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Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures

Ruins of the
by Michael E. Shea

Ten underground adventures for your

fifth edition fantasy roleplaying game
Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures

Ruins of the
by Michael E. Shea

Editing by Scott Fitzgerald Gray

Cover Art by Jack Kaiser
Interior Art by Jack Kaiser and Bryan Syme
Cartography by Elven Tower
Art Direction, Cover, and Page Design by Marc Radle
Layout by Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Player Guide Design and Development by James Introcaso

Product Advisors: Enrique Bertran, Merric Blackman, Sharon Cheng,

Sam Dillon, Jen Gagne, and Ethan Schoonover
Thanks to the following playtesters, GMs, and their players: Bryan Alexander, Justice Arman, M.T. Black,
João Borges, Kelly Bryan, Tom Burdak, Christine Cabalo, Lee-Anne Cecchini, Sharon Cheng, Sam Dillon,
Brian Donnelly, Matthias Esch, Matthias Esch, Jonas Halverscheid, Patrick Hansert, Janine Hempy,
Gregg Hudson, Matthew Johnson, Kevin Klaes, Evan Kunze, Joe Kupsky, Phillip Lemons, Emma Linton, Jerry
Lorengo, Jay Marland, Emma Marlow, Randy May, Avraham Nemoy, Jorge Ortiz, Patrick Paulson,
Tyler Petresky, Cameron Rose, Joel Russ, Juliet Sabol, Mike Schiller, Frank Serio, Michelle Shea, Michael
Sonter, Sabrina Tanzi, Matt Waldron, Jeremy Wallace-Segall, Krystin Watts, Bryan Wire, James Woodward
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Copyright © 2019 by Michael E. Shea

About this Book.....................................................................3

Chapter 1: Deepdelver’s Enclave...............................................11
Chapter 2: The History of Blackclaw Mountain ......................... 23
Chapter 3: The Call of Starsong Tower.................................... 35
Chapter 4: Temple of the Forgotten God.................................. 46
Chapter 5: The Spire of Violet Falls......................................... 57
Chapter 6: A Fistful of Copper............................................... 68
Chapter 7: Shatter................................................................ 80
Chapter 8: Chuul................................................................. 90
Chapter 9: The Cell..............................................................101
Chapter 10: Vault of the White Queen....................................112
Chapter 11: Children of the Red Rose......................................123
Chapter 12: Seed of the Black Cathedral..................................134
Appendix A: Blackclaw Mountain Player’s Guide.....................145
Appendix B: Blackclaw Mountain Gamemaster’s Toolkit............150
Appendix C: The Rise of the Black Star...................................165

Endless discoveries within the forgotten caverns, mysterious vaults, and ancient ruins of Blackclaw Mountain
await those heroes willing to brave the adventures found in these pages.

uins of the Grendleroot is a series of ten spark your own imagination, flexible read-aloud text,
short adventures for the fifth edition of the and piles of ideas to fuel your own stories.
world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying This book is designed to be useful to you in many
game. Designed for characters of 1st to 5th different ways. All of these adventures are set up so
level, these adventures take place in the caverns, you can play them as written, add elements of your
chambers, tunnels, and ruins of the mountain known own to them, or pull them apart and use those parts
as Blackclaw, within which lurks the Grendleroot—a to build your own adventures in your own campaign
strange power of otherworldly sentience. world. You can use the material contained here to
Any of these adventures can be run independently as create an underground explorer’s outpost, using the
single-session games of roughly two to four hours, or book’s random encounter tables to help the characters
they can be tied together as part of a larger campaign. explore the limitless mysteries of the mountain. You
Five of the adventures can be combined together into a can take the fantastic locations in these adventures and
five-session minicampaign that focuses on the strange fill them with your own stories, or create interesting
consciousness lying at the center of the mysterious side treks in your ongoing campaign, memorable sites
mountain. However you play them, each adventure is the characters might encounter in their travels, and
meant to be used with story-based level advancement. more.
This book is designed to make your life easier as a You can use the material in Ruins of the Grendleroot
Gamemaster. Each of its ten adventures is designed in any way you find useful. This book is yours now.
to get you up and running quickly. If you’re familiar
with the format of the book Sly Flourish’s Fantastic
Adventures and the concepts in the book Return of the
Philosophies of this Book
This book is built around a number of core
Lazy Dungeon Master, the setup of these adventures
philosophies, all intended to help you, the
will be familiar to you. Even if you aren’t, though,
Gamemaster, get the most out of it—and to help you
you’ll find this approach intuitive and straightforward.
run great games with your players.
In this book, you’ll find inspirational artwork,
beautiful maps, fantastic locations, short readable
summaries of places and events, evocative keywords to

S ituations , N ot S tories the characters want to go to. Deepdelver’s Enclave
is a community filled with good cheer and tales of
Great roleplaying stories unfold at your table, not in
fantastic adventures. Celebrations are common, and
any book. The adventures in Ruins of the Grendleroot
the people of the enclave take care of one another.
give you interesting situations in fantastic locations,
The ruins of the mountain hold great danger, but also
plus the hooks to draw the characters into the action.
fantastic mysteries worthy of exploration. Make this
How the players choose to have their characters
mysterious mountain a place you daydream about
navigate these situations is up to them, though. Your
when you’re not running games at the table, so that
job is to facilitate the story that takes place during
your enthusiasm can be passed on to the players and
the game, shaping the situations in each adventure
the characters alike.
in response to the actions of the characters. These
adventures don’t presume how the characters will
succeed in any specific situation or encounter. Instead, Ruins of the Grendleroot
you lay out the situation and the players choose how to The mountain known as Blackclaw, home to the ruins
approach it. of the Grendleroot, rises at the center of a remote
valley. The land around the mountain is actually an
A F ocus on U nderground impact crater formed millions of years ago when a
E xploration mysterious celestial body crashed to the world—killing
These adventures focus on the exploration of ancient nearly every living thing on the planet, and leaving the
ruins and lost settlements in the caverns and chambers mountain behind.
within and beneath a mysterious mountain. The For millennia, humanoid explorers and settlers have
characters’ initial home base in the mountain is sought out the mysteries of the mountain, and have
Deepdelver’s Enclave, a settlement built by and for attempted to tame a strange magical energy found
adventurers and explorers. A sense that adventuring is within it. The races that once dwelled in Blackclaw are
about exploration is reinforced heavily in the enclave, left to your determination, depending on the needs of
and this idea should be passed along to the players your campaign, but might include dwarves, duergar,
before they build their characters. Players will have gnomes, goblinoids, orcs, dark elves, and other
the most fun in the mountain if their characters have traditional dungeon races.
the skills and the desire to explore it. Opportunities For some of those who explored or settled in
abound for combat and roleplaying, but exploration is Blackclaw, the strange energy of the mountain led to
the major theme of these adventures. remarkable levels of creativity. For others, it added fuel
to the arcane magic they practiced. Monsters have also
O ptimistic E xcitement ceaselessly sought out the mountain, though no one
Other adventures might bring dark and deadly dangers knows what calls to them from deep inside Blackclaw.
into the spotlight. These adventures do not. Although But for eons, intelligent and monstrous creatures alike
dangers abound in the mountain, these adventures carved out lairs, tombs, sanctums, cities, temples, and
focus on optimistic exploration as their central theme. vaults throughout the mountain.
The characters should be eager to uncover the secrets And then disaster came to Blackclaw.
contained in the ruins, and even when disasters Two centuries ago, tens of thousands of unbreakable
happen, the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave always black metal spires erupted within the rock of the
manage to return to their central desire of uncovering mountain, spreading through it like the roots of weeds.
mysteries through exploration. You can help reinforce Most often taking a form resembling enormous claws
this atmosphere of optimistic excitement to the players or teeth, these spires destroyed subterranean cities,
by going big with descriptions, and by being a fan of collapsed caverns, buried vaults—and uncovered
their characters as they uncover the mysteries of the previously lost ruins that had gone unseen for
ancient mountain and the ruins within. thousands of years.
In the aftermath of the destruction, survivors came
A P lace Y ou W ant T o G o
to call these spires “the Grendleroot”—a name passed
Though exploring the caverns of Blackclaw and the down by the residents of a subterranean gnome
ruins of the Grendleroot is not for the faint of heart, settlement known as Violet Falls. For centuries, the
these locations should be places that the players and gnomes had suspected that the mysterious power
lurking deep in the heart of the mountain was a god
that they called “the Grendle.” When the spires tore A S pire of the G rendleroot
through the mountain, the gnomes named them the
Grendleroot. Refugees from Violet Falls passed that
name and lore along, and it stuck with the explorers
who would become the founders of Deepdelver’s
With the coming of the Grendleroot, the permanent
settlements of Blackclaw were abandoned. Now only
the adventuring explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave dare
to construct new settlements in the mountain, and
only they dare to explore the mysteries of its hidden
The ruins of the Grendleroot serve as the backdrop
to the adventures in this book. Much of the detail of
this mysterious intelligent entity is left purposefully
vague so that you can change it, twist it, or replace
it with your own ideas for your own campaign.
Likewise, many of the adventures in this book feature
the strange black spires of the Grendleroot, but you
are free to alter the mysterious details of those spires

F ive S ecrets of the G rendleroot

The truth of the Grendleroot is the greatest mystery
in the mountain, and the ultimate challenge to
those who explore its depths. The five initial secrets
presented here are known to most of the residents of
Deepdelver’s Enclave, and are things the characters
can discover as they begin to delve within Blackclaw:
• The stone and iron of the mountain holds great • Many folk worry that the spires will move again,
power. Humanoids and monsters alike have destroying existing caverns or collapsing the
explored the caverns and chambers of Blackclaw for entire mountain. This has prevented the dominant
millennia, drawn to this mysterious energy. humanoid races of the region from reestablishing
• Artists, poets, writers, and sages are said to receive permanent settlements in the mountain.
great inspiration while inside the mountain. Their The deeper secrets of the Grendleroot—including
dreams are often filled with wonderful otherworldly the nature and origins of this mysterious entity—
visions. Sometimes, however, people dwelling in the can be learned as the characters participate in these
mountain can experience nightmares whose visions adventures. See the “What is the Grendleroot?” section
border on insanity. for more information.
• The spires of the Grendleroot erupted without
W hat is the G rendleroot ?
warning and grew at great speed, then stopped.
They haven’t moved in the two centuries since they The origin and details of the Grendleroot are
appeared. All the spires are slightly warm to the ultimately left up to you. For the players and
touch, and cannot be broken or damaged by any characters, though, the sages of Deepdelver’s Enclave
physical or magical means. have many theories that they are willing to share over
• During the appearance of the Grendleroot spires, a cup of steaming coffee.
many caverns and chambers in the mountain were Some believe the Grendleroot is a seed of evil that
destroyed or lost, while other areas that had been pierced through the boundaries of the planes to root
hidden for thousands of years became uncovered. itself deep within the mountain. Others believe it’s an
alien entity that crashed to the planet millions of years
ago, along with the rocky celestial body in which it was If you’re running these adventures as part of a short
held. Some think it was a powerful magic ritual that campaign or as single-session scenarios, the characters
went awry, and which continues to grow in power in can begin in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Give the players
the depths of the mountain. And some believe that the information on how the enclave operates and on the
depths of the mountain mark a border between the commonly known features of the mountain. This gets
material world and an indescribable void, in which characters into the action quickly without having to
cyclopean entities float through eternity. explain their motivations for coming to Blackclaw.
The only things commonly agreed on regarding the Read or summarize the following text to familiarize
Grendleroot is that it is old, powerful, and sentient. the players with the mountain and the enclave:
It has spread its tendril-like spires all throughout the
mountain, and is unlike any other creature or entity Deepdelver’s Enclave is situated in a vast cavern,
known to the intelligent races of the world. spread along a hundred-foot-high cliff overlooking
The Grendleroot has a strong presence in a handful the ruins of a subterranean city below, once known as
of the adventures in this book, particularly in the Shadowreach. Monsters and intelligent beings alike
book’s final adventure, “Seed of the Black Cathedral.” have long come to Blackclaw, drawn by a mysterious
Even in those adventures, though, you can reflavor
magical power within the mountain.
the Grendleroot to suit your own campaign however
For millennia, those creatures built lairs, keeps,
you wish. It might be a cyclopean horror from the
fortresses, villages, and cities in the countless caverns
maddening void, a powerful demon trapped in the
and chambers of the mountain. But then the strange
mountain, or an angel fallen from the celestial realm.
It might be a godlike child-creature whose awakening black spires of the Grendleroot erupted from out of
could destroy the multiverse, a portal to another plane, the rock. Tearing through stone like the claws of some
a sentience from another world that will continue to great beast or the roots of an unnatural weed forged of
grow until it consumes the planet, or anything else that metal, the Grendleroot collapsed caverns and buried
fits into your own story or comes blossoming from settlements, and the mountain was abandoned.
your own imagination. Today, Deepdelver’s Enclave is the lone permanent
As written, this book assumes that the Grendleroot settlement inside Blackclaw. Like all the explorers
is an otherworldly seed, conscious of its own existence and adventurers who come to the enclave, you seek to
and calling out to other entities like it across the investigate the lost wonders of the mountain, and to
void. It was captured by beings of great intelligence uncover the mysteries that still lay buried in its depths.
who placed it for study within a mote of rock and
iron floating in the Astral Plane. When an unknown In your own campaign or as part of a larger story,
disaster tore through the barrier between that plane the characters might travel to Blackclaw for a variety
and this one, it sent the rock crashing down to the of reasons. Perhaps they have business with or seek
world and left the mountain of Blackclaw in its wake. advice from an NPC in Deepdelver’s Enclave. They
The Grendleroot has spent the last million might need to acquire something in the mountain.
years trying to escape its prison at the heart of the Or Blackclaw might just be one fantastic location in a
mountain. The coming of the spires was its most much longer campaign of your own design.
recent great attempt—but not its final one. However they come to the mountain, the characters
You can use this origin story or whichever other are likely to make Deepdelver’s Enclave their first
story best fits your own campaign. Just remember stop. If your own plans for the campaign involve the
that the origin of the Grendleroot should remain an characters exploring on their own first or needing
ongoing mystery throughout these adventures. to seek out Deepdelver’s Enclave, you can read or
summarize the following when they reach it:
Coming to Blackclaw
The mountain known as Blackclaw is the central
location of these adventures, and the characters can
come to know the mountain in any way that fits your

You stand upon a cliff overlooking a vast underground
cavern. Multiple tunnels lead into and out of the cavern
in addition to the route you’ve taken from the surface.
Massive stalactites hang from the ceiling, above the
ruins of a subterranean city. No signs of life in the ruins
can be seen. But the red glow of firelight and the faint
sound of music come from the far side of the cavern.
Some sort of settlement stands there, spread out along
the top of a cliff that rises one hundred feet above
the ruins below. Two long, winding switchback trails
lead up to clifftop gatehouses offering entrance to this

Placing Blackclaw Mountain

into Your Campaign
Blackclaw Mountain is designed to fit into just about
any fantasy world, whether of your own design or part
of a published campaign setting. The mountain can be
a single peak in a large range, a lonely highland in a
great plain, a pocket dimension, or a splinter between
worlds. Drop Blackclaw Mountain into your world
wherever it makes sense and won’t disturb other parts
of that world.
Blackclaw Mountain is also potentially infinite in its
depth. All the locations and adventures in this book
are set up within the mountain, and as a self-contained
fantasy environment, the mountain can be expanded
however you wish. You can add in borders marking
the entrances to other worlds, tunnels to vast cities,
and the lairs of monsters of any type and size. If it can
be found underground, you can add it to Blackclaw.
The mountain is thus both a self-contained
adventure location, easy to drop into any fantasy
world, and an infinite portal opening up to a lifetime
of stories. Use it as best fits the stories you and your
players want to share.

The Adventures of the

This section summarizes the ten adventures contained
in this book, which are presented in order by starting
character level.

T he C all of S tarsong T ower (L evel 1)

Long ago, Starsong Tower served as a beacon of
light in the massive cavern that is now home to
D eepdelver ’ s E nclave
Deepdelver’s Enclave. The tower went dark with This is a four-hour adventure for 3rd-level
the coming of the Grendleroot, but was somehow characters.
reactivated three days ago—and now its corrupted
violet light fills the folk of the enclave with nightmares.
S hatter (L evel 3)
One of the elders of the enclave asks the characters to A blind priest arrives at Deepdelver’s Enclave and
enter Starsong Tower and end the corruption, letting manages to shatter one of the unbreakable spires of the
them earn the gratitude of the enclave and establish Grendleroot. He then teleports away from the enclave,
themselves as seasoned adventurers. leaving undead shadows in his wake. His apprentice,
This is a two-hour introductory adventure for 1st- fearful for the danger her master brings to Blackclaw,
level characters, intended to introduce the characters explains the priest’s intent to collapse the mountain by
and players to Deepdelver’s Enclave, the caverns of destroying the Worldpillar—a column of Grendleroot
Blackclaw, and the ruins of the Grendleroot. spires that holds up the roof of a huge cavern. The
characters must travel to the Forest of Iron, a region
T emple of the F orgotten G od in which the spires of the Grendleroot grow like trees.
(L evel 2) There, they can confront the priest and stop his mad
A young child named Sophie goes missing during Wee plan.
Delver’s Week, having traveled down recently exposed This is a two- to four-hour adventure for 3rd-level
tunnels leading to the temple of an ancient and long- characters.
forgotten elven god. A voice that Sophie claims to
C huul (L evel 3)
hear—once thought to be the girl’s imaginary friend—
is that of the forgotten god, on the verge of death and During Deepdelver’s Enclave’s Festival of Fancy Hats,
desperate for the attention of its one last follower. The a halfling explorer returns from an expedition to a
characters must travel to the temple and bring young series of uncharted caves, and reports having found a
Sophie home, while determining the fate of a god on temple filled with joy. But his demand that everyone
the brink of destruction. in the enclave follow him to behold his discovery
This is a three- to four-hour adventure for 2nd-level turns to violence when people refuse. The characters
characters. travel to the uncharted caves to determine what drove
the halfling mad, and what other dangers might lurk
T he S pire of V iolet F alls (L evel 2) within. Upon reaching a once-submerged cavern
A section of clifftop near Deepdelver’s Enclave complex, they find a strange, ancient temple and hear
collapses, exposing unknown tunnels—and unleashing a voice demanding their subservience. In the temple,
a host of gnome zombies that attack the enclave. the characters must face off against an ageless horror
The tunnels appear to lead to the lost gnome mining and hope to end its eternal villainy.
village of Violet Falls. That settlement’s reclusive This is a two- to four-hour adventure for 3rd-level
folk were known to few even before the spires of characters.
the Grendleroot shattered Blackclaw Mountain, and
T he C ell (L evel 4)
have not been heard from since. The characters travel
to Violet Falls, intent on discovering the fate of the In Deepdelver’s Enclave, an explorer dies in the course
gnome village and ending the danger of further attacks of releasing a creature out of nightmare, and an elderly
against the enclave. monk of a lost monastic order recognizes it as a sign
This is a two- to four-hour adventure for 2nd-level of impending doom. The magical bonds that hold
characters. a powerful creature imprisoned in a long-forgotten
monastery deep in the mountain are weakening. The
A F istful of C opper (L evel 3) monk begs the characters to travel to the monastery
Competing gangs of orcs and hobgoblins have come and bind the creature in its cell once again. The
to Blackclaw seeking plunder and glory, and now characters are not the only ones aware of the creature,
threaten Deepdelver’s Enclave. The characters must however. A pack of mad cultists and a band of knights
find a way to contend with both groups, perhaps are already on their way to the monastery—with both
infiltrating their lairs, setting one faction against the factions intent on freeing the creature for their own
other, or defending against both groups of foes if they ends.
hope to protect the enclave from being overrun.
This is a two- to four-hour adventure for 4th-level can be connected together into a five-level campaign
characters arc focusing on the mystery of the Grendleroot:
• “The Call of Starsong Tower” (level 1)
V ault of the W hite Q ueen (L evel 4)
• “The Spire of Violet Falls” (level 2)
In a vault buried deep within the mountain dwells a • “Shatter” (level 3)
being of great age and wisdom—and with a thirst for • “Vault of the White Queen” (level 4)
blood. When a new awakening of the Grendleroot • “Seed of the Black Cathedral” (level 5)
threatens all of Blackclaw Mountain, the characters are
If you want to run only these adventures, you’ll have
sent to seek out this White Queen, named by a sage as
the characters gain a new level after each adventure.
the only creature that can calm the Grendleroot. The
characters must travel to the strange underground R unning the A dventures
village whose folk protect the White Queen, hoping to Each adventure in this book follows a common
earn her favor and convince her to use her power to format, meant to provide all the information you need
quiet the quakes that could collapse the mountain. to run the adventure as easily as possible.
This is a two- to four-hour adventure for 4th-level
Each adventure begins with an adventure summary
C hildren of the R ed R ose (L evel 5) that helps you get a clear idea of what the adventure is
Two members of an ancient elven assassins’ guild about. The summary notes which monsters and NPCs
have come to Blackclaw Mountain seeking revenge. might be involved in combat in the adventure, and the
Their target, a war hero and retired sheriff named maximum number of them that might appear at one
Ruth Willowmane, leaves Deepdelver’s Enclave to lead time. If you use miniatures or tokens in your game,
the assassins to the Den of Bones, a vast graveyard this can help you prepare what you need to run the
that calls to monsters and humanoids alike as life adventure.
fades from them. Ruth’s longtime companion asks the NOTABLE NPCS
characters to go to the Den of Bones and save her from Each adventure includes information on the most
the two assassins, before her bones are added to those notable NPCs in the adventure, providing a quick
of the dead. reference for alignment, gender, race, stat block, and
This is a four-hour adventure for 5th-level description. Adventures might also contain other
characters. NPCs, which are noted in the locations in which they
are encountered.
S eed of the B lack C athedral (L evel 5)
Betrayal shatters the peace of Deepdelver’s Enclave
Each adventure also includes a list of secrets and clues.
when Alvana, the leader of a band of explorers,
If you’re familiar with Return of the Lazy Dungeon
murders most of her party after discovering a
Master, you’ll recognize the idea of secrets and clues,
legendary site holding a powerful relic deep in the
which summarize some of the significant background
heart of the mountain. The survivor who returns to
details of the adventure. You can keep these details
the enclave to tell the tale warns that Alvana intends to
in mind and drop them in during the game when it’s
enter the legendary Black Cathedral and take control
time for the characters to learn or discover something.
of the Grendleroot. The characters must travel to the
This might be when they’re talking to an NPC or when
site and stop Alvana before her hunger for power
they’re examining a fresco on an ancient crumbling
threatens the mountain—and the world.
This is a four-hour adventure for 5th-level
There are no specific points in the adventure when
you’re told to drop in a secret or clue, and you need
not reveal all of the secrets and clues noted for any
The Grendleroot Campaign adventure. You decide which secrets and clues are

Arc revealed, how they are revealed, and when they are
revealed while running the game.
The adventures in this book can all be run separately
or as part of an ongoing campaign. Additionally, five
of the adventures are specifically written so that they
STRONG START AND HOOKS the adventure, or to help you narrate your own
Each adventure includes a number of adventure hooks descriptions when running it.
to draw the characters into the story. This section Adventures also feature italicized read-aloud text for
also describes ways in which the adventure might be each location. You can read this text out loud to your
customized to fit the backgrounds of the characters or players, or you can paraphrase and summarize the
the current campaign story. descriptions. Read-aloud text does not describe the
In addition to these hooks, each adventure also inhabitants of an encounter location, so you’ll always
has a strong start that draws the characters in. Many be free to change those inhabitants up when running
of the book’s adventures begin with combat, but you an adventure.
can always skip this combat if you want to run a CREATURES AND TREASURE
faster game. Each strong start also describes how the Specific location descriptions often include creatures
characters become involved in the adventure’s setup, and treasure. Though creatures typically appear as
and guides them on their next steps. combat encounters, many of those encounters are
PACING THE ADVENTURES optional, and they can be removed if time is short or
This section offers advice for tuning the adventures in if they don’t fit the pace of your game. You’re also free
this book to fit the time you have to run them and the to replace these optional encounters with your own
pace you want to set. Each adventure presents options encounters.
to change the pace, either speeding it up or slowing it Where they appear in an adventure, monster names
down. In addition, most of these adventures identify and NPC types are in bold to identify that they use
optional creature encounters. If a particular encounter standard stat blocks. You can find these stat blocks in
with one or more creatures doesn’t fit the time and the official fifth edition book of monsters, or in the
pace of the game, remove the creatures from the scene fifth edition System Reference Document. The names
and let the characters move on to the next scene. of magic items (as well as spells) that appear in the
Appendix B (“Blackclaw Mountain Gamemaster’s adventure are in italics. This tells you that you can find
Toolkit”) includes random locations, environments, information on those items and spells in your fifth
features, and encounters the characters might come edition rulebooks or the System Reference Document.
across during their journeys through Blackclaw CONCLUSION
Mountain. In shorter games, you might skip these Each adventure ends with a “Concluding the
traveling encounters completely. In longer games, you Adventure” section, telling you what happens after the
might include a location and a notable feature so that characters’ work is done. This conclusion also offers
you can decide whether the characters run into an suggestions for how the ending of one scenario might
encounter there or not. connect to the characters’ next fantastic adventures.
Before running any of these adventures, decide
how long you want it to last and plan up front what to
include or exclude to fit that time. Figure out what you
might add or take away later on in the session if things
move too quickly or too slowly. Keep your hands on
the dials and use these pacing options to run the best
game you can run.
Location descriptions in each adventure include
overall details of an adventure’s main locations, in
addition to specific details of each smaller area within
a larger area.
Individual encounter locations also include area
aspects. You can think of these as inspirational tags
to help you quickly focus on the important parts of
a location. Use them as a reminder when running

Nestled in a ruin-filled underground cavern, Deepdelver’s Enclave is a beacon of light within a mountain
filled with darkness and ancient mysteries.

his chapter describes Deepdelver’s Enclave, a mountain. The route is dangerous, however, requiring
small settlement of adventurers and explorers armed escorts.
sitting atop a plateau within a vast cavern. The climate in the enclave changes depending on the
The Enclave, as its residents call it, was once climate of the cavern that surrounds it. Sometimes it’s
part of the underground city of Shadowreach, and comfortably warm. Other times, a chill rolls through.
sits some one hundred feet above the wider ruins None can say exactly why the temperature changes in
of the city. Deepdelver’s Enclave was founded less the caverns of the mountain so far below the surface—
than a century ago, and has a permanent population sometimes even seeming to mimic the seasons of the
of fewer than two hundred people. The dangers of world above. But change it does.
Blackclaw Mountain and the mysterious threat of the
Grendleroot keep the settlement’s growth in check. Yet
all the people of the enclave have stout hearts, strong
History of Shadowreach
As with all the other aspects of this book, you are free
backs, and a shared gleam in their eyes that speaks to a
to reskin the details of Deepdelver’s Enclave and the
hunger for seeking out the unknown.
ruined city of Shadowreach to fit your own campaign
Deepdelver’s Enclave serves as the home settlement
world. Your own details, hooks, and character
for characters undertaking each of the ten adventures
connections might be stronger than any you’ll find
in this book. In the enclave, the adventurers will meet
in this chapter. However, if you prefer to have some
nonplayer characters (NPCs) who serve as quest-
details filled out for you, you can use the following
givers, traders, and allies. Deepdelver’s Enclave is a
section to fill in the history of Blackclaw Mountain.
place of good cheer, continual celebration, reasonable
See chapter 2 for a deeper history of the city of
comfort, and strong companionship.
Trade in the enclave is robust, and traveling
caravans run regularly between the settlement and T he M ountain C omes to the W orld
the outside world. The journey to or from the enclave
One Million Years Ago
takes roughly three days, and runs through a set of
well-traveled tunnels that lead to the outside of the Over a thousand millennia ago, an asteroid of rock
and iron tore through the fabric of the Astral Plane
and crashed down upon the world. The cataclysmic
impact killed nearly every living thing on the planet. research of the archmages touched only the surface of
Some believe that the asteroid was a vessel—a floating the mountain’s limitless depths.
laboratory home to hyperintelligent humanoids
known as the Caretakers. In this vessel, the Caretakers
T he C rusade of the W hite S un
studied a creature they had discovered in the deepest 300 Years Ago
reaches of the multiverse, and which was so powerful Three centuries after the rise of the Magocracy of the
and dangerous that they could safely contain it only Black Star, an order of priests, paladins, and knights
within an isolated rock floating in the planar void. known as the Order of the White Sun marched on
At the point where the asteroid struck, a great black Blackclaw Mountain to end the experiments of the
mountain was thrown up. The world took hundreds of archmages. The mage-slayer warriors of the order cut
thousands of years to recover after the crash, during deep into the defenses of the magocracy, battering its
which time monsters and intelligent races alike sought towers and disrupting its magic. The Magocracy of
out the strange power they could feel deep in the the Black Star was soon broken. The nine mages were
mountain’s heart. killed, imprisoned, or routed, and the Order of the
T he M agocracy of the B lack S tar White Sun took over the city of Shadowreach.
The members of the order replaced the monuments
600 Years Ago
of the Magocracy of the Black Star with testaments to
Roughly six centuries ago, a cabal of nine powerful their own gods of light, and to the heroes who brought
wizards known as the archmages of the Black Star that light to Blackclaw Mountain. For eighty years,
came to the mountain. They found a large cavern the Order of the White Sun used Shadowreach as a
within it, deeming it perfect for the isolation they staging ground for missions meant to purge spiritual
sought for their magical research. The nine archmages darkness from every part of the mountain. They were
were served by a host of enthralled servants, devoted not successful.
half-dragons, undead minions, and goblinoid slaves.
Declaring themselves the Magocracy of the Black Star,
T he A wakening of the G rendleroot
they used the labor of their slaves and undead to raise 220 Years Ago
the city of Shadowreach and the nine towers around Some eight decades after the Order of the White
the city that were their private sanctums. Great statues Sun shattered the Magocracy of the Black Star, the
of the nine mages still stand on the outer walls of the Grendleroot awoke. Some believe that agents of the
vast cavern surrounding the ruins. Black Star used the last of their power to accomplish
For three centuries, the Black Star mages explored this fell deed. Others whisper that the Grendleroot
the mountain and conducted tremendous and fed off the energy of both warring groups, until it
terrible experiments within their nine towers. Like had gained enough power to shatter the mountain.
many before them, the mages sought the source of Whatever its cause, though, the results were
the mountain’s power, sending hundreds of slaves to devastating.
explore the endless tunnels of the mountain. Most All at once, the spires of the Grendleroot burst forth
never returned. However, through their explorations, throughout the mountain. These great masses of black
the members of the magocracy discovered hundreds of metal shattered buildings, collapsed tunnels, tore open
ancient lairs within Blackclaw, including some dating rifts, and killed thousands of the mountain’s denizens.
back to the formation of the mountain. Declaring Blackclaw a site of irredeemable darkness,
The archmages of the Black Star discovered beings the survivors of the Order of the White Sun left the
hundreds of thousands of years old in intricate mountain and sealed its entrance with magic and iron.
networks of subterranean pools. They found the lairs
of beasts and monstrosities never seen or heard of in T he H umble R ise of D eepdelver ’ s
the world above. They found rifts to the Lower Planes E nclave
and drew forth demons from inky black pools. For 90 Years Ago
these emotionless wizards, every expedition became
a new avenue of discovery and a potential source of For more than a century, the ruins of Blackclaw
power. But though the magocracy was one of the most Mountain sat untouched and shut off from the outside
powerful forces to ever rule within Blackclaw, the world. Then roughly ninety years ago, a team of

explorers and adventurers broke through the sealed A L ove of E xploration
doors of the mountain and began to explore the ruins,
Residents of Deepdelver’s Enclave live to explore the
chasms, lairs, tunnels, crypts, caverns, and chambers
depths of the mountain and its endless caverns. They
that lay beyond. A relatively secure resting place was
are aware of the dangers of Blackclaw, but refuse to
found on a plateau marking one edge of the ruins of
let their fears get in the way of their desire to uncover
Shadowreach—the site of one of the nine towers of the
the mysteries of lost chambers, ancient civilizations,
magocracy. There, the explorers founded Deepdelver’s
and even more ancient creatures. This philosophy
Enclave, showing no fear of the alien black metal
fills all the residents of the enclave—including the
spires of the Grendleroot rising up within the midst of
many children born and raised here. Youngsters in
their settlement.
Deepdelver’s Enclave are given much free reign in
Since then, successive generations of adventurers
response to their own wanderlust, and learn at a young
have set out to explore the limitless depths of the
age how to face the dangers that lurk in the dark.
mountain from this subterranean outpost. For
nine decades, Deepdelver’s Enclave has provided A dventure A round E very C orner
a gateway between the lands above and the dark Every part of Deepdelver’s Enclave and the
reaches within the mountain. The denizens of the surrounding mountain present opportunities for
enclave remain cautious of further expansion into the adventure. Mysterious relics, ancient frescoes, and
city of Shadowreach, choosing to keep their outpost howling rifts descending into the unknown are
small and easily defended. But few adventurers dwell scattered throughout the caverns of Blackclaw, and
there for long, always setting their sights and their the explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave spend their
imaginations on the darkness beyond the enclave, whole lives uncovering those endless mysteries. Every
where lost caverns and the ruins of the Grendleroot ruin has a story to tell. Every locked chest contains a
remain to be explored. mystery to uncover. Adventure lies everywhere.

Five Truths of Deepdelver’s A M elting P ot

C ooperation
of P eaceful

Enclave Deepdelver’s Enclave has no set laws or organizational

This section describes five important facts underlying hierarchy. Instead, the enclave’s tight-knit population
Deepdelver’s Enclave and what its residents stand of adventurers, explorers, and merchants of all cultures
for. You can use these truths as is or modify them and races take care of each other, working together
to suit your own campaign. Before the players build to keep threats to their peaceful existence at bay.
characters for a Grendleroot adventure, consider Merchants hire mercenaries to protect their interests,
describing these truths to them. Doing so allows but those mercenaries are equally quick to protect
the players to build characters that fit within the their patrons’ neighbors, knowing that those neighbors
framework of these adventures. would do the same for them.
A S hining B eacon in the D ark
Though they are surrounded by the darkness of T he M any R aces of the E nclave
the mountain and the threats that lurk within The people of Deepdelver’s Enclave represent ex-
it, the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave engage in plorers of all different origins and backgrounds, and
continual celebration. They celebrate their lives, their all who travel to the enclave are welcomed equally.
friendships, and their love for the mysteries of the This makes the settlement a fine location for char-
acters of nontraditional races, including races from
mountain. The great cavern surrounding the enclave
other worlds. While other cities might treat kobolds,
often echoes with music and cheer, with the lights of goblins, drow, lizardfolk, or duergar with hostility or
the small outpost shining like a beacon in the dark. disdain, the people of the enclave judge everyone
Though monsters are sometimes attracted to this light on their own merits, treating even the most unusual
and noise, they soon learn the lessons taught by the folk as any other adventurer seeking to explore the
crossbow bolts, powerful magic, and sturdy shields mysteries of Blackclaw Mountain.
wielded by the residents of the enclave.

S urrounded by M ystery one eye. She often commissions relic hunters, and is
known to go on the occasional adventure herself. Jayce
The black spires of the Grendleroot are a constant
loves a good find more than anything.
reminder of the mysterious power in the mountain’s
depths. The coming of the Grendleroot sundered A rdulvin the A pothecary
lairs, dens, crypts, temples, and entire cities within Ardulvin (a neutral male drow priest) dresses in
the mountain. The spires shattered rock and steel like unadorned but fine robes. He was once a member of
eggshell, exposing cracks throughout Blackclaw that royalty in a fallen drow house, but has since broken
have since led to even more mysteries. The residents off on his own. Ardulvin lives with three nieces he
of Deepdelver’s Enclave live with the strange spires all adores (Shavrin, Delonna, and Arys, all female drow
around them, never certain whether the Grendleroot commoners). It is said that he saved the three from
is truly sleeping or if it will awaken once again. the clutches of the drow’s evil goddess and their
malevolent priestesses. Ardulvin’s cold demeanor
NPCs of Deepdelver’s is sometimes frowned upon by the enclave’s more

Enclave raucous residents, though all folk of the settlement

eventually seek his skills with salves and ointments.
The folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave are a hearty and
cheerful lot. They enjoy their celebrations and the O drah W indvane
freedom their work allows them. They detest official A scholar who has long made her home in the enclave,
hierarchy, and are quick to defend any and all of their Odrah (a lawful good female human mage) is well
fellow explorers from the threats of the mountain. loved for the stories she shares at the settlement’s
This section describes some of the more notable folk numerous celebrations. White haired and white robed,
of Deepdelver’s Enclave.

B ailon the B eardless

Bailon the Beardless (a chaotic good male hill dwarf
veteran) is the unofficial elder of Deepdelver’s Enclave.
Bailon lost his hair and beard when he accidentally set
off an explosive runes spell many years ago. Though J ayce G oldsmile
long since healed, he liked the look and kept it.
Bailon is highly respected in Deepdelver’s Enclave.
His skills at delving into the ancient ruins within
Blackclaw Mountain are legendary, as is the gleam in
his eye when he sets his sights on new discoveries.
Bailon is often found sitting in a rocking chair in the
courtyard of the Dragon’s Fangs common house, a
pipe in his mouth, a cup of coffee in one hand, and his
staff in the other. That weapon is a staff of striking he
calls “the old man,” carved with the visage of a bearded
dwarf at its head. It’s said that Bailon often speaks to
the staff, though whether it responds remains to be

J ayce G oldsmile
Jayce (a chaotic good female lightfoot halfling
scout) runs Goldsmile’s Artifacts, a small shop in
the Evershady Bazaar that specializes in buying and
selling the relics found deep in the ruins of Blackclaw
Mountain. Jayce is a joyful halfling who wears her hair
in two large ponytails nearly as tall as she is, and who
has a powerful jeweler’s loupe permanently fixed in
Odrah seeks out all the lore she can find within the
ruins, though she does not venture into them herself.
Most of the enclave’s folk believe that the scholar
simply wants to avoid the many dangers found in
Blackclaw. However, some have hinted that she avoids
those dangers because they might return her to old
habits best left in the past.

R uth W illowmane O drah W indvane

Ruth Willowmane (a lawful good female

human veteran) was once the sheriff
of a village called Whitesparrow,
several days’ ride from the
mountain. She has since
retired and now serves
as armorer and smith for
Deepdelver’s Enclave, along
with her longtime friend and
fellow soldier, Adren Goldbrook
(a neutral good male human
veteran). Ruth is well scarred from
her service in the Thousand Spear
War a decade ago, but that
conflict between dwarves,
humans, elves, and goblinoids
is an experience she prefers
not to talk about. She enjoys
the optimism and wanderlust
demonstrated by the enclave’s
people, but chooses to live a
quiet life in the outpost.

A rgora the C hipped

A xe
Argora (a neutral female
hill dwarf veteran) has
turned her decades of experience
as a warrior and rebel into a paid protection
operation for numerous residents of the enclave. Her
M ila W illowspur
mercenary company, the Chipped Axes, consists Mila (a lawful good female human thug) is Cloude’s
of about twenty guards who are fiercely loyal to half-sister. She runs the Raven’s Claw Inn along with
Argora—as long as the coin keeps coming in. her two sons, Sygmund and Logan (both human
commoners). Broad and well muscled, Mila is used
C loude W illowspur to handling rough customers, and she keeps her
Cloude Willowspur (a neutral good nonbinary half-elf favorite cudgel close at hand. Unlike her sibling,
commoner) is the owner of the Lucky Lute tavern. Mila likes things quiet and orderly. She deeply loves
Stout and always cheerful, Cloude is usually the best the people of the enclave, and her fine establishment
source for current rumors in the enclave. Cloude’s welcomes any adventurers who choose to delve into
husband, a quiet human commoner named Berte, the mountain.
works for them, and can usually be found doing odd
jobs in the tavern.
A yaan of V eyr Residents of the enclave maintain stocks of
underground-dwelling goats called grayhorns, and
Ayaan (a lawful evil male-presenting rakshasa) serves
maintain large fungus plots in a nearby side cavern.
as the well-known shady vendor of Deepdelver’s
Traders bring in food and supplies from the surface
Enclave. Ayaan deals in items and magic that Jayce
world as well. A subterranean river flows through
Goldsmile will not touch, though the two are close
Deepdelver’s Enclave from the mushroom farm,
friends and often recommend customers to one
providing residents with continual access to fresh
another. Some suspect that Ayaan has ties to devils,
and whispered rumors speak of a portal to the Nine
Numerous chasms, tunnels, and chambers are
Hells hidden in a series of tunnels beneath his vendor’s
carved into the rock underneath the enclave. Some of
stall. Though he shows his fiendish nature openly,
the settlement’s buildings have access to these tunnels,
the people of the enclave are friendly to Ayaan, and
but many others remain hidden. The residents of the
respect him as an honest, if dangerous, trader.
enclave enjoy describing how potential adventure lies
Ayaan’s shop is known as Ayaan’s Curios—an onion-
just beneath their feet.
shaped stall that is nominally part of the Evershady
The following sections detail some of the more
Bazaar of Deepdelver’s Enclave. However, the stall
notable locations in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Feel free to
is impossible to find unless Ayaan wants it found,
change these locations to suit your own campaign, and
whether it is hidden by magic the rest of the time, or
to expand the enclave with your own shops, temples,
actually in some pocket dimension of the rakshasa’s
and other locations, along with the NPCs to preside
own creation.
over them.

Locations in the Enclave 1. T he D ragon ’ s F angs

Deepdelver’s Enclave sits along the edge of a vast Area Aspects. Squat compound of three round
cavern, built atop a cliff wall once part of the ruined buildings, two black spires flanking the entrance,
city of Shadowreach. The ceiling above the cavern rises huge bulette exoskeleton hanging from a scaffold
roughly one hundred feet above the plateau, and is
dotted with stalagmites. Huge statues representing the Three interlocked, round-walled, three-story buildings
archmages of the Magocracy of the Black Star stand form the Dragon’s Fangs, the common house of
silently in the shadows on the outskirts of the larger Deepdelver’s Enclave and the residence of Bailon the
cavern, staring out over the ruins below.
Beardless. A pair of black spires juts up and out of the
The Enclave is lit with everburning lanterns imbued
ground beside the buildings, connected to a worked
with the power of continual flame spells, giving it a
stone wall. A huge armored carapace hangs from the
cheerful red glow. A number of natural stone columns
split the settlement into separate areas, with most spires above an open gate leading into a courtyard
of the main buildings and shops lined up along the beyond—some great monstrosity that resembles a shark
enclave’s main thoroughfare. A number of single- or with legs.
two-story buildings of rough stone sit beyond that
main thoroughfare, serving as residences for explorers The Dragon’s Fangs is the oldest structure in
and their families. Deepdelver’s Enclave. Built by Bailon the Beardless,
Two switchback paths lead into the enclave—one these buildings serve as the dwarf ’s residence as well
to the north and one to the southwest—both of as a common house for the adventurers of the enclave.
which snake their way up from the cavern floor. Both The exoskeleton is a bulette—a trophy claimed by
entrances are easily defended and offer a clear view Bailon back when he was a younger explorer.
of the paths below—and any vulnerable travelers The three buildings feature apartments for Bailon
on them. Guard towers rise alongside each of the and other residents of the enclave, along with a
entrances where the paths meet the enclave. Though meeting hall and trophy room, and balconies that
no official guard force is found in the settlement, overlook the plateau. It is said that Bailon’s apartment
merchants pay mercenaries to watch over these has a secret stairwell that leads down to vaults beneath
approaches, with two guards in each tower at any the enclave, where both treasures and dangers from
given time. decades past are hidden.

2. T he L ucky L ute T avern Mila Willowspur bought the Raven Claw inn from its
previous owner, a powerful mage, for an unusually low
Area Aspects. Central stage surrounded by two bars price. It’s generally thought that the mage was happy to
and numerous tables, statue of a dancing halfling be rid of it, though they wouldn’t say why. The inn sits
with a lute, outdoor balcony lit by monstrous skull against a natural column partially hollowed out by the
lanterns archmages of the Black Star. A twisting staircase leads
up to rooms set fifty feet above the floor of the enclave,
Cheerful music flows out from the open door of the and overlooking the ruins of Shadowreach below.
Lucky Lute tavern. Lanterns formed from monstrous A lower cellar in the pillar has a large circular brass
skulls illuminate the open-air second-story balcony. door set into the floor, covered with arcane glyphs and
Within the tavern, two bars and numerous tables locks. If Mila knows what resides below that door, she’s
surround a central stage adorned with the statue of not saying.
a dancing halfling joyously playing a lute. Though 4. O drah ’ s L ibrary
the statue doesn’t move, the strings of the lute play a
cheerful tune all on their own. Area Aspects. Three-story cluttered library, maze of
leaning stacks of books, centuries-old dusty tomes
Always a cheerful place, the Lucky Lute is a three-
story tavern whose outdoor balconies overlook the Dust swirls along the twisted paths that wind between
hundred-foot drop down the cliff side to the ruins of great stacks of books in this three-story library. Many of
Shadowreach below. The dancing halfling statue plays those book piles stand over a dozen feet high, and lean
music continually, the sound echoing throughout the at dangerous angles. Even the winding staircase to the
enclave and the surrounding caverns. Some say that upper levels is lined with books, some of which appear
the statue’s music helps to keep the attitude of the to be hundreds of years old.
enclave’s residents continually positive. Others say
the statue is no statue at all, but a halfling adventurer Three huge hollow blocks of stone house the library
cursed by an ancient wyrm. When the halfling stole owned and overseen by Odrah Windvane. Most folk in
the dragon’s favorite instrument, magic forced it into the enclave assume that she chose this site because it
its present form—whose expression is not one of joy, looked like three books stacked on top of one another.
but of pain. Great piles of disorganized tomes and scroll tubes fill
Cloude Willowspur and their husband run the the library, seemingly with no clear order. Still, Odrah
tavern, and offer a free drink to anyone they don’t never has trouble finding the right book at the right
recognize. time or steering visitors to the appropriate stacks for a
3. T he R aven ’ s C law I nn bit of research.
Those who spend long hours in the library
Area Aspects. Three narrow spires jutting out of the sometimes note that its rooms seem somehow out
roof of the inn, balcony overlooking the cliffs, rooms of sync with the size and geometry of the building.
carved into a natural pillar offering the best view in Rumors are sometimes heard of a mysterious fourth
the enclave floor, filled with dark tomes too terrible to be seen by
the casual reader.
The Raven’s Claw Inn is a three-story building built
5. T he E vershady B azaar
up against a natural stone column that rises one
hundred feet to the cavern ceiling above. Three of the The renovated buildings and shops that make up
Grendleroot’s black spires have pierced up through the the enclave’s bazaar and general marketplace appear
normal at a distance. But the farther one wanders into
building’s roof, and are known as “the raven’s claws.”
the bazaar’s alleyways and stalls, the stranger this area
The beautiful inn includes an outdoor breakfast patio
and rooms on all three floors. Balconies jut out from the
Area Aspects. Makeshift shops in ruined stone
huge stone pillar, revealing more rooms carved into the
buildings, central Grendleroot spire, twisted
alleyways with odd shadows

Countless images and carvings line the walls of
A tightly packed cluster of ruined one- and two-story
the tunnels beneath the Drop, all thousands of years
buildings has been renovated into a number of market
old. One of those tunnels leads west to the ruins of
stalls, each adorned with painted signs depicting the Shadowreach, while another extends north to end at a
services offered therein. A black spire is thrust up out large black iron door, decorated with macabre images
of the ground in the center of the street. The alleyways of undead knights and hooded wizards. The door
that twist between the renovated buildings and shops is rumored to mark an entrance to one of the many
appear normal at first. But as you step closer, you note deadly vaults of the lich Yolon of the Void—one of the
strange shadows on the walls, somehow twisting against four remaining archmages of the Magocracy of the
the light. Black Star. (See chapter 2, “The History of Blackclaw
Mountain,” for more details on Yolon and the
These ruined stone buildings have been restored and magocracy.) No one has dared to disturb the door after
taken over by numerous vendors offering wares and the last attempt to open it ended with an explorer’s
services to the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave. Some disintegration.
are permanent residents of the enclave, but many
traveling merchants set up shop in the bazaar to sell
7. T he A ll -F aiths S hrine
to the locals before making their way back outside the Area Aspects. Ruined shrine, faceless statues, large
mountain. stone archway and altar
The small stone buildings are tightly packed,
leaving only narrow walkways between them. But A ruined circular wall surrounds the enclave’s only
these walkways somehow defy the space they take up, standing shrine. Three faceless humanoid statues
creating many more alleys than there should be. Any stand on three sides of the shrine, while a fourth statue
shadows cast on the walls of these alleys twist and turn
spreads before it in pieces. A large stone archway
in odd directions, giving the bazaar its name. It is said
stands at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the ruins of
that any visitor who wanders through the alleys of the
Shadowreach in the cavern below. A stone altar sits just
Evershady Bazaar eventually finds stalls and vendors
they’ve never seen before—including the onion- beyond the archway, set on a promontory that juts out
shaped stall of Ayaan’s Curios. over the darkness.

6. T he D rop Though this shrine serves no specific deity, any priest

Area Aspects. Waterfall cascading down a deep shaft, or cleric who visits the enclave notes a feeling of
large natural cavern below with underground pool, divine power flowing through the area. The shrine
howling wind blowing through primitively carved has become an open place of worship for many in the
stalagmites, deadly black iron door enclave, with services to different gods taking place on
different days. An old story tells of a fiendish cultist
who committed a sacrifice on the altar decades ago,
The river that flows through the enclave cascades
and who opened up a gateway to another world in
one hundred feet down a natural stone shaft. The the process. It’s said that Bailon the Beardless and the
pool it crashes into opens up at the center of a large apothecary Ardulvin know the truth of the story, but
natural cavern deep below the settlement. A howling neither of them speak of it.
wind blows through this cavern, resonating through
primitively carved and painted stalagmites to create 8. S tarsong T ower
harmonics that sound like mournful singing. This long-ruined tower once gave off a pleasant light
that filled the enclave’s cavern, but it has been dark
The pool cavern opens up to numerous tunnels since the coming of the Grendleroot. At least until
below Deepdelver’s Enclave. Descending the Drop is recently. This location is fully detailed in the adventure
a difficult but not impossible climb. Residents of the “The Call of Starsong Tower.”
enclave are forbidden from leaving ropes and other
equipment hanging down the shaft, so as to prevent
other creatures from ascending.

O verlooking M ushroom L ake

9. M ushroom L ake A handful of natural tunnels lead deeper into the

mountain from this cavern, including one unusual
Area Aspects. Large natural cavern filled with tunnel running to the southeast. Those who have
multicolored mushrooms, dark freshwater lake, high explored it report that later portions of this tunnel are
waterfall, cultivated mushroom plots not natural at all, but show signs of being carved by
hand over centuries. Images on the walls deep down
A tall waterfall joins with other smaller streams to this tunnel depict details and twisted geometry said to
fill the large lake in the center of this natural cavern. be too much for mortal minds to bear.
Multicolored mushrooms both large and small fill the
10. T he D eepfingers
area, including phosphorescent varieties that light
the cavern with a green glow. A series of cultivated Area Aspects. Iron cage lift descending hundreds
mushroom plots cover the south side of the cavern. of feet, narrow and treacherous bridges and steps,
dozens of caves and tunnels leading deeper into the
These cultivated mushroom gardens feed the people mountain
of Deepdelver’s Enclave with their fast-growing savory
bounty. The wild mushrooms that grow here include South of Deepdelver’s Enclave, a huge rift in the cavern
rare varieties sought by the folk of the surface world, floor descends thousands of feet into darkness. A
but those who attempt to pick more than their share scaffold supports an iron cage hanging above the rift,
are warned by the permanent residents of the enclave which is controlled by a large, complicated winch. The
to keep their greed in check. cage can be lowered some five hundred feet below the
Many of the enclave’s residents seek out the
edge of the rift, passing narrow rope bridges, roughly
mushroom lake as a place for relaxation and solitude,
carved steps, and iron-rung ladders that provide access
enjoying the warmth of the cavern and the soothing
to dozens of crevices and tunnels that line the rift’s
sound of the waterfall cascading into the lake.

The south edge of the enclave abuts a five-thousand- C eremony of the S even
foot-deep rift known as the Deepfingers, said to
Seven priests of seven gods parade through the
have formed when the Grendleroot’s spires broke
enclave, extolling their individual faiths and
the spine of the mountain. The first explorers to
conducting ceremonies.
return to Blackclaw built a lift that descends past
numerous tunnels and passages leading deeper into N ew Y ear ’ s C elebration
the mountain, all accessed by a network of bridges and This annual event sees the spellcasters of the enclave
ladders. put on fantastic displays of magic. Everyone awaits the
Those who have explored these passages have birth of the New Year grayhorn, which is treated as
noted that many are of worked stone and marked royalty for the year.
with old glyphs—and have speculated that some
might eventually lead to Deepreach, the vast R emembrance of the S pires
multilevel dungeon of the Magocracy of the Black Through storytelling and ceremonies, the folk of
Star. Deepreach is said to be filled with traps and the enclave memorialize the day the spires of the
monsters still active even centuries after the fall of the Grendleroot appeared and tore through the mountain.
magocracy. The farther one delves into Deepreach, the
worse the challenges to be faced there. D ay of B ounty
During this great all-day feast, nearly everyone in
Events in the Enclave Deepdelver’s Enclave brings out their own favorite
food or special dish.
The people of Deepdelver’s Enclave love life, and
they celebrate that love often. This section presents a N ight of the S kulls
number of the more popular events and celebrations
In this celebration of the dead, folk dress as absent
taking place in the enclave, in addition to the festivals
friends and tell ghost stories.
and celebrations mentioned in specific adventures.
Staging such an event at the beginning of an adventure F east for the R eturned
can help give the players a sense of the community and Whenever a large exploration party returns home
camaraderie to be found within the enclave. victorious to the enclave, a great feast is usually held in
T he T hree S isters and the C hair celebration.
This comedy play, presented in the Dragon’s Fangs, F estival of S ecret H earts
tells the story of three sisters trying to outdo each On this day, potential lovers share their feelings for
other by finding the perfect chair. Performed by a each other through mediators.
visiting acting troupe, the Company of Dreams.
D ay of the B lack S tar
T he T hree S ons
This mocking celebration is dedicated to the fall of the
A tragedy performed in the Dragon’s Fangs tells the nine archmages of the Magocracy of the Black Star.
tale of three sons who die trying to get their mother to
love them. Performed by a visiting acting troupe, the M onsters ’ B all
Company of Dreams. This celebration of the various monsters found in the
A mateur N ight depths of the mountain sees most folk in the enclave
doing their best to dress up as their own favorite
An event hosted by the visiting Purple Plumes monster.
Theatrical Band in the Dragon’s Fangs. Events include
grayhorn lifting, hammer juggling, and “the howler F estival of M usic
screech.” During this days-long festival, professional and
F estival of N ew P aths amateur musical performances are presented
throughout Deepdelver’s Enclave.
This event sees the folk of the enclave celebrate new
successes in their exploration of the ruins and caverns
of the mountain.

R unning of the G rayhorns
This light-hearted festival sees the fat grayhorn goats
of the enclave set free to lazily walk through the
settlement while crowds cheer them on. At the end of
the day, the grayhorns are found and led back to their

W ee D elver ’ s W eek
This celebration sees the children of the enclave either
join their families on low-risk expeditions, or gear
up and explore some of the mountain’s safer tunnels

W hispers to the O ld O nes

On this day of quiet reflection, the folk of the enclave
speak as few words as possible. When they must speak,
they do so in low voices for fear of awakening the
Grendleroot in its restless slumber.

N ight of the U ndermoon

Each year on this night, a great horn is blown
that summons a giant luminescent moth from the
unknown depths of the mountain. The moth floats
over Deepdelver’s Enclave for a time before soaring
down the Deepfingers.

F estival of the A rcane

During this celebration of the arcane in the enclave,
wizards and sorcerers attempt to outdo one another in
dazzling displays of light and sound.

