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Sunshine School & College

First evaluation exam-2020

Subject: English
(Marks for individual items are mentioned next to the test items.)

Time – 3 Hours Full Marks: 100

Part-A: Seen Part (20)
Read the following text and answer questions 1 and 2.
Shamima started to tell us her story. Listening to her, we were stunned and at the same time our hearts
were filled with admiration for her. It was 1995, Shamima was 15 years old. She got promoted to class 8.
Shamima had all the dreams of an adolescent. She wanted to bring about a change in her life. She wanted
to see happiness in her family too. She knew she could fulfill her dream by completing her education and
getting a job. Fifteen year old Shamima’s dreams were nipped in the bud. Her father wanted to marry her
off against her will. Marrying off a girl under 18 is against the law in Bangladesh. Shamima did not want
to get married. But nobody paid any heed to her. They arranged her marriage with a man much older than
her. All her tears and protests went in vain. Shamima was married off to Kamal Uddin Joardar.
1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
(i) The word “stunned” in line 1 of the text means --------.
(a) knock unconscious (b) into a dazed (c) semiconscious state (d) all of the above
(ii) The word “admiration” in line 2 of the text means --------.
(a) respect and warm approval (b) disrespect and hot approval (c) dishonor but warm approval (d)
none of the above
(iii) The word “adolescent” in line 4 of the text means --------.
(a) developing from youth into man (b) developing from a man into an old (c) developing from a
child into an old (d) developing from a child into an adult
(iv) Shamima;s story -------- everyone.
(a) fascinated (b) astonished (c) shocked (d) worried
(v) Shamima thought about the welfare of her --------.
(a) family (b) friends (c) cousin (d) neighbors
vi) How did Samima marry?
(a) Willingly (b) Unwillingly (c) Intentionally (d) Happily
(vii) Her husband was --------.
(a) of the same age (b) junior to her (c) older than her (d) younger than her
2. Answer the following questions. 2×4=8
(a) What did Shamima dream of?
(b) Did Samima’s dream come true?
(c) How old was she when got promoted to class 8?
(d) What made writer stunned?
3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one.

Most of these ethnic people (a) -------- live in Bangladesh have their own lifestyles. They (b) -------- build
their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms called “machang”. They take rice (c) -------- their staple
food. They eat vegetables, maize and fish, poultry and meat with rice. Clothes are (d) -------- by women.
Ethnic people (e) ---- ---- hunting, fishing, songs, music, dances, theatre and fairs. Wrestling is a popular
sport for them.

Part B: Unseen (25 Marks)

Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.
Begum Rokeya was a famous writer and a social worker. She lived in undivided Bengal in the early 19th
century. She believed that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men in the society.
So, she fought for them throughout her life. Begumn Rokeya was born in a rich family in a village called
Pairabondh, Rangpur in 1880. Her father Jahir Uddin Muhammad Abu Ali Haider Saber was an educated
land-lord. Rokeya was married to Khan Bahadur Sakhawat Hussain in 1896. Her husband was the Deputy
Magistrate of Bhagalpur, now a district in the Indian state of Bihar. He was very co-operative and always
encouraged Rokeya to go on with her activities. Many upper class Muslims of Bengal at that time learnt
Arabic and Persia as medium of education and communication. But Rokeya had great love for her mother
tongue. She learnt Bangla and English from her eldest brother Ibrahim.
4. Complete the grid below with appropriate information. 1×5=5

Who? What? When/Where?

Begum Rokeya born in (a) --------
(b) -------- deputy magistrate Bhagalpur, a district of Bihar in
Rokeya (c) -------- in equal rights for throughout her life
men and women
She learnt Bangla at her (d) --------
We should show our true (e) ------ to her

5. Read the passage again and write, whether the statements are true or false. Give correct answer,
if the statement is false. 1×5=5
(a) Begum Rokeya could speak four languages.
(b) Her husband was a very conservative and superstitious person.
(c) She taught Bangla to her brother Ibrahim.
(d) She fought against gender discrimination.
(e) She came out from a poor and illiterate family.
6. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using the clues given in the boxes. There are many more
words than necessary. One word can be used once only. 0.5×10=5

crisis climate various natural economy rain

vital ecology random without desert ruin
Trees are our constant companions in our day to day life. We use them for (a) -------- purposes. We can’t
think of our homes, residences etc. (b) -------- trees. Trees bear a great impact on the (c) --------. If we
destroy trees at (d) --------, one day the country will turn into a great (e) --------. Again there will be no (f)
-------- and as a result the country will face a great (g) -------- because ours is an agricultural country and
our (h) -------- is dependent on agriculture. Again our agriculture is dependent on rain. So trees play a (i)
-------- role on our climate. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us from flood and many other (j) --------
7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using suitable words to make it a meaningful text. 1×5=5
Education is one of the basic needs of human being. It is essential (a) -------- any kind of development. A
number of illiterate (b) -------- in Bangladesh do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and
population control. If they were (c) --------, they could lead a healthy and planned life. Education teaches
us (d) -------- to earn well and how to spend well. It enables us to (e) -------- the right choices in life and to
perform of our duties properly.
8. Match the part of sentences from column A and B to make five complete sentences. 1×5=5

Column A Column B

(i) Newspaper carries news and views (a) of news in the world.
(ii) In the morning we wait eagerly (b) in our day to day life.
(iii) We cannot have our breakfast (c) for a newspaper.
(iv) It is a part and parcel (d) of home and abroad to us.
(v) There are many kinds (e) without a newspaper of the day.

Part C: Grammar (25 Marks)

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable suffix,
prefix or both. 0.5×10=5
Money cannot buy (a) (happy). Money is a must for our life. Happiness is absolutely a (b) (psychology)
matter. It means the (c) (content) of mind. He is in real (d) (satisfy) with what he gets and contented with
his life, is really happy. Happiness is not (e) (purchase) with money. (f) (Doubt), money has some
relation with happiness. So, we see that the most (g) (wealth) men of our society are not the happiest
men. They lead a life (h) (burden) with cares and (i) (anxious). It is only moral and spiritual (j)
(develop) that gives us happiness.
10. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (x) where
no article is used.
(a) -------- aim of every student is to do better in (b) -------- examination. But it is not (c) -------- easy task.
Regular study is (d) -------- must. It is (e) -------- unique quality of a good student. He should not cram (f)
-------- answers without knowing the meaning. He should have a good command over (g) -------- English
too. Besides, a student should form the habit of speaking (h) -------- truth. He should make the best use of
time. Bur the students who are (j) -------- idle will suffer in the long run.
11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5
(a) Mobile phone is a wonderful invention. (Exclamatory)
(b) It has added a new dimension to our life. (Passive)
(c) By doing something good to the society, we can be immortal. (Complex)
(d) People will always remember those who do something good for the society. (Negative)
(e) The popularity of mobile phone is ever on increase. (Negative)
12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech: 5
“Did you shoot the son of this widow with an arrow?” said the Kazi. “Yes, sir I did. But it was
unintentional,” said Sultan Giasuddin. The Kazi summoned, “Pay 100 gold coins to this woman as blood
money.” “I shall obey your command,” said the satisfied Sultan.
13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following passage. 5
one day Neela went to see bela her elder sister bela she found her very depressed there Neela asked what
happens darling

Part D: Writing (30 Marks)

14. Suppose, you are Smiha and chatting with your friend, Dalia. Write a dialogue between you and
your friend how to make a good result. 10
15. Suppose, you are Shohan/Soha. Write an email to your friend Rakib/Dalia congratulating
him/her on his/her brilliant result in the JSC examination.
16. Write a paragraph of 250 words on “A School Library”. 10

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