Chapter - 22 - Biological - Nutrient - Removal - Revised Edition

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Chapter 22

Biological Nutrient
Removal Processes

Overview of Biological Nutrient Denitrification 22-24

Removal 22-3 Biochemistry 22-25
Biological Selectors 22-6 Influences 22-26
Growth Zones 22-6 Common Nitrogen Removal
Selector Size and Equipment 22-10 Processes 22-28
Yardsticks for Measuring Ludzack–Ettinger Process 22-29
Biological Nutrient Removal 22-14 Modified Ludzack–Ettinger
Mean Cell Residence Time 22-14 Process 22-29
Food-to-Microorganism Ratio 22-16 Four-Stage Bardenpho Process 22-30
Wastewater Characteristics 22-16 Anoxic Step-Feed Process 22-32
Aeration Requirements 22-19 Sequencing Batch Reactors 22-34
Sludge Settleability and Foam 22-19 Oxidation Ditches 22-34
Return Flows 22-19 Other or Emerging Nitrogen
Alkalinity and pH 22-19 Removal Processes 22-34
Hydraulic Retention Time 22-20 Membrane Bioreactors 22-34
Biological Nitrogen Removal Lagoons 22-37
Processes 22-20 Fixed-Film Processes 22-37
Nitrification 22-22 Combined Fixed-Film and
Biochemistry 22-22 Suspended- Growth Processes 22-37
Influences 22-22 Deep-Bed Effluent Filters 22-38

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22-2 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Fluidized Beds 22-38 Hydraulic Retention Time 22-52

Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Example 22.5: Determine the
Sludge Processes 22-38 HRT of a BNR Facility 22-52
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Oxygen Requirements and
Removal 22-38 Aeration Equipment 22-53
Biochemistry 22-39 Example 22.6: Determine
Influences 22-40 the Oxygen Demand for a
Common Combined Nitrogen and BNR Facility 22-53
Phosphorus Removal Processes 22-41 Example 22.7: Determine How
Anaerobic/Oxic Process 22-41 Much More Air Blower Capacity
Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic Process 22-41 a Treatment Plant Needs to
Nitrify Wastewater 22-55
Modified University of
Capetown Process 22-42 Alkalinity and pH Control 22-56
Five-Stage Bardenpho Process 22-44 Example 22.8: Chemical
Johannesburg Process 22-44 Addition for pH Control 22-56

Other or Emerging Phosphorus Denitrification Requirements 22-57

Removal Processes 22-44 Example 22.9: Determine the
Sequencing Batch Reactors 22-45 Anoxic Selector Size Needed to
Achieve a Specific Nitrate Limit 22-57
Oxidation Ditches 22-46
PhoStrip Process 22-46 Oxidation–Reduction Potential 22-58

Combined Fixed-Film and Recycle Flows 22-58

Suspended-Growth Processes 22-46 Example 22.10: The Effect of
Process Control 22-47 BNR on RAS and MLR 22-59
Mean Cell Residence Time 22-47 Secondary Clarification 22-60
Example 22.1: Determine Example 22.11: Calculate
Whether the MCRT is Sufficient Secondary Clarifier Capacity 22-60
for Nitrification 22-48 Troubleshooting 22-61
Example 22.2: Increase the MCRT 22-49 Foam Control 22-62
Example 22.3: Determine the Stiff, White Foam 22-63
MCRT an SBR Needs to Achieve
Excessive Brown Foam 22-64
Nitrification 22-50
Very Dark or Black Foam 22-64
Food-to-Microorganism Ratio 22-51
Bulking Sludge 22-64
Example 22.4: Determine the
F⬊M Ratio of a BNR Facility 22-51 References 22-65

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-3


Treatment plants typically remove nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) from
wastewater because of environmental, public health, or economic concerns. In the en-
vironment, nutrients stimulate the growth of algae in surface water. Researchers have
found that 0.005 mg/L (5 ␮g/L) of soluble orthophosphate will limit algae growth
(WEF, 2001). Other studies have shown that more than 0.05 mg/L of inorganic forms of
nitrogen (ammonia-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen) may enhance algae growth.
Molecular or free (un-ionized) ammonia can be toxic to certain species of fish.
More than 0.2 mg/L of un-ionized ammonia may cause acute toxicity, so it is often con-
trolled via such factors as water pH, temperature, and ammonium ion concentration.
Public health concerns relate to drinking water that contains nitrogen. Regulators
typically prefer that drinking water sources contain less than 10 mg/L of nitrate-nitrogen.
Nutrient removal may also reduce a treatment plant’s overall operating costs.
When aerobic biological treatment processes must nitrify wastewater, denitrifying the
effluent (converting nitrate-nitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen) can recover lost oxygen
and alkalinity, thereby saving aeration energy. Denitrification also can reduce or elim-
inate the need for chemicals to maintain an optimum pH for biological treatment. If
phosphorus removal is required, biological phosphorus removal (BPR) may reduce
chemical needs and eliminate the associated sludge. Finally, biological nutrient re-
moval (BNR) may produce a sludge with better settling properties than the sludge pro-
duced via conventional treatment.
Several nutrient removal methods are available (Figure 22.1). One effective
method is source control (e.g., reducing the phosphorus used in soap products, espe-
cially detergents). Some agencies have eliminated more than 50% of the phosphorus in
raw wastewater via good source control. [For more information on source-control pro-
grams, see Developing Source Control Programs for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater
(WEF, 1996).]
Natural systems (e.g., wetlands, overland flow, or facultative lagoons) may also be
used to control nutrients. For more information on nutrient removal via natural or
land-based systems, see Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment (WEF, 2001).
Nutrients also can be controlled via chemical and biological processes. For more
information on chemical–physical BNR systems, see Biological and Chemical Systems for
Nutrient Removal (WEF, 1998a). For information on aerobic fixed-film processes [e.g.,
trickling filters and rotating biological contactors (RBCs)], see Aerobic Fixed-Growth Re-
actors (WEF, 2000).
This chapter focuses on suspended-growth BNR processes. Limited information
on fixed-film nutrient removal processes is also presented. Most involve specialized

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22-4 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants


Source Product Restrictions

Control Waste Minimization
Industrial Pretreatment

Natural Land-Based Systems Infiltration Basins

Systems Overland Flow
Spray Irrigation

Water-Based Systems Natural Wetlands

Constructed Wetlands
Facultative Lagoon

Suspended- Sequential Aeration Extended Air-Activated Sludge

Growth Systems Sequential Batch Reactors
Cyclic Air-Activated Sludge
Phased Air Oxidation Ditch
Screiber Activated Sludge

Nitrification and/or Denitrification Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS or CMAS)

Ludzack—Ettinger (LE)
Modified Ludzack—Ettinger (mLE)
Anoxic Step Feed (AxSF)

Phosphorus and/or P/NdN 5-Stage Bardenpho

Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O)
Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic (A2/O )
University of Cape Town (UCT)
Johannesburg (JHB)

Combined Post-Denitrification Activated Sludge/Post-Anoxic Activated Sludge

Systems Activated Sludge/Post-Denitrifying Filter

Integrated Processes Membrane Filter/Activated Sludge (MBF/AS)

Integrated Fixed Film/Activated Sludge (IFF/AS)

Combined Fixed Film/Activated Sludge Trickling Filter/Activated Sludge (TF/AS)

Trickling Filter/Solids Contact (TF/SC)
Nutrified Sludge or TF/AS with An/AxRAS

Fixed-Film Fixed-Film Systems Packed Bed

Systems Fluidized Bed
Nitrifying Trickling Filter
Series Trickling Filter

Chemical/Physical Air Stripping

Systems Ion Exchange
Breakpoint Chlorination

FIGURE 22.1 Nutrient removal alternatives.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-5

reactors with zones, cells, or baffles designed to promote the growth of the bacteria that
remove nutrients and the production of a good settling sludge.
Wastewater characteristics also affect both the ability to remove nutrients and the
rate of removal (Table 22.1; WEF, 2005). For example, if the influent’s inert (non-
biodegradable), solids change, operators may need to lengthen the solids retention
time (SRT) or mean cell residence time (MCRT) to maintain nitrification. If the waste-
water has a high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) but the oxygen use rate is low,
then denitrifying or phosphorus-removing organisms may not be able to compete with
other organisms in metabolizing organic material.
Both BNR and BPR depend on sufficient amounts of readily biodegradable or-
ganic substrate [chemical oxygen demand (COD) or BOD]. Wastewater treatment pro-
fessionals have determined that 8.6 mg of COD is needed to remove 1 mg of nitrate-
nitrogen from wastewater, but only 0.7 to 1.9 mg of a more readily biodegradable

TABLE 22.1 Biochemistry of BNR processes.