T hieves ’ D ay
On this day, everyone puts an extra purse on their belt
holding candies or a few copper pieces. The children of
the enclave then do their best to steal these treasures
without being caught. Visitors to the enclave who do
not wear this second purse risk losing their actual

For a million years, civilizations have risen and fallen within the caverns of Blackclaw Mountain, all drawn
to the power of the Grendleroot at the mountain’s heart.

lackclaw Mountain’s history is vast. Filled with build stories that you and your players will enjoy as
tunnels, crevasses, huge caverns, and pillars you play the game. Most of all, this chapter is here for
of natural stone, the mountain has been home you to read and enjoy. Flop down on the couch, grab
to hundreds of packs, tribes, and civilized a nice cup of your favorite beverage, and dive into the
settlements. Some six centuries ago, a vast cavern of million-year history of Blackclaw Mountain.
the mountain became the home of the Magocracy
of the Black Star, who built the city of Shadowreach
before the magocracy was destroyed by the Order of
The Caretakers and the
the White Sun three hundred years later. Then two Grendleroot
centuries ago, the Grendleroot awoke, driving the The true origin of Blackclaw Mountain and the
order and most other folk out of the mountain. All but Grendleroot cannot be fully known, for most of
a few of the humanoid settlements of Blackclaw stayed that history was destroyed when the great rock that
dark for just over a century, before small bands of became the mountain crashed down to the world one
adventurers began to delve into the mountain’s depths million years ago. The millennia-long efforts of sages
once again. It was they who founded Deepdelver’s and lunatics have pieced together scraps of evidence,
Enclave at the edge of the ruins of Shadowreach. visions, and hypotheses to reveal a number of truths
This chapter details the history of Blackclaw and educated guesses. Still, this knowledge likely
Mountain, with a focus on the vast cavern represents only one small drop in an ocean of lore.
surrounding the ruined city of Shadowreach and the More than a million years ago, a race of powerful
cliff-side outpost of Deepdelver’s Enclave. However, humanoids known as the Caretakers sailed through
the information here represents only one potential the Astral Plane in an isolated laboratory surrounded
history. You are free to use these details as is, dissect by black iron and rock. Within this floating asteroid,
this section and use whatever parts you like for your they studied the seed of an entity whose nature was
own campaign, or create a history and background far beyond even their advanced understanding of the
wholly your own. multiverse. The construction of their craft ensured that
This chapter is intended to fill your mind with their experimentation would be contained, no matter
fantastic imagery of the mountain, and to help you the strength of the entity’s power—or so they thought.

An unknown catastrophe caused the Caretakers’ single vast space. The petrified carapaces of huge
craft to tear through the Astral Plane and crash down worms embedded in the stone walls and the ribcages
onto the world. So apocalyptic was this event that of ancient dragons jutting up out of the rock floor
nearly all life on the planet died. It took much of the hearken back to a time when those great monsters
million years since then for life to reestablish itself in ruled over the mountain. Carved stalagmites, cave
the world. During all this time, the Grendleroot lay at paintings, and cairns of piled stone mark the later
the heart of the vast mountain that was formed from presence of the intelligent denizens of the cavern, and
the rock and iron of the Caretakers’ craft. The power are now all that remains of their history.
of the Grendleroot leaked out into the mountain,
reaching for and calling to monsters and intelligent
T he R une T itans
beings alike. And for one million years, the creatures The first rulers of Blackclaw Mountain were the rune
of the world answered that call. titans, thought to be the descendants of primordial
giants and the Caretakers, the alien beings who
The Early Days of traveled with the mountain when it crashed to
the world (see the adventure “Seed of the Black
Shadowreach Cavern Cathedral”). It is thought that fewer than one hundred
The cavern now known as the home to the ruins of rune titans ever dwelled within Blackclaw, but their
Shadowreach is the largest known single space in ability to phase through solid rock let these powerful
Blackclaw Mountain. The eons since the cavern’s initial giants live and feed off the power residing deep in the
formation have shaped it in numerous ways, splitting mountain. Some believe that after the rune titans were
its floor and building stalactites and stalagmites that destroyed, their residual power gave birth to the stone
now stand as tall as towers. giants who have resided in Blackclaw Mountain for
For hundreds of thousands of years, creatures both millennia.
intelligent and monstrous have called the cavern After hundreds of thousands of years in Blackclaw
home, with many living their entire lives in this Mountain, the rune titans died out all at once, with

T imeline of B lackclaw M ountain assassinated by drow from the city of Ithirix, hidden
deep in the mountain. Ithirix is buried in a series of
The following timeline is a rough estimate of the various
earthquakes, and Blackclaw Mountain returns to tribal-
stages of settlement in Blackclaw Mountain. Hundreds of
ism and monstrous rule.
more detailed timelines might exist for the many tribes,
1,200 to 600 Years Ago. The ancient red dragon
kingdoms, empires, and monsters that ruled over various
Aravax Blackflame rules over the cavern that would later
parts of Blackclaw, but this general information touches
become Shadowreach, building a great lair there that is
only on the most important points of the mountain’s
served by twelve tribes of kobolds.
600 to 300 Years Ago. The archmages of the Black
1,000,000 to 500,000 Years Ago. The rock-and-iron
Star come to the cavern. They defeat Aravax, and their
craft from which Blackclaw Mountain would form crash-
slave armies build the city of Shadowreach. The Magoc-
es to the world after tearing through the Astral Plane.
racy of the Black Star is formed.
500,000 to 200,000 Years Ago. The rune titans
300 to 220 Years Ago. The Order of the White Sun
explore the mountain, drawing power from the seed
launches a crusade against the Magocracy of the Black
deep within it. Their race ends when they open a rift to
Star, killing or routing the archmages and shattering their
another world, and a being of that world devours every
rule. The order holds the city of Shadowreach and its
titan’s life force at once.
neighboring territory for eighty years—until the Grendle-
200,000 to 100,000 Years Ago. As the world around
root awakes, and its black spires sunder the cavern and
it changes, the mountain becomes largely submerged
the mountain around it.
beneath the sea. The abolethic Quorum establishes itself
220 to 90 Years Ago. The Order of the White Sun
throughout the mountain, with an army of millions of
flees the mountain, sealing all its known entrances with
magic and iron. The ruins of Shadowreach become the
100,000 to 10,000 Years Ago. The waters recede, the
domain of monsters and the broken remnants of the fol-
aboleths slumber, and the mountain succumbs to tribal-
lowers of the magocracy, who return from the shadows.
ism and monstrous rule.
90 Years Ago to Present. Deepdelver’s Enclave is es-
10,000 to 1,200 Years Ago. A night hag named Sakara
tablished, and adventurers begin to explore the depths
becomes queen of the remaining grimlocks before being
of Blackclaw Mountain once again.

many left half buried in the rock. Some sages believe
they used their magical power to open a rift into R une T itan S tatistics
another plane—and that a being of that plane sucked Though unlikely, it is possible that the characters
all magic and life out of every rune titan in the exploring the deepest reaches of Blackclaw Mountain
mountain at once, like a vampire feasting on blood. might come across either a living rune titan or a rune
titan ghost.
Before the rift collapsed, this being tasted the energy
Rune Titan. Living rune titans spend most of their
contained in the world, so that it now thirsts for it time embedded in the rock of the mountain, trying
continually. Some sages believe that this entity might to draw what energy they can from the Grendleroot.
well be the Black Star, while others talk of many such Rune titans use the stone giant stat block with these
beings existing in the blackness between the stars. changes:
In the cavern that later housed Shadowreach, the • Its size is gargantuan.
rune titans shaped four great monoliths of stone, each • It has 263 hit points (17d20 + 85).
• It has the Intelligence and spellcasting abilities of a
over one hundred feet tall. Each monolith is marked
mage or archmage
with swirling symbols and glyphs that once drew • The mage variant has a challenge rating of 12
tremendous amounts of arcane energy into the cavern, (8,400 XP) and the archmage variant has a chal-
likely creating the nexus point of the rift that caught lenge rating of 18 (20,000 XP)
the attention of the otherworldly destroyer. Today, Rune Titan Ghost. The spectral remains of a rune
the monoliths are inert, with all energy completely giant killed within the mountain uses the ghost stat
drained from them. They still stand—along with the block with these changes:
petrified bodies of six kneeling rune giants—along the • Its size is Gargantuan.
• Its Constitution is 20 (+5).
western edge of the ruined city.
• It has 263 hit points (17d20 + 85).
T he A bolethic Q uorum • It has AC 17.
• It has the Intelligence and spellcasting abilities of
It remains unknown whether the aboleths of either a mage or an archmage.
Blackclaw first entered the mountain eons ago, or • The mage variant has a challenge rating of 12
whether they came with the great planar vessel when it (8,400 XP) and the archmage variant has a chal-
crashed down to the world. Either way, their influence lenge rating of 18 (20,000 XP)
within the mountain thankfully grew slowly, and their
numbers have always been few. aboleths’ ruined temples can be found in the adventure
A small band of aboleths calling themselves the “Chuul.”
Quorum established an empire in Blackclaw Mountain S akara ’ s C hildren and the D row C ity
two hundred thousand years ago, when much of its
of I thirix
interior was flooded beneath the sea. The aboleths
transformed primitive humanoids in the mountain After the fall of the aboleths, many of the humanoid
into a slave race of grimlocks, who served their tribes in the mountain found themselves leaderless
masters in all their dealings above the water, and who and lost. Bloodshed and cannibalism ruled until ten
conquered much of the mountain. thousand years ago, when a queen arose who would
Entire abolethic cities can still be found deep inside claim control of the mountain. Sakara was a night
Blackclaw, decorated in swirling carved stone that hag said to have been drawn into the world from
commemorates the infinite memories of these highly the Lower Planes by the grimlocks’ desperation, and
intelligent beings. When the waters receded a hundred who ruled over her countless grimlock children for
millennia later, the aboleths of the Quorum lost their nearly nine thousand years. Her end came when she
hold on the mountain. A series of rebellions sent was assassinated by a band of drow elves from the
the remaining aboleths deep into hibernation in the recently founded drow city of Ithirix, whose folk had
depths of their sunken cities and temples. continually warred with Sakara’s children.
Few signs of the Quorum still survive in the cavern With their mother slain, the grimlocks of Blackclaw
surrounding Shadowreach, but an occasional column fought among themselves until only a few remained.
of stone carved in swirling, intricate, and maddening Those survivors were soon chased out of their
patterns hints at their former glory. One of the caverns by the larger monsters that came to prowl the
mountain, with many grimlocks returning to the lost
lairs of their former abolethic masters.
As for Ithirix, rumors persist that the drow city mages would be able to conduct their experiments
was buried in a great earthquake. Some say it still undisturbed, and far from the eyes of those who would
stands somewhere in an undiscovered section of the judge them. The archmages cared little for anything
mountain, filled with the undead remains of its drow except their pursuit of the unknown mysteries of the
host. multiverse. They did not seek to conquer or enslave,
but did both those things to serve their greater thirst
A ravax B lackflame for knowledge.
An ancient red dragon known as Aravax Blackflame When Aravax was slain, the archmages moved their
was the last ruler of the cavern that would become entire establishment into the cavern that now houses
Shadowreach after the arrival of the archmages of the Shadowreach. They brought hundreds of slaves,
Black Star. Some twelve hundred years ago, the dragon thralls, and undead servants with them, conquering
built his lair within a huge stalagmite that featured a and conscripting thousands more creatures within
single narrow walkway snaking up to its entrance. the mountain. In the vast cavern, the archmages
Aravax’s thirst for arcane knowledge was eclipsed formed the Magocracy of the Black Star, built the city
only by his brutality. Twelve tribes of kobolds were of Shadowreach, and raised their nine towers. Often
bound to his service, worshiping him as a god for six addressed as “the Nine,” the archmages ruled above
centuries. But then the first of the archmages of the all other denizens of their realm, standing equal to
Black Star, Karek Blackiron, came to treat with Aravax, one another. They selected governors and warlords
offering a mutual trade of arcane knowledge. Upon from the most capable and loyal among their enslaved,
learning of the power in the mountain, Karek betrayed impressing upon them the directive to obey the Nine
the dragon, and the nine archmages of the Black Star unquestioningly, and to leave them free to conduct
began a war against Aravax and his kobold armies. their arcane research.
Even as powerful as the archmages were, it took
three years for them to cut through the last of Aravax’s
The Nine spent the majority of their time in study
kobold followers, rooting the troublesome creatures
and in pursuit of their experiments. Most of them
out of the seemingly endless warrens surrounding the
preferred to work in solitude, apart from even one
cavern. Fifty half-dragon champions of the archmages
another. Only when certain experiments or discoveries
undertook the final assault against Aravax, who felled
required partnerships, or when they required the
forty of them before his own end. The lich Yolon
services of their subjects, did the archmages step out
tore Aravax’s spirit from his body, entombing it in
from their towers.
a swirling ruby necklace they wore throughout the
Meetings among the Nine occurred once each year
height of the magocracy’s power—and which is said to
in a hidden chamber completely cut off from the rest
now be hidden in a vault deep underneath the cavern
of the mountain. The floor of this sanctum contained
of Shadowreach. Grethel the Flame, the half-dragon
an ancient rune-inscribed circle said to have been
archmage of fire, took over Aravax’s carved stalagmite
constructed by the Caretakers, along with nine portals
lair for herself and built it into the Molten Citadel.
each controlled by an archmage. At these meetings, the
T he M agocracy of the B lack S tar Nine would decide the future of the magocracy, with
their decisions flowing down through the thousands
The archmages of the Black Star originally joined
who served and acted upon those decisions without
together when they learned individually of a vast
timeless entity floating in the shadows of the
The subjects of the Magocracy of the Black Star
multiverse. Having lightly touched upon this limitless
came from many different lands. Elves, dwarves,
intellect, which each called “the Black Star,” the mages
goblins, giants, and humans all served the Nine, with
became filled with the desire to increase their own
many enthralled by the mages and their spellcasting
power and expand their knowledge, in the hopes of
servants into unquestioning servitude. Others were
reaching out to the entity once again.
commanded through sheer force and terror by the
Hounded for decades for their dangerous and deadly
Claws of the Nine—half-dragon warlords given
pursuit of arcane secrets, the nine archmages found
ultimate authority over the magocracy’s other subjects.
the cavern already home to Aravax and his kobolds
An army of undead created by the vampire
to be the perfect location to practice their craft.
necromancer Korvilia proved a most useful addition
Hidden away from the cities of the surface world, the
to the servants of the Nine. Stocked with all manner Every day, she argued, the archmages of the Black Star
of undead from decrepit skeletons to vampire knights practiced their dark craft within the mountain and
riding on the backs of skeletal dragons, this army grew stronger. The stronger they grew, the harder it
required no food or rest, and served the will of the would eventually be to face them and root them out.
Nine through every moment of their existence. But Maelin, thinking of the lives that might be lost in
The servants of the mages built the city of such a crusade, resisted.
Shadowreach to house the people of the magocracy One day, during his prayers to the Light, Maelin had
and support the desires of the Nine. The governors a vision. He saw cities destroyed, pierced through with
and warlords serving the Nine commanded the black spires as tall as mountains. He saw the bodies
magocracy’s social system, all with the goal of of thousands impaled on black metal trees. He saw
supporting the will of the archmages. Through it a dark, malevolent orb in the sky, as large as a moon
all, those archmages cared little for the survival and and writhing with tendrils that sucked the life out of
well-being of their subjects, demanding only that the the world wherever they touched it. The following
Nine have access to any resources when they needed morning, he met with his daughter, and preparations
them. A rigid hierarchy quickly formed within the for an assault against the Magocracy of the Black Star
magocracy, from the lowest serfs to the governors. began.
But to the Nine, all creatures in the magocracy except For four years, the Order of the White Sun prepared.
themselves were equally inconsequential, living only to The Swords of the Sun were led by legendary
support the archmages’ drive for power. commander Lord Korva Vollok, following her
directive to train for fighting in the narrow tunnels
T he C rusade of the W hite S un and wide chasms of Blackclaw. The Blades of Dawn
Word of the magocracy eventually spread beyond prepared to drive back the undead armies rumored
Blackclaw Mountain. An order of priests and paladins to infest the mountain. The order created a new unit
stood watch over the known entrances into Blackclaw, of soldiers known as the Mageslayers, trained to fight
preparing for an onslaught of demons, undead, or against the arcane power of the nine archmages and
worse to burst forth into the world. Each decade, a their numerous apprentices. Led by the bard Sylda
halfling archmage of the Black Star named Soram Dawncaster, these wizards, fighters, rogues, and bards
of the Outside would exit the mountain with a were specifically trained in the magic necessary to
retinue of slaves and guardians, ready to renew the counter, silence, disrupt, and dispel the magic of the
nonaggression pacts between the magocracy and the magocracy.
realms nearest the mountain.
The Order of the White Sun was made up of three
On the tenth anniversary of the most recent signing
primary factions. The Priests of the White Sun stood
of the nonaggression treaty between the magocracy
at the head of the order, calm and deliberate in their
and its neighboring realms, Soram of the Outside
planning and governance. The paladins of the order,
stepped out once more from the mountain. But
known as the Blades of Dawn, served as crusaders,
instead of signing a new treaty, he was arrested, tried,
traveling far and wide across all lands to seek out and
and convicted by the Order of the White Sun, then
quell evil. The largest faction, the Swords of the Sun,
beheaded by Lord Templar Alexa Avankor. The assault
was a standing army of sword fighters and archers who
on Shadowreach had begun.
defended Sunspire Citadel some two hundred miles
The order struck fast and hard. Knowing that
from Blackclaw Mountain—the primary headquarters
the true power in Blackclaw Mountain rested with
of the order, and a great citadel of the realms the order
the nine archmages, the warriors of the Blades of
Dawn and the Mageslayers sought them out. They
For thirty years, a father and daughter headed the
destroyed undead and enthralled guardians by the
Priests of the White Sun and the Blades of Dawn,
thousands to reach the archmages. They infiltrated
respectively. High Priest Maelin Avankor led the
the private lairs of the Nine, bringing them to the
Priests of the White Sun with calm and thoughtful
sword where they could. In six weeks of fighting,
guidance, while his daughter, Lord Templar Alexa
five of the nine archmages of the Magocracy were
Avankor, led the Swords of Dawn with focus and
brought down—some so catastrophically that their
virtue. For nearly a decade, Alexa tried to convince
passing left permanent wounds in the world. The fate
her father of the growing danger of the magocracy.
T he B attle for S hadowreach

of the remaining four was never fully determined, from the cavern of Shadowreach. Patrols explored the
though their power was shattered and their lairs either caverns beyond, but many never came back. The tales
occupied or destroyed. of the four missing archmages of the Black Star were
Of the remaining servants of the magocracy, many forgotten.
were killed, some were liberated, and the rest fled Then eighty years after the Order of the White Sun
deeper into the mountain. In the aftermath, the Order liberated Shadowreach, the Grendleroot awoke.
of the White Sun spent eighty years attempting to The stone floor of the Shadowreach cavern ripped
wash away the stain of the magocracy in Shadowreach, open. Spires of the Grendleroot tore their way up.
but with limited success. Records of the event describe a telepathic scream that
Starsong Tower was repurposed into a beacon ripped through the minds of the city’s residents. Some
of light above the city. The other towers and keeps went insane. Many died. The rest left the mountain
of Shadowreach were converted into barracks and forever. The remaining members of the Order of the
citadels for the order. Yet powerful remnants of the White Sun built a glyph-scribed iron door to seal
magocracy remained, often not uncovered for decades. the main entrance into the mountain. The survivors
Many of those were old vaults accidentally opened, returned to Sunspire Citadel, which had become a
unleashing hundreds of ravenous undead into the city crumbling ruin after decades of neglect. In time, tales
each time. As a result, few civilians were willing to take of the fall of the Magocracy of the Black Star and the
up residence in Shadowreach, making it difficult for crusade of the Order of the White Sun became little
the Order of the White Sun to maintain a meaningful more than legend.
presence in the city. Even the nine statues representing Over a hundred years later, with the glyphs of
the archmages of the Black Star could not be toppled. protection on the door faded, a small band of
explorers broke the seal of the White Sun and entered
T he T ime of the G rendleroot the mountain. When they eventually reached the
The Order of the White Sun weakened over long cavern of Shadowreach, their lanterns illuminated
years in the mountain. Those who remained over that huge statues of sinister archmages standing above
time lost sight of the need to hold back the darkness the vast, empty city. Shadowreach proved a site full
of mysteries, relics, dangers—and treasure beyond both sides of the battle. The destruction left a crater
counting. These explorers built a small camp amid behind that still burns white-hot to this day. Those
clifftop ruins marking one edge of the ruined city. who dare to look into the depths of the crater find
The camp grew into a walled outpost, and soon, their skin and internal organs burned, often leading
Deepdelver’s Enclave opened for business. to a painful death. No sign of Grethel was ever found,
though some sages have noted that those who break a
The Nine staff of the magi don’t always die.
The nine archmages of the Black Star were drawn K arek B lackiron
together from across the world, united in their thirst Karek Blackiron, a male neutral evil dwarf archmage,
for knowledge and their willingness to pay any price spent decades studying the ways of forging and
to find it. The eclectic origins of the Nine gave them a enchantment under multiple dwarf masters. Each
perspective few other mages have ever achieved. No time, he squeezed out all the knowledge he could
matter their lineage or history, when they founded from those masters before killing them. Banished
the Magocracy of the Black Star, only their thirst for from more than one wizards’ guild, Karek continued
power mattered. to study the arcane arts on his own, until he caught
The following sections describe each of the nine the attention of the Black Star and became one of the
archmages, including the four who still remain in Nine.
Blackclaw Mountain, as well as the towers they built.
G rethel the F lame Karek forged his citadel from a solid block of black
Born of dwarf and draconic parents, Grethel always iron, and called it the Monolith. The structure
had fire burning in her heart. A chaotic evil female appeared seamless, and none but Karek knew how
half-dragon archmage, she was the most brash of the to enter it. The archmage would disappear inside the
Nine, having destroyed her home city with a single Monolith for months at a time, coming out only when
spell in revenge for insults she had received as a child. he needed new components for his creations or when
The other mages understood the need to channel he wished to reveal those creations. Many of the most
Grethel’s fiery heart and temper, letting her serve as powerful weapons and armor worn or wielded by the
the master of evocation for the magocracy. (If you Nine and their warlords came from the Monolith.
decide to have Grethel play a part in your campaign, Try as they might, the Order of the White Sun could
she uses the archmage stat block with the half-dragon not penetrate the walls of Karek’s citadel when they
template.) invaded Shadowreach. Some believe that the missing
dwarf archmage resides there still, forging a weapon
capable of piercing the heart of the Grendleroot.
Grethel resided in the remains of Aravax’s lair, a
stalagmite of stone and iron burned by dragonfire, DEEPREACH
and which came to be known as the Molten Citadel In addition to forging the Monolith, Karek
after the red dragon’s defeat. Grethel’s throne rested spent decades building a vast dungeon beneath
on an obsidian platform suspended by adamantine Shadowreach. Said to descend at least twenty levels
chains over a lake of molten iron far below. Some into the mountain, the halls of Deepreach connected
say that deep within the citadel, she had opened up a numerous chambers that had already existed below
permanent portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and Shadowreach for millennia. Karek and the other
that she treated regularly with the efreeti of the City of archmages of the Nine used Deepreach as a vast
Brass. laboratory for their experiments. Prisons filled with
forgotten foes, vaults containing magic worth more
than empires, great vats of sentient primordial ooze,
During their crusade, warriors of the Order of the
and huge machines of war are all said to still be found
White Sun, commanded by Lord Korva Vollok, drew
in the dungeon’s abandoned halls. The Order of the
Grethel from her citadel and killed her in the streets of
White Sun attempted to explore Deepreach, but with
Shadowreach. Even as a fatal blow was struck against
little success and many deaths. The dungeon lies
her, Grethel shattered her staff of the magi and caused
underneath Shadowreach still, its forgotten chambers
an explosion that killed Korva and hundreds more on
almost completely unexplored.

THE SWORD OF NIGHT an ambassador for the Nine, and was one of the few
Though shards of the Grendleroot can be used in the archmages who would bother to meet with leaders
creation of weapons and armor, Karek is so far the from outside the mountain.
only being in the world able to forge the indestructible The Order of the White Sun began their crusade
material of the Grendleroot into new forms. He by executing Soram in front of the mountain. Lord
constructed and wielded a vorpal longsword from that Templar Alexa Avankor swung the blade herself, in a
material, naming it the Sword of Night. Lost during public display that marked the beginning of the war
the crusade of the White Sun, the blade is thought with the Magocracy of the Black Star. It was whispered
to be somewhere within the endless expanses of that Soram’s last act before the sword fell was to curse
Deepreach. the White Sun, and to call upon the seed within the
mountain to destroy the order. Many of those who
K orvilia , the D aughter of D eath believe the possibility of this curse maintain that
Once a neutral good female high elf wizard, Korvilia this was the source of the explosive growth of the
fell into the ways of necromancy and became a neutral Grendleroot spires decades later.
evil elf vampire archmage. (Use the vampire stat block
with the spellcasting of the archmage stat block.) She
Soram practiced his magical craft in Blacktree, a
operated independently for six hundred years before
twisted stalagmite shaped like a great tree and made of
joining the archmages of the Black Star. Haunted by
indestructible metal. The tree was said to exist on the
the death of her daughter, Korvilia spent her centuries
border between this world and the world of shadow,
studying the borderlands between life and death, and
marked by a thin veil said to hang in a chamber deep
built the undead army that protected Shadowreach.
below the tree where the two worlds connected.
Nearly a thousand skeletons and two hundred wights
were commanded by the four vampire knights who U lon the M ind D ancer
served her. Ulon, a male neutral evil cloud giant archmage, was
When the Order of the White Sun came to the magocracy’s master of illusions. (Use the cloud
Shadowreach, Korvilia escaped to a hidden vault giant stat block for him, with the spellcasting of
where she remains to this day. See the “Vault of the the archmage stat block.) Ulon believed that the
White Queen” adventure for more information on happiness of all beings could be found in the depths
Korvilia. of the mind, and he built vast dreamscapes in which
MARROWHOLD hundreds of slaves worked themselves to death under
Korvilia spent much of her time in Shadowreach an illusion of peace and contentment. Ulon’s dream
in Marrowhold, also known as the Tower of Silent experiments were deemed necessary to understand the
Screams. This edifice was built within the petrified worlds beyond reality that mortals could not otherwise
body of a rune titan in the northeast portion of the grasp. He spent decades in these recursive worlds
city. A moat of ravenous ghouls once surrounded of his own creation, constructing entire multiverses
the tower, feasting off the exposed lower half of the in his mind in order to conduct his research and
rune titan, until the Priests of the White Sun came. experiments.
Those priests turned the ghouls to ash when they took THE GHOST TOWER
the city and shattered the tower, leaving half of the Ulon spent his days in a twisted spire standing
hollow upper torso of the petrified titan exposed. The half inside and half outside of reality, known as the
paladins and Priests of the White Sun discovered vast Ghost Tower. Its form would shift from a spire of
catacombs beneath the tower connected to Deepreach, magically shaped gray stone into an ethereal beam
and were never fully successful in rooting out the of light shining floor to ceiling in the great cavern
undead lurking within. of Shadowreach. When the Order of the White
S oram of the O utside Sun invaded the city, they had to wait until the
first new moon of the following year before Ulon’s
Soram, a neutral evil male lightfoot halfling archmage,
tower shimmered into existence once more. A team
was the master conjurer of the Nine. Always calm and
of paladins and mageslayers led by the bard Sylda
always smiling, he was known for his intricate facial
Dawncaster assaulted the tower, but they never came
tattoos and beautiful clothing. Soram often acted as
back out before it blinked away once again.

S tatue of V rathe of W ar
Every ten years, the Ghost Tower reappears in
Shadowreach for three days before it disappears once
again. Some who have seen it say that the sounds of
screaming and battle still echo from within. Others
hypothesize that the members of the order who
entered the tower fell into their own illusory worlds,
and that even if they yet survive, they will never come
back out again.

V rathe of W ar
Vrathe, a neutral evil female fire giant archmage, was
advisor to two different fire giant kings. Both times,
she was thrown aside and banished for her propensity
toward careful thought over quick aggression. Both
times, the kings who dismissed her ended up with
their heads upon the pikes of their enemies.
For two hundred years, Vrathe combined her
study of both war and magic. She led the Claws of the
Nine, the half-dragon warlords who she raised from
birth and infused with her magic. These warlords
commanded the mortal army of the magocracy.
Vrathe resided in the Citadel of the Long Night,
carved from a massive stalactite hanging two hundred
feet down from the cavern ceiling above Shadowreach.
Largely destroyed when Vrathe was slain by a force of
Mageslayers and Blades of Dawn, the citadel remains
accessible only from the air.
Vrathe wielded a rod of lordly might she used to
command her armies. The rod was lost during the
crusade of the White Sun, and is rumored to still lie
within her ruined citadel.

W averlyn S tarsong
Mistress of divination Waverlyn Starsong, a neutral
evil female elf archmage, spent most of her days
communicating with entities beyond the world.
She built Starsong Tower as a beacon and amplifier
to let her speak with creatures beyond mortal
understanding. Her greatest accomplishment was
to touch the intellect of the Black Star, an act that
splintered her mind into many separate personalities.
Some of these personalities were kind and gracious,
while others exploded into wrath and sadism.
Each of Waverlyn’s personalities showed itself
during the crusade of the White Sun, when she was
dragged from her tower weeping and begging for
her life. Moments later, she spoke a single word that

shattered the minds of two dozen of her attackers, continually blowing out of the pit, along with a loud
before Alexa Avankor’s holy avenger pierced her heart. rhythmic hammering like some great infernal machine
STARSONG TOWER in the darkness below.
Waverlyn Starsong’s sanctum, set along the clifftop Some believe that the pit fiend Vuron still resides in
edge of Shadowreach where Deepdelver’s Enclave the burning caverns and chambers beneath the library,
now stands, is described in the adventure “The Call of with its four erinyes advisors and sixty-six bone devils
Starsong Tower.” commanding an army of lesser devils. Since the fall
of the magocracy, Vuron has been using his infernal
X arvin the I nfernal machine to open a fiendish gateway to the Nine Hells.
Abandoned at an early age by his human mother,
Y olon of the V oid
Xarvin—a neutral evil male tiefling archmage—
learned to both hate and revere the infernal half of Yolon, a neutral evil nonbinary lich and the oldest
his heritage. For decades, he studied the bonds, pacts, of the archmages of the Black Star, spent centuries
and contracts of the Nine Hells, binding his first studying the multiverse and the spaces in between. It
demon at the age of sixteen. He eventually hunted was said that their mind existed half in and half out of
down and bound his infernal father, sealing him in a reality, seeing things beyond the comprehension of any
pocket dimension tied to a cubic gate that now sits in other creature.
a chamber of Deepreach, guarded over by four bound At the height of their power, Yolon had long
ice devils. forgotten their original heritage and mortality, and
Xarvin built a library of true names and infernal cared nothing for the mortality of others. Outside
contracts, buying, selling, and trading them as deftly the Nine, mortal creatures were a simple resource to
as the shrewdest banker. He used his vast network of use and expend as Yolon’s dark experiments required.
bound devils to learn more of the Black Star, passing It was common for the lich to disappear from
along information to his fellow archmages when it Shadowreach for years at a time, stepping away from
suited him. delicate and intricate experiments to journey into the
When the Order of the White Sun came to void between the stars, and speaking to entities whose
Shadowreach, they set fire to Xarvin’s library. As mere existence would crush the souls of other beings.
parchments burned and bronze disks melted, the During the late stages of the crusade of the Order
devils bound inside them broke free from long years of the White Sun, Yolon floated out from their tower
of bondage. They turned on their former master, armed with a staff of power, a robe of the archmagi,
breaking his body and capturing his soul. It is said that and a retinue of twisted demons. The lich and their
a pit fiend named Vuron the Vile now holds Xarvin’s demonic host nearly broke the assault, until a paladin
soul trapped in a ring of spell storing, and that the named Karvus Whiteiron smashed through Yolon’s
archmage’s screaming face can still be seen within the defenses and smote them with a divine light more
ring’s amber agate. powerful than any seen in centuries. The lich turned
to ash and the demons dissolved into oily pools. Yet
Yolon’s phylactery was never found, and many whisper
Xarvin’s tower was built of marble on the western wall
that the lich yet resides somewhere in Shadowreach,
of the cavern surrounding Shadowreach. Decorated
still seeking the lost secrets of the multiverse.
with pillars carved into the shapes of all manner of
fiends, its twenty stories of shelves housed scrolls, TOWER OF THE VOID
tablets, tomes, disks, and other forms of contracts Yolon spent much of their time sequestered in the
going back thousands of years. Tower of the Void. This stronghold of black metal
When the Order of the White Sun set the library floated in the center of Shadowreach above a huge
ablaze, holy fire shattered the shelves, then burned and shaft leading deep into the heart of the mountain.
melted the contracts. One large tablet of black onyx Great horrors drawn from other worlds by Yolon once
floating in the center of the library melted, releasing lurked in the depths of that pit, sleek with oily black
the pit fiend Vuron the Vile and carving a shaft down skin, too many eyes, and far too many limbs. During
through the floor of the library into magma-filled the crusade, the Tower of the Void collapsed into
caverns hundreds of feet below. Those few who have the pit, cracking open and unleashing the shadowy
approached the shaft report a scorching blast of air horrors below. Those horrors remain in the pit to this

day, wailing with blind hunger from the darkness
below. For now, some residual magic of Yolon’s L ord K orva V ollok
creation keeps them from leaving the pit, but
that magic is weakening.

The Order of the White

The Order of the White Sun was founded centuries
ago in Sunspire Citadel, a great fortress roughly
two hundred miles from Blackclaw Mountain. The
high priests and templars of the White Sun knew of
the Magocracy of the Black Star, and had long feared
the power wielded by the nine archmages. During
their crusade into the mountain, many heroes of the
White Sun showed their valor in battle against the
magocracy. Four of those heroes are detailed in this

H igh P riest M aelin A vankor

The tenth high priest of the White Sun, Maelin
Avankor knew it was only a matter of time before
“My heart died that day,” wrote the twelfth high
the order would be forced to confront the darkness
priest of the order. “I knew in that moment that the
taking root in Blackclaw Mountain. Yet he feared that
darkness of the mountain would never be tamed.” The
inevitable confrontation, knowing that the terrible
exodus of the Order of the White Sun from Blackclaw
power of the archmages would be turned against his
Mountain began that same day.
order. Only after receiving his apocalyptic vision of
the coming of the Black Star did Maelin approve the L ord T emplar A lexa A vankor
crusade, and he helped train the forces who marched Daughter of Maelin Avankor, Alexa fought with a stout
on the mountain. heart, a stubborn will, and a single-minded desire to
Maelin died the day after the Order of the drive evil from the world. For much of her adult life,
White Sun declared victory over the magocracy in she tried to convince her father of the growing danger
Shadowreach, his body simply giving out despite any of the Magocracy of the Black Star after learning of
serious injury. He lay upon his small cot in an armory the archmages’ enslavement of sentient races and
that had been turned into a headquarters for the order. their defilement of thousands of souls. Over long
On his person was a parchment written in a troubled years, Alexa led a force of some two hundred paladins,
hand, which read: twenty of which became her knights templar. Through
“All my life, I have served the Light. But now I see only training and prayer, they prepared in secret for their
darkness below. May the Light forgive me.” inevitable assault on Shadowreach, sending in spies
The Order of the White Sun commissioned a regularly to assess the magocracy’s power.
statue of the high priest, crafted by two dozen dwarf After the crusade and the death of Maelin Avankor,
sculptors and standing watch over the great pit at Alexa gave up her title as lord templar to her second-
the center of Shadowreach as a symbol of eternal in-command, a knight templar named Willam Renvar.
vengeance. Working day and night, the sculptors With her leadership ended, she prepared a backpack
carved the statue from a block of white marble full of supplies and strapped on her holy avenger
painstakingly hauled in from outside the mountain. longsword, Sunflare—a blade forged by the finest
The statue shattered eighty years later, when the first smiths and empowered by her father’s most powerful
spire of the Grendleroot tore through the ground prayers. She stepped into the darkness of the mountain
directly beneath it, replacing the masterwork with a and was never seen again.
thirty-foot thorn of black metal.

To this day, explorers in Blackclaw Mountain Blades of Dawn fought and killed Vrathe of War. The
sometimes share tales of seeing an elderly woman in blade then disappeared with Sylda Dawncaster when
dented, patchwork armor. On an island in the middle she stepped inside the Ghost Tower.
of a vast black lake deep in the mountain, she fights off
hordes of ghouls with a sword that shines like the sun.
L ord K orva V ollok
The paladins, templars, priests, and mageslayers of
S ylda D awncaster , the M ageslayer the Order of the White Sun were backed by over a
The paladins and priests of the Order of the White thousand armored troops and veterans led by Lord
Sun knew that their righteousness alone would not Korva Vollok, commander of the Swords of the
be enough to quell the power of the Magocracy of the Sun. These soldiers and veterans trained alongside
Black Star. As such, before their crusade, the order their spellcasting companions in preparation for the
trained bards and wizards in the art of abjuration, crusade.
building shields of magical power, countering the During the war, Korva’s vanguard smashed through
spells of their opponents, and dispelling any magic the thrall armies of the magocracy. She battled and cut
that stood in their way. With such arcane experience down Thorvum Raisewing, half-dragon warlord of the
unknown within the order, Maelin and Alexa sought Claws of the Nine. During the battle, the archmage
out the mercenary bard Sylda Dawncaster. At first, Grethel the Flame disintegrated Korva’s wife and
they paid her handsomely for her experience and her second-in-command, Molly. In response, Korva drove
training of this new force of Mageslayers. But after her radiant sun blade through the archmage’s magical
spending two weeks in Shadowreach as a spy, Sylda defenses and into her molten heart—even as Grethel
took their mission into her heart and joined the order. broke her staff of the magi to slay Korva and hundreds
One hundred mageslayers were trained under more combatants. Korva’s sun blade was recovered
Sylda’s leadership—bards, fighters, rogues, and by a monastic branch of the Order of the White Sun
wizards specifically trained to counter the magic of known as the Keepers, and was hidden in a monastery
the magocracy. Were it not for this force, the order built to imprison a Black Star agent known as Mother
would have stood no chance against the Nine. But with Bloodstone. See the adventure “The Cell” for more
the mageslayers on their side, the priests and knights information.
of the order were able to cut through the magical
defenses and devastating attacks of the magocracy,
turning the tide and winning the war.
One Possible History
The tales and legends of the history of Blackclaw
Sylda Dawncaster led twenty mageslayers into the
Mountain and Shadowreach are filled with
Ghost Tower of Ulon the Mind Dancer in the final
inaccuracies, grandiose bravado, and tall tales. You
days of the crusade. She and her warriors were never
are free to decide which of these stories, if any, are
seen again, as the tower blinked out of existence
true, and which are simply legend. The material in
with them inside. Some believe that Sylda and her
this section represents just one possible history out of
mageslayers are still trapped in the tower, doomed to
many. Just as the recursive dreams of Ulon the Mind
live in the torment of their own minds for eternity if
Dancer create a thousand realities, so can you.
no one can break the illusory bonds that hold them.
Wizards and scalds loyal to the Order of the White
Sun forged a weapon for Sylda Dawncaster—a blade
befitting the leader of the Mageslayer unit, known as
Spellsieve. This black-bladed weapon has five runes
etched into its blade.
Spellsieve is a shortsword of absorption—a very rare
magic shortsword that has the same characteristics as
a rod of absorption. As it absorbs spells, the glyphs on
the blade begin to glow violet. As spells are cast from
it, the violet glyphs go dark once again. Sylda used
Spellsieve when she and a force of Mageslayers and

From the ruins of an enchanted tower, the Grendleroot calls out into the depths of the Astral Plane, spreading
nightmares throughout Deepdelver’s Enclave.

n the characters’ first exposure to the ruins of the coming of the Grendleroot. However, just three days
Grendleroot, one of the elders of Deepdelver’s ago, a beam of violet light erupted from the tower,
Enclave sends the party to investigate a corrupting pulsing up to a large spherical crystal in the ceiling of
violet energy emanating from the ruins of Starsong the cavern. The corrupt magic of this light has brought
Tower, at the north edge of the enclave. Within the the normally cheerful folk of the enclave into a state of
tower, the characters discover the remains of former worry.
adventurers, a mad cultist, a harrowed specter, and the Deepdelver’s Enclave is home to many adventurers
mysterious call of the Grendleroot. If they successfully and retired adventurers, but its most renowned groups
repair a corrupted altar to break the source of the are all presently away on missions of exploration in
violet energy, the characters earn the respect of the the mountain. The one group that was in the enclave
enclave—and can even claim Starsong Tower as their entered the ruined tower in the hope of discovering
own home base. the source of the violet light and disabling it—but
“The Call of Starsong Tower” is a two-hour none of its members have yet returned. Bailon hopes
adventure for 1st-level characters, and will take that the characters can investigate to discover the fate
those characters to 2nd level. It is designed to of the previous adventurers, and disable the strange
introduce players to the ruins of the Grendleroot and violet light creating chaos in the enclave.
Deepdelver’s Enclave, and to introduce you to the Monsters and NPCs. Cult fanatic, giant rats (3),
setup and style of the adventures in this book. This gargoyle, skeletons (3), specter, zombies (2)
adventure also offers additional guidance to help new
Gamemasters run their games.
Notable NPCs
Adventure Summary The following NPCs have a part to play in the
The adventure begins when Bailon the Beardless, an
elder of Deepdelver’s Enclave, asks the characters for BAILON THE BEARDLESS
help investigating a strange energy emanating from A former explorer who has spent most of his life
Starsong Tower. For long years, the tower served as a in Blackclaw, Bailon is a chaotic good male dwarf
beacon of light in the cavern, but it went dark with the veteran considered by many to be the primary elder of

Deepdelver’s Enclave. Kind and mischievous in equal • A holy altar to the goddess of light was once set up
measure, Bailon believes that self-reliance is the most in the cellar of the tower. The altar would channel
important trait for anyone who wishes to explore the radiant energy into a crystal at the top of the tower,
mountain. He is the first NPC the characters meet in which in turn would illuminate the much larger
this adventure. crystal in the cavern’s ceiling.
JAYCE GOLDSMILE • The folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave have always
Jayce runs Goldsmile’s Artifacts, a small shop that avoided the tower. Those who spend time in and
specializes in buying and selling relics found by those around it feel a dark presence that manifests as dire
exploring the ruins of the Grendleroot. A chaotic good nightmares. (This is the power of the altar, which has
female lightfoot halfling scout, she knows some of the been corrupted by the Grendleroot spire. With the
history of Starsong Tower and is willing to share it. She sudden release of the altar’s power, the tower is safe
is always excited to meet new adventurers, and offers to any creature that spends less than a day there.)
to help them however she can (including with potions • Those who have briefly explored the tower have
of healing). She is also willing to buy any interesting reported hearing whispered voices coming from
treasure the characters find in the tower. behind its main door. (This is the guardian specter,
• The spires of the Grendleroot are imbued with
Once a priest of the Order of the White Sun, Sarvin
mysterious magical power. Strange things happen
became a kind of caretaker of Starsong Tower after
when the spires come into the presence of other
his death, as his soul remained bound to the site.
However, the corruption of the tower has twisted that
• The beam of violet light that now erupts from the
soul, transforming him into a half-crazed specter.
tower is filling peoples’ heads with nightmares. No
Sarvin is more tortured than evil (treat him as chaotic
one in Deepdelver’s Enclave has slept well since the
neutral), and he does not act with hostility unless
light appeared.
provoked. His bond to the tower and dedication to the
• The energy of the Grendleroot spires can create
Order of the White Sun grant him the ability to speak
physical and magical mutations in creatures that
Common, unlike most specters.
dwell too close to them.
ALLICE SHADEWHISPERER • Creative individuals and those attuned to the
A member of an adventuring company called the ways of magic have long claimed to hear a strange
Bronze Lions, Allice is a chaotic neutral female human wavering buzz coming from around the tower.
cult fanatic—and that company’s only survivor. She • Explorers of note have claimed that the tower is
saw her friends killed by the specter Sarvin, and was some sort of device meant to communicate with
badly injured in that fight. Unable to flee, she has beings from other worlds.
succumbed to madness inflicted by the corrupt energy • A long-dead sage who went mad after spending too
within the tower. She now worships the spire of the much time in Starsong Tower claimed that an entity
Grendleroot that punches through the lowest level of beneath it was attempting to communicate with a
the tower, and attacks only if attacked first. larger entity floating in the endless void above the
Secrets and Clues • The altar of light in the tower’s cellar was added to
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the the tower after its initial construction. The tower’s
adventure as you determine: original purpose is unknown.
• The altar has been corrupted by a spire of the
• Centuries ago, Starsong Tower gave off a beam of
Grendleroot, but the power of the Grendleroot
radiant light that penetrated a great crystal hanging
builds slowly. After absorbing that power for
high in the cavern above. The crystal’s light would
hundreds of years, the altar reached a critical
wax and wane to mark the passage of day and night
threshold that has caused it to erupt with the
in the world outside the mountain. With the coming
Grendleroot spire’s dark energy.
of the Grendleroot and the destruction of the city of
• The Bronze Lion adventurers went into the tower
Shadowreach in the cavern beneath the tower, the
shortly after the violet light first appeared, and
crystal went dark. However, three days ago, it began
haven’t come out. The group wasn’t well liked around
to pulse with an unsettling violet light.
the enclave, and its members had a reputation for
being jerks.
Tips For Running 1st-Level
• The Bronze Lions had a wand they said would help
them fix the tower.
This adventure is written for 1st-level characters,
who are significantly more fragile than 2nd-level
Origin of Starsong Tower characters. It is much easier to accidentally kill 1st-
You are free to change the details of Starsong Tower level characters—even instantly. They also have fewer
to make this your own adventure and have it better capabilities to handle threats.
fit your own campaign. In particular, you can decide It’s up to you how difficult you want to make this
who built the tower and what clues they left behind 1st-level adventure, but if you’re new to being a
regarding their identity and purpose after abandoning Gamemaster, or if the players in your group are new
it. However, if you have no history for the tower in to the game, go easy on them and reinforce the joy of
mind, you can use the following information to fill in high-fantasy roleplaying above the ongoing threat of
the details. death.
Nearly five centuries ago, an ambitious arcane This adventure has been balanced for 1st-level
order called the Magocracy of the Black Star built the characters, but you’ll still want to keep an eye on how
city of Shadowreach long before the coming of the quickly things might turn poorly for the adventurers.
Grendleroot. The archmages of the Black Star built In particular, always run fewer monsters than
nine towers around the city’s vast cavern, including characters, use static monster damage instead of
Starsong Tower, named for the archmage who was its rolling for damage, and ignore the instant death rules
overseer. The nine towers all channeled the energy of for new adventurers.
the mountain to empower spells and conduct complex Be kind at 1st level. You can turn up the heat in the
magical experiments. levels to come.
Three centuries ago, a fanatical group known as the
Order of the White Sun came to Shadowreach and
eradicated the Magocracy of the Black Star. Even as
Adventure Hooks
The characters can be inspired to explore Starsong
they established control over many sections of the city,
Tower and end its corruption for many different
the members of the order claimed Starsong Tower
reasons, including the money offered by Bailon the
for themselves. They built an altar to their goddess
Beardless and the chance to build a reputation among
in the lowest level of the tower, using its radiance to
the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave.
illuminate the great crystal at the top of the cavern.
Alternatively, one or more of the characters might be
The crystal then shed light across the cavern that
driven primarily by the need to investigate the mystery
brightened and dimmed to match the state of daylight
of the tower. A character might also receive a dream or
in the world outside.
vision of the Grendleroot’s call and want to investigate.
Two centuries ago, the spires of the Grendleroot
You can also have one or more of the NPCs
erupted within the mountain. One of those spires
who’ve gone missing in the tower to be known
pierced through the bottom of Starsong Tower and
to the characters. The adventure assumes that all
shattered the altar. The crystal went dark. Since then
the members of the Bronze Lions except Allice
the Grendleroot spire has been corrupting the altar,
Shadewhisperer are dead, but you can decide that
slowly filling it with dark energy.
NPCs the characters know might still be found alive.
After two hundred years, the slow-acting magic of
the Grendleroot spire has fully corrupted the altar. An T he C all of the G rendleroot
eruption of dark power now sends a call out through The spire in the cellar of Starsong Tower is one of
the magic crystal at the top of the cavern—and is the spires of the Grendleroot, the vast and ancient
driving the folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave to despair. sentience that lurks deep within the mountain. Having
Through this connection, the Grendleroot hopes to burst through the cavern floor and into the tower, the
reach out to another similar entity—perhaps one spire now allows the Grendleroot to use the tower to
potentially even more dangerous to the world than the attempt to communicate with another vast sentience
Grendleroot itself. somewhere far away.

This other sentience might dwell on another plane, “Most of the adventurers of Deepdelver’s Enclave are
or in the vast emptiness of space. It might even be out in the mountain on missions of their own right now,
possible that the Grendleroot is calling forth an and I don’t expect the first of them back for days. We
elder evil that might eventually devour the entire sent in one company whose people were taking some
world. This small adventure in the tower could be the downtime in the enclave, but they didn’t come out.”
beginning of an epic tale to save civilization from an
alien horror beyond nightmare. It might also just be a You can intersperse Bailon’s dialogue with questions
bit of fun for new adventurers. from the characters. Look at the “Secrets and Clues”
section to get an idea of the background information
Start on the tower that Bailon might know. Eventually, the
The adventure begins with the characters in an characters’ conversation inspires Bailon to make them
audience with Bailon the Beardless, an elder of an offer:
Deepdelver’s Enclave. Read or summarize the
following to set the scene: “You want to prove that you have what it takes to be
an adventurer of Deepdelver’s Enclave? Head over
You stand in the Dragon’s Fangs—an adventurers’ to Starsong Tower and find out what’s causing that
common house and the largest structure in Deepdelver’s light. Fix it, and you’ll have friends all throughout the
Enclave. Your host, Bailon the enclave. Plus, I’ll arrange a reward of a cool twenty gold
Beardless, sits in a large rocking pieces. Yes, each.”
chair, a pipe in one hand and a
staff topped with a carving of a
bearded dwarf in the other. Both
Bailon and the wooden dwarf give B ailon the B eardless

you the same mischievous look.

“So, you all want to be adventurers?
Well, there are few jobs in this world more
exciting for those who have the calling.
It’s a dangerous trade, to be sure, but
the rewards are well worth it. And I’m
not talking just about the rewards of gold,
jewels, or relics. I’m talking about the rewards
of discovery. I’m talking about uncovering the
mysteries of this mountain, some buried here for
a thousand thousand years.
“But there’ll be time enough for that. If you’re
looking to test your mettle as adventurers, I have
just the job to see if you’re truly cut out for this.
“You know that large crystal you saw in the ceiling
of the cavern? The one glowing with that strange
purple light? It’s been dark for two hundred years, since
the coming of the Grendleroot. But three days past, it
started glowing like it is now, and no one in the enclave
has had a good night’s sleep since. That light brings
nightmares with it, and it’s coming from a ruin at the
north end of the enclave, called Starsong Tower.

In addition to the secrets and clues you want to share, A beam of wavering violet light shoots up from the
Bailon tells the characters that there are three ways top of the tower to strike a large crystal embedded in
to enter Starsong Tower—by way of the front door, the cavern’s ceiling high above, causing it to pulse with
through a small tunnel that leads from a nearby river an unsettling violet light.
into the tower’s lower level, and by scaling the tower’s
broken walls. The characters have three obvious ways into the tower,
The dwarf also suggests that the characters talk to as mentioned by Bailon the Beardless. They can enter
Jayce Goldsmile, the enclave’s relic dealer (see the through the front door (area 1), which leads to an old
“Deepdelver’s Enclave” chapter). Jayce can provide audience chamber. They can go down to the river and
more information about the tower from the “Secrets follow a natural tunnel (area 3) that opens up in the
and Clues” section, in addition to giving each tower’s cellar (area 4). Or characters can climb the
character a potion of healing as a welcoming gift. tower walls with successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
The characters can also talk to any of the other checks and enter through the exposed upper floor
NPCs detailed in the “Deepdelver’s Enclave” chapter. (area 5).
Unless otherwise described, the tower is built
Pacing the Adventure of worked stone, has ceilings 15 feet high, and is
This adventure is intended to take roughly two hours currently lit by the beam of violet light that passes
to run. The primary method of tuning the length through it, which fills all areas with bright light.
of the adventure is the use or removal of optional 1 . F ront D oor
encounters in area 2, 3, or 5. You can also shorten this
adventure by requiring that the characters fix only the Area Aspects. Large stone door, sinister carvings of
altar in area 4 or the orb in area 6, rather than both. mages, grinning gargoyle

The Ruins of Starsong Tower A large stone door marks the tower’s main entrance.
The sinister visages of hooded mages stare out with
The tower rises atop the cliff at the north edge of
hollow eyes from each of the doors. A gargoyle statue
Deepdelver’s Enclave. The following “Area Aspects”
perched atop the doorframe leers down from above.
section presents a list of the most notable features of
the tower as a whole. You’ll see similar lists of aspects
The door can be pushed open with a successful DC
for each of the major locations within the tower. Use
14 Strength (Athletics) check. Characters can work
these aspects to help remind you what elements of a
together to push open the door, granting advantage to
location are important.
the check of the character with the highest Strength
Area Aspects. Three-story tower, beam of wavering score.
violet light shining up to a crystal above, stone
doorway, cracked walls, river canyon
The devilish-looking gargoyle above the door was
When the characters reach the tower, read or once bound to the service of the Magocracy of the
summarize the following. Similar read-aloud text Black Star. Its service ended when the Order of the
accompanies each of the other notable locations in the White Sun took over the tower, but the creature
adventure. remains magically bound to its perch. It scrutinizes
the characters as they deal with the door, swiveling its
The ruined three-story tower stands atop a small rise head around to watch them, and responding in a deep
on the north side of Deepdelver’s Enclave. Carvings of voice if spoken to.
sinister hooded faces decorate the corners of the tower’s The gargoyle cannot attack unless attacked first. In
square walls. Halfway up one side, those walls have that event, it makes one attack with its claws, then
cracked and fallen away, leaving the tower’s uppermost returns to its perch, lamenting that it is no longer
floor exposed. A large stone door leads into the tower’s under orders to kill intruders. If addressed with
first floor. A river of clear blue water is channeled respect, the gargoyle might give up one of the secrets
through a canyon some fifty feet away. and clues of the tower, described earlier.

