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Terms & Conditions

Agreement between You and Asian Paints Limited
Thank you for visiting (the 'Website'). Please read these terms and
conditions carefully before you start to use the Website. By accessing and using this Website,
you indicate that you accept (unconditionally and irrevocably) these terms and conditions (the
'Agreement'). If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please refrain from using our
Website and exit immediately.

The Website is owned and operated by Asian Paints Limited ("the Company"), whose principal
office is at 6-A, Shantinagar, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400 061. Asian Paints Limited is
incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1913. You represent and warrant you possess the
legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Website in accordance with all
terms and conditions herein. You also acknowledge and agree that, unless we specifically
provide otherwise, this Agreement only applies to this site and our online activities, and does not
apply to any of our offline activities.

Modification of Terms
We may change these terms and conditions at any time without advance notice. Changed terms
will become effective once posted on the Website, and will not have any retrospective effect on
existing contractual arrangements made through this Website. Your continued use of this
Website after any change means you have accepted the changed terms and conditions.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

• General

Your access to and use of software and other materials on, or through, this Website is solely at
your own risk. We make no warranty whatsoever about the reliability, stability or virus free
nature of such software.

We have taken reasonable steps to ensure the information provided by us on this Website is
accurate at the time you view it. However, we cannot and have not checked the accuracy of all
information provided by outside sources for example by the providers of other information, or of
other parties linked to or from the Website.
Commentary and other materials posted on our Website are not intended to amount to advice on
which reliance should be placed. We therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising
from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitor to our Website, or by anyone who may
be informed or act upon any of its contents.

We aim to ensure that availability of the Website will be uninterrupted and that transmissions
will be error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed and we
reserve the right to withdraw or amend the service we provide on the Website without notice.
Also, your access to the Website may occasionally be suspended or restricted to allow for
repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit
the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction. We will not be liable if for any
reason our Website is unavailable at any time or period.

• Disclaimer of Warranty

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties relating to the
information, software, products and services contained in this web site. All such information is
provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. We hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions
with regard to this information, software, products and services contained in this web site
including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, title and non-infringement.

• Limitation of Liability

In no event will we be liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential (including
among other things loss of revenue or profits), punitive, or exemplary, damages of any kind or
subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether based on breach of contract, tort, negligence,
strict liability or otherwise) arising out of:

1. Access to, or use of this web site, or delay or inability to use this web site, or any
information contained in this web site; or,
2. The availability and utility of products and services

Nothing in this limitation of liability shall exclude liabilities not permitted to be excluded by
applicable law. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.

As a condition of use of this Website, you agree to indemnify us from and against any and all
liabilities, expenses (including attorney's fees) and damages arising out of claims resulting from
your use of this Website, including without limitation any claims alleging facts that if true would
constitute a breach by you of these terms and conditions.
Links to Third-Parties' Websites
This Website may contain links and pointers to Internet sites maintained by third parties. We do
not operate or control in any respect any information, products or services on such third-party
sites. Third party links and pointers are included solely for your convenience, and do not
constitute any endorsement by us. You assume sole responsibility for use of third party links and

Limitations on Use
You agree to use this Website solely to determine the availability of goods and services and
make legitimate reservations or transact business with us. You agree to use the Website only for
personal, non-commercial use. You agree to use the Website's services to make only legitimate
purchases. You agree to all of our terms and conditions of purchase, including, but not limited to,
full and timely payment of all amounts due and compliance with all rules concerning availability
of products, or services. All fees, assessments, charges, taxes and duties arising out of use of the
Website are your sole responsibility.

You agree to not abuse the Website. 'Abuse' includes, without limitation, using the Website to:

• Defame, harass, stalk, threaten, abuse or otherwise violate others' rights as defined by
applicable law.
• Harm or interfere with the operation of others' computers and software in any respect,
including, without limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting corrupt files or
computer viruses.
• Violate applicable intellectual property, publicity or privacy rights, including, without
limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting materials or software.
• Omit or misrepresent the origin of, or rights in, any file you download or upload,
including, without limitation, by omitting proprietary language, author identifications, or
notices of patent, copyright or trademark.
• Transmit, post, or otherwise disclose trade secrets, or other confidential or protected
proprietary material or information.
• Download or upload files that are unlawful to distribute through the Website.
• Transmit any information or software obtained through the Website, or copy, create,
display, distribute, license, perform, publish, recreate, reproduce, sell, or transfer works
deriving from the Website.
• Cause an excessively large load on the infrastructure of the Website.
• Falsely use a password or personal identification number during logging into the
Website, or misrepresent one's identity or authority to act on behalf of another.
• Violate this Agreement in any other manner.