Biological Nitrogen Control Reactions

1. Biochemical Nutrients Removed by • 5.0 mg N removed per 100 mg BOD removed
• 1 mg P per 100 mg BOD removed
• For conventional aerobic process—2.3 mg P/100 mg TSS and
12.2 mg N/100 mg TSS
• For biological phosphorous process—3 to 5 mg P/100 mg TSS
2. Biochemical Nitrogen Oxidation • 4.57 mg oxygen required per mg nitrogen oxidized
(Nitrification) • 7.14 mg CaCO3 alkalinity depleted per mg nitrogen oxidized
• 0.06 to 0.2 mg net volatile suspended solids formed per mg
nitrogen oxidized
3. Biochemical Oxidized Nitrogen • 2.86 mg oxygen released per mg oxidized nitrogen removed
Removal (Denitrification) • Carbon source
• 1.91 mg methanol per mg oxidized nitrogen removed
• 0.7 mg methanol per mg dissolved oxygen removed
• 8.6 mg COD per mg oxidized nitrogen removed
• 3.57 mg CaCO3 alkalinity recovered (added to system) per mg
oxidized nitrogen removed
• 0.5 mg VSS per mg COD (or BOD5) removed
4. Chlorine Demand due to Nitrite- • 5 mg chlorine per mg nitrite-nitrogen, yielding nitrate-
Nitrogen (Associated with nitrogen
Incomplete Nitrification or

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22-6 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

substrate (e.g., methanol) is needed. Experiments have indicated that 50 mg of COD is

consumed per 1 mg of phosphorus removed from municipal wastewater (Randall,
Because of the need for sufficient biodegradable organic substrate, numerous
treatment plants in cold climates (where BOD constituents break down slowly) en-
hance or condition wastewater by fermenting sludge or managing recycle streams to
ferment byproducts (this is called primary sludge fermentation). Primary sludge fermen-
tation typically is done on-site and may eliminate the need for methanol or other com-
mercial, flammable substances. It probably will be unnecessary during warm weather,
when natural fermentation in the collection system produces enough volatile fatty acid
(VFA) for nutrient removal processes.
As you may have noted, many acronyms are used to describe nutrient-removal
processes—so many, in fact, that BNR is often called “the alphabet soup” process
(Table 22.2).

BIOLOGICAL SELECTORS. There are dozens of ways to modify or enhance con-

ventional activated sludge or fixed-film systems to remove nutrients, improve sludge
settling, and recover oxygen or alkalinity. Most methods used to enhance biological
treatment involve specialized reactors or zones called selectors.

Growth Zones. Most wastewater treatment professionals are familiar with aerobic or
oxic activated sludge processes [Figure 22.2(a)], in which biological growth is managed
by controlling the oxygen concentration and recycling flows, such as return activated
sludge (RAS) and mixed-liquor recycle (MLR), to the reactor [Figure 22.2(b)]. The
wastewater’s oxygen concentration is kept near or above 2.0 mg/L, because nitrification
declines when dissolved oxygen concentrations drop below 0.5 mg/L. Also, the oxida-
tion–reduction potential (ORP) is kept near or above 100 mV.
To create an anoxic zone, a baffle or partial wall is installed in the reactor, and
the aerators in that area are shut off. Little dissolved oxygen is present (less than
0.5 mg/L) in this zone, but chemically bound oxygen (in nitrite and nitrate) may be
present in RAS or MLR flow. Also, ORPs should be between 100 and 200 mV (for
rapid denitrification).
Anaerobic zones contain neither dissolved oxygen nor chemically bound oxygen
and have ORPs below 300 mV [Figure 22.2(c)]. They typically are created by sending
MLR to denitrification selector cells rather than to the head of the anaerobic zone,
which would increase chemically bound oxygen levels too much. Sometimes a supple-
mental source of carbon is necessary to ensure that dissolved and chemically bound
oxygen are rapidly removed.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-7

TABLE 22.2 Nutrient removal acronyms and terminology.

Acronyms and Terms

␮max Maximum growth rate
2 Secondary
A/O Anaerobic/oxic process
A2/O Anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process
An Anaerobic
Ax Anoxic
AxSF Anoxic step feed
BioP Biological phosphorus
BNR Biological nutrient removal
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
BOD2INF Biochemical oxygen demand in the secondary influent
BPR Biological phosphorus removal
CAS Conventional activated sludge
CBOD Carbonaceous BOD
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COD Biodegradable organic substrate
dN Denitrification
DO Dissolved oxygen
EBPR Enhanced biological phosphorus removal
EFF Effluent
F Food expressed as mass of BOD/d
F/M Food-to-microorganism ratio—with M as mass of TSS
F/MV Food-to-microorganism ratio—with M as mass of VSS
HLR Hydraulic loading rate
HRT Hydraulic residence time
IFAS Integrated fixed-film activated sludge
INF Influent
iTSS2INF Inert TSS in the secondary influent
JHB Johannesburg process
LE Ludzack–Ettinger
M Mass of TSS in the aeration basin
MBR Membrane bioreactor
MCRT Mean cell residence time (sometimes referred to as SRT or
solids retention time)

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22-8 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.2 Nutrient removal acronyms and terminology (continued).

Acronyms and Terms

ML Mixed liquor
mLE Modified Ludzack–Ettinger
MLR Mixed-liquor recycle, also called internal recycle
MLRAx Mixed-liquor recycle from the anoxic zone
MLROx Mixed-liquor recycle from the oxic zone
MLSS Mixed-liquor suspended solids
MLVSS Mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids
Mr Mixed-liquor recycle ratio
MV Mass of VSS in the aeration basin
N Nitrogen or nitrification
N2 Nitrogen gas
NH4-N Ammonia nitrogen
NO2 -N Nitrite-nitrogen
NO3 -N Nitrate-nitrogen
NOX Nitrite and nitrate
NOX2EFF Nitrate in the secondary effluent
O2 Molecular oxygen
ON Organic nitrogen
ORP Oxidation–reduction potential
Ox Oxic
P Phosphorus or produced or particulate
PNO x Produced nitrate
Px Produced solids
Q or QINF Influent flow
QRAS Return activated sludge flow
QWAS Waste activated sludge flow
R or RAS Return activated sludge
RBBOD Readily biodegradable BOD
Rr Return activated sludge ratio
SBOD Soluble BOD
SBR Sequencing batch reactor
SDNR Specific dentrification rate
SLR Solids loading rate
SP Soluble phosphorus

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-9

TABLE 22.2 Nutrient-removal acronyms and terminology (continued).

Acronyms and Terms

SRT Solids retention time
SVI Sludge volume index
TKN Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
TOD Total oxygen demand
TP Total phosphorus
TSS Total suspended solids
TSS2EFF Total suspended solids in the secondary effluent
TSSWAS Total suspended solids in the waste activated sludge
UCT University of Cape Town process
V Volume of reactor
VSS Volatile suspended solids
WAS Waste activated sludge
Xr Anoxic recycle ratio
Y Solids yield
Aerobic (oxic) process Biological treatment that is done in the presence of elemental
(O2) oxygen.
Anaerobic process Biological treatment that is done with no elemental or
combined (NO2 or NO3) oxygen.
Anoxic process Biological treatment that is done with no elemental oxygen
but has combined (NO2 or NO3) oxygen present.
Attached-growth process Biological treatment that is done with microorganisms
attached or fixed to media such as rocks and plastic
(also referred to as fixed-film processes).
Biological nutrient removal The term applies to removing nutrients (usually nitrogen and
phosphorus) by using microorganisms.
Biological phosphorus The term applies to removing phosphorus by encouraging
removal high-uptake of phosphorus by bacteria, followed by wasting
the bacteria and the phosphorus contained in their biomass.
Carbonaceous BOD removal Biological conversion of carbonaceous organic matter to cell
tissue and various gaseous end products.
Combined process Suspended-growth and fixed-growth processes that work in
combination with each other.
Denitrification The biological process by which nitrate is reduced to nitrogen
Facultative processes Biological processes that can function either with or without
oxygen being present.

