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Impregnated Diamond

and Hybrid Bit

Dull Grading Manual

Table of Contents

System Structure ........................................... 1

Measuring Rib height .................................. 4
Dull Grade Example 1 ................................... 5
Dull Grade Example 2 ................................... 6
Gauge Wear Grading ................................... 7
Hybrid Bit Dull Grading ............................... 8
Cutter Nomenclature .................................... 9
Matrix and Diamond Retention .................. 10
Diamond Wear .................................... 12
Dull Characteristics ................................ 13-48

The Smith Bits definitions and guidelines shown within are NOT
IADC standards. They were created solely for internal purposes
to reduce ambiguities and to improve our consistency in grading
dull bits within the current IADC structure.

System Structure

The first four spaces describe the extent of wear, type and
location on the cutting structure. The fifth section represents
roller cone bearing/seal wear. Given that impregnated bits
do not contain seals or bearings mark with “X” in the space
provided. The sixth space is designated for out of gauge
measurement. The last two spaces provide additional
secondary dull characteristics and reason pulled.

1: (I) = Inner Rows

· Used to record the average wear on the
inner two-thirds of the bit radius.

2: (O) = Outer Rows

· Used to record the average wear on the
outer one-third of the bit radius

Impreg wear is based from the total impreg cutting

structure and how much of it remains after a run.

At the point where the GHI wear is flush with the ribs, the bit
should be graded a “1”. Wear after that point is measured
by a ratio of remaining rib height to original rib height. If the
original rib height was 22 mm and the remaining rib height is
11 mm, the grading would be a “5”.

3: (D) = Dull Characteristics

· Uses a two letter code to indicate the
MAJOR dull characteristic of the cutting

· Input only one dull characteristic code.

4: (L) = Location
· Uses a letter code to indicate the location on
the bit face where the major dull
characteristic occurred.

- C = Cone
- N = Nose
- T = Taper
- S = Shoulder
- G = Gauge

5: (B) = Bearing/Seals
· This space is for roller cone bits. It will always
be marked “X” for impregnated and
hybrid bits.

6: (G) = Amount Undergauge

· Used to record the condition of bit gauge. It
is based upon nominal ring gauge (ensure
that a PDC and not a roller cone ring gauge
is used as tolerances between the two are
- “IN” used if bit is in gauge
- Otherwise, the amount the bit is
undergauge is recorded to the nearest
1/16th of an inch.

API tolerances for fixed cutter and roller cone bits

7: (O) = Other Dull Characteristics

· Used to record other dull characteristics
such as secondary evidence of bit wear. The
secondary evidence may identify the cause
of the primary dull characteristic in the third
8: (R) = Reason Pulled
· Used to record the reason the bit was pulled.

Measuring Rib Height

(Impregnated Diamond Bit)

Using a ruler or depth gauge measure the rib height on

the inner section of the impreg before running bit in hole.
The measurement should be taken at the edge of a
stand-up GHI as seen in the below picture. Record
height. After bit has been POOH take rib height
measurement again.

Note: Post run measurement should be taken on same

profile section of the bit as first measurement. Repeat
steps for outer section measurements.

Protruding Measurement should be

“Stand-up” GHI

Dull Grade Example 1:

(Impregnated Diamond Bit)

The following example demonstrates the procedure in

designating correct wear numbers for this particular bit.

Before running the bit in hole an inner 2/3’s and an outer 1/3
rib height measurement was taken.

Inner 2/3 rib height = 24 mm

Outer 1/3 rib height = 21 mm

After the bit was POOH the inner 2/3’s and the outer 1/3 rib
heights were measured again.

Inner 2/3 rib height = 24 mm

Outer 1/3 rib height = 21 mm

No wear on rib Worn GHI’s

Compare the before and after pictures above. Notice how

the GHI's are almost worn down to the rib but there is no
wear on the actual rib itself. This is confirmed by taking the
before and after rib depth measurements. Until the GHI’s
are worn flush with the rib and the rib begins to wear the
dull grade should not exceed a 1-1

This bit was graded a: 1-1-WT-A-X-0-WT-TD


Dull Grade Example 2:

(Impregnated Diamond Bit)

The following example demonstrates the procedure in

designating correct wear numbers for this particular bit.

Before running the bit in hole an inner 2/3’s and an outer

1/3 rib height measurement was taken.