2 . A udience C hamber color as the beam of light in the tower. A character
who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check
Area Aspects. Large ornate throne, statues of unknown can determine that the zombies have been created by
heroes, mosaics of a bygone age, holes in the ceiling the power of the beam.
and floor, beam of violet light If time is running short or the characters have
already faced enough battles, you can skip this
The corpses of three adventurers lie on the floor here, encounter.
all withered and pale. A large ornate throne sits atop VIOLET LIGHT
a raised platform on the north side of this chamber. If the altar in area 4 is active, the corrupt energy of the
Statues of unknown heroes stand at attention, flanking beam of violet light is a hazard to those in this area.
each other in two rows leading up to the throne. Rotting Any creature that enters the area of the light for the
plaster on the walls is peeling away to reveal old first time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 3 (1d6)
mosaics once covered over. force damage and is pushed 5 feet away from the light.
Stairs to the northwest lead up, while stairs to the TREASURE
northeast lead down. The floor and ceiling here have By searching the bodies, the characters can find 18 gp
collapsed in the southeast corner, exposing the floors in mixed coin and a jeweled necklace shaped like a
above and below. A circular hole cut into the center of beetle (20 gp), along with standard adventuring gear
the floor matches one in the ceiling. and nonmagical weapons and armor.
On the body that did not rise as a zombie, the
If the characters have not yet repaired the altar in area characters find a wand of mending intended to help
4, add the following: repair the tower. This uncommon magic item has 7
charges. While holding it, a creature can use an action
A pillar of wavering violet light rises between the two to expend 1 of its charges to cast the mending cantrip.
holes. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
dawn. If a creature expends the wand’s last charge,
You can change the details of the decor in this room they roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ash
to fit your own campaign. Otherwise, the old mosaics and is destroyed.
depict the nine wizards of the Magocracy of the 3 . T unnel
Black Star casting powerful spells, summoning huge
demons, exploring lost caverns, and building the nine Characters who explore the river’s course through the
towers that once rose within the surrounding cavern. canyon near the tower discover a subterranean side
The symbol of the magocracy—an eclipsed black tunnel leading off the canyon and toward the tower.
star with nine points around the corona—features Area Aspects. Natural circular tunnel, corrupted water,
prominently across the mosaics. Grendleroot pillars
The statues are more recent, and depict the heroes of
the White Sun who vanquished the Black Star mages A long natural tunnel leads from the rough stone wall
three centuries ago. Each statue features the symbol of of the river to a broken wall of worked stone. A small
the Order of the White Sun—a flaming sword over a stream that feeds the river emerges from under the
blazing white sun. broken wall, but its water has been turned a dirty gray
CREATURES from the presence of a dark liquid dripping out through
The corpses are three members of the Bronze Lion cracks in the wall. In some areas, the rock walls of the
adventuring party, all withered by necrotic damage. tunnel have eroded away, revealing strange black pillars
(The Bronze Lion adventurers made the mistake of made of some unknown metal.
attacking the specter Sarvin here and were overcome.
See area 6 for more information on Sarvin.) The tunnel is roughly 50 feet long and 5 feet
Two of the corpses rise as zombies and attack as in diameter. The black pillars are spires of the
soon as any character comes more than 10 feet into the Grendleroot that were thrust up from below but did
room. Their eyes glow with a violet light—the same not push above the ground. Like all the Grendleroot
spires, they are slightly warm to the touch and

In the C ellar A ltar

completely impervious to damage. The spires are 4 . C ellar A ltar

smooth and have no markings on them.
Any character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence Area Aspects. Broken statue, cracked stone altar,
(Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check can determine black liquid, spire of the Grendleroot, collapsed
that the water flowing down the tunnel is corrupted stonework, hole in the ceiling, beam of violet light
by the essence of the Grendleroot. It is cold to the
touch, and anyone who drinks the water takes 7 (2d6) A cracked stone altar carved with religious iconography
necrotic damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. stands before a ruined statue of the goddess of light. The
The broken stone wall at the end of the tunnel is one statue’s head has been broken off, and black liquid flows
of the walls of the cellar beneath the tower. Characters from cracks in its body onto the floor. The liquid pools
can easily slip through gaps in the wall and into the around a large black spire that juts out of the floor in
cellar. the center of the chamber, reaching upward like a great
When the first character moves roughly halfway down Stairs to the northeast lead up. Collapsed stone from
the tunnel, three giant rats crawl out from clefts in the the floor and walls of the level above spreads in the
walls, one in front of the characters and two behind. southeast corner of the chamber.
The rats’ eyes glow with a strange violet light, and
A beam of violet light shoots up from the spire,
they attack any creature that tries to reach the tower.
focused through a hole in the ceiling into the tower
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Arcana) check can see that the rats are somehow
infused with the power of the violet light.
The spire of the Grendleroot is the source of the
If time is running short or the characters have
corruption in the tower. Fed by the black blood
already faced enough battles, you can skip this
flowing from the corrupted statue on the altar, the
spire uses its energy to attempt to communicate with

an otherworldly being, channeling the thoughts of through the tower. They know that some form of
the Grendleroot through the crystal on the tower’s intelligence is attempting to call out to another entity.
uppermost floor (area 6) and the larger crystal hanging You can fill in the details with as much information
in the ceiling in the cavern above. as you wish, customized for your own campaign. See
CREATURE “What is the Grendleroot?” in the “About this Book”
Allice Shadewhisperer, a chaotic neutral human chapter for more information.
female cult fanatic, lies prone on the floor here, her If a character fails this check, they suffer a random
arms outstretched toward the spire. She stands when form of short-term madness for 10 minutes as their
the characters enter, demanding to know whether mind buckles under the weight of the Grendleroot’s
they too have come in response to the call of the spire. call. Appendix B has more information on short-term
Any character who observes her notes that black ichor madness.
appears to be flowing from her eyes. REPAIRING THE ALTAR
Allice was one of the Bronze Lions adventurers who The statue and the altar can be repaired with three
came to the tower. Her comrades all fell to the specter uses each of the mending cantrip. The altar can also be
Sarvin, and only she remains. Having been corrupted repaired with a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana
over the three days since she came here, she now or Religion) check.
spends all her time whispering to the spire and eating If the statue and the altar are both repaired, the
rats to survive. corrupting power of the Grendleroot spire is broken
Allice can be convinced that her worship of the spire and the black liquid stops flowing. The room fills with
is folly with a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) a white radiant light that flows up through the ceiling
check. The spire’s corruption has broken her mind, but to the crystal on the roof of the tower. Though the
she is not evil. She defends the spire if she feels that the black spire remains in the chamber, its dark power
characters are disrupting its connection to her. fades when the altar is repaired. Unless the characters
In combat, Allice uses spiritual weapon to call a have repaired the crystal in area 6, however, the tower’s
spectral black sword that attacks one enemy, while she corruption is not ended, and they recognize that more
casts sacred flame on others. Her sacred flame cantrip work needs to be done above.
evokes black fire that deals necrotic damage instead of TREASURE
radiant damage. Set atop the altar are a golden bowl and plate (25 gp
Allice might have become weakened over the time each) and a small idol of the goddess of light (50 gp).
she’s spent in the cellar of the tower. You can adjust her
hit point total based on her physical state if you want 5 . U pper S uites
to adjust the pace and difficulty of combat. Area Aspects. Crumbling walls, ruined chambers,
If you wish to make the encounter harder (while collapsed floor, outset walls, holes in the ceiling and
remembering that 1st-level characters are particularly floor, beam of violet light
vulnerable), Allice might be protected by one or
two zombies risen from her former comrades. The
Time has not been kind to the tower’s second floor.
undead fight at her side, but automatically fall when
Collapsed walls reveal ruined bedchambers and storage
she is defeated. You likely only want to do this if the
characters are higher than 1st level, or if there are rooms. A cracked stone staircase in the northwest
more than five characters in the party. extends to the floor above. The southeast corner of the
floor and ceiling have both collapsed, exposing the floor
above and below. A circular hole cut into the center of
While the altar is active, see area 2 for information on
the hazardous effects of the beam of violet light. the floor matches one in the ceiling.

CALL OF THE GRENDLEROOT If the characters have not yet repaired the altar in area
The spire of the Grendleroot resonates with a strange 4, add the following:
buzzing sound as the beam of violet light blazes up
through the tower. A character can attempt a DC 14 A pillar of wavering violet light rises between the two
Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check to investigate
the spire. On a success, a character becomes conscious
of the call of the Grendleroot as it is transmitted
T he B eacon of
S tarsong T ower
If the altar in area 4 is active, see area 2 for information
on the hazardous effects of the beam of violet light.
The far corner of the mostly intact bedchamber to
the southwest features two outset stone walls with no
visible openings. A character who succeeds on a DC
14 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
check discovers a hidden lever at the foot of the east
wall that slides a section of that wall open, revealing
a small shrine beyond. The shrine features a bronze
statue of a seated knight with arms extended and
palms up. A gold-hilted longsword rests across the
knight’s hands (see “Treasure” below).
If you wish to include a combat encounter here, three
skeletons wearing the livery of the Order of the White
Sun rise from the rubble and attack.
The sword set across the statue’s hands is a +1
longsword named Goldkiss. This is an uncommon
magic item whose design features the sword-and-
blazing-sun symbol of the Order of the White Sun.
A character attuned to the weapon can use an action
to cast a version of the burning hands spell that deals
radiant damage instead of fire damage. This feature of
the weapon can’t be used again until the next dawn.

6 . R ooftop
Area Aspects. Huge crystal, collapsed floor, broken
walls, beam of violet light

The walls and ceiling of the upper level of the tower

have collapsed, leaving this area exposed to the cavern
beyond. A two-foot-diameter crystal sits atop a large
pedestal of twisted green-and-gold metal at the center of
the floor. The southeast corner of the floor has collapsed
to reveal the levels below.

If the characters have not yet repaired the altar in area

4, add the following:

Swirling violet energy flows around the base of the

pedestal. A crack in the crystal emits a beam of
wavering violet light that shoots upward to a much
larger crystal set into the ceiling of the cavern, one
hundred feet above.

VIOLET LIGHT If the altar in area 4 is likewise repaired, the crystal
If the altar in area 4 is active, see area 2 for information instead releases a beam of radiant energy to the crystal
on the hazardous effects of the beam of violet light. above, restoring the tower’s original function and
CALL OF THE GRENDLEROOT filling the cavern with light to reflect the state of night
Characters in this area can attempt to listen to the call and day in the world above.
of the Grendleroot in the same way as described in
area 4. Concluding the Adventure
CREATURE When the adventure ends, the characters have
Sarvin Bluecaster, a former priest of the Order of the hopefully restored the radiant light of the tower. This
White Sun transformed into a specter, flows around light shines down from the cavern’s ceiling above
the base of the crystal in incorporeal form. When the Deepdelver’s Enclave, creating a simulated day and
characters first arrive, he manifests into his original night cycle for the enclave’s inhabitants. The characters
humanoid form to speak with them. reach 2nd level, and the people of Deepdelver’s
Sarvin is not immediately hostile. The priest is Enclave thank them enthusiastically for their efforts,
tortured by the corruption of the crystal, and yet marking them as valued residents of the enclave.
remains bound to protect it. The characters can With the corruption of the altar ended, Starsong
convince Sarvin of their intent to restore the tower and Tower is no longer a dangerous site to explore. In
end the corruption with a successful DC 14 Charisma recognition of their role in cleansing the site, the
(Persuasion) check. On a failed check, Sarvin attacks. characters are given permission to restore the tower as
As an action, Sarvin uses Life Drain against three a home base for their adventures to come.
different targets, but each attack deals 3 (1d6) necrotic If the characters managed to convince either
damage instead of its normal damage. He moves Allice or Sarvin to let go of their connection to the
between attacks, provoking opportunity attacks to hit Grendleroot spire, either of them might choose to
multiple targets instead of just one. remain in the tower. Allice could decide to give up
REPAIRING THE CRYSTAL adventuring with her friends now gone, offering to be
If Sarvin is defeated or convinced to let them work, the caretaker of the tower while the characters are off
the characters can undo the corruption of the crystal exploring. Sarvin might remain as a friendly guardian
with three castings of the mending cantrip, or with a or spiritual guide, and can provide information on the
successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) Order of the White Sun.
check. If this check fails by 5 or more, a bolt of violet Depending on your plans for the campaign, the
energy arcs out to deal 3 (1d6) necrotic damage to the characters can continue with further investigations of
character attempting the check. the mysteries contained deep within the mountain, as
The characters can attempt to repair the crystal they explore the ruins of the Grendleroot.
while battling Sarvin. If they are successful, the
specter’s madness ends when the crystal is repaired,
and he ends his hostility as his pain leaves him.
When the crystal is repaired, the violet light no
longer flows to the larger crystal in the cavern ceiling.

From deep within a vault hidden for centuries, a dying god calls out to their last remaining follower.

young child named Sophie goes missing in In the lost temple, the characters discover twisted
a lost temple to gods long forgotten. Once cultists, mutated monsters, and the last signs of the
thought to be the girl’s imaginary friend, elves who worshiped the lost gods. But to rescue
the voice Sophie has heard in her head for Sophie, the characters must face the forgotten god
two years is that of a god on the verge of death—and Aymon the Gray Prince, then determine the deity’s
desperate for the life force held within the youngster, fate.
who has become the god’s one last follower. Monsters and NPCs. Cultists (4), cult fanatic, gray
Frantic to find the child, Sophie’s father asks the oozes (2), mummies (2), shadows (2), specters (1+),
characters to find her and bring her home. Along the wolves (4)
way, the fate of a god might fall into their hands.
“Temple of the Forgotten God” is a three- to four-
hour adventure for 2nd-level characters. Notable NPCs
The following NPCs have a part to play in the

Adventure Summary adventure.

During Wee Delvers’ Week, an event that sees the S ophie W yndrunner
children of Deepdelver’s Enclave join their families Sophie, a chaotic good half-elf commoner, is a young
on adventures and explorations in the safer ruins of child whose elf mother died two years earlier. Since
the mountain, the characters learn that a child has then, the girl has been known to talk to an invisible
gone missing. Rauffe Wyndrunner, the child’s father, friend in an ancient form of Elvish. Like her family
returns to the enclave pursued by twisted wolves. and many in the enclave, Sophie loves to explore, and
The characters learn that Rauffe’s daughter, Sophie, she is often unaware of the dangers around her. She
ventured into a recently discovered set of rough- enjoys talking to her invisible friend and thinks the
walled chambers in the mountain containing a lost best of everyone, including Thond and his cultists.
temple to forgotten elven gods. All her father knows of
her reasons for doing so is that Sophie claimed to have R auffe W yndrunner
heard a voice calling to her in ancient Elvish. Rauffe, a chaotic good male human scout, is an
explorer from Deepdelver’s Enclave and Sophie’s
father. After she became lost on a Wee Delver’s Week • Sophie is a bright child, who learned how to read
expedition, Rauffe went looking for Sophie in the deep Elvish at the age of two from her mother.
caverns but was pursued back to Deepdelver’s Enclave • The elves have many gods, some of which are
by mutated wolves. Rauffe loves his daughter and worshiped by very few followers. When their
exploration, but he is not the most skilled adventurer. worshipers die off, so too do the gods.
If he attempts to rescue Sophie on his own, he will • A year ago, an explorer of Deepdelver’s Enclave
likely die in the attempt. brought back a piece of broken rock from an ancient
ruin with some form of Elvish writing on it. Only
Z acheus T hond Sophie could read it, translating the words as: “The
A chaotic neutral male human cult fanatic, Thond Gray Prince calls to us.”
has heard the whispers of Aymon the Gray Prince • A strange priest came to the enclave weeks ago,
for years but still cannot understand them. He has trying to get some old Elvish script translated. It
gone mad trying to piece together what he’s heard, made no sense to anyone he showed it to. He and a
but that madness has allowed him to find Aymon’s group of followers were last seen heading down one
lost temple. He and a band of cultists who follow his of the tunnels leading off from the mushroom lake.
mad teachings now reside in the temple ruins, writing • Sophie says her mother once spoke to the same
their own interpretations of the Gray Prince’s message. invisible friend she has spoken to. Her mother
When he meets Sophie, Thond is torn between his taught her to understand what he was saying.
desire to use her to communicate with the Gray Prince
and his jealousy that this child can understand what
he cannot.
Adventure Hooks
As fellow adventurers and explorers of Deepdelver’s
A ymon the G ray P rince Enclave, the characters should have an instinctive
Aymon the Gray Prince is a long-forgotten neutral desire to help Rauffe find his missing daughter.
male elven god. Once worshiped by elves of all types, Individual characters might already know or have
his domains include Light, Shadow, Life, and Death. some relationship with either Rauffe or Sophie.
His symbol is that of two crossed open hands, one Perhaps Rauffe is a friend, or Sophie might be an
white and one black. Over the centuries, his followers adopted niece of one of the characters.
have died off. Now the last spark of the Gray Prince’s At the same time, the thought of discovering what
godly essence calls from the temple, looking for they can of the forgotten god’s temple might interest
anyone who will listen to him before he fades away. some of the party members. A character with arcane
Aside from the cult fanatic Zacheus Thond, only or religious training might also hear the strange call
Sophie Wyndrunner hears his call—and only she of the forgotten god. Though they cannot understand
understands him. what the god says to them, the character might feel an
unnatural pull toward the lost temple.

Secrets and Clues You can also replace Sophie, her father, or Aymon
the Gray Prince with NPCs and deities from your own
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the campaign that are important to the characters.
adventure as you determine:
• The elves of the surface world and the drow shared a
temple deep in Blackclaw Mountain over a thousand
The adventure begins during the Wee Delver’s
years ago.
Week celebrations in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Read or
• Some of the priests in Deepdelver’s Enclave have
summarize the following to set the scene:
recently woken from nightmares, talking of hearing
the pleading whispers of a god they do not worship
or understand. It’s the fifth day of Wee Delvers’ Week, when children
• Sophie Wyndrunner has long spoken of an invisible of all ages join their adventurous parents as they delve
friend that keeps her company. This invisible friend into the ruins within the mountain. Most children come
doesn’t speak Common, instead speaking an ancient home with smiles on their faces and wanderlust firmly
dialect of Elvish. planted in their hearts. A few come back bruised and in
tears, but even more resolved to do better next year.

One has not come home at all.
Sophie Wyndrunner went exploring with her father,
Rauffe, and two of his friends, and the group is long S ophie W yndrunner
overdue to return. Search parties have gone out after the
pair with no success, and talk of their fate throughout
Deepdelver’s Enclave has gotten uncharacteristically
It is late in the evening when a cry echoes out across
the enclave. Rauffe Wyndrunner, Sophie’s father, has
been spotted approaching the enclave—but he is not
alone. A chorus of unnatural howls follows him.

Four mutated wolves stalk Rauffe Wyndrunner,

father to Sophie. Having already killed the other two
members of the expedition, the wolves have pursued
Rauffe back to Deepdelver’s Enclave, hoping he leads
them to more prey. Characters who join the other
Enclave residents investigating the cries meet Rauffe as
he and the wolves reach the southwest gate. The gate is
open to allow Rauffe to reach safety, and the characters
can pitch in to prevent the wolves getting past.
Their proximity to the strange power of the
mountain has mutated these wolves. Crystalline
growths jut out of their matted coats, and their eyes
blaze with blue energy. Each uses the wolf stat block
with these changes:
• It has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Additionally, the lead wolf is a great brute with these
• It has a Charisma of 12 (+1) and 22 hit points. Gray both fell to the wolves while Rauffe made his
• As an action, the wolf can roar with the effect of a escape.
thunderwave spell (DC 11). Once this ability is used, Rauffe’s wounds are infected by the wolves’
the wolf cannot use it again until it has finished a Grendleroot corruption, and will be slow to heal.
long rest. Prevented from being able to lead a rescue party to go
For a shorter adventure, skip the fight against after Sophie himself, he begs the characters to travel to
the wolves and begin with Rauffe approaching the the lost temple and rescue his daughter.
characters in Deepdelver’s Enclave with his request to Hearing of the recently discovered temple, Ardulvin
save his daughter. the apothecary mentions that he too has heard of an
elven holy site hidden away within the mountain. He
R auffe ’ s S tory believes that he knows another way into the complex,
After the wolves are defeated, Rauffe tells all who through an underwater passageway in the caves
will listen that on the second day of Wee Delvers’ behind the mushroom lake. He offers a map leading
Week, young Sophie ran off into a network of caves to the underground waterway if the characters want to
newly opened up by a collapsing tunnel. Following approach the temple that way instead of following the
her tracks, Rauffe and his two companions, Yen trail left by Rauffe.
Willowgrove and Gray Roberto, discovered that the As the characters prepare for the journey, they might
caves held an ancient elven temple. But before they learn one or more of the secrets and clues detailed
could find Sophie, they were attacked by the wolves earlier in this adventure by talking to other residents
and forced to flee back toward the enclave. Yen and of Deepdelver’s Enclave.

a longer game, she might be in the last chamber they
C ombat or R oleplaying ? check. The characters can easily find her speaking to
You can run this adventure in different ways de- Zacheus Thond at the shattered tower in area 4, or
pending on whether your players prefer combat talking to the Gray Prince in area 8. If they find her
or roleplaying. For a heavier focus on roleplaying, before they have gone to area 8, she might run off to
Thond and his cultists are more curious than violent,
that area to say goodbye to the Gray Prince. Sophie
beseeching the characters for help communicating
with the Gray Prince. For a more combat-focused ap- is ready to go home, but she also knows that her
proach, the cultists are violent and dangerous, seeing longtime friend is in pain and would like to find a way
the characters as a threat and attacking. Choose to help him.
whichever approach you and your group will enjoy If you’re not sure where to place Sophie, put her in
the most. area 4, where she is teaching Zacheus Thond about the
Gray Prince.
Traveling to the Temple
Two potential routes can take the characters to the Temple of the Forgotten God
temple. The first follows the path Rauffe and the others Over a thousand years ago, a clan of elves of many
took, and leads to area 1. The second path follows a subraces worshiped a number of deities in harmony.
network of underwater passages that leads to the lake Separated from the larger elven empires of the surface
in area 2. Either journey takes roughly four hours of world, this group remained secluded in Blackclaw
travel from Deepdelver’s Enclave. Mountain for centuries.
If time allows, you can add an encounter during The elves built numerous small temples and shrines
this journey by using the locations and encounter to their gods, placing those shrines in a series of
descriptions in appendix B. Otherwise, you or the chambers kept hidden from the larger threats in
players can describe the characters’ uneventful trip the mountain. When the spires of the Grendleroot
through the tunnels and caves of the mountain, and shattered Blackclaw, those chambers were buried, and
their arrival at the recently uncovered temple. many of the elves were killed. Those who survived left
If the characters choose to travel through the the mountain, and their gods were soon forgotten.
underwater tunnel, it connects eventually to an cave Now, recent quakes in Blackclaw Mountain have
leading to area 2. Air pockets throughout the journey exposed some of these ancient chambers once again.
prevent anyone from drowning, but the current flows Though many of the deities once worshiped in this
against the characters. Each character swimming temple have faded from the multiverse, one of them—
through the tunnel must succeed on a DC 12 Strength Aymon the Gray Prince—still clings to existence.
(Athletics) check or gain one level of exhaustion when
F eatures of the T emple
they arrive at area 2.
Unless otherwise described, the tunnels connecting

Pacing the Adventure the caverns of the temple are 10 feet high, and dark.
Larger chambers are 30 feet high and filled with dim
Set the pace of this adventure by choosing where light by failing light globes floating in the air.
and how quickly the characters locate Sophie. The As the Gray Prince has lost his followers, his
characters can track the missing youngster by looking spiritual essence has flowed like blood into the sand
for signs of her passage along the sandy floor of the that covers the floor in all the caverns, giving it a
temple chambers. Any character who succeeds on reddish hue.
a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
(Survival) check can find her footprints. These can 1. W aterfall C liff
either lead the characters right to Sophie’s current Area Aspects. Flowing waterfall, stepped cliff,
location, or let them follow her journey through the inscribed stalagmites
For a shorter game, the characters might catch up
to Sophie in one of the initial areas they explore. In

An underground river flows over a cliff in this chamber,
One of the cultists has an amulet showing the symbol
dropping twenty feet to a pool below. The river
of the Gray Prince—a pair of crossed hands, one
continues from the pool into a cavern, flowing roughly white, one black (worth 10 gp).
southwest. Steps have been carved into the cliff side,
leading to the ground below. Four large stalagmites, two 2. B each of D ead G ods
on either side of the cliff, are inscribed with intricate Area Aspects. Beach of broken stone, statues of
Elvish script. Two tunnels lead off to the northwest and forgotten elven deities, large pool
A beach of sharp, broken stone surrounds a large pool
The journey through the caverns from Deepdelver’s of blue water. Dozens of shattered statues are spread
Enclave leads to this entrance to the temple area. The
around the beach, their dead eyes gazing into infinity.
pool is 15 feet deep and the river is 5 feet deep.
The ruins of small altars and destroyed monuments are
INSCRIBED STALAGMITES likewise buried in the pink sand of the chamber floor.
Four stalagmites have been inscribed with intricate
Elvish script of a dialect not used in centuries. Any If the characters chose to take the underwater
character who reads Elvish recognizes enough of passageway from the mushroom lake outside
the writing to know that it speaks of a number of Deepdelver’s Enclave, they enter the temple in this
shrines to strange gods. A character who succeeds area. The remnants of numerous objects and icons
on a DC 14 Intelligence (History or Religion) check built for the worship of dozens of forgotten gods are
recognizes that the gods named in the inscriptions spread across this beach, as though this were the very
were worshiped centuries ago, but their faiths have place where those gods chose to die. The shattered
long since died out. statues of elven deities are likewise scattered across the
Four cultists (Frane, Yolla, Karasith, and Reland) are If the characters investigate the statues, each
here when the characters arrive, kneeling before the successful DC 16 Intelligence (History) check made by
stalagmites and pressing their hands to the stone. They a character can identify one of the following deities:
have come to the temple with Thond, and believe that • Selunvel: A vindictive god of beauty, this deity
communing with the stones will help them understand took the form of a featureless humanoid with four
the call of the Gray Prince. gossamer dragonfly wings.
The cultists largely ignore the characters after • Karovin the Pillar of Night: A powerful knight
becoming aware of them, but become hostile if in service to a lost elven empire, Karovin single-
disturbed. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 handedly fought an army of one hundred orcs to
Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check can defend a pass leading to a king’s defenseless keep.
convince the cultists to relay that they have seen a • Ferone of the Red Water: A god of streams and
child, who they refer to as: “The one who speaks to the rivers, Ferone appears as a gender-neutral elf lying
Gray Prince.” They sent her to speak with Thond in next to a running stream. They were slain by their
area 4. sibling on the shores of the river that passes between
For a more combat-focused adventure, the cultists the mortal world and the afterlife.
can become hostile as soon as they see the characters, • Kevek the Crawler: This hulking insectoid god was
claiming that the party’s presence defiles the delicate known to devour the dead and use their remnants to
sensibilities of their god. build life anew.
Each of the cultists carries a divine spark that allows CREATURE
them to use an action to cast the shocking grasp cantrip A solitary specter of a priestess named Korva wanders
(+3 to hit). Once a cultist has done so, they cannot do through the ruined monuments in this area, seeking
so again until they finish a short rest. a peace she cannot find. Korva once worshiped
If time is running short or the characters have Aruvin of the Sky (see “Treasure” below), but her
already faced enough battles, you can skip this god faded from the world and left her aimless after
encounter. her own suicide. The specter now hunts the spark of
life wherever it can, and has done so to two cultists
whose bodies are now dried husks among the objects the view in the pool shifts and races through the void
scattered across this chamber. until it comes upon a plane of high mountains, watery
The specter seeks peace, which it can find if a gray skies, and mile-high waterfalls. Strange celestial
character succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Religion) creatures soar overhead like clouds with gossamer
check to let Korva’s soul travel peacefully to the wings. The character whose check inspired this vision
afterlife. Korva shows the character who succeeded on has a deeper understanding of Aymon the Gray
the check a vision of an idol of Aruvin (see “Treasure” Prince, and has advantage on any Charisma checks
below). made while communicating with the forgotten god.
If time is running short or the characters have CREATURES
already faced enough battles, you can skip this Two gray oozes dwell in the pool, the remnants of
encounter. the distant world it once touched. The oozes pull
TREASURE themselves out of the pool and attack any characters
Characters who successfully help Korva pass on to who draw near. These gray oozes swirl with starstuff,
the afterlife, or who spend 1 hour searching through allowing each to use an action to cast the magic missile
the rubble of the monuments here, find a small, spell. Once an ooze has done so, it cannot do so again
well-preserved idol of the god Aruvin of the Sky. This until it finishes a short rest.
forgotten elven god appears as a nonbinary elf with If time is running short or the characters have
feathered wings for arms. The idol is an uncommon already faced enough battles, you can skip this
magic item that pulses with divine energy, allowing its encounter.
possessor to use an action to cast the spirit guardians
spell (DC 15). Once the spell is cast, the idol’s magic
4. S hattered T ower
fades. Area Aspects. Partially collapsed square tower,
crumbling staircase, violet flames from heroic
3. P ool of S tars carvings
Area Aspects. Pool of black liquid, dancing stars,
reflected lights on the ceiling A three-story square tower rises in the center of this
chamber, its outer walls collapsed in spots to leave much
A shining black liquid fills a pool at the center of this of the interior exposed. The four corners of the tower
chamber. Millions of tiny stars shift and dance in the still stand, each relief-carved to resemble a heroic figure.
pool’s depths, reflected as shining lights on the ceiling Irregular bursts of violet flame erupt from each figures’
above. palms.

This pool once served as a connection between the Once a domicile for the followers of the gods in this
realm of the Gray Prince and the material world. That temple, this tower has been crumbling for long years.
connection has long since vanished. The outer corners of the tower have each been carved
PORTAL POOL with the likenesses of four elf heroes. A crumbling
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence staircase inside the structure is still sturdy enough
(Arcana or Religion) check discovers that this to be used, and leads up to the remnants of the third
pool was once a portal to another world, but that floor where Zacheus Thond has set up a study.
connection has been broken. Any creature that THOND’S STUDY
touches the pool for the first time on a turn takes 5 This area is a mess of diagrams and glyphs drawn onto
(1d10) cold damage as they touch the void of space. the floors and walls—an attempt by Zacheus Thond to
Full immersion into the pool results in the creature make sense of the messages he receives from the Gray
disappearing completely as they are lost forever in the Prince. Though he can hear the call of the forgotten
void. god, Thond cannot make sense of those messages,
A character can attempt a DC 16 Intelligence and has long since made up his own narrative. His
(Arcana) check to try to reconnect the pool portal current theory is that self-sacrifice will bring he and
to the realm of the forgotten god. On a failure, the his disciples closer to the Gray Prince.
character takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage. On a success,

R athomer and I vanon

CREATURES 5. M onument of K ings

Thond, a cult fanatic, is often found here along with
three cultists (Mary Velles, Ivek Wanderlust, and Kara Area Aspects. Statues of elf kings on stone thrones,
of Toth). All have been fasting for two weeks and look intricate circle pattern on a worked stone wall,
emaciated. Thond is attempting to put together a ritual braziers of blue and red fire
that will open the Pool of Stars to the realm of the
Gray Prince once more, allowing he and his followers The west side of this natural cavern has been shaped
to step through. They don’t know that doing so will into smooth worked stone. Two statues of elf kings
result in their deaths. sit on ornately carved thrones, each with one hand
If Sophie is here, she is engaged in an animated outstretched along the throne’s arm, palm up. Each
conversation with Thond. Thond’s cultists listen throne is set with faint inscriptions along its base, and
from the ground below, and attempt to stop anyone an intricate pattern is carved on the wall between them.
from interrupting. They can be deceived into letting Two braziers sit in front of the statues, one burning with
the characters speak with Thond if they think the blue flame and one burning red.
characters have critical information.
As Sophie talks to Thond, he scribbles notes all over This wall blocks off the tomb of two elf kings who
the walls, asking her to slow down so he can keep up. ruled within Blackclaw Mountain centuries ago. One
Her accurate interpretations of the god’s messages was said to have a heart of fire, while the other ruled
are shattering Thond’s previous views, which he finds with an icy coolness. A character who can read Elvish
both painful and obsessively necessary. He has not can make out the ancient inscriptions at the base of
harmed Sophie. However, in his mad state, anything is each throne. These tell the history of the two kings
possible. who jointly defended the elven realms in the mountain
against foes from this world and others. The text ends
with the following passage:

The carved lids on each of the two sarcophagi
“Our lords Rathomer and Ivanon, who ruled with
resemble the two kings portrayed in area 5. The Elvish
fire and ice. Rathomer’s heart blazed like the core of a
script on the wall is in the same ancient dialect seen
sun. Ivanon’s blind eyes remained cool like the dead of elsewhere. Any character who speaks Elvish can read it
winter. Each held the love of our realm in their hands.” with some difficulty:

If the characters examine the statues, they note that “Beyond the tomb, we shall continue to serve
the figure to the south has both eyes covered with a
righteousness and good. Choose only one reward or feel
heavy veil. This is Ivanon.
our wrath even in death.”
The brazier to the north burns with cool blue flames,
while the south brazier burns red and hot. Both
Opening either sarcophagus requires a successful DC
braziers are magical. A character can ignite a torch or
12 Strength check. The sarcophagi contain the remains
other flammable object in either brazier and bring it
of the two elf kings. Each king’s mummified hands are
to the outstretched palm of the correct king. Doing so
clasped around a set of magic beads. Rathomer holds
causes a small blazing fire to rise from the king’s hand.
a necklace of fireballs with three beads on it. Ivanon
If the flame is placed incorrectly in the hand of
holds a necklace of prayer beads with one blessing bead
either statue, pulses of blue or red fire lash out (the
and two curing beads.
same color as the incorrect flame), functioning as a
scorching ray spell. The flames have a +7 to hit and CREATURES
target the three closest creatures in range that are not Taking one set of beads from a sarcophagus has
undead or constructs. no negative effect. However, if anyone then takes
If the correct fire is set into the hands of both kings, the second set of beads, the two kings awaken
the carved circle on the wall slides inward and rotates as mummies and attack. The mummies pursue
out of the way, revealing a round tunnel leading to characters who flee with the beads, pummeling
area 6. The tunnel stays open for 1 hour. A lever in them relentlessly. If a mummy reduces a character
area 6 allows the door to be opened from within. possessing a set of beads to 0 hit points, it takes the
The wall can also be smashed through with a stolen beads and both mummies return to the tomb. If
successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. Doing so the characters take both sets of beads and return one,
causes both statues to flare up as though the wrong fire both mummies likewise return to their sarcophagi.
had been placed in their hands. 7. F ive S tones
Area Aspects. Standing three-sided stone pillars,
If any character approaches within 5 feet of the wall
arcane circle on the floor, shattered pillar
between the statues, two shadows flow from the walls
of the tomb. Each is filled with a divine spark. As an
action, each shadow can cast the sacred flame cantrip Five three-sided standing stones surround a circle on
(DC 10), which deals necrotic damage instead of the floor inscribed with writing and strange geometric
radiant damage. patterns. One of the stones has been broken, its upper
If time is running short or the characters have half lying on the ground.
already faced enough battles, you can skip this
encounter. Each stone represents one of five high priests who
worshiped Aymon the Gray Prince. Delicate Elvish
6. T omb of K ings runes set within the geometric shapes in the circle on
Area Aspects. Dust of centuries, carved stone the floor can be read with difficulty by any character
sarcophagi, sinister message who reads Elvish.
The glyphs talk of how five high priests kept alive the
The dust of centuries fills this tomb, which holds two worship of the Gray Prince, a member of an ancient
elven pantheon. They name the five high priests
stone sarcophagi carved with the images of ancient
of Aymon as Evondyl Whitemoon, Ravandor the
kings. Elvish script is inscribed into the wall above
Clasped Hand, Tharon Stonespeaker, Evonetha the
Whisperer, and Athrade Wyndrunner. From her name, 8. A ltar of the G ray P rince
the characters can guess that Athrade Wyndrunner
has a connection to Sophie Wyndrunner. (Athrade is, Area Aspects. Floating stone steps leading to floating
in fact, Sophie’s great-great-grandmother on her elf platform, bottomless drop, huge carving of the Gray
mother’s side.) Prince


A stone platform hangs suspended over a bottomless
Any character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Arcana) check recognizes that the spirits of these high gorge, with a set of floating stone steps leading up to
priests can be channeled using the power of the arcane it. A fifty-foot-high carving covers the back wall of the
circle. Doing so requires that one character sit in the chamber, depicting an elf in swirling robes with hands
center of the circle, while they or another character crossed over his chest—one black hand and one white
attempts to call to a specific spirit with a successful hand.
DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check. On a
failure, the creature in the circle takes 11 (2d10) force This chamber holds an ancient altar to the Gray
damage. Prince, once used by his followers to connect with
On a success, the character who made the check the spirit of their god. The gorge underneath the altar
discovers that they are able to speak in the long-lost drops 200 feet, narrowing as it descends, and is filled
Elvish dialect seen in the temple. A spectral vision with a thick gray mist from 50 feet below the altar. A
of the elf high priest called forth steps toward the character who falls takes 20d6 bludgeoning damage,
character in the circle, placing their hand on that but hopping from step to step does not require an
character’s chest or head. The character gains one ability check, and any reasonable safety measure
of the following abilities, based on which spirit was should prevent a fall.
called. Each benefit lasts until the character finishes a The carving on the far wall depicts the Gray Prince.
long rest. THE GRAY PRINCE
Whitemoon: The character has advantage on If she is here, Sophie can speak to the Gray Prince. She
Intelligence checks. might already be present when the characters arrive,
Clasped Hand: The character has advantage on sitting cross-legged on the platform, and talking to a
Strength checks and Strength-based attack rolls. large ethereal entity floating above the gorge.
Stonespeaker: The character gains 10 temporary hit If the characters arrive here without having yet
points. found Sophie, the Gray Prince manifests just beyond
Wyndrunner: The character can cast the mass healing the edge of the floating platform as an ethereal
word spell. Once the spell is cast, this magic fades. humanoid figure. Any character who succeeds on a
The fifth pillar, which once belonged to Evonetha DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) or Wisdom
the Whisperer, has been broken. The characters (Insight) check can hear words of old Elvish that
can attempt to fix it by first lifting the pillar off the cannot be understood, and feels a great sense of
ground and into position with a successful DC 14 longing and loneliness. Eventually, the spirit of the
Strength (Athletics) check. A character can then either Gray Prince fades away when it realizes it cannot
cast mending on the break or succeed on a DC 14 communicate with the characters.
Intelligence (Arcana) check to draw arcane energy into If the characters arrive here with Sophie, she runs
the pillar and seal it. This offers a fifth option to the quickly up the steps and talks to her friend. She feels
four above. the spirit’s sadness and loneliness, and wants to help it.
Whisperer: As an action, the character can cast the Sophie explains that the Gray Prince needs followers
magic missile spell at 3rd level. They appear to be to survive. If the characters have met the cultists,
hurling magic daggers of arcane energy when doing Sophie explains that their madness has closed their
so. Once the spell is cast, this magic fades. minds to the Gray Prince, making it impossible for
them to follow him.
A creature can have only one spirit in them at a time.
With Sophie’s tutelage, a character can learn the
Once a specific spirit has been channeled, it cannot be
words of the Gray Prince and become a new follower.
channeled again until the next dawn.
Each character who agrees to follow the Gray Prince
receives the god’s blessing, and can choose one spell

from the following: cure wounds, darkness, inflict three (one specter for five characters, two for seven
wounds, or light. The character can cast that spell characters, and so on). Each specter uses the normal
once with this trait, and regains the ability to do so stat block with these changes:
when they finish a long rest. Wisdom is the character’s • Its Life Drain attack deals radiant damage instead
spellcasting ability for this spell. of necrotic damage, and does not reduce a target’s
If no one accepts the will of the Gray Prince, it hit point maximum. A character reduced to 0 hit
demands that Sophie stay in the temple to commune points by this attack does not die outright but is left
with it. Sophie still likes her friend, but quickly unconscious.
becomes frightened and homesick. Desperate not to Each of these summoned specters appears as gray-
lose its one remaining follower, the Gray Prince does skinned elves floating above the gorge.
not want her to leave. Though it has no power to stop
her, it becomes hostile if the characters attempt to take
Sophie away. Concluding the Adventure
This adventure can end in a number of ways. If any of
the characters chose to become a follower of Aymon
If the Gray Prince’s will is thwarted, it manifests into a
the Gray Prince, the god’s desires are met. The Gray
vaguely humanoid apparition surrounded by tendrils
Prince begins to impart knowledge to its new follower,
of white light. The Gray Prince uses the stat block of a
though it might take years to understand it.
specter with these changes:
If the characters are not willing to worship the Gray
• Its alignment is neutral and its size is Large.
Prince and its spectral form is destroyed, the god fades
• It has 44 (8d10) hit points.
• It ignores features that turn undead.
Sophie wants to go home to her father, though the
• It has the following attack option: Multiattack. The
spark of adventure doesn’t leave her. On her return
Gray Prince makes two Life Drain attacks against
to Deepdelver’s Enclave, she immediately wants to go
two different targets.
back out and explore, largely forgetting the fear and
• Its Life Drain attack deals radiant damage instead
trauma of her ordeal. If the characters return Sophie
of necrotic damage, and does not reduce a target’s
safely to Deepdelver’s Enclave, her father becomes a
hit point maximum. A character reduced to 0 hit
lifelong ally.
points by this attack does not die outright but is left
If Zacheus Thond survives, he won’t abandon his
quest to follow the Gray Prince, even if he cannot
If attacked, the Gray Prince summons one specter understand the god. If circumstances permit, he might
for each additional two characters in the party over seek out Sophie again to be his teacher, learning the
language of the Gray Prince over time, and perhaps
eventually becoming the first new priest of the
forgotten god in centuries.

The restless undead of a lost gnome settlement threaten to spread throughout the caverns of Blackclaw

ong ago, the rock gnome village of Violet In the aftermath of the gnome zombie attack, the
Falls was a burgeoning center of quartz and elders of the enclave realize that the undead did not
gemstone mining in Blackclaw Mountain. act alone. Some unknown entity is directing the
Hidden far from prying eyes, the folk of undead of Violet Falls, and the enclave is threatened.
the village traded their gems with other hidden The characters are tasked with exploring the newly
settlements for iron and brass that they used to build opened tunnels and finding Violet Falls. There, they
wondrous machines—including a clock said to record must come to terms with the final fate of the gnome
all of time. village if they hope to end its new threat.
With the coming of the Grendleroot, Violet Falls Monsters and NPCs. Animated armor, duergar, fire
was lost and assumed destroyed. But now an undead elemental, flying swords (3), ghast, ghouls (2), giant
villain sends his minions out from that lost settlement spider, zombies (4)
to attack Deepdelver’s Enclave. The characters are
tasked with finding the legendary village, exploring its
ruins, and hunting down the evil that now lurks there. Notable NPCs
“The Spire of Violet Falls” is a two- to four-hour The following NPCs have a part to play in the
adventure for 2nd-level characters. adventure.

G emtooth
Adventure Summary A once-notorious miner in Violet Falls, Gemtooth is
A section of the rocky plateau of Deepdelver’s Enclave now a chaotic evil gnome ghast leading the undead
collapses during a celebration, and a host of gnome menace in the lost settlement. Gemtooth always
zombies crawls out. When the threat has been dealt wanted to control Violet Falls, but let his greed get
with, newly exposed tunnels within the rock are found in the way. When the village was destroyed and he
to lead to the forgotten gnome mining village of Violet became undead, he saw a chance to become the ruler
Falls. This hidden settlement was a mystery to most he was meant to be.
even before the Grendleroot spires tore through the Gemtooth believes that undeath is the final state
mountain, and has been lost ever since. of mortal being, and he plans to lead a continually
growing army of undead that will eventually take over
the mountain. He sent the zombies to Deepdelver’s G emtooth
Enclave to begin the process of transforming the
enclave’s people into undead thralls. The gnome ghast
is arrogant to a fault, believing that all mortals are
destined to become his undead subjects.
Gemtooth uses the stat block of a ghast with
these changes:
• He has 17 (5d6) hit points.
• He has an Intelligence of 14 (+2).
• He is a 1st-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12,
+4 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand,
shocking grasp
1st level (2 slots): magic missile, jump, ray
of enfeeblement

Secrets and Clues

The following secrets and clues can be
revealed in the adventure as you determine:
• The rock gnomes of Violet Falls kept to
themselves. Only outsiders invited by the
gnomes had any chance to find the village.
• A hidden lift offered the only known
entry into Violet Falls, though quakes
and cracking since the coming of the
Grendleroot might have opened up others.
• The rock gnomes of Violet Falls were known for
their mastery of alchemy, engineering, wizardry,
and gemstone mining.
• Nearby settlements traded regularly with Violet
Falls, exchanging raw iron for quartz, gemstones,
and alchemical supplies. • The gnomes often received brilliant ideas after
• The gnomes built a forge fueled by an unknown
spending time contemplating a large stone head
source of nearly limitless heat. embedded in a wall near their village. Now the stone
• The gnomes built a magic clock said to record the
head brings only nightmares.
beginning and end of the world, and all moments in
• All contact with Violet Falls ceased when the spires Adventure Hooks
of the Grendleroot tore through the mountain. With This adventure works best when the characters have
no survivors reported, it was thought that the village a strong reason to want to travel to Violet Falls and
was destroyed. end its corruption. Any characters with a background
• The always-curious gnomes found a way to cut or other connection relating to the fey might have a
into the surface of the black spire that jutted up desire to find the legendary lost settlement, and to put
through the center of their village. The results were the cursed folk of the village to rest. Gnome or dwarf
catastrophic. characters might have had ancestors who told tales of
• The gnomes of Violet Falls filled a whole tower with Violet Falls.
magical, mechanical, and clockwork wonders. Religious characters might feel an overwhelming
desire to stop the undead menace, and might receive
visions of a grinning, gem-toothed undead gnome U nfamiliar F oes
with an intelligent malevolence in its eyes.
When the battle is over, the characters can investigate
Although fighting the undead is the primary goal
the gnome zombies and the sinkhole from which they
of this adventure, all the folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave
appeared. Each of the bodies wears a tattered violet
are excited that the village has been found once again.
cloak and a pin showing a waterfall flowing over
This is a scenario focused on exploration as much as it
glowing violet rocks. A successful DC 14 Intelligence
is on defending against a threat.
(History) check recognizes the pin as marking the
gnomes as residents of a village called Violet Falls.
Start That mining settlement was lost more than two
The adventure begins in the midst of one of centuries ago when the spires of the Grendleroot
Deepdelver’s Enclave’s more boisterous celebrations. tore through the rock of the mountain, closing off
Read or summarize the following to set the scene: countless passages and trade routes. (If the characters
don’t discover this information, Bailon the Beardless
A faerie dragon whirls on gossamer wings, dodging can identify the pin. When the characters arrive at
the stinging tail of an imp. Two cats chase after a Violet Falls, they discover that the waterfall pins can
large hound that whirls and twirls as they flank it, tail be used to operate the lift in area 1.)
wagging. An owl sits stoically on a lamppost while a The sinkhole from which the zombies emerged
flying snake darts around it, trying to bait it into chase. leads down to a series of tunnels that twist deep
within the mountain. Any examination shows that
All around, the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave cheer for
the zombies dug their way up from the tunnels to
these creatures as they celebrate the Familiar’s Festival,
collapse the sinkhole beneath the enclave—decidedly
in which the pets of the enclave enjoy a day of wanton
not the actions of mindless undead. Something sent
the zombies to attack Deepdelver’s Enclave with clear
A pack of dogs chasing a summoned deer race down intent and purpose.
the enclave’s main thoroughfare. “Woop, there they go!” Bailon the Beardless asks the characters to follow
calls Bailon the Beardless, feet up and rocking back in the tunnels back to Violet Falls, becoming the first
his chair, pipe in mouth and a cup of coffee in his hand. explorers to see that settlement in over two hundred
Then suddenly, the ground shakes and a plume of dust years. In addition to learning what they can of the
rises into the air in the distance. The dogs come running village and the treasures it once held, they must find
back, fear in their eyes. They are not alone. and fix the source of undeath in the village, then
A half-dozen small humanoids approach at a run, eliminate the threat of whatever entity or magic sent
their torn skin, dead eyes, and the smell of decay the zombies to the enclave.
making their nature clear. Someone shouts out a
warning: “Gnome zombies!” Traveling to Violet Falls
The characters can easily follow the trail the zombies
The gnome zombies appear out of nowhere, attacking left as they made their way from Violet Falls to
the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave with wild abandon. Deepdelver’s Enclave. That trail leads through a
While the other members of the enclave battle their number of recently opened caverns and tunnels.
own zombies, four undead break off and attack the Some of these have been carved out by huge worms
characters. Each uses the zombie stat block with these burrowing through the mountain. Others split off
changes: from great rifts opened by recent quakes and leading
• Its size is Small. down into Blackclaw’s fathomless depths.
• It has 13 (2d6 + 6) hit points. Reaching Violet Falls from Deepdelver’s Enclave
• It has a speed of 40 feet. requires two days of travel. As the characters get close
• It can use the Disengage action as a bonus action. to the settlement, they find themselves on a main
Two NPCs nearby—Cunovin Drakecowl the barber path leading to area 1 and the lift. Any character who
and Nyx Jewelborn the carpenter, both commoners— searches ahead and succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
are also threatened by these zombies, and might need (Perception or Survival) check spots an alternative
rescuing by the characters. path leading to area 2.

Depending on how long a session you plan to run, set of passages that leads to area 2. The caverns
you can add an encounter during this journey by using surrounding the village have 50-foot-high ceilings of
the locations and encounter descriptions in appendix natural stone. All the caverns are filled with dim light
B. Otherwise, you or the players can describe the shed by luminescent blue-green lichen and glowing
characters’ uneventful travel and their arrival. violet crystals jutting out of the walls.

1. D eep L ift
Pacing the Adventure Area Aspects. Deep shaft descending into Violet Falls,
In their exploration of Violet Falls, the characters have
massive chains attached to unseen counterweights,
two primary goals: seal the scar in the spire in area
brass lift cage, sneering gnome-face decorations,
6 and defeat Gemtooth the gnome ghast. Gemtooth
lever and complex mechanism
moves throughout the city, and can be encountered at
any location you desire. See “Notable NPCs” for his This small chamber is one of two entrances to the
statistics. He fights alongside two gnome ghouls, each settlement of Violet Falls, and is normally hidden
of which use the ghoul stat block with these changes: behind a secret door resembling a cleft of rock. The
zombie trail leading to the lift makes the secret door
• Its size is Small.
obvious, but any character inspecting the door can
• It has 10 (3d6) hit points.
tell that without the trail, locating the door would be
You can control the pace of the adventure by nearly impossible.
determining how soon the characters face Gemtooth.
When the time is right, drop the ghast and the ghouls
A brass cage hangs by a thick chain over a shaft
into the next location the characters visit, making that
descending into darkness. Brass faces depicting sneering
the final encounter in the adventure.
gnomes decorate the cage. Inside it, a large brass lever
For the quickest adventure, place Gemtooth at the
juts out from a complicated arrangement of gears and
spire in area 6 so the characters can complete both
quests at the same time. Otherwise, they can hunt for pistons.
Gemtooth all throughout the village, exploring each
location as they go. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) or
Wisdom (Insight) check made while inspecting the
mechanism in the cage suggests that only an intelligent
Violet Falls creature would be able to operate the lift. (It was
When the black spires of the Grendleroot sundered Gemtooth who shuttled the zombies up, then sent
the mountain, Violet Falls was lost. The spires them to Deepdelver’s Enclave.)
collapsed all known paths to the village, and a huge A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
black spike erupted in the center of its cavern. Unable (Investigation) check notices small pinholes in the
to escape, the surviving gnomes of Violet Falls began mouths of the sneering brass gnome faces that line the
to study and experiment on the strange spires, hoping walls of the lift cage.
to discover some way to force them back into the
mountain and clear a path of escape.
The brass lever inside the cage sends the cage up or
Though the great spike seemed indestructible, a
down depending on how it is pulled, but anyone
gnome alchemist and engineer managed to use a
trying to do so finds that the lever cannot be moved.
magic gemstone to break its surface. The resulting
A small indentation easily spotted next to the lever
explosion killed more of the small folk, and left a scar
is the exact size to accept one of the Violet Falls pins
in the spike that leaked a poisonous gray liquid. Those
found on the gnome zombies in the beginning of the
who came into contact with the liquid where it pooled
adventure. Placing a pin into the indentation allows
around the spire’s base, or who breathed the vapors
the lever to move freely, as does jimmying the lever
that rose from it, turned into undead horrors that soon
with a successful DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
feasted on the last of the village’s living survivors.
check. The lever can also be forced with a successful
Two paths now lead to Violet Falls—an old tunnel
DC 15 Strength check.
that leads to the lift in area 1, and a newly opened

T he S uffering of G orom

On a failed check to jimmy the lever, or if the lever The stone hand belongs to Gorom, whose head is in
is forced, the gnome faces breathe out a blast of poison area 3. If a creature touches or stands on the hand,
gas. Each creature inside the lift cage or within 10 feet it moves slightly as though in pain. A character who
of it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check
taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half can see that the hand is formed of living stone and
as much damage on a successful one. connected to a gargantuan creature embedded into the
With the pin in place or through forcing the lever, rock of the mountain.
the lift travels 500 feet down. During the last one The characters must find a way across the rift to
hundred feet of the descent, the characters are given a reach Violet Falls. Any safe and reasonable approach
breathtaking view of Violet Falls that takes in areas 4, to doing so should automatically succeed. Otherwise,
6, 7, 8, and 9. determine what ability checks are needed. A creature
that falls down the rift can attempt a DC 12 Dexterity
2. R ift of S pires (Acrobatics) check. On a success, they manage to
Area Aspects. Deep rift, nest of Grendleroot spires, grab one of the spires and hang on. On a failure, they
large spire-pierced stone hand plummet into the bottomless depths of the rift and are
forever lost.
A deep rift, twenty feet across, cleaves this cavern in If the characters enter this area from area 3, they can
two. A thick nest of black metal spires weaves up from intuit that the tunnel across from the rift leads out of
the fathomless depths, ending twenty feet below the edge Violet Falls and back to the tunnels from which they
of the rift. Near the height of the spires on the north side
of the chasm, a fifteen-foot-long stone hand reaches out
of the wall, a twisting spire piercing its palm.

3. T he H ead of G orom 4. S tone A partments
Area Aspects. Huge head of suffering stone giant, spire Area Aspects. Sloped stone bluff, uniquely carved
piercing head, semicircle of low stone stools apartments, network of pathways weaving
throughout, great bronze lifts and counterweights
This twenty-foot-high cavern exposes a massive stone
head half embedded in a wall decorated by beautiful The southeast corner of this cavern has been carved
swirls. A black spire juts out of the forehead of the stone into two eclectic blocks of apartments. Winding
face, whose expression is frozen in pain. A semicircle of walkways are set into a sloped stone bluff, interweaving
low stone stools surrounds the massive face. throughout dozens of stone buildings. Lifts rise up to
the steepest height of these apartment blocks, with
The head belongs to a millennia-old, gargantuan, bronze cages raised by large chains and massive
nonbinary neutral stone giant named Gorom. Gorom counterweights.
was once a dreamer whose mental influence flowed
out and into the dreams of the gnomes of the nearby The gnomes of Violet Falls dwelled in these cozy
village. Though the gnomes never connected their domiciles. Many have since collapsed, but those that
ingenuity to Gorom’s dreams, they considered the remain show off unique looks shaped by the mages
stone giant a silent companion, and spent much time and stonecarvers who built them. Walkways weave
sitting and contemplating in this chamber. throughout the five-story-high terraces with no clear
Since the awakening of the Grendleroot, black spires rhyme or reason to their directions. The lifts are
have pierced Gorom’s body deep inside the rock. Now beautifully crafted, and use great counterweights to
the giant’s pain sends nightmares to the mind of any raise them to the height of the terraces.
creature that attempts to rest in Violet Falls. Graven artwork inside and outside the apartments
Gorom can’t speak but can hear. They respond show life in the village as it used to be, with gnomes
to questions with images and feelings flowing from mining crystals and gems, building interesting
their mind into the minds of nearby creatures. With a machines, and celebrating their discoveries.
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check, a character
can interpret these images, which show that Gorom is
In any given apartment, you can decide that three
in great pain.
gnome zombies are shambling through the daily
SAVING GOROM chores they once attempted in life. They are not
A spell scroll of meld into stone can be found among hostile unless attacked, though they might engage
the treasures of the tower of spectacles at area 7. If the characters in a mockery of some daily activity,
the characters take this scroll and make it known to such as helping them put on a rotted coat, or serving
Gorom, he can use it to escape his torment. The giant’s them foul, grub-ridden offal on a plate. See the “Start”
eyes glow as arcane glyphs appear in the air. Then his section or area 6 for the statistics of these gnome
body begins to fade away as he falls deeper into the zombies.
rock of the mountain, escaping the nest of spires.
As this happens, Gorom sends a telepathic message
If they spend 2 hours searching the apartments, the
of relief and gratitude. Each character feels their mind
characters can collect 92 gp, 127 sp, and 493 cp, along
open for a moment into Gorom’s vast intellect. Until
with four pieces of carved quartz (worth 25 gp each).
the end of their next long rest, each character has
The characters also find a beautiful carved-quartz
advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks. The
figurine representing the gnome goddess of luck. This
character’s next long rest is also filled with soothing
figurine is an uncommon magic item that requires
and pleasant dreams.
attunement and has 3 charges. When a character
attuned to the figurine makes an attack roll, an ability
check, or a saving throw, they can expend 1 charge
to gain advantage on that roll. The figurine loses this
property when it has no more charges remaining.

