.

Create Position

Create Job Requistion

Create Job Requisition and New Position

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Once your positions and headcount groups are created and your hiring restrictions are set for your
supervisory organizations using the job management staffing model, you’ll need to manage these objects
using the Edit, Close and Hiring Freeze business processes. The options available will change based on
whether it’s a position or headcount group and whether the position or headcount group is filled or

Filled Position: Unfilled Position:

 Edit Position  Edit Position Restrictions

 Edit Position Restrictions  Close Position
 Manage Position Freeze  Manage Position Freeze

 View Job History (history of position

showing all employees who’ve filled

Filled Headcount Group: Unfilled Headcount Group:

 Edit Position  Edit Headcount Restrictions

 View Position History  Close Headcount

 Manage Headcount Freeze


Use the Edit Position Restriction and Edit Position business process for both filled and unfilled positions as
well as headcount groups. The reason for making this type of change can vary:

 Edit Position Restrictions

o Use this task when you want to change, add or delete the restrictions for a filled or
unfilled position.
o Using this task will change the restrictions but not the worker’s data.

 Edit Position
o This task should be used as an administrative task for out of order events only.
o For changes such as promotions, demotions, transfers, lateral moves or data changes,
you should use the Change Job business process (e.g. to change an employee’s location
or part time or full time status).

o If you use the Edit Position task, the system will let you change anything, regardless of
the original position restrictions.
o This task changes the employee data but not the position restrictions.

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When should you close a position or headcount group versus freezing it? This question can be answered
based on one condition: does the position or headcount group need to go away permanently? If the
answer to this question is “yes”, then close it; it will no longer be available to hire into. The ability to
close requires that the position or headcount group is unfilled.
Although closing a position is considered a permanent status, like most business processes it can be
rescinded if the decision to close the position is reversed.
Individual positions, headcount groups, entire supervisory organizations or entire supervisory organization
hierarchies can be frozen to stop any incoming staffing activity from occurring. Use the Manage Position
Hiring Freeze or Manage Position Freeze task to freeze individual positions within a single supervisory

Or use Manage Organization Hiring Freeze to freeze an organization and all selected subordinates.

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When you freeze a position or headcount group you are using the same business process, Freeze Position
or Headcount Group and can include approval steps. The ability to freeze an organization is done using
the Manage Organization Hiring Freeze task. This is not a business process and will most likely be done
by a user-based security group such as an HR administrator.

Unlike the process of closing a position, the concept behind a hiring freeze is that it’s a temporary freeze
which at some point could be reversed by simply turning off the check box.

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For those customers who utilize multiple jobs, the Switch Primary Job business process allows you to
change the primary job designation for workers with multiple jobs. Indicating a worker’s primary job is
necessary to identify the main manager and report accurately.

The Switch Primary Job business process gives you the flexibility to change a worker's primary job due to
a job change, a new additional job, or the end of the current primary job.

You can access the Switch Primary Job task through search or by selecting Job Change > Switch Primary
Job as a related action on a worker. After you specify the job switch reason and effective date, Workday
displays the worker's primary job on that date and provides additional information. If the worker has
more than one additional job, you then specify which job to designate as the new primary job.

Your ability to change a worker's primary job designation depends on the following worker, job, and pay
group conditions:

 Worker: The worker can't have another in-progress Switch Primary Job event, an in-progress
Termination event, or a completed Termination event that is effective after the switch date.
 Job: The proposed primary job must be an active additional job as of the proposed switch date,
can't be an international assignment, and can't have an in-progress End Additional Job event or a
completed End Additional Job event that is effective after the proposed switch date.
 Pay Group: Both jobs must either belong to Workday pay groups, belong to the same external
pay group, or have no pay group assigned. They can't belong to a mix of a Workday pay group
and an external pay group or belong to a first-generation Workday Payroll Interface pay group.
Neither job can have an in-progress Assign Pay Group event or a completed Assign Pay Group
event that is effective after the proposed switch date.

As a note, Workday also allows you to have a benefits primary job, which establishes an employee’s
eligibility for benefits. If no benefits primary job is identified, then the HR primary job is used.

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will be creating three new positions, a headcount group and setting
your hiring restrictions. As you perform each of these tasks you will need to create a job profile or use
existing job profiles.
After the positions are created, assign the position of Chief Training Officer to a list of organization roles.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Wealth of Knowledge into the search box

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization
3. Select the following action and task:
Staffing > Create Position
4. Enter the information required on the create position page using today’s date as the availability
date as well as the earliest hire date

Field Name Entry Value

Job Posting Title Chief Training Officer

Job Profile Chief Training Officer

Worker Type Employee

Worker Sub-Type Regular

5. Click Submit to save

6. There will be an Open task in Logan’s Workfeed to set up default compensation for the position.
Click Skip to skip this step.
7. Click OK
8. Click on the Open Change Organization Assignments task in Logan's Inbox

9. Review the organizations and click Submit to save

10. Click Close

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1. Enter Learning and Development into the search box

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Learning and Development supervisory organization

3. Select the following action and task:

Staffing > Create Position

4. Enter the information required on the create position page using today’s date as the earliest hire
date as well as the availability date.

Field Name Entry Value

Job Posting Title Training Director

Job Profile Training Director

 London
 New York
 Paris
 San Francisco

Worker Type Employee

5. Click Submit to save

6. There will be an Open task in Logan’s Workfeed to set up default compensation for the position.
Click Skip to skip this step.
7. Click OK

8. Click on the Open Change Organization Assignments task in Logan's Inbox

9. Review the organizations and click Submit to save

10. Click Close

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1. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Learning and Development organization

2. Select the following action and task:

Staffing > Create Position
3. Enter the information required on the create position page using today’s date as the availability
date as well as the earliest hire date.

Field Name Entry Value

Job Posting Title Curriculum Developer

Job Profile Curriculum Developer

Time Type Full Time

Worker Type Employee

4. Click Submit to save

5. There will be an Open task in Logan’s Workfeed to set up default compensation for the position.
Click Skip to skip this step.
6. Click OK

7. Click on the Open Change Organization Assignments task in Logan's Inbox

8. Review the organizations and click Submit to save.

9. Click Close

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1. Enter TRN in the search box

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Training supervisory organization
3. Select the following action and task:
Staffing > Create Headcount
4. Enter the information required on the create headcount page using today’s date for the availability
date as well as the earliest hire date.

Field Name Entry Value

Headcount Description Instructors

Number of Positions 4

Job Profile Instructor

5. Click Submit to save

6. Click on the Open Change Organization Assignments task in Logan's Inbox

7. Review the organizations and click Submit to save.

8. Click Close

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1. Enter Course Development into the search box

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Course Development supervisory organization
3. Select the following action and task:
Organization > Set Hiring Restrictions
4. Enter the following data using today’s date as the availability and earliest hire date:

Field Name Entry Value

Job Profile Course Developer

5. Click Submit to save

6. Click Close


Sign in as Steve Morgan (smorgan)

1. Click on the Actions tab in your Workfeed
2. Approve all tasks by utilizing the Bulk Approve feature in the Workfeed.
3. Sign Out.


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Navigate to Staffing on the navigation ribbon of Wealth of Knowledge, Learning and Development,
Training, and Course Development supervisory organizations. Verify that all three positions, the
headcount group and hiring restrictions were created and approved.

2. Select the Related Actions icon off of the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization
3. Select the following action and task:

Roles > Assign Roles

4. In addition to the Chief Human Resource Officer, add the Chief Training Officer position to each of
the following organization roles:
a. Compensation Partner

b. Security Partner
5. Click OK to save
6. Click Close

84 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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 Job profiles allow you to define the attributes of a position such as job classification, exempt or
non-exempt status and management level.

 Job families are used to organize and group job profiles and job family groups are used to
organize and group job families. All three of these components can be used as eligibility in a
compensation eligibility rule.

 When creating an unfilled position or headcount group, the job posting title is used to
communicate the opening externally. The actual job title and business title default from the
name of the job profile.
 Setting at least one hiring restriction or selecting no job restrictions is mandatory for all three
staffing models: position, headcount and job management.

 The values associated with a job profile, such as job classifications, management level and job
level, are defined by you and loaded into Workday as part of deployment.

 Use the Edit Position task as an administrative task for out of order events; use the Change Job
task for promotions, demotions and transfers and when a worker’s position data needs to be
changed such as a location or full time to part time status.

 If you're interested in using commitment accounting then you must use job requisitions and the
position management staffing model.

 Use the Hiring Freeze task to temporarily freeze hiring for a position or headcount group, one or
more supervisory organizations or an entire supervisory organization hierarchy.


1. True or False: A job profile must have a one to one relationship to a position.

2. A job classification can be defaulted during hire:

a. Based on location
b. Based on position
c. Based on employee experience
d. Based on the lunar cycles
3. True or False: If you turn on the no job restrictions check box, a hiring restriction is not required.

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1. What job profiles need to be built and how much detail is necessary (EEO, Pay Rate Type, Skills,
Experience, etc)?
2. Are you using job families? Job family groups?
3. What’s your management level hierarchy?
4. What will your Create Position business process look like?

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Compensation in Workday tracks compensation at both the enterprise-wide and the individual worker
level. The compensation structure is comprised of grades and plans which are grouped together into a
package. Compensation grades provide guidance with reference pay ranges, compensation grade
profiles allow for localization and compensation plans provide various types of pay components.

By using compensation eligibility rules, these compensation components can default into an employee’s
compensation during a staffing event, such as hire or transfer. Rules can also be used to identify
populations eligible for a merit or bonus target that is different from the default target.
Compensation can be changed for an individual employee or as part of a mass event such as a merit or
bonus event. When a merit event is launched, for example, any employee with the merit plan in their
compensation will be included in the event. This could be a population as small as one, or for thousands
of employees. This data can either be entered directly into Workday by managers or compensation
professionals or it can be loaded.

Each employee will have multiple components included in determining their total compensation. In
Workday, you have the opportunity to define different sections of compensation and use those sections in
one or more templates that can be designed to calculate and report an employee’s total compensation,
based on your definition.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Compensation Components

 Compensation Rules

 Compensation Reports
 Compensation Packages

 Compensation Segment Security

 Initiating Compensation Events

 Total Compensation and Setting Up Total Compensation Templates and Reports

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If you are a compensation administrator, you create the Workday compensation structure for your
company. To establish eligibility for components of compensation or to automate the assignment of
these components to worker compensation, you create compensation eligibility rules indicating which
workers are eligible for which compensation components.
The compensation structure is comprised of grades and compensation plans which are grouped together
into a compensation package. Compensation grades provide guidance with reference pay ranges,
compensation grade profiles allow for localization and compensation plans provide various types of pay


This diagram illustrates the prerequisites for the various Workday compensation plans:

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To establish a compensation structure for your company in Workday you should:

 Define compensation elements to make the link between compensation and payroll earnings.

 Define guidelines (grades, grade profiles and steps) associated with compensation elements.
 Define compensation plans.
 Add the plans and guidelines that you want to bundle together into compensation packages.

 Create compensation eligibility rules to determine the groups of employees who are eligible for
the different compensation plans.

 Assign those rules to compensation components (packages, grades, grade profiles and plans) to
control which employees are eligible for them.
After you have the compensation components in place, administrators, partners and managers can use
the plans and rules as a reference point to assign and update worker compensation (the employee's
components of pay).


Compensation events can be initiated either as a single event for an individual employee or as part of
another HR change such as a hire or transfer event. When included in a staffing business process the
compensation change task will automatically be sent to the appropriate Workfeed to be completed.

 As part of Staffing Events

 Propose Compensation: allows you to edit any compensation components.

 Propose Compensation Change: as a sub-process you can select either the Propose
Compensation Change or Propose Base Pay Change initiation steps.

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In addition to building a compensation change into a business process you can also initiate a change at
any time by using one of the following compensation tasks:
 Manually from a Related Action off the employee’s name

 Request Compensation Change: any compensation plan can be edited.

 Request Grade Change: only the compensation grade or grade profile can be changed.
Both the tasks listed above use the Request Compensation Change business process with a unique
initiation step that limits the changes that can be made and provides a user-friendly page.
Let’s look at an example of an employee’s compensation:

 Worker: Logan McNeil

 Position: Chief Human Resources Officer in San Francisco

Available components in
the Executive Offered to Logan Comments
Compensation Package

Salary Range Compensation grade provides guidance. A salary

should fall within the range but the system allows
($145,000 – $200,000 $192,674 annually
you to go below or above it. Additional approval
Annually) can be triggered on this condition.

Car Allowance An allowance can default with one amount, such

$500 / month as $500, but can be edited for an individual
($500 / Month) employee at time of hire.

Housing Allowance Just because an employee is eligible for a

None compensation component, such as an allowance,
($5000 / Month) doesn’t mean it will be offered.

An allowance can default with one amount and if

Phone Allowance the No Override checkbox is turned on it can’t be
$150 / month
($150 / Month) edited at the employee level. The defaulted
allowance could be removed but not edited.

Potential money entered as a percentage

Merit Annual Merit calculation. If a merit plan is part of an
(Annual Merit Review) Review employee’s compensation when the merit event is
launched it will be included in the process.

Potential money entered as an amount or

Bonus percentage calculation. If a bonus plan is part of
20% of salary an employee’s compensation when the bonus
(40% of Salary) event is launched it will be included in the

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Compensation rules determine an employee’s eligibility for each compensation component during staffing
and compensation business processes. Eligibility is based on any combination of organization, job profile,
location, position or any other available class report field.

To control the compensation components for which employees are eligible, assign eligibility rules to the
compensation components either through the Assign Compensation Components to Rule task or directly
through each of the compensation component definitions.
To have compensation components populate by default for eligible employees during staffing transactions
(hire, job change), you must further assign the eligibility rule to a compensation package and associate
the default grade, grade profile, and one or more plans with that package. The rule for plans can be
different than the rule for the package they are in.
You can also use compensation eligibility rules to:
 Assign compensation targets uniquely to different employee populations for bonus, merit and
stock plans, as well as grade profiles.

 Roll out or remove compensation plans (allowance, bonus, commission, merit, stock and period
salary plans) for a target population.

If you are using compensation eligibility rules and defaulting compensation from
a position, the default compensation will override the eligibility rules.

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Report Description

Identifies workers who are incorrectly associated with a specific

compensation component because it is in their compensation
Compensation Component Audit when they are not eligible. Also identifies eligible workers who
do not have a specific plan in their compensation.
This report cannot be copied.

Identifies the compensation components associated with the

eligibility rule and which filled and unfilled positions would be
Compensation Rule Assignment eligible based on the rule.
This report cannot be copied.

Identifies workers in a specific organization(s) who are incorrectly

Employee Compensation Audit associated with any compensation plans.
This report cannot be copied.

For any organization and its subordinates you can run this report
to view workers and all their compensation components, in
Compensation Spreadsheet addition to hire date, compa-ratio and quartile.
This report may be copied and modified to meet your

View all compensation changes within a time period. The

compensation changes can be filtered by business process status.
For example, you can report on all compensation changes that
are in progress or all changes that were terminated or rescinded.
Compensation Changes Report The results can then be sorted by type of compensation change,
reason or organization.
This report may be copied and modified to meet your

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will create compensation rules. You will also edit an existing
compensation rule to allow for defaulting during the hire process.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Create Compensation Eligibility into the search box
2. Select the Create Compensation Eligibility Rule task
3. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Description WOK – All

Job Family and Job Family Group

Source External Field or Condition Rule

Relational Operator Any in the selection list

Comparison Value KM-Training

4. Click OK to save
5. Navigate to the Create Compensation Eligibility Rule task

6. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Description WOK – Execs and Training

Source External Field or Condition Rule Job Profile (Compensation)

Relational Operator Any in the selection list

 Chief Training Officer

 Curriculum Developer
Comparison Value  Training Director
 Instructor
 Senior Instructor

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7. Click OK to save

8. Click Close


1. Enter Edit Compensation Eligibility into the search box
2. Select the Edit Compensation Eligibility Rule task
3. Select the Location – London rule

4. Click OK to continue
5. Change the Description to Location - UK
6. Add the Comparison Value of Reading - UK

7. Click OK to save
8. Click Close

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A package is a grouping of compensation grades and compensation plans. The combination of including
compensation components in a package and using compensation eligibility rules enables the system to
default those components into an employee’s compensation during staffing activities.


Compensation Grade
Eligibility Rule and

For example, if an eligibility rule makes an employee eligible for two different bonus plans, and both
bonus plans are included in the compensation package for which they are eligible, then both bonus plans
will default into the employee’s compensation. If the two bonus plans are not included in the
compensation package, then neither will default into the employee’s compensation but will be selectable
when completing the Propose Compensation task.

Hire Employee: Propose Compensation step

Eligibility rules determine the employee's

Compensation Package

All compensation components in package, for

which employee is eligible, default

Edit compensation as needed and allowed

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The compensation grade provides pay ranges as references. Your grades can include a pay range
defined for each compensation basis. Within compensation grades are the options to create grade
profiles and compensation steps.
Grade profiles allow you to assign a worker to a different compensation range than the default. For
example, a unique compensation eligibility rule can default an employee into a grade profile based on
their position, location or other criteria. Steps are defined on compensation grades and grade profiles,
representing a single monetary amount within the grade or profile. A worker's compensation package
can contain both plans and a step.

The employee’s compensation components could include multiple currencies but when viewing total
compensation the total will be calculated using the compensation grade currency.

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The fields in the compensation grade are as follows:

Field Description

Identifies whether the total base pay is defined as either a single

compensation element or as a compensation element group. The
Base Pay Elements
element group can define salary pay or hourly pay as salary plus another
compensation component, such as a housing allowance.

By associating this compensation grade with an eligibility rule, the correct

grade will default every time an employee’s compensation is entered,
giving accurate guidance to the person entering the salary.
Eligibility Rules Note: The compensation grade can also be directly linked to a job profile
instead of using a compensation eligibility rule. If the compensation
grade is attached to a job profile and an eligibility rule, the rule would be
ignored in favor of the relationship to the job profile.

Referenced by Reference only: Displays the compensation package(s) attached to this

Compensation Package grade.

Minimum, Midpoint, Segments 1-4: this information is displayed as a

reference and the system will issue a warning if an amount is entered
outside the range.
Compensation Pay Range
Fields The number of segments is configurable to allow for a range that is
divided into quartiles, tertiles or quintiles. When creating the
compensation grade you will need to enter the number of segments: 3, 4
or 5.

Enter the currency and frequency that describe the range. This currency
will be used when entering salary or hourly rates, as well as when
Currency and Frequency
reporting on total compensation. All compensation components,
regardless of currency, will be converted to this currency and frequency.

Allows you to select which compensation plans are used to determine the
employee’s estimate earnings. Use the Create Compensation Basis
task to define additional compensation basis’.
On the compensation grade you can enter one or all of your
Compensation Basis compensation basis’ to create multiple pay range definitions. The range
you define should reflect the multiple components of pay that are
included in the compensation basis. The Total Base Pay and the
employee’s primary compensation basis will be displayed during business
processes such as Request Compensation Change and Change Job, and
provides analytics for making compensation change decisions.

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Salary Plans and Hourly Plans
When setting up a salary plan there are only a few fields that need to be considered since the amount of
salary will be determined during the hire or compensation change, or through default compensation
associated with the position.

Field Description

Turn on this check box to prorate compensation for employees assigned

Apply FTE%
to this plan based on their full time equivalent percentage.

Turn on this check box if you don't want this salary plan included as
Exclude from Merit
part of total base pay when you initiate the merit process.

Because information such as the currency and frequency is populated based on an employee’s
compensation grade, and not the salary plan, only one salary plan should be required in most system

In comparison to the simple set up of a salary plan, when setting up an hourly plan you can enter the
compensation element as well as an amount, currency, frequency and specify if the amount is equivalent
to minimum wage.

If an amount is not entered on an hourly plan, an hourly amount will not default during hire and should
be entered for each employee when proposing compensation.

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Allowance Plans
Payments included as part of an employee’s pay could include something as common as car or cell phone
allowances to vouchers for movie tickets. The allowance plan can be created to use one of the following:

Type Description

Enter an exact amount, currency and frequency and indicate if it can be

Amount Based
overridden at the employee level.

Enter a percent and frequency and indicate if it can be overridden at the

Percent Based
employee level.

Enter a number of units, frequency, value per unit, and currency. Unit
Unit Based based allowances can be overridden at the employee level if the no
override check box is not turned on.

The reimbursable check box is used when an allowance is not being paid through payroll but through an
expense report. When the check box is turned on the compensation element field will not be required
when creating the allowance.

By creating it as an allowance you’re able to track the value of the allowance through compensation for
use in reports and in the total compensation statement.

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will create a compensation structure for the organization and
positions you created in previous activities, using the compensation eligibility rule you also created

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter Create Salary Plan into the search box
2. Navigate to Create Salary Plan task

3. Enter today's date as the Effective Date

Field Name Entry Value

Plan Name WOK Salary Plan

Apply FTE% Turn on check box

Compensation Element Base Pay

Eligibility Rules WOK - All

4. Click OK to save and click Close

5. Enter Create Allowance Plan into search box

6. Navigate to Create Allowance Plan task

7. Enter today's date as the Effective Date

8. Select Amount Based Plan
9. Click OK to continue

Field Name Entry Value

Plan Name Internet Access Allowance

Eligibility Rules WOK – Execs and Training

Compensation Element Allowance

Amount 40.00

Currency GBP

Frequency Monthly

No Override Turn on check box

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10. In the Allowance Plan Profiles area click on the to add a row

Field Name Entry Value

Amount 55.00

Currency USD

Eligibility Rules Locations- United States

11. Click OK to save.

12. Click Close


1. Enter Create Compensation Grade into the search box
2. Select the Create Compensation Grade task
3. Enter today's date as the Effective Date

4. Leave 4 as the Pay Range Segments

5. Click the Uses Grade Profiles checkbox

6. Click OK to continue

7. Enter the following:

Field Name Entry Value

Grade Name 01

Base Pay Element Standard Base Pay

Eligibility Rules WOK - All

Currency USD

Frequency Annual

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8. In the Compensation Pay Range tab, click on Total Base Pay and enter the following information in
the pop-up box:

Field Name Entry Value

Minimum 15,000

Segment 4 Top 85,000

Calculate Segments Turn on check box

9. Click Done
10. Select the Compensation Grade Profiles tab
11. Click on the blank row underneath Grade Profile Name and enter the following in the pop-up box:

Field Name Entry Value

Grade Profile Name United Kingdom

Base Pay Element Standard Base Pay

Eligibility Rules Location - UK

Currency GBP

Frequency Annual

Minimum 12,000

Maximum 70,000

Calculate Segments Turn on checkbox

12. Click Done

13. Click OK to save.

14. Click Close

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1. Enter Create Compensation Package into the search box

2. Select the Create Compensation Package task

3. Enter today's date as the Effective Date

Field Name Entry Value

Package Name WOK Package

Eligibility Rule WOK - All

Compensation Grade 01

 WOK Salary Plan

Compensation Plans
 Internet Access Allowance

4. Click OK to save

5. Click Close

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Bonus and Merit Plans

There are many similarities between setting up a bonus plan and merit plan. This next section will review
how these plans are created and the functionality that’s available.
When setting up a bonus or merit plan there are a number of optional configurations that can be

Configuration Options Description

When calculating a percent award you can select one of the following

Compensation Basis  Eligible Earning Override

(Bonus % Target Only)  Total Base Pay
 Compensation Basis: Allows you to define which
compensation elements will be included in the calculation.