Inner 2/3 rib height = 22 mm

Outer 1/3 rib height = 20 mm

After the bit was POOH the inner 2/3’s and the outer 1/3
rib heights were measured again.

Inner 2/3 rib height = 15.7 mm

Outer 1/3 rib height = 14.3 mm

GHI’s worn flush with ribs and ribs are worn

Inner 2/3’s dull grade calculation:

(22mm - 15.7mm) = 6.3 mm worn away

(6.3mm / 22mm) x 7 = 2 grade points worn
Total dull = 2 + 1(Protruding GHI’s worn) = 3

Outer 1/3 dull grade calculation:

(20mm - 14.3mm) = 5.7 mm worn away

(5.7mm / 20mm) x 7 = 2 grade points worn
Total dull = 2 + 1(Protruding GHI’s worn) = 3

Note: Rounding dull decimal values

for example a 2.49 or less is rounded down = 2
and a 2.50 or greater is rounded up = 3

The bit was graded a: 3-3-WT-A-X-0-CT-TD


Gauge Wear Grading

It is important that you do NOT use a rollercone ring

gauge. A PDC ring gauge MUST be used to grade an
impreg or hybrid.

Place the ring gauge over the impreg to the gauge area of
the bit. Do not to take the measurement on the turbine
sleeve for this area is undercut by 1/16”. Move the ring
gauge up and down the impreg gauge to where the gap
between the ring gauge and the impreg gauge is the
smallest. This is where the measurement will be taken.
Adjust the ring gauge to maximize the gap distance and
take its measurement.

Measured Gap Length

Gauge wear is graded in increments of 1/16” of wear. The

following chart displays gauge wear with the appropriate

Gauge Wear
Loss of gauge in 1/16ths inch

0 - In
1 - 1/16th
2 - 1/8th
3 - 3/16ths
4 - 1/4

An out of gage bit should not be reused regardless of the

amount of cutting structure remaining on bit.

Hybrid Bit Dull Grading

A hybrid bit is a bit that contains the cutting elements of

both a PDC and an Impreg bit. PDC cutters are held in
place and supported by the diamond ”impreg” matrix.
After the PDC cutters have been worn the diamond
matrix continues drilling until the blade is worn to the bit

A hybrid bit is dull graded in a similar manner to an

impreg bit but grading is based entirely on blade/PDC
height since the whole blade has usable diamond. Initial
blade heights are recorded and final blade heights are
measured after the bit is run. Using the amount of
blade+PDC is worn a simple 0-8 ratio scaling is used to
calculate its appropriate dull grade.

Note: Post run measurement should be taken on same

profile section of the bit as first measurement.

must be taken
from bottom of
blade/rib to top of

Example: If the initial blade+PDC height is measured at

4.0 cm and after running the bit the final blade+PDC
height is now 2.0 cm a final dull grade of 4 is given.

Cutter Nomenclature

PDC Cutters
The important terms to remember are:

· PDC layer – also known as the diamond table.

· Carbide substrate – acts as the support for
the diamond table, and provides toughness.
It also helps bond the cutter into the bit body.




GHI (Grit Hot-pressed Insert)

GHI's are brazed into the impreg body and offer

increased wear resistance to the bit. GHI's are
manufactured under a high pressure high temperature
sintering process which increases GHI density and
preserves diamond quality compared with hand packing

Lay-down GHI

Stand-up GHI

Matrix and Diamond Retention

The matrix acts as a binder which retains the diamonds in

place. The diamonds are the cutting elements which
scrape away the formation. Optimally the matrix should
retain the diamond until the diamond becomes worn
when at which the diamond should fall out. The matrix will
continue to wear exposing new diamonds exhibiting self
sharpening wear. The cutting action of an impreg can be
thought of as a sandpapering or grinding wheel action.

It is crucial to the performance of the impreg that an

optimum matrix harness be used in order to retain the
diamonds but wear fast enough to expose new sharp
diamonds. The next images display bit wear when too soft
of a matrix is used, when too hard of a matrix is used and
what an optimal dull should look like.

Matrix too soft - poor diamond retention

Diamond holes or pits on the surface of the matrix

Matrix too hard - poor diamond exposure

Flat diamonds worn flush with the surface of the matrix


Optimum matrix hardness - Excellent diamond retention

& exposure

Protruding diamonds with matrix comet tails

Comet Tails

Comet tails found on the bit reveal that the matrix is

within an acceptable hardness range. During drilling the
matrix exposed to the formation will begin to wear.
Matrix directly behind a protruding diamond is somewhat
protected from the formation and will not wear as fast as
unprotected matrix and can be seen as an elevated
streak of matrix behind the diamond. This is what is
described as a “comet tail.”