5. M echanized S melter 6. T he B lack S pire
Area Aspects. Massive bronze dome atop stone Area Aspects. Scarred black spire, blast crater, pool of
building, huge mechanical bellows, sunken pit gray liquid
blazing with angry flames
In a cracked and charred crater at the center of the
Red light shines out from the doorway of a massive cavern, a thirty-foot-high black spire thrusts up out of a
bronze dome that dominates the cavern around it. A gray pool of oily liquid like the claw of some enormous
huge bellows stands behind the dome, its thick leather beast. A five-inch scar in the surface of the spire leaks
sides as large as sails. Heat emanates from the great the oily liquid that fills the pool.
smelter, with smoke flowing out of its stacks and into
chutes high up in the cavern ceiling. The scarring of the spire and the corruption flowing
from it is the cause of the death and undeath of the
The gnomes of Violet Falls forged items of bronze gnomes of Violet Falls. The scar must be repaired for
and iron in this great smelter, fueled by the burning the corruption to end.
hatred of a creature they summoned and bound here CORRUPTED POOL
centuries ago. Any creature that is not a construct or undead that
CREATURE touches the liquid of the gray pool for the first time
A magically bound fire elemental named Igras still on a turn takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The creature
burns in the smelter of the forge, providing nearly must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
limitless heat. Arcane glyphs surround the deep pit throw or have its hit point maximum reduced by an
at the center of the forge within which the elemental amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction
lies trapped. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target
Wisdom (Insight) check feels a sense of rage coming dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
out of the fiery forge. A successful DC 12 Intelligence A humanoid slain by this effect rises 24 hours later
(Arcana) check reveals that the forge’s power comes as a zombie or ghoul. Under rare circumstances, the
from the captured fire elemental, and that the arcane humanoid might rise as a ghast that retains some of its
glyphs trap and harness the creature. original memories.
A character can disable the glyphs with three REPAIRING THE SPIRE
successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) checks. On Any character examining the scar and the pool can
each failure, arcane feedback deals 10 (3d6) force confirm that it is the source of the corruption in Violet
damage to the character making the check. With the Falls. Sealing the scar requires three successful DC
third success, the glyphs are broken and the elemental 14 Intelligence (Arcana) checks. If mending is cast on
is freed. the spire at the same time, these checks are made with
Igras’s gratitude for its release is tempered by the advantage.
revenge against the gnomes who trapped it here.
If there are any gnomes in the party, the elemental
When the characters begin to repair the spire, three
attacks at once unless talked down with a successful
gnome zombies rise up from the gray pool and attack.
DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check made by a
Until the spire is repaired, another gnome zombie rises
character who speaks Ignan. Explaining to Igras that
from the pool at the start of each subsequent round
the party is not from Violet Falls grants advantage on
and joins the fight. A gnome zombie uses the zombie
this check. If the party avoids hostilities with Igras, it
stat block with these changes:
is easy to convince the elemental to hunt down any
undead gnomes in the settlement and incinerate them. • Its size is Small.
• It has 13 (2d6 + 6) hit points.
• It has a speed of 40 feet.
• It can use the Disengage action as a bonus action.
For a shorter adventure, you can replace these
zombies with Gemtooth and two gnome ghouls, which
confront the characters when they attempt to fix the

spire. A gnome ghoul uses the ghoul stat block with 2: Three vats hold blue, red, and yellow liquid. When
these changes: a small amount of all three liquids is combined,
• Its size is Small. it creates a potion of clairvoyance. When one such
• It has 10 (3d6) hit points. potion is created, the liquids lose this property.
3: A suit of beautiful gilded medium or heavy armor of
your choice is sized for a gnome. The armor features
Unless you place Gemtooth at this location, when
clockwork components in its design, with joints and
the characters repair the spire, they hear the gnome
fittings incorporating strange gears and levers.
ghast’s laughter echoing out from somewhere in the
4: A clockwork menagerie of toy underground
settlement. “Your efforts matter not! My army of death
monsters all move under their own power, including
will still feast on your flesh!” This should reinforce for
an articulated worm, a chuul, and two ankhegs. Each
the characters that they must defeat Gemtooth to keep
of the four mechanical creatures is worth 10 gp.
the enclave safe from future assaults.
5: A small model airship flies around by magic (25 gp).
7. T ower of S pectacles 6: A steam-powered harpoon is built to shoot through
the thick skin of a purple worm. (It doesn’t work.)
Area Aspects. Tower of stone surrounded by floating
7: An alchemical light globe sheds light as a torch and
plates of iron, relief carving of gnome wizard, red
is affixed to mechanical spider legs. If a creature
light shining from windows
speaks the command word “Follow” in Gnomish, the
globe follows that creature at a distance of 10 feet.
Large plates of metal float around a forty-foot-high 8: A black globe shines lights on the walls and ceilings
stalagmite. Its surface has been carved into intricate around it, showing the current position of the stars
patterns, which appear to flow out from the wand held in the night sky above its location (worth 15 gp).
by the graven image of a gnome wizard carved above 9: A floating orb is painted to resemble an unknown
the tower’s doorway. Red light shines from windows planet (10 gp).
carved into the hollow stalagmite, contrasting the dark- 10: A golden cooking plate is magicked so that a
blue hue of its stone. character can touch the plate as an action to cast
heat metal on it. Only the plate can be targeted by
The gnomes of Violet Falls loved to display their this spell. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used
expertise in combining arcane, alchemical, and again until the next dawn.
mechanical design into grand constructs. They Along with these other treasures, the characters can
displayed many of their greatest inventions here in the also find a spell scroll of meld into stone in a crystal
Tower of Spectacles. Much of the tower has fallen into scroll tube. This spell can be used to free Gorom from
ruin since the destruction of the village, but a number his torment in area 3, and the tube is worth 50 gp.
of the inventions it holds continue to function.
Floating stones create a stairwell inside the hollow
The tower is maintained by a lawful good construct
tower. It has three floors, all of which are open to let
using the animated armor stat block, known as Sir
visitors witness its splendors. The uppermost floor has
Wobbleknees. The gnomes built Sir Wobbleknees as
collapsed under the weight of a fallen red geode that
the guardian of the site, and since the tower’s collapse,
once floated above the tower.
the construct has grown increasingly frustrated and
TREASURE erratic.
As the characters explore the tower, they might come Sir Wobbleknees can speak Common and Gnomish,
across a number of odd exhibits. You can choose from and enjoys taking creatures on tours of the wrecked
the examples below or roll a d10 to determine what tower. The construct becomes hostile if it notices
the characters might find. anyone stealing or damaging anything in the tower,
1: A mechanical arachnid is fueled by the soul of though it does not leave the tower to pursue thieves.
a captured demon that roars at the characters in
Abyssal. The creature uses the giant spider stat block
but has the construct type.

8. T he S unlit H all 9. T he V iolet F alls
Area Aspects. Glowing carved columns of natural Area Aspects. High waterfall, lines of violet-glowing
quartz, large splinters of sharp quartz on the ground, quartz, large waterwheel, gears and scaffolding,
glowing amber light endless drop to caverns below

Columns of quartz rise more than thirty feet to the The edge of the cavern is lit in violet light by lines of
ceiling along the north side of the cavern. The columns brilliant quartz, and opens up to a wide rift hundreds
are fused together, and have had their interior carved of feet high and hundreds of feet deep. A waterfall flows
out to turn them into a massive building, with a small down from a river high above, tumbling into the depths
doorway at ground level and windows higher up. The below. A waterwheel turns under the power of the
crystals glow with an amber light, filling the cavern falling water, driving dozens of huge gears attached to
around them with a golden glow. Large shards of quartz the cavern wall with iron scaffolding.
are spread out across the ground nearby. On either side of the rift, the floor of the cavern rises
up to rough stone stairs that lead across the darkness
The gnomes carved out these quartz columns into and over to the scaffolding.
their village meeting hall and governor’s chamber. The
inner chamber is 20 feet high, with an upper balcony The gnomes built this waterwheel when they first
and a lower central hall. Broken statues of gnome settled these caverns, and used it to power their
governors stand on the sides of the hall. mining operations.
Deep cracks and fissures spiderweb through the
crystals, which have been slowly falling to pieces over
The rock walls in this area are still worked by three
the two centuries since Violet Falls was abandoned.
animated hammers, which bang away digging for
CREATURE quartz deposits even though the gnomes have long
A chaotic evil male duergar named Ironscale lurks since departed. If anyone touches a hammer or tries
within the central hall, hiding behind one of the to stop it from working, all the hammers attack. Each
statues. Ironscale was trapped in here while avoiding hammer uses the flying sword stat block, but its
ghouls and zombies after his small band of thieves longsword attack is replaced by a hammer attack that
attempted to plunder the village. He is prickly, greedy, uses the same statistics but deals bludgeoning damage.
and likely to betray the characters even if they offer to If time is running short or the characters have
save him. already faced enough battles, you can skip this
Ironscale knows that Gemtooth is attempting to encounter.
build up an army of zombies and ghouls to take over
the mountain, and might be a source of other secrets
A tarnished amulet set with a glyph-marked violet
and clues.
gemstone can be seen 30 feet below the scaffolding,
TREASURE precariously hanging from a rock within the rushing
A small room beyond the central chamber contains a waterfall. Retrieving the amulet is a dangerous
narrow staircase hidden behind a well-crafted secret proposition, requiring a successful DC 13 Strength
door. A character can detect this secret door with a (Athletics) check to climb down the rock wall. On a
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. failed check, a character takes 7 (2d6) slashing damage
The staircase leads to a small chamber beneath the as they slide down the crystal-embedded wall before
hall that once acted as Violet Falls’ central treasury. catching themself. A character who uses a rope or
It still holds 143 gp in mixed coin and gems; a potion is aided by another character has advantage on this
of animal friendship, a potion of growth, and a potion check.
of gaseous form; and a necklace of adaptation that the The amulet is an uncommon magic item that allows
gnomes once used for exploring dangerous areas near its possessor to use an action to cast the magic circle
the settlement. spell (DC 15). Once the spell is cast, the amulet’s
magic fades.

10. T he E verclock can understand the vast scope of the clock, and can
identify that it is indeed showing the right date and
Area Aspects. Stone and brass clock set into the cavern the right time. The clock accurately predicts the end of
wall, massive pendulums, intricate gearwork the world which, given the threats in your campaign,
might be soon or far off, as you determine. You can
A stone path leads out to the edge of a rift that descends use the clock to portend threats to the world in your
hundreds of feet into darkness. Set between two narrow campaign, and to reveal that such a threat has ended
waterfalls, a massive device of brass gears, levers, when the clock pushes out the time of the world’s
chains, and weights is set into the stone wall on the far ending far into the future.
side of the rift. It has the form of a complicated clock The clock’s massive construction and powerful
with numerous faces. Huge stone weights hang from magic make it difficult to harm. It is one of the few
chains on either side of a massive pendulum that slowly structures and objects in the mountain that was not
swings back and forth over the drop below. The dials on damaged by the coming of the Grendleroot.
some of the clock faces move with tremendous speed,
while others appear not to move at all. Concluding the Adventure
The adventure concludes when the characters
The gnomes spent decades building this great clock, successfully repair the scar in the black spire and
an incredibly accurate and durable construct that defeat Gemtooth. Any remaining gnome zombies
measures time from the world’s birth until its end wander off from the village, becoming possible
millions of years in the future. A character who random threats to explorers but no longer seeking to
succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check overthrow the folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave.
The characters can bring any relics of Violet Falls
they have discovered back to the enclave. With the
village’s corruption ended, explorers might come here
and establish a new settlement, hoping to return the
village to its former prosperity.

Two warbands, one orc and one hobgoblin, are set to invade Deepdelver’s Enclave unless a band of
adventurers can use guile, subterfuge, or brute force to stop them.

marauding gang of orcs and a hobgoblin the orcs reside in a ruined noble’s villa on the north
war band have set themselves up in the side. The characters can attempt to stop the coming
ruined city of Shadowreach—with both attacks by any means available, including negotiation,
groups intending to attack and destroy assassination, deception, setting an ambush, or
Deepdelver’s Enclave. Working with the folk of the shoring up the defenses of Deepdelver’s Enclave. With
enclave, the characters must decide how best to deal luck and bravery, the characters can help the enclave
with the threat, whether taking out troops or leaders and its people stand against this dark threat.
on both sides, or focusing on destroying one group Monsters and NPCs. Death dog, dire wolves (2),
to make a fight against the other group winnable. hobgoblins (30), hobgoblin cultists (2), hobgoblin
Depending on the success of their actions, they then cult fanatic, hobgoblin veteran, ogre, orcs (40), orc
stand front and center as the attack unfolds and the veteran, spy
people of Deepdelver’s Enclave fight for their very
“A Fistful of Copper” is a four-hour adventure for Notable NPCs
characters of 3rd level. The following NPCs have a part to play in the

Adventure Summary K ran the C rippler

On returning from an expedition into Blackclaw A chaotic evil orc veteran, Kran the Crippler is the
Mountain, the characters are attacked by a raiding current war chief of the Gray Razor orcs—a band
party of orcs. During the battle, a scouting party of roughly forty strong. Kran is lazy but occasionally
hobgoblins attacks both groups. In the aftermath, the erupts in blinding violence. Seeing the strength of his
characters learn that both orcs and hobgoblins plan to leadership failing among his minions, he announced
invade Deepdelver’s Enclave within a day. the attack against Deepdelver’s Enclave, but his heart
The characters are tasked with trying to stop or isn’t in it. He is more than willing to unleash his horde
hinder both attacks however they can, learning that against the enclave, but would rather retire.
the hobgoblins reside in a small ruined fortress on Kran thinks the hobgoblin commander, Salos
the south side of the Shadowreach cavern, while Graveblade, is an elitist snob. If he manages to take
over Deepdelver’s Enclave, Kran plans to mock Salos holds Deepdelver’s Enclave, he plans to have Kran
from the walls above. killed and to conscript the rest of the orcs into his
Kran uses the veteran stat block with these changes: army.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Salos uses the veteran stat block with these changes:
• He has the following trait: Aggressive. As a bonus • He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
action, Kran can move up to his speed toward a • He has the following trait: Martial Advantage. Once
hostile creature that he can see. per turn, Salos can deal an extra 10 (3d6) damage
• He speaks Common and Orc. to a creature he hits with a weapon attack if that
creature is within 5 feet of an ally of Salos’s that isn’t
S uul the S licer incapacitated.
Suul, a chaotic evil female orc, is Kran’s right hand and • He speaks Common and Goblin.
the smartest orc in the war band. She secretly hopes to
kill Kran, take over the war band, and raid throughout W olfreg W intersbane
the mountain. She has little desire to attack the well- The seer of Salos’s war band, Wolfreg Wintersbane
defended Deepdelver’s Enclave. is a lawful evil male hobgoblin cult fanatic. Wolfreg
Suul uses the orc stat block with these changes: understands that Salos’s desire to die in battle might
• She has Intelligence 14 (+2). bring the rest of the war band to their deaths as well.
• She has 30 hit points (4d8 + 12). He uses his reputation as the voice of the hobgoblin
gods to his advantage, speaking either for or against
D roga the D estroyer Salos as he sees fit.
Droga, a neutral evil female ogre
mercenary, currently works with
Kran and the Gray Razors. She has
long used her immense strength
and survival instincts to earn all the
money and food she desires. Though
exceptionally greedy, she also considers her
own safety in her decisions, and is known to
have switched sides rather than be on the losing
side of a battle.
Droga uses the ogre stat block with these
• She has Dexterity 12 (+1).
• She wears half plate armor that gives her AC 16.
• She wields a massive battleaxe that uses the same
combat statistics as the ogre’s greatclub attack but
deals slashing damage.

S alos G raveblade
A lawful evil male hobgoblin veteran, Salos
Graveblade commands a war band called the Red
Drums. He brought his hobgoblins to Blackclaw to
harden them in the depths of the mountain, and he
hopes to turn Deepdelver’s Enclave into a military
outpost for his commander, a half-dragon warlord
known as Volixus the Burning Rage.
Salos is ambitious to the point of being suicidal. He
is quick to meet any challenge, and cunning enough
to pose a strong threat. He hates Kran the Crippler
and thinks the orc chief is a drunken oaf. When Salos
S alos G raveblade
Wolfreg uses the cult fanatic stat block with these • Salos’s second, Wolfreg Wintersbane, wants to
changes: overthrow Salos but knows he doesn’t yet have the
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. full support of the rest of the hobgoblin war band.
• He has the following trait: Martial Advantage. Once • The lower level of the Tower of Lords, the ruined
per turn, Wolfreg can deal an extra 7 (2d6) damage watchtower where the hobgoblins reside, is an old
to a creature he hits with a weapon attack if that temple that features a secret tunnel leading to a
creature is within 5 feet of an ally of Wolfreg’s that clifftop cave.
isn’t incapacitated. • Salos plans to bombard Deepdelver’s Enclave before
• He speaks Common and Goblin. his attack with five trebuchets his hobgoblins have
recently built.
C lara W illowspur • Disgraced explorer Clara Willowspur has been seen
Clara, a neutral evil female half-elf spy, used to be an scouting in Shadowreach near Deepdelver’s Enclave,
explorer for Deepdelver’s Enclave but was kicked out and near the Tower of Lords.
after betraying her adventuring party to a band of • Ten years ago, Clara Willowspur was discharged
duergar for personal gain. She now offers her services from her unit during the Thousand Spear War for
as a freelance scout in the mountain, and is currently attacking a superior officer. Ruth Willowmane, her
employed as a spy for Salos Graveblade. She has former sergeant, knows the details but does not
informed Salos about the defenses of Deepdelver’s speak of the incident.
Enclave, and of the tunnel that leads up through the
Drop. However, she has no loyalty to the hobgoblins
except for the coin Salos gives her.
Adventure Hooks
The characters can become involved in this adventure
Clara uses the spy stat block with these changes:
in a number of ways. Ideally, their existing connections
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. to Deepdelver’s Enclave give the characters clear
• She has the following trait: Fey Ancestry. Clara has reasons to protect their home. Alternatively, one or
advantage on saving throws against being charmed, more characters might know of or have a history
and magic can’t put her to sleep. with the orcs, the hobgoblins, or their leaders. For
• She speaks Common and Elvish. characters primarily motivated by coin, Bailon the
Beardless offers 50 gp to each character if they can
Secrets and Clues prevent the attacks.
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the If you use this adventure in your own campaign or
adventure as you determine: as a single-session adventure, the characters might
• Kran the Crippler is quite lazy. He attacks weak
stumble into the coming attack without yet having
targets whenever possible, and spends a good a strong connection to the settlement the orcs and
deal of time lounging in a pool at the top of his hobgoblins are attacking. You will want to reinforce
Shadowreach villa. whatever goal helps motivate the characters to save the
• Kran’s right hand, Suul the Slicer, seeks revenge
enclave, whether moral or monetary.
against Kran for his role in the destruction of Suul’s This adventure takes its name from the spaghetti
clan two decades earlier. Suul has climbed the ranks western film A Fistful of Dollars (itself inspired by
ever since, hoping to take Kran’s head at the right the Kurosawa movie Yojimbo). In the film, a lone
time. gunslinger (played by Clint Eastwood) works two
• Spirekeep, the ruined villa that Kran has taken as his
gangs against one another for the betterment of the
current lair, has a dank cellar beneath it that the orcs town they threaten. You can use a similar mixture
avoid. A grate in the floor of the cellar leads to an old of greed and morality to steer the characters toward
sewer system that exits into a river a hundred feet saving Deepdelver’s Enclave from the two marauding
away. factions.
• Droga the Destroyer loves money and food, but has
little loyalty to the orcs she serves.
• Salos Graveblade has a death wish. He yearns to die
gloriously in battle against the mightiest of foes.

Start • The hobgoblin commander Salos Graveblade and the
orc war chief Kran the Crippler both intend to attack
The adventure begins with the characters in the ruined Deepdelver’s Enclave within a day.
city of Shadowreach. Read or summarize the following • Each faction has roughly thirty to forty warriors—
to set the scene: more than enough to cause serious damage to
Deepdelver’s Enclave.
After your latest exploration in Blackclaw Mountain, • The orcs currently reside at a ruined noble’s villa
you make your way through the ruins of the city of called Spirekeep, on the north side of Shadowreach.
Shadowreach on your return to Deepdelver’s Enclave. • The hobgoblins reside in a ruined watchtower to the
As you pass by the rubble of ruined buildings, a javelin south, called the Tower of Lords.
suddenly sails past, snapping against the stones. At your discretion, characters interrogating or
“Looks like we caught some adventurers away from searching the orcs or hobgoblins might also learn
Deepdelver’s Enclave!” shouts an orc, stepping around a additional information outlined in the “Secrets and
ruined building. “Keep one alive. Kran will want what’s Clues” section earlier in this chapter.
in their head before Droga smashes it against a rock!”
Two more orcs step out from behind another ruined Defending the Enclave
building, while two more rise from the roofs of ruins to When the characters return to Deepdelver’s Enclave,
either side of you, javelins in hand. they can bring word of what they’ve learned to Bailon
the Beardless, who gathers the other folk of the enclave
These five orcs (Nog, Settha, Grumoth, Littletoes, at the Dragon’s Fangs common house. The people
and Big Uthok) attack the party. Two of them throw of the enclave come to the conclusion that a direct
javelins from the rooftops, while the others begin 25 attack against either war band in their well-defended
feet away from the characters. positions in Shadowreach will be exceedingly
The street is flanked by four ruined buildings, two dangerous. Everyone is prepared to defend the enclave,
on each side. Climbing up a ruined building requires but any battle will likely be a costly one, given how
a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity little is known of their enemies.
(Acrobatics) check. Creatures on the rooftops have Whether they volunteer, are talked into it through
advantage on ranged attacks against those on the roleplaying, or accept a monetary offer to help defend
street. Deepdelver’s Enclave, the characters are tapped to
At the end of round 2 of the battle, or if three of the spearhead the plan to thwart the orc and hobgoblin
orcs are killed before that, a band of four hobgoblins attacks. But at least at the outset, there is no clear sense
(Xen, Kora of Thar, Ivar Clubfoot, and Trox Eyespike) of what the best plan is.
P ossible O ptions
“Well, well, look what we have here!” a voice cries out, You can allow the characters to undertake any plan the
as four hobgoblins step out from the opposite end of the players come up with, and which seems like it might
street. “Kill the orcs, but leave the explorers alive. Salos have a chance of success. But the following options are
Graveblade’s orders!” likely to be among the most obvious:
• Convincing one group to attack the other, in the
The four hobgoblins then step up to attack both the hope of winnowing the numbers down on both
characters and orcs alike. sides.
• Killing one or both of the leaders of the two factions,
D evelopment in the hope that whoever takes over decides to
When the orcs and hobgoblins are defeated, the abandon the attack.
characters can interrogate any survivors to learn the • Ambushing the orcs, the hobgoblins, or both before
following information. If all the enemies are dead, the they can reach the enclave.
characters might find crudely written notes or maps • Accepting the inevitability of the assault, and
on the bodies that reveal these details. The rest of working on the best possible defense of Deepdelver’s
the adventure requires that the players learn of both Enclave when it comes.
pending attacks, including the following information:
The characters’ approach might include variants of against a hobgoblin assault. If the characters have
any of these options, or the players might come up killed Salos Graveblade or his lieutenant, the remaining
with another plan entirely. It’s up to you to adjudicate hobgoblins will be at a disadvantage against the orcs.
how these actions might affect the factions’ plans and It’s up to you to determine what factors might swing
the defenses of the enclave. a battle one way or another. Whatever outcome you
If the characters choose to scout out or interact with determine, describe the larger battle quickly and leave
either the orcs or the hobgoblins, they can easily travel it in the background, then move the spotlight back to
through Shadowreach to the lair of either group. These the characters and the smaller group of enemies they
locations are described in the “Tower of Lords” and face.
“Spirekeep” sections, later in the adventure.
If the characters decide to ambush one group or the
other, the adventure presents two potential sites to
Pacing the Adventure
For a faster start to the adventure, you can skip the
stage such ambushes. See “Setting an Ambush” later in
initial attack. The characters can start in Deepdelver’s
the adventure.
Enclave, where they learn about the coming assault of
If the characters choose to defend Deepdelver’s
the orcs and the hobgoblins from Bailon the Beardless
Enclave from attack, you can use the map of
or another NPC. That information might have
Deepdelver’s Enclave from chapter 1 as a planning aid
originally come from a caravan that was ambushed by
as the players describe how their characters and the
orcs and hobgoblins on its way to the enclave.
other residents of the enclave will defend their home.
You can also help control the pace of the adventure
See “Defending the Enclave” later in this adventure for
by deciding how quickly the assault against
more details.
Deepdelver’s Enclave begins. If it feels like the
If the players seem stuck on which plan to choose,
characters’ attempts to disrupt the attacks are moving
Bailon recommends that they scout out either the orcs
slowly, or if time is getting tight, the characters might
or the hobgoblins ahead of time to learn what they
learn that one or both of the enemy leaders has
accelerated the schedule of their plans. By the time the
By the end of the adventure, the characters will
characters return to Deepdelver’s Enclave, the assault
have hopefully routed or defeated both groups before
might already be underway.
they have any chance to conduct a full assault on the
The Tower of Lords
Adjudicating Big Battles The Tower of Lords stands on the south side of
Shadowreach, three hours from Deepdelver’s Enclave
Depending on how this adventure plays out, you
and two hours from Spirekeep. Once a tower holding
might find yourself needing to adjudicate one or more
the slave-knights of the Magocracy of the Black Star,
large battles between the orcs, the hobgoblins, and the
the Tower of Lords now serves as the headquarters for
defenders of Deepdelver’s Enclave. Instead of trying to
Salos Graveblade and his hobgoblins.
run these larger battles in the same way that you run
The Tower of Lords is built from worked volcanic
combat with a party of characters, you can describe
stone. Unless otherwise described, rooms in the tower
the battles and their results narratively, while keeping
have 15-foot-high ceilings and are dark, but feature
the focus of the action on the characters and their own
unlit torches set into iron sconces on the walls.
For example, if a large number of hobgoblins H obgoblin F orces
fight a large number of orcs, a smaller group of
Salos commands thirty hobgoblins, with sixteen of
orcs or hobgoblins might break away and attack the
those out on patrol in the city at any given time. Off-
characters. Such encounters can include one orc or
duty hobgoblins are usually found resting or engaging
hobgoblin per character, along with any leaders and
in various forms of recreation in the lower levels of the
special NPCs you want to make part of the fight.
tower, or are on patrol in or around the tower.
The actions the characters take before a large battle
Salos is almost always in area 3 of the tower. He
begins can also help to steer the battle’s outcome.
lingers there until it is time to commence the attack
Setting fire to the stolen wagons in front of the orc
against the enclave, at which point he leads the
compound means the orcs will be at a disadvantage
charge. Wolfreg Wintersbane is also at the tower, most
E ntrance to the
T ower of L ords

often praying to his hobgoblin gods in the temple in Two statues of hooded humanoids, each clutching a
area 4. Clara Willowspur is sometimes at the tower, greatsword, stand on either side of the door, their faces
conferring with Salos. See area 3 for details. hidden under cowls. Five recently constructed wheeled
G aining E ntrance trebuchets stand outside the moat, across from the
Three potential entry points lead into the tower: the
bridge that leads into the tower barracks; a large crack The front gate is the primary entrance to the Tower of
in the back wall of the tower, exposed from the north; Lords. The edge of the moat is marked by slick cliffs
and a long natural tunnel leading into the temple in rising 10 feet above the river below. Climbing the cliffs
the lowest level of the tower (area 4). The hobgoblins requires a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or
do not expect an attack to come from the river, so they Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, while swimming the
do not guard the crack in the north wall. They are also moat requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
unaware of the natural tunnel leading to the temple. check. On a failed check, a character is dragged along
1. F ront E ntrance the river before being able to climb the cliff on the
opposite bank, and takes 7 (2d6) piercing damage
Area Aspects. Cracked obsidian tower, rushing rapids from the sharp rocks.
and sharp rocks, narrow cracked bridge, statues A crack in the wall of the tower on the opposite side
of hooded humanoids, slick cliff walls, recently from the bridge leads to the rear of area 2.
constructed trebuchets
Two hobgoblins guard the front doors of the tower.
A tower carved of cracked obsidian stands on an island
Two more hobgoblins and a death dog often patrol
surrounded by a moat of fast-moving black water and the area around the tower, and keep an eye on the
sharp rocks. A narrow bridge set with torches spans the trebuchets.
rapids, leading to a set of broken doors at the front of
the tower.
Four iron braziers hanging from the ceiling burn with
Salos plans to use the trebuchets to hurl stones at
red flames, illuminating a large floor map of the city
Deepdelver’s Enclave, pounding the outpost into
submission before sending in his invading host of of Shadowreach. A path has been drawn in red chalk
hobgoblins. Disabling a trebuchet requires a successful through the buildings, showing an approach from the
DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or it can be Tower of Lords to Deepdelver’s Enclave, along with
attacked and destroyed. A trebuchet has AC 12, 50 hit positions for five trebuchets close to the settlement.
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Faded tapestries hang from the walls.

2. T ower B arracks Salos Graveblade retrofitted this chamber to serve as

Area Aspects. Hall of shattered statues, faded paintings his war room. The tapestries depict the cleansing of the
on the walls, straw mattresses Magocracy of the Black Star by the paladins and priests
of the Order of the White Sun. They show hooded
Dozens of straw mattresses line the floor of this broad mages and half-dragon warlords being cut down by
armored knights with blazing white swords, while
hall. A staircase in the northwest corner leads to the
spellcasting warriors counter the magic of the mages.
second floor, while another to the northeast leads down.
Shattered statues line the walls, standing before faded CREATURES
paintings of histories long forgotten. The hobgoblin veteran Salos Graveblade spends much
of his time here, pondering battle plans and discussing
This chamber serves as the barracks for the strategy with two other hobgoblins. See “Notable
hobgoblins. A large crack in the north wall leads NPCs” for Salos’s statistics.
outside to the edge of the rushing rapids surrounding The mercenary spy Clara Willowspur is in attendance
the tower. with Salos from time to time. Roll a d6 when the
The paintings on the walls were once covered over characters are at the tower. On a roll of 5 or 6, Clara is
with plaster, but that has cracked away to reveal the here, describing the defenses of Deepdelver’s Enclave
images beneath. Those images depict the rise of the to Salos. Otherwise, she is out spying for him. See
Magocracy of the Black Star (see chapter 2). The “Notable NPCs” for Clara’s statistics.
one image that can still be clearly seen shows three TREASURE
archmages standing above thousands of thralls lying Salos carries two black serrated blades, one of which
prone, while ten armored half-dragons stand at is a normal longsword and one of which is a magic
attention. longsword called Grave. A +1 longsword, Grave is a
CREATURES rare magic item that requires attunement. As a bonus
At any given time, four to eight hobgoblins are action, a creature attuned to Grave can cause the blade
sleeping in this chamber or playing knucklebones in to burn with black fire. The next time the weapon hits,
the southeast corner. the attack deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage. This
property of the blade can’t be used again until the next
The hobgoblins collectively possess 23 gp in mixed
coin, and an idol to a hobgoblin goddess (worth 25 4. T emple
gp). Rough but functional swords, daggers, bows,
Area Aspects. Shattered statue of a forgotten god, red-
arrows, and scale mail can be found in the room.
painted symbols on the floor, altar holding a black
3. C hamber of W ar goblet, rubble pile

Area Aspects. Burning metal braziers, map of the city,

Dark violet torchlight dimly fills this chamber. A
faded tapestries
shattered statue to some ancient god lies on the floor,
while a blood-spattered altar stone to the northwest
holds a black onyx goblet. Red-painted glyphs edge
a circle on the floor, and a rubble pile rises in the
southeast corner of the room.

This chamber once served as a temple to the Order of Groups of orcs usually hang around outside the villa,
the White Sun after they claimed the tower from the as noted below. Many of the remaining orcs go out
Magocracy of the Black Star. The torches burn violet raiding the city in groups of eight to twelve. The orcs
as a result of lingering good magic reacting to the evil are violent and rambunctious at all times. Unless an
imbued into the glyphs newly scribed onto the floor. alarm is specifically raised, the orcs at the villa ignore
A secret door on the east wall opens up to a long any commotion inside or outside.
natural tunnel, which leads to a clifftop cave out in the Droga the ogre is also found at the villa, either
ruined city. outside or in area 2. Kran also has two pet dire wolves
CREATURES that lurk outside the villa.
Wolfreg Wintersbane, a hobgoblin cult fanatic, G aining E ntrance
prays here to his hobgoblin gods. He usually has two
The villa has three potential entrances: the front door
hobgoblin cultists with him. See “Notable NPCs” for
leading into area 1; a second-story balcony at the
Wolfreg’s statistics. Each hobgoblin cultist uses the
rear of the stalagmite, leading into area 2; and a long
cultist stat block with these changes:
sewage tunnel leading to area 3. The orcs are aware of
• They have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
the balcony and sewer entrances, but can’t be bothered
• They have the following trait: Martial Advantage.
to guard them.
Once per turn, the hobgoblin can deal an extra 7
(2d6) damage to a creature they hit with a weapon A pproaching the K eep
attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the
Area Aspects. Carved stalagmite villa, impaled heads
hobgoblin that isn’t incapacitated.
on thin spires, stolen wagons of provisions
• They speak Common and Goblin.
This noble’s villa has been carved out from the stone of
Wolfreg wears an amulet bearing the symbol of his
a fifty-foot-high stalagmite. The heads of two hobgoblins
dark hobgoblin deity (worth 25 gp).
have been impaled on thin black spires at the front
The goblet on the altar is a rare magic item that
contains a dark power, allowing its possessor to use an
action to cast the insect plague spell. Once the spell is A pair of large wagons laden with barrels and crates
cast, the goblet’s magic fades. (Wolfreg does not know are parked on the east side of the villa.
that the goblet is magic.)
The wagons are filled with barrels of ale and crates

Spirekeep of salted meats. At any given time, 1d4 + 2 orcs are

hanging around the wagons, drinking and brawling if
This villa, carved out of a huge stalagmite, once they are not passed out. If a little lamp oil is applied to
belonged to an aristocratic family loyal to the the wagons, they burn easily.
Magocracy of the Black Star. The Gray Razors now
use it as their lair. Spirekeep is three hours from
Roll a d6 to determine the location of Droga the ogre.
Deepdelver’s Enclave and two hours from the Tower of
On a 1 to 3, she is outside the tower practicing her
javelin throwing. If not found here, she is in area 2. See
Unless otherwise described, the rooms of Spirekeep
“Notable NPCs” for her statistics.
are carved out of the natural stone of the surrounding
Kran’s two dire wolves (Skinny and Retch) lurk
stalagmite. They have 15-foot-high ceilings and are
behind the villa with their orc caretaker, Fourfingers.
dark, but feature unlit torches set into iron sconces on
the walls. 1. A udience H all
O rc F orces Area Aspects. Collapsed balcony, sleeping furs, large
pot of gruel
Spirekeep is currently the residence of Kran the
Crippler and his forty orcs. Kran believes that strength
beats strategy, so he orders no formal guards, watches,
or rotations. His orcs do what they please until he
commands them to attack.

K ran the C rippler

The smell of rotting meat and dank sweat fills this hall.
Moldering furs are spread across the floor, and a fire
burns under a large cauldron of thick green gruel in the
center of the room. A collapsed balcony has crashed to
the floor to the north, but is still accessible by a staircase
leading up to the second floor. A collapsed section of
floor to the southeast opens up to darkness below.

The orcs use this filthy hall as their primary mess hall
and sleeping quarters.
Six orcs are resting in this hall at any given time.
When the characters enter this area, roll a d6. On a 1
to 3, Suul the Slicer is also here, bantering with those
warriors. Otherwise, she is in area 2.
The cauldron contains a viscous gruel whose
ingredients are best left unknown. The cauldron
can be tipped over with a successful DC 12 Strength
(Athletics) check, spilling its gruel in a 15-foot
cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful

2. D en of P leasures
Area Aspects. Large brass pool, anatomically If she is not outside the tower, Droga the ogre is
impossible wall carvings, raised stage pummeling the two orcs on the stage while Kran
throws coins her way. This infuriates Droga, who
A large sunken brass pool dominates this chamber. dreams of pummeling Kran’s head into the edge of
Faded pictures of humanoids twisted together in his brass bathtub. See “Notable NPCs” for Droga’s
anatomically impossible erotic positions cover the walls. statistics.
A raised stage rises opposite the pool. TREASURE
Kran keeps 174 gp worth of coin, gems, and jewelry
Kran the Crippler has taken over this den of pleasure on a silver platter near his bath. He enjoys taunting his
as his private residence. It once served as a hedonistic fellow orcs with his treasure, daring them to take it.
den for the aristocrats of the Magocracy of the Black
Star. 3. D ank C ellar
CREATURES Area Aspects. Rusted iron grate, foul liquids, death
Kran the Crippler, an orc veteran, spends most of his masks of magocracy aristocrats
time here, reclining in the pool while watching two
orcs wrestle on the stage. If Kran is attacked, he leaps A number of glowing wax death masks line the walls of
from the tub to fight naked (giving him AC 13), but this dank cellar. Moldering trash and decaying corpses
has his axe and his shield at hand. See “Notable NPCs” lie in heaps across the floor. Foul liquids drip down a
for Kran’s statistics. rusted iron floor grate that leads into a tunnel below.
If not found in area 1, Suul the Slicer can be found
here. See “Notable NPCs” for her statistics. The orcs avoid this cellar, both for the smell and for
the strange masks on the walls. The iron grate leads to

a long sewer tunnel that feeds out into a river 100 feet A mb ush L ocation 2: T he E verflame
away. The grate can be broken with a successful DC 12 C auldron
Strength (Athletics) check. Repeated attempts to break
the grate alert two orcs in area 1, who climb down to Area Aspects. Rocky cliffs, everburning cauldron,
investigate. glyph-scribed stalagmites
With a successful DC 14 Intelligence (History)
check, a character recognizes the death masks as Fifteen-foot-high cliffs on either side of the path create
belonging to known aristocrats and governors of the a natural chokepoint for those traveling through. Large
Magocracy of the Black Star. They hold magic that stalagmites carved with ancient glyphs rise up along
makes them glow with dim light, but which offers no the path, whose center is marked by a large bronze
other benefit. cauldron, burning with green flame.

Setting an Ambush Creatures on the cliffs have advantage on ranged

The characters might set up an ambush against either attacks against those on the path. Climbing a cliff
the orcs or the hobgoblins as they make their way to wall requires a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
Deepdelver’s Enclave. Two such ambush locations are or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failed check, a
described below. creature falls, taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and
landing prone.
A mb ush L ocation 1: T he S undered CAULDRON
S tatue The cauldron burns with an eternal arcane fire. Any
Area Aspects. Ruined buildings, large sundered statue, creature that enters the cauldron for the first time
heavy rubble on a turn or starts its turn there takes 14 (4d6) fire
damage. A creature can push over the cauldron with a
Crumbling buildings spread along both sides of this successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check, causing
the flames to spill out in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
stone plaza, in the center of which stands a statue
in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw,
cracked in half. The statue’s upper torso lies shattered
taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
along the ground, surrounded by heavy rubble.
much damage on a successful one.

The tops of the ruined buildings here provide an STALAGMITE GLYPHS

excellent vantage point for ranged attacks. Climbing With a successful DC 14 Intelligence (History) check,
a building requires a successful DC 12 Strength a character can understand the meaning behind the
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failed glyphs on the stalagmites. They commemorate the rise
check, a creature falls, taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning of the nine mages of the Magocracy of the Black Star.
damage and landing prone. The cauldron’s fire, the glyphs say, will burn as long
The half of the statue still standing can be toppled as the mages rule within the mountain. Though the
onto enemies with a successful DC 14 Strength mages are supposedly long-gone, the fire still burns.
(Athletics) check. The statue crashes down to blast The stalagmites offer half cover to creatures that hide
rubble in a 15-foot cone extending from the statue’s behind them.
base. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning Defending the Enclave
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a If the characters are not successful in routing both
successful one. the orcs and the hobgoblins before they attack
The rubble offers half cover to creatures hiding Deepdelver’s Enclave, the characters can help
behind it. defend the enclave from that attack. Use the map
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence of Deepdelver’s Enclave from chapter 1 to help the
(History) check recognizes the statue as Lord Korva players plan the settlement’s defense, with their
Vollok, a knight of the White Sun who personally characters taking charge along with Bailon the
slew Thorvum Raisewing and Grethel the Flame (see Beardless and other NPCs of your determination.
chapter 2 for details).

Salos Graveblade plans on hammering Deepdelver’s If the hobgoblin and orc raiders both attack the
Enclave with his trebuchets before he marches his enclave at the same time, the characters might face
hobgoblins up the switchback roads from the city multiple waves of both types of enemies. As with their
below. earlier actions and successes, how well the characters
Kran the Crippler has learned of the tunnels and do in their part of the fight can help determine how
caves beneath Deepdelver’s Enclave, and plans to send the rest of the battle goes in Deepdelver’s Enclave.
a third of his orcs up through the Drop to attack from
inside the compound.
It’s up to you to decide how the battle plays out,
Concluding the Adventure
This adventure concludes when both the orc and
depending on the results of the characters’ previous
hobgoblin threats to Deepdelver’s Enclave have been
activities. It’s possible that the folk of the enclave
thwarted. However the characters manage to achieve
face either the orcs or the hobgoblins alone, with
this goal, the residents of Deepdelver’s Enclave show
the other group already removed. It’s possible that
their gratitude in the aftermath, and the characters’
reduced forces on both sides attack separately, with
reputation in the settlement continues to grow.
the characters’ actions having disrupted the attack
schedule and taken many potential assailants out of
the fight. It’s possible that the enclave will face both
forces at the same time—or that no attack will come
at all if both groups or their leaders have already been

T aking P oint
Once the characters have worked with Bailon to set
up the enclave’s defenses, he recommends that they
choose a specific position to defend. At the time of
the attack, while the folk of the enclave defend against
rank-and-file assailants, the characters might find
themselves facing off against an elite squad of orcs or
hobgoblins. Such a group can consist of one or two
Wave 1: One orc or hobgoblin per character.
Wave 2: One orc or hobgoblin per character, plus any
surviving mercenaries, lieutenants, or leaders.

A blind priest has learned the secret to destroying the Grendleroot. If he is not stopped, his actions might
bring down the whole of Blackclaw Mountain as well.

priest of light has discovered a means of The scholar Odrah Windvane fears that Fane will do
destroying the Grendleroot—but doing more than that. She believes that collapsing the cavern
so will also destroy Blackclaw Mountain will bring down the whole mountain. With lore given
and every creature in it. The characters to them by Odrah, the characters race to the Forest
must follow the priest to the Forest of Iron, a massive of Iron. After contending with threats both natural
cavern wholly supported by the twisted spires of the and unnatural, they locate the priest at the base of the
Grendleroot, and stop him before his mad faith brings so-called Worldpillar, ready to destroy the mountain
ruin to all. unless the characters can stop him.
“Shatter” is a two- to four-hour adventure for 3rd- Monsters and NPCs. Animated armor (1+), blink dogs
level characters. (2), death dog, giant spiders (3), gibbering mouther,
lizardfolk (6), lizardfolk cult fanatic, priest, shadows
Adventure Summary (3), shambling mound, wererats (2)
During the elven Festival of Lights, a blind priest
arrives at Deepdelver’s Enclave. Approaching one of Notable NPCs
the Grendleroot spires jutting up from the ground in The following NPCs have a part to play in the
the enclave, the priest places his hands on its black adventure.
surface—and causes it to explode. The priest then
grips an amulet around his neck and disappears into A rdus F ane
shadow, leaving his acolyte behind. A neutral male human priest of light, the blind Ardus
The acolyte explains that the priest, Ardus Fane, Fane has long studied ancient and otherworldly
has spent his life studying the Grendleroot and has sentient beings—in particular, the Grendleroot. His
seemingly learned how to destroy it. She knows that research and rituals led the priest to a word of power
Fane intends to travel to the Forest of Iron, a vast that can destroy the Grendleroot, though the process
cavern filled with Grendleroot spires, deep within of doing so drove him half mad.
the mountain. Using his power, he means to destroy Fane fears that the Grendleroot will grow, and that it
a great pillar of the Grendleroot there, collapsing the calls to an otherworldly presence that will eventually
cavern and destroying the Grendleroot in the process. devour the whole world. He travels to Blackclaw
Mountain intending to destroy the Grendleroot and • The spires of the Grendleroot are made of some
end its threat. The priest wears an amulet made from unknown unbreakable metal. Yet somehow, Fane’s
a shard of the Grendleroot, which lets him “see” the word can destroy them.
network of the Grendleroot’s tendrils throughout the
mountain, and lets him travel magically from one spire
to any other.
Adventure Hooks
This adventure works best when the characters have a
C ava S untouched clear motivation to stop Ardus Fane from destroying
Fane’s apprentice, a lawful good female half-elf acolyte the Grendleroot, even beyond saving Deepdelver’s
named Cava, follows her master on his quest but Enclave and the denizens of the mountain. It’s possible
fears that he has lost his perspective and reason. She that one of the characters already knows Fane or Cava,
believes that Fane has forgotten a lesson he taught and that the character fears that the mad priest will
her long ago: one cannot know the mind of the bring harm to himself even if he fails in his quest.
Grendleroot. She now fears for her master’s sanity, and Alternatively, the characters might be interested in
for the innocent lives that will be lost if he is successful exploring the Forest of Iron, and in learning more
in his mad plan. about the mysterious Grendleroot.
If the characters are primarily motivated by personal
O drah W indvane gain, you can focus on Odrah Windvane’s offer to
A lawful good female human mage residing in build one of them a weapon crafted from the material
Deepdelver’s Enclave, the scholar Odrah Windvane of the Grendleroot, described later in the adventure.
has also made a lifetime’s study of the Grendleroot.
She cannot discount Fane’s conclusion regarding Start
the danger of the Grendleroot, but she believes that The adventure begins with the characters enjoying a
destroying the Worldpillar might collapse all of thoughtful celebration in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Read
Blackclaw Mountain, killing every living creature or summarize the following to set the scene:
within. Moreover, even if the mountain falls, the
Grendleroot might survive. It’s the Festival of Lights in Deepdelver’s Enclave. On
this day, the elves of the enclave sing haunting songs
Secrets and Clues while priests and mages send magical lights soaring
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the up to the ceiling of the cavern in a beautiful display.
adventure as you determine: Children chase floating glimmers of magic through the
• The Forest of Iron is a great cavern filled with strange streets, while a priestess of the god of light tells tales of
black growths, and monsters twisted by Grendleroot her ancient mythology.
corruption. A young acolyte you have not seen before leads
• At the center of the Forest of Iron rises the an older priest dressed in traveling robes through
Worldpillar—a great column built of the twisted the celebrations. His sightless eyes do not look to the
spires of the Grendleroot. If the pillar is destroyed, lights above. He stops, letting go of the acolyte’s arm,
the cavern around the forest might collapse, and
and turns toward a Grendleroot spire thrust up out
bring the mountain crashing down with it.Mortal
of the ground near the center of the enclave’s main
minds cannot know the intellect of the Grendleroot.
thoroughfare. Though unable to see it, he moves toward
To attempt to do so is to go mad.
• Bandits and thieves are said to lurk in the Forest of
it all the same, gripping an amulet around his neck and
Iron. As well, explorers have met lizardfolk tribes in placing his hand on the spire’s strange metal.
the area who treat the forest as holy ground. The priest speaks a word. Then the impossible
• The priest Ardus Fane once sought only wisdom and happens. The unbreakable spire of the Grendleroot
the expansion of the mortal mind. He now believes explodes.
that the Grendleroot must be destroyed, and that he
is the one to do so.

The people of the enclave shout out in shock and Although Odrah Windvane believes that Fane will
surprise. The lights above fade as the concentration fail to kill the Grendleroot—she doesn’t know if such
of their casters fails. The dust and shards that is all a thing is possible—she is worried that his doomed
that remains of the spire rain to the ground. Then the attempt might awaken the entity instead. Unlike
priest grips the amulet around his neck once again, and Cava, Odrah believes it might be necessary to kill the
disappears. priest to prevent this outcome. The characters cannot
know how far the priest’s power might reach, and
Before anyone can react, three shadows arc down even captured, he might still inflict great harm to the
from the cloud of dust rising above the exploded enclave.
Grendleroot spire. They form into the shapes of In return for the characters’ help, Odrah can craft
strange, otherworldly creatures as they attack the and enchant a Grendleroot weapon from the broken
people of the enclave, including the characters. The shards of the enclave spire for one of them upon their
shadows begin spread out, roughly 20 feet from each return from the Forest of Iron. The remaining pieces
other. of the Grendleroot spire are too small or too badly
For a shorter adventure, you can skip the shadows broken to be of use.
and this combat encounter, going right from the The “Grendleroot Weapons” section in appendix B
explosion to the next section. has information regarding weapons made from shards
of the Grendleroot. Additionally, the weapon to be
C ava ’ s S tory crafted by Odrah is a rare magic item that requires
The elf acolyte accompanying Ardus Fane, Cava attunement. The weapon is a +1 weapon whose
Suntouched, remains behind after her mentor’s attuned wielder can use a bonus action to cause it to
disappearance. She is horrified by what has happened. whisper in a language unknown to mortals. The next
Cava describes Ardus Fane, his background, and time the wielder hits with an attack using the weapon,
his desire to destroy the Worldpillar in the Forest of the attack deals an extra 7 (2d6) psychic damage. The
Iron. She didn’t believe that Fane truly had the power weapon can’t be used this way again until the next
to destroy a Grendleroot spire, but the event in the dawn.
enclave has proved her wrong.
Cava offers her assistance to help stop Fane, though Traveling to the Forest of Iron
she doesn’t want him hurt. She has a map of the The Forest of Iron is a two-day journey from
tunnels leading to the Forest of Iron, taken from Fane’s Deepdelver’s Enclave. For a longer adventure, you
notes. can add an encounter as the characters travel through
S topping F ane the mountain by using the locations and encounter
descriptions in appendix B. Otherwise, you or the
The scholar Odrah Windvane is more concerned
players can describe the characters’ journey through
than most about Fane’s mad quest. She knows of the
the twisted tunnels and caverns of the mountain.
Worldpillar and the Forest of Iron. According to her
own research, if the Worldpillar is destroyed, the
cavern containing the Forest of Iron might collapse, Pacing the Adventure
starting a chain reaction that could bring the whole Depending on how long you have to run this
mountain crashing down. adventure, you can adjust your approach. As always,
Cava knows that Ardus’s teleportation will have you can remove noted optional encounters to speed up
drained him of much of his magic, expecting that it the adventure. You can also speed things up by turning
will take two days for him to recover before he can up the dial on the urgency of the characters’ quest to
attempt to destroy the Worldpillar. Though this isn’t stop Fane before he can destroy the Worldpillar. You
enough time to evacuate Deepdelver’s Enclave, or to can describe quakes occurring throughout the great
seek the assistance of the many enclave adventuring cavern of the Forest of Iron, or give the characters
parties presently exploring deep in the mountain, it glimpses of the priest’s progress as flashes of white
gives the characters a chance to travel to the Forest of light in the northern section of the cavern. This can
Iron and stop Ardus. help steer the characters and the players toward getting

to the pillar as fast as possible and stopping Fane’s mad time on a turn must make a DC 13 Constitution
plans. saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 7
If you find the adventure moving too quickly, you (2d6) necrotic damage and is poisoned for 1 hour.
can highlight areas of the cavern that might pique On a successful save, the creature takes half as much
the interest of the players, such as the mysterious damage and isn’t poisoned.
monoliths in area 5 or the rune titan skull in area 6.
The rune titan’s remaining essence might reach out to
1. O verlook
the characters, filling their minds and hinting at the The characters’ approach to the Forest of Iron brings
location of the heart of the titan in area 7. them to this high cliff overlooking the southern part of
the cavern.
The Forest of Iron Area Aspects. Overlook of the cavern, walkways to
east and west
The Forest of Iron gets its name from the wide variety
of Grendleroot growths that fill this huge cavern.
Unlike the typical claw-like spikes found elsewhere in The network of tunnels that brought you here ends
Blackclaw Mountain, the material of the Grendleroot at a high overlook revealing the Forest of Iron below.
has here grown into many different shapes, giving the Stalactites hang from the five-hundred-foot-high ceiling,
cavern the look of a forest made of black metal. and a high ridge of stone splits the huge first cavern of
When the characters arrive at the Forest of Iron, the forest into two halves. Where the cavern narrows at
they see a huge cavern whose cracked rock walls rise its far end, the Worldpillar rises from the ground—once
to a 500-foot-high ceiling. Grendleroot spires thrust a massive column of natural stone, now shattered and
up from the ground across the cavern floor, and hang replaced with Grendleroot spires twisting together like
from the ceiling like metal vines. At the far end of black iron cords.
the cavern stands the shattered remains of a natural A narrow walkway leads down and through a forest
column of stone that once held up the ceiling. Twisted
of black metal ferns to the east, while another rocky
cords of the Grendleroot have replaced the natural
walkway leads down to a black-spired tree to the west.
column, and now hold the ceiling aloft. The entire
cavern is filled with dim green-and-blue-light shed by
Steep rock walls split this cavern into two sections
phosphorescent fungus.
leading up to the Worldpillar. The characters can travel
S harpened S pires east to the fern maze in area 3 or west to the spire tree
in area 2.
Much of the cavern is filled with what appear to be
A character who searches the rocky trails for tracks
black trees resembling those of a natural forest, but
and succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
these trees and all their foliage are composed of the
or Wisdom (Survival) check deduces that Ardus Fane
indestructible black metal of the Grendleroot. Like
likely traveled to the east.
all the Grendleroot spires, the trees of this forest
are impervious to all damage and effects except 2. S pire T ree
Fane’s ritual. Any creature that touches razor-sharp
Area Aspects. Huge tree of twisted metal spires,
Grendleroot spires, foliage, or other materials for
voidwater pool, impaled corpses
the first time on a turn, or which starts its turn in
an area filled with such materials, must make a DC
12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) slashing A great spire of twisted trees rises up from a pool of
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a viscous black liquid. Dozens of corpses—some very old
successful one. and some new—have been impaled on the tree, their
blood dripping into the black water below. A large pile
V oidwater
of refuse spreads on the southeast side of the cavern.
Pools of liquid collect among the corrupted
Grendleroot growths of the Forest of Iron. This liquid, This huge tree is made completely of Grendleroot
known to the explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave as material. Any creature that climbs the tree takes
voidwater, is highly toxic. Any creature that ingests damage from sharpened spires. The pool at the tree’s
this liquid or comes into contact with it for the first base is voidwater.

T he F orest of I ron

A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom In that event, it picks another target and repeats its
(Perception) check while exploring the cavern notices actions.
that the pile of refuse is moving. The shambling mound cannot see, so it is possible
to bluff it by handing it something roughly the size
C reature and weight of a humanoid body. If this is done, the
A corrupted shambling mound has made this area mound impales the object on the tree and returns to
its lair. It prowls the forest and the nearby tunnels its original position.
for prey, then hangs the corpses of its victims on this
tree in a dark ritual. Whenever any creature passes
The bodies impaled on the tree that are fresh enough
through this area, the shambling mound rises from
to be recognizable are three lizardfolk, two humans,
the heap of detritus to the southeast and attacks, arms
one drow, two dwarves, and one wererat. The bodies
outstretched as it seeks a body to impale.
hold a total of 37 gp of mixed coins.
In combat, the shambling mound picks one target at
One of the drow also carries a cracked jeweled idol
random, then makes slam attacks against that creature.
of a glabrezu demon in a pocket of its leather armor.
The shambling mound does not use its Engulf attack,
The idol is a rare magic item whose possessor can use
instead slamming until the creature is unconscious.
an action to cast the confusion spell (DC 15). Once the
The mound then carries the unconscious creature
spell is cast, the idol’s magic fades.
over to the tree, provoking opportunity attacks, and
attempts to impale the creature. Doing so requires 3. F ern M aze
a successful slam attack that deals 10 (3d6) piercing
Area Aspects. Beautiful and deadly black iron ferns,
damage. If the impaled creature is at 0 hit points, it
glyph-carved stalagmite
instead gains one failed death saving throw.
Once it has impaled one creature on the tree, the
shambling mound returns to its pile of detritus and is
no longer hostile, unless it continues to be attacked.

A narrow path twists through a garden of five-foot-wide A howling wind rises from a twenty-foot-wide pit. The
ferns made of black Grendleroot metal. Their bases jut walls of the pit are lined with black metal spires, while
up out of the stone of the cavern floor. A series of glyphs bigger spires thrust up from the ground around it,
and ideograms have been carved into a natural pillar in appearing like the teeth of a great worm. The bottom of
the center of a clearing to the east. the pit cannot be seen.