Copyright and Trademark Notices

All rights reserved.

This Site is for the your personal, noncommercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute,
transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or
sell any information, software, products or services obtained from this Website. All product or
trade names of Asian Paints referenced herein are our registered Trade marks or registered
copyright marks.

• Use of Credit Card

We accept major credit cards, and the credit card holder must be the purchaser of the products
offered on the web site. Your credit card will be debited when you click on the confirm button. If
you do not have a credit card, you may choose to pay in cash while visiting one of our offices.

• Colour Depictions

All colours displayed on the website are subject to variation based on the resolution of the
computer. Asian Paints is not liable for any shade variations.

• Jusrisdiction

Any dispute or difference relating to the website shall be referred to the Arbitration in
accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory re-
enactment of the same. Reference shall be made to three Arbitrators, wherein, each party shall
appoint one Arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators shall in turn jointly appoint the third
Arbitrator. The venue of the Arbitration shall be Mumbai and the language of the Arbitration
shall be English.

Any legal actions pertaining to this web site shall be commenced within the competent courts in
Mumbai to the exclusion of other courts.

Privacy Policy:
The privacy policies described below are part of this Agreement. We respect the privacy of our
online visitors. We collect information on or through this site that can personally identify you
only when it is voluntarily offered by you. For example, we collect personally identifiable
information to respond to visitor questions and comments about us and our products and
services, to mail e-newsletters and to contact winners of contests and promotions.

Our site sometimes includes sweepstakes or other promotions that we are offering or are offering
jointly with another company, and we may allow you to enter electronically in some cases. If that
occurs, we will use the information you provide for the purpose of conducting the promotion (for
example, to contact you if you have won) and with your consent, to offer you products and
services of ours and our joint sweepstakes sponsors. In addition, we may also collect
demographic and other data for market research, advertising and promotional purposes.
We do not share any of the personal information you provide to us with any third party other
than service providers of ours who assist us in providing the information and/or services we are
providing to you. To the extent that we do share your personal information with a service
provider, we would only do so if that party has agreed to comply with our privacy standards as
described in this privacy policy.

Any non-personal information, communications and material you send to this site or to us by E-
mail are on a nonconfidential basis. We are free to use and reproduce any such information
freely, and for any purpose whatsoever. Specifically, we will be free to use any ideas, concepts,
know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose, including developing,
manufacturing or marketing products. Any information you send to this site must be truthful, not
violate the rights of others and be legal. Like many other companies, we use "cookie"
technology, where our servers deposit special codes on a visitor's computer. This information
helps us determine in the aggregate the total number of visitors to the site on an ongoing basis
and the types of Internet browsers (e.g., Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) and operating
systems (e.g., Windows or MacIntosh) used by our visitors. This information is used to enhance
your on-line visits. Under no circumstances do we use this information to personally identify
visitors or cross-reference the information with any type of personal information that is
voluntarily offered on or through the site.

We may modify this policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be
effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on this site. Unless we specifically
provide otherwise, this policy only applies to this site and our online activities, and does not
apply to any of our offline activities.

For additional information about our on-line privacy practices, please contact Asian Paint
Helpline at toll free 1800-209-5678.

Careers privacy statement

The Asian Paints Company and its world-wide subsidiaries are committed to respecting the
privacy of our online visitors. This privacy statement describes what information we collect
when you create a Job Profile in the Careers section of our web site, how we use that
information, and your choices with respect to our use of such information about.

• The Personal Information We Collect and How We Use It

By 'personal information' we mean names, addresses, email addresses, job experience and history
and any other personal information you voluntarily provide about you and your skills and
interests that will then be matched against our current job opportunities and requirements. This
information will be used to evaluate your qualifications for the desired position and possibly to
contact you for further information. Also, at a later time, you may be asked for certain
identifying information, which will be used solely for federal and state diversity reporting
By creating a Job Profile, you acknowledge and agree that the information you submit is
complete and correct to the best of your knowledge. Providing false information in the creation
of your Job Profile or during the application process will lead to your rejection or termination.

• Authorization

By applying for a job with us via the Careers section of our web site, you authorize us and/or our
authorized agents to undertake a background investigation including, but not limited to, a
criminal background check, a job reference check, and verification of any information you have
provided, and you authorize all corporations, companies, educational institutions, persons, law
enforcement agencies, criminal, civil and federal courts, and former employers to release
information they may have about you.

• Disclosure of Personal Information

We may share your personal information with vendors or service providers such as companies
who help us with database administration. We may also share your personal information with
other Asian Paints companies in other countries where data privacy laws may not be equivalent
to those in force in India.

