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University of Cape Town

Department of Electrical Engineering

EEE 3057S

Group Assignment
1. To be handed in on Friday 03 November2008. Late submission will not be accepted.
2. Use Hand Calculations, Matlab Software and PowerWorld Simulator (will be put on Vula) as
appropriate. Students should work in group of 2 or 3 at maximum.
3. The assignment should be typed. Should have an introduction and conclusions. Indicate the references
used (books, journals, articles, etc.).

Section A: Hand Calculations

Problem 1

In the three-bus system shown in Figure 1 the magnitude of the voltages at bus 2 and bus 3 are given as:
V2  0.950 pu and V3  0.90 p.u. The Loads connected at buses 2 and 3 are SL2 = 0.40+j0.24 pu and SL3 =
2.05+j0.12 pu, respectively. A generator G is connected to bus 1 through a transformers T which has a
reactance XT = 0.05 pu. The generator supplies load 2 through a transmission line of reactance Xl = 0.1pu.
By considering bus 1 as a slack bus with |V1| = 1 pu and δ1 = 0o . Find:
(a) The complex power supplied by the generators G and the losses SL23 on line 2-3.
(b) It is required to improve the magnitude of the voltage at bus 3 to V3  1.02 p.u. by
connecting capacitor bank in parallel to load SL3. What should be the size of the capacitor
bank in MVAr? Assume that the Base voltage at bus 3 is VB = 232 kV and the system MVA
base is SB = 100 MVA.
2 3

1 T
G Xl = 0.1 p.u

20 / 232 KV
XT = 0.05 p.u

SL2 = 0.4+j0.24pu SL3 = 2.05+j0.12 pu

Fig. 1 Circuit for problem 1

Section B: PowerWorld Simulator

Problem 2

Figure 2 shows a single-line diagram of a 5-bus power system with 1 generating unit and 5 branches. Bus 1 is a
slack bus, with V1= 1.00 pu, bus 2, 3, 4 and 5 are load buses. The scheduled loads at the buses 1-5 are given
in Table 1. The lines series impedances and shunt admittances data are listed in Table 2. The system base is 100

Case 1: Base case

1. Use the Gauss-Seidel/Newton-Raphson method to obtain a power-flow solution.

2. Determine the lowest per-unit bus voltage.
3. Check whether the system performance is satisfactory, i.e., the voltages at all buses are within the limit
0.95≤Vi ≤1.05. If not, investigate the effect of voltage drop, find a way of improving the bus voltage so
as to meet satisfactory performance.
4. After satisfactory performance is met, determine the total load in the system, the losses and the total
power generation. What is the generation at the slack bus? Which one of transmission lines is more
loaded and why?

Case 2: Heavy load –Increase loads at all buses by 100%

1. Use the Gauss-Seidel/Newton-Raphson method to obtain a power-flow solution.

2. Investigate the losses on the lines.
3. Check whether the system performance is satisfactory, i.e., the voltages at all buses are within the limit
0.95≤Vi ≤1.05. If not, investigate the effect of voltage drop and find a way of improving the bus
voltages so as to meet satisfactory performance.

Case 3: Same Conditions as in case 2

1. Neglect line resistances and investigate the losses on the lines, and compare with case 2 (2)
2. Neglect line resistances and shunt admittances, investigate the losses on the lines, and compare results
with case 2 (2), and case 3 (1).

1 2 3

230 kV
230 kV


230 kV


Fig.2 5-Bus power system for problem 3

Table 1 Bus input data

Bu Bus Type V  PG PL QL
p.u. deg. MW MVAr MW. MVAr
1 Slack 1.00 0 - - 6 19
2 Load 1.00 0 0 0 14 8
3 Load 1.00 0 0 0 87 41
4 Load 1.00 0 0 0 10 11
5 Load 1.00 0 0 0 81 30

Table 2 Line input data

Bus to Bus R X G B Maximum MVA
p.u. p.u. p.u. p.u. p.u.
1-2 0.00120 0.01500 0 0.0000 20
2-4 0.01500 0.09200 0 0.1810 5
2-5 0.03300 0.13800 0 0.2710 10
3-4 0.0010 0.01200 0 0.0000 10
4-5 0.0230 0.13800 0 0.2710 10

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