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Boiler design & firing systems

gas fired boiler
coal fired boiler
biomass fired boiler
refuse fired boiler
vibrating grate

Renewable energies
solar thermal applications

ip tube
What is ip tube?
ip tube and applications
ip tube offshore
Fuel References Fuel spectrum

_.. Coal/coke/peat 651
_.. Waste arisings 603 Domestic waste, hazardous
waste, sewage sluge, landfill
gas, sulphite
_.. Waste heat 31
341 Timber, used wood, ground-
nut shells, bark, bagasse, rice
husk, straw, olive stones, bio-
gas, palm residue, palm oil,
grinding dust
266 Various Fuels

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ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH and LaMont GmbH offer a broad spectrum of calculations for boiler construction.
These calculations are carried out using both in-house software (for thermal calculation, water circulation)
and commercial products.

Thermal calculation Water circulation

~ Thermal calculation of new boiler projects ~ Flow calculations for Eckrohr boilers, two-drum boi-
lers, and also forced circulation systems (e.g. hot wa-
~ Thermal review of boiler modifications, up-scaling
ter units, La Mont boilers)
fuel switch or adjustment and boiler damage
~ calculation of new boiler projects
Strength analysis
~ Recalculation of existing systems to increase output
~ Strengthcalculations for pressure vessels based on and identification of failures induced by water flow
conventional standards (AD/TRD, ASME, Germanischer
Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas)
~ Interna! pressure calculations Flow simulation
~ Structural
strength parameters, including wind and
~ cFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculations for
earthquake resistance
boiler systems
~ FEM calculations for specialized situations
~ Flow and combustion simulation, including analysis of
slagging and fouling

FEM strength simulation CFD simulation of a boiler Detailing for tube bend-out
for excentric joint fired by wood waste at secondary air nozzles

Engineering & Design Project co-ordination

„ Plant planning and design „ Project development support
„ Technical drawings for workshops Expertise
„ Process monitoring
„ Overall plant assessment
„ Assembly schedules and supervision
„ Residual lifetime appraisal for therma l systems
„ Serial boiler design
„ Comparative evaluation of commercial and technolo-
Measurements gical viability
„ Plant availability improvements
„ Distribution of flu e gas temperature, velocity an com-
position (CO, C0 2, NOx, 0 2, H2S, 50 2), particle concen- „ Renewal strategies for existing plants
trations „ Expertise and mediation in lega l disputes
„ Membrane wall temperatures „ Analysis of corrosion and fouling in boiler systems
„ Water velocities

Expertise Engineering Measurements

Technical calculations Project co-ordination Engineering design

Water circulation
Thermal calculations Flow simulation Strength analysis

Our activity as a company essentially breaks down Our Engineering department provides services to
into two lines of service. On the licensing side, we manufacturers and operators alike. We offer plant
issue global licences for the use of our know-how design and implementation, detail engineering,
to reputed boiler manufacturers. re-engineering, technical calculations, structural
design, measurements and expertise.

Licensing Engineering services

ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH issues world-wide know- Our comprehensive range of interdisciplinary and
how licences to reputed boiler manufacturers. on-partisan engineering services primarily tagets
The licence agreement assures technical back up sectors where the traditional "Made in Berlin" boi-
to our licensees, enabling manufacturers to pro- ler strategy has already proved its mettle.
duce Eckrohrboilers in compliance with the latest
technical standards. Our service range is not confined to boilers but
covers the full spectrum of plant installations rela-
ting to energy technology.
Heat exchanger
in off-shore
The ip tube technology can also be used in tasks involving sea water for cooling. In off-shore marine ap-
plications the benefits of more efficient devices come directly into play when compared with traditional
designs. Devices with ip tube technology require less space and are not as heavy, both key factors at sea. In
addition, there is the possibility of replacing already installed non-optimized modules of heat exchangers
with ip tube optimized heat exchangers, to achieve a significant increase in performance.