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22-10 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.2 Nutrient removal acronyms and terminology (continued).

Acronyms and Terms

Fixed-film process See “attached-growth processes”.
nitrification A two-step biological process in which ammonia is converted
to nitrite (NO2) and then (step-2) nitrite is biologically
converted to nitrate (NO3).
Readily biodegradable BOD BOD that is rapidly degraded, often consisting of simple
organic compounds or volatile fatty acids.
Soluble BOD BOD on a filtered sample, usually where a sample is
vacuumed through a 0.45-␮m filter.
Suspended growth processes A biological process in which the bacteria responsible for
treatment are suspended within a liquid.
Substrate The term used to denote organic matter or other nutrients
used by bacteria during their growth.
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) General term used to describe easily digestible organic
compounds such as acetate and other anaerobic fermentation

Selector Size and Equipment. Updating a treatment plant for filament control,
ammonia removal, denitrification, or BPR involves several changes (Figure 22.3). For
example, converting from conventional wastewater treatment to BNR may involve
changing gates, baffles, mixers, and recycle pumps; improving aeration equipment
and foam control; and adding clarification, RAS pumping, and instrumentation and
controls. Also, many BNR facilities operate at long MCRTs, so more aeration basin
volume may be required to maintain the necessary residence time to sustain nitrify-
ing bacteria.
The size and number of selector zones needed for BNR depends on wastewater
characteristics, treatment goals, and other factors. Typically, 20 to 30% of the total
basin volume will be dedicated to anoxic or anaerobic zones. Plants with stringent
nutrient limits may dedicate as much as 50% of the total basin volume to anoxic or
anaerobic zones. Bench or pilot testing may be needed to confirm selector sizing and
design criteria. [For details on sizing selectors, see the “Integrated Biological
Processes for Nutrient Control” chapter in Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Plants (WEF, 1998b) or the 4th edition of Wastewater Engineering (Metcalf and Eddy,
Inc., 2003).]
The wastewater conveyance methods also may need to be changed. Wastewater
is often conveyed via pumping or air-entraining devices (e.g., screw pumps, flow-

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-11

FIGURE 22.2 Selector growth zones.

splitting weirs, or launders), which inject air into the water. Entrained oxygen is detri-
mental to anoxic or anaerobic conditions, so air-entraining devices should be replaced
with submerged weirs, gates, launders, or centrifugal pumps.
The water surface of a BNR reactor and a conventional activated sludge aeration
basin look similar, but below the surface, the BNR reactor typically has a series of walls

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22-12 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

FIGURE 22.3 Plant changes after BNR upgrade.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-13

or partitions (called baffles) that define discrete treatment areas. Baffles are typically
made of pressure-treated wood, fiberglass, reinforced concrete, or concrete block. They
often include blockouts for piping, tank drainage, main plant flow-through, and main-
tenance access. The tops of some baffles are below the water surface, while others in-
clude overflow weirs that direct water from one zone to the next. Because they are
elevated, overflow weirs can force foam into downstream aerated cells, rather than
allowing back mixing to occur. During peak flows, however, this elevated water sur-
face prevents the backflow of dissolved oxygen, which would allow readily biodegrad-
able BOD to be consumed. This will interfere with denitrification or phosphorus re-
moval by allowing the ORP to increase.
Numerous devices (e.g., diffused air, pontoon-mounted impellers, submersible
impellers, and bridge-mounted turbine impellers) have been used to mix the contents
of both anoxic and anaerobic selector zones. However, many wastewater treatment
professionals think that diffused air introduces too much entrained oxygen for the
zone to be truly anaerobic or anoxic. Some prefer the simplicity of pontoon-mounted
impellers because the electrical motors are above the water surface, but most use sub-
mersible impellers. Submersible impellers are typically mounted on a vertical rod;
they can be raised and lowered, and the horizontal angle can be adjusted for optimum
Denitrification is an integral part of most BNR systems. It typically involves recy-
cling nitrified mixed liquor via low-head pumps to one of the anoxic cells. Low-head
pumps (0.3 to 0.9 m of head) are used because the MLR typically is moved a short dis-
tance, needs little or no valving, and enters a wastewater surface only a few inches
higher than the one it left. Mixed-liquor recycle pumps may include vertical turbine
centrifugal, propeller pumps, or axial flow pumps.
Upgrading to a BNR process often requires a change in aeration equipment.
However, more blowers may be unnecessary if the diffusers are very efficient or if the
upgrade includes denitrification, which can recover about 63% of the molecular oxy-
gen required to convert ammonia-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen. In a multiple-stage
BNR process, the first oxic stages typically contain more fine-bubble diffusers because
initial oxygen uptake rates are higher than in latter stages of treatment. Diffusers also
are installed in the last anoxic zone, which typically is a swing cell. Swing cells are
zones that have both mixers and diffusers so they can operate as either non-aerated or
aerated reactors.
Biological nutrient removal processes may need a long MCRT to allow nitrification
and denitrification to occur. However, long MCRTs typically lead to foam or filamen-
tous bacteria problems. To control foam, treatment plants can spray the reactor surface
with a chlorine wash or add a cationic polymer or foam suppressant. They also can

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22-14 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

minimize sidestream recycling that may deposit foam-causing microorganisms or

compounds in the reactor. In addition, treatment plant staff should eliminate any hy-
draulic traps that prevent foam from leaving the reactors. Some plants waste solids di-
rectly from the surface of the aeration basin to minimize foaming.
Many wastewater treatment plants originally were sized to remove carbonaceous
BOD (CBOD) at 2 to 4 days of MCRT. To nitrify wastewater, the aeration basin may
need to be operated at an MCRT that is two to three times longer. Operators can lengthen
the MCRT by increasing the mixed-liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration.
However, increasing the MLSS concentration or RAS flow will increase the solids load
to the secondary clarifier, so when upgrading to BNR, both the secondary clarifier and
RAS pumping capacity should be evaluated. [For more details on clarifier loading and
design, see Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WEF, 1998b) and Waste-
water Engineering (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., 2003).]
Biological nutrient removal processes typically require more attention to the reac-
tors’ instrumentation and control system. Oxygen control can be automated or manual,
depending on process needs and plant size. Dissolved oxygen probes in the aerated
zones can be used to determine whether these areas have enough oxygen. On the other
hand, systems with MLR pumping should reduce or eliminate aeration near the MLR
pump suction point to minimize the amount of dissolved oxygen sent to anaerobic or
anoxic cells. Oxidation–reduction potential probes can be used to determine the effec-
tiveness of non-oxygenated cells. Other controls can be used to keep the RAS and MLR
flows proportional to the influent flow rate.


The growth of nutrient-removing organisms is affected by many factors. Comparing
the growth needs of autotrophic organisms, which nitrify wastewater, with those of
heterotrophic bacteria, which oxidize CBOD, can help treatment plant staff better con-
trol both processes.