Note: Observing comet tails does not necessarily mean

the diamonds are of the correct grade.

Diamond Wear

The following diagram demonstrates the stages of

diamond wear. A buried diamond will begin to emerge as
the matrix around it wears. At this stage a comet tail will
form making the diamond active in removing formation.
After being exposed to elevated temperatures, high
loads, impact loading and normal wear a diamond may
experience micro fracturing. Diamond is an extremely
hard material and thus extremely resistant to wear
however it is very brittle. Micro fractures formed within
the diamond ultimately weaken its structure. As the
diamond is subjected to varying loads tiny diamond
pieces are lost along fracture lines. As more pieces are
removed from the diamond, the diamond loses its cutting
effectiveness and becomes crushed. The matrix wears
further and the diamond is pulled out leaving a diamond

Broken Blade (BB)

A broken blade is the loss of a segment of cutting

structure and is not to be confused with Lost Matrix. A
broken blade contains diamond cutting elements where
lost matrix contains only the matrix material. The broken
segment usually weakens or breaks other parts of the
cutting structure before it passes into the annulus.

Potential Causes
· Excessive WOB
– Fracture caused by excessive WOB

· Excessive impact load / improper drilling

– Dropping of the drill string
– Tagging bottom too hard
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Running on junk.
– RPM too high.
– Interbedded / inconsistent formation compressive

· Heat checking
– See respective section

· Excessive WOB
– Fracture caused by excessive WOB

· Drilling environment
– Hydrogen Sulfide embrittlement.
– Corrosion.
– Formation stringers, resulting in high torque.

· Overheating
– Inadequate hydraulics.
– Drilling without fluid circulation.

· Bit Vibration
– Improper bit selection / BHA / operating

Broken Blade (BB)

Application Recommendations
· Excessive WOB
– Run proper WOB for specific bit type.

· Excessive impact load

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Drilling environment
– Follow recommended drilling fluid guidelines.

· Overheating
– A higher flow rate is needed to address this
– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters

Bond Failure (BF)

Bond failure results in the cutter failing along the bond

between two carbide substrates. The failure is seen as a
smooth surface on the remaining substrate.

Potential Causes
· Improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected
– Specific bit types may not provide smooth drilling

· Excessive WOB for application and specific

bit type
– Indicated by chipped cutters predominantly in the
middle but can also occur in the nose area.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Broken formations are those that have alternating
hard and soft interbedded laminated sections with
distinct well defined boundaries laid down at an
angle. As drilling progresses through the bedding
planes, pieces break at the bedding planes
causing uneven loading on the cutting structure
as the broken portions of formation move or roll
under the bit.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bit’s
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading.

· Improper drilling practices

– Dropping the drill string.
– Tagging bottom too hard / intentional spudding.
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Running on junk
– Improper casing clearances

· Bit vibration
– Bit bouncing due to formation changes.

Bond Failure (BF)

Application Recommendations
· Improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific

bit type
– Optimize WOB for formation.
– Consider using shock sub or thruster.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Bond failures due to drilling broken formations can
occur in any row. This can be related to excessive
WOB. An indicator of broken formations is when
the TQ becomes extremely erratic when drilling
through the boundaries, then smooths out.
Consider using a thruster or shock sub.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Bottom hole pattern break-in is considered to be
when a new bit achieves uniform cutting structure
loading. This is done with light weights and slow
rpm and is normally achieved with in 3 to 6 inches.
At that point WOB and RPM can be gradually
increased to typical operating levels.

· Improper drilling practices

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.

Broken Cutters (BT)

A PDC cutter is considered broken in over 1/3 of the

cutting element is broken to substrate. BT may be a
potential indicator of problems in bit selection or
operating practices if performance falls significantly
short of expectations.

Potential Causes
· Formation / improper bit selection
– Bit selection too aggressive. High point loading on
cutters. Lack of bit stability.

· Excessive WOB for application

– Depth of cut too deep.

· Excessive RPM for application

– Indicated by broken cutters predominantly on the
ODR and gauge due to high relative velocities
and impact force generated.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Broken formations are those that have alternating
hard and soft interbedded laminated sections with
distinct well defined boundaries laid down at an
angle. As drilling progresses through the bedding
planes, pieces break at the bedding planes
causing uneven loading on the cutting structure
as the broken portions of formation move or roll
under the bit.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bit’s
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading.

