Inline Helical Geared Motor Catalogue

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AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

In Line Helical Gear Box and Geared Motors


AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

AGNEE manufactures primarily Industrial gears , Mechanical Engineering Power Transmissions

Equipments like Geared Motors viz. Inline helical geared motors, Bevel Helical Geared Moto rs,
Planetary gear boxes and geared motors, Helical and Bevel Helical gear Boxes, Shaft Mounted
helical gear boxes, Worm gear boxes, Worm Shaft and worm wheels, Spur , helical and bevel
gears etc.

Our manufacturing unit is situated at Kota, 480 Kilometers southwest of New Delhi. We have
qualified well trained manpower and in house facilities for complete manufacturing to provide
reliable and efficient products and services.

We are focused to provide a complete gear service : from design engineering and pro duct
development to complete manufacturing and sales of Gears, gear boxes and related power
transmissions mechanisms.

Significant technical skill and machine capability is the heart of AGNEE, providing industry with a
qualified and reputable source for specification, design, manufacturing of variety of individual
gear items and complete gear assemblies.

We are presently catering to almost every industry like Stone Processing, Mining & Quarrying
including Coal Handling Plants, Energy including Nuclear, Thermal , Hydro electric Power plants ,
Agriculture, Automotive, Cement, Chemical, Construction, Defence , Food & Beverage, Forestry,
Metals & Machine Tools, Pulp & Paper, Rubber & Plastics , Textiles, Transportation , Water,
Dredging & Sugar Mills and host of other industries.

We received the ISO 9001: 2000 quality certificate from UKAS - URS in May 2003 and have
received ISO 9001: 2008 in 2009.

Honest, fair, Reliable- these three words we keep in mind while dealing with any person or
organization. Please feel free to contact us for your requirement.

We are currently exporting to the countries mentioned below:

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Sr. Particulars Page No.


a. INDEX 4

2 RATINGS 22 -28

3 DIMENSIONS 29 - 36



AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Technical Characteristics
• TECHBOX Helical Gear Units are designed for
continuous duty under difficult operating

• State of the art gear box housing designed for

operation under harsh conditions

• Gear case and flanges of high strength gray cast


• Compact closed rigid, precise, monobloc, cast iron

housing for preventing of lubrication loss and dirt
built up.

• Gear Wheels made of high strength case hardened


• Highly wear resistant though flank hardness of 58-

62 HRC

• Tooth Flanks of all gear wheels are hobbed and

profile ground to AGMA 10 accuracy for low noise
and high efficiency.

• Strong, non flexible pinion shafts and bearings

guarantee an exact tooth meshing

• Oversize bearings size to withstand higher loads

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer
• Dual bearing support on the input shaft assures
precise alignment of the first stage gears and
reduces vibrations and consequent gear wear

• Shafts are made from En-8 and tempered thus

increasing their capacity to withstand shearing

• To withstand higher radial loads, Smaller overhang

distance of output shaft from supporting bearings.

• Mechanical parts locked in their positions by snap

rings and spacers. This also ensures better
absorption of axial thrust and prolongs the life of

• Higher ratio available through attachment of pre

stage or pre connected gear box

• Ratios available from 1.4 - 250

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


AGNEE TECHBOX™ is designed to be the most competitive high-efficiency gear reducer series in t o d a y ’s market. The key
development factor of AGNEE TECHBOX™ is the Modularity Concept: modular production, modular assembly, modular gear

TECHBOX ™ is built with standardized parts, sharing gears, shafts and input sets to simplify the production process and improve
delivery. The interchangeable parts make TECHBOX™ gear reducers the most flexible reducer series available.
TECHBOX™reducers can be easily adapted for any application. AGNEE has developed a new, flexible, high performance gear
reducer series while improving production and performance quality.

TECHBOX™ introduces key design changes that reflect AGNEE’S commitment to innovation:

The TECHPARTS™ system is designed to standardize parts throughout the TECHBOX™ series, lowering cost,shortening lead
times and increasing application flexibility. High-speed helical gears are a common part in the TECHBOX™ line, used in all series
(A M, AC, A F and AK ). while output shafts are common between the C, F and K series. All series also share an interchangeable
input set, including the input flanges, allowing parts to be preassembled for faster production and better quality.

All TECHBOX™reducers feature the TORQUECASE™ one piece castings of the main housing that enable the reducer to transmit
more torque. The TORQUECASE™ also allows for more distance between support bearings, distributing loads more evenly and
increasing overhung load ratings.
TORQUECASE™ uses the interchangeable input sets of the TECHPARTS™ system, so each reducer’s power section can be
For maximum torque.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Explanation and use of ratings & Service factor

Service Factor
The Service factor of a gear box is its capacity to withstand the operating loads and overloads, a
certain number of starts, the duration of operating time, mechanical shocks and vibrations. Thus,
higher the service factor greater is the possibility of trouble free operation and increased life .

Rated output torque ,Mn2 [Nm]

Torque transmissible through output shaft, under uniform loading and based on service factor fm=1,
and refer red to specific input speeds n1 and corresponding output speed n2 .
The Rated output torque can be calculated with following formula:

Torque demand ,Mr2 [Nm]

Torque calculated based on application requirements. It must always be equal to or less than rated
output torque Mn2 for the chosen TECHBOX unit.

Input rated power, Pn1 [kW]

This is the power value of the motor applied to the input shaft and corresponding to a certain input
speed n1, a service factor fm=1
It is possible to calculate the motor size necessary for the particular application by using the formula:

Since the value calculated by above formula could not really correspond to an input power actually
available in the market in the IEC standardized motors, it will be necessary to choose among the
input powers available, the one which is immediately higher than the calculate Power Pn1

An inherent factor in the selection of helical gear box is the efficiency h, defined as the ratio between
the mechanical power coming out from the output shaft, and power in the input shaft:

The efficiency in helical gearboxes is mainly determined by the gearing and bearing friction.
The efficiency of TECHBOX AM series gear boxes varies with the number of stages. It is 96% when
the reduction stages are 2 and 94% when the stages are 3.
The starting efficiency is always less than the efficiency at rated sp eed.


The value for the gear ratio is referred to with the letter [ i ], and calculated through the relationship
of the input speed n1 to the output speed n2.

In the combined gear boxes , the total ratio is the result of the product of the ratio of the two single
gear boxes.

INPUT SPEED n1 (rpm)

It is the speed the TECHBOX unit is driven at.


It is the rotation speed of the output shaft.
Gear unit selection is made by comparing actual loads with catalogue ratings. Catalogue ratings are based on a standard set of
loading conditions, whereas actual load conditions vary according to type of application. Service Factors are therefore used to
calculate an equivalent load to compare with catalogue ratings.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

i.e. Equivalent Load = Actual Load x Service Factor

Mechanicalratings and service factor: Fm

Mechanical ratings measure capacity in terms of life and/or strength, assuming 10 hr/day continuous running under uniform load

Catalogue ratings allow 100% overloa d at starting, braking or momentarily during operation up to 10 hours per day.

The unit selected must therefore have a catalogue rating at least equal to half maximum overload.

Mechanical Service Factor Fm (Table 1) is used to modify the actual load according to daily operating time,and type of loading.

Load characteristics for a wide range of applications are detailed in Table 3, which are used in deciding the appropriate Service
Factor Fm from Table 1.

If overloads can be calculated, or accurately assessed, actual loads should be used instead of Fm.

For units subjected to frequent stop/starts overloads in excess of 10 times/day, multiply factor Fm x Factor Fs (table 2).

For applications where units are to operate in extremely dusty or moist/humid atmospheres unit selection should be referred to
AGNEE application engineers.

Table 1. M e c h a n i c al Service Facto r ( F m )

Load classification-driven machine
Duration of service- Uniform Moderate Heavy
hrs per day mass mass mass
Prime mover
acceleration acceleration acceleration
factor < 0.2 factor < 3 factor < 10
Under 3 0.80 1.00 1.50
Electric motor, steam
turbine or hydraulic motor 3 to 10 1.00 1.25 1.75
Over 10 1.25 1.50 2.00
Under 3 1.00 1.25 1.75
Multi-cylinder internal
3 to 10 1.25 1.50 2.00
combustion engine
Over 10 1.50 1.75 2.25
Under 3 1.25 1.50 2.00
Single cylinder internal
3 to 10 1.50 1.75 2.25
combustion engine
Over 10 1.75 2.00 2.50
T a b le 2. Numbe r of Starts Factor ( F s )
Start / S t o p s per hour (1) Up to 1
5 10 40 60 > 200

Factor Fs 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.15 1.20

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Driven Machine Type Driven Machine Type Driven Machine Type

TABLE 3 of of of
U= Uniform Load Load Load Load
M= Moderate Shock Load Cranes
H= Heavy Shock Load main hoists U log haul -incline H log haul H
bridg e travel log haul -well type H presses M
=Refer to Agnee
trolle y travel log turning device H pul p machine reel M
main l og conveyor H stock chest
Driven Machine Crusher H of f bearing rolls M suction roll
Type ore H planer feed chains M washer s an d
of stone H planer floor chains M thickeners
Load sugar planer tilting hoist M winders M
Dredges M re-s aw merry-go-round M
Agitators U cabl e reels M Printing presses
pure liquids M conveyors H conveyor
liquids a nd solids M cutte r hea d drives H roll cases M Pullers H
liquids-variabl e densit y jig drives M slab conveyor H barge haul
manoeuv ringwinches M small w aste H Pumps U
Blowers U p u m ps H conveyor-belt U centrifugal
centrifugal M M
scree n drive M small w aste M proportioning
lobe U stackers M conveyor -chain M reciprocating
vane utilit y winche s sort in g tabl e M singl e acting ; 3 or
tippl e hoist conveyor M more cylinders M
Brewing and distilling M Dry dock cranes tippl e hoist drive M double acting; 2 or
bottling machinery main hoist transfer conveyors M more cylinders
brew kettles -continuous dut y M auxiliary hoist transfer rolls M singl e acting ; 1 or 2
cookers -continuous dut y M boom , luffing tray drive M cylinders
mas h tubs -continuous dut y rotating, swing or slew trimmer feed M double acting; single U
scale hopper -frequent M tracking, drive wheels waste conveyor cylinder U
starts M rotary H
Elevators U Machine tools gear type
Can filling machines M bucket -unifor m l o ad M bendin g rol l M lobe, vane
Cane knifes M bucket -heav y loa d U punc h press -gear driven H
Car dumpers H bucket-continuous notching press- belt driven Rubber and plastics H
Car pullers M centrifugal discharge plat e planers H industries M
Clarifiers U escalators tappin g machine H crackers M
Classifiers M freight U other machine tools laboratory equipment M
Clay working machinery gravity discharge mai n drives M mixe d m i l ls M
brick press m an lifts auxiliary drive s U refiners M
briquette machine H passenger rubber calenders
clay working machiner y H U Metal mills rubber mill- 2 o n l i ne
pug mill M Fans draw benc h carriage rubber mill -3 on l i ne
M centrifugal an d mai n drive M sheeter M
Compressors cooling towers pinch, dryer and tire building machines
centrifugal M
induce d draft M scrubbe r rolls-reversing tire a nd tube
lobe U M
forced draft M slitters M press openers
reciprocating M induce d draf t tabl e conveyors tubers a n d strainer s
multi-cylinder large, mine, etc non-reversing M warmin g mills
singl e cylinder M large, industrial g r o up drives H U
H light , small diameter individual drives San d muller U
Conveyors -uniformly loaded or fed reversing M
apron U Feeders wire drawing and M sewage desposal M
assembl y U apron flattenin g machine M equipment
belt U H
belt wire winding machine bar screen s M
bucket U disc chemic al feeder s
chai n U reciprocating Mill -rotar y type collectors dewatering
flight U screw bal H crews s c um breakers
ove n U cement kilns H slow or rapid mixer s
screw U Food industry dryers a nd coolers H thickeners
b e ef slicer U kilns , othe r t h an cement H vacuum filters
Conveyors -heavy duty M cerea l cooker pebble H screens M
not uniformly fed M dough m i x er rod H air washing
apron M meat grinder s plai n H rotary-ston e or gravel U
assembl y M wedge bar H travelling water
belt M Generators -not tumbling barrels intake M
bucket M welding H
chai n Mixers M Sla b pusher s
flight M Hammer mills concrete mixers
live roll H -continuous M Steering gear
ove n M Hoists concrete mixers U U
reciprocating H heav y dut y -intermittent M Stokers
screw M M
mediu m dut y constant density
shaker skip hoist variabl e density Sugar industry M
cane knives M
Laundry washers O il industry crushers
reversing chillers mills
M oil well pumping M M
Laundry tumblers U paraffi n filte r press textile industry M
U rotar y kilns M batchers calendars M
Line shafts M cards
driving processing Paper mills dry can s
equipment agitators, (mixers) dryers
light barker-auxiliaries - M dyeing machinery M
other line shafts M hydrauli c knitting machines
barker-mechanical M loom s M
Lumber industry H barking drum H mangles M
barkers-hydraulic- beater a n d pulper H nappers M
mechanical bleacher M pad s M
burner conveyor H calenders U range drives
chai n saw an d d r ag s aw M calenders -super M slashers M
chai n transfer M converting machine, H soapers M
craneway transfer H except cutters, platers spinners
de-barking drum H conveyors M
edge r fee d couc h U tenter frames washer s M
gang feed cutters-plates M winders M
green chain cylinders H M
live rolls dryers M Windlass
log dec k M
felt stretcher M
felt whipper H
jordans M

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

TECHBOX AM Series gear boxes are equipped with fill, drain and level plugs. The speed reducer is supplied un-lubricated and the
oil shall be filled by the Customer before start-up. The table below indicates the approximate quantity to be filled in the reducer,
according to its mounting
Correct level is at mid height of the sight glass.
NOTE: When ordering, always indicate the reducer mounting position.
TECHBOX AM Series gear boxes require an oil change: -10,000 hours for mineraloil, -20,000 hours for synthetic oil

TABLE 1 LUBRICANT QUANTITY (Litres) Oil Quantities are approximate, fill gearbox until oil escapes from level plug hole
Double and Tripe Reduction
Unit Size AM0320 AM0330 AM0420 AM0430 AM0620 AM0630 AM0720 AM0730
B3 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.7 1.8 2.8 3.0
B7 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.9 2.1 2.4 4.0 4.9
B6 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.4 2.8 4.4 5.4

B8 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.7 3.4 5.4 7.0

V5 0.8 1.7 1.4 2.1 3.5 4.8 5.2 9.0
V6 1.0 1.5 1.6 2.1 3.2 4.8 6.0 9.0
B5 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.7 2.2 3.3 3.4
V1 0.8 1.7 1.4 2.1 3.1 5.0 6.3 10.0
V3 1.0 1.5 1.6 2.1 3.6 5.0 6.8 9.0
Double and Tripe Reduction
Unit Size AM0820 AM0830 AM0920 AM0930 AM1020 AM1030 AM1320 AM1430 AM 1420 AM1430
B3 4.6 6.4 10.5 11.5 11.0 11.0 17.0 17.0 24.0 24.0
B7 6.8 7.1 12.0 11.5 22.0 23.0 31.0 33.0 49.0 50.0
B6 7.3 6.9 12.0 11.5 22.0 23.0 31.0 33.0 49.0 50.0

B8 6.4 6.9 12.0 11.5 19.0 20.0 28.0 30.0 41.0 43.0
V5 10.0 8.0 16.8 16.8 32.0 32.0 47.0 47.0 72.0 72.0
V6 9.6 9.3 16.4 16.5 26.0 27.0 38.0 40.0 65.0 67.0
B5 2.6 2.4 5.5 6.0 8.0 8.0 14.0 14.0 20.0 20.0
V1 9.5 9.0 16.0 16.0 22.0 22.0 45.0 45.0 65.0 65.0
V3 10.5 10.0 17.0 19.0 28.0 29.0 43.0 44.0 65.0 67.0
The standard lubricant is suitable for operation in ambient temperatures of 0° to 35°C, outside of this consult Table 2 or AGNEE
Applicatio n Engineers .