Operation example: Heat exchanger for an improved engine cooling circuit, cooled by sea water.
II> Power: 300 kW
II> Operating conditions: low-temperature field (up to 95 °()
II> Pressure: 50 bar

The aim was to replace plain tubes with ip tube The La Mont solution included the following steps:
whilst retaining the same dimension. Normally ip
tube possess a larger outer diameter compared to
II> Replacing the plain tubes with ip tube of the
the original plain tubes, which therefore caused a
same dimensions
problem in manufacturing. Our new ip tube struc-
tures solved this problem as weil as achieving the 11> Developing of a new ip tube structure without
required pressure drop. widening the outer diameter, for the common
After the tube bundle was delievered, the client manufacturing and baffle plate openings
performed measurements of heat capacity and 11> Manufacturing and delivering of the tube
pressure drop for ip tube solution as weil as for the bundle
plain tube solution. The 20 % enhancement in the
heat transfer coefficient is accompanied by-17 %
increase in the tube side pressure drop and no
measureable increase in shell side pressure drop.
La Mont has been through numerous different stages of developement and testing with the ip tube tech-
nology. A unique testing facillty solely for ip tube has been set up. Simulatons on single tubes and com-
plete units have taken place and prototypes have been developed in conjunction with different clients.
All this data then provides an accurate basis for the selection of the ideal tube st ructure for the various
applications - for example, gas/gas, fluid/gas and fluid/fluid heat exchangers.

Heat exchanger for hot water

The provision of hot water for lndustry and house-
holds for heating as weil as industrlal process
streams, represents an essential aspect in the
• supply of energy. Possible energy sources for heat
exchange that can be used with ip tube technolo-
gy include condensed or superheated steam, hot
(exhaust gases) and llqulds of higher temperature
levels. To date, lp tube heat exchangers have been
Operation example: The ip tube exhaust hea-
successfully used to produce hot water and result
in the generation of between 360kW and 1.6MW texchanger AWÜ 1,600 was integrated into a local
ofpower. heating circuit and served to raise the return tem-
perature from 60 °C to a flow temperature of 90 °C.
„ Power: 1,56 MW Hot exhaust gas, produced from the natural gas fi-
„ Material: stainless steel red furnaces of a slaughterhouse supplied the heat
„ Welght: ca. 4,000 kg energy needed to raise the temperature to approxi-
„ Operating pressure:
max. 5 barg matel~ 450 °c.

Gas-gas heat exchanger

The gas-gas heat exchange is a very well-known
application for the use of ip tube technology. With
gas temperatures above 600 °C, the optimised
lead of flow in and around the structured tubes
causes a high increase in the heat exchange capa-
bility.Current working units achieve a power ran-
ge of 36 kW up to 1 MW and more.

Operation example: Thermal oxidisers are very

common in many chemical plants and are used
to destroy hazardous components from industri-
al air streams, to ensure that the correct air purity
levels regulated by law, are acheived. The exhaust
11> Power: 1,031 kW
air is initially preheated with the purified air in an
ip tube heat exchanger. Then using an auxiliary 11> Efficiency: 79.8 %
firing system it is oxidized within the combusti- 11> Pressure drop exhaust air & purified air: 23 mbar
on chamber at temperatures of up to 900 °C. The 11> No baffles for perfect counter flow
main benefit of the new system is that there is no 11> High transfer coefficient
need for a system shut down during the first 6
11> High efficiency
months. This is due to the constantly high efficien-
cy and because there is no problem with the drop
in pressure.
t~ la mont
engineering services

The use of ip tube technology as a replacement for conventional tubes in power plants and boilers leads to
significantly more efficient components, as well as considerable savings in space and material.

Recuperators are used for the creation of steam
or hot water and are essential for power plants as
well as plants in the chemical and petrochemical

~·~ ...

.,. Example:
~! ~ ip tube recuperator at the back of a gas turbine
' rry~
from a power plant. This example is based on
the following data:
A comparison of two recuperators with .,,. thermal power 5.1 MW
ip tubes (left) and plain tu bes (right) .,,. pressure 10.5 bar

Fire tube boiler Gas to gas heat exchanger

Due to a more efficient heat exchange, ip tube ip tube air preheater tubes do not need to have
lengths can be up to 40 percent shorter than tradi- a cross flow arrangement - they can be designed
tional plain tubes. A reduction in the tube length in a longitudinal flow. In that way the contact sur-
also creates a more compact boiler which results face for abrasive particles is minimized. The tube
in an overall higher operational pressure. lt also structure produces tangential and radial mixing
means that there is a significant reduction in the motions. Due to th is turbulent flow and the per-
reliance on the containment of the exhaust gases manent mixing, the fouling is reduced or can even
be stopped completely. lt can therefore be said
that ip tube-technology offers new solutions for
products, the design of which, was up until now
considered perfected and exhausted.