Permits the entry of a target number or percent for an individual

employee assigned to this plan.
Allow Target Overrides Makes the Individual Target field available for entry on the Request
Compensation Change task and in compensation assignments for
staffing events when you use this plan.

Allows you to base bonuses and merit increases on results of

completed performance reviews and the individual employee’s
evaluation rating.
Compensation Matrix In a bonus plan, two compensation matrices can be used: one that
impacts the overall pool and one that is weighted with a company
scorecard to impact an individual employee’s target amount for
discretionary and non-discretionary amounts.

Select this check box to have the bonus process calculate and display
a bonus pool based on the plan’s target amount and not the
Use as Reference Only compensation matrix. The matrix becomes a reference tool for
managers when entering bonus or merit increases, but isn’t used to
calculate the pool.

In addition to using employee performance as a factor when

determining the bonus or merit targets, you can also include a
Compensation compensation scorecard to assist in adjusting the overall bonus or
Scorecard/Company merit pool based on company performance. This includes:
Funding Scorecard  Defining the company goals
(Bonus Only)
 Entering the scorecard results against goals
 Linking the scorecard to the bonus plan

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Configuration Options Description

Bonus and merit awards can be prorated based on:

 Base Pay Changes in Period
 Leave of Absence
 Target Changes in Period
 Time in Plan
Time Proration Rule  Time in Position
 Time since Company Service Date
 Time since Continuous Service Date
 Time Since Hire
 Time since last Base Pay Increase
 Time since last Merit Increase

When an employee is hired or becomes eligible for a bonus or merit

plan they may not be immediately eligible to receive a bonus until
completing a waiting period. The waiting period unit can be in days,
weeks, months or years and is calculated based on:
 Company Service Date
 Continuous Service Date
 Date of Last Base Pay Increase
Waiting Period  Date of Last Merit Increase
 Hire Date
 Plan Assignment Date
 Position Assignment Date
You may choose to exclude certain criteria from the waiting period so
that an employee is not penalized for receiving a raise due to a
promotion if ‘date of last base pay increase’ is what your waiting
period is based upon.

Include Active Employees Turn on this check box to pull employees into the merit or bonus
Assigned Plan During process if they aren't currently participating, but participated during
Process Period the process period.

Include Active Employees Turn on this check box if you want to include employees who aren't
in Waiting Period eligible to participate due to a waiting period.

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Bonus Plans
Bonus plan can be defined as either a flat amount or a percent. Workday allows you to customize targets
for each worker to which the plan is assigned. Bonus plans have a reference currency, so managers can
work in one currency even if bonuses are given in multiple currencies. In addition, bonus plans provide
the options of a bonus plan profile, the addition of performance factors and tranches.

Amount Based Bonus Plan

Reference frequency can be

annual, monthly or quarterly

Percent Based Bonus

If you create a bonus plan that uses a percent based calculation, you will need to define which pay
components will be included in the calculation. The compensation basis allows you to configure unique
calculations or use eligible earnings override or total base pay.

Percentage can be calculated

using total base pay, an eligible
earnings override or a
compensation basis you define.

 Eligible Earnings Override: Define eligible earnings for your employees and use these earnings as
the basis for calculating their bonuses in percent-based bonus plans. If using eligible earnings,
populating this value for all employees assigned to the bonus plan is required. The Employees
without Eligible Earnings report should be run prior to initiating the bonus event.

 Total Base Pay: The sum of all salary and allowance plans as defined as base pay in the worker’s
compensation grade or grade profile.
 Compensation Basis: Uses the sum compensation of an employee’s plans that are enabled as the
basis to calculated target amounts for that employee. You select which compensation plans are
used to determine the compensation basis using the Create Compensation Basis task and name
the compensation basis whatever you want to name it. For example, you could calculate
compensation basis using all salary plans and merit plans or all salary and allowances.

 Calculate Using Eligible Earnings: For customers who want to base bonuses on actual earnings
you can load a salary figure and have the system use that figure in the bonus calculation. Uses
an employee’s eligible earnings, which is determined by the customer, for a defined period of
time as the basis to calculated target amounts for that employee.

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Eligible Earnings Override

In order to use the Eligible Earnings options you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Use the Create Eligible Earnings Override Period task to define the time period (from and to date)
that the eligible earnings include.
2. Use the Create Eligible Earnings Override task to enter an earnings amount for each employee
participating in the bonus plan. This can be done either manually or through the EIB load process.
If the earnings period is quarterly, then you would load the employee’s earnings for that quarter.
This must be done prior to running the bonus process.
3. Run the Employees without Eligible Earnings Override report. You can identify employees
participating in the bonus plan who do not have an eligible earnings override for the specified period.
You can create eligible earnings for employees directly from this report.

4. When initiating a bonus process you’ll need to select the eligible earnings period for that bonus run.

Bonus Plan Profiles

Bonus plan profiles allow changes in bonus default amounts and currency based on an additional
compensation target rule.

Currency Eligibility Rule

5000 EUR Current Bus Site - Paris

8000 USD Current Bus Site - Dallas

10000 USD Current JFJP - Management

Tranches are pre-defined portions or installment amounts that can be applied to the bonus. This allows
you to create a bonus plan or multiple bonus plans with a total bonus amount that will be paid by the end
of the year.

Tranche Tranche Percent

1 25%

2 25%

3 15%

4 35%

Total 100%

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The bonus plan(s) can be included in a future payment plan. Use future payment plans to specify a
target amount that can be paid out to the employees over several bonus and one-time payments and
eventually run the final “true up” process at the end to calculate if there is an outstanding balance due to
the employee.

When creating a future payment plan you define the following:

 Who is eligible for the future payment through eligibility rules?
 What is the target amount and can it be overridden at the employee level?

 What bonuses and one-time payments should be included when calculating the overall future
payment target amount?
Only bonus and one-time payment plans can be included in the calculation; you can select from the
following options:

Bonus Plans One-Time Payment Plans

 Include All Bonus Plans  Include All One-Time Payment Plans

 Include Bonus Plans (and select one  Include One-Time Payment Plans (and
or more plans) select one or more plans)
 None of the above  None of the above

When using tranches you will run the Complete Future Payment True Up Bonus process as a last step
each year. The system will add together all bonuses and one-time payments the employee has received
that are included in the calculation, determine what amount guaranteed in the future payment plan
hasn’t been paid, and “true up” by paying that outstanding amount.

Compensation Scorecard
The compensation scorecard is another option available to help determine bonus pools and provides a list
of weighted criteria used to evaluate company performance. The results, or percentage of the goal
achieved for each criterion, can then be used to determine the available bonus pool.

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Compensation Matrix
A compensation matrix can be used to reward your employees’ performance more accurately. Merit
plans can include options such as the use of a compensation matrix which allows you to tie an
employee’s overall performance for a selected type of performance review to their merit or bonus
increase. The compensation matrix provides the person responsible for entering the increases with
guidance based on the employee’s performance and their compensation grade quartile.

A compensation matrix can be used for the merit and bonus plans percent, amount and weighted. In
addition, you can create the matrix to include single or multiple targets, as well as choose to include
retention ratings or pay range quartiles.

 For Percent Bonus Plan

 For Amount Bonus Plan

 For Weighted Bonus (percent range applied to the target)

Alternatively, turn on the Use as Reference Only check box to use the matrix as only a reference in the
merit process. If the matrix is used for reference only, Workday will calculate and display a merit pool
based on the plan target, not the compensation matrix. When a manager proposes bonuses, he or she
will see the recommendations provided by the compensation matrix, but the pool amount is calculated off
of the bonus plan target.

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Compensation setup segment security allows you to control which segment of different compensation
components a compensation administrator can view. An example of how this functionality can be used is
to create a custom user-based security group such as a “Compensation Administrator (Regional)” that
grants view and modify access to one or more compensation components and a compensation setup
security segment, which details which data that segment can access.


The compensation element field refers to the maintain compensation element which is used to:

 Map compensation plans to payroll earnings.

 Define base pay on compensation grades and grade profiles.

Compensation elements are the integral link between compensation and payroll. When a compensation
element is attached to a plan and the plan assigned to an employee, Workday knows which earnings to
use to pay the employee for his or her compensation.

Compensation elements are the payment types that are included in compensation plans and
compensation element groups. Base pay, car allowance and commissions are all examples of
compensation elements.

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Compensation element groups are used when an amount is a combination of elements. For example,
salary could be a combination of base pay and a housing allowance. Even though an element group is
usually more than two elements, it may contain only a single element.


The need to support multiple currencies in a single system is common in the global environment in which
you work. Whether you’re tracking four or 40 different currencies, this information can be entered and
updated in Workday.

 New currencies can be easily added using the Maintain Currency Conversion Rates task.
 Exchange rates are effective dated.

 Multiple currencies can be used in an employee’s compensation package.

 Total compensation is expressed in the employee’s compensation grade profile currency.

For each of the compensation plans there is a process you can run to adjust compensation plans that are
already assigned to employees.
This is a two step process which includes setting up and submitting the adjustment for a specific
compensation plan, and then launching the process. There are seven configurable business processes
that can include review and approval steps for the proposed adjustment.

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The following is a list of the compensation adjustment processes that can be initiated:

 Set Up Allowance Plan Adjustment

 Set Up Commission Plan Adjustment

 Set Up Compensation Grade Job Profile Adjustment
 Set Up Compensation Step Adjustment

 Set Up Hourly Plan Adjustment

 Set Up Unit Allowance Plan Adjustment

 Set Up Unit Salary Plan Adjustment

There is one total compensation report, but there can be different templates to control what data
appears. A total compensation template includes a total compensation rule that identifies the workers
and the total compensation sections that will appear when running the total compensation report.

The total compensation section requires all plans that should be part of the total compensation
calculation to be entered. For example, if you create a section named “Allowances” you would enter all
allowance plans that will be part of the calculation. If new allowance plans are created, the allowance
section will need to be edited to include the new compensation plan.

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The values for all components will be annualized and show the annual compensation amount that would
result from a year of compensation at the current rate. The workers compensation grade currency will be
used to normalize any compensation elements that are in other currencies.

This report is designed for individual employees to view and understand the value of their total
compensation package. In addition, there are other reports, such as the View Bonus and One-Time
Payment History report, which list all awarded bonuses, their effective date, amounts and currency.

Report Description

Users can display the total compensation report on their home

page to see the breakdown of all the components that make up
Total Compensation
their compensation. These components can include base pay,
bonuses, health and other benefits, stock, commissions, etc.

Total Compensation Template Identifies workers included in more than one total compensation
Audit template.

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil you will audit your WOK – All compensation rule to check which
components of compensation it is assigned to and which positions, headcount, and organizations, are
included in the population defined by the rule.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Enter comp rule assign into the search box

2. Navigate to Compensation Rule Assignment report
3. Enter today's date as the Effective Date

Field Name Entry Value

Compensation Rule Assignments WOK - All

Which components of compensation have been linked to the WOK – All eligibility rule?

Why is the United Kingdom grade profile not included here?

Under Positions, why is the entire Course Development Department listed?


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When a new compensation plan is created it is necessary to enroll eligible employees into the plan. If an
employee is not enrolled when the compensation event is initiated they will not be included in the
The Roll Out Compensation Plans to Employees task allows you to add a compensation plan, such as a
bonus or merit plan, to an employee’s compensation. This process uses the existing Request
Compensation Change business process but since it is automatically generated, there are no approvals
When running this process the compensation eligibility rule identifies all eligible employees so that the
system will do the work of assigning the plan. The second option is to use the same process but instead
of using the compensation eligibility rule to identify the eligible employees you can roll the compensation
plan out to selected employees.
The compensation eligibility rule can be used to identify the population. Compensation grades are the
only exception and cannot use this process.

The Roll Out Compensation Plans to Employees page includes information regarding the number of
employees impacted and their names, as well as a list of employees who have other compensation
processes in progress. Employees with in progress compensation processes will be excluded from
receiving the compensation plan.


In the same way new compensation plans are created and it is necessary to enroll eligible employees,
there can be compensation plans that are no longer needed and must be removed from an employee’s
compensation. By using a compensation eligibility rule to identify all employees who may have a specific
plan in their compensation, and running the Remove Compensation Plan from Employees task, the
system will do the work of removing the plan from all employees whom the rule identifies.

Compensation Rules can be created using any

available CRFs (Class Report Fields)

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Workday delivers a number of compensation audit reports. The following is just a partial list; to view all
delivered reports use the Navigate slide out tab and select the compensation category. Reports are listed
on the left of the results.

Report Description

Uses organization and option of including all subordinates to

Compensation Summary display salary totals by organization (supervisory, cost center,

Provides a side-by-side comparison of all workers in the same job

Compensation By Job Profile
profile as of a certain date.

By organization, view all compensation changes for a specified

Compensation Changes Report period. Can be filtered by status of business process: in-progress,
successfully completed, rescinded, etc.

In Progress Compensation View all compensation events that are in progress, including which
Changes worker is responsible for the awaiting action.

Reports all employees with compensation events that did not

Out of Order Compensation
occur in order, based on effective date. Identifies data that may
need to be corrected or changed.

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 A compensation structure includes compensation grades and plans which are grouped into
compensation packages.

 Allowances can be percentage, amount or unit based and can be configured to allow override at
time of hire.

 Compensation eligibility rules can control the compensation components for which employees are

 Compensation can be populated during staffing activities using defaults from position or through
eligibility rules.

 Based on compensation eligibility rules, employees must be eligible for only one compensation
package and compensation grade or defaulting will not occur.

 An employee's total compensation is viewed based on the currency on their compensation grade


1. True or False: The compensation eligibility rules use a framework that is completely unique to
compensation and is unlike anything else in the Workday system.
2. True or False: The system will allow you to enter a base pay amount that is less than or greater than
the range the employee was eligible for.

3. What will happen if an employee is eligible for three allowance plans but the plans are not in the
compensation package for which they are eligible?



1. How many packages are necessary?

2. How many versions of the various plans do you need (salary, hourly, bonus and merit)?

3. What eligibility rules need to drive who gets what for compensation?

4. What grades and grade profiles are necessary? What allowances are necessary and will you allow
changes (no override?)

5. What makes up total compensation and how do you want it to display?

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Workday application data is accessible only through the configurable security structure that is enforced
by the Workday Object Management System (OMS). As such, no Workday user can view data that is not
granted with his or her security group. For example, a person in the Security Administrator security
group can grant passwords to gain access to the Workday system, but the Security Administrator cannot
see compensation data unless he or she also has the role of Compensation Partner.
Roles are also used to drive business process management. With Workday, you can configure which
security groups and roles participate in a business process and which security groups can grant access to
tasks and reports.
Configurable security enables customers to modify or accept as delivered default security groups and
security policies that control view and modify access to Workday.

A Security group represents one or more workers with similar access and modification needs, such as HR
Partner. A security policy details the report fields, tasks and views that the group can access and/or
modify. A domain or a business process policy is a collection of securable items (domain) or a specific
business process. Business processes are separately secured from domains and sub-domains.

Security acts as a bridge between Workday-owned metadata and customer-owned tenanted data to
access to functionality. Security groups and security policies are in the customer/tenanted realm, with
little developer involvement. Domains reside in the metadata realm and are not configurable by

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Security Groups

 Security Group Types

 Configurable Security

 Functional Areas, Securable Items and Security Policies

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 Assigned two ways:
o By the system based on a process

o Manually

 Security Groups enforce security by:

o Controlling what you can do.
o Controlling what you can access.

 Are used in business processes.


A security group is a collection of system users. Users can either be grouped explicitly (user-based
security group) or by deriving group membership from other relevant information about the user. The
types of security groups are:

 User-based

 Job-based

 Role-based (unconstrained)

 Role-based (constrained)

 Organization Membership

 Location Membership

 Level-based
 Aggregation

 Intersection

 Service Center Security Group (constrained)

 Service Center Security Group (unconstrained)
 Segment-based

 Integration System (constrained)

 Integration System (unconstrained)

Except for the user-based security group, you include workers in security groups based on role,
organization, location and/or job.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 119

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Role Based User Based Job Based

Assigned to users based on Assigned automatically based on

Manually assigned
administrative responsibility criteria selected

Inherited from the superior

supervisory organization if not Assigned to a person Optional and customer defined

Assigned to a position


 Equal to responsibility in an organization.
 Each assignment is organization specific.

 Workday defaults organization roles from the superior organization if not filled (if the roles are
configured to inherit).

 An organization role is linked to a role-based security group.

 Found by selecting Roles on the navigation ribbon within a supervisory organization.

 Role-based security group (constrained): access to securable items through this type of role-
based group is limited to workers in those organizations.

 Role-based security group (unconstrained): unlike the role-based security group-constrained,

this group is not context sensitive; it makes no attempt to match the context of the workers in
the group (organization or ownership) with the context of the secured item.

 HR Partner  Manager  HR Analyst

 Payroll Partner  Recruiter  Compensation Partner

 Security Partner  Facilities  Benefits Partner

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 Grants administrative access (setup and maintenance)
 Multiple people can be members of the same user-based security group

 Grants access across the system

 Found as a related action off of the worker’s name
Security Profile > Assign User-Based Groups

 Benefits Administrator  Employee Review Administrator

 Compensation Administrator  Setup Administrator
 HR Administrator  Security Administrator

 Organization Administrator  Job and Position Administrator

 Payroll Administrator  Report Writer


Workday provides additional flexibility by delivering customer-defined job and custom organization roles.
You can use both job and custom organization roles as part of a business process and approvals can be
assigned to these roles.

Job Roles
Job roles are automatically assigned to a worker based on a specific job profile, management level or
organization role. Example job roles include Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President or Manager's
Manager. Job roles are used only to approve business process management tasks; they do not
determine task or report access and cannot initiate a business process. They are optional and customer-

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Workday application data is accessible only through group-based security that is enforced by the
Workday Object Management System (OMS). As such, no Workday user can view data that is not
granted with his or her security group.


 Security Groups: groups of users who need to perform actions or access data.
 Domains: defined tasks and reports that are functionally similar.
 Domain Security Policies: dictate which security group can view or modify data within the

 Business Process: delivered by Workday; though you cannot create new business processes you
can configure them to meet your workflow requirements.
 Business Process Policies: dictate which security groups can participate in the business process
and in what ways they can participate.

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Each domain can be secured by one or more security groups. You can assign which security group(s)
should set up compensation or access a workers total compensation data, for example. This is
accomplished by editing the security policy for the domains.


The areas of the business processes which can be secured are:

 Who can start the process

 Who can do action steps on the process

 Who can do actions on the entire process

 View
 Approve

 Cancel
 Rescind

 Correct
 Who can be added as an ad-hoc approver

 Whether the process can be delegated

 Whether comments are hidden from the worker
This configuration would be defined for all processes that can be accessed through the overall process.

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A functional area is a collection of domain or business process security policies that are related to the
same set of product features (for example, Benefits or Compensation). The Functional Areas report will
display all functional areas and included domains and business processes.
Domains are collections of related securable items (actions, reports, report data source or class report
fields). Each domain is secured by a domain security policy and Workday has preset the securable items
within each domain. The items are grouped into collections for which it makes sense that users have the
same permissions.
Domain security policies define what security groups have access to securable items and whether they
have view or view and modify access. You determine which security groups have access to each domain
security policy.

Business process security policies contain such securable items as initiation steps, step actions and
actions on the process as a whole: view, approve, rescind, cancel and correct.

Entire functional areas can be enabled or disabled. For example, if benefits is not part of
Phase 1 of the deployment, the benefits functional area can be disabled. Edit the
functional area to find the check box.


Defining security policies means granting permissions to system users by associating security groups with
domain and business process policies. These policies are associated to securable items.
With domain security policies, you designate permissions for security groups to view or view and modify
tasks within the policy. For integrations, you designate permission to get or get and put data. Some
secured items may be included in more than one domain security policy. Workers who are granted
different levels of access permission in different domains get the most access granted.
There are numerous ways to view and edit the associations between workers and securable items.

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Some domain security policies have a hierarchical relationship with child policies which can inherit the
security policy settings of the parent. There is no inheritance for business process security policies.
The parent security policy is actually a master control that allows you to set which security groups have
access permissions in all the children. If you add or remove a security group in the parent policy, the
change appears in all the children.

You can turn off inheritance in any child security policy by editing it. After that, changes made in the
parent no longer have any effect in that child policy. Editing a child security policy does not affect
inheritance in any of the others. You can restore inheritance in a child policy by clicking the Use Parent
Permissions button.
A parent domain may or may not have any securable items of its own. The list of secured items in the
parent is a list of those in the children. No item appears in more than one child.

Whether a child security policy is currently inheriting permissions from its parent is shown in the Status
field, under the security policy title. If it is inheriting, the status says "Active – Inheriting parent


As you modify your security policies to add or remove security groups or enable or disable policies and
functional areas, Workday keeps track of the date and time of each change. Workday security evaluates
the security configuration as of a timestamp, ignoring any security changes made after that date and
time. As you make changes, Workday saves them as inactive, pending changes until you activate them.
When you activate them, Workday records the timestamp of that moment. If you later discover a
problem with your security configuration that you cannot quickly fix, you can activate a previous
timestamp, while you make the changes needed to fix the configuration.

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Take a moment to explain in your own words what the above graphic is saying:






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Report Description

 View all domain security policies and business process

security policies that use the specified security group.
Action Summary for  Enables you to see all the policies that grant access to
Security Group the security group, their functional areas and the
details for the securable items to which access is

 View the permissions the specified user has on an

action, if any, and which security policies and groups
grant that access.
Security Analysis for Action
 Enables you to see how a specific user can access a
specific action and helps you troubleshoot security

 View all details about security group membership, the

security policies in which the group is used, the
permissions it has and the functional area.
View Security Group
 Enables you to audit the permissions granted to
workers or other security groups through a security

 View every domain with its current security

Domain Security Policy configuration.
Summary  Enables you to check security policies and perform
related actions.

 View which domain a securable item is associated

View Security for Securable
 View what security groups grant access to the
specified securable item.
 Enables you to troubleshoot incorrect security access.

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Business Case: You will login as Logan McNeil, the Security Administrator, to determine which security
groups can currently view an employee’s emergency contact. You will modify security so that managers
can view their own workers’ emergency contact information.


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. As Logan McNeil, verify you can view the emergency contact for Jared Ellis.

Sign in as Jack Taylor (jtaylor)

2. As Jack Taylor, verify that you cannot view the same emergency contact information.


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Search for emergency contacts (click on business data tab to find it).
2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Worker Data: Emergency Contacts

3. Select the following action and task:

Domain > Edit Security Policy Permissions
4. Note the permitted security groups that can access the functional area and domain combination.
5. Is the Manager security group amongst those?

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6. What is the functional area for this domain?

7. Add Manager to the security groups under Report/Task Permissions so that managers can only View
contact information. With this action you are enabling Managers to see their worker’s secured ID

Any change to a security policy will not take effect until you
Activate Pending Security Policy Changes.