Mean Cell Residence Time. Mean cell residence time (also called sludge age or SRT) is
the most commonly used parameter when operating a conventional activated sludge
system. It measures the average length of time (in days) that microorganisms (sludge)
are held in the system, and is calculated as follows:

Mass of MLSS in the aeration basin

MCRT = (22.1)
Mass of total suspended solids (TSS) wasted
om the system per day

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-15

g MLSS in the aeration basin

MCRT = (22.2)
g/d TSS 2EFF + g/d TSS WAS

If the MCRT is too short, then the biological system will not have enough bacteria
to degrade the pollutants, resulting in poor effluent quality (Figure 22.4). The mean cell
retention time required depends on the wastewater constituent and the growth rate of
the microorganisms consuming it. For example, a simple carbon compound (e.g., ac-
etate) is metabolized by fast-growing heterotrophic organisms; it requires an MCRT of
less than 1 day to be synthesized. Conversely, ammonia is oxidized by slow-growing
bacteria, so its MCRT is much longer. Many treatment plants that remove CBOD from
wastewater may have been designed for 2 to 4 days of MCRT, but to remove ammonia,
the MCRT may need to be twice as long, depending on temperature and other factors.
If the basin size and MLSS are constant, then the MCRT will shorten as the sludge
wasting rate increases and lengthen as the wasting rate decreases.
Calculating MCRT for BNR systems is different because the aeration basin may in-
clude anaerobic or anoxic selectors. For example, a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) may
not be aerated 35 to 45% of the time. So, process control should include calculating both

FIGURE 22.4 Effect of MCRT on pollutant removal.

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22-16 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

the “aerobic” MCRT (for the aerated portion of the reactor) and the total “system” MCRT.
The anaerobic or anoxic selector zones will require separate MCRT calculations. In BPR
systems, experts recommend a 1-day anaerobic MCRT for proper growth of Acineto-
bacter organisms (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., 2003). If the anaerobic contact is too long, the
Acinetobacter organisms will release their stored phosphorus and take up carbon (this is
called secondary phosphorus release).

Food-to-Microorganism Ratio. The food-to-microorganism (F⬊M) ratio measures the

amount of food (BOD) available for the amount of mixed-liquor volatile suspended
solids (MLVSS) present in the aeration basin:
g/d of BOD in secondary influent
F⬊ M = (22.3)
g MLVSS in the aeration tank

If the treatment plant has primary clarifiers, then F is typically based on primary
effluent. If not, then F is based on the raw wastewater’s BOD load. The M for a conven-
tional activated sludge system is typically based on the entire aeration basin’s MLVSS.
Most conventional activated sludge systems are designed for F⬊M ratios ranging from
0.2 to 0.4 (WEF, 1998a). In BNR systems with several cells (Figure 22.5), the selector
may be configured to encourage the growth of nonfilamentous (floc-forming) organ-
isms. Or the selector may be configured to encourage the growth of Acinetobacter or-
ganisms to increase the denitrification rate. In either case, the F⬊M ratio of each selector
zone is important. When calculating the F⬊M ratio for a BNR system, F is based on the
secondary influent BOD. If the reactors are operated in series, then the first cell’s M is
based on its volume and MLVSS concentration. The second cell’s M is based on the
combined volume of the first and second cells, and so on.
One recommendation (Albertson, 1987) is that BNR systems have at least three
cells to create a high substrate concentration in the initial minutes of contact (Figure
22.5). Food-to-microorganism ratios of 6.0, 3.0, and 1.5 mg/d of BOD per 1.0 mg of
MLVSS for the first, second, and third cells, respectively, have been recommended for
a plug-flow reactor. However, if the F⬊M ratio is too high (more than 8.0 mg/d of BOD
per 1.0 mg of MLVSS), then a viscous, nonfilamentous organism could dominate the
reactor (this is called slime bulking).

Wastewater Characteristics. Today, wastewater treatment plants typically are de-

signed based on complicated models that use a perplexing array of wastewater charac-
teristics. In fact, one text lists nearly 40 wastewater constituents as “important” when
designing wastewater treatment facilities (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., 2003). Fortunately, op-
erators of BNR facilities only need a fundamental understanding of the relationship be-
tween wastewater characteristics and plant operations to optimize plant performance.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-17

FIGURE 22.5 Selectors for controlling filamentous bacteria.

One of the key characteristics is the amount of inert TSS in biological treatment in-
fluent (iTSS 2INF). A high concentration of inert TSS will increase the percentage of non-
biodegradable solids in the MLSS, so a longer MCRT will be needed to treat the waste-
water sufficiently. To calculate iTSS2INF,



TSS2INF  total suspended solids in secondary influent, and

VSS2INF  volatile suspended solids (VSS) in secondary influent.

Operators also should better understand BOD’s constituents. The soluble BOD
measurement, for example, will indicate how much material is readily biodegradable.
Soluble BOD typically is measured based on a 5-day BOD test in which wastewater is
passed through a 0.45-␮m filter. A 1-day BOD test will provide an estimate of readily
biodegradable BOD—including the simple carbon compounds that are available for
rapid bioassimilation.
Operators can learn other valuable information by assessing the influent BOD and
waste activated sludge (WAS). In a conventional activated sludge system, for example,
5 mg of nitrogen and 1 mg of phosphorus will typically be used for every 100 mg of
BOD removed. In a BPR process, 3 to 5 mg of phosphorus may be used for every 100 mg
of BOD removed. If the BPR process is operated to remove total phosphorus, then a
secondary-influent-BOD-to-total-phosphorus ratio of 20⬊1 or more may be needed to
ensure that the treated effluent will contain less then 1.0 mg/L of phosphorus.
The required BOD-to-total-phosphorus ratio depends on process type and effluent
goals. Processes that do not nitrify and denitrify [e.g., the anaerobic/oxic (A/O) process]

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-18 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

FIGURE 22.6 Interaction of nutrients.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-19

may require a BOD-to-total-phosphorus ratio of 15⬊1, while those with full nitrification
and denitrification may require a BOD-to-total-phosphorus ratio of 25⬊1 or more.

Aeration Requirements. Aeration systems designed for CBOD removal may need to
be enlarged by 30 to 50% to provide enough oxygen to nitrify ammonia. Some plants
accommodate the increased demand by replacing air diffusers with fine-bubble sys-
tems or other more efficient aerators. Some incorporate denitrification (the reduction of
nitrate-nitrogen to nitrogen gas) into the BNR process because denitrification can theo-
retically reclaim 63% of the oxygen needed for nitrification. However, because denitri-
fication typically only reduces about half of the nitrate-nitrogen in the wastewater
(denitrification effluent typically contains 6 to 8 mg/L of nitrate-nitrogen), the actual
amount of oxygen reclaimed may be closer to 30 to 40%.

Sludge Settleability and Foam. Many BNR facilities operate at a high MCRTs (more
than 8 days) to fully nitrify and allow for denitrification. As a result, the facilities fre-
quently have sludge-settleability or foam problems. Wastewater constituents (e.g., soap,
oil, and grease) and streams recycled from solids handling processes can exacerbate
these problems. If so, the facility may need spray nozzles to spread antifoaming
Before RAS flows are raised to increase the basin MLSS concentration, plant staff
should evaluate the solids loading (g/m2d) on the secondary clarifiers to determine if
the capacity is adequate. Larger RAS pumps may be needed to obtain the higher MLSS
concentration often desired in a BNR system.

Return Flows. Conventional activated sludge systems typically have only one return
flow: RAS. Biological nutrient removal processes, on the other hand, may have more
return flows (e.g., MLR). The return activated sludge pumping rates are typically 30
to 100% of the influent flow (Q). The MLR pumping rates may be 100 to 400% of the
influent flow, depending on such factors as the target effluent nitrate concentration.
They also may be transferred from an aerobic or oxic zone (MLROX) or from an anoxic
zone (MLRAX). The source of the MLR—and which zone receives it—often distin-
guishes one BNR process from another.

