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In partial fulfilment of the Requirement Of






Ashoka Education Foundation’s

Ashoka Business School, Nashik

I undersigned hereby declare that, the project entitled, “A STUDY

DHUMAL INDUSTRIES INDIA PVT. LTD. is executed as per the
course requirement of two year full time MBA program of Savitribai
Phule University of Pune. This report has not been submitted by me
or any other person to any other University or Institution for a degree
or diploma course. This is my own and original work.

Place: Nashik


Snehal Dnyaneshwar Taskar


It is great pleasure to acknowledgement the kind help and suggestions

given by the persons mentioned below during my project work.

I express sincere gratitude to Mr.Asitosh Sharma, (Human

Resource Manager), Mr. Sagar Kadbhane, Mr. Avinash Bhoir,
(Human resource executive) of DHUMAL INDUSTRIESINDIA
PVT.LTD. For their valuable assistance to collecting the information
from them.

My sincere thanks to Mr. Ashok Katariya, Chairman of Ashoka

Business School, Nashik for unfettering support.

My sincere thanks to Dr. D.M.Gujarathi, Director of Ashoka

Education Foundation and Dr. Vikas Gaundare, Director in IN
charge of Ashoka Business School, Nashik for unfettering support.

I wish to express sincere gratitude to Dr. Vikas Gaundare,

Academic Coordinator of Ashoka Business School, and Nashik
for this consistent help and providing such facilities to complete my

I take opportunity to express my deep felt gratitude to my family

members and friends for being a source strength and moral support
throughout course of my study.

This study is the result of my internship program ran for the past two months placed at
the Dhumal Industries Pvt. Ltd. The purpose of this study is to understand the level of
employee job Satisfaction and for this reason I had to gain the practical area of
responsibilities of the employees so that I could interact with them directly to
understand their views and their relation with their organization. Job satisfaction
describes how content an individual is happy with his or her job. The happier people
are within their job, the more pleased they are said to be. This study shows that
employee job satisfaction largely depend on job promotions, compensation system,
involvement in Decision making process, working environment , career development
opportunity, feedback from supervisor, relationship with senior management,
flexibility to balance between work and home etc. The sample for this study was the
current employees of Dhumal industries. Printed questionnaires were distributed
among 50 respondents and all the questionnaires have been collected and taken as the
data for the study. The data has been analysed by MS Excel. In this study, some
results were Satisfactory, which proved that the items of questionnaires are
appropriates with this study. Despite differences in opinions made by the employees
of the organization on what the study was conducted, the study shows that employees
are satisfied with their job Objectives.

Chapter Particulars Page No

Title Page I
Institute Certificate II
Organization Certificate III
Students Declaration IV
Acknowledgement V
Executive Summary VI
1 Introduction To The Topic 1
1.1 Background of the Study 2
1.2 Need & Significance of Study 2
1.3 Rational Of The Study 3
2 Company at a glance 4
2.1 Industry Overview 5
2.2 Company Profile 6
2.3 Organization Structure 8
3 Research Methodology 14
3.1 Objectives of the Study 15
3.2 Types of Research Design 15
3.3 Data Sources and Data Collection Methods 16
3.4 Sampling Design 16
3.5 Data Analysis tools 17
3.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study 17
4 Theoretical Background of the Study 19
5 Data Analysis and Interpretation 29
6 Findings and Conclusion 53
7 Suggestions / Recommendations 57
List of Tables

Sr.No Table Title Page No.

1 A.1 Age wise classification of the Respondents. 30
2 A.2 Education Qualification classification of the 31

3 A.3 Period of Service wise classification of the 32

4 B.1 Satisfied with the Job 33
5 B.2 Management has given the opportunity to learn 34
6 B.3 Qualification matches to the present job profile 35
7 B.4 Satisfied with the nature of the work 36
8 B.5 Satisfied with the Safety Precautions 37
9 B.6 Satisfied with the Management Cooperation 38
10 B.7 Organization keeps me updated on the 39

11 B.8 Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the 40

12 B.9 Management plays vital role in enhancing 41
13 B.10 Satisfied with the salary 42

14 B.11 Satisfied with the increments 43

15 B.12 Satisfied with the welfare facilities 44
16 B.13 Any other companies are providing higher salaries 45
for the same work
17 B.14 Satisfied with communication between employer & 46

18 B.15 Family problems influence on performance 47

19 B.16 Organization concerns about individual 48

20 B.17 Performance recognition by the organization 49

21 B.18 Satisfied with job recognition in society 50

22 B.19 Team bonding helps to solve problems 51

List of Graphs

Sr.No Graph Title Page No.

