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Don't gamble with

your lifting equipment

When it comes to overhead lifting, nothing should be left to chance. Stay safe in the
knowledge that TEAM cards are only issued to employees of LEEA member companies who
have passed LEEA's rigorous Diploma examination.

The LEEA TEAM card Equipment covered by the

TEAM card scheme
The LEEA TEAM card covers several
Putting safety first
Faulty, damaged or badly maintained
The TEAM card proves that the holder
has passed one of LEEA's Diploma
modules, covering the major overhead
lifting product areas:
equipment significantly increases the risk examinations, the industry recognised
of potentially lethal accidents and often has
serious financial and legal consequences.
Regular inspection and maintenance is
qualifications for technicians responsible
for the test, inspection and maintenance
of overhead lifting equipment.
LEG Lifting Equipment General
Wire rope and chain slings
• Textile slings • Shackles • Eyebolts •
critical to ensure that equipment remains Plate clamps • Lifting beams Developing Professionals for the Lifting Equipment Industry
fit for purpose. More importantly, it should Reflecting the structure of the Diploma
only ever be undertaken by technicians
with the necessary specialist skills and
programme, each TEAM card lists the
holder's precise qualifications. As a result,
LMM Lifting Machines Manual
Hand chain hoists • Lever
operated hoists • Travelling trolleys /"
experience. it is possible to ensure the lifting technician
• Hand operated winches • Pulley 1
works only on equipment for which they -'
Rigorous assessment have demonstrated the appropriate skills blocks • Manual jacks
TEAM cards are only issued to employees and expertise. Mobile Crane Examination (MCE)
of LEEA member companies. To earn full
membership of LEEA, companies must Valid for three years, the TEAM card also
LMP Lifting Machines Power
Electric hoists • Power
feed systems • Motors and electrical
pass a rigorous technical audit and are provides proof of the holder's identity and
subject to further regular audits as long as control systems • Protective devices •
employer. All this information can be Pneumatic hoists
they remain part of the Association. verified via the contact details shown on
Runways and Crane
the card.
RCS Structures Runways •
Crane structures and surveys • Mobile
Training Course Step Notes
lifting gantries. Swing jib cranes
Issued by LEEA, the
TEAM card provides
unrivalled evidence
OT C Overhead Travelling
Cranes Overhead
travelling and portal cranes • Bridge
and hoist construction • Braking
of the holder's systems • Thorough examinations • ." .... 1&q., t

qualifications. Wire rope examination criteria

OCE Offshore Containers

Examination and
test. Structures • Materials and
construction • Lifting attachments
and pad-eyes

MCE Mobil~ C~anes

Thorough Examination • Hydraulic
Systems • Structures • Crane Types
RCls • Telescoping Booms

©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4

LEEA Learning and Development Agreement
In the interests of all parties and to ensure the successful achievement of the LEEA Mobile Cranes
Examination Diploma, the following arrangements are to be confirmed:
Name __

I agree to: Company __

• Follow the instructions of my LEEAtraining facilitator at all times

• Follow all rules and procedures regarding health and safety matters whilst on site Department _
• Respect the tidiness and cleanliness of training areas and rest area facilities
• Notify my LEEAtraining facilitator immediately if I have any concerns
• Inform my LEEA training facilitator of any learning difficulties at the soonest opportunity
(this may be done privately between you and your LEEAtraining facilitator)
• Keep to agreed session times and return from rest breaks and lunchtime periods in a timely
These Step Notes are a useful and authoritative source of information for the mobile crane
• Keep my mobile phone on "silent" for the duration all training sessions and to leave the class
if I have to make or receive and urgent call, for the benefit of my fellow students
• Provide feedback to the LEEAfacilitator regarding the training I have received
Whilst every effort has been made to achieve the highest degree of accuracy in the generation of the
• Respect the opinions of my fellow students and to actively engage in group discussion
data and information supplied, ultimate responsibility remains with the person and their
• Strictly adhere to the rules regarding LEEA Examinations.
organisation to ensure that current legal requirements are followed.

2 3
Signed __
First Edition .July 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Lifting
LEEATraining Facilitator Equipment Engineers Association.

I agree to:

• Safeguard the health, safety and welfare of my students throughout the training programme
• Provide my students with quality training, maintaining the highest of professional standards
• Maintain confidentiality for all students at all times
• Provide regular feedback to students on their progress, identifying areas which may need
additional study
• Keep appropriate records of any assessments conducted
• Ensure that all students are able to discuss any issues or concerns which may arise during
the training course

Signed __


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Introd uction Legislation

• Because of the propensity to build towering structures, mobile telescoping cranes are
playing an essential role in the construction, maintenance and freight industries globally

• Their ever increasing capacity (1,200 tonnes at present) mobility, versatility and speed of
erection allow them to be quickly adapted for difficult, unusual tasks giving all industries
greater capabilities to achieve the incredible . n
Le rnent.,
g Overn r.o
• Internationally, legislation, regulations or standards concerning mobile cranes are not always u\ote,
clear or being adhered to to reg o , r.o
• As a result, incidents involving mobile cranes appear to be on the increase and damage to
property, injuries to persons or even fatalities are a result
Moral, legal and Financial reasons for Health and Safety legislation

• Economically, the outcome of this is loss of business, increased insurance costs and a loss of • Employers have a moral responsibility to ensure appropriate working conditions are
confidence in crane operations provided

4 • Unsafe working conditions are likely to have an impact on production

• In an effort to reduce the extent of these incidents, this training course has been evolved to
ensure that globally, personnel can be made aware of the standards that are expected to be • Society and customer expectations of a company's approach to managing safety - health
met to ensure that mobile cranes are safe to take into use or continue in use and safety culture

• By increasing the level of knowledge and understanding in this field it is hoped to achieve a • Financial cost from loss of output
significant decrease in adverse occurrences


• A need for common requirements throughout Europe

• European Directives implemented

NOTES • Main Directives are already regulations in the UK

• Most countries in the European Free Trade Area have similar laws

• 2 types of Directives:
o Those that remove barriers to trade
o Those that concern health and safety

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Duty of Care
• Lifting equipment legislation calls for:
o Requirements for desig
Employer and employee have a common law duty of care to each other and to other
o Condition of the equipment
o The manner in which it is used) employees.

• Health and Safety at Work Act introduced in 1974:

o Covers all work situations Health and Safety at Work Act Section 2 I

o Ensure safety of people at work

o Goal setting: aims and achievements to be met are given Emp1oyers' General Dutn
o Does not specify how to achieve aims and achievements
"Duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his
legislative Structure of Health and Safety
• Safe plant and systems of work

• Primary legislation sets out governing principles

• Safe use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances

• Establishes an agency to enforce them, e.g. HSE in the UK ~~

• Information, instruction, training and adequate supervision (I.I.T.S.)

• Subordinate legislation or regulations deal with particular industries

and associated codes of practice - clarifying the standards to which
entities must work.
HSE • 'Safe place of work and a safe means of access and egress

• Safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities

In the UK the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is supported by LOLER Regulations 1998 and an
6 7
Approved Code of Practice (Ll13)

Health and Safety at Work Act Section 6 T

Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 (UK)

Specific duties on designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers:

• General in nature
• Ensure that articles they design, construct, make, import, supply etc. are safe and without

• No reference to specific articles or substances

risk to health at all times (

• Applies to all sectors

• Carry out or arrange such testing and examination necessary

• Manufacturers/suppliers of articles or substances

• Ensure end users have adequate information about its designed and tested use including

• Employers
essential conditions for dismantling and disposalf

• Employees
• Ensure that customers are given updated information where it becomes known that the

• Enabling Act for specific regulations

item gives rise to serious risk to health and safety

Legal Requirement in the UK, adopted as best practice internationally.

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Dutyof mployeesat Work:

• Must not endanger themselves, or others, by their acts or omissions

It applies only to products that are intended to be placed on or put into service in the market for the
• Must Go-operate with their employers first time.

Machinery: "an assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system other than directly
applied human or animal effort, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which
moves, and which are joined together for a specific application".

Manufacturer responsible for verifying whether a particular product falls within the scope of the
Machinery Directive.
• No person (i.e. not just employees) shall knowingly, intentionally or recklessly misuse, or
Implemented in the United Kingdom under the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
interfere with anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
• Manufacturers to issue information for care and safe use of lifting equipment

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 •

Key employer duty of care to employees is to provide:

8 • No requirement for a test certificate to be issued 9

T •
Compliance can be achieved through working to Harmonised European Standards.

"0ne who has the requisite knowledge and experience, both theoretical and practical, of the type ofl Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (Originally 1992)
material under examination to certify with confidence whether it is free from patent defects and}
suitable in every way for the duty for which the article is required. "I • Implements the European Machinery Directive within the U.K

• Mandatory on member states of the European Union

• Appropriate qualifications • Knowing your limits
• Experience • Access to information • Designed to prevent barriers to trade
• Morals and ethics • Understanding applicable legislation
• Subject matter expertise • CPD
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Under the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008, machinery needs: SWL - Safe Working Load
The maximum load or mass (as certified by a competent person) that an item of lifting equipment
may raise, lower or suspend under particular service conditions. It is the SWL which is required to be
• A Declaration of Conformity (DOC) I
marked on the item by LOLERand which appears on any report of thorough examination.

• To be "CE" marked
MBl- Minimum Breaking Load FO?
The minimum breaking load is the calculated load at below which the item will not break or fail due
• A "technical file" t
to distortion.

An EC Declaration of Incorporation (001) is a device to legally market machinery which can function,
Coefficient of Utilisation/Factor of Safety/Working Coefficient
but is not complete and may not be safe] Such machinery is not to be used until incorporated into an
It is a factor which is applied to the MBL to determine the WLL. It varies with the product to take
assembly for which a DOC has been issued - in doing so you assume the obligations of the
account of the susceptibility to damage and considers the type of stresses the item will meet in
manufacturer of the finished assembly.
normal use.

Lifting Equipment should be:

Mode Factor
A factor applied by the user (slinger or rigger) that takes into account the geometry of a sling
• Designed, made and tested to ensure safety in use
assembly to obtain the maximum load it may lift for a particular mode of use.

• Marked that it complies with applicable regulations

lifting Accessory
Any device such as a sling, shackle, eyebolt, clamp, spreader beam etc used to connect the load to a
• Constructed well, sufficiently strong, free of defects and well maintained
lifting appliance but which is not itself part of the load or the appliance.

• Issued with information on care and safe use

Lifting Appliance
10 A device or mechanism, such as a crane, winch, pulley block, gin wheel, chain block, which does the
An EC 'Declaration of Conformity' must be issued by the 'responsible person' I 11
work in lifting the load or provides the means of movement, or the supporting structure and
anchoring devices for such a mechanism, e.g. runway, gantry etc., which may also permit a
Lifting Equipment must be designed and built to sustain a static overload.
suspended load to be moved in the horizontal plane.

Manually operated machines 1.5 x W.L.L

Static Test
Other machines 1.25 x W.L.L
Lifting machinery or a lifting accessory is first inspected and subjected to a force corresponding to
Lifting accessories 1.5 x W.L.l
the maximum working load multiplied by the appropriate static test coefficient and then re-
inspected once the said load has been released to ensure that no damage has occurred.
Machinery must be capable of sustaining a dynamic overload of:-

Dynamic Test
1.1 x W.L.L
Lifting machinery is operated in all its possible configurations at the maximum working load
multiplied by the appropriate dynamic test coefficient with account being taken of the dynamic
behaviour of the lifting machinery in order to check that it functions properly.
Key Definitions from the Machinery Directive

WLl- Working Load Limit NOTES

The maximum load or mass that an item of lifting equipment is designed to sustain, i.e. raise, lower
or suspend. This is the load required to be marked on an item by the product standards.

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Equipment first provided for use after 31st December 1992 must comply with any 'essential

Equipment may still present a hazard or risk if:

PUWER: Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
(Applies to all work equipment) ;e_q"';~hVn~ A.(~)
• Application different from that originally envisaged

LOLER: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

(Applies to lifting equipment in addition to PUWER) J)J<U..r Pi" • Safety depends upon the way it is installed

These are legal requirements in the UK. • Technical mismatch between the supply side and user side legislation

Internationally these are good practice demanded by customers and local authorities and are Employers can ensure compliance by checking:

integral to the LEEA Code of Practice.

• CE marking

The Essentials of PUWER • ECdeclaration of conformity

PUWER places duties on the employer to ensure that: PUWER requires that, when providing equipment for use at work:

• Work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used The purchaser obtains equipment complying with the relevant European Directives.

• The working conditions and risk to health and safety of personnel in which the work E.g. In the case of grade 8 mechanically assembled chain slings, specifying BS EN 818-4 and
requesting the EC Declaration of Conformity will ensure that the slings meet this requirement.

equipment is used is to be considered 12 13

• Equipment is suitably maintained and a log kept up to date PUWER Key Regulations I

• Equipment is inspected on a regular basis (ref. LOLER) • Regulation 4: Suitability of work equipment

• All inspection and maintenance records are kept and recorded • Regulation 5: Maintenance

• All persons using work equipment have sufficient information pertaining to its use, e.g. • Regulation 6: Inspection

operating manuals and guides to safe use • Regulation 7: Specific risks

PUWER requires employer to address risks or hazards of equipment from all {lites) of manufacture • Regulation 8: Information and instructions
and supply.l
• Regulation 9: Training


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lifting Operations and lifting Equipment Regulations (1998) Regulation 5: lifting Equipment for lifting Persons

Applicable to all areas of industry within GB including offshore installations. A mobile crane used for lifting people should be adequate and suitable for the task, have a freefall
'I -rr £' u \ II capability lock-out and should be equipped with appropriate devices such as a hoisting limiter,
Ib..O¥()"'1'" (. ~\ ......n.,.... "r' "'-4p«-.I,b...,
Covers existing used leased and new equipment. lowering limiter, rated capacity indicator and rated capacity limiter. The carrier should be adequately
attached to the crane (e.g. by a shackle or a hook with a latch). The crane and carrier should be
inspected every day by someone competent to do so (e.g. trained operator, person in charge of the
lifting Operation:
An operation that includes lifting and lowering of a load. The "load" includes people. lift, etc.) and if it is not regularly used then before it is first used each time it is put into service and
ever.y day it is used. The crane and associated equipment should be suitably de-rated (by 50%) and

lifting Equipment: the crane should be operated in accordance with the recommendations in the BS 7121 series of
Any work equipment used for lifting or lowering loads and includes attachments used for anchoring, standards.

fixing or supporting it.

