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Lecture 6



          Bending is one very common sheet metal forming operation used not only to form shapes like seams,
corrugations, and flanges but also to provide stiffness to the part (by increasing its moment of inertia).

          As a sheet metal is bent (Fig 6.1), its fibres experience a distortion such that those nearer its outside,
convex surface are forced to stretch and come in tension, while the inner fibres come in compression.
Somewhere, in the cross section, there is a plane which separates the tension and compression zones. This
plane is parallel to the surface around which the sheet is bending, and is called neutral axis. The position of
neutral axis depends on the radius and angle of bend. Further, because of the Poisson's ratio, the width of the
part L in the outer region is smaller, and in the inner region it is larger, than the initial original width.

Fig 6.1 Sheet metal bending. It may be noted that the bend radius is measured to the inner surface of the bent


          It is the length of the neutral axis in the bend, Fig 6.1. This determines the blank length needed for a bent
part. It can be approximately estimated from the relation

Lb =  ( R + kt )

where, Lb = bend allowance (mm)

 = bend angle (radian)

R = bend radius (mm)

t = thickness of sheet (mm), and

k = constant, whose value may be taken as 1/3 when R 2t, and as 1/2 when R2t.


          A 20 mm wide and 4 mm thick C 20 steel sheet is required to be bent at 600 at bend radius 10 mm.
Determine the bend allowance.

Here, bend radius R = 10 mm

     Sheet thickness t = 4 mm


Since R  2t, k = 0.5

Bend allowance


          As the ratio of the bend radius to the thickness of sheet (R / t) decreases, the tensile strain on the outer
fibres of sheet increases. If R / t decreases beyond a certain limit, cracks start appearing on the surface of
material. This limit is called Minimum Bend Radius  for the material.

          Minimum bend radius is generally expressed in terms of the thickness of material, such as 2t, 3t, 4t,
etc. Table 6.1 gives the minimum bend radius allowed for different materials.

Table 6.1 Minimum Bend radius for Various Materials at Room Temperature

Soft Hard
Aluminum alloys 0 6t

Beryllium copper 0 4t

Brass,low-leaded 0 2t

Magnesium 5t 13t

     Austenitic stainless 0.5t 6t

     Low-carbon,low-alloy 0.5t 4t

Titanium 0.7t 3t

Titanium alloys 2.5t 4t

Bending Force :

          There are two general types of die bending : V – die bending and wiping die bending. V – die bending is
used expensively in brake die operations and stamping die operations. The bending force can be estimated from
the following simple relation.

P = k.Y.L.t2 / D
where P is bending force,  is the yield stress of the material, L is the bend length ( bend allowance ), t is the
sheet thickness, D is the die opening and k is a constant whose value can be taken as 1.3 for a V-die and 0.3 for
a wiping die. Fig 6.2 shows various types of bending dies.

Fig 6.2 Die-bending operations.

          Bending force varies as the punch progresses through the bending operation. The force is zero in the
beginning. It rises and reaches the maximum value as the punch progresses and reaches the bottom of the


          A 400 mm long and 2.5 mm thick piece of carbon steel sheet is required to be bent at 900 using a V – die.
You may assume the yield stress of the material as 500 MPa and the die opening as 10 times the material
thickness. Estimate the force required for the operation.

Solution : Here, Y = 500 MPa

 L = 400 mm

  t = 2.5 mm

 k = 1.3 (for V – die)

D = 25 mm

Bending force P = k.Y.L.t2 / D

  = 1.3 x 500 x 400 x (2.5)2 / 25

  = 65 KN

Example :

          If the material as mentioned in the above example is to be bent at 900 using wiping die with radius = 3.75
mm, what is the force requirement?

Solution : Here,Y = 500 MPa

L = 400 mm

t = 2.5 mm

k = 0.3

D = 2.5 + 3.75 + 3.75 = 10mm (see Fig 6.3)

Fig 6.3

Bending force P = k.Y.L.t2 / D

 = 0.3 x 500 x 400 x (2.5)2 / 10

 = 37.5 KN


          It is a process of cold forming a flat blank of sheet metal into a hollow vessel without much wrinkling,
trimming, or fracturing. The process involves forcing the sheet metal blank into a die cavity with a punch. The
punch exerts sufficient force and the metal is drawn over the edge of the die opening and into the die, Fig 6.4. In
forming a cup, however, the metal goes completely into the die, Fig 6.5.
Fig 6.4 Drawing operation.

