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Name: ____________________________________ date: 26.12.


NEF – Pre Intermediate – Level 4 – Final Test A

I. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form (bare infinitive or to + infinitive)

Ex: Do you know how to play (play) the piano?

1. He agreed _______________ (help) us.

2. I would love _________________ (see) you but I’m very busy.
3. Please, let me __________________ (borrow) your bike.
4. Did you remember _______________ (go) to the shop and (buy) milk?
5. I must ____________________ (know) who told you these lies.

II. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the infinitive or – ing

Ex: A: Do you know who broke the vase?

B: Yes, Bobby admitted breaking (break) it.

1. A: Did you go to the doctor today?

B: Yes, she advised me ________________ (get) plenty of rest.
2. A: I thought we might go for Thai food tonight.
B: Oh no, you know I can’t stand _________________ (eat) exotic food.
3. A: Is your little girl going to school?
B: Yes, and I just can’t get used to ___________ (be) alone all day.
4. A: Are you excited about going to the theatre this evening?
B: Oh, my goodness, I forgot ________________ (pick up) the tickets.
5. A: Do you know when Wendy is back from her holidays?
B: I think she will ___________________ (be) back tomorrow.

III. Complete with: must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to:

Ex: Children mustn’t play with dangerous products.

1. We are on holiday! We ________________ go to school today!

2. The sea is rough today, you ___________________ swim here!
3. She's very ill, she _______________ stay in bed.
4. You _______________ smoke here! It's a hospital!
5. She ____________________ come if she doesn't want to!
IV. Expressing movements:

Ex: He opened the door and went out.

1. She ran ___________ the stairs.

2. They went _________________ the old building.
3. He jumped ________________ the bath with a splash.
4. We drove _____________ the motorway for an hour.
5. She walked _______________ John and sat down.

V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (First conditional)
Ex: We will pass (pass) the examination if we study hard.

1. If you ___________________ (go) to see this film, you will have a good time.
2. If he _________________ (play) sport, he will live longer.
3. She ____________________ (not be) an architect if she doesn’t go to university.
4. They ________________ (ring) us if we give them our phone number.
5. If we _____________ (not solve) the problem, we won’t get the prize.
VI. Complete the Second Conditional sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form:
Ex: If we (have) had  a yacht, we (sail) would sail  the seven seas.

1. If he (have) _________________ more time, he (learn) __________________ karate.

2. If they (tell) ____________________ their father, he (be) _________________ very
3. She (spend) _________________ a year in the USA if it (be) _________________ easier
to get a green card.
4. If I (live) __________________ on a lonely island, I (run) ___________________
around naked all day.
5. We (help) ______________________ you if we (know) _______________  how.
VII. Choose the correct answer, either should or shouldn’t:
Ex: He should hurry to school. It's 7.55!

1. It's 10.30 and you're going to school tomorrow: you ___________ go to bed right now;
2. Your room is really messy, you ____________ tidy it immediately.
3. This boy is too fat, he eats all the time; he ______________ eat between meals.
4. You always go to school on an empty stomach. You ______________ leave without
having breakfast.
5. My friend smokes a lot; he _____________  smoke at all, it's bad for his health.
VIII. Write the correct tense of the verb: Present Perfect or Past Simple

Ex: Peter played (play) football yesterday.

1. They ______________ (clean) the car. It looks new again.

2. Last year we ____________ (go) to Italy.
3. John and Peggy ______________ (read) the book. Now they can watch the film.
4. I ____________ (meet) my friend two days ago.
5. We ______________ (visit) another country before.

IX. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in

Ex: Tom used to take (take) the bus to go to work, now he walks.

1. Caroline ______________ (have) a walkman, now she has an IPod.

2. We haven’t seen Bob very often since he got a promotion. He’s very busy. He
____________________ (not / be) so busy.
3. When Peter was young, he __________________ (ride) a bicycle to school.
4. Computers ______________________ (be) very expensive. Now the prices are more
5. During my childhood, I ______________________ (spend) a lot of time with my

X. Put these sentences into the passive (present or past):

Ex: The airline sent our passage to Australia by mistake.