1 A.1 Age wise classification of the Respondents. 30

2 A.2 Education Qualification classification of the 31

3 A.3 Period of Service wise classification of the 32

4 B.1 Satisfied with the Job 33

5 B.2 Management has given the opportunity to learn 34

6 B.3 Qualification matches to the present job profile 35

7 B.4 Satisfied with the nature of the work 36

8 B.5 Satisfied with the Safety Precautions 37

9 B.6 Satisfied with the Management Cooperation 38

10 B.7 Organization keeps me updated on the 39

11 B.8 Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the 40

12 B.9 Management plays vital role in enhancing 41
13 B.10 Satisfied with the salary 42
14 B.11 Satisfied with the increments 43

15 B.12 Satisfied with the welfare facilities 44

16 B.13 Any other companies are providing higher salaries 45
for the same work
17 B.14 Satisfied with communication between employer & 46

18 B.15 Family problems influence on performance 47

19 B.16 Organization concerns about individual 48

20 B.17 Performance recognition by the organization 49

21 B.18 Satisfied with job recognition in society 50

22 B.19 Team bonding helps to solve problems 51



1.1 Background of the study

Common element in every organization is people. They create embarkation for which
organizations are noted viewed from the perspective of an organization people are not
resources like land. Capital but “Human Resource” As a slogan at union carbide put
it “Assets Make things possible people make things happen”.
“Man Power” or “Human Resource” may be thought of the total knowledge, skills,
creative ability, talents and attitude of an organization work force as well as values
job satisfaction is find out among the employees of the Dhumal Industries. To assess
and analyse the level of job satisfaction among the employees. The employees
belonging to the lowest and middle hierarchy were covered for the study. The study
identifies the important factors to influence the job satisfaction of the employees such
as personal details, job related details, work environment, incentives, communication
system, organizational polices and overall job satisfaction also, the attitude of the
employees towards various general attributes where found, with a view to recognize
the area which needs amendment.

1.2 Need and Significance of study

It is significant to study whether employees are satisfied or dissatisfied, committed or

not committed in their job because it has been proven that employees who are much
more satisfied will more likely to show positive thoughts, feelings, and actions
towards their job and it would increase their organizational commitment. It is also
important to study the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational
Commitment because this may bring a huge benefit equally to employers and
employees. Human Resource Management would be able to understand that the costs
of hiring and training new workers are high. Therefore, the employers should try to
treasure unchanging workforce, which also helps to lessen the risks of deterioration in
services offered to customers. An employee who is committed with the organization
may take pride in considering himself a member and would positively persuade the
Consumers to patronize the products/services offered by a company. Since satisfaction
increases commitment to organizational success, and if this satisfaction would be given
from employers to workers, a lot of good factors such as good supervision by supervisors,
better working conditions, better interpersonal relations, better policies and administration,
better pay and security, challenging work, achievement, recognition, growth and
development can benefit employees. If this study shows that job satisfaction and
organizational commitment are correlated, employers would only need to increase one
variable and that is job satisfaction to achieve the affirmative organizational commitment
of workers.

1.3Rationale of study

The organization should consummate people’s needs and influence these feelings for
obtaining their co-operation and support. Proactive attitude of people towards their jobs,
good communication system and individual objectives are some of the factors of job

This study is on the impact of company policies, working conditions and on the job
satisfaction of employees.

It concentrates on the effect of factor in general and considers only the perceptual element
of employees.



The Dhumal Group was founded in 1979 by first generation entrepreneur Mr. Anil
Dhumal& his humble beginning started from a small 500 sq. ft. job-shop
manufacturing precision component for automobile, aviation and agriculture

In the years followed, Dhumal expanded its origin from Nasik, Maharashtra to
become one of the largest and reputed Business House in India and across the Globe
involved in Manufacturing of Manual and Automatic Poultry Equipment’s, Pre-
Engineered Buildings and Structures and Transportation.
Dhumal conducts its business through several associate entities. The Group employs
over 400+ staff nationwide which includes Research, Design & Development, Sales,
Sales Support, and Technical Support Team to cater to any type of product inquiry.

Nearly two decades ago; Dhumal introduced for the first time in India; the Automatic
Bell type Drinker and then the wide range of Plastic poultry Equipment followed. In
the rapidly evolving poultry industry, Dhumal products have stood the test of time
because of its excellent product quality and after sales support. Today, Dhumal enjoys
a Lion’s share of the market in installation of durable, sturdy and quality Poultry

 Dhumal Industries

 Dhumal IndustrialEnterprises

 Dhumal Poultry Equipment Pvt.Ltd.

 Dhumal Metals Pvt.Ltd.

 Akshay Transport

 Wild Acre Farms

Company Profile:

For over three & half decades, Dhumal continues to be one of the largest and most trusted poultry
equipment companies in India and enjoys a lion's share in installation of durable, sturdy and quality
poultry equipment. At Dhumal, innovation is at the heart of our core values and it is our endeavour to
come up with technologically advanced products for the benefit of the farmers. Our product offering
consists of a wide range of watering, feeding, and climate control systems designed from semi-automatic
to fully automatic functioning to suit your particular requirements.


