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Player profile form

Personal details



Telephone Mobile


Date of birth

Emergency contact



Relationship to player

Telephone Mobile

Medical history

Do you have any medical conditions, disabilities or allergies?

If the answer is yes, please list each condition, disability or allergy and any medication you take for it.

Condition / disability (e.g. asthma,

Medication (e.g. tablets, inhalers, Frequency (e.g. twice daily, only with
diabetes, epilepsy, anaemia, haemophilia,
creams, etc - give drug names) symptoms, etc)
viral illness, etc)

Medication (e.g. tablets, inhalers,

Allergy (e.g. bee stings, etc) Dose / frequency
creams, etc - give drug names)

History of injury (list any injuries, when they happened and who treated you)

When Who treated you Current status of injury

Injury (e.g. concussion) Treatment received
(e.g. Sept 2007) (e.g. doctor) (fully recovered or not)

Rugby Ready / Pre-participation / Player profile

Player profile form

Health and fitness assessment

In which other sports / physical activities are you


How many hours per week do you train?

Have you played Rugby before?

If yes, where and for how many seasons?



Cardiac questionnaire (please tick each box that applies to you)

Fainting Palpitations

Dizzy turns Chest pain or tightness

Breathlessness or more easily tired than team- Sudden death in your immediate family of anyone
mates under 50

History of high blood pressure Smoking (how many per day)



Date of profile completion

Player’s signature (or guardian if under 18)

Profiler's signature

Follow-up date (if applicable)

Rugby Ready / Pre-participation / Player profile

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