For further information on specific crane types refer to the specific part of BS 7121 relevant to the
crane type.
LOLERKey Regulations

• Regulation 4.: Strength and stability

• Regulation 5: Lifting equipment for lifting persons

• Regulation 6: Positioning and installation

• Regulation 7: Marking of lifting equipment 14 15

I' • Regulation 8: Organisation of lifting operations

I • Regulation 9: Thorough examination and inspection

• Regulation 10: Reports and defects

• Regulation 11: Keeping of information

Regulation 4: Strength and stability

Employers must ensure that:

• Lifting equipment is of adequate strength and stability for each load, particularly when stress
may be induced at mounting or fixing points

• Every part of a load and anything attached to it and used in lifting is of adequate strength

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Written Scheme of Examination
Regulation 7: Marking of lifting equipment

Should be produced by a Competent Person, taking account of conditions of use, frequency of use
All lifting equipment to be marked with its SWL and information that gives the items characteristics, and type of load being handled.
e.g. boom length, radius, capacity (load charts) etc.
Example: a crane which is used infrequently in a clean environment

Regulation 8: Organisation of Lifting Operations (Standard BS 7121)

• Not necessary to thoroughly examine every part of the crane at 12 monthly intervals

• Must be planned by a competent person • Written scheme could be used to specify which parts of the crane are inspected, paying
attention to the wire rope or chain and all safety devices

• Must be supervised
The written scheme is to be fully detailed to reflect the risk associated with the various component
• Must be carried out in a safe manner
Exceptional circumstances - such as a sudden and unexpected shock loading or a major repair to a
load-bearing component - require a Thorough Examination before placing the equipment back into
Regulation 9: Thorough examination and inspection
service, irrespective of whether or not it is due for its regular periodic examination.
Before lifting equipment is put into service for the first time it is thoroughly examined for any defect
unless the lifting equipment: Dependant on the associated risks, additional (non-routine) detailed inspections may be necessary
at regular intervals between the thorough examinations to ensure that no damage or deterioration
has occurred.
• Has not been used before
Regulation 10: Reports and defects
16 17
• Is less than 12 months old
A person making a thorough examination for an employer under regulation 9 shall:
• Owner holds the original DOC
• Notify the employer immediately of any defect in the lifting equipment which in his opinion
Maximum fixed periods for thorough examinations and inspection of lifting equipment are: - is or could become a danger to persons

• Lifting accessories 6 months • As soon as is possible, make an examination report in writing authenticated by him or on his
behalf by signature or equally secure means and containing the information specified in
• Lifting equipment.. 12 months Schedule 1 to the employer

• Man-Riding Equipment 6 months • Where there is in his opinion a defect in the lifting equipment involving an existing or
imminent risk of serious personal injury, send a copy of the report as soon as is possible to
The information to be contained in the report of thorough examination is given in schedule 1 of the relevant enforcing authority
Every employer who has been notified shall ensure that the lifting equipment is not used before the
defect is rectified.


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Codes of Practice
Regulation 11: Keeping of information

An employer obtaining lifting equipment shall:

• Keep the EC declaration of Conformity for so long as they operate the lifting equipment
• Ensure that the information contained in every report is kept available for inspection.
In the case of a thorough examination for lifting equipment:
Code of Practice
• Until he ceases to use the lifting equipment for the Safe Use
of Lifting
In the case of a thorough examination for lifting accessories:
• For two years after the report is made

LOLERand the Tester/Examiner

lOlER refers to 'Thorough Examination and Inspection' - of which a test may be part

Report of Thorough Examination to include details of any tests carried out

The duties of the Competent Person include ensuring that:

18 Codes of Practice and Guidance 19

• Lifting equipment has been thoroughly examined before it enters service
• Second-hand, hired or borrowed equipment has a current examination report before it is
used • Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP) LOL8t:., PUW£. k
• And, where safety of equipment depends upon installation:
o That it has a thorough examination after it has been installed • Recommended CoP (e.g. lEEA COPSUlE)
o That it has a thorough Examination after it has been assembled
• Trade or Professional Code of Practice

• Technical publications

• Safety information sheets

Status of the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) = Quasi-Legal

• An ACOP is a step down from the regulations
• The requirements are not absolute
• Normally be expected to follow them
NOTES • Provide a benchmark against which a court may judge alternatives
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©lEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Status of Guidance Standards
• Guidance is another step down in status
• Does not have a special status in law
• The guidance is not compulsory
• If you follow the guidance you will normally do enough to comply with the law

Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance BS 7121·2·3:2012
as illustrating good practice. (Section 20,21 and 22 of HSWA) I

Maintenance, Inspection
Thorough Examination Code of practice for the safe
of use of cranes
Mobile Cranes Part 2-3: Inspection, maintenance
and thorough examination -
Mobile cranes

20 21

The law places duties on manufacturers, suppliers, repairers and hirers of equipment who must
Best Practice Guide meet certain minimum requirements.!

Legal duties are also imposed on the owners and users of lifting equipment and on those who make
4';.-" HSE the tests and examinations to verify the equipment. t

The purpose is to ensure that lifting equipment is designed and manufactured to be safe and that it
is regularly maintained and examined whilst in service to ensure that it remains safe)

Some reference is made in legislation to Standards and Codes of Practice and it is to these that we
must refer for further information and guidance.

Manufacturing standards detail dimensions, materials and safe working loads.

E.g. BS EN 14492 (Winches and Hoists)

Performance standards offer a range of criteria that the final product must meet.
E.g. BS EN 13001- Cranes (General Design)

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Harmonised Standards
ISO (or International Standards) generally take the form of performance standards, which are
agreed internationally by a majority vote:

Harmonised standards have a quasi-legal status

• Their use is optional but they are often used as the basis for writing national standards
• Harmonised standards become a legal, minimum requirement

• Where the UK accepts these as written, they are published in this country as British
Fulfils a large part of the manufacturers 'technical file'
• Saves time and work in putting the file together

• A new practice has been adopted in recent years of using the ISO number and adding the
Compliance = no deviation from the standard, no matter how small
prefix BS, for example ISO 2330 - Fork lift trucks - Fork arms - Technical characteristics and
testing is published as BS ISO 2330
EC Declaration of Conformity to be issued before placing equipment into service
• No requirement for a test certificate

British Standards
Records oftest and lor examinations made will be held in the technical file
• Some manufacturers may issue both test certificate and DOC
Modern standards are written as safety standards for new products.

Older standards are more detailed covering, materials, workmanship, design, test and examination

Some standards take the form of recommended Codes of Practice, covering the use, maintenance or
application of specific products or the conduct of certain processes.


A committee responsible for the introduction and development of EN harmonised standards.

A harmonised standard complies with a European Directive.

lEEA Doc. 015 (Reference)

British, European and International Standards. This lists most of the relevant standards, including
some which have been withdrawn or declared obsolescent.

Standards lay down the verification methods, including proof loads or other tests to be applied, for
new items and give the examination rejection and acceptance criteria for them. In the case of load
tests, it is often left to the tester and examiner to decide how to apply the load and what the
examination procedure should be.


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Regulation 6 states:
On Site Safety
• Avoid work at height

o If you don't have to go up there, don't!

• Prevent falls

o use an existing, safe place of work at height

o adopt the most suitable method of working

o select the most suitable equipment

• Mitigate the consequences of a fall

o have measures in place to arrest a fall i.e. air bags, nets, fall arrest equipment

Risk Assessment
On-Site Safety
Identifying sensible measures to control risks.
Mobile crane thorough examination is a legal requirement.
Concentrating on real risks, those most likely and those which will cause most harm. 25
Site managers must schedule downtime for the cranes requiring thorough examination.
Looking at particular control measures as part of overall assessment.
A thorough examination requires that the crane is operated through all its motions and to this end, a
competent, trained operator must be made available by the user.
HSE publication INDG 163 Risk Assessment Guide refers

An area to perform the thorough examination in should be large enough to allow all necessary 0-
HSE ;:::-
motions of the crane to be performed and should be secured such as to restrict access to the area by
personnel not involved in performing the thorough examination.
Risk assessment

Work at Height

Thorough Examination activities carried out on the mobile crane outside of edge protected areas
should comply with The Work at Height Regulations 2005 which prioritise the fall protection
measures which should be used.


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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1A
Rescue Plan

A rescue plan must be developed whenever fall-arrest systems are in use and when personnel may
not be able to perform a self-rescue should a fall occur.
• A hazard is something (object or situation) that has the potential to cause harrru

Risk: (a combination of likelihood and severity) ! Note: Use of a rescue kit should be considered a last resort - other methods should be evaluated
• Risk is that likelihood that the harm from the hazard is realised I
Rescue plan considerations include: 1
• A liability or exposure to harm; something that causes peril
• Never rely upon the emergency services as a primary rescue plan

• What obstructions may be in the way of reaching a suspended worker?
• How likely it is that someone could be harmed by the hazard

• How will the rescue be assured within 15 minutes of the fall to minimise the risk of further
injury or suspension trauma?
• If the potential for harm was to occur, how severe would the accident be?

• How will the safety of the rescuers be assured as well as the suspended worker?

5 Steps to Risk Assessment ...

• What communications will be used between the suspended worker and the rescue team?

Identify the hazards

Monitor and Review

II Decide who may be harmed and how
26 27
Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions (control measures) "Ensure control, measure compliance"

Note any changes during operations such as:

Record your findings

• additional hazards presented

Review and monitor
Example Risk Assessment • traffic, pedestrians etc.
if II

Do you need to
• changes in production activity
What are you do anything Action Action by
What are the Who might be
already doing else to control by who when Record your findings and change the risk assessment as necessary. This may result in the
Hazards harmed & how
this risk _I requirement for additional control measures.
It I.

Site cleared of
All personnel Monitor During
equipment & Site
present personnel Thorough NOTES
personnel. safety
Slips trips & falls Broken arms, accessing this examination
Correct PPE officer
broken legs, area Testing
broken neck Barrier tape


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Personal Protective Equipment
In summary, you have ...

1. Identified the hazards

2. Decided who may be harmed and how

3. Evaluated risks and precautions

4. Recorded your findings

5. Reviewed and monitored the situation

You are now following a Safe System of Work


Making the workplace safe includes providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision to
encourage people to work safely and responsibly. 29

Before initiating a Thorough Examination or test the competent person, having carried out his site
risk assessment will be able to select the appropriate safety equipment to wear.

Even where engineering controls and safe systems of work have been applied, some hazards might
remain. These include injuries to:

• the lungs, e.g. from breathing in contaminated air

• the head and feet, e.g. from falling materials
• the eyes, e.g. from flying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids
• the skin, e.g. from contact with corrosive materials
• the body, e.g. from extremes of heat or cold

PPE is needed in these cases to reduce the risk.

What do the Regulations require?

NOTES PPE should be used as a last resort. Wherever there are risks to health and safety that cannot be
adequately controlled in other ways, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
require PPEto be supplied.

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Origins of Mobile Cranes
The Regulations also require that PPE is:

• properly assessed before use to make sure it is fit for purpose

• maintained and stored properly
• provided with instructions on how to use it safely
• used correctly by employees

Key points to remember

Are there ways other than using PPEto adequately control the risk, e.g. by using engineering


If not, check that:

• suitable PPE is provided

• it offers adequate protection for its intended use
• those using it are adequately trained in its safe use
• it is properly maintained and any defects are reported
• it is returned to its proper storage after use

30 31
Democracy and Devotion: Greeks Invent the Crane

Traditional methods like ramps for moving and lifting the enormous building stones of massive
monuments like the Parthenon just weren't going to get the jobs done.


Meet the crane: at first a simple winch and pulley

system, and later a compound pulley system
credited to Aristotle.


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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
Rome wasn't built in a day, but without the introduction of and improvement upon the Greek
Today, you can see the difference in the way buildings were built in different time periods.
cranes, construction would've taken much, much longer than it did.

Pre-cranes, building blocks actually tended to be much larger, beca~se so much effort was required
In fact, the Romans were the first to use multiple cranes for cooperative liftingtasks. as is evident by
to push each one up a ramp that it was less labour-intensive to use bigger and fewer blocks.
the massive cornerstone blocks used in some of the famous structures.

Post-cranes, blocks were smaller, but stacked higher, in more complicated and advanced structures,

and more quickly.

32 33

In the end, the Greeks proved just how much more ambitious projects could be with the help of a

crane. But beyond the beautiful, historic, crane-built city still very visible today, perhaps the most
impressive aspect of Roman crane use was the way they were used far from their home.

Again-necessity drives innovation. And as the Roman Empire stretched further and further away
from Rome, and as conquering armies became more and more ambitious, mobility and versatility in
their cranes became key.

The Roman army needed cranes that could move quickly, be assembled and torn down quickly, and

~I perform a variety of tasks-all without losing their powerful lifting capabilities.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Today, you can see that influence in how mobile cranes are used all ov~r .the world. You find them The Thorough Examination
on boats, docks, trains, and trucks, often able to be quickly adapted for difficult, unusual tasks.

Lifting capacity has skyrocketed, up to 1,000 tons. In the end, the Romans proved just how much
mobility and versatility multiply capability.