TABLE 2 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS Numbers in Brackets indicates recommended minimum

ISO Viscosity / Grade No.
Type E - Mineral Oils containing industrial EP additives 220 / 5E 320 / 6E 460 / 7E
-5 TO 20 0 TO 35 20 TO 50
BP Oil International Limited Energol GR- XF 220 (-16) 320 (-13) 460 (-1)
Energol GR- XP 220 (-15) 320 (-10) 460 (-7)
Caltex Meropa 220 (-4) 320 (-4) 460 (-4)
RPM Borate EP Lubricant 220 (-7) 320 (-4) 460 (-7)
Carl Bechem Gmbh Berugear GS BM 220 (-20) 320 (-13) 460 (-10)
Staroil G 220 (-13) 320 (-13) 460 (-10)
Castrol International Alpha Max 220 (-19) 320 (-13) 460 (-10)
Alpha SP 220 (-16) 320 (-16) 460 (-1)
Chevron International Oil Company Gear Compound EP (USA Version) 220 (-16) 320 (-13) 460 (-10)
Limited Gear Compound EP (Eastern ver) 220 (-13) 320 (-13) 460 (-13)
Ultra Gear 220 (-10) 320 (-7) 460 (-7)
Esso Spartan EP 220 (-16) 320 (-13) 460 (-7)
Esso/Exxon Spartan EP 220 (-12) 320 (-12) 460 (-4)
Fuchs Lubricants Powergear P/Gear(-16) M460 (-4)
Renogear V 220 EP(-13) 320 EP(-4) 460 EP(-4)
Renogear WE 220 (-7) 320 (-4) 400 (-4)
Renolln CLPF Super 6 (-13) 8 (-10) 10 (-10)
Kluber Lubrication Kloberoil GEM1 220 (-5) 320 (-5) 460 (-5)
Mobil Oil Company Ltd Mobil gear 600 Series 630 (-13) 632 (-13) 634 (-1)
Mobil Gear XMP 220 (-19) 320 (-13) 460 (-7)
Petro-Canada Ultima EP 220 (-22) 320 (-16) 460 (-10)
Shell Oils Omala 220 (-4) 320 (-4) 460 (-4)
Omala F 220 (-13) 320 (-10) 460 (-4)
Total Carter EP 220 (-7) 320 (-7) 460 (-4)
Carter VP/ CS 220 (-16) 320 (-13) 460 (-7)

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

LUBRICANT SUPPLIER LUBRICANT RANGE NAME Numbers in Brackets indicates recommended minimum

Operating Temperature °C

ISO Viscosity / Grade No.

220 / 5H 320 / 6H 460 / 7H
Type H – Polyalphaolefin base synthetic lubricants with EP additives
-30 to 20 0 TO 35 20 TO 50
BP Oil International Limited Enersun EPX 320 (-28)
Caltex Pinnacle EP 220 (-43) 320 (-43) 460 (-37)
Carl Bechem Gmbh Berusynth GP 220 (-38) 320 (-35) 460 (-32)
Castrol International Alphasyn GP 220 (-37) 320 (-31) 460 (-31)
Alphasyn T 220 (-31) 320 (-28) 460 (-28)
Chevron International Oil Company Tegra 220 (-46) 320 (-33) 460 (-31)
Esso- Exxon Spartan Synthetic EP 220 (-46) 320 (-43) 460 (-40)
Fuchs Lubricants (UK) Plc Renogear SG 220 (-32) 320 (-30)
Renolin unisyn CLP 220 (-37) 320 (-34) 460 (-28)
Kluber Lubrication Klubersynth GH6 220 (-35) 320 (-35) 460 (-30)
Kuwait Petroleum International Q8 EL Greco 220 (-22) 320 (-19) 460 (-16)
Mobil Oil Company Ltd Mobilgear SHC 630 220 (-40) 320 (-37) 460 (-32)
Mobilgear SHC XMP 220 (-40) 320 (-33) 460 (-31)
Petro-Canada Super gear Fluid 220 (-43) 320 (-37) 460 (-37)
Shell Oils Tivela 220 (-43) 320 (-40) 460 (-37)
Total Carter SP 220 (-34) 320 (-31) 460 (-28)
Tribol GmbH Tribol 1510 220 (-36) 320 (-33) 460 (-28)

• The operating temperature depends on a number of factor such as type of power transmission, the type and quantity of lubricant, the
charecterstics and structure of the gear box, the speed and power applied and the environment in which gear box is operating.
• With the TECHBOX, the acceptable operating temperature range can be up to 50o C more than the ambient temperature(maximum 45 o C)
because of the compactness and the lower quantity of oil contained in the Modern TECHBOX.
• With a standard TECHBOX, the maximum allowable inside temperature is 80 o C. Higher temperature could damage the oil seals.
• In case of control, it is important to check the operating temperature when the gearbox runs at normal speed is constant ; his indicates that
the gear box is running in a trouble free manner.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


B3 B8 B6

V5 V6 V7

Breather Plug Level Plug Drain Plug

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

For Gearboxes, the first oil change must take place after about 300 hours of operation, carefully flushing the gear unit using suitable
Do not mix mineral oils with synthetic oils.
Check oil level regularly and change oil at the intervals:
TECHBOX Series gear boxes require an oil change as per table mentioned below:
Oil temperature [°C] Oil change interval
mineral oil synthetic oil
< 65 8000 25000
65 - 80 4000 15000
80 - 95 2000 12000

The following installation instructions must be observed:
• Make sure that the TECHBOX gear box is correctly secured to avoid vibrations.
• If shocks or overloads are expected, install hydraulic couplings, clutches, torque limiters, etc.
• For Satisfactory TECHBOX performance, it is essential to align correctly the motor and the driven machine.
• If TECHBOX is repainted, protect the breather plug hole, the machined surfaces and the outer face of the oil seals to
prevent paint drying out the rubber and damaging the sealing properties.
• Before mounting clean and lubricate Mating surfaces must be cleaned and treated with suitable protective products before
mounting to avoid oxidation and, as a result, seizure of parts. Coat the hollow shaft with an anti -sieze compound.
• Whenever there are outer loads it is recommended to use pins and positive stops.
• Self locking adhesives should be used on the bolts and joining surfaces of the machine frame to ensure that TECHBOX
unit remains surely fixed to the machine in spite of the normal vibrations which any machine would generate.
• Avoid fitting cantilever pinions. If this is not possible, minimize the distance between pinion and otput shaft to avoid
excessive radial Loads.
• Keep pre-loading of belts and chains to the minimum.
• Never use the hammer for mounting/dismantling of the keyed parts, but use the tapped hole provided on the head of the
• Parts fitted on the gearbox output shaft must be machined to ISO H7 tolerance to prevent interference fits that could
damage the gearbox itself. Further, to mount or remove such parts, use suitable pullers or extraction devices using the
tapped hole located at the top of the shaft extension.
• Prior to putting the gear unit into operation make sure that the equipment that incorporates the same complies with the
current revision of the Machines Directive..
• Before starting up the machine, make sure that oil level conforms to the mounting position specified for the TECHBOX unit
By checking the level Plug..
• For outdoor installation provide adequate guards in order to protect the drive from exposure to rainfalls, dust as well as
direct sun radiation.
• Verify the correct direction of the output shaft before assembling the unit on the machine.

Please follow the following instructions to ensure correct storage of the products:
a) Do not store outdoors, in areas exposed to weather or with excessive humidity.
b) Always place wooden boards or other material underneath the product, to avoid the direct contact with the floor.
c) In case of long- term storage (storage period more than 60 days) all machined surfaces such as flanges, shafts and couplings
must be coated with a suitable rust inhibiting product (anti-oxidation coating)
d) Furthermore gear units must be placed with the fill plug in the highest position and filled up with oil. Oil seals must be touched
with oil. Before putting the units int o operation the appropriate quantity, and type, of oil must be restored.
e) At intervals of 4 to 5 months, the output shafts should be rotated.

Gear units are supplied as follows:
a) configured for installation in the mounting position specified when ordering;
b) tested to factory specifications;
c) mating machined surfaces unpainted;
d) nuts and bolts for mounting motors are provided;
e) shafts are protected;
f) supplied with lifting lug, (where applicable).
e) AGNEE dispatches the TECHBOX in Packing suitable for transportation. However if any damage is observed on receipt of the box /
carton containing the gear box, our sales executive or customer case executive must be informed about such a damage.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Types and version of TECHBOX- AM Gear Units

The Range Includes
Nine sizes of unit with a ratio coverage of 1.4/1 to 70/1 in double reduction and up to 250/1 in triple reduction .
Version B – Base Mounted, Version F – Flange Mounted, Unit type M - Motorised
Unit type G - Motorised (non std motor) , Unit type R - Reducer , Unit type S - Reducer unit fitted with a fan
Unit type X - Reducer unit fitted with a backstop, UNIT type Y - Reducer unit with a fan & backstop

Two Stage base Mount Motorised Gear Unit ,

generally known as foot mounted geared motor.

Three Stage base Mount Motorised Gear Unit,

generally known as foot mounted geared motor.

Two Stage base mounted gear unit without motor,

generally known as foot mounted, hollow input gear

Three Stage base mounted gear unit without motor,

generally known as foot mounted, hollow input gear box

Two Stage base mounted gear reducer

generally known as foot mounted, solid input gear

Three Stage base mounted gear reducer

generally known as foot mounted, solid input gear box

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Types and version of units- TECHBOX- AM Gear Units

Two Stage Flange Mount Motorised Gear Unit ,
generally known as flange mounted geared motor.

Three Stage Flange Mount Motorised Gear Unit,

generally known as flange mounted geared motor.

Two Stage flange mounted gear unit without motor,

generally known as flange mounted, hollow input gear

Three Stage flange mounted gear unit without motor,

generally known as flange mounted, hollow input gear

Two Stage flange mounted gear reducer

generally known as flange mounted, solid input gear

Three Stage flange mounted gear reducer

generally known as flange mounted, solid input gear

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

* This Page May Be Photocopied Allowing The Customer To Enter Their Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
AM 0 3 2 0 8 . 0 B M C - B1 A . 7 5 4 A -
1 - Series AM
20 - Additional Features
Range A M
Paint, DoubleOil Seal,Motorised
Backstop Etc
2, 3 - Size of Unit eg - F
0 3 Through 1 4
19 - Additional Motor Features
4 - No of Reductions eg - A

2 Through 5 See Page 20-21

For R or G Types Without

Motor Enter -

5 - Revision Version
18 - No of Motor Poles
2 4 6 OR 8

For R or G Type
6, 7, 8 - Nominal Overall Ratio Enter -

eg 8 . 0 See Pages 18
15, 16, 17 - Geared Motor
5 0 . Motor Powe r Required
9 - UnitVersion
eg . 7 5
B - Base Mounted
. 1 8
F - Flange Mounted
For R or G Type
Enter - - -

10 - Type of Unit 13, 14 - Mounting Position

M - Motorised eg B3 B
G - Unit to allow fitting of (IEC) Standard motor
R - Reducer unit
12 - Motor Adaptor for
S - Reducer unit fitted with a fan kit Available on For G or M Type Unit
sizes M07,
X - Reducer unit fitted with a backstop For All Other Types Enter -
M08, M09,
Y - Reducer unit with fan kit and backstop M10, M13 11 - Output Shaft see page 19
and M14
only C - Standard

E - IEC, Flange Mounted Units Only

Z - Special

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Nominal Ratio AM 0320 AM 0420 AM 0620 AM 0720 AM 0820 AM 0920 AM 1020 AM 1320 AM 1420

1 . 4 1.440 1.454 1.448 1.453 1.449 1.479 1.442 - -

1 . 8 1.945 2.039 2.033 2.013 2.054 2.036 2.015 - -
2 . 2 2.213 2.247 2.278 2.261 2.282 2.282 2.191 - -
2 . 5 2.507 2.552 2.557 2.486 2.538 2.562 2.489 - -
2 . 8 2.945 2.815 2.812 2.881 2.909 2.969 2.992 2.904 2.888
3 . 2 3.206 3.241 3.248 3.247 3.282 3.301 3.242 3.189 3.247
3 . 6 3.455 3.682 3.681 3.692 3.684 3.688 3.500 3.638 3.822
4 . 0 3.979 3.949 3.953 3.991 4.123 4.088 4.179 4.025 4.029
4 . 5 4.526 4.351 4.431 4.483 4.580 4.582 4.545 4.421 4.537
5 . 0 5.066 5.034 5.040 5.094 5.117 5.073 4.938 5.042 5.333
5 . 6 5.762 5.547 5.649 5.722 5.684 5.686 5.370 5.538 6.005
6 . 3 6.557 6.276 6.316 6.438 6.588 6.628 6.724 6.210 6.548
7 . 1 7.067 7.130 7.160 7.320 7.396 7.404 7.260 6.879 7.270
8 . 0 8.348 8.000 8.053 8.218 8.175 8.224 7.945 7.779 8.667
9 . 0 8.997 9.088 9.129 9.344 9.178 9.188 8.578 8.618 9.623
1 0 . 10.11 9.705 9.832 9.778 10.22 10.27 10.59 9.891 10.06
1 1 . 11.56 11.03 11.44 11.24 11.90 11.71 11.98 11.20 11.43
1 2 . 12.88 12.37 12.54 12.48 12.68 12.74 12.51 12.39 13.32
1 4 . 14.71 14.05 14.58 14.34 14.76 14.53 14.16 14.03 15.13
1 6 . 15.60 15.87 16.16 16.09 16.34 16.59 16.43 15.97 16.43
1 8 . 18.28 17.25 17.25 18.20 18.44 18.43 18.25 18.00 18.11
2 0 . 19.86 20.23 20.61 20.54 20.27 20.59 19.41 20.00 21.75
2 2 . 23.27 21.99 22.00 23.23 22.89 22.87 21.57 22.55 23.97
2 5 . 25.56 24.85 25.25 25.16 26.07 26.04 26.03 25.45 26.07
2 8 . 28.40 28.00 27.65 27.56 28.64 28.74 29.99 28.35 28.25
3 2 . 32.54 31.68 32.19 32.12 32.35 32.31 30.76 31.89 34.51
3 6 . 36.16 35.69 35.25 35.17 35.54 35.67 35.44 35.52 37.39
4 0 . 38.73 39.37 38.75 39.24 40.82 40.25 37.06 39.01 39.42
4 5 . 43.03 44.36 42.43 42.98 44.84 44.44 42.70 43.45 42.71
5 0 . 49.91 47.09 48.15 48.56 47.56 49.07 47.93 48.63 51.27
5 6 . 56.72 53.54 54.00 53.96 54.76 55.18 51.49 51.74 57.52
6 3 . 59.39 58.54 57.96 59.34 60.00 61.13 57.75 59.49 58.57
7 1 . 67.50 66.65 65.00 65.93 69.09 68.74 62.05 63.29 65.70
Nominal Ratio AM 0330 AM 0430 AM 0630 AM 0730 AM 0830 AM 0930 AM 1030 AM 1330 AM 1430

