Maple Leaf Cement Factory Analysis

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Company Name

Total No. of Closing
PSX outstanding Price on
S.No. Company Name Symbol Years shares Year end
1 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF 2015 527,733,926 78.56
2 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF 2016 527,733,926 105.51
3 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF 2017 527,733,926 111.36
4 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF 2018 593,700,666 50.74
5 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF 2019 593,700,666 23.89

You can use this vertical line to add any Comments Relevant to their Above specific cell values:

Important Notes for the Project:

i- Write Complete figures, check the header of your client company's financial statements and then includin
ii- For comparability; pls don't change any thing in this standardized format. If you want to add anything don't
iii- Use the Audited figures, wherever available.
iii- Fake or Inaccurate figures will disqualify your project and no marks will be given.
iv- Where needed, use the Formulas in the sheet.

Following are the Notes given by the Student, for the Faculty:
Return on asset = Net Profit/ Average Assets
Return on equity = Net Profit/ Shareholder's Equity
Dividend Pay-out = Dividend Declared/ Net Profit
Inventory Turnover = (Average Inventory/ COGS) x 365
A/R Turnover = (Accounts Receivable/ Total Credit Sales) x 365
Empty cells indicate that the relevant information was not available
Board of Directors FAMILY INFLUENCE

Non- Total Directors # of Shares
Total Market Independe Executive Executive Directors on serving on owned by the
Capitalization nt Dir. Dir. (NED) Dir. the board the board Family people
41,458,777,227 1 5 2 8 0 293,309,824
55,681,206,532 1 5 2 8 0 293,309,824
58,768,449,999 1 5 2 8 0 291,551,272
30,124,371,793 1 5 2 8 0 327,995,177
14,183,508,911 1 5 2 8 0 327,995,177

I found family ownership in this c

tatements and then including ALL zero values accordingly.

want to add anything don't add in between of this given format, add it in the end of the last column.

Is this a FAMILY (# of shares owned by the
Owned company? Institutions like example:
Proportion of write = 1 if total 20% Insurance
FAMILY or more ownership by companies, Pension funds,
Ownership of family, otherwise write NIT and Investment trusts
shares =0 etc..) CEO Name
55.58% 1 55,485,755 Mr. Sayeed Tariq Saigol
55.58% 1 30,416,349 Mr. Sayeed Tariq Saigol
55.25% 1 51,516,324 Mr. Sayeed Tariq Saigol
55.25% 1 56,218,771 Mr. Sayeed Tariq Saigol
55.25% 1 59,585,414 Mr. Sayeed Tariq Saigol

I found family ownership in this company


CEO Tenure in Months

- serving as CEO in this
company. (Check and
start counting from yr.
2009) CEO Age (approx.)
3 years 59
4 years 60
5 years 61
6 years 62
7 years 63

CEO Qualification: (If CEO's

Masters degree Gender IF
/Professional Male write =
qualification = 1, 1, IF Female
CEO Qualification Otherwise = 0) =0
undergraduate degree from McGill University. 0 1
undergraduate degree from McGill University. 0 1
undergraduate degree from McGill University. 0 1
undergraduate degree from McGill University. 0 1
undergraduate degree from McGill University. 0 1

Is the CEO from

the Owning
family or from
close Relatives
to ownership CEO Salary & Total CEO Executives' No. of
Family Bonus CEO Benefits, etc. Compensation Payroll executives
Yes 9,360,000 2,604,000 11,964,000 169,872,000 97
Yes 9,360,000 2,925,000 12,285,000 274,449,000 148
Yes 14,040,000 4,095,000 18,135,000 436,969,000 274
Yes 20,844,000 7,215,000 28,059,000 173,864,000 51
Yes 26,100,000 9,969,000 36,069,000 227,388,000 67

# of shares held by board of

Total no. of Directors total Shareholding
Total Salaries cost Board (i.e. Ownership by all
(i.e. Labour cost Meetings held Directors, including CEO, their
Directors' Payroll included in COGS) in year spouse, kids etc.)
28,921,000 772,195,000 4 1,899,399
37,939,000 944,164,000 4 1,899,399
83,997,000 1,202,917,000 4 140,847
108,609,000 1,008,778,000 5 158,450
123,213,000 1,159,252,000 4 158,450

