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Draw IT 2016 for AutoCAD

Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Version: 16.0 Copyright © Computer and Design Services Ltd

Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Getting Started........................................................................................................................................ 2
1 Getting Started with AutoCAD ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Step 1: Placing the Elevation, Side and Plan Views................................................................. 4
1.1.1 Step 1a: Getting Started.................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2 Step 1b: Locating the Cuplok Tool Palette ...................................................................... 6
1.1.3 Step 1c: Placing the Scaffold Views onto the Drawing ................................................... 7
1.2 Step 2: Entering the Scaffold Dimensions ............................................................................. 10
1.2.1 Step 2a: Setting the Number of Lifts ............................................................................. 11
1.2.2 Step 2b: Setting the Number of Bays ............................................................................ 12
1.2.3 Step 2c: Defining the Guard Rails and Boards .............................................................. 13
1.3 Step 3: Adding the Facade Bracing ....................................................................................... 15
1.4 Step 4: Drawing the Ladders and Boards .............................................................................. 18
1.4.1 Step 4a: Adding Ladders to the Elevation, Side and Plan Views ................................... 18
1.4.2 Step 4b: Adding the Boards to the Plan View ............................................................... 22
1.5 Step 5: Drawing a Gable End ................................................................................................. 25
1.6 Step 6: Annotating the Drawing............................................................................................ 29
1.6.1 Step 6a: Adding Dimensions ......................................................................................... 29
1.6.2 Step 6b: Adding Stamps ................................................................................................ 32
1.6.3 Step 6c: Title Block ........................................................................................................ 33
1.7 Step 7: Drawing an Irregular Scaffold ................................................................................... 35
1.7.1 Step 7a: Exploding the Scaffold into Components........................................................ 35
1.7.2 Step 7b: Adding Double Guardrail Frames.................................................................... 36
1.7.3 Step 7c: Adding a Bridge ............................................................................................... 38
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................... 40

Copyright © Computer and Design Services Limited

Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Thank you for choosing CADS SMART Scaffolder.
SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 is a new module that makes it easy to draw professional scaffold
engineering drawings using AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT.
With Draw IT 2016 you can simply drag and drop scaffold components onto the drawing and produce
drawings that conform to industry standard practices. SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 is supplied
with components from several manufacturers of tube-and-fitting and system scaffolding, including
the SGB Cuplok catalogue.
Intelligent scaffolding blocks are provided for both tube-and-fitting and system scaffolding, which
allow you to quickly produce drawings simply by defining the scaffold dimensions.
This tutorial aims to guide you through using the Draw IT 2016 tools to create professional scaffolding
engineering drawings using system scaffolding components.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Getting Started
Please read the SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 user manual before you start. All of
the AutoCAD commands used in this Tutorial are described in the User Guide.

You can start the application by either double-clicking the icon on your desktop, or by selecting the
application from Start  All Programs  CADS.

In Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, you can alternatively select the Draw IT Windows 8 tile.

Draw IT (AutoCAD 2016)

AutoCAD will then open with Draw IT 2016 automatically loaded.

If you start AutoCAD using the Draw IT icon then your scaffolding tools will be ready to
use. Only start AutoCAD with the AutoCAD icon when you don’t want to use Draw IT.

2 Copyright © Computer and Design Services Limited

Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1 Getting Started with AutoCAD

This tutorial has been written for Cuplok system scaffolding, but you can follow the same
steps to draw scaffolding with any other system that you have installed.

This tutorial explains how to create a Cuplok system scaffold using AutoCAD. SMART Scaffolder Draw
IT allows you to easily draw system scaffolding in two ways:

1. You can use dynamic scaffolds to very quickly draw regular scaffolding;

2. The individual components of the Cuplok catalogue are provided. These can be dragged and
dropped onto the drawing to build any shape of scaffolding.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use a dynamic scaffold to quickly build a regular scaffold with a
gable end, including its plan and elevation views. It will also show how to use the drag and drop
components, which will enable you to build more complicated scaffolds using the same techniques.
The steps involved are:

1. Drag-and-drop the dynamic elevation view, side view and plan view onto the drawing;

2. Enter the dimensions of the scaffold;

3. Add facade bracing;

4. Draw the ladders and boards;

5. Add a gable end;

6. Annotate the drawing with text and dimensions;

7. ‘Explode’ the scaffold to draw advanced features such as a bridge.