· Improper drilling practices

– Dropping the drill string.
– Tagging bottom too hard / intentional spudding.
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Running on junk
– Improper casing clearances

· Bit vibration
– Bit bouncing due to formation changes.

Broken Cutters (BT)

Application Recommendations
· Formation / Improper bit selection
– Consider a more stable design.
– Use more impact resistant cutters.
– Reduce bit aggressiveness.
– Reduce cutter loading.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific

bit type
– Optimize WOB for formation.
– Consider using shock sub when anticipating
numerous formation changes.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Broken cutters due to drilling broken formations
can occur in any location. An indicator of broken
formations is when the TQ becomes extremely
erratic when drilling through the boundaries, then
smooths out. Consider using a thruster or shock

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Bottom hole pattern break-in is considered to be
when a new bit achieves uniform cutting structure
loading. This is done with light weights and slow
rpm and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12
inches. At that point WOB and RPM can be
gradually increased to typical operating levels.

· Improper drilling practices

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.

Balled Up (BU)

Bit Balling is a condition whereby formation becomes

attached to the bit blades and bit body such that the ROP
suffers. There may or may not be any evidence of
physical damage to the bit. The cutting elements are
packed off to the extent that they are not penetrating into
the formation effectively. Rotary torque typically will
decrease as the bit balls up and pump pressure will

Potential Causes
· Formation
– Drilling a sticky formation

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Poor hole cleaning for penetration rate achieved
with the WOB and RPM combination in use.

· Poor hydraulic layout

– Improper hydraulic calculations.

· Drilling practices
– Forcing the bit into formation cuttings with the
pump not running.
– High WOB

· Improper bit selection

– Harder bit types have less optimal cleaning
attributes. These bits generally have a greater
blade count and /or less junk slot area which are
easier to pack off. They also provide less flow
area on the hole bottom.

Balled Up (BU)

Application Recommendations
· Formation
– See all the following

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Ensure that all the hydraulics have been optimized
for the parameters available.
– Optimize HSI or flow to address application.

· Poor hydraulic layout

– For all bit balling problems, higher HSI is
recommended for better blade cleaning.

· Drilling practices
– Following proper drilling practices

· Improper bit selection

– Select bits with less restrictive cutting structures.

Cored (CR)

A bit is cored when its centermost cutting elements are

worn, broken and/or lost to the extent that the cone
area of the bit is showing significant wear from the

Potential Causes
· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in
– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bit's
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading causing broken cutters unless
the bit can create its own bottom hole pattern,
especially after coring operations.

· Junk damage
– Breakage of cutting structure due to running on
junk whether external or from the bit itself. See
respective section.

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Abrasiveness of formation exceeds the wear
resistance of the cutting elements.
– Formation too hard for bit type selected resulting
in breakage of the cutting elements.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific bit

– Indicated by broken cutters in cone area

· Excessive hours for application and specific

bit type
– Indicated by worn out blades and cutters when
exceeding typical expectations.

· Improper drilling practices

– Improperly drilled back flow valves in casing
shoes can create high inner cutting structure
– Improper type of float.

· Bit vibration
– Could cause a loss or breakage of cutters
resulting in a core out.

Cored (CR)

Application Recommendations

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Proper bottom hole pattern break-in is considered
to be when a new bit achieves uniform cutting
structure loading. This is done with light weights
and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12 inches. At
that point WOB and RPM can be gradually
increased to typical operating levels.

· Formation / improper bit selection

– For hard formations, select a bit with higher
abreaction and/or impact resistance.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific bit

– Optimize WOB for formation
– Consider using a shock sub or thruster
– For hard formations, select a bit with a higher
blade count

· Improper drilling practices

– Follow recommended procedures for drilling out
cementing equipment. Floats must be PDC and
Impreg drillable. Technical papers available from
Smith Bits.

· Bit Vibration
– Change operating parameters

Chipped Cutters (CT)

A cutting element is considered chipped if less than 1/3 of

the cutting element is gone regardless of cause. Chipping
on Hybrid bits will occur on its PDC cutters and/or on the
leading edge of the blade. Chipping on Impregs will occur
on its GHI’s usually before the ribs have begun to wear
and/or on the leading edge of the blade.