Duality - Is the No. of No. of

CEO and the HR & INDEPENDE No. of Non- Executive
Chairman of Remunerati NT directors executive directors
Board Two on in HR & directors in HR & TOTAL No. of
separate Committee REMUNERA (NED’s) in REM. Directors in HR
# of shares held by CEO persons? Present? TION HR & REM. Committe & REM.
alone YES/NO YES / NO committee committee e Committee
5,156 Yes yes 0 3 0 3
5,156 Yes Yes 0 3 0 3
5,156 Yes Yes 0 3 0 3
5,800 Yes Yes 1 2 0 3
5,800 Yes Yes 1 2 0 3

No. of Non- No. of HR &

No. of executive No. of No. of Audit Rem.
INDEPENDE directors Executive TOTAL No. of committee's committee's
NT directors (NED’s) in directors in Directors in the Meeting Meeting
in AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT held in the held in the
committee committee committee Committee year year Cost of Sales (COGS)
1 3 0 4 5 1 13,224,431,000
1 3 0 4 5 1 13,410,564,000
1 3 0 4 5 1 14,509,777,000
1 3 0 4 5 1 18,676,562,000
1 3 0 4 4 1 21,088,864,000

Marketing Expenses (or

IF: its Not available use
Selling, Distribution Cost CSR: Any Amount spent on Net Profit/(Loss) Before
given) CSR, Social welfare Net Sales or Revenue tax
1,313,696,000 2,746,000 20,720,054,000 4,500,911,000
1,359,896,000 16,991,000 23,432,696,000 7,117,538,000
1,275,182,000 21,054,000 23,992,079,000 6,870,356,000
736,142,000 14,779,000 25,699,113,000 4,395,236,000
933,244,000 27,199,000 26,005,944,000 1,664,176,000

Refer to Donations amount

Net Profit/(Loss) After Non-Current assets
tax (NCA) Total Assets (TA) Total Debt (TD)
3,454,295,000 23,782,112,000 31,221,317,000 13,558,577,000
4,884,585,000 23,543,989,000 32,021,696,000 10,684,561,000
4,777,081,000 28,405,142,000 38,816,773,000 15,108,712,000
3,632,201,000 45,996,847,000 58,728,528,000 28,817,389,000
1,465,299,000 51,750,897,000 65,957,775,000 35,443,189,000
Non- Current Liabilities
Total Equity (TE) Current Assets (CA) Current Liabilities (CL) (NCL)
17,662,740,000 7,439,205,000 8,144,461,000 5,414,116,000
21,337,135,000 8,477,707,000 5,027,065,000 5,657,496,000
23,708,061,000 10,411,631,000 7,764,031,000 7,344,681,000
29,911,139,000 12,731,681,000 11,953,924,000 16,863,465,000
30,514,586,000 14,206,878,000 14,164,518,000 21,278,671,000

A/c. Payables (Trade PPE (Total Property Plant

payables excluding other & Equipment i.e. Fixed
payables) Net Assets Intangible Assets (FA) asset)
998,898,000 17,662,740,000 - 23,720,541,000
713,785,000 21,337,135,000 - 22,822,494,000
690,865,000 23,708,061,000 25,206,000 23,647,663,000
1,439,522,000 29,911,139,000 16,811,000 40,894,010,000
2,614,735,000 30,514,586,000 13,529,000 46,640,664,000
Inventory at year End
(includes stores, A/c. Receivables (Trade Allowance for Bad Debts
spares and loose Cash & Bank balance at receivables balance at (Provision for doubtful
tools) year End year End debts)
1,206,573,000 244,400,000 570,571,000 -
872,820,000 394,474,000 576,861,000 -
1,301,235,000 413,958,000 682,526,000 -
1,193,506,000 632,662,000 1,131,753,000 25,000,000
1,739,014,000 494,398,000 2,683,758,000 10,189,000

Dividends Amount Research & Development

Declared (Rs.) for this (R & D) expenditure for Cash flows from Operating Cash flows from Investing
current year the year activities activities
524,391,000 - 6,571,743,000 (699,989,000)
1,283,026,000 - 7,971,930,000 (1,696,293,000)
2,315,788,000 - 5,623,810,000 (6,760,132,000)
1,804,561,000 - 5,589,931,000 (19,736,908,000)
663,880,000 - 6,280,960,000 (8,105,101,000)

Firm Age (i.e.