3 6 . 36.12 35.19 35.47 35.49 - - - --

4 0 . 41.28 40.22 40.30 41.28 - - - 39.93 41.38
4 5 . 45.99 44.86 45.23 45.30 - - - 44.18 48.21
5 0 . 52.55 51.26 51.38 52.69 - - - 50.02 54.75
5 6 . 55.71 54.28 58.00 58.34 59.07 59.85 60.23 56.93 59.46
6 3 . 65.27 63.60 63.06 62.29 66.68 66.49 66.93 64.17 65.55
7 1 . 70.93 69.19 73.95 74.47 73.30 74.26 71.17 71.32 78.70
8 0 . 83.10 81.07 80.40 79.51 82.74 82.51 79.08 80.39 86.76
9 0 . 91.29 88.94 90.84 91.15 94.26 93.92 95.44 90.75 94.35
1 0 0 101.4 98.82 102.4 99.80 103.5 103.7 110.0 101.1 102.2
1 1 2 116.2 113.4 115.8 116.3 117.0 116.5 112.8 113.7 124.9
1 2 5 129.1 126.0 130.5 127.4 128.5 128.7 129.9 126.6 135.3
1 4 0 138.3 140.9 139.4 142.2 147.6 145.2 135.9 139.1 142.7
1 6 0 153.7 156.6 157.1 155.7 162.1 160.3 156.6 154.9 154.6
1 8 0 178.2 173.9 172.2 174.0 171.9 177.0 175.7 173.4 185.6
2 0 0 202.6 197.6 195.8 195.2 198.0 199.0 188.8 184.5 208.2
2 2 5 212.1 216.1 207.3 212.6 216.9 220.5 211.8 212.1 212.0
2 5 0 241.1 245.6 235.6 238.5 249.8 248.0 227.5 225.6 237.8

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer



**IEC availabl e on flange mount units only

Size of unit AM 03 AM04 AM 06 AM07 AM08 AM09 AM10 AM13 AM14

Std./ EC**







Type of




Output Shaft

Column 11 C E C E C E C E C E C C C C
A 40 40 50 50 60 60 80 80 100 110 120 140 170 210

B 32 32 40 40 50 50 70 70 80 80 100 110 140 180

C 4 3 7 3 7 3 5 3 10 3 10 15 15 15
D 6 6 8 8 8 8 12 10 14 14 18 20 25 28
E 22.5 21.5 28 27 33 31 43 41 53.5 51.5 64 74.5 95 106
20.015 19.090 25.015 24.090 30.015 28.090 40.018 38.018 50.018 48.018 60.030 70.030 90.035 100.035
ØF / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
20.002 18.960 25.002 23.960 30.002 27.960 40.002 38.002 50.002 48.002 60.011 70.011 90.013 100.013

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


FRAMESIZE øg6 øm øn ød e ko kbr øg g1 g2 BOLTS
71 105 85 70 14 30 210 251 137 107 167 4-M 6
80 120 100 80 19 40 230 280 158 118 190 4-M 6
90S/L 140 115 95 24 50 270 329 177 149 218 4-M 8
100 160 130 110 28 60 340 408 197 159 238 4-M 8
112 160 130 110 28 60 340 408 197 159 238 4-M 8

FRAME øg6 øm øn ød e ko kbr øg g1 g2 BOLTS
63 140 115 95 11 23 185 227 122 101 160 4-M8
71 160 130 110 14 30 210 251 137 107 167 4-M8
80A 200 165 130 19 40 230 280 158 118 190 4-M10
90S/L 200 165 130 24 50 270 329 177 149 218 4-M10
100L 250 215 180 28 60 340 408 197 159 238 4-M12
112 250 215 180 28 60 340 408 197 159 238 4-M12
132S/M 300 265 230 38 80 402 473 253 184 288 4-M12
160M /L 350 300 250 42 110 538 627 314 230 397 4-M16
180M 350 300 250 48 110 538 663 314 257 452 4-M16
180L 350 300 250 48 110 613 701 354 257 452 4-M16
200L 400 350 300 55 110 613 807 354 257 549 4-M16
225 S/M 450 400 350 60 140 690 1105 411 280 561 8-M16
250M 550 500 450 65 140 690 N/A 411 280 N/A 8-M16
280 S/M 550 500 450 75 140 820 N/A 490 355 N/A 8-M16

Dimensions except g6, m, n, d and e will vary as per make of motor

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Motor Available *The standard motor with brake

Type of Motor Column Entry will be fitted with a rectifier and
wired for AC switching.

Standard A For fast braking needed with

safety critical
applications (ie lifts, hoists and
Standard with Brake B*
cranes), it is essential to switch
the brake on the DC side of the
Standard with Brake & rectifier, In such cases motor
Hand Release type N should be entered in
Column 19
FIT Non Standard Motor N

For large frame sizes standard proprietary brake motors are not available .
All variants of standard IEC motors can be fitted to Series M, for example:-
- Single Phase
- DC
- Energy efficient
- Wash down
- Explosion-proof
- Suitable to be used with inverters
- Force vented
- Flame proof
- Two Speed
- Crane duty
- Underground specification

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


DOUBLE REDUCTION INPUT mechanical rating exceeds thermal capacity, check thermal power page at page 28


REV/ MIN AM0320 AM0420 AM0620 AM0720 AM0820 AM0920 AM1020 AM1320 AM1420
Input kW 6.07 9.51 17.00 26.10 41.30 96.10 156.00
1.4 2071.43 Output Torque Nm 28 44 78 120 189 452 719
Input kW 5.84 9.10 16.10 26.10 41.30 82.20 156.00
1.8 1611.11
Output Torque Nm 36 59 105 168 270 534 1010
Input kW 5.31 8.91 15.70 26.10 41.30 77.50 156.00
2.2 1318.18 Output Torque Nm 38 64 114 189 301 565 1100
Input kW 4.93 8.32 15.20 26.10 40.60 72.90 147.00
2.5 1160.00
Output Torque Nm 40 68 124 208 329 596 1170
Input kW 5.54 8.74 16.70 26.10 41.30 96.10 156.00 195.00
2.8 1035.71 Output Torque Nm 52 78 149 239 380 909 1490 1810
Input kW 4.01 7.43 14.00 23.80 34.90 63.60 126.00 195.00
3.2 906.25
Output Torque Nm 41 77 146 248 367 671 1310 1980
Input kW 3.84 7.33 13.30 22.00 32.50 58.60 118.00 195.00

3.6 805.56 Output Torque Nm 43 87 157 260 383 692 1330 2250
Input kW 4.75 7.28 14.00 26.10 41.30 82.20 156.00 195.00
4.0 725.00
Output Torque Nm 60 92 176 332 542 1070 2090 2510
Input kW 4.44 6.90 13.10 26.10 41.30 77.50 152.00 195.00
4.5 644.44
Output Torque Nm 64 96 185 374 603 1130 2200 2760
Input kW 4.08 6.25 12.10 24.90 41.30 82.20 144.00 195.00
5.0 580.00
Output Torque Nm 66 100 194 403 673 1330 2260 3130
Input kW 3.80 5.90 11.40 23.30 41.30 77.50 137.00 195.00 274.00
5.6 517.86
Output Torque Nm 70 104 204 424 748 1410 2340 3440 5240
Input kW 3.59 5.59 10.70 21.80 34.90 63.60 119.00 195.00 274.00
6.3 460.32
Output Torque Nm 75 112 216 449 736 1350 2550 3880 5730
Input kW 3.33 5.17 9.94 20.20 32.50 58.60 113.00 195.00 274.00
7.1 408.45
Output Torque Nm 75 118 227 474 768 1390 2620 4300 6370
Input kW 2.82 4.76 9.24 18.80 34.90 63.60 107.00 195.00 274.00
8.0 362.50
Output Torque Nm 75 121 237 493 912 1670 2700 4840 7570
Input kW 2.64 4.39 8.56 17.40 32.50 58.60 102.00 186.00 274.00
9.0 322.22
Output Torque Nm 75 127 249 519 952 1720 2780 5110 8410
Input kW 2.33 4.27 8.21 17.00 25.80 47.40 88.30 173.00 248.00
10.0 290.00 Output Torque Nm 75 132 258 530 844 1560 2990 5470 7980
Input kW 2.04 3.95 7.48 15.60 23.30 43.10 81.40 165.00 227.00
11.0 263.64
Output Torque Nm 75 139 273 560 888 1610 3120 5900 8270
Input kW 1.85 3.62 7.05 14.60 25.80 47.40 79.10 136.00 242.00
12.0 241.67 Output Torque Nm 76 142 281 579 1050 1930 3160 5370 10300
Input kW 1.62 3.34 6.41 13.40 23.30 43.10 72.90 131.00 215.00
14.0 207.14
Output Torque Nm 76 149 298 611 1100 2000 3290 5880 10400
Input kW 1.51 2.94 5.81 12.40 18.30 32.90 65.90 119.00 172.00
16.0 181.25 Output Torque Nm 75 149 300 636 954 1750 3460 6070 8970
Input kW 1.29 2.75 5.51 11.20 16.60 29.90 60.40 108.00 161.00
18.0 161.11
Output Torque Nm 75 151 304 652 976 1760 3520 6200 9260
Input kW 1.20 2.48 4.97 10.60 18.30 32.90 58.90 94.10 153.00
20.0 145.00 Output Torque Nm 76 159 326 693 1180 2160 3650 5980 10600
Input kW 1.03 2.32 4.72 9.60 16.60 29.90 54.90 88.60 142.00
22.0 131.82
Output Torque Nm 76 162 330 709 1210 2190 3770 6350 10800
Input kW 0.93 2.08 4.07 8.60 12.20 22.60 45.20 76.70 115.00
25.0 116.00 Output Torque Nm 75 164 327 689 1020 1880 3760 6200 9530
Input kW 0.83 1.90 3.79 7.97 11.40 20.70 39.50 68.90 109.00
28.0 103.57
Output Torque Nm 75 168 334 699 1040 1900 3770 6200 9770
Input kW 0.74 1.75 3.47 7.10 12.20 22.60 43.10 62.90 97.60
32.0 90.63 Output Torque Nm 76 175 355 723 1260 2330 4220 6350 10700
Input kW 0.67 1.59 3.24 6.49 11.40 20.70 39.10 56.60 91.30
36.0 80.56
Output Torque Nm 76 180 363 724 1290 2350 4410 6350 10800
Input kW 0.47 1.44 2.84 5.76 9.57 19.30 35.30 49.40 75.70
40.0 72.50 Output Torque Nm 57 180 349 715 1240 2460 4160 6090 9400
Input kW 0.42 1.28 2.60 5.28 8.79 17.40 30.70 45.00 70.20
45.0 64.44
Output Torque Nm 57 180 350 717 1250 2470 4160 6160 9460
Input kW 0.46 1.21 2.48 4.31 8.79 15.60 27.90 36.70 50.10
50.0 58.00 Output Torque Nm 72 180 379 662 1330 2430 4250 5660 8130
Input kW 0.39 1.04 1.58 3.19 7.72 12.10 23.70 36.70 46.50
56.0 51.79
Output Torque Nm 70 180 275 570 1340 2100 4160 6020 8440
Input kW 0.30 0.97 1.97 3.83 6.75 12.70 22.70 33.80 50.10
63.0 46.03 Output Torque Nm 56 180 361 718 1290 2470 4160 6360 9270
Input kW 0.26 0.86 1.58 3.19 5.96 11.30 21.20 32.00 46.50
71.0 40.85
Output Torque Nm 56 180 324 662 1300 2470 4160 6400 9620

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


TRIPLE REDUCTION Input mechanical rating exceeds thermal capacity, check thermal power page at page 28

