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14 April 2020 Update: Scroll to p10 for Police “Investigation” Information

KingCast — see Chris King’s First Amendment Page for video
Walmart Walks Out on $185K Mediation Recommendation on Racism Case

In Honor of Madame CJ Walker: They are hailed as the Black Brady Bunch. He’s a
veteran police officer who ran for Sheriff. She’s the entrepreneur and brainchild of
Hair911, selling quality human hair kits to Walmart. They were rejected in the program
they wanted to be in, so they had to go store to store and built up to 80 stores despite
being constantly subjected to accusations of falsified invoicing.

This lasted for a year and-a-half as they complained to Walmart and proved up their

Then when they got to a new store in Alabama the Manager had no time to meet with
them and put them off onto an assistant.

Two days later they received a string of hateful, racist emails. They filed a Complaint
about this and two days later they inquired about them and engaged in Protected Activity
of Complaining about racism. Shortly thereafter Walmart terminated their contract
without notifying them of the results of the so-called investigation. The police said they
conducted an investigation but it is unknown whether they subpoenaed any relevant
phone records of Walmart employees or the carrier

Walmart and their lawyers then selected a professional mediator with ten years’
experience on the bench. They said they were coming in Good Faith. Then when the
mediator recommended that Walmart pay Hair911 $185,000.00 they completely ghosted
and taunted the family to sue in Federal Court. Trust me this will happen in short order.

We have crafted this video using actual mediation audio that is lawful in Georgia, and
formal litigation is forthcoming. I have known this case for months now as I helped
prepare it so that the victims could obtain Counsel. The Parties and Counsel in the
Daryll and Lisa Triplett/Hair911 -- Plaintiffs

Hon. J. Antonio DelCampo -- Former Judge and Mediator

Michael Hoffer -- Counsel for Plaintiff

Robyn Oliver Webb – Counsel for Plaintiff

Robert Williams – Walmart in-house Counsel

Richard Valladares – Walmart Counsel


Re: Demand for Investigation Pursuant to Minimal Standards of a Reasonable

Law Enforcement Agency on Case No. 2018005386

Dear Corporal Smith and all Supervising Staff:

I am a former Law Enforcement Officer as you know. I have discussed this matter with a former Law
Enforcement Attorney who has successfully sued Law Enforcement for Civil Rights violations.

To recap:

1. Your department is well aware of the patently racist, hateful and criminally-threatening emails I
received involving Hair911’s attempts to locate product at Walmart store #301, located in
neighboring Alabama. See Appendix A.

2. Your department abdicated responsibility of investigating this to Walmart, even though it is

distinctly probable – and likely -- that the messages emanated from a Walmart employee or
someone associated with such employee(s) i.e. John Carroll or Joni Owen.

3. I can assure you now, as I did then, that I had nothing to do with the generation of these emails
other than being a black man who had ongoing business intercourse with Walmart.

4. Nonetheless, and despite having Subpoena powers, you failed to exercise them in any way, shape
or form when you should have been issuing Subpoenas to the phone company I identified as well
as to John Carroll or Joni Owen for a three (3) month period.

5. To add insult to injury, you then told me outside of your cruiser that if Joni Owen contacted me
again you would take action, i.e. charge her with some type of harassment offense.

6. After that I showed you the smiley face she sent me as Walmart unlawfully terminated our master
contract immediately after we filed a racial discrimination/harassment Complaint against the
Corporate Juggernaut. Id.

7. Your department promised to get back to me, then did nothing, in complete dereliction of duty and
in violation of our Civil Rights the guarantee us a reasonable investigation.

8. After that, Walmart selected a well-respected nine (9) year Jurist to serve as mediator regarding
our differences and he returned a sizeable portion of our Demand: A recommendation of
$185,000.00. Walmart had promised to follow his recommendation and stated on the Record that
they “came in Good Faith.” I have it all on audio, which is lawful in Georgia as a One-Party State.
Appendix B.