Alkalinity and pH. Biological nutrient removal systems also may need pH control or
added chemicals (e.g., hydrated lime, soda ash, or caustic soda) to supplement the
available alkalinity. Because alkalinity is consumed during nitrification, the chemicals
can help maintain the minimum alkalinity level needed (typically, 60 to 100 mg/L of
alkalinity as calcium carbonate). Low alkalinity not only lowers pH but may limit the
growth of nitrifying organisms because they lack enough inorganic carbon to produce
new cells.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-20 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Hydraulic Retention Time. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) required to maintain
BNR depends on the size of the reactor, which in turn depends on the MCRT necessary
for growth. Once the reactor size is known, then the HRT can be found by dividing the
volume of the reactor (V) by the secondary influent flow (Q2INF):

Nominal HRT  V (m3)  24 hr/d (22.5)

(hours) Q2INF (m3/d)

The result is a nominal value used to relate basin size to plant flow. The nominal
value is typically used because internal recycle streams do not affect most of the reac-
tions that are important to plant operators. For some parameters, however, the actual
HRT may be affected by recycle streams, in which case, recycle flows (i.e., RAS and
MLR) should be added to the denominator in Equation 22.5.


During secondary treatment, nitrogen’s ultimate fate depends on the carbon com-
pounds (measured as BOD and COD) involved, the type of sludge (measured as TSS
and VSS) involved, and the oxidation methods used (Figure 22.4).
When nitrogen [total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)] enters the wastewater treatment
plant, it is composed of both organic nitrogen and ammonia-nitrogen. Domestic waste-
water typically contains 40 mg/L of TKN, which consists of 25 mg/L of ammonia-
nitrogen and 15 mg/L of organic nitrogen. Biological treatment of ammonia-nitrogen
involves either incorporating it to the biological cells (MLVSS) or oxidizing it to nitrate
(Figure 22.7). If incorporated to biological cells, then ammonia and the organic nitrogen
are discharged with the WAS. If oxidized to nitrate, then the oxidized ammonia (nitrate)
may be converted to nitrogen gas via denitrification and emitted to the atmosphere.
Wastewater characteristics can affect nutrient behavior. For example, if about 20%
of the organic nitrogen (15 mg/L) hydrolyzes to become ammonia, then the total am-
monia-nitrogen available for cell synthesis is:

(15 mg/L)(0.2)  25 mg/L  3.0 mg/L  25 mg/L  28 mg/L (22.6)

Typical effluent from the primary treatment process contains 160 mg/L of BOD. Dur-
ing secondary treatment, the equivalent of about 80 mg/L of biological VSS is produced
(0.5 mg VSS/mg BOD). Ammonia is consumed during the production of VSS, as are
8 mg/L of nitrogen [(80 mg/L)(10/100)] and 1.6 mg/L of phosphorus [(80 mg/L)(2/100)].
The resulting biological sludge contains approximately 10% nitrogen and 2% phosphorus.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-21

FIGURE 22.7 Nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems.

Treatment plant staff also should keep the following in mind:

• For a total nitrogen balance, staff should account for TKN;

• Because biological sludge consumes nitrogen, not all of the influent ammonia-
nitrogen will need to nitrified. However, because organic nitrogen hydrolyzes,
some more ammonia will become available.
• Changes in the influent BOD-to-nitrogen ratio will change the amount of am-
monia requiring oxidation. As BOD increases, so will produced biosolids. An
increase in biosolids production translates into more ammonia uptake for cell
growth and less ammonia to nitrify.

If the wastewater characteristics are not “typical”, then treatment plant staff will
have to adjust the target MCRT, F⬊M ratio, or other criteria.
The difference between conventional activated sludge and BNR systems is that a
conventional activated sludge system only removes nitrogen via sludge wasting. A bi-
ological nutrient removal facility can remove nitrogen via sludge wasting and a combined

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-22 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

biological reaction to oxidize the remaining ammonia (nitrification) and reduce oxi-
dized nitrogen (denitrification). If the treatment plant only has an ammonia limit, it
may only nitrify the wastewater. If the plant has both ammonia and oxidized nitrate
limits, then it will need to both nitrify and denitrify the wastewater.

NITRIFICATION. Nitrification is the biological conversion of ammonia-nitrogen to


Biochemistry. Nitrification is done by autotrophic microorganisms—organisms that

use inorganic materials as a source of nutrients and photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
as a source of energy. They oxidize ammonia-nitrogen and reduce carbon dioxide to
produce new biomass, typically requiring 6 to 9 days of MCRT to produce up to 0.2 mg
of VSS per 1.0 mg of ammonia removed.
The first step in nitrification is oxidizing ammonia-nitrogen to nitrite-nitrogen
via Nitrosomonas bacteria. Then Nitrobacter bacteria oxidize nitrite-nitrogen to nitrate-
nitrogen. The following equations illustrate the nitrification process:

4-N  3O2 2NO
2  2H2O  4H


2  O2
2 NO3-N (22.8)

4-N  2O2
3-N  2H  H2O (22.9)

Nitrification is typically a complete reaction—meaning that the result is predomi-

nantly nitrate (little or no nitrite). However, treatment plants that nitrify seasonally
may find that nitrite will accumulate until the slow-growing Nitrobacter becomes an es-
tablished population. The nitrite buildup may lead to nitrite lock—excessive chlorine
demand by incompletely oxidized nitrite (5 mg of chlorine per 1 mg of nitrite-nitrogen,
Table 22.1).
Effective nitrification depends on sufficient oxygen and alkalinity (to maintain a
suitable wastewater pH). Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter require 4.57 mg of oxygen and
7.14 mg of alkalinity (as calcium carbonate) for each 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen formed.
They yield about 0.06 to 0.20 mg of VSS for each 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen formed.

Influences. Autotrophic bacteria typically grow two to three times more slowly than
heterotrophic bacteria, which are the predominant organisms in a biological treatment

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-23

system. Understanding the relationship between the bacteria’s “growth rate” and
MCRT (sludge age) can help treatment plant staff determine whether and how tem-
perature, dissolved oxygen, and other factors affect biological treatment. The biomass
growth rate (␮) is calculated as follows:

amount of bacteria grown per day

␮= (22.10)
amount of bacteria present

The maximum growth rate (␮max) for nitrifying bacteria at 20 °C is typically between
0.14 and 0.23 kg/d (0.3 and 0.5 lb/d). To put this in terms more familiar to plant staff,
for a treatment system in equilibrium:


␮= = (22.11)

Px  the amount of sludge produced per day (sludge wasted in the

secondary effluent and planned WAS), and
MLSSx  amount of TSS in the aeration basin.

In other words, ␮ is the inverse of MCRT, which is used for process control:

MCRT = (22.12)

The minimum MCRT is the inverse of the maximum growth rate:

MCRTMIN = (22.13)

Nitrification depends on the ammonia-nitrogen concentration, the dissolved oxy-

gen concentration, and the wastewater temperature (Figure 22.8). Standard conditions
used to describe the rate of removal are 20 °C, 2 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, and 10 mg/L
of ammonia-nitrogen. If dissolved oxygen or ammonia concentrations drop, then nitri-
fier growth will slow down. If the conditions are not toxic, then lowering temperature
below the standard will probably will have the most significant effect on reducing ni-
trifier growth rate.
Most wastewater treatment plants are designed based on the maximum growth
rates at a given range of operating temperatures. When designing a plant, engineers are
encouraged to use an MCRT that is 1.5 to 2.0 times greater than the MCRT theoretically

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-24 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

FIGURE 22.8 Key factors that affect nitrification.

needed for nitrification (Figure 22.9). For example, the calculated MCRT (using ␮max)
may be 10 days at 10 °C, but a design engineer would probably make the aeration basin
large enough to operate at a 15-day MCRT (factor of safety  1.5) or a 20-day MCRT
(factor of safety  2.0). So, operators may find that the process nitrifies reliably at a
shorter MCRT. (The actual “best” MCRT is plant-specific because of the number of
variables involved.)
Nitrification is also affected by pH. The optimum pH is typically about 7.5. As the
pH drops, so do the nitrifiers’ growth rate and activity. Nitrification may be inhibited
when the pH is less than 6.5, but some information sources have indicated that nitri-
fiers can acclimate to low pH.
Some metal, organic, and inorganic compounds can inhibit the growth of au-
totrophic bacteria. If plant personnel suspect that toxics are inhibiting bacteria growth,
they should conduct a bench-scale test assessing the nitrification rate. Such tests can be
conducted onsite, or samples may be sent to a contract laboratory for testing.