DMPL Strives to be the most successful, admired and innovative company in

infrastructure Development, which means that we are the most trusted, the easiest to
deal with, offer the best value for money and set the standards in the industry. “The
most obvious choice for all”.


“To stand above the competition by providing our customers with exceptional
services, quality products and unparalleled customer support.”

D- Dedication for continual improvement.

H- Have the enduring goodwill of customers/suppliers.

U- Ultimate in customer satisfaction.

M- Meeting customer needs by innovation, experience and collaboration.

A- A wide range of product

L- Leading manufacturer at all times by our design, technological experience and

measurable objectives

Product Line:

 Pre-Engineered Buildings
 Secondary Members- Purlins

Secondary Members-Purlins

Cee & Zee Sections Light Gauge Steel Members Sections for Solar


Flushing, Gutters &Down Profile Ridges Ridge Ventilator

Turnover of Dhumal Industries India

Sr. Year Turnover ( in Cr)

1 2013-14 30

2 2014-15 40

3 2015-16 42

4 2016-17 62

5 2017-18 82

2018-19 120
6 (targeted)


40 42
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

1 2 3 4 5 6

Turnover (in Cr)


1. CEO, Conclave 2012 – Mr. Akshay Dhumal.

2. HATCHTech certificate –2014.

3. Ambad Industries & Manufacturers Association, Nashik –2016.

4. Ambad Industries & Manufacturers Association, Nashik –2018

Research Methodology

Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is a systematic method of

collecting and recording the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the
formulated problem and arriving at certain conclusions over the problem
based on collected data. Thus formulation of the problem is the first and
foremost step in the research process followed by the collection, recording,
tabulation and analysis and drawing the conclusions. The problem formulation
starts with defining the problem or number of problems in the functional area.
To detect the functional area and locate the exact problem is most important
part of any research as the whole research is based on the problem. According
to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions: collecting, organizing and
evaluating data: making deductions and reaching conclusions: and at last
carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating
hypothesis. Research can be defined as “the manipulation of things, concepts
or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify
knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the
practice of an art” In short, the search for knowledge through objective and
systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.
3.1 Objectives of the study

The research has been undertaken with following objectives.

 To study and understand the concept of Employee Job Satisfaction practically.

 To assess the level of satisfaction among the employees at Dhumal Industries.

 To study the effect of various factors on job satisfaction of employees.

3.2 Type of research design

Descriptive research studies are those studies, which are concerned with
describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group.

The research conducted by researcher is descriptive.

3.3 Data sources and data collection methods

Data is collected from primary and secondary sources. Collection of the data is
of primary importance in the research process. Data which is collected for the purpose
of research helps in proper analysis which is helpful to conduct research effectively.
The data source, which is very important in the collection of data, is primary data and
secondary data.
Both primary and secondary data are taken into consideration for the study of
recruitment and selection process.

Primary data is connected through administering the questionnaire by direct
contact and also involved in personal discussions to obtain insights of the information.

The secondary data is collected from company web site, reference books and
records from human resource management department of the unit.

3.4 Sampling design

A sampling is a selection of units from the entire group is called “population”.
A Sample design is definite plan for obtaining a sample from given population. It
refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher has adopted in selecting items
for the sample.

i) Sampling Frame Dhumal Metals

ii) Sampling Population 150
iii) Sampling Unit Employee, Labor.
iv) Sample size 50
v) Sampling method Simple random sampling
3.1 Data analysis tools
 The data is analyzed through simple analysis technique. The data tool is percentage method.

 Percentagemethodisusedinmakingcomparisonbetweentwoorsenseofdata.Thismethodisused to
describe relationship.

Percentage respondents =No. of respondents/ Total no. of respondents*100

3.2 Scope and Limitations of

study Scope of the study:

 To identify the employees level of satisfaction upon that job.

 This study is helpful to that organization for conducting further research.

 It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards welfare

 This study is helpful to the organization for identifying the area of
dissatisfaction of job of the employees.

 This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company

Limitations of the study:

However I shall try my best in collecting the relevant information for my research
report, yet there are always some problems faced by the researcher. The prime
difficulties which I face in collection of information are discussed below:-
 Lack of resources: Lack of time and other resources as it was not possible to
conduct survey at large level.
 Small no. of respondents: Only 50 employees have been chosen which is a
small number, to represent whole of the population.
 Unwillingness of respondents: While collection of the data many employees
were unwilling to fill the questionnaire. Respondents were having a feeling of
wastage of time for them so there is a chance that respondents will not respond
openly and truthful.
 Respondents are on shop floor: While collection of data many employees are
on shop floor because it is manufacturing firm.


