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The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Limited



The Branch Manager,

_____________________ Branch.

Applicant’s name:

1. ________________________________ M/s. ______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________ _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________ _______________________________________________________

Mobile No:__________________________________ (only one)

1. I/We /the firm/ the company hereby request you to register my/our below mentioned accounts under the Banc@Cell
2. I/We /the firm/ the company have registered with your __________________ Branch for Banc@Cell facility. I/We
request you to extend the Banc@Cell facility to the below mentioned accounts maintained with your Branch,
namely:- (Use additional sheet if required)
Sr.No. A/C. No Type of account Persons operating the A/c. Specimen Sign.


I /We /the firm/ the company have/has read, understood and hereby agree to the “ Terms & Conditions” in respect of the
Banc@Cell facililty mentioned overleaf. The Bank at its discretion may modify/vary the terms and conditions without
reference to me and I shall be bound by the same.

I/We/the firm/ the company/the firm/ the company undertake to inform the Bank about any changes in the status of account
holders/accounts or disputes arising between the account holders or in respect of the above accounts and hereby indemnify the Bank
and its officials against any loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Bank by reason of failure by me/us to inform the Bank about
any changes/disputes.

I/We /the firm/ the company state and declare that the above mentioned Mobile belongs to me _______________/the company/ the

I /We /the firm/ the company state and declare that in case I/we desire to discontinue the said facility, we shall by a written notice
inform the Bank about the same.

We the Company/ the partners of ______________________________ hereby declares and states that it has the authority to make
necessary application for availing the Banc@Cell facility and that the company / firm are bound by all the terms and
conditions applicable for availing the said facility. We enclose herewith a certified copy of the resolution for the purpose of availing
the said facility.

I/We do hereby declare that information furnished in this form is true and correct.

I/We indemnify and agree to keep the Bank indemnified for all and/or any losses, cost, expenses etc. suffered or incurred by the Bank
by reason of incorrect/incomplete information being furnished and /or by reason of misuse of the Banc@Cell facility.

Signatures of Account holder/s/ Applicants:

( In the case of partnership/company, rubber stamp to be affixed.)
1. ______________________________ 2. _____________________________

3. ______________________________ 4. _____________________________

Place:_______________________ Date:___________________

For Office Use

1. Account no. tallied with branch record: Yes/No: ___________

2. Mode of Operation of Account verified and is in order: Yes/No:_________________
3. Signatures of the Account Holder/s verified : Yes/No : ________________________
4. Approved /Rejected ( In case of rejection, please. Give the reasons) :____________________.


Registered on: _______________ Signature of Authorising Official

The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Limited


Terms and Conditions

The terms & conditions under which Banc@Cell facility is provided are as mentioned

1. Definitions:

“Bank” means “The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Limited.”

“Cellcustomer” means the Account Holder/s availing the facility of Banc@Cell from a branch of
the Bank where the account holder/s is maintaining an account. Such an account for which the
facility is sought is called the “designated Account”.

“Base Branch” is the first branch registering the Cellcustomer for the Banc@Cell

“Unclear Balance” means the amount of cheque/s deposited in the account but not realised.

“Balance” means the balance in the account at the time of enquiry/executing the request.

“CR” means Credit Balance.

“DR” means the Debit balance.

2. The Banc@Cell facility is available only for one Mobile/cell number per account. The
Cellcustomer may register one Mobile for all the accounts maintained by the Cellcustomer. The
Bank may however at its discretion make the said facility available only for one account.

3. Banc@Cell facility cannot be claimed as matter of right. The Bank reserves the right to
refuse/withdraw the facility without ascribing any reason. The Bank is in its absolute discretion
may prescribe or levy service charges/fee in future under intimation to the Cellcustomer. The
Cellcustomer will have the option to continue the service with the fee/charges levied or discontinue
the Banc@Cell facility. The Bank at its discretion may extend the said facility to all the
accounts and/or to any account/s maintained by the Cellcustomer with the Bank.

4. The Banc@Cell facility is presently available only for individual, joint account with the
mode of operation as “Either or Survivor”, “Anyone or Survivor” and the account/s
maintained by a proprietary concerns, company and Firm. The Bank at its discretion may
add/ provide the said facility to any other categories of deposit account holders.

5. The Telecustomer will be responsible for all the requests for balance or other information executed
through the Banc@Cell facility and such request will be construed by the Bank to have
emanated from the registered Cellcustomer and will be binding on him/it.

6. Information of the last three transactions shall be available by using the Banc@Cell facility.

7. In the event of the Mobile/Cell being misplaced or lost, the Cellcustomer undertakes to inform the
Bank immediately about the same in writing, to enable the Bank to withhold / discontinue the said
facility. The Bank shall not be held responsible /liable for any loss, cost, expensed etc. suffered or
incurred by the Cellcustomer by reason of availing the said facility and/or by reason of misue of the
said facility and/or by reason of the mobile/cellphone being misplaced/ lost.

8. The Banc@Cell facility is available only is respect of Savings Bank, Over Draft, Current,
Term Loan, Cash Credit and Term Deposit Accounts.

9. The mandate issued at the time of opening the account or at any time thereafter shall continue and
shall not stand altered by reason of the said service being provided to the Cellcustomer.

10. The Cellcustomer shall be solely liable and responsible for wrong/ incorrect information provided.
The Bank at its discretion may withdraw the said facility for any incorrect/ wrong information
provided besides being entitled for any other action as deemed fit.

11. Any dispute between the Cellcustomer & the Bank is subject to the jurisdiction of the Court in
Mumbai .

12. The Cellcustomer desiring to discontinue the said facility shall be required to give two days written
notice to the Bank.

13. It shall be the endeavour of the Bank to make the facility available round the clock. However the
Bank shall not be responsible and/or liable for any failure of whatsoever nature to the Cellcustomer
and/or third parties for any failure to provide the said service. The Bank shall not be responsible
and/ or liable for any direct, consequential or indirect loss or damage suffered or incurred , arising
from or related to use of the said facility .

14. The Bank reserves the right to terminate the Banc@Cell facility if the designated account is
conducted not satisfactorily. The Bank reserves the right to discontinue the Banc@Cell at any
time without giving any notice.

15. The Cellcustomer shall be deemed to have notice of any change in the terms and conditions if
displayed on the notice board of any of the branch where the Cellcustomer has an account.

16. If the Cellcustomer does not use the Banc@Cell facility continuously for a period of ninety
days, the Banc@Cell shall be withdrawn at the discretion of the Bank. The Bank on written
request of the Account Holder/s shall make the same available.


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