REV/ MIN AM0330 AM0430 AM0630 AM0730 AM0830 AM0930 AM1030 AM1330 AM1430
Input kW 0.67 1.59 2.78 6.04
36.0 80.56
Output Torque Nm 75 176 310 675
Input kW 0.59 1.42 2.56 5.46 35.00 58.10
40.0 72.50
Output Torque Nm 75 180 324 710 4380 7520
Input kW 0.54 1.28 2.68 5.10 38.90 62.70
45.0 64.44
Output Torque Nm 76 180 380 724 5360 9430
Input kW 0.47 1.12 2.42 4.38 35.00 58.10
50.0 58.00
Output Torque Nm 76 180 391 724 5460 9930
Input kW 0.43 1.06 1.94 3.95 6.86 11.20 17.90 29.60 46.70
56.0 51.79
Output Torque Nm 75 180 354 725 1270 2100 3380 5270 8680
Input kW 0.37 0.90 1.81 3.70 6.30 10.40 16.60 26.80 44.00
63.0 46.03
Output Torque Nm 75 180 359 725 1320 2170 3490 5380 9020
Input kW 0.35 0.83 1.69 3.10 6.13 10.10 16.40 26.60 44.80
71.0 40.85
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 1410 2350 3640 5920 11000
Input kW 0.30 0.71 1.55 2.91 5.43 9.38 15.20 24.10 40.70
80.0 36.25
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 1410 2420 3760 6060 11000
Input kW 0.26 0.65 1.33 2.53 4.74 8.15 12.60 20.90 34.40
90.0 32.22
Output Torque Nm 75 180 379 725 1400 2400 3770 5930 10100
Input kW 0.24 0.58 1.21 2.31 4.32 7.60 10.90 19.20 32.20
100.0 29.00
Output Torque Nm 75 180 389 725 1400 2480 3770 6050 10300
Input kW 0.21 0.51 1.08 1.99 3.85 7.36 11.80 18.00 28.30
112.0 25.89
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 1410 2690 4180 6350 11000
Input kW 0.19 0.46 0.96 1.82 3.50 6.86 10.70 16.10 26.10
125.0 23.20
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2770 4360 6350 11000
Input kW 0.13 0.41 0.81 1.60 2.89 5.46 9.82 15.00 22.90
140.0 20.71
Output Torque Nm 55 180 351 707 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100
Input kW 0.12 0.37 0.72 1.46 2.63 4.94 8.53 13.50 21.10
160.0 18.13
Output Torque Nm 55 180 351 707 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100
Input kW 0.14 0.33 0.73 1.33 2.62 5.15 8.03 11.70 19.00
180.0 16.11
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.12 0.29 0.64 1.19 2.28 4.59 7.48 11.00 17.00
200.0 14.50
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.08 0.27 0.54 1.07 1.96 3.59 6.31 9.80 15.40
225.0 12.89
Output Torque Nm 55 180 351 707 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100
Input kW 0.07 0.24 0.48 0.95 1.71 3.20 5.88 9.21 13.70
250.0 11.60
Output Torque Nm 55 180 351 707 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


DOUBLE REDUCTION Input mechanical rating exceeds thermal capacity, check thermal power at page 28
RATIO Speed A M0320 A M0420 A M0620 AM0720 AM0820 AM0920 AM1020 AM1320 AM1420
1.4 1035.71 Input kW 3.59 5.27 10.70 13.10 20.70 60.60 78.20
Output Torque Nm 33 49 99 121 191 574 722
1.8 805.56 Input kW 2.95 5.27 10.10 13.10 20.70 51.80 78.20
Output Torque Nm 37 69 132 169 272 677 1010
2.2 659.09 Input kW 2.65 5.27 9.86 13.10 20.70 48.80 78.20
Output Torque Nm 38 76 144 190 302 716 1100
2.5 580.00 Input kW 2.46 5.23 9.54 13.10 20.70 45.90 78.20
Output Torque Nm 40 86 157 209 337 756 1250
2.8 517.86 Input kW 3.48 5.27 10.40 13.10 20.70 60.60 78.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 66 95 188 240 383 1150 1490 1810 2520
3.2 453.13 Input kW 2.00 4.34 8.79 13.10 20.70 40.00 75.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 41 90 184 273 436 850 1570 1990 2840
3.6 402.78 Input kW 1.92 3.99 8.25 13.10 20.50 36.90 69.70 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 43 94 195 310 485 876 1570 2260 3330
4.0 362.50 Input kW 2.95 4.57 8.75 13.10 20.70 51.80 78.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 115 222 334 545 1360 2090 2510 3530
4.5 322.22 Input kW 2.60 4.33 8.22 13.10 20.70 48.80 78.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 121 233 375 606 1440 2280 2760 3970
5.0 290.00 Input kW 2.34 3.92 7.60 13.10 20.70 51.80 78.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 76 126 245 425 676 1680 2470 3140 4660
5.6 258.93 Input kW 2.06 3.70 7.13 13.10 20.70 48.80 78.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 76 131 257 477 751 1780 2690 3450 5240
6.3 230.16 Input kW 1.79 3.43 6.72 13.10 20.70 40.00 72.90 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 138 272 540 873 1700 3140 3880 5730
7.1 204.23 Input kW 1.66 3.10 6.16 12.70 20.50 36.90 69.50 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 141 283 597 972 1760 3230 4300 6360
8.0 181.25 Input kW 1.43 2.92 5.80 11.80 20.70 39.50 65.50 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 76 149 298 621 1080 2080 3330 4840 7570
9.0 161.11 Input kW 1.32 2.63 5.30 10.90 20.50 36.80 62.40 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 76 153 310 654 1200 2170 3420 5360 8400
10.0 145.00 Input kW 1.16 2.43 4.80 10.20 16.30 29.80 54.20 97.40 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 151 303 642 1070 1970 3680 6170 8800
11.0 131.82 Input kW 1.02 2.21 4.26 9.18 14.70 27.10 49.10 82.70 137.00
Output Torque Nm 75 156 312 661 1120 2040 3770 5940 9980
12.0 120.83 Input kW 0.93 2.06 4.12 8.80 16.30 29.60 48.60 80.30 121.00
Output Torque Nm 76 162 330 702 1320 2420 3890 6350 10300
14.0 103.57 Input kW 0.81 1.87 3.66 7.88 14.70 27.10 44.80 70.30 108.00
Output Torque Nm 76 168 341 722 1390 2530 4050 6290 10400
16.0 90.63 Input kW 0.75 1.53 3.29 6.94 10.50 20.70 35.90 60.80 106.00
Output Torque Nm 75 155 340 715 1100 2210 3770 6200 11100
18.0 80.56 Input kW 0.65 1.52 3.13 6.23 9.13 18.90 32.30 53.90 96.20
Output Torque Nm 75 167 346 725 1080 2230 3770 6200 11100
20.0 72.50 Input kW 0.60 1.39 2.82 5.53 10.50 20.70 35.60 49.90 76.70
Output Torque Nm 76 180 371 724 1360 2730 4410 6350 10600
22.0 65.91 Input kW 0.51 1.28 2.68 4.89 9.13 18.90 32.00 44.30 70.70
Output Torque Nm 76 180 376 724 1340 2760 4410 6350 10800
25.0 58.00 Input kW 0.46 1.14 2.35 4.52 7.26 14.20 22.70 38.30 63.80
Output Torque Nm 75 180 378 725 1210 2370 3770 6200 10600
28.0 51.79 Input kW 0.42 1.01 2.19 4.13 6.30 13.00 19.70 34.40 55.60
Output Torque Nm 75 180 386 725 1150 2400 3770 6200 9970
32.0 45.31 Input kW 0.37 0.89 1.91 3.55 6.81 13.80 22.50 31.40 48.80
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 1410 2860 4410 6350 10700
36.0 40.28 Input kW 0.33 0.80 1.75 3.24 6.20 12.50 19.50 28.30 45.60
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 1410 2860 4410 6350 10800
40.0 36.25 Input kW 0.23 0.72 1.42 2.87 5.10 9.62 17.60 26.20 39.90
Output Torque Nm 56 180 349 715 1320 2470 4160 6460 9940
45.0 32.22 Input kW 0.20 0.64 1.30 2.64 4.65 8.71 15.30 23.60 37.10
Output Torque Nm 56 180 350 717 1320 2470 4160 6460 10000
50.0 29.00 Input kW 0.23 0.60 1.24 2.16 4.64 9.14 14.00 18.40 25.10
Output Torque Nm 72 180 379 663 1410 2860 4260 5660 8140
56.0 25.89 Input kW 0.19 0.52 0.79 1.59 4.04 5.71 11.80 18.40 23.20
Output Torque Nm 70 176 275 570 1410 2000 4160 6030 8450
63.0 23.02 Input kW 0.15 0.49 0.98 1.92 3.47 6.35 11.40 17.20 25.10
Output Torque Nm 55 180 361 718 1330 2470 4160 6460 9270
71.0 20.42 Input kW 0.13 0.43 0.79 1.59 3.03 5.66 10.60 16.10 23.20
Output Torque Nm 55 180 324 663 1330 2470 4160 6460 9630

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


AM0330 A M0430 AM0630 AM0730 AM0830 AM0930 A M1030 A M1330 A M1430
Input kW 0.33 0.81 1.63 3.23
36.0 40.28
Output Torque Nm 75 180 365 725
Input kW 0.29 0.71 1.46 2.78 21.90 37.50
40.0 36.25
Output Torque Nm 75 180 372 725 5530 9740
Input kW 0.27 0.64 1.38 2.54 22.20 36.40
45.0 32.22
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 6170 11000
Input kW 0.23 0.56 1.21 2.18 20.10 32.10
50.0 29.00
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 724 6310 11000
Input kW 0.22 0.53 1.07 1.97 3.76 6.84 9.94 17.30 28.10
56.0 25.89
Output Torque Nm 75 180 393 725 1400 2590 3770 6190 10500
Input kW 0.18 0.45 0.99 1.84 3.33 6.29 8.95 15.30 26.00
63.0 23.02
Output Torque Nm 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 10700
Input kW 0.17 0.41 0.84 1.55 3.05 6.10 9.85 14.20 22.30
71.0 20.42
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.15 0.35 0.78 1.45 2.70 5.49 8.87 12.60 20.30
80.0 18.13
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.13 0.32 0.69 1.26 2.36 4.46 6.27 10.90 18.80
90.0 16.11
Output Torque Nm 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.12 0.29 0.61 1.15 2.15 4.04 5.45 9.79 17.30
100.0 14.50
Output Torque Nm 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.10 0.25 0.54 0.99 1.91 3.89 6.22 8.95 14.10
112.0 12.95
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.09 0.23 0.48 0.91 1.74 3.52 5.40 8.04 13.00
125.0 11.60
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.06 0.20 0.40 0.80 1.44 2.71 4.89 7.47 11.40
140.0 10.36
Output Torque Nm 54 180 351 707 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100
Input kW 0.06 0.18 0.36 0.73 1.31 2.46 4.25 6.71 10.50
160.0 9.06
Output Torque Nm 54 180 351 707 1330 2470 4170 6460 10100
Input kW 0.07 0.17 0.36 0.67 1.30 2.57 4.00 5.86 9.49
180.0 8.06
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.06 0.15 0.32 0.60 1.14 2.29 3.73 5.50 8.48
200.0 7.25
Output Torque Nm 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.05 0.13 0.27 0.53 0.98 1.79 3.15 4.89 7.66
225.0 6.44
Output Torque Nm 58 180 351 707 1330 2470 4170 6460 10100
Input kW 0.04 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.85 1.59 2.93 4.59 6.84
250.0 5.80
Output Torque Nm 60 180 351 707 1330 2470 4170 6460 10100

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


RATIO Speed AM0320 AM0420 AM0620 AM0720 AM0820 AM0920 AM1020 AM 1320 AM 1420
Input kW 2.38 3.49 8.09 8.65 13.70 46.00 51.80
1.4 685.71
Output Torque 33 49 113 122 191 661 722
Input 1.95 3.49 7.68 8.65 13.70 39.30 51.80
1.8 533.33
Output Torque 37 69 152 169 273 779 1010
2.2 436.36 Input kW 1.75 3.49 7.47 8.65 13.70 37.10 51.80
Output Torque 38 76 165 190 303 824 1100
Input 1.63 3.49 6.74 8.65 13.70 34.90 51.80
2.5 384.00
Output Torque 40 87 168 209 337 869 1250

2.8 342.86 Input kW 2.47 3.49 7.92 8.65 13.70 46.00 51.80 64.50 90.60
Output Torque 70 95 216 241 384 1320 1500 1810 2520
Input 1.33 2.87 6.25 8.65 13.70 30.40 49.80 64.50 90.60
3.2 300.00
Output Torque 41 91 198 273 437 978 1570 1990 2840
3.6 266.67 Input kW 1.27 2.64 5.81 8.65 13.70 28.10 46.10 64.50 90.60
Output Torque 43 94 208 311 490 1010 1570 2260 3330
Input 1.95 3.42 6.64 8.65 13.70 39.30 51.80 64.50 90.60
4.0 240.00
Output Torque 75 131 254 334 546 1560 2090 2510 3530
Input 1.72 3.18 6.23 8.65 13.70 37.10 51.80 64.50 90.60
4.5 213.33
Output Torque 75 134 268 376 607 1650 2280 2760 3970
Input kW 1.55 2.93 5.76 8.65 13.70 39.30 51.80 64.50 90.60
5.0 192.00
Output Torque 76 142 281 425 677 1930 2470 3140 4660
Input 1.37 2.72 5.40 8.65 13.70 37.10 51.80 64.50 90.60
5.6 171.43
Output Torque 76 146 295 478 753 2040 2690 3450 5240
Input 1.19 2.42 4.78 8.65 13.70 30.40 51.80 64.50 90.60
6.3 152.38
Output Torque 75 147 292 540 875 1960 3370 3880 5730
Input 1.10 2.20 4.34 8.65 13.70 28.10 51.80 64.50 90.60
7.1 135.21
Output Torque 75 152 301 614 982 2020 3640 4300 6360
Input 0.94 2.06 4.12 8.64 13.70 29.60 49.00 64.50 90.60
8.0 120.00
Output Torque 76 159 321 686 1080 2360 3760 4840 7570
Input 0.88 1.87 3.73 7.81 13.70 27.50 46.70 64.50 90.60
9.0 106.67
Output Torque 76 164 330 705 1220 2450 3870 5370 8400
Input kW 0.77 1.75 3.44 7.14 12.40 22.70 36.80 64.50 90.60
10.0 96.00
Output Torque 75 165 327 676 1230 2260 3770 6180 8810
Input 0.67 1.60 3.08 6.56 11.20 20.60 32.50 54.70 90.60
11.0 87.27
Output Torque 75 170 341 714 1290 2340 3770 5940 9990
Input 0.61 1.49 2.95 6.01 11.40 22.20 36.40 53.20 80.20
12.0 80.00
Output Torque 76 177 358 724 1400 2740 4400 6350 10300
14.0 68.57 Input kW 0.54 1.33 2.64 5.23 9.82 20.30 32.20 46.50 71.30
Output Torque 76 180 372 724 1400 2860 4410 6290 10400
Input 0.50 1.02 2.38 4.66 6.95 15.70 23.70 40.20 70.20
16.0 60.00
Output Torque 75 155 371 725 1100 2530 3770 6200 11100