Job satisfaction is a set of favourable or unfavorable feelings and emotions

with which employees view their work. Job satisfaction is an effective attitude a
felling or relative or dislike like towards something. if one company want to sustained
permanently in the market that concerns should work with satisfied employees,
satisfied employees not only increase the company’s corporate status in the society
but also increase the social values.
Job Satisfaction covers the satisfaction derived from being engaged in work or
in any work in any pursuit of a high order; it is essentially related to human needs and
their fulfillment through work. It is generated by the individual perception of how
well his job satisfies his various needs.


Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which

acts as a motivation to work it is not to self-satisfaction, happiness or self-containment
but the satisfaction on the job.
The term relates to the total relationship between the individual and employer
for which he is paid. Satisfaction thus means the simple feeling state accompanying
the attainment of any goal; the end state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an
impulse of the objectives. Job dissatisfaction thus means absence of motivation at

Job satisfaction is defined as the, “pleasurable emotional state resulting from

the appraisal of once job has achieving of facilitating the achievement of once job

“Job satisfaction as an attitude that results from balancing and summation of

many specific likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job.”
-Bullock (1952)

“Job satisfaction as the pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from

the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences.”
-Locke (1969)

“Job satisfaction as the employee’s judgment of how well his job on the whole
is satisfying his various needs”.
-Smith (1955)

The above definitions seem to indicate that job satisfaction is essentially an

effective attitude resulting from the intrinsic aspect of the job.
Gradually, it was realized that like any other attitude, job satisfaction
represents a complex assembling of conditions, emotions and behavioral tendencies.
Job satisfaction focus on employee’s attitude towards their job and the discussion

The level of job satisfaction across group is not constant, but is related to a number of
variables. The key variables revolve around age, occupational level and organizational
size; the important aspects of Job satisfaction for many people are the amounts of
personal closeness, friendship and small group team work.
The simple path of “Satisfaction leads to performance” accurate statement is that
high performance contributes to high job satisfaction.
Attitudes are generally acquired over a long period of time similarly; job or dissatisfaction
emerges as an employee gains more and more information about work place. Nevertheless,
job is dynamic, for it can decline even more quickly than it develops. Managers cannot
establish he conditions leading to high satisfaction now and later neglect it. For employee,
needs may fluctuate suddenly. Managers need to pay attention to employee attitudes week,
month after year.

Relationship among Motivation, Attitude and Job Satisfaction:

Motivation implies the willingness to work or produce. A person may be talented and
equipped with all kinds of abilities & skills but may have no will to work.
Satisfaction, on the other hand, implies a positive emotional state which may be
totally unrelated to productivity. Similarly in the literature the terms job attitude and
job satisfaction are used interchangeably. However a closer analysis may reveal that
perhaps, they measure two different anchor points. Attitudes are predispositions that
make the individual behave in a characteristic way across the situations.

They are precursors to behaviour & determine its intensity and direction. Job
satisfaction, on the other hand is an end state of feeling which may influence
subsequent behaviour. In this respect, job attitude and job satisfaction may have
something in common. But if we freeze behaviour, attitude would initiate it which job
satisfaction would result from it.
Relationship between Morale & Job Satisfaction:

According to Seashore (1959), morale is a condition which exists in a context where

people are:
a) Motivated towards high productivity.

b) Want to remain with organization.

c) Act effectively in crisis.

d) Accept necessary changes without resentment or resistance.

e) Actually promote the interest of the organization and

f) Are satisfied with their job.

According to this description of morale, job satisfaction is an important dimension of

morale itself.

Morale is a general attitude of the worker and relates to group while job satisfaction is
an individual feeling which could be caused by a variety of factors including group.
This point has been summarized by Sinha (1974) when he suggests that industrial
morale is a collective phenomenon and job satisfaction is a distributed one. In other
words, job satisfaction refers to a general attitude towards work by an individual
works. On the other hand, morale is group phenomenon which emerges as a result of
adherence to group goals and confidence in the desirability of these goals.
Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Work Behaviour:

Generally, the level of job satisfaction seems to have some relation with various
aspects of work behaviour like absenteeism, adjustments, accidents, productivity and
union recognition. Although several studies have shown varying degrees of
relationship between them and job satisfaction, it is not quite clear whether these
relationships are correlative or casual. In other words, whether work behaviour make
him more positively inclined to his job and there would be a lesser probability of
getting to an unexpected, incorrect or uncontrolled event in which either his action or
the reaction of an object or person may result in personal injury.

Job Satisfaction and Productivity:

Experiments have shown that there is very little positive relationship between the job
satisfaction & job performance of an individual. This is because the two are caused by

quite different factors. Job satisfaction is closely affected by the amount of rewards
that an individual derives from his job, while his level of performance is closely
affected by the basis for attainment of rewards. An individual is satisfied with his job
to the extent that his job provides him with what he desires, and he performs
effectively in his job to the extent that effective performance leads to the attainment of
what he desires. This means that instead of maximizing satisfaction generally an
organisation should be more concerned about maximizing the positive relationship
between performance and reward. It should be ensured that the poor performers do
not get more rewards than the good performers. Thus, when a better performer gets
more rewards he will naturally feel more satisfied.
Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism:

One can find a consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism,
but the correlation is moderate-usually less than 0.40. While it certainly makes sense
that dissatisfied Sales Persons are more likely to miss work, other factors have an
impact on the relationship and reduce the correlation coefficient. E.g. Organizations
that provide liberal sick leave benefits are encouraging all their Sales Persons,
including those who are highly satisfied, to take days off. So, outside factors can act
to reduce the correlation.