These ferns are made of Grendleroot material, and any This pit descends 500 feet into the mountain. It
character entering their area takes damage from their is incredibly dangerous to climb down, and any
razor-sharp leaves. One of the ferns has been shattered creature doing so takes damage for moving through
by the priest, leaving a pool of voidwater in its place. the sharpened spires. Using ropes to descend is
GLYPH-MARKED PILLAR impossible, since the Grendleroot growths easily slice
The glyphs on the pillar are in a strange dialect of through anything that rubs against them. This shaft
Draconic. A character who succeeds on a DC 14 leads down to caverns that make up part of the route
Intelligence (History) check recognizes that the glyphs to the Black Cathedral (see chapter 12).
are ideograms describing the many generations of A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
lizardfolk who have worshiped the power of the (Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check to search
mountain and the great consciousness in its depths. the ground around the pit deduces that Ardus Fane
The characters can learn other secrets of your choice traveled to the northeast from here.
from this pillar as well. The glyphs were carved by CREATURES
ancestors of the lizardfolk who reside in area 5. Two Grendleroot-corrupted blink dogs led by a
CREATURES mutated death dog attack from the outskirts of this
Two wererats (Jathe Yellowfang and Brex the Hook) area. The death dog uses its normal stat block with
lurk inside the maze. Both were once residents of these changes:
Deepdelver’s Enclave, but were expelled for criminal • It has an Intelligence of 12 (+1).
activities. • It has the blink dog’s Teleport action.
The wererats first appear in their human forms as The blink dogs and the death dog use their Stealth
a scruffy man and woman, saying that they became skill and their Teleport actions to ambush the party. If
lost in the nearby caves and ended up here. They saw the death dog and one of the blink dogs is killed, the
Ardus Fane but were frightened of the priest after remaining blink dog flees the Forest of Iron.
he blew up a fern, so they let him pass. They wish to If time is running short or the characters have
accompany the characters but will betray them as soon already faced enough battles, you can skip this
as their backs are turned. encounter.
If one wererat is killed, the other surrenders, offering
up information about a treasure in exchange for its
5. M onoliths
life. The wererats know of a powerful relic held in Area Aspects. Circle of rectangular stone monuments,
the mouth of the skull in area 6, but fear the spiders ancient arcane circle
lurking there.
TREASURE A circle of five rectangular stone monoliths ring an
The two wererats have a total of 18 gp between them arcane circle carved into the stone floor of the cavern.
in mixed coin. Brex wears a silver chain with a black The monoliths do not appear carved or shaped, looking
gemstone in it (worth 50 gp). as though they burst up from the ground in their
If time is running short or the characters have present form.
already faced enough battles, you can skip this
encounter. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (History) check
4. S pire -L ined P it reveals that the arcane circle is centuries old, and yet
still pulses with magical energy. The monoliths are
Area Aspects. Deep shaft lined with sharp Grendleroot much older—perhaps tens of thousands of years.
spires, winds howling from below, large spires The powerful arcane circle has been used as both
surrounding the pit a summoning circle and a teleportation circle for
millennia. While a spellcaster is within the circle, they When rune titans phased through the stone of the
have advantage on attack rolls with arcane spells and mountain, they temporarily turned that stone into a
on Intelligence (Arcana) checks, and creatures making liquid state that allowed them to pass through it. This
saving throws against the caster’s spells do so with titan became stuck in the process of phasing, and
disadvantage. the magic in this area has kept up the stone’s molten
DARK CONTACT appearance, though it is solid and cool to the touch.
It is possible to use the circle to communicate with the OPEN MAW
Grendleroot by making a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) The mouth of the skull opens up into a 20-foot-deep
check. On a failed check, a character takes 10 (3d6) pit. Any creature that descends to the bottom of the pit
psychic damage and suffers a random form of short- or succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check
term madness. On a success, the creature can hear from above notices a tunnel at the bottom of the pit,
the whispers of the Grendleroot, sensing a feeling of concealed by webs and leading southeast. This 5-foot
great loneliness, fear, and hunger. The Grendleroot circular tunnel follows the spine of the skeleton into
is reaching out for its creator across the multiverse, area 7.
hoping to call it down to this world. CREATURES
CREATURES On any examination of the skull, three giant spiders
Six lizardfolk kneel around the monoliths, while mutated by the skull’s power crawl out from its eyes
a lizardfolk cult fanatic stands in the center of the and mouth. Each spider has a naturally formed glyph
arcane circle conducting a ritual to commune with the on its carapace similar to the glyph on the skull. These
Grendleroot. (Combine the lizardfolk stat block with giant spiders use the normal stat block and have this
the cult fanatic stat block; see the “Combining Stat trait:
Blocks” sidebar in appendix C, “The Rise of the Black • Call of the Glyph-Marked Titan. As a bonus action,
Star.”) the spider fixes its gaze on a creature it can see
These lizardfolk are fanatically loyal to the within 30 feet of it, and its glyph glows red. If the
Grendleroot, which they treat as a god, but they are target can see the spider, it must make a DC 11
not automatically hostile. They travel here regularly Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the spider has
from their settlement in the Gray Swamp, and can advantage on attack rolls against the target until
reveal information on the Grendleroot or from the the target takes damage or until the start of the
“Secrets and Clues” section earlier in this adventure. spider’s next turn. A creature that can’t be charmed
They do not know of Ardus Fane or his plan, as the is immune to this effect. A creature that successfully
priest took a different path to reach the Worldpillar. saves against this effect is immune to it for 1 hour.
The spider can’t use this feature again until it finishes
6. P ierced S kull
a short rest.
Area Aspects. Giant humanoid skull pierced through If time is running short or the characters have
with Grendleroot spires, stone that appears molten already faced enough battles, you can skip this
Twenty-foot-high black spires pierce through the eyes
and mouth of a gargantuan humanoid skull. The skull
7. T itan ’ s H eart
appears frozen in a silent scream, staring up toward the Area Aspects. Petrified spinal-column tunnel, heart
ceiling of the cavern. The stone floor surrounding the chamber, pool of bubbling liquid
skull appears molten, and a large glyph has been carved
in the skull’s forehead. A tunnel opens up through what is clearly the petrified
remains of a great titan’s spinal column, leading deep
The skull is the remains of one of the rune titans that into the stone that surrounds it. A break in the bone
dwelled within the mountain hundreds of thousands tunnel opens into a heart-shaped chamber roughly
of years ago (see chapter 2). A successful DC 14 twenty-five feet across. Walls of petrified skin split the
Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the glyph once chamber in two. A fist-sized glyph-scribed garnet sits
infused this creature with arcane power, and that it
atop a petrified podium of flesh, surrounded by a pool
used a form of magic older than any currently known.
of bubbling black liquid.
These are the petrified remains of the rune titan whose calls to something even worse than itself, and that only
skull rises from the rock at area 6, including a piece of he can destroy it.
the titan’s heart that has broken away and now lies atop Fane cannot destroy the entire pillar at once. If
the podium. he is not stopped, the priest places his hands on the
CREATURE pillar and speaks his word of power as an action. In
When anyone approaches the podium, the pool of response, the metal of the spire begins to crack. If Fane
liquid erupts with mouths and eyes as a gibbering channels his magic into the pillar five times, it cracks
mouther bursts out of it. A character who succeeds on and collapses. The cavern is destroyed as its ceiling
a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes that
the mouther is a product of the magic of the rune titan
and the essence of the Grendleroot.
The stone atop the pedestal is a rare magic item that A rdus F ane
requires attunement, known as the Heart of the Titan.
It is an actual fragment of the heart of the rune titan
who once dwelled in the mountain thousands of years
ago, and it still retains some of the titan’s power. As an
action, a creature attuned to the stone can speak its
command word to cast the meld into stone spell. This
property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

8. T he W orldpillar
Area Aspects. Huge shattered column of stone, twisted
Grendleroot spires forming a pillar of black metal

The wreckage of a twenty-foot-wide natural stone pillar

lies shattered as a hill of broken rock. From the center of
the hill, a thickly twisted mass of black metal cords rises
to the ceiling of the cavern, spreading out there like the
limbs of a vast tree.

This pillar of the Grendleroot holds up the ceiling of

the entire chamber.
The priest Ardus Fane sits atop the 30-foot-high
pile of broken rock surrounding the base of the
Grendleroot pillar. His sightless eyes stare at the pillar
as he considers his next move.
When he hears the characters, Fane calls out
to explain that he must destroy the pillar. The
Grendleroot is evil—a seed of darkness that will one
day destroy the world. Fane believes the Grendleroot

falls, triggering tremors and additional collapses that can sense the world through nearby Grendleroot
bring down much of the mountain. Deepdelver’s spires, granting that character blindsight out to a range
Enclave is crushed as the cavern of Shadowreach of 120 feet for 1 minute while within the mountain.
is buried under falling rock. Even as he dies, Fane However, each time the character uses this power, they
understands that all this destruction is a small price to must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or
pay for the safety of the world. suffer a random form of short-term and long-term
As the characters approach, Fane has already cast madness as their mind fills with the unrecognizable
spirit guardians and spiritual weapon, with those spells call of the Grendleroot. The character can repeat
manifesting as vengeful angels of light and a spear of the saving throw at the end of each of their turns
white flame. If he is attacked, he responds with his to remove the short-term madness, but the long-
spiritual weapon, guiding bolt, and inflict wounds. term madness can be removed only with a greater
Fane’s amulet gives him the equivalent of blindsight restoration or remove curse spell.
out to a range of 120 feet. The long-term madness becomes worse the longer
For a more challenging fight, increase Fane’s hit a character wears the amulet. You decide how this
points to 45. The priest might also have animated growing madness manifests.
pieces of shattered Grendleroot material from the base
of the pillar to defend him, using the animated armor
stat block. If the party has more than four characters,
Concluding the Adventure
This adventure concludes when the characters stop
add another defender for each additional character.
Fane’s threat one way or another, then return to
These defenders fall to pieces when Fane is reduced to
Deepdelver’s Enclave with the Worldpillar still intact.
0 hit points.
True to her word, Odrah Windvane rewards one
FANE’S FATE character with a Grendleroot weapon, and the people
If Ardus Fane is defeated, the characters must decide of Deepdelver’s Enclave once again find themselves
what to do with him. With appropriate roleplaying and indebted to the characters.
Charisma checks, they might convince the priest that
the end does not justify the means, and that his time
is best spent finding other ways to stop the threat of
the Grendleroot. They might also decide that Fane is
simply too dangerous.
The priest is thankfully unable to teach anyone
else the word of power, which took him decades of
study to learn and has nearly torn his mind apart. If
the characters interrogate or befriend Fane, he might
share that in all his studies, he knows of only one other
being who channeled such power, and that she is long
dead and buried in the mountain. (This is a reference
to the White Queen in the adventure “Vault of the
White Queen.”)
If Fane is left to continue his studies, his mind will
indeed break in a few short months, perhaps making
him an even bigger threat.
The amulet Fane wears is a rare magic item crafted
from a small fragment of Grendleroot material. The
continual use of the amulet is part of what drove Fane
mad. As an action, a character attuned to the amulet

An ancient creature calls out from the darkness of a long-forgotten temple, seeking to devour the unwitting
explorers who answer.

undreds of thousands of years ago, a sunken After the confrontation, the characters are tasked
temple deep in Blackclaw Mountain was with traveling to the uncharted caves Jonath spoke of,
the lair of a group of aboleths that ruled and to determine the source of his strange malady. The
over a kingdom of thralls. Those servants, characters discover an ancient abolethic temple, lost
both humanoid and monstrous, built monuments for hundreds of thousands of years. Monsters, cultists,
throughout the temple to their living gods. and dark magic fill the temple, with the ageless horror
Millennia after the aboleths’ control of Blackclaw of a chuul the final challenge the characters must face.
Mountain ended, only one aboleth remained, Then they discover that the chuul’s aboleth master still
growing inert over the ages. Most of its thralls died lives, and must decide whether this ancient creature is
or abandoned the temple—except for one faithful friend or foe.
chuul. Now that chuul uses the psychic power of the Monsters and NPCs. Aboleth, chuul, cult fanatic, gray
inert aboleth to draw explorers to it, feeding off their ooze, grimlocks (6), grimlock hill giant, grimlock
minds and bodies alike. The characters must travel to ogres (2), scout, swarms of insects (4), swarms of
the temple and end the creature’s threat—before the quippers (3)
madness it unleashes can spread.
“Chuul” is a two- to four-hour adventure for 3rd-
level characters. Notable NPCs
The following NPCs have a part to play in the

Adventure Summary adventure.

During the Festival of Fancy Hats in Deepdelver’s J onath H ollymaker

Enclave, a halfling explorer named Jonath Hollymaker The well-loved leader of the Stonechippers
returns from an expedition into a recently discovered adventuring band, Jonath (a chaotic good male
abolethic ruin. He speaks strangely, and demands lightfoot halfling scout) led his group into the
that everyone follow him to the ruin to witness the abolethic temple, where they encountered the chuul.
wonders inside. When the folk of the enclave refuse, After eating the rest of his band, the chuul broke
the halfling becomes violent. Jonath’s mind, sending him back to Deepdelver’s
Enclave to lure the rest of its inhabitants to the temple.
Jonath still hears the voice of the chuul in his head, of the enclave can cure Jonath of his mental affliction,
pushing out all other thoughts and driving him mad. making it important for someone to retrace his party’s
Nothing can cure the poor scout except the death of route and investigate. Moreover, Bailon fears that the
the chuul. call that took over Jonath might pose a greater danger
to the explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave. Such a danger
A brim H esh must be neutralized, and Bailon hopes the characters
Abrim, a chaotic neutral male human cult fanatic, are the adventurers to do it.
is a researcher of otherworldly creatures. On hearing It is also possible for Jonath to be a dear friend of
of a creature able to call into the minds of its victims, one of the characters. Alternatively, for a stronger
Abrim headed to the abolethic temple to learn what he hook, you can replace Jonath with another NPC well
can of it. He secretly desires to become part of such a loved by the characters.
vast intelligence, and is willing to risk anything to do One or more of the characters might have had
so. a dream of the temple or heard the voice of the
chuul calling out from the depths. Any character
Secrets and Clues who experiences this vision can feel the danger the
aberration poses.
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the
For characters whose primary motivation is personal
adventure as you determine:
gain, Bailon the Beardless offers to pay 50 gp to each
• Ancient aquatic beings of alien intelligence once
party member to find the source of Jonath’s mental
ruled over Blackclaw Mountain. With memories
enslavement and end it.
going back hundreds of thousands of years, these
monsters controlled thousands of servant creatures
and slaves. Start
• Some folk in Deepdelver’s Enclave have had strange A fashion-focused celebration in Deepdelver’s Enclave
dreams of an underwater temple. is the starting point for this adventure. Read or
• A recent earthquake opened up a number of once- summarize the following to set the scene:
submerged caverns and chambers long buried within
the mountain. “A good day to you!” says Bailon the Beardless, tipping
• A traveler named Abrim Hesh recently came to the a magnificent admiral’s hat complete with a six-foot
enclave, claiming to have heard a voice in his mind plume of flaming phoenix feathers. He gives a wink and
that called him to an ancient temple. continues to make his way down the main thoroughfare
• Stone in the caves and passageways close to the of Deepdelver’s Enclave, tipping his fantastic headgear
recently revealed caverns has taken on a slimy to each passerby. Each of those others wears their own
amazing fancy hat, of course—for this is the Festival of
• The powerful aberrations called aboleths are all but
Fancy Hats in the enclave.
immortal, and have memories that go back to the
foundation of the cosmos.
Let each player come up with their character’s own
• Strange glyphs have appeared on stone walls near the
fancy hat if they wish. As their characters interact with
submerged caverns, in a language unknown even to
NPCs, you can use the “Fancy Hat Generator” sidebar
the most erudite scholars.
to describe what the NPCs are wearing.
• Great swarms of insects have been seen pouring like
As they wander through the enclave, the characters
water through cracks in cavern walls. Where they’re
eventually see the following:
going remains a mystery.
A halfling in torn clothing wanders along the edge of the
Adventure Hooks street, immediately calling attention to himself for his
This adventure works best if the characters have a lack of a fancy hat.
strong hook to take them to the chuul’s lair. Jonath
is a well-loved explorer of Deepdelver’s Enclave, and The halfling, Jonath Hollymaker, grabs one of the
Bailon the Beardless is quick to step up to ask the characters at random.
characters for help. No magic known to the residents

For a longer adventure, and if you want to start
F ancy H at G enerator off with a combat encounter, Jonath is not alone.
Use the following three lists to generate fancy hats The halfling is accompanied by three hunched
suitable for the festival. figures cloaked in tattered leather. If a character
HAT TYPE approaches one of these figures, or if the characters
1. Tricorn hat don’t immediately follow Jonath, the creatures reveal
2. Wide-brimmed sunhat themselves to be three grimlocks and attack. Their
3. Cowboy hat goal is to subdue any characters they can and drag
4. Tall cone them down to the temple. Like Jonath, the grimlocks
5. Helmet and goggles
are mind-controlled, following the chuul’s orders and
6. Knight’s helm
7. Royal crown with no conscious thoughts of their own.
8. Animal head
9. Furred hat
T he F ate of the S tonechippers
10. Top hat When the battle ends, the characters can determine
HAT STYLE OR ACCESSORY what’s caused Jonath’s breakdown from a journal
1. Very large the halfling carries. He and his band of explorers,
2. Very small the Stonechippers, discovered that a recent quake
3. Horned had opened up new tunnels deep in the mountain.
4. Gilded While exploring these new tunnels, the Stonechippers
5. Large feather discovered a formerly submerged temple, now drained
6. Clockwork
7. Flowered
of water, decorated in a manner unfamiliar to them.
8. Ornately decorated All the explorers heard a call to their minds from
9. Jingling with bells deep inside the temple, promising them eternal joy
10. Long tail and fulfillment. Jonath’s notes include a map showing
HAT EFFECT the route to the location from Deepdelver’s Enclave,
1. Flaming with two potential entrances to the temple—through
2. Shimmering with stars an underwater tunnel or across a large crevasse. The
3. Surrounded by fluttering birds characters can choose which route they want to take.
4. Fireworks Whether Jonath is administered to by the characters
5. Spinning solar system or the NPCs of the enclave, it soon becomes clear
6. Magical glyphs
7. Small flying pegasi
that his madness does not respond to any healing
8. Laughing skulls or restoration magic. Bailon the Beardless asks the
9. Small musical instruments characters to find this temple, wanting them to learn
10. Flying devils what’s affected Jonath in the hope of curing him, then
ending whatever threat lurks there before it has any
chance to spread.
“I have found it!” the halfling cries out. “A wonderful
As usual, Bailon and the other folk of the enclave are
temple filled with the greatest joy we can hold in our interested in any discoveries the characters can make
hearts. Please, you must come with me right away. about the temple itself, including who inhabited it and
Bring everyone you can. It’s so beautiful!” what became of them. Bailon offers a potion of water
breathing to each character to aid their exploration.
If the characters ask more about this temple, the
halfling says only that it is wondrous to behold
and they must see it for themselves. A character
Traveling to the Temple
who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) It is a two-day journey to either of the entrances to the
check notices that Jonath’s skin is wet, clammy, and temple. Along the way, the characters might encounter
nearly translucent, showing his pulsing veins clearly other creatures that have either heard the call of the
underneath. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 being in the temple, or which have succumbed to that
Wisdom (Insight) check senses that the halfling is being’s control and now hunt on its behalf. As they
under some sort of powerful mind control effect. journey through dank caves and tunnels, you can add
an encounter by using the locations and encounter

descriptions in appendix B. Alternatively, the When the characters get close to the temple, they
characters might instead witness one of the following can choose which of the two entrances they want to
events: take. One leads to a chamber split by a large crevasse
1: A great carpet of four swarms of insects flows out in area 1. The other leads to a pool and an underwater
of cracks in one wall, then crawls into a crack in tunnel in area 3.
2: The characters find a thick slime coating the cavern Pacing the Adventure
walls. Touching the slime causes a character’s skin Pacing this adventure to fit the time you have to run it
to go translucent for 1 hour, during which time can be done in a number of ways. If time is short, don’t
the character hears an otherworldly call promising use the optional combat encounter with the grimlocks
eternal happiness. at the adventure start, and remove or limit other
3: The characters come across an eroded section of optional encounters. You can also steer the characters
cavern wall that reveals an ornate pillar carved toward the ziggurat to bring them to the chuul as soon
with intricate unknown symbols. The pillar shows as possible.
numerous types of humanoids worshiping a If you find the characters are having too easy a time,
tentacled creature with three vertical eyes. consider adding the following optional encounter.
4: One of the characters hears a voice in their mind,
calling to them for their servitude as it shows a T he A woken
vision of a great ziggurat and an emerald pool. The A single grimlock hill giant (see the “Grimlocks in
character must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving Blackclaw Mountain” sidebar) periodically wanders
throw or become charmed by the chuul. While through the main area of the temple. The characters
charmed, the character must travel to the site of the might see the lumbering giant from afar, or the giant
temple by the fastest route, ignoring any challenges might charge them without warning. If it drops a
that might hinder them. The character can attempt character to 0 hit points, the giant attempts to carry
this saving throw again each time they take damage. them to area 7, where the grimlock ogres will take the
If the character remains charmed in this way for fallen character to the chuul.
more than 24 hours, the charm becomes permanent
and can end only with the death of the chuul.
The Sunken Temple
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when most of
G rimlocks in B lackclaw M ountain Blackclaw Mountain was submerged beneath the
In the ancient history of Blackclaw Mountain, the sea, the aboleths ruled here. Their seat of power was
aboleths used their magic to mutate humanoid a submerged temple carved into the rock by their
creatures into their twisted servants. Those servants
grimlock thralls, who worshiped the aboleths as gods.
became grimlocks—blind dwellers in the mountain
who worshiped the aboleths as unknowable gods. After a hundred thousand years of abolethic control,
Over hundreds of thousands of years inside the the waters receded and the aboleths slumbered.
mountain, the grimlocks mutated into variant crea- Many died over the millennia since then, but one in
tures, including grimlock ogres, grimlock ettins, and particular still clings to life, even though it has grown
grimlock hill giants. These variant grimlocks use the inert through inactivity.
stat blocks of those base creatures with the following
Over centuries, the aboleth’s psychic power was
additional traits:
absorbed by its most loyal servant, a chuul who served
• Condition Immunities blinded
• Senses blindsight 30 ft. or 10 ft. while deafened it for thousands of years. The chuul has long used
(blind beyond this radius) this psychic connection to lure creatures to its lair—
• Blind Senses. The grimlock variant can’t use its some to serve it and some to feed it. The abolethic
blindsight while deafened and unable to smell. temple lay buried deep in the mountain for a hundred
• Keen Hearing and Smell. The grimlock variant has millennia, until a recent quake opened up new tunnels
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
connecting the temple to Deepdelver’s Enclave—and
rely on hearing or smell.
• Stone Camouflage. The grimlock variant has ad- to a new source of food for the ancient aberration.
vantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide The huge central cavern of the abolethic temple has
in rocky terrain. 100-foot-high ceilings hanging with stalactites. All
areas of the temple are filled with dim light shed by
green-and-blue phosphorescent algae. Pools of liquid
likewise illuminate the area with swirling blue-green D ecaying A bolethic S lime
dim light. In all areas of the temple, the characters might en-
counter the decaying remnants of abolethic slime. A
1. V ermin P it character who touches this slime must succeed on a
DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased.
Area Aspects. Deep crevasse, slime-covered walls, The diseased creature’s skin becomes translucent
swarming insects and slimy, and the creature can’t regain hit points
unless it is underwater. A creature can be cured of
A quake has split this cavern open, leaving a crevasse this disease with a lesser restoration spell, or with a
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check made at
twenty feet wide and thirty feet deep. The edges and
the end of a long rest.
walls of the crevasse appear to be coated in wet slime, While diseased in this way, the creature can hear
and the ground at the bottom is moving. the call of the chuul. It feels a sense of great hunger
and a promise of eternal happiness in exchange
The walls of the cliff are coated in decaying abolethic for living flesh and organs. The diseased creature is
not charmed, and can resist this urge. But the call
slime (see the sidebar). Any creature attempting to
remains constant until the disease ends.
climb a slime-coated wall must succeed on a DC 16
Strength (Athletics) check or fall to the bottom of
From this location, the characters can also see the
the crevasse, taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and
features of areas 5, 6, and 7.
falling prone.
Whenever a being comes to the call of the chuul, it
CREATURES is compelled to leave a handprint or clawprint on one
A character who looks into the crevasse and succeeds of the pillars and comes into contact with the decaying
on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check sees that four abolethic slime that coats it (see the sidebar). Every
swarms of insects are the source of the movement. creature charmed by the chuul has left a print here,
Contact with the slime compels the swarms to seek including humanoids, beasts, and monsters.
the abolethic temple, even as its slipperiness prevents A character who touches one of the handprints
them from doing so. gains a faint telepathic connection to the spirit of the
TREASURE creature that left it. The thoughts of many of these
If a character’s Wisdom (Perception) check made creatures are completely alien. Others whisper of the
to look into the crevasse is 16 or higher, they spot great happiness found in servitude to the god below,
skeletons buried under the swarms, one of which is and of a willingness to give that god their flesh and the
holding the haft of a shining axe. A character who falls flesh of their loved ones. You can use the creatures in
into the crevasse sees this automatically. the “Blackclaw Encounters” section in appendix B as
The shining axe is a +1 handaxe of dwarven design inspiration for determining which creatures came here
called Nogginsplitter—a rare magic item that requires and touched the pillars.
attunement. As a bonus action, a creature attuned A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
to the axe can speak its command word and give it a (Investigation) check made to inspect the pillars
normal range of 60 feet and a long range of 120 feet. determines that a humanoid hand has touched one of
After being used to make a ranged attack, the axe them relatively recently. This hand belongs to Abrim
returns to the hand of its wielder. Hesh, who wishes to give his life to the god below.

2. P illars of S ervitude CREATURE

A gray ooze has wrapped itself around one of the
Area Aspects. Carved pillars covered in handprints columns, and is indistinguishable from the decaying
and claw prints, thin layer of slime abolethic slime. If any creature comes within 5 feet of
the ooze, it attacks with a pseudopod.
Six smooth pillars have been carved from natural If time is running short or the characters have
stalagmites in this section of the cavern, forming two already faced enough battles, you can skip this
rows of three. Each pillar is coated in a thin layer of encounter.
slime, and is covered with the impressions of thousands
of hands and claws of all sizes and shapes.
L ooking into the S unken temple

3. E merald P ool 4. T unnel of the C hosen

Area Aspects. Pool of emerald water, slimy walls, Area Aspects. Ornate underwater tunnel, feral
strange inscriptions whispers

Glowing light shines up from a deep pool of emerald The narrow natural tunnel from the pool opens up into
water at the center of this huge cavern. The walls of a larger twenty-foot-wide tunnel of carefully worked
the cavern are covered in thick slime, which obscures a stone. Inscriptions in a swirling script cover the walls,
strange writing carved into the stone. at a level of detail that must have taken centuries—or
even millennia—to complete.
The walls are coated in decaying abolethic slime (see
the sidebar). A character who studies the inscriptions The script that covers all the walls of the tunnel
on the walls and succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence is a mix of languages, including Deep Speech and
(History) check determines that it is a primitive other tongues used by the slaves of the aboleths over
form of writing intended to be touched, not seen. A centuries. A character who understands Deep Speech
comprehend languages spell or similar magic reveals and studies the writing for 1 hour learns the history of
that the writing talks of the need to follow the god the abolethic Quorum found in chapter 2. A character
below and sate its hunger. (The inscriptions were made who spends more time than that reading the glyphs
by the grimlocks who serve the chuul.) must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or
Any creature that enters the pool finds the water suffer a random form of short-term madness for 1
safe, and spots a long underwater tunnel leading to minute.
area 4 and eventually to area 5. CREATURES
Characters traveling through the tunnel are attacked
by three swarms of quippers driven mad by the call
of the chuul. The quippers have transparent skin, and
the characters can hear the creatures’ animal hunger in CREATURES
their minds as they attack. The swarms of quippers use Two grimlocks sometimes come to the pillar to trace
the normal stat block with this change: out its text with their fingers. They cannot understand
• Psychic Assault. As an action, a swarm of quippers it, but they enjoy touching it for reasons they cannot
can conduct a psychic attack on one creature within comprehend. If they are not attacked, the grimlocks
5 feet of the swarm. The creature must succeed on a are not immediately hostile to the characters, instead
DC 11 Intelligence saving throw or be stricken with attempting to lead them to area 6. If the characters
psychic feedback until the end of the swarm’s next resist, the grimlocks attack, trying to knock them
turn. While the creature is in this state, all other unconscious, then dropping them into the shaft at area
creatures have advantage on attacks against the 6.
creature. If time is running short or the characters have
If time is running short or the characters have already faced enough battles, you can skip this
already faced enough battles, you can skip this encounter.
encounter. 6. A ltar of the D eep O ne
5. C ylinder of I nfinity Area Aspects. Altar of carved bone, deep sacrificial
Area Aspects. Smooth cylinder of stone, blue glowing shaft, slippery spiral walkway
pool, spiraling writing that grows smaller as it
ascends A carved walkway covered in oily slime twists up the
side of a rock hill on the west side of the main cavern.
A twenty-foot diameter, fifty-foot-high pillar of smooth At its top stands an altar of ornately carved bone.
stone stands in a pool of glowing blue water. Delicate
This ancient altar once served as a holy place for those
runes spiral around the pillar, getting smaller and
who worshiped the aboleths as gods. Now, Abrim
smaller as they reach for the top.
Hesh uses it to preach to grimlocks.
From this location, the characters can also see the SLIME-COATED WALKWAY
features of areas 2, 6, and 7. The characters notice that the slime coating the
This pillar stands as a stone of history, carved by walkway here is not as thick as the decaying abolethic
the aboleth’s more artistic thralls. Layers of writing slime seen previously. Still, any creature that moves
spiral up the pillar, becoming so small near the top along the spiral walkway must succeed on a DC
that they cannot be read without a magnifying glass. 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. The
The writing is the same mix of Deep Speech and other grimlocks are well accustomed to moving on the
tongues seen in area 4. walkway, and are immune to this effect.
A character who understands Deep Speech and ALTAR
succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (History) check The bone altar is hundreds of thousands of years old,
realizes that the pillar records all of history from the once used by the high priests who worshiped the
time of the foundation of the multiverse to roughly aboleths, and who preached to the thousands of thralls
one thousand years ago, in extraordinary detail. It who served the aquatic tyrants. Carvings on the altar
would take a dozen lifetimes to study all of it, and depict an aboleth flanked by two chuuls, one of which
must have taken many thousands of years to carve. has a large scar on the carapace of its head. (This same
A character who understands Deep Speech and scar can be seen on the chuul in area 8, revealing it to
studies the writing for 1 hour learns the history of be the same creature, and hundreds of thousands of
Blackclaw Mountain found in chapter 2. A character years old.)
who spends more time than that reading the glyphs In front of the altar, a 10-foot-diameter shaft leads
must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or 50 feet down to a rushing underground river, flowing
suffer a random form of short-term madness for 1 to area 8.
Abrim Hesh, a chaotic neutral male human cult
fanatic with 50 hit points, stands at the altar giving

a sermon about the shared desire to feed flesh to A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
the god below in exchange for eternal happiness. (Arcana or History) check recognizes the creature
Six grimlocks stand along the walkway, unable to depicted in the imagery as an aboleth, one of an
understand his prattle but somehow responding to his ancient race of aberrations whose memories go back
dedication. to the beginnings of the multiverse. The character
Hesh is mostly mad from his continual likewise recognizes that the call heard within the
communication with the chuul. Believing that he cavern is similar to that of an aboleth, but not as
alone speaks for the creature, he chose to be its voice powerful, intelligent, or clear. It is as though some
rather than its food. He is completely absorbed by his other creature has gained the aboleth’s telepathic
own sermon, as are the grimlocks. If the characters ability.
come out into the open, he addresses them as though CREATURES
they have come to serve as sacrifices for the god in the Two grimlock ogres (see the “Grimlocks in Blackclaw
temple. Mountain” sidebar) guard the front of the ziggurat.
If conflict begins, Hesh takes partial cover behind The chuul has commanded the ogres to disarm any
the altar and uses his helm of telepathy (see “Treasure”) creatures that attempt to enter the ziggurat. The ogres
to cast suggestion on the strongest-looking character, motion to the characters to drop their weapons. If the
demanding they lie prone while the grimlocks slay the characters don’t do so, the ogres attack.
rest of the party. If time is running short or the characters have
If any of the characters fall unconscious during the already faced enough battles, you can skip this
fight, two grimlocks pick them up, climb to the altar, encounter.
and throw the body down the shaft so it can feed the
chuul. The grimlocks are well practiced at climbing the 8. P ool of W orlds
slippery hill, and reach the pit in 2 rounds. Area Aspects. Blue swirling pool, projection of alien
A character dropped down the shaft takes 17 (5d6) starscape, aboleth image, piles of bones
bludgeoning damage when they hit the rocks and the
water below. A character can resist the rushing water
Light from a blue swirling pool illuminates this
with a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check,
chamber, creating the image of moving planets in a
then can climb back up the shaft with a successful DC
16 Strength (Athletics) check. Otherwise, the fast- vast alien starscape across the ceiling. The walls of the
flowing river drops them in area 8 after 2 rounds. chamber have been carved with images of incredible
detail. Piles of bones from all manner of creatures litter
the stone floor.
Hesh’s helm of telepathy is shaped from bronze in the
form of an aboleth, with its three eyes on the wearer’s
This chamber is the lair of the chuul. Images of
forehead and the aboleth’s tentacles curving down
the aboleths’ temple are carved along all the walls,
along the face. The helm is an ancient relic once used
including one section of wall that bears a life-sized
to grant a stronger connection between the aboleth
moving image of an aboleth.
and its most valued intelligent servants.
7. Z iggurat The moving image of the aboleth is easily identifiable
Area Aspects. Smooth crystalline ziggurat, ornate as an illusion—but the wall it is part of is also illusory.
carvings, cracked entryway A character can see through the illusory wall with
a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or
Wisdom (Perception) check, or its magic can be
A fifty-foot-tall ziggurat of smooth crystalline stone
sensed with a detect magic spell. Revealing the illusion
rises in the northeast corner of the cavern. Ornate
exposes the tunnel leading to area 9.
carvings depict humanoids and monsters serving a
three-eyed tentacled creature. A large crack in the front CREATURE
The chuul lurks in the pool, waiting for the best
of the ziggurat exposes a long tunnel leading into the
moment to strike potential prey. As part of its long
rock below.

exposure to the aboleth it served, the chuul has these
• Enslave (3/Day). As an action, the
chuul targets one creature it can
see within 30 feet of it. The
target must succeed on a
DC 12 Wisdom saving
throw or be magically
charmed by the chuul
until the chuul dies or
until it is on a different
plane of existence from the
target. The charmed target
is under the chuul’s control
and can’t take reactions, and
the chuul and the target can
communicate telepathically
with each other over any
distance. Whenever the charmed
target takes damage, the target
can repeat the saving throw. On a
success, the effect ends. No more
than once every 24 hours, the target
can also repeat the saving throw when it
is at least 1 mile away from the chuul. If a
creature is under this effect for ten days,
the effect is permanent until the chuul’s
death or if the creature is the subject of
a lesser restoration spell.
of jewelry (worth 50 gp each), and an idol of an
• Subjugate. As a bonus action, the chuul chooses a
aboleth with emerald eyes (200 gp). The idol is a very
creature it can see within 30 feet of it, which must
rare magic item whose possessor can use an action
make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
to cast the dominate monster spell (DC 15). Once the
save, the target drops prone in front of the chuul
spell is cast, the idol’s magic fades.
until the end of its next turn, allowing it to be
devoured. 9. P ool of the L ost O ne
• The chuul has telepathy out to a range of 120 feet.
Area Aspects. Inert aboleth, desiccated worshiper,
Though the chuul is not intelligent, it continually slime-covered walls
sends out a telepathic call for food. It has learned how
to incite pleasure in the minds of those it enslaves,
A long, ornately carved circular tunnel opens up into a
giving them a glowing sense of satisfaction even as
semispherical room whose walls are similarly carved,
they are devoured.
but which are covered in gray slime. A rectangular pool
This battle might prove difficult. If you wish to
reduce its difficulty, reduce the chuul’s hit points, has been carved out in the center of the chamber, with a
lower its damage output, or remove its Multiattack stone statue of a large fish-like creature floating within
action. it. The decayed husk of a kneeling humanoid sits in
front of the statue.
Numerous coins, trinkets, and baubles are buried
This chamber holds the remains of Xen, the last
within the piles of bones in the chuul’s lair. The
member of the Quorum—the group of aboleths who
characters can collect 160 gp, 99 sp, 34 cp, five pieces
ruled Blackclaw Mountain for a hundred thousand

years. The desiccated body of the last worshiper of characters have felt so far, saying, “Leave me be.” It
Xen sits near its master. The body turns to dust if it is ceases its attacks if the characters do so first.
disturbed. Xen has grown too old to care about the world
The walls of this chamber are covered in decaying around it, and is now content with sleeping the
abolethic slime (see the sidebar). millennia away. If the characters try to communicate
CREATURE with the aboleth, it answers freely. It no longer has any
The statue is actually the neutral aboleth Xen. The desire to enslave sentient creatures.
aboleth still lives, but is effectively paralyzed as a result If this adventure is played as part of an ongoing
of not having moved in thousands of years, and is campaign, the aboleth might have information useful
covered in a crust of dust and decay. to the characters—and could even become an unlikely
If the aboleth is attacked, it breaks out of the stone- ally. The aboleth can communicate with a character
like crust covering its body, and defends itself with wearing Abrim Hesh’s helm of telepathy across any
its tentacle and tail attacks. Because of its long state distance.
of inertia, it has disadvantage on attack rolls. The
aboleth has no desire to kill anyone, and it ignores any Concluding the Adventure
character it reduces to 0 hit points. It also sends out This adventure concludes when the characters defeat
a telepathic message far more powerful than any the the chuul and end its ravenous call throughout the
mountain. Any creatures enslaved by the chuul lose
their connection to it, including Jonath Hollymaker. If
Abrim Hesh still lives, his madness slowly leaves him,
and he begins the long study of the aboleth’s temple
and the ancient history found there.

A being of evil as black as the pits of the Abyss projects nightmares through the cracks of its centuries-old

uring a day of celebration in Deepdelver’s The monk begs the characters to travel to the remote
Enclave, an explorer suddenly screams as monastery containing the cell. There, they can try to
they are taken over by an otherworldly force. repair the cell and contain the creature once more.
Then a creature of nightmare manifests into However, the characters learn that two other groups
reality and lays into the folk of the enclave in a bloody are already on their way to the cell. One is a band of
attack. In the aftermath, the last member of a monastic knights known as the Blades of Dawn (another faction
order reveals what the attack means. The magical of the Order of the White Sun). The other is a group
bonds holding a powerful being in a cell maintained of cultists who worship the Black Star. The cultists
by his order have weakened, and the creature’s escape want to release the hag, while the knights intend to
is imminent. It’s up to the characters to journey to slay Mother Bloodstone—but will free her for all time
the cell and ensure that its prisoner is contained once if they fail. The characters must choose how to face
more. But other factions are already ahead of them— the cult and whether to thwart the Blades of Dawn by
with plans to release the creature first. sealing the cell—or to accept the risk of setting the hag
“The Cell” is a two- to four-hour adventure for 4th- free in order to destroy her once and for all.
level characters. Monsters and NPCs. Black pudding, cultists (4), cult
fanatic, invisible stalker, knight, magma mephits (6),
Adventure Summary night hag, scouts (4)
The peaceful Festival of Secret Hearts in Deepdelver’s
Enclave is interrupted by the appearance of an Notable NPCs
invisible stalker that goes on a rampage. A monk of the The following NPCs have a part to play in the
Keepers, a monastic order connected to the Order of adventure.
the White Sun, witnesses the attack and knows what it
means. Long ago, the Keepers created a special secure S arbron of the K eepers
cell deep within Blackclaw Mountain to hold the night Sarbron is a neutral good male human priest and the
hag known as Mother Bloodstone. Now the cell has last monk of the Keepers, a branch of the Order of the
cracked, allowing the hag’s malevolence to leak into White Sun sworn to protect the cell and the creature
the mountain. it holds. The elderly Sarbron is horrified to learn
that the cell has cracked, and fears that the night hag • Three centuries ago, when the Order of the White
Mother Bloodstone could escape. His age and physical Sun routed the Magocracy of the Black Star from
condition make it impossible for him to travel to the Blackclaw Mountain, they trapped a powerful
monastery to investigate, compelling him to ask the servant of the magocracy in a cell they constructed
characters to step up. deep in the mountain.
• A monastic sect of the order, known as the Keepers,
M other B loodstone made an oath to watch over the cell.
Mother Bloodstone, a chaotic evil night hag, once • Some members of the Keepers took their own lives
served as an advisor and ambassador to Ulon the when they heard whispers of the trapped creature in
Mind Dancer, one of the archmages of the Magocracy their minds. Since then, the sect has watched the cell
of the Black Star. A millennia ago, Mother Bloodstone from afar.
birthed and devoured two children whose twisted • Dalmus Spiritheart, a descendant of Alexa Avankor
souls reside within the hag still, fueling her power. of the Order of the White Sun, has seen visions
Roughly three hundred years ago, the hag was of the creature escaping from the cell, and is
captured by the Order of the White Sun and magically determined to kill it.
bound into a special cell. The Keepers have guarded • The creature is said to be able to implant nightmares
the cell ever since, ensuring that the hag’s evil and into victims, driving them to suicide or devouring
corruption could not spread. their souls.
• The cell’s protections prevent the creature trapped
D almus S piritheart
within from plane shifting out of this world and back
Dalmus, a lawful good human knight, is the to its own.
commander of the Blades of Dawn, one of the last • A stone slab in the northernmost chamber of the
orders of warriors upholding the traditions of the monastery acts as a seal for the cell. If the slab is
Order of the White Sun. Dalmus wants to prove broken, the cell will open.
himself by facing and destroying Mother Bloodstone. • A monument to a hero of the White Sun within the
He is not easy to intimidate or bluff, but reacts well to monastery contains a weapon of great power.
flattery. • Cultists who worship the Black Star have made their
Dalmus is a descendant of Alexa Avankor, the lord way to the cell in an attempt to free the creature held
templar of the Swords of Dawn when the Order of within it.
the White Sun drove the Magocracy of the Black
Star from Blackclaw Mountain. He wears a shining
breastplate emblazoned with the flaming-sword-and-
Adventure Hooks
white-sun symbol of the order—a relic of the crusade This adventure works best if the characters have a
of the White Sun, handed down from generation to connection to the Order of the White Sun, or have an
generation. interest in disrupting any remnants of the Magocracy
of the Black Star. One of the characters might
F ather A lthoth remember a story told by a relative about the Keepers
A chaotic evil male human cult fanatic, Father sworn to protect the cell. Others might have heard
Althoth has studied the lore of the Magocracy of the rumors of Mother Bloodstone, an agent of the Black
Black Star and wants to bring the archmages back into Star whose nightmares were responsible for hundreds
the world. Like the archmages, he worships the elder of deaths. Or one of the characters might have a
evil known as the Black Star, which he believes is the relationship with either Dalmus Spiritheart or Sarbron
otherworldly creator of the Grendleroot. Heeding of the Keepers.
the call of Mother Bloodstone’s evil since the cell was Seeing the danger of this creature’s potential release,
cracked open, Althoth and his band of cultists have Bailon the Beardless is willing to offer the characters
headed to the cell with the goal of releasing the hag. 50 gp each and a relic (see appendix B, “Blackclaw
Mountain Gamemaster’s Toolkit”) if they can either
Secrets and Clues reseal the cell or defeat the creature within it.

The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the

adventure as you determine:

Start W hat ’ s in the C ell ?
The adventure begins with the characters in As written, the creature in the cell is Mother Blood-
Deepdelver’s Enclave during the romantic Festival of stone, a powerful night hag. But you can replace the
Secret Hearts. Read or summarize the following to set night hag with any creature that fits your own cam-
the scene: paign. Other creatures that might work well include
a powerful chain devil summoned by the archmages
of the Black Star centuries ago, an oni who served
It is the Festival of Secret Hearts in Deepdelver’s as a spy for the archmages, a hezrou bound in the
Enclave. On this day, many adventurers confess the cell to keep it from resurrecting in the abyss, a fallen
attraction they hold for others, always in good cheer deva whose betrayal forced its imprisonment, or a
and with no rejection held in bad spirit. But the withered vampire who once served as an assassin
for the archmages.
laughter, blushing, friendly hugs, and passionate kisses
of the day are shattered by a scream. An explorer of
who follow the path of the Black Star, and who seek to
the enclave is seen in the main thoroughfare, hovering
free the monster and serve it.
above the ground. Blood flows from his eyes, and his
Sarbron knows little of the creature kept in the cell,
mouth is twisted in a snarl. other than that it was a servant of the Magocracy of
“I am nearly free,” he says with a cackling voice that the Black Star and used nightmares as weapons. For
is not his own. Then with a crack, he is twisted halfway their own protection, the members of the Keepers
around, his back breaking as he falls to the ground in a constantly flushed the memory of the monster from
heap. their minds, as such memories would otherwise
manifest as the evil essence of the creature, as the
An invisible stalker—a manifestation of Mother invisible stalker did.
Bloodstone’s wrath—rises from the body of the dying Sarbron gives the characters a map showing the
explorer and begins rampaging through the enclave. location of the monastery, as well as his old Keeper’s
Because an invisible stalker has resistance to damage amulet, telling them that it might aid them in their
from nonmagical weapons, Sarbron quickly enters the journey. The amulet is in the shape of the Keepers’
fray to cast the magic weapon spell for characters who symbol—a key embossed on a shield. Sarbron doesn’t
need it. You can also reduce the invisible stalker’s hit know it, but the amulet is the key to opening the door
points if the party has fewer than four characters. to the armory in area 7.
When the invisible stalker is defeated, Sarbron Sarbron also gives the characters the phrase that
approaches the characters. He informs them that he is must be spoken to bypass the glyph on the bridge
the last of the Keepers, a monastic sect of the Order of in area 1: “Let the light of the white sun shine in the
the White Sun entrusted to protect a cell that contains darkest shadow.”
a great evil. He recognizes the manifestation of the
invisible stalker as a sign of that evil, fearing that the B lades of D awn
bonds of the cell have weakened, and that the creature This squad of warriors consists of Dalmus Spiritheart,
held within it is beginning to escape. a lawful good human knight, and a number of neutral
The murdered explorer was named Jurgen Maethe, good human scouts. Each scout uses the normal stat
and was a recent arrival to Deepdelver’s Enclave. Any block with this change:
search of his personal belongings turns up notes and • The scout wears scale mail (AC 16).
maps, which Sarbron can use to confirm that Jurgen The Blades of Dawn plan on opening the cell to
recently passed close to the monastery. face the entity within. Dalmus is sure of his purpose,
Sarbron has only just arrived in Deepdelver’s but his companions are less convinced, and might be
Enclave, having recently learned that two other groups persuaded to recognize that the plan to take on the
have been searching for the cell, and hoping that creature directly is folly.
someone in the enclave can help him thwart those The Blades of Dawn are ahead of the characters, and
groups’ plans. One group is the Blades of Dawn— have gotten into the cell by the time the party arrives
warriors of the Order of the White Sun who seek to at the monastery.
destroy the creature held in the cell, but who will have
to open the cell to do so. The other is a band of cultists
C ult of the B lack S tar Grendleroot and recent earthquakes have damaged
the monastery, opening up a tunnel into a western side
The cult fanatic Father Althoth leads a band of
cultists in their worship of the Black Star, the same
Inside, the monastery is built of worked volcanic
elder evil followed by the Magocracy of the Black
stone inlaid with silver-and-lead rods that prevent
Star. Althoth learned recently of the existence of the
telepathic incursion and teleportation (including
monastery and the creature held within it. He hopes
the use of the plane shift spell). Unless otherwise
to set the creature free, yearning to serve a powerful
described, ceilings are 10 feet high in hallways and
agent of the archmages.
20 feet high in the chambers of the monastery. Those
halls and chambers are set with iron torch sconces, in
Traveling to the Monastery which the Blades of Dawn have set lit torches.
The journey to the monastery takes two days. For a
longer adventure, you can add an encounter during
1. G orge A pproach
the journey by using the locations and encounter Area Aspects. Deep rift in the rock descending to
descriptions in appendix B. Otherwise, you or the molten rock below, glyph and body on a narrow
players can describe the journey through the remote stone bridge
tunnels and caverns of the mountain.
A cracked stone bridge crosses a deep gorge, filled with
Pacing the Adventure smoke rising from a smoldering glow below. A glyph has
You can tune the length and pacing of this adventure been etched in silver at the center of the bridge. A body
by adding or removing encounters with the Blades of lies near the glyph, armored in shining silver and with
Dawn and the Cult of the Black Star. Any interaction its skin burned dark red.
with the cult is likely to end in combat, but an
encounter with the Blades of Dawn is just as likely to The gorge is roughly 100 feet deep and descends to a
be all roleplaying. For a shorter session, the characters river of molten rock. The body belongs to a member
could discover that the Blades of Dawn have already of the Blades of Dawn, a female human named Arasha
killed the cultists, while a longer adventure could see Greycowl. She volunteered to be first over the bridge,
the characters dealing with the cultists on their own. thinking that her devout nature would protect her
from the glyph’s magic. It didn’t. The rest of the group
Mother Bloodstone’s made it across before the glyph reset.
Nightmares The bridge is protected by a permanent, visible glyph
After the battle with her invisible stalker of warding spell that resets 1 hour after it is triggered.
manifestation, Mother Bloodstone becomes aware of When a creature crosses the bridge without speaking
the characters. In the middle of a long rest during their the pass phrase (see the “Start” section), the glyph
journey, the hag reaches forth from the cell to target triggers, affecting a 20-foot-radius sphere centered at
one of the characters with a version of her Nightmare the midpoint of the bridge. Each creature in the area
Haunting action. Because the hag’s power is taxed must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22
while she remains in the cell, the target still gains the (5d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much
benefit of the long rest, but their hit point maximum is damage on a successful one.
reduced as normal. You might bestow secrets or clues
on the characters during these nightmares.
2. T he G reat S eal
Area Aspects. Wall of black volcanic stone, shattered
The Monastery doors, embedded metal rods, large sparking sigil on
the ground, smoldering piles of ash
The Keepers built the monastery from volcanic rock
as an offshoot of a 40-foot-high natural cavern. Since
their arrival at the monastery, the Blades of Dawn
have set burning torches around the access cavern,
filling the area with bright light. The spires of the

M onastery E ntrance

Each round that the characters are in this area, roll

The natural stone walls of the cavern entrance end at a
a d4. On a 4, lightning arcs from the sigil to a random
wall of worked volcanic rock embedded with metal rods.
creature that is not a construct or undead within 10
A set of large double doors has been shattered, leaving feet of the sigil. The creature must make a DC 14
the front of the monastery open. A rough natural tunnel Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) lightning
leads off to the west. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
A twenty-foot-wide sigil has been carved onto the successful one.
stone floor of the cavern, sending forth lightning that METAL RODS
arcs up to stalactites on the ceiling. Smoke rises from Examining the metal rods reveals that they are made
three small smoldering piles of ash around the sigil. of silver and lead. A successful DC 14 Intelligence
(Arcana) check suggests that they are intended to stop
The natural cave to the west leads to area 3. The telepathic magic and teleportation.
broken doorway of the monastery leads in to area 5.
SHATTERED DOORS The ash piles are the remains of three magma mephits
The great doors that once sealed off the outer cell slain by the Blades of Dawn on their way into the
were sundered by magic brought here by the Blades monastery. A character can identify them with a
of Dawn. Dalmus and his followers then entered the successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
monastery, and continue to explore it.
DAMAGED SIGIL When the characters seem the most distracted or
The sigil was placed here by the Order of the White vulnerable, six magma mephits rise up from the gorge
Sun. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana or behind them and attack. These creatures have felt the
Investigation) check suggests that its magic was keyed power of the entity bound in the cell, and now come to
to preventing something from getting out of the its call.
monastery. Unfortunately, the sigil has been damaged
and become unstable.
If time is running short or the characters have cultists and members of the Blades of Dawn dead
already faced enough battles, you can skip this in this area, rather than this encounter. Having met
encounter. and fought here already, the remaining cultists have
already gone into the monastery to face off against the
3. S acrifices remaining members of the Blades of Dawn.
Area Aspects. Corpses impaled on stakes, blood pool TREASURE
on the ground, strange symbols painted on the walls Between them, the cultists carry 46 gp worth of mixed
coin and gemstones.
Six corpses have been impaled on wooden stakes Father Althoth wears a tarnished black iron necklace
jammed into cracks in the stone floor of this cavern. bearing a symbol of the Magocracy of the Black
A pool of dark blood spreads at the center of the area. Star—an eclipsed black star with nine points around
Strange symbols have been painted on the cavern the corona. As an action, the creature wearing the
wall, surrounding a depiction of a bundle of black necklace can cast the fear spell (DC 15). Once the spell
roots starting inside a mountain, and reaching up to a is cast, the necklace’s magic fades.
multipointed black star in the sky above. 4. R unoff W ell
This cavern serves as the camp and sacrificial altar Area Aspects. Deep shaft, runoff of black liquid,
for Father Althoth and his cultists. The bodies are collapsed walls
explorers the cultists have captured in nearby tunnels
for sacrifice—including one member of the Blades A deep shaft opens up at the center of this obsidian-
of Dawn. When the characters arrive, the cultists are walled room. Black liquid flows in along a trench cut
preparing to sacrifice a second captured Blades of into the floor of a hallway to the east, spilling into the
Dawn warrior. shaft and falling hundreds of feet into darkness. A large
The cultists arrived at the cell before the Blades of rent where the obsidian walls at the southwest corner
Dawn, but were unable to break through the front of the room have collapsed leads to a twisting natural
door. They discovered this back entrance to the tunnel.
monastery and established a camp here, holding the
position against the Blades of Dawn. They are now This chamber channels away the waste expelled
preparing to go inside and release Mother Bloodstone. from the cell as part of the magic that binds Mother
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence BLACK LIQUID
(Arcana or History) check recognizes that the symbols This part of the monastery was constructed to draw
painted on the wall describe a powerful otherworldly off toxic liquid generated by the cell as it contains the
entity—an elder evil called the Black Star. The cultists power of the night hag. Any creature that touches this
believe that the Black Star is somehow connected to liquid for the first time on a turn or starts its turn in
the Grendleroot, and that it will soon appear in the the liquid must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
world—as will the archmages who serve it. throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a failed
CREATURES save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Father Althoth, a chaotic evil male human cult fanatic SHAFT
with 45 hit points, and four chaotic evil human The shaft is lined with smooth obsidian for 100 feet,
cultists (Brother Pyp, Sister Ressa, Brother Uthal, then opens up into a wider natural shaft that descends
and Sister Gretchyn), each with 16 hit points, attack hundreds of feet farther into the depths of the
intruders on sight. They’re preparing to sacrifice mountain. A huge black pudding with 170 hit points
Borim Oakhammer, a lawful good male dwarf scout resides in the unseen depths below, and ascends in
of the Blades of Dawn who has 4 hit points remaining. response to any disturbance.
They have already killed and impaled Borim’s human
partner, Jesse Willowborn.
If you want to run a shorter version of this
adventure, the characters might find a number of

5. O uter C ell a mending spell or similar magic, or a character who
succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can
Area Aspects. Cracked dome of iron and lead, black refocus the broken obelisk to channel magic through it
glyph-marked obelisks, black metal spire jutting up once more.
from the ground The crack in the cell requires three castings of
the mending cantrip to fix it, or a successful DC
A cracked dome forged of cold iron dominates the 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check. However, anyone
center of this fifty-foot-high chamber. A black obelisk attempting that check risks being targeted by Mother
etched with silver glyphs stands to the northwest of Bloodstone (see above).
the dome, while a second obelisk lies shattered to the Even if it is repaired, the cell can still be opened by
northeast. A spire of twisted black metal has thrust up destroying the seal in area 8.
out of the ground near the remains of the northeast CREATURES
obelisk. Torches burn in sconces along the walls to light If the characters haven’t faced the cultists in area 3,
the chamber. A darker line along one part of the dome they can find them here. Father Althoth, a chaotic
shows where the cold iron has cracked to reveal dull evil male human cult fanatic with 45 hit points, and
lead beneath. four chaotic evil human cultists (Brother Pyp, Sister
Ressa, Brother Uthal, and Sister Gretchyn), each with
The dome in the center of this chamber is the cell that 16 hit points, are here finishing off two members of
contains Mother Bloodstone. It is built of cold iron the Blades of Dawn. Four other cultists lie dead on the
and lined with lead. The two obelisks once provided a floor.
magical barrier around the cell, but one of the obelisks If the characters have already encountered the
was shattered when a Grendleroot spire erupted from cultists in area 3, the dead bodies of cultists and
the ground and destroyed it. members of the Blades of Dawn litter the floor here.
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom If time is running short or the characters have already
(Perception) check can hear voices from both the faced enough battles, you can skip this encounter and
north hall and the east hall. (The voices are members likewise have only bodies in this area.
of the Blades of Dawn.)
6. L ibrary
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
(Arcana) check can sense the broken power of an Area Aspects. Bound books and scrolls, large tome on
antimagic field connecting the iron dome and the pedestal, monastic symbol on the wall
standing obelisk, and understands that the spell has
been slowly failing over the two hundred years since Old cases filled with moldering scrolls and books line
the other obelisk was destroyed. the north and south walls of this room. A lectern in the
The cell cannot be opened from this area. When center of the room holds a large open tome. The shield-
the seal in area 8 is destroyed, the cell opens like a and-key symbol of the Keepers is etched in silver across
clamshell. the east wall.
Any character who examines the crack in the dome Most of the books and scrolls in this library have
risks being attacked by Mother Bloodstone within decayed over the centuries.
the cell (see area 9). Hearing people moving around TOME
outside, she readies an action to cast the dominate The large book on the lectern is written in Common
monster spell, attempting to compel a creature to go to and describes the great battles between the Order of
area 8, break the seal, and set it free. the White Sun and the Magocracy of the Black Star
CLOSING THE CELL (see chapter 2). Beautiful illustrations in the book
The crack in the cell and the shattered obelisk must depict the wizards, priests, and paladins who fought
both be fixed to seal Mother Bloodstone away once on the side of the White Sun.
more. Fixing the obelisk first requires a successful One section in the book describes the battle in
DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to lift its base into which the White Sun hero Korva Vollok defeated and
place. The broken obelisk must then be repaired with captured Mother Bloodstone, and talks of how the

Keepers built the cell to contain her forever. However,
all the descriptions of Mother Bloodstone have been
burned away.
Two members of the Blades of Dawn, both lawful
K orva V ollok ’ s S un B lade
good scouts with scale mail (AC 16), named Aryse
and Klane, are studying the book and arguing with
one another. Dalmus Spiritheart told them to find out
how to break the seal on the cell, but the tome has told
them nothing useful so far. They are suspicious of the
characters, but after the bloodshed with the cultists,
they have lost their will to fight whatever is in the cell.
Both think that Dalmus has gone too far in his quest.
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check while
examining the symbol on the east wall recognizes that
the wall can move, and that a smaller version of the
Keepers’ symbol at the center of the large symbol is
slightly indented. The indentation matches the amulet
given to the characters by Sarbron.
A character can open the secret door by placing the
amulet into the indentation, or with a successful DC
16 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check made to
channel magical energy into the indentation. When
the door is activated, the wall recedes into the floor,
revealing a hallway leading to the armory (area 7).
is filled with radiant energy. If the check is 15 or
The door can also be popped opened with a
higher, the character understands that a creature of
successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
good alignment can open the box and take what is
or Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or forced open
inside. If any other creature touches the box, the eyes
with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.
of the statue blaze with beams of radiant energy. The
7. A rmory triggering creature must make a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) radiant damage on a
Area Aspects. Angelic statue, box of black iron on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
large stone slab one.
A box crafted of black iron sits atop a stone slab in this
When a good-aligned creature opens the box, the
small room. A carved statue of an angelic being hangs
silver hilt of a fine sword is seen within it. When the
on the east wall, hands outstretched and head raised. hilt is picked up by a creature of good alignment, the
blade blazes to life, revealing itself to be a curved sun
This room is the hidden armory of the Keepers, and blade. Korva Vollok used this sword to defeat Mother
holds the sun blade of Lord Korva Vollok. She was the Bloodstone three centuries ago.
commander of the Swords of the Sun, the infantry
of the Order of the White Sun during their crusade 8. S tone S eal
against the Magocracy of the Black Star (see chapter Area Aspects. Tall stone slab bearing the Keepers’
2). symbol, frescoes showing the construction of the cell
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Arcana or Religion) check recognizes that the statue

This chamber contains only a tall stone slab etched D almus S piritheart
with the symbol of the Keepers. The walls are decorated
with colorful frescoes depicting knights and smiths
constructing the cold-iron-and-lead dome in the main
chamber, and masons raising the slab in this very room.