8. Click OK and Close

9. Search for Activate Pending Security Policy Changes

10. Write an appropriate comment

11. Click OK to save

12. Check the Confirm checkbox
13. Click OK

14. Click Close


Sign in as Jack Taylor (jtaylor)

1. Verify that you can view your workers’ emergency contact information.

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Business Case: You will login as Logan McNeil, the Security Administrator, to determine which security
groups can currently review an employee hire. You will modify security so that the job based security
group Chief Financial Officer can review an employee hire. You will also edit ad hoc approver

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Search for bp: Hire

2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of bp: Hire for Global Modern Services
Business Process Policy > View
3. Look at the security groups that can review an employee hire (hint: this is under the category of Who
Can Do Action Steps in the Business Process).

4. Is Chief Financial Officer amongst those?

5. Have any security groups been granted ad hoc approval abilities?



1. Use the Related Action off of the policy:
Hire > Business Process Policy > Edit
2. Scroll down and add the Chief Financial Officer to Who Can Do Action Steps in the Business

3. Scroll down to the section titled Ad Hoc Approve

4. Enter Manager’s Manager in the Ad Hoc Approve section

5. Take note of the message you get and Activate this new pending security policy change just as you
did in the prior activity.

130 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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 Security is separately maintained and configurable for business processes and for domains.

 Reports/Views/Tasks are all securable items within domains and sub or child domains.
 Entire functional areas can be disabled.

 Once security is modified, the pending changes must be activated.

 Workday allows for the assignment of security roles based on job, organization, etc.
 Workday allows for the assignment of user based security to an individual.
 Security can be assigned manually or by the system.


1. Name the different types of security groups.

2. A position is linked to a ______________, which is linked to a role-based security group.

3. True or False: Editing a security policy takes effect immediately.


4. True or False: You may configure the securable actions and securable reporting items in a domain
security policy.
5. Match the security terms with their definitions:

A. Security Groups ___ Groups of users who need to perform actions or access data

B. Business Process Policies ___ Defined tasks and reports which are functionally similar

C. Domain Security Policies ___ Dictate which security group can view/modify data w/in the

D. Domains ___ Dictate which security groups can participate in the business


1. What security groups will be necessary to provide the appropriate access and what domains and
business processes will these security groups have access to?

2. What roles will you be using to run your business processes?

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Workday's business process framework lets you define and implement business processes to suit the way
your company works. You choose the tasks that compose a business process and in what order they
must be completed. You can create variations of behavior within a business process using business
intelligence as well as different configurations of the same business process for different organizations.

You can define custom business processes for any supervisory organization. The business process logic
is inherited, so subordinate organizations automatically use a business process defined for a superior
organization, unless the subordinate organization has its own version of the process.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Business Process Framework

 Business Process Configuration Options

 Business Process Functionality

 Business Processes and Sub-Processes

 Deploying Your Business Processes

 Resources and Reports

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The business process framework uses security groups to control who performs the activities that make up
a business process. Because all activities are associated with specific security groups, and not with
specific people, workers can move into and out of those security groups and positions without disrupting
the business process logic.
Business process definitions determine:

Business processes are created using a combination of actions, approvals, approval chains, to dos, and/or
checklists. An action can be a single task or it can be a sub-process which is also a combination of
actions, to dos, and/or checklists. Within the process, conditions can be defined which will determine
whether a step will be initiated. Notifications can also be defined to notify a Workday user or email
address that a step has begun, been completed or that a particular review response was selected (e.g.
approved, denied, cancelled, etc.).
The difference between actions, approvals and to dos:

 Action: Tasks or events within Workday.

 Approvals: Approval of a task or event within Workday.

 To Do: Reminder to do a task either within Workday or outside the system.

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Action Definition

The related actions icon appears in the left column and contains the available actions
for a specific step of the business process.

This determines the order of execution for the steps within a business process.
Workday uses letters to sequence steps as numbers are sorted alphabetically, not
numerically, so 10 sorts before 2. The initiation step is always step “a”.
Subsequent steps will use the characters b through z. For example: if three steps are
d, they run parallel and all must be completed to kick off the next step. You can also
skip letters. For example: a, b, c, d, f is okay, even though e is missing. In addition,
if you add an item with two letters, such as ca, it runs after step c and before step d.

A condition is part of a business process step and consists of one or more rules. A
If condition rule is considered an “if” statement. If the condition is not satisfied the step
will not occur.

Type This is where you identify the type of step. For example: an action, service or to do.

This is where you indicate the specifics based on the type of step. For example, if the
Specify step type is an action, you will be required to specify the type of action (either a
review or a sub-process).

An optional step does not have to be completed. The notification message contains a
Optional link that the recipient can click to skip the step. The next step does not begin until the
recipient either chooses to skip it or completes it.

Specify one or more security groups responsible for this step. The available security
groups are limited to those allowed by the security policy. If the step is an action step
Group that runs another business process, the available security group is controlled by the
security policy for that business process. This step appears in everyone’s Workfeed
automatically and is removed when someone completes the step.

If the all column is not checked, as soon as one person in the role approves the
request, the notification disappears from everyone else's Workfeed and the business
process continues. Checking this column requires all persons in the security group to
approve the request.

Run As
Used to identify the user for a batch or integration step type.

This is the elapsed time from when the process is initiated until the process should be
completed. Due dates have no meaning unless you run a task alert or business
Due Date
process report that can indicate which business processes steps or entire processes are
past due or approaching their due date.

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Action Definition

Due Date is
Due date is based on effective date refers to the effective date that the initiator
Based On
specifies when starting an instance of the business process. If effective date is not
used, the due date references the date the business process is initiated.

Routing restrictions enable you to configure individual workflow steps so that selected
individuals are excluded from the workflow routing based on your selections. Alternate
routings enable you to identify alternate security groups for routing the transaction or
to identify alternate security groups for those users specifically excluded from the

When a completion step finishes, the business process is listed as complete, even if
there are more steps in the process. For example, a person can be listed as “hired,”
even if the steps for the employee to enter personal information and a W-4 form are
Complete not yet done. Completion makes the data for this business process available to other
systems like payroll or general ledger. Make sure all approval steps and review action
steps come before the completion step. If there is no completion step, the business
process is considered complete when the last step finishes.


Step Definition

Initiation The initiation step is always the first step in a business process.

An action or event that occurs within Workday. For example: an action step sub-
process of Propose Compensation within the Hire business process.

An approval step gives the designated approver the opportunity to approve, deny
or send back the entire business process.

An approval chain also approves the entire business process. An approval chain is
a sequence of approvals that starts with an individual and then goes to that
person’s manager and on up the management chain until it gets to the top or until
some exit condition is met. Use the group column to set the role-based security
group that starts the chain.

You can specify that a batch process be run as a business process step. When
Batch/Job creating or editing a business process, simply add a step for the batch process (set
the step type to batch and specify the batch process to use).

A checklist is a collection of to dos. Select one of the existing checklists or create a

new one.

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Step Definition

A consolidated approval enables you to combine multiple approvals for the same
person into a single approval task notification. When the approvers link to the
approval page, they see simplified information for each step, but with a link to
Consolidated more information if they need more detail. As with a single approval, if the
Approval approver denies the approval the entire business process is denied and terminated.
You can include more than one Consolidated Approval step in a business process to
eliminate numerous individual approvals.

Consolidated This step type combines the properties of a consolidated approval step and an
Approval approval chain step; it must also be configured from the view mode after you have
Chain added it to a business process definition.

An integration step is a Workday system operation that transfers data to or from an

Integration external application. An integration step would also kick off a separate processing

It is possible to run a report out of a step in a business process. When a report is

run as a business process step, its output is sent automatically to the W: drive,
Report rather than being displayed immediately. You can optionally create a to do step
within the business process that consolidates the link(s) to one or more reports
within a single to do step.

A service step kicks off a separate processing thread (e.g.: creation of a Workday
user account).

This step type enables you to use a business process to distribute documents to
workers. To make a document available to a Workday business process, you must
first add the document to Workday using the Create Document task. This task
allows you to upload a document directly as an attachment or provide a direct link
to a document on an external system.

A to do is an activity that the responsible person must do, such as a new hire filling
in and submitting a W-4 form. You can embed a Workday task in a to do item.
To Do Anyone who then receives the to do as part of a business process will see a button
(in Workfeed) or a link (in email) that takes them directly to the task where they
can take action immediately on the to do item.

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You cannot create your own business process. Some tasks are not associated with a business process.
If there are tasks that you feel should be associated with a business process, you may submit a
Brainstorm in the Workday Community and see whether other customers feel the same way. Many
changes in business process functionality are a result of suggestions and feedback from our customers.
Business processes are also controlled by configurable security. Business processes have their own
security configurations, as previously noted in the chapter on security. There are restrictions as to what
security group(s) can initiate and perform functions in a business process, such as an approval.
The Business Process Configurations Options report can be run for any business process or for any sub-
process where it will return all business processes in which the sub-processes can be used. This report
details all available actions for a business process, which approval options are allowable, which sub-
processes can be used in the business process, as well as options for saving after an available action,
restrictions, prerequisite actions and more.

This sample of the Business Process Configurations Options report shows some of the available actions in
the Hire business process, options for saving those actions, sub-processes that can be initiated,
prerequisite actions that occur before the actions (such as requiring Change Organization Assignments
before Assign Pay Group), restrictions (note that you cannot have a Change Benefits for Life Event sub-
process prior to the completion step), etc.

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Here are a few examples of Configurable Business Processes:


 Create Position  Edit Hiring Restrictions

 Create Headcount  Edit Position

 Contract Contingent Worker  Change Job

 End Contingent Worker Contract  Terminate

 Transfer Contingent Worker  Hire


 Request One-Time Payment  Request Compensation Change (ad hoc)

 Request Stock Grant  Propose Compensation Change (within a

staffing event)
 Propose Employee Bonus Award
 Propose Compensation (within a hire
 Request Employee Merit Adjustment

Benefit Events

 Change Benefits  Change Benefits for Open Enrollment

 Change Benefits for Life Event  Change Retirement Savings

Time Off/Leave Events

 Request Time Off  Correct Time Off

 Request Leave of Absence  Request Return from Leave of Absence

Talent Management Events

 Start Performance Review  Start Performance Improvement Plan

 Start Development Plan  Start Disciplinary Action

Personal Data Events

 Date of Birth Correction  Edit ID Information

 Personal Information Change  Marital Status Change

Contact Information Events

 Legal Name Change  Preferred Name Change

 Create Primary Address  Change Primary Address

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As part of each Workday deployment, business processes are loaded into the tenant and you may want
to then edit those business processes. You will not often copy, link, or create definitions. In most
situations there will be a default definition of each business process and condition rules will allow that
one business process to meet many organizational requirements.
For example, the hire process might require that contract information be entered in Europe but not in the
United States. By including a condition of location to the Maintain Employee Contract step, this step will
only occur if the condition is met.
In addition to editing, you have the option to create a new (copy) version of that business process for a
specific supervisory organization and its subordinates or link to an existing (usually modified) business


In many areas of Workday you will see a template driven user interface. This template driven UI is used
for inline edits, filtered prompts and expandable sections that streamline data entry. This user
experience is available within several business processes such as Onboarding, Contact Change, Change
Job and Performance Reviews.
Use the Business Process Template report to view the predefined field order, add instructional text and
analyze task security.

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Business Case: It has been decided to merge WOK into the GMS organization. As Logan McNeil, you will
assign the superior organization of WOK so it reports to the Human Resources supervisory organization.
This allows WOK to inherit business process definitions from Global Modern Services.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter WOK into the search box
2. Click on the hyperlink for Wealth of Knowledge

3. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Wealth of Knowledge

4. Select the following action and task:

Reorganization > Assign Superior

5. Leave today’s date as the effective date
6. Click OK
7. Enter the following data:

Field Name Entry Value

Superior Human Resources

8. Click Submit
9. Click Close

1. Look at the Roles for Wealth of Knowledge; what do you notice?
2. Why did you inherit certain roles?

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Business Case: You can view a diagram of all your business process definitions. As Logan McNeil you
will login and view a BP diagram for the business process of Change Primary Address.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Enter bp: change address into the search box
2. Click on Change Primary Address for Global Modern Services

3. Click on

1. In which step is this process considered completed?
2. Are there any condition rules in this Business Process?

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There can be multiple steps within a business process and one of the steps may be identified as
completing the process. Following the completion step there can be tasks or to do steps that need to be
done, but these steps will not impact the successful completion of the process. For example, the Hire
process may be completed once the compensation is proposed even though a Workday account needs to
be created or a laptop ordered. The completion step being met in a Hire business process means that
there will be a worker record in addition to the applicant record and the worker will display as a direct
report for the manager.
To designate a completion step use the related actions icon off of the step and select:
Business Process > Set as Completion


Each business process, as well as individual business process steps, can have a due date. This is the
elapsed time from when the process is initiated until the process should be complete. A due date
assigned to a step is calculated from when this step is assigned to a worker in the specified role. Due
dates can be from the effective date of the event step or the transaction/event or from the initiation date.
Workday enables you to generate configurable alerts based on a custom report. You can configure alerts
to send relevant business information to users based on any condition for which you can create a report
in Workday. Use the Configure Alert task to tie an alert and a custom report together. (The filter
criteria in the custom report should define the conditions on which you want to alert.) The alert can be
set to run immediately, once at a specified date/time in the future, daily, weekly, or monthly. At the
specified time, it is then sent to a Workday Inbox, an email address, or the Workfeed.

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Adding a step delay effectively puts the business process into a "background" mode until the specified
delay is complete. This is useful for certain steps that frequently require a lengthy period (perhaps
weeks) to complete. During the specified delay, the remaining steps disappear from the inboxes of the
responsible groups. The steps then reappear upon completion of the specified delay.
The delay can be based on the prior step completion date, the process initiation date or an external field
(that is, a class report field) of dates from the Workday system. During the step delay period, the
process is associated with the user specified on the default values tab of the Tenant Setup: HCM task.
When configuring the step delay you can opt to select the Recalculate Upon Correct checkbox. Because
step delay is calculated when the business process transaction reaches the step with the delay,
subsequent changes to the business process, such as correcting the business process event's effective
date, do not cause the delayed step to recalculate the delay. When you select this option, Workday
recalculates the step delay when you correct the business process.
A routing restriction is used to prevent approval on one’s own behalf. By selecting either to exclude the
initiator, exclude prior approvers, or to exclude the event subject, you have the ability to require that an
approval occurs but someone who previously approved or is the subject of the event will not have the
task appear in his Workfeed.

If all potential assignees that might get this step are skipped as a result of the restrictions, the step is
marked as "not required". To prevent this from happening, choose a setting in the alternate routing

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In addition to the approval and approval chain step types, Workday provides a consolidated approval step
type. This step type concatenates data from previous individual steps in a business process and then
presents that data in a dynamically-generated custom approval page. The user can then approve or
deny several previous steps as a single action. In addition, you can configure the consolidated approval
step to display data in the custom approval page from only selected previous steps, to display custom
field labels and to display custom instruction text.
A consolidated approval may be placed at any point in the business process except the initiation step.
However, a consolidated approval may only display previous steps, not subsequent steps. For example,
you have a business process with steps a, b, c, d, e and f. If step d is a consolidated approval step, you
can configure it to display any combination of a, b, and c. Since e and f come after the consolidated
approval step, they cannot be included in the consolidated approval.

When you include the content of a step in a consolidated approval, all data in the step are included. You
cannot choose to include some fields but not others. However, some steps (mostly in the Hire processes)
display only some fields by default and provide an expander that displays the rest of the fields. This
display filtering is preconfigured by Workday; you cannot add or remove these expanders from any step
displayed in a consolidated approval page.

Click “More Details” to

see all related data.

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You have the ability to add additional approvers to an event while the business process is in progress, or
“in flight”, using the new add approvers button on the business process toolbar, Workfeed and Inbox.
For example, if you are a manager who is approving a new position as part of the Create Position
business process, but would like the general manager to also approve the creation of this position, you
can add the general manager as an additional approver.

In addition to approving a business process, added approvers can also send back, deny, delegate and
reassign a business process. However, an additional approver can be added only one time per approval
step, so an additional approver cannot then add more additional approvers to the business process.

To add approvers, you must belong to a security group with permission to the new ad hoc approve action
on the business process security policy.


The Test Rule task provides the Business Process Administrator the ability to troubleshoot a condition rule
in a business process event when the actual result does not match the expected result. To access the
Test Rule task, take the related action of a business process event that contains at least one condition
rule and select Business Process –> Test Rule. Then select which condition rule you would like to test (if
there is more than one in the business process).

This will show whether the condition was met, as well as a full execution flow so that you can see what
about the business process subject did and did not meet the condition rule.

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One example of a configurable business process is Hire. The following is a sample business process
depicting how sub-processes are handled within the workflow.

When including sub-processes within your main business process, the system will complete the steps in
the sub-process before moving to the next step in the main business process. Within a business process
there may be sub-processes such as Propose Compensation or Assign Pay Group. These types of sub-
processes can be included when they are needed to support your business requirements. Workday
delivers the allowed sub-process for each business process. For example, the following sub-processes
are available within the Hire business process:

 Add Academic  Check Position Budget  Maintain Employee

Appointment Contract
 Create Change Benefits
 Assign Costing Allocation Event  Onboarding
for Hire Employee
 Create Provisioning Event  Propose Base Pay
 Assign Matrix
 Create Workday Account  Propose Compensation
 Edit Government IDs  Remove Retiree Status
 Assign Pay Group
 Edit ID  Request Budget Approval
 Change Background
Check Status  Edit Licenses  Request One-Time
 Change Benefit Elections  Edit Other IDs
 Request Stock Grant for
 Change Benefit Jobs  Edit Passport and Visas
New Hire
 Change Organization  Edit Service Dates
 Review Payroll Interface
 Change Personal

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There are two sources to find the allowed sub-processes for each business process. They are:

 From the business process, click on the allowed actions by role tab.

 Run the Business Process Configuration Options report.

Optional Steps
Optional steps can be added to a business process and allow the task to be skipped. Workday lists the
step task in the user's Workfeed and displays a “Skip” button. If the user assigned to the role skips the
step task, the business process then proceeds to the subsequent step.

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Business Case: You are Logan McNeil, the Business Process Administrator for the company Wealth of
Knowledge, Inc. Since Wealth of Knowledge reports up to Global Modern Services, it will follow the
Global Modern Services business process of hire. New requirements have been given to you for the Hire
business process and you will need to make some adjustments to the business process. You are being
provided the steps but not the context of the activity. After the activity you will be asked to create the
context or business case.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Enter bp: hire into the search box
2. Select Hire for Global Modern Services
3. Click on Hire for Global Modern Services

4. Use the related action off the definition itself and select the following action and task:

Business Process > Edit Definition

Field Name Entry Value

Effective Date Today’s Date

5. Click OK
6. Remove the Onboarding step – d (hint: it is the last step d)

7. Click on the to add a new step

8. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Order ba

Type Action

Specify Review Employee Hire

Group HR Partner

Due Date 1 day

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9. Click on the to add new step

10. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Order bb

Type Action

Specify Review Employee Hire

Group Chief Financial Officer

Due Date 1 day

11. Click OK

12. Do not close


1. Find Step bb and use the Related Actions icon off of the step to Create Condition Rule
2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Description Proposed Management Level

Source External Field or Condition Rule Management Level – Proposed

Relational Operator In the selection list

Comparison Type Value specified in this filter

 2 Chief Executive Officer

Comparison Value  3 Executive Vice President
 4 Vice President

Below is a picture of what the rule should look like:

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3. Click OK

4. Click Close
5. Use the Related Actions icon off of the bb step and navigate to:
Business Process> Maintain Step Conditions
6. Click OK
7. Add the newly created step condition called ‘Proposed Management Level’ to the Entry
Conditions tab.

8. Click OK
Now this approval step will only be required of the CFO if the proposed management level is Vice
President and above.


Let’s add a routing restriction to the ba step of review Employee Hire.

1. Check the box to exclude the initiator. This will ensure that if an HR Partner initiates the hire then
they will not have to redo their work by completing this step.

Since a manager can initiate a hire but does not approve it, they will not necessarily know when the hire
has been completed. We will add a notification to the manager that will let them know when the hire is
1. From the Related Actions icon off of the Business Process itself (top of the page) navigate to:

Business Process > Add Notification.

2. Choose the radio button On Exit and select the step d-Edit Government IDs
3. In the Recipient(s) section input Manager under Group(s) – you are selecting the role based
security group of Manager.

4. In the Message Content area insert a row under the Subject section and choose the External
Field radio button and select the Full Legal Name field.

5. Under the Body section insert a row and choose the Text radio button and then type the following
text: Your direct report now has their IDs in the system.

6. Click OK
7. Click Close

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1. Use the related action for the Propose Compensation step:

Business Process > Maintain Step Label Override.

2. Use today’s date for the Effective Date
3. Click the OK button
4. In the Step Label Override field enter Remuneration (in some countries compensation is called
5. Click OK to save


Looking back at the previous exercise in which you were given specific detailed instruction on business
process changes to make, list all of the changes you made in laymen’s terms as if you were explaining
them from a business case scenario to someone else. For example, you may explain the last step as:
 “One of the last things we did was change the label shown for the Propose Compensation
sub-process so that it would display Remuneration/Compensation and therefore make more
sense for our Australian operations when they receive that step in their Inbox!”









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Business Case: Instead of modifying the default business process, we will copy an existing business
process that has previously been customized for the IT Helpdesk Organization. We will then modify it
after we copy it. This newly copied business process will be used only for the supervisory organization of
Training and any subordinates.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Navigate to the Training supervisory organization (TRN)

2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Training and select:

Business Process > Create, Copy or Link Definition

Field Name Entry Value

Effective Date Today’s Date

Business Process Type Hire

Select: Copy Existing Definition Hire for IT Helpdesk Department

3. Click OK

4. Add a row to create a new step in this process.

Field Name Entry Value

Order c

Type Service

Specify Create Workday Account

5. Add a row to create another new step in this process.

Field Name Entry Value

Order d

Type Action

Specify Onboarding

6. Click OK
7. Click Close

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Business Case: Logan McNeil will edit the business process for Terminate; she will add a To Do to this
business process.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Navigate to the bp: Termination for Global Modern Services.
2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Termination for Global Modern Services and select:
Business Process > Edit Definition
3. Leave today’s date and click OK
4. Remove the step f - Integration

5. Click on the to add new step

Field Name Entry Value

Order ca

Type To Do

Specify Exit Interview

Group HR Partner

6. Click OK
7. Click Close

1. Who is getting the To Do of Create Exit Interview? Is this whom you would have complete this to do
in your organization?


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An essential step in planning your deployment will be configuring your business processes. Workday will
provide a set of pre-built ‘factory defaults’ business process definitions from which to work. Testing and
analysis of those business processes can go a long way towards ensuring that your Workday deployment
is a smooth one. Properly configured business processes can also aid in adoption of Workday by
employees, power users and managers!
Business process scope and design sessions can take several days depending on the size of the
deployment, the number of products and features you are initially deploying and the complexity of your
current business practices or work flow.



Use the Business Process Configuration Options report to help you determine what kind of actions and
sub-processes are possible in a business process. The Business Process Security Configuration report will
detail for you the security groups that can initiate a business process, perform actions within a business
process, approve steps in a business process, cancel, rescind, etc.

Remember that security is configurable so you may add security groups to the business process security
policies if, for example, you wish to send a conditional approval to the Executive Vice President (a custom
job based security group that is not delivered with the delivered factory defaults) to approve.


