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Condition sine qua non: Before the Ratio legis (Spirit of the law)

court may use its power to construe, there

- Moving away from the literal
must be ambiguity in the language of the
statute. For where there is no ambiguity,
there is no room for construction, only for - Interpretation according to the
application. spirit of reason of the law
Verba legis (Plain meaning rule)

General rule: The intent of the legislature General rule: The spirit or intention of a
is found in the language of the statute. statute prevails over the letter of it.
- Where the statute is clear, plain Maxims:
and free from ambiguity, it must be given
its literal meaning and applied without ratio legis et anima legis (the
interpretation. reason of the law is its soul);

- Where the law speaks in clear ratione cessat lex et cessat lex
and categorical language, there is no (when the reason of the law ceases, the
room for interpretation. There is only law ceases)
room for application.
Presumption: The letter of the law is its
- Law cannot be changed under the body; the spirit (reason), the soul; and
guise of interpretation. the construction of the former should
never be so rigid and technical as to
Maxim: destroy the latter.
index animi sermo est (speech is Undesirable consequences were
the index of intention) never intended by a legislative measure.
Verba legis non est
recedendum (from the words of a statute
What is within the spirit is within the
there should be no departure)
Presumption: The words employed by the
• Don’t literally construe the law if it will
legislature in a statute correctly express
render it meaningless, lead to ambiguity,
its intention or will and preclude the court
injustice or contradiction
from construing it differently.
• The spirit of the law controls its letter
Thus, what is not clearly provided
in the law cannot be extended to those • Spirit or intention of a statute prevails
matters outside its scope over the letter

Reasons: • A law should accordingly be so

construed as to be in accordance with,
- A statute, being the will of the
and not repugnant to, the spirit of the law
legislature, should be applied in exactly
the way the legislature has expressed
itself clearly in the law.

- The duty of the court is limited

to inquiring into the legislative intent and,
once this is determined, to making said
intent effective.
Intent or spirit of law

• It is the law itself. Doctrine of necessary implication

• Controlling factor, leading star and • So-called gaps in the law develop as the
guiding light in the application and law is enforced.
interpretation of a statute.
• StatCon rule: to fill in the gap is the
• A statute must be according to its spirit doctrine of necessary implication
or intent.
• Doctrine states that what is implied in a
• The courts cannot assume an intent in statute is as much a part thereof as that
no way expressed and then construe the which is expressed
statute to accomplish the supposed
• Ex necessitate legis – from the
intention; otherwise they would pass
necessity of the law
beyond the bounds of judicial power to
usurp legislative power. • Every statutory grant of power, right or
privilege is deemed to include all
incidental power, right or privilege
Construction according to the spirit:
• In eo quod plus sit, simper inest
A statute may therefore be et minus – greater includes the
extended to cases not within the literal lesser
meaning of its terms, so long as they
• Necessity:
come within its spirit or intent.
o includes such inferences as may
1. Construction to accomplish purpose
be logically be drawn from the purpose or
Statutes should be construed in the light
object of the statute, from what the
of the object to be achieved and the evil
legislature must be presumed to have
or mischief to be suppressed.80
intended, and from the necessity of
Construction which gives effect to the
making the statute effective and operative
evident purpose sough to be attained by
the enactment of the statute must be o excludes what is merely
followed. plausible, beneficial, or desirable
Hence, as between two statutory • must be consistent with the Constitution
interpretations, that which better serves or to existing laws
the purpose of the law should prevail.
• an implication which is violative of the
law is unjustified or unwarranted
Reason: Laws are not just mere
composition, but have ends to be achieved
and that the general purpose is a more
important aid to the meaning of a law
than any rule which grammar may lay

When not used: cessante ratione legis,

cessar et ipsa lex (when the reason of the
law ceases, the law itself ceases)
CASUS OMISSUS (Case of Omission) Stare decisis

Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est.

- A person, object, or thing omitted Judicial decisions applying or

from an enumeration in a statute interpreting the laws or the Constitution
must be held to have been omitted shall form part of the legal system of the
intentionally. Philippines. (Art. 8, NCC)

This needs two laws. In expressio unius,

it’s just the enumeration you are looking
Maxim: legis interpretato legis vim obtinet
at, not another law.
(the authoritative interpretation of a
statute acquires the force of the law by
becoming a part thereof)
This rule is not absolute if it can be
shown that the legislature did not intend - As of the date of the date of
to exclude the person, thing or object enactment
from the enumeration.
- Interpretation establishes the
If such legislative intent is clearly contemporaneous legislative intent
indicated, the COURT may supply the
omission if to do so will carry out the
intent of the legislature and will not do stare decisis et non quieta movere
violence to its language. (one should follow past precedents and
should not disturb what has been settled.)

COA of the Province of Cebu v Province of - When the Supreme Court has
Cebu: This case is about the effects of a once laid down a principle of law as
new law on an old law. The Special applicable to a certain state of facts, it will
Education Fund (SEF) allowed the use of adhere to that principle and apply to all
part of the realty and cigarette taxes for future cases where the facts are
extension programs and scholarships. substantially the same
When the Cebu provincial office used it to - Assures certainty and stability in
pay for salaries of teachers and scholars, the legal system
COA said those were not chargeable to the
SEF since RA 5447, which created the
SEF, was deemed repealed by the Local
*The interpretation of a statute
Govt Code. Because the two retained
remains to be part of the legal system
sections in the LGC omitted the
until the Supreme Court overrules it and
scholarship grants, the court ruled that
the new doctrine overruling the old is
what was omitted must have been omitted
applied prospectively in favour of parties
intentionally, and so may not be included.
who relied on it in good faith.

*Judicial ruling cannot be given

retroactive effect if to do so will impair
vested rights and the parties relied on it in
good faith.
Maxim: lex prospicit, non respicit (the law • Obiter dictum – opinion expressed by a
looks forward, not backward) court upon some question of law which is
not necessary to the decision of the case
*Only Supreme Court sitting en
before it; not binding as a precedent
banc may modify or abandon an
established principle of law, not any • The principle presupposes that the facts
division (Sec. 4 Par. 3, Art. VIII)40 of the precedent and the case to which it
Exception: If the Court has stated in a is applied are substantially the same.
decision not a principle of law but a mere
• Where the facts are dissimilar, then the
obiter dictum (a thing said in passing), a
principle of stare decisis does not apply.
division may validly reject or disregard it.
• The rule of stare decisis is not absolute.
It does not apply when there is a conflict
*The Court has the duty to between the precedent and the law.
formulate guiding and controlling
• The duty of the court is to forsake and
constitutional principles, precepts or
abandon any doctrine or rule found to be
doctrines. The power to issue guidelines is
in violation of law in force
not judicial legislation, the Court merely
defines what the law is • Inferior courts as well as the legislature
cannot abandon a precedent enunciated
by the SC except by way of repeal or
*The court should interpret the law as a amendment of the law itself

• Judicial interpretation of a statute and is

of greater weight than that of an
executive or administrative officer in the
construction of other statutes of similar

• It is an invaluable aid in the construction

or interpretation of statutes of doubtful

• Supreme Court has the constitutional

duty not only of interpreting and applying
the law in accordance with prior doctrines
but also of protecting society from the
improvidence and wantonness wrought by
needless upheavals in such interpretations
and applications

• In order that it will come within the

doctrine of stare decisis, must be
categorically stated on an issue expressly
raised by the parties; it must be a direct
ruling, not merely an obiter dictum

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