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Cycle Test 2 - HRM

Dt. 08 April, 2020 Max. Marks = 50

Answer all the questions

02 × 10 =20
1. What are the objectives of Human Resources Planning?
2. Benefits of HR Policies.
3. What are the uses of job analysis?
4. What is job description? What are the contents of job description?
5. What is job specification? What the uses of job specification?
6. What is job design?
7. What is job enrichment?
8. Define job enlargement? State their uses.
9. What is job evaluation? What are the objectives of job evaluation?
10. Benefits of Socialization.
10 × 3 = 30

1. Explain recruitment and discuss the sources of recruitment.

2. Discuss in detail about the steps in selection process.
3. Discuss the importance of ERP; illustrate the process of ERP in an organisation.

Last modified: 11:01 pm

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