Potential Causes
· Formation / improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected. No
specific chippage pattern.
– Bit bouncing can cause chippage

· Excessive WOB for application

– Indicated by chipped cutters predominantly on the
nose, but can also occur on the gauge area.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bits'
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading causing chipped cutters unless
the bit can create its own bottom hole pattern.

· Excessive impact load / improper drilling

– Dropping of the drill string.
– Tagging bottom too hard / intentional spudding.
– Running on junk / float not PDC drillable.
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Improper casing clearances.

· Heat Checking
– See respective section.

· Bit Vibration
– Improper bit selection / BHA / operating

Chipped Cutters (CT)

Application Recommendations

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Formation too hard for bit type selected.
– Select a bit with smaller cutters and/or higher
blade count

· Excessive WOB for application

– Optimize WOB for formation.
– Consider using a shock sub or thruster.
– For hard formation, select a bit with higher impact

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Proper bottom hole pattern break-in is considered
to be when a new bit achieves uniform cutting
structure loading. This is done with light weights
and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12 inches. At
that point WOB and RPM can be gradually
increased to typical operating levels.

· Excessive impact load

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.
– Select a bit with higher vibration control.

Delaminated Cutters (DL)

Cutter delamination is caused by a separation of the

diamond table from the carbide substrate. A smooth
geometric, non-planar interface can be seen.

Potential Causes
· Formation / improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected. No
specific chippage pattern.
– Specific bit types may not provide smooth drilling

· Excessive WOB for application

– Depth of cut too deep.

· Excessive RPM for application

– Indicated by delaminated cutters predominantly
on the nose area but also can occur in the center.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Broken formations are those that have alternating
hard and soft interbedded laminated sections with
distinct well defined boundaries laid down at an
angle. As drilling progresses through the bedding
planes, pieces break at the bedding planes
causing uneven loading on the cutting structure
as the broken portions of formation move or roll
under the bit.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bit’s
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading causing chipped cutters unless
the bit can create its own bottom hole pattern.

· Improper drilling practices

– Dropping the drill string.
– Tagging bottom too hard / intentional spudding.
– Hitting a ledge while tripping.
– Running on junk.
– Improper casing clearances.

· Bit vibration
– Bit bouncing due to formation changes.

· Heat checking
– See respective section.

Delaminated Cutters (DL)

Application Recommendations
· Formation / Improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected.
– Use more impact resistant cutters.
– Select a bit with higher impact resistance and
vibration control.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific

bit type
– Optimize WOB for formation.
– Consider using shock sub or thruster.
– For hard formation, select a bit with smaller
cutters and/or higher blade count.

· Broken formations (includes boulders)

– Delaminated cutters due to drilling broken
formations can occur in any location. This can be
excessive WOB or RPM related. An indicator
of broken formations is when the TQ becomes
extremely erratic when drilling through the
boundaries, then smooths out. Consider using a
shock sub. Reduction of rough running is primarily
achieved by optimizing RPM.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Bottom hole pattern break-in is considered to be
when a new bit achieves uniform cutting structure
loading. This is done with light weights and slow
rpm and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12
inches. At that point WOB and RPM can be
gradually increased to typical operating levels.

· Improper drilling practices

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.

Heat Checking (HC)

Heat checking is seen as biaxial or cross hatched pattern

of surface cracks intersecting at approximately right
angles. The number of cracks on a cutting element can
vary significantly. These cracks initiate on the surface
due to thermal shock / fatigue and propagate due to
stress relief. Increasing the wear / contact area on the
cutting element can amplify heat generation and
aggravate thermal shock / fatigue, increasing crack

Potential Causes
· Insufficient fluid flow
– Insufficient fluid flow will allow heat build up.

· Reaming a slightly under gauge hole at a high

– Heat checking on the gauge due to cyclic thermal
stress generated with high reaming rates.

· Drilling at high RPM

– High RPM generates higher cyclic thermal

· Formation
– This may be a typical dull characteristic in some
formations, especially carbonates or abrasive

Heat Checking (HC)

Application Recommendations

· Insufficient fluid flow

– Refer to minimum GPM / LPM for bit size.
– Consider bit design with improved hydraulic
– Consider running higher nozzle count or increased

· Reaming a slightly under gauge hole at a high

– Ream using very light WOB and low RPM. A hole
in a slightly under gauge condition requires a
lesser amount of WOB than a hole in a greater
under gauge condition. For example, a hole 1/16”
under gauge requires less WOB in order to not
damage the bit than a hole ½” under gauge.