Total Accruals Company's age
Formula Tip: from the time Total number of Shareholders
(Net Profit After tax - when it was of the firm (i.e. How many
Cash flows from Financing Cashflows from Operating Incorporated or people hold the shares? Go to
activities Activities) formed) the pattern of shareholding)
(5,447,431,000) (3,117,448,000) 59 9,436
(6,059,882,000) (3,087,345,000) 60 7,723
909,623,000 (846,729,000) 61 8,683
13,182,328,000 (1,957,730,000) 62 8,944
1,815,157,000 (4,815,661,000) 63 11,973

# of Shares owned by the % of Shares owned by

Top - Five largest the Top - Five largest Dividend
shareholders shareholders ROA ROE EPS DPS payout
341,501,638 65% 11.06% 19.56% 6.37 1.00 0.16
349,755,048 66% 15.25% 22.89% 9.00 2.50 0.28
334,160,027 63% 12.31% 20.15% 8.81 4.50 0.51
397,568,498 67% 6.18% 12.14% 6.29 3.06 0.49
380,441,614 64% 2.22% 4.80% 2.47 1.00 0.41

Tobin’s Q (q ratio)
Formula tip:Book value
of Debt plus the Market
value of Equity /divided
Debt/equity Debt/asset Gross Profit (or Net Profit (or by the book value of Inventory
ratio ratio Loss) Margin Loss) Margin Assets Turnover (Days)
26.58% 43.43% 36.18% 16.67% 1.76 32.5
7.53% 33.37% 42.77% 20.85% 2.07 28.3
14.94% 38.92% 39.52% 19.91% 1.90 27.3
44.93% 49.07% 27.33% 14.13% 1.00 24.4
58.73% 53.74% 18.91% 5.63% 0.75 25.4
Market to Book ratio
(to check Growth)
A/c. Receivable Market Capitalization / P/E (i.e. Price to Shares owned by associated
Turnover (Days) Net Assets (TA - TL) Earnings ratio) companies
12.42 2.347 12.34 291,410,425
8.94 2.610 11.72 291,410,425
9.58 2.479 12.65 291,410,425
12.88 1.007 8.07 327,836,727
26.78 0.465 9.68 327,836,727

Kohinoor Textiles Mills

Number of Subsidiaries of
the company

Maple Leaf Power Ltd

Observations of any Major changes and few quick C

Any major change found in this

Number of executives decreased dramatically, share price and market capitalization also had a huge downfall, huge
Share price kept going down
Any thing else you want to

S.No. Company Name Symbol Name of Industry

1 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF Cement Industry
2 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF Cement Industry
3 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF Cement Industry
4 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF Cement Industry
5 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited MLCF Cement Industry
BUSY year end
(write variable = 1
if year-end is DELAY = Number of
Between 31st days between
December and 31 company’s financial
March inclusive; year-end and date the
variable = 0 Date of Signing Audit audit report is signed Audit Engagement Partner
otherwise) report by auditor Name
0 9-Sep-15 71 M.Rehan Chugtai
0 5-Sep-16 67 M.Rehan Chugtai
0 13-Sep-17 75 Bilal Ali
0 17-Sep-18 79 Bilal Ali
0 19-Sep-19 81 Bilal Ali
Size of Audit Firm (i.e.
Name of the Audit Firm Big 4 or Non-Big 4)
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Big 4
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Big 4
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Big 4
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Big 4
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Big 4
Non-Audit fee i.e.
auditor's remuneration
Other than audit fee
Audit fee (i.e (eg. Half yearly review,
No. of direct statutory CCG review,
No. of Geographical Locations, INTERNATIONAL Auditors' certification, out of
offices in PAKISTAN Offices (If any) remuneration) pocket exp.)
6 - 1,200,000 550,000
6 - 1,200,000 1,833,000
6 - 1,200,000 1,833,000
6 - 1,380,000 1,491,000
6 - 1,380,000 1,491,000

Karachi, Rawalpindi, Faislabad,

Lahore, Sarghoda, Multan
REVIEW on CCG OPINION - given in
Number of (Code of their Auditors report
Subsidiaries of Corporate (Unqualified, Qualified,
the company Governance) Adverse)
1.00 YES unqualified
1.00 YES unqualified
1.00 YES unqualified
1.00 YES unqualified
1.00 YES unqualified
Comment on the level of Modification made
Net sales CEO Compensation
2015 20,720,054,000 11,964,000 Column 1
2016 23,432,696,000 12,285,000 Column 2
2017 23,992,079,000 18,135,000
2018 25,699,113,000 28,059,000
2019 26,005,944,000 36,069,000

