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between the
accounts of
Albo and
Albo Pigafetta



• He is one of the
Victoria's Pilot
• Another sur vivor
who maintained 2
3 4 P I G A F E T TA
a journal of the
voyage. 4 3

• His work is
the shor test.

• It focus mainly
on the location
of the
expedition on
cer tain dates
• In Albo’s 1
account, he did
not mention the
first mass and Enter
P I G At iFt E T TA
where it took le


• However, he
mentioned that
Magellan planted 1 Enter


the cross “upon

a mountain-top
from which could
be seen three
islands to the
west and
Francisco Albo

• He joined the Magellan expedition as a

pilot in magellan flagship "Trinidad"
• He was one of the 18 survivors who
returned to Sebastian Elcano on the
"Victoria" after having circumnavigated the
• He began keeping his own diary- merely
only a logbook on the voyage out while
they were sailing southward
March 16
• They sailed in a westerly course from
Ladrones, they saw the land towards
the northwest; but owing to many
shallow places they did not approach it.
They found later that its name was
• Albo wanted to go South where they
lead to the Island named Suluan. This
island was at 9 and two- thirds degrees
North- latitude.
• They also discovered that if they sail westward,
they will reach in inhabited island named, Gada.
• Albo told that they could take some wood and
water from there. They anchored in that island
and get supply of wood, food and water.
• does not give the latitude of this island,
but from ’s testimony, this seems to
be the “Acquada” or Homonhon, at 10
degrees North latitude.
• After they completed their needs, they sailed
again towards another island where there is a
large island there called Seilani.
• Others called that island Leyte where there are a
lot of golds in that island.
• Sailing southwards along the coast of the large
island of (From Pigafetta's Testimony, it
is called Ceylon), they turned southwest to a
small island called Mazava.
• That island is also at a latitude of 9 and two-
thirds degrees North.
• Albo said that the people there are very
nice and they must plant a cross on top of
the mountain. Someone told them that
there are many golds in that mountain that
they are going to show them how to gather
some golds.
• From there, they sailed westward some 10
leagues and there they saw three islets
where they dropped anchor for the night.
• In the morning they sailed southwest
some 12 leagues, down to a latitude of 10
and one third degree.
• They sailed down that channel and then
turned westward and anchored at the town
(la villa) of Subu where they stayed many
days and obtained provisions and entered
into a peace-pact with the local king
• The town of Subu was on an east-west direction
with the islands of Sukuan and Mazava and Subu,
there were so many shallows that the boats could
not go westward directly but has to go (as they did)
in a round-about way.
• The large island of Seilani which they coasted is
the Island of leyte.
• It is to be noted that Albo does not mentioned
the first mass but only the planting of the cross
on the top of the mountain from which could be
seen three islands to the west and southwest. This
only fits the southern end of Limasawa.
I. Background of the Author

• In his younger years, he studied astronomy,

geography, and cartography.
• He was actually very curious about the world
around them so what he did was he joined the
delegation of Monsignor Francesco Chieragati
who was actually the Papal Nuncio in Spain way
back 1519.
• He joined the trip for the love of the adventure
with prominent mens and those people were
called sobresalientes.
What are some of the facts about the author
that makes him dependable in writing the
• He is a primary source and he was
present during the expedition.
What were the author's motivation in writing
the document?

• He wrote the document or he narrated his

experiences in the document to fulfill his curiosity
about the world around him. Also, his narration are his
documentation about there expedition was also used
when he reported to their king that time which was
King Carlos V.
II. Historical Background of the
What are some facts that the document tells about
Filipinos and life in the Philippines at the time it was
• It was said in the book that the Spaniards
observed that the Filipinos were very
hospitable even that time.
• Filipino already had a form of government
even before the Civilization.
• They also noticed that the Philippines was
rich in gold, spices, and coconut.
March 16 Sat

March 17

March 18 Mon

Fri March 22
March 16

• Magellan’s expedition sighted a “high land”

named “Zamal” which was some 300
leagues westward of Ladrones (now the
Marianas) Island.
March 17

• The captain-general desire to land on “another island

which was uninhabited” and lay to the right side of Zamal
in order to be more secure .
• He had set up two tents for the sick members of the crew
and and had a sow killed for them. The name of the
Island was “Humunu” (Homonhon). Located at 10
degrees North Latitude.
March 18

• One afternoon, they saw a boat coming towards them

with the nine men in it.
• The captain-general ordered that no one should move or
say a word without his permission.
• An exchange of gifts was effected. Magellan asked for
food supplies, and the men went away, promising to
bring rice and other supplies within “four days.”
• They found two springs there of the clearest
water, which they called it Acquada da li buoni
Segniali (the Watering-place of good Signs/
Omen) for there were the first signs of gold
which they found in those districts.
March 22

• At noon, those men came on March 18, returned as they

had promised two boats with cocoanuts, sweet oranges,
and other food supplies.
• Those natives exhibited great signs of pleasure at seeing
• The natives were described in the account of Pigafetta.
They were painted, wore gold accessories, ear holes
which arm could fit and with very black hair.
• Magellan’s expedition stayed at eight
days at Homonhon:

from Sunday, March 17, to the Monday of

the following week, March 25

March 17 March 25
March 25 Mon

March 17

March 18 Mon

Fri March 22
March 25

• In the afternoon the expedition weighed anchor and left

the Island of Homonhon.
• An accident happened to Pigafetta: He fell into the water
but was rescued. He attributed his narrow escape from
the death as grace obtained through the intercession of
the Blessed Virgin Mary on her feast-day.
• They left Homonhon sailing westward towards
Leyte, then followed Leyte coast southward,
passing between the Island of Hibuson on
their portside and Hiunangan Bay on their
southboard continued southward, then turning
westward to “Mazaua” (Limasawa)
March 28

• Mazaua, (Limasawa) lies in a latitude of nine

and two-thirds degrees towards the Arctic Pole
and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-two
degrees from the line of boundary. It is twenty-
five leagues from the Acquada.
• They remained at Mazaua for seven days, after
which they laid their course toward northwest,
passing among five islands, namely Ceylon,
(where Albo called it as Seilani), Bohol,
Canighan, Baybai, and Gatighan.
• At Gatighan, they sailed westward to the three
Islands of the Camotes Group (Polo, Ticobon, and
• Here the Spanish ships stop to allow the king of
Mazaua to catch up with them.
• The Spanish ships were much faster than the
native balanghai – a thing that astonished the king
of Mazaua because of its rapidity.
April 7

• They entered the port of Zubu (Cebu), where

they saw many homes built upon logs.

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