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Lesson Plan-Writing

Date: the 13th of February 2020

Teacher: Ungureanu Iulian
Information about the learners
Class: VII
Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2)
Class profile: 1st language, 2 h per week, 15 pupils (5 boys, 6 girls)
Information about the lesson
Textbook: Limba modernă 1. Engleză., Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones
with Oana Stoica, Ioana Tudose and Ioana Adam, ArtKlett, 2019
Title/ Topic: Writing an email describing school routine
Type of the lesson: teaching, practice
Skills: writing (other skills involved: speaking, reading)
Aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able:
- to read an email about someone’s daily routine in school days
- to understand the usage of present continuous for temporary situations and habits
or for situations which are slowly changing
- to identify the main paragraphs of an email
- to write an email about their daily routine
Aids: Handouts, blackboard, laptop, pictures, smartphone
Stage Activity Time Interaction Observations
Warm-up -T greets Ss and checks the -1 minute T-Ss If no one mention
attendance the usage of
-T shows students some email platforms
pictures of email provider to send messages
sites and will ask them if to someone, T
they have an e-mail account, -3 minutes T-Ss will ask Ss if they
then he will ask them what have ever used
do they use it for, waiting for them to send an
the answer ‘to write an email email.
to someone’
-T tells Ss that they will learn
in this lesson about how to
write an email to a friend

Controlle -T asks Ss to look at the mail -4 minutes T-Ss

d practice from the right bottom corner S-Ss
of the page. Then he will ask
for someone to start reading
the text. The first student will
read a paragraph and will
name another student to
-Ss will then go to the first
exercise and will work in -5 minute Pair work
pairs in order to answer the
-T gives each S a number and
use the randomize program
to choose who will read the
answers for the first exercise
-T will draw a table with two
columns on the blackboard
and will write present simple Teacher will
on top of one and present name students if
continuous on top of the no one wants to
other, then he will ask come to the
student to look for the verbs -5 minutes Individual blackboard and
in the text and to come to the work will help them
blackboard and put them in find the verbs if
the corresponding column (T necessary
will tell Ss to ignore verbs
that have another tenses than
these two)
-T tells Ss that even if they
have learned that present
continuous is used only for
what is happening at the
moment of speech, there are
some situations in which we -3 minutes T-Ss
can use present continuous
for temporary situations or
for situations which are
slowly changing
-T asks Ss to look at the
exercise no. 4 and to solve it
in order to identify the main -4 minutes Ss-T
paragraphs of the email and
will write the structure of an
email on the blackboard
Semi -T asks Ss what should we do - 2 minutes T-Ss
Controlle if we receive this kind of
d Practice emails and waits for the
answer ‘We answer to them’
-T tells Ss to look at the
exercise number 5. He tells
them that before we start T will ask any
writing an email we must Individual question Ss have
make a draft of it. In order to -15 minutes Work for him and will
do this, he asks them to look help the realizing
at the clues provided by the the draft
exercise and to start making
the draft for their email

Free -T asks students to start - 8 minutes Individual

practice writing their email in work T will go through
response to Kylie’s one, Ss desks and will
using the notes made in the provide them
previous exercise. They will advice
begin to write the e-mail in
classroom and will continue
it as homework

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