Fig 6.5 Drawing operation.

          The metal being drawn must possess a combination of ductility and strength so that it does not rupture in
the critical area (where the metal blends from the punch face to the vertical portion of the punch). The metal in
this area is subjected to stress that occurs when the metal is pulled from the flat blank into the die.

OPERATION  . A setup similar to that used for blanking is used for drawing with the difference that the punch and
die are given necessary rounding at the corners to permit smooth flow of metal during drawing. The blank of
appropriate dimensions is place within the guides on the die plate. The punch descends slowly on the blank and
metal is drawn into the die and the blank is formed into the shape of cup as punch reaches the bottom of the die.
When the cup reaches the counter – bored portion of the die, the top edge of the cup formed around the punch
expands a bit due to the spring back . On the return stroke of the punch, the cup is stripped off the punch by this
counter – bored portion.

          The term shallow drawing  is used when the height of cup formed is less than half its diameter. When
drawing deeper cup (height greater that ½ diameter) the chances of excessive wrinkle formation at the edges of
blank increases. To prevent this, a blank holder is normally provided, see Fig 6.4. As the drawing process
proceeds the blank holder stops the blank from increasing in thickness beyond a limit and allows the metal to
flow radially. The limiting thickness is controlled by the gap between the die and the blank holder, or by the spring
pressure in the case of a spring loaded blank holder.

          Some lubricant is generally used over the face of the blank to reduce friction and hence drawing load.

Blank Size

          It is generally difficult to find the exact size of the blank needed for drawing a given cup, because of
thinning and thickening of the metal sheet during the drawing operation. The following simple relations can be
used for determine the blank diameter D:

 where  d = outside diameter of cup

h = height of cup

r = corner radius on punch.

Drawing Force.

          For drawing cylindrical shells having circular cross section, the maximum drawing force P can be
determined from the relation

P = k.t.d.t.Y

  where d = outside diameter of cup

t = thickness of material

Y = yield strength of material

k = factor whose value is approx. equal to [D/d – 0.6]

D = blank diameter


          Embossing is an operation in which sheet metal is drawn to shallow depths with male and female matching
dies, Fig 6.6. The operation is carried out mostly for the purpose of stiffening flat panels.The operation is also
sometimes used for making decoration items like number plates or name plates, jewelry, etc.
Fig 6.6 Embossing operation with two dies. Letters, numbers and designs on sheet-metal parts can be produced
by this operation.


          Coining is a severe metal squeezing operation in which the flow of metal occurs only at the top layers of
the material and not throughout the values. The operation is carried out in closed dies mainly for the purpose of
producing fine details such as needed in minting coins, and medal or jewelry making. The blank is kept in the die
cavity and pressures as high as five to six times the strength of material are applied. Depending upon the details
required to be coined on the part, more than one coining operations may be used.

          The difference between coining and embossing is that the same design is created on both sides of the
work piece in embossing (one side depressed and the other raised ), whereas in coining operation, a different
design is created on each side of work piece.

Lecture 7


Classification of presses.

          Types of presses for sheet metal working can be classified by one or a combination of characteristics, such
as source of power, number of slides, type of frame and construction, type of drive, and intended applications.

Classification on the basis of source of power.

 Manual Presses. These are either hand or foot operated through levers, screws or gears. A common
press of this type is the arbor press used for assembly operations.
 Mechanical presses.These presses utilize flywheel energy which is transferred to the work piece by
gears, cranks, eccentrics, or levers.
 Hydraulic Presses. These presses provide working force through the application of fluid pressure on a
piston by means of pumps, valves, intensifiers, and accumulators. These presses have better
performance and reliability than mechanical presses.
 Pneumatic Presses. These presses utilize air cylinders to exert the required force. These are generally
smaller in size and capacity than hydraulic or mechanical presses, and therefore find use for light duty
operations only.

Classification on the basis of number of slides.

