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Development Controls

TLA - Total Lot Area

PSO - Percentage of Site Occupancy

- The part of the lot occupied by the building
- (A.K.A. building footprint expressed in %)

TOSL - Total Open Space within the Lot

- The part of the lot NOT occupied by the building


USA - Unpaved Surface Area

- The portion of the open space that is unpaved

ISA - Impervious Surface Area

- The portion of the open space that is paved

MACA – Maximum Allowable Construction Area

- The combined area of the building foot print and the paved open space

Since “open space” = TOSL,


– Hence, TLA = MACA + USA

AMBF - Allowable Maximum Building Footprint

- Footprint expressed in square meters

GFA - Gross Floor Area

- Total enclosed floor area (including balconies)
- Excludes the following enclosed areas:
- Parking, services, utilities
- Vertical penetrations in parking floors if not used for residential or commercial purposes
- Balconies exceeding 10sqm, uncovered areas, fire escape structures, etc.

TGFA - Total Gross Floor Area

- Includes all enclosed floor areas, no exceptions

AMVB - Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building

OFB - Outer Faces of the Building

FLAR - Floor to Lot Area Ratio

BHL – Building Height Limit

RROW – Road Right Of Way

Building Bulk
- A volume quantity

Building bulk = Footprint x Height

However, the Code prescribes several different methods for determining this quantity

Building bulk by AMBF projection

- Determine the AMBF
- Determine the BHL (in meters)
- AMBF x BHL = Building bulk

Building bulk from FLAR

- FLAR: Floor to lot area ratio
- Total floor area / lot area
- For example, a FLAR designation of 1.50 means that a lot measuring 100sqm may accommodate a
building whose total floor area is 150sqm.

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