The Thorough Examination

In accordance with LOLERand PUWER 1998 a thorough examination must be:

• A systematic and detailed examination of the equipment and safety-critical parts

3~ 35
• Carried out at specified intervals

• Undertaken by a competent person

• Used to determine whether the equipment under examination is safe to take into use o~

continue in use

• Documented in a written report:'

Consider operating environment - hazardous and/or populated - when planning examination.

Owners/users may use report information to plan maintenance based on trends of breakdowns and
repairs - reducing incidents - and to determine effectiveness of maintenance schedules.


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Types of Thorough Examinations and Testing of Mobile Telescoping Cranes and Intervals A defined scope of examination will detail:

Periodic Thorough Examination - LOLERReg. 9(3)(a)(i) and (ii) • The standards and regulations applied during the course of examination
• The tools required to carry out such examination

LOLj:R specifies intervals of: • The requirements priorrto carrying out that examination
• A list of all parts to be examined

6 months maximum for mobile cranes used to lift personnel

• This will take into account all configurations in which the mobile telescoping crane may be operated.

12 months for mobile cranes that only lift goods

Overload Testing
The maximum intervals may be reduced by a competent person, the mobile crane user or the mobile
crane owner if they decide that environmental factors, the age or the condition of the mobile crane
warrant it or if the frequency and likely load schedule justify it.
Disadvantages of overload testing include:

Thorough Examination after Exceptional Circumstances • Damage over time to crane structure

A mobile telescoping crane that has undergone: • Structural failures are usually a consequence of fatigue; 'defects of this type will not be

shown by an overload test )

• Structural component failure

• The result of cranes that fail during testing can be both hazardous and costly I
• Shock loading
• Overloading
• Inspection organisations do not advocate it as there are no mechanical or structural

• Jib collislon

• Exposure to extreme weather conditions outside its design limits' • Some insurance contracts will not insure a crane th'at has been overloaded even if only

Should be taken out of service and thoroughly examined to determine its capacity to continue to for testing purposes
carry out its duties safely.

Defined Scope for Periodic Thorough Examination The requirement for any testing and the types of test are at the discretion of the competent person
and the crane manufacturer should be contacted for guidance should load testing be deemed to be
A competent person carrying out thorough examination of mobile telescoping cranes should work to necessary.
a defined scope of examination.

The defined scope should stipulate at what intervals within the specified maximum intervals of 6 and
12 months a mobile crane should undergo thorough examination and should specify what and when
any accompanying tests or additional reports are required.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Test Weights
Verification Tools and Inspection Aids


,,~, '" "'"
"""" .,.,.


Concrete Test Weights I

When carrying out thorough examination and/or testing of a mobile telescoping crane it will be I
• Cheap to make I

necessary at some stage to verify calculations, dimensions, measurements, radii, weights or angles.

Easy to use
Easily damaged
To do so will require the use of some of or all of the following instruments: • Calibrated annually because of damage or erosion

Calculator and notebook

Tyre pressure gauge
Rope and sheave gauges
• DTI gauge
Tape measure
Torch / supplementary lighting
Load cell
Inspection mirrors
Angle indicator / inclinometer
Engineers chalk / liquid chalk or paint
Sprit level

Steel Test Weights

Orl Jl.,\".;~ 6"-"'_- r
c;s.-yy,,,,:> ,

Initial weighing to verify weights

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Types of Crane
Water bags

• Easy to transport
• Awkward to handle
• Requires disposal of water after use
• No requirement for verification but .......

LEEA recommendation is as per LEEA051 - that, to meet LOLERand PUWER, bag and lifting gear
should be inspected by a competent person at least 6 monthly. An examination before each use

was also recommended.

Rough Terrain Crane

This crane is ideal for rough terrain and is capable of "free on rubber" duties When functio t t'
"f bb "d . .. . . n es Ing
ree on ru er ut.les It IS advisable to have outriggers extended and jacks sufficiently clear of the
4' ground to allow loading, as a safety precaution in the event of tyres failing. 41


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All Terrain Crane

Truck Mounted Cranes

This type of crane may have front jacks which must be deployed to allow 360 slew.

This crane is designed to be used under different ground conditions and one option is that the
outrigger controls can be operated from the upper cab and a steering wheel and brake pedal are
fitted that allows the operator to raise and stow the jacks and outriggers and travel around the site
to a new position. When examining this type of crane it is essential that both sets of steering and
braking systems are shown to operate.
41 43
- Wh ftted with a front jack the
Unless fitted with a fifth jack, this crane cannot lift ~ver the front. en I -
0 City Crane)
crane will have 360 not 240 area of slewing operation.

So called because the crane has a very short boom with more sections than a normal mobile crane
to allow greater manoeuvrability while still retaining boom length, it is all-wheel steering and the
boom is kept low to avoid overhead obstructions prevalent in an urban area.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Load Charts
Yard Crane\

This type of crane is designed for use in yards where it is not always convenient or possible to deploy
outriggers and where a rough terrain crane is too large. The yard crane has free on rubber
capabilities and a strong platform where light loads (e.g. pumps, motors, and valves) can be


Crawler Mounted Telescoping Crane

Telescoping cranes mounted on tracks are usually used for onsite work and can be examined in the
4~ 45
same manner as wheeled cranes with the exception obviously of the undercarriage. It is however Load Charts (Rated Capacity Chart)
easier nowadays to inspect the tracks as the drive system is hydraulic rather than mechanical so you
Load Charts provide critical information to enable RCI R d ' ,
don't have to worry about drive chains, gears etc, correctly and lifting operations to be I d d ,5 ( ate Capacity Indicators) to be calibrated
p anne an carned out safely.

L~ad Charts are essential to the crane operator to enable hi' .

his RCI so he can operate safely and withi th d ' m to Input the correct Information into
I In e esign parameters of the crane.

T~e tec,hnical information contained in load charts is of im

will assist them in carrying out their examinations. portance to the competent person(s) and

The following tables and diagrams are pages from an e

of the information that the compete t xa~ple of a load chart which shows the type
, . n person requires to car t
examination and functional test of a mobile crane. I ry ou a complete thorough,


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Outrigger Configuration

Crane Dimensions


Duties with reduced oUlIigger base on request

Traglasten mil verknrzter Abstotzbasis auf Anlrage
Counterweights, installation and tail swing capacities de levage base reduite sur demande
Portate con base stabilizzatori ridott! disponibili su richiesta
capacidad de carga con bases de apoyo reducidas. disponibles bajo dernanda

+ 4·
41 47
Hook Blocks

+4900· Types of hook blocks for specific maximum loads, their actual weight, number of sheaves and the
reeving required to achieve maximum load lift.



Type Possible load Number of sheaves Weight Number of lines Heavy-lilt attachment
Typ Mogliche Traglast Anzahl der Rollen Gewlht Srrangzahl Schwerlasteinrichtung
Type Charge possible Nombre de poulies Poids .0' Nombre de brins Equipement levage lourd
Tipo Portata possibile N° di pulegge Peso N()max awolgim. Equipaggiamento pesante
Tipo Carga permitida No de poleas Peso Reenvlos max. Equipo de carga pesada

320 312.0 t 13 4000 kg 4,50 m 26 2 add. sheaveslZusatzrollenl poulies suppl.l

/T//T/T//7T/7T/T/T//T/T/T//T/T/7T/T//T//T/T/T/7/T/T/T/T//T/77/T/T//T/T/T//7/T/T/// puleggie sup~.Ipoleas adicionales
250 235.01 9 2800 kgl 4.50 m 191

200 189,0 t 7 2600 kg 3,OOm 15

• Tail swing above ground
• Durchschwenkhohe ober Boden 160 141,0 t 5 2200 kg 3,DOm 11
• Giralion ARau-dessus du ~I 100 92,0 t 3 1800 kg 3,DOm 7
• oscillazione posteriore sui hyello del suolo 40 40,0 t 1 1200 kg; 2.10m 3
• Radio de iro uasero sobre el suelo 13,5 13,5 t Single line Illok I 650 kgl 2,OOm 1
Hakengehange I
Boulet I A palla I
Gancho de tiro directo

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©LEEA Aca d emy- MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4

n' ,""'!-

Configuration Acronyms

Key to Symbols

Page St!'rt~· Page p.agina. Pa

Dimensions· Abmessungen . Encombrement . Dimensioni . Dimensiones _ _.. _ _ __ _. _

Specifications' Technische Dalen· Caracttlristiques - Dati lecnici - Datos ltlcnicos .. _.. _ _.. .
Boom combinations· Ausleger-Kombinationen - Combinaisons de fI~che - Combinazione bra cci -
counteIVIeight . Gegengewichl . Conlr~ids . Contrappeso . Contra peso Cornbinacion pluma _ _. _ __ _. _ _ _ __ _ _.

Porlate soustabilinatori
Lilting capacities<O!Ioutrlggcrs' Tragfahigkeiten, abgestOtll· Capatites de Icvage sur stabilisateurs
Capacidad de eleyacion sobre los apoyos . 360· HA MaIn boom IfauptDuslegor FIQChe prineipalOt. Bnlcdo Das.o Plumo principall ~ ..
HA-SSL Moln boom wlIh SSL . 'HauptDuslegcr mit SSL . Floci'>o prlnclpalo evec SSL Braccio bas" 000 SSL
Plums principal con SSL •••.•••.. , .•••..•••••.•.••••.••••..••••..••••..••....••.•..••....•••
Radius. AlIsladung . Portee· Sbraccio Radio

Main boom . Hauptausleger Fll!che principale . BraCcio base- Pluma principal

HAV M:lin boom oxronsson HaupLaUSlcgElfVcrlangerung RallongQ do lIocho Prolunga Plumln. extension de pluma ." ..
d n h prolunga Plumln, extension de pluma HAV-SSL Maon boom e,,'enSlOn wlIh SSL . Hauptauslegcrvedangcrung mit SSL Rallongc de Ileche avec SSL •
Main boom extension· Hauptauslegerverlangerung . RaDonge e IlC e Prol~ga con SSL Plum,", extension do pluma con SSL _ ••.• _•.

Fixed lIy jib. Starrer Hilfsausleger . Flechette frxe . Falcone Iissa . Plumln lijo

LF Fixed fly Jib Starrer Hiltsausleger . FI~cheue fixe Falcone fissa Plumtn fijo •••.•..••• _ ..••••..•• __ ..••.
Adapter. Adapter Adaptateur· Adattatore· Aadaptador LF-SSL Fixed fly Jib \Vfth SSL Starrer Hiltsauslege-r mit SSL . Flechette fixe avec SSL Falooof1efissa oon SSL
Ph.lfTlln '!Jo co-n SSL ••• _•••.•••• _ .• _ •. _ .. __ • _ • _ • __ ••• _ • _ ••••••••.••••••• _ ..•••.•••.. .••••
nech Angolazione bracero . Elevacion de pluma
Boom elevation. Ausleger-WinkelsteJlung - ReteY3gede e

I'h I terale Supertift lateral {SSL)

Sideways Supertift . Seitlicher Superlifl . Supertift latera I . Super I a
WI,H,I Lutnng (Iyjib ,,'lfppbarcr Hlllsausl'e_ger- - Flcchette a voroe variablo . fDrCOTIe a volata vsriabif.e - P'lumln abatLble ._
WIHI-SS,L Lul'llng fly jii> with SSL wippbarer H[I!sauslegermit SSL Flechene a vojee variable avec SSI.-
. Falclone a voleta variabife con SSL - 'Pluml1ll abatible con SSL 4 4 __ ••• __ •••

o •

Boom Combinations

Main Boom and Main Boom using Side Mounted s..l,.IperLiftt




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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
Range Diagram
Main Boom with Extension anCl Side Mounted Super Lift
This type of chart is commonly known as a range diagram rather than a load chart as it shows the

i\, \
positions of the boom rather than a load capacity.

...... . It shows how to position the crane to pick at a specific radius and what boom configuration is
-, \ required to lift to the specific height.
...... \
........ \
eo.o m

55,5 m

50,S m


35,S m



, 15,5m'


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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Load charts showing different counterweights and with iib
superlift deployed. J extension attached and side mounted
Load Chart

Simple load chart showing required counterweight, range of swing, radius and boom length.