DENITRIFICATION. In denitrification, bacteria reduce nitrate to nitrogen gas (Figure

22.6). Nitrogen gas is not very water-soluble, so it is released into the atmosphere. The

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-25

FIGURE 22.9 Design MCRT for nitrification.

atmosphere naturally consists of more than 70% nitrogen, so the emissions do not harm
the environment.

Biochemistry. Denitrification is done by heterotrophic microorganisms—organisms that

use organic materials as a source of nutrients and metabolic synthesis as a source of en-
ergy. Heterotrophic organisms spend less energy on synthesis than autotrophic organ-
isms do, so they grow more quickly and yield more cell mass. They typically require
2 to 4 days of MCRT to produce 0.5 mg of VSS per 1.0 mg of BOD removed.
Numerous heterotrophic bacteria can denitrify wastewater. Denitrifiers—the bac-
teria that reduce nitrate—are “facultative” bacteria, meaning they can function in both
oxic and anoxic environments. Denitrifiers prefer to use molecular oxygen, but if the
environment contains less than 0.3 to 0.5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, they will cleave
the oxygen from nitrate-nitrogen molecules to synthesize carbon compounds (e.g.,
BOD) (Daigger et al., 1988):

3-N  carbon source  facultative bacteria  N2  CO2  H2O  OH

 new bacterial cells (22.14)

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-26 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

The biochemical reactions associated with denitrification are key factors in operat-
ing wastewater treatment plants (Table 22.1). For example, reducing nitrate-nitrogen
eliminates some of the BOD demand, so the anoxic reactors help remove CBOD. If
CBOD is the only treatment consideration, then MCRT and F⬊M ratio calculations
could include the biomass in the denitrification process.
Theoretically, 2.86 mg of oxygen is recovered for every 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen
reduced to nitrogen gas. This is more than 60% of the oxygen needed for nitrification,
so this recovered oxygen could be used to greatly reduce the amount of aeration equip-
ment needed in other areas of the treatment plant.
Denitrification also results in new bacterial cells. The cell yield depends on the car-
bon source. For example, if methanol is the carbon source, then the cell yield is about
0.5 mg VSS per 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen removed. If BOD is the source, then the cell
yield is about 1.5 mg VSS per 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen removed.
In addition, about 3.57 mg of alkalinity (as calcium carbonate) is produced for each
1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen removed. So, about 50% of the alkalinity lost during nitrifi-
cation can be recovered during denitrification.

Influences. Denitrifiers are less sensitive than nitrifiers, so if the treatment plant envi-
ronment does not inhibit the nitrifiers, then the denitrifiers should have no problem
functioning at optimal growth rates.
The rate at which denitrifiers remove nitrate is the specific denitrification rate

kg NO 3 -N removed per day

SDNR = (22.15)
kg VSS

This rate varies, primarily depending on the type of carbon source and amount of
carbon available (as measured by the F⬊M ratio).
Nitrification and dentirification can occur in one treatment unit [this is called
simultaneous nitrification/denitrification (SNDN)], or denitrification may occur separately
in either post- or pre-anoxic reactors. In the 1970s, BNR and denitrification typically
were done via post-anoxic reactors [Figure 22.10(a)] (Stensel, 2001). Methanol was
the carbon source for denitrification (methanol’s SDNR ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mg
NO3-N/dmg VSS). A relatively small post-aeration reactor followed the denitrifica-
tion process to oxidize any remaining organics.
In the 1980s, many wastewater treatment plants were upgraded with selectors for
controlling filamentous organisms [Figure 22.10(b)]. Those that nitrified their waste-
water found that the anoxic zone was denitrifying RAS as well as controlling filaments.
Because methanol is expensive and a hazardous material, most plants took advantage

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-27

FIGURE 22.10 Selectors for denitrification.

of this lesson. They added an MLR system and used a pre-anoxic selector for denitrifi-
cation [Figure 22.10(c)]. In this selector, either raw wastewater or primary effluent is
used as the carbon source for denitrification (wastewater’s SDNR typically ranges from
0.03 to 0.12 mg NO3-N/dmg VSS).
Overall, the denitrification rate drops as wastewater passes through various anoxic
cells because less readily biodegradable BOD is available in downstream anoxic zones than

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-28 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

in upstream ones. When the denitrification process depends on endogenous respiration

for nitrate reduction (i.e., has no external source of carbon), its SDNR ranges from 0.005 to
0.03 mg NO3-N/dmg VSS (U.S. EPA, 1993). Such rates may apply when denitrification
occurs after a trickling filter or in a post-anoxic reactor without an added carbon source.
Temperature and pH also influence denitrification rates, but the most important
parameter is molecular oxygen. Treatment plant staff should minimize the concentra-
tion of molecular oxygen in the wastewater. Selector cells should be sized to promote
high F⬊M ratios, and MLR may need to be introduced in the second or third cell to
avoid oxygen overload.
There is a practical limit to denitrification. Nitrate removal is a function of the ni-
trate produced in both the aerobic zone (PNOx) and in secondary effluent (NOX2EFF). In-
creasing the MLR to lower the NOX is subject to the law of diminishing returns. The
mass of produced nitrate must equal the mass of effluent nitrate associated with the
plant’s effluent flow (Q), MLR, and RAS flow (Equation 22.15):

(Q)(PNOx)  NOX2EFF(Q  MLR  RAS) (22.16)


PNOx = (22.17)
PNO x  NOX2EFF(1  Mr  Rr) (22.18)


Mr  MLR/Q and
Rr  RAS/Q.

Mr = − 1.0 − Rr (22.19)

So, given the treatment plant illustrated in Figure 22.11, an Rr of 0.5, and 25 mg/L
of produced nitrate, an Mr of 1.0 (MLR  Q) will result in an effluent nitrate concen-
tration of about 11 mg/L. If the effluent nitrate limit is 5 mg/L, then Mr will need to be
3.5 (i.e., 350% of the treatment plant’s influent flow) to achieve this limit. When effluent
nitrate limits are less then 5 mg/L, a post-anoxic selector may be necessary to achieve
the limit without having a Mr that is excessively large.


meters for nitrogen removal processes are plant-specific, but the parameters typically
used for operation at design conditions are listed in Table 22.3. The advantages and

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-29

FIGURE 22.11 Effect of MLR ratio on affluent nitrate.

limitations of nitrogen removal processes are listed in Table 22.4 (Metcalf and Eddy,
Inc., 2003). Descriptions of common nitrogen removal processes follow.

Ludzack–Ettinger Process. In the 1960s and 1970s, engineers made a number of mod-
ifications to the conventional activated sludge process to improve nitrogen removal.
For example, researchers Ludzack and Ettinger developed a version in which RAS and
secondary influent are combined in an anoxic zone that is followed by an aerobic zone
[Figure 22.12(a)]. The nitrate formed in the aerobic zone is returned to the anoxic zone
via RAS for denitrification.
Because the anoxic zone’s only source of nitrate is the RAS, denitrification is lim-
ited by the amount of RAS flow. If the influent NOX is 20 mg/L, the effluent nitrate
concentration will be 15 mg/L, 13 mg/L, or 10 mg/L depending on whether the RAS
recycle flow ratio is 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0, respectively. So, the process is only suitable for den-
itrification if nitrate limits are liberal or high RAS flows can be maintained.

Modified Ludzack–Ettinger Process. The difference between the modified Ludzack–

Ettinger (MLE) process and the Ludzack–Ettinger (LE) process is that the MLE process

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-30 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.3 Typical parameters for nitrogen removal.