Net profit after tax CEO Compensation

2015 3,454,295,000 11,964,000 Column 1
2016 4,884,585,000 12,285,000 Column 2
2017 4,777,081,000 18,135,000
2018 3,632,201,000 28,059,000
2019 1,465,299,000 36,069,000
Net sales COGS
2015 20,720,054,000 13,224,431,000 Column 1
2016 23,432,696,000 13,410,564,000 Column 2
2017 23,992,079,000 14,509,777,000
2018 25,699,113,000 18,676,562,000
2019 26,005,944,000 21,088,864,000

Net sales Net profit after tax

2015 20,720,054,000 3,454,295,000 Column 1
2016 23,432,696,000 4,884,585,000 Column 2
2017 23,992,079,000 4,777,081,000
2018 25,699,113,000 3,632,201,000
2019 26,005,944,000 1,465,299,000
Total Assets Net profit after tax
2015 31,221,317,000 3,454,295,000 Column 1
2016 32,021,696,000 4,884,585,000 Column 2
2017 38,816,773,000 4,777,081,000
2018 58,728,528,000 3,632,201,000
2019 65,957,775,000 1,465,299,000

Net profit after tax Share Price

2015 3,454,295,000 79 Column 1
2016 4,884,585,000 106 Column 2
2017 4,777,081,000 111
2018 3,632,201,000 51
2019 1,465,299,000 24

Dividend per share Share Price

2015 1.00 79 Column 1
2016 2.50 106 Column 2
2017 4.50 111
2018 3.06 51
2019 1.00 24

Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT

0.861901484766283 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.861901
R Square 0.742874
Adjusted R Square 0.657166
Standard Error 6156714
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept -81142869
X Variable 1 0.004274

Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT

-0.780309912709228 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.78031
R Square 0.608884
Adjusted R Square 0.478511
Standard Error 7593275
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept 42977168
X Variable 1 -0.00595
Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT
0.84996106164522 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.849961
R Square 0.722434
Adjusted R Square 0.629912
Standard Error 2.14E+09
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept -1.76E+10
X Variable 1 1.41039

Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT

-0.383130168318047 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.38313
R Square 0.146789
Adjusted R Square-0.137615
Standard Error 1.47E+09
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept 9.61E+09
X Variable 1 -0.249143
Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT
-0.751555872582564 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.751556
R Square 0.564836
Adjusted R Square 0.419782
Standard Error 1.05E+09
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept 6.58E+09
X Variable 1 -0.064784

Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT

0.93227116442101 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.932271
R Square 0.86913
Adjusted R Square 0.825506
Standard Error 15.43531
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept -16.98941
X Variable 1 2.498E-08

Column 1 Column 2 SUMMARY OUTPUT

0.593950067675214 1 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.59395
R Square 0.352777
Adjusted R Square 0.137036
Standard Error 34.32588
Observations 5

Regression 1
Residual 3
Total 4

Intercept 38.27139
X Variable 1 14.81783

SS MS F Significance F
328540379796784 3.2854038E+14 8.66743922029666 0.0603128888
113715379403216 3.7905126E+13

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

34906137.5676175 -2.3246017517 0.102652001137514 -192229777.07 29944039.99758
0.001451706701982 2.94405149756 0.060312888781103 -0.0003460793 0.00889387792

SS MS F Significance F
269282261035715 2.6928226E+14 4.67035003443058 0.1194519819
172973498164285 5.7657833E+13

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

10588798.3035282 4.05873893967 0.026958068531009 9278885.9604 76675450.03734
0.002753323655684 -2.1610992653 0.119451981925288 -0.0147125104 0.002812098966
SS MS F Significance F
3.57782131590072E+019 3.5778213E+19 7.80823266029189 0.0681735583
1.3746342373078E+019 4.5821141E+18

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

12136285146.911 -1.4522547168 0.242362291525708 -56248053175 20998098476.39
0.50473434509366 2.79432150267 0.068173558344799 -0.1958999181 3.016679985325

SS MS F Significance F
1.11644281331009E+018 1.1164428E+18 0.516127940383901 0.5243954692
6.48933758059871E+018 2.1631125E+18

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

8338585326.63448 1.15302972938 0.332430604115804 -16922463281 36151736846.63
0.346792313537367 -0.7184204482 0.52439546919519 -1.3527906062 0.854505227596
SS MS F Significance F
4.2960203209625E+018 4.2960203E+18 3.8939562623386 0.1429850557
3.3097600729463E+018 1.1032534E+18

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

1561156957.15151 4.21519484143 0.02439755369302 1612282562.2 11548878942.7
0.032829931897906 -1.9733109898 0.142985055670604 -0.1692631609 0.039695830064