The tutorial concludes by demonstrating how to modify the scaffold to build an irregular shape or to
account for special circumstances.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.1 Step 1: Placing the Elevation, Side and Plan Views

This step will demonstrate:

1. Starting SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016;

2. Finding the Cuplok tool palette;

3. Dragging and dropping the dynamic Cuplok system scaffolding blocks onto the drawing.

Once these steps have been completed the drawing will appear as follows:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.1.1 Step 1a: Getting Started

To get started:

1. Double click the Draw IT icon on the Windows Desktop.

2. Select the A2 paper size using the Quick View Layouts option.

To choose the layout that you want to use in AutoCAD 2009 / 2010, click the Quick View Layouts
button at the very bottom of the AutoCAD window:

The Quick View Layouts button.

You can then click on the paper size that you require:

The other versions of AutoCAD use tabs along the bottom of the screen to perform the same

3. Once the A2 layout is visible, double-click in the centre of the paper to activate the viewport. This
is the area that you will be drawing into.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.1.2 Step 1b: Locating the Cuplok Tool Palette

The AutoCAD tool palette allows you to drag and drop scaffolding components onto the drawing. The
palette contains a number of tabbed pages, which can be clicked to display different types of
scaffolding components. For example there are tabbed pages for Cuplok dynamic components, tabbed
pages that provide the catalogue of Cuplok components, and tabbed pages for tube-and-fitting
The tool palette should be visible in the AutoCAD window, as shown below.

If the Tool Palette is not visible, click the View toolbar tab and then click on the Tool
Palette icon on the Palettes panel.

To activate the Cuplok components, click on the tab with the title: Cuplok Scaffold System. If this tab is
not visible, click on the stacked tabs at the bottom of the tool palette to see the complete list:

Click on the stacked tabs with the

left mouse button to display the
complete list of palettes and
select the Cuplok Scaffold System

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.1.3 Step 1c: Placing the Scaffold Views onto the Drawing
1. Locate the Cuplok Scaffold System tab on the tool palette as described previously;

2. To place the scaffold plan, click on the Plan icon in the palette;

3. Move across to the drawing and click to position the scaffold plan on the drawing;

4. When placing the scaffold plan allow enough room for the side elevation to be drawn to the left,
as shown below.

Make sure you double click inside the Viewport to activate it before you try to drag and
drop the scaffold plan.

Click on the Plan.

Click to drop the Plan onto the drawing.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
5. The next step is to place the front elevation onto the drawing so that it is aligned with the plan
view. This will be achieved by using an AutoCAD feature known as inference.

If you prefer you can use construction lines to place the front and side elevations
instead, as described in the Tube and Fitting Tutorial.

It helps to zoom in by moving the mouse cursor over the plan view that you have just placed and
rolling the mouse wheel forward.
Click on the Front Elevation tool from the Cuplok Scaffold System palette, move the mouse over
the first transom in the plan view, and hover it there for a second. Now move the mouse upward
and you will see a dotted line that is aligned with the transom position; if you click the mouse on
the dotted line the elevation and plan views will be aligned.

First click on the Front Elevation tool…

… Hover the mouse over the

first transom for a second…

… Then move the mouse

upward and click on the
dotted inference line.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
6. The Side Elevation is placed in a similar way, this time by using a horizontal inference line that
starts from the front elevation drawing.

It helps to first pan the view to clear some space: hold the mouse wheel down, move the mouse
to the right, then release the mouse wheel.
Click on the Side Elevation tool from the Cuplok Scaffold System palette, move the mouse over the
first base plate in the front elevation view, and hover it there for a second. Now move the mouse
to the left to create a horizontal inference line and click on it to place the side elevation.

