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For players, coaches, match officials, administrators and Unions 2014 edition

Foreword by Bernard Lapasset,
World Rugby Chairman


World Rugby is proud to provide a host of resources to assist people around the world involved in Rugby. One of those
resources that helps to improve and standardise processes in a range of areas within the sport is Rugby Ready.

This programme was launched in October 2007 to educate, aid and support players, coaches, match officials, administrators and
Unions on the importance of sufficient preparation for training and playing in order for Rugby to be played and enjoyed while reducing
the risk of serious injury. Ultimately, it is about player welfare at all levels of the Game.

We all have a collective responsibility to manage the welfare of the ever-increasing number of men, women and children who play the
Game at all levels around the world and to ensure that the Game maintains its core principle of fair play, which is central to its global

Since its inauguration, Rugby Ready has established a strong profile as a leading global education resource for the Game’s stakeholders
in the important areas of match preparation, technique, injury prevention, management and discipline. Rugby Ready supplements
programmes successfully delivered by some World Rugby Member Unions.

The Rugby Ready handbook is available not only in the three official languages of World Rugby – English, French and Spanish – but also
several others. Consult the website - - for an up-to-date list of language provision and resources.

Rugby Ready is widely available to the global Rugby family so that players, coaches, match officials, administrators and Unions all over
the world can enjoy Rugby to the fullest.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The tackle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The ruck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Before the match The maul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Long-term player development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The scrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Pre-participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The lineout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Equipment, environment and emergency plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Physical conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 After the match
Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Cool-down and recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Warm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
When injury occurs
During the match Injury management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Principles of play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Open field play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

World Rugby Passport - interactive learning websites from World Rugby

It is important to highlight that, in order to gain best use from Rugby Ready, you should use it in conjunction with other World Rugby
programmes, such as the ones detailed below.

Rugby Ready Laws Coaching Officiating

Be prepared • Manage the risks Know the Game Technical • Planning Match observation • Panels

Strength & Conditioning Concussion Management First Aid in Rugby Beginner’s Guide

Understand physicality Recognise and remove Know how to respond First steps to Rugby

Introduction to Rugby Ready

Everybody involved in organising and playing Rugby has a duty of care in relation to the players. The Rugby Ready
programme is intended to raise awareness of good practice and help stakeholders manage the inherent risks of a contact
sport by putting appropriate safeguards in place.

The Game of Rugby Union

Research shows that 180 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week linked
with a healthy diet can reduce the prevalence of life-threatening diseases such as
cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and some forms of

cancer. Rugby, in its various formats, provides players of different physiques,
skills, genders and ages with the opportunity to undertake vigorous exercise in a
controlled and enjoyable environment.

The Rugby community provides a long-term development (LTPD) programme for

players of all ages with an infrastructure that supports individual players’ expectations
and sporting ambitions. Players are therefore able to play the game purely for fun or, if
they choose, to develop their individual skills and understanding of the technical aspects
of the game from the grass roots level up to the elite level.
Rugby, however, provides more than just the opportunity to undertake vigorous exercise;
it is a sport with values that develop players within a social and moral context. The
Game’s core values are:

• INTEGRITY - Integrity is central to the fabric of the Game and is generated through
honesty and fair play
• PASSION - Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the Game. Rugby
generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global
Rugby family
• SOLIDARITY – Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to lifelong friendships,
camaraderie, teamwork and loyalty which transcends cultural, geographic, political and
religious differences
• DISCIPLINE - Discipline is an integral part of the Game, both on and off the field, and is

reflected through adherence to the Laws, the Regulations and Rugby’s core values
• RESPECT – Respect for team mates, opponents, match officials and those involved in
the Game is paramount

View the World Rugby Core Values video at:


4 Rugby Ready / Introduction

The purpose of Rugby Ready

WHY is Rugby Ready necessary? WHAT is its purpose?

Rugby Union is a game played by two teams of 7, 10 or 15 Rugby Ready aims to assist in the communication and
players that physically contest for the ball and, as such, the understanding of the risks associated with Rugby and to raise
game carries a risk of injury. awareness of good practice.

Research has identified the magnitude, nature and sources of WHO is it aimed at?
these risks. Rugby Ready is designed as a resource for all potential
participants in the Game of Rugby, including players, coaches,
It is the responsibility of all people involved in the game of Rugby match officials, parents, teachers, first-aiders and volunteers
to understand and manage these risks within acceptable levels. supporting players and coaches on match day and during

How to use Rugby Ready

Rugby Ready is available via three platforms: Attendance at a face-to-face course is strongly advised for those
people involved in an on-field capacity in the Game – players,
1. Handbook coaches, match officials, first-aiders, etc. The face-to-face
2. Online learning programme programme will often build on the understanding you have
3. Face-to-face course. previously gained from the online course by giving you practical,
hands-on experience of the elements of the Game covered in
While any one of the handbook, website or face-to-face course Rugby Ready. The face-to-face course can be delivered in many
is effective in isolation, it is more effective to use a combination formats and contexts. Your national Union will have its own
of the three platforms. policies and procedures in place. If you want to contact your own
Union, you can find their details at
It is recommended that ALL participants involved in the Game of unions
Rugby undertake the online learning programme at The website allows you to read World Rugby and national Unions encourage participants to
material, watch video content and complete an on-line self regularly update their knowledge.
check test which, when completed
successfully, generates an awareness Rugby Ready is applicable for all forms of Rugby, including the
certificate. Wherever you see this icon, 15-a-side, 10s and 7s formats.
you can follow the link to the Rugby
Ready website for further information.

World Rugby Beginner’s Guide to Rugby

If you are completely new to Rugby, we recommend that you read the
World Rugby Beginner’s Guide to Rugby Union.

Download a printable Adobe PDF and take an online quiz:

Disclaimer This Rugby Ready product has been developed in the context of the laws applying to accident and injury prevention and medical practice in Ireland and the information
and guidelines incorporated on these matters are made available strictly on the basis that World Rugby does not accept any liability to any person or entity for loss, cost or damage
howsoever arising out of any reliance on and/or use of the information and/or guidelines contained in this Rugby Ready product.

5 Rugby Ready / Introduction

Long-term player development

LTPD is a long-term approach to maximising individual potential and involvement in Rugby. LTPD models highlight the
importance of having coaches working with children and youth, who understand the technical, tactical, physical, mental
and lifestyle needs of children and young people as they progress along their Rugby journey. LTPD provides a platform for
coaches to encourage and support participants at every level of their involvement in the game, to help them fulfil their
potential and to remain involved in sport.

Sample LTPD stages

Please note that the example below uses chronological age to define the different stages of the LTPD. Best practice for the earlier
stages is to use biological age, as some young players mature earlier than others and some later.

Stage: FUN
Age guide: 6-12 References
Player PLAYS
Coach GUIDES The following sources provide some
Content: Learning to move, basic Rugby skills examples of long-term player
development models:
Age guide: 12-16
1. Lloyd, R.S. and Oliver, J.L: The
Youth Physical Development
Model: a new approach to long
Content: Learning the Game
term athletic development.
Stage: PARTICIPATION Strength and Conditioning
Age guide: 15-18 Journal 34: 37-43, 2012
Coach CHALLENGES 2. Balyi, I. and Hamilton, A.: Long
Content: Playing the Game, developing the player Term Athlete Development:
Stage: PREPARATION Trainability in Childhood and
Age guide: 17-21 Adolescence. National Coaching
Player SPECIALISES Institute, Victoria, British
Coach FACILITATES Columbia and Advanced Training
Content: Reaching full potential and Performance Ltd., 2004

LTPD models should be developed
Age guide: 20 and over
with specific context in mind.
Contact your national Union for
more information.
Content: Consistency of performance

Age: any
Content: Support and enjoyment of the Game

6 Rugby Ready / LTPD


Before playing Rugby, there is a series of checks which should be undertaken by the team coach to ensure that a player is
Rugby Ready.

A Rugby Ready player will: As well as coach-led profiling, a physical assessment by a doctor,
• have the physical attributes and have attained the necessary physiotherapist, strength and conditioning coach or sports
level of fitness for their level of play trainer could be undertaken. This assessment could test for:
• have sufficient technical skill and ability for the grade at which
they are playing • functional ability
• have been fully rehabilitated from any previous injuries and will • strength
not be predisposed to serious injury • speed
• be familiar with the Laws of the Game and what constitutes • balance
foul play • flexibility
• have been assessed for their readiness to play through player • aerobic endurance
profiling • anaerobic endurance
• physical abnormalities, e.g., biomechanical
Player profiling is an established method of assessing players’
readiness to play Rugby. A good profile will help coaches Strength and conditioning coaches should only conduct
ascertain if a player is Rugby Ready. Profiling should take place assessments that they are competent in administering, in line
before pre-season training starts and when new players join the with their Union’s protocols.
squad. It should then be repeated at intervals throughout the
season. The profile should ask for information on the following An example of a player profile form is
areas: available for download at:
• personal contact and next of kin details
• medical history (including details of any medication taken)
• cardiac questionnaire
• lifestyle and fitness information
• history of injury
• previous exposure to Rugby

Special attention should be given to:

• age grade (U19 and below) players, e.g., physique, skill, fitness,
• all new players
• players with pre-existing injuries
• any player with a history of concussion
• front row players with a history of, or any previous, neck injury
• older players who may have degenerative conditions

7 Rugby Ready / Pre-participation

Equipment, environment and
emergency plan

Before playing Rugby, there are various checks which should be undertaken to ensure that all equipment and the
environment are Rugby Ready. It is also important to develop an emergency plan to ensure that if an incident does occur,
everyone involved knows their role and responsibilities, and the incident is then managed effectively.