· Drilling at high RPM

– Investigate use of bit with more abrasion resistant

Junk Damage (JD)

A condition where the bit has indentations or cutting

element damage caused by contact with objects other
than formation. It is to be used in the “Remarks Other Dull
Characteristics” column when describing damage to a bit
caused by external sources of junk.

Potential Causes
· Run on junk
– Junk dropped in the hole from the surface (tong
dies, tools, etc)
– Junk from the drill string (reamer pins, stabilizer
blades, etc)
– Junk from a previous bit run (tungsten carbide
inserts, ball bearings, cutters, etc)
– Junk from the bit itself.
– Damage due to contact with casing.
– Junk from casing float equipment
– Damage caused by whipstock, casing windows,

Junk Damage (JD)

Application Recommendations

· Run on junk
– Run junk basket. Follow manufacturer's
recommended procedure.
For small quantities of parts, ¾” diameter or less,
consider running a boot basket or magnet if made
of iron

Lost Matrix (LM)

This characteristic describes an impreg or hybrid bit that

has lost a piece of matrix material. This condition is not to
be confused with Broken Blade which contains both
diamond and matrix material.Lost matrix represents the
loss only of the matrix structure. The broken segment
usually weakens or breaks other parts of the cutting
structure before it passes into the annulus.

Potential Causes
· Excessive WOB
– Fracture caused by excessive WOB

· Excessive impact load / improper drilling

– Dropping of the drill string
– Tagging bottom too hard
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Running on junk.
– RPM too high.

· Heat checking
– See respective section

· Excessive WOB
– Fracture caused by excessive WOB

· Drilling environment
– Hydrogen Sulfide embrittlement.
– Corrosion.
– Formation stringers, resulting in high torque.

· Overheating
– Inadequate hydraulics.
– Drilling without fluid circulation.

· Bit Vibration
– Improper bit selection / BHA / operating

Lost Matrix (LM)

Application Recommendations
· Excessive WOB
– Run proper WOB for specific bit type.

· Excessive impact load

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Drilling environment
– Follow recommended drilling fluid guidelines.

· Overheating
– A higher flow rate is needed to address this
– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters

Lost Nozzle (LN)

This characteristic describes a bit that is missing one or

more jet nozzles. It is not a “Cutting Structure Dull
Characteristic” and should only be used in the “Remarks
Other Dull Characteristic” column. A lost nozzle is
identified by a loss of pump pressure and reduced ROP.

Potential Causes
· Improper nozzle installation
– Washouts and loss of nozzles can occur due to
improper installation procedures.

· Wrong nozzle type for application

– Using one manufacturer’s bit and another
manufacturer’s nozzles will result in a washout
due to slight dimensional differences.

· Erosion damage to nozzle and/or nozzle bore

– High solid muds or abrasive muds (ex. hematite)
can cause severe internal erosion leading to
nozzle loss.
– Excessive hours on bit.

· Bit balling
– Fluid entrainment & turbulence around the nozzle
retention system when severe bit balling occurs.
– See respective section.

Lost Nozzle (LN)

Application Recommendations

· Improper nozzle installation

– Follow manufacturer’s recommended procedures.

· Wrong nozzle type for application

– Ensure use of proper nozzle.

· Erosion damage to nozzle and/or nozzle bore

– Solids reduction is needed to address this

Lost Cutters (LT)

This characteristic describes a cutting structure that is

missing one or more cutting elements. The loss of the
entire cutting element from the pocket assumes a
brazing related failure. Lost cutters can be damaging to
the remainder of the cutting structure. The loss of one
cutting element can increase the workload for the
remaining elements. This could lead to a ring out or core

Potential Causes
· Broken Blade
– See respective section.

· Drilling environment
– Hydrogen sulfide embrittlement cracks.
– Corrosion

· Bit vibration
– Improper bit / operating parameters / BHA

· Manufacturing defects
– Loss of cutting element retention due to poor

Lost Cutters (LT)

Application Recommendations

· Drilling environment
– Follow recommended drilling fluid guidelines to
address these conditions.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.

Plugged Nozzle / Waterway (PN)

A characteristic where one or more of the nozzles /

waterways are obstructed. It is to be used in the
“Remarks Other Dull Characteristics” column. Pump
pressure will generally increase when nozzles /
waterways become plugged.