You will be asked to work with a number of delivered business processes as the starting point for
configuring them for your own organization. Many business processes can be used with little
reconfiguration at all, others may require more involved modifications.

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You will be asked to configure delivered business processes for such common HCM transactions as Hire,
Terminate, Change Job, etc. As an exercise, please consider the Hire process. Ignore any consideration
for requisitions, budgets, positions and any approvals or notifications related to the same. Assume that
you have an open position, approved headcount or whatever is necessary for the Hire process to be

Using the following template please configure a rough draft of what your Hire process looks like now:
1. Who can initiate the Hire? (e.g. What security groups – Managers, Recruiters, etc.)

2. What is the first step after initiation of the Hire? (e.g. compensation)

3. Who can perform this step?

4. Is there any notification associated with this step?

5. Does this step always occur or are there conditions that must be met for this step to occur?

6. Is there instructional help you’d like the initiator of this process to receive?

7. If so, what is it?

8. If the same person initiated this Hire as is being presented with this first task, should this task be


9. If so, should it be routed to another person instead?

10. What is the next step in this Hire process?

Continue this business process, making note of any conditional steps, routing restrictions, notifications,
etc. that may be a part of the business process.
Please conduct this activity on a whiteboard or flip board. Work as a group by company. You will have
15 minutes to create as detailed a Hire business process as you can think of for your own organization.
Keep in mind that in your deployment you will be working with delivered default/standard business
processes in your business process scope and design phase, which have already been optimized for your
use. Feel free to look at delivered business processes in the GMS tenant for ideas as you go through this

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 Business processes link actions, to dos, checklists, approvals, approval chains, notifications,
services, batch processes and reports together in order to perform a specific business process.

 Business process steps occur in alphabetical order with the initiation step of “a” launching the
process. A completion step indicates when the process is complete and can occur before all the
steps are completed.

 Business process due dates work with alerts and/or business process transaction reports so you
can alert workers to overdue business processes for which they are responsible.

 Business process steps are assigned to security groups.

 Configurable security controls which security groups can initiate or perform steps within a
business process.

 Step conditions can be used for business intelligence within a business process, allowing steps to
occur or not occur based on whether the associated condition is true.

 Specialized business process steps can be used to create mass or consolidated approvals in order
to make business processes more efficient.


1. Identify at least 5 business processes you will use in Workday HCM:

a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________

d. _______________________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. True or False: A business process may have steps that need to be completed after the “completion

3. True or False: Business Process steps are sent to particular workers in order to complete them.
4. What task can be selected to configure notifications that will inform workers or their managers about
pending, due or overdue business process tasks?

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1. Which business processes will you be using?

2. What steps are needed for each process and who is assigned to these steps?

3. What conditional steps are needed to handle certain scenarios?

4. Do you need any routing restrictions to streamline the process?

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Once the structure of your Workday deployment has been loaded, including your supervisory
organizations, job profiles, compensation structures, business processes and more, you’re ready to start
testing your configuration by using basic transactions such as hiring, job changes and terminations.
Knowledge of how a transaction is initiated, what values are used and how the business process controls
what occurs during the transaction, will help you understand and complete testing.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Process Overview

 Create an Applicant

 Hire Process

 Assigning User Based Security Groups

 Hiring into Headcount and Job Management

 Contracting Contingent Workers

 Converting Contingent Workers

 Staffing Movement

 Termination

 Event Management
 Correct Hire
 Change and the Supervisory Organization

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The primary HCM organizational structure within Workday is the supervisory organization, or who reports
to whom. Workers are grouped and tracked within supervisory organizations. Other organizational
structures can be put into the system to represent multiple organization views, but the primary structure
is the supervisory organization, not cost center or department costing structure.

Below is a very basic applicant tracking process we will look at to get started. Your applicant tracking
and hire process is likely much more complex. The diagram is to illustrate what we will be doing in the

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The Workday system gives users multiple ways to initiate the same task or view the same information.
For example, there are several ways to create an applicant as well as hire an employee. The different
options allow users to find a preferred method to accomplish a task.

Process steps Workday tasks

Create Applicant
 Name
Enter an Applicant
 Source of applicant
 Contact information

Edit Applicant Profile

 Attach resume
Screen Applicant for Positions  Identify interviewers
 Expected start date
 Enter status

Make Interview Recommendations Enter Interview Results for Applicant

Hire the Applicant into a Position Hire Employee

Create a Compensation Package Propose Compensation

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The following table lists the locations of tasks that perform hiring functions:

Task Navigation Options

 Search bar
Create Applicant  Menu in the Navigate sliding tab
 Hiring Worklet on the My Team page

 Related Action list off the Applicant’s name

Edit Applicant Profile  Search bar
 Menu in the Navigate sliding tab

 Related Action list off the Applicant’s name

Enter Interview Results
 Search bar
for Applicant
 Menu in the Navigate sliding tab

 Related Action list off the Applicant’s name

 Related Action list off the open position
 Related Action list off the Supervisory Organization
Hire Employee
 Search bar
 Menu in the Navigate sliding tab
 Hiring Worklet

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To begin the hire process, we will first enter information for a new applicant. You can enter contact
information such as name, address, phone and email address plus sourcing information for applicants.
Once they are identified as a candidate for a position you can track them through the evaluation process.
What you need to know when entering an applicant:

 An applicant must have at least one piece of contact information: a phone number, email address
or a street address.
 An applicant pool can be created for an organization, location, job family or job profile.
 Applicant status applies to a position, not the applicant.
 Interviewers must be assigned in order to be able to enter interview results.

In locations around the world there are different requirements regarding data privacy and how to
appropriately handle applicant information. In many instances, companies cannot retain applicant data
after a certain amount of time and need to remove that data from company records.

To allow for this requirement, Workday has created a deletion process. Use the Mark Applicants for
Deletion task to identify specific applicants or applicants by location, applicant pools, position considered
for and interview status and then run the Delete Applicant process.

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Applicants can be manually entered into Workday and tracked through evaluations, interviews and
possibly hire. It is common for Workday to integrate with other recruiting/applicant sourcing applications
such as Taleo or Lumesse TalentLink. How these integrations are built can vary from one recruiting
application to another.
The following is an example of how the integration might work if using TalentLink.

Workday's integration with TalentLink helps you manage the entire recruitment process, from requisition
to hire. Open positions are sent to TalentLink to automatically create requisitions, recruit and select
candidates in TalentLink and then send applicant data back to Workday to create a worker profile and
launch the Hire business process.
The following diagram illustrates the recruitment workflow and integration points between Workday and

Workday is the system of record for all position data, including changes to position restrictions and
status. Separate integration systems manage the flow of data from Workday to TalentLink and from
TalentLink back to Workday, based on the field mappings between systems. Both the outbound and
inbound integration systems are delivered and hosted by Workday.
After you approve applicants for hire in TalentLink, launch integrations to upload applicant data and hire
employees in Workday.

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The integration from TalentLink to Workday:

 Sends applicant personal data, including demographic and contact information

 Specifies hire details such as start date, employee type and location
 Launches from Workday based on a scheduled process
Workday creates a basic applicant profile from the TalentLink requisition and then imports enriched
applicant data, such as qualifications, job history and base compensation. Workday launches the Hire
business process for the applicant based on the organization to which the position belongs. The position
is no longer available for hire in Workday and the position status changes to “filled” after the hire process
completes. From this point forward, Workday is the system of record for employee information.

Hiring an employee includes recording information about the worker, assigning the worker to a position
or job and defining terms of employment such as location, hours or compensation. When hiring, you can
use an existing applicant or add a new applicant. Either way you have an opportunity to record applicant
source information.
Information required to complete an employee hire includes:

 Hire Date  Time Type (full time or part time)

 Position  Location
 Job Profile  Scheduled Weekly Hours

Components which can be used when creating a compensation package for an employee:

 Salary plans  Unit Allowance plans

 Unit Salary plans  Bonus plans

 Allowances plans  Merit plans

 Commission plans  Stock plans

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The business process framework allows you to create a multi-step business process that begins with
initiating the process and can include additional steps that complete the business objective.
For example, if your objective is to hire an employee, what other steps need to be completed besides the
initial data entry? The business process framework allows you to create a process that is very simple or
incredibly complex, depending on your requirements.

The screen shot below is a simple hire business process; the HR data is entered during the initiation step
and then a manager enters the compensation data.

In contrast, a hire business process can include many steps such as approvals, reviews, entering
additional data, to do/reminders and conditional rules. The idea is to include all activities and involve all
the right people to complete the process and it can be configured to be as simple or complex as you need
it to be.

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The Onboarding business process enables you to engage new workers into your organization, coordinate
their onboarding activities and improve the productivity of your staff. This is available as a sub-process
for the Hire and Contract Contingent Worker business processes. You can include the following actions in
the Onboarding process:

 Change Legal Name

 Change Preferred Name

 Change Contact Information

 Complete I-9 Form

 Change Benefit Elections

 Review Documents

 Complete Federal Withholding Forms

 Change Personal Information

Workday delivers two step types for business processes to simplify the onboarding experience for both
new hires and HR Partners:

 A tasks step combines multiple actions into a single step. You can add a tasks step to include the
Change Legal Name, Change Preferred Name and Change Contact Information business

 A review documents step distributes one or more documents and tracks acknowledgements or
electronic signatures. You can use a review documents step to deliver your employee handbook,
dress code, security policy or other new hire documents as part of the Onboarding process. You
may also include all documents in a single step or separate your documents into multiple steps
for better status tracking. You can also configure a review documents step to enable workers to
upload documents (such as completed tax forms) as part of the step and you can specify
whether the upload is required or optional.

When initiating a hire, as well as other business processes, you can insert worker documentation that is
pertinent to the hire process such as I-9 verification, a resume, employment application or offer letter.

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Documents can be reviewed and managed later using the Maintain Worker Document File task.

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will hire a new employee into the WOK organization, complete all
reviews and approvals as well as assign organization roles. There will be additional steps included in this
business process that should be reviewed.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Navigate to Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization
2. Select Roles on the navigation ribbon and verify Logan McNeil is filling the organization roles

3. Select Staffing on the navigation ribbon and locate the open position of Chief Training Officer
4. Use the Related Actions icon off of the position
5. Select the following action and task:
Hire > Hire Employee
6. Search for Barry Sikes
7. Complete the hire processing using today’s date as the hire date and the New York location
8. Enter any additional required or missing information (leave the defaults)
9. Click Submit to save

10. SKIP the Change Background Check Status task in your Inbox


1. Click on the task for the Remuneration step presented to you after the hire process

2. Look at the Compensation Section. Did the compensation components (grade, salary plan and
allowance plan) default?
3. In the compensation section find the Proposed column for the salary plans

4. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section

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5. Enter the amount of $65,000

6. Click
7. Click Submit to save

8. Click Close and sign out

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)

1. Click Review the on the Hire task in your Workfeed

2. Select Add Approvers

3. In the Additional Approvers prompt select Manager’s Manager -> Steve Morgan

4. Click Approve and Send to Approvers

Sign in as Steve Morgan

5. Click Review the on the Hire task in Steve’s Workfeed

6. Click Approve

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Navigate to Inbox Open – ID Change task

2. Click on to add a row within the National IDs field

3. Enter the following information in the corresponding field:

Field Name Entry Value

Country United States of America

National ID Type Social Security Number (SSN)

Identification # 999-99-9999

170 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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4. Click Approve to save

5. Click Skip – Assign Pay Group task

6. Enter Skip Reason
7. Click OK

8. Click Close


Before Barry Sikes can access Workday he will need a Workday system user account. This has been
generated automatically, but the password will need to be edited so you can log in as Barry.
1. Enter Barry Sikes in the search box

2. Use the Related Actions icon off of Barry Sikes’s name

3. Select the following action and task:

Security Profile > Edit Workday Account

4. Enter the same password as is currently used throughout the system
5. Turn off the “Require New Password at Next Sign In” check box

6. Click OK
7. Click Close


Now that Barry Sikes is hired into the CTO position and has a Workday User Account, assign him to the
organization role of manager:

8. Navigate to Roles on Wealth of Knowledge and confirm that Barry Sikes fills some of the
organization roles
9. Use the Related Actions icon off of the LearnDev organization to assign the role of Manager

10. Select the following action and task:

Roles > Assign Roles
11. Click OK

12. Assign the role of Manager to Barry Sikes

13. Click OK

14. Click Close

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User based security groups are predefined groups that provide specific access to administrator functions.
These security groups are not organization specific; typically a security administrator must assign user
based security groups to a system user.

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Business Case: As Logan McNeil, you will assign a number of user based security groups to Barry Sikes.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


1. Navigate to Wealth of Knowledge organization
2. Use the Related Actions icon off of Barry Sikes
Security Profile > Assign User Based Groups
3. Enter the following security groups:

 Benefits Administrator  Organization Administrator

 Business Process Administrator  Report Writer
 Compensation Administrator  Security Administrator
 Job and Position Administrator  Talent Administrator

4. Click OK to save
5. Click Close

6. Sign out

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Business Case: As Barry Sikes, you will hire a new employee into the LearnDev organization. Complete
all review and approvals.

Sign in as Barry Sikes (bsikes) and enter answers for the password reset questions


1. Click on the Configure This Page hyperlink
2. Click on the to add three or more rows
3. Click on the prompts to access the list and add the following worklets:

 Direct Reports

 Open Positions

 Organizations I Manage
4. Option: Reorder worklets using the up and down arrows, or leave them in current order

5. Click OK
6. Click Close

1. Use the Related Actions icon off of the Training Director Position (which is in LearnDev) to hire
the employee.

Hire > Hire Employee

2. Search for applicant, Alejandro Rojas

3. Complete the hire process using today’s date as the hire date

4. Enter New York location

5. Enter any additional required or missing information (leave the defaults)

6. Click Submit


1. Click on the task for the Remuneration step presented to you after the hire process
2. In the Compensation section, find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

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3. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section

4. Enter the amount of $52,000

5. Click
6. Click Submit to save
7. Click Close and Sign Out


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. SKIP the Background Check task in Inbox

2. Click the to refresh the Workfeed

3. Select the Review Hire task in Inbox

4. Click Approve to save


1. Navigate to Workfeed and click the to refresh the Workfeed

2. Click on the Open button for the ID Change: Alejandro Rojas task and select Open.
3. Click on within the National IDs field
4. Enter the following information in the corresponding field:

Field Name Entry Value

Country United States of America

National ID Type Social Security Number (SSN)

Identification # 999-99-9998

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5. Select Approve to save

6. Click Skip – Assign Pay Group task

7. Click OK to save
8. Click Close


1. Use the Related Actions off of Alejandro Rojas

Security Profile > Edit Workday Account

2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Password Use class password

Require New Password at Next Sign In Uncheck this box

3. Click OK
4. Click Close


Now that Alejandro Rojas is hired into the Training Director position and has a Workday User Account,
assign him to the organization role of manager for the Course Development organization:
1. Use the Related Actions icon off of the Course Development organization to assign the role of

2. Select the following action and task:

Roles > Assign Roles
3. Click OK

4. Click the green + sign to assign the role of Manager to Alejandro Rojas
5. Click OK
6. Click Close

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Because all of the positions in a headcount group share the same set of hiring restrictions, headcount
management is particularly useful for organizations that hire large numbers of workers into the same or
similar jobs with the same or similar requirements and restrictions. For example, an IT organization may
have a constant need for ten network engineers with the same skills to perform similar work.
Headcount management is also appropriate for organizations that prefer to define broad categories of
jobs rather than creating narrowly defined requirements for each position. For example, a food service
establishment might create two headcount groups: one for front-line staff like table service staff, who
work directly with customers and another for kitchen workers involved in food preparation.
Before you can hire into a supervisory organization with the staffing model of headcount management
you need to do the following:

1. Create headcount group

2. Complete all approvals

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With job management, you staff organizations by defining one set of hiring restrictions for the entire
organization. You can restrict hiring to particular job families, job profiles, worker types or locations and
specify whether workers must be full or part-time.

Because the same set of hiring restrictions apply to all of the jobs in a job management organization, and
because there can be only one set of restrictions per organization, this staffing model is particularly
useful for organizations that prefer to define broad job requirements.
For example, the manager of a growing team of software application specialists in a startup company
needs the flexibility to hire workers with a wide range of skills, backgrounds, qualifications and work
preferences and doesn't want to restrict his ability to fill jobs as the right people become available. He
meets with his manager to outline his requirements and receives a verbal agreement to hire 9 additional
headcount, to be allocated as he sees fit.
Before you can hire into a supervisory organization with the staffing model of Job Management you need
to do the following:
1. Set Hiring Restrictions

2. Complete all approvals

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Business Case: As Barry Sikes, you will hire a new employee into the Training Department and as
Alejandro Rojas, you will hire a new employee into the Course Development Department. The applicants
have already been screened and are ready to hire.

Sign in as Barry Sikes


1. Navigate to Training organization (TRN)
2. Select Staffing on the navigation ribbon

3. Use the Related Actions icon off of the unfilled Instructors headcount group to hire the employee
4. Select the following action and task:
Hire > Hire Employee
5. Use applicant, Keith Leonard
6. Click OK
7. Complete the hire process using today’s date as the hire date and the San Francisco Location

8. Enter any additional required or missing information (leave the defaults).

9. Click Submit


1. Open the Propose Compensation step presented to you after the hire process
2. In the Compensation section find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

3. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section
4. Enter the amount of $42,000

5. Click
6. Click Submit to save

1. What steps are awaiting action in this business process?

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1. Navigate to Keith Leonard

2. Use the Related Actions icon off of the employee

Security Profile > Edit Workday Account
3. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Password Use class password

Require New Password at Next Sign In Uncheck this box


Sign in as Alejandro Rojas (arojas) and enter answers for the password reset questions

1. Select the Hiring worklet

2. Click Hire (Create Applicant)

3. Use the applicant - Brady McCormick

4. Click OK
5. Complete the hire process using today’s date as the hire date and Reading-UK location
6. Enter any additional required or missing information (leave the defaults)

7. Click Submit

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Click on the task for the Remuneration step presented to you after the hire process
2. In the Compensation section find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

3. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section.

4. Enter the amount of 52,000

5. Click
6. Click Submit to save

7. SKIP the Background Check task

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1. Click the Review Employee Hire task

2. Review the data and click Approve


1. Select the Edit Government IDs task

2. Click on within the National IDs field

3. Enter the following information in the corresponding field:

Field Name Entry Value

Country United Kingdom

National ID Type National Insurance (NI) Number

Identification # AB 12 34 56 A

4. Click Approve
5. Click on the Open - Maintain Employee Contracts
6. Populate all required fields, including the Status of Open

7. Click Submit to save

8. Click Close
9. Skip the Assign Pay group task in your Workfeed


1. Navigate to Brady McCormick
2. Use the Related Actions icon off of the employee

Security Profile > Edit Workday Account

3. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Password Use class password

Require New Password at Next Sign In Uncheck this box

4. Click OK

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Temporary workers are referred to as Contractors or Contingent Workers in Workday. The [C] notation is
displayed next to the contractor’s name.

Rate and frequency of payment information can be stored as a reference only. Payment for a contractor
is not sent to payroll through the payroll interface.

The Workers by Employee/Contingent Worker Type report allows you to view one or more of the
contingent worker types, one or more of the employee types or any combination of these populations.
This is a delivered report that includes fields such as location, primary home address and primary work

The Convert to Employee task uses the Hire Employee business process; it just uses a different step to
initiate the process.

There are two ways to convert a contingent worker to employee status:

1. End the contract and then hire them as an employee
2. Use the Convert to Employee task
The Convert to Employee task is a streamlined way to change a contingent worker to an employee. This
cuts down the number of individual steps and quickly completes a hire.

In order to use this feature, the position the contingent worker will fill needs to be created and available
on the hire date, just like any other hire. If the worker is being hired in to a headcount group, then there
must be an available headcount within the group.

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Business Case: Barry Sikes will contract a contingent worker to work for a month. You will also create
an applicant during the hire process instead of as a separate step.

Sign in as Barry Sikes (bsikes)

1. Navigate to Training Department supervisory organization (TRN)
2. Click on Staffing on the navigation ribbon
3. Find the Related Actions icon off of the Instructor headcount group

Hire > Contract Contingent Worker

4. Select Create a New Applicant

5. Click OK

6. Select United States as the Country

7. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

 Legal Name Information tab

 First Name Steve

 Last Name Harris

 Contact Information tab: Add Phone

 Area Code 214

 Phone Number 247-3344

 Phone Device Telephone

 Type Home

8. Click OK

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Field Name Entry Value

Contract Start Date Today’s date

Reason Select any reason you would like

Contingent Worker Type Contractor

Job Profile, Headcount Group Leave the defaulted values

Time Type Full Time

Location Dallas

Contract Pay Rate $75.00

Currency USD

Frequency Hourly

Assignment Details Enter any information you would like

9. Click Submit to save

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Select the Review task for the Contingent Worker Contract step
2. Review the information

3. Click Approve
4. Refresh your Workfeed
5. Open the ID Change task in Workfeed
6. Enter comments about why you will not be entering IDs because of Contingent Workers

7. Click Approve
8. Click Close

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Business Case: Logan McNeil will convert a contingent worker into the Training Department.


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Enter worker: Abby Brennan into the search box

2. Select contingent worker Abby Brennan
3. Find the Related Actions icon off of the name:
Job Change > Convert to Employee
4. Select Training for the Supervisory Organization
5. Click OK
6. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

 Hire Date Today

 Reason select any reason you would like to choose

 End Contract Details

 Contract End Date Yesterday

 Reason Voluntary > Contract Ended

 Job Details

 Headcount Group Instructors

 Employee Type Regular

 Time Type Full Time

 Location Reading- UK

7. Click Submit

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Sign in as Barry Sikes (bsikes)

1. Click on the Open task for the Hire Compensation step in your Workfeed.
2. In the Compensation section find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

3. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section.
4. Enter the amount of 52,000

5. Click
6. Click Submit to save

7. Click Close and Sign Out.

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The Change Job process supports promotions, demotions, transfers, lateral moves as well as changes to
position data and location. This process was designed to make staffing movements simple and intuitive.
Based on your business process there can be other steps such as reviewing, editing and approving the
staffing movement.
The Change Job process asks questions that will guide managers through job change details in a familiar
language thus increasing their success rate as well as reducing the need for HR support.


When initiating a Change Job business process, you will first be taken to a start page. On the start page,
Workday asks a series of questions and uses the answers to determine the set of tasks that the user
needs to complete on the next page. As a result, Workday will only present you with fields relevant to
the type of staffing movement you are executing. No other sections of the business process are
displayed until the start page is completed.

After submitting the Start page, you will have the option of using the guided editor, which takes you
through each section of the job change one at a time so that you can see all relevant fields and complete
them in smaller chunks.

All of the sections listed in the above screenshot (Date through Compensation) are controlled by domain
security so that you can tailor the process for different roles in your organization.
*You cannot reorder or remove sections on the business process template.

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Reasons and change types are a key component of the Change Job functionality. The Maintain Event
Categories and Reasons task is used to create and map tenanted reasons to Workday-delivered job
change types of Transfer, Promotion, Lateral Move, Demotion and Data Change. You will specify which
reasons apply to employees or contingent workers and which reasons to show to managers. Workday
suggests that you keep the list of reasons short to reduce confusion as well as simplify selection.