Players’ personal equipment Scrum caps and head guards

Properly fitted headgear can help prevent
Players can help themselves and potentially prevent injuries to soft tissue injuries to the head and ears.
themselves and other players by ensuring they use appropriate There is no evidence that headgear
equipment. provides protection against concussion.
Headgear must comply with World Rugby
Mouth guards standards.
It is strongly recommended that
all players wear a custom-made Head guards are not recommended in all players because there
mouth guard during training is some evidence that they can encourage risk taking behaviour.
sessions and matches. A good The more important way of preventing head injuries is to ensure
mouth guard protects the teeth players have good technique in the tackle and other contact
and surrounding soft tissue and phases.
can prevent a broken jaw. Since
mouth guards became Padded equipment
compulsory in New Zealand in Research shows that padded
1997 there has been a 47% reduction in Rugby-related dental equipment can help reduce
claims. Mouth guards made from a dental mould generally the number of minor injuries
provide the best protection. such as bruises, cuts and
abrasions. It does not protect
There are two important considerations in a mouth guard; the fit against major injuries and
so that it is retained easily and spreads forces correctly, and its should not be worn as a
ability to absorb energy (material and thickness). means of allowing injured
players to return to play before
Footwear they are fully recovered. For all
Players’ footwear should be matches, padding must be in accordance with the Laws of the
in good condition and Game and World Rugby regulations and be approved. All World
appropriate to the playing Rugby approved clothing will carry the logo shown below.
surface. Studs/cleats should
be appropriate to the A pre-match safety check by match officials
conditions and must will identify potentially dangerous items such as
conform with World Rugby rings or elements of dress that do not comply
Specifications (Regulation with World Rugby specifications.
12) - that is, they must not
be longer than 21mm, and must not have any burring or sharp For more information on provisions relating to players’ dress, see
edges. World Rugby Regulation 12 at

8 Rugby Ready / Equipment, environment and emergency plan

The playing environment

It is important to ensure that the playing environment is Rugby The playing

Ready. This will allow players to enjoy themselves more and equipment
reduce the risk of injury. Environmental issues that need to be Equipment should be
checked before training or playing are: appropriate to the age
and experience of the
The playing arena players. Critical checks
Facilities should be appropriately sized, with spectators and include:
vehicles positioned well away from the playing area. If there are
perimeter fences or hoardings, these should be a safe distance • Goal posts should be suitably
away from the touchline and appropriately padded. padded;
• All scrum machines and
The playing surface tackle / rucking bags should
The surface should be level, free of holes and adequately lit. It be in good condition and well
should not be waterlogged, slippery or too hard - an overly hard maintained;
surface increases the risk of injury, particularly head injury. There • Corner flags should be placed
should be no exposed sprinkler heads, broken glass, rubbish or properly and should flex on
stones on the surface. impact.

The weather
Extreme weather may cause
overheating and dehydration or hypothermia. Ensure players
wear appropriate and adequate clothing, e.g., in cold and wet
conditions, ensure players wear waterproof clothing during
training sessions and before and after matches. Warm,
waterproof clothing should be worn by substitutes and injured

Rugby is a physical contact sport and there are inherent risks associated with participating in Rugby related activities. Accidents can happen and may happen to
you. World Rugby does not accept any responsibility or liability in negligence or otherwise in relation to any injury, loss or damage suffered by persons seeking to
replicate activities demonstrated in this Rugby Ready product or participating in Rugby related activities generally.

9 Rugby Ready / Equipment, environment and emergency plan

Emergency plan - emergency foil blanket
- plastic bag for contaminated dressings/gloves
An essential step towards becoming Rugby Ready is planning for
emergencies. This means having the correct medical equipment in An automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) may be appropriate
place and ensuring that appropriately trained personnel (i.e., depending on the circumstances. These are expensive items
medical practitioner, other healthcare professional or trained first- and it is highly recommended that individuals are trained in their
aider) are present. use. Considerations to be made include the likely frequency of
use and the availability/response times of emergency services.
Please visit Having sufficient appropriately trained and equipped first aiders
for the World Rugby First Aid in Rugby online course. should be the first priority.

Example medical equipment

Only equipment that those responsible for first aid cover have All these items should be located in the Technical Zone.

been trained to use should be made available.

• Stretcher - additionally, a spinal board and/or ‘scoop’ stretcher First aid room

with head blocks and straps, if trained in their use. A Rugby Ready first aid room should be available and should
• Collars - various sizes or adjustable, if trained in their use. have:
• Limb splints - various types are available but simple padded
‘box’ splints are appropriate. • access for a stretcher
• Basic first aid kit which typically includes: • access for an ambulance
- scissors (blunt ended) • wall linings and worktops which can be easily cleaned, to
- non-sterile medical gloves (consider the type of latex, as comply with hygiene and infection control requirements
allergy can be an issue) • floors which are non-slip, impervious and washable
- gauze swabs • a sink with hot and cold running water
- compression bandages (5cm, 7.5cm, 10cm) • adequate lighting and heating
- sterile gauze bandages • an examination couch with waterproof protection
- adhesive skin closures, (e.g. Band Aid) • appropriate safe storage for medical equipment and first aid
- elastic adhesive bandages (2.5cm, 5cm) materials
- petroleum jelly • adequate arrangements for the disposal of clinical waste and
- irrigation solution (sterile eyewash) sharps, e.g., needles
- wound dressings (e.g. Melolin) • access to a telephone
- triangular bandages • a record book for recording incidents where first aid has been
- ice pack and ice given
- zinc oxide adhesive tape • emergency telephone numbers clearly displayed

More detail on developing an emergency

plan is available for download at:

If an emergency does occur

For information on what to do in an emergency, see the
Injury Management section.

Spinal board Emergency bag

10 Rugby Ready / Equipment, environment and emergency plan

Physical conditioning

Improving your fitness can make you a better player and less prone to injury. For players, coaches and those who design
physical conditioning programmes for Rugby players, you need to have a general understanding of the key components of
fitness and also the specific physiological demands of the Game.

What follows is a brief introduction to the area of physical • Adaptation. When you train regularly, physiological changes
conditioning for Rugby. If you would like more detailed take place over time to make you more effective and efficient.
information, please register for and complete theWorld • Overload. To improve your fitness, you must continually
Rugby’s online Level 1 Strength and Conditioning progress the work you perform.
programme at • Work / Play vs Rest / Regeneration. Although it is important
that training load is progressive, time for rest and regeneration
What are the components of physical is just as important.
conditioning? • Specificity. Fitness is specific and your training must relate to
the demands of the game you play.
Speed = the ability to • De-training. Any prolonged lay-off from training will be
MAIN COMPONENTS accompanied by a drop-off or de-training of fitness levels. So,
coordinate simple or OF FITNESS
complex limb you should undertake a reconditioning programme before you
movements at high return to full training / play.
Strength = the FITNESS
Needs analysis
maximum force an
Rugby players need varying amounts of strength, power,
individual can exert
endurance, speed and agility. There are few team sports that
through a muscle or FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH
COMPETENCE require such a diverse and comprehensive range of physical
group of muscles,
against an external
The different demands of the various playing positions should
Endurance = a measure of the body’s ability to maintain a rate
also influence how you train. For example, the front five players
of work.
in the scrum require power and endurance to scrummage
Functional competence = the extent to which a player has
effectively, whereas a flanker will make more frequent sprints
good stability and mobility during movements related to the
throughout a game and as a result require higher levels of speed
and speed endurance.
Power = speed x strength

For you to be physically prepared - to be truly Rugby Ready -

In Rugby, all players require a degree of each of these
basic functional competence must be in place. For example, you
components, but the relative importance of each component
must develop a good general base in terms of strength, stability,
will vary according to a player’s playing position.
mobility and endurance as a platform on which to build
enhanced speed and power qualities.
Principles of training
• Individuality. People react to the same training stimulus in
different ways. The main reasons are: genetic; initial fitness
levels; maturity.

11 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

For an accurate and relevant needs analysis, you should seek the Once individual needs have been determined based on these
help of a registered or accredited conditioning coach to design criteria, specific issues relating to rehabilitation / prehabilitation
and implement the conditioning programme. Primary and perceived weaknesses can be focussed on and a training
considerations are: programme can be designed and implemented to meet these
1. Your current physical condition using standardised physical needs.
tests and functional assessment
2. Any history of injury Regular monitoring and evaluation of your progress will require
3. Training history: this needs to take into account training age testing procedures to be in place. This will ensure that the
(the number of years you have been specifically preparing for programme is constantly changing and progressing to meet
Rugby) and fitness training age (the number of years you new objectives.
have been supervised by an accredited strength and
conditioning coach)
4. Specific game-related needs (playing position, refereeing,

Functional assessment
A functional assessment can be conducted using simple exercises such as the overhead squat with a basic balance test, as seen below.

High level of

✓ functional

Functional assessment should be

completed by an accredited
strength and conditioning coach in
order to determine your current
level of mobility and stability. The
information from the test can then
be used to design an appropriate
strength training programme and
enable you to achieve full mobility
and good stability. This will prepare
your body for work, increase your
capacity for work and correct
muscle imbalances.

Low level of

The type of strength required for Rugby is a specific type of strength which often has to be deployed in conditions of instability. So a
fitness programme for Rugby must focus on the development of stability of the potential injury sites such as the shoulder, core, hip,
knee and ankle, rather than placing an excessive emphasis on gym-based weight lifting.

The World Rugby Level 1 and Level 2 Strength and Conditioning courses (see cover functional assessment in
more detail.

12 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

Planning a conditioning programme

There are a number of variables to consider:

• your age Phase Off season Pre-Season In-Season Transition
• your training age
• your long-term and short-term goals General Specific Recovery /
Activity Maintenance
preparation preparation active rest
• the availability of facilities and resources

Nov-Jan Feb-March April-July Aug-Oct
The other key consideration is the phase of the Rugby season. Hemisphere
The timing and length of the season varies across the world.
Whatever the timings of your season, you will need to plan your Hemisphere
May-June July-Aug Sept-April May
training around four distinct phases:
• Off-season Months are approximate and may vary according to the Union and level of play.
• Pre-season
• In-season
• Transition Day Activity

0 Match
This process is called periodisation. 1 Recovery

2 Strength and conditioning training, or recovery option

When designing your weekly plan, an important consideration is
3 High-intensity Rugby training
the 48-hour rule. Recent research in Rugby* has shown that you
can still be fatigued 48 hours after an intense game. Your plan 4 Strength and conditioning training

should reflect this, so high-intensity training should be avoided 5 Medium to low-intensity Rugby training
for 48 hours after a game. A sample weekly plan is shown here. 6 Rest

7 Match
This is only one of many possible plans and is only designed to
show how the 48-hour rule can be integrated into the training * Source: Evaluation of muscle damage after a Rugby match with special reference to
tackle plays. Takarada Y. Br J Sports Med. 37. 416-419. 2003.

General training tips

• Ensure you complete a warm-up (use dynamic stretches) and
cool-down (use static stretches) for all sessions (see the warm-
up and cool-down sections)
• Good nutrition and hydration are extremely important to
support your conditioning
• Wherever possible, get the help of a registered or accredited
physical conditioning coach
• Try to train with someone else or, even better, train in groups
following similar programmes
• Try to keep your sessions fun and varied
• Try to develop match fitness through conditioned games and
Rugby-specific drills such as those shown below

13 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

Examples of practices Watch these practices online at

Mirror me
Player A can move
laterally, forwards or
backwards. Player B must
mirror Player A’s
10m movements.