In all these cases, however, we will take reasonable steps to help safeguard your personal
information. We will only share your information under terms and conditions that obligate
recipients to protect the privacy and security of your personal information. Except as described
in this Privacy Statement or as required by law, we will not share your personal information with
a third party unless we have your consent or you were notified about this practice when we first
collected your personal information.

• Sale of Our Brands or Business

In connection with the sale of one or more of our brands or a part of our business to a different
company, we reserve the right to transfer your personal information to a new owner that agrees
to offer equivalent safeguards for the use and disclosure of your personal information.

• You May Access and Update Personal Information

At any time you will have the right log in to the system to modify, correct or erase the personal
information that you provided to use in your Job Profile or your resume. In the event that you
erase your Job Profile or your resume, we will make your Job Profile or resume inactive.
However, you understand that we will retain your Job Profile indefinitely for its own record-
keeping purposes.

For more detailed information regarding our online privacy practices, please see our Terms and
Conditions. If you have any questions regarding our use of your personal information, you may
do so by sending an email to [email protected]
Environment, Health & Safety Policy of Asian Paints Ltd.
• We consider compliance to statutory EHS requirements as the minimum performance
standard and are committed to go beyond and adopt stricter standards wherever
• We shall focus on pollution abatement, resource optimization and waste minimization.
We believe that these measures will help in sustainable development.
• We are committed to the reduction of generation of solid waste and its disposal in a safe
and environment friendly manner.
• We are committed to continual improvement in the area of EHS.
• We shall give priority and attention to health and safety of employees.
• We shall train all employees (including employees of service providers) to carry out work
in our premises and at customer sites as per prescribed procedures designed to meet all
EHS requirements of the Company.
• We shall encourage sharing of information and communication of our EHS management
system with stake holders.
• We shall educate customers and the public on safe use of our products.
• When required under any law, for the time being in force, or to meet certification
requirements, establishments shall prescribe additional policies and procedures as
required, subject to the direction provided by this EHS Policy.

Quality Policy of Asian Paints Ltd.

• We shall provide products and services that meet stated standards on time, every time.
• We shall continually improve our processes to understand changing customer needs and
preferences and use the same as input for periodically reviewing and revising
performance standards of our products and services.
• We accept Zero Defect as a quality absolute, and shall design and operate our quality
system accordingly.
• We shall organise our work practices to do a job right the first time, every time.
• We are committed to continual improvement in quality in all business processes and shall
track such improvement through measurable indicators.

Consumer Policy of Asian Paints Ltd.

• Asian Paints will formulate, manufacture & sell the finest paints (the most suitable for
each need and giving good value for money to users) & provide the best possible service
to it’s customers characterized by Reliability & Responsiveness.
• Our products will provide surface protection & good appearance for all consumers while
being safe to apply, not harmful to health and not adverse to the environment; if
precautions must be taken during use, safe practices will always be recommended.
• We shall provide all possible assistance to customers in areas of surface protection,
developing the Décor of their homes and simultaneously reducing the ‘pain’ of painting.
We shall continuously build expertise in all these areas.
• We shall set clear standards of service to facilitate regular review and improve
• We shall operate in an ethical manner treating customers as we ourselves would like to be
• We shall take measures to understand and measure expectations in order to provide an
enhanced customer experience


• The shades displayed on this site are indicative and are not precise representations of
actual paint colours due to variance in monitor calibrations and resolution as well as
screen settings. While scientific tools have been used to match colours and make them
look like the paint you will use, yet, there is likely to yet be a difference. You may bring
any of the colour shade code to your local Colour World Dealer to match and / or order
the exact colour that you are looking for. We offer 200ml samplers of our products at
select Colour World outlets which can be tinted to any colour of your choice. Not all
shades are available in all products. Please visit the nearest Colour World Dealer for
shade details.

Asian Paints is India's largest paint company and ranked among the top ten Decorative
coatings companies in the world with a turnover of INR 66.80 billion. Asian Paints along
with its subsidiaries have operations in 17 countries across the world with 23 paint
manufacturing facilities, servicing consumers in 65 countries through Berger
International, SCIB Paints – Egypt, Asian Paints, Apco Coatings and Taubmans

Investor Information

We, at Asian Paints, owe our investors and shareholders a correct and timely disclosure
of corporate information. Honouring the trust shareholders place on the company, we
follow the regulations laid down by the companies act and other regulatory bodies. This
space is for current and prospective investors and shareholders providing comprehensive
information on the company matters with the help of presentations, reports and news

Asian paints currently operate in more than 16 countries…..

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