This chamber contains the main seal that keeps the cell
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
(Arcana or History) check recognizes that the slab
itself is the magical seal keeping the cell closed, and
that breaking it will open the cell. If the seal is broken,
the domed shell of the cell in area 5 opens, releasing
Mother Bloodstone.
With the magic that seals the cell having slowly
failed after the fall of the obelisk in area 5, the slab’s
defenses have been compromised. It can be destroyed
now with three successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
checks, or it can be attacked. It has AC 14, 50 hit
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Dalmus Spiritheart, a knight, is here with two lawful
good human scouts (Squire Andros and Squire Sira)
wearing scale mail (AC 16). Dalmus is trying to
understand how the seal works, but has had no success
so far. In frustration, the knight begins to smash the
slab when the characters arrive. If they don’t stop him,
his third time smashing the slab breaks the seal and
opens the cell.
If the characters delay entering this area after
hearing Dalmus from area 5, you can decide that
Dalmus destroys the seal and opens the cell before
the characters confront him. In that case, when the
characters return to area 5, they find Dalmus and his
scouts torn apart by Mother Bloodstone, who takes on
the form of a young girl covered head to toe in blood.
The characters must then face the hag alone (see the
next section).

9. T he C ell CREATURE
Area Aspects. Opened dome of cold iron and lead, The cell once featured multiple layers of protection to
pool of black liquid, floating stone island imprison Mother Bloodstone, but most of those have
already been broken or were disabled when the cell
When the cell is opened and the characters return to
opened. With the cell open, the hag has access to her
area 9, read the following:
spells, but the monastery’s magic still prevents her
from casting her plane shift innate spell or using her
The dome has opened like a clamshell, revealing a
Etherealness action.
circular stone floor edged with silver, floating in the
center of a pool of black liquid.
Mother Bloodstone uses the night hag stat block If Mother Bloodstone faces fewer than four
with these changes: characters, reduce her hit points to ensure that the
• She has this additional action: Multiattack. The hag fight doesn’t overwhelm the characters.
makes two claws attacks, or makes one claws attack If Mother Bloodstone defeats the characters, she
and casts a spell whose casting time is an action. forgoes killing them to quickly step outside the
• In addition to her existing innate spells, Mother monastery. There, she casts plane shift, returning to
Bloodstone has the following innate spells: the Lower Planes—and plotting an eventual return to
At will: chill touch, eldritch blast terrorize the people of Blackclaw Mountain.
2/day each: dominate monster, fear, hypnotic pattern If Mother Bloodstone is reduced to one quarter of
1/day each: blight, eyebite, phantasmal killer, her hit points, she attempts to flee the monastery so
polymorph she can use plane shift to escape. Otherwise, she begs
Before the cell opens, Mother Bloodstone has for her life, trading information about the return of
already used her Change Shape action to appear as a the archmages of the Black Star in exchange for her
young girl, and attempts to convince the characters freedom (see chapter 2 and appendix C).
that she has been trapped and bound here through
no fault of her own. She remains in this form even in Concluding the Adventure
combat, hurling spells and tearing flesh with her claws This adventure has many potential endings. If the cell
(which she can use even in this innocent-looking is repaired, Mother Bloodstone is imprisoned once
form). more. If the cell is opened, the adventure can conclude
If Dalmus Spiritheart and any members of the with the night hag’s defeat—or it can end with her
Blades of Dawn are still alive, Dalmus fights with the fleeing the monastery and escaping back to the Lower
party but his followers either cower in fear or flee. Planes.
If Mother Bloodstone is attacked by six or more Depending on circumstances, the characters might
characters, she can use a bonus action to manifest a have found new allies in Dalmus Spiritheart and
piece of her being into an invisible stalker. She can do the Blades of Dawn. Or they might be enemies of
this only once, and the invisible stalker dies if the hag those NPCs if they actively opposed Dalmus’s plans.
is reduced to 0 hit points. Moreover, if Mother Bloodstone escaped, it might
create a climate of fear in Deepdelver’s Enclave, as
folk are forced to accept that the hag might return at
any time. With Mother Bloodstone free, Blackclaw
Mountain is likely never the same.

The Grendleroot awakens and Blackclaw Mountain begins to crumble. Only the whisper of an ancient being
once feared throughout the mountain can lull the Grendleroot back to sleep.

eep in Blackclaw Mountain dwells an ageless Bailon the Beardless asks the characters to travel to
being with power, wisdom—and a thirst for vault of the White Queen, a legendary figure said to be
blood. Known today as the White Queen, this able to safely communicate with the Grendleroot. Two
vampire has slept undisturbed in her hidden possible routes lead to the vault, taking the characters
vault for centuries. Each year, the White Queen is either through the secluded village of Redstone, or
given a yearly offering by her followers, the people of through the field of bones—a hunting ground for the
the subterranean village of Redstone, who receive a White Queen’s vampiric guardian, Threx. They must
sacrament of long lives and safety in return. then find a way into the vault and convince the White
The White Queen is rumored to be the only creature Queen to quiet the Grendleroot’s recent quakes, or
that can communicate with the Grendleroot without Blackclaw Mountain will be lost.
being driven to madness. When the Grendleroot Monsters and NPCs. Cultists (24), dire wolves (4),
begins to move for the first time in centuries, the ghast, ghouls (6), phase spiders (4), priest, shadows
resultant earthquakes threaten Blackclaw Mountain— (4+), skeletons (8), vampire, vampire spawn, zombie
unless the characters can travel to the White Queen’s
vault and convince her to quiet the Grendleroot’s alien
mind. Notable NPCs
“Vault of the White Queen” is a two- to four-hour The following NPCs have a part to play in the
adventure for 4th-level characters. adventure.

G onkin of P eavalley
Adventure Summary A lawful good male rock gnome commoner, Gonkin
During a talent show, a gnome sage runs into is an explorer and philosopher who has studied the
Deepdelver’s Enclave and warns everyone of a coming signs of beings from across the multiverse for much
Grendleroot quake. Moments later, the quake occurs of his life. Using incredibly complicated calculations,
as predicted. The sage explains that more quakes are he successfully predicts a tremor of the Grendleroot
coming, and might be powerful enough to devastate that he says is just the beginning of a more explosive
the entire mountain—unless someone can calm the awakening. Gonkin comes to Deepdelver’s Enclave to
Grendleroot. warn its people of the coming quake, and to ask the
characters to speak to the one being in the mountain Threx has a number of trained phase spiders that
who can quiet the Grendleroot. travel with him or patrol the caverns around the White
Queen’s vault in his absence.
K orvilia , the W hite Q ueen
Once one of the nine archmages of the Black Star C abel of the W hite M antle
(see chapter 2), Korvilia has given up her mantle as The high priest of the White Queen, Cabel (a lawful
the “Daughter of Death” and chosen to sleep away good male human priest) spends much of his time in
the centuries in her hidden vault since the fall of the his temple at the north end of the village of Redstone.
magocracy. In her time with the magocracy, Korvilia He preaches about Redstone’s symbiotic relationship
studied the consciousness of the Grendleroot, and with the White Queen, and leads the villagers in a
might be the only creature able to quiet that alien yearly offering of blood given to her at the vault’s
entity. Korvilia’s only link to the living world is the doors.
memory of her daughter, Sylara, who died tragically Cabel possesses an amulet that belonged to the
over a thousand years ago, before Korvilia became a White Queen’s daughter Sylara, but he has not revealed
vampire. it to Korvilia for fear of her reaction. Above all else,
Korvilia is a neutral evil female elf vampire with Cabel loves the people of Redstone and the White
these changes: Queen, and he wishes to serve them both.
• She has an Intelligence of 20 (+5).
• She has the Spellcasting feature of a lich. Secrets and Clues
• She has a challenge rating of 21 (33,000 XP). The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the
T hrex adventure as you determine:
• The Grendleroot has an alien intelligence. None
Threx, a neutral evil half-orc vampire spawn, has
served as Korvilia’s guardian for centuries. The half- can hope to understand it, but some believe that
orc was a fearsome gladiator during the time of the communication with the entity is possible.
• The White Queen is the only known creature able to
magocracy, when Korvilia gifted her blood to him and
bound him as her most loyal servant. When the rest “speak” to the Grendleroot without inevitably being
of Korvilia’s armies were cut down by the Order of driven mad.
• A human village near the White Queen’s vault is
the White Sun, Threx and Korvilia fled to her hidden
vault, where she slept and he stood guard. Threx is a known as Redstone. The folk of Redstone have
powerful half-orc with blazing red eyes and armor of no children, and are known to live many decades
black and red. He spends his days guarding Korvilia’s beyond a normal life span.
• The villagers have built their small community
tomb and hunting in nearby caves.
Threx is a vampire spawn with these changes: around a stream, a mushroom farm, and a herd of
horned pigs native to the mountain.
• He has 112 hit points.
• Each year, the people of Redstone offer their blood
• He has a Strength of 20 (+5).
to the White Queen and accept her sacrament in
• He does not provoke opportunity attacks when he
moves out of an enemy’s reach.
• Korvilia was once known as the “Daughter of
• His proximity to the White Queen makes him
Death.” From her tower of Marrowhold, she ruled
immune to any effect that turns undead.
over the undead armies of the Magocracy of the
• He has the following attack option: Greatsword.
Black Star.
Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
• Though fearsome during the time of the magocracy,
creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
she escaped to her vault when the forces of the
• Replace his multiattack option with the following:
archmages were destroyed, choosing to sleep the
Multiattack. Threx makes three greatsword attacks.
centuries away in solitude.
In place of one of those attacks, he can cast the
• Korvilia’s bodyguard, Threx, was an accomplished
command spell (DC 12), demanding that the target
gladiator during the Magocracy of the Black Star.
• The people of Redstone treat Threx like the emissary
• He has a challenge rating of 7 (2,900 XP).
of a god. In turn, Threx protects them as a shepherd
protects lambs from wolves.
• Threx does not guard Korvilia’s vault continually. As the quake continues, buildings shake and begin
He regularly goes out hunting, commanding other to collapse, and the people of the enclave panic. You
creatures to protect the vault when he does so. can have the characters witness one or more of the
• The password to enter the vault is “Sylara,” the name following events (chosen or rolled for randomly), then
of Korvilia’s daughter who died over a thousand step up to aid the enclave residents under threat:
years ago. 1: A wall of a nearby building begins to collapse.
Yvona Richvalley doesn’t appear to see it.
Adventure Hooks 2: A young boy, Obrian Tressel, looks as though he
This adventure works best if the characters have a is about to be trampled by a panicking crowd of
clear motivation to save Deepdelver’s Enclave from townsfolk who don’t notice him.
the quakes of the Grendleroot. If the characters 3: A deep crack forms under three members of the
have played through the adventure “Shatter,” the Archiball family, who stumble and begin to slip in.
new quakes might be caused by Ardus Fane’s 4: Old man Peldor is knocked back and impaled
previous attack against the Grendleroot. Although through the shoulder by a newly risen Grendleroot
the characters prevented Fane’s destruction of the spire. The spire shudders as though threatening to
Worldpillar, the Grendleroot continues to react to that rise again—whereupon it will take his arm clean off.
threat and must be quieted. 5: A lantern has fallen from a rafter and set the hay
Followers of the Order of the White Sun are likely ablaze in the Grelleth stables.
to recognize the White Queen as Korvilia, one of the 6: Felix the mutt is barking at a pile of collapsed
archmages of the Black Star. Those who do might wish rubble. The small hand of the halfling Lucy
to confront her to assess what threat she poses to the Browntoes pokes out from under the gray stone.
mountain. Your can improvise ability checks appropriate to
For characters seeking monetary rewards, Bailon how the characters choose to aid the other folk of the
the Beardless offers 100 gp to each character for enclave during the quake.
successfully quieting the Grendleroot. As the quake suddenly ends, a crack opened up in
the ground releases four dire wolves mutated by the

Start Grendleroot, which attack any creatures they can see.

They use the normal stat block with this trait:
The adventure begins on a pleasant evening in
• Spider Climb. The dire wolf can climb difficult
Deepdelver’s Enclave. Read or summarize the
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without
following to set the scene:
needing to make an ability check.
If you are running a shorter version of this
The annual enclave talent show at the Dragon’s Fangs
adventure, you can skip the encounter at the end of the
is in full swing. Odrah Windvane has just entertained
a packed house with her haunting rendition of Stars in
the Darkness, and Cloude Willowspur is getting ready A ftermath of the Q uake
to start his yearly crowd-pleaser, A Bottomless Mug When the quake ends, the gnome who predicted it
of Mead. Then suddenly, the cracked voice of a gnome introduces himself as Gonkin of Peavalley. Gonkin is
breaks the silence. a wandering scholar, known to have spent much of his
“The Grendleroot awakes! Protect yourselves!” The life studying the Grendleroot—and he claims to have
folk in attendance don’t bother to hide their confused recently determined that the great entity is waking.
looks as they try to spot the gnome who called out. A As it does so, the spires of the Grendleroot will move
moment later, the ground begins to shake. Through the again, potentially destroying Deepdelver’s Enclave and
open front doors, the two Grendleroot spires in front of perhaps the whole mountain around it.
the Dragon’s Fangs can be seen to twist like screws. The Though Gonkin can predict the quakes, he can do
nothing to stop them. Only one creature he knows of
larger spire along the enclave’s thoroughfare lurches five
has the power to do so—a being known as the White
feet higher, great cracks spreading through the stone
Queen. This queen is no mortal, he explains, but a
around it.
vampire who has slept in a hidden vault in Blackclaw
Mountain for centuries. Gonkin can also reveal any
of the other secrets and clues described earlier, as you and Threx might be more willing to listen to them. If
determine. your group prefers combat, any or all of the NPCs the
Gonkin knows of two ways to reach the White characters encounter might start out hostile and need
Queen’s vault. The first is through the subterranean to be talked down during a fight.
village of Redstone, a settlement of humans who Many of the encounters in the adventure are
worship and venerate the White Queen. He isn’t sure optional. If you find that time is running short, you
how the villagers will react to the characters’ arrival, can cut out nearly all of the combat encounters except
but those who are comfortable with diplomacy the encounter with Threx. And even that encounter
might want to choose this course. The second route might not end up as a fight.
is through a vast cavern filled with the bones of the If you want to extend the adventure, you can add
dead—hundreds of humanoids hunted and killed by an encounter with up to four of Threx’s trained
the White Queen’s guardian, the vampire gladiator phase spiders anywhere they might fit. For example,
Threx. Those who are stronger with steel and spell in area 5, the characters might be initially attacked
than careful words might choose this course. by phase spiders, then have to face Threx when he
Convincing the White Queen to aid the characters shows up later in the battle. If you want to shorten the
will be its own challenge, Gonkin admits. She is adventure, Korvilia can quiet the Grendleroot without
not mortal, and her desires are unknown. She is a spawning any shadows.
powerful figure, and attempting to convince her of
anything by force will be folly. It is possible that Threx
or the high priest of the village of Redstone, known as
Vault of the White Queen
The tunnels leading up to and connecting the areas
Cabel of the White Mantle, might know how to gain
of the vault are 10 feet wide and have 10-foot-high
her trust. Otherwise, the characters must determine
ceilings. Unless otherwise described, the larger caverns
the best way to sway the White Queen to quiet the
are natural rock and have 30-foot-high ceilings. The
village of Redstone (area 2) is filled with dim light
Gonkin gives the characters a map showing the
shed by guttering lanterns. The rest of the caves
route of the three-day journey through the mountain,
surrounding the vault are unlit.
and the two possible entrance points to the White
Queen’s vault. B lack W ater
A river flows through the caverns surrounding the
Traveling to the Vault of the White Queen’s vault, its waters tainted long ago by the

White Queen blood of the White Queen. The villagers of Redstone

have been drinking this water their whole lives, and
Reaching either of the two access points to the vault it has both rendered them sterile and extended their
takes roughly three days of travel through the tunnels lives by many decades.
and caverns of Blackclaw Mountain. If you are running Any character who drinks from the black water
a longer version of this adventure, you can add an must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
encounter during this journey by using the locations or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage and be poisoned
and encounter descriptions in appendix B. Otherwise, for 1 hour. While poisoned this way, the character
you or the players can summarize the characters’ can hear the whispered voice of the White Queen as
journey through the mountain. she dreams of her daughter, Sylara. Sylara’s emerald-
encrusted amulet fixes prominently in the mind of
Pacing the Adventure the dreaming character. If more than one character
Many of the encounters in this adventure can swing drinks the water, other dreams that can be tapped into
easily between roleplaying and combat. You can include battles between the Order of the White Sun
decide how friendly or hostile Cabel, Threx, and the and the Magocracy of the Black Star (see chapter 2),
people of Redstone are in response to the characters’ and visions of the twisting spires of the Grendleroot
appearance, depending on what outcome brings the worming their way through the mountain.
most fun to the game and how much time you want
the adventure to take. If the characters are enjoying
talking their way through the adventure, both Cabel
1. F ield of B ones jewelry among the bodies. It takes 1 hour to search
all the dead, turning up a total of 122 gp, a jeweled
Area Aspects. Large natural cavern, impaled corpses bracelet (worth 50 gp), three rings (20 gp each),
on spears, black river cutting across the cavern, and an oily evil-looking dagger. The dagger is an
tunnels leading north and east uncommon magic item whose possessor can use an
action to cast the vampiric touch spell. Once the spell
The rough natural tunnel you follow opens up into a is cast, the dagger’s magic fades.
large cavern, fifty feet high and over one hundred feet
long. The bones of monstrous creatures and humanoids
2. T he V illage of R edstone
alike litter the floor, along with the impaled bodies Area Aspects. Small village of red clay houses, white
of dozens of armored orc skeletons. A black river stone temple, black river and pond, mushroom farm,
flows from the west across the center of the cavern, pen holding horned pigs
disappearing into a natural tunnel to the east. A huge
ogre skull hangs above that eastern tunnel. Orc script Dim lantern light illuminates a small village within this
drawn in dried blood decorates the opening of another long natural cavern. The simple houses here have been
tunnel to the north. built from wood and red clay. A pen holding horned
pigs stands against the east side of the cavern. Large
This cavern serves as Threx’s hunting ground. The phosphorescent mushrooms cover a hill to the south. A
script painted on the north tunnel says in Orc, “DO black river flows from a tunnel to the west, filling a pool
NOT ENTER.” at the center of the village. Two other tunnels lead into
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence the cavern—one to the south and one to the north.
(History) check recognizes the impaled skeletons as A temple constructed of white stone stands at the
members of the Sundered Shields, a once-mighty orc
north end of the cavern, its construction more elegant
raiding party that disappeared roughly twenty years
than the houses.
ago. The character can guess that the skull hanging
above the east tunnel belonged to their ogre leader,
This cavern holds the entire village of Redstone. The
Sagreg the Sunderer.
villagers tend their stable of horned pigs and the
The cavern contains the bones of hundreds of other
mushroom farm for food, but are mostly sustained by
dead humanoids and monsters, all victims of Threx’s
the blood of the White Queen. They are largely cut off
thirst for blood.
from the other denizens of the mountain—and they
CREATURES prefer it that way.
Six ghouls and one ghast hunt through the remains of
the dead, sucking marrow from bones and tearing into
A pair of statues portraying hooded women, hands
what leathery flesh remains. The undead and Threx
crossed over their chests and fangs visible over their
largely leave each other alone, as the ghast has learned
lips, have been carved into the stone walls flanking the
to keep the pack away from the tunnels leading to
north tunnel. If the characters are seen attempting to
Redstone. If the ghouls detect the characters coming
go through the north tunnel without having received
into the cavern, they hide among the bones and try
Cabel’s permission, the villagers might become hostile
to ambush them. If captured, the ghast is intelligent
or even violent.
enough to share what secrets it knows of Threx in
exchange for its freedom. REDSTONE HOMES
If time is running short or the characters have Each of the village’s small homes is furnished only
already faced enough battles, you can skip this with straw mattresses, and features a modest kitchen
encounter. inside and a pit toilet outside. The families of Redstone
all live in groups. One of the houses serves as a
pantry holding salted meat and dried mushrooms.
Threx and the undead here care little for material
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
possessions, and have left numerous treasures on the
(Medicine) check can tell that the amount of food
corpses. As the characters move through this area,
grown in the cavern isn’t enough to sustain even a
they catch glimpses of gold, silver, gemstones, and
village as small as Redstone.

Two dozen villagers (all lawful neutral cultists) call T he P eople of R edstone
Redstone home. The villagers all appear to be between All the people of Redstone are lawful neutral cultists.
thirty and ninety years old, but are actually much As the characters explore the village, you can use the
older thanks to the White Queen’s blood. following list of villagers as examples of the kinds of
folk they might interact with:
The villagers view the characters with suspicion,
• Tenis Rockbottom: Male farmer who cares for the
and they are not easily intimidated. If threatened, they
horned pigs
proudly state that they are protected by the White • Scarlet Titanstone: Female caretaker of the mush-
Queen’s guardian, and that the characters should be room grove
careful. • Wevel Graysinger: Male leatherworker
If the villagers are attacked, the priest Cabel of the • Elydine and Grayce Waverun: Twin female cooks
White Mantle leads the response. He resides in the • Dava Glasscloak: Female mason
• Zakus Gloomson: Male lantern lighter
White Temple on the north side of the village.
If combat begins in this area, Threx hears it and
appears in 1d3 rounds, coming in from either area 1
or area 5. He attacks the characters without mercy. See Wooden pews line the interior of the building, leading
“Notable NPCs” for Threx’s statistics. up to an altar of white stone in front of a statue of a
T he A ncestors beautiful elf woman. Her hands are outstretched, her
mouth open in a caring smile—revealing sharp, pointed
In the attic of one of the houses, eight desiccated
bodies sit in chairs facing a carved wooden bust of the
White Queen. These are extremely old but still-living
Cabel of the White Mantle resides in this temple,
members of the village, known as the Ancestors. These
where he gives weekly sermons and prepares the
ancient villagers use the skeleton stat block but are
villagers for their yearly offering to the White Queen.
humanoid, not undead.
If the characters enter the attic, the head of one of CREATURES
the bodies turns toward them. The Ancestors cannot Cabel, a lawful good male human priest, spends
speak, and do not defend themselves if attacked. If the much of his time here. When the characters arrive,
villagers hear of any attack against the Ancestors, they six villagers (Camilla Willowsong, Laird Treehand,
become hostile toward the characters, as does Cabel. Wynefreede Lyss, Sophie Crowkin, and David and
Jovesh Moonmaker) sit in the pews listening to
Cabel’s sermon on the importance of the symbiotic
Each of the families of Redstone keeps a little bit of
relationship between the village and the White Queen.
wealth, amounting to 43 gp in mixed coinage, all
Each villager is a lawful neutral cultist and defends
minted over three hundred years ago; and a mixture of
Cabel if the priest is attacked.
gems and jewelry worth a total of 150 gp. A character
Cabel is not initially hostile to outsiders, but he
who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (History) check
warns the characters that the White Queen is not
notes that the coins are marked with the images of the
tolerant of intruders, nor is her guardian, Threx. If
archmages of the Black Star, including Korvilia (see
the characters describe the risks to Redstone from
chapter 2).
the awakening of the Grendleroot, Cabel admits to
3. T he W hite T emple having recently seen the tree of blades in area 4 sway,
something it has never done before.
Area Aspects. White stone temple, open stone
The priest is torn between the risk to Redstone and
windows with beautiful engravings, altar of white
his determination to not awaken the White Queen,
stone, statue of the White Queen
who he says has slept for three hundred years. He gives
the characters what information he can, but will not
This large temple built of white granite stands in sharp approach the vault. If convinced of the importance of
contrast to the red clay buildings to the south of it. the characters’ cause, he might offer the amulet that
Beautiful engravings depicting kneeling figures bowing once belonged to the White Queen’s daughter, Sylara.
to a robed woman surround the tall open windows high
up on the temple’s walls.
TREASURE If time is running short or the characters have
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check already faced enough battles, you can skip this
reveals a crack in the altar that exposes a hollow encounter.
underneath it. The altar can be moved with a
successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check, revealing
5. V ault D oor
a hidden compartment. Cabel keeps a handful of relics Area Aspects. Polished iron door, fanged elf statue,
hidden here from the rest of the villagers, including huge glyph on the ground
an emerald-encrusted amulet once belonging to the
White Queen’s daughter. This eighty-foot-high natural cavern ends at a double
The amulet was the possession of one of Korvilia’s door made of polished iron. A statue of a hooded elf
rivals in the Magocracy of the Black Star, the archmage
woman stands next to the door, her hands outstretched
Waverlyn Starsong, to be used as leverage in case of
and her mouth open to reveal sharp fangs. A huge glyph
betrayal or factionalism within the magocracy. After
has been carved into a stone circle on the ground before
the Order of the White Sun destroyed the magocracy,
the door.
the amulet was discovered in Shadowreach, and came
into Cabel’s hands more than a century ago.
This large vault door leads to the chamber of the
The compartment also contains a mix of gemstones
White Queen. The door can be opened only by one or
(worth a total of 124 gp) and an obsidian figurine of
more characters with a combined Strength score of 20
Threx from his gladiatorial days. The figurine is an
or higher.
uncommon magic item whose possessor can use an
action to cast the haste spell. Once the spell is cast, the GLYPH OF WARDING
figurine’s magic fades. The huge glyph on the ground is a visible glyph of
warding that protects the door. The glyph uses the
4. T he T ree of B lades
Area Aspects. Branching Grendleroot spire in the W arnings and
O fferings
form of a tree, sharp branches, hanging skulls and

Runoff from the black river flows north where a

side cavern opens up. A tree formed of a branching
Grendleroot spire twists out of the ground in the center
of the black pool where the runoff collects. Skulls hang
from some of the tree’s branches, as do small dolls and
other offerings.

This cavern holds a Grendleroot spire that takes the

form of a tall dead tree. Threx uses the tree to display
the skulls of villagers who have displeased him over
the years, a continual reminder in Redstone of what
happens to those who fall out of line. The villagers in
turn leave offerings here to show their fealty.
If the characters convince the White Queen to
quiet the Grendleroot, she comes here to do so (see
“Whispering to the Grendleroot” below).
Two of Threx’s trained phase spiders sometimes lurk
in this cavern if they are not in area 5. They know to
avoid the villagers of Redstone, but will attack any
outsiders not accompanied by Threx or a villager.

explosive runes option and deals necrotic damage
(DC 15). Threx knows the password to enter the
vault—“Sylara,” the name of Korvilia’s daughter. The
glyph activates if anyone attempts to open the T hrex
door without the proper password. The glyph
reactivates 5 minutes after it is triggered or
If any creature moves within 5 feet of the
statue next to the door, the statue animates and
attempts to grab and bite them. The creature
must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, the statue pulls the creature in
and bites it on the neck, draining its blood
and dealing necrotic damage equal to half the
creature’s current hit points before letting it go.
This blood flows through a series of channels
that lead into the sarcophagus of the White
Queen inside her vault. It is through this statue
that the villagers of Redstone give their blood
offering to the White Queen each year.
The statue has AC 18, 50 hit points, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage. Attacking
the statue triggers the glyph of warding.
When he is not out hunting, Threx, the White Queen’s
guardian, sits in the center of the glyph, his greatsword
across his knees and his eyes closed. Threx does not
attack the characters immediately, instead listening
silently to what they have to say. But no matter what
the characters reveal to him, his only response is: “No
one enters the vault.”
In addition to appropriate roleplaying, it takes a the vault. If they are not here, the phase spiders might
successful DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check to be lurking in area 4.
convince Threx that the Grendleroot is a danger not If the party contains more than four characters, add
just to Deepdelver’s Enclave, but to the White Queen one phase spider for each character above four. If the
and the folk of Redstone as well. (The vampire spawn party has fewer than four characters, reduce Threx’s hit
does not respond well to threats or subterfuge.) If points as needed.
the characters convince him, he agrees to open the TREASURE
vault and let them speak to the White Queen. As he Threx wears a suit of black-and-red +1 studded leather
advances, he begs her forgiveness for interrupting her armor that is a rare magic item requiring attunement.
slumber. As an action, a creature attuned to the armor can cast
If the characters try to force Threx to obey them, the spell fire shield, requiring no material components.
attempt to hinder him, or prepare to attack, he This property of the armor can’t be used again until
responds with violence. See “Notable NPCs” for the next dawn. Threx uses the armor to cast fire shield
Threx’s statistics. as soon as he senses strangers approaching.
If Threx is not in this area, he leaves two trained
phase spiders to guard the door. These spiders attack
anyone who travels through the room or approaches

E ntering the W hite Q ueen ’ s V ault

6. V ault of the W hite Q ueen If the White Queen is called forth, a mist flows
out from small vents at the base of the statue, then
Area Aspects. Burning braziers, black pool, delicate transforms into the White Queen. See “Notable NPCs”
carvings, statue of the White Queen for Korvilia’s statistics.
The White Queen is not initially hostile, but she
A long walkway of smooth stone stretches across a does not take kindly to being woken from her slumber.
large square pool of black water. Six braziers, three If the characters describe the awakening of the
floating in the black water on each side, illuminate this Grendleroot to her, she speaks at first of the quakes of
large chamber, whose walls are decorated with delicate the Grendleroot being a part of the natural world, and
carvings. At the far end of the walkway, a twenty-foot- not up to either mortals or her to question. No one can
high statue depicts an elf woman sitting atop a white understand the mind of the Grendleroot, she explains.
throne. It has both the intellect of a god and the hunger of a
newborn child.
No one has entered this vault in hundreds of years. CONVINCING THE WHITE QUEEN
The carvings depict the rise and fall of the White Success in this adventure requires that the characters
Queen, from her time as a mortal elf, to her rise as a convince the White Queen to quiet the Grendleroot.
vampiric archmage of the Magocracy of the Black Star, They can do so most easily by showing her the amulet
to the fall of the magocracy during the crusade of the that belonged to her daughter (see area 3). If they do
White Sun (see chapter 2). so, drops of blood flow from Korvilia’s eyes as she
An ancient desiccated figure (use the zombie stat remembers her lost mortality. She agrees to stop the
block) sits at the foot of the White Queen’s statue, an Grendleroot’s quakes.
iron chisel worn down to a nub in one loose hand. If one of the characters agrees to serve her as Threx
This was an artist of Redstone, who the White Queen has served her, the White Queen is likewise convinced
conscripted to carve her life’s story so she could to quiet the Grendleroot. She turns the character into a
contemplate it during her rest.

vampire spawn who must serve her at the vault for all the shadows have been defeated, Korvilia is able to
time. quiet the Grendleroot.
Any reasonable argument followed by a DC 16 For a shorter conclusion to the adventure, Korvilia’s
Charisma (Persuasion) check can also convince whisper does not result in a violent response and
the White Queen to calm the Grendleroot and save no shadows appear. Instead, after her whisper, the
the mountain. If the check fails, she might ask the chamber begins to rumble, then quickly stops.
characters to perform some task or sacrifice of your Once the rumbling stops, Korvilia turns and tells
determination. the characters that it is done, and that the Grendleroot
WHISPERING TO THE GRENDLEROOT will remain quiet for a time. If the characters ask how
When convinced to help by the characters, Korvilia long, she tells them it might be years—or it might be
leads the party to the tree of blades in area 4, taking centuries.
the path through Redstone. As she passes, the
astounded villagers lie face down in the dirt. When Concluding the Adventure
she arrives at area 4, Korvilia wades into the black pool This adventure concludes when the characters
and places her hand on the tree. She then whispers have either succeeded or failed to convince the
words that no mortal mind can comprehend or White Queen to quiet the Grendleroot and save the
replicate. mountain. If they fail to convince Korvilia, she returns
VIOLENT RESPONSE to her crypt and the Grendleroot’s quakes grow larger
The Grendleroot does not react well to Korvilia’s and more devastating. Over the next one to two
whisper. One shadow for each character in the party years, the adventurers of Deepdelver’s Enclave leave
flows out from the pool and attacks, appearing as the mountain due to the Grendleroot’s continuing
malformed beasts bristling with tentacles, claws, instability.
and teeth. Korvilia calls on the characters to stop the If they succeed, Gonkin confirms that the
shadows from interrupting her ritual. Grendleroot is quiet, and that the mountain is stable
At the start of the second and third round, one more for the time being. The White Queen returns to her
shadow for every two characters rises from the pool crypt—but perhaps not for long. This brush with
and attacks. If Threx or Cabel are with the characters, humanity has awakened a sliver of sympathy in her.
they fend off their own attacking shadows. Once all Furthermore, her period of waking might warn her
that some of her former colleagues in the Magocracy
of the Black Star have risen again—and that a great
darkness is coming to the world. See appendix C, “The
Rise of the Black Star,” for details on these possible

Two assassins come to Deepdelver’s Enclave seeking revenge. The hero they hunt, Ruth Willowmane, leads
them to the Den of Bones, where monsters and heroes alike come to die.

wo members of the Red Rose assassins’ monsters, beasts, and explorers. She hopes to lead the
guild have come to Blackclaw Mountain, assassins away from the enclave to prevent any further
seeking revenge for the death of a fellow bloodshed, and believes the Den of Bones to be a
assassin named Gloom. Their target is Ruth fitting location for her end if the assassins best her.
Willowmane, who before she came to Deepdelver’s Adren Goldbrook, Ruth’s longtime companion and
Enclave was the sheriff of the village of Whitesparrow, a fellow veteran of the Thousand Spear War, asks the
where Gloom died. To draw the assassins away characters to go after Ruth and stand by her when the
from the enclave, Ruth flees for the Den of Bones, a assassins come.
legendary graveyard that calls to monsters and people The characters travel to the Den of Bones, first
alike as their life fades. Her longtime friend and meeting the challenges of exploring that ancient
companion, Adren Goldbrook, asks the characters to site, then determining how to use the hazards and
travel to the Den of Bones and save Ruth before she creatures there against the coming assassins. Their goal
finds her own end among the bones of the dead. is to rout or kill the assassins before they can kill Ruth
“Children of the Red Rose” is a four-hour adventure Willowmane.
for 5th-level characters. Monsters and NPCs. Ankhegs (3), assassins (2),
bulette, ghost, gricks (2), minotaur skeletons (1+),
Adventure Summary otyugh, purple worm, spies (2), swarms of insects
During a ceremony in honor of veterans of the (3), thugs (8), troll, veteran, will-o’-wisps (12)
Thousand Spear War, a band of hired killers attacks
Deepdelver’s Enclave—then blames the attack on Notable NPCs
Ruth Willowmane. These hirelings were sent by the The following NPCs have a part to play in the
Children of the Red Rose, a long-forgotten guild of elf adventure.
assassins, as a warning. Two assassins from the guild
are coming to the enclave, intending to kill Ruth as R uth W illowmane
revenge for the death of their fellow assassin, Gloom. Ruth is a lawful good female human veteran of
That night, Ruth leaves Deepdelver’s Enclave and the Thousand Spear War, and the former sheriff
heads to the Den of Bones, a cavernous graveyard of of the village of Whitesparrow, several days’ ride
from Blackclaw Mountain. Long since retired to • He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Deepdelver’s Enclave, Ruth now works as a tanner • He has advantage on saving throws against being
and leatherworker, and enjoys the excitement of a life charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
surrounded by adventurers and explorers. The death • He knows the shocking grasp cantrip. Intelligence is
of an assassin named Gloom in Whitesparrow years his spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
before now makes Ruth a target for revenge, and puts • He speaks Common, Draconic, Elvish, and Thieves
everyone in Deepdelver’s Enclave in danger. Fearing Cant.
for the safety of her friends, Ruth leaves the enclave
and goes to the Den of Bones before the assassins
G host
arrive. Rain’s current apprentice is the chaotic evil female
high elf assassin named Ghost. She has eagerly taken
R ain to the blade, and enjoys murder a little too much
Rain is a four-hundred-year-old neutral evil male high for Rain’s tastes. She treats Rain like a parent, and
elf assassin, and one of the oldest living members of will fall on her own knife for him if the need arises.
the assassins’ guild known as the Children of the Red She has always hated living under the shadow of
Rose. Rain trained Gloom, and felt her loss painfully Gloom’s death, knowing how much Rain loved the
when she died. A long-ago wound has given Rain a
permanent limp, but his skills otherwise remain sharp.
He is known for his ability to lie in wait for an entire
day, nearly unmoving, to catch his quarry.
Rain uses the assassin stat block with these changes:

G host and R ain

dead assassin, and she secretly hopes that killing Ruth • The Children of the Red Rose like things chaotic and
Willowmane will finally push Gloom from Rain’s messy. They often hire thugs and killers to inspire
mind. fear in their prey before they go in.
Ghost uses the assassin stat block with these • The Children of the Red Rose arrange to be paid in
changes: red rubies with a small Elvish glyph for the word
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. “blood” etched within them. These rubies are worth
• She has advantage on saving throws against being 50 gp, but few who know their origin will trade for
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep. them.
• She knows the ray of frost cantrip. Intelligence is her • A single assassin is a deadly foe for anyone in
spellcasting ability for this cantrip. Deepdelver’s Enclave. Two assassins could easily
• She speaks Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, and Thieves wipe the folk of the enclave out.
Cant. • Ruth Willowmane was a veteran of the Thousand
Spear War, and a sheriff of the village of
A dren G oldbrook Whitesparrow in years past.
A neutral good male human veteran of the Thousand • The Children of the Red Rose work in pairs—one
Spear War, Adren owes his life to Ruth Willowmane. master assassin and one apprentice. Gloom was
He followed her from Whitesparrow to Deepdelver’s Rain’s apprentice centuries ago, and he took on
Enclave, where he serves as her apprentice and friend. Ghost when Gloom left the order.
He would gladly give his life for Ruth, but a wound
he sustained in the war prevents him from going after
her. He thus begs the characters to save her from the
Adventure Hooks
This adventure works best if one or more of the
characters have a connection to Ruth Willowmane
or Adren Goldbrook. If the players have previously
Secrets and Clues gone through the adventure “Gloom” from Sly
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures, the results of that
adventure as you determine: adventure might feed into this one. For example, Ruth
• A decade past, dwarves, humans, and elves Willowmane might be replaced with one of the player
battled against a tremendous force of goblins and characters from that adventure (now retired and an
hobgoblins in the Thousand Spear War. It was a NPC), who steers the assassins to the Den of Bones.
bloody and brutal conflict. If profit primarily motivates the characters, Bailon
• Gloom, an assassin of the Children of the Red Rose, the Beardless offers 100 gp to each character to save
was killed in the village of Whitesparrow after she Ruth from the assassins.
attempted to assassinate the lord’s nephew over
vandalism at a local temple. Start
• Gloom had turned away from her life as an assassin, The adventure begins in Deepdelver’s Enclave during
and had served the Temple of Light peacefully for a celebration of the end of the Thousand Spear War.
more than a century before returning to her deadly Read or summarize the following to set the scene:
• The Children of the Red Rose accepts only elves It is a somber day in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Warriors
into its ranks, and members of the order have long
and former warriors, dressed in their finest armor,
memories. They might hunt their targets for decades.
stand in formation along the main thoroughfare with
• The Den of Bones is a vast graveyard where creatures
spears pointed high. Behind them, Bailon the Beardless
both monstrous and mundane go to die.
• Some monsters use the Den of Bones as their own
describes the battles of the Thousand Spear War, in
hunting ground. which dwarves, humans, and elves fought back an
• Three twisted Grendleroot spires thrust up out of the army of goblins and hobgoblins threatening the lands of
rocky ground at the heart of the Den of Bones. These peaceful folk.
claw-like spires radiate a call throughout Blackclaw
Mountain, somehow calling dying creatures to them.

A handful of the residents of the enclave stand and burial crypt of a warrior tribe lost centuries ago; the
are remembered for their part in the war, including other of which passes through a monstrous warren. If
Ruth Willowmane. The former veteran reluctantly the characters want to get to the Den of Bones ahead
stands next to her comrade-in-arms and longtime of the assassins, they must leave quickly.
friend Adren Goldbrook. As Bailon finishes speaking, For a faster start to the adventure, you can skip the
the explorers of the enclave cheer, their voices echoing thug attack. Simply begin with Adren Goldbrook
coming to the characters after Ruth has already left the
off the ceiling of the cavern. Then everyone makes
enclave, having received word that two assassins are
their way toward the Lucky Lute, to toast comrades in
coming for her and not wanting to put her friends in
attendance and those who have been lost.

Even as the crowd moves toward the tavern, six T reasure

human thugs (Mad Grace, Thormon, Shy Richard, As the characters get ready to depart, they are visited
Lyvette the Hammer, Yurtin Bedrash, and Chiptooth) by Jayce Goldsmile, who cares for Ruth as much as
draw weapons and begin randomly attacking residents anyone in the enclave. Jayce gives the characters a
of the enclave. Any character with a passive Wisdom pristine figurine of an elf bard forged from the black
(Perception) score of 14 or higher sees the threat of the metal of the Grendleroot. She has no idea who created
attack before it begins, and can call out a warning. it, or how. This figurine is a very rare magic item
During the attack, the thugs shout out that Ruth whose possessor can use an action to cast the dominate
Willowmane is to blame for the violence that’s come monster spell (DC 15). Once the spell is cast, the
to the enclave, which is revenge for the death of stone’s magic fades.
someone named Gloom. “Death is coming for Ruth
Willowmane! The Children of the Red Rose do not
forget!” Traveling to the Den of Bones
If captured alive, the thugs do not hide their intent. It takes a day to travel through the caverns and tunnels
They state that two assassins from the Children of the of Blackclaw Mountain to reach the Den of Bones.
Red Rose are on their way, and will be at Deepdelver’s If time allows, you can add an encounter during
Enclave in less than two days. These assassins will kill this journey by using the locations and encounter
Ruth Willowmane and anyone else who protects her. descriptions in appendix B. Otherwise, you or the
The thugs do not beg for their lives. players can describe the journey and the characters’
The folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave are rightfully arrival.
worried about the two assassins, but most of them
announce that they will stand by Ruth even if they die Den of Bones Defenses
defending her. Ruth, however, has other plans. She will It should be clear to the characters and the players
not stay in Deepdelver’s Enclave if it means putting her alike that the two assassins are deadly threats if faced
friends at risk. Instead, she plans to face the assassins in direct combat. The characters have roughly two
alone in the Den of Bones. hours to prepare for the assassins’ arrival. During
A dren ’ s P lea this time, they will want to explore the Den of Bones,
gather resources, and put together a plan to deal with
The next day, Adren Goldbrook tells the characters
the threat.
that Ruth has fled the enclave. She left word that
Among the resources that might help the characters
she has gone to the Den of Bones, knowing that
in this fight are Jayce’s figurine, the ring in area 6, and
the assassins will hear of her flight and pursue her
the worm poison in area 7. Potential allies of the party
there. When the time comes, she means to defeat
include the ghost in area 1, the troll in area 2, and Ruth
the assassins alone or die trying. She believes the
Willowmane in area 7. You might also want to place
Den of Bones to be a fitting location for her end, and
other monsters in the Den of Bones that the characters
one whose hazards might aid her when facing the
can charm or manipulate to help their cause.
If the players are having trouble sorting through all
Adren begs the characters to save his friend and
these possibilities, feel free to offer suggestions based
comrade. He knows the location of the Den of Bones
on things their characters might recognize, even if the
and its two entrances—one that passes through the
players do not.
Whenever a monster fights on the characters’ side, assassins as effectively as possible, but instead to run
give the players a copy of that monster’s stat block them as a dangerous but surmountable threat. Use
so one of them can run the monster. If a player’s them as a vehicle to create a suspenseful story, not as
character dies, that player might want to take over an easy way to kill the whole party.
all the monsters joining in on the fight against the
As the players come up with strategies to face the
Pacing the Adventure
This adventure is broken into two parts—the
assassins, remind them of the potential benefits
exploration of the Den of Bones and the confrontation
presented by the environment, and steer them toward
with the assassins. The arrival of the assassins is your
ideas with a higher chance of success. The assassins are
best tool for changing the pace and timing of the
cocky, believing that nothing can stand against their
skills. They expect Ruth Willowmane to be an easy
The confrontation with the assassins can take sixty
mark, and thus will not plan to take advantage of the
to ninety minutes, leaving the rest of the session for
environment or look for allies as the characters will.
the exploration of the Den of Bones. As the characters
explore, make sure it’s clear to the players that they
The Arrival of the Assassins should be preparing for the arrival of the assassins. If
Two hours after the characters arrive at the Den of they stray from this goal, be prepared to steer them
Bones, the Children of the Red Rose appear. This gives back again.
the characters enough time to prepare and to take a If the characters take a long time to explore the Den
short rest. of Bones, consider removing the combat encounters
The two assassins are traveling with two spies with the bulette or the otyugh. The characters can
(Relva and Nix) and eight thugs (Tintin, Asha still see these monsters and potentially use them in
Redknife, Podrick, Lyese, Karak the Devil, Sylva, the the confrontation with the assassins, but they don’t
Thresher, and Jill Threeface). See “Notable NPCs” for necessarily need to face the creatures themselves.
Rain and Ghost’s statistics. If things are going too quickly, you can add
The spies take the lead, using Dexterity (Stealth) additional monsters to the Den of Bones. For example,
checks to stay concealed while they use Wisdom you might expand the dragon skeleton encounter in
(Nature) checks to track Ruth Willowmane. The thugs area 6 by adding in additional creatures from one of
follow openly, and so might be the first part of the the encounter descriptions in appendix B.
group the characters see. The assassins make Dexterity If things are going too slowly, you can speed up the
(Stealth) checks to hide as they follow behind. As confrontation with the assassins by removing or killing
soon as they spot the tracks of multiple humanoids, off some of the thugs and scouts as the raiders make
the assassins split their group into two raiding parties, their way to the Den of Bones. This leaves a smaller
with one spy, four thugs, and one assassin per group. raiding force for the characters to thin out before
The assassins consider the spies and thugs expendable, taking on the assassins in the final encounter.
and allow those raiders to clear away any initial
As the raiders make their way through the Den of
The Den of Bones
The Den of Bones is a huge natural cavern complex
Bones, any hazards or monsters the characters left in
where creatures come to die. The ground of the central
place are likely to kill off the front-rank members of
cavern is littered with the bones of dead beasts and
the assassins’ party. You can describe this rather than
monsters, as well as the bones of humanoids drawn
play it out mechanically, reinforcing how the plans
to the site’s otherworldly call in their dying days, or
and earlier actions of the characters are responsible for
who pursued monsters here and were killed for their
thinning the assassins’ ranks.
Given the dynamic nature of the environment, you
The ceiling of the cavern is 100 feet high and covered
will need to decide how the assassins and their raiders
in huge stalactites. The cavern is filled with dim light
act. Play the assassins smart, but not so smart that the
shed by hundreds of will-o’-wisps floating slowly
characters have no chance at success. Bad luck and
around the ceiling, drawn by the energy of death that
poor choices can affect the assassins just as easily as
suffuses this place.
it can affect the characters. It isn’t your job to run the
The smaller tunnels leading to the main cavern are Grendleroot and decorated with ancient glyphs. A
10 feet high and are not illuminated. creature attuned to the spear can use an action while
holding it to cast the gust of wind spell. This property
1. C aves of R emembrance can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Area Aspects. Ancient cave paintings of monstrous Rogah might reward one of the characters with the
battles, urns of fallen heroes, monstrous bones spear if they impress her enough.

2. B urrows
Primitive cave paintings depicting battles against
twisted monstrosities decorate the walls of this rough Area Aspects. Network of carved stone tunnels,
tunnel. Large urns stand against one wall, each monstrous hatchery, dying troll with burst stomach
marked with the image of a monster. In a large alcove,
weathered bones have been pieced together to create the A vast network of narrow corridors weaves through the
twisted form of a nightmarish creature, set up as some rock of the mountain, leading into a large cavern filled
sort of shrine. with a luminescent green light. Piles of large cracked
eggs spread along the walls of the cavern, with a larger
Primitive warriors painted these cavern walls centuries mound of eggs at the center of the area. Atop the mound
ago, setting this area up as a resting place for the lies the eviscerated body of a troll, its belly burst open.
cremated remains of their greatest heroes, and as a
shrine to mythological monsters built from the bones This cavern is the central hatchery for a pack of
of real creatures. ankhegs that use the troll as a continuous source of
food. When the characters arrive, the troll’s head turns
Rogah the Gray Owl, the ghost of one of the warriors toward them.
interred here, continues to protect this shrine. Rogah CREATURES
speaks only the tongue of her people, a language long Threk the troll has seen better days. Incapacitated and
dead, but she can sense the thoughts and motives of kept in a permanent state of continual regeneration,
those who approach her and can communicate by the troll has become a food source for the residents of
manipulating the drawings on the walls. Characters this cavern, which feed off his festering, regenerating
without access to a comprehend languages spell or body. Immature ankhegs (treat as three swarms of
similar magic can communicate with Rogah either insects) crawl over and inside the troll, while three
with drawings or pantomime. ankhegs guard the eggs piled around the cavern. The
Rogah deals with deception and aggression adult ankhegs attack on sight.
harshly. She respects melee combatants and despises Threk is in no state to defend himself, and desires
spellcasters. On seeing the strength and resolve in only death. It is possible to rid the troll of its immature
Ruth Willowmane, Rogah let the veteran pass through ankheg infestation with lesser restoration or any other
the hall safely. If attacked, she uses her Horrifying magic that cures disease, for which Threk is grateful.
Visage and attempts to possess one of the stronger The troll has no interest in becoming a longtime ally
warriors in the party before attacking any arcane of civilized humanoids, but it can be convinced to lend
spellcasters. its aid in the battle against the assassins.
Rogah can also animate the monstrous bones into The path through the burrow opens up to the west
minotaur skeletons that defend her. She can create side of the tar pit at area 4.
one minotaur skeleton, plus one additional minotaur
3. O verlook of the F orsaken
skeleton for each character in the party above four.
TREASURE Area Aspects. High overlook above the Den of Bones,
A hidden compartment behind the monstrous mummified corpses of twisted humanoids, idol to
skeleton is easily seen if Rogah animated the bones, tentacled god
but needs a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) This cliff is one of the two entrances into the Den of
check to spot otherwise. It holds a magic spear called Bones. It overlooks areas 4 and 5, and offers a view
Gale, a rare magic item that requires attunement. where the cavern floor ramps up into areas 6 and 7.
The tip of this +1 spear is made from a shard of the

O verlooking the D en of B ones

A twenty-foot-high cliff overlooks a cavern hundreds of
The misshapen, mummified corpses turn to dust if
feet in diameter, festooned with the bones of countless
touched. Identifying these monstrous humanoids
creatures. Lights dance along the cavern’s ceiling, slowly is impossible, but a successful DC 14 Intelligence
spinning, but their glow somehow only adds to the (Nature) check suggests that they are thousands of
gloom here. years old.
At the cliff ’s edge, dozens of misshapen mummified
corpses kneel in prayer, surrounding an obelisk topped The obelisk and the statue atop it represent no known
by the head of a tentacled abomination. Below you, a deity. Any creature that touches the obelisk receives
large pool of black tar filled with old bones opens up to twisted visions of a spherical cyclopean entity of
the west. To the east lies a pit filled with the bones of tentacles and mandibles, dwelling beyond the edges
thousands of dead creatures—and the skull and clawing of the cosmos. (This is the image of the Black Star, an
hand of a huge humanoid. A skeletal dragon and the elder evil floating in the Astral Plane. See chapter 2
ribcage of some even larger creature jut up from the and appendix C.) The creature that touches the obelisk
ground farther back in the cavern, while three black must then succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw
spires rise up like claws from a stone hill against the or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage and suffer a random
cavern’s far wall. form of short-term madness.
A path to the east leads down to the cavern floor, or Hundreds of undead will-o’-wisps illuminate the
characters using ropes can lower themselves from the Den of Bones from above, drawn by the deaths of the
overlook without difficulty. Descending without a creatures that have fallen here. If anyone tries to attack
rope requires a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) the mass of will-o’-wisps, four of the creatures break
check. On a failure, a character falls and takes 7 (2d6) off from the rest and return the attack. Any area-effect
bludgeoning damage.

damage that impacts the ceiling might cause as many something particularly tasty, the otyugh claws its way
as twelve wisps to break away and attack. out of the pit to seek it. The otyugh retreats down to
Two gricks lurk among the stalactites, hanging the bottom of the pit if reduced to half its hit points or
60 feet above the path where it leads down to the fewer.
east. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom This creature uses the regular otyugh stat block with
(Perception) check notices the recently well-gnawed these changes:
bones of an explorer who attempted to walk down
• It has tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet.
that way. The gricks can be avoided with stealth or
• It has immunity to fire damage.
by climbing down the cliff, leaving them to attack the
assassins and their retinue. 5. B one P it
4. T ar P it Area Aspects. Pit of bones, titanic skeleton reaching
up, swirling cloud of bone dust
Area Aspects. Pit of tar and animal remains, huge
bones, bubbling geysers
A gargantuan skull and skeletal hand push up above
the surface of a sixty-foot diameter pit filled with the
The smell of rot and sulfur rises from the thick, bubbling
bones of monsters and humanoids alike. A cloud of dust
tar that fills this large pit. The bones of huge creatures
hangs above the pit, swirling slowly.
jut up above the oily surface. On occasion, a geyser of
hot tar erupts from the pit, spraying into the air.
The bones of hundreds of dead creatures fill this deep
pit, the oldest of them ground to dust that floats on the
For thousands of years, dying creatures have fallen
air here.
into this natural tar pit, creating a horrid mix of tar,
charred remains, and slowly decaying fat. TITAN SKELETON
A character who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence
(History) check recognizes that the skeleton belonged
The 20-foot-deep tar pit is difficult terrain. Any
to a rune titan—one of the earliest peoples to rule
creature that enters the pit for the first time on a
Blackclaw Mountain (see chapter 2). This titan likely
turn or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC
came to die in this cavern many thousands of years
15 Dexterity saving throw or take 21 (6d6) fire
damage and become restrained. On a successful
save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t CREATURE
restrained. At the start of each of its turns, a creature The bone pit is the den of a bulette that rises up and
restrained in the pit takes 21 (6d6) fire damage. A attacks in response to any movement around the pit.
restrained creature can make a DC 15 Dexterity saving The bulette uses its burrowing speed to move through
throw at the end of each of its turns to escape the pit, the bones to surprise and attack foes. If characters
ending the restrained condition on a success. If any quickly flee this area, the bulette does not pursue.
creature outside the pit tries to help the restrained TREASURE
creature, it has advantage on the save. A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
Each round that the characters are near the tar pit, (Perception) check notices a jeweled humanoid skull
roll a d6. On a 1, a geyser of hot tar bursts up from the carved with strange glyphs set among the bones. The
pit, spraying a random creature within 20 feet of the skull is a rare magic item whose possessor can use an
pit. That creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving action to cast the stoneskin spell. When they do so,
throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or their skin appears to be covered in shining gemstones
half as much damage on a successful one. for the duration of the spell. Once the spell is cast, the
CREATURE skull’s magic fades.
A mutated otyugh thrives in the environment of this 6. G reat W yrm
tar pit, sating itself on charred offal and melted fat.
Inky black in color, it uses its tentacles to investigate Area Aspects. Huge draconic skeleton, large black
any disturbances on or around the surface of the pit, spire impaling the creature, golden ring on a skeletal
attacking anything it believes it can eat. If it finds claw

Star, an ancient silver dragon who disappeared two
A thirty-foot spire of black metal thrusts up from the
centuries ago.
ground to pierce the skull of an enormous dragon, its
crumbling skeleton sprawled out behind it, half buried TREASURE
The ring on the dragon’s claw possesses a small piece
in mud and rock. One massive claw is buried in the
of the spirit of Yovanrethax. It takes a successful DC
rock, as though the creature tried to crawl through the
16 Strength (Athletics) check to break the claw of the
stone. A large golden ring is set upon that claw, carved
skeleton, freeing the ring. When a creature touches
with strange symbols. the ring, it shrinks down to a size appropriate for that
This skeleton is the remains of a silver dragon named
A character who wears the ring can hear the
Yovanrethax the Silver Star, who came here to die two
draconic whispers of Yovanrethax in the back of their
hundred years ago. She was impaled by a Grendleroot
mind, lamenting a too-long life and a painful death.
spire at the moment of her death, as though the spire
The ring is a rare magic item whose wearer can use an
sought out the release of the last of her life energy.
action to cast the cone of cold spell. Once the spell is
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
cast, the ring’s magic fades.
(Arcana) check recognizes the bones as belonging to
a silver dragon. With a successful DC 16 Intelligence 7. T he B lack C law
(History) check, a character recalls tales of the Silver
Area Aspects. Large black spires thrust up out of a
rocky hill, psychic hum calling to doomed creatures,
body of a stony purple worm, pool of poisonous
R uth W illowmane green liquid

Three black spires have pierced up through the top of

this stone hill, like claws reaching out of the ground
below. The hill is surrounded by a smoothly segmented
stone barrier. Green liquid pools on the ground at the
rear of the hill.