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' tU' 1

Modern manufacturing technology, innovative
products, and skilled staff are essential in remai-
ning competitive in a globalised economy.

La Mont GmbH has developed and patented a

tube technology - industrial power tubes (ip
tube) - with unique features that provide a techni-
cally (compact, light, reduced fouling) and com-
mercially optimised (CapEx, OpEx) heat exchan-
From left to right: plain tubes with several
ip tube shapes
What is ip tube?
ip tube technology allows the walls of conventio-
nal steel tubes to be specially formed to increase
the heat-transfer coefficient by a factor of 2 to 3
compared with plain tubes.
The fluid mechanics are the most important mo-
dification. The dimples change the layers near
the tube wall in such a way that tangential and
radial mixing motions appear. Therefore, a turbul-
ent flow arises early inside and outside the tube, 0
which causes the increase of heat transfer. m11 -2K..,-1

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculations CFD-Model of heat transfer in ip tube

have shown, that the flow against the dimples cau-
se an extremely high increase in the heat transfer
coefficient of the flow. At these nhot spots" local
enhancement factors go up to a factor of 6.

Additionally, particles that occur in the media

settle at a much lower rate on the tube walls, as a
significant proportion can be carried away by the
turbulent tlow, thus allowing longer maintenance
cycles and less downtime.

ip tube possess a high resistance to thermal rela-

ted expansion as well as special strength proper-
t ies. In addition to the structural characteristics
(spacing, depth, shape, size etc.) and the struc-
turing process itself, La Mont has developed the Both tubes were in the same circulation system
necessary design and simulation software to iden- of concrete laitance medium for a duration of 18
tify the ideal structure for every application. hours
ERK is also the owner of the La Mont technology. Due to a changing power engineering mar-
La Mont GmbH is an engineering company that ket, innovations in the field of structured tu-
has existed for more than 70 years, primarily wor- bes technology have recently been developed
king in the field of industrial heat exchanger de- and are now available (ip tube). These tubes
sign and the generation of steam and hot water. have technical and economical advantages
during the heat transfer and catalysis stages.
La Mont supports their customers with calcula-
tions and design works.The power of the boilers New market segments can be developed with
range from small steam boilers of 0.8 t/h up to vast CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to provi-
power plants of 3,000 t/h. Over the years La Mont de simulations of flow, combustion, strength
has made an enormous number of references wi- and heat transfer processes within the field of
th in all fields of firing, erecting and the designing industrial heat transfer technology.
of boilers and plants.

Experimental railroad engine with La Mont boiler (1930s in England)

In addition, La Mont provides other power en-

gineering services like measurement and design.
They also offer water treatment services for boiler
feed water treatment and conditioning, as well as
for the treatment of process water, waste water,
and drinking water. La Mont also designs power
plants and can provide consultations concerning
the thermal/electrical utilization of biornass, ba-
sed on their own technical and financial concepts.
Solar thermal power plants are fuelled through the use and collection of sun light. The sun light is con-
centrated and transformed into heat, which can then be used for steam generation and eventually to pro-
duce electrical power. ERK offers 60 years of experience in steam generation and boiler design with seve-
ral thousand natural and forced circulation boilers/heaters. The experience gained from the designing of
traditional boilers can be transferred to help aid and concentrate the heat produced from solar energy to
generate power, all at a relatively low risk.