HA 140 t J-) 360· ISO
I~ <>
60.0 m + e-

-~.-'-2-m-2-0' 18 m

+ ~O'

60~ 12m
20.5 25.5' 25.5 30,5 35.5 40.5 45,5 50.5 55.5 60,0

20' ~ t.--.-c0,-·' ___:2:.:0~·
20.5' I

.~:! ~~:~
~,) IS.S· 15.5
m I
700.0') .- 19 53.5
43.1 35.0 14 53.0
S77.0l! 312.0 312.0 312.0 __ 51._2__ 41.6 ' 33.9
312.0 312.0 16--- 51.2
H3.011 312.0 32.1
.35.011 311.0 312.0 310.0 300.0 300.0
~: 49.6
38.6 31.2 31.,~6_~_ 18 :~:g
403.011 293.0
375.01' 276.0
300.0 275,0 230.0
187.0 158.0
~g 46.4
33O.0z, 248,0 296.0 246.0 211.0 247.0
223.0 206.0 176.0 146,0 123.0 24 43.6 34,S-n.6 28.3 24.1 ~: 43.6
294.0 2.24.0 200.0 22.3.0 243.0 116.0 21.2____llJ!
187.0 m:g 166.0
104 0
102.0- -:-
96.0 83.5
__ __;4~2.2
39 6
30 5
201.0 172,0 183,0 173.0 172.0 86.0 74,5 65.0
2120 114.0 149.0 150.0 128.0 101.0 92.5 ~~ 38.3 29.9 29.5 24,4 21.9 32 38.3
171.0 150.0 172.0 149.0 156,0 76.5 67.5 59.0
131,0 131.0 115.0 89.5 82.5 :;.;- ...;3!.f1~.0'-_ 28.9 286 23.S 213 34 35.1
146.0 130.0 137.0 19.5 74.0 69.0 61,5 54.5
116.0 121,0 116.0 115.0 1040 [ ~~ 35.8 28.0 21.1 22.8 20.9 ~ 31.1
126.0 96.0 71.0 66.5 62.0 56.5 SO.O 34.6 21~1 26 9 22,0 20~
93.5 93.5 109.0 104.0 1(&(1 56.5 52.5 46.5
40 28.8
92.0 92.0 88.0 64.0 60.0 40 33.5 26.4 26.2 2l.4 20.0 42 26.3
98.5 54.5 51.5 48.5 43.0
81,0 81.0 83.5 80,5 58.0 42 32d 25,9 25 4 2Q,8 196 24,0
]4,0 52.5 49.5 47.5 45,0 40.0 44 31.3 25.0 24.8 20,3 19.2 44 21.9
15.0 44,0 42,0 37.5
6BJO 68.0 48,0 45.5 :6 30 3 24,.3 24.1 19~B __ 18~8 46 19~9
U.S .41.5 40.5 39.0 35.0 29.3 23.8 23.5 19,4 18.5 48 18.2
62.5 37.5 36.5 32.6 ~ 8
56.0 41.0 39.5 ;~ 28 4 23,2 23.0 182
50.0 38.5 36.0 35.0 34.0 30.5 26.1 22.3 22.0
35.5 33.5 32.5 31.5 28.8
30.0 29.8 27.0 ~~ 21.4 21.1
33.5 31.0 66 20.3 20.3
.29.4 29,3 28,0 25.3
27.6 26.5 26.3 23.8
_' __ 25.9 24.8~.8 22.5
23.4 23,4 21.2
22,1 22Ll 20,0
20,9 19.0 Range diagram for luffing jib where main boom remains static and luffing jib moves.
191 18.0


Chart showing different counterweight and side mounted superlift attachment with a subsequent -- ~ - ._.
difference in load lifting capability.

m t
5 195.0
195.0 164,0
6 139.0
-m:g-- ~~:g--- 154.0
113.0 94.0 12.5
9 184.0 112,0 92,5 11.
170.0 150,0 130,0
10 109,0 89.5 69.5
147.0 142.0 125.0 61.0
12 121.0 105.0 86.0
128.0 130.0 64.0 16
14 116,0 102.0 _82.0 61.0---- --,8
113.0 115.0 78.0
16 103.0- 104.0 98,0 20
18--- 10l,O 74.0 58.0
92.5 93.5 92.0 22

20 91.5 86,0 70,S 55.5
84.0 85,0 24
83.0 79,0 67.0 53.0
75.5 76.5 77.5 50.5 26
69.5 70,S 72,0 63.S
26 68.0 65.5 60.0 48.5
61.5 63.0 64.0 46.5 30
28 60.0 51.0
30 54.0 51.5 58.5
55.0 54.0 44.5 32 - .-. I-
_ _!?5 52.5 53.5 34
47.5 49.0- 50.5 51.0 43.0
36 - _.
34-- 47.0 48.0 41.0
39.0 45.5 39.5 38
36 42.0 43,5 44.5 40
38 40.5 41.5 38.0
36.5 42 1-
40 37.5 38.5 44 ._+....
14244 -- 33.0
46 ,. ,/;;;- -
48 25.9 29.8
50 23.1

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
How to Read a Load Chart
This is a simple load chart which can be found on the wall in the crane operators cab.


C 8.0m 13.0m
~ ( )
9.5m 16.5m 23.5m 30.5m 5°
X 25°

45° 5°

3.0 2.1 1.6 2.0

1.2 0.8
2.5 25.0 19.0 12.5 0.8
3.0 2.1 1.6 2.0 1.2
0\ l.- 25.0 19.0 12.5 7.0 76°
3.0 2.1 1.6 1.75 1.1 0.8
19.0 12.5 7.0 72° 3.0
3.5 25.0 1.6 1.65 1.05 0.8
abo\/\! l?:.olc:J 12.5 7.0 70° 2.8 2.1
4.0 23.0 19.0 0.95 0.78
2.35 1.8 1.5 1.4
ti",~ - 21.2 18.0 12.5 7.0 65°
4.5 1.55 1.35 1.2 0.9 0.75
16.7 12.5 7.0 60° 2.0
She"'61b 5.0 19.4
1.2 1.05 0.85 0.74
(S. h·\\t.~ \ ) 11.75 7.0 55° 1.45 1.35
5.5 17.8 15.6 0.7
1.05 1.0 0.95 0.85 0.75
16.3 14.6 11.1 7.0 50°
6.0 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.55
b2\ O'-J fbo IJ 15.1 13.8 10.5 7.0 45° 0.75 0.7
6.5 0.5 0.4 0.4
10.0 7.0 40° 0.55
lin Q - .j1~~hi 7.0 13.7 13.0
1 9.0 7.0 35° 0.38 0.35
8.0 10.55 Each crane has a load chart that specifies the crane's capabilities, detailing its features and how its
8.65 8.2 6.3 A == Boom Length
9.0 lift capacity varies when considering distance and angle. Just like the old saying 'if you fail to plan,
7.05 7.3 5.8 B == Working Radius
10.0 C :. Jib Length
5.3 you plan to fail,' failing to consult a crane load chart before renting or employing a crane for a
11.0 5.85 6.'
5.5 4.9
D Jib Offset
12.0 4.95 E == Boom Angle specific job could leave you with too much or too little capacity for your job.
4.2 4.75 4.5
3.6 4.1 4.15 55
14.0 Before a crane is rented, transported, employed or purchased, the crane chart must be consulted.
3.6 3.8
3.15 3.45 Everyone, from the crane operator, to the job supervisors, to even the sales people have to know
2.8 3.05 how to read a crane chart.
2.45 2.7
2.15 2.45

19.0 To illustrate how to read a crane chart, we've chosen the chart for the Terex RT345XL, a rough
1.9 2.2
21.0 1.7 1.95 Mddle MIddle Minimum I 'I _ terrain crane with a maximum lift capacity of 45 Tons.
AnG ... •
5 ---x7
!"or .. _~
Dimensions and Weight
The following chart shows the crane dimensions. It includes data for operation with the outriggers
extended, transport weight, and steering dimensions.

Knowledge of this information is especially critical if the crane will be working in a confined space, as
the lifting capacity varies depending on whether the outriggers are extended.


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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - viA


Lift Capacity

- 6.51on l~ 22 n x 22.3 n (!J 300' AMERICAN STANDARD ASME 830.5
·B~O:lll ~lIte-I~O f,~fllJlir·e(l
~ ~».15'11 4S,0 II 51,!) fl 69,0 ft 81,0 It 93.0 u 1I)S.(j (I
It It
9 ~ 9
10 04400 016500 10
i2 ssooa 46S00 <6500 12
15 00700 016500 44500 41600 15

l'J600 III
~ ..oo
kl ~o 16100
""00 moo 11400 15600 woo 40
&11 ~5 14100 15100 15300 14100 moo 45'
se WOO 12900 13100 12600 11600 50
56 11100 11300 moo "0400 5S
be ~ 9800 tXI00 qSOO 60
b5 8400 8500 8600 65
70 7200 7300 1400 70
75 0100 0300 0400 J5
eo 5500 5600 sc
, d h t load the crane on the trailer,
'lght (below) determines the trailer to be use , ow 0 In the legend at the top of the chart, you can see these ratings apply when using 6,5 Tons of
The transpor t we , he i b 't
the route to take, and what permits are required to get It to t e JO Sl e, , counterweight, with the outriggers extended to 22 X 22.3 feet. Here, you'd graph out the specific lift
the crane is needed for. The 'ft.' indicator on the left axis represents the radius, the distance from
the centre pin to the centre of the load,

Example Lift

You need to lift a load of 15 Tons (30,000 pounds) a distance of 25 feet, The distance is measured
from the centre pin of the crane to the centre of the load. Once you determine the distance, look on
that line for the largest capacity; that will indicate how many feet of boom must be extended, In this
case, it is 45 feet.
Aidl Subtrad nrmeln opHooahqOJlpl1'lent

.:mltl It's important to note that the maximum capacity is always measured by the shortest lift, usually
• qb9l::l .W In
12tl over the rear of the crane, and with the outriggers fully extended. While the Terex RT345 has a
S1o.\~U~ l"l~l'O:)".']
maximum capacity of 45 Tons, lifts at any distance or height drops the maximum capacity
.. ~4b~C dramatically .
:2·4911 • 25TS 10 .ialil
S!I)\\'!jas Ll! I'j! OC(:,..

t '00 I!! t '10 III ·m'h


, ' mber is the gross vehicle weight. In the other two columns, the arrows
Along the top aXIS,the first nu I d d' on what additional accessories are loaded.
indicate the weight load for each ax e epen Ing

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Lift Angle
Lift Range
. .., For that, a range diagram is usually included i~ every This chart illustrates the maximum lift if a luffing or fixed jib is used. Lifts with jib lengths of 32 and
Just as important as lift capacity IS lift range.. d d to ick up and lift a load both at a distance 49 feet (in addition to boom extension of 105 feet) are illustrated. With higher angles of lift, the
chart which illustrates how much boom length IS nee e p maximum load capacity decreases. With a luffing jib, the angle can be automatically adjusted from
and at height. the operators cab. With a fixed jib, of course, the angle is fixed.
. k up a load at 25 feet and lift it to the top of a five-story, 65-foot building.
Example: You nee d t 0 pIC . I h I'ft
di 69 feet of boom is required to ma ce tel .
Consulting the range iagram. 5i 6,!;,'tOIll 1-1 n r. x ".3 'I ~ 360' AMERICAN STANDARD ASMF.: 830.5

Te.rex RT 345 .#0 10srl

11015.00 ft
¥'ij jA e-
3~ It
15' 1!)'· o-
~9 ~I
1~' .lOt /LJ
': (I

._ ss
1420 b25~
~08 3Ul 2514 05
10 0134 7070 bi01 4176 3027 2460 70
15 6343 6112 5896 3859 2916 2409 15
eo 5716 (>493 S03S 3636 2812 2360 eo
85 5101 5840 ~2a 3"148
... 90
3n. 3661 3745 297. 2451 »es 100
2710 3052 l'33 28 .. 3- 2.'8 2U5 lOS
110 2219' 2.99 1551 2694 2404 lOa? 110
115 1680 2003 2016 2"91 2320 21-1.0 115
1]0 1153 1563 '$10 nS2 .219$ 2102 10
125 b3~ I 79 20.11 203'- 1972 125
130 1773- 1828 . 1752 13()
135 1418 1586 1444 l1S
140 115' 130~ )4(1

Crane in Motion r

- This illustrates the lift capacity for a pick and carry. It shows the total weight able to be picked up at
360-degrees while stationary on wheels, the total weight being able to be supported both while
._ slowly rolling with the load at a zero degree angle (creep), and the total weight able to be supported
while moving at 2.Smph. The column to the left indicates the radius of the lift, the one to the far
right, the maximum boom length each weight can be carried at.

.La 0

.. ",
~ 0!YJ
3.60' s!ra,ghl C'.er 1'001 ~'I'ax
rl n
10 3-4200 48600 4ObOO 338
12 3-4300 42100 l3lOO 338
15 21300 3-4SOO 2'8100 450
2'0 13100 26400 21500 450
2'5 8300 20300 16500 450
:;0 5100 14600 '2900 450
35 4100 .,200 10700 570
~O 3000 6700 8700 570
45 2200 7000 1000 570
51) 1500 5100 5100
4600 4600 oqO
bO 3800 3800 810
b5 29()0 2CI'l}0 810
11) 2100 21CO 810
15 1300 llOO 9'30

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Load Indicators This is a device which is installed on mobile cranes to alert the 0 . ., .
safe operating range of the rnachlnervi In some cas~s the de' pe.~~tor If. the lift IS exceedln~ the
in circumstances it determines to be unsafe. ' vice WI physically lock the machinery

Anti-two block Transducer SLI systems are usually composed of a microprocessor connected to vario
Switch itself. The hi
SLI measures
. the angle and extension of th e b oom aIong with
.us sensors
the loadonweight
the crane
a d
compares t ISwith the manufacturer's specifications to determine if the lift is safe. ! n

A safe load indicator has the capability of detecting the an I .

radius 01 any lifting device. It contr~ls the lifting eQUiPmen;~ ~:'~:~;It~a~ditli:~~e~ ;::'~e~ound
machinery functioning as per the manufacturer's suggested safety charts. p the

The crane is fitted with multiple sensors for each of th

further displayed in the operator's cabin f;r his benefit. e measured parameters, which are then

I Anti-twoSwitch
block Pressure

I Load Indicators

I You may come across these referred to as:

Central Processor

RCI Rated Capacity Indicator

RCL Rated Capacity Limitert

LMI Load Moment Indicator
Automatic Safe Load Indicator
All aid the equipment operator by sensing (directly or indirectly) the overturning moment on the
equipment, i.e., load multiplied by radius. They compare the lifting condition to the equipment's
rated capacity, and when the rated capacity is reached warn the operator that an increase in the
load or radius will result in the rated capacity being exceeded. This, of course could result in serious


Only a device known as a Rated Capacity Limiter will actually shut off elements of the crane's
systems to prevent an increase in the severity of the loading on the equipment,' e.g. hoisting,
telescoping out, or luffing out. Typically, those functions which decrease the severity of loading on
the equipment remain operational, e.g., lowering, telescoping in, or luffing in.

In some crane models the device informs the operator of the configuration of the boom, confirms
that all the locking devices are in place and aids the operator in installing the counterweights.

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Anti-Two Block Assembly
System Schematic
,~__..__ __
~•.__ .~m.~
~""'''''''<'' _••• _ri ~.•·•···.. rl -~·····O><· ri ••• _ m· ·" .. •••••• .. l
Part of the Rated Capacity Indicator system is the anti-two block assembly or cut out, this normally
consists of a weight wrapped round the dead line of the crane hoist wire and suspended from a I
: SWITCHES & i micro switch by a chain or small wire.

