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Name : Komang Try Oktaviani

Number : 14
Class : XI IPS 1

Stop Bullying

Om Swastyastu
The honorable Mr I Nengah Sudiarta, S.Pd, M.PD, teacher of English lesson and my beloved
Thanks to the attendees who have taken the time to attend the speech event that I will
convey at this opportunity. What an honor for me to stand here and deliver a speech about

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of God the Merciful God, for the
abundance of grace and the joy of all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all
and in good health.

How are you guys? I am sure everyone is in good health. Did you guys know me already?
There is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can you love that person? Therefore, I
will introduce myself. My name is Komang Try Oktaviani. You can call me Okta. I’m a student
from class XI IPS SMAN 2 Amlapura.

Without lingering longer, let me start by BULLY. According to the dictionary, bully is
defined as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates
smaller or weaker people. Unfortunately, bullying has various negative effect that may become
detrimental for both the victim and the bully. Bullying can make change in personality and
behavior of an individual that causes both physical and mental pain.

Ladies and Gentleman, one of the common causes of bullying is hunger or adrenaline of
power. There are 3 types of the most common types of bullying found in schools. The first form
of bullying is Verbal Bullying. Verbal Bullying use words, statements, and name-calling to gain
power and control over a target. The second form of bullying is physical bullying. Physical
bullying is the most obvious form of bullying, this form of bullying includes: kicking, hitting,
punching, slapping, shoving and other physical attacks. The Last form of bullying is
Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying takes place using electronic technology. Examples of
cyberbullying include: unpleasant text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on
social networking sites, embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, and creating fake profile. If
technology is used wisely bullying can be avoided.
My Friend, another effect of bullying is that it can change the personality of the victim.
When a person is bullied it is more likely that their personalities will change. For example, a
person that is usually happy and confident may become self-conscious, shy, depressed and may
even feel as if they are unworthy. They may become hesitant to participate in situations where he
or she might be ridiculed, such as in public speaking. Some people may consider mocking
someone as funny even though it is anything but funny to the victim. Bullying is unacceptable in
any situations, and it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent bullying from happening and bullies
from forming.
In concluding, I would like to express that bullying is an international problem and it
happens on a daily basis. There are no positive out comes from being bullied. We are all God’s
creation, therefore, we are all family. As a family we must support and encourage each other.
The responsibility to stop bullying starts with us. By helping to stop bullying we will also be
preventing the creation of future bullies.
Thank you for attention.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om.

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