Agility grid
Move from:
A to B forwards
B to C laterally
C to D backwards
D to A laterally.


Touch the cones

In threes or fours, the
players pass to each other
and after every pass must
touch 1, 2 or 3 cones (as
decided by the coach) and
then rejoin play.


Arrange any kit in a slalom
fashion. Design the course
so that players will run
forwards, backwards and

14 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

Examples of practices Watch these practices online at

Touch and retreat

Team A attacks team B. When a player is touched, that player must play the ball between the legs and a team mate must pass it to
restart the attack. The player who makes the touch must run around a cone or tackle bag before returning to the game.

Rectangle drill
There are two versions of this drill. In drill 1, the players run to the first cone where they must then make a pass, continue to the next
and make a return pass. When they reach the last cone they sprint back to the start. The drill is timed and the players are encouraged
to concentrate on a good pass. Distances between the cones are 10m.

In drill 2, after initial straight line acceleration the players go diagonally from the first to second cones and as the players cross, they
make a switch pass. This is completed for the next two sections. After the players reach the last cone they sprint back to the start. The
drill is timed and the players are encouraged to concentrate on a good pass. Distances between the cones are again 10m.

15 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

Overload touch

Team A attacks team B. The attacking team receives a kick from team B.
Part one is 5 attackers against 1 defender, with just one touch allowed. If team A score, they run back to their side and receive another
kick from team B. This then progresses to:
Part two: 5 v 2 and two touches allowed
Part three: 5 v 3 and three touches allowed
And so on until it is 5 v 4 with four touches allowed. Possession changes to the other team if the attacking team is touched more than
the allowed number of times.

Physical conditioning exercises on the field

You don’t need large amounts of specialist equipment to improve your physical conditioning. This section lists some exercises that can
be completed on the field with limited equipment. This type of session is the starting point for most players who have limited strength
training experience and poor functional competence.

The session could be described as an example of anatomical adaptation as it gradually strengthens the body and teaches proper
technique. This will eventually enable you to move on to more advanced strength training in a safe manner and with appropriate
progression. If you were to undertake an advanced strength and conditioning programme without first completing a functional
assessment and performing the appropriate corrective exercises through anatomical adaptation, it could have a negative impact on
your performance and increase the chances of injury. It is important that exercises such as those shown below are supervised by an
accredited strength and conditioning coach.

The session outlined here is just an example of what can be undertaken on the field for an adult team. The repetitions and times must
be determined by the current levels of technique and experience. It is best to complete this session in a circuit format, going from
exercise 1, to 2, to 3, to 4, etc., and having a break once a circuit is complete; then, continuing with more circuits depending on your
experience and technique.

1. Push up
From a fully locked-out position,
with arms straightened, lower the
body so that the chest touches
the ground. Using the chest,
shoulders and triceps, return to
the starting point.

Keeping a straight, flat back,

maintain a controlled descent / ascent throughout the exercise. Keep the shoulders and hips in line to prevent lifting or dropping of the

16 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

2. Aeroplane
Support body weight on one leg with a slight bend in it.
Lean forward with a straight back and straighten the arms
out to the sides. The rear leg points straight behind at a
slight angle to the back.

This is a prone shoulder circuit that is used to strengthen and stabilise the muscles of the upper back and shoulder. The letters Y, T, W
and L describe the shape made by the prone positions.

Y place the arms above the head at 45 to 90 degrees above shoulder level. Point the thumbs up to activate the rotational muscles
of the shoulder blade area.
T place the arms fully straightened at a 90 degree angle from the torso. Turn the thumbs up. Keep the shoulder blades down and
pulled back throughout, whilst trying to maintain a 90-degree angle.
W place the upper arm at a 45 degree angle to the torso, with the lower arm at a 90 degree position to form a W shape. Maintain
alignment between wrist, elbow and shoulder.
L place the upper arms as close to the side of the body as possible, with the lower arm as near as possible to a 90 degree angle.
Keep the elbows pressed into the torso. Try to maintain alignment of elbows, wrist and shoulders.

4. Bodyweight squat
This exercise develops strength, stability and flexibility in the lower
body, while also improving core stability. Place the feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart, with the toes turning outwards so that
the middle toe is in line with the knee. Before descent into the
squat, take a deep breath to fully inflate the lungs so that the upper
and lower back remains braced. Descend under control, squatting
as low as possible with a straight back. Ensure that the chin is off the
chest and the eyes are looking straight ahead to maintain a strong,
flat back. Focus on sitting back by pushing the hips and buttocks
behind the body and placing bodyweight through the heels. In the
ascent phase, focus on keeping the chest and head held high and
the hips up and forward. Push the heels into the floor and exhale as
you return to an upright stance.

17 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

5. Bridge
This exercise improves core stability and strengthens the muscles of the hamstring and buttocks. Lie on your back and raise the hips to
create a straight line from the knee to the shoulder. Ensure the heels are flat on the floor and that the flat of the hand is pressed firmly
into the ground. Focus on pulling the navel in towards the spine and activate the buttock muscles throughout.

6. Lunge
Step forward and bend the back knee. Keep the back straight and perpendicular to the ground. Don’t let the front knee go past the
toes. Return to starting position and repeat the same movement starting with the opposite leg.

7. Partner pull
This exercise involves two people. The first person lies on the ground and the second person straddles the first. The person in the
straddle position squats down with a straight back and bends the arms at the elbow. The person on the ground grips the partner’s arms
like a chin-up bar and, keeping a straight body, pulls up off the ground, pivoting at the heel.

18 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

8. Oblique / side bridge
This exercise strengthens the muscles at the side of the torso and the lower back. Position the body on the side so that it is supported
by the elbows and feet. Lower the hips under control so that they touch the ground lightly and then return to the starting position by
raising the hips. Ensure that the body is kept in a straight line and that there is no inward or outward rotation. Keep the shoulders, hips,
knee and ankles in line.

9. Single leg stance

Stand on one leg with hands on hips. The non-stance knee must be bent to 90 degrees and
raised into the high knee running position with the toes curled up towards yourself. Try to stay
balanced for the same time on both legs.

10. Hamstring drop

This is best performed with partner assistance. One player adopts a kneeling position with the second player positioned directly
behind. Kneel on a soft surface with the partner securing and anchoring the participant’s ankles. The player then descends slowly with
good posture and makes contact with the ground by absorbing the drop with open palms. Keep the shoulder blades pulled down and
back to maintain a flat back. Avoid dropping the head by keeping the chin off the chest. The player should push themselves back up so
as not to use hamstrings concentrically.


Anyone intending to undertake a physical conditioning programme should seek medical advice from a registered medical practitioner prior to doing so. The
information and guidelines regarding the skills of Rugby and associated physical conditioning should only be used following and in conjunction with advice
from appropriately qualified trainers, coaches and referees.

19 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning

Functional strength training for Rugby

A progression from bodyweight drills to the inclusion of functional training equipment

Rugby is a contact sport so players need to be strong enough to maintain

balance and stability in contact. Players need to be able to apply strength
both when making a tackle and also when resisting a challenge (i.e., being
tackled). The other key benefit provided by a functional strength and
conditioning programme is that you will be less prone to injury. The
muscles and joints become stronger, which is especially important for the
neck, shoulders, hips, knees and the core of the body.

Weight training is an excellent form of strength training which provides a

comprehensive range of benefits to the Rugby player. However, not all
players will have access to weight training facilities at the training ground
or at a local gym or sports centre.

Weight training must be supervised by a fully qualified strength and

conditioning coach or experienced fitness instructor for two important
reasons: first, health and safety, and second, sessions need to be Rugby-
relevant and specific. This could also present a problem for some places
where Rugby is played if such an individual is not available.

The illustrated body weight circuit shown above is an excellent starting

point, but it is important that there be a progressive challenge available.
This can be provided by the use of functional training apparatus. The
benefits produced are not just limited to gains in strength but also in
flexibility, stability and balance.

A practical and convenient alternative to weight training is provided by

the use of tyres, medicine balls, stability balls and suspended bodyweight
training apparatus. All of these training tools will facilitate functional
strength development as opposed to developing general strength for no
real purpose.

As with weight training, they produce a compound and whole body

conditioning effect. But it is likely that they will provide a cheaper and
more versatile option that can be used indoors or outside on the training
pitch. The other advantage offered by these tools is that they can be
conveniently stored and used at the Rugby club itself.

They are also very adaptable and can be used to develop positional
specific qualities such as sprinting, tackling or scrummaging.

20 Rugby Ready / Physical conditioning


Sport offers a number of benefits for those who take part. These benefits cover a wide variety of areas including physical
and mental health and a broadening of cultural and social awareness. Training is designed to prepare you physically, mentally
and technically for the Game. To maintain good health and to help prevent injury and illness, players, coaches and associated
medical staff should focus on maintaining a healthy body through proper training, diet, stress management and rest.

Fitness through exercise Rugby for young people -

a sport for all shapes and sizes
The health benefits of Rugby are many and varied, and at the
most basic level, Rugby is a great way of increasing the time Rugby is a game that is uniquely suited for all shapes and sizes,
spent doing physical activity. Current guidelines* suggest that girls and boys, all ages and abilities. It can be enjoyed in many
adults should undertake at least 30 minutes a day of moderate forms, from fifteens to sevens to non-contact games and can
to vigorous intensity physical activity on five or more days of the even be played on the beach or on snow. There is a level of
week. For children, the recommendation is at least 60 minutes participation for every child to enjoy.
of at least moderate intensity physical activity each day. At least
twice a week this should include activities to improve bone By applying a holistic approach, Rugby and other sports can play
health, muscle strength and flexibility. a prominent role in promoting a healthy lifestyle, allowing
players to enjoy a lifetime of sporting participation.

*Source: World Health Organisation (

21 Rugby Ready / Lifestyle

1. Try Rugby / Try Sport 3. Mental skills awareness

Encouraging participation and promoting enjoyment, whatever Through participation and structured training, Rugby develops
the child’s ability, is a positive way to make the first significant the key mental skills of self-control, concentration, discipline,
steps towards developing a healthy lifestyle. decision-making and leadership. Such important skills transcend
all aspects of daily life.
2. Social skills development
4. Diet and nutrition
Participation in team sports in particular stimulates inclusion and
interaction. It builds self-confidence and self-esteem, and forges A balanced diet is key to sustaining the energy levels necessary
the fellowships and friendships that are unique to sport and to compete and train at every level of the Game. This also plays
values such as integrity, solidarity and respect amongst others an important role in boosting energy levels for everyday life,
that are characteristic of Rugby. improving concentration and performance and promoting a
healthy lifestyle.