Our passage by mistake was sent to Australia by the airline.

1. Farmers grow soy in Argentina.

2. People export Spanish tortilla to the US.
3. El Greco painted The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.
4. You don’t find penguins at the North Pole.
5. Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491.
XI. Fill in with something, anything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, somebody,
anybody and nobody:

Ex: Are you going anywhere hot this summer?

1. I don’t know _____________ in this town.

2. ____________________ is in the park today.
3. We didn’t do ______________ at work.
4. I’d like to do _________________ exciting tonight.
5. Does ______________ know where Green street is?

XII. Quantifiers : too, (not) enough, a little, a few;

Ex: You shouldn't eat too much red meat.

1. I have ______________  milk in my coffee.

2. She’s ____________ young to go out late.
3. He isn't clever ____________ to go to university.
4. I sometimes eat ______________ sweets and cakes.
5. There were ______________ people at the party.

XIII. Complete with: give up, hang up, look up, wake up, wash up, be through, go on, fill in,
take off, stay out, speak up. carry on, get on,
Ex. The kind of housework I hate most is washing up.

1. If he rings back, just ____________.

2. I didn´t know that word, so I ………. it ………. in a dictionary.
3. Don´t ……….. You can do it if you try hard.
4. When I ………. in the middle of the night, I had some temperature.
5. Could you ………. this application form, please?
XIV. Complete the following with the correct form of agreement.

Ex: I like milk. So do I

1. I can't drive a bus. ____________________

2. I am a good student. _________________________
3. I ate pizza yesterday. ____________________
4. I have got a lot of friends. _____________________
5. I didn't go to the zoo last month. ___________________


XV. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences in the past Perfect.
Ex: Before Steven did his homework he had studied (study) at the library.

1. She _________________ (live) in Sweden before she went to Norway.

2. After we __________________ (eat) the cornflakes, Henry came in.
3. Before Ken ran to Kerry’s house, he _____________ (phone) him.
4. Gerry helped his grandma in the house because his father ______________ (tell) him so.
5. The cat hid under the chair because the children _______________ (be) so loud.

XVI. Complete the sentences in reported speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns and

 Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London.

 Gareth: What does she say?
 You: She says that ____________________________
 Helen: I went to London in July.
 Gareth: What does she say?
 You: She says that _______________________
 Helen: My parents went with me.
 Gareth: What does she say?
 You: She says that __________________________
 Helen: We spent three days in London.
 Gareth: What does she say?
 You: She says that _________________________
 Helen: London is a multicultural place.
 Gareth: What does she say?
 You: She says that _____________________
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Kamchatka Project

After travelling round the world for almost half a week and moving through three international
airports and nineteen time zones, we finally step off the helicopter. We are at the beginning of the
Karimskaya River in the region of Kamchatka. It’s a bright sunny day and in the far distance I can see
the Karimski volcano. This is probably the wildest place in Russia but if the weather is this good for
the next few days, the expedition will go well.In the past, when explorers arrived in a strange place,
they put up their tents or cooked a meal. But nowadays, when explorers arrive in a new place, they
log on to their social networking site using a satellite phone. I write, ‘Just landed. Need to relax for a
few hours.’ Explorers in the past wrote about their adventures in books which were published months
or years later. Nowadays, I post a message in seconds.

Sites like Facebook and Twitter also help if we have a problem. Someone in our group touched a
strange plant and suddenly his skin was red and painful. I asked for advice on Twitter: ‘Hand touched
a strange plant. It’s red and hot. Any advice?’ Minutes later, someone who knew the region replied,
‘Probably a Pushki plant. If it is, it’ll hurt but it won’t kill you!’ In the age of the modern explorer,
communication like this really helps to make decisions and sometimes it even saves lives.

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