The Change Job process has 11 content areas with separate security domains, giving you field-level
control over what managers and administrators can view or modify. Additional security domains provide
access to fields in the Change Organization Assignments and Propose Compensation Change processes
on consolidated templates.

Coordinate your business process and domain security policies to ensure that security groups who can
access business process actions also can access the data.

You can optionally consolidate the change job process with the change organization assignments and
propose compensation change sub-processes within the guided editor to streamline workflow from
initiation to approval. The consolidated processes start at the same time, so that managers can complete
all changes on one page and administrators can review and approve the process details together.

Change Job must be first in the process order on the consolidated template, followed by one or both sub-
processes. If you have compensation eligibility rules based on organizations, the required process order
is Change Job, Change Organization Assignments and then Propose Compensation Change.

If you limit the fields that a manager may enter on the Change Job consolidated page, then you must
include a Review Change Job step in your business process so that an administrator can complete fields
that managers cannot access.
If you set up a consolidated template, you must include the Change Organization Assignments and
Propose Compensation Change sub-processes as action steps in the Change Job business process
definition. It is at these steps in the workflow that the system process the data.

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 Search bar
 Menu in the Navigate sliding tab

 Related Action list off the employee’s name

 Transfer: If a reason with a change job type of transfer is selected then the manager or
organization is required to change.

 Promotion/Demotion: If a reason with a change job type of promote or demotion is selected

then the current manager or organization will default but it can be changed.
 Lateral Move/Data Change: If a reason with a change job type of lateral move or data change is
selected then the manager or organization cannot be edited.

The business process policy for Change Job has options to allow security groups to initiate smaller micro-
tasks. These smaller tasks provide a simplified page with only the fields needed and are also accessed
through the Change Job menu.

 Change Location: this initiating action will only show the necessary fields for changing a location

 Change Contractor Details: this initiating action will only show the necessary fields for changing
a contingent worker contract
 Request Transfer: Managers need to be able to “pull” an employee into their organization and
this initiating action will be allowed when the security group initiating the action does not have
direct access to the worker (if they have direct access they should be using the Change Job
business process).


When you move a manager to a new organization using the Change Job business process, you can
choose to also move the teams that report to that manager. The prompt displays:

 The teams that are eligible to move.

 Any teams that are ineligible due to a future-dated change.

 The person who will manage the teams if you don't move the team with their current manager.

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You can move all eligible teams or leave all teams behind, but you cannot move some teams and not
After you complete the Change Job process, Workday initiates a separate Assign Superior sub-process for
each eligible team with its own workflow and approvals. You can cancel, rescind or correct the individual
Assign Superior sub-processes as needed.

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We have many delivered staffing reports available within Workday. Below is a list a few of the reports:

Report Description

View a staffing summary for a specific supervisory organization that uses

position management as the staffing model. Summary includes the
Open Positions number of current workers, pending offers, future hires and Q1 to Q4
Summary totals for a specific organization and the next level down in the
organization hierarchy, which is an accumulation of all the organizations
below it. You can drill down to see the details for each number.

View a summary of staffing activities by organization. Enables you to view

events for either employees, contingent workers or a combination. Events
Staffing Activity returned are based on the time period or date range entered. Whether
the event is approved, pending, canceled, denied or rescinded you can
select which status to include in the report results.

View workers' scheduled weekly hours, FTE (full-time equivalent)

percentage and time type for all the filled positions. You can optionally
Positions and their FTE
get these hours as of a specified date and/or include subordinate
organizations. Enables you to monitor worker hours.

View the workers who have total FTE percent greater than the value
specified in the report filter. The report includes columns for worker type,
FTE Audit Report
scheduled weekly hours and time type among others and this report can
be copy and modified.

Presents staffing turnover information in chart format. This report can be

Turnover Analysis
copied and modified.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 191

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Business Case: (Group Activity) You will transfer an employee to a different manager and position.


 Manager of Operations: Maximilian Schneider
 HR Partner (both organizations): Logan McNeil
 Manager of LearnDev: Barry Sikes
Choose whose tenant you will be working in as well as who will play which roles in this group activity.
Once this has been decided you may begin. Your instructor will give instructions on how to share a

1. Everyone sign in as the first person you are playing in this activity.

Sign in as Max Schneider (mschneider)

1. Navigate to your My Team page
2. Click on the Related Actions icon next to Kelly Brown’s name

3. Select the following action and task:

Job Change > Transfer, Promote or Change Job
4. On the Start page, answer the following question:

Field Name Entry Value

Why are you making this change? Move to another manager

5. Change the manager to Barry Sikes and change the Org to Learning and Development

6. Click Start
7. The guided editor for the job change appears. Note the date that has defaulted in, but do not
change it (we will discuss this)

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8. To advance through the guided editor, you would use the arrow on the right hand side of the editor.
However, since you will not to change any further information about Kelly Brown, you can click on
the Summary page at the end of the guided editor. This will take you directly to a page which
summarizes all the information input regarding the staffing movement.

9. Click Submit

Sign in as Barry Sikes (bsikes)

1. Look for a task in your Workfeed

2. Select the Review task for the Transfer: Kelly Brown.

3. In the proposed column for Job Details enter the new position for Kelly Brown which will be
Curriculum Developer

4. Click Done and click out of the Position field to allow the entire page to update according to the new
Position information you have included
5. Scroll down to enter compensation information

6. In the Compensation section find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

7. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section
8. Enter the amount of $62,000

9. Click
10. Click Approve

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Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Look for a task in your Workfeed
2. Open the Review Transfer task
3. Click Approve

Sign in as Barry Sikes

1. Look for a task in your Workfeed

2. Select the Review task for the Compensation Change

3. Click Approve

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1. What is the overall status of the process? Are there any other steps that need to be completed?

2. What date defaulted in for this job change and why?
3. What is Kelly Brown’s position and supervisory organization today and what will it be as of the next
pay period?
4. Why did the Review Compensation step go to Barry Sikes?

5. Other than Approve or Deny what could you do when you received a Review task?

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Business Case: You will transfer a manager and move the manager’s team along with them.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Search for Alejandro Rojas and click on his worker record
2. Click on the Related Actions icon next to Alejandro’s name

3. Select the following action and task:

Job Change > Transfer, Promote or Change Job
4. On the Start page, answer the following question:

Field Name Entry Value

Why are you making this change? Move to another manager

5. Change the manager to Logan McNeil and change the Org to Wealth of Knowledge

6. Click Start
7. On the Date page of the guided editor, answer the following question:

Field Name Entry Value

When do you want this change to

Tomorrow’s Date
take effect?

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8. In the Team section, answer the following questions:

Field Name Entry Value

What do you want to do with this

Move this headcount to the new manager

This person is a manager. Do you

want to move their teams with Yes. Move teams with Alejandro Rojas

9. Click on the Summary page within the guided editor to review the information you have input
10. Click Submit and Close

Sign in as Barry Sikes (bsikes)

1. Open the Compensation Change step in Barry’s Workfeed

2. Click Approve

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Open the Assign Organization Roles step in Logan’s Workfeed

2. Click Submit

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Termination ends the active working relationship between the enterprise and the employee and can be
initiated by using the related actions icon off of the employee’s name.
Some things to remember about terminations:

 Termination is a configurable event.

 Termination is complete in the system at midnight on the day after the termination.
 You can indicate if the employee is not eligible for rehire.

 Ability to indicate that the termination was regrettable.

 Exit interview can be documented.

You have the ability to deny access to the Workday system for a worker. That activity is
separate from the Termination event.

You may attach documents

related to termination process

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The Termination business process can include the automatic disabling of a Workday account by including
the Terminate User Account step in the business process. Once the step has been added to the business
process it will need to be configured.

You have the option to configure the step to terminate the user account using the termination date or the
last date worked as well as the time of termination.

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Including the Manage Business Processes for Worker step in your terminate business process will allow
you to ensure that business processes don’t become stalled while awaiting action from a worker who has
been terminated. This step will allow you to reassign any existing business process steps currently in a
worker’s inbox.

The Termination business process can be corrected if information that was entered needs to be changed.
This avoids the need to rescind a termination and then reenter all the information a second time.
Examples of data that can be corrected include the ability to change termination dates and reopen a
position that was closed as part of the termination event.

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Business Case: You will process the termination for Brady McCormick in the CoursDev supervisory
organization. Brady is leaving Wealth of Knowledge to take another position.

Sign in as the Manager, Alejandro Rojas (arojas)

1. On the My Team landing page, click on the My Team worklet
2. Find the Related Actions icon off of employee Brady McCormick
Job Change > Terminate Employee
3. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Termination Date Tomorrow

Reason Voluntary > Other Employment

4. Click the Submit button to save

Sign in as the HR Partner, Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Click on Review Terminate task

2. Click Approve to save

1. Click on the Exit Interview: Terminate Brady McCormick To Do in your Workfeed (you will have
to first refresh your Workfeed to see this)

2. Click on to enter Exit Interview Information

3. Search on Brady McCormick in the Employee prompt

4. Click OK

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5. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Exit Interview Date Today’s Date

Interviewed By Leave the default value

Reason for Leaving Enter a short reason for leaving

New Employer Unknown

Exit Interview Comments Enter a comment

Property to be Returned Turn on check box

Return by Date Today’s Date

Property Comments Enter your comments

6. Click OK to save
7. Click Close

8. Open this To Do (from your Workfeed) once again and click on

1. What step is awaiting action?


2. What is the overall status?


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If you would like to train a replacement for a worker who will soon be leaving their position, or backfill a
position while a worker takes a leave of absence, it is possible to overlap workers in the same position.

To take advantage of job overlap functionality, this must first be enabled in your tenant under the Edit
Tenant Setup-HCM task. Once this is enabled, you will have the ability to hire, contract, add job, change
job or start international assignment for a worker into an already-filled position as long as:

 the position is in an organization using the position management staffing model

 the principal worker (the original job holder) has a future-dated staffing event, or a current or
future-dated leave of absence that leaves the position vacant

 you are not closing the position as part of the future-dated staffing event

 you are not moving the position to a different organization using the change job business process

 the position isn’t overlapped by another position

 the position doesn’t overlap another position

When dealing with overlap workers in workday, the following terminology applies:

 principal worker: original job holder

 overlap worker: secondary job holder

 overlapped position: original position

 overlapping position: secondary position

Enabling job overlap in your tenant will allow you to select whether this position available for overlap in
the change job, end additional job, end contingent worker contract, end international assignment, and
termination business processes.

You can fill overlap positions by selecting the Filled Positions Available for Overlap folder from the
position prompt.

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Overlap workers take over all security roles associated with the position restrictions (including the
manager role) during their tenure in an overlap position. They can delegate access to principal workers
through business process delegation, but otherwise the role assignments aren't shared.


With job overlap, Workday doesn't synchronize organization assignments across positions and position
restrictions as it does with non-overlap positions. Organization changes only apply to the position or
position restriction you take action on. You need to update the other position or the position restrictions
separately. This behavior applies to both individual and mass organization changes.


In Workday 19, the following reports count only 1 position when an overlap exists between 2 workers:

 FTE report

 Headcount and Open Position Analysis

 Headcount Report

 Open Position Summary

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Business Case: Barry Sikes will be taking a new position in three week’s time. In the interim, you would
like to bring in his replacement to be trained. You will terminate Barry and hire his replacement into the
Chief Training Officer position.

Sign in as Barry’s manager, Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. On the My Team landing page, click on the related action icon off of Barry Sikes
Job Change > Terminate Employee
2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Termination Date Three weeks from today

Reason Select any reason you would like

Is this position available for

Check the box

3. Click Submit
4. Open the Exit Interview to do

5. Select I’m Done

6. Open the Assign Rules to Worker task

7. Click Submit

8. Click Close (you can ignore any remaining inbox items)


1. Search for Ashley Bingham

2. Find the related action icon off of Ashley Bingham’s applicant record
Hire > Hire Employee
3. Enter Wealth of Knowledge as the Supervisory Organization
4. Click OK
5. Enter tomorrow’s date as the hire date
6. Using the Filled Positions Available for Overlap folder, select Chief Training Officer as the position
7. Enter a Time Type of your choosing
8. Enter a Location of New York

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9. Click Submit


10. Click on the task for the Remuneration step presented to you after the hire process
11. In the Compensation section, find the Proposed column for the Salary Plans

12. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section

13. Enter the amount of $70,000

14. Click

15. Click Submit to save

16. Click Close and Sign Out

17. SKIP the Background Check task in Inbox


Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)

1. Click Review the on the Hire task in your Workfeed

2. Select Approve

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

3. Click on the Open button for the ID Change: Ashley Bingham task
4. Click on within the National IDs field
5. Enter the following information in the corresponding field:

206 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Field Name Entry Value

Country United States of America

National ID Type Social Security Number (SSN)

Identification # 999-99-9997

6. Select Approve to save

7. Click Skip – Assign Pay Group task

8. Click OK to save
9. Click Close
10. Pull up WOK in the search

11. Using the related action icon go to

Supervisory Organization -> Supervisory Organization View As Of
12. Enter an effective date of tomorrow to check your work and view your overlapped workers

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As events such as hire, transfer and termination occur you may need to make changes, corrections or
remove the event entirely. Workday gives you multiple ways to manage events that are either in
progress or successfully completed.

Action When Action is Available Examples Who’s Responsible

Reassign a Task Task must be “In Progress” Business Process Administrator

Request Reassignment Task must be “In Progress” Whoever is assigned a task

Request Delegation Whoever is assigned a task can request

Task must be “In Progress”
Change a task be delegated

 Business Process Administrator

Task can be “Successfully  HR Partner

Completed” or “In Progress”  HCM Corp Partner
 Implementer

Task must be “Successfully

Rescind Business Process Administrator

Cancel Task must be “In Progress” Process Initiator

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In order to make changes to an event, such as rescinding the event or correcting a hire, first you need to
locate the event. The ability to view an event is dependent on your organization and administrative
roles. For example, a manager can view the hire event of an employee in an organization they manage.
If an employee transfers out of a manager’s organization, any future events will not be visible.
There are two ways to find an event:

 Search

 Use the Related Actions off of the Worker

Worker History > View Worker History


Workday allows the ability to reassign tasks; this is a task called Reassign Tasks. You might use this
when a task in your Workfeed is no longer your responsibility and needs to be moved to the correct
person’s Workfeed. For example, as a manager I might have a number of tasks in my Workfeed I need
to complete for my direct reports. If I’m moved to a new position, with new direct reports, the tasks can
be reassigned to the person who will be filling my previous position.

When you use the Reassign Task option, you are really requesting a reassignment.
Your request will be routed for approval to the security groups listed in the business
process security policy for that business process. The Business Process Administrator
will also have the ability to approve the reassignment. If the Business Process
Administrator requests reassignment, the request will be automatically completed (e.g.
it will not route for approval).

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This task is found using the Related Actions icon off the task in your Workfeed.

Tasks that have been assigned to someone’s Workfeed will remain there until they are completed,
reassigned or delegated.

Another option is for the Business Process Administrator to reassign tasks from one person to another.
Use Reassign Task to select a worker and review the tasks assigned to them. Optional filters can be
added such as a specific business process or a start or end date.

Click OK to run the report and see a list of current Workfeed tasks for the worker. Enter to whom the
task should be reassigned and a reason for the reassignment. The task will then be permanently
removed from one Workfeed and moved to the other.

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Request Delegation Change allows you to request that either all or some business process tasks that are
assigned to you be delegated to someone else for a designated period of time. The request could also be
open ended. As requesting a delegation change is a business process, you may configure it to require
Workday makes it easy for you to manage and perform delegated tasks with a Delegation Dashboard that
enables you to perform tasks on behalf of other users.
If you are an active delegate you will see the Switch Account icon next to your user name. Clicking this
icon will show you a list of users you can act for, both to initiate business processes and to perform
Workfeed tasks.

Once you Switch Account and select a user you want to act on behalf of you are brought to a Delegation
landing page. This landing page will only display the items delegated to you as well as any Delegated
Actions you can initiate on behalf of this user. On the Worklets tab in the tenant setup, you can
configure this landing page to use Inbox or Workfeed.

The Delegated tasks will still appear in your personal Workfeed or Inbox. If you want to perform the
action from here, simply click the Switch Account button next to the task.

Delegation of one worker’s tasks to another person can be done by anyone in the Workday system. This
is a great reason to include a review or approval step in the Request Delegation Change business
process. In addition, within Configurable Security you have the option to specify which business process
can be and which cannot be delegated.

Use the My Delegations button in your Inbox to select the following:

 Begin Date
 End Date: optional depending on tenant set up

 Delegate: who are you delegating to

 Retain Access to Delegated Tasks: tasks will still show up in your Workfeed and be removed as
they are completed
 Select which business processes you would like to delegate

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The Tenant Setup: BP and Notifications page allows you to determine to whom you can delegate a task,
as well as if an end date is required for all delegations.

In addition to a worker being able to delegate her tasks to another worker, a business process
administrator can also delegate one or more business processes on someone else’s behalf. Use the
Manage Delegation Settings task to change existing or set up new delegations. A few examples of when
you might use this could be when managing an unexpected employee absence or a known delegation
requirement for management or the executive level of your organization.

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Another option is to set up a delegation rule to be used by the Business Process Administrator when
creating a delegation for another worker. This allows you to create a delegation rule and then build it
into the delegation request. When the condition is met, the delegation will occur.

When viewing the details of a business process, if a step in that process has been delegated, it will be
clearly indicated.

Business Processes Available for Delegation: Initiation Step

 Change Organization Assignments for  Hire Employee

 Promote Employee
 Close Job Requisition
 Request Time Off
 Contract Contingent Worker
 Terminate Employee
 Correct Time Off
 Transfer Contingent Worker
 Create Job Requisition
 Transfer Employee
 Create Position
 Expense Report Event
 Edit Job Requisition
 Request Compensation Change
 Edit Position
 Request One Time Payment
 End Contingent Worker Contract

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Business Case: You will sign in as Logan and delegate certain tasks to Alejandro Rojas

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Navigate to your Inbox slide out tab
2. Click on My Delegations
3. Click Manage Delegations

4. Click to add a new delegation

5. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Begin Date Today’s Date

End Date 1 week from today

Delegate Alejandro Rojas

Start on my Behalf Create Position

6. Under Do Inbox Tasks on My Behalf, select the radio button For Business Processes and select Close
7. Click Submit

Sign in as Steve Morgan (smorgan)

1. Review the delegation for Logan McNeil task in Workfeed
2. Click Approve

Sign in as Alejandro Rojas (arojas)


1. Look for the Switch Account button and click on it

2. Select Logan McNeil. This will take you to the delegation landing page.

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1. Are there any tasks that have been delegated to Alejandro?

2. Can he initiate anything on behalf of Logan McNeil? If so, why?
3. Where in the system do you determine what can and cannot be delegated?


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Most business processes can be cancelled or rescinded. If a business process has not been completed
then it can be cancelled. To rescind a business process means that a completed business process can be
reversed as if it did not happen. Business Process Administrators can rescind a business process by
accessing the related action menu on the business process and selecting Rescind.

You can configure your business processes to automatically send notifications to specific roles when the
business process is cancelled or rescinded.
There are two primary differences between rescind and cancel:

 Rescind
o Use when process is in a status of Successfully Complete.

o Can be done by security groups with appropriate permission.

 Cancel
o Use when process is in a status of In Progress.
o Can be done by security groups with appropriate permission as well as the worker who
initiated the business process.


Mass Cancel for Business Processes and Mass Cancel for To Dos are not widely used options and
hopefully are something you will not need very often. It allows you to pull back events that have been
initiated with an incorrect configuration or effective dates and can remove to dos that have accumulated
and are overwhelming a worker’s Workfeed.

As delivered, this administrative process can be run by workers with the Business Process Administrator
user-based security group.

A common use for this process would be to pull back a compensation event such as merit or bonus after
launching, but it could be used for any business process. If you realize that a business process is not
configured correctly you may wish to pull it back in order to change the configuration. If you mass
cancel you will have to reenter the events manually.
If canceling or rescinding a business process affects more than a certain number of business process
events which you can specify, Workday asks you to confirm before canceling or rescinding the business
process. The default value of the threshold is 25 events.

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The ability to create to dos seems like a great idea. Through this business process step you can remind
people of things that must be done outside of the Workday system that are related to a specific business
process such as Hire. If to dos begin driving you crazy because of an unanticipated volume, drastic steps
may be necessary. That’s where Mass Cancel for To Dos can be used to quickly reduce the volume of to
do items in the security group’s Workfeed.

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Business Case: Kelly Brown has decided not to transfer to the instructor position so the transfer event
needs to be rescinded.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Navigate to the employee Kelly Brown
2. Use the Related Actions icon off of the worker.
3. Select the following action and report:

Worker History > View Worker History

4. Find the Transfer: Kelly Brown event in the report

5. Use the Related Actions icon off of the Terminate event

6. Select the following action and task:

Business Process > Rescind
7. Enter a reason for rescinding in the comment box.
8. Click Submit to save

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Use this task to correct information entered during the business process. The fields that are available for
correction are the same ones that are available when the process is initiated. Some of the most common
corrections are the effective date of the event or fields such as position time type or standard weekly

A correction can be done while the business process is still “In Progress” or after it’s
“Successfully Completed.”

Workday offers the ability to correct over 80 business processes including those related to staffing,
compensation, contact and personal information, talent management and financials.

There is some configuration that needs to be done to take advantage of these actions. This requires
adding the appropriate security groups to the Correct action for each of these business processes.

Once you’ve identified the security group(s) who should have the ability to correct a business process,
edit the business process security policy by adding the security group(s) to the Correct action.
Remember that any change to a security policy will require that you run the Activate Pending Security
Policy Changes task.

To correct a business process related to a worker, find the event either through search or use the Related
Action off the worker’s name and navigate to Worker History and the View report.

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Business Case: A new hire, Jose Flores, was hired into Course Development. Once the hire was
completed Logan McNeil was informed Jose would actually be starting work a week later. Because Logan
has the HR Administrator role, she is able to make the change.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Navigate to the Course Development supervisory organization
2. Use the Related Actions icon off of Course Development

3. Select the following action and task:

Hire > Hire Employee
4. Search for Jose Flores

5. Click OK
6. Enter the following hire information:

Field Name Entry Value

Hire Date Today’s date

Reason Fill Vacancy

Employee Type Regular

Time Type Full Time

Location New York

7. Click Submit to save

1. Click on the task for the Remuneration step presented to you after the hire process

2. In the Compensation section find the Proposed column for the salary plans

3. Click on the icon next to the WOK Salary Plan. This will open an assignment details section
4. Enter the amount of $55,000

5. Click
6. Click Submit to save
7. SKIP the Change Background Check Status task

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You can ignore any additional tasks in Logan’s Workfeed for this exercise.

1. Navigate to the Hire: Jose Flores event (hint: worker history)
2. Use the Related Actions icon off of the event name
3. Select the following action and task:
Business Process > Correct
4. Complete hire date change:

Field Name Entry Value

Hire Date One week later than today’s date

Comment box Enter a comment saying what the past date was

5. Click Submit
6. View the confirmation page and note the corrected status on the Process History tab

7. Click Close

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Many Workday business objects allow you to specify an effective (or "as of") date when you create or
edit them. This allows you to define changes as taking effect on a date/time other than when the data
entry actually takes place. This is useful when you need to hire a worker retroactively to the first day of
this week or to request a compensation change on the first day of next year. You are never prompted
for an entry date when editing, but an entry date is always stored in the system. These two types of
dates used in combination allow for various types of reporting.


