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Unidad 2: English B1

Presentado por:


Grupo: 900003_337

Angela Ines Paez

Ingles B1
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)
NAME: Sandra Maria Gonzalez AGE: Thirty
PROGRAM: Iindustrial engineering
ADRESS: 7d street Nº 18b - 12
PHONE: 3214765744 EMAIL: [email protected]
PERSONAL DESCRIPTION: I am a responsible person, who fights day
by day to achieve their dreams, I am very sensitive, I dislike
injustices, I am a very familiar and persevering person

Skype user: LIKES: My tastes are romantic music, I like self-improvement

books, I am a nature lover and I enjoy walking outdoors.

Step 2
Check exercises on the knowledge environment.
Group has to check “Knowledge Environment” and develop all the Writing exercises. There
are 5 students in the group for five parts in writing exercises. Each student develops two writing
assignments in the Forum. For Instance:


The two tasks I will develop writing in the forum are:

Student 4 Unit 3.1 and 3.2

1. Greet somebody: Good Morning. Nice to meet you.

2. Respond to the greeting: It's a pleasure to distinguish you
3. Offer someone a seat: You can take a chair if you like
4. Ask someone about previous experience: Do you know about landscaping?
5. Enquire about someone�s health: how do you feel?
6. Ask for free time from a job: Did you have some free time on the week, you said the hours
were flexible?
7. Give permission for this: but please communicate us two days before to find someone to
replace it.
8. Ask about more questions: Do you have any other request?
9. Respond negatively: No, I don’t everything is fine. Thanks for your time.
10. Thanks a person for visiting you: OK, thanks for visited me and give that information, hope
you see you soon.

Interviewer: hello, how are you today?

You: I’m very good, thanks for asking me.
Interviewer: Do you have any experience as a English teacher?
You: I was a teacher in a very important school in Tunja. I teaching the four English skills.
Interviewer: Do you like to teaching English in kinder garden?
You: I like to listening to the kids because they giving me much information.
Interviewer: Do you have any request?
You: May asking you for two days off for next week for present a exams please?
Interviewer: Ok, go ahead, it’s no problem at all.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for coming in Teacher. We will get in touch with you soon. Good.

Fill out the following job application. 

NAME: Carolina Pérez Reyes Social Security No.46451428
EDUCATION School Name No. of Years Degree? Academic bachelor 1996
High School: Carlos Arturo Torres School
College        UPTC
Graduate  Business Technology Administration
Other         SENA

1. Employer                                                              Dates employed (month and year) 
Spring Step on May 2013
Address down town Tunja
Hourly rate/ Salary 
Starting $ 100.000 per month Ending $ 100.000 per month
Job Title coordinator cashier Supervisor�s Name Julian Reyes
Reasons for leaving 
To get another opportunity of job

2. Employer                                                               Dates employed (month and year) 

Claro on February 2015 
Address down town Tunja
Hourly rate/ Salary 
Starting $150.000 per month Ending $ 150.000 per month
Job Title coordinator chief Supervisor�s Name Jhon Moreno
Reasons for leaving 
To get another opportunity of job

May we contact the employer(s) listed above? 

Yes: ____x___ No: _________ 

In three or four sentences, say why you think you are qualified for this job. 

I am a responsible, reliable and also with all the talent to work in a group and be part of your
I consider myself a punctual person with a sense of belonging.
I dedicate the necessary time and effort to accomplish my tasks.

1. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find chicken breasts?

WORKER: In the back aisle next to deli

2. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find carrots in a can?

WORKER: In Aisle number tree against candy

3. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find frozen chicken?

WORKER: In Aisle number tree across from produce

4. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find napkins?

WORKER: In Aisle number five next to fish

5. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find lobsters?

WORKER: In the fish to the left of deli

1. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find dog food?

WORKER: In Aisle number tree against cashier

2. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find canned vegetables?

WORKER: In Aisle number tree next to cashier

3. YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find frozen food?

WORKER: In Aisle number five across from cleaners

4.  YOU: Excuse me. Where can I find dairy?

WORKER: In Aisle number five next to frozen food


Develope Grammatical topics: Each student will select ONE topic to develop:
a. Imperatives
b. Modal verbs
c. Simple past tense.
d. Gerunds after prepositions
e. Superlatives.

You cannot repeat topics.

After student chooses the topic, he should look for a video that explains its gramar usage with its
rules and write five sentences as an example of its use. The video and the sentences will be post
in the forum

Develope Grammatical topics: Each student will select ONE topic to develop:

You cannot repeat topics.

After student chooses the topic, he should look for a video that explains its gramar usage with its
rules and write five sentences as an example of its use. The video and the sentences will
be post in the forum
a. Imperatives (Sandra Gonzalez)


You will write a letter to your best friend to tell him/her about you have a new job. As a group
choose a job to develop. Each student must develop a paragraph about that job. It means that
each student will select one paragraph, one color and develop it as in this instruction.

Dear Armando,
I'm a waiter, I work in a coffee. I help people; I treat about twenty people
daily. My work is located in the center of the city. My work schedule is in
the mornings until after noon. I wear a nice uniform and it is comfortable.
When I go to my work I think about how I can consent my clients. I have
many friends and this is thanks to my work. I do my best to make my
clients feel satisfied. I make a list of all the tasks that I
must complete during my workday. I have a lot of work when the weather is
cold. I have a great responsibility so that the service can be excellent. For me it
is a pleasure to serve the clients every day. I can say that this is a very
respectable and honest job. (Sandra González)

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