This completes placing the scaffold plan, front elevation, and side elevation.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.2 Step 2: Entering the Scaffold Dimensions

This step will demonstrate how to:

1. Change the number of lifts and bays in the scaffold.

2. Change the board and guard rail details.

The views of the scaffold placed in Step 1 are AutoCAD dynamic blocks. A dynamic block has
intelligence built into it that allows it to be changed as you work. The Draw IT scaffold dynamic blocks
allow you to change the dimensions of the scaffold using grips.
To activate the grips for a dynamic block, click on it so that it becomes selected. To deactivate the
grips press the Esc key to clear the selection.

Some of the dynamic blocks have additional parameters that are only accessible via the properties

If the AutoCAD Properties Palette is not visible, click the View toolbar tab and then click
on the Properties icon on the Palettes panel.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.2.1 Step 2a: Setting the Number of Lifts

1. Click on the front elevation of the scaffold to activate it.

2. Click on the Number of Lifts grip, shown in the previous diagram, and select 3 Lifts.

3. Now click on the side view of the scaffold to activate it and set its number of lifts to 3 in the
same way.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.2.2 Step 2b: Setting the Number of Bays

The next step is to set the number of bays of scaffolding. At this stage regular bays of 2.5m will be

1. Click on the front elevation of the scaffold to activate it.

2. Click on the Scaffold Length grip and move it to the right. You will see a marker at each bay position:
click the left mouse button once the scaffold is 15000mm long, when the mouse cursor is at the
sixth marker:

3. Repeat this process for the plan view by clicking on it to activate it, clicking on its Scaffold Length
grip, and clicking the mouse past the sixth marker.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.2.3 Step 2c: Defining the Guard Rails and Boards

The next stage is to define which lifts are to be boarded and how many guard rails to place at each lift.
The scaffold will have every lift boarded, including the foot lift, and protected by double guard rails by
default, but this can be changed by using the grips in a similar way to the entry of the lifts and bays.

1. Click on the front elevation to activate it.

2. Click on the Guard Rails grip at the foot lift and choose None; the guard rails and boards will be

3. Next, click on the Guard Rails grips at the first and second lifts and select Single Guard Rail.

The boards are switched off by default when the guard rails are removed or set to single
However, you can switch them back on again by using the Boards grip if you wish, for
example if drawing a birdcage scaffold.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
4. Click on the side view to activate it and repeat the process by clicking on its Guard Rails grips.

5. Press the Esc key to clear the selection when you have finished.

Advanced guard rail options, for example using guard rail frames instead of horizontals, will be
demonstrated later in this tutorial.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.3 Step 3: Adding the Facade Bracing

Facade bracing can be drawn by dragging and dropping the Facade Bracing tool from the tool palette
onto the front elevation.

1. Press the Esc key to clear the selection.

2. Click on the Facade Bracing tool from the tool palette and move the mouse over the drawing area.

3. Click on the intersection between the first standard and the foot lift on the front elevation to place
the bracing.

4. Repeat the process by dragging and dropping another set of facade bracing onto the final bay,
clicking on the intersection between the sixth standard and the foot lift.

Now that both sets of bracing have been placed they can be stretched up to the top lift.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
5. Click on the first set of facade bracing so that it is selected and its grips appear:

6. Click on the arrow grip, move the mouse up to the top lift, and click on the left mouse button to
place it.

7. Press the Esc key to clear the selection.

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8. Repeat the process for the second set of bracing by selecting it, clicking on its arrow grip, and
stretching it to the top lift.

This completes the placement of the facade bracing.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.4 Step 4: Drawing the Ladders and Boards

The next stage is to add a ladder and draw the boards.

1.4.1 Step 4a: Adding Ladders to the Elevation, Side and Plan Views
Ladders can be dragged and dropped on to the drawing from the AutoCAD tool palette:

1. Change to the Ladders Tab on the tool palette.

2. Next choose the 26’ Ladder tool from the Ladder Side View section and drop it onto the far right of
the scaffold elevation.