HRT (hours)


Process (days) (mg/L) System Ax Zone Ox Zone (% of Q) (% of Q)
mLE 7–20 3000–4000 5–15 1–3 4–12 50–100 100–200
SBR 10–30 3000–5000 20–30 Variable Variable
4-Stage Bardenpho 10–20 3000–4000 8–20 1–3 4–12
(1st stage) (2nd stage)
2–4 0.5–1
(3rd stage) (4th stage)
Oxidation Ditch 20–30 2000–4000 18–30 Variable Variable 50–100
Anoxic Step Feed 7–20 2000–6000 4–12 0.5–2 3.5–10 30–75

recycles mixed liquor from the oxic zone to the anoxic zone [Figure 22.12(b)]. The
mixed-liquor flow may equal 100 to 300% of the secondary influent flow, depending on
how much denitrification is desired. Effluent nitrate concentrations typically range
from 4 to 7 mg/L.
The mixed-liquor pumps may be relatively small because short distances and
large transfer pipes typically result in pumping heads of less than 0.9 m (3 ft). They also
may resemble a fan rather than the conventional centrifugal pumps used at wastewater
treatment facilities.
This design [Figure 22.12(b)] is the cornerstone of many other BNR processes, in-
cluding those used for BPR, so the MLE process will be referred to in many subsequent
process descriptions. Although Figure 22.12 shows the anoxic (or anaerobic) selector as
one reactor, it probably consists of two or more cells, zones, or compartments operated
in series. If nitrified effluent is recycled for denitrification, the MLR is typically trans-
ferred to the second or third cell in the anoxic selector to minimize dissolved oxygen in
the first compartment, thereby better controlling filamentous bacteria and providing
optimal conditions for Acinetobacter organisms.

Four-Stage Bardenpho Process. The four-stage Bardenpho process is an MLE process

with subsequent anoxic and oxic zones [Figure 22.12(c)]. Developed by James Barnard,
the process was originally used for both denitrification and BPR. (The process’ name is
a compilation of the first three letters of the inventor’s name and the words denitrifica-
tion and phosphorus.) Its original carbon source was acetic acid or methanol, but a later
adaptation—called the enhanced MLE process—uses wastewater instead and is con-

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-31

TABLE 22.4 Advantages and limitations of nitrogen removal processes.

Advantages Limitations
General Saves energy; BOD is removed before
aerobic zone
Alkalinity is produced before nitrification
Design includes an SVI selector
MLE Very adaptable to existing activated- Nitrogen-removal capability is a
sludge processes function of internal recycle
5 to 8 mg/L TN is achievable Potential Nocardia growth
Dissolved oxygen control is
required before recycle
Step Feed Adaptable to existing step-feed activated Nitrogen-removal capability is a
sludge processes function of flow distribution
With internal recycle in last pass, nitrogen More complex operation than
concentrations less than 5 mg/L are mLE; requires flow split control
possible to optimize operation
5 to 8 mg/L TN is achievable Potential Nocardia growth
Requires dissolved oxygen
control in each aeration zone
Sequencing Batch Reactor Process is flexible and easy to operate Redundant units are required for
operational reliability unless
aeration system can be
maintained without draining the
aeration tank
Mixed-liquor solids cannot be washed
out by hydraulic surges because flow
equalization is provided
Quiescent settling provides low effluent
TSS concentration
More complex process design
Effluent quality depends upon
reliable decanting facility
5 to 8 mg/L TN is achievable May need effluent equalization of
batch discharge before filtration
and disinfection
Batch Decant 5 to 8 mg/L TN is achievable Less flexible to operate than SBR
Mixed-liquor solids cannot be washed out Effluent quality depends on
by hydraulic surges reliable decanting facility

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-32 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.4 Advantages and limitations of nitrogen removal processes (continued).

Advantages Limitations
Bio-denitro™ 5 to 8 mg/L TN is achievable Complex system to operate
Large reactor volume is resistant to Two oxidation ditch reactors are
shock loads required; increases construction
Nitrox™ Large reactor volume is resistant to Nitrogen-removal capability is
shock loads limited by higher influent TKN
Easy and economical to upgrade existing Process is susceptible to ammonia
oxidation ditch processes bleed-through
Provides SVI control Performance is affected by
influent variations
Bardenpho Capable of achieving effluent nitrogen Large reactor volumes required
(4-stage) levels less than 3 mg/L
Second anoxic tank has low
Oxidation Ditch Large reactor volume is resistant to load Nitrogen-removal capability is
variations without affecting effluent related to skills of operating staff
quality significantly and control methods
Has good capacity for nitrogen removal;
less than 10 mg/L effluent TN is possible
Post-Anoxic with Carbon Capable of achieving effluent nitrogen Higher operating cost due to
Addition levels less than 3 mg/L purchase of methanol
May be combined with effluent filtration Methanol feed control required
Simultaneous Nitrification/ Low effluent nitrogen level possible Large reactor volume; skilled
Denitrification (3 mg/L lower limit) operation is required
Significant energy savings possible Process control system required
Process may be incorporated into existing
facilities without new construction
SVI control enhanced
Produces alkalinity

figured with denitrification (rather than phosphorus removal) as the primary goal. Both
processes can achieve effluent nitrate concentrations of less than 3 mg/L.

Anoxic Step-Feed Process. Anoxic zones can be established in a conventional step-

feed process to increase mixed-liquor concentrations in the early stages, resulting in a
four-stage BNR step-feed process with a 30 to 40% longer MCRT than that of a conven-
tional plug-flow arrangement [Figure 22.12(d)]. If the anoxic and oxic reactors are the

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-33


Ax1 Ox1
2 CL

Aeration Tank


Ax1 Ox
P 2 CL

Aeration Tank


Air Air
Ax Ox1 2 CL
P 2
Ax 2

Aeration Tank

Air Air Air

Ox Ox Ox 2 CL
Ax1 1 Ax2 2 Ax3 3


FIGURE 22.12 Suspended-growth pre-anoxic processes.

same size, a four-stage system should have an influent flow split of about 15⬊35⬊30⬊20%
so the F⬊M ratio will be the same in each step. Each stage should have its own influent
controls. The flow into the last step is critical because the nitrate produced there will
not be reduced. So, the anoxic step-feed process is best used when the effluent nitrate
limit is more than 6 to 8 mg/L.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-34 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Sequencing Batch Reactors. A conventional SBR, which is designed to remove CBOD,

consists of four phases: fill, react, settle, and decant (Figure 22.13). To denitrify waste-
water, the fill phase is adjusted to “mixed fill”, in which the influent is stirred (but not
aerated). At facilities with effluent nitrate limits less than 5 mg/L, a second anoxic
phase may be added after the react cycle, and a carbon source (e.g., methanol) may be
added to enhance denitrification before the settling and decant phases.

Oxidation Ditches. Oxidation ditches are typically sized based on long aerobic MCRTs
(20 to 25 days), so excess volume is available for denitrification (Figure 22.14). This is
typically achieved by turning off one or more aeration rotors to create an anoxic zone
[Figure 22.14(a) and (b)]. Because the SDNRs are low, the zone must be large enough to
provide the needed anoxic time.
Another approach is to cycle the aeration by turning the aerators off at least twice
a day [Figure 22.14(c)]. Submerged mixers maintain recirculation in the ditch during
the anoxic phases. A variation of cyclic aeration, called the Nitrox™ process, involves
using ORP for control.
A third approach is phased ditch operation [Figure 22.14(d)]. In this process, two ox-
idation ditches are operated in series, and secondary influent is alternately pumped into
them. When the influent enters the ditch, its aeration equipment is turned off, and the re-
actor becomes anoxic. Submerged mixers maintain recirculation. After a period of time
(typically 1 to 2 hours), the influent is sent to the second ditch. At the time of the switch,
the aerators are turned on in the first ditch, making it oxic, and the aerators on the second
ditch are turned off. This cycle continues, allowing periods of aeration and anoxic fill to
occur. A variation of phased ditch operation, called the Bio-denitro™ process, uses four
phases to enhance oxidation and denitrification (Stensel and Coleman, 2000).


lowing nitrogen removal processes are either emerging or not widely used.