Workday uses effective dates in staffing events that give you the flexibility to insert and correct staffing
events out of order.

You can correct most staffing events out of order as long as the change does not affect a worker's
organization or position. Some of the processes that allow out of order corrections are listed below:

Hiring Job Change

 Add Additional Job  Change Job

 Contract Contingent Worker  End Additional Job
 Hire Employee  End International Assignment
 Start International Assignment  Promote Employee
 Terminate Employee
 Transfer Employee

When you make a correction, Workday displays a supporting information section that lists later staffing
events, moves and reorganizations in a worker's history. Review this information to determine the
impact of your correction so that you can fix the later events, if necessary.

If you correct the date of a staffing event, the new effective date cannot be earlier than the previous
event or later than the next event in a worker's history. You must keep all staffing events, moves and
reorganizations in the same order.
The supporting information section includes Workday system generated events. These events reflect
changes that occurred when Workday converted and defaulted data during previous updates. You can
drill into the event details and rescind these events, if necessary.
If you correct a completed event, Workday does not validate your changes against the hiring restrictions
for the worker's job or position.

Workday does not apply corrections to later events for you. Anyone who has security
permission to correct a staffing event can make an out of order correction. Workday
strongly recommends that you restrict corrections to administrators.

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As discussed earlier, changes to the supervisory organization structure is part of business. These
changes might occur as part of an acquisition or merger, growth over time or a change in reporting
structure due to company reorganization. The Create Subordinate, Assign Superior and Divide
Organization tasks were demonstrated in this guide. Two other reorganization tasks are:
1. Inactivating an organization
a. To inactivate an organization that uses Headcount Management you need to move all headcount
groups out of the organization prior to inactivating.
b. To inactivate a Position Management or Job Management organization the individual positions
and workers need to be moved first.

2. Move Workers
a. The Move Workers reorganization task allows you to move workers out of a supervisory
organization and indicate which supervisory organization you would like them to be members of.
This follows the business process framework, so you can set approvals as needed.

b. When Headcount Management is enabled, you must move the entire group, not individual

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Business Case: Now you will move workers and then inactivate the WOK supervisory organization as it’s
no longer needed.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Enter LearnDev into the search box
2. Click on the hyperlink for Learning and Development
3. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Learning and Development

4. Select the following action and task:

Reorganization > Move Workers
5. Enter an effective date of tomorrow

6. Click OK
7. In the Worker field, select Curriculum Developer
8. In the Organization field, select Wealth of Knowledge
9. Click OK

10. Click Close

1. Enter LearnDev into the search box

2. Click on the Related Actions icon off of Learning and Development

3. Select the following action and task:

Reorganization > Inactivate Organization
4. Enter an effective date of tomorrow
5. Click OK
6. Click on the Move All to Superior radio button
7. Click Submit to save

8. Click Close

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 Hiring an employee includes recording information about the worker, assigning the worker to a
position or job and defining terms of employment such as location, hours and compensation.

 Temporary workers are referred to as contractors or contingent workers in Workday. The [C]
notation is displayed next to the contractor’s name.

 The termination date reflects the employee’s last day of work. The employee is active in the
system until midnight on the day after the termination date

 As events such as hire, transfer and termination occur you may need to make changes, correct or
remove the event entirely. Workday gives you multiple ways to manage events that are either in
progress or successfully completed.

 You may correct events out of order; however Workday does not correct subsequent events
automatically. You must use the supporting information displayed to you when correcting the
process to manually adjust later processes, if necessary.

 To find events regarding a worker, use the Worker History report from the related actions menu
of the desired worker.


1. A worker is hired into what type of organization?

2. True/False: The applicant object is separate from the employee object.

3. How can you distinguish between an employee and a contingent worker with Workday?


4. True/False: You can rescind an event such as Hire when it is “In Progress”.
5. If you enter the termination date of 06/30/2011:

a. The employee is no longer an employee on this date.

b. This is their last day as an employee.

c. The employee automatically can't access Workday on this date.

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1. How will you set up your ATS, if you use one?

2. Who can start the Hire, Change Job, and Terminate business processes?
3. What are your change job reasons and what Workday reason do they map to?
4. Who will be responsible for reassigning tasks?
5. Will you need to use delegation? What is the business process through which a delegation gets
6. Who can cancel, rescind, and correct business processes?

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By giving your employees and managers access to Workday and to the tasks and information they need
for their work and personal life, the Human Resource, Payroll and other groups are given the time they
need to be a strategic influencer. Managers have the ability to run analytic reports, view dashboard and
metric reports on their Workday landing page and have data about their own direct and indirect reports
at their fingertips! Rolling out employee self service and manager self service can increase adoption of
Workday throughout your organization!

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Workday Accounts

 Viewing Personal Data

 Professional Profile

 Employee Self Service (ESS) Overview

 Manager Self Service (MSS) Overview

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Your membership into a security group, or groups, will control how much personal information you will be
able to see and if there will be any actions you can perform. The personal information you can access
will be very different when you are looking at your own data compared to at a fellow worker’s data, if you
are the manager or if you are the HR Partner.
In order to access the Workday system you need to set up a Workday Account for each employee after
hire. This creates a user identification and password.

This can be done manually using the Related Actions icon off of the employee. Navigate to:
Security Profile > Create Workday Account

To generate random passwords,

the worker being granted the
account must have an email

The Workday account will not

be accessible on the day after
the date entered here.

Use the Maintain User Name Rules task to specify how user names are formatted. You can specify the
elements from which to construct the user name.
Many organizations will not use Workday account creation for security but will use an active directory
approach, single sign on or delegated authentication. This will remove the need for creating a Workday
account step as part of the hire process.

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Your role and security group will control how much personal information you will be able to see and if
there will be any actions you can perform. If you sign in as Jared Ellis, who is a worker with no
administrative or organization roles, or as Jack Taylor, who has the organization role of manager, the
information you can see changes. If you view the workers you have hired so far you will see that they
have been assigned membership in multiple security groups. These are systems granted by virtue of
being hired and having a Workday account set-up. When the Hire business process is complete, an
employee is added to the All Employees security group. When a Workday account is created the
employee is added to the All Users security group and Employee as Self so that self service can be
Employee’s view of their own data:

The employee’s view of their own data is usually the most complete view. With the exception of certain
combinations of security groups such as Logan McNeil enjoys, there is rarely a view of an employee as
complete as the employee or worker’s own view of his or her personal data.

Benefits, Pay History and Personal Data are available for the employee to view while the manager has no
ability to see this information for their direct reports. In the factory defaults for security policies, a
manager cannot view an employee’s birth date or social security number for instance. A manager also
cannot view an employee’s emergency contact information.

Manager’s view of employee data:

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Employee’s view of another employee’s data:

An employee’s view of another employee’s data is very minimal. By default, an employee can only view
other employees’ basic data such as their job, the management chain and the organizations such as
department, cost center, etc that the employee is a part of.

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Workday delivers a professional profile that provides a user-friendly way to track key talent information
about yourself and others. Professional profiles also display existing education, external job history,
project and feedback information from Workday’s Talent Management functionality.

You can configure the professional profile using the Configure Profile and Configure Profile Group tasks.
We recommend you add the professional profile as the first item in overview or job profile group so that
it displays first when viewing a worker’s profile, as shown above.
Your configuration and the permissions of the person viewing the worker profile determine what Workday
displays. For example, if Anytime Feedback is enabled, a worker can see feedback about themselves
while a coworker can give feedback.
Workers can add, edit and remove their own experience, skills and education directly on their
professional profile or use the Import From LinkedIn feature (if enabled) task to import it. Any existing
education, external job history (or experience), initiative projects, internal project experience and anytime
feedback entries appear on the professional profile; edits and additions appear in all pre-existing talent
tasks and reports.
Depending on your configuration, professional profiles can include the following components:

 Experience: Workers can add experience directly on the profile or import experience from
LinkedIn, in addition to the external job history pulled in from Workday Talent Management.

 Education: Workers can add education directly on the profile or import education from LinkedIn,
in addition to the education pulled in from Workday Talent Management.

 Skills: Workers can add skills directly on the profile or import skills from LinkedIn. If you have
view permissions on the Worker Data: Skills security domain, the Find Workers by Skills faceted
search report automatically launches when you select a skill on a professional profile. Skills on
the professional profile are different from those added in Workday Talent Management.

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 Projects: Workers can add internal projects directly on the profile, in addition to those pulled in
from Workday Financial Management.

 Things in Common: Workers can see the schools, companies and skills they have in common
with colleagues when they view someone else's professional profile.

 Feedback: Workers can see feedback about themselves, while colleagues can view or give
feedback depending on security configuration.
It is easy to build your professional profile with the Import from LinkedIn option. This option enables you
to securely access your LinkedIn profile and select skills, education and work experience to copy to your
professional profile in Workday.
During the import process, Workday eliminates duplicate entries by matching existing entries with new
entries from LinkedIn; you select which entries are ultimately entered into your professional profile and
can add or update data that is missing or not mapped. Changes are not synchronized between Workday
and LinkedIn, but you can rerun the LinkedIn import any time to bring additional data into your
professional profile.

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A worker can manage their personal data through the All About Me landing page. Some data may be
changed directly by the employee without approval, whereas other components may require an approval
process. Data changes that are part of a business process can be configured for any level of approval or
oversight that you desire. Whether or not approval is required will be based on your policies and the
business processes configuration. Processes are generally in place for legal information that must be
verified. Examples are marital status, legal name and emergency contacts.

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Even if you're not using Workday Payroll there is certain payroll related functionality which you can use.
In the Pay Worklet, click the Withholding Elections action to enter either U.S. W-4 or Canada TD1
information. This is a business process, Payroll Payee Tax Data event that can include an approval step.
Employees can set up direct deposit using the Payment Elections task. You can set up multiple accounts
for direct deposit and a deposit can be divided between those accounts. In the Pay Worklet on the All
About Me landing page is the Payment Election hyperlink task which employees can select to set up their
All of this employee data is included in the Workday payroll interface extract for use by third parties. Like
the self service tax data functionality, this employee self service feature can be turned off by restricting
who can access the business process (Payment Election Enrollment event).

Direct deposit can be used with or without Workday Payroll, but along with the basic setup you will need
to set up integration with the financial institutions.

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Manager self-service puts the information managers need at their fingertips, giving them the ability to
more closely monitor and direct their team toward the strategic goals of the organization.

A manager has easy access to data and tasks related to their responsibilities through the My Team
landing page. Based on your business policies and procedures you may involve managers at different
levels; they may initiate a business process such as job change, approve it or simply get a notification
that it has been completed.

The My Team landing page is designed for managers. This page appears in the wheel format for quick
access to tasks and to view information on their direct reports.

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Each of the following icons provides access to a Worklet with actions and views related to a functional
area. Some of the more prominent icons are:

 My Team: This icon provides immediate access to your direct reports. You can click an
employee’s name to view their employment information and select hyperlinks to manager tasks
and views.

 Workfeed: Access your Workfeed for tasks and notifications. You may also use the Workfeed to
review your requests such as time off and expenses and to view the status of those requests.
You may delegate tasks delivered to your Workfeed from this menu.
 Process Status: The process status icon provides a snapshot of each of the business process
events that you have participated in as either a manager or as an employee.
Worklets can be added or removed as allowed by your organization. There may be required worklets and
some of the worklets shown may not be available to you, depending on the functionality enabled in your
Workday implementation.
Required worklets and default worklets are set up in the Tenant Setup page on the Worklet Landing
Pages tab.

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To help you keep track of important conversational details, Workday enables you (all employees) to take
personal notes about workers in the full browser application as well as the iPad app.
When viewing the worker you can click on the overview profile and then on Personal Notes in the
navigation ribbon where you can add, view, edit and delete personal notes that are visible only to you.

This feature is secured by the Worker Data: Personal Notes security domain. Workday recommends
adding permissions for the Contingent Worker as Self and Employee as Self security groups. To take
advantage of this feature you must also configure the worker profile to enable the personal notes tab.


Time Off and Absence Management have a high impact on employee/worker self service as well as
manager self service. Workers can request time off, view time off balances now and at any date in the
future (forecasting) and correct previously submitted time off requests. Managers can use the Time Off
and Leave Calendar to view time off, leaves or both for their direct reports, depending on domain
security. The calendar shows absences for one week at a time.
Job aids, ESS/MSS tool kits and other training related material should be considered if enabling Absence
Management for Leave and/or Time Off.

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Business Case: You have decided to rollout employee self service for leave, time off, payment elections,
federal tax elections and personal data maintenance. It seems pretty simple to you so you have decided
that your workers will need no job aids, training, pamphlets or other communication as to how to make
changes. To test that theory we are going to have you make changes without any job aids whatsoever.

1. Sign in as Keith Leonard and complete your Onboarding tasks (Hint: Getting Started can take you
2. Sign in as Jared Ellis and see what is going on this month at GMS. Then request two days off,
beginning exactly one month from today. Use whichever time off bucket has enough hours.
Complete all necessary approvals.
3. Sign in as Kelly Brown and change your home address. Note that this is a business process which
has been configured to have approvals.

4. Sign in as Jack Taylor and add/change your Federal withholding to Married but withhold at the higher
single rate and nine allowances effective one week from today.
5. As Jack Taylor configure your My Team landing page so that you have a Time Off worklet. Then
view the Time Off and Leave Calendar to see who on your team is out next month.
6. Stay signed in as Jack Taylor and answer the below questions about the My Team page:
a. Which icon opens the Worklet that gives a manager easy access to tasks like Create Position,
Hire and Create Applicant?

b. What are three actions you can take from the My Team Worklet?


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 Worker self service can be activated by you based on your business practices and what
product(s) you are implementing in your first phase.

 Worker self service may require additional approvals or reviews if the task is associated with a
business process.

 Training, job aids and manager and employee self service kits may be part of the answer when
deploying self service.


1. Name at least four worker self service tasks:


2. If a worker cannot add a new direct deposit, what might one of the reasons be?



1. What will be your Onboarding announcements?

2. What tasks will be a part of your Onboarding?

3. Where in the process do Workday accounts get created?

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Integrations are a fact of life. Every customer is going to have some integration needs of variable
complexity. Integrations are used to transport and transform data into Workday HCM from third party
applications such as those used for Talent Acquisition and Recruiting or to move data from Workday HCM
to third party applications such as Charles Schwab or Blue Cross. Workday has a library of configurable
integrations already built and ready for customer use. Workday provides tools and consulting services to
create tailored integrations or for customers to use to build their own integrations. Over 70% of
integrations, including most standard/common integrations can be built using Workday Report Writer
paired with an integration tool such as the EIB or RaaS.
High volume event transactions are used by the customer to mass load data into the Workday system.
Mass hires, terminations, leave of absences and position edits are just some of the many high volume
event transactions available to you. Using a Workday delivered template usually in the form of an .xml
spreadsheet, you can alleviate the need for direct online entry in the Workday system and can even skip
business processes if the high volume event is configured that way.

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:

 Web Services API

 Integration Tools

 Cloud Connect

 Custom Integrations/Workday Integration Studio

 User/Customer Built Integrations

 Defining High Volume Events

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The Workday Web Services API allows for programmatic access to Workday business services and data.
It enables IT professionals at the customer to create ‘do it yourself’ extensions and integrations. The API
provides the framework for all Workday I/O. The API has been developed to be a standards-based,
public web service, versioned for backwards compatibility and interoperable with middleware or
programming language of choice. The API is included with your Workday subscription and used by both
customers and Workday; integrations are built accessing this API.


These integration tools are designed to solve common integration use-cases. They enable the design,
build, and deployment of integrations without the Workday infrastructure. The tools leverage the web
services API and are used to create customer specific, build-to-suit integrations. The tools empower
other business users in addition to IT to solve integration problems. They are configurable, schedulable
and automatically upgraded from release to release.


Workday Cloud Connect includes packaged integrations and custom built-to-suit integrations in areas
such as Workday Payroll, Benefits, External Payroll, Security, Financials, etc. Each and every week new
integrations become available as part of the network. The five subcategories of packaged integrations
are Benefits Network, Payroll Network, HCM Network, Financials Network and Spend Network.

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Custom integrations are built, hosted and can be optionally maintained by Workday through extended
service plans. Unlike packaged integrations from the Workday Cloud Connect, however, they do require
redeployment for each new customer. These integrations tend to be more complex and may require
periodic maintenance.


User built integrations take advantage of Workday’s integration tools. These integrations are built using
Workday’s customer-facing, cloud-based integration tools. The two primary tools are the Enterprise
Interface Builder (EIB) and Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) and they are used to feed on premise and other
cloud solutions. These tools are often called ‘self service’ integrations since customers can build their
own integration scenarios through the standard Workday user interface. Workday’s custom report
creation tool, Report Writer, is often used for these integrations-paired with RaaS or EIB.


Used in complex integration scenarios is the Workday Integration Studio. Information as to how to
receive training for this application and its general availability can be found on the Workday Community.
The Workday Integration Cloud allows developers to develop, deploy and execute integrations between
Workday and third-party systems. It comprises the following components: Workday Studio IDE,
Integrations, Collections and the Repository, Workday Application and the Cloud Runtime. In the
Workday Studio IDE you create an assembly from a selection of re-usable components that include
transport, routing, configuration and mediation steps. You deploy the assembly to Workday as an
integration system, which then runs in Workday's cloud.
Although several simple integrations can be solved in Workday using the EIB, the Workday Studio is
needed for integrations that cannot be resolved using the EIB. For example, if a custom report result
contains thousands of rows, the large memory requirement on XSLT processing in the EIB can be
reduced by using features in Studio called Splitters and Aggregators. EIB is also limited to one data
source (for example, one custom report), one transformation and one destination (for example, an SFTP
server). Assemblies built in Studio do not impose these restrictions.
List the integrations that you are currently using in your legacy HR system:

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Does your company often make decisions that impact large groups of workers, creating the need to
process transactions for a large population? By using the Workday delivered spreadsheet templates for
business processes such as Hire and Terminate you can load data into the business process and either
run through that process or automatically complete it.
There are four steps to create and process a high volume event. Using Hire as an example, the steps are
as follows:

1. Set up the Hire EIB upload using the Create EIB task
2. Generate the Hire spreadsheet template
3. Prepare the Hire spreadsheet

a. Find reference ids using the Integration IDs report

4. Launch the Hire EIB upload with the spreadsheet attachment.

EIBs are defined using an intuitive Wizard-style interface in the application:

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EIBs support a number of security features, including PGP encryption and digital signatures. You can
also customize the inbound templates to reflect just the data that you want to load. You can track the
progress, status and results of EIBs in your process monitor. You can configure notifications on success
or failure.

EIB is deliberately simple. If your integration scenario involves multiple inputs, multiple outputs, complex
logic, multiple destinations, sophisticated error handling, looping, branching or other programming
features, then you should consider using Workday Studio.


For example, the following is a partial screenshot of the .xml EIB spreadsheet used for the High Volume
Hire event.

Understanding of the hire process and the required fields (both required by Workday and required by
your organization) is important in order to properly fill out the spreadsheet for loading.

How automated do you want the business process to be? Your answer to this question will determine
how the high volume event will be configured.

The levels of automation are as follows:

Level of Automation Description

Import data into Workday using EIB and specify automatic processing to
Full Automation complete the business process without requiring approvals and bypassing to
do tasks and notifications.

If you want business process participants to manually complete all review and
approval steps, as well as to do tasks and notifications, you can specify
Manual Processing manual processing for the entire business process and either import all of your
data into Workday using the EIB upload process or provide partial data in the
spreadsheet and enter the rest manually.

You can specify different levels of automation for the main business process
and each supported sub-process.
To require manual review and approval for some processes but not others,
Partial Automation select a mix of automatic and manual processing options. For example, in the
Hire process you might want to automate the Assign Organizations sub-
process while using approval workflow for the Propose Compensation sub-

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Delivered high volume events can be located in the Launch/Schedule Integrations task page. You must
use the delivered Workday spreadsheet; instructions on how to generate the forms from the Workday
system are available in the Workday Community. The URL below will link you to these instructions, as
well as instructions on all four steps of processing a high volume event.

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Business Case: Your instructor is going to create and launch a high volume event using a Hire EIB

1. Search for Launch/Schedule Integration in the search window
2. Find the High Volume Hire event
3. Schedule the event to run NOW

4. Under the (Attachment) Hire Employee Template row of the Integration Service Component
(Parameters) use the prompt box to select the Create step
5. Browse for the EIB spreadsheet on your desktop named ‘Hire Employee Workday Template’
6. Upload it

7. Ignore all other fields and run to upload the data-refresh till completed

8. Are there any errors? If so read the error report, if not, continue
9. Return to Logan’s My Workday page and notice the two new tasks in the Workfeed as a result of the
mass hire of the two workers

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 There are five subcategories of integrations in the Workday Integration Network.

 Integrations are built using the Workday web services API.

 Integration ‘self service’ tools are the Reports–as-a-Service (RaaS) and the Enterprise Interface
Builder (EIB).

 Most common use integrations can be built using Workday Report Writer paired with RaaS or the

 The Workday Studio is available to customers for designing and creating more complex


1. True or False: Most standard or common integrations can be built using Report Writer?

2. What is the main difference between packaged integrations and tailored integrations?

3. Give one example of an integration to Workday HCM and an integration from Workday HCM:

4. Why might you use the Integration Studio rather than the EIB to create a complex integration?


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Workday delivers several robust options for managing your data in the system.
The Workday Report Writer gives you the option of creating custom reports to meet your business
requirements. You may start with an existing report or you may create your own reports from the start.
Either way, the reports will adhere to your security configuration so you have the comfort of knowing that
critical data will not be exposed to those that should not have access.
With custom fields, you have the ability to create your own data elements that will allow you to store
critical information in Workday and then report on that information if you choose. These custom fields
will appear just as any other field in the system, will adhere to your security configuration and will be
available to you when creating condition rules and custom reports.

After reviewing this chapter, you should be familiar with the following:
 Creating a Report Writer report

 Understand Types of Reports Available

 Explain the Importance of Data Sources

 Be able to use Contextual Reporting Tools

 Identify Standard Reports and Copy to a Custom Report

 Creating custom objects and fields

 Understand the Trending report type

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Workday's custom reporting tool helps you to create reports that you can run directly from your home
page or from your favorite’s page. As with all Workday actionable reports, you can drill down on items to
obtain additional information and use related tasks to perform authorized actions on items within that
report. You can download the information generated to an Excel spreadsheet or to a PDF document.
Workday Report Writer can be used to create integrations or produce output for use in other applications
such as a csv or a flat file. Workday Report Writer can be used to create Worklets which can be
populated on your various landing pages to provide dynamically updated data available to upon sign on.

What you need to know about creating custom reports:

 Workday custom report writing tool.

 Access to custom reports is by the assignment of a user-based security group of Report Writer.

 You can copy some delivered reports.

 You can share custom reports with other users who have access to the data source designated in
the report definition.


When you want to write a report you must be assigned to the Report Writer user-based security group to
access the Report Writer definition pages. After you’ve created the report you will be the only person
that can see or run it. If you want other users to be able to run or modify a copy of the report then you
must share that report with other security groups or users.

