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Student: _______________________________

Subject/Concepts: Cultural Dances/Discussion Grade Level: 2

1. Standards: It is expected that students will present ideas and information in groups.
o Observable objective: Students will be able to identify the similarities and differences
between the dances/music/clothing of different cultures (Knowledge).
 Multicultural goal: Develop an educational environment that promotes respect for differences.
o Observable objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast dances/music/clothing
from five different cultures (Analysis).
 Auditory learning style: Students will be listening to music played along with dances. Students
will also listen to the lesson being taught by the teacher which will give information about the
cultural dances.
 Visual learning style: Students will be watching videos and observing different cultural dances.
 Kinesthetic learning style: Prior to watching the video of the dances, when the teacher is
speaking about what the lesson is about, students will be asked to stand up all at the same time
and dance. The students can do their favorite dance or a dance that has a specific meaning behind
 Gardner's Intelligence: Gardner’s Musical Intelligence is implemented in this activity by having
students watch different dances and actively listen to the music and feel/see the connection
between the music and the emotions/dances.

2. Materials:
Cultural Dance Power Point
Cultural Dance Worksheet
Howard_Gardner’s_Eight_Intelligences Power Point
Learning_Styles Powerpoint
Bloom’s Level pdf
Manning Chapter 1 Study Guide

3. Instruction- learning Process:

 Do First:
o Ask the students to raise their hands of who listens to music?
o Ask the students to tell me what their favorite type of music is.
o Ask the students to raise their hands of who likes to dance?
o Ask the students a favorite dance or traditional dance.
o Have students to stand up and dance (30 seconds). This is to get some energy out, have
fun, and get the students excited for learning about dancing.
 Mini-lesson:
o The teacher will introduce to the students that they will be learning and watching about
four different cultural dances.
o The teacher will inform the students that after learning and watching a video of each
dance, the students will get into groups to discuss similarities and differences of each
cultural dance. After discussing in groups, each group will get up in front of the class to
explain what they found.
o The Power Point will be projected onto the whiteboard.
o Slide one is titled, “Cultural Dances” and shows a picture of each dance.
o Slide two is titled, “American Indian Culture.”
 Read the bullet points on slide two.
 Play the video (link on the slide- 2 minutes).
o Slide three is titled, “African Culture.”
 Read the bullet points on slide three.
 Play the video (link on the slide- First 4 minutes).
o Slide four is titled, “Asian Culture.”
 Read the bullet points on slide four.
 Play the video (link on the slide- First 4 minutes).
o Slide five is titled, “Hispanic Culture.”
 Read the bullet points on slide five.
 Play the video (link on the slide- First 4 minutes).

 Guided Practice:
o Students will be divided into four groups.
o Each group will be given a specific culture (African, Hispanic, American India, Asian)
and will compare and contrast this culture with the three other cultures.
 Meaning of the dance
 Clothing
 Colors
 Type of dance
 Music
 Rhythm/Speed
 Any other comparisons the students observed
o Teacher will walk around and observe the communication within the groups, answer any
questions the students may have.

 Independent Practice:
o Each group of students will get up in front of the class to identify and present their
o The groups will talk about the similarities and differences between their assigned culture
and the other three cultures.
 Meaning of the dance
 Clothing (style/color, etc.)
 Dance (Slow dance, fast dance, all women, all men, men/women, etc.)
 Is the dance done in a circle, zigzag, one line, all mixed, running around, etc.)
 Music (Instruments used, fast pace, slow pace, etc.)
 Singing (Singing, humming, no sound from the people)
 Exit Slip:
o After presentations are complete, each student will complete the Cultural Dances
 What was your favorite cultural dance and why?
 Which dances were most similar and why?
 Which dances were most different and why?
 Draw a picture of your favorite dance outfit

4. Resources:
African Dance: Moves, Costumes, & History (2003-2019). Retrieved from

Best African Traditional Dance- A Must See!!! Sanyu Children’s Choir Uganda. 2012. Retrieved from

Chinese traditional Dragon dance. 2014. Retrieved from


Dragons and the Dragon Dance (2015). Retrieved from

Rain Dance (1995). Retrieved from

Rain Dance. 2013. Retrieved from

Tlacololeros (2012). Retrieved from

Tlacololeros de Zumpango del Río del Estado de Guerrero. MUSEO DE CULTURAS POPULARES
Coyoácan 2015. 2015. Retrieved from

5. Reflection:
Students in the second grade will be able to identify similarities and differences among different
cultures and present their findings to the class as a group. Students will watch a short clip of each
culture’s dance and look at a Power Point with information as well as listen to the teacher speak about
each culture’s dance. Students have learned in an educational environment that promotes respect for
differences. Students were able to see different cultural dances, have knowledge of why they do the
dances, see how they dress, and music. Students were able to see that although the dances might at first
appear very different, they have similarities. Seeing this, they can see how important culture for everyone
is important, how no one specific culture is better than the other. In the “Instruction-learning process,” it
begins with students speaking about themselves of what their favorite dance is and a short time to show
their dance to each other. Then, after reading/listening to the Power Point presentation and watching the
video clips, students work in group, and finally present in groups. I feel with these parts of the
“Instruction-learning process” there is a lot of student engagement and active learning. They students can
bounce ideas off each other and share ideas with each other. I think a strength of the lesson plan is the
students get to interact with each other quite a bit instead of just listening/reading/writing a paper. I like
group work as a way of learning. I think it’s great because working with others and hearing their
ideas/perspective allows each person to know and learn something they might not have. I think the
weakness of the lesson plan is the videos of the dances are longer than the plan has time for, therefore, the
students only get to see part of the dances. I think the exit slip I had planned might take a little longer
than what is allotted for. Maybe I could have cut down from four cultures to three or two to give more
time to learn about each one.

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