18.0 53.33 Input kW 0.43 1.01 2.26 4.12 6.04 14.30 21.40 35.70 63.70
Output Torque 75 167 377 725 1080 2560 3770 6200 11100
Input 0.40 0.92 1.97 3.66 6.95 14.30 23.50 33.00 50.70
20.0 48.00
Output Torque 76 180 392 724 1360 2860 4410 6350 10600
22.0 43.64 Input kW 0.34 0.85 1.85 3.24 6.04 12.90 21.20 29.30 46.80
Output Torque 76 180 392 724 1340 2860 4410 6350 10800
Input 0.31 0.75 1.62 2.99 4.81 10.50 15.00 25.40 42.20
25.0 38.40
Output Torque 75 180 393 725 1210 2640 3770 6200 10600
Input kW 0.28 0.67 1.48 2.73 4.17 9.51 13.00 22.80 36.80
28.0 34.29
Output Torque 75 180 393 725 1150 2640 3770 6200 9980
Input 0.24 0.59 1.27 2.35 4.51 9.16 14.90 20.80 32.30
32.0 30.00
Output Torque 76 180 392 724 1410 2860 4410 6350 10700
Input 0.22 0.53 1.16 2.15 4.11 8.30 12.90 18.70 30.20
36.0 26.67
Output Torque 76 180 392 724 1410 2860 4410 6350 10800
Input 0.15 0.48 0.94 1.90 3.37 6.37 11.70 17.40 26.90
40.0 24.00
Output Torque 55 180 349 715 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100
Input 0.13 0.42 0.86 1.74 3.07 5.77 10.10 15.60 24.80
45.0 21.33
Output Torque 55 180 350 717 1330 2470 4160 6460 10100

50.0 19.20 Input kW 0.15 0.40 0.82 1.43 3.07 6.05 9.25 12.20 16.60
Output Torque 72 180 379 663 1410 2860 4260 5660 8140
Input 0.13 0.34 0.52 1.06 2.68 3.67 7.84 12.20 15.40
56.0 17.14
Output Torque 70 176 275 570 1410 2000 4160 6030 8450

63.0 15.24 Input kW 0.10 0.32 0.65 1.27 2.30 4.21 7.52 11.40 16.60
Output Torque 55 180 361 718 1330 2470 4160 6460 9280
Input 0.09 0.28 0.52 1.06 2.00 3.67 7.02 10.70 15.40
71.0 13.52
Output Torque 55 180 324 663 1330 2420 4160 6460 9630

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


RATIO Speed AM 0330 AM 0430 AM 0630 AM 0730 AM 0830 AM 0930 AM 1030 AM 1330 AM1430
Input kW 0.22 0.54 1.16 2.14
36.0 26.67
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725
Input kW 0.19 0.47 1.02 1.84 15.60 26.60
40.0 24.00
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725 5940 10500
Input kW 0.17 0.42 0.91 1.68 15.10 24.10
45.0 21.33
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 6350 11000
Input kW 0.15 0.37 0.80 1.44 13.40 21.20
50.0 19.20
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 6350 11000
Input kW 0.14 0.35 0.71 1.30 2.48 4.62 6.57 11.40 19.70
56.0 17.14
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.12 0.30 0.65 1.22 2.20 4.16 5.91 10.10 17.80
63.0 15.24
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.11 0.27 0.56 1.02 2.01 4.03 6.51 9.39 14.80
71.0 13.52
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.10 0.23 0.51 0.96 1.79 3.63 5.86 8.33 13.40
80.0 12.00
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.09 0.21 0.46 0.83 1.56 2.95 4.15 7.21 12.40
90.0 10.67
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.08 0.19 0.41 0.76 1.42 2.67 3.60 6.48 11.50
100.0 9.60
Output Torque NM 75 180 393 725 1400 2640 3770 6200 11100
Input kW 0.07 0.17 0.36 0.66 1.27 2.57 4.11 5.92 9.34
112.0 8.57
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.06 0.15 0.32 0.60 1.15 2.33 3.57 5.32 8.61
125.0 7.68
Output Torque NM 76 180 392 725 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.05 0.14 0.27 0.53 0.95 1.79 3.23 4.94 7.54
140.0 6.86
Output Torque NM 58 180 351 707 1330 2470 4170 6460 10100
Input kW 0.04 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.86 1.62 2.81 4.44 6.95
160.0 6.00
Output Torque NM 60 180 351 707 1330 2470 4170 6400 10100
Input kW 0.05 0.11 0.25 0.45 0.86 1.70 2.65 3.88 6.28
180.0 5.33
Output Torque NM 76 180 400 737 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.04 0.10 0.22 0.40 0.75 1.51 2.47 3.64 5.61
200.0 4.80
Output Torque NM 76 180 400 737 1410 2860 4410 6350 11000
Input kW 0.0 0.09 0.18 0.35 0.65 1.19 2.10 3.23 5.07
225.0 4.27
Output Torque NM 65 180 351 707 1340 2480 4210 6460 10100
Input kW 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.31 0.58 1.06 1.97 3.04 4.53
250.0 3.84
Output Torque NM 67 180 351 707 1360 2480 4240 6460 10100

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Thermal Ratings kW
Thermal ratings are a measure of the units ability to dissipate heat, if they are exceeded the lubricant may break down resulting in
premature gear failure.

Thermal Power (km)


Overall Ratios Rev/min
AM03 AM 04 AM06 AM07 AM08 AM09 AM10 AM 13 AM14
1.5 to 5.6 1750 4.1 5.9 9.8 11.4 22.0 31.3 42.2 53.5 73.0
<1450 4.1 6.0 9.9 14.5 22.2 31.4 42.3 53.7 73.2

2900 3.0 4.3 7.2 10.5 16.0 22.8 30.7 39.0 53.2
5.6 to 36 1750 4.1 5.8 9.7 14.2 21.7 30.8 41.5 52.6 71.8

<1450 4.1 5.8 9.7 14.2 21.7 30.8 41.6 52.7 71.9
2900 2.9 4.2 7.0 10.2 15.6 22.2 29.9 37.9 51.7
36 & over 1750 4.0 5.7 9.4 13.8 21.1 29.9 40.4 51.2 69.9

<1450 4.0 5.7 9.4 13.8 21.1 30.0 40.4 51.3 70.0

Thermal Power (kW) with cooling fan

Unit Size
Overall Ratios Rev/min
AM03 AM04 AM 06 AM07 AM 08 AM 09 AM 10 AMl3 AM14

1.5 to 5.6
2900 - - - CONSULT A GNEE

1750 - - - 32.4 49.6 70.4 94.9 120.4 164.2

1450 - - - 28.9 44.2 62.8 84.6 107.4 146.5

1160 - - - 27.5 42.0 59.6 80.4 102.0 139.2

960 - - - 25.3 38.7 54.9 74.0 93.9 128.2

725 - - - 21.7 33.2 47.1 63.5 80.5 109.9

5.6 & over 2900 - - - 23.0 35.1 49.9 67.3 85.3 116.4

1750 - - - 31.1 47.4 67.4 90.8 115.2 157.2

1450 - - - 27.7 42.3 60.0 80.9 102.6 140.0

1160 - - - 26.3 40.1 57.0 76.8 97.5 133.0

960 - - - 24.2 37.0 52.5 70.8 89.8 122.5

725 - - - 20.7 31.7 45.0 60.7 77.0 105.0

Note: When checking thermal capacities use actual load required to be transmitted, not rating of prime mover.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A B C D E ØF G H H1 L P P1 P2 Q ØS U V5 X X1 X2

AM 0320 40 32 4 6 22.5 20 58 110 85 25 135 78 72 110 10 12 M6 x 1.0 147 75 -

k6 16 deep
AM 0420 50 40 7 8 28 25 75 110 130 35 145 84 75 160 10 16 M10 x 1.5 178 90 -
k6 deep
AM 0620 60 50 7 8 33 30 90 135 165 55 190 105 98 200 15 20 M10 x 1.5 230 115 -
k6 22 deep
AM 0720 80 70 5 12 43 40 115 170 205 60 230 130 119 245 19 25 M16 x 2.0 275 140 -
k6 36 deep
AM 0820 100 80 10 14 53.5 50 140 215 260 75 290 165 147 310 19 35 M16 x 2.0 321 180 362
k6 36 deep
AM 0920 120 100 10 18 64 60 160 250 310 90 340 200 172 365 23 40 M20 x 2.5 394 225 433
m6 42 deep
AM 1020 140 110 15 20 74.5 70 185 290 370 110 400 225 203 440 27 45 M20 x 2.5 446 250 505
m6 42 deep
AM 1320 170 140 15 25 95 90 220 340 410 110 450 242 228 490 34 50 M24 x 3.0 483 265 563
m6 50 deep
AM 1420 210 180 15 28 106 100 260 380 500 150 530 278 268 590 41 50 M24 x 3.0 551 300 630
m6 50 deep

MOTORS ALL SIZES AM0320** AM 0420** AM0620** AM0720** AM 0820 AM0920 AM1020 AM 1320 AM1420

ko g g1 g2 g6 k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb

63 185 122 101 160 140 381 423 404 446 455 497 - - - - - - - - - - - -

71 210 137 107 167 160 406 447 433 474 486 527 - - - - - - - - - - - -

80 230 158 118 190 200 445 495 468 518 506 556 579 629 672 722 753 803 - - - - - -

90S/L 270 177 149 218 200 495 554 518 577 555 614 629 688 712 771 793 852 - - - - - -

100/112 340 197 159 238 250 573 641 596 664 669 737 722 790 788 856 869 937 936 1004 1056 1124 1172 1240

132 S/M 402 253 184 288 300 - - - - 733 804 786 857 850 921 931 1002 998 1069 1118 1189 1234 1305

160 M/L 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - 952 * 1016 * 1102 * 1169 * 1248 * 1363 *

180 M 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - 1102 * 1169 * 1248 * 1363 *

180 L 613 354 257 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - 1177 * 1244 * 1323 * 1438 *

200 L 613 354 257 * 400 - - - - - - - - - - 1177 * 1244 * 1323 * 1438 *

225 S/M 690 411 280 * 450 - - - - - - - - - - 1281 * 1348 * 1427 * 1542 *

250 690 411 280 * 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1599 * 1714 *

280 S/M 820 490 355 * 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1729 * 1844 *

Dimension kb, k, ko, g, g2, g1 may vary as per make of motor

kb – for brake motors
g2 – hand release if required all parallel keys are to * Consult AGNEE
g6 – Dimension is shown for B5 D flange motors , DIN 6885 ** Please check dimension g, g2 and g6 as motor
please check page 20 for B14 C face motors. May Project below the base of the unit especially
when using B5 D flange motors

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A B B1 C D E ØF G H H1 L P P1 P2 Q ØS U V5 X X1 X2
AM 0330 40 32 36 4 6 22.5 20 58 110 85 25 135 78 72 110 10 12 M6x1.0 147 75 -
k6 16 deep
AM 0430 50 40 36 7 8 28 25 75 110 130 35 145 84 75 160 10 16 M10x1.5 178 90 -
k6 22 deep
AM 0630 60 50 47 7 8 33 30 90 135 165 55 190 105 98 200 15 20 M10x1.5 230 115 -
k6 22 deep
AM 0730 80 70 60 5 12 43 40 115 170 205 60 230 130 119 245 19 25 M16x2.0 275 140 -
k6 36 deep
AM 0830 100 80 0 10 14 53.5 50 140 215 260 75 290 165 147 310 19 35 M16x2.0 321 180 362
k6 36 deep
AM 0930 120 100 0 10 18 64 60 160 250 310 90 340 200 172 365 23 40 M20x2.5 394 225 433
m6 42 deep
AM 1030 140 110 0 15 20 74.5 70 185 290 370 110 400 225 203 440 27 45 M20x2.5 446 250 505
m6 42 deep
AM 1330 170 140 0 15 25 95 90 220 340 410 110 450 242 228 490 34 50 M24x3.0 483 265 563
m6 50 deep
AM 1430 210 180 0 15 28 106 100 260 380 500 150 530 278 268 590 41 50 M24x3.0 551 300 630
m6 50 deep

MOTORS ALL SIZES AM0330 AM0430 AM 0630 AM0730 AM0830 AM 0930 AM1030 AM 1330 AM1430

ko g g1 g2 g6 k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb

63 185 122 101 160 140 437 479 460 502 522 564 608 650 - - - - - - - - - -
71 210 137 107 167 160 462 503 489 530 551 592 639 680 - - - - - - - - - -
80 230 158 118 190 200 - - 524 574 586 636 659 709 679 729 779 829 877 927 - - - -

90S/L 270 177 149 218 200 - - - - 636 695 708 767 729 788 819 878 917 976 - - - -

100/112 340 197 159 238 250 - - - - - - 822 890 822 890 895 963 993 1061 1118 1186 1243 1311
132 S/M 402 253 184 288 300 - - - - - - - - - - 1055 1126 1180 1251 1305 1376
160 M/L 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1226 * 1310 * 1435 *

180 M 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1226 * 1310 * 1435 *

180 L 613 354 257 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1301 * 1385 * 1510 *
200 L 613 354 257 * 400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1385 * 1510 *

225 S/M 690 411 280 * 450 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1489 * 1614 *

Dimension kb, k, ko, g, g2, g1 may vary as per make of motor
kb – for brake motors
g2 – hand release if required all parallel keys are to
g6 – Dimension is shown for B5 D flange motors , DIN 6885 * Consult AGNEE
please check page 20 for B14 C face motors.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A3 B C D E ØF ØP7 ØQ1 ØR1 U2 U3 V5 V8 X4 X5 X6

AM0320 40 40 32 4 6 22.5 20 130 160 110 3.5 7 M6x1.0 10 80 70 -

k6 h8 16deep
AM0420 50 50 40 7 8 28 25 165 200 130 3.5 12 M10x1.5 12 95 88 -
k6 h8 22deep
AM0620 60 60 50 7 8 33 30 215 250 180 4 12 M10x1.5 15 113 115 -
k6 h8 22deep

AM0720 80 80 70 5 12 43 40 265 300 230 4 14 M16x2.0 15 138 138 -

k6 h8 36deep
AM0820 100 100 80 10 14 53.5 50 300 350 250 5 16 M16x2.0 18 187 - 173
k6 h8 36deep
AM0920 120 140 100 10 18 64 60 400 450 350 5 18 M20x2.5 18 230 - 198
m6 h8 42deep
AM1020 140 140 110 15 20 74.5 70 400 450 350 5 22 M20x2.5 18 260 - 245
m6 h8 42deep
AM1320 170 170 140 15 25 95 90 500 550 450 5 25 M24x3.0 18 278 - 288
m6 h8 50deep

M1420 210 210 180 15 28 106 100 500 550 450 5 25 M24x3.0 18 318 - 320
m6 h8 50deep

MOTORS ALL SIZES AM0320** AM 0420** AM0620** AM0720** AM0820 AM 0920 AM 1020 AM 1320 AM1420
ko g g1 g2 g6 k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb
63 185 122 101 160 140 381 423 404 446 455 497 - - - - - - - - - - - -
71 210 137 107 167 160 406 447 433 474 486 527 - - - - - - - - - - - -
80 230 158 118 190 200 445 495 468 518 506 556 579 629 672 722 753 803 - - - - - -
90S/L 270 177 149 218 200 495 554 518 577 555 614 629 688 712 771 793 852 - - - - - -