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There are three methods of navigating to Workday’s Report Writer:

 Search: If the string “custom report” is entered into the search box, all of the tasks associated
with the report writer will be returned. Any other instance of the “custom report” string will also
be returned. The tasks associated with the report writer are: Copy Custom Report, Copy
Standard Report to Custom Report, Create Custom Report, Delete Custom Report, Edit Custom
Report, Run Custom Report and finally Transfer Ownership of Custom Report. Once you have
created a report you can find it by inputting a portion of the report name into the search box.

 Navigate Tab: The menu area within the navigate tab has a Report Writer option. Once the
Report Writer is selected, the tasks associated with the Report Writer are presented.

 Related Action Icon: It is important to remember that a report is an object. Once you find your
report it will be presented with a related action icon. The related action icon can then be used to
initiate the Report Writer tasks.

There are two general types of reports within Workday—standard reports and custom reports.

 Standard Report
o Standard reports are reports that come delivered with Workday. They are developed by
Workday and are delivered to all Workday customers. Depending on the reporting
requirements, standard reports may be defined using the Workday Report Writer or in
XpressO (Workday's internal development tool). Standard reports that were designed
using the Report Writer can be copied to create a custom report and then modified
according to your requirements.

 Custom Report
o Custom reports are designed and built by customers using the Workday Report Writer
tool. They can be created new or as a copy of another standard or custom report.

o Every custom report has a report owner, which is the user who originally created or
copied the report. This user is the only person who can make changes to the report
definition or share the report with other users. Only the report owner and the Setup
Administrator are allowed to transfer the ownership of a report from one user to another.
The most common reason to transfer ownership is when the owner of a report leaves the

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Report Writer provides six report types for creating custom reports and custom analytic solutions:

 Simple Report: Simple reports cannot be shared with other users. When you create a simple
report you will not have access to advanced filtering. Once a simple report is created it can be
converted to an advanced report.
 Advanced Report: Advanced reports can be shared with all authorized roles, certain authorized
roles or certain authorized users. They can be used as Worklets as well as enabled to be a web
service so that they can be accessed by other systems or third party applications. Advanced
reports have expanded filtering capabilities.
 Matrix Report: Summarizes numeric data by one or two fields that contain repeating values and
displays them in a matrix that can be rendered as a drillable table or chart. In addition to
allowing you to define the fields that comprise the detail drill down, matrix reports also provide
for filtering, run time prompts, Worklets and report sharing.

 Search Report: A search report displays search results based on values selected for facet filters
on the report.
 nBox Report: An nBox report counts data and displays the results in a two-dimensional matrix.

 Transposed Report: A transposed report interchanges the rows and corresponding columns on
the report.

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Even if the report is shared, this does not mean all users in Workday can run or even see the report. A
user must have at least one of the security groups associated with the data source that was used to
create the report. If you do not have any of those associated security groups then you will not be able to
see or access the report that someone else has written and subsequently shared.
Assuming that you do have one of the security groups associated with the data source, then you will see
the report name listed in the Custom Reports column of the Navigate > Favorites slide out. You can also
search for that report name in the search box and it will appear in the search results. Clicking on the
report name will cause it to run while clicking on it in the Business Data tab will take you to the report


These are the steps to creating a report in the Workday Report Writer:
1. Choose Report Type and Data Source
2. Select Objects and Fields

3. Order Columns
4. Sort Output
5. Define Filter Criteria

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The first and most important step in developing a custom report is choosing a data source. Each custom
report can have one data source. Each data source has a primary object as well as many secondary
objects that have a one-to-one (1:1) or a one-to-many (1:M) relationship to the primary object. The
result is that when you report against a particular data source the output will yield one instance (row) for
every instance of the primary object.

 Example: The All Active Employees data source will yield one instance of data for every
employee that is active. That is, unless another filter is built into the report definition.
Data sources are defined and delivered by Workday. A data source has a primary business object.
Workday delivers different data sources for the key primary business objects. The same primary
business object may be represented by more than one data source depending on filtering and security
groups required. Each data source associated with a primary business object has its own security.

The default prompt shows you the available data sources “By Category,” in which they are listed by
functional grouping. Another helpful prompt is "By Primary Business Object," which groups the data
sources by the types of objects they return.

A data source can be designed to return all instances of the primary business object (e.g. All Workers) or
it can have built-in filtering logic defined by Workday. If it has built-in filtering, the filter comparison
value(s) can either be built into the data source (e.g. All Active Employees) or designed so the user is
prompted for the comparison value when running the report (e.g. Employees by Organization, which
always prompts the user for an organization).
The access defined for a data source controls whether a user can create or run a custom report based on
that data source. Different data sources for a single primary business object may be delivered by
Workday to allow reporting on different sets of instances, based on the security access of the user. Only
data sources that are authorized for security groups to which you are assigned are displayed in the
prompt list.
If you need more information on a data source, you can click the related actions icon next to the data
source name in the Data Source report or just click the data source name to see its View Data Source
report. You can see a description of the data source, the name of the primary business object, the
prompts built into the data source, the security groups that can access the data source, the fields in the
primary business object and corresponding security groups that can access them.

 Example: The Worker business object may be associated with several data sources, which filter
the workers. The My Direct Reports data source is one of these. If you use the Workers for an
Organization and Subordinate Organization data source, the report requires you to specify the
organization when you run it. The data source filters the instances of worker while the business
object supplies fields such as name, address, ID and many more.

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In addition to text, date, currency, numeric and boolean type fields, a primary business object can
include one or more fields that represent related business objects. There are two types of fields that
describe the relationship a related business object has to the primary business object. They are single
instance and multi-instance field types. Single instance fields have a one-to-one relationship between the
primary business object and the related business object (e.g. an invoice is associated with only one
customer). Multi-instance fields have a one-to-many relationship between the primary business object
and the related business object (e.g. an employee can have many accomplishments).
Like data sources, report fields can also have access restrictions, although it is not required. If a field is
restricted, only users in the appropriate security groups can:
a. Access the field to use it in a report definition

b. See data in that field when running a report

Notice the relationships of objects to objects with the 1:1 and 1:M indicators above. The example shows
the All Active Employees data source which will return the Employee business object but only where the
filter conditions are met.

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Like a database table, each data source has many class report fields. Each class report field (CRF) is
accompanied by a field type icon. Their icons and definitions are as follows:

Icon Definition

Primary Object: This icon represents the primary object from the report data source. If this
field is placed onto the report the output will be represented as a hyperlink and be
accompanied with a related action icon. The object’s instance id will be passed through to
the XML output once the report is published as a web service. This is also referred to as a
self-referencing object.

1:M Object: Adding a CRF with this icon will produce output that could potentially contain a
list of values. It is also called a multi-instance or multi-value field. This type of output will
be hyperlinked and usually include an accompanying related action icon (unless security
offsets). The object’s instance id will be passed through to the XML output once the report
is published as a web service.

1:1 Object: Adding a CRF with this icon will produce output represented as a hyperlink and
usually include an accompanying related action icon (unless security offsets). The object’s
instance id will be passed through to the XML output once the report is published as a web

Currency Field: This type of CRF represents a currency field.

Boolean Field: This type of CRF represents a boolean or true/false field.

Date Field: This type of CRF represents a date field.

Numeric Field: This type of CRF represents a numeric field.

Text Field: This type of CRF represents a simple text field.

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Workday secures every report and every data source as a securable item in a security policy. In addition,
some fields within a data source may be secured separately. For example, a report that uses the All
Active and Terminated Workers data source might include the employee name field and the beneficiaries
field. Whoever can access the data source can access the employee name, but the beneficiaries field is
restricted to its own set of security groups. Those who can see the report cannot see the beneficiaries
unless they are also in a security group that is authorized to do so. Another example is managers who
can see their staff's names, but not their national ids.
Furthermore, there can be data sources or fields that are secured by role-based security groups, meaning
that viewers can see only the instances that pertain to their organization. For example, managers in
separate organizations might each see an employee report of the same name that uses the same data
source and fields, but they see instances of only employees in their respective organizations.

This security also works for reports that are shared. Sharing a report does not override report security,
so you can share a report only with those who are authorized to see it. You can share a report with
someone who can see the report but not necessarily all the same fields you can see.
Additionally, when you create a report, you can select only the fields to which you have access.
The Data Sources report shows which security groups have access to each data source. You can click a
data source to see the report fields associated with it and which security groups have access to each.

From the related actions icon off of a data source, access Security and then View Security to view the
domain security policy in which the functional area that the data source is part of is secured. The
information is also available from the preview, as shown above, and from the Data Sources report itself.

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Business Case: You have been asked to create an address change report for the payroll department
based on workers. The Payroll department needs to know when the address change happened, the pay
group and the name of the workers’ manager. You decide to see if an existing report will work rather
than create a new one.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Enter Workday Standard Reports in the search box

2. Run the report Workday Standard Reports

3. Choose the category Personal Data
4. Find the first report under the Personal Data category, it is called the Address Changes Report

5. Run the report by using the Related Actions icon off of the report and selecting Standard Report
and then Run
6. Use the date prompts of 1/1/2005 to present date and view the output

7. Does the output contain all the fields you were asked for?
8. What fields are missing?

9. From the Related Actions icon off of the Address Change Report choose Standard Report and then

10. Change the name of the newly copied report to Payroll Address Change
11. Click OK
12. Use a report tag of Payroll

13. Insert two rows after Legal Name – Social Suffix

14. Add Worker’s Manager to one of the fields and Pay Group to the other
15. Click OK to save and then Run the report

16. View the output of the report; is this what you were asked to deliver? Refer to the business case

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While not properly labeled as such, there are certain Workday features and reports that can be used to
enhance your knowledge of Report Writer and we have collectively labeled them as Reporting Tools for
the purposes of this guide.
Contextual reporting options can be used to create reports directly, enhance your knowledge of fields,
objects and data sources and detail existing reports that may be repurposed or customized.
From any object (an object appears as a link/url with a related actions icon next to it) you may select
Reporting from the related actions icon to view the three options shown in the picture below:

The first choice in the menu is: Create Custom Report from Here. This option can be used to create a
custom report writer report using this object (worker in this case) as the basis for available data sources
that contain this object. The display, when selecting Create Custom Report from Here is not particularly
user friendly and this is not the recommended way to create a report writer report. In particular, if the
object in question has a multitude of related objects, such as our example of the worker object.
This option is helpful, however, for assisting in determining the data source or sources you would want to
select when creating a report with this as the primary object.
It is also useful in viewing the number of related objects to a primary object. You will view all calculated
fields associated with the business object as well if you have access to those fields.

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Workday enables you to generate configurable alerts based on a custom report. You can configure alerts
to send relevant business information to users based on virtually any condition for which you can create a
report in Workday. You use Configure Alert task to tie together an alert with a custom report. The filter
criteria in the custom report should define the conditions on which you want to alert. The alert can be
set to run immediately, once at a specified date/time in the future, daily, weekly or monthly. At the
specified time, the alert is then sent to the target worker’s Workfeed.
You can easily pass report parameters to a configurable alert. Additionally, you can associate a Workday
task with an alert, giving alert recipients the ability to act immediately on the subject of the alert.

The benefit of configurable alerts is that users who receive such alerts do not have to manually look up
information or run a report to obtain the related information; it simply appears in the their Workfeed.
Some possible uses for these types of alerts are as follows:

 Key metrics reached or milestones met.

 Items overdue, like a project timesheet.

 Exceptions, like credit card transactions with no expense reports.

 Birthday and employment anniversary reminders to managers.

 Time off reminders to your team.


You can configure report parameters when creating alerts. This enables you to use any custom report as
the data source for an alert and to create multiple alerts from a single report by passing in different filter
and prompt values for different alerts.

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You have the ability to extend Workday business objects by creating custom fields and objects for your
tenant, so that you can persist and access data that is specific to your organization.
You can extend, or create custom objects, on the following business objects:

 Applicant

 Bank Account
 Job Profile

 Company
 Cost Center

 Customer
 Location
 Position Restriction

 Purchase Order

 Region

 Supervisory Organization
 Supplier

 Supplier Contract

 Worker: includes contingent worker, employee and implementer, but you cannot select these
objects individually

You can create up to 20 custom fields per business object. In order to create a custom object, you must
belong to a security group that is secured to the Custom Object Management security domain.
Custom fields can be used in both calculated fields and condition rules just as you would use Workday
delivered fields. You can use custom fields in all condition rules (including business process condition
rules) that can use calculated fields in their rule definitions.
Optionally, you can enable a custom object to have multiple instances; you can have up to 100 instances
of a custom object for each instance of a Workday business object. For example, if you create a
“certifications” custom object on the worker business object, you can store up to 100 certifications for
each worker.

A new task enables you to create custom field types. You can use custom field types to define fields
across any extendable business object.

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Workday also delivers the following standard custom field types:

 Boolean  Decimal
 Currency  Integer
 Date  Text

Once you have created a custom field type, you can then define a custom field of that type to use across
any extendable business object in Workday.
The new Create/Edit Custom Lists tasks enable you to create and edit your own custom lists of options
for your custom fields so that you can control the set of values that a custom field can contain.

Additionally, you can ensure that data entered for a custom field is valid by creating a validation rule
using Create Custom Object Validation Rule task. You can then link any rules you’ve created to the
custom object by using the Configure Custom Object Validations task. When selecting the condition
rule you’d like to use to evaluate the data for a specific custom object and custom field, you will also
have the ability to enter a custom validation message, specify the severity of the error and configure
whether the validation is evaluated immediately or after submitting.

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Custom objects are secured by the Custom Object Management security domain. This domain contains
users and groups allowed to view and modify custom object definitions for any object.
Workday manages security for custom objects and fields at the custom object level. All of the custom
fields associated with a custom object inherit the same security assigned to the custom object. Your
ability to view and modify a custom field depends upon your security access to the custom object.

You define the security policy on a custom object by securing the custom object to existing domains for
which you have enabled security policies. The union of all view, modify and integration permissions on
all of the security domains that secure the custom object control access to the view, modify, and
integration tasks on the custom object and its associated fields.

Integration permissions on the security domains control whether an integration can get or put data based
on the account that runs the integration. Your ability to build an integration is independent of integration
permissions on the domains to which the custom object is secured.

Inactivated custom fields are read-only and do not appear in view and edit tasks. You cannot inactivate
an entire custom object.

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You can view custom fields from the related actions menu on an instance of an extended business object.

You can also add an additional data page to any profile group using the Configure Profile Group task.
Once configured, you can view custom fields on the additional data page of the profile view for a worker,
job profile or position restriction.

You can only edit custom fields from the related actions menu on the extended business object. When
you edit a custom field, the edit takes place immediately.
To view or edit a custom field, you must have view or modify permissions to at least one of the security
domains to which the custom object that contains the custom field is secured. In addition, you cannot
display or edit inactive or deleted custom fields.
We deliver a new Delete Custom Object task to enable you to delete custom objects from Workday. You
can only delete custom objects if:

 No customer data has been stored in any of the custom object's custom fields at any point in
 None of the custom object's custom fields are used in a calculated field, condition rule or custom
Workday provides two new custom field reports:

1. The Custom Fields Status report enables you to quickly view all the custom fields that have been
defined for a business object.
2. View Custom Field Types report enables you to quickly view all the custom field types that have been
defined for a specific metadata type.
You can use the Edit Custom Object task to inactivate and reactivate custom fields.

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Business Case: For company conferences you need to track the dietary restrictions of your workers.
Rather than having to survey your workers before every conference, you decide to create a custom
object in the system to store this information in Workday.

Sign in as Logan McNeil


3. Navigate to the Create Custom Field Type task
4. Select List as your custom field type

5. In the custom field type name, enter Dietary Restrictions

6. Enter the following list value names as individual rows within the list:

a. None

b. Gluten Intolerant
c. Kosher
d. Lactose Intolerant

e. Pescatarian
f. Vegan
g. Vegetarian

7. Close OK and Close

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8. Navigate to the Create Custom Object task

9. Select Worker as the business object you wish to extend

10. Enter Dietary Restrictions as the custom object name

11. Review the general settings and click the double arrow on the right hand side of your screen to
advance to field definitions

12. Under Proposed fields, click the green + sign to add a row.
13. Enter Dietary Restrictions as your Field Label

14. In the Field Type prompt, select

Custom List -> Dietary Restrictions
15. You can leave Validations and Display Order blank

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16. Select the double arrow on the right hand side of your screen to advance to permissions.

17. Enter the following security domains to secure view, modify, and integration access to your new
custom object: Self Service: Personal Data and Worker Data: Personal Data
18. Click the double arrow on the right hand side of your screen to be taken to the Summary Editor

19. Review your work and click Finish

20. Click OK


21. From the related actions icon off of Jose Flores, go to:
Additional Data -> Edit

22. Select Dietary Restrictions as the custom object

23. Select Gluten Intolerant as Jose’s dietary restriction

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In Workday 19, we allow our customers the ability to trend up to 36 months of worker data, such as
headcount or hires, and generate charts and analytics based on this data.

We offer you ten delivered reports (to be used as examples) which you can pull in the system to both
view, and then edit and customize your own trending reports around subjects like headcount and

Worker Trending delivered reports:

 Headcount
o Headcount and FTE by Month
o Hire and Termination Counts by Quarter
 Turnover
o Hire and Termination Counts by Quarter
o Turnover Rate by Supervisory Hierarchy and Quarter
o Termination Count by Type by Quarter
o Termination Count by Performance Rating by Quarter
 Compensation
o Average Total Compensation by Country
o Average Compa-Ratio by Job Profile
 Other
o Span of Control By Quarter
o Worker Trending Audit

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Business Case: You would like to view average total compensation by country over each quarter.

Sign in as Logan McNeil

1. Search on and pull up the Average Total Comp by Compensation by Country and Quarter report
2. Use the report to answer the questions below.

What was the average total compensation in the Ireland in 2012 Q4? ____________
Is this higher or lower than the total compensation in Singapore at the same time?_________

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 Reviewed the steps in creating a report.

 Overviewed data sources and discussed the importance of them.

 Identified some contextual reporting tools.

 Reviewed Workday standard reports and demonstrated how to copy them to a custom report.
 Discussed security and how it is enforced in Report Writer.
 Reviewed the ten delivered trending reports.
 Reviewed and created custom objects and fields that will allow you to store critical business data
in Workday


1. You may create custom fields using several Workday business objects. What are they?
2. Name the output types available for Report Writer:

3. Accessing the system, list the data sources available for the primary business object of employee:
4. If you were a manager wanting to see only your own workers which data source(s) might you use?

5. Find a data source that has a built in prompt for date:


1. What standard reports will you utilize?

2. Do you need to create your own reports? If so, what kind? What information will they include?
3. What custom information will you need to capture? What Workday business object do you need to
extend to store this information?

4. Who has access to this custom information?

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Can you create a supervisory org without a location? How can I connect with other customers? What
help is available for rolling out self service? Is there more training I can attend?
As a new customer you have a lot of questions that need answers. This chapter will introduce you to the
resources that are available and give you the opportunity to try out a few things. The ability to get
information and connect with other customers will help you be successful during your deployment and
into post go-live.

• How to set up features

• Learn about Workday functionality

Workday Adoption Toolkit • Manager Self Service Kit

(WAT) • Employee Self Service Kit

• Connect with other customers

Workday Community
• Learn about updates and product information

• Sign up for training

• View on-demand learning

After reviewing this chapter you should be familiar with the following:
 Documentation
 Management Self Service (MSS) and Employee Self Service (ESS) Kits

 Workday Community

 Learning Management System

270 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Workday documentation is product documentation written by Workday's documentation team and
reviewed and approved by various members of Workday's development organization. This

documentation resource is available by simply clicking on the hyperlink located towards the
top of any page in Workday. You may refer to this standard material which is updated with each update
of the Workday system.

Workday documentation can be used to obtain information on some attributes of objects, system or
procedures. It is an organized collection of sections that describe the structure, purpose, operation,
maintenance and data requirements for Workday.
The Workday documentation is organized into the following major sections:

 What’s New (in the current update)  Manage Spend

 Getting Started with Workday  Manage Projects and Work
 Manage People  Grants Management
 Payroll for the U.S.  Manage Workday
 Payroll for Canada  Manage Custom Reports and
 Time Tracking
 Manage Integrations
 Manage Finance
 Mobile Solutions
 Budgetary Control and Commitment Accounting

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In addition, documentation is updated with each new release. Each section is updated and continues to
address topics that span the various areas of Workday, such as tenant setup, security, organizations and
business processes.

Click to see an HTML version formatted for printing. This link appears beneath
section titles, near the top but when you get to a specific page, it appears at the bottom of the page. If
you have a PDF printer driver, you can create your own PDF file of the printer-friendly version.
By default, access to the Workday documentation is granted to the All Users security group. However,
you can control who can access through the security domain Workday Documentation Link in the System
functional area.

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The Workday Adoption Toolkit is a collection of tools and resources designed to accelerate your Workday
roll-out and quickly train your end-users on Workday. Each kit provides customers with customizable
training materials (videos, frequently asked questions, facilitators guide, etc.) that can be used out of the
box with little customization or act as the cornerstone of a larger training development plan.
When you are preparing to go live with Workday, you may be wondering what part your managers or
employees will play and how you plan to bring all of your workers onboard. The Workday Knowledge
Management team has developed the WAT to facilitate your Workday deployment and enhance the
effectiveness of the Workday solution for your team.


Component Definition

The Facilitator Guide is a training manual template which can be the

basis for your organization’s instructor led training effort or as a user
Facilitator Guide
manual. The guide is designed in a modular format so that sections
can be easily removed without affecting the rest of the document.

Activity Workbook A companion set of sample activities for the Facilitator Guide.

Gleaned from our product expertise and classroom experience, the FAQ
Frequently Asked
contains visual step-by-step answers to the most frequently asked
Questions – FAQs
questions, from an employee or manager perspective.

Included in the kit are a collection of short, specific presentations of the

most common manager tasks in Workday. Published in SWF and EXE
format, they are ready for deployment in your environment to provide
Visual Demonstrations
training to distance learners and mobile users. Also included are the
original Adobe Captivate source files, for users who want to customize
the demonstrations.

Resources to help you tell your people about Workday. This folder
Messaging Materials contains sample documents, flyers, posters and graphics that can be
re-tooled for internal consumption.

This folder includes samples of training content created by Workday

using materials inside the ESS kit.

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Welcome to the Workday Community! There are tons of things to see and learn here and you should be
prepared to get involved. The strength of the Community is based on the strength of our customers,
partners and employees who all contribute to making this an open forum.
When you log in for the first time you may want to start by navigating to the Workday Community
Overview page to watch a six-minute introduction demo and the community policy document which
outlines basic reminders of security and online courtesy. To get to this page, click:

Getting Started > Workday Basics > Workday Community Overview

Now that you are in the Workday Community, what are some of the things you will want to do first?
Here's a quick check list:

 My Account: Tell us who you are. Click on your user name in the top right corner of any page.
Then click on the Edit tab to update your information including an optional photo, your company
affiliation and areas of expertise.

 Join a Group: Click on the Groups link under the Collaborate menu item on the navigation bar at
the of any page to see a list of all the public groups and select some to join and participate in.

 Upcoming Events: The Calendar lists all events, but check out the Upcoming Webinars section
on the Home page to find out what's coming up. It could be a Workgroup on Payroll
enhancements that asks for your thoughts or a "Coffee Break" session with HCM Product
Strategy that discusses the Workday development plans. This is your opportunity to connect
directly with Workday all year round.