 Single Action Presses. A single action press has one reciprocation slide that carries the tool for the
metal forming operation. The press has a fixed bed. It is the most widely used press for operations like
blanking, coining, embossing, and drawing.
 Double Action Presses. A double action press has two slides moving in the same direction against a
fixed bed. It is more suitable for drawing operations, especially deep drawing, than single action press.
For this reason, its two slides are generally referred to as outer blank holder slide and the inner draw
slide. The blank holder slide is a hollow rectangle, while the inner slide is a solid rectangle that
reciprocates within the blank holder. The blank holder slide has a shorter stroke and dwells at the
bottom end of its stroke, before the punch mounted on the inner slide touches the workpiece. In this
way, practically the complete capacity of the press is available for drawing operation.

Another advantage of double action press is that the four corners of the blank holder are individually adjustable.
This permits the application of non uniform forces on the work if needed.

A double action press is widely used for deep drawing operations and irregular shaped stampings.

 Triple Action Presses. A triple action press has three moving slides. Two slides (the blank holder and
the inner slide) move in the same direction as in a double – action press and the third or lower slide
moves upward through the fixed bed in a direction opposite to that of the other two slides. This action
allows reverse – drawing, forming or bending operations against the inner slide while both upper actions
are dwelling.

Cycle time for a triple – action press is longer than for a double – action press because of the time required for
the third action.

Classification on the basis of frame and construction.

 Arch – Frame Presses. These presses have their frame in the shape of an arch. These are not
 Gap Frame Presses. These presses have a C-shaped frame. These are most versatile and common in
use, as they provide un – obstructed access to the dies from three sides and their backs are usually
open for the ejection of stampings and / or scrap.
 Straight Side Presses. These presses are stronger since the heavy loads can be taken in a vertical
direction by the massive side frame and there is little tendency for the punch and die alignment to be
affected by the strain. The capacity of these presses is usually greater than 10 MN.
 Horn Presses. These presses generally have a heavy shaft projecting from the machine frame instead
of the usual bed. This press is used mainly on cylindrical parts involving punching, riveting, embossing,
and flanging edges.

Fig 7.1 shows typical frame designs.

Fig 7.1 Typical frame designs used for power presses.

Press Selection:

          Proper selection of a press is necessary for successful and economical operation. Press is a costly
machine, and the return on investment depends upon how well it performs the job. There is no press that can
provide maximum productively and economy for all application so, when a press is required to be used for
several widely varying jobs, compromise is generally made between economy and productivity.

          Important factors affecting the selection of a press are size, force, energy and speed requirements.

          Size. Bed and slide areas of the press should be of enough size so as to accommodate the dies to be used
and to make available adequate space for die changing and maintenance. Stroke requirements are related to the
height of the parts to be produced. Press with short stroke should be preferred because it would permit faster
operation, thus increasing productivity. Size and type of press to be selected also depends upon the method and
nature of part feeding, the type of operation, and the material being formed.

          Force and Energy. Press selected should have the capacity to provide the force and energy necessary for
carrying out the operation. The major source of energy in mechanical presses is the flywheel, and the energy
available is a function of mass of flywheel and square of its speed.

          Press Speed. Fast speeds are generally desirable, but they are limited by the operations performed. High
speed may not, however, be most productive or efficient. Size, shape and material of workpiece, die life,
maintenance costs, and other factors should be considered while attemping to achicve the highest production
rate at the lowest cost per piece.

Mechanical versus Hydraulic Presses:

          Mechanical presses are very widely used for blanking, forming and drawing operations required to be done
on sheet metal. For certain operations which require very high force, for example, hydraulic presses are more
advantageous. Table 7.1 gives a comparison of characteristics and preferred application of the two types of
Table 7.1 Comparison of Mechanical and Hydraulic Presses

Characteristic Mechanical Presses Hydraulic Presses

Dose not depend upon slide position. Relatively
Force Depends upon slide position.
Stroke length Short strokes Long strokes,even as much as 3 m.
Slow. Rapid advance and retraction. Variable
Slide speed High. Highest at mid-stroke. Can be variable
speeds uniform throughout stroke.
Capacity About 50 MN (maximum) About 500 MN, or even more.
Adjustable, slide reversal possible from any
Control Full stroke generally required before reversel.
Operations requiring maximum pressure near bottom Operations requiring steady pressure through-out
of stroke. Cutting operations(blanking, shearing, stoke. Deep drawing. Drawing irregular shaped
piercing, Forming and drawing to depths of about 100 parts. Straightening. Operations requiring variable
mm. forces and /or strokes.