Basic hygiene Children should not routinely use sports drinks as their high
sugar content may cause dental problems. Milk or milk shakes
Basic hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy active are a very good recovery drink as they provide fluid, protein and
lifestyle, particularly when operating in the closed environment carbohydrate (in the case of milk shakes).
of a team. A good rule of thumb is:
An easy way to check your hydration level is to observe the
• keep yourself clean, e.g. wash your hands at least five times a colour of your urine. The chart below will help. You should aim
day for your urine to be pale in colour which equates to 1 to 3 in the
• keep your kit clean, e.g. clothing, water bottles and gum shields chart. If your urine colour matches 4 to 8, then you are
• if you sustain a cut, clean it and cover it. dehydrated and must follow a rehydration protocol.

Fluid intake

Water is essential to normal body function. During exercise, the

major water loss from the body is through sweat. To avoid a
significant decrease in performance, this water must be
replaced, both during matches and training.

22 Rugby Ready / Lifestyle

Nutrition Dietary supplements -
a case study
Nutrition, how it works and what foods you
should be eating during your training and Adam Dean, a 17 year old Rugby player, was

games are very important to your sport achieving the highest honours at his age

and performance. It is important to find the group in Rugby, receiving international caps

right balance between fats, carbohydrates for England at under 18 level. Following the

and protein to ensure your body has pressures of being told he needed to be

enough fuel to sustain not only a single “bigger, faster and stronger”, Adam began

game of Rugby but also the training the use of supplements to complement his

necessary to make it to that point. The training and diet.

body can be put through rigorous amounts

of training but only if you supply it with the food it needs to stay strong and Although aware of having to adhere to the

energised. rules of the Prohibited List, the education

Adam had received had not made him fully

It is becoming apparent that many people eat too much carbohydrate including aware of the risk of potential contamination

fructose from fruit. Carbohydrate intake should be mainly slow release (low GI) of supplements and he decided to make his

rather than refined carbohydrates (high GI). By contrast, most people’s diets decision based on his own research.

contain too little protein (animal, especially fish and white meat, and plant), and
vegetables. Most players should not need any protein supplementation. Adam chose a supplement that did not have

Vegetables are preferred to fruit as the main source of fibre, vitamins and any prohibited substances on the product

minerals. In most people, eating a fresh balanced diet ingests sufficient vitamins label, a product that also made claims of

and minerals so supplements should not be required. being “suitable for drug tested athletes”.
Assuming that the information provided by

An example of a nutritional plan can be downloaded from: the manufacturer was accurate and substantiated, Adam began to take the

supplements as part of his training regime.

Adam tested positive for

19-Norandrosterone (a prohibited anabolic
Alcohol consumption is harmful as it
agent) and the only explanation Adam could
affects training and performance in several
comprehend was that the positive test was
ways, such as:
attributable to the supplements that he was
taking. Adam was banned for two years from
• reducing muscle force production
• decreasing muscle strength and power
• altering the transport, activation,
utilisation and storage of most nutrients
• causing dehydration which may persist
long after alcohol consumption -
dehydration impairs performance
• altering protein and carbohydrate
metabolism, increasing metabolic rate
and oxygen consumption
• impairing recovery from injury and micro-tissue damage associated with training
• impairing the functioning of the central nervous system, co-ordination and

23 Rugby Ready / Lifestyle

Drugs Therapeutic Use Exemption
Doping control plays an essential part in promoting and Rugby has a process to provide a player
protecting doping free Rugby. World Rugby operates a zero with authorisation to use a prohibited
tolerance policy to doping in Rugby. As a player you are substance or method to treat a legitimate
solely responsible for any prohibited substances found to medical condition or illness whilst
be present in your body. It is not necessary that intent or continuing to play Rugby. More
fault on your part be shown in order for an anti-doping rule information on TUEs can be found at:
violation to be established. This is known as the ‘strict
liability’ principle.
Drug testing procedures
Prohibited List If you are ever selected for testing you should know what is
The Prohibited List is updated annually by the World Anti Doping involved and what rights and responsibilities you have.
Agency (WADA) and defines what substances and methods are
prohibited in Rugby. The current Prohibited List can be
downloaded from the World Rugby’s anti-doping web site at:

Medications and dietary supplements

Players who are taking any medication, prescribed or otherwise,
or dietary supplement, should be certain it does not contain a
prohibited substance. To check the ingredients of specific
substances, the Global Drug Reference Online at may be of assistance, but only for products
purchased in Canada, the UK or the USA. If in doubt, or for any
other country, contact your National Anti-Doping Organisation.

Always advise your doctor or

pharmacist before you are
prescribed a You can read more information which explains the doping
medication control process at:
that you may
be subject to ‘Social’ drugs – Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy,
drug testing. Amphetamines
Cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines are all prohibited
The biggest risk substances and players who return a positive sample for any of
associated with the them may be subject to sanctions with a starting point of a two-
use of dietary supplements is year ban from all sport.
cross contamination or lacing with substances that are
prohibited. A product could contain ingredients that are also not The residue for all of these substances can be detected in the
listed on the label which are prohibited. A product should only be body for days after they were taken, and in the case of cannabis,
used where the nutritional review and supplementation process sometimes weeks.
is controlled and individually monitored by appropriately
qualified medical practitioners or nutritionists. For more information on the effects of these
substances visit:

24 Rugby Ready / Lifestyle


Understanding the warm-up is a vitally important first step for any player to become Rugby Ready. The aims of the warm-up
are to prepare the players to perform effectively and efficiently, and to reduce the risk of injury.

The warm-up should last between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the activity to follow. It
must be versatile enough to be adaptable to meet the requirements of a competitive match
or a training session. The warm-up should start off at low intensity, with a gradual progression
through a series of movements from a general and simple level to a more specific and higher
intensity level. This will enable the players to prepare muscles and joints to move at the
appropriate speed and with the range of motion that is required by the following session or

The key benefits of the warm-up are:

• to raise the temperature of the body so that muscles become more elastic and thus
movements are more efficient
• to stimulate the heart and lungs so that the pulse and breathing rates are increased
• to activate the relevant muscle groups
• to improve reaction speed by stimulating the nervous system
• to improve co-ordination
• to enable the players to prepare mentally.

The warm-up has three distinct phases:

1. General mobility

Begin the warm-up with some light jogging / fun activities to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing, moving on to some basic
movements to loosen up the muscles and increase joint mobility. Use dynamic stretches in the warm-up as static stretches may be
counter-productive, because they might reduce power output and relax the player as opposed to improving physical readiness and
sharpening mental awareness.

Below are some examples of exercises which can be completed during the general mobility
section. The reps and time spent completing the exercises will vary depending on the players’
experience and the content of the session or match to follow.

Squat as low as possible while maintaining a straight back. Squat to a slow and controlled
tempo. Look straight ahead. Keep your heels on the ground throughout the exercise. A variation
option would be to hold a ball above the head.

25 Rugby Ready / Warm-up

Lunge twist
Step forward and bend your back knee. Keep your back straight and perpendicular to the ground. Don't let your front knee go past your
toes. Twist to the left and right in a controlled manner. Step forward with the rear leg so it lands level with the front leg. Repeat same
movement starting with the opposite leg.

Standing lateral lunge

Step to the left, bending your left knee and keeping your right leg straight. Return to the upright position, and perform the same
movement on the opposite side. Keep your back straight throughout.

Back slaps
Start with arms fully extended behind. Swing the arms forwards, crossing them over to complete the back slap. Return to start position
and repeat, alternating the top arm each time.

26 Rugby Ready / Warm-up

2. Transit mobility

The next stage of the warm-up increases the level of intensity and focuses more on transit movements that require the player to travel
a greater distance. Use dynamic stretches as shown here, not static stretches, at this stage.

Below are some examples of exercises which can be completed during the transit mobility section. The reps and time spent
completing the exercises will vary depending on the players’ experience and the content of the session or match to follow.

Walking lunge

This is an excellent exercise for the hip and buttock muscles. It also prepares the groin, quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Keep the
chest high and back flat, whilst keeping the head still and chin off the chest. The movement begins by standing with the feet together
and by taking a stride with a high knee that is long enough to stretch the hip and hamstrings but not so deep that balance is lost. Don't
let your front knee go past your toes. Bring your rear foot forward to land beside your front foot. Repeat with the opposite leg. A
variation option would be to hold a ball above the head.

Walking carioca

Walk sideways by placing your right foot across the front of the body until it is past the left foot. Place the weight of your body on the
right foot and pull your left foot past your right foot. Place your right foot behind your body and past your left foot. Pull your body
sideways with your right foot and place your left foot past your right. Complete above for a set distance and complete facing both

27 Rugby Ready / Warm-up

Walking high knee stretch
This is a good starting drill as it stretches the muscles of the hips and buttocks. Keep the chest high and spread wide, whilst focusing on
pulling shoulder blades down and drawing them together. Step forward and grasp the shin of the opposite leg and pull the knee to the
chest. Focus on extending the supporting leg and raise up onto the toes. This will also prepare the muscles of the foot and ankle joint.

Quad stretch / kicks

Raise one leg from the ground in a stable and controlled manner. Kick the leg straight up so you feel a stretch on the front of your thigh.
Repeat the same movement with the opposite leg.

28 Rugby Ready / Warm-up

3. Skill preparation

The warm-up can be used not only to prepare the player for the session but also to develop the player’s skills at the same time.
Coaches should integrate a technical element into the warm-up which relates to the main focus of the session.

Players can work in pairs or in small groups focusing on the skills which will be required in the session, e.g., scrum, lineout, tackle, etc.

Good posture

Poor posture

29 Rugby Ready / Warm-up

Principles of play

Rugby is an invasion and evasion game; once possession has been gained, the objective is to move the ball forward (by
carrying or kicking) into opposition territory and ultimately to score points. It is important for everyone to understand the
fundamental principles of play and how they relate to the skills required to play the Game.

The principles of play Foul play

possession Foul play is anything a person does
within the playing enclosure that is

Score against the letter and spirit of the Laws

points of the Game. It includes:

• Obstruction
Go • Unfair play
forward • Repeated infringements
Apply • Dangerous play
• Misconduct

Any form of foul play must be dealt with

quickly and firmly by the referee.