Job Satisfaction and Turnover:

Satisfaction is also negatively related to turnover, but the correlation is stronger than
what we found for absenteeism. Yet, again, other factors such as labour market
conditions, expectations about alternative job opportunities, and length of tenure with
the organization are important constraints on the actual decision to leave one's current
Evidence indicates that an important moderator of the satisfaction-turnover
relationship is the Sales Person's level of performance. Specifically, level of
satisfaction is less important in predicting turnover for superior performers because

The organization typically makes considerable efforts to keep these people. Just the
opposite tends to apply to poor performers. Few attempts are made by the
organization to retain them. So one could expect, therefore, that job satisfaction is
more important in influencing poor performers to stay than superior performers.
Job Satisfaction and Adjustment:

It the Sales Person is facing problems in general adjustment, it is likely to affect his
work life. Although it is difficult to define adjustment, most psychologists and
organizational behaviorists have been able to narrow it down to what they call
neuroticism and anxiety.

Generally deviation from socially expected behaviour has come to be identified as

neurotic behaviour. Though it may be easy to identify symptoms of neuroticism, it is
very difficult to know what causes. Family tensions, job tensions, social isolation,
emotional stress, fear, anxiety or any such sources could be a source of neuroticism.

Anxiety, on the other hand, has a little clearer base. It is generally seen as a mental
state of vague fear and apprehension which influences the mode of thinking. Anxiety
usually shows itself in such mental state as depression, impulsiveness, excessive
worry and nervousness. While everyone aspires for a perfect state of peace and
tranquility, the fact is that some anxiety is almost necessary for an individual to be
effective because it provides the necessary push for efforts to achieve excellence .

Adjustment problems usually show themselves in the level of job satisfaction. For
long, both theorists and practitioners have been concerned with Sales Persons'
adjustment and have provided vocational guidance and training to them to minimize
its impact on work behaviour. Most literature, in this area, generally suggests a
positive relationship between adjustment and job satisfaction. People with lower level
of anxiety and low neuroticism have been found to be more satisfied with their jobs.

During the last thirty year’s thousands of studies have been done on a job satisfaction.
Usually, there have, not been theoretically oriented; instead, researchers have simply
looked at the relationship between job satisfaction and factors such as age, education,
job level, absenteeism rate and so on.

MURALIDHARAN (2000) made a research on job satisfaction of the employees in

sethil papaya foods ltd. His conclusion on the research was there is no career
development to the employees.

LINDA WILLIAMS AND AINGWEM DONY (1999) made a research on employee

communication in this report and show now effective supervisor/employee
communication can deliver and sustain strong performance, employee job satisfaction
high level of organization commitment.

BEDEIAN AND AREMENAKIS (1981) tested their model with a sample of nurses
and (2) tension and job satisfaction and (3) both the in fluency of role ambiguity on
tension. Role conflict was round to exert greater influences to tension than did role
ambiguity. Both role strains and role ambiguity influenced. It satisfaction directly,
although the most of their impact was mediated by the direct effects on tension.


Attempted to assess the relationship job satisfaction with level of authority and a
variety of other works related variables.

They used nine variables to predict job satisfaction, salary and lens of authority in the
work organization were non-significant, using a regression equation. They land that
the most significant contributions were opportunities on the job, age, qualities, and
perceived in flunce. Such findings suggest that position in the work hierarchy is not
and independent contributor to job satisfaction.

A) Sample distribution Analysis

Table A.1 Age wise classification of the Respondents.

Sr.No. Age No. of Respondents Percentage

1 20-30 15 30

2 31-40 20 40

3 41-50 15 30

4 Above 50 0 0

Total 50 100

Graph A.1 Age wise Distribution of the Respondents


The above graph showing age wise classification of the respondent. Out of 50 respondents,
30% Respondents are coming under the age group of 20-30, 40% Respondents are coming
under the age group of 31-40, and 30% Respondents are coming under the age group of 41-
B) Analysis on the basis of Questionnaire
A.1. Satisfied with the Job
Job satisfaction as an attitude that results from balancing and summation of
many specific likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job.

Table B.1 Satisfied with the Job


Highly Satisfied 13 26
Satisfied 33 66
Neutral 3 6
Dissatisfied 0 0
Highly 1 2
TOTAL 50 100

Graph: B.1. Satisfied with the Job

Satisfied with the Job

0% 2%
Highly Satisfied
26% Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied


Interpretation: From the above pie chart it is observed that 66% of the respondents are satisfied,

26% are highly satisfied, and 6% are neutral with their job
B.2 Management has given the opportunity to learn

This question is about the management by giving the chance to learn.

