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Teacher: Nayibe Pérez

School: IED Arborizadora Baja
Grade: 901
Class size/number
of students:
Module/Topic: Sustainability – Animals in danger
Lesson number: 2 of 4 for the project ANIMALS IN DANGER!
Lesson time: 1H30’
Date: August 26th


At the end of the lesson students will be able to identify general characteristics about a
given endangered animal which was assigned for the realization of a project called
Animals in Danger.

Performance Indicators:


Identifies basic Describes orally Recognizes the Uses a learning
information about general importance of diary to plan a
endangered species characteristics of an different presentation about
from different world endangered species endangered endangered
regions. through wh- animals in the animals.
questions. ecosystems.


Endangered species and Lexical: Grammar:

their characteristics as a General characteristics of Present simple for
result of an ongoing endangered species: describing general facts.
research process carried species, animals,
out by students through five ecosystems, colors,
sessions as a class project. physical description
adjectives, parts of animals,
animals’ diets, and linking
words for expressing cause
(due to, because of).
Anticipated problems Anticipated solutions

There are different levels of performance Recycle information from a previous

in class. lesson based on animals that they have
Students may not feel comfortable when Cooperative learning strategy so that
speaking in public or in front of an students have more interaction
audience. opportunities.
Familiarize students once again with Wh-
questions used for the activity.

Time and
Stage Procedure
Warm-up: Taking into account the previous lesson 5 min
based on the topic of sharks, students are reminded of T – Ss
the questions they answered for that specific lesson in Interaction
their learning diaries. The teacher writes on the board the

1. What does the shark eat?

2. Where does the shark live?
3. What does the shark look like?
4. What is the shark like?
Once the teacher has written the questions, she elicits
the answers from students.

Teacher draws a graphic organizer (annex A) on the

board using the questions previously mentioned with an
endangered species in the middle as a model. Then,
teacher tells students that in this lesson they are going to
use their learning diary to talk about the endangered
animal form Asia of their choice.*
(*Students made this selection in the previous lesson).

Middle Main Activity: 25 min

Teacher reminds students one more time of the
questions they have to answer: T – Ss
1. What does the animal eat?
2. Where does the animal live? S–S
3. What does the animal look like? interaction
4. What is the animal like?
5. Why is the animal in danger?

This last question is new and is addressed to make XXI Century

students be aware of the reasons why the chosen Skill:
species is in danger and have them use linking words Critical Thinking
of cause, specifically, “because of” and “due to”.
Students work cooperatively in the construction of their XXI Century
graphic organizer answering to the five questions Skill:
previously introduced by the teacher. They take into Communication
account the models used in another session: and
A: What does the shark eat?
B: The shark eats smaller fish.

As mentioned before, in the previous lesson, students XXI Century

were requested to bring information about an Skill: Digital
endangered species from Asia. However, in case they do literacy.
not bring any, teacher will lend them a laptop with
internet connection so that they can look up for the
endangered animal they need.

Teacher reminds students all the time about the purpose

of finding the right information for the completion of their
graphic organizers.

While working in the groups, teacher requests students 10 min

to ask the questions to one another so that they can S–S interaction
practice the delivery of information and the pronunciation
of difficult words before interacting with their partners.

Students are asked to stop the activity and to leave the 30 min
classroom in an organized fashion with their learning S–S interaction
The interaction takes place outside as a mingling activity
in which students exchange information about their
endangered animal.

Teacher monitors students’ performance and writes

down possible areas in which they may have difficulties
(grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). As students will
have manyopportunities to interact with their classmates,
teacher asks them that after the fourth interaction, they
stop using their learning diaries and interact with the
information they can remember.

Students are asked to come back to the classroom and 10 min

teacher provides general feedback on their performance T – Ss
based on the notes that the teacher took while students
were interacting.

End Additionally, students are asked to answer the following 10 min

questions as a self-assessment exercise: Individual work
Materials needed

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