SS MS F Significance F
4746.7354944104 4746.73549441 19.9234285069003 0.0209426797
714.7467855896 238.24892853

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

21.5244962930714 -0.7893056113 0.487564108411044 -85.489959405 51.51114799738
5.59684896450001E-09 4.46356679203 0.020942679663959 7.1702379E-09 4.279358049E-08
SS MS F Significance F
1926.68360240851 1926.68360241 1.63518529184352 0.290936775
3534.79867759149 1178.26622586

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

31.8879845641165 1.20018228162 0.316200946435817 -63.210404589 139.7531927294
11.5878034865998 1.27874363805 0.290936774952881 -22.059732405 51.6953923797
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
-192229777.07 29944040
-0.00034607934 0.008894

Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

9278885.960426 76675450
-0.01471251042 0.002812
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
-56248053175 2.1E+10
-0.19589991806 3.01668

Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-16922463281 3.62E+10
-1.35279060624 0.854505
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
1612282562.191 1.15E+10
-0.16926316088 0.039696

Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-85.4899594046 51.51115
7.17023787E-09 4.279E-08
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
-63.2104045887 139.7532
-22.0597324049 51.69539
Net Sales 20,720,054,000 23,432,696,000
Cost of Sales 13,224,431,000 13,410,564,000
Gross Profit 7,495,623,000 10,022,132,000
Admin, Selling & Distribution expenses 1,695,059,000 1,845,855,000
Other operating expenses 263,187,000 659,631,000
Profit/(loss) before taxation 4,500,911,000 7,117,538,000
Profit/(loss) after taxation 3,454,295,000 4,884,585,000
Property, Plant & Equipment 23,720,541,000 22,822,494,000
Other Non-current Assets 61,571,000 721,495,000
Trade debts 570,571,000 576,861,000
Stock in trade (includes spares&loose tools) 1,206,573,000 872,820,000
Loans and advances 974,082,000 805,167,000
Cash and bank balances 244,400,000 394,474,000

Share Capital 5,277,340,000 5,277,340,000

Reserves 2,058,137,000 2,058,137,000
Trade payables (excludes other payables) 998,898,000 713,785,000
Short term borrowings 2,555,742,000 1,424,911,000
Long-term desposits (Non current Liability) 6,619,000 6,499,000

Important Notes:
Marketing and Admin expenses are part of Admin, Selling & Distribution
Trade Payables includes the amount due to creditors only
Stock in Trade includes spares&loose tools
% change compared to last year 2017 % change compared to last year 2018
13.09% 23,992,079,000 2.39% 25,699,113,000
1.41% 14,509,777,000 8.20% 18,676,562,000
33.71% 9,482,302,000 -5.39% 7,022,551,000
8.90% 1,896,258,000 2.73% 1,466,693,000
150.63% 536,369,000 -18.69% 572,436,000
58.14% 6,870,356,000 -3.47% 4,395,236,000
41.41% 4,777,081,000 -2.20% 3,632,201,000

-3.79% 23,647,663,000 3.62% 40,894,010,000

1071.81% 4,757,479,000 559.39% 5,102,837,000
1.10% 682,526,000 18.32% 1,131,753,000
-27.66% 1,301,235,000 49.08% 1,193,506,000
-17.34% 818,116,000 1.61% 2,303,402,000
61.41% 413,958,000 4.94% 632,662,000

0.00% 5,277,340,000 0.00% 5,937,007,000

0.00% 2,058,137,000 0.00% 5,640,300,000
-28.54% 690,865,000 -3.21% 1,439,522,000
-44.25% 3,138,159,000 120.24% 5,360,421,000
-1.81% 8,699,000 33.85% 8,714,000
% change compared to last ye 2019 % change compared to last year
7.11% 26,005,944,000 1.19%
28.72% 21,088,864,000 12.92%
-25.94% 4,917,080,000 -29.98%
-22.65% 1,666,851,000 13.65%
6.72% 456,493,000 -20.25%
-36.03% 1,664,176,000 -62.14%
-23.97% 1,465,299,000 -59.66%

72.93% 46,640,664,000 14.05%

7.26% 5,110,233,000 0.14%
65.82% 2,683,758,000 137.13%
-8.28% 1,739,014,000 45.71%
181.55% 805,159,000 -65.04%
52.83% 494,398,000 -21.85%