Potential Causes
· Improper drilling practices
– Jamming the bit into fill or soft formation with the
pump off.

· Pumped foreign material

– Solid material pumped down the drill string and
becoming lodged in a nozzle. The foreign material
can also come from a drill string component.
– Lost circulation material lodging in the nozzle.
(Never use material that exceeds 1/3 diameter of
smallest nozzle / port)

· Formation plugging
– Chips of formation going up the drill string through
the bit on a connection and becoming lodged in a
nozzle when circulation is resumed. (u-tubing)

· Drill pipe scale

– Deposits can build up on the inside of drill pipe,
becoming dislodged and plugging nozzles when
flow is passed through.

· Hydraulics
– Consider bit with better cleaning capabilities.

Plugged Nozzle / Waterway (PN)

Application Recommendations

· Improper drilling practices

– Use nozzle strainers when tripping in.
– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Pumped foreign material

– If known condition exist, use pipe screens / junk
– For lost circulation material, an increase in the
nozzle size is needed to address this condition.

· Formation plugging
– Run float to prevent reverse circulation during
– Small nozzles are more susceptible to plugging.
An increase in the nozzle size, nozzle / waterway
arrangement is needed to address this condition

· Drill pipe scale

– Have drill pipe cleaned.

Ring Out (RO)

A bit is considered to have a ring out when a circular

band of cutting elements are worn, broken and / or lost to
the extent that the blade is showing significant wear from
the formation. A ring out generally is associated with an
increase in pump pressure and a decrease in ROP.

Potential Causes
· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in
– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bits'
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading causing broken cutters and
blades unless the bit can create its own bottom
hole pattern.

· Junk damage
– Breakage of cutting structure due to running on
junk whether external or from the bit itself. See
respective section.

· Erosion
– Erosion causing loss of cutting structure.

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Abrasiveness of formation exceeds the wear
resistance of the cutting elements.
– Formation too hard for bit type selected resulting
in breakage of the cutting elements.

· Excessive hours for application and specific

bit type
– Indicated by broken / worn / lost inserts when
exceeding typical expectations.

· Bit vibration
– Improper bit / operating parameters / BHA

· Improper drilling practices

– Improperly drilled back flow valves / casing shoes
can create high inner cutting structure loading.

Ring Out (RO)

Application Recommendations

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Proper bottom hole pattern break-in is considered
to be when a new bit achieves uniform cutting
structure loading. This is done with light weights
and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12 inches. At
that point WOB and RPM can be gradually
increased to typical operating levels.

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Consider a more abrasion resistant cutting
– Consider a more impact resistant cutting structure.

· Excessive WOB for application and specific bit

– Optimize WOB for formation
– Consider using a shock sub or thruster
– For hard formations, select a bit with more blades
and / or increased blade surface area.

· Excessive hours for application and specific

bit type
– Select more durable bit type or reduce operating
– Broken and / or worn cutting elements can be
reduced by decreasing operating hours or by
selecting a more robust cutting structure.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters

· Improper drilling practices

– Refer to Recommended Drilling and Drillout

Shale Smear (SM)

This characteristic describes a cutting structure that is

covered by a layer of shale. The shale sits on the surface
of the cutting structure and inhibits the cutting action of
the active diamonds by limiting its depth of cut into the
formation. Shale smear is generally associated with a
decrease in ROP.

Potential Causes

· Formation
– Drilling a soft formation

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Poor hole cleaning for penetration rate achieved
with the WOB and RPM combination in use.

· Poor hydraulic layout

– Improper hydraulic calculations.

· Drilling practices
– Forcing the bit into formation with the pump not
– High WOB and RPM in soft formation

· Improper bit selection

– Harder bit types have less optimal cleaning
– Matrix too hard for formation creating poor
diamond exposure and depth of cut

Shale Smear (SM)

Application Recommendations

· Formation
– See all the following

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Ensure that all the hydraulics have been optimized
for the parameters available.
– Optimize HSI or flow to address application.

· Poor hydraulic layout

– Higher HSI is recommended for better blade

· Drilling practices
– Following proper drilling practices

· Improper bit selection

– Select bits more suited for softer applications

Spalling (SP)

Spalling is a condition wherein the diamond table fails

internally due to impact or shock loading. The result is a
flaking or spalling of the table along residual stress radii
in the table.