You may wish to split this ladder into two or three shorter ladders by using intermediate
boarded landings, but for this tutorial we will use a single ladder for brevity.
This tutorial also assumes that standard ladders will be used rather than integrated ladder
platforms, although ladder platforms can be drawn in a similar way.

Click on the 26’ Ladder in the Ladder Side View section and
drop on the far right of the scaffold elevation.

3. The ladder will be drawn in front of the scaffold by default. Press the Esc key to clear the selection,
click on the ladder to select it, and click the right mouse button to display the AutoCAD context
menu. Choose Draw Order  Send to Back to move the ladder behind the scaffold.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
4. Next choose the 26’ Ladder tool from the Ladder Front Elevation section and drop it onto the far
right of the side view of the scaffold.

You may find it helpful to zoom in and use an inference line to place the bottom of the ladder in
line with the bottom of the foot lift.
Once the ladder has been placed, use the Draw Order  Send to Back option to place the ladder
behind the scaffold in the same manner as the elevation view.

Click on the 26’ Ladder in the Ladder Front Elevation

section and drop it on the far right of the side view.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
5. Finally a ladder will be added to the plan view. A short ladder will be placed to represent the
projected view of the ladder on plan: drop a 3’ Ladder from the Ladder Front Elevation section onto
the final transom of the plan view of the scaffold.

Click on the 3’ Ladder and drop onto the far

right transom of the scaffold plan view.

6. To rotate the ladder into position, click on the ladder to activate it, and click on the grip in the
lower right corner with the left mouse button. Then click on the grip with the right mouse button
to display the grip menu:

7. Choose the Rotate option, move the mouse vertically up the screen to rotate the ladder into the
horizontal position, and click the left mouse button to place it:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Click on the ladder, click on the grip

with the left mouse button, then
right mouse click and select Rotate.

Drag the mouse vertically up the

screen and click.

You need to click on the grip with the left mouse button before clicking the right mouse
button to display the menu in order to use the grip rotate option.
If you just press the right mouse button you use the normal rotate option, which is more
complicated to use.

This completes the placement of the ladders.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.4.2 Step 4b: Adding the Boards to the Plan View

Boards can be dragged and dropped on to the drawing from the AutoCAD tool palette. SMART
Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 offers boards and toe boards in elevation, plan and section.
The toe boards and main boards will be drawn by dragging and dropping board components onto the
plan view of the scaffold.

1. Switch to the Boards tab on the tool palette.

2. The toe boards will be drawn first. Choose the 13’ Board tool from the Board Elevation section of
the tool palette and drop it onto the bottom-left corner of the scaffold plan.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
3. Now select the 13’ Board tool from the Board Plan section of the tool palette and drop it above the
toe board to create the first main board. Repeat this four more times to place all five main boards:

4. The next stage is to copy these boards across the length of the scaffold. Press the Esc key, to ensure
that no other components are selected, and select all six boards, including the toe board, by
clicking them with the mouse:

5. Copy the six boards and paste them to the right of the first set:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Copy the 5 plan boards to the right so

that their ends meet.

6. Paste the boards again and place them to the right of the second set:

7. Boards will now be built around the ladder. Drag and drop an 11’ Board from the Board Elevation
section to build the toe board, followed by two 8’ Boards and three 11’ Boards from the Board Plan
section of the tool palette.

This completes the placement of the boards.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.5 Step 5: Drawing a Gable End

Several dynamic blocks can be added together to create a more complex scaffold. In this example a
gable end is going to be placed on top of the existing drawing.

1. Change to the Cuplok Scaffold System tab on the tool palette.

2. Click on the Gable tool and place it on the midpoint of the top of the third standard of the scaffold
front elevation.

It is helpful to zoom in to make it easier to select the midpoint of the standard:

Zoom out again so that the whole scaffold is visible.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
3. The next step is to define the width of the gable end and set the number of lifts.