Remember - we all have a collective responsibility to ensure that the unique spirit and ethos of the Game are upheld and
that we take a responsible attitude towards the welfare of ourselves and others.

The following sections offer some best practice guidelines for players, coaches and match officials to introduce, develop and
execute the skills of Rugby in a safe manner so as to minimise the risk of injury.


• Use conditioned games to build confidence, progress in a View video examples at:
safe manner and develop players’ decision-making skills
• Observe and analyse players to highlight good practice and
• Protect the space for players to use
identify faults
• Ensure the Game is played in a safe and enjoyable
• Provide positive and constructive feedback to improve
• Use advantage wherever possible

30 Rugby Ready / Principles of play

Open field play


Rugby is an invasion and evasion game: once possession has been gained, the objective is to move the ball forward (by
carrying or kicking) into opposition territory and ultimately to score points.

The most effective way of moving the ball forward is for the ball carrier to avoid contact by running forwards into space or passing
backwards to a team mate.

Contact is, however, inevitable at some point in open play. Using the correct techniques can help retain possession, continue the attack
and minimise the chance of injury.


• Look to evade the defender first - aim for the space around the defender, not the defender’s body 1 2

If contact is unavoidable:

• Avoid head-on tackles by attacking the space and using evasive

footwork 2
• Keep the ball in both hands 2 3
• Prepare for contact by adopting a strong and stable body position 3
• Force the tackler to make a side-on tackle 3
• Try to stay on your feet 3
• Maintain your momentum using a strong leg drive 3
• Try to pass out of the contact 4

2 3 4

31 Rugby Ready / Open field play

During contact
If held by an opponent and brought to ground: If held by an opponent but not brought to ground:

• You have been tackled; see also the tackle section • You have not been tackled; maintain a strong body position
• Try to pass to support on landing 5 and forward momentum through leg drive 6
• If unable to pass to support, present the ball • Brace for the arrival of additional tacklers and/or opposing
• If support players are unable to pick and go / pick and pass, a supporting players
ruck will form; see the ruck section • Look for arriving support 7
• Offload to a team mate if possible 8
If brought to ground but not held by an opponent: • If a supporting team mate binds on to you, a maul is formed;
see also the maul section
• You have not been tackled; get back to your feet and continue
with open play

5 6 7


View video examples at:
COACHING TIPS Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at:
• Ensure players are aware of and understand the principles
• Keep up with play
of play
• Protect the space for players to use
• Ensure players understand the importance of evasion and
• Keep a wide view of the field of play
attacking space rather than opting for contact
• Construct sessions to encourage evasion rather than Watch for:
contact skills • Players who charge or obstruct opponents who are not
• Use key points to improve the players’ invasion and near the ball (attackers and defenders)
evasion skills in a safe manner • Players who ‘clear out’ without legally joining the
• Avoid gender, size, age and experience mismatches when ruck/maul
introducing and developing skills • Players who ‘tackle’ without attempting to use the arms
• Focus on one or two key points at a time - don’t try to
coach too many key factors at once Check that:
• Tackler contact remains below the shoulder level
• Hand-offs are performed legally

32 Rugby Ready / Open field play

The tackle


A tackle is used by the defending team to stop the attacking team moving forward and is an opportunity for the defending team to
contest for possession of the ball. Competence in tackling and taking a tackle is critical in developing a safer and more enjoyable game.
Recent studies from Australia and the UK have shown that 58% of injuries result from tackle situations, so it is essential that this aspect
of the Game must be must be coached, performed and refereed with due care and attention, with good technique and safe,
appropriate practice paramount. This will enable players to become confident and competent in the tackle.

A tackle occurs when the ball carrier is held by one or more opponents and is brought to the ground.

KEY POINTS Player safety research for

FOR PLAYERS the tackle tells us that:

• 55-60 % of injuries in
Key points for players in every tackle situation
adult Rugby result from
Tackler - contact with opponent(s) the tackle
• Poor head position will
• ‘Eyes up’ looking at the ball carrier to keep head in correct position
cause head and neck
• Track the movement of the ball carrier, and get the feet close enough to make the tackle
injuries - in adult Rugby,
• Prepare for contact – adopt a body position that is strong, stable and low
72% of all concussion
• Position the head behind or to one side of the ball carrier - never position the head in front of the
injuries are sustained in
ball carrier
the tackle, and in junior
• Use the arms to ‘wrap’ around the ball carrier
Rugby, the head is one of
• Release the tackled player, get back to your feet immediately and contest for possession
the commonest body
parts injured
Ball carrier - contact with ground
• Collisions are 70% more
• Carry the ball in both hands likely to result in an injury
• Protect the ball - hold it tight to your chest with elbows in to your sides than a legal tackle
• Make contact with the ground with the buttocks and then shoulder
• Don’t break your fall with your hand or the ball
• Turn towards your team and pass, place or present the ball
• Get back to your feet as soon as possible

For specific key points, see the individual tackle types below.

33 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Shoulder tackle - front-on
• ‘Eyes up’ looking at the ball carrier to keep head in correct position
• Maintain strong, stable and low body position 1
• Target and make contact with the shoulder on the ball carrier’s thighs 2
• Squeeze the arms tight around the ball carrier’s legs while driving with the legs 3
• Continue the leg drive to bring the ball carrier to ground 4
• Release the ball carrier 5
• Get back to feet quickly 6
• Contest for possession 7

1 2 3

4 5 6

34 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Shoulder tackle - side-on
• ‘Eyes up’ looking at the ball carrier to keep head in correct position
• Maintain strong, stable and low body position 1
• Target and make contact with the shoulder on the ball carrier’s thighs 2
• Squeeze the arms tight around the ball carrier’s legs, drive with the legs and bring the ball carrier to ground 3
• Roll to finish on top 4
• Release the ball carrier and get back to feet quickly 5
• Contest for possession 6

1 2

3 4

5 6

35 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Smother tackle
• Plant lead foot close to attacker 1
• Target the ball which should be between waist and chest height 2
• Try to wrap both arms around the ball carrier and in doing so trap the ball carrier’s arms and the ball 3
• Drive forward after contact 4
• Bring the ball carrier to the ground 5

1 2

3 4

36 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Tap tackle
• Chase the ball carrier until within diving distance Unless the ball carrier is held after being brought to
• Dive and make contact with the ball carrier’s feet or ground, then in Law, a tackle has not been made and the
ankles with an outstretched arm 1 referee will allow open play to continue.
• Keep the head away from the ball carrier’s feet 2

1 2

Tackles involving more than one tackler

• First tackler should follow the key points for the front-on shoulder tackle
• Second tackler should follow the key points for the smother tackle
• Try to communicate with the other tackler and act simultaneously
• Both players should release the tackled player as soon as possible, get back to their feet and compete for the ball

Nearly half of all tackles involve more than one tackler. The double tackle is rarely planned and is difficult to
coach. It is not encouraged, particularly among young players.

37 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Tackle from behind
• Chase the ball carrier until within tackling distance
• Wrap the arms around the hips/legs of the ball carrier 1
• With the head to the side, make contact with the shoulder and pull the arms inward 1
• Squeeze the arms tight and slide down the ball carrier’s body (remembering to keep the head to one side) until the ball carrier is
taken to the floor and finish on top 2 3

1 2

38 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Tackling in a dangerous manner
All players are responsible for their actions when tackling a ball carrier and, as such, a tackler must NOT ‘tackle’ an opponent in a
dangerous manner. Examples of dangerous ‘tackles’ include:

High contact - ‘Tackling’ above the line of the shoulders, In the air - ‘Tackling’ a player whose feet are off the ground
especially around the neck or head

Spear/tip tackle - Lifting a ball carrier (opponent) from the Late (ball gone) - ‘Tackling’ a player after a pass is made
ground and dropping that player (tipping) or driving that player
(spear) onto the ground so they land on their upper body, neck
or head

Early - ‘Tackling’ a player without the ball Charging - ‘Tackling’ a ball carrier without attempting to grasp
that player using hands/arms

39 Rugby Ready / The tackle

Arriving players
• All arriving players must enter the tackle area through the gate (see page 41)
• Only players on their feet may compete for the ball
• Keep shoulders above hips
• Players arriving at an attempted but incomplete tackle:
- maintain a strong, stable and low body position
- use the arms to grasp ball carrier
- avoid contact with other players’ heads and necks
- bring the ball carrier safely to the ground
• If clearing or driving out defenders:
- maintain a strong, stable and low body position
- ‘eyes up’ - sight the target, chin off the chest
- keep the spine in line with the direction of drive
- start the drive from a low body position
- make contact with defender using the shoulder and arms, not the head
- close arms around opponent
- drive the player away and clear the ball
- bind with a team mate to improve stability

How the tackle gate forms

During the tackle, both players should attempt to rotate to face their own team mates.

Red team Red team

Blue team Blue team

Before contact Tackle completed

40 Rugby Ready / The tackle

The tackle gate

Red players must join from here

No player No player
may join may join
from here from here

Blue players must join from here

41 Rugby Ready / The tackle


Poorly executed tackles tend to be the result of poor positioning by the tackler rather than poor tackle technique. Correct
positioning can and should be practised. It involves the tackler closing down the ball carrier’s space and then establishing
balance and stability before stepping in close with the lead foot to allow shoulder and arm contact, which should then allow
leg drive in the tackle.

• Use the key points to improve the players’ tackle skills in a safe manner
• Emphasise the legal requirements in the tackle regarding use of arms (see the earlier section on dangerous tackles)
• Focus on one or two key points at a time - don’t try to coach too many key factors at once
• Observe and analyse players to highlight good practice and correct faults
• Provide positive and constructive feedback to improve players
• Construct coaching sessions to encourage progressive development, and build confidence
• An example of the tackle progression for the side-on tackle is as follows:
- Ball carrier kneel - tackler kneel (only for side-on tackle to demonstrate head position)
- Ball carrier stand - tackler kneel (encourage leg drive)
- Ball carrier walk - tackler on one knee
- Ball carrier stand - tackler squat
- Ball carrier walk - tackler squat
- Ball carrier walk - tackler walk
- Ball carrier run - tackler run
• Avoid gender, size, age and experience mismatches when introducing and developing skills
• Ensure players practise in sufficient space to avoid accidental collisions with unseen players

View video examples at

REFEREE TIPS Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at

Check that:
• The tackle is made below the shoulder line
• The tackler uses the arms to grab and hold the ball carrier
• If the ball carrier is lifted off the ground, they are brought back to ground safely
• The tackler releases the tackled player
• The tackled player passes, places or releases the ball immediately
• Both players get to their feet
• Arriving players enter the tackle zone through the correct gate
• Arriving players remain on their feet

Watch for:
• Illegal and/or dangerous acts, which are not tackles (see the earlier section on dangerous tackles)
• Players who charge or obstruct opponents who are not near the ball
• Tackles making contact with the head or neck or which might cause damage to the neck or head - these MUST be strictly dealt with

42 Rugby Ready / The tackle

The ruck


A ruck typically evolves from a tackle situation and can develop into an effective method of retaining or contesting possession. A ruck
can commit defenders, therefore creating an opportunity to create space. On formation of the ruck, offside lines are created.