100/112 340 197 159 238 250 573 641 596 664 669 737 722 790 788 856 869 937 936 1004 1056 1124 1172 1240
132S/M 402 253 184 288 300 - - - - 733 804 786 857 850 921 931 1002 998 1069 1118 1189 1234 1305
160M/L 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - 952 * 1016 * 1102 * 1169 * 1248 * 1363 *
180M 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - 1102 * 1169 * 1248 * 1363 *
180L 613 354 257 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - 1177 * 1244 * 1323 * 1438 *
200L 613 354 257 * 400 - - - - - - - - - - 1177 * 1244 * 1323 * 1438 *
225S/M 690 411 280 * 450 - - - - - - - - - - 1281 * 1348 * 1427 * 1542 *
250 690 411 280 * 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1599 * 1714 *
280S/M 820 490 355 * 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1729 * 1844 *

Dimension kb, k, ko, g, g2, g1 may vary as per make of motor

kb – for brake motors
g2 – hand release if required all parallel keys are to DIN 6885
g6 – Dimension is shown for B5 D flange motors , * Consult AGNEE
please check page 20 for B14 C face motors. ** Please check dimension g, g2 and g6 as motor may project below the base of the unit

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A3 B B1 C D E ØF ØP7 ØQ1 Q7 ØR1 U2 U3 V5 V8 X4 X5 X6

AM0330 40 40 32 36 4 6 22.5 20 130 160 106 110 3.5 7 M6x1.0 10 80 70 -

k6 h8 16deep
25 130 M10x1.5
AM0430 50 50 40 36 7 8 28 165 200 106 3.5 12 12 95 88 -
k6 h8 22deep

AM0630 60 60 50 47 7 8 33 30 215 250 117 180 4 12 M10 x1.5 15 113 115 -

k6 h8 22deep
40 230 M16x2.0
AM0730 80 80 70 60 5 12 43 265 300 150 4 14 15 138 138 -
k6 h8 36deep
50 250 M16x2.0
AM0830 100 100 80 0 10 14 53.5 300 350 - 5 16 18 187 - 173
k5 h8 36deep
60 350 M20x2.5
AM0930 120 140 100 0 10 18 64 400 450 - 5 18 18 230 - 198
m6 h8 42deep
70 350 M20x2.5
AM1030 140 140 110 0 15 20 74.5 400 450 - 5 22 18 260 - 245
m6 h8 42deep
90 450 M24x3.0
AM1330 170 170 140 0 15 25 95 500 550 - 5 25 18 278 - 288
m6 h8 50deep
100 450 M24x3.0
AM1430 210 210 180 0 15 28 106 500 550 - 5 25 18 318 - 320
m6 h8 50deep

AM0330 AM0430 AM 0630 AM 0730 AM0830 AM0930 AM1030 AM1330 AM 1430

ko g gl g2 g6 k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb k kb

63 185 122 101 160 140 437 479 460 502 522 564 608 650 - - - - - - - - - -
71 210 137 107 167 160 462 503 489 530 551 592 639 680 - - - - - - - - - -

80 230 158 118 190 200 - - 524 574 586 636 659 709 679 729 779 829 877 927 - - - -

90S/L 270 177 149 218 200 - - - - 636 695 708 767 729 788 819 878 917 976 - - - -

100/112 340 197 159 238 250 - - - - - - 822 890 822 890 895 963 993 1061 1118 1186 1243 1311

132S/M 402 253 184 288 300 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1055 1126 1180 1251 1305 1376
160M/L 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1226 * 1310 * 1435 *

180M 538 314 230 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1226 * 1310 * 1435 *

180L 613 354 257 * 350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1301 * 1385 * 1510 *

200L 613 354 257 * 400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1385 * 1510 *

225S/M 690 411 280 * 450 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1489 * 1614 *

Dimension kb, k, ko, g, g2, g1 may vary as per make of motor
kb – for brake motors g2 – hand release if required all parallel keys are to DIN 6885 , * Consult AGNEE
g6 – Dimension is shown for B5 D flange motors , please check page 20 for B14 C face motors
AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A1 B B2 ØB3 ØB4 ØB5 B6 B7 C C1 D D1 E E1 ØF ØF1 G G3

20 16
AM0320 40 40 32 32 65 140 90 M8 16 4 4 6 5 22.5 18 58 12
k6 k6

AM0420 50 40 40 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 28 18 25 16 75 12
k6 k6
30 19
AM0620 60 40 50 32 78 180 115 M10 17 7 4 8 6 33 21.5 90 22
k6 k6
40 24
AM0720 80 50 70 40 98 212 145 M12 20 5 5 12 8 43 27 115 23
k6 k6
50 28
AM0820 100 60 80 50 98 250 145 M12 20 10 5 14 8 53.5 31 140 23
k6 k6
60 38
AM0920 120 80 100 70 125 300 175 M16 30 10 5 18 10 64 41 160 23
m6 k6

AM1020 140 110 110 70 155 360 210 M20 36 15 10 20 16 74.5 45 70 42 185 34
m6 k6
90 55
AM1320 170 110 140 90 155 400 210 M20 36 15 10 25 16 95 59 m6 m6 220 34

100 55
AM1420 210 110 180 90 155 460 210 M20 36 15 10 28 16 106 59 260 34
m6 m6

SIZE H H1 L P P1 P2 Q S T1 T2 T3 U V5 V6 X X1 X2

AM0320 110 85 25 135 78 72 110 10 294 111 151 12 M 6 x 1.0 M 5 x 0.8 147 75 -
16 deep 12.5 deep

AM0420 110 130 35 145 84 75 160 10 317 111 112 16 M10 x 1.5 M 5 x 0.8 178 90 -
22 deep 12.5 deep

AM0620 135 165 55 190 105 98 200 15 369 111 114 20 M10 x 1.5 M 6 x 1.0 230 115 -
22 deep 16 deep

M16 x 2.0 M8 x 1.25

AM0720 170 205 60 230 130 119 245 19 440 115 120 25 275 140 -
36 deep 19 deep

M16 x 2.0 M10 x 1.5

AM0820 215 260 75 290 165 147 310 19 555 160 155 35 321 180 362
36 deep 22 deep

M20 x 2.5 M12 x 1.75

AM0920 250 310 90 340 200 172 365 23 660 195 190 40 394 225 433
42deep 28 deep
M20 x 2.5 M16 x 2.0
AM1020 290 370 110 400 225 203 440 27 782 233 227 45 446 250 505
42 deep 36 deep

AM1320 340 410 110 450 242 228 490 34 907 286 277 50 M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5 483 265 563
50 deep 42 deep

M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5

AM1420 380 500 150 530 278 268 590 41 1022 265 262 50 551 300 630
50 deep 42 deep
all parallel keys are to DIN 6885

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A1 B B1 B2 ØB3 ØB4 ØB5 B6 B7 C C1 D D1 E E1 ØF ØF1 G G3

20 16
AM 0330 40 40 32 36 32 65 140 90 M8 16 4 4 6 5 22.5 18 58 12
k6 k6
AM 0430 50 40 40 36 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 28 18 25 16 75 12
k6 k6
30 16
AM 0630 60 40 50 47 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 33 18 90 12
k6 k6
AM 0730 80 40 70 60 32 78 180 115 M10 17 5 4 12 6 43 21.5 40 19 115 22
k6 k6
50 24
AM 0830 100 50 80 0 40 98 212 145 M12 20 10 5 14 8 53.5 27 140 23
k6 k6
60 28
AM 0930 120 60 100 0 50 98 250 145 M12 20 10 5 18 8 64 31 160 23
m6 k6
70 38
AM 1030 140 80 110 0 70 125 300 175 M16 30 15 5 20 10 74.5 41 185 23
m6 k6
90 55
AM 1330 170 110 140 0 90 155 400 210 M20 36 15 10 25 16 95 59 m6 m6 220 34

AM 1430 210 110 180 0 90 155 460 210 M20 36 15 10 28 16 106 59 100 55 260 34
m6 m6

SIZE H H1 L P P1 P2 Q S T1 T3 T5 U V5 V6 X X1 X2 X7
M 6 x 1.0 M5 x 0.8
AM 0330 110 85 25 135 78 72 110 10 350 207 167 12 147 75 - 181
16 deep 12.5 deep

AM 0430 110 130 35 145 84 75 160 10 373 168 167 16 M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8 178 90 - 196
22 deep 12.5 deep
M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8
AM 0630 135 165 55 190 105 98 200 15 435 180 177 20 22 deep 12.5 deep 230 115 - 232

M16 x 2.0 M6 x 1.0

AM0730 170 205 60 230 130 119 245 19 522 202 197 25 275 140 - 290
36 deep 16 deep

AM0830 215 260 75 290 165 147 310 19 540 140 145 35 M16 x 2.0 M8 x 1.25 321 180 362 -
36 deep 19 deep
M20 x 2.5 M10 x 1.5
AM0930 250 310 90 340 200 172 365 23 662 192 197 40 394 225 433 -
42deep 22 deep

AM1030 290 370 110 400 225 203 440 27 784 229 235 45 M20 x 2.5 M12 x 1.75 446 250 505 -
42 deep 28 deep
M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5
AM1330 340 410 110 450 242 228 490 34 969 339 348 50 50 deep 42 deep 483 265 563 -

M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5

AM1430 380 500 150 530 278 268 590 41 1094 334 337 50 551 300 630 -
50 deep 42 deep

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A1 A3 B B2 ØB3 ØB4 ØB5 B6 B7 C C1 D D1 E E1 ØF ØF1 G3

20 16
AM0320 40 40 40 32 32 65 140 90 M8 16 4 4 6 5 22.5 18 12
k6 k6
25 16
AM0420 50 40 50 40 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 28 18 12
k6 k6
30 19
AM0620 60 40 60 50 32 78 180 115 M10 17 7 4 8 6 33 21.5 22
k6 k6
AM0720 80 50 80 70 40 98 212 145 M12 20 5 5 12 8 43 27 40 24 23
k6 k6
50 28
AM0820 100 60 100 80 50 98 250 145 M12 20 10 5 14 8 53.5 31 23
k6 k6
60 38
AM0920 120 80 140 100 70 125 300 175 M16 30 10 5 18 10 64 41 23
m6 k6
70 42
AM1020 140 110 140 110 70 155 360 210 M20 36 15 10 20 12 74.5 45 34
m6 k6
90 55
AM1320 170 110 170 140 90 155 400 210 M20 36 15 10 25 16 95 59 34
m6 m6
AM1420 210 110 210 180 90 155 460 210 M20 36 15 10 28 16 106 59 100 55 34
m6 m6

SIZE P7 ØQ1 ØR1 T1 T2 U2 U3 V5 V6 V8 X4 X5 X6

110 M6 x 1.0 M5 x 0.8
AM0320 130 160 294 111 3.5 7 10 80 70 -
h8 16 deep 12.5 deep
AM0420 165 200 130 317 111 3.5 12 M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8 12 95 88 -
h8 22 deep 12.5 deep
180 M10 x 1.5 M6 x 1.0
AM0620 215 250 369 111 4 12 15 113 115 -
h8 22 deep 16 deep
230 M16 x 2.0 M8 x 1.25
AM0720 265 300 440 115 4 14 15 138 138 -
h8 36 deep 19 deep
AM0820 300 350 250 555 160 5 16 M16 x 2.0 M10 x 1.5 18 187 - 173
h8 36 deep 22 deep
350 M20 x 2.5 M12 x 1.75
AM0920 400 450 660 195 5 18 18 230 - 198
h8 42 deep 28 deep
AM1020 400 450 350 782 233 5 22 M20 x 2.5 M16 x 2.0 18 260 - 245
h8 42 deep 36 deep
450 M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5
AM1320 500 550 907 286 5 25 18 278 - 288
h8 50 deep 42 deep
450 M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5
AM1420 500 550 1022 265 5 25 18 318 - 320
h8 50 deep 42 deep

all parallel keys are to DIN 6885

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


SIZE A A1 A3 B B1 B2 ØB3 ØB4 ØB5 B6 B7 C C1 D D1 E E1 ØF ØF1 G3

20 16
AM0330 40 40 40 32 36 32 65 140 90 M8 16 4 4 6 5 22.5 18 12
k6 k6
AM0430 50 40 50 40 36 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 28 18 25 16 12
k6 k6
30 16
AM0630 60 40 60 50 47 32 65 140 90 M8 16 7 4 8 5 33 18 12
k6 k6
AM0730 80 40 80 70 60 32 78 180 115 M10 17 5 4 12 6 43 21.5 40 19 22
k6 k6
50 24
AM0830 100 50 100 80 0 40 98 212 145 M12 20 10 5 14 8 53.5 27 23
k6 k6
60 28
AM0930 120 60 140 100 0 50 98 250 145 M12 20 10 5 18 8 64 31 23
m6 k6
AM1030 140 80 140 110 0 70 125 300 175 M16 30 15 5 20 10 74.5 41 70 38 23
m6 k6
90 55
AM1330 170 110 170 140 0 90 155 400 210 M20 36 15 10 25 16 95 59 34
m6 m6
AM1430 210 110 210 180 0 90 155 460 210 M20 36 15 10 28 16 106 59 100 55 34
m6 m6

SIZE P7 ØQ1 ØR1 T1 T2 U2 U3 V5 V6 V8 X4 X5 X6

110 M6 x 1.0 M5 x 0.8

A M0330 130 160 350 167 3.5 7 10 80 70 -
h8 16 deep 12.5 deep
A M0430 165 200 130 373 167 3.5 12 M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8 12 95 88 -
h8 22 deep 12.5 deep
180 M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8
A M0630 215 250 435 177 4 12 15 113 115 -
h8 22 deep 12.5 deep
230 M16 x 2.0 M6 x 1.0
A M0730 265 300 522 197 4 14 15 138 138 -
h8 36 deep 16 deep
250 M16 x 2.0 M8 x 1.25
A M0830 300 350 540 145 5 16 18 187 - 173
h8 36 deep 19 deep
350 M20 x 2.5 M10 x 1.5
A M0930 400 450 662 197 5 18 18 230 - 198
h8 42 deep 22 deep
A M1030 400 450 350 784 235 5 22 M20 x 2.5 M12 x 1.75 18 260 - 245
h8 42 deep 28 deep
450 M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5
A M1330 500 550 969 348 5 25 18 278 - 288
h8 50 deep 42 deep
450 M24 x 3.0 M20 x 2.5
A M1430 500 550 1094 337 5 25 18 318 - 320
h8 50 deep 42 deep
all parallel keys are to DIN 6885

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Maximum permissible overhung loads

When a sprocket, gear etc. is mounted on the sh aft a calculation, as below, must be made to determine the overhung load on the shaft,
and the results compared to the maximum permissible overhung loads tabulated. Overhung loads can be reduced by increasing
the diameter of the sprocket, gear, etc. If the maximum permissible overhung load isexceeded, the sprocket, gear, etc. should be mounted
on a separate shaft, flexibly coupled and supposed in its own bearings, or the gear unit shaft should be extended to run in an outboard
bearing. Alternatively, a larger gear is often a less expensive solution.