The segmented barrier is an ancient purple worm

curled around the stone hill, and which appears as
stone itself. Three spires of the Grendleroot jut up
from the hill, and are the source of the strange call that
brings dying creatures to the Den of Bones.
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
(Arcana or Religion) check feels a harmonic hum
coming off the three spires. The hum affects creatures
drawing close to death, dismissing all doubt and pain,
and filling them with restful ease. The longer such
creatures stay in the Den of Bones, the more powerful
the desire to rest and die here.
Ruth Willowmane sits atop the stone hill, awaiting
the assassins. When the characters appear, Ruth is
initially angry that they have put themselves in danger
for her. But when she comes to understand that their
help is freely given, she accepts it. If the players are not
already thinking about how to use the features of the

surrounding caverns as a defense against the assassins, poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
Ruth can offer her thoughts on that subject. damage on a successful one. Only one dose of poison
Ruth Willowmane is a lawful good female human can be collected from the pool.
veteran. You can run her as an NPC, or offer her stat If successfully harvested, the poison can be applied
block to one of the players to run. to an edged weapon. When this weapon hits a target,
CREATURE the target must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
The purple worm isn’t dead yet, but has been lingering throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed
near death for centuries. It hasn’t moved in so long save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The
that its skin has taken on a stony appearance. The poison is expended once it is successfully used.
worm does not move or attack unless provoked. If
disturbed, it shifts so that its stony skin begins to Concluding the Adventure
crack, revealing the worm’s true nature. If attacked, the The adventure concludes either when the two assassins
worm attempts to sting its assailants with its tail, then are killed and Ruth Willowmane is saved, or if the
return to its original position. assassins kill Ruth. If Ruth is slain, Rain and Ghost do
POISON POOL not bother to kill the characters as they depart the Den
Poison periodically drips from the stinger of the of Bones.
worm, creating a small, shallow pool behind the hill If any of the thugs and scouts are still alive when
over time. A character can harvest poison from the the assassins are killed, they surrender and can be
pool with a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check, or returned to Deepdelver’s Enclave to face justice.
an Intelligence check using a poisoner’s kit. With If she survives, Ruth Willowmane thanks the
a successful check, the character harvests a single characters and returns with them to Deepdelver’s
dose of purple worm poison. On a failed check, the Enclave. There, she petitions for the thugs and scouts
character is exposed to the poison and must make to be sentenced to labor for their crimes rather than
a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) being put to the sword, as she wants no further blood
on her hands. Ruth acknowledges her debt to the
characters, and becomes a lifelong friend.

Betrayal and murder have led villainous adventurer Alvana Heverax to the lost chambers of the Caretakers.
She seeks the artifact known as the Seed of the Grendleroot—which will grant her control of the alien entity.

eep in the heart of Blackclaw Mountain lies mortals communicate with the Grendleroot, and
the Black Cathedral—the central chambers perhaps even control it.
that hold the Grendleroot. Built by the The characters travel to the Black Cathedral through
otherworldly Caretakers before the core of the one of two potential entrances, eventually entering the
mountain crashed to the world, the Black Cathedral vast complex of the Caretakers. There, they witness the
houses an artifact called the Seed of the Grendleroot, last remnants of the Caretakers’ legacy and memories
said to allow the Grendleroot to be communicated before facing off against Alvana. Preventing the mage
with or controlled. from gaining control of the Seed of the Grendleroot
After betraying a band of fellow explorers, the once- allows the characters to decide the artifact’s fate. Then,
beloved adventurer Alvana Heverax travels to the deep in the heart of the Black Cathedral, they might
Black Cathedral and attempts to acquire the Seed of the even come eye-to-eye with the Grendleroot itself.
Grendleroot. If she should succeed, it might mean the Monsters and NPCs. Animated armor (4), black
destruction of the mountain—and the world around it. pudding, grimlocks (6), grimlock ettin, mage, shield
“Seed of the Black Cathedral” is a four-hour guardian
adventure for 5th-level characters.

Adventure Summary Notable NPCs

The following NPCs have a part to play in the
The adventure begins when the sole surviving member adventure.
of the White Rabbit adventuring company, Cerin
Grayhat, returns to Deepdelver’s Enclave pursued A lvana H everax
by suits of animated armor. After his rescue, Cerin A neutral evil female lightfoot halfling explorer and
explains that the leader of the White Rabbits, a mage mage, Alvana has spent much of her life studying the
named Alvana Heverax, had her shield guardian Grendleroot and seeking its power. She is the direct
murder the other members of the explorers’ band descendant of Soram of the Outside, one of the nine
once they found the entrance to the legendary Black archmages of the Magocracy of the Black Star (see
Cathedral. This site is rumored to be the resting place chapter 2), and has recovered some of his works. In
of the Seed of the Grendleroot, an artifact said to let Soram’s texts, Alvana discovered the existence of the
Seed of the Grendleroot, and soon yearned to control • She can move through the space of any creature that
it. Laboriously studying Soram’s lore eventually led her is of a size larger than hers.
to discover the location of the Black Cathedral, which • She speaks Common, Draconic, Halfling, and
not even the archmages of the Black Star had managed Infernal.
to do.
On a previous expedition within Shadowreach,
C erin G rayhat
Alvana discovered and learned to control one of A chaotic good male rock gnome scout, Cerin
Soram’s long-dormant shield guardians. When the belonged to the White Rabbits, an accomplished band
White Rabbit Company found the Black Temple after of explorers operating out of Deepdelver’s Enclave.
months of searching, she used the construct to murder Cerin and Alvana were both members of the group
her fellow explorers, wanting to ensure that the when their previous leader, Urburn the Tankard, fell
temple’s location stayed a secret known only to her. into a rift three years previous. Now Cerin suspects
Alvana is a charismatic explorer, but she has no real that Alvana likely killed Urburn to take over the
interest in other people—only in what they can do for group, and to steer them toward uncovering the Black
her. She uses the mage stat block with these changes: Cathedral and the Seed of the Grendleroot.
• Her base walking speed is 25 feet. Cerin is an energetic explorer of the mountain, who
• When she rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, enjoys the freedom of living in Deepdelver’s Enclave.
ability check, or saving throw, she can reroll the die He fears what he saw at the Black Cathedral, and
and must use the new roll. chooses not to join the characters on their journey.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
frightened. Secrets and Clues
The following secrets and clues can be revealed in the
adventure as you determine:
• Alvana took over the White Rabbits when their
previous leader, Urburn the Tankard, fell into a rift.
(In truth, Alvana had her shield guardian throw
Urburn down the rift so she could take over the
adventuring band.)
• Alvana is a direct descendant of Soram of the
Outside, one of the nine archmages of the
Magocracy of the Black Star who once ruled over the
A lvana H everax city of Shadowreach.
• Alvana spent decades cross-referencing newer maps
of the caverns of the mountain with Soram’s ancient
• Alvana’s research showed her the location of
the long-lost Black Cathedral, said to house the
Grendleroot and the artifact that can control it.
• The Grendleroot is not from the world. It crashed
here millions of years ago, nearly killing every living
thing on the planet.
• The Caretakers are a mysterious group of humanoid
plane travelers who communicate telepathically.
They captured the Grendleroot deep in the Astral
Plane and studied it within the structure known now
as the Black Cathedral, before their vessel crashed to
the world.
• Over millennia, quakes in Blackclaw Mountain
have damaged the cell holding the Grendleroot.
Two hundred years ago, it sent forth black spires all
throughout the mountain. Many fear it will do so animated armor appear, having pursued Cerin into
again. the enclave, their blades covered in blood. The people
• The Black Cathedral was discovered and named long of Deepdelver’s Enclave scramble for weapons, but the
ago by early explorers of the mountain. Though its characters are in the best position to save the gnome
legend persisted, its location was lost. Not even the from the rampaging constructs.
archmages of the Black Star were able to locate it. When the suits of animated armor are defeated,
• Some believe the Black Cathedral to be the greatest Cerin explains that the leader of his band of explorers,
find in the mountain. Others believe it should stay Alvana Heverax, murdered the rest of their party
lost forever. after she discovered the entrance to the legendary
Black Cathedral—the supposed resting place of the
Adventure Hooks Grendleroot. Alvana believes that the Black Cathedral
houses the Seed of the Grendleroot—an artifact that
To customize this adventure, you might replace Alvana
she hopes to use to control the Grendleroot. Wishing
with any important NPC the characters have known,
to keep the discovery to herself, she had her shield
met, or heard of. This could be someone known to
guardian murder the rest of the group. Cerin alone
be a villain, or simply a character they might have
escaped to make his way back to the enclave, but
suspicions about. It’s also possible that one or more of
Alvana sent a pack of animated armor after him. Those
the characters knew the members of the White Rabbit
constructs, long used by the White Rabbits as guards
adventuring company, and now seek justice for their
on their expeditions, tracked him down and caught up
to him just before his arrival.
If the characters are seeking to learn more of the
The enclave is in shock at the news of Alvana’s
Grendleroot, entering the Black Cathedral is the best
betrayal. Though known as a charismatic and
possible chance to see it up close and get a better
ambitious adventurer, she has hidden her evil nature
understanding of what it is. If the characters
well. There can be no doubt of the truth of Cerin’s
are more materially motivated, Bailon the Beardless
story, however, as the suits of animated armor clearly
can offer them 100 gp each to seek out the Black
show Alvana’s sigil.
Cathedral, or the party’s choice of a valuable relic from
Bailon the Beardless and the folk of the enclave look
his collection.
to the characters to hunt down Alvana Heverax, and to
stop her before she claims the Seed of the Grendleroot.
Start Cerin Grayhat maps out the path to the Black
The adventure begins at a wedding celebration Cathedral and identifies two possible entrances: a cave
in Deepdelver’s Enclave. Read or summarize the occupied by strange gray-skinned humanoids, and a
following to set the scene: crack in the ceiling of the site’s central chamber.

Wedding bells sound, music plays, and the two grooms,

Relph and Idin, are carried forth atop the shoulders
Traveling to the Black
of cheering residents of the enclave. Ardulvin the Cathedral
apothecary, the facilitator for the event, smiles at the Reaching the Black Cathedral takes seven days, and
two newlyweds before his eyes focus on something in the the journey is not an easy one. The site lies at the
distance, and his smile turns into a frown. Following deepest point of the mountain’s many passageways.
his gaze, you see a bloodied and bedraggled gnome Over the seven days, the characters must traverse
stumbling in through the distant gate. deep gorges, climb down dangerous shafts, and scale
steep cliffs pierced through with the spires of the
“She killed everyone,” the gnome says as he draws
closer. “She was my friend and she killed everyone.”
During the journey, you can add one or more
encounters by using the locations and encounter
The characters and the other folk of the enclave
descriptions in appendix B. For a shorter version of
recognize the gnome as Cerin Grayhat of the White
the adventure, you or the players can describe the
Rabbit adventuring company. Cerin collapses as
challenging journey through the mountain.
the crowd gathers around him and Ardulvin begins
casting healing magic. Then suddenly, four suits of
Pacing the Adventure enough to begin to break down the protections
surrounding the Seed of the Grendleroot in area 8.
How you choose to focus on the end goal is your best A set of natural caverns inhabited by a tribe of
tool for adjusting the length of this adventure. If you grimlocks and their two-headed ettin chieftain,
are running a faster-paced version of the adventure, named Grinn and Gunn, also leads into the central
things can end relatively quickly if the characters head chamber of the Black Cathedral. The ettin and the
straight down to the seed chamber in area 8. You can grimlocks worship the Caretakers as gods, and do not
also increase the urgency by reminding the players allow anyone to enter the site. The characters must
that Alvana acquiring the seed could be catastrophic. trick, sneak, or fight their way past the ettin and the
The characters might feel the ground shake beneath grimlocks to do so.
them or hear the cracking of her lightning bolts from The Black Cathedral is built of magically constructed
below to reinforce the primary goal of moving quickly. and shaped black stone, looking almost organic in
You can also seal off the passages leading to areas 3, 4, its design. Unless otherwise described, the Black
6, and 7 to focus on the endgame. Cathedral is unlit and has 20-foot-high ceilings in
For a slower-paced version of the adventure, shift its hallways, and 30-foot-high ceilings in its larger
the spotlight toward the side chambers, mentioning chambers.
the strange things the characters see or the alien
voices that guide them to explore. Characters with 1. T he B lack C athedral
a background in divine or arcane magic might feel Area Aspects. Vaulted hall, organic-looking black
the power of the staff of thunder and lightning in area stone, statues of the Caretakers
4 while still in area 1. They might hear the whispers
of Vim in area 7 while in area 5. They might have
This vast hall opens up one hundred feet below its
heard of the vast multiverse map in area 6, or could
vaulted ceiling. Six statues, three on each side of
remember that Jayce Goldsmile, Ayaan of Veyr, or one
the hall, stand seventy feet high and depict strange
of the other NPCs in Deepdelver’s Enclave wants to
learn more of the map and recover any artifacts tied to humanoid beings. The walls are shaped from black
it. stone, appearing almost organic, and making a
It’s also possible that the lift in area 5 can’t be sharp contrast to the rough stone of the surrounding
activated after Alvana used and sabotaged it. Vim mountain. Black spires are thrust up from the stone
might be able to reactivate it if the characters recover floor in several areas.
the staff in area 4, the map sphere in area 6, or both,
ensuring that these relics do not end up in villainous This is the central hall of the Black Cathedral. Though
hands. These kinds of dynamic quests can be used to the Caretakers worshiped no gods, the mortals who
change the pace by drawing the characters into areas first saw this hall gave it that name due to its vaulted
they might otherwise skip. structure and otherworldly style.
The statues depict the Caretakers—tall, thin
The Black Cathedral humanoid beings with featureless faces and four long
fingers on each hand.
The characters can enter the Black Cathedral from
If they enter through the hole in the ceiling, the
one of two points. The White Rabbits dug a deep shaft
characters must descend 100 feet to the center of
that broke through the ceiling above the center of area
the floor. Otherwise, they can enter by way of area 2
1. When Alvana realized she had found her goal, she
through a large crack in the west wall.
had her shield guardian throw her companions down
Raised platforms reached by oversized stairs stand
the shaft to their deaths, sending a squad of animated
along the east and west walls. Large trapezoidal
armor after Cerin Grayhat when he fled. She then used
doorways lead east and south. The sphere in the center
a fly spell to descend into the chamber. Her shield
of area 3 can be seen from this area.
guardian leaped down after her, smashing into the
If they come through the ceiling, the characters
ground and using its regeneration to rebuild itself—
recognize that the break in the west wall leads to the
though with only partial success.
entrance they did not follow.
Alvana has been exploring and studying the Black
The doorway in the southeast corner of the room
Cathedral since Cerin fled. She has only just learned
leads to a steep staircase descending to area 5.
D escent to the B lack C athedral

CREATURE 2. G rimlock L air

A black pudding lurks underneath the hole in the
center of the ceiling, appearing as a black, oily pool Area Aspects. Decrepit sleeping furs, rough hut,
on which a number of bones and scraps of leather discarded bones, cracked stone face
float. (These are the remains of the White Rabbit
adventurers, whose bodies have been consumed by the The smell of rotting meat permeates this rough-walled
ooze.) The ooze’s long proximity to the Grendleroot natural cavern, which opens up to tunnels to the north
has mutated it, so that when it attacks, it rises up and east. Torn animal furs cover part of the floor, while
and appears almost humanoid in its movement. discarded bones—both animal and humanoid—are
Additionally, it has this feature: scattered to the corners of the cave. A roughly built
• The black pudding can cast the command spell hut of bone and leather stands on the north side of
(DC 13) as a bonus action, with the target forced to the cavern. A huge stone face juts out from the rock
instinctively grovel so that the black pudding might of the south wall, cracked in half where a cluster of
more easily devour it. This feature cannot be used Grendleroot spires have pierced it.
again until the black pudding finishes a short rest.
If time is running short or the characters have Any inspection of the stone face confirms that it is
already faced enough battles, you can skip this not, in fact, a sculpture or carving. A character who
encounter. succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (History) check
TREASURE recognizes that this is the head of a rune titan, one
The black pudding holds a cache of gold and jewelry of the long-vanished ancient rulers of Blackclaw
that it hasn’t yet dissolved—73 gp worth of coins, Mountain, embedded into the cavern wall and slain
gems, and jewelry, including a fine cloak pin with the when its head was split apart by the Grendleroot. (See
insignia of the White Rabbit adventuring company. chapter 2 for more information on the rune titans.)

CREATURES 3. M ausoleum
Six grimlocks and a grimlock ettin named Grinn and
Gunn reside in this cavern, with the ettin ruling from Area Aspects. Central sphere floating above triangular
the hut to the north. (See the “Grimlocks in Blackclaw pyramid, dozens of spheres embedded in the walls,
Mountain” sidebar in chapter 8, “Chuul,” for more enormous faceless statue
information on grimlock variants.) They all worship
the Caretakers as gods, and defend what until recently A large sphere hangs suspended in the air above
has been the only entrance to the Black Cathedral. a smooth triangular pyramid at the center of this
Grinn and Gunn use the ettin stat block with these chamber. Dozens of other spheres are embedded into the
changes: walls. A twenty-foot-high statue of a faceless creature
• They are immune to the blinded condition. stands, arms outstretched, on the south wall.
• They have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet, or to a
range of 10 feet while deafened, but are blind beyond This chamber served as the mausoleum for the
this range. Caretakers, and is the entrance to their secret armory
• They can’t use their blindsight while deafened and (area 4).
unable to smell. SPHERE OF MEMORIES
• They have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) The central sphere contains the memories of the dead
checks that rely on hearing or smell. Caretakers, but accessing those memories is no easy
• They have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks feat. A creature that puts its hands on the sphere and
made to hide in rocky terrain. succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can
The ettin and the grimlocks do not willingly let connect to the memories within. On a failed check,
anyone into the Black Cathedral, which they consider the creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
a holy place. However, trickery, stealth, or violence can throw or take 14 (4d6) psychic damage and suffer a
convince them to let the characters pass. random form of short-term madness. On a successful
If the characters enter this area from area 1, the save, the creature takes half as much damage and
grimlocks are initially astounded to see them, taking suffers no madness.
them as emissaries of the gods. Grinn and Gunn are Characters who tap into the memories held in
suspicious, though, and demand that the characters the sphere can learn many of the secrets and clues
prove that they are chosen. If the characters can do so described earlier in the adventure. They can also learn
(according to whatever terms you set), the grimlocks about the history of the Grendleroot, as described in
might offer tribute or service. If they can’t, the chapter 2. Characters accessing these memories might
grimlocks and the ettin attack. see the asteroid floating in the Astral Plane, in which
If time is running short or the characters have the Caretakers captured and studied the Grendleroot.
already faced enough battles, you can skip this They might see a tear in the fabric of the Astral Plane
encounter. and the asteroid crashing down to the world. They
TREASURE might see the planet shrouded in dust that killed
A mixture of old coins, gemstones, and jewels (worth a nearly all life, or receive visions of the awakening of
total of 210 gp) are mixed in with the bones along the the Grendleroot two centuries past.
A bloodstained crown of black metal, crafted in an The statue on the south wall protects the secret
elven style and set with spikes pointing inward, sits on entrance to the Caretakers’ armory. A character who
a skull above Grinn and Gunn’s hut. A creature must touches or attempts to communicate with the statue is
put on this uncommon magic item to use it, taking the target of a telepathic assault that demands to know
1d6 piercing damage from the spikes. A creature that the character’s intent. In particular, the statue wants to
wears the crown can cast the hypnotic pattern spell know if the character is here to free the Grendleroot
(DC 15). Once the spell is cast, the crown’s magic or to keep it imprisoned. If the character confirms the
fades. latter truthfully, the statue crosses its arms over its
chest. Then it and a section of the wall shifts to the left,
opening up a secret passage to area 4.

If the character gives any impression that they want 5. C ontrol O rb
to set the Grendleroot free, the statue unleashes a
psychic blast on that creature, dealing 21 (6d6) psychic Area Aspects. Pulsing energy from floating cracked
damage and breaking the telepathic connection. That sphere, hole in the floor where beams of energy
character can no longer communicate with the statue, disappear, guardian statues, shaft dropping down
although another character can attempt to do so.
The mechanisms of the secret door are extremely Large statues of armored humanoids stand in three of
intricate. Without the statue’s assistance, opening the the four corners of this room, with the remaining corner
door requires either a successful DC 20 Intelligence filled with broken shards of a fourth. An alcove to the
(Arcana) check or a DC 20 Dexterity check using south opens up to an oval shaft dropping down into
thieves’ tools. A character who fails a check takes the darkness. Two smooth blue gemstones are set into the
statue’s psychic attack, as above. walls around the alcove.
4. A rmory In the center of the room, a large sphere shifts and
rotates with abrupt, chaotic movements and great
Area Aspects. Grendleroot spire shattering the floor,
speed. Violet beams of energy arc out from the bottom
scattered weapons, lightning arcing from staff
of the sphere and down a hole in the floor. A large,
jagged crack cuts across the surface of the sphere.
A hallway of black stone leads into a thirty-foot-square
vault. A Grendleroot spire has shattered the floor, This chamber contains part of the magical machinery
scattering broken weapons and suits of strange armor that keeps the Grendleroot in check. The characters
around the room. A staff hanging on the back wall arcs can see swirling lights shining from the hallway to the
with lightning, which flares out to strike the tip of the west, and a carving of a large alien face shot through
spire. with a Grendleroot spire down the hallway to the east.
This room served as the armory of the Caretakers. The sphere directs tremendous energy down through
Numerous weapons litter the floor, forged of black iron the pit below and into the Seed of the Grendleroot in
and sized for Medium creatures. Glaives, greatswords, area 8. Anyone who touches the sphere or the violet
greataxes, crossbows, and more all feature strange beams must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw,
alien designs, but use the same statistics as normal taking 35 (10d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or
weapons of their type. half as much damage on a successful one.
ARCING STAFF A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check
The staff on the south wall is a magic item whose made to inspect the sphere reveals that it is moving
power is being corrupted by the presence of the to counter the movement of something below it. The
Grendleroot spire. A successful DC 14 Intelligence sphere’s chaotic shifting keeps the beams lined up with
(Arcana) check can disrupt the flow of lightning some target below the hole.
long enough for a character to grab the staff off the MAGICAL LIFT
wall. Likewise, a character who succeeds on a DC 17 Touching the blue gemstone on the wall in front of
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check can pluck the staff the alcove calls a translucent floating disk the same
between blasts of lightning. Anyone who grabs the size as the shaft, which ascends 100 feet from area 8.
staff without such precautions must succeed on a DC If the disk is called, Alvana becomes aware of possible
17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) lightning intruders and prepares herself for battle in that area.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on Once the disk has been called, touching the gemstone
a successful one. The staff stops arcing once removed inside the alcove causes it to descend to area 8.
from the wall.
TREASURE The crack in the sphere is hindering its control of
The staff is a staff of thunder and lightning. It is the only the Seed of the Grendleroot. Three successful DC 14
magic item left in the vault that still functions, with Intelligence (Arcana) checks or three castings of the
all other magic having been corrupted by the negative mending cantrip can repair the crack in the sphere,
energy of the Grendleroot. greatly improving its reliability and curtailing the

spread of the Grendleroot in Blackclaw Mountain for whether it shows the world as it is now or at another
centuries to come. If an Intelligence (Arcana) check time is difficult to determine.
fails, a spark arcs out from the sphere to a random TREASURE
creature in the room, which must succeed on a DC The orb at the center of the chamber can be removed
16 Dexterity saving throw or take 21 (6d6) lightning and reactivated in any area, but the projection is much
damage. less accurate if the room is not completely spherical. It
CREATURE takes a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check
Alvana’s shield guardian stands invisible over the to activate the sphere each time it is used. This relic
remains of the smashed statue, having been given a would be worth a tremendous sum to any scholar
relic holding the invisibility spell by Alvana, along desiring the knowledge it holds.
with instructions to use it if any intruders descend the
stairs. The construct was badly damaged in its fall and
7. C hamber of V im
cannot fully repair itself, giving it these changes: Area Aspects. Large stone face shattered by
• It has 90 hit points. Grendleroot spire, arcane circle on the floor
• Its Regeneration trait does not function.
If the characters are particularly robust, you can A huge humanoid face carved of stone dominates
remove these limitations. the far wall of this thirty-foot-square chamber. A
The shield guardian attacks if anyone discovers it or Grendleroot spire has shot up through the floor, piercing
when a character approaches the lift. As it attacks, it the face’s cheek and erupting up through the top of its
activates the fire shield spell Alvana has stored within head. An arcane circle of complex design is scribed on
it, using the cold option. the floor.
6. M ultiverse M ap
This is the former resting place of Vim, the last of the
Area Aspects. Narrow walkway to the center of a Caretakers. Vim’s spirit was moved into the stone face
spherical chamber, floating black orb, projected map on the back wall so they could continue to monitor
of the multiverse the Grendleroot for millions of years. However, a
Grendleroot spire pierced the statue during a recent
A narrow walkway made of dull gray metal leads to quake, causing Vim great pain.
the center of this fifty-foot diameter spherical chamber, Vim communicates telepathically, but can do so
where a small black orb hangs in midair. A swirling only through images and feelings. A creature sitting
image of the entire multiverse expands out across in the circle can attempt to create a telepathic bond
the inner surface of the room. It moves and shifts with Vim. When the bond is established, the creature
continually, showing the Nine Hells, the bottomless must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw
or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage as feedback from the
Abyss, the Astral Plane, the Elemental Planes, and
bond crushes their psyche. The bond is established
beyond. Studying it completely would take more than a
regardless, and visions from the Caretaker begin to
flood the bonded creature’s mind. You can choose
what this bonding might reveal to the characters from
This room serves as a great map of the multiverse.
the secrets and clues earlier in this adventure, or from
Caretaker sages once spent whole lifetimes studying
the information described in area 3.
the details of the map, but doing so required great
If Alvana has damaged the lift in area 5, Vim can
mental fortitude. Anyone who studies the map for
telepathically fix it if convinced to do so. They might
more than 1 hour must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
require that the characters retrieve and protect the
saving throw or suffer a random form of short-term
map orb in area 6, the staff in area 4, or both before
they help. You can use this request to tune the length
Any character who touches the orb and succeeds
of the adventure, removing these requirements for a
on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can move and
shorter adventure or adding them for a longer one.
shift the map to study various parts of the multiverse.
Vim has been trapped in the Black Cathedral
The map moves down to world-level resolution, but
for over a million years, and they have watched
the Grendleroot grow during that time. They don’t
understand the minds of mortals at all. They hope, • Bound. The animated armor is magically bound to
however, that the characters can slow down the an amulet. As long as the animated armor and its
Grendleroot’s growth. Vim has felt Alvana Heverax’s amulet are on the same plane, the amulet’s wearer
intentions and sees the danger in her desire to control can telepathically call the armor to travel to it, and
the Grendleroot. the armor knows the distance and direction to the
If Vim trusts a bonded character and their amulet. If the animated armor is within 60 feet of the
companions to stop Alvana and contain the amulet’s wearer, half of any damage the wearer takes
Grendleroot, they impart a single alien word into all (rounded up) is transferred to the armor.
the characters’ minds. This control word allows any Alvana places these constructs near the lift, so as to
character to influence the activity of the Grendleroot keep them between her and her adversaries. She uses
using the Seed of the Grendleroot (see area 8). their Bound trait to transfer half of any damage she
takes to an animated armor of her choice. You can
8. C hamber of the S eed
also adjust Alvana’s hit points to account for more
Area Aspects. Wavering beam of energy, pulsing characters, increasing them to 72 if the party has six
black stone, pit leading deeper into the mountain, characters or more.
Grendleroot spires tearing through the room
The Seed of the Grendleroot is the black stone floating
A wavering beam of violet energy arcs down from the above the pit and within the beam arcing down from
ceiling to a black stone floating at the center of the area 5. A creature pulling the seed from the beam must
chamber. The stone is the size of a human fist, and succeed on a DC 16 Strength (Athletics), Dexterity
pulses when the beam strikes it. A large pit below the (Sleight of Hand), or Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a
stone opens up to darkness below. Black Grendleroot failure, the creature takes 21 (6d6) lightning damage as
spires have erupted from the pit to burrow into the floor the seed is pulled free.
and walls around it, all currently frozen in place. The Seed of the Grendleroot is an artifact with the
potential to control the Grendleroot. Its beneficial and
This chamber holds the Seed of the Grendleroot, an detrimental properties are left to you to determine, in
artifact of great power. The pit descends 100 feet to addition to which it has the following property:
the cradle of the Grendleroot (area 9). The wavering • Summon Spire. A creature attuned to the seed, or
beam keeps the seed in check, but the crack in the who knows its control word (see area 7) can use an
sphere in area 5 has allowed the Grendleroot to spread action to call forth a 6-foot-high Grendleroot spire
outside its cradle. The Grendleroot spires that tore that shoots up through the floor under a target of
through this chamber long ago have since extended all their choice within 50 feet of them. The target must
throughout the mountain, thickening and splitting as make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18
they grew. (4d8) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as
CREATURE much damage on a successful one. The Grendleroot
Alvana Heverax, a neutral evil female halfling mage spire that erupts from the ground becomes a
has just finished breaking through the Caretakers’ permanent object, and destroys any other mundane
protections guarding the Seed of the Grendleroot. See object through which it passes.
“Notable NPCs” for Alvana’s statistics. If the seed is not placed back in the beam within
If Alvana sees the lift ascend the shaft, then come 10 minutes of its removal, the Grendleroot begins to
down again, she prepares herself by casting greater move, twisting its spires and causing untold damage
invisibility. She then blasts the characters with cone of throughout Blackclaw. Within days, it will shatter the
cold when the lift first appears, hitting as many of them whole mountain.
as she can. Replacing the Seed of the Grendleroot requires a
If the party has more than four characters to face successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or
Alvana, she has animated one suit of armor for each Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a failure, the character
additional character before the fight starts, and has making the check takes 21 (6d6) lightning damage
bound them to the same amulet that controls her as the seed is replaced. The seed can also be replaced
shield guardian. Each suit of animated armor has this safely using a mage hand cantrip or similar magic.
additional trait: When the seed is placed back in the beam from area
5, the Grendleroot falls back under the control of the that succeeds on the saving throw takes half as much
Caretakers’ magical machinery. damage and does not suffer the madness effect.
SPIRE SHAFT A creature that survives touching the Grendleroot
The shaft leading down to the Grendleroot is 100 feet can feel its tremendous ancient power and its desire to
deep. Climbing down the shaft within the mass of escape the cradle. They feel the Grendleroot’s eternal
almost frictionless spires without a rope or suitable loneliness and fear. They hear its call to its creator
magic requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) across the Astral Plane—a twisted sentient planetoid
check. A creature that falls down the shaft takes known as the Black Star.
35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage and lands on 1d4
Grendleroot spires. Each spire deals 22 (4d10) piercing Concluding the Adventure
damage. Success in this adventure comes if the characters
TREASURE thwart Alvana’s attempt to acquire the Seed of the
Alvana wears an amulet of proof against detection Grendleroot, leaving the seed contained in area 8. If the
and location once worn by Soram of the Outside (see characters also repaired the sphere in area 5, they can
chapter 2). The amulet is shaped like an eye with a slow the Grendleroot’s growth, perhaps for centuries.
black opal in the center. (This is the amulet that Alvana If the Seed of the Grendleroot isn’t put back in place,
used to control the shield guardian. If the shield the Caretakers’ binding of the Grendleroot fails.
guardian survived its encounter with the characters, Within days, the Grendleroot destroys Blackclaw
they discover that the damage it took from the fall into Mountain. In months, it will have burrowed deep into
area 1 means it cannot be claimed or controlled.) the core of the world. Great earthquakes will split the
land. Floods will destroy whole coastlines. Black spires
9. C radle of the G rendleroot erupt within every town and city, killing millions. The
Area Aspects. Cracked spherical chamber, dozens of Grendleroot calls out across the planes to the Black
piercing spires, the Grendleroot and its single eye Star. The Black Star comes. And thus the world ends.
But with the Grendleroot safely bound by the
The shaft leads down one hundred feet before ending in Caretakers’ magical machinery, the heroes can return
a large spherical chamber. At the center of that chamber to Deepdelver’s Enclave and share their latest tale of
adventure over a cup of hot coffee.
sprawls the Grendleroot, a fifty-foot-wide irregular
black mass pulsing with malevolence and unknown
energy. The spires of the Grendleroot shoot out from the
central mass, driven through cracks in the walls of the
chamber and into the surrounding mountain. At the
center of the sphere, a single huge eye stares out.

This chamber houses the Grendleroot, which is

trapped here by the power of the Caretakers’ magical
machinery. The damage seen in the chambers above is
what let the Grendleroot send its spires all throughout
the mountain more than two centuries ago, and what
allows it to remain conscious now as it seeks a final
The Grendleroot cannot be damaged or affected
by any attacks or magic available to the characters.
Any creature that tries to damage the Grendleroot or
touches it for the first time on a turn must make a DC
20 Wisdom saving throw, taking 70 (20d6) psychic
damage on a failed save and suffering a random form
of short-term and long-term madness. A creature


Light your lantern and tighten your pack. Loosen your sword and ready your rope, as you get set to explore
the depths of the unknown.

his appendix is a short guide to help players might be a servant of the Order of the White Sun,
understand the place of their characters in dedicated to ensuring that the darkness within the
Blackclaw Mountain. Use the information mountain does not spread.
here to help you build characters with a strong Whatever your specific purpose, though, you are
connection to the adventures to be found in the ruins first and foremost an adventurer who seeks to explore
of the Grendleroot. the mountain with your companions.

Starting Point Four Truths of Blackclaw

Your adventures in Blackclaw Mountain begin
in Deepdelver’s Enclave. This lively settlement is
found deep within the mountain, on a high cliff All explorers who spend time in the tunnels and
overlooking an enormous cavern and the ruined caverns of Blackclaw Mountain know the following
city of Shadowreach. Deepdelver’s Enclave is the truths.
central outpost and home base for the explorers and A ncient L egacy
adventurers who work their way through Blackclaw,
The mountain is deep, vast, and impossibly old.
intent on uncovering the secrets of the Grendleroot.
Hundreds of monstrous lairs and civilized settlements
have been carved out within Blackclaw, and now lie
Who Are You? forgotten in its depths. The mountain is filled with lost
Characters of all stripes are drawn to Blackclaw caverns, tunnels, vaults, warrens, ruins, graveyards,
Mountain. You might be an explorer seeking the keeps, lakes, dungeons, and lairs. No one has ever fully
treasure and lore that can be found throughout the explored the mountain, whose history goes back over
mountain’s tunnels, caverns, vaults, and ruins. You a thousand thousand years.
might be a historian intent on uncovering remnants
of the countless civilizations that have risen and fallen L ight in the D arkness
within Blackclaw. You might be a sage seeking to Deepdelver’s Enclave serves as a beacon of civilization
understand the mysteries of the Grendleroot. Or you and hope against the endless night of Blackclaw. The
Enclave is a place of refuge, trade, companionship,
joy, and camaraderie. Its people all share a sense of or to seek out lore and relics from the fall of the order
curiosity and wonder, and a hunger for exploration. centuries ago.
They come to Deepdelver’s Enclave to uncover the
mysteries of the mountain and study its ancient secrets.
O utlander
Characters with this background are likely Blackclaw
L ayers of H istory outlanders—folk who have lived their whole lives
The ruins of countless civilizations can be found within the caves and tunnels of the mountain. As
within the ancient caverns and chambers of the an outlander, you are intimately familiar with the
mountain. Explorers can find remnants of lost history mysteries of Blackclaw Mountain, and with its dangers.
everywhere, from the enormous shrouded statues of Instead of the Wanderer feature from this background,
the archmages of the Black Star to the monuments you could take the Deep Survival feature from the
of the Order of the White Sun; from the half-buried Blackclaw deepdelver background.
remains of the rune titans who were the first rulers
of Blackclaw Mountain, to the primitive paintings
S age
of the mysterious Caretakers who traveled with the If your character has the sage background, you might
mountain when it crashed to the world. Explorers of study a subject specific to Blackclaw Mountain, rolled
the mountain seek the lore and relics of these ancient on or chosen from the Blackclaw Sage Specialties table.
civilizations, trading them in the enclave or studying
their lost magic.
Blackclaw Sage Specialties
d6 Specialty
M ystery of the G rendleroot 1 Magocracy of the Black Star
Throughout Blackclaw, the presence of large black 2 Order of the White Sun
metal spires thrusting out of solid rock mark the 3 Legends of the Black Star
presence of the Grendleroot, an otherworldly 4 Origins of the Grendleroot
sentience buried deep within the mountain. None 5 Flora of Blackclaw Mountain
know for sure what this entity is or what it wants, but 6 Fauna of Blackclaw Mountain
the indestructible spires and the energy that thrums
throughout the mountain speak of the Grendleroot’s S oldier
tremendous power.
As a character in Blackclaw Mountain with the soldier
background, you might be a veteran of the Thousand
Ruins of the Grendleroot Spear War—a deadly conflict between dwarves,
Backgrounds humans, elves, and goblinoids a decade ago. Perhaps
you found yourself ill-suited to life in the settlements
This section provides suggestions for connecting four of the surface world, but discovered that the freedom
classic character backgrounds to Blackclaw Mountain, and choice of work in Deepdelver’s Enclave is much
in addition to two new backgrounds customized for to your liking. Moreover, you have the respect of Ruth
your campaign: the Blackclaw Deepdelver and the Willowmane, another veteran of that bloody conflict.
Grendleroot Scholar. Alternatively, a character with this background in
A colyte Blackclaw Mountain could be a knight of the Order
of the White Sun. Such knights are sometimes sent
A character with this background in Blackclaw
by the order to assess the dangers of newly uncovered
Mountain could be an acolyte of the Order of the
areas within the mountain, to look for signs that
White Sun. Such acolytes serve as assistants to priests,
the magocracy is active, and to destroy any evil in
squires to knights and paladins, and caretakers to the
Blackclaw, whether descended from the Magocracy of
order’s few remaining temples and fortresses. As the
the Black Star or not.
order continues to fade into obscurity, the number of
new recruits continues to fall, giving acolytes more B lackclaw D eepdelver
responsibilities in already thankless positions. You are a longstanding member of Deepdelver’s
As an acolyte, you might have been sent to Enclave, knowledgeable in the mysteries, dangers,
Blackclaw by the Order of the White Sun, charged and treasures to be found in Blackclaw Mountain.
with investigating recent happenings in the mountain,
You might have previously undertaken some minor FEATURE: DEEP SURVIVAL
missions of exploration, but you are ready now for You are experienced at traveling and surviving the
greater things. What have you experienced on your caves and tunnels of Blackclaw Mountain. While in
previous expeditions? What do you expect to face the mountain, you can retrace your steps to any place
now? What do you hope to gain? And what might you to which you have previously traveled. Additionally,
lose? when you enter a new location in the mountain, you
You have friends and rivals in the enclave who have immediately recall a single piece of lore about that
witnessed your victories, your teamwork, and your location, provided by the GM. The lore could be about
reveling—but they also know your failures and fears. hazards or monsters rumored to be in the area, edible
The folk of Deepdelver’s Enclave are your family, and or harmful fauna or flora, or a historical fact or legend.
you have embraced the love of exploration common to SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
all of them, and their goal of standing out as a light in Deepdelvers are shaped by the truths of the enclave.
the dark. Most are curious team players who embrace life,
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival but living in Deepdelver’s Enclave isn’t all fun and
Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer’s tools, thieves’ tools games. Regardless of the dangers they have faced, the
Equipment: A small piece of black metal found in deepdelvers hang on to their love of the mystery of
the mountain and carved with a mysterious rune, a the mountain. Nothing excites them more than an
bullseye lantern, a map drawn by a friend who never unexplored crevasse or a statue of an ancient people
returned from a delve, a set of common clothes, a not seen in millennia.
two-person tent, and a purse containing 15 gp
G rendleroot S cholar
d8 Personality Traits The mysteries of Blackclaw Mountain call to you—
1 When I am faced with a mystery or puzzle, it con- sometimes literally. You know that the Grendleroot
sumes my thoughts until I uncover a solution. connects the mountain to other worlds and unknown
2 I am always the first to volunteer for a dangerous
3 I find a way to have fun no matter where I go. d6 Bond
4 I like to tell exciting stories of my adventures when- 1 I am determined to uncover the origin of an uniden-
ever I can. tified object I found in the mountain.
5 I can work with almost anyone. 2 I left friends behind after a cave-in separated us, and
I have yet to find them.
6 If I see someone who isn’t smiling, I do my best to
change that. 3 I have a rival in Deepdelver’s Enclave who tries to
show me up.
7 I prefer the safety and comfort of darkness to bright
light. 4 Deepdelver’s Enclave is the only home I have ever
8 I seek novelty in all things and become bored easily.
5 There is a puzzle in a cavern of Blackclaw Mountain
that I cannot crack.
d6 Ideal
6 I wield the weapon of a delver ally who died in Black-
1 Community. I would do anything for my fellow delv-
claw Mountain.
ers. (Any)
2 Knowledge. Blackclaw Mountain holds secrets I must
uncover. (Any) d6 Flaw
1 My obsession with exploring the mountain is more
3 Protection. I delve into the mountain to keep its hor-
important than all other tasks and relationships.
rors from spilling into the world. (Good)
4 Freedom. Delvers don’t need laws because Black- 2 I take credit for the accomplishments of others.
claw Mountain requires constant adaptation. 3 Everyone I meet must surely love me.
(Chaotic) 4 I act before I think.
5 Fun. Every day in Blackclaw Mountain is blissfully 5 I deserve a bigger share of treasure because I am
unique. (Chaotic) better at adventuring than everyone else.
6 Destiny. I cannot resist the mystery and adventure 6 I love pranks—especially dangerous ones!
within Blackclaw Mountain. (Any)

beings through eldritch power. These entities leave The message you receive might be vague or need to
mysterious messages in the mountain that you are be deciphered. It could take the form of a vision, alien
determined to decipher. As a Grendleroot scholar, you whispers, or any other medium the GM chooses. This
have studied the strange, maddening lore surrounding message contains a warning or piece of information
the mountain, and are always searching for the that pertains to an upcoming adventure.
answers you seek. Additionally, when you enter a new location in
Your reasons for choosing to study the Grendleroot the mountain bearing signs of the Grendleroot, you
are your own. Perhaps you search for someone you immediately know a single piece of lore about the
lost to the mountain, or you hunger to control the location, provided by the GM. The lore could be about
eldritch power contained in the Grendleroot. Perhaps hazards or monsters rumored to be in the area, edible
you simply can’t resist the mysteries the mountain has or harmful fauna or flora, or a historical fact or legend.
to offer. Whatever the reason, your studies have helped SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
you touch the mountain’s otherworldly madness, and Grendleroot scholars touch madness with their
you sometimes hear the thoughts of the Grendleroot minds, giving them strange idiosyncrasies. They are
through the eldritch power it channels. often distracted and temperamental, as though their
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History thoughts were consumed with the mysteries of the
Languages: Two of your choice mountain. Even those scholars most in control are still
Equipment: A small bag of sand, a bottle of ink, eccentric, and those with no control are downright
a quill, a journal, a mysterious tome found in mad.
Blackclaw Mountain and written in a forgotten
language, and a purse containing 25 gp
Many sages study the Grendleroot and never
experience the madness connected to Blackclaw
Mountain. You are not one of them. What were the
terms of your first brush with the Grendleroot’s
madness, shaping your connection to Blackclaw
Mountain? You can roll on or choose from the
Grendleroot First Touch table to answer this question,
or let the options on the table inspire your own story.

Grendleroot First Touch

d6 First Touch
1 You read the journal of another Grendleroot scholar,
exposing you to the Grendleroot’s mysteries.
2 You deciphered a coded message carved on the walls
of a tunnel in Blackclaw Mountain, exposing you to
the Grendleroot’s ancient history.
3 You first experienced the Grendleroot’s vast intellect
during a dream while you slept within the mountain.
4 A mad arcanist worshiping the Black Star awakened
your mind to the Grendleroot’s awareness.
5 You touched a relic found in Blackclaw Mountain that
connected you to the Grendleroot’s intellect.
6 You ate a unique fungus found in Blackclaw Moun-
tain, exposing you to the Grendleroot’s call.


Whenever you take a long rest in Blackclaw Mountain,
roll a d20. On a 19 or 20, you receive a message from
the eldritch powers connected to the Grendleroot.

d8 Personality Traits d6 Bond
1 I mutter to myself about mysteries I have yet to 1 I consider one of the Grendleroot’s voices a personal
solve. friend.
2 I often get distra … what were we talking about? 2 I have a recurring dream about the Grendleroot.
3 I speak so quickly that no one can keep up with me. 3 A shard of the Grendleroot is embedded in my body.
4 Speaking of toast, you can always count on me for a 4 I have a student who is learning the mysteries of the
non sequitur. Grendleroot from me.
5 I really don’t like being touched, okay? 5 My mentor has not been heard from since delving
6 I don’t care about my personal appearance. into Blackclaw Mountain on an adventure.
7 I have a catchphrase that I yell whenever I discover 6 I have a favorite cavern in the mountain where I can
something or solve a puzzle. most clearly hear the voices of the Grendleroot.
8 I rarely provide context when I present my thoughts
and ideas. d6 Flaw
1 My mood changes for absolutely no reason.
d6 Ideal 2 My temper is shorter than a kobold.
1 Knowledge. If I can unravel the Grendleroot’s mys- 3 I place no value on the opinions of others.
teries, I can solve any puzzle. (Any) 4 I don’t have time to bathe while there are mysteries
2 Power. Once I harness the Grendleroot’s power, all to be solved!
will bow before me. (Evil) 5 I talk around the problems I have with others rather
3 Greater Good. I am sacrificing my mind studying than speaking directly.
the Grendleroot so that others can benefit without 6 Personal space isn’t something I understand.
harm. (Good)
4 Discovery. I want to uncover a secret that will
change the world for the better. (Good)
5 No Limits. People should be able to study any sub-
ject they choose, regardless of taboos. (Chaotic)
6 Beauty. The turmoil of madness is the only true
beauty in this world. (Chaotic)


Blackclaw Mountain holds mysteries as endless as the imaginations of those who dare to explore it.

his appendix explores a number of options that The way in which you use the locations, features,
can help you run encounters and adventures effects, and encounters in this chapter gives you a
in Blackclaw Mountain. Use these tools as a way to increase or decrease the amount of time an
way to shape and share stories that show off adventure takes, or to increase or decrease the pace
the infinite depths of the mountain and the mysteries and challenge of the adventure. Use these options to
contained within it. You can use these tools while help you build the story you want to build.
running any of the ten adventures in this book or
when building your own adventures in the mountain.
S hort S essions
For sessions taking roughly two to three hours, you
Expanding the Journey can describe a location through which the characters
travel without having them run into any creatures. For
The ten adventures in this book each include a journey example, they might come upon an abandoned goblin
from Deepdelver’s Enclave to the primary location ruin surrounding a strange angelic statue. Though they
of the adventure. You can expand or condense the find no actual creatures there, the characters might
representation of this journey depending on the pace uncover a secret or clue while studying the statue.
of the adventure and the time you have to run it. Such a scene usually takes about ten minutes to run.
These journeys typically include navigating natural
passageways, traversing underground rivers, scaling L onger S essions
the walls of deep rifts, and exploring the ancient ruins If you’re running a session of three to four hours or
within the mountain. longer, you might expand a location with one of the
This chapter presents a number of interesting encounters from the “Blackclaw Encounters” section
locations, fantastic features, and potential encounters below. Each encounter can offer opportunities for
the characters might stumble into during their roleplaying, combat, or exploration. Such a scene
journeys. These encounters can open up interesting usually takes from thirty to sixty minutes to run,
opportunities for roleplaying, exploration, or combat. depending on how hard the encounter is and how long
Using such encounters randomly can help add a the players spend at the location.
unique edge to any adventure, creating situations and
scenarios that might surprise even you.

L ocations in B lackclaw
Limitless caverns, tunnels, and chambers fill
Blackclaw Mountain. You can roll on the Blackclaw
Locations table to quickly set up a new location for
the characters to pass through, or use the table for
inspiration to develop locations of your own.

Blackclaw Locations
d20 Location Description
1 Waterfall A tall waterfall erupts from the rock wall to fall to a pool or river.
2 Large rift A large crack in the stone floor of this area leads down into darkness.
3 Ancient ruin The depths of the mountain hide an outpost of the Order of the White Sun, a temple to
the Grendleroot or the Black Star, a primitive settlement established in ancient caves, or an
abandoned kobold mining expedition.
4 Monstrous lair Natural caverns give way to the lair of an underground monster such as a bulette, chimera,
sphinx, or dragon.
5 Underground lake A large lake hides ancient mysteries in its black depths.
6 Large sinkhole A collapsed cavern floor opens up to a shaft leading down.
7 Charnel pit The bones of creatures both humanoid and monstrous fill a deep pit.
8 Uncovered burial cairn The cairn of a primeval hero has been revealed by recent explorers.
9 Dark druidic circle A circle of black metal trees channels dark nature magic.
10 Collapsed ceiling A large mound of shattered rock rises underneath an open shaft extending higher up into
the mountain.
11 Goblinoid lair Twisted caves and makeshift stone hovels mark the extents of a goblin warren.
12 Chasm-spanning bridge A narrow, cracked stone bridge crosses over a wide chasm.
13 Towering spiral stairs A set of spiraling stairs carved from rock are too large for a normal humanoid where they
rise up into darkness above.
14 Colossal rib cage A massive petrified rib cage forms supporting pillars in this arched chamber.
15 Dragon’s lair The cavern gives way to the clear signs of a dragon’s lair—freezing ice, poison gas, stalac-
tites arcing lightning, pools of acid, or rivers of red-hot magma.
16 Lava flow An open rift belches out a river of red-hot magma.
17 Crystalline cave Huge crystalline growths jut out of the rock walls of this cavern, all of them humming.
18 Floating earthmote A large piece of carved rock floats in the center of a vast cavern.
19 Fey rift A small tear in reality leads into a secret underground fey grove from which alluring music
can be heard.
20 Mushroom grotto Mushrooms of all different sizes and colors fill this multilevel grotto. The largest of them
have been hollowed out to serve as dwellings for gnomes, halflings, goblins, or other small

R uined S tructures of S hadowreach
Deepdelver’s Enclave sits on a high plateau that marks
the edge of the ruined city of Shadowreach. Use the
Shadowreach Structures table when you need to
describe key structures for players whose characters
are exploring the ruins.

Shadowreach Structures
d20 Structure Description
1 Slave cells A set of sunken cells once held some of the many slaves forced to serve the magocracy.
2 Forge Smiths crafted the weapons of the magocracy’s armies in these huge forges.
3 Armory Soldiers, both living and undead, stored their weapons in a number of armories strategically
placed throughout the city.
4 Kitchens Vast and efficient kitchens cooked the tasteless sustenance that fed most of the magocracy’s
living slaves and servants.
5 Apartments Skilled laborers were permitted to stay in tiny, stark apartments stacked into tall towers across
the city.
6 Noble’s villa The few aristocrats of the magocracy were permitted to stay in small villas, where they could
escape into hedonistic pleasures.
7 Watchtower The guardians of Shadowreach stood sentinel in the many watchtowers throughout the city, all
decorated with iconography of the magocracy.
8 Statue The nine archmages of the Black Star created huge, grim statues in their own images, to re-
mind the people of Shadowreach who they served.
9 Granary Large silos stored the grain that provided minimal sustenance to the people of Shadowreach.
10 Mill Vast mills ground grains for baking into flatbread or distillation into bread-beer, to sustain the
workers of Shadowreach.
11 Storage cellars A vast network of interconnected cellars stored food and supplies for the people of the city.
12 Citadel Huge citadels were home to the half-dragon guardians who ruled over Shadowreach on behalf
of their archmage masters.
13 Courthouse Cursory trials and quick executions served by corrupt aristocrats and bloodthirsty executioners
took place daily in Shadowreach, staining the stones in front of each of the city’s courthouses
with blood.
14 Temple Temples to false gods kept the people of Shadowreach in a perpetual state of hope and de-
15 Tomb Guardians and generals who served the magocracy were sometimes given elaborate tombs
guarded by undead.
16 Market Well-rotted wooden shacks and cracked stone stalls once served as bartering hubs where the
people of Shadowreach traded for scraps.
17 Crier’s theater Public criers shouted from the stages of these semicircular tiered theaters, speaking the lies of
the magocracy.
18 Crematorium The smokestacks of these large, circular stone buildings continually billowed smoke into the
cavern around Shadowreach.
19 Prison The blood of thousands of victims cakes the walls of the dark and horrifying prisons scattered
throughout the city.
20 Clock These massive stone clocks once informed the people of Shadowreach of the start and end of
their long working days.

F antastic F eatures E nvironmental E ffects
For any of the previous locations in Blackclaw Many locations in Blackclaw Mountain contain
Mountain and Shadowreach (or any locations of your environmental effects, whether natural or unnatural.
own design), you can use the Blackclaw Features table Use the Blackclaw Environment table to add an effect
to add an interesting centerpiece feature. Such features to any location as desired.
might reveal a secret or clue from your adventure, You choose how the effect manifests and what kind
might act as the source of a strange environmental of game effects it might have. Many effects can simply
effect, or could show off the unusual discoveries to be provide flavor to exploration or combat, with no
made within the mountain. mechanical benefit or detriment. Other effects might
provide advantage or impose disadvantage to certain
Blackclaw Features types of attacks or checks, or might mirror the effect
d20 Feature of a spell. Some effects might result in a particular
1 Arcane circle on the floor monster showing up, or could deal damage of their
2 Monstrous altar own.
3 Dormant planar gateway
4 Desiccated remains of a large beast or monster
Blackclaw Environment
d20 Effect
5 Glyph-marked obelisk
1 Unnatural darkness
6 Carefully dissected corpse
2 Infestation of rodents, insects, or other vermin
7 Giant skull
3 Unstable rocks
8 Clockwork machine
4 Strange lights
9 Angelic statue
5 Unnatural heat
10 Demonic statue
6 Unnatural cold
11 Giant hand or claw
7 Arcane instability
12 Sacrificial altar
8 Strange whispers
13 Sarcophagus
9 Poisonous gas
14 Everburning brazier
10 Sharp stalagmites
15 Pillar marked with divine symbols
11 Humming black spires of the Grendleroot
16 Statues of soldiers impaled on stakes by unknown
foes 12 Fetid water
17 Sparkling sacred pool 13 Acidic pools
18 Ancient fountain 14 Lightning discharges
19 Black-iron tree 15 Psychedelic mushrooms
20 Unholy font filled with blood 16 Razor-sharp stones
17 Ancient illusions
18 Pools of blood
M onstrous A ltar
19 Glyphs left behind by the rune titans
20 Necrotic fog

Blackclaw Encounters the maximum number of monsters, give the characters
advance notice of the encounter and opportunities to
To add a quick encounter to any location as the deal with the situation without automatically entering
characters travel through Blackclaw Mountain, roll combat.
or select an option from the Blackclaw Encounters
table, then see the encounter descriptions that follow. A byssal C ult L eader
You can use the scenario described in the encounter A cult fanatic is seen surrounded by humanoid
directly, build your own encounter based on the corpses. As the cultist completes a ritual, 1d4 + 3 of
creatures noted in the encounter description, or let the corpses explode and transform into dretches, then
these encounters inspire your own ideas. Any details attack.
not provided in the encounter description (including
the race of some NPCs and the alignment of NPCs A colyte of S piders
and intelligent monsters) is left to your determination. A cultist prays at a web-covered idol of a spider
The difficulty of these encounters varies. All are built queen. If attacked or threatened, she yells out, “I am
to accommodate a group of four characters of 2nd delivered!” Then her body bursts and 1d2 + 1 swarm
through 5th level. If the characters are at the low end of insects (spiders) pour out, joined by 1d4 + 1 giant
of that level range and you roll (or simply want to use)

Blackclaw Encounters
d100 Encounter d100 Encounter
1–2 Abyssal cult leader 49–50 Incubus fight
3–4 Acolyte of spiders 51–52 Kobold traps
5–6 Ankheg tunnels 53–54 Lives of the dead
7–8 Basilisk 55–56 Lost actor
9–10 Black pudding 57–58 Mad mage
11–12 Bugbear ambush 59–60 Mimic statues
13–14 Cursed lizardfolk 61–62 Ogre metaphysics
15–16 Darkmantles’ temptation 63–64 Ooze lure
17–18 Defending owlbear 65–66 Orc raiders
19–20 Drow spies 67–68 Phase spiders
21–22 Duergar shrine 69–70 Pilgrims of the dark relic
23–24 Echoing minstrels 71–72 Priest and knight
25–26 From iron to rust 73–74 Regarding doppelgangers
27–28 Gargoyles 75–76 Shady vendor
29–30 Ghast’s lure 77–78 Skeletal watch
31–32 Gibbering mouther 79–80 Spy and ettercap
33–34 Gnome wall breakers 81–82 Squirming pillar
35–36 Grick ambush 83–84 Statue makers
37–38 Guardians of memory 85–86 There-rats
39–40 Hag’s child 87–88 Thieves of the ages
41–42 Hell knight 89–90 Vampire thralls
43–44 Hobgoblins preparing for war 91–92 Voice of the dead
45–46 Hungry like a wolf 93–94 Webbed hobgoblins
47–48 Hunters 95–96 Wet rats
97–98 Worm riders
99–00 Worshipful rats

spiders that drop down from the ceiling to attack the Grendleroot spires. When any creature comes close,
characters. they use their Darkness Aura and attack.