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You have not gone live yet but you are wondering about how to get help once you are live, in production.
The Workday Customer Center is your support line. It is easy to access the Workday Customer Center
through the Workday Community by clicking on the Support link from the Updates menu on the
navigation bar at the top of any page.

Not everyone in your company or in the Workday Community will use the Support link; access is limited
to a designated support contact. This allows you to properly funnel support requests through those
responsible for logging possible issues. Links are available on this page if you have questions regarding

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The Brainstorm is all about customers: what you think, what you need and the direction you think the
Workday products should go. You can start by reviewing some of the brainstorm ideas that other
customers have already suggested and vote for the ones you consider high priorities for development.
Your vote counts! Workday's product managers and development take your priorities into consideration
for each and every update.

Search filters are available to help you find existing ideas. Search for Payroll or Talent, reports or
Benefits and check to see if someone has already identified a need of functionality that you are interested
in voting for or entering additional comments.

The Forum is a great place to share information, present questions and find links to documentation. To
find it, simply click on the Forum link from the Collaborate menu on the navigation bar at the top of any
page. The navigation bar is also where you'll find the Brainstorm, Groups, Library and Calendar.

There are two types of forums you can leverage:

 The Customer Forum: A general forum for discussions between Workday customers and
partners and the occasional Workday employee.

 The Developer Forum: A collaboration tool for people writing integrations and uploading
programs for Workday deployments. This forum tends to contain more technical information
than the Customer Forum.

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The Solution Catalog is a place for Community members to share different types of solutions they have
configured themselves. Some of the types of shared solutions are:

 Business Process Definitions

 Calculated Fields
 Report Definitions

 Studio Projects

The Solution Catalog is a great place to start when you need to create a complex report or integration,
but it is important to keep in mind that a solution that works for one customer may not work for you.
Always test in your sandbox first before deploying anything to your production environment!!

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The Training Catalog provides a list of current training offerings, including instructor led, virtual on-line
and on-demand recorded courses. In addition, you can find information on training rates, the Manager
and Employee Self Service Kits, free training videos about new features and contact information.

The Workday Training Catalog is grouped according to the phases of your deployment to make it easy for
you to find the right training at the right time. The groupings are:

 Workday Basics: Are you a new Workday user? This collection of courses will provide you with
the foundation you need to be familiar with the basic functions of Workday before you begin your

 Deploying Workday: As you begin to deploy Workday in your organization, this collection of
courses will provide you with the knowledge needed to be successful.

 Life in Production: Once you have successfully deployed Workday, where do you go from there?
This collection of courses will expose you to other aspects of Workday to maximize the full
potential of this powerful tool.
 Subscription Libraries: These On-Demand Education Libraries are subscription-based offerings
and are dispersed throughout the training catalog. These courses are a cost effective alternative
to traditional education delivery, providing access to training 24/7 from any computer. Created in
short, targeted segments, On-Demand Education is perfectly suited for system administrators
who need immediate access to specific training. To inquire about a subscription, email
[email protected].

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Workday has partnered with Cornerstone, a learning management SaaS provider to manage our training
delivery to you. Using the Workday Learning Center will make it easy for you to find, access and
complete the Workday training you and your team needs to be successful in your roles.
Our Learning Management System (LMS) gives you the ability to do the following and more:

 Enroll in training
 Access recorded on-demand training

 View your student training history

 Sign up for a recommended training track
 Get information about new training offerings
Access to the LMS is managed through your organization's training coordinator. If you do not know who
your training coordinator is, email [email protected].

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 Remember that you can access the Workday documentation to obtain information on some
attributes of objects, system or procedures.

 In addition, documentation is organized into a collection of sections that describe the structure,
purpose, operation, maintenance and data requirements for Workday.

 MSS/ESS kits are a great resource to help with the change management of your organization.
 After joining the community, users should update their profile, join some groups and check out
the upcoming events.

 The Brainstorm in the Workday Community is one of the most popular customer tools and can be
used to search for functionality enhancement requests that have already been created, vote for
requests about which you feel strongly and add your comments.

 The Workday Community includes links to product support and Workday training.

 Workday's Learning Management System contains all Workday training content for a "one stop
shop" experience.


1. Can you determine who has access to the Documentation link?

2. Name one component of either the MSS or ESS Kits:

3. True or False: The Workday Community is designed as a tool for Workday development.

4. What is the best way to get development to make one new feature or enhancement a high priority?
a. Check out Brainstorm and vote for everything.

b. Check out Brainstorm and vote only for what matters most to you.
c. Check out Brainstorm and make a comment on a request with details on your business
d. Check out your horoscope and find out if development is in your future.

280 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

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Stay in-touch and connected with your business and your team while on the move with Workday for iPad.
Filter your personal activity streams including to dos, notifications, alerts and approvals. Navigate the
organization using Workday's unique organizational swirl to explore the organizational structure and drill
in on an individual worker’s profile. Get insight into how the business is running with interactive analytics
on Workforce Planning, Compensation and Talent Management. Drill down to analyze by different
dimensions or inspect transaction level details. Users also can create custom reports for the iPad.

© 2013 Workday, Inc. 281

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The following Workfeed content types are available on the iPad:
 Business process approvals

 Business process to dos

 Business process notifications

 Alerts for birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming time off and other custom alerts
When you select Workfeed from the home page of Workday for iPad, you are initially presented with a
compact view of the Workfeed. However, you can maximize the Workfeed display by touching any item
in the compact view or touching the expand button. As with the full desktop browser version of Workday,
you can use the Workfeed on Workday for iPad to:

 Make decisions to approve, deny or send back business process items. Your actions are recorded
instantly by Workday, just as if you were using a full desktop browser.
 Mark notifications as "read". Simply touch the Workfeed's refresh button to see your changes.

 Filter the Workfeed with the same filters available to you in the full desktop browser version of
Workday, including favorites


The dashboard landing pages available in Workday are available on the iPad:
 Talent Management

 Compensation and Benefits

 Workforce Planning
 Financials

The dashboards can display Workday-delivered or custom Worklets. Charts are highly interactive,
enabling you to drill down, display legend information directly on charts by touching the legend icons and
toggle between table and chart views (in the table view, you can drill on totals). If you perform a series
of drill downs, your recent drill down windows are shown in a reduced size on the left side of the current
chart when in landscape mode (or at the bottom when in portrait mode), making it easy to see related
charts and maximize them again if you'd like.

You also have the ability to comment on charts by touching the annotate button. You then can email the
annotated chart to other individuals directly from the chart view.
Other actions you can take with charts include:

 Rotate pie charts and drill down on any segment of the chart.
 View any analytic indicators that are part of a worklet.
Exclusively for Workday for iPad, we deliver a Team Profile for managers that includes an actionable
display of the team members and a calendar, as well as configurable compensation, talent and stats

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reporting tabs. We deliver the Team profile with several new standard reports. Like other profiles, this
new composite view can be configured using the Configure Profile Groups tasks.
With the Team profile, managers have convenient views and access to:

 A Team profile group that Workday delivers preconfigured with worker cards for each team
member. From here, managers have convenient access to all their direct reports, including
navigation to individual worker profiles as well as selected actions, such as feedback, notes, and

 A consolidated Calendar view of birthdays, anniversaries, leave events, and time off.
 3 configurable team analytic profile groups: Stats, Compensation, and Talent & Performance.

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Now you can set it up so that Workday can push your Workfeed update notifications to both your iPad
and iPhone. These notifications can be sent to your devices even if you are not signed into Workday.
As long as your Workday tenant is enabled for this, you can sign in and associate your device with your
Workday user account. If you do not want to receive notifications when you are signed out of Workday
you must select “Don’t Allow” right after associating your device with your user account. To stop
receiving push notifications you must use the app settings to turn off this feature.


The directory search provides quick access to worker data in the Workday directory, while the
organization swirl introduces a highly interactive way to navigate your supervisory organizations. This
display leverages the size and unique characteristics of the iPad device, making it simpler and more
efficient to navigate organizations. In addition, you can:

 Expand organization levels by touching the photo associated with a manager. If the worker's
photo appears to have a stack of additional photos beneath it, then you can expand their
organization to see the workers within it.

 Create a new email addressed to the user whose email address you touch.

 Map a user's location by touching their address.

 Automatically transfer a worker's contact information from Workday into your iPad's contacts

 Expand the view of a worker to see additional details about their current job, compensation and
job history, as well as talent data.

 Return to the Workday home page by touching the Workday logo at the top of the Workday for
iPad app.

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Follow the instructions below to install and configure Workday for iPad:

1. Install the Workday for iPad application from the Apple App Store or directly from your phone using
the App Store icon.
2. Launch the iPad's Settings application. Scroll down and touch Workday to open the Workday
settings, where you can configure the service's web address and your tenant.

a. The web address defaults to, which is used for production tenants.
You can change this for testing other environments like Sandbox.
b. Enter your Tenant name. If you don't know it, simply follow the instructions on iPad.

3. Launch Workday for iPad and sign-in with your normal Workday user name and password.

There are several considerations to keep in mind when developing custom reports and Worklets that
might be accessed via Workday for iPad.

Configuration considerations for the iPad include the following:

 To configure the iPad in your tenant, you must belong to a security group that can:

 Configure security
 Access tenant setup tasks

 Author and configure custom reports (if you are going to use custom reports)

 Access to Workday for iPad content is controlled by the Mobile Usage-iPad security domain, and
its sub-domain:

 Workfeed – iPad: This sub-domain specifically controls access to the Workfeed on the iPad.

 Access to the organization swirl is controlled by the Report: Navigate Organization domain.

 Access to the dashboards is controlled by the Worklet: Dashboard domain and its associated sub-
domains. This is the same domain that controls access to the dashboards in the full desktop
browser application. Therefore you will have exactly the same access to dashboards on the iPad
as you do when you access Workday via a desktop browser. The sub-domains of the Worklet:
Dashboard domain control access to the dashboards:

 Management Dashboard: Talent Management

 Management Dashboard: Compensation and Benefits

 Management Dashboard: Financials

 Management Dashboard: Workforce Planning

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Workday provides mobile solutions for:
 iPhones and iPads with our native iOS apps: Workday for iPhone and Workday for iPad

 Devices run on the Android platform

 BlackBerrys with a BlackBerry application that provides an icon to launch the Workday Mobile
Web (basic website)
Features are streamlined and optimized for mobile devices. All features are delivered in English only.
Some features include functionality exclusive to mobile devices, while others do not include all of the
detail or functionality of the feature in the Workday browser application.
Below is a chart that shows what features are available for different mobile solutions.

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1. True or False: Search allows you to use partial searches, abbreviations and misspelled words.
2. There are four landing pages. Which one is designed specifically with managers in mind?
3. What is the primary organization type within Workday HCM?

4. How many organizations are allowed in Workday?

5. True or False: You cannot hire into a supervisory organization prior to the organization availability

6. Which of the following is NOT a reorganization task
a. Inactivate Organization

b. Create Superior
c. Create Subordinate

d. Move Workers

e. Divide Organization
7. Name two Workday delivered organization types other than supervisory.


8. How do you find a list of all the prefixes in the system?

9. What are the three staffing models and which of the three allows for the use of the job requisition
10. What two fields are required when creating a job profile?

11. Which staffing model does each of the supervisory organizations you created have?

12. Did we make hiring restrictions for the supervisory organization Course Development? If yes, what
were they?


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1. True or False: Once you close a position you can easily re-open it.
2. True or False: A job profile must have a one to one relationship to a position.
3. What must you do if you choose to have no hiring restrictions on a position/headcount/job?

4. What are two of the seven compensation adjustment processes that can be initiated?
5. Name two types of compensation plans.

6. Workday has divided the system into securable parts called ___________ and then divided that even
further into _________ and ____________.


7. Navigate to the domain security policies for the functional area of "Staffing." What is the one
securable action in the "Set Up: Staffing Model" domain?

8. Find the compensation grade "Management." What is the Minimum and Segment 4 Top for China
(give answer in USD).


9. List at least three business processes you will use in Workday HCM:
10. What is the name of the task you must perform after making any changes to security?


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Business Case: You will use the next 2 ½ - 3 hours exploring Workday without step by step instructions.
Below are some guidelines. Write out what you want your structure to look like before creating it in the
system. Read through the entire activity before starting. These are not step by step instructions as you
have been accustomed to. Please read through the entire activity and then begin.
Once the entire class has finished, your instructor will lead a review session for this lab.

Helpful hints before you start:

 Locations need to be created before the organizations can be created.

 Salary plan, allowance plan, and grades need to be created before the package is created.

To start, you will first want to login as Logan McNeil.


Create the supervisory organization hierarchy for Acme Textiles in Workday:
1. Create a location as a business site with the following address and phone numbers:
a. 333 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071

b. Phone: 213-617-4444, fax 213-617-5555

2. Create a supervisory organization hierarchy using the staffing model of position management (hint:
you will need to use a reorganization event for this).

a. Acme Textiles is the superior supervisory organization.

b. Make sure you assign the supervisory organization roles before you save (you can look in the
guide to see what nine roles you should assign).

c. Assign Logan McNeil to all of the roles.

d. Create the supervisory organization Production Operations as subordinate to Acme Textiles.
e. The Manufacturing supervisory organization should also be subordinate to Acme Textiles.

1. Create a Job Profile = “C-level” and use when creating positions within the Acme Textiles supervisory
2. Create a Production Manager job profile.

NOTE: Do not put these job profiles in a job family unless you have created a job family.

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1. Create positions within the organizations (this is a BP and will require approvals)

a. Create a C-Level position in the Acme Textiles supervisory organization using the hiring restriction
of the C-Level job profile and any other restrictions you choose.
b. Create a Production Manager position in the Acme Textiles Organization using the Production
Manager job profile and any other restrictions you choose.

1. Create a compensation package and all compensation components within the package
a. Create a compensation eligibility rule using the job profiles you created as eligibility criteria and
use it at all levels of compensation, with the exception of the grade profile.

b. Compensation Package: For your Acme employees (remember to take note of the hint written at
the beginning of the lab)
c. Grade (currency USD and Annual Frequency)

 Min = 100,000 / Max = 200,000

d. Grade Profile (for Paris location, currency EUR and annual frequency)

 Min = 52,000 / Max = 90,000

e. Salary Plan: Use a base pay component
f. Allowance Plan: $100 per month as a car allowance

You will now configure a hire BP for Acme Textiles. Before you begin, take a moment to think of some
steps and condition rules that you think your enterprise will use once live with Workday. Feel free to use
the system and your guide as a reference. Below, list at least five steps as well as two condition rules
you think your enterprise will utilize.

1. Steps:

a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________________

e. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Conditions:

a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________

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Once your supervisory structure has been created, your profile and positions made, your compensation
components, package and rules created, navigate to your Acme textiles supervisory organization. Use
the related action to create a new definition for hire.
Business Process > Create, Copy or Link Definition
Select the business process type of Hire and then click OK.
You will now be in edit mode and can configure your business process.
Your hire definition needs to have at least five steps (one of which needs to be a to do step and one a
service step), two condition rules and one notification. Make sure you assign your steps to security
groups that you have supporting your organization.
Once you have created your hire definition you can continue with the steps below.

Run the All Applicants for Contract/Hire report. Pick one of those applicants to hire into either of the
positions you just created. Work through the Hire business process. Remember to check the status of
the process to see what the next awaiting action is.

When it comes to propose compensation, confirm the package you created has defaulted and enter the
salary amount.

You will need to sign in as several other people during the hire process. The user
name will always utilize the same naming convention that we have used in class and
the password will be the same as well.

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Run a few of the below reports:

 Termination Details: View a detailed list of terminated workers in one or more organizations.
Enables you to analyze turnover by organization and to view termination data for regulatory
reporting. Details include each worker's hire date and termination date, length of service,
termination category and reason, cost center, manager and compensation.

 Headcount Report: View a list of worker headcount in an organization. Enables you to drill down
on the numbers to create summarizations by category. Details include summary counts of
workers, positions, hours and jobs.

 Turnover Summary: View a summary of employee attrition in an organization for a given time
period or date range. Details include starting and ending headcount, total terminations, total
turnover percentage and a breakdown of voluntary and involuntary totals and percentages.
Enables you to view and analyze turnover statistics by date. You can also perform related
actions on the numbers to create data summaries, such as headcount by ethnicity or
terminations by location.

 View Open Positions: View a summary of open positions in an organization. Enables you to
audit the total number of available positions and hours, as well as the number of applicants for
each position. Details include the organization, manager, position group, earliest hire date,
position count and number of applicants. If the organization uses headcount management, the
number of available hours is also displayed.
 Benefit Events Status Report: View workers with benefit events and their status. Details include:
the benefit event type, event date, initiation date and submission date. Enables you to manage
benefit events on a day-to-day basis. On this report there is also a link to enroll workers in their
benefit elections or to cancel the benefit event.

Find the business process for Terminate (default definition) as well as the business process for Hire
(default definition). Look at the business process security policy and answer the below questions:

1. Who can start the business process?

2. Who can do action steps in the business process?
3. What is the functional area of this business process policy?


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Run the Business Process Configuration report for the Hire business process. Answer the following
1. True or False: You can add the action of Request Budget Approval at any time during hire process.
2. True or False: The Propose Base Pay task does not initiate a sub-process.

3. True or False: You can only approve or deny from the Request One Time Payment action.

4. What review action must be completed before the completion step?


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This is a high level look at Workday’s deployment process. It is Workday’s goal to deploy customers as
quickly and effectively as possible using as many features and functionality as possible without sacrificing
customer satisfaction.

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Workday deployments follow the Workday Accelerated Deployment Methodology. This proven, rapid
methodology is based on years of experience deploying our products and was built specifically for our
Software as a Service (SaaS)-based delivery model.


Workday’s methodology is based on key stages and phases throughout a deployment. There are five
stages with the following key objectives:

 Plan Stage: Set the overall project direction and administration while setting customer

 Architect Stage: Analyze customer requirements and business processes by leveraging

Workday's optimized configurations as a starting point.

 Configure and Prototype Stage: Provide an iterative approach to configuring Workday based on
the customer's needs.

 Test Stage: Validate configuration decisions and system and user readiness.

 Deploy Stage: Effectively transition customer to Production Support and Optimization Services.
Phases typically represent the deployment of net new product lines, like HCM, Payroll and Financials, as
opposed to just rolling out additional product functions. For example, Phase One may consist of core HR,
Benefits and Manager Self Service. Phase Two may include the deployment of Financials. Phases are
determined initially in the Statement of Work, but are revisited for accuracy and approach during the Plan
stage of a deployment. The stages of the methodology should remain the same regardless of phase.

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The tables below show several tips and shortcuts that you may find useful when working in the Workday

Search Prefixes & Tips

Use “?” to see a list of search prefixes

Search with a prefix to restrict the search results (ex: bp:hire)

Search history: previous ten searches kept during login session

Use smart search techniques (using multiple separate character strings)

General Keyboard Shortcuts

Copy Text CTRL+C (works on any text you can highlight)

Cut Text CTRL+X (works in any field in which you can enter text)

Paste Text CTRL+V (works in any field in which you can enter text)

Use your mouse scroll wheel as a shortcut (it scrolls the active
Scroll Up or Down
scroll bar, when there is more than one)

Application Search

Move Focus to Search CTRL + ENTER (not available on edit pages)

Close Search Results ESC or UP ARROW

Re-Open Search Results DOWN ARROW



Previous Tab LEFT ARROW

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Move to Next Cell TAB

Move to Previous Cell SHIFT + TAB

ENTER (Does not work if the control that is inside the current
Move to Next Row
cell handles itself)

SHIFT + ENTER (Does not work if the control that is inside the
Move to Previous Row
current cell handles itself)

Promptable Fields

Search ENTER or TAB (after entering search text)

Open Prompt Normally ENTER (with no search text)

Prompt Lists


Previous List LEFT ARROW

Next Item in List DOWN ARROW

Previous Item in List UP ARROW

Select Multiple Items in List SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
(When Allowed) SHIFT+HOME

Select All Items in List

(When Allowed)

Select Item(S) in List SPACEBAR, ENTER

Dismiss Prompt ESC

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Use the tab key to move from field to field on the page. When the focus gets to a button, use the
spacebar to trigger the button.

Radio Buttons

Next Radio Button DOWN ARROW

Previous Radio Button UP ARROW

Select Active Radio Button SPACEBAR


Hyperlinks appear as blue text and become underlined when you rest the pointer on them.

Clicking a hyperlink displays a new page showing details about that item.

You can view more detail about aggregate numbers in reports and Worklets by clicking the hyperlink
for a sum, average or count value. Workday displays a secondary window with details about the
selected number. The drill down functionality also allows you to view data by dimension. Objects in
the drill down window have related actions menus that enable additional actions.

When you right-click on some hyperlinks, including the related actions menu, you get a menu of
options such as export to excel, see in new window, copy url and others. The menu varies depending
on the nature of the link. The see in new window option opens the target page in a new browser
window and is available when the link takes you to a view page. You can open up to six new windows
this way.

Set Favorites

You can designate any task, report, view or business object (organization, employee, position and so
on) as a favorite. Favorites then appear on your favorites page so you don't have to search for them
each time you want to access them.

You access your favorite items on the favorites tab in the navigate slide-out tab. Favorites are also
available as a Worklet on the My Workday landing page.

To add items to your favorites, click Manage Favorites on the favorites tab. To add a business object
to favorites, find the object and select Favorite > Add from the related actions menu.

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Set Preferences

Access your user preferences by selecting My Account > Change Preferences from the related actions
menu on your worker page. You can use this task to:
 Set your preferred locale
 Enable or disable the preferred currency reference view (if enabled by your organization)
 Set your preferred currency
 Set the number of rows to display in Inbox slide-out tabs
 Set the number of days to leave completed tasks in the My Requests tab
 Set your preference for whether to generate email alerts for business processes and

Note: If your organization has enabled the Currency Reference View, you will see the Enable Preferred
Currency Reference View option. Enabling this view results in the simultaneous display of both the
foreign currency value and your preferred currency value for certain currency fields in Workday
delivered reports. Setting your preferred currency makes your preferred currency available for display
in other cases in which the "user's preferred currency" field is used (typically within custom reports).

Managing Worklets

You can configure the actions and reports that a Worklet shows by following these steps:
 Access the Configure Worklet task.
 Select the Worklet you want to configure. You can configure only the new navigational
Worklets for the My Team and All About Me pages.

In the actions area, custom reports area or system reports area, click the plus icon to add another
entry. Only actions that are allowed for this Worklet appear for the actions and system reports.

Note: You can add a link to any custom reports you have created.

Use the arrow icons to move the selected items to the desired order.

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Configure Landing Pages

You can specify your Worklet preferences for your My Workday, All About Me and My Team landing
pages. You cannot change your required Worklets. However, you can add or delete optional Worklets
and change the order in which they appear, as follows:
 From the My Workday, All About Me, or My Team landing page, click the Configure This Page
link at the bottom of the page.
 Click the “+” sign to add a new row or click "x" to delete an existing row. Each row
corresponds to a single Worklet. If adding a row, click the search prompt button to the right of
the empty row and select a Worklet from the list of optional Worklets presented.
 Use the up and down arrows next to the "+" and "x" signs to move the currently selected row
up or down. Doing so changes the position of the corresponding Worklet on the page.
 Click OK to confirm the selection of Worklets.

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