9. So it is patently obvious that you and Walmart both reneged on your promises to us. As such,
officers and Walmart will wind up in a National video and in a Federal lawsuit in short order.

If we do not receive confirmation that you have sought subpoenas by the close of business one week from today,
or 8 April 2020 we will proceed as outlined. Your Dereliction of Duty is ongoing and your individual officers
and management who failed to protect our Substantive Due Process Rights will be sued pursuant to §42 USC

Very Truly Yours,

Lisa Triplett
Daryll Triplett
cc: blind copies
On Apr 14, 2020, at 5:48 AM, Michael Hoffer <[email protected]> wrote:

Mr. King,

As you may know, our firm no longer represents the Tripletts in this matter. I’d ask that
you take Greg Parent off these emails. He was not hired to mediate this matter and was/is
not involved.



Michael Hoffer
Hoffer & Webb, LLC
The Berkman Building, Suite 430
3190 Northeast Expressway
Chamblee, Georgia 30341

(404) 260-6330 Main

(404) 260-6191 Direct
[email protected]


Dig this today -- A request to terminate correspondence from the Triplett's former
Counsel and on behalf of the Mediator who was not chosen. Thing is, his company wrote
a learned online treatise the directly deals with such potential ethical breaches. Take a
look at the request at bottom and my response above:

Great Morning Counsel,

I will honor your request. You know in a former life I was an LE Attorney and I’m a
reporter so I’m going to report what I see and more importantly, what I don't. And given
that Mediator Parent's firm (Miles Mediation) issued a public learned treatise on the issue
of Ethics in Mediation I felt it incumbent of my position to inform him of potentially-
relevant issues in this case. Before I sign off with you I will share something special that
happened while I was in the midst of originally writing you a simple one-sentence email:

Larry Hampton City Records Manager initially thought my communication might be a

phishing issue then reviewed further. I know this because he woke me up at 7:20 am PST
on today, my Birthday. Well actually I had been up earlier but had fallen back asleep
watching New Detective channel on YouTube. By the Way they are launching Forensic
Files again this year! I hope they find a worthy successor to the inimitable Peter Thomas,
no easy task that.
But I digress. We spoke for 12 minutes about the Atlanta cyberhack
and he says to me, he says: "Hey Mr. King, they may not have understood exactly
everything you requested and it says the matter is not closed" and I says to him, I says:

"That's funny because the Tripletts are going to testify that the PD actually told them the
matter was closed. And it certainly is functionally closed because look at all the time that
has passed with no activity. And hey you know If the Tripletts and I sent information
requests to Johns Creek PD asking for "any and all records," then that's what it means. If
there were forensics then we want them. And if there were subpoena requests for the
phone records of the AGM and the phone carrier then we want them. It's simple. And
how can you conduct an investigation of any substance without issuing a subpoena, and
good gosh if ever there was a time to issue a subpoena is when you have racially violent
text messages trailing about, right?"

He say to me, he says: "Well yes Mr. King and I do know they do sometimes issue
subpoenas so I will double back and check with them but you understand that
administrative people like me don't have access to the entire system from home."

"Understood. But there are police still going into the office and that investigating officer
has an affirmative (and nondelegable) duty at this point to retrieve any forensics and
subpoenas or subpoena requests and he can get into the system for sure..... and you know
he never told the Tripletts that there were forensics or subpoena requests but we have a
lawyer making affirmative representations that there were indeed forensics.


And how can you conduct an investigation without getting a subpoena to check a couple
months of phone activity on AGM Joni's phone, or without going to the carrier for that
matter to find out who is sending those offensive and threatening communications?"

With that, he said that time might be tight given my deadline of tomorrow. I told him
that's fine, I will extend the deadline an entire week for the investigating officer to really
actually produce any further documentation.

At that point the Tripletts will be ready to move forward one way or another, as well they

Y'all and Mediator Parent are hereby released from this communication per your request.

Best regards,
Christopher King, J.D.
617.543.8085 m
206.299.9333 f

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