Potential Causes
· Formation / improper bit selection
– Formation too hard for bit type selected.
– Bit bouncing

· Excessive WOB for application

– Excessive WOB subjected to bit during drilling.

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Excessive WOB and RPM and the previous bits'
bottom hole pattern can create high cutting
structure loading causing damage to the cutters
unless the bit can create its own bottom hole

· Excessive impact load / improper drilling

– Dropping of the drill string.
– Tagging bottom too hard / intentional spudding.
– Running on junk / float not PDC drillable.
– Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
– Improper casing clearances.

· Bit Vibration
– Improper bit selection / BHA / operating

Spalling (SP)

Application Recommendations

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Formation too hard for bit type selected.
– Select a bit with smaller cutters and/or higher
blade count

· Excessive WOB for application

– Optimize WOB for formation.
– Consider using a shock sub or thruster.
– For hard formation, select a bit with higher impact

· Improper bottom hole pattern break-in

– Proper bottom hole pattern break-in is considered
to be when a new bit achieves uniform cutting
structure loading. This is done with light weights
and is normally achieved with in 6 to 12 inches. At
that point WOB and RPM can be gradually
increased to typical operating levels.

· Excessive impact load

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters.
– Select a bit with higher vibration control.

Wash Out (WO)

A washout is where drilling fluid has eroded a passage

from an internal flow area to the exterior of the bit. This
characteristic is used only in the “Remarks Other Dull
Characteristic” column. If allowed to continue, a washout
may result in a twist off. A washout causes a decrease in
pump pressure and ROP. Bit balling may also occur.

Potential Causes
· Excessive impact load
– A crack occurs during the bit run due to excessive
impact or fatigue. When a crack occurs and
circulation starts through the crack, the washout is
established very quickly. Causes of excessive
impact are:
- Dropping of the drill string
- Tagging bottom too hard
- Hitting a ledge while tripping or making a
- Running on junk
- Cyclic fatigue loading

· Improper bit / nozzle installation

– Washouts can occur due to improper installation
– Damaged threads, improper make-up torque.
– Pinched o-ring seal.

· Wrong nozzle type for application

– Using one manufacturer's bit and another
manufacturer's nozzles will result in a washout
due to slight dimensional differences.

· Erosion damage to nozzle and / or nozzle

retaining system
– High solid muds or abrasive muds (ex. Hematite)
can cause severe internal erosion leading to
nozzle loss.
– Fluid entrainment and turbulence around retention
system when severe bit balling occurs.

Wash Out (WO)

· Bit balling
– Fluid entrainment and turbulence around the
retention system when severe bit balling occurs.
– See respective section.

· Bit vibration
– Bit vibration can cause fatigue in tool joints of the

Application Recommendations

· Excessive impact load

– Follow proper drilling practices.

· Improper bit / nozzle installation

– Follow manufacturer's recommended procedures.

· Wrong nozzle type for application

– Ensure proper use of nozzle.

· Erosion damage to nozzle type for application

– It may not be desirable, practical or possible to
reduce solids or mud type.
– See respective dull characteristic “Balled up”

· Bit vibration
– Change operating parameters
Worn Cutters (WT)

A worn cutting structure is a condition that describes the

wear sustained by the diamond(s) / diamond cutting
structure due to the drilling action. This is a normal and
expected wear mode and should be selected as a dull
characteristic when wear is present and no other dull
characteristics are visible on the bit.
*See Diamond Wear p.12

Potential Causes
· Formation / improper bit selection
– Formation too hard / abrasive for bit selected.

· Excessive RPM for application and specific bit

– Excessive RPM accelerates the mechanism of
wear due to increases in relative surface velocities.

· Excessive hours for application and specific

bit type
– Wear due to rotating hours greater than typical

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Inadequate cuttings removal, accelerating cutting
structure wear
Worn Cutters (WT)

Application Recommendations

· Formation / improper bit selection

– Formation too abrasive for bit selected.
– For abrasive formations, select bits with smaller
cutters and or increased blade count.

· Excessive RPM for application and specific bit

– Optimize RPM for formation.
– For abrasive formations, select bits with smaller
cutters and or increased blade count.

· Excessive hours for application and specific

bit type
– Reduce rotating hours or select a more durable
cutting structure.

· Inadequate hydraulics
– Increased hydraulic energy is needed to address
this condition.
Smith Bits
1310 Rankin Road
Houston, TX 77073

*Mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service

names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-BT-0092

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