1 BOOM ; If a hook block travels past the limit of the chain or wire the weight is lifted and the micro switch is
activated to send a signal to the operator cab and cut out any further hoist movement.
\ \
; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \ f···················





...... -_ - . ....................

Reel Off Cable Drum r


Checking the Reel-off Cable Layering:

: -_ .
........................ ." ~ The extension reel is designed to provide accurate measurement of boom extension when Ithe
REELOFF CABLE forms a single flat layer across the surface of the extension reel as the boom is
telescoped in and out. Any stacking of the cable will cause extension errors as the boom retracts.
Rated Capacity Indicator Assembly
, . Telescope the boom fully out and then fully in. Check that the reel-off cable forms a flat single layer
. d MG5B6 Rated Capacity Indicator across the surface of the extension reel, with each successive turn of cable lying next to the last.
MlcroGuar "

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Example load Indicator

Reel Off Cable t

. ccurs make sure that the first cable guide at the top .of the
If any stacking or build-up of the.cable o. h h' t 'de edge of the extension reel, as shown In the QQ
boom root section is correctly aligned Wit t e ou Sl o
illustration below.
' then lubricate it with a silicone oil. Q
Clean t h e ree I-0 ff cable ,

~----------------I Boom Root


/ :

11- ~

Fi~'C.b,eL \

ORs Full 9.7Klb Ctwt

Reel-Off Cable

Outside Edge of
Readings are:- 44.8ft boom length; 26.4ft radius; 62.r boom angle; 6 falls of rope; max capacity
23,5001bs; actual load 12,3001bs;

load Indicator Displays Remote Bar Graph Overview

The Remote Bar Graph, shown below, displays the percentage of rated capacity of the crane. The
II remote bar graph is mounted at the top of the cab front window, in the operator's line of sight. User
selectable levels of brightness are available on the device, which is designed for reading under all
lighting conditions. Defective remote bar graphs cannot be serviced. The remote bar graph is
optional and is not used on all cranes.

~ " ~•• ' ••• ' ,- , •• " .' 1''' .' ~"e.,~,-..,• 0 .~" , ~ t'
I' ~ • • • • • t, •• j

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Information entered is:
Load Indicators
• Type of boom and boom extension
npll60p 6e30nacHocTMAML M1 (Tadano) • Amount of counterweight on crane
npl160p 6e30naCHOCTIIAC-AOr-01 M (HnK .AC·) TADANO TR-250 M (1992 r)
KC-55717 .~BaHoBell· (2006 r) • Length of outriggers used
• Slewing area
• Reeving of main hook block

All data is entered via corresponding "F" keys ditree tl y un d er each data value.

Once all data is entered, basic load chart icture a .

with different boom lengths and at diffe~nt dl ppe;~~, where crane operator can compare SWL
informed decision about how much boom t t dusf' his ~n~bles the crane operator to make an
o ex en or t e lifting task.

Load charts displays the configuration code radius SWL b

of each boom section to be used for chose~ 'f" o~m lengths, number of falls, percentage
crane con lguration type of boom d b
amount of counterweight on crane
length f outri . r
0 ou riggers, slewing range.
an oom extension,


NOTE: this equipment is only an operator aid and should not be expected to replace the training and
experience of the operator. It will only perform correctly if given the correct information.

Example of an R.C.I. system

Liebherr cranes have their own crane computer called Liccon - stands for Liebherr Computer


Liccon allows crane operator to enter information depending on crane's configuration, so the
computer can work out what the crane can safely lift at all possible distances and heights with
different boom angles and lengths, basically:

• Every crane configuration entered into the computer is given a unique code
• That code is displayed at the top of the screen NOTES
• Crane operator can enter the code directly into the computer for a given crane configuration
without going through the steps of adjusting all the data separately

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Liebherr Liccon computer telescoping screen - done . Note the diff
I erence b etween the two pictures.
Liccon Liebherr computer working screen displays utilization chart, winches and their movements,
any warnings, wind speed (if anemometer is installed) SWL and tare weight, radius, boom angle,
boom length with current percentages of each section used, possible head height and options. To
the right of the screen there is key pad for entering more adjustments.

~ 46 I 92 I 92 I

Via the key pad, crane operator can access al! functions of Liccon - go back to the setup/load chart
screen, retrieve information about outrigger pressures or adjust outriggers, go directly into ~rom the same key pad, crane operator can go straight to the outriggers screen
ere the crane operator can see all outrigger pressure di . .
telescoping mode, enter the configuration code, adjust speed of movements and more. current crane level and main lifting data. s, a Just outrigger lengths and height, see

::(: (4)

o / 8 / 92 / 92

With the telescope button the crane operator can access the telescoping adjustments screen


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load Indicators I
Another important function that can be accessed from key pad is adjusting the maximum speed of

crane motions. Although all the systems shown display the same basic information i.e.

Besides entering the maximum speed, in this screen winches can also be completely blocked to
• Boom Length
prevent undesired movements made by mistake.
• Boom Angle
• Radius
• Capacity
• Actual Load

They do require some input from the operator.

*Unforeseen and eve~ tragic results can result from inputting the wrong code number of falls or
amount of counterweight" I

Full Boom and Fly Jib Test


Maximum speed can also be altered via joystick directly - by pressing "rabbit" button. After pressing
the high speed button, change is displayed on main working screen with rabbit symbol:


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The following images show a 200t mobile crane where the experienced operator had removed Crane Signals
counterweights preparatory to travel and, when asked to extend the boom, forgot that he had done
this and did not change the counterweight settings on the RCI.

Crane Signals

Confusion can be caused by riggers, banksmen, or labourers working with cranes who have evolved
their own method of signalling - often in unconventional ways with various body parts including feet 73
or heads!

To counter this an internationally recognised set of signals, as per these illustrated in BS 7121-1,
should be used by all competent persons when performing a thorough examination or test on a
mobile crane.

Examples of these signals are shown in the images that follow.



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Extend Boom
Retract Boom

Use Main Hoist




I 1

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Cease Operations
Use Whipline Mobile Crane Hydraulic Systems Basics

Slew drive

Two-bop system with

closed slew drlve circuit.

Mobile Crane Hydraulic Systems

Because the operating system for mobile telescoping cranes is a hydraulic pump powered by a
power take off (PrO) shaft, it is essential that the competent person performing the examination has
a basic knowledge of this type of system.

A Hydraulic Crane works on the same principle as the human Brain

body as far as fluid, circulation and pressure are concerned.

The Heart is a pump that pumps blood round the system.

The hydraulic oil in the system is like the human blood and if we
don't get enough blood circulating through the system, the
system will get weak and ultimately break down (flow).
If our blood pressure is not correct, we will also be weak and tired

The crane also has a brain, (spool valves) the same as the human
body, which gives it instructions on what part of the body to

If we want to run or exercise vigorously our heart pumps faster to
allow us to do this (accelerator).

Rest of

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Mobile Crane systems have the following same basic components of any hydraulic system: Mobile Crane Operator Cab

• A power source J
• A hydraulic oil reservoid
• A pump
• Directional control valves and actuators

Tank Control


i Pull ~

~hJ'l~ C'M_'"'-(.

Most hydraulic truck cranes use two-gear pumps that have a pair of inter-meshing gears to A mobile crane has two basic types of controls for manoeuvring a load:
pressurize the hydraulic oil.
Joysticks - There are two joysticks in the cab.
When pressure needs to increase, the operator pushes the foot throttle to run the pump faster.
Most Mobile crane joysticks are configured so that one '11 .
P>t)o ""' 1-rv.t (c
other will control boom telescoping and swing motions. WI control HOist and Boom motions and the
In a gear pump, the only way to get high pressure is to run the engine at full power.

EXAMPLE: Foot pedals T One pedal controls the amount of pressure bein
pedals can be responsible for retracting and t di h g gen.erated ?y the pump, but ancillary
A 70-ton hydraulic truck crane uses a 12.7-L diesel engine that generates up to 365 horsepower. The ex en mg t e telescoping sections ofthe boom.
engine is connected to three two-gear pumps, including:
Joy sticks and foot pedals are connected t h d r
spool valves. 0 y rau IC hoses that connect various hydraulic rams to
Main pump - This pump operates the piston rod that raises and lowers the boom, as well as the
hydraulic telescoping sections that extend the boom. The main pump is able to generate 3,500
pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure. It generates more pressure than the other two pumps The spool valve is connected to the hydraulic um via' .
because it is responsible for moving much more weight. hoses that run from the spool valve to the hYd~aUIi~ ram. third hose that IS placed between the two

Pilot pressure counterweight pump - A hydraulic truck crane uses counterweights on the back of the When a joystick is pushed in one direction it causes th I
II leading to the ram and open the other.' e va ve to shut off one of the hydraulic hoses
cab to keep it from tipping over. These may be added and removed by a hydraulic lift that has its
own pump. The counterweight gear pump can generate 1,400 psi.
Steering/outrigger pump - One pump controls the steering and the outriggers! The outriggers are
used to stabilize the truck during lifting operations. Because steering and outrigger operation are not
performed simultaneously, they can run off of the same pump. This pump generates 1,600 psi.

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Boom Circuit
Some older style cranes may still be equipped with mechanical levers that use direct linkages to
spool banks rather than electronic signals.

Outriggers 81
A Hydraulic circuit:

• Receives mechanical power in the form of a rotating shaft. (PTO - Power Take Off)

• Converts to hydraulic power with the pump

• Is directed with a valve to either a cylinder or a motor

• Is then converted back to mechanical power

• Motions then activated; hoist, boom, swing, telescoping


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Safety! Anything under pressure is a potential hazard Thorough Examination of Mobile Cranes

Hydraulic system parts an~

connections can contain high
pressures which, if suddenly
and unexpectedly released,
can cause serious injury or

Maintenance Issues
Thorough Examination of Mobile Cranes
..... ............... ''' ..
. .
Modern Mobile Telescopic Cranes are complex pieces of equipment which are constantly developing 83
r-D-u-st---") . and a competent person should take every opportunity to keep up to date with advancements .

Manufacturer's publicity releases can be quite helpful in providing updated product information

To ensure that a Thorough Examination is carried out methodically the following steps should be

• Carry out examination of the mobile crane chassis/carrier as per BS 7121-2-1:2012 and BS
7121-2-3:2012 ,

• Carry out examination of the mobile crane upper works as per BS 7121-2- I 1:2012 and
Condensation BS 7121-2-3:2012
causes Rust
• Perform wire rope examination as per BS.ISO 4309: 2010 C\11~ Lv;-;"_' -upc

• Generate a Report of Thorough Examination as per Schedule 1 of LOLER

• Ensure that all details in the Report of Thorough Examination are correct,

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Thorough Examination of Crane Carrier/Chassis Mobile cranes are currently exempt from the Goods Vehicles (licensing and Operators) Regulations
1995 (as amended) [15], and the Goods Vehicles (Plating and Testing) Regulations 1988 (as
amended) [16].

The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (as amended) [8] Regulation 100
requires that mobile cranes should:

"At all times be in such condition ... that no danger is caused or is likely to be caused to any person
in or on the vehicle or on a road"

To ensure this, the following should be checked as a minimum requirement:

C'I Manufacturer's information plate/label, including CE mark .!;"t!W.J /lII\Adt), ""&wj

• Lights!
0 Headlights
0 Sidelights
0 warning lights I
0 Indicators
0 Hazards'

• Windscreen wipers/washers

• Registration plate

• Hook attachment point

• Steering
o Steering should be checked to ensure all wheels are turning in correct direction; this
is essential with all or multi-wheel steering. This can be done when crane is
manoeuvring into position.

• Brakes
o To check brakes, ask the operator to:-
Ensure gear is in neutral and apply handbrake put in first gear and check to
see if crane moves.
Press footbrake and release hand brake, check to see if crane moves.
Put gear in neutral and apply handbrake.
o The competent person should position himself with a rear view of crane and get
operator to apply footbrake;
Check brake lights.


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• Drive Shaft
• Reverse alarm/lights
o ViS~~IIY exam to ensure shaft is attached correctly
o Ask operator to select reverse gear
o If visible check P.T.O. shaft is engaged
check reverse alarm and light(s)

• Access Ladders
• Operator Cab on Carrier
o Check housekeeping
o Control identification
o Seat
o Safety belt
o Condition of pedals

• Tyres and wheels Pc;,U~ I 1- \Vc


o Tyre Pressure is important for any crane, but it is essential that it be correct for
cranes that have free on rubber (free on wheels) duties

• Automatic carrier levelling/ suspension system

• Hydraulic tank and Systems

o Check hydraulic tank oil level before setting up crane
o Ensure cap is fitted to tank
o If accessible check filter
o Once P.T.O is engaged listen for any adverse sounds from the pump during
o Check all pipes, flexible hoses' and connections for leaks
o Check all telescoping ram seals for leakage

• Outriggers Beams ~I we. tcJ9

o.'O~ 0 It . (~~).
o Visually examine outrigger beams to ensure they are level
beams that are offset could indicate that shims need adding or replacing
o Examine all visible hoses, connections and pipes for cracks, deformation or leaks
o If access holes are available on side of beam, remove covers and check interior of
beam for hydraulic oil sitting there; this can indicate a leak in the system
o Ensure locking holes line up and that lock pins are available and can be inserted

• Outrigger Jacks and Pads

o Check that jack ram is dry, a film of oil can indicate the seal is leaking and it will get
progressively worse.
Use a torch if necessary and check outer seal cover
o Ensure pads are undamaged and lock pins are available and can be easily fitted

• Outrigger Controls and Crane Level Gauges

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-- -
- ~

In summary, checks should include but not be restricted to:

• Drivers Cab

• Lights

• Brakes

• Gears

• Reverse Alarm

• Hydraulic tank oil level (should be checked before any hydraulic functions are operated)

• Fuel Tank

• Tyres and Pressures

• Suspension

• Drive shaft

• Power take off (PTO) is engaged

• Outrigger jacks, pads and beams


• All pipework and connections including flexible and rigid hoses and holding valves

• Hydraulic cylinders

• Access ladders

• All bolts pins and fastenings

• Superstructure for cracks or damage


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Thorough Examination of
Mobile Telescoping Crane Superstructure

Hoist Mechanism
- Jib
Superstructure Boom
- Sheaves
Load Blocks
Chassis or Base Rope

Travel Mechanism

Information for the written report can be found on the manufacturer's plate.
Mobile Telescoping Crane Superstructure

Although important in its own right, the function of the crane carrier is to transport the crane
superstructure to its operational

Once there the crane superstructure


becomes the star of the show, and it is crucial that it performs

(E Herste"er, Name unci Anschriff
name and adress ot the manufacturer
nom eI adreS$e du fabrlcant

as per the manufacturers specifications and works safely and efficiently.