Table B2

Dimension Management has Percentage (%)

given the opportunity
to learn

YES 42 84

NO 8 16

TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.2 Management has given the opportunity to learn

Management has given

the opportunity to learn

18% YES



From the above pie diagram 16% are saying that the management have not
given chance to learn and 84% are stated that the management have giving chance
B2.0 Qualification matches to the present job
This question is incorporated in the questionnaire for the purpose that the
employee’s qualification matches to the present job profile.

Table B.3


Yes 44 88
No 6 12
Total 50 100

Graph B.3 Qualification matches to the present job profile

Qualification matches to the present

job profile




From the above pie diagram. 88% are saying that their qualification matches their job and 12% were
saying that not matches their job.
B.3 Satisfied with the nature of the work
This questionnaire is incorporated if the employees in the organization are satisfied
with the nature of the work.

Table B.4 Satisfied with the nature of the work

Highly Satisfied 14 28
Satisfied 27 54
Neutral 7 14
Dissatisfied 1 2
Highly 1 2
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.4 Satisfied with the nature.

Satisfied with the nature of

the work
1 Highly Satisfied
14% 28%
2 Satisfied

3 Neutral

Interpretation: : From the above pie chart it is observed that 54% of the respondents are satisfied,
28% are highly satisfied, and 14% are neutral with their job
B.2 Satisfied with the Safety Precautions which are being
taken by the organisation Introduction:

In this question we identify that the employees are satisfied with safety precautions
given by management.

Table B.5 Satisfied with the Safety Precautions

Highly Satisfied 16 32
Satisfied 24 48
Neutral 9 18
Dissatisfied 1 2
Highly 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.5 Satisfied with the Safety Precautions which are being taken by the organisation

Satisfied with the safety

precautions which are being taken by the…
2% 0%

Highly Satisfied
48% Satisfied


From the above pie diagram, 32% is highly satisfied, 48% are satisfied,
18% are neutral, 2% are dissatisfied with the safety precautions given by
B.3 Satisfied with the Management Cooperation

In this questionnaire determines the employee should satisfied with their

Management Co-operation.

Table B.6 Satisfied with the Management Cooperation

Highly Satisfied 8 16
Satisfied 34 68
Neutral 7 14
Dissatisfied 1 2
Highly 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

.Graph B.6 satisfied with the Management Cooperation

Satisfied with the Management

2% 0%

14% 16% Highly Satisfied

Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied


Interpretation: From the above pie diagram 16% are highly satisfied, 68% are satisfied, 14% are
neutral, 2% are dissatisfied with the management co-operation.
B4 Organization keeps me updated on the changes/achievements
This question is incorporated in the questionnaire for the purpose to take employee’s
feedback of organization give him a fair idea about any new changes or achievements
come in organization.

Table B.7 Organization keeps me updated on the changes/achievements.

Sometimes 12 24
Always 36 72
Never 2 4
Total 50 100

Graph B.7 Organization keeps me updated on the changes/achievements.

Organization keeps me updated on


Sometimes Always Never


From the above pie diagram 24% respondents are saying that organization sometimes
keeps them updated on changes/achievements, 72% respondents are saying that
organization always keeps them updated on changes/achievements, 4% respondents
are saying that organization never keeps them updated on changes/achievements.
B.5 Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the employees
Co-operation of the seniors and subordinates is required to complete the working
time. This question is to identify whether they are cooperate or not.

Table B.8 Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the employees


Highly Satisfied 9 18
Satisfied 36 72
Neutral 3 6
Dissatisfied 2 4
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.8 Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the employees.

Satisfied with the co-operation exist

among the employees.
4% 0%

6% 18% Highly Satisfied

Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied



From the above pie diagram 18% are highly satisfied, 72% are satisfied, 6%
are neutral, and 4% are dissatisfied with the cooperation exists among employees
B.4 Management plays vital role in enhancing employee co-operation

This question is to identify that management plays vital role in enhancing
employee co-operation.

Table B.9 Management plays vital role in enhancing employee

Sometimes 19 38
Always 30 60
Never 1 2
Total 50 100

Graph B.9 Management plays vital role in enhancing employee

Management plays vital role in

enhancing employee

38% Sometimes
Always Never


Interpretation: From the above pie diagram. 38% are felt management sometimes play vital role in
enhancing employee co-operation,60% are felt management always play vital role in enhancing employee

co-operation and 2% are felt management never play vital role in enhancing employees-operation .
B.5 Satisfied with the salary
In every organization employees are first identified to company provides the

best salary to the employees. In this question is to identify whether that the employees
are satisfied with the salary

Table B.10 Satisfied with the salary

Highly Satisfied 9 18
Satisfied 28 56
Neutral 10 20
Dissatisfied 3 6
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.10 Satisfied with the salary