Click on the gable end so that it is selected and its grips are visible. Click on the Number of Lifts grip
and select 2 Lifts:

4. The lengths of the gable lifts can be modified by clicking on the left and right arrow grips at each
lift position. Click on the left arrow grip of the first gable lift, move the mouse left by one bay, and
click to create a new gable bay:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
5. Repeat this operation for the right-hand grip of the first gable lift, stretching the lift by two bays
so that it becomes symmetrical:

6. Then stretch the right arrow grip of the second gable lift by one bay and press the Esc key to clear
the selection.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
7. The gable end can be completed by adding some facade bracing and a ladder in the same manner
described previously. A 17’ Ladder can be used this time:

This completes the placement of the gable end.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.6 Step 6: Annotating the Drawing

This step of the tutorial will demonstrate how to annotate the drawing by adding dimensions and title

1.6.1 Step 6a: Adding Dimensions

SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 is automatically set up to print dimensions correctly at any scale; all
you need to do is add them to the drawing.

1. Set the AutoCAD layer to Dims before placing the dimensions.

Click on the layers drop-down…

…Select the Dims layer from the


2. Select the Annotate toolbar to access the Dimension commands.

Dimensions can be placed with different text heights on the drawing, SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016
is supplied with three different styles. The most commonly used style draws the text at 2.5mm high:
this style is called Draw IT_2.5 and is the default style.

Click on the Dimension style drop-down…

Select the Draw IT_2.5 dimension style.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
3. Click on the Linear dimension command to begin placing the first dimension.

4. Zoom in so that the first standard, the foot lift, and the first lift are clearly visible on the drawing.
Click on the bottom-left corner of the top cup at the foot lift to place the first point of the
dimension, then click on the bottom-left corner of the top cup at the first lift.

The dimension line will then be created. Move the mouse to the left and click the left mouse
button to place the dimension to the left of the scaffold:

The dimension should be 2000 because the first lift is 2.0m high. If a different value is
displayed then you may not have clicked on exactly the correct point: use the Undo
option and try again – you can zoom in further if you need to.
Clicking on the cups helps you to ensure that you have selected the same point on each
lift so that the correct dimension will be displayed.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
5. You can now repeat this process to dimension the bay length. Select the Linear dimension option
again, but this time move the mouse to the middle of the first base plate so that the Midpoint grip
appears. Click on the point, move the mouse to the Midpoint of the second base plate, and click
again. Then move the mouse downward and click to place the dimension:

Click on the midpoint of the first standard…

Then click on the midpoint of the second


Finally move the mouse downward and

click to place the dimension.

This completes the placement of the dimensions.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.6.2 Step 6b: Adding Stamps

SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 is supplied with a number of predefined stamps that include standard
text such as CDM Regulations, the maximum working load for the scaffold, and so on.

1. Change to the Stamps tab on the tool palette.

2. To place a stamp, simply drag and drop it from the Stamps tool palette.

3. Drag and drop the Plan stamp from the Stamps tool palette below the scaffold plan view. Repeat
this process for the Elevation and the Side Elevation:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
Some stamps, like the Design Load stamp, allow you to enter values in a dialog box. The information
you type in will be displayed in the stamp.

4. Drop the Design Load stamp onto the drawing.

5. Enter 2.0 in the dialog to specify a maximum load of 2.0kN/m2.

This completes adding Stamps to the drawing.

1.6.3 Step 6c: Title Block

The final step is to complete the title area to enter the details of the drawing.

The title area is in AutoCAD paper space, so double-click outside of the drawing area to
activate it.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
The title area allows you to enter information about the drawing:

Section Description
Drawn The initials of the person who created the drawing.
Scale The drawing scale.
Checked By The initials of the person who checked that the drawing is correct.
Date The date on which the drawing was completed.
Drawing No A unique number to reference the drawing, usually based on the contract number.
Title A brief title to describe the drawing.
Client The name of the client company.