Press Feeding Devices:

          Safety is an important consideration in press operation and every precaution must be taken to protect the
operator. Material must be tried to be fed to the press that eliminates any chance of the operator having his or
her hands near the dies. The use of feeding device allows faster and uniform press feeding in addition to the
safety features.

•  Blank and Stamping Feeds.

Feeding of blanks or previously formed stampings to presses can be done in several ways. Selection of a specific
method depends upon factors like production rate needed, cost, and safety considerations.

Manual feeding  . Feeding of blanks or stampings by hand is generally limited to low production rate requirements
which do not warrant the cost of automatic or semi- automatic feeding devices. Manual feeding, however, is
accomplished with the use of a guard or, if a guard is not possible, hand feeding tools and a point – of –
operation safety device. Some commonly used hand feeding tools are special pliers, tongs, tweezes, vacuum
lifters and magnetic pick – ups.

Chute feeds . For feeding small blanks or stampings, simple chutes are often used. The blank slides by gravity
along rails in the bottom of the chute. Slide chutes are designed for a specific die and blank and are generally
attached permanently to the die so as to reduce setup time. Slide angle of 200 - 300 is sufficient in most cases.
Chute feeds need barrier guard enclosure for operation protection, with just enough opening in the enclosure for
the blanks to slide through to the die.

Push feeds . These feeds are used when blanks need orientation in specific relation to the die. Work piece is
manually placed in a nest in a slide, one at a time, and the slide pushed until the piece falls into the die nest. An
interlock is provided so that the press cannot be operation until the slide has correctly located the part in the die.
To increase production rate, push feeds can be automated by actuating the feed slide through mechanical
attachment to the press slide.

Lift and transfer devices  . In some automatic installations vacuum or suction cups are used for lifting of blanks
one at a time from stacks and then moved to the die by transfer units. Separation of the top blank from a stack is
achieved by devices which are operated magnetically, pneumatically or mechanically.

•  Dial Feeds.

Dial feeds consist of rotary indexing tables (or turntables) having fixtures for holding workpiecs as they are taken
to the press tooling. Parts are placed in the fixtures at the loading station (which are located away from the place
of press operation) manually or by other means like chutes, hoppers, vibratory feeders, robots etc. Such feeds
are being increasingly used because of higher safety and productivity associated with them.

•  Coil Stock Feed.

Two main classifications of automatic press feeds for coil stock are slide (or gripper) and roll feeds. Both of these
may be press or independently driven.

Mechanical slide feeds.  Press – driven slide feeds have a gripper arrangement which clamps and feeds the stock
during its forward movement and releases it on the return stroke. Material is prevented from backing up during
the return stroke of the gripper by a drag unit like a frictional brake. Grippers reciprocate on rods or slides
between adjustable positive stops to ensure accuracy. Slide feeds are available in a variety of sizes and designs.
These are generally best for narrow coil stock and short feed lengths.

Hitch – type feed. This feed differs from press – driven mechanical slide feed in that actuation is by a simple flat
cam attached to the ram or punch holder instead of by the press. On the downward stroke of the ram, one or
more springs are compressed by the cam action, then on the upstroke, the springs provide the force to feed
stock into the die.

These feeds are best suited for coil stock of small to medium thickness and for relatively short feed progression.
These are one of the oldest and least expensive feeding devices still used very widely. Due to their low cost, they
are generally left permanently attached to the dies, thus reducing setup time.

Pneumatic slide feeds.  These feeds are similar to mechanical slide feeds in that they have grippers or clamps
that reciprocate on guide rails or slides between adjustable positive stops to push and / or pull stock into a die.
However, these differ in that they are powered by an air cylinder, with actuation and timing of valves by cam –
operated limit switches.

These feeds are best for short progression, and find wide applications in job shops because of their low cost and

Roll feeds. In these feeds, coil stock is advanced by pressure exerted between intermittently driven, opposed
rolls which allow the stock to dwell during the working part of the press cycle. Intermittent rotation (or indexing) of
the feed rolls, with the rolls rotating in only one direction, is accomplished in many ways. In one common design,
the rolls are indexed through a one – way clutch by a rack – and – pinion mechanism that is actuated by an
adjustable eccentric on the press – crankshaft.

These feeds are available in several types and sizes to suit almost any width and thickness of stock. Though
their initial cost is slightly higher, their greater durability and lower maintenance cost account for their extensive

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