Backup boiler design

· Solar thermal power plants are vulnerable to cloud
coverage. The absent solar radlation reduces heat • 1
1 1

transfer fluid temperatures, evoking load changes

at the steam generation. One solution to this pro-
1 1
blem is to use back up boilers wlth quick start-up 1 1
j i - - -··
capabilities. 1 1

ERK offers boilers with unparalleled quick start-up 1 1

times. Our reference boiler in Cottbus (Germany)

; : :·1 ! „ :·q .1~ ~·r:
reaches 490 °( after ca. 4 minutes and 540 °C al- :1: :t: f ' • • 'I

!il.!. !~·
i 1
ready after 5.5 minutes. 1 1

·ii .:: }i 1
1 1
-~ !1: ~,, -·:r:-:1=-·:i: eh • ::~· 1 1
:1: ::
1 20 +----....:..:..:~~=----___jb~:.:=~

~ 100 ~----~'----------­
~ 1 1
~ 80 + - - - --+-- - i 1
~ 60+ - - -*--- - ·ec - ·ec - - - - - ct - i i

40 +---- - - - ,.; -
"' "'
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1 1111
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1~11 1~!1!~:
-·„·'+·w : :
ils:~~~ ;1;
j 1

11111111 III~\', :I·

1 •• ··; ;· ":„. t:Jt • r • 1I

1 min 2min 3mln 4min Smln 6mln 7mln 8mln

tlmt' (min)

The steam flow/time chart of the boiler in Cottbus The back up boiler in Cottbus (Germany)

ERK solar receiver design

Due to the ERK knowledge in water circulation
calculations, we are able to offer different types
of receiver designs for solar towers. Aside from
the „in" water receiver for direct steam genera-
tion with natural and forced circulation, we also
design solar receivers with air as the heat transfer
.- Steam capacity: 40 t/h
"" Steam temperature: 500 °(
liJJ. Operation pressure: 100 bar ERK design of a water/steam receiver
EckRohrKessel ~

The gasification process is considered to be the

transformation from a solid fuel into a gaseous.
This provides the ability to convert a fuel from a
lower calorific value, into a higher one. ERK distri- torsional combustion
butes this technology together with the knowled-
ge of the licensee Julio Berkes S. A.
Therefore we are able to provide to our customers
a superior and well established technology which
can be used for a number of biomass fuels, that gas
is unbeatable in terms of cost/benefit. For a broa- 1 drying zone 1 + .
l~====:I secondary a1r
der perspective on this technology, more detailed gasifyer 1pyrolysls zone 1 (combustion)

information on the gasification process itself will lreductlon zonel EckRohrKessel

now be discussed. joxidation zone 1
A gasification power plant is composed of three
main sections - the gasifyer, the torsional combus-
tion chamber and the boiler-unit. In the oxidation
zone at the bottom of the gasifyer the fresh air is
pure ash primary air
injected and pure ash discarded. The combustion (gasification)
gas is generated in the redudlon zone by using
the heat from the oxidation zone. lt is generally a
mixture of hydrogen (H 2), carbon monoxide (CO) Scheme of a ERK boiler with gasifyer
and methane (CH4 ).

In the pyrolysis zone the fuel is thermally decom-

posed to produce pyrolysis coke, oil and gas. This
process happens solely through the impact of
heat and no additional oxygen is used. The tem-
perature reaches up to 900 °C. The last step - the
drying zone - the water is evaporated from the
fuel at temperatures of around 100 to 150 °C.
This also allows the use of quite humid fuels (up
to 50 % moisture). The combustion gas leaves the
gasifyer with low temperatures, about 100 °C. For
this reason the content of alkali metals and par-
ticles in the combustion gas is very low.

Location : Montevideo (Uruguay)
Year of manufacture :2007
Steam capacity : 70 t/h (70 bar)
Boiler type : Steam boiler (525 °C)
ERK boiler (background) with gasifyer (Uruguay)
The vibrat ing grate is designed for t he
Combusoon Deck In cooled
combustion of a w ide range of fuels. Membrane sty1e constructlOll Bouom Ash FIOw

lt can be used for solid biomass like

palm oil waste, wet bark, wood was-
tes or even bituminous coal. This type
of grate p rovides good combustion
for fuels of various sizes. Wit h pieces
up to 100 mm and combustion pos-
sible with a small amou nt of excess
air, only a very low amount of carbon
content is present in t he ash.
The grate's vibrating action improves
the distribution of the fuel over the
whole grate area and therefore helps
to get a good burn-out of the fuel. Scheme of a vibrating grate for biomass

Temporary vibrat ion causes the loco-

motion of the fuel on the grate. At t he
rear of the grate the ash is collected
in the discharge conveyor. One of t he
main advantages of the vibrating gra-
te is the unique water cooling system.
This enables the utilizat ion of un-
dergrate air of up to 350 °( (around
650 °F). Therefore this type of grate
makes it even possible to burn fuels
w ith a very high moisture content.