Crane t'fPO SorlllNo.
Type de groe No de construction
To this end it is required to perform the following checks as a minimum:


Elste Inbotll.~
Year oC manu(aclure Year of fil1it ocmmlsslonlr,g
Annee de consltucllon Annes de 1. rTAO on IItC'I\CO
Boom length/angle sensor recoil
• Manufacturers plate: serial number; •
model; year of manufacture drum and cable Englno pC7ll'or
Plrl8Mnce du mtteur
• Counterweight and counterweight • Boom wear pads

attachment system • Winches

• Operator Cab • Wire rope

• Wire rope anchors/terminations
• RCls
Hook block including sheaves
• Boom cylinder •
• Boom • Anti two block mechanism NOTES

• Boom telescoping sections

• Boom telescoping hose recoil drum

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Operator Cab
As the competent person, you are looking to ensure that:
Counterweights are essential to enable the crane to perform its duties. Fitting the counterweights as
detailed in the load charts will ensure that the crane is working to its maximum efficiency.
The housekeeping is good
The seat is in good condition
It is necessary to observe the counterweight attachment rams while they are deploying to ensure
There are no loose wires or panels
that they extend fully and that they engage and lock.
The RCI is fully functional and matches the load charts
The load charts are present in the operator cab
There are. no obstructions to the operators view
The glass In the cab is all safety glass and h
All control functions and switches are I as not been replaced by plastic
c ear yl marked and that th f
Th e swing brake engages and holds ey per orm as marked
T.he tilt cab mechanism if applicable operates
Lights and windscreen wipers function correctly
ACjHeater controls operate correctly

Speak to the operator or technician - they can tell .

Sometimes they will tell you more than the '11 you If the~e have been problems with the crane.
y WI report to their manager or maintenance colleague.


Counterweights must be observed when being fitted to ensure that both rams deploy correctly and

both activate (rotate) to lock.

counterweight and Attachment

By closely observing the hydraulic rams for the counterweight we can ensure that each ram is
extending fully and is locking in position before lifting the counterweight.
Check the operator's system display to ensure it is showing the sequence of moves.

Check the hydraulic rams and attachments for leaks, loose connections or damage.

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Rated Capacity Indicator
Crane Controls
To verify that the RCI is operating correctly the following steps may be taken:

• Check Rated Capacity (load) charts

• Pick a configuration and request operator to set boom length accordingly.

• Boom out to a selected radius/angle

• Verify that capacity shown on RCI is same as shown in Rated Capacity Chart

• Physically measure radius to verify it matches RCI

• Attach a known load, or lift a load using calibrated load cell and verify RCI

• Repeat for at least two to three different radii

Superstructure Operator Cab




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Swing Gear Mechanism
Cab Roof located lMllndicator

If internal gearing is used for the swing mechanism the only way, short of dismantling the assembly,
to exam is by visual and audible observation.

If swing drive is external it is relatively easy to examine. Points to consider are:

• Worn gear teeth

• Noisy drive motor

• Loose bolts

If excessive movement is noted when the crane is under load, then measurements can be taken
using a DTI and compared with manufacturers readings if available.

Watch the crane whilst slewing and note if there is any discernible rocking movement that would
indicate loose bolts or worn gearing, listen for any grinding of the drive motor.

Dial test indicator measurements are a last resort that is seldom utilised, and, unless previous data is
available, are non-conclusive. However - it is another tool we can use.
Cab Mounted load Chart


C 8.0m 13.0m

~ (

16.5m 23.5m 3O.5m

19.0 12.5
83° 3.0
5° 25°

2.5 2.0 1.2 0.8
25.0 19.0 12.5 7.0 76° 3.0 2.1 1.6
3.0 1.1 0.8
19.0 12.5 7.0 72" 3.0 2.1 1.6 1.75
3.5 25.0 0.8
12.5 7.0 70° 2.8 2.1 1.6 1.65 1.05
4.0 23.0 19.0
7.0 65° 2.35 1.8 1.5 1.4 0.95 0.78
4.5 21.2 18.0 12.5
7.0 60· 2.0 1.55 1.35 1.2 0.9 0.75
5.0 19.4 16.7 12.5
7.0 55· 1.45 1.35 1.2 1.05 0.85 0.74
5.5 17.8 15.6 11.75
0.85 0.75 0.7
6.0 16.3 14.6 11.1 7.0 so· 1.05 1.0 0.95
10.5 7.0 45· 0.75 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.55
6.5 15.1 13.8
10.0 7.0 40· 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.4
7.0 13.7 13.0
8.0 10.55 9.0 7.0 35· 0.38 0.35
9.0 8.65 8.2 6.3 A • Boom Length
10.0 7.05 7.3 5.8 B .. Working Radlu.
5.3 C • Jlb Length
11.0 5.85 U
o "JlbOff .. t
12.0 4,95 5.5 E. Boom Angl.
13.0 4.2 4.75 4.5
14.0 3.6 4.1 4.15
15.0 3.6 3.8
3.15 3.45 NOTES
17.0 2.8 3.05
I 2.7
18.0 2.45
2.15 2.45
i 19.0
1.9 2.2
1.7 1.95
Ir ~ ~:
ndtd \ MddM

llllnlonum \
5 .l
- --
1.15 Mal .. '
28.0 0.95

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Telescopic Booms
All Mobile telescoping Cranes must be fitted with a Positive Swing tocldto ensure that the boom
cannot swing when in the locked position. This is essential if the crane is to be moved with the boom
The telescopic boom on a mobile telescoping crane is attach .
in the upright position. and raised by a one or two hydraulic ram system. ed to the swivel structure by boom pins

Also while travelling with the boom on the rest it ensures the boom cannot rotate unexpectedly,
(there have been cases of booms rotating whilst travelling and causing accidents to other road


The example shown is just one type there are many more different types.

• ~~:~~::n~p~~d lower boom pins paying particular attention to boom derrick ram

• Failure to ensure locking pins are in p la ce can cause the pin

collapse . to work loose resulting in boom

Mobile cranes are fitted with a central rotary distributor to allow the
• Check all hydraulic connections for loose fittings and leaks

crane to rotate through a 360 arc.

The rotational coupling for hydraulics and electrical connections allows all
• Observe derrick piston(s) while boom is bein lifted If . .
that the seal is beginning to leak g
I oil is detected on piston It can indicate
crane actions to be performed normally even when the cab is rotated.

Ensure that all fastenings are secure all hydraulic hose and connections are
• Operate boom up and down to clarify1fthere is actually a leak

not leaking and no visible wires are broken.

On older cranes a safety chain was attached to ensure the coupling rotated
with the crane in case securing bolts sheared.

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Looking at a boom like this indicates that the .~d~ wear pads
on the outer section of the boom require serious
Single cylinder boom derrick ram adjustment or replacement.

A simple method of checking to see if boom wear pads

require replacing or adjustment is to fully extend the boom
and get the operator to swing a short distance then stop
suddenly, any movement in the boom can then be
observed. 0)1 bo-o'rv> ~ ve...,S I +- ~ ()....U, e1~1:,~

If the whole boom moves, this is expected and acceptable, if

individual sections move back and forward adjustment or
replacement of the wear pads in these sections are

Telescopic Boom Flexing\ 103

~ rn booms can flex quite extensively, this is normal and
When fully extended. and un~er load mode b nd whilst not under load it may indicate that the
allowable. However If there IS a downward e
bottom and top wear pads may need adjustment or replacement.

Wear pad adjustment or replacement is a

commonly reported action.

Crane owners and mechanics don't like to hear

it as it sometimes means pulling the boom to
replace the inner set of wear pads.
MOVh 0..)..i2:?~ A:.u. 'i flrk Iv~Y 110;//
b(' c:ue..f..-ph6~.

~~J)/7~ (~~ I·;.........._;,!) /Jo-I/ auepk.61!.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
Because the telescoping rams are internal it is not always possible to examine them, however
some cranes have viewports at the base of the boom that allows a person to observe the rams
Boom Wear Pads closing.

If there is no option for seeing the ram, by examining the

boom base for signs of oil we can at least determine whether
there are any hydraulic leaks.

In M",t·~ ~.
The condition of the hydraulic hoses on the recoil drum is also
a clue as to whether there are any leaks.

Telescoping Systems

d' th se cases all or most of

multi ram system for telescoping the boom an In e
Older cranes may use a .
the boom sections will move at the same time.

Single stage ram systems have to be checked on the R.C!. display to ascertain whether they are
operating to their correct configuration and whether the boom pin locking system is functioning.

. .' telesco ing system which will telescope the bo~m

The modern tendency is to utilise a Single ram h I tt in place before returning to its start point
section a specific percentage of movement and t en oc I
and repeating with the next section.

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©LEEA Aca d emy- MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
The angle measurement is determined by means of the angle sensor mounted inside the cable reel
Boom Furniture housing shown below:

Boom furniture may include:

Boom length/angle sensor

• Cable Reeling Drum

• Limit switches
• Dynamometer
• Anti two block switch

"'17,.Ji~1') ~
Running Line
Tensiometer ~--w
Length and Angle

# Part # SAP # Qty Description

068-000-11 0-133 530333 Cable Reel Housing W/Drum (No Cable)
1.1' 000-673-030-022 311035 140' Sensor, Length Cable 3 core (Sold by the foot)
2 068-000-100-063 518748 Kit, Slip Ring, 5 Conductor, LWG508
3 068-000-300-024 536166 Length Sensor WlWires
4 064-360-061-551 606700 Sensor, Angle, WGC360/1551
5 534306 534306 Connector, 5 Socket WlWires and Plug
6 092-000-060-387 529959 Connector, 5 Pin WlWires and Plug
7 933039100 N/A Connector, 5 Pin Female WlWires
8 068-000-300-1 04 534340 Board, Terminal
9 068-000-11 0-011 518654 Cable Reel Accy, Housing Drum
10' 005-682-000-001 518697 Cable Reel Accy, Housing Cover
11' 068-000-110-038 518681 Gear Wheel 75T
k' of the Rated Capacity Indicator/Limiter.
Attac h men ts on booms are critical for the correct wor ing -~--"i
Cable Reeling Drum (Power feed to angle s~ns~r
and other boom furniture) Ensure that :able IS laid
flat on drum otherwise false length readings may be

The length of cable is mounted to th: tip of the

boom and transmits the anti-two block signal.

The number of turns and the diameter of the cable

drum controls the length of the uncoiled cable, thus,
the telescopic length is determined.

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Because ~ost fly jib extensions are of lattice boom con . .
to the main cord and lacings. struction, particular attention should be paid
Fly jibs and Mounting Structures

The difference between a Fly Jib and a luffing Check for:

jib is that a fly jib is normally fixed in position
during a lift and the main boom moves up and • Damage
• Distortion
A luffing jib, however, is the main mover in
luffing configuration and the main boom is • Cracked welds
normally set at a fixed length and angle.
• Attachment lugs

When fly jibs are stowed on the side of the

crane boom it is critical to ensure that the jib
attachment pins are also stowed on the boom
to ensure that the correct pins are available to
pin the jib to the boom.

The jib attachment lugs should also be

examined to ensure they have not been
damaged or distorted.




Boom stowed Fly Jib extensions, sometimes known as swing-aways, can be examined even when not


With the main boom in a horizontal position over the side, the length of the boom can be examined.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - viA
luffing Jib Examination

Fly Jib Angles

o 0 d ma be manually set or have a powered Performing an examination of a luffing jib involves more individual parts than a simple fly jib.
The angle of the fly jib may be variable from 0 - 60 an Y
adjustable system in place. The jib itself is also a lattice boom and all cords and lacings require examination for distortion
damage and weld cracks.

The 'A' frame, Support frame and all pendants and attachments require thorough examination to
detect any distortion, damage weld cracks or missing/unsuitable attachment pins.

This examination is performed at ground level during assembly.

Side Supported Super Lift

Old style superlift normally consisted of additional weights on a platform or wheeled trolley, which
then had to be attached to the crane.

Modern technology has evolved a method of supporting the boom by rigging extendable boom side-
mounted wings which can increase the crane capacity significantly .

Luffing Jibs .c ro • 111

Lv. o;')V\.J h . boom up or down, e.g. In
. . h it is impractical to boom t e rnain
Luffing Jibs are used in condItIons were t adtus as well as height for the crane.
ild] (s) nd to offer a grea er r
close proximity to a bui mg sa.
h . ht and extended to clear all obstructions then It can be
The luffing jib is attached. for ~xtra ~~~izontal area than a fixed boom.
'luffed' up and down covering a arger


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Boom Tip Sheaves
. d su erlift assembly permanently mounted on others it comes as
Some cranes have the Side mount~ h p . l' Shown here is a detachable version.
a separate attachment for road weig t restnc Ions.
Sheaves must all be checked for wear.

To do this apply a correctly sized sheave gauge and


Boom Tip Sheaves Wire Rope Anchor

Examine boom tip sheave assemblies:

The Hoist Wire operates a hook block and to do this the wire is either attached to the hook block or
reeved and attached to the boom tip by a wire rope anchor. 113
• Check for damage to sheaves

It is essential that the correct wire rope anchor is attached and that the wire hoist rope has been
Check sheaves are free running with no play in the bearings
• inserted correctly and locked in place.