1. To display the Title Block text dialog box double click on any part of the title block drawing.

2. Highlight the Title 1 attribute.

3. Click into the Value field and type in the Title of the drawing.

4. Pick Apply.

5. Pick each attribute in turn and type in the required text in the Value field and pick Apply.

6. Pick Ok to exit the dialog.

Double click the title block drawing to display

the Attribute Dialog and type in the required
information in each field and select Apply
and then OK.

This completes adding the text to the title block area.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.7 Step 7: Drawing an Irregular Scaffold

The regular scaffold drawn using this tutorial is not very representative of real-world conditions:
scaffolds are rarely built in regular bays and lifts.
SMART Scaffolder Draw IT 2016 allows you to draw complex scaffolds by dragging and dropping
individual components, for example in the manner that boards were placed during the tutorial. It is
possible to draw any configuration of system scaffolding by dragging and dropping individual
standards, horizontals, and boards – plus it is also possible to drag and drop tube and fitting
components too, as described in the Tube and Fitting Tutorial.
However, it is not always necessary to start from scratch and build every component individually: it is
also possible to explode a dynamic scaffold, removing its intelligence and converting it into individual
components that can be modified. This enables you to quickly build the majority of the scaffold using
intelligent dynamic blocks, then explode the scaffold into its components to make the required
This tutorial will show how to replace the guard rails with double guard rail frames and how to remove
a standard to build a bridge over an obstruction.

1.7.1 Step 7a: Exploding the Scaffold into Components

Once you have created your basic scaffold using dynamic blocks you can explode them into their
constituent components for more detailed editing.

Exploding a dynamic block allows you to edit the individual components but you lose the
intelligent grips that allow you to modify the lifts, bays, boards, and guard rails.

To explode the scaffold:

1. Double-click within the viewport to ensure that it is active.

2. Press the Esc key so that you are sure that nothing is selected.

3. Click on the front elevation of the scaffold;

4. Click on the Explode button in the Modify section of the Home toolbar, or type explode and press
the Enter key.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.7.2 Step 7b: Adding Double Guardrail Frames

This step of the tutorial demonstrates how to replace components from the dynamic scaffold
elevation with individual components from the catalogue.

1. Ensure that the front elevation and the gable end have been exploded by following the
instructions in the previous step.

2. Delete the guard rails from the top lift and the two gable lifts by clicking them with the left mouse
button and pressing the Delete key. You can do this most easily by selecting all of the guard rails
first and pressing the Delete key once to delete them all.

Alternatively you could switch off the guard rails first using the dynamic block, and then
explode the scaffold.

3. Switch to the Cuplok Scaffold System tool palette tab and scroll down so that the Double Guardrail
Frame components are visible.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding
4. Drag and drop the 2.5m Guardrail Frame component onto each bay by clicking on the second cup
above the lift level. You may find it helpful to zoom in using the mouse wheel to make it easier to
slot the guardrail into the cup.

5. Repeat this for each bay to complete the guardrail frames:

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

1.7.3 Step 7c: Adding a Bridge

A bridge can be drawn by deleting components from the drawing and adding a truss beam.

1. Use an AutoCAD crossing window to select all of the components within the first two lifts of the
third and fourth bays.

To do this, click the left mouse button below the base level of the fourth lift and move the mouse
cursor up and to the left. Click the left mouse button when the mouse cursor is above the first
guard rail in the third bay:

Click this point first…

Then click this point.

2. Press the Delete key to erase the components.

3. To place a truss beam, switch to the Beams tool palette and drag and drop a 5m Beam onto the
drawing over the bridge.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

This completes the tutorial! Congratulations for working through to the end.

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Tutorial for System Scaffolding

Thank you for choosing CADS SMART Scaffolder.
We are always striving to improve the product so please contact us with your feedback. We are always
keen to hear new ideas and if you experience any problems with the software we want to hear about
them so that they can be resolved.

You can contact us via:

 Our website support centre at;
 Email on [email protected];
 Telephone on (01202) 603733 from Monday to Friday between 09:30 and 17:00.

40 Copyright © Computer and Design Services Limited

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