Ambassador Letter (1) (2343)

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Dr. Najibah Rehman Dr.

Teena Chorpa
Medical Director Corporate Medical Director, Epidemiology
City of Detroit Detroit Medical Center

Re: Ambassador, A Villa Center. 8045 East Jefferson, in Detroit Michigan

Dear distinguished doctors:

I am the President of the Service Employees International Union, Healthcare

Michigan (SEIU HCMI), and our Union represents nursing home employees. Enclose
please find a stack of complaints being submitted by the Employees at the nursing
home named Ambassador Home, a Villa Center (Ambassador). The horrific
shortcomings of the nursing home management are causing the COVID-19 virus to
begin to spread like wildfire there. The Home is violating the Governor’s Executive
Orders, the Center for Disease Control Guidelines, and otherwise endangering the
health and safety of the workers and residents at the Home. We are asking that
everyone in this Home be tested as quickly as possible, and that personal protective
equipment be supplied to the home, immediately.

The Ambassador Home has approximately 160 beds, and it is our

understanding that it is near capacity. There are approximately 50 Certified Nurses
Assistants in the Home, and probably 150-200 Employees overall.

At this point, we have been told of at least two (2) COVID-19 positive test
results amongst the residents, and five (5) positive test results amongst the
staff. Management of the Home has failed to inform the staff of these results. The
information is learned second hand, and at times with confirmation from the family
member of the individual testing positive. A major problem is that the Home is failing
to communicate to the Employees in the Home of the existence of the positive tests,
or persons under investigation of having the virus.

Home is currently required to comply with the Michigan Governor’s Executive

Order 2020-21. Paragraph 5.c of that Order requires that businesses which remain
open for in-person operations conduct themselves by listing six specific
paragraphs. They include

“4. Increasing standards of facility cleaning and disinfection to limit worker and
patron exposure to COVID-19, as well as adopting protocols to clean and
disinfect in the event of a positive COVID-19 case in the workplace”,
“5. Adopting policies to prevent workers from entering the premises if they
display respiratory symptoms or have had contact with a person who is known
or suspected to have the COVID-19.
“6. Any other social distancing practices and mitigation measures
recommended by the Center for Disease Control.”

Thus, the Governor’s Order requires compliance with the CDC guidelines as well.

The Governor’s most recent Executive Order, 2020-36, addresses when

workers must quarantine themselves at home. If any worker has the symptom of
either an “atypical cough”, “atypical shortness of breath” or a fever, they mist
quarantine themselves, until:

“a. three days have passed since their symptoms have resolved, and
b. seven days have passed since their symptoms first appeared or since they
were swabbed for the test that yielded the positive result.”

(2020-36, par 2).

Finally, the Home has failed to educate and train the staff on emergency
Ambassador is violating these Orders in a number of ways. The Home has refused to share
information about the positive test results or people who are under investigation. This violates the
attached CDC Guideline “Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with
Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Healthcare Settings” (“Healthcare
Guideline”). Paragraph 11 states that the Home must “[c]ommunicate information about known or
suspected COVID-19 patients to appropriate personnel before transferring them to other departments in
the facility (e.g., radiology) and to other healthcare facilities.”

Ambassador has been attempting to force CNAs to return to work, even while they are
experiencing symptoms, simply because they first had the onset of their symptoms seven days ago. One
Employee forced to work today was still suffering from a shortness of breath, unable to taste or smell, still
has somewhat of a cough and a temperature of 99.5 degrees. However, the new order clearly requires
that the Employees be symptom free for three days, regardless of when the symptoms first were
established. This dangerous misinterpretation of the Order will further the spread of the virus.

Even more, the Home has failed to adequately provide Personal Protective Equipment. CNAs
are not given gowns or eyewear at all, even when having to bathe or reposition the residents, or brush
their teeth, clean them after bathroom use, comb their hair, etc. Further, the CNAs have been
given ONE N95 respirator and ONE hospital mask, to be used throughout the duration of the viral
outbreak. Thus, whatever contaminants splash on to these masks on day one are placed back on to the
CNAs face on day two, and thereafter. This all violates the Healthcare Guideline (for instance,
“[d]isposable respirators and facemasks should be removed and discarded after exiting the patient’s room
or care area and closing the door.”) Nor is there alcohol-based hand sanitizer in each resident’s
room. See also, “Preparing for COVID-19: Long-term Care Facilities, Nursing Homes”. (“Nursing Home

Significantly, the Home is failing to perform adequate daily checks on the health of the
residents. In the Nursing Home Guidelines, the Home should be “[a]ctively monitor[ing] all residents upon
admission and at least daily for fever and respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, new of change in
cough, sore throat).” From what we understand and see, the Home is not performing these critical daily
checks on the residents, but is merely checking the temperature and sometimes the blood pressure of the
residents. Such failure is likely causing the virus to spread undetected. See also Healthcare Guidelines,
paragraph 1.

Finally, the Home has failed to educate and train the staff on emergency procedures to address
the COVID virus. In fact, they have failed to implement sick leave policies which encourage Employees
to quarantine if there is a need.

People are literally dying at this nursing home. We are asking that you do what you can to step
in and save lives.


Andrea Acevedo, President


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