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The parts of an affidavit are the following:

1. Commencement: This is the beginning of the document where the affiant or the person
making the affidavit is identified.

2. Averments: Also known as affirmations, these include a list of all the claims that are
being made by the affiant.

3. Statement of Truth: A statement of truth is what states that everything that is mentioned
in the affidavit is true. A statement of truth may be something like this: I solemnly swear
that the aforementioned are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

4. Attestation Clause: This is the portion where the oath made by the affiant is certified. It
also consists of the date.

5. Signatures: This is the last portion of the document that includes the signature of the
affiant, as well as that of the witness(es).

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