Permissible overhung loads vary according to the direction of rotation. The values tabulated are for the most unfavourable direction with the
unit transmitting full rated power and the load P applied midway along the shaft extension. Hence they can sometimes be increased for a
more favourable direction of rotation, or if the power transmitted is less than the rated capacity of the gear unit, or if the load is applied nearer
to the gear unit case. Refer to A GNEE for further details. In any event, the sprocket, gear etc. should be positioned as close as
possible to the gear unit case in order to reduce bearing loads and shaft stresses, and to prolong life.

AII units will accept 100% momentary overload on stated capacities.

Overhung load (Newtons) Overhung member K (factor)
Chain sprocket* 1.00
P= kW x 9,500,000 x K spur or helical pinion 1.25
NxR vee belt sheave 1.50
where Flat belt pulley 2.00

P = equivalent overhung load (Newtons) * If multistrand chain drives are equally loaded and the
kW = power transmitted by the shaft outer stand is further than dimension Fra output or Frb
(kilowatts) input, refer to AGNEE
N = speed of shaft (rev/min)
R = pitch radius of sprocket, etc. (mm)
K = factor

Note: 1 Newton = 0.10197 kg.

Distance midway along the shaft extension

Size of No. of Dimension Dimension
unit Reductions A (mm) B (mm)
AM03 2-3 20 20
AM04 2-3 25 20
AM06 2-5 30 20
AM07 2 40 25
AM07 3-5 40 20
AM08 2 50 30
AM08 3 50 25
AM08 4-5 50 20
AM09 2 60 40
AM09 3 60 30
AM09 4-5 60 20
AM10 2 70 55
AM10 3 70 40
AM10 4 70 25
AM10 5 70 25
AM13 2-3 85 55
AM13 4 85 30
AM13 5 85 25
AM14 2-3 105 55
AM14 4 105 30
AM14 5 105 25
Axial Thrust Capacities (Newtons)
Permissible axial thrust capacities vary according to the direction of rotation and the direction of thrust, towards or away
from the unit. The values tabulated are for the most unfavourable direction and hence can sometimes be increased.
Similarly they can sometimes be increased if the power transmitted is less than the rated capacity of the gear unit.

Thrust capacities tabulated refer to outputshafts, and are calculated without any overhung loads being applied. In cases
where combined axial thrusts and overhung loads are to be applied, refer to AGNEE

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer



1000 630 500 400 320 250 200 160 125 100 80 63 50 40 32 UNDER

AM 0320- OHL(Fra) 1210 1290 1300 1410 1450 1475 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
AM 0330 THRUST 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650

AM 0420- OHL(Fra) 1850 1930 1980 2040 2060 2160 2240 2340 2470 2760 3010 3370 3420 3430 3430 3430
AM 0430 THRUST 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700

AM 0620- OHL(Fra) 3120 3500 3580 3600 3700 3910 4000 4210 4410 4500 4780 5660 6040 6740 7070 7100
AM 0650 THRUST 4530 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700

AM 0720- OHL(Fra) 4230 4650 4730 4730 4730 4730 4730 4840 5040 5680 6340 7180 7650 8280 9160 9300
AM 0750 THRUST 6190 7030 7030 7030 7030 7030 7030 7030 7030 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200

AM 0820- OHL(Fra) 8100 8200 8200 8300 8400 8500 8500 8600 8800 9200 12200 13100 15600 18000 22200 22200
AM 0850 THRUST 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8500 8500 8500 10700 10700 10700 10700 10700

AM 0920- OHL(Fra) 10000 10100 10100 10200 10200 10400 10600 10800 11000 11400 13000 15700 17000 22400 26200 28000
AM 0950 THRUST 9490 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 11800 13500 15300 15300 15300 15300 15300

AM 1020- OHL(Fra) 12000 12200 12200 12300 12300 12400 12400 12500 12500 13000 15000 15900 23000 28000 34000 40000
AM 1050 THRUST 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 13500 13500 16700 16700 23800 23800 23800 23800

AM 1320- OHL(Fr a) 28000 28300 28700 29200 29500 30000 31000 32500 35000 38000 42000 45000 51000 56000 60000 64000
AM 1350 THRUST 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 26000 28000 31000 33000 38000 43000 43000 43000

AM 1420- OHL(Fra) 35000 35500 36000 37000 37500 38000 39000 40000 41000 43000 46000 52000 60000 70000 79000 79000
AM 1450 THRUST 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 35000 37000 38000 41000 48000 48000 48000 48000


AT 1450 rev/min

AM03 AM04 AM06 AM07 AM08 AM09 AM10 AM 13 AM 14
4.5 1640 1490 1470 1960 3130 1480 3900 11600 10400

5.6 1690 1550 1550 1960 3130 1480 3900 11600 10400
7.1 1690 1510 1500 863 1270 1490 2750 10500 7140
9.0 1730 1570 1580 1960 1270 1850 3710 10500 7140
11.0 1720 1540 1540 1790 1180 1500 2640 6920 2960
14.0 1760 1610 1620 2080 2850 2850 3520 9630 6190
18.0 1740 1580 1550 2020 2920 1540 3380 11500 4830
22.0 1770 1640 1660 2170 3190 3630 4210 11900 8240
28.0 1750 1590 1590 2090 2920 1690 4000 12400 11800
36.0 1780 1660 1690 2220 3260 3750 4530 12000 11800
45.0 1810 1710 1760 2320 3440 3950 4830 12300 11900
56.0 1790 1690 1800 2320 3500 4000 4820 12300 11900
71.0 1820 1720 1800 2350 3500 4000 4920 12300 11900
40.0 1850 1770 1510 1780 - - - 13000 12600

50.0 1860 1800 1550 1840 - - - 13100 12600

63.0 1850 1780 1530 1810 2400 3500 4210 13100 12700
80.0 1860 1810 1570 1860 2470 3600 4270 13200 12900
100.0 1860 1790 1540 1830 2430 3550 4280 13200 12800
125.0 1860 1820 1580 1880 2490 3640 4330 13300 12900
160.0 1860 1830 1600 1920 2540 3700 4420 13600 13200
200.0 1860 1820 1590 1890 2510 3660 4370 13300 13000
250.0 1860 1840 1610 1920 2560 3720 4450 13600 13200
REDUCTION UNIT - - 1720 1720 1800 1800 2350 3500 3500
REDUCTION UNIT - - 1840 1840 1800 1800 2350 2350 2350

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

MOMENTS OF INERTIA (Kg cm 2) Referred to Input Shaft
RATIO AM0320 AM0420 AM0620 AM 0720 AM0820 AM0920 AM 1020 AM1320 AM1420
1.4 2.27 7.10 21.89 60.27 98.76 298.97 583.87 - -
1.8 1.50 4.01 12.33 34.36 59.78 185.79 351.91 - -
2.2 1.28 3.43 10.26 28.43 51.88 159.07 311.93 - -
2.5 1.12 2.80 8.57 24.66 45.17 136.69 261.14 - -
2.8 1.28 3.52 11.51 28.21 67.47 208.78 373.34 618.44 1169.23
3.2 0.89 1.96 6.02 16.37 32.93 101.76 184.28 547.14 971.05
3.6 0.84 1.67 5.06 13.67 28.81 88.07 164.27 551.66 990.96
4.0 0.96 2.19 7.08 17.65 44.21 138.20 244.01 409.81 709.48
4.5 0.86 1.93 6.08 15.19 39.27 121.18 220.71 367.33 624.20
5.0 0.88 1.88 6.17 15.00 41.62 129.68 229.30 375.04 617.93
5.6 0.80 1.67 5.36 13.08 37.17 114.41 208.27 338.51 551.99
6.3 0.69 1.24 3.96 9.95 26.84 83.65 142.60 256.20 412.87
7.1 0.67 1.11 3.46 8.70 23.97 73.56 128.51 232.37 366.99
8.0 0.66 1.12 3.60 8.93 25.82 80.41 136.92 241.60 378.20
9.0 0.64 1.01 3.18 7.91 23.16 70.97 123.64 220.47 338.87
10. 0.58 0.87 2.57 6.65 17.47 55.38 90.14 177.81 252.34
11. 0.56 0.79 2.28 5.76 15.62 49.65 79.04 150.52 221.93
12. 0.57 0.81 2.42 6.21 17.05 54.03 87.85 172.05 237.66
14. 0.55 0.75 2.17 5.42 15.31 48.61 77.25 146.03 210.55
16. 0.53 0.65 1.81 4.36 12.23 38.50 62.07 130.69 159.03
18. 0.52 0.63 1.75 3.97 11.17 35.43 56.22 117.53 148.96
20. 0.52 0.63 1.76 4.20 12.07 37.98 61.11 128.48 153.53
22. 0.51 0.61 1.70 3.84 11.04 35.01 55.45 115.79 144.43
25. 0.50 0.55 1.48 3.36 8.88 29.38 44.36 106.03 108.95
28. 0.50 0.54 1.44 3.22 8.54 27.96 40.93 101.72 104.88
32. 0.50 0.55 1.46 3.29 8.81 29.17 43.98 105.16 106.76
36. 0.49 0.53 1.42 3.17 8.48 27.78 40.65 101.02 103.01
40. 0.50 0.54 1.45 3.25 8.74 28.96 43.57 104.56 106.00
45. 0.49 0.53 1.41 3.13 8.42 27.61 40.34 100.54 102.37
50. 0.49 0.51 1.33 2.89 7.49 24.75 37.01 90.76 91.36
56. 0.48 0.51 1.30 2.80 7.36 24.25 35.39 88.24 88.84
63. 0.49 0.51 1.32 2.87 7.46 24.66 36.85 90.51 91.01
71. 0.48 0.50 1.30 2.78 7.34 24.17 35.24 88.01 88.56
RATIO AM0330 AM 0430 AM0630 AM 0730 AM0830 AM0930 AM 1030 AM1330 AM1430
36. 0.56 0.59 0.87 2.58 - - - - -
40. 0.55 0.57 0.80 2.29 - - - 141.23 200.86
45. 0.56 0.58 0.86 2.55 - - - 165.44 224.05
50. 0.54 0.56 0.79 2.26 - - - 140.87 199.99
56. 0.52 0.53 0.65 1.82 8.46 23.22 52.42 126.12 148.84
63. 0.51 0.52 0.63 1.75 7.46 20.29 47.00 113.93 140.57
71. 0.52 0.53 0.65 1.81 8.45 23.18 52.35 125.94 148.41
80. 0.51 0.52 0.63 1.74 7.45 20.26 46.94 113.79 140.23
90. 0.50 0.50 0.55 1.48 5.26 14.54 36.06 104.23 104.90
100 0.49 0.50 0.54 1.44 4.94 13.17 32.86 100.27 101.43
112 0.50 0.50 0.55 1.48 5.26 14.53 36.03 104.16 104.73
125 0.49 0.50 0.54 1.43 4.93 13.16 32.84 100.21 101.28
140 0.50 0.50 0.55 1.47 5.25 14.51 36.00 104.11 104.67
160 0.49 0.50 0.54 1.43 4.93 13.15 32.81 100.18 101.23
180 0.49 0.49 0.52 1.34 3.95 10.17 29.39 90.33 90.44
200 0.48 0.48 0.51 1.31 3.83 9.67 27.79 87.86 88.11
225 0.49 0.49 0.52 1.34 3.95 10.16 29.38 90.31 90.41
250 0.48 0.48 0.51 1.31 3.83 9.67 27.78 87.84 88.09
Note: For units fitted with fans the Moment of Inertia of the fan should be added to the inertia value of the gear unit.

GD2 (Kg cm2 ) = 4 x Moment of Inertia (Kg cm2 )

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Column 10 Entry

For reducer fan kit modules enter S in column 10

(or Y if used in conjunction with a reducer backstop module kit )

Dimension of Fan cooled Units

Moment of
Unit Size Inertia * ØB8 G2 G3 G4 T1
(Kg cm2)

AM0720 13.1 225 5 35 30 440

AM0820 13.1 265 5 45 40 555
AM0920 33.5 320 5 65 60 660
AM1020 33.5 380 10 95 85 782
AM1320 210 420 10 85 75 907
AM1420 210 480 10 85 75 1022

* Moment of Inertia of fan should be added to iner tia value of gear unit on

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Motorised backstop modules can be fitted between the gear unit and motor. The backstop device incorporates
high quality centrifugal lift off sprags which are wear free above the lift off speed (n min).
To ensue correct operation motor speed must exceed lift off speed.
Suitable for ambient temperature -4 0°C to + 50°C

Lift off Locking Torque
Speed (‘n’ min) (‘T max’) Øg6 K1
Frame Size (rev/min) (at motor) (Nm)
100 670 170 250 70
112 670 170 250 70
132 620 940 300 95
160 620 940 350 130
180 620 940 350 130
200 550 1260 400 130

When a backstop module is fitted dimension K1 should be added to the overall length of the geared motor assembly.

Rotation of outputshaft must be specified when ordering as viewed

from the outputshat end (as shown in the diagram)

CW- Free Rotation - Clockwise

Locked - Anticlockwise

AC- Free Rotation - Anticlockwise

Locked - Clockwise

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


The reducer units listed below can be fitted with an internal backstop, this has no effect of the external unit size.
The backstop device incorporates high quality centrifugal lift off sprags which are wear free above the lift off
speed ( n min). To ensure correct operation input speed must exceed lift off speed.