A ruck is a phase of play where one or more players from each team, who are on their feet, in physical contact, close around the ball on
the ground. Open play has ended.


• Use conditioned games to develop support players’ decision-making skills

• Practise and re-practise all contact skills
• Use opposition progressively, e.g., touch, ruck touch, defenders with bags, full contact
• Ensure all players maintain a strong body shape throughout the contact and emphasise the need to stay on their feet and be able to
support their body weight at all times
• Ensure all players are aware of the Laws governing the ruck, especially those relating to safety
• Coaches should not coach and/or encourage ‘squeeze ball’ due to the risk of injury. At levels below U19, it is also an illegal

View video examples at:

REFEREE TIPS Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at:

Check that: • Players who intentionally jump on top of a ruck

• Players joining the ruck do so from behind the feet of the • Players attempting to gain possession using their hands
hindmost player and by binding onto a team-mate • Players charging into rucks without binding
• Players are on their feet when joining the ruck and remain on • Players clearing out opponents who are not part of the ruck
their feet until the ruck has ended • Players who are not participating in the ruck breaking their
• Players keep their shoulders above their hips offside line
• Players lifting opponents out of the ruck
Watch for:
• Players intentionally falling to the ground over the ball
• Rucking of the player rather than the ball

43 Rugby Ready / The ruck


• After the tackle, the ball carrier should present the ball quickly, with both hands, as far away from the opposition as possible 1 2
• Arriving players should adopt a strong, stable body position, with head and shoulders above hips at all times, ‘eyes up’ and make
contact by binding on a player using the whole arm as they join the ruck 2
• Join the ruck from behind the foot of the hindmost team-mate in the ruck; this represents the offside line 3
• Support players must bind onto team-mates and drive over and, if appropriate, past the ball. When the ball leaves the ruck, the
nearest support player should play the ball 3 4 5
• Players who leave the ruck must immediately retire behind their offside line
• All players at a ruck must remain on the their feet and support their own body weight

1 2

3 4

Player safety research for the ruck tells us that:

• ‘Eyes up’ to keep head and neck in a good position

• Keep head and shoulders above hips at all times
• Make contact by binding on a player using the whole
• ‘Squeeze ball’ is a potentially dangerous technique. It
is not permitted below U19 level and should be
discouraged in adults

44 Rugby Ready / The ruck

The maul


A maul typically evolves from a contact situation where the ball carrier is held by an opponent but is not brought to ground. It can
develop into an effective method of retaining or contesting possession. A maul can be a dynamic attacking platform which commits
defenders and therefore creates space to play. On formation of the maul, offside lines are created.


A maul begins when a player carrying the ball is held by one or more opponents, and one or more of the ball carrier’s team mates bind
on the ball carrier. A maul therefore consists, when it begins, of at least three players, all on their feet; the ball carrier and one player
from each team. All players involved must be caught in or bound to the maul and must be on their feet and moving towards a goal line.
Open play has ended.


• Use conditioned games to develop support players’ decision-making skills

• Practise and re-practise all contact skills
• Use opposition progressively: e.g., touch, maul touch, defenders with bags, full contact
• Ensure all players maintain a strong body shape throughout the contact and emphasise joining the maul legally by binding onto a
• Ensure all players are aware of the Laws governing the maul, especially those relating to safety; players in defence must be
encouraged to remain on their feet at all times and not illegally ‘pull down’ a maul

View video examples at:

REFEREE TIPS Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at:

Check that: Watch for:

• The ball carrier remains fully bound • Players who drag opponents out of a maul
• Players joining the maul do so from behind the feet of the • Players who try to collapse the maul
hindmost player and by binding onto a team-mate • Players charging into the maul
• Players who are not participating in the maul remain behind • Players lifting opponents in the maul
their offside line

45 Rugby Ready / The maul


• Maintain forward momentum and make the ball available to your team mates 1
• First arriving support player attempt to secure possession by ripping the ball free or driving beyond the ball 2
• Subsequent support (second and third arriving players) bind onto the ball carrier and maintain forward
momentum 3
• Heads and shoulders should be no lower than hips and all players must be bound 3 4
• All support players must conform to basic safety key factors:
- Adopt a strong and stable body position,
- Keep the spine in line with the direction of drive
- Drive from low to high
- Bind onto team mate making contact using the shoulder and arm
- Remain on your feet at all times while driving forward
• Drive forward in a balanced formation 3
• When additional support arrives, move the ball further back from opposition 4
• Once the ball is at the back, the ball carrier can either continue driving, leave the maul or pass to a team mate 4 5

1 2

3 4

Player safety research for the maul tells us
that players should:

• have the ‘eyes up’ to keep head and neck in a

good position
• keep head and shoulders above hips at all
• make contact by binding on a player using
the whole arm

46 Rugby Ready / The maul

The scrum


The scrum is a restart of the game that takes place after a minor infringement such as a forward pass. It is a physical contest for
possession and therefore, as with any contact, safety must be a prime consideration. Players, coaches and referees all have a
responsibility to ensure the scrum is fair, competitive and safe. It is imperative that all players understand the correct techniques for
their position and collaborate with their opponents to stay on their feet.

In the scrum, the non-offending team has the advantage of throwing the ball in, usually from the left hand side of the scrum. The
defending side has the opportunity to regain possession by either trying to hook the ball on the throw-in, or by driving the attacking
team back over the ball.

The scrum restarts the match and open play follows when the ball emerges from the scrum.


A scrum is formed in the field of play when eight players from each team, bound together in three rows for each team, close up with
their opponents so that the heads of the front rows are interlocked. This creates a tunnel into which a scrum half throws in the ball so
that front row players can compete for possession by hooking the ball with either of their feet.

View video examples at:

REFEREE TIPS Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at:

Before the match: • Check correct binding

• Check that all front row players are suitably trained for the level • Ensure the ball is thrown in straight down the tunnel
of the game • If the scrum becomes unstable, blow the whistle early and
• Speak to the front row forwards and scrum halves to explain loudly
the sequence of the engagement process • Ensure the defending side does not illegally disrupt possession
• Ensure players not in the scrum remain onside
At the scrum: • If you have any safety doubts, go to uncontested scrums
• Be directive throughout the process
• Ensure both packs are ready before initiating the engagement
• Ensure neither front row is driving down or have their shoulders
below their hips

47 Rugby Ready / The scrum

Scrum Ready
The starting point is to understand the individual body shape Players should NOT play in the scrum until they are Scrum
required of all participants. Players must adopt and maintain a Ready.
strong and stable body position throughout the process.
In the images on the following pages, the player in red is the
Players should progress to the next stage only when they can player going through the Scrum Ready process.
demonstrate competence at each stage of the process as
defined below. Advice offered for each stage holds true for subsequent stages.

START - Can the player demonstrate

and maintain a safe scrummaging

1 ...solo with no opposition - on knees?

2 ...solo with no opposition - on feet?

3 ...solo against a machine / tackle shield?

If NO,
4 a 1 v 1?
required -
player NOT
5 a 3 v 3? ready to play
in scrum a prop with a second row and Return to

6 flanker against a machine? start of
process a second row or flanker supporting
7 a prop against a machine?

8 a 5-player scrum against a machine?

9 a 5 v 5? a 8 v 8 against opposition

10 (or machine if numbers are low)?

FINISH - Player is Scrum Ready

48 Rugby Ready / The scrum

1 Solo with no opposition - on knees


Player safety research for the scrum tells

us that:

• The propensity for injury (risk per

scrum event) has been rated as the
highest for all contact events studied
• Reductions in scrum-related spinal
injuries have been achieved through
the introduction of compulsory injury
prevention programmes
• A mismatch in skill, experience or
strength has been identified as a risk
factor for injury in the scrum, with
evidence of a mismatch of some type
in 25% of all scrum injuries
• Lack of experience of playing in the
front row has been highlighted as a risk
factor for injury and attributed in
around 40% of scrum injuries
• Several studies have identified that up
to 50% of scrummaging injuries occur
during the engagement phase


• Head in neutral position

• Shoulder blades back
• Chest out
• Chest ahead of the knees
• Tight core (stomach muscles clenched)
• Hips tilted (bum pointing out/up)


• Encourage all scrum players to strengthen the neck and shoulder areas
during training
• Observe and analyse player's body position before, during and after
engagement and correct technique accordingly

49 Rugby Ready / The scrum

2 Solo with no opposition - on feet



• Knees slightly bent • Ensure that all players are wearing suitable footwear
• Feet shoulder-width apart and pointing forwards for the playing surface and conditions
• Weight on balls of feet


• Ensure that all players are wearing suitable footwear for the playing surface and conditions

50 Rugby Ready / The scrum

3 Solo against a machine / tackle shield


1 2


• On engagement work hard to maintain a safe, strong • Practise using the correct engagement sequence
and stable body position whilst binding safely to the • Ensure backs are flat and heads are in a neutral
machine position. If the head is down, the body will follow. If the
head is too high, there is the risk of impacting the head
on the opposition shoulder, thereby putting stress on
the neck


• Practise using the correct engagement sequence

51 Rugby Ready / The scrum

4 In a 1 v 1


1 2


• Aim to position ‘ear to ear’ with opponent at crouch stage • Ensure players bind legally
• Engage after following the correct sequence and only
after the referee’s command
• Form a legal bind with opponent
• On engagement work hard to maintain a safe, strong
and stable body position REFEREE TIPS

• Ensure players are aware of the correct engagement

• Look out for illegal binding

52 Rugby Ready / The scrum

5 In a 3 v 3


1 2

3 4


• Form a legal bind with team mates and opponents • Ensure players bind legally to team mates and
• Do not push until the ball is in opponents

53 Rugby Ready / The scrum

6 As a prop with a second row and flanker against machine


1 2

3 4


• Form a safe bind with machine

54 Rugby Ready / The scrum

7 As a second row or flanker supporting a prop against a machine


1 2

3 4

55 Rugby Ready / The scrum

8 In a 5-player scrum against a machine


1 2

3 4

56 Rugby Ready / The scrum

9 In a 5 v 5


1 2

3 4

5 6

57 Rugby Ready / The scrum

In a 8 v 8 against opposition
10 (or against machine if numbers are low)


1 2

3 4

58 Rugby Ready / The scrum

The lineout


The lineout is a means of restarting the game after the ball, or a player carrying the ball, crosses the touchline. The opponents of the
team who last held or touched the ball, prior to it going out of play, throw the ball into the lineout. To win possession, any player in the
lineout can jump for the ball, supported in the jump by two team mates. The team throwing in the ball has the advantage since they
can call a code that alerts their team mates to the destination of the throw. After the ball is caught, the ball can be passed to the scrum
half for further distribution or a maul can develop. The option chosen may depend on field position. The age at which players may be
supported can vary per Union. All should make themselves aware of the differences.


