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Money Concept and Skill: Long-term and Short-term Goals

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
A. Explain the meaning of short-term goals.
B. Explain the meaning of long-term goals.
C. Appreciate the importance of having short term and long term goals.

II. Summary of Episode

Teena shows off her new digital camera to Richie and Teemy which she
bought with the help of her father. Richie tells her that she should not spend her
savings on things that she does not really need. Instead, he encourages her to save
for her future. He tells them to have long-term and short-term goals. Short-term
goals are the smaller goals we need to achieve to be able to reach our long-term
goal. Then, Richie interviews Director Bong Agustin an internationally-renowned
producer, director and writer who recalls his experiences in achieving his goal.
Using the baseball game as metaphor, Richie explains how Director Agustin moved
from his 1st goal which is the first base and continued on until he hit the home run.
The first thing he did was to study very hard. Next, he made a plan on how to get
there and did not give up on his aspiration. Lastly, he disciplined himself to save
his money.

III. Suggested Activities

A. Pre-viewing
 What goals did you have in the past that you were able to fulfill?
 How did you achieve your goal? What did you do?


Using activities with a sequence of steps (Examples: Directions for making

chocolate chip cookies, planting kamote or borrowing a book from the library),
write each step on a single card and distribute these cards to your students.
Give them 10 minutes to find the other classmates who have the other parts
that complete their set of directions. Then the classmates stand and read
aloud their set of directions in the correct sequence.

Explain how important it is to break up our big goal to smaller steps.

B. Post-viewing
 How was Teena able to buy a camera? Was this a wise decision?
 What do “short-term” and “long-term goals mean?
 Director Bong Agustin is a good role model in terms of achieving goals.
What did you learn from his life story?
1. Class Goal: If possible, start a class project as a long-term goal and have
everyone design the short-term goals to achieve their final goal. Eg:
Fund raising project by selling old newspapers or empty bottles or
planting a vegetable garden in the school. (The same project can also be
a venue to learn money management later on in the series.)

2. Personal Goal: in their journal, ask each student to set a long-term goal
at the end of the year and to design a practical step-by-step plan to
achieve the goal. Eg. Save a certain amount of money until Christmas.

IV. Values Integration: Prudent Goal-Setting, Persistence in saving

Often when we have a big task to do, we are so overwhelmed that we cannot
even make the first step. The value of this episode is to teach students to make
small goals that are part of their bigger goals. The small goals are doable and not
overwhelming, so gradually they move close to their final goal without the
When applied to saving money for one’s future, this strategy is very valuable;
just like how Director Bong Agustin achieved his goal of becoming a director and
writer. He started as a very young student when he decided what he wanted in
life. Since he was a student, he studied very well and aimed to always be 1st or 2nd
in class. Then he never deviated from his goal of becoming a writer/director.
When he started earning even as a student, he consistently saved his money. Now,
even when he is financially independent, he still manages his money well and
continues to save.
On a smaller scale, when we want to save a big amount of money at the end
of the year, we need to break this amount into monthly, weekly and even daily
targets. So the decision of not buying more “load” for the cell phone once we
have reached our limit for the week is not a senseless one. It is connected to our
long-term goal of saving a big amount of money at the end of the year. Every bit of
money saved, when added up, will help to reach the final goal.

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