A nkheg T unnels D efending O wlbear

Numerous tunnels break through the walls, ceiling, An owlbear viciously defends an archway depicting
and floor of this area. As the characters explore, the elven royalty from any creatures that approach it. The
ground bursts upward and 1d2 + 1 ankhegs attack. archway was once a gate to the realms of the fey.

B asilisk D row S pies

A cavern or chamber is filled with half-destroyed A scout party of 2d4 drow is en route to Deepdelver’s
statues, all of which depict humanoids in combat. One Enclave. They pretend to be merchants hoping to sell
of the statues is known to the characters as an explorer a relic in the enclave, but that relic is secretly the focus
missing from Deepdelver’s Enclave. A basilisk lurks for a scrying ritual.
among the statues, hoping to make a new meal out of
the characters. One of the statues holds an unpetrified
D uergar S hrine
relic in its petrified hand. A work party of 1d4 + 1 duergar are forging a new
shrine to an archdevil with four heads and a draconic
B lack P udding body. They do not take kindly to interruptions or
A black pudding lurks in this cavern or chamber. Roll criticism of their work, and are happy to make the
a d4 or choose one of the following setups: characters their first sacrifices.
1: The ooze surrounds a cracked statue of a draconic
wizard, like a moat of black water.
E choing M instrels
2: The pudding hides on the ceiling among stalactites A band of 1d3 + 2 minstrels play beautiful music
and drops down on its victims. in a chamber or cavern with perfect acoustics. The
3: The black pudding covers a small Grendleroot spire, minstrels might be commoners who became lost
giving the spire an oily sheen. while seeking out this perfect performance place, or
4: The black pudding has been split into a number they might be specters spawned by explorers who
of smaller puddings, which are in the process of were lost and died centuries earlier.
devouring 1d4 kobolds.
F rom I ron to R ust
B ugbear A mb ush Some kind of iron construct is covered with corrosive
A pack of 1d6 + 3 goblins appear to be surprised when rust and posed as if cowering from something. If
the characters meet them. However, the goblins are examined, the construct bursts apart to reveal 1d2 + 1
bait, and allied with 1d4 + 1 bugbears that attack from rust monsters.
the shadows.
G argoyles
C ursed L izardfolk A pair of gargoyles follow and torment a known spy
The sound of combat is revealed to be 2d6 lizardfolk kicked out of Deepdelver’s Enclave. The spy begs the
merchants battling 1d4 + 1 minotaur skeletons. The characters for help.
disembodied voice of Yolon of the Void (see chapter
G hast ’ s L ure
2) whispers that the lizardfolk must return a relic
they possess to the lich’s vault or suffer a curse of a The screams of three explorers (all commoners) echo
thousand years. from the shadows ahead. The explorers have been
ambushed by 1d4 + 2 ghouls and a ghast, which will
D arkmantles ’ T emptation consume them unless the characters intervene.
A relic lying at the center of a cluster of Grendleroot
G ibbering M outher
spires is surrounded by a pile of bones—including
a hand that reaches for the relic. This site is a A statue of a wizard stands in a pool of red-black
hunting ground for 1d4 + 1 darkmantles that use liquid. As the characters approach, eyes and mouths
the relic as bait. Some of the creatures hang among appear in the pool, revealing it to be a gibbering
stalactites above, while others stand hidden within the mouther.

G nome W all B reakers H obgoblins P reparing for W ar
The characters spot 1d4 + 2 rock gnome bandits A band of 1d6 + 3 hobgoblins prepares for battle,
attempting to use a clockwork machine to break practicing formations and sharpening weapons.
through a worked wall of iron. As they break through They plan to attack a nearby chimera that guards a
the wall, roll a d4 or choose a result: relic they desire. The hobgoblins might attack the
1: The rotted hand of an ogre zombie reaches out. characters, or they might attempt to recruit them for
2: A specter flows out. the coming battle.
3: A vampire spawn posing as a commoner calls
out from behind the wall, claiming to have been
H ungry like a W olf
magically trapped there for centuries. An explorer named Rogan Rockstomper (a hill dwarf
4: The clawed hand of a bearded devil lashes out. veteran with 10 hit points remaining) cowers in the
shadows. He claims that a dire wolf named Blacktooth
G rick A mb ush leads a pack of 1d6 + 3 wolves in the tunnels, and is
The decayed bodies of four armored knights have been hunting him and the characters alike. Roll a d6. On a
piled into the center of this area. On the ceiling above 1–3, Rogan is telling the truth. On a 4–6, he is actually
the bodies, 1d4 + 2 gricks wait to ambush anyone who a werewolf who leads the described pack, and who
draws close to investigate. attacks the characters in hybrid form once the pack
G uardians of M emory
A band of 1d6 + 4 tribal warriors protects a stone H unters
giant embedded into the wall of this area in a state of The characters stumble across 1d6 cultists willingly
magical slumber, leaving only the giant’s occasionally letting themselves be devoured by 2d4 hyenas, under
moving legs exposed. The warriors demand that the command of 1d6 + 3 gnolls. The cultists and
each character touch a magic stone they carry, which gnolls are conducting this dark ritual in the service of
bestows the effect of a modify memory spell to erase their demonic lord, who they believe walks the tunnels
the characters’ knowledge of what they’ve seen—if of Blackclaw Mountain.
they wish to leave the area alive.
I ncub us F ight
H ag ’ s C hild Two thugs fight over an incubus who loves the
The characters come across Bibi Redorchard, a child attention it’s getting. The incubus turns its attention
who has escaped from the lair of a green hag named randomly to one of the characters, and the thugs do
Auntie Blacktongue. Bibi is cursed by the hag, which not take kindly to being upstaged.
must be slain to undo the curse. But at the hag’s lair,
the child reveals itself to be a younger rival green hag
K obold T raps
who wanted to get rid of its vexing foe. A scout party of 3d6 kobolds work to set up a
complicated series of traps. To determine the types of
H ell K night traps, roll a d8 twice, rerolling duplicates, or choose
A knight prays to her archdevil patron at a gore- from the following options:
covered altar while her pet hell hound lurks nearby. 1: Moldy crossbows
She is not immediately hostile, but does not hide her 2: Firepots
worship of the devil. The power of the altar grants 3: Sharp rocks
the knight an extra 3 (1d6) fire damage on successful 4: Bags of snakes
attacks, and grants her the ability to cast the fire shield 5: Fungus-encrusted caltrops
spell once per day as a bonus action. The altar has AC 6: Acidic snares
15 and 25 hit points, and it can be destroyed with a 7: Barbed nets
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) or Intelligence 8: Diseased spears
(Arcana or Religion) check. If the knight is defeated, Then roll a d4 or choose from the following options
she is revealed to possess an evil relic. to set the scene:

1: The characters arrive while the kobolds are still O oze L ure
setting up their traps.
A gelatinous cube sits in the middle of this chamber
2: The characters arrive with the kobolds ready and
or cavern, with a relic suspended within it.
waiting to spring the traps on them.
3: The kobolds are busy springing the traps on 1d6 O rc R aiders
orcs. A group of 2d4 orcs prowls the tunnels of Blackclaw,
4: The kobolds have all been killed by their own traps. hoping to jump unwary explorers and take any loot
L ives of the D ead they might have.
This cavern or chamber is occupied by 1d4 specters, P hase S piders
which move around conducting what appear to be The area around the characters appears to shift in and
daily activities—eating, bathing, sleeping, and the like. out of reality, as a result of phase spiders lurking in the
These restless spirits do not realize they are undead, ethereal darkness. Roll a d4 or choose the nature of the
and do not react well to finding out the truth. encounter:
L ost A ctor 1: 1d2 phase spiders are busy wrapping up a human
A famous actor named Antovio Delemonte (a scout from Deepdelver’s Enclave.
commoner) has gotten lost while exploring the 2: 1d2 + 1 phase spiders are hidden and waiting to
mountain in search of inspiration. He begs the ambush the characters.
characters to help him find his missing boots of striding 3: 1d2 + 1 phase spiders are making handy work of a
and springing. Roll a d4 or choose who stole the boots: band of 2d4 orcs.
4: 1d2 phase spiders guard 1d4 drow hunting for a
1: Boot-worshiping kobolds
powerful relic.
2: A stylish wererat
3: A gray ooze P ilgrims of the D ark R elic
4: His biggest fan, the scarred gladiator Marsha A group of 1d6 + 3 cultists is led by a cult fanatic
Crowdstomper leader, and protecting a relic they hope to use to
If Antovio’s boots are recovered and the characters conduct a dark ritual. The relic is difficult to destroy,
lead him to safety, he gifts the boots to the party in and members of the cult constantly seek it if it is taken.
thanks. No one in Deepdelver’s Enclave will purchase the relic.
M ad M age P riest and K night
A wandering mage who has burned out her own A priest and a knight are traveling through the
eyes wants to share the secrets she’s uncovered. She mountain on a pilgrimage. Roll a d4 or choose one of
whispers into the ear of any character who allows the following options:
it, with that character forced to succeed on a DC 16 1: The pair are benevolent, and aid the characters with
Charisma saving throw or suffer a random form of blessings and healing.
both short-term and long-term madness. “Now you 2: They are suspicious of the characters, and are
know the truth,” the mage says as she wanders off. secretly transporting an evil relic.
M imic S tatues 3: The two are followers of a fiendish god, and seek to
capture the power of the Grendleroot.
A lone treasure chest sits in the middle of a cavern or
4: The priest and the knight are both found slain.
chamber, flanked by two statues. The chest is real but
Roll again on the Blackclaw Encounters table to
the statues are a pair of mimics.
determine who was responsible.
O gre M etaphysics
R egarding D oppelgangers
Three ogres argue about the nature of reality, and
An NPC the characters recently met in Deepdelver’s
whether they truly exist or are simply figures in a
Enclave is found wandering, looking bedraggled
grand illusion created by Ulon the Mind Dancer (see
and much older. Roll a d6. On a 1–2, the NPC is a
chapter 2). They demand that the characters prove
doppelganger. On a 3–4, this is the real NPC and the
whether or not they dwell in an illusory world.
characters previously met the doppelganger. On a 5–6,

this is the doppelganger, but the actual NPC is secretly T hieves of the A ges
evil and the doppelganger is good.
A group of 2d6 bandits work at the behest of a
S hady V endor bandit captain, trying to put jeweled eyes back into
A wraith cloaked and hooded in black offers to sell the a draconic statue. When asked why, they reply, “The
location of a powerful relic for 10 gp—and a drop of curse, of course!”
each character’s blood. V ampire T hralls
S keletal W atch A party of 2d6 bandits searches for a specific child
A group of 4d6 skeletons stands in tight, unmoving to bring to Redstone, a settlement in Blackclaw that
formation. Their rotting armor and rusted weapons worships the White Queen (see the “Vault of the
are from the age of the Magocracy of the Black Star White Queen” adventure). The bandits have been
(see chapter 2). If any skeleton is attacked, all of them charmed and sent by Threx, the queen’s vampire
shift into fighting stance and enter the fray. They spawn guard. The White Queen’s reasons for wanting
otherwise ignore intruders. the child are left to your determination.

S py and E ttercap V oice of the D ead

A spy is enjoying a sumptuous picnic lunch as the The ancient corpse of a stone giant is half buried in
characters arrive, while his ettercap partner lurks rock and surrounded by 2d4 will-o’-wisps. As the
in the shadows. The two hate all fey and fey-related wisps flutter about, the characters hear the voice of the
creatures, and have been sent to kill a prominent elf in giant calling out to them for help. This might be a trick
Deepdelver’s Enclave. the will-o’-wisps use to move closer to their victims.
Or perhaps the giant wants to pass along ancient
S quirming P illar lore—or doesn’t realize it’s dead.
A twisted pillar of the Grendleroot appears to be W ebbed H obgoblins
squirming in the distant shadows. The pillar is actually
surrounded by 3d6 stirges that swarm into violence if Tight webbing holds 1d4 hobgoblins plastered to a
disturbed. Once the Grendleroot pillar is exposed, the cavern wall. The two ettercaps and 1d4 swarms of
characters can see a humanoid form half encased in its insects (spiders) that overwhelmed and placed the
black metal. hobgoblins there attack anyone else who comes close.

S tatue M akers W et R ats

Statues visible ahead turn out to be 2d4 petrified A mob of 1d4 swarms of rats flee from a water
orcs standing as if in the middle of combat. As the elemental that threatens to drown them.
characters approach or retreat, they are attacked by W orm R iders
1d2 + 1 cockatrices.
The wall of the cavern ahead explodes outward as a
T here -R ats purple worm emerges and roars past. The worm is
The party encounters a band of 1d2 + 1 wererats. Roll followed by 3d6 goblin worm riders, who carry hooks,
a d4 or choose one of the following options to set the ropes, skis, and sleds that let them ride behind the
scene: great monstrosity.

1: The wererats are in humanoid form and want to sell W orshipful R ats
a relic to the characters. A podium holding a relic is surrounded by 2d6 giant
2: The wererats are in hybrid form and attempt to rats, all standing motionless and twitching. The relic
ambush the characters. sends strange vibrations through the minds of those
3: The wererats spy on the characters in rat form, near it.
waiting to steal from them when the characters rest.
4: The wererats are in battle with another foe. Roll
again on the Blackclaw Encounters table or choose
their adversary.

Twenty Grendleroot d20
This creature’s bond to the energy of
Mutations shield the mountain lets it cast the shield
spell. This feature recharges when the
Creatures that dwell in Blackclaw Mountain for mutated creature finishes a short rest.
generations sometimes begin to mutate due to their
8 Spire This creature’s claws have taken on the
longtime proximity to the power of the Grendleroot. If claws unnatural strength of the spires of the
you want to add new features to the monsters within Grendleroot. When the creature hits
the mountain, roll on or choose from the Grendleroot with its claws or an unarmed strike, the
Mutations table. These traits might increase the attack deals an extra 3 (1d6) slashing
challenge rating of the monster to which they are
9 Sticky This creature’s limbs are coated in a
applied, so use them carefully in large numbers or paws strange, tacky slime that lets it move
against low-level characters. as though it were under the effect of a
spider climb spell.
Grendleroot Mutations 10 Twist time By tapping into the power of the moun-
d20 Mutation Effect tain, this creature can alter the flow of
time around itself. As a bonus action,
1 Black Strange plates of black stone or metal the creature can cast the haste spell
plates cover parts of this creature’s body, on itself, requiring no material compo-
granting a +2 bonus to its Armor Class. nents. This feature recharges when the
2 Darkfire This creature is wreathed in unnatural mutated creature finishes a long rest.
violet flames. When another creature 11 Open This creature’s long exposure to the call
strikes this creature with a melee mind of the Grendleroot has given it telepa-
attack, the attacker takes 3 (1d6) fire thy out to a range of 60 feet.
damage. This damage increases to 7
(2d6) if the creature is challenge rating 12 Shooting As an action, this creature can fire a
3 to 5, or 14 (4d6) if the creature is spines volley of Grendleroot shards in a 15-
challenge rating 6 or higher. foot cone. Each creature in the area
must make a Dexterity saving throw
3 Savage When this creature feels pain, its (DC 10 + half the challenge rating of
scream broken mind screams out toward the the mutated creature). A target crea-
source of that pain. As a reaction when ture takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage on
it takes damage from a creature within a failed save, or half as much dam-
60 feet of it, the mutated creature age on a successful one. This feature
deals 7 (2d6) psychic damage to the recharges when the mutated creature
creature that damaged it. finishes a long rest.
4 Psychic The abnormal energy of the mountain 13 Poisoned The natural weapons of this creature
illusions allows this creature to create duplicate weapons are coated in a sticky black poison.
images of itself. The creature can cast Once per turn, when this creature hits
the mirror image spell as a bonus ac- a target with a natural weapon attack
tion. This feature recharges when the or an unarmed strike, the target must
mutated creature finishes a long rest. succeed on a Constitution saving throw
5 Mental This creature’s broken mind can infect (DC 10 + half the challenge rating of
tremor those around it, obscuring it from their the mutated creature) or be poisoned.
vision. The creature can cast the blur An affected target can repeat this
spell as a bonus action. This feature saving throw at the end of each of its
recharges when the mutated creature turns, ending the poisoned condition
finishes a long rest. on a success.
6 Arcane This creature’s bond with the strange 14 Scream of As an action, this creature can
splinters energy in the mountain lets it cast the the void telepathically scream out the dark
magic missile spell, at a level equal to thoughts of the Grendleroot to nearby
half the challenge rating of the crea- creatures. Each creature within 15 feet
ture (minimum 1st level). This feature of it must make a Wisdom saving throw
recharges when the mutated creature (DC 10 + half the challenge rating of
finishes a short rest. the mutated creature), taking 10 (3d6)
psychic damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful
one. This feature recharges when the
mutated creature finishes a long rest.

d20 Mutation Effect d20 Mutation Effect
15 Call to the As an action, this creature can sum- 19 Burst of This creature can call upon the
Grendle- mon a Grendleroot spire from the rock the one Grendleroot’s thoughts of destruction.
root beneath an enemy within 50 feet of it. below As an action, the creature can cast the
The target must make a Dexterity sav- shatter spell, requiring no material
ing throw (DC 10 + half the challenge components. This feature recharges
rating of the creature). On a failed save, when the mutated creature finishes a
the target takes piercing damage equal long rest.
to 7 (2d6) times the challenge rating 20 Call to the This creature has a connection to a
of the mutated creature, and its speed one above being beyond mortality known as the
is halved until it regains at least 1 hit Black Star. As an action, the creature
point or finishes a short rest. Where can cast the sacred flame cantrip,
the Grendleroot spire thrusts up out of which deals necrotic damage instead of
the ground, it is a permanent and un- radiant damage.
breakable Medium object. This feature
recharges when the mutated creature

16 Breath of
finishes a long rest.
As an action, this creature breathes a
Grendleroot Weapons
the void blast of necrotic energy in a 15-foot Though the spires of the Grendleroot are
cone. Each creature in the area must indestructible, explorers sometimes find lesser shards
make a Constitution saving throw (DC of those spires that can be converted to use as tools,
10 + half the challenge rating of the weapons, and armor. Such items are extremely rare
mutated creature), taking 10 (3d6) ne-
crotic damage on a failed save, or half
and seldom offered for sale. Adventurers who wield
as much damage on a successful one. A Grendleroot items garner great respect from all those
creature that fails the saving throw has who explore Blackclaw Mountain, as the possession
the veins in its exposed skin turn black of such an item speaks to an adventurer’s bravery and
until it has finished a long rest. This
feature recharges when the mutated
creature finishes a long rest. Items crafted from shards of the Grendleroot are
17 Vision As a bonus action, this creature can treated as magical and adamantine. Grendleroot
of the impart a vision beyond mortal compre- shard weapons overcome the same damage resistances
beyond hension to a target it can see within 60 overcome by adamantine, and Grendleroot shard
feet of it. The target must succeed on a armor has the same properties as adamantine armor.
Wisdom saving throw (DC 10 + half the
Melee weapons and ammunition made of Grendleroot
challenge rating of the mutated crea-
ture) or suffer a random form of short- shards are especially effective when used to break
term madness. An affected creature objects, and whenever such a weapon or piece of
can repeat the saving throw at the end ammunition hits an object, it is treated as a critical
of each of its turns, ending the effect
hit. A suit of armor, a melee weapon, or ten pieces of
on itself on a success. The creature can
automatically succeed on any saving ammunition crafted using Grendleroot shards costs
throw against this effect if it willingly 500 gp more than the normal version.
takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage. This The shard portion of a Grendleroot item is
feature recharges when the mutated indestructible, though the item as a whole can still be
creature finishes a long rest.
damaged. For example, the blade of a Grendleroot-
18 Impart the As an action, this creature can cause
shard dagger cannot break, nor can the head of an
maker’s small pieces of Grendleroot material to
curse tear out through the skin of a creature axe built around a wedge-shaped Grendleroot shard.
within 30 feet of it. The target must The handle and bindings of such weapons might still
succeed on a Constitution saving throw break, but the shard will not. Likewise, a suit of scale
(DC 10 + half the challenge rating of mail crafted with thin flakes of Grendleroot shards is
the mutated creature) or take 10 (3d6)
piercing damage. The Grendleroot still vulnerable to damage at its seams.
pieces then crumble to dust. This
feature recharges when the mutated
creature finishes a long rest.

Relics O ptional R ule : R elic I nstability
Thousands of relics of the past lie hidden in the Carrying a number of relics close to one another can
caverns and chambers of Blackclaw Mountain. As the be dangerous. At your determination, relics in prox-
characters explore the mountain, they might uncover imity to each other might potentially erupt in a surge
many such relics, some of which are mere curiosities— of wild magic, drive their possessors mad, or simply
be drained of their magical power. This optional rule
and others of which hold mysterious power.
helps ensure that the characters do not hoard large
You can use the following tables to generate unique numbers of relics, forcing them to either sell or use
relics that the characters might discover as they them.
adventure in the mountain. Some relics might be If you use this optional rule, when any party col-
found as treasure to reward the characters for their lectively carries more than four relics, each character
adventures. Others might channel useful magic. These possessing a relic must make a DC 13 Charisma sav-
ing throw at the end of each long rest. On a failure,
tables can also be used to generate unique traits for
the character suffers a random form of short-term
permanent weapons and armor. madness and a random form of long-term madness
You can roll on one or more of the tables to generate as entities from outside the bounds of reality whis-
relics of different types, from minor curiosities to per into their mind.
powerful and fantastic objects. Curiosities usually
have no useful power, but might show signs of magical contained within it once, after which the relic loses
effects or be valuable simply as treasure. Other more this power. For especially powerful relics, you might
powerful relics can have an associated spell effect, decide that the object regains the ability to cast its
allowing them to be treated as magic items of a spell each dawn. Such relics are extremely powerful, so
rarity determined by the spell’s level. The character include them in your games with care.
who possesses the relic can normally cast the spell

Relic State Relic Origin

d20 State d20 Origin
1 Smoking 1 Draconic
2 Hot 2 Dwarven
3 Cool 3 Elven
4 Radiant 4 Primeval
5 Bloody 5 Divine
6 Jeweled 6 Arcane
7 Carved 7 Abyssal
8 Rough 8 Cyclopean
9 Humming 9 Orcish
10 Shrouded 10 Undead
11 Chipped 11 Goblinoid
12 Ornate 12 Ghoulish
13 Rune-scribed 13 Vampiric
14 Decorated 14 Dark elven
15 Rough 15 Astral
16 Smooth 16 Ethereal
17 Plain 17 Infernal
18 Glyph-marked 18 Celestial
19 Cracked 19 Elemental
20 Shifting 20 Gnomish

Relic Trait
d20 Trait d20 Trait
1 Made of Grendleroot material 11 Decorated with an eyeless humanoid face
2 Etched with the writings of the rune titans 12 Marked with a fiendish rune
3 Hums when it gets close to a Grendleroot spire 13 Marked with a divine rune
4 Marked with the alien sigils of the Caretakers 14 Inspires its possessor to travel in a particular direc-
5 Made of old gnomish clockwork tion within the mountain
6 Scrawled with the sigil of the Magocracy of the 15 Holds the soul of an adventurer who doesn’t be-
Black Star (an eclipsed black star with nine points lieve she is dead
around the corona) 16 Etched with a map to an undiscovered area of the
7 Carved with swirling abolethic geometry mountain
8 Carved with the symbol of the Order of the White 17 Changes color with the rise and fall of the sun
Sun (a sword on a blazing sun) outside the mountain
9 Causes nightmares of cyclopean worlds 18 Marked with the symbol of the Keepers (a key on
a shield)
10 Inspires otherworldly dreams in the mind of its
possessor 19 Inscribed with beautiful poetry in ancient Elvish
20 Shifts with moving pictograms showing scenes of
tribal warfare
Relic Type
d100 Type d100 Type
1–2 Amulet 49–50 Jewelry box
3–4 Bell 51–52 Key
5–6 Bone 53–54 Lamp
7–8 Bowl 55–56 Mask
9–10 Box 57–58 Medallion
11–12 Bracelet 59–60 Mirror
13–14 Brooch 61–62 Necklace
15–16 Buckle 63–64 Opal
17–18 Candle 65–66 Orb
19–20 Coin 67–68 Pick
21–22 Crown 69–70 Pipe
23–24 Cup 71–72 Quill
25–26 Dagger 73–74 Rat skull
27–28 Disk 75–76 Ring
29–30 Earring 77–78 Rod
31–32 Eyepatch 79–80 Satchel
33–34 Figurine 81–82 Skull
35–36 Finger bone 83–84 Spear tip
37–38 Flute 85–86 Sphere
39–40 Gemstone 87–88 Spike
41–42 Glove 89–90 Stone
43–44 Goblet 91–92 String of beads
45–46 Holy symbol 93–94 Tiara
47–48 Idol 95–96 Tooth
97–98 Vial
99–00 Wand

Spell Ability
d100 Spell Relic Rarity d100 Spell Relic Rarity
1–2 Acid splash Common 53–54 Scorching ray Uncommon
3–4 Light Common 55–56 Shatter Uncommon
5–6 Shocking grasp Common 57–58 Silence Uncommon
7–8 True strike Common 59–60 Web Uncommon
9–10 Bane Common 61–62 Bestow curse Uncommon
11–12 Bless Common 63–64 Dispel magic Uncommon
13–14 Burning hands Common 65–66 Fear Uncommon
15–16 Charm person Common 67–68 Fly Uncommon
17–18 Color spray Common 69–70 Gaseous form Uncommon
19–20 Comprehend languages Common 71–72 Haste Uncommon
21–22 Cure wounds Common 73–74 Lightning bolt Uncommon
23–24 Detect evil and good Common 75–76 Slow Uncommon
25–26 Detect magic Common 77–78 Stinking cloud Uncommon
27–28 Fog cloud Common 79–80 Banishment Rare
29–30 Guiding bolt Common 81–82 Black tentacles Rare
31–32 Inflict wounds Common 83–84 Blight Rare
33–34 Jump Common 85–86 Fire shield Rare
35–36 Shield of faith Common 87–88 Ice storm Rare
37–38 Sleep Common 89–90 Stoneskin Rare
39–40 Thunderwave Common 91–92 Cloudkill Rare
41–42 Acid arrow Uncommon 93–94 Cone of cold Rare
43–44 Blindness/deafness Uncommon 95–96 Flame strike Rare
45–46 Detect thoughts Uncommon 97–98 Insect plague Rare
47–48 Invisibility Uncommon 99–00 Disintegrate Very rare
49–50 Misty step Uncommon
51–52 Ray of enfeeblement Uncommon

B uying and S elling R elics Relics able to cast a spell each day are worth five times
as much as those whose spells are cast only once. It’s
Relics are highly valued as treasure in Deepdelver’s
rare to find anyone who has the means to buy such an
Enclave. Both Jayce Goldsmile and Ayaan of Veyr deal
item, however.
in relics, and might have as many as three random
relics for sale or trade at any given time.
Curiosities (relics that do not hold a spell) are Improvised Ability Checks,
typically worth 3d6 × 10 gp. Magic-infused relics able
to cast a single spell increase the relic’s cost as follows:
Damage, and Effects
While running adventures in Blackclaw Mountain,
Spell Level Cost you might want to add your own traps, hazards, or
Cantrip + 50 gp environmental effects. When you do, make use of the
1st level + 100 gp following guidelines for determining the Difficulty
2nd level + 200 gp Class for ability checks, statistics for improvised
3rd level + 500 gp attacks and damage, hit points for inanimate objects,
4th level + 1,000 gp ad hoc saving throw DCs, and thresholds for damage.
5th level + 2,000 gp
6th level + 5,000 gp

These numbers typically work well for characters of 1st Long-Term Madness
through 5th level: d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 × 10 hours)
• Skill DCs: 10 (easy) to 20 (hard) 01–10 The character feels compelled to repeat a specif-
• AC: 10 (rotted wood) to 20 (hard stone or iron) ic activity over and over, such as washing hands,
• Attack Bonus: +3 (weak) to +7 (strong) touching things, praying, or counting coins.
• Hit Points: 5 to 30 11–20 The character experiences vivid hallucinations
and has disadvantage on ability checks.
• Saving Throws: DC 12 (weak) to DC 17 (strong)
• Low Damage: 3 (1d6) 21–30 The character suffers extreme paranoia. The
character has disadvantage on Wisdom and
• Medium Damage: 7 (2d6) Charisma checks.
• High Damage: 14 (4d6)
31–40 The character regards something (usually the
For certain traps or hazards, you might have source of madness) with intense revulsion, as if
failed saving throws impose conditions such as affected by the antipathy effect of the antipathy/
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, grappled, sympathy spell.
incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, 41–45 The character experiences a powerful delusion.
Choose a potion. The character imagines that
restrained, stunned, or unconscious. Use these they are under its effects.
conditions sparingly.
46–55 The character becomes attached to a “lucky
charm,” such as a person or an object, and has
Mountain of Madness disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and
saving throws while more than 30 feet from it.
Many locations and relics found in Blackclaw
56–65 The character is blinded (25%) or deafened
Mountain impose the effects of short-term or long- (75%).
term madness, as detailed in the accompanying tables. 66–75 The character experiences uncontrollable
Some forms of madness that appear in the mountain, tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on
particularly those imposed during combat, allow the attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws that
afflicted creature to make saving throws at the end of involve Strength or Dexterity.
each of its turns to end the madness, as noted in the 76–85 The character suffers from partial amnesia. The
applicable area or encounter. Other forms of madness character knows who they are and retains racial
traits and class features, but doesn’t recognize
last the full duration noted on the table. other people or remember anything that hap-
pened before the madness took effect.
Short-Term Madness
86–90 Whenever the character takes damage, they
d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 minutes) must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
01–20 The character retreats into their mind and be- or be affected as though they failed a saving
comes paralyzed. The effect ends if the character throw against the confusion spell. The confusion
takes any damage. effect lasts for 1 minute.
21–30 The character becomes incapacitated and spends 91–95 The character loses the ability to speak.
the duration screaming, laughing, or weeping. 96–00 The character falls unconscious. No amount of
31–40 The character becomes frightened and must use jostling or damage can wake the character.
their action and movement each round to flee
from the source of the fear.
41–50 The character begins babbling and is incapable of
normal speech or spellcasting.
51–60 The character must use their action each round
to attack the nearest creature.
61–70 The character experiences vivid hallucinations
and has disadvantage on ability checks.
71–75 The character does whatever anyone tells them
to do that isn’t obviously self-destructive.
76–80 The character experiences an overpowering urge
to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or
81–90 The character is stunned.
91–00 The character falls unconscious.


The coming of the Black Star awakens the remaining archmages who once sought that alien entity’s endless
power. The plots of the archmages will end the world—unless brave adventurers can stop them. 

he adventures in this book are intended take adventure setup, making use of the secrets and clues
characters from 1st through 5th level. This you introduce in previous adventures.
chapter introduces a campaign arc set in
Blackclaw Mountain that can take characters
from 6th to 20th level. Building on the adventures
Part 1: Awakening of the
in this book, this campaign description is designed Archmages
to inspire you to create your own higher-level When the characters investigate Starsong Tower
adventures for characters exploring the mysteries of in “The Call of Starsong Tower” adventure, the
the Grendleroot. Grendleroot has just used the tower to call out into the
The first section below talks about the adventures in cosmos. A moon-sized entity of obsidian and shadow
this book as the first part of a full campaign, running covered by the ruins of a thousand worlds, the Black
from 1st to 5th level. Where that section talks about Star has heard that call—and it is coming, tearing its
how the remaining archmages of the Black Star way across the multiverse toward the world.
react to the coming of the Black Star, those events After the crusade of the Order of the White Sun
largely happen off-screen from the adventures of the centuries ago, four of the nine archmages of the Black
characters. Then the rest of the chapter divides the Star remain within Blackclaw Mountain still. They
continuing campaign into three further sections: part too hear the call of the Grendleroot, and awaken to
2 (6th to 10th level), part 3 (11th to 15th level), and prepare for the coming of the Black Star.
part 4 (16th to 20th level). Three of the four archmages of the Black Star return
Each section contains five adventure seeds, each to a secret area hidden deep within the mountain,
of which is intended to cover one level of play. You known as the Chamber of Doors. Nine stone doors
are, of course, free to rearrange the order of these etched into the walls of this circular hall surround a
seeds, or move them from one section to another. million-year-old glyph-marked circle etched into the
You can rebuild or omit certain seeds entirely as you floor. Large cracks cut through four of the nine doors
add your own ideas to the mix. As you think of ways represent the four archmages killed during the crusade
to make use of these adventure ideas, you’ll come up of the White Sun. One door, smoking with hellfire,
with your own hooks to connect the characters to the

represents the door of Xarvin the Infernal, who
remains trapped in a ring worn by an archdevil. C ombining S tat B locks
Three of the mages step through three of the In this campaign summary, you’ll see references to
remaining doors and into the chamber—Yolon of the combining the stat blocks of two creatures, creat-
Void, Ulon the Mind Dancer, and Karek Blackiron. ing hybrid creatures such as a cloud giant mage or a
vampire assassin. If you choose to use these crea-
The three begin preparations for the Black Star’s
tures, you do so by combining the attributes of one
arrival. But the fourth door stands closed, its mage creature’s stat block with another in whatever way
refusing to join her former companions. Known makes sense to you.
previously as Korvilia, the Daughter of Death, that When building a creature with combined stat
mage has reconnected with her lost humanity and blocks, choose one creature to be the primary stat
become the White Queen. She no longer answers block, then take applicable attributes from another.
For example, a vampire assassin might use the base
the call of the Black Star, instead contemplating how
stat block of a vampire and the key combat abilities
to save the world from that otherworldly entity’s of an assassin, including Assassinate, Sneak attack,
inevitable arrival. and Evasion. A cloud giant archmage might use the
Each of the three archmages puts their own plan into base stat block of a cloud giant but take the arch-
motion, using their talents to connect to the Black Star mage’s Intelligence score, proficiencies, and Spell-
and channel its near-infinite power. Karek Blackiron casting feature.
Be aware that adding new combat features and
builds massive black spikes forged of the metal of the
spellcasting can make a creature significantly more
Grendleroot, planning to use them as conductors that dangerous, increasing its challenge rating above
can channel the infinite energy of the Black Star. Ulon either of the original stat blocks.
the Mind Dancer wishes to tap into the Black Star’s
vast stores of psychic and telekinetic energy, using that Yolon also seeks to understand the nature of the
energy to create reality from dreams. Yolon of the Void Grendleroot, and how they might use it to bind
wants to become one with the Black Star, bringing the themself to the Black Star when the moment is right.
void of emptiness to every part of the multiverse. Above all else, Yolon desires to use the unlimited
As the Black Star travels to the world, the archmages energy of the Black Star to bring the void to the entire
and their servants push deep into Blackclaw multiverse.
Mountain, seeking ancient relics and powerful allies Like the other remaining archmages, Yolon seeks
to help advance their dark plans. The White Queen the Black Gate—a lost, dormant gateway built by the
comes to Deepdelver’s Enclave to warn the heroes who Caretakers. When reactivated, the Black Gate opens up
convinced her to quiet the Grendleroot (see “Vault a portal leading to the surface of the Black Star.
of the White Queen”). She speaks of the coming of Yolon is served by a cabal of drow mages, priests,
the Black Star, of how her former companions are and veterans known as the Children of the Void, and
channeling its power to serve their own agendas—and a band of vampire assassins known as the Red Six.
of how the world will end unless someone stops the (Combine the vampire stat block with the assassin
Black Star’s arrival. stat block; see the “Combining Stat Blocks” sidebar.)
P lots of the A rchmages Yolon’s undead forces have taken over the remains of
the tower of Marrowhold, once the throne of Korvilia.
Each of the three archmages of the Black Star moves
The site is now home to the vampire knight Vorun
forward with their plans to tap into the power of the
the Bone King (combine the vampire and knight stat
elder evil they serve. The following sections outline the
blocks), his forty wight champions, and hundreds of
primary plans of each archmage as they pursue their
warrior skeletons.
It is rumored that Yolon has split their black spirit
YOLON OF THE VOID into three distinct simulacrum bodies, making it even
Awakened after centuries of slumber, Yolon of the more difficult to destroy them. All the simulacrum
Void returns to their lifelong study of the Black Star. liches work together to bring Yolon’s agenda to
Seeking to understand the language of that vast fruition.
sentience, Yolon sends agents throughout Blackclaw
Mountain to hunt for relics of the Caretakers, who
During the crusade of the White Sun, the archmage
knew the nature of the dark entity.
illusionist Ulon the Mind Dancer escaped into his
sanctum, known as the Ghost Tower. There, he Shadowreach, heat can be seen rising off the dark
trapped the White Sun hero Sylda Dawncaster and her metal of the massive citadel, and the ringing of iron
mageslayers in an illusory perpetual war lasting nearly can be heard from within. Iron golems and suits
three hundred years. With his awakening, Ulon brings of animated armor issue forth from the Monolith
the Ghost Tower back to Shadowreach and joins his to push deep into Blackclaw Mountain, seeking
fellow Black Star archmages in seeking to reveal the freestanding pieces of Grendleroot material that Karek
Black Gate. can use to forge his massive superconducting spikes.
Ulon is served by cloud giant mages, nightmarish The archmage’s minions prepare to move the spikes
shadows, invisible stalkers, and oni dream invaders to the Black Gate when it is found. From that site,
posing as an acting troupe. (For the cloud giant mage, Karek plans to transport them to the Black Star and
combine the cloud giant stat block with the mage stat drive them into the surface of the sentient planetoid.
block; see the “Combining Stat Blocks” sidebar.) He Then he will channel the energy of the Black Star
hopes to use the telepathic and telekinetic power of to build city-sized warships that can travel between
the Black Star to enable him to build reality from his worlds and planes.
own dreams. Ulon’s centuries of study of illusion have
awoken an imagination greater than that of any other
mortal mind, and the archmage hopes to channel that
Part 2: Return of the
imagination as he creates an entirely new multiverse Archmages
based on his own whims. Over the course of further adventures covering 6th
To accomplish this, Ulon must learn how the through 10th level, the characters explore more of
Grendleroot communicates with the Black Star. He the lost caverns of Blackclaw Mountain and learn of
hopes to travel to the Black Cathedral and recover the return of the archmages of the Black Star. They
the Seed of the Grendleroot, perhaps even tapping into discover that the Black Star is coming, and that at least
the Grendleroot’s own alien intellect. As his influence some of the archmages are still alive and plotting to
grows in the mountain, Ulon’s illusions begin to flow draw power from that otherworldly entity.
out from the Ghost Tower and into Shadowreach. A
number of those illusions take the form of creatures G ray S wamp
that eventually manifest into real forms, including In the Gray Swamp, a subterranean mire filled with the
adult silver dragons, planetars, androsphinxes, and bones of ancient dead dragons, Syrrec the lizardfolk
gynosphinxes. king has collapsed a bridge over a great chasm, sealing
These ambassadors walk through the ruined city’s off the Bonespear lizardfolk tribe from the trade routes
streets, preaching of the coming of a new multiverse. of Deepdelver’s Enclave.
If left unchecked, Ulon’s false multiverse grows beyond Bailon the Beardless asks the characters to
the borders of the mountain, eventually surrounding travel through the swamp, which is home to giant
the Black Star. The illusory multiverse is then able to crocodiles, a green hag named Mossteeth, a host of
feed off the Black Star’s energy as it expands infinitely trolls, and a young black dragon named Zorvrothon
from Ulon’s mind. the Black Death. Once they do so, the characters must
KAREK BLACKIRON treat with Syrrec and find out why the lizardfolk have
The forgemaster archmage Karek Blackiron awakens cut themselves off from the rest of the mountain.
in the Monolith, his impenetrable citadel, hearing the The characters learn from Syrric that a goblin tribe
resonance of the Black Star spires of the Grendleroot. known as the Dwellers has been more violent than
Served by a clan of fire giants, azers, and an ancient usual of late, and that their hill giant leader, Grega,
red dragon named Fume, Karek plans to shape plans an assault on the caravans and adventurers of
massive Grendleroot spires that he will implant into Deepdelver’s Enclave.
the Black Star, channeling that elder evil’s arcane G oblin W arrens
energy into a planetary forge. Within that forge,
Karek will build massive constructs and send them to A tribe of goblins, bugbears, and ogres known as
conquer the multiverse. the Dwellers has spent centuries in Blackclaw, having
After Karek awakens, he fires up the forges of the survived the Magocracy of the Black Star and the
Monolith once again. From across the cavern of coming of the Grendleroot. They carve their dwellings

out of huge domes of ancient mud, waste, and bone.
Recently, though, large numbers of goblinoids have Y olon ’ s S hadows
started to go missing while away from these warrens. Yolon and the Children of the Void have learned how
The Dweller chief, a hill giant named Grega, to transform living creatures into shadows of their
believes the explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave are former selves, allowing them to move between the
mortal world and the world of shadow. Creatures
responsible for the disappearance of her people, and
converted into their shadowy forms by the dark
has started to send raiding parties to attack explorers magic of Yolon or his children gain these traits:
who leave the settlement. In reality, the archmage • Damage Resistances. The shadow creature has
Karek Blackiron has begun enslaving the goblinoids, resistance to necrotic damage.
as he did hundreds of years ago during the rise of the • Living Shadow. While in dim light or darkness, the
Magocracy of the Black Star. shadow creature has resistance to damage that
isn’t force, psychic, or radiant.
The characters must travel to the warrens and
• Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness,
face Grega, her three hill giant concubines, a host the shadow creature can take the Hide action as a
of goblins and bugbears, and the tribe’s pet hydra, bonus action.
named Nine Maws. There, they must help the giant • Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the shadow
leader accept that the kidnappings mark the return of creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well
the archmages of the Black Star. as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
S unken T emple • Energy Drain. When the shadow creature hits a
creature that is not a construct or undead with
The coming of the Black Star has awakened the a melee weapon attack, the target creature’s
aboleths of Blackclaw Mountain. Once known as the Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies
Quorum, these aberrations have slumbered for some if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the
ten thousand years but have recently returned to the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or
Sunken Temple (see the adventure “Chuul”). The long rest. If a non-evil humanoid dies from this
attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4
aboleths send their chuul servants and hundreds of hours later.
grimlocks to fully flood the temple as it was thousands
of years ago.
The aboleths debate whether to support or thwart O bsidian V ault
the surviving archmages of the Black Star, but there is In the centuries since Yolon was last seen, drow
no agreement among them. A prophet of Deepdelver’s mages and priests known as the Children of the
Enclave warns the characters of the flooding of Void continued the archmage’s work in the Obsidian
the temple, and of the return of the aboleths. The Vault—a vast arcane laboratory buried in the lower
characters are asked to investigate the site, convince depths of Deepreach. There, these Children of the
those aboleths they can to side against the archmages, Void reached out into the space between realities,
and destroy those that will not. slowly learning the language and nature of the Black
T wilight F orest Upon awakening, Yolon commanded his servants to
In the lower reaches of the mountain lies a once- find the Black Gate, a portal connected to the surface
beautiful fey forest, now corrupted by the spires of of the Black Star. In the course of their research, the
the Grendleroot and bathed in the violet light that Children of the Void have drawn forth entities from
emanates from strange crystals. Spreading among the the depths of shadow. They have infused the traits of
ancient cairns and dead remains of rune titans, the undead shadows into the creatures of the mountain,
forest is now home to treants, corrupted centaurs, and including bulettes, wyverns, and a purple worm
drow druids who tend to the Grandfather—an elder now known as Voidmaw (see the “Yolon’s Shadows”
treant nearly as old as the mountain, and who knows sidebar). The characters must travel to the Obsidian
many of its secrets. The characters must travel through Vault and dismantle the work of the Children of the
the dangerous forest, then treat with the Grandfather Void.
in hopes of learning about the plans of the archmages
and how they might be stopped.

Part 3: Forge of the the dragon to not join with the Black Star mages, or
defeating her in combat.
Grendleroot D emon Q ueen
In the third section of the campaign, covering 11th
An obsidian slab containing a prophecy foretelling
through 15th level, the characters work to dismantle
the coming of the Black Star is housed in the tomb
the dark plans of the three remaining archmages of the
of a marilith mummy lord, whose abyssal-tainted
Black Star.
chambers have lain untouched for thousands of years.
W orld E mber The tomb is protected by a host of vrock wights and
hezrou mummies, and an army of skeleton dretches.
The White Queen warns the characters that mage
(Combine the marilith, vrock, hezrou, and dretch
agents of the Black Star, escorted by stone golems, are
stat blocks with the skeleton, wight, mummy, and
attempting to acquire a powerful ally in the Lake of
mummy lord stat blocks to create these unique
Molten Metal. There, the efreeti Arktura the World
fiendish undead.) The slab hangs over a swirling portal
Ember rules over a host of fire giants, salamanders,
leading into the depths of the Abyss. The White Queen
and fire elementals while his magmin servants seek
sends the characters to the tomb to recover the slab,
out relics he can trade through his portal to the City of
and to witness the prophecy of the Black Star’s arrival.
Brass. The characters must travel to the Lake of Molten
Metal and convince Arktura to break ties with the Q ueen ’ s H ammer
archmages of the Black Star—one way or another.
A series of barrows rest on an island in the middle of
B lack O belisk a lake deep inside the mountain, fed by five half-mile-
high waterfalls. From stalactites two hundred feet
In a chamber deep within Blackclaw Mountain, a
above, lightning arcs down constantly to the surface
huge and ancient obelisk has been raised up from
of the lake below. One of the barrows is protected by
the molten depths of a five-hundred-foot-deep spiral
gladiator wights (combine the gladiator and wight
mine. Believed to be a potential source of magical
stat blocks; see the “Combining Stat Blocks” sidebar).
power built by the Caretakers, the obelisk has been
Within can be found the remains of a half-giant
claimed by Karek Blackiron, with its restoration
barbarian queen and her maul Worldforger—a hammer
overseen by a stone giant archmage lieutenant of
of thunderbolts that is the only object known to be able
Karek named Drune (combine the stone giant and
to smash through the doors of the Monolith, citadel of
archmage stat blocks; see the “Combining Stat Blocks”
Karek Blackiron.
The characters must travel across the lake and to
The obelisk now hangs suspended above the molten
the barrows. As they journey to the island, an ancient
inferno by four massive iron chains. Corrupted stone
kraken awakens at their intrusion, summoning water
giant guardians and wyverns patrol the site, while
elementals and giant sharks to harry the characters.
xorn and azer servants work to restore the obelisk to
Once at the barrow, the characters must contend
its full power. The characters must travel to the site of
with the ghost of the barbarian queen if they wish to
the dig, kill Drune, and destroy the chains to send the
recover the hammer.
obelisk back into the molten lava below.

G rendlehide ’ s L air Part 4: Rise of the Black Star

Black Star agents are attempting to recruit a corrupted During this series of adventures, covering 16th
ancient black dragon named Grendlehide. The through 20th level, the characters face off against the
dragon lairs in the City of Decay, a site of ancient three archmages of the Black Star before uncovering
dwarven ruins overtaken with Grendleroot-corrupted the Black Gate—the portal leading to the surface of
vines and acidic geysers. The characters must travel the dark planetoid.
to Grendlehide’s lair and get past her guardians, As the characters take on and defeat the archmages,
including shambling mounds, basilisks, and a coven those who remain fight to advance their dark agendas
of green hag advisors known as the Dread Three. even faster. When the characters step through the
They must then face Grendlehide, either convincing Black Gate, they face the last of the archmages on the

surface of the Black Star, with the fate of the world (combine the vampire and knight stat blocks), bound
held in their hands. erinyes, a pair of fell-armored iron golems, and one
of the simulacra of Yolon the lich. To make matters
I ron H eart worse, only an intelligent undead creature can open
With the barbarian queen’s hammer in hand, the the vault and destroy the phylactery.
characters travel to the Monolith fortress of Karek
Blackiron and smash down its impenetrable doors. B lack G ate
Inside the Monolith, they face off against iron Deep in Blackclaw Mountain, the last surviving
golem mages and stone golem priests (combine the archmage has uncovered an alien city of twisted
iron golem and stone golem stat blocks with the towers, huge archways, and violet fires that blaze
spellcasting of the mage and priest stat blocks), as well from hundred-foot-high stacks of obsidian. Within
as Karek’s fire giant forgemasters. Hundreds of azers the city, a citadel of obsidian spires and floating
labor over vast pools of molten iron, fed by the only geodes hides the Black Gate, the dormant portal to
forge in the multiverse able to smelt the metal of the the surface of the Black Star. The last archmage has
Grendleroot. At the forge, the characters must stand activated the gate, leaving a host of demons to defend
against Karek Blackiron, a dwarf archmage possessing it, including hezrous, glabrezus, nalfeshnees, and a
the power of a storm giant (combine the storm pair of mariliths. Before the characters can intervene,
giant and archmage stat blocks, but Karek remains a the archmage steps through the gate onto the
Medium creature), along with Fume, the ancient red surface of the dark alien planetoid, and begins their
dragon who fuels the fires of the forge. transformation into the avatar of the Black Star.

M ind D ance A vatar of the B lack S tar

The Ghost Tower of Ulon the Mind Dancer has The characters step through the Black Gate and onto
reappeared in Shadowreach. This is the characters’ the surface of the Black Star. Across the obsidian
one chance to infiltrate the tower, break the hold it has deserts of the planetoid stand the remains of
had on Sylda Dawncaster and the mageslayers, and thousands of civilizations devoured over eons by the
face Ulon the Mind Dancer in his world of dreams. malevolent alien moon. There, the characters must
Within that strange dreamscape, the characters find battle through swarms of alien predators (use the
themselves in an alien land of violet skies with three hell hound stat block), flying horrors (use the young
moons, and vast mountains hundreds of miles high. black dragon stat block), and black star titans (use the
Sylda Dawncaster and her force of mageslayers battle storm giant stat block) before reaching the Black Star
eternally against a force of dream-crafted veterans, Temple—a billion-year-old edifice forged from the
devas, and planetars, along with a solar who alien mind of the Black Star.
describes the mageslayers’ presence as an affront to the In the temple, the characters face the final surviving
holy land. archmage, transformed into an avatar of the Black
The characters must convince Sylda of the truth Star—a combination of the tarrasque stat block with
of her imprisonment while defending against Ulon’s the spellcasting of the archmage stat block. When the
djinni dream masters and cloud giant mages (combine avatar is defeated, the Black Star goes dormant and
the cloud giant stat block with the spellcasting of the falls into orbit around the world, becoming a new
mage stat block). Then in the end, they face Ulon, black moon in the nighttime sky.
a cloud giant archmage (add the spellcasting of the
archmage stat block). Additional Adventure
P hylactery H unt
Locations in Blackclaw
Before they can defeat Yolon of the Void, the
characters must find and destroy the lich’s Mountain
phylactery—a jeweled skull that holds a dark secret This section presents short descriptions of locations
of your devising. After a dangerous negotiation and a that adventurers might discover during their time in
questionable deal with a pit fiend, the characters learn Blackclaw Mountain. You can use these descriptions
that the phylactery is stored in an extradimensional as inspiration as you develop additional adventures
vault filled with deadly traps, vampire knights
in which the characters unlock the secrets of the G ray C itadel
A drow keep carved into ancient rock floats in and out
L ost C ity of the Ethereal Plane. Within the keep, a drow vampire
An aboveground city was long ago transported to one seeks revenge against the descendant of a hated foe,
of the mountain’s vast caverns. The dead spirits of its who now lives in Deepdelver’s Enclave.
former residents don’t realize they’re dead, and that L air of the R ed D eath
their city has been destroyed. They continue to live
An ancient red dragon known as the Red Death lairs
their false lives each day, stuck in a perpetual cycle of
in a vast cavern shaped of red-hot rock, and which
holds a mountain of gold melted and shaped into the
C ells image of its lost mate, Aravax Blackflame. The Red
Heavily protected tunnels lead to a forgotten prison Death has been served by fifty generations of kobolds,
whose cells hold terrible monsters, demons, and who treat the dragon as a god.
villains. At the center of the prison stands a chained R oots of the U nderworld
evil titan who hasn’t moved for so long that they
Deep inside the mountain, a series of lost chambers
appear as stone.
reveal the deepest tendrils of the Grendleroot.
I nfernal M achine Massive spines of indestructible metal twist and weave
Deep within the mountain stands a terrible machine throughout these areas, some sprouting strange black
intended to draw out the screaming souls of the pods that pulse with a great rhythmic heartbeat, and
countless slaves fed into it long ago. The horrors of which birth alien creatures never before seen in the
the machine are so great that it has developed its own world.
malevolent personality—and it yearns to feed again. I ron T ower
C elestial F all Centuries ago, a crazed wizard built a tower of iron
A fragment of the upper planes has fallen through that serves as a support pillar in a large cavern. The
the multiverse to become embedded in the rock of tower sits in the center of a green lake, whose water is
the mountain, lost in space and time. Angels lie here, said to strip the flesh from the bones of any creature
eternally dying as their blood flows like quicksilver to daring to enter it. Though many believe that the tower
fill lakes beneath the celestial ruin. is now abandoned, some say the wizard still lurks
inside, hoping to spring devious traps upon those
R unoff P ool foolish enough to venture within.
The decay and dregs of the mountain pour down into L ake of M olten I ron
this dark pool—a huge pit of primordial ooze where
strange and discarded creatures somehow thrive. In the depths of the mountain lies a lake of molten
iron. Rivers of lava flare red throughout the
F loating O belisk surrounding cavern, flowing around pillars of the
A vast chamber hosts dozens of floating rocks hanging Grendleroot that remain ever cool regardless of the
over a broad black lake. A 50-foot-high obelisk heat. A powerful band of fire giants that call these
hangs over the lake at the center of the chamber. A caverns home guard a portal here that leads to the
consciousness in the obelisk calls out in an alien voice Elemental Plane of Fire.
to those who draw close enough.

S kull of F easting
A massive titan’s skull has become a warren for
festering monstrosities and undead that feed off the
titan’s screaming spirit.

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Ten Fantastic
Fifth Edition
Ruins of the Grendleroot is a book of ten short
adventures for the fifth edition of the world’s most
popular fantasy roleplaying game. Designed for
characters of 1st to 5th level, these adventures take
place in the caverns, chambers, tunnels, and ruins of
the mountain known as Blackclaw, within which lurks
the Grendleroot—a strange and otherworldly sentience.

Ruins of the Grendleroot reinforces the sense of

mystery and wonder that comes from exploring ancient
ruins. The central hub of these adventures, Deepdelver’s
Enclave, is a frontier outpost overlooking the ruined
city of Shadowreach, set deep within the mountain.
In Deepdelver’s Enclave, adventurers and explorers
recount tales of their explorations, trade treasure and
artifacts, and enjoy their shared love of uncovering the
mysteries of the mountain.

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