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Siddhartha is a novel written by Herman Hesse that

take's one on a Spritual journey.

The story in this novel revolves around the same
time when there was the true enlighted man The
BUDDHA . It contain's Story of boy called
siddhartha borned in brahmin family ,too good to
religious teachings which he practised along with his
close friend Govinda .
One day siddhartha realise that these rituals and
mantras can't help truly et enlighten and
understand Aatma so he decide to leave his house
and to become a samana . He departs to be a
samana where his friend govinda also followed him.
For couple of years they become part of samana's ,
where they did fast and barely eat . Siddhartha
learned quickly until one day when both friend
heard about a true enlighten one , the one who
achieved Nirvana .
Both friends Leaves to see him .Both arrive late and
wait till morning.In morning they saw monks getting
out with bowls to beg food .The moment when
siddhartha saw them heading out and he easily
recognised Buddha and was mesmorised .His look
was complete scenary of peace with heavinly glow
on face . In orange clothes he looked like a god
from heaven . His face had no expression,no worry,
no anger just peace with a calm smile.After some
hours both friends heard sermon of Buddha and got
mesmorised. Govinda takes following of buddha but
siddhartha denies . He says Buddha is great but one
should find his own way to nirvana , which is unique
and can't be teached by any teacher and says to
keep i quest on alone . Before departing he haves a
talk with Gotama(Buddha) and moves on with his
quest alone . Furthur on his way he need to cross
river .In this situation a ferryman helps him but
siddhartha says he had nothing to pay ,the
ferryman asks him to pay in future .
Siddhartha enters a city where he saw women
kamala a courtsman . He gets mesmorised by her
beauty and thinks her as most beautiful women and
asks her to teach him aout love . Kamala ask him to
be in nice clothes and have money to have furthur
teaching.Siddhartha goes to kumarswami the
biggest buisnessman in city and gets work as he
know how to read and write.Soon he gets wealth
and was always equal to kumarswami .He learned
love from kamala.Soon days after days he lost in
sansara with greed and lust ,His hairs turned
grey .He couldn't find peace and leave's e city and
come across the same river he crossed years ago
and try to suicide ,but is saved. When he awakes
find a monk who was overthere to watch him for
security overnight .Suddenly siddhartha realise it
was his old friend govinda . both greet each other
and departs.
Siddhartha finds the same ferryman and tells him
about his dept .Siddhartha finds ferryman in peace
and asked him about his teaching .Ferryman whose
name was vasudev told that he learned from river ,it
contained many voices inside it.Siddhartha decides
to remain along with vasudev .Bot grew older by
working together as ferryman. siddhartha told him
his journey,both sa near river quiet, hearing its
voices.One day kamala now turned buddhist came
along that way along with her son and got bite by a
snake and yells for help. Vasudev saves her by
bringing her to his house where siddhartha
recognises him and gave her a healing potion
.Kamala recognises siddhartha and tells him about
his son whom she also named siddhartha and
dies.days passed but younger siddhartha deies to
accept siddhartha as father and ran
away.Siddhartha ges desperate to find his son but
vasudev urges him to let him go and find his way by
own.Siddhartha listens to river and realizes that
time is illussion that fades away and all his worries
and expression are worthless, if he live in present
there are no worries .After this moment of
illumination,vasudev tells siddhartha that he must
depart now and walks into wood leaving siddhartha
behind ,alone enlightened.
In old age Govinda hears about a enlightened
ferryman and goes to see him.He didn't recognize
him but siddhartha do.Govinda asks elderly
siddhartha to relate his wisdom,and siddhartha
answers that one sholdn't follow words because
words make you follow a one person but one should
seek nature and his teaching.The tuth lies within
everybody so identify and love the world as
complete,Exactly it is.Siddhartha then asks govinda
to kiss his forehead.When govinda does so ,he
experiances the same vision of time and
enlightment that siddhartha got by river.Govinda
bows in front of siddhartha an he smiles.These both
friend reached enlightment.

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