Satisfied with the salary

Highly Satisfied
Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied


From the above pie diagram,18% is highly satisfied, 56% are satisfied,
20% are neutral, 6% are dissatisfied and 2% are highly dissatisfied with the
B.6 Satisfied with the increments
In this question we identify that the employees are satisfied with their

Table B.11 Satisfied with the increments

Highly Satisfied 9 18
Satisfied 27 54
Neutral 10 20
Dissatisfied 4 8
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.11 Satisfied with the increments

Satisfied with the increments


Highly Satisfied
20% Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied



From the above pie diagram, 20% is highly satisfied, 54% are satisfied, 18% are
neutral, 6% are dissatisfied and 2% are highly dissatisfied with the increments.
B.7 Satisfied with the welfare facilities

In this question we identified that the employees are satisfied with the welfare

facilities.(Note: welfare facilities includes items such as allowances, housing,

transportation, medical insurance and food)

Table B.12 Satisfied with the welfare facilities


Highly Satisfied 9 18
Satisfied 30 60
Neutral 7 14
Dissatisfied 4 8
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Satisfied with the welfare facilities

14%Highly Satisfied
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

Graph B.12 Satisfied with the welfare facility


From the above graph18% are highly satisfied, 60% are satisfied, 14% a neutral,
16% are dissatisfied and 18% are highly dissatisfied with the welfare facilities..
B.8 Any other companies are providing higher salaries for the same work
In this question we finding any other companies are providing higher salaries for the

same work.

Table B.13 any other companies are providing higher salaries for the same work
Yes 35 70
No 2 4
Maybe 13 26
Total 50 100

Graph B.13 any other companies are providing higher salaries for the same

any other companies are providing

higher salaries for the same work

No Maybe


From the above pie diagram, 70% respondents are saying that other companies
are providing higher salaries for the same work, 4% respondents are saying that other
companies are not providing higher salaries for the same work, and 26% respondents
are saying that maybe other companies are providing higher salaries for the same
B.9 Managers give you regular feedback
about work
B.10 Introduction:
In this question we identify that the organization managers are giving the
regular feedback about their work.

Table B.14 Managers give you regular feedback about work

Sometimes 19 38
Always 28 56
Never 3 6
Total 50 100

Graph B.14 Managers give you regular feedback about work

Managers give you regular feedback

about work


38% Sometimes
Always Never



From the above pie diagram, 56% respondents saying that managers always
\give regular feedback about their work, 38% respondents saying that managers
sometimes give regular feedback about their work and 6%respondents saying that
managers never give regular feedback about their work.
B.11 Satisfied with communication between employer &

Information plays a vital role in pursuing job. It is a key to proceed further in

Work. Organization has its own established communication channels, but now
effectively they are delivering the information needs of employee is need to be

Table B.15 Satisfied with communication between employer & employee

Highly Satisfied 11 22
Satisfied 30 60
Neutral 7 14
Dissatisfied 2 4
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.15 Satisfied with communication between employer & employee

Satisfied with communication

between employer & employee
4% 0%

14% 22% Highly Satisfied

Satisfied Neutral

Highly Dissatisfied

From the above table it is observed that 22% are highly satisfied, 60% are
satisfied, 14% are neutral, and 4% are dissatisfied with the communication between
employer and employee.
B.12 Family problems influence on performance
Key concern area of present working culture is family problem influence on
work life. One of the major cases of dissatisfaction in job is family problems. If
family problems don’t have any impact on job, it’s not big constraint for both
employer and employee.

Table B.16 Family problems influence on performance


Sometimes 17 34
Always 24 48
Never 09 18
Total 50 100

Graph B.16 Family problems influence on performance

Family problems influence on


34% Sometimes
Always Never


Interpretation: From the above table it is observed that 34% respondents are saying that family
problems sometimes influence on performance, 48% respondents are saying that family problems always
influence on performance, and 18% respondents are saying that family problems never influence on
performance From the above table it is observed that majority of the employees.
B.13 Organization concerns about individual development
Every individual employee in organization expects helping hand from
management. Employees have their set of individual goals and achievements targets
to be insulated from organization support.

Table B.17 Organization concerns about individual development


Sometimes 20 40
Always 27 54
Never 3 6
Total 50 100

Graph B.17 Organization concerns about individual development

Organization concerns about

individual development


40% Sometimes



From the above pie diagram it is observed that 40% respondents are saying that
organization sometimes concerns about individual development, 54% respondents are
saying that organization always concerns about individual development, and resale saying
that organisation concerns that individual development .
B.14 Performance recognition by the organization
Employee perform job to get recognition. It is management duty that

Recognizes the performance of potential employee and reward employees.

Recognition and reward motivates employee to excel in work. This results in
achievement of organizational goals.