Ensure rope guides are in place and secured

• Shown here are two methods currently in use to anchor the wire hoist rope.

Check for wear caused by wire rope rubbing on guide

Severe damage can indicate wire rope may have damage as well.

Efficiency 80%

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Both of these methods are efficient if used correctly, however misuse, or incorrect assembly can
cause wire rope damage and subsequent wire rope failure.

Both have drawbacks as detailed below: There are also a number of options for securing the tail:

If the wire rope fitted with the manufactured end fitting for the easy assembly anchor gets damaged
close to the fitting, it cannot be cut and reused in that fitting.
The wire rope has to be returned to the manufacturer for a replacement fitting or sent to a 'WRONG Ilrnstall,aUolt'li Crosby "'te-rmil1lali()r'I'M-IP(iljc;iple:
manufacturer recognised company for re-terminating. U$o ., \S4IIIIc;l9Id ~sby
cIoIllO o;l<Jmp bIlo toil1lfld
dlnoolly 10 tJlo _dlJll
This can be as expensive as buying a new wire rope and often crane owners will just buy new.

With the wedge and socket it is imperative that the socket is of the correct size for the diameter
Extended wedl)ll prolrud'es
rope being used and that the wedge and socket are a part of the same assembly and not mixed. out of tile iSOd(ill
Non-Rotating Ropes

Note: Damaged end fittings are sometimes cut off and a suitable wedge and socket assembly fitted
to allow the rope to continue in use. This is acceptable if correct assembly is used for the diameter ,
wire and the mounting fittings.

There are a number of ways the wedge and socket can be fitted and shown is the wrong way and the

correct way.

ill '~ 115

Rope Wedge Tail clipped CORRECT

to live line METHOD NOTES
Backward Backward

Also shown is a wedge with rope checker holes in it that can be used as a guide to check if the wedge
and socket are suitable for the wire rope size.

A common method of wrongly fitting a wedge and socket anchor is to reeve the live end down the
slanting side of the wedge and back up the straight side.

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4

Anti Two Block system Hook Blocks

The anti two block actuator consists of a weight suspended a measured distance from the boom tip This hook block demonstrates the correct information that should be available on all mob' I
hook blocks. I e crane
by a chain or wire rope attached to the anti-two block switch.

When the hook block moves the weight up, the switch is activated and sends a signal to the console • Capacity or SWL: 25T
in the crane cab alerting the operator by a flashing light and an audible alarm.
• Weight of Hook Block: 360kgs

• Manufacturer's plate C,.c).-4 D\OI·i-e")

Anti-two block
If manufacturer's plate is not on side of hook, it can often be
found on top of the hook.


To test the anti-two block alarm request the operator to raise the hook block until it is just below the
suspended weight then slowly raise the hook block until the alarm activates or the weight is raised
so that the alarm should activate.
Examination of the Hook Block should include but not be
confined to the following:-
Care must be taken to ensure a block to block incident does not occur.

Ensure that all the assembly and safety pins are present and correctly in place. • Check for any visible damage to the hook block

• Check hook to ensure that it swivels in all

directions and there is no excessive play in the

• Check Hook Safety Latch and throat opening

• Check manufacturers plate to find Capacity; Hook

Weight; Wire Rope diameter

• Confirm wire rope is of the correct diameter

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Sheaves should be checked for:
1, Correct grOOJe diameter
2, Roundness or contour to give proper support to the rope
3. Small holes, cracks, uneven surlaces, or other defects that
might be detnmentalto the rope
4. Extreme deep wear
GrOOt'c 100 Groovo \'10m New ropewil
small, rope 001 gel damaged A sheave should also be chocked to rnako sure it turns freely,
gels damaged is properly aligned, has no broken or cracked Manges, and has
bearings thai wor1c properly.

Check lor wom

and corrugated

Hook block sheaves must be checked for wear with a sheave gauge, as previously covered in this

b h k d to ensure it is free and

. On hook blocks that have a cross swivel it must e c ec e
No t e. . 119
Hook Block Reeving
operating correctly.

During the thorough examination, as the crane operator booms up, check to see that hook block is
reeved correctly.
Check Block for overall damage

Check sheaves for damage and free rotation with no excessive side to side movement If in doubt consult the load chart or the manufacturer's recommendations.

Using Sheave Gauge, check for wear on sheaves

.( (0'
Again. in this scenario it is
nssurnad that ltIe shoova
t" this scooario is OSSLanOO gauge diameter is equal or ,
that ihe sheave gauge slightly lARGER t.h.on lIlo WlI9
rope diametGr UltendGd to bG
d.:ameter .s equal OJ t'ltly used, If you $GO UGHT under
lARGER than the ,~'rorope tho g:lugG tho sh9QVG is wom ~
d1ameter '"tended 0 bo used rutd rneQds to be raplaced o~ ~
I you see NO UGHT under thG sal90lad ropG diamot9r JS

the gauge. the shaa...a is O.K.

too targcil mr tho shQ8V9 (cw
\ "-
Incorrect Correct

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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - vl.4
Wire Rope Examination
Hoist Drum Examination

oBSISO 4309:2010

Cranes - Wire ropes - Care

and maintenance, inspection
and discard

Hoist drums have to be thoroughly examined to ensure that:-

IP~ ~lletJ (' t..t (' . wJ ch!..v. i; 6w t Crane Wire Ropes

They are securely fastened to the superstructure
• It ~\4d {~( 1.. .bcl~ "'I-\....,.K
• The wire rope is regarded as an expendable component
There is no visible damage to the drum
• • Requires replacement when inspection shows condition has deteriorated and further use
would not be suitable for safety reasons
The hydraulic hoses and connections are secure and not leaking

Follow well-established principles, such as those detailed in various standards:
The wire hoist rope is layered on the drum correctly,

• The drum rotates correctly
~ • Specific instructions provided by the OEM of the crane or hoist

• The hoist brake operates -bUn~ ckrrv...-, <. •

ro ...........
._.. . . • Those provided by the manufacturer of the rope
There are no detrimental sounds coming from the drum during operation

Failure to recognize stated discard criteria for crane wire ropes can be extremely harmful, dangerous
.}~c.h&.",'\·( .
and damaging:

• Discard criteria is given in full in B5 ISO 4309:2010

• Criteria is aimed at retaining an adequate safety margin

NOTES When carrying out examination of wire ropes as part of the thorough examination of a mobile crane,
the competent person should examine the rope in accordance with B5 ISO 4309:2010. (Cranes. Wire
ropes. Care and maintenance, inspection and discard)

BS ISO 4309:2010 stresses the importance of examining critical areas of the rope such as:

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©lEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
Levels of Corrosion
• the termination points of both moving and stationary ropes

• that part of the rope which passes through the block or over sheaves

• in the case of cranes performing a repetitive operation, any part of the rope which lies over

sheave(s) while the crane is in a loaded condition

• that part of the rope which lies over a compensating sheave

• any part of the rope which might be subject to abrasion by external features
Beginning of surface .oxidation. Can be wiped cIean, superficial
Rating: 0% towards discard
Rope should always be clean - if this is not possible, consider electromagnetic wire rope inspection


Checks should be made for:

• Kinks

• Fatigue
• Wear
Wires rough ~o touch, general surface oxidation
• Corrosion Rating: 20% towards discard

• Other deformation and abnormalities

Surface of wir.e now greatly affected by oxidation

Rating: 60% towards discard


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©LEEA Academy - MCE - Step Notes - July 2015 - v1.4
Reduction of rope diameter resulting from core deterioration

Reduction of rope diameter resulting from deterioration of the core can be caused by:

• internal wear and wire indentation

• inte~nal wear caused by friction between
particular] h .. individual strands and wires in h
. ~ w en It ISsubject to bending t e rope,
• deterioration of a fibre core .
• fracture of a steel core
• fracture of internal layers in a rotation-resistant rope

Surface heavily pitted and wires quite slack, gaps between wires If th f 1Y!.f~ I "".f,.,."" \
ese actors cause the actual rope diameter to d b 110"" ~.-y()'
Rating: Discard immediately rotation
. . t
-resls ant ropes, or by 10% for other ro ecrease y 3% of the . I
. nomina rope diameter for
wires are visible. pes, the rope shall be discarded even if no broken I

Broken Wires NOTE'. New ropes WI'11normally have an actual diamet er greater than the nominal diameter.
• Check entire length of the rope Calculating percentage reduction in diameter: ~tt.~~ ",lIo C\v-t.<; I"c'IQ"'; ·h $ '<

• Crane wire ropes do not have an indefinite life Nominal Diameter - Measured Diameter = ?

• In 6 or 8 strand wire ropes, the wires tend to break at the surface ?

X 100
• In rotation resistant ropes, it is likely that the majority of broken wires will be internal
124 Nominal Diameter
• One broken wire in a valley may be deterioration, but two or more should be considered

grounds for discard E.g. A wire rope having a nominal diameter of 26mm is
percentage reduction in diameter. measured at 24.35mm what is the

• Termination broken wires indicate high stress and therefore discard, although rope can be

shortened if practicable 26mm - 24.35 mm = 1.65mm

X 100 6.34%
Heating and Arcing Damage 26
Ropes that are not normally operated at temperature, but have been subjected to exceptionally
high thermal effects, externally recognizable by the associated heat colours produced in the steel
wires and/or a distinct loss of grease from the rope, shall be immediately discarded.

If two or more wires have been affected locally, due to electric arcing, such as that resulting from
incorrectly grounded welding leads, the rope shall be discarded. This can occur at the point where

the current enters or leaves the rope. NOTES

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External Wear

Abrasion of the crown wires of outer strands in the rope results from rubbing contact, under Visible distortion of the rope from its normal sh .
change at the deformation position which result . ape IS termed "deformation" and can create a
pressure, with the grooves in the sheaves and drums. The condition is particularly evident on moving s In an uneven stress distribution in the rope'
ropes at points of sheave contact when the load is being accelerated or decelerated, and is revealed
by flat surfaces on the outer wires.

Wear reduces the strength of ropes by reducing the cross-sectional area of the steel strands. Waviness is a deformation in which the longitudinal axis .
under either a loaded or unloaded condition Wh'l of the ~Ire rope takes the shape of a helix
such a deformation if severe can transmit I e I . necessanly resulting in any loss of strength
If, due to external wear, the actual rope diameter has decreased by 7% or more of the nominal rope , , ml a pu sation resu It' . . '
prolonged working, this will give rise to wear and wire breaks. mg In Irregular rope drive. After
diameter, the rope shall be discarded even if no wire breaks are visible.

The rope shall be discarded if, under an conditi' .

figure below): y on, either of the following conditions exists (see
External and Internal Corrosion

Corrosion occurs particularly in marine and polluted industrial atmospheres. a) on a straight portion of rope, which never runs thr r
the drum, the gap between a straight edge a d t~ugh °d ar~und a sheave or spools on to,
greater n e un erside of the helix is 1/3 x d or
• Diminishes the breaking strength of the rope by reducing the metallic cross-sectional area
• Accelerates fatigue by causing surface irregularities which lead to stress cracking b) on a portion of rope, which runs through a sheave or s ools on
between a straight edge and the underside of the heli:'ls 1/10 todthe drum, the gap
• Severe corrosion can cause decreased elasticity of the rope x or greater

External corrosion

Corrosion of the outer wires can often be detected visually. Wire slackness due to corrosion 126
d = rope
attack/steel loss is justification for immediate rope discard. diameter 127

Internal corrosion

This condition is more difficult to detect than the external corrosion which frequently accompanies
it, but the following indications can be recognized:

a) Variation in rope diameter; in locations where the rope bends around sheaves, a reduction
g = gap
in diameter usually occurs. However, in stationary ropes it is not uncommon for an increase
in diameter to occur due to the build-up of rust under the outer layer of strands Wire Rope Waviness - Example:
b) Loss of clearance between the strands in the outer layer of the rope, frequently combined
with wire breaks between or within the strands

Confirmation of severe internal corrosion is justification for immediate rope discard.

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Combined Effect Assessment
Local Increase in Rope Diameter
Although broken wires are a common r f'
If the rope diameter increases by 5 % or more for a rope with a steel core or 10 % or more for a' combination of factors. In such cases th eason or discard, deterioration often results from a
, e competent person needs to:
rope with a fibre core during service, the reason for this shall be investigated and consideration

given to discarding the rope. • Take account of the different

same location in the rope:
modes of deterior . .
anon, particularly when they occur at the
NOTE: An increase in rope diameter that might affect a relatively long length of the rope, such as
that resulting from the swelling of a natural fibre core, can occur due to excessive absorption of
moisture, creating imbalance in the outer strands, which become incorrectly oriented.
• Make an overall
deterioration assessment 0
f th e " combined effect" of the different modes of

Other Conditions which affect the safe use of wire can include but not be restricted to:
• Dec.ide whether the rope is safe to remain in service and
subjected to any revised inspection/discard provisions ' if so, whether it needs to be
Basket or lantern deformation.

One method of determining the combined effect is as follows:
• Core or strand protrusion/distortion

• Inspect the rope and record the type and amount of e

e.g. number of broken wires in 6d decre . di
ac~ Ind~v~dual mode of deterioration,
• Wire protrusion f
corrosion r ase In rarneter In rnillimetres and extent of

• Flattened portions
• For each of these individual modes of deterioration
a percentage of the respective individu I di d'
rate t .
he seventy and express it either as
• Kinks or tightened loops j

number of broken wires according to t:e i~~~~~du~it~ria:, e.g. ~f4? % of the allowable
represents a rating of 40 % towards di d . discard cntena are found to exist, this
• Bends or discard scar, or In words, e.g. slight, medium, high, very high 129

Lubrication • Either add together the individual ratings at sele dI . 1

same location, and express the severity as a com~~edocatlonsl only when they ~ccur at the
Correct lubrication of wire ropes is essential if the ropes are to give satisfactory service. Good as to the combined degree of severity and ex r h pe: ce~t value or make a Judgement
lubrication not only prolongs the life of the rope but also helps to reduce friction and preserves the I high, very high or discard p ess t e rating In words, e.g. slight, medium,

internal parts. I

All ropes are lubricated internally, and nearly all externally, during manufacture but care should be
taken to see that an approved neutral lubricant is externally applied at frequent interval.s during use

and, if practicable, whilst not in use.