The purpose of the lineout is to restart play quickly, safely and fairly, after the ball has gone into touch, using a throw-in between two
lines of players.


• Use progressions to ensure safety Check that:

• Start with support players lifting rucking pads and tackle bags • The lineout is formed with two straight lines, each 0.5m
to build technique and coordination from the mark
• Ensure support players are using the legs rather than the • The ball is thrown in straight between the two lines
back to support the jumper • Jumpers are correctly supported in the lineout and
• Work with jumpers to ensure they maintain a strong, long brought safely back to the ground (players not being
body position throughout the jump abandoned in mid air).
• Focus on developing the speed and coordination of each • Players not participating in the lineout retire behind the
jumper/support group 10-metre offside line
• Ensure the thrower practises individual skill
Watch for:
• Challenge the jumper to perform different distribution
• Players intentionally destabilising players in the air
options after the catch
• Players destabilising the support players who are holding
players in the air
• Players closing the space between the two lines illegally
• Players who lever on an opponent
• Players holding or shoving an opponent
• Players illegally charging an opponent
• Support players moving to obstruct the opposition

59 Rugby Ready / The lineout


1 2 3

General points 3 4 5

• All players should ideally be able to be jumpers and supporters

• Players can change roles (jumper/supporters) and position
during the lineout
• The performance of the thrower is key to a successful lineout
• Players must communicate to ensure a safe and effective

• Starting position:
- Chest and hands up 1
- Bend knees 2
• Explode upwards from a two-footed take off 3
• Move dynamically into a position from which you can easily be
supported 4 7
• Maintain a long body shape (brace by squeezing butt cheeks)
to ensure that both jumper and support players can maintain
control 5
• Sight ball through hands as you extend arms to
catch 5
• Communicate with your support players to manage your safe
return to the ground 6
• Make a two-footed landing and bend at the knees 7

Lineout safety:

• Players must not do anything to intentionally destabilise a player in the air

• Players must not do anything to intentionally destabilise a player who is supporting a player in the air
• Support players are responsible for the players in the air and bringing them to ground safely

60 Rugby Ready / The lineout

Support players 1

• Move with the jumper into space

• Form a stable, wide base, with feet shoulder width apart 1
• Adopt a squat position with a flat back, bend at the knees and keep the
chest up 2 3 4 5
• Grip with palms towards jumper and fingers open 6 7 8 9

2 3

4 5

6 7 8 9

Front lifter Back lifter

61 Rugby Ready / The lineout

10 11 Support players (continued)
• Support the jumper with leg drive and
locked arms 10 11 12 13
• Push together on the jumper to support the
jumper 10 11 12 13
• Ensure the jumper is returned to the ground
safely and under control without moving
into a position which obstructs/blocks the
opposition 14 15 16

12 13 14

15 16

62 Rugby Ready / The lineout

Cool-down and recovery

During exercise, the body goes through a number of stressful processes. Muscle fibres, tendons and ligaments become damaged
and waste products build up in the body. An effective cool-down is necessary to enable the player to recover fully from the
activity. Players should take responsibility for their cool-down as well as their warm-up. It should be noted that it is just as
important for match officials as well as players to follow a safe and effective cool-down routine.

The cool-down has three distinct phases: Following a training session or match, try to get a good quality,
1. Gentle exercise uninterrupted eight hours of sleep.
2. Stretching
3. Re-fuel Below are some examples of static stretching where the player
holds each stretch for 10-30 seconds, for 2 or 3 times on each
Cool-down routine limb. Some of the important stretches are for the hamstring,
Some players might be new to the sport. Coaches should ensure calf, hip flexor, quad and shoulder.
there is a cool-down routine available for players, and that they
follow a safe and effective cool-down routine. Hamstring stretch 1
Bend your rear leg, and keep your front leg straight. Keep your
Five minutes of gentle exercise like light aerobic exercise in the back straight and lean towards the straight leg.
form of jogging and walking with a combination of upper body
drills such as low impact arm swings, shoulder circles, rolls and
back slaps will assist the player in cooling down. 1

This process will gradually help the heart rate to return to a

normal, resting pulse rate. This will in turn prevent the pooling of
blood in the limbs and reduce feelings of fatigue.

Deep breathing should be included in the cool-down to help the

body recover by oxygenating the system.

Follow with 5-10 minutes of static stretches. This will help the
joints and muscles return to their normal length and function,
thereby accelerating the recovery process. Using static
stretching in the cool-down will increase flexibility and may
reduce the risk of injury in future exercise or game situations.

Part of a good recovery includes ensuring you re-hydrate well.

Plain water not ideal as it tends to encourage urination; milk
shake or milk is ideal. Re-fuel by eating within 60 minutes of
activity (ideally a meal high in carbohydrate and a moderate
amount of protein). A post-match recovery should also involve
light activity (light cycling/jogging for 20 minutes and stretching
the day after activity).

63 Rugby Ready / Cool-down and recovery

Quad stretch 2 Lat stretch 4
In a standing position, hold one of your legs with your hand on In a kneeling position, reach forward with both arms. Slowly
the same side. Keep your back straight and both knees in line. lower your shoulders to the ground until you feel a stretch.

2 4

Calf stretch 5
Go into a sprinter’s start position with both knees bent. Slowly
straighten the rear leg and lower the heel to the ground until you
Hip flexor stretch 3 feel a stretch.
In a kneeling position, raise the arm on the same side as the
kneeling leg. Slowly push your hip forward until you feel a
stretch. 5

64 Rugby Ready / Cool-down and recovery

Injury management

Injuries are a part of any contact sport. Serious or life threatening injury in Rugby is, however, rare. The outcome of many injuries
can often be improved by very simple first aid skills until emergency help arrives. For the majority of the Rugby-playing world,
there is little qualified medical support available pitch side. Thus, first aid responsibility may fall to club officials, coaches, players,
parents, or referees.

Often when faced with an injury, the issue is what not to do World Rugby recommends that there is an appropriate level of
rather than what to do, i.e., ‘do no further harm’. Many things first aid cover at every game and training session. World Rugby
improve with a little bit of time and, commonly, taking control of provides different levels of training and more details can be
a situation and preventing panic is all that is needed until the found at
player improves or more experienced help arrives. In certain
circumstances, simple measures such as protecting the head The general principles of looking after an injured player are:
and neck, ensuring an open airway or supporting an injured limb
are often all that is needed in the immediate stages of injury 1. Do no further harm
management. 2. Take control
3. Avoid unnecessary movement
There are, of course, some conditions where the idea of simply 4. Speak to the player
supporting the player and waiting will be the wrong thing to do, 5. Call for help if needed
e.g. cardiac arrest. These, while rare, do occur and are one 6. Ensure more experienced help is on the way
reason for ensuring there is trained first aid support available at 7. Recognise when you need to do more which may include
games and training. calling an ambulance

First Aid in Rugby

Know how to respond

Take control of the situation. All stakeholders - coaches, referees, parents, and anyone else involved
Preventing panic until the player improves or more experienced help in the Game - should undertake at least basic first aid training
arrives is fundamental to looking after an injured player.

65 Rugby Ready / Injury management

For non-life-threatening and non-limb-threatening injuries

Assess the player on the field of play using the TOTAPS system.

Steps Assessment Action

Talk What happened? Where does it hurt?

Look at the injured area. Is it different from the other

Observe If swollen or there is a deformity, call first aider.
side (swollen, deformity, different colour, etc)?

Touch Feel for swelling, tenderness and pain. If tender to touch, call first aider.

Active Ask the player to move the injured part without If unable to move or painful to move, call first aider, and
movement assistance. remove from the field (non weight-bearing).

Passive If the player moves the injured part actively, then If unable to do so or painful, the player should be
movement carefully move it through a full range of movement. removed from the field (non weight-bearing).

If the active and passive movements did not produce

If unable to do so, the player should be removed from the
Skill test pain, ask the player to stand and see if lower limb is fully
field (non weight-bearing).
weight-bearing and he/she can walk.

When treating a bleeding player, gloves should be worn to protect the player and the first-aider from possible transmission of blood-
borne diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Blood must not be transferred from one player to another. Any items that have been
contaminated by blood must be sealed in a plastic bag and discarded appropriately.

Major bleeding must be treated as soon as possible to reduce the flow of blood, as this may be enough to preserve a life. Apply direct
pressure to a wound first and only apply indirect pressure if this is not possible. Arrange urgent transport to a hospital or doctor’s surgery.


Visit World Rugby’s Law Education web site at

• Check who the first aider is covering the game and

where they will be located
• Confirm any signals to be used
• If a player is injured and continuation of play would be
dangerous, the referee must stop play
• Players must not wear any items of clothing that are
contaminated by blood
• Players who have an open or bleeding wound must
leave the playing area and must not return until the
bleeding is controlled and the wound has been

66 Rugby Ready / Injury management

Soft tissue injuries
Soft tissue injuries are typically ligament sprains and muscle strains, tears and bruises. They should be treated using the method known

Once an injury has occurred, it is of vital importance that the injured area and the player are protected
from further injury. Failure to do so can exacerbate the problem and delay healing.
Protect • Abrasions / lacerations should be covered
• The injured joint should be supported by taping or bracing
• Weight-bearing should be avoided

Adequate rest to enable tissue healing and repair is vital for any injury. Remember - if it hurts, it is
Rest probably not good for the injury. Don’t put any weight on the injured part of the body.

Application of ice to an injury helps prevent bleeding and further swelling. Regular use of crushed ice in a
damp towel is helpful in shortening recovery time and decreasing pain in the interim. Apply ice to the
Ice injury for 20 minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours. Protection of the skin with petroleum jelly or oil
avoids unnecessary thermal injury.