Table B.18 Performance recognition by the organization


Sometimes 24 48
Always 23 46
Never 3 6
Total 50 100

Graph B.18 Performance recognition by the organization

Performance recognition by the



48% Always Never



From the above pie diagram it is observed that 48% respondents are saying that
performance recognition sometimes done by the organization, 46% respondents are
saying that performance recognition always done by the organization, 6% respondents
are saying that performance recognition never done by the organization.
B.15 Satisfied with job recognition in society
In this questionnaire this question determines satisfied with job recognition in society.

Table B.19 Satisfied with job recognition in society


Highly Satisfied 1 2
Satisfied 32 64
Neutral 15 30
Dissatisfied 1 2
Highly Dissatisfied 1 2
TOTAL 50 100

Graph B.19 Satisfied with job recognition in society

Satisfied with job recognition in

2%2% 2%

Highly Satisfied

30% Satisfied
Neutral Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied


From the above pie diagram, it is observed that the 2% of the respondents are
highly satisfied, 64% of the respondents are satisfied, 30%of the respondents are
neutral, 2% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the job recognition in society
B.15 Team bonding helps to solve problems

This question is incorporated in the questionnaire for the purpose that the take
employees feedback on team bonding.

Table B.20 Team bonding helps to solve problems


Sometimes 9 18
Always 39 78
Never 2 4
Total 50 100

Graph B.20 Team bonding helps to solve problems

Team bonding helps to solve



Always Never



From the above pie diagram it is observed that 18% respondents are saying that team
bonding sometimes helps to solve problems, 78% respondents are saying that team
bonding always helps to solve problems, and 4% respondents are saying that team
bonding never helps to solve problems.



1) In Dhumal Industries most of the employees are satisfied with their job.

2) Most of the employees shows a very positive approach towards management co-

3) Employees are also satisfies with their welfare facilities.

4) Only 56% employees receive the feedback by the management.


From the above work we could understand the concept of employee job satisfaction.
Also studied different ways through which employees could be satisfied. Also it was
observed that there are different levels of satisfaction. These levels vary from person
to person. Also satisfaction for different people can be different. It was observed that
job satisfaction can be achieved using different methods. Different factors which
affect the job satisfaction are motivation, attitude, moral, work behaviour,
productivity, absenteeism, turnover and adjustment. Also the job satisfaction of the
employees was measured using the questionnaire method. And from the survey it was
observed that 62% of the total employees were satisfied whereas 32% of the people
were highly satisfied and 6% people were neutral. Thus it was observed that using the
questionnaire method we can get the figures related to the job satisfaction.



 The company can improve career development opportunities which reduce

boredom, monotony.
 Effective training should be given to reach organization goals and individual
 Suggestion boxes are to be provided to know the workers problems,
suggestions, and then the workers feel free to express their opinions.
 The management should conduct the review meetings periodically with its
employees to discuss about the performance of employee, due to these
review meeting everyone can interact, the gap between the employer and
employee is reduced, and the communication system also improved.
 As almost all the employees are satisfied with the salary structure, grading
system and the incentives provided, it is suggested to sustain the same in the
future as well.


 Research Methodology, By C.R.Kothari

 Human Resource Development, By P.C Thripathi

 Organizational Behavior, By Stephan Robbins

 Organizational Behaviour, By K.Aswathappa





 Relationship of job satisfaction with level of authority, By Tannenbaum,

Kavck, Ronner (1974)
 Employee Communication, By Linda Williams and Aingwem Dony(1999)

 Job Satisfaction of the employees, By Murlidharan(2000)




Employee Name :

Age :

1. Satisfied with the Job.

1) Highly Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

2. Management has given the opportunity to learn.

1) Yes 2) No

3. Qualification matches to the present job profile.

1) Yes 2) No

4. Satisfied with the nature of the work.

1) Highly Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

5. Satisfied with the safety precautions which are being taken by the organization

1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

6. Satisfied with the Managements Co-operation

1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

7. Organization keeps me updated on the changes/Achievements.

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

8. Satisfied with the co-operation exist among the employees.

1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

9. Management plays vital role in enhancing employee cooperation

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3)Never

10. Satisfied with the salary

1) Highly satisfied 2)Satisfied 3)Neutral 4)dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

11. Satisfied with the increments

1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3)Neutral 4) dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

12. Satisfied with the welfare facilities

1) Highly satisfied 2)Satisfied 3)Neutral 4)dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

13. Any other companies are providing higher salaries for the same work

1) Yes 2) No 3) Maybe

14. Managers give you regular feedback about your work

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

15. Satisfied with communication between employer and employee.

1) Highly satisfied 2)Satisfied 3)Neutral 4)dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

16. Family problems influence on performance

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

17. Organization concerns about individual development

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

18. Performance recognition by the organization

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

19. Satisfied with the Job recognition in society

1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral 4) Dissatisfied 5) Highly Dissatisfied

20. Team bonding helps to solve problems

1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) Never

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