Thinner types of lubricant have the best lubricant qualities but if the rope is constantly exposed fo
the elements or to water, the heavy, thicker lubricants are more suitable. For certain applications
dry lubricants may be preferable but in all cases the lubricant must be acid free in nature. NOTES

Wire ropes should be clean and dry before lubricants are applied.

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Faulty Ropes / Components
Spooling Damage

Examples of core damage:

130 131


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Typical Fatigue Breaks
Strand Indentations

Broken Wires


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Core damage Rope Wear - Multi Strand Wire Rope

Measured 19.36mm
12% Loss

Nominal Rope Diameter


External Wear
Swaging Effect


Shock Loading


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Trapped Rope
Internal Corrosion

136 137

Mechanical Damage


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Rope jumped from sheave and cut through steel section Core Knuckle

138 Spooling/Cross-over Damage



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Spooling Damage Electric Arcing

Mechanical Damage and Heat
Fused Strand

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Heat Effect
Testing as Part of the Thorough Examination

I()(J(JO rss

2()fJfJ() L')!;

Brazed Repair?

A competent person, under LOLER has no requirement to carry out a 4 yearly overload test on a
mobile crane, this was a requirement of the old Construction (Lifting Operations) which LOLER
replaced in 1998.

The ACOP to LOLERasserts that any testing is carried out at the competent person's discretion when
I carrying out a thorough examination, the nature and method to be decided by him and if necessary
in consultation with the manufacturer:)
Supplementary testing can be carried out to verify the accuracy of the Rated Capacity Indicator and
its conformance to the Rated Load Capacity Charts.

• Check the weighing

calibrated load cell
of the RCI by raising a known test weight or by verifying using a I

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In this case the Report should contain the following information:-
To function test the RCI, configure the boom as per the Rated Load Charts for a selected load.

Raise the selected load and boom load out to the maximum radius as allowed by the RCI • Date of test and subsequent examination completion

Verify by measuring the radius and comparing it against the Rated Load Chart. Operate • The crane configuration at time of test

crane through all functions and return load to original start point
• The unique serial number or identifying mark of the crane;

Configurations and weights generally used are:-

• What test weights and at what radii they were used

Minimum Boom length, maximum weight allowable to test structural integrity

• Maximum Boom length, minimum weight allowable to test stability I
• Details of any defects or deformations

Hoist Brake Test

A Hoist Brake test and examination may be carried out to determine if a major overhaul of the
braking system or the replacement of brake pads or shoes has been carried out successfully.

As a minimum, the operational testing should conform to the following:-

• Dynamic testing to verify that a moving load can be halted at normal lifting and lowering


• 'Dynamic testing to verify that a moving load can be halted at normal lifting and lowering
144 145
speeds after the emergency stop has been operated

• 'A static test to verify that the brake can hold a load without slippage

load Testing after Major Repair

After any major repair a Load Test should be completed shortly after to verify the structural integrity
of the crane and to reveal any weaknesses.

The type, scope and method of the test should be as per the crane manufacturer's specifications.



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Reporting 5) The ~afe ,":,orking of t~e.lifting ~quipment or (where the safe working load depends on the
co~flg~ratlon of the lifting equipment) it's safe working load for the last configuration in
which It was thoroughly examined

6) In relation to the first thorough examination of lifting equipment after installation or after
n. •. _._.f._..._ ....._ ...........o.-_1.tJIiIIIII~,..,._,
(. •• t.fic ",. uf 1 hOI oH,1I L ~UIUlll"lh)1I of 1_111111& l (IUII.UI(I'III ...,.
.... ~ __
assembly at a new site or in a new location
.-~ (a) that it is such a thorough examination
(b) (if such be the case) that it has been installed correctly and would be safe to use

7) In relation to a thorough examination of lifting equipment other than a thorough

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examination to which paragraph 6 relates:-
(a) whether
it is a thorough examination-
w~th~n an ~nterval of 6 months under regulation 9(3)(a)(i);
::-.::=-~..,-........ ['@ol I~ ] (~~?~"thm an Interval of 12 months under regulation (9)(3)(a)(ii);
(III) In accordance with an examination scheme under regulation
(9)(3)(iii); or
(iv) after the occurrence of exceptional circumstances under
regulation(9)(3)( a)(iv)
b) (if such be the case) that the lifting equipment would be safe to operate ,

Reports as per LOLER 8) In relation to every thorough examination of lifting equipment-

(a) identification of any part found to have a defect which is or could become a
The LOLER requirements for reporting necessitates that the competent person carrying out the danger to persons, and a description of the defect·
thorough examination make a written report of that examination to the client for whom the 146 (b) particulars of any repair, renewal or alteration required to remedy a defect
examination has been carried out and also to the owner/hirer of the mobile crane. Often this may which found to be a danger to persons; 147
be the same person. (c) in the case of a defect which is not yet but could become a danger to
persons -
The competent person must sign his report or have it authenticated on his behalf and it must (i) the time by which it could become such a danger;
contain the information requested in LOLERSchedule 1. A verbal report should be given at the time (ii) particulars of any. repair, renewal or alteration required to remedy it;
of thorough examination especially if a defect has been discovered that is or could become a danger (d) the latest date by which the next thorough examination must be carried out.
to persons. (e) where the thorough examination included testing, particulars of any test; ,
(f) the date of the thorough examination

LOLER Schedule 1 9) The name, a~dress and qualifications of the person making the report; that if he is self-
employed or, If employed, the name and address of his employer
Minimum Information to be contained in a Report of a Thorough Examination:

10) The name and address of a person signing or authenticating the report on behalf of its
1) The name and address of the employer for whom the thorough examination was made author

2) The address of the premises where the thorough examination was made 11) The date ofthe report

3) Particulars sufficient to identify the equipment, including where known its date of

4) The date of the last thorough examination


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LOLER Report Report Example


This report complies with the requirements of the Lifting Operations and lI~lng Equipment Regulations 1998
n.. '-*-'...... .....__.
., .lfieac. of 1bot ou tb

Dale 01tMrougll OX3rl1lllauon. I Dsto oIroporl ROport number.

Namll and addross 01omplo~ lor whom tllll thOrough lIX3n~natlon was made Addross of PIIlIlllSOSat vdllCh thll oll8m1nallOn was madll.

OesCliplkln and IdllntlOcatltll of lhe equipment: Salll \\()rklngload(S). Dalll 01 manulacture II Dale 01 last Ihorough
knO'Ml: exanunauon:

4I'SOII;I __ '" 15:11D~1ft
li~1 NO
.,.. .. ~41(. .. lYE .. I x INO I
hit..I I !'IO I

• ..... ...,...fltt; ..... •

":I NQ

.u. __ flt .. ,1 UI
In1t[ I t.lO I J
t ~• (\'1.., NO I
"' ....... ..._ ...... .. ... wq- ...

If 149
IS this tile llrst examinatlon after Installation Was the examlnallon carriQd au I.

or afler assembly at a new sHe or Iocanon? I YES I I NO I wallin an Interval of 6 nlonU1S? YES NO

Il the answer to (hf;! above question Is YES. wIlllln an Interval 01 12 months? YES NO

has tho squtpmant been tnstauad cormctly? I YES I I NO I In accorcanca wllh an exammatlon scheme? YES NO /1
after the occorrcnce of exccpuonat circumstances? YES NO

Identification of nny part found 10 have a defect which Is or could become a danger 10 porsoos and a descrtpuou of the defect: (If none state NONE)
.. c-.:. I
15 the above a defect which Is of Irtuneclate danger 10 persons? YES NO

Is lhQ above

a defect

of any repair.
which Is nOI yot but

renewal or altaratlcn
cOlJcl become

a danger 10 parsons?

10 rerne<ly Ihe defect

(If YES state 1110data

klenllhed above:
by wtlel1) I YES by: NO
Partlculara 01 tiny tests carried out as part 01 the exarulnafton: (If none state NONE)


NanlO 011110 parson making this (aport. Name of tho parson aulhonucallng IhlS report: tatos: caro by which next thorougll
oxamination mus! flo canted out:


Nan'lO and add ross of omployorof parsons making

XYZ Lifting Equipment Co Ltd, Any Street, Any Town, Any County
nnel Cllllhenilcatlng IhlS (open.
------------_._---_. _,--

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Report Distribution and Time Scale

It is usual for the crane owner to request a thorough examination be carried out on a mobile crane
~LWHO~Tl ~L~ iI'IO~&1' ~. .\\:XIl.l!.\lRY H,o!SlJ: fI.\'JJJ3. s n.l::"'c:."I.'1: U and the person carrying out this examination on behalf of the owner should send him a copy of the
examination report.
UfiE lffl,'ORKI::':C..lOU' JO,JIi® 1I'r.."'G l,J(!i(l· ~ l,'1Ml KC
The crane owner should send a copy of the report to the crane user as ultimately it is his duty to
+!t 'Il)YE!IillJOi!j.1Jl) !,IItO(I m ill(! KG ::,7'JD iOC.C I ensure the crane is safe.

TQ(Jr,;t[.. !l!'Jito.o~'[Jaw J~II)OIlI IKC l~Ml :KC Z,}l'O IKG I

The normal period in which a report of thorough examination should be completed and forwarded is
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(';"II"HI H..rS~ :u 4'" 1,n U...
1.1 l!l
a maximum of 28 days.

!;:.WllI;.."$ iI :u .l! M ll..t= M The owner and the user must be apprised right away of any defects found that constitute an
immediate or forthcoming danger to persons (this is essential if crane is on site). This can be
!.RO,E. C-O·:'-"RC'l"R...1j,."]'[lO~ 15XlSl l!ll\l 1;\':)9 ;:;'.n~u ! x lSI t\l\[
achieved by verbal or/and handwritten notification of the owner and user. (An in house competent
person may have the authority to remove the crane from service immediately).

The crane can then be removed from service or prevented from entering service until such time as
Report Categorisation and level of Detail the defects have been remedied.

Should defects be found during the course of the thorough examination they must be categorised by Where the competent person has ascertained that there are defects which if not remedied within a
the severity of the defect and how it could affect the safety of persons. stipulated time period could become a danger to persons, a report should be submitted as soon as
practical, to enable the owner to remedy the defects within the specified time limit.
Defects can be classified in one of three categories:- _
Note: It is the personal responsibility of the competent person to ensure that a copy of the report 151
1) Defects that are an immediate danger to persons or could become so
has been sent not his company, or secretary, or manager. He should follow up on it. Should a case
2) Defects affecting the safety of persons that have to be remedied within a stipulated time
end up in court and the report had not been sent then the competent person could be held
3) Observations or recommendations which may require planning to resolve and which may
fall outside the strict scope of the thorough examination
(e.g. you may have noticed a working practice or location that the crane is in that is
detrimental in the long term to the continued safety and integrity of the crane but which
could be altered). This could be, for example, continuous lifting at the maximum radius or
working near chemical/acid areas

The report should be such that it can be clearly comprehended by crane users.

The report should include such details of any defects that the crane owner can ascertain the exact
nature and site of the defect thus allowing him instigate an appropriate course of remedial action.
Abbreviations should not be used when making this type of report to avoid confusion.

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Example Checklist
Cleared Defects and Notifications

At times maintenance personnel from the mobile crane owners company could attend the thorough Examination of: Acceptable Defective
examination and defects revealed by the thorough examination may be corrected immediately. Chassis
Operator cab exterior
The defects must still be reported even if they have been cleared otherwise the report will not
Hook block attachment point
reflect the true condition of the crane at the time and will be undocumented in the history of the
Operator cab interior
mobile crane. Cab Glass
Windscreen wipers
A failure to document defects is contrary to LOLER.
If, according to the competent person, a serious defect has been revealed by the thorough Indicators
examination that poses an existing or impending risk of personal injury when the crane is reused or Brake lights
shortly after, the competent person must send a copy of the report to the relevant enforcing
Reverse lights and alarm
authority. Warning horn
In the UK this is the Health and Safety Executive (H.S.E)
Outrigger controls
152 153
Outrigger level gauges
Outrigger Beams
Outrigger Jacks
Outrigger pads
Hydraulic Tank
Fuel tank
Air reservoirs
Counterweight attachments
Auxiliary Hook blocks
Swing Ring
Access ladders
Operator cab external
Safety glass
NOTES Operator cab internal
Rated capacity charts
Rated Capacity Indicator
Boom up/down
Boom telescoping

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Steering if applicable Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Swing Brake
Positive swing lock The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998) (PUWER)
Windscreen wipers
Cab tilt if applicable The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998) (lOlER)
Crane platform
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Rotary distributor
Boom attachment pins
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Boom Cylinders
External R.CI. components Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
Counterweight attachment rams
Hoist Drum lEEA COPSUlE
Boom tip sheaves
Rope guides Best Practice Guide: Maintenance, Inspection and Thorough Examination of Mobile Cranes

Jib attachment lugs

BS.7121-2-1:2012. Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes: Inspection, Maintenance and
Swing Jib and Accessories
Thorough Examination - General
Anti-two block
Hoist rope anchor and attachment point BS.7121-2-3: 2012. Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes: Inspection, Maintenance and
Hook block Thorough Examination of Mobile Cranes
Hook block sheaves 155
The work at Height Regulations 2005

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

lEEA 051 (01 Oct. 2012): Guidance on the design, Inspection and Use of Water Bags as Test Weights
in the Offshore and Marine Industries

BS. 150.4309:2010. Cranes -Wire Ropes: Care, Maintenance, Inspection and Discard

The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (As Amended)

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