Half of a twin grate unit for 60 MWth boiler

The su rface temperatu res on the vi-

brating grate are half as much as tho-
se on a travelling grate and as a result,
the parts are subjected to less stress.
This means that maintenance requi-
rements and costs are reduced.
This kind of grate fits very well with
al l ERK Boiler systems. lnstalled ex-
amples have shown eight months of
continuous operation without the
need to shutdown or be repai red.

Installat ion of a twin grate in a boiler furnace

EckRohrKessel ....,

fired boiler

Waste storage without further usage is a major

environmental threat. Various kinds of toxic sub-
stances are released and can do damage to both
groundwater and air. A thermal treatment of the
waste helps avoid/reduce these problems resul-
ting in modern flue gas treatments that protect
the environment.
ERK offers a broad range of boiler and grate sys-
tems for waste firing with flue gas values that
exceed the German Federal Emmissions Cont-
rol Act (one of the strictest in the world). This is
only possible with the knowledge and experience
gained from 603 waste fired boiler references. ERK
waste fired boilers can achieve steam tempera-
tures up to 505 °( and steam capacities of up to
82 t/h.
One of the biggest difficulties in waste fired bo-
ilers is the various types of waste fuels that are
used. Common domestic waste provides a diffe-
rent heating value and requires a different treat-
ERK waste fired boiler during construction works in ment than hazardous waste. On the other hand
the waste incineration plant in Bamberg (Germany) moisture values are higher when using sewage or
sludge and all of this needs to be taken into ac-
The type of grate system to use within waste fired
boilers is a very important decision. The adapta-
tion of the grate to the boiler must be accurately
balanced. lf it isn't done correctly the boiler can
become fouled with sedimental particles that can
effect its efficiency, whilst in other cases the boiler
can become damaged.
Although a larger proportion of the ERK referen-
ces employ a reciprocating grate, it is also possib-
le to customize a boiler to use a roller, an inclined
grate or the fluidized bed combustion.

Location : Bamberg (Germa ny)
Year of manufacture : 2006
Steam capacity : 20 t /h
Boiler type : Steam boiler (400 °C)
The generation of power from biomass is a relati-
vely recent discovery. Nowadays more and more
companies gain electrical power by using biomass
power plants. Biomass is however, a generic term
for various kinds of fuels like timber, used wood,
groundnut shells, bark, bagasse, rice husks, straw,
olive stones, palm residue, palm oil and grinding
The utilization of these fuels depends for the most
part on the fuel quality, but the right boiler design
is just as important.
With 341 references and 65 years practical expe-
rience in biomass boiler design, ERK provides a
solution for every requirement. We consider every
particular problem whilst designing our custo-
mers boilers from high moisture content to high
combustion temperatures. ERK designs and calcu-
lates every single boiler component starting with
the adequate firing system, up to the efficient flue
gas treatment. Today a biomass fired ERK boiler re-
aches steam capacities of up to 180 t/h and steam Biomass fired boiler with ERK thermal oil heater
temperatures up to 540 °C. (Menznau, Switzerland)

The boiler on the right in Menznau demonstrates

the very broad spectrum of ERK boiler techniques.
ERK also offers the calculation and design of ther-
mal oil heaters. These can be used for a variety of
industrial applications e. g. process heating, che-
mical working or solar thermal applications. Due
to the use of thermal oil, the operating tempera-
tures are between 150 °C and 200 °C. The main
advantages are high energy efficiency, high heat
transfer rates, lower vapour pressure, operation
without corrosion and lower investment costs.

Reference -~1.~

Location : Menznau (Switzerland)

Year of manufacture : 2009 .,

Power :25MW
Boiler type : Waste heat (285 °C)
EckRohrKessel ....,

fired boiler
Today, in numerous countries all over the world,
coal is still the number one basis for power gen-
eration. New plant technologies allow higher de-
grees of efficiency (over 50 o/o are possible) and
contemporaneously the impact on the enviro-
ment decreases substantially. Through special
techniques, the percentage of sulphur dioxide,
nitrous oxides, dust and fine dust in the flue gases
can all be considerably reduced.