Suitable for ambient temperature -40°C to + 50° C

Column 10 Entry

For Reducer backstop modules enter X in column 10

(or Y if used in conjunction with fan kit)

Lift off
Locking Torque
Unit Speed (‘n’ min)
(‘T max’)
Size (at input shaft)
(at input shaft)
A M0720 670 170
A M0820 670 300
A M0830 670 170
A M0920 620 940
A M0930 670 300
A M1020 550 1260
A M1030 670 300
A M1320 550 2400
A M1330 550 2400
A M1420 550 2400
A M1430 550 2400

Rotation of output shaft must be specified when ordering as viewed

from the output shaft end (as shown in the diagram)

CW – Free Rotation - Clockwise

Locked - Anticlockwise

AC – Free Rotation - Anticlockwise

Locked - Clockwise

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Unit sizes and no. of Reductions AM 0320 AM 0330 AM 0420 AM0430 AM 0620 AM0630 AM0720 AM0730 AM0820 AM0830
REDUCER VERSION .006 .008 .010 .010 .009 .013 .012 .015 .017 .023 .020 .027 .030 .040 .034 .047 .063 .070 .061 .068

With Motor .010 .011 .014 .015 .013 .016 .017 .018 .022 .028 .026 .033 .039 .054

Without Motor .010 .006 .008 .008 .007 .009 .010 .011 .013 .017 .017 .021 .027 .038

With Motor .005 .012 .015 .015 .015 .018 .018 .020 .024 .030 .029 .034 .043 .058

Without Motor .011 .006 .008 .008 .008 .009 .010 .012 .013 .017 .018 .021 .029 .039

With Motor .013 .014 .017 .020 .021 .023 .030 .032 .034 .037 .039 .052 .048 .059 .069 .085 .070 .086

Without Motor .006 .006 .009 .010 .012 .013 .014 .017 .020 .024 .024 .031 .031 .039 .045 .056 .048 .057

With Motor .017 .018 .021 .026 .032 .038 .044 .044 .048 .057 .061 .065 .081 .090 .083 .092

Without Motor .008 .008 .010 .012 .017 .020 .025 .025 .028 .032 .037 .040 .050 .056 .052 .059
With Motor .020 .022 .026 .031 .041 .047 .057 .066 .075 .081 .092 .099 .096 .104

Without Motor .008 .009 .011 .013 .020 .023 .030 .035 .044 .047 .053 .056 .056 .061

With Motor .049 .056 .068 .079 .107 .110


Without Motor .022 .026 .033 .038 .057 .058

With Motor .094 .109 .145 .148


Without Motor .041 .047 .068 .070

Unit sizes and no. of Reductions AM0920 AM 0930 AM1020 AM 1030 AM1320 AM 1330 AM1420 AM 1430

REDUCER VERSION .106 .134 .107 .134 .169 .178 .169 .178 .240 .283 .256 .302 .352 .359 .376 .384

With Motor .104 .152 .107 .158 .152 .199


Without Motor .072 .102 .076 .111 .112 .147

With Motor .120 .161 .124 .166 .173 .208


Without Motor .079 .106 .083 .111 .122 .147

With Motor .135 .176 .139 .181 .182 .213 .193 .226 .238 .329 .252 .348 .323 .411 .342 .436

Without Motor .082 .107 .086 .112 .116 .135 .127 .148 .162 .223 .176 .242 .229 .292 .249 .317

With Motor .150 .189 .206 .227 .218 .240 .268 .348 .283 .367 .359 .433 .380 .458

Without Motor .088 .107 .123 .135 .135 .148 .172 .223 .187 .242 .242 .292 .263 .317

With Motor .205 .226 .269 .269 .282 .282 .332 .389 .348 .408 .436 .478 .459 .504

Without Motor .105 .115 .145 .145 .158 .158 .189 .221 .205 .240 .264 .289 .287 .315

With Motor .233 .255 .303 .303 .297 .297 .372 .412 .389 .431 .485 .505 .509 .530

Without Motor .112 .122 .154 .154 .157 .157 .199 .221 .217 .240 .278 .289 .302 .315

With Motor .266 .291 .344 .344 .419 .448 .438 .468 .542 .546 .567 .572

Without Motor .184 .134 .168 .168 .217 .232 .235 .251 .300 .302 .325 .327

With Motor .470 .502 .603 .607


Without Motor .267 .286 .360 .363

With Motor .581 .617 .735 .741


Without Motor .306 .324 .408 .412



Above figures are indicative and may vary as per make of motor

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Unit sizes and no. of
AM0320 AM0330 AM 0420 AM0430 AM0620 AM 0630 AM 0720 AM 0730 AM 0820 AM0830
REDUCER VERSION 8.5 9.5 12 13 11 13 15 17 22 23 26 27 41 44 49 52 67 69 74 76
Without Motor 8 9 12 13 11 13 15 17 20 21 25 26 47 50
12 13 16 17 15 17 19 21 24 25 29 30 51 54

With Motor
With motor &Brake 13 14 17 18 16 18 20 22 25 26 30 31 52 55
Without Motor 8 9 11 12 11 13 15 17 20 21 25 26 47 50
14 15 18 19 17 19 21 23 26 27 31 32 52 55

With Motor
With motor &Brake 15 16 19 20 18 20 22 24 27 28 32 33 53 56
Without Motor 9 10 12 13 12 14 16 18 21 22 26 27 38 41 47 50 71 73 76 78
18 19 21 23 24 26 30 31 36 37 47 50 56 59 80 83 86 88

With Motor
With motor &Brake 20 21 23 25 26 28 32 33 38 39 49 52 58 61 82 85 88 90
Without Motor 9 10 13 14 12 14 16 18 21 22 27 28 38 41 48 51 71 73 76 78

With Motor 22 23 25 27 34 35 39 40 51 54 60 63 84 86 89 91
With motor &Brake 25 26 28 30 37 38 42 43 54 57 63 66 86 88 91 93
Without Motor 9 10 13 14 12 14 16 18 21 22 27 28 38 41 48 51 71 73 76 78
24 25 28 30 36 37 42 43 54 57 63 67 86 88 91 93

With Motor
With motor &Brake 27 28 31 33 39 40 45 46 57 60 66 70 89 91 94 96
Without Motor 10 11 14 15 13 15 16 18 26 27 27 28 44 47 55 58 71 73 76 78
32 33 35 37 48 49 65 68 74 77 92 94 98 100

With Motor
With motor &Brake 37 38 40 42 53 54 70 73 79 82 97 99 103 105
Without Motor 10 11 14 15 13 15 16 18 26 27 27 28 44 47 55 58 71 73 76 78

With Motor 41 42 44 46 57 58 74 77 102 104 107 109

With motor &Brake 46 47 49 51 62 63 79 82 109 111 112 114
Without Motor 28 29 45 48 71 73 78 81

With Motor 70 71 87 90 113 115

With motor &Brake 79 80 96 99 122 124
Without Motor 28 29 45 48 71 73 78 81

With Motor 80 81 97 100 123 125

With motor &Brake 89 90 106 109 132 134

Without Motor 49 52 81 83 82 85

With Motor 121 124 153 155

Without Motor 49 52 81 83 82 85

With Motor 134 137 166 168

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Mo tor

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Motor

Without Motor

With Motor




Above figures are indicative and may vary as per make of motor.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Unit sizes and no. of
AM 0920 AM0930 AM 1020 AM1030 AM 1320 AM1330 AM 1420 AM 1430
REDUCER VERSION 114 117 123 126 170 166 179 175 248 245 270 267 360 340 405 385
Without Motor

With Motor
With motor &Brake
Without Motor

With Motor
With motor &Brake
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 182 178

With Motor 127 130 137 140 192 188

With motor &Brake 129 132 139 142 193 187
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 182 178

With Motor 130 133 140 143 195 191

With motor &Brake 132 135 143 145 198 194
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 182 178

With Motor 132 135 142 145 197 193

With motor &Brake 135 138 145 148 200 196
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 163 159 182 178 239 236 271 268 394 374

With Motor 139 142 169 172 185 181 204 200 261 258 293 290 416 396
With motor &Brake 144 147 174 177 190 186 209 205 266 263 298 295 421 401
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 163 159 182 178 239 236 271 268 394 374

With Motor 148 151 158 161 194 190 213 209 270 267 302 299 425 405
With motor &Brake 153 156 162 165 199 195 218 214 275 272 307 304 430 410
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 163 159 182 178 239 236 271 268 394 374

With Motor 159 162 205 201 224 220 281 278 313 300 436 416
With motor &Brake 168 171 214 210 233 229 290 287 318 305 445 425
Without Motor 117 120 127 130 163 159 182 178 239 236 271 268 394 374

With Motor 169 172 215 211 234 230 291 288 323 320 446 426
With motor &Brake 178 181 224 220 243 239 300 297 328 325 455 435

Without Motor 124 127 137 140 172 168 189 185 247 244 279 276 357 337 402 382


With Motor 196 199 244 240 261 257 319 316 351 348 429 409 474 454

Without Motor 124 127 137 140 172 168 189 185 247 244 279 276 357 337 402 382

With Motor 209 212 244 240 274 270 332 329 364 361 442 422 487 467

Without Motor 124 127 172 168 189 185 247 244 279 276 357 337 402 382

With Motor 232 235 280 276 297 293 345 342 377 374 465 445 510 490

Without Motor 124 127 172 168 189 185 247 244 279 276 357 337 402 382

With Motor 268 271 316 312 333 329 381 378 413 410 501 481 546 526

Without Motor 124 127 172 168 190 186 247 244 279 276 357 337 402 382

With Motor 292 295 340 336 405 402 437 434 525 505 570 550

Without Motor 138 141 186 182 204 200 261 258 293 290 371 351 416 396

With Motor 345 348 393 389 468 465 500 497 578 558 623 603

Without Motor 138 141 186 182 204 200 261 258 293 290 371 351 416 396

With Motor 363 366 411 407 486 483 518 515 596 576 641 621

Without Motor 310 307 342 339 420 400 457 437

With Motor 574 571 684 664

Without Motor 310 307 342 339 420 400 457 437

With Motor 672 669 782 762

Without Motor 310 307 342 339 420 400 457 437

With Motor 737 734 847 827

Above figures are indicative and may vary as per make of motor.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer


Product Safety Information

General - The following information is important in ensuring safety. It must be brought to the attention of personnel involved in the selection of
AGNEE equipment, those responsible for the design of the machinery in which it is to be incorporated and those involved in its installation, use and
AGNEE equipment will operate safely provided it is selected, installed, used and maintained properly. As with any powertransmission equipment
proper precautions must be taken as indicated in the following paragraphs, to ensure safety.
Potential Hazards - these are not necessarily listed in any order of severity as the degree of danger variesin individual circumstances. It is
important therefore that the list is studied in its entirety:
1) Fire/Explosion
(a) Oil mists and vapour are generated within gear units. It is therefore dangerous to use naked lights in the proximity of gearbox
openings, due to the risk of fire or explosion.
(b) In the event of fire or serious overheating (over 300°C), certain materials (rubber, plastics, etc.) may decompose and produce fumes.
Care should be taken to avoid exposure to the fumes, and the remains of burned or overheated plastic/rubber materials should be
handled with rubber gloves.
2) Guards - Rotating shafts and couplings must be guarded to eliminate the possibility of physical contact or entanglement of clothing. It
should be of rigid construction and firmly secured.
3) Noise - High speed gearboxes and gearbox driven machinery may produce noise levels which are damaging to the hearing with prolonged
4) Lifting - Where provided (on larger units) only the lifting points or eyebolts must be used for lifting operations (see maintenance manual or
general arrangement drawing for lifting point positions). Failure to use the lifting points provided may result in personal injury and/or
damage tithe product or surrounding equipment. Keep clear of raised equipment.
5) Lubricants and Lubrication
(a) Prolonged contact with lubricants can be detrimental to the skin. The manufacturer’s instruction must be followed when handling
(b) The lubrication status of the equipment must be checked before commissioning. Read and care out all instructions on the lubricant
plate and in the installation and maintenance literature. Take notice of all warning tags. Failure to do so could result in mechanical
damage and in extreme cases risk of injury to personnel.
6) Electrical Equipment - Observe hazard warnings on electrical equipment and isolate power before working on the gearbox or associated
equipment, in order to prevent the machinery being started.
7) Installation In Maintenance and Storage
(a) In the event that equipment is to be held in storage, for a period exceeding 6 months, prior to installation or commissioning, AGNEE must be
consulted regarding special preservation requirements. Unless otherwise agreed, equipment must be stored in a building protected from
extremes of temperature and humidity to prevent deterioration.
The rotating components (gears and shafts) must be turned a few revolutions once a month (to prevent bearings brinelling).
(b) External gearbox components may be supplied with preservative materials applied, in the form of a ''waxed'' tape overlap or wax film
preservative. Gloves should be worn when removing these materials. The former can be removed manually, the latter using white
spirit as a solvent.
Preservatives applied to the internal parts of the gear units do not require removal prior to operation.
(c) Installation must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel.
(d) Before working on a gearbox or associated equipment, ensure that the load has been removed from the system to eliminate the possibility
of any movement of the machinery and isolate power supply. Where necessary, provide mechanical means to ensure the machinery cannot
move or rotate. Ensure removal of such devices after work is complete.
(e) Ensure the proper maintenance of gearboxes in operation. Use only the correct tools and AGNEE approved spare parts for repair and
maintenance. Consult the Maintenance Manual before dismantling or performing maintenance work.
8) Hot Surfaces and Lubricants
(a) During operation, gear units may become sufficiently hot to cause skin burns. Care must be taken to avoid accidental contact.
(b) After extended running the lubricant in gear units and lubrication systems may reach temperatures sufficient to cause burns. Allow
equipment to cool before servicing or performing adjustments.
9) Selection and Design
(a) Where gear units provide a backstop facility, ensure that back-up systems are provided if failure of the backstop device would endanger
personnel or result in damage.
(b) The driving and driven equipment must be correctly selected to ensure that the complete machinery installation will perform satisfactorily,
avoiding system critical speeds, system torsional vibration, etc.
(c) The equipment must not be operated in an environment or at speeds, powers, torques or with external loads beyond those for which it
was designed.
(d) As improvements in design are being made continually the contents of this catalogue are not to be regarded asbinding in detail, and
drawings and capacities are subject to alterations without notice.
The above guidance is based on the current state of knowledge and our best assessment of the potential hazards in the operation of
the gear units.
Any further information or clarification required may be obtained by contacting AGNEE.

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Dear User

Kindly furnish the following Technical Data and Information for selection of Planetary Reduction
Gear Box.

1) Application
2) Prime Mover (Electric motor / Hydraulic motor) :
3) Input Shaft (rpm)
4) Output Speed (rpm)
5) Reduction Ratio:
6) Input Power (HP/ Kw):
7) Output Torque (kg -m or Nm):
8) Load Nature Uniform (U)/ Moderate Shock (M) / Heavy shock (H):
9) Service Duration (Hrs): (Daily operating hours)
10) Operating Cycle (Minutes cycle):

11) Operating Position:

For your specific Reduction Ratios, Output speed, Out Torque, Please write to AGNEE


F-557, Road No. 6, Inderprasth Industrial Area,
Kota-324005 , Rajasthan, India

Phone: 0744 -2490773, 2363799 Fax: 2360835

Mobile No.: 09414187835
Email : [email protected]
Alternative Email : ag [email protected]
Website : www.

Dealer / Local Representative

AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer











AGNEE TECHBOX – AM: Inline helical geared Motor & Reducer

Geared Motors Industrial Reducers Worm Precision Products

Shaft moun t Horizontal Mill Drives Vertical Mill Drives Planetary units

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