Compression of a soft tissue injury prevents swelling and shortens recovery time. Compression using a
Compression firm bandage is effective. Ensure that bandaging is not so tight that it cuts off circulation or causes
tingling or pain past the bandage. Bandage the area between ice treatments.

Elevation Elevation of the affected area decreases swelling and pain.

Early diagnosis by an appropriately qualified health professional and correct management are the fastest
Diagnosis route to recovery. Consult a medical professional, especially if you are worried about the injury, the pain
or swelling gets worse or the pain or swelling has not gone down within 48 hours.

Ice helps to prevent bleeding and further swelling Elevation decreases swelling and pain

Once the injury has been diagnosed, avoid any element of HARM for 72 hours.

Heat Can increase bleeding and swelling and worsen pain and stiffness.

Alcohol Can increase bleeding and swelling as well as masking pain and the severity of the injury.

Running Rest is essential.

Massage Best avoided as it can increase bleeding and swelling, thereby delaying recovery.

67 Rugby Ready / Injury management

Concussion If a concussed player continues to Concussion Management
play, they will put themselves at
Concussion must be taken extremely seriously to safeguard risk of greater injury and they will
the short and long-term welfare of players. Although also let the team down because
commonly caused by a blow to the head, it can come from a they will have difficulty processing
blow to the body where the force of the collision is transmitted the game happening around
up to the brain. It is not always associated with loss of them.
Young players are more
Concussion has many different symptoms or signs and many of susceptible to rare and dangerous
Recognise and remove
these can be found in the World Rugby Concussion Guidelines at neurological complications, Common including death, caused by a
symptoms include poor concentration, memory loss and second impact in an already concussed or not fully recovered
balance difficulties. The Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool individual.
(shown below) may help with the recognition of concussion.
Anyone removed due to suspected concussion should be
If an athlete has a suspected concussion, he/she should be assessed by a health care professional. They should not be
removed from the field of play and not allowed to return. allowed to drive a motor vehicle. Return to play should follow a
graduated approach as described in the World Rugby
Concussion Guidelines.

Pocket CONCUSSION RECOGNITION TOOL™ 3. Memory function

To help identify concussion in children, youth and adults Failure to answer any of these questions correctly may suggest a

“What venue are we at today?”

“Which half is it now?”
“Who scored last in this game?”
“What team did you play last week / game?”
RECOGNIZE & REMOVE “Did your team win the last game?”
Concussion should be suspected if one or more of the following visible
clues,signs, symptoms or errors in memory questions are present. Any athlete with a suspected concussion should be IMMEDIATELY
REMOVED FROM PLAY, and should not be returned to activity until they
1. Visible clues of suspected concussion are assessed medically. Athletes with a suspected concussion should not
be left alone and should not drive a motor vehicle.
Any one or more of the following visual clues can indicate a possible
concussion: It is recommended that, in all cases of suspected concussion, the player
is referred to a medical professional for diagnosis and guidance as well
Loss of consciousness or responsiveness as return to play decisions, even if the symptoms resolve.
Lying motionless on ground / Slow to get up
Unsteady on feet / Balance problems or falling over / Incoordination
Grabbing / Clutching of head RED FLAGS
Dazed, blank or vacant look If ANY of the following are reported then the player should be
Confused / Not aware of plays or events safely and immediately removed from the field. If no qualified
medical professional is available, consider transporting by
2. Signs and symptoms of suspected concussion ambulance for urgent medical assessment:
Presence of any one or more of the following signs & symptoms may - Athlete complains of neck pain - Deteriorating conscious state
suggest a concussion: - Increasing confusion or irritability - Severe or increasing headache
- Repeated vomiting - Unusual behaviour change
- Loss of consciousness - Headache - Seizure or convulsion - Double vision
- Weakness or tingling / burning
- Seizure or convulsion - Dizziness
in arms or legs
- Balance problems - Confusion
- Nausea or vomiting - Feeling slowed down
- Drowsiness - “Pressure in head” Remember:
- More emotional - Blurred vision
- In all cases, the basic principles of first aid (danger, response, airway,
- Irritability - Sensitivity to light
breathing, circulation) should be followed.
- Sadness - Amnesia
- Do not attempt to move the player (other than required for airway
- Fatigue or low energy - Feeling like “in a fog“
support) unless trained to so do.
- Nervous or anxious - Neck pain
- Do not remove helmet (if present) unless trained to do so.
- “Don’t feel right” - Sensitivity to noise
- Difficulty remembering - Difficulty concentrating from McCrory et. al, Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport. Br J Sports Med
47 (5), 2013
© 2013 Concussion in Sport Group © 2013 Concussion in Sport Group

68 Rugby Ready / Injury management

Rehabilitation Injury reporting
Rehabilitation requires supervision and management by Clubs should maintain a record of injuries that occur. This will
appropriately trained medical staff, doctors, physiotherapists enable any patterns and common injuries to be identified and
and fitness advisors. The aim of rehabilitation is to restore the appropriate preventative actions to be taken.This will also
player to full fitness, which includes: provide a record in case of any enquiries or complaints that may
be made at a latter date.
• recovery of muscle strength
• restoration of a full range of movement in the joint
Where regions/provinces or Unions have injury reporting
• recovery of co-ordination and balance
systems, it is important that these are complied with. This type
• fitness maintained by exercises such as cycling and swimming
of information helps inform player welfare policy and training,
• when ready - the gradual introduction of Rugby-specific skills
such as Rugby Ready.
• contact drills followed by full contact.

If all these are achieved - return to play. The World Rugby Injury Report Form
can be downloaded from
Return to play
Players who return to play before full recovery place themselves
at significant risk of making the injury worse or developing
another injury. KEY POINTS
Players should only return to play once the coach, doctor or
physiotherapist has tested them to ensure that they are ready to
• Ensure you are fit to play - that you are not feeling
get back onto the field.
unwell, and have fully recovered from any injuries
• Ensure that you have covered any wounds
These returning players must once again demonstrate that they
• If you have any doubt seek advice from your health
are Rugby Ready. The tests should include similar fitness tests to
care provider
those used at the beginning of the season and Rugby skills and
movements that the players will perform in a game, e.g.,
tackling, sidestepping, jumping, etc.

Player profiling information should be used to compare

performances and see if players are once again Rugby Ready. If
players can demonstrate the same performance level as pre- COACHING TIPS
injury, then they are once again Rugby Ready.
• Do not select players who have not fully recovered
Normally, the best advice is, if it hurts, don’t play. from injury
• Know what the emergency plan is
• Ensure you have and appropriate level of first aid cover
for the game or training session
• Why not do a first aid course yourself?

Disclaimer The injury management information provided in this Rugby Ready product is intended as a tool to assist in the care and management of injured players.
It does not displace the benefit of having suitably qualified personnel available to treat injuries. World Rugby does not accept any responsibility or liability in negligence
or otherwise relation to the treatment, care or management of injured players.

69 Rugby Ready / Injury management


Everybody involved in organising and playing Rugby has a duty of care in relation to the players. The Rugby Ready programme is
intended to raise awareness of good practice and help stakeholders manage the inherent risks of a contact sport by putting
appropriate safeguards in place.

Now you’re Rugby Ready, stay Rugby Ready

All stakeholders have a collective responsibility to ensure the • Respect yourself, the opposition, the officials and the Laws of the
Game is played with a sense of fair play. Rugby is intensely Game
physical so players must be continuously taught the importance • Win with honour, lose with dignity
of discipline. That means that foul play, thuggery or referee abuse • Try to stay calm
must not be tolerated. All custodians of this great Game need to • The referee is in charge; show your support by playing fair and
promote fair play. respecting decisions

Screen and profile players before playing

Ensure equipment and environment are as safe as possible, and develop an emergency plan

Prepare players properly - physical conditioning, lifestyle, warm-up and cool-down

Teach and use appropriate techniques: stability, posture, tackle, scrum, lineout, ruck and maul

Foul play must not be tolerated

Know how to deal with any injuries and ensure players rehabilitate properly

For further information and downloads please go to

70 Rugby Ready / Summary


A number of people have contributed to the development of the Rugby Ready resources over the last seven years. The commitment
and professionalism of these people is gratefully acknowledged.

Editorial team: Mark Harrington (World Rugby), Jock Peggie (World Rugby) and Adam Pearson (Sport Development)

Original Authoring team: Steve Aboud (IRFU), Andy Henderson (Scottish Rugby), Will Feebery (RFU), and Brian O’Shea (World Rugby
Trainer, Australia). Thanks to Leinster Rugby Academy, Dr Conor McCarthy of IRFU, St. Mary’s College RFC, David Keane and Alan Rogan
(IRFU Referees), Rhys Thomas (WRU Referee), Skerries RFC, Hartpury College, Gloucester Girls Development Squad, Stuart Terheege
(RFU Referee)

2011 review team: Gerry Roberts (WRU), Jock Peggie (Scottish Rugby), Nick Scott (RFU), Norm Mottram (USA), Des Ryan (IRFU), Juan
Casajus (UAR), Xavier Torres Vouga (ABR), Sean Mallon (NRB), Mark Hammond (FitKit Pro), Dr Simon Kemp (RFU). Thanks to WRU
Centre of Excellence, Paul Williams & Geraint Kathrens & the lads from Neath and Port Talbot College

2014 review team: Neil Graham (Scottish Rugby), Dr Mike England (RFU), Sean Mallon (World Rugby Trainer, Netherlands),
Dr Colin Fuller (World Rugby Risk Management Consultant), Malcolm David (Singapore Rugby Union), Alejandro Degano (World
Rugby), Mike Luke (World Rugby), Rowly Williams (RFU), Des Ryan (World Rugby Trainer, Ireland). Thanks to Merchiston Castle School,
RHC Cougars and Bosman Du Plessis, Chris Lawson and Colin Brett (Scottish Rugby)

Selected photography courtesy of Getty Images

This Rugby Ready product has been developed in the context of the laws applying to accident and injury prevention and medical
practice in Ireland. World Rugby does not accept any responsibility or liability in negligence or otherwise for ensuring that local legal
requirements which may exist in any given territory in whatever form are complied with.
Do it right... be Rugby Ready

Copyright © World Rugby 2014. Permission is granted to reproduce this work for personal and educational use only. Copying,
hiring, lending or distribution of the work for any commercial purpose is prohibited.

World Rugby, World Rugby House, 8-10 Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel. +353-1-2409-200 Web.

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