New boiler techniques like the coal combusti-

on process with pure oxygen (oxyfuel) or the
IGCC-process (lntegrated Coal Gasification Com-
bined Circle) will allow cleaner and higher effiency
in the future.
ERK is able to cope with new challenges by com-
bining innovation with a long standing tradition.
After the development of the first ERK boiler du-
ring the mid-1940's, which also happened to be
coal fired, ERK now looks back on 651 references
for coal fired boilers from across the world. Due
to this very long tradition, ERK can provide a wide ERK coal fired boiler during construction works (since
range of knowledge in this area to their licencees. November 2010 in operation)

During the last 60 years of enineering, we have

designed various types of coal fired boiler for all
kinds of firing systems.

Furthermore, there is also the option to choose

ERK's own innovative firing systems. One option
is the water cooled inclined grate, which can im-
prove the combustion by allowing temperature
peaks up to 1600-1800 °c. The second option in-
volves equipping the boiler with ERK's own statio-
nary fluidised bed combustion technology.

Location : Chandrapur (lndia)
Year of manufacture : 2009
Steam capacity : 90 t/ h (75 bar)
Boiler type : Steam boiler (490 °C)
One of the most efficient ways to gain electrical
power is by the use of gas or oil. Boilers that use
these kinds of fuel are much smaller and therefore
cheaper than biomass and waste boilers.

Another advantage is the relatively low levels of

ash and soot formation that can occur. This in turn
reduces not only the amount of cleaning required
but also the number of breakdowns and inter-
ruptions, thus creating less downtime. This fuel is
also very easy to handle and because both fuels
can be stored easily in a small amount of space,
there is no need for large drying/storage areas.

ERK provides a broad experience base for the de-

sign of a gas/oil fired boiler for all kinds of applica-
tions. Now, when designing a boiler for one of our
worldwide customers, we can draw on the opera-
ting experience of 3.725 gas/oil boiler references
over the last sixty years.

Gas/Oil fired ERK boiler in Teheran (Iran)

For this reason, ERK is able to offer a very broad

range of boiler performances. The steam capacity
of ERK oil/gas fired boilers varies from small scale
models with 1 t/h up to large scale applications
with 220 t/h. The pressure levels at the boiler out-
let lie between 1 and 141 bar.
There are no restrictions in the type of burner that
can be used. Our customers simply define the bur-
ner type that they require and we take over the
calculation of the boiler for a pleasant and reliable

Location : Teheran (Iran)
Year of manufacture : 2006
Steam capacity : 85 t/h (15 bar)
Boiler type : Steam boiler (295 °C)
EckRohrKessel ""i
ERK Eckrohrkessel

The foundations for today's success were laie over All rights relating to the basic technology rest
half a century ago. In the mi<li-1940s a Berlin en- with ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH. The company does
gineer called Dr. Heinrich Vorkauf devlsed a sim- not actually build systems, but focuses its efforts
ple yet ingenious principle which resulted In his exclusively on:
efficient natural ciFeulation boiler. His patent was • basic and detailed englneering
originally conceived to power motor vehicles by
steam (see figure below). The idea was to separa- • continuous system development
te the steam from a steam and water mixture, via the qualitative and quantitative
unheated downcoming tubes. These tubes slmul- modlficatlons requlred by each
taneously formed the boundary ofthe system and speclfic appllcation
its supporting structure. The prototypefortoday's
Eckrohr boiler was thus born.
consultancy for cllents

Over the next decade, this same principle of a The boiler systems themselves are built and as-
self-supporting, high-ca libre boiler was also ap- sembled by leading international boiler manu-
plied to industrial conditions using very different facturers under license from ERK. In this way,
fuels for very different purposes. ERK technology practical experience gleaned from a wide variety
rapidly acquired an international reputation and of situations from across the globe is constantly
presence. being fed back to Berlin. This continuous flow and
exchange of information explains the company's
unique strategic edge and ensures that they cont-
inue to remain at the forefront of the industry.
EckRohrKessel • '
4 La

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