12.50% 5,937,007,000 0.00%

174.05% 5,640,300,000 0.00%
108.37% 2,614,735,000 81.64%
70.81% 4,015,487,000 -25.09%
0.17% 8,664,000 -0.57%
Lucky Cement Limited 30-Jun-19
Attock Cement Pakistan Limited 30-Jun-19
DGK Cement 30-Jun-19
Fauji Cement Company 30-Jun-19
Kohat Cement Company Limited 30-Jun-19
Bestway Cement Limited 30-Jun-19
Industry Average
Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited 30-Jun-19

Selection Criteria: Competitors were selected on the basis of Average Market Capitalization in 2018 and 2019 (see shee

Key Formulas:
ROCE = Operating Profit or EBIT/ TA-CL
ROE = Profit after Taxation/ Shareholder's Equity
Dividend Pay-out= Dividend Declared/ Net Profit

Important Notes:
All ratios for top 6 firms were collected from
13.79% 13.52% 45.83 13.00 28.37%
15.24% 12.88% 15.09 4.00 26.51%
3.74% 2.27% 3.67 1.00 27.25%
18.63% 13.51% 2.05 1.50 73.17%
14.86% 12.55% 12.29 0.38 20.86%
20.51% 17.53% 16.93 11 64.96%
14.46% 12.04% 15.98 5.15 40.19%
5.48% 4.80% 2.47 1.00 40.52%

ket Capitalization in 2018 and 2019 (see sheet attached)

ATIOS with INDUSTRY and Competitors
Debt/asset Net Profit P/E (Price to
Debt/equity ratio ratio Margin Earnings ratio)
24.99% 18.85% 22.00% 7.67
69.47% 10.30% 9.98% 5.50
77.56% 43.69% 3.97% 16.22
38.60% 27.85% 13.58% 7.58
59.18% 37.18% 15.78% 4.31
61.41% 38.05% 18.84% 6.97
55.20% 29.32% 14.02% 8.04
58.73% 53.74% 5.63% 9.68
Share's Share's
Closing Closing
Total Number of Total Number of Price on Price on
Outstanding Outstanding Year End Year End
Shares (Year-End Shares (Year-End (Year-End (Year-End
Sr. No Company 2018) 2019) 2018) 2019)
1 Attock Cement (Pakistan) Limited 137,426,961 137,426,961 134 72
2 Bestway Cement Limited 596,252,783 596,252,783 1,312 103
3 Cherat Cement Company Limited 194,295,038 194,295,038 100 31
4 D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited 438,119,097 438,119,097 116 55
5 Dandot Cement Company Limited 94,840,000 94,840,000 9 13
6 Dewan Cement Limited 484,113,343 484,113,343 8 17
7 Fauji Cement Company Limited 1,379,815,025 1,379,815,025 23 15
8 Fecto Cement Limited 50,160,000 50,160,000 41 20
9 Flying Cement Company Limited 176,000,000 176,000,000 17 14
10 Gharibwal Cement Limited 400,273,960 400,273,960 21 11
11 Javedan Corporation Limited 317,383,196 317,383,196 32 36
12 Lucky Cement Limited 323,375,000 323,375,000 512 373
13 Kohat Cement Company Limited 1,545,086,900 2,008,612,970 124 53
14 Pioneer Cement Limited 227,148,793 227,148,793 47 22
15 Power Cement Limited 1,063,414,434 1,063,414,434 8 6
16 Safe Mix Concrete Limited 25,000,000 25,000,000 11 8
17 Thatta Cement Company Limited 99,718,125 99,718,125 22 9
Average Market
Total Market Capitalization
Capalization (2018) Total Market Capalization (2019) (2018 and 2019)
18,481,177,715 9,870,004,339 14,175,591,027
782,182,288,323 61,455,774,344 421,819,031,333
19,400,359,544 6,015,374,376 12,707,866,960
50,909,439,071 24,153,505,818 37,531,472,445
853,560,000 1,185,500,000 1,019,530,000
3,868,065,611 8,423,572,168 6,145,818,889
32,135,891,932 20,890,399,479 26,513,145,705
2,079,633,600 978,120,000 1,528,876,800
2,969,120,000 2,390,080,000 2,679,600,000
8,413,758,639 4,202,876,580 6,308,317,610
10,159,436,104 11,425,795,056 10,792,615,580
165,490,390,000 120,673,848,750 143,082,119,375
191,946,145,587 106,456,487,410 149,201,316,499
10,587,405,242 5,051,789,156 7,819,597,199
8,879,510,524 6,635,706,068 7,757,608,296
262,500,000 203,500,000 233,000,000
2,165,877,675 907,434,938 1,536,656,306

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