Membrane Bioreactors. Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) combine activated sludge and

membrane filtration systems (WERF, 2000a). The semi-permeable membranes used
typically provide either ultrafiltration or microfiltration. An aeration basin converted
into an MBR can operate at 8000 to 10 000 mg/L of MLSS. Its MCRT is typically 20 days
or more to minimize biofouling of the membranes.
The system configuration and equipment involved depends on the manufacturer.
One manufacturer installs the membranes directly in the aeration basin, drawing treated
wastewater through the filters via a permeate pump. Another manufacturer installs the
membranes in a tank outside the aeration basin. In this case, MLSS is pumped to the
“membrane tanks”, and separate vacuum pumps pull permeate through the membranes.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-35

FIGURE 22.13 Sequencing batch reactor processes.

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22-36 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Dissolved Oxygen
Reactor 1

Cycle 1



Anoxic Mixer Reactor 2



Ax2 Ox2
Ox3 P

Anoxic MLR
Ax Zone
Oxic Zone Secondary

Anaerobic An
Secondary Influent RAS

FIGURE 22.14 Oxidation ditch processes.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-37

One benefit of MBRs is that their effluent requires no further biological treatment
or filtration to meet water reuse standards.

Lagoons. Lagoons are probably one of the oldest nutrient removal technologies. How-
ever, their large size and loss of nitrification during cold weather have typically limited
their use.
A number of facultative or partially aerated lagoons have been upgraded to acti-
vated lagoons by converting the lined earthen basins to aeration basins and adding
secondary clarifiers and an RAS system. Conventional secondary clarifiers and RAS
pumps can be used, but several manufacturers supply in-basin clarifiers with travel-
ing-bridge sludge collectors and airlift RAS pumping.
Activated lagoons operate at 40 to 80 days of MCRT and 2000 to 3000 mg/L of
MLSS. They can nitrify wastewater reliably and do not have the algae problems of con-
ventional lagoons.

Fixed-Film Processes. Fixed-film (attached-growth) processes, such as trickling filters,

biotowers, and RBCs, may be used to treat nitrogen alone or both nitrogen and BOD.
They typically nitrify wastewater at about half of the organic loading needed for BOD
removal. Nitrification is promoted when fixed-film reactors are operated in series (of-
ten called stages) and the oxygen concentration is high in the last stage. With series or
staged configuration, BOD removal occurs in the first reactor whereas the majority of
nitrifiers grow in the second-stage reactor. In the second stage, nitrifying organisms
have little competition from heterotrophic bacteria and are able to convert ammonia to
Fixed-film reactors are rarely used for denitrification or BPR because of the diffi-
culty maintaining an anaerobic/anoxic environment using the relatively little carbon
typically found in municipal wastewater. For detailed descriptions of fixed-film reac-
tors, see Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactors (WEF, 2000).

Combined Fixed-Film and Suspended-Growth Processes. A combination of fixed-

film and suspended-growth processes has been used to remove both nitrogen and
phosphorus from wastewater (Harrison, 1999). In such systems, the suspended-growth
reactor typically is preceded by a biotower containing plastic filter media. If denitrifi-
cation or phosphorus removal is required, then selector zones may be added in the
RAS stream or the anaerobic/anoxic zones that precede the biotower. When the selec-
tor zones precede the biotower, the filter media are “activated” by pumping the mixed
liquor over them. Both biotower and RBC media can be activated so long as the media
are strong enough to accommodate added weight and provisions are made for en-
hanced sloughing.

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22-38 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Deep-Bed Effluent Filters. Deep-bed effluent filters—typically downflow units con-

taining about 1.8 m (6 ft) of sand, anthracite, or another coarse media—may be used for
denitrification and TSS removal. Methanol or another carbon source typically is added
to encourage denitrification. The units follow a biological treatment system (including
secondary clarification) that provides nitrification.
Because the filter media are large, more solids can be stored in the filter bed, and
filter runs between backwashes may be longer than those of a conventional effluent fil-
ter. Effective cleaning typically involves a combination of air and water scouring.

Fluidized Beds. A fluidized bed is an attached-growth reactor filled with sand, on

which the biomass grows. Wastewater enters the bottom of the reactor and flows up-
ward with enough velocity to expand (fluidize) the sand bed. Rather than backwash-
ing the entire filter, a small volume of media is continuously removed from the reactor,
separated from treated wastewater, and then scoured to remove the biomass.
Although fluidized beds can nitrify or denitrify wastewater at biomass concentra-
tions ranging from 25 000 to 30 000 mg/L, thereby minimizing space requirements,
they are often difficult to operate. Difficulties have included loss of media, difficulty
separating biogrowth from the media, and high maintenance.

Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Processes. In an integrated fixed-film acti-

vated sludge (IFAS) process, filter media are added to an aeration basin to increase
the overall microbe population (WERF, 2000b). Like a conventional activated sludge
process, an IFAS process uses a secondary clarifier to settle sludge and recirculate RAS.
However, its MCRT is 40 to 50% longer than a conventional activated sludge process
with the same MLSS and volume, according to tests.
The filter media could be made of rope (tassels tied to a main string), sponge
(cubes suspended in some type of housing), or plastic (corrugated sheets, specially de-
signed webs, or cubes). They often are placed over conventional coarse-bubble air dif-
fusers, which should be sized to both meet the process’ oxygen demand and control
biomass on the filter media. Also, fine-mesh screens should be installed at the influent
end to minimize hair, plastic, and other materials that could blind the filter media.


A conventional activated sludge system removes phosphorus from wastewater natu-
rally when its microorganisms take up soluble phosphorus to generate new biomass.
Each milligram of VSS (dry weight) produced in such systems contains about 2% phos-
phorus. If 0.5 mg of VSS is produced per 1 mg of BOD removed, then about 1.0 mg of

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-39

phosphorus is converted to cell mass per 100 mg of BOD removed (Table 22.1). So, tra-
ditional sludge wasting reduces phosphorus by about 1 to 2 mg/L.
Acinetobacter (BioP) microorganisms consist of up to 35% phosphorus, so mixed
liquor with a high percentage of Acinetobacter organisms may contain about 6% phospho-
rus. Systems designed to select for such organisms are called enhanced biological phosphorus
removal (EBPR) systems. They can reduce phosphorus concentrations by 3 to 6 mg/L.
Chemicals can also be used to precipitate phosphorus, but EBPR minimizes the
need for them, thereby reducing their side effects: alkalinity loss and extra sludge pro-
duction. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems also produce a better set-
tling sludge.
The disadvantages of EBPR include a higher capital cost (for baffles and mixers to
create selector zones), sensitivity to nitrate or oxygen toxicity, and more complex oper-
ations (WEF, 1998a).

BIOCHEMISTRY. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal works because Acine-

tobacter organisms, which are heterotrophic, have a metabolic quirk: they can absorb
soluble BOD under anaerobic conditions and store it until they are in an aerobic envi-
ronment, where they then metabolize it. (Most heterotrophic bacteria cannot transfer
soluble BOD under anaerobic conditions.) So, in the right environment with the right
type and amount of BOD—they prefer short-chain carbon compounds—Acinetobacter
organisms will predominate.
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal is a two-step process in which an anaer-
obic environment is followed by an aerobic one (Figure 22.15). In the anaerobic selec-
tor, Acinetobacter organisms release phosphorus, thereby obtaining the energy to up-
take readily biodegradable organics. This ability enables Acinetobacter organisms to
become dominant. It also tends to result in orthophosphorus concentrations as high as
40 mg/L. Phosphorus release typically occurs within 0.5 to 1 hour of HRT.
When the mixed liquor enters the aerobic zone, Acinetobacter organisms grow new
biomass and take up phosphorus—typically more than the amount they released in
the anaerobic zone. EBPR effluent may contain less than 1.0 mg/L of soluble phospho-
rus. Soluble BOD also drops from between 70 and 80 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L (Figure 22.15).
In addition, some wastewater facilities have reported that operating in the EBPR mode
provides superior sludge settling
Acinetobacter organisms grow slowly, but faster than nitrifying bacteria. To avoid
washout, the process’ overall MCRT should be between 2 and 3 days. Longer MCRTs
(up to 40 to 60 days) do not hurt Acinetobacter organisms, but the RAS’ nitrate concen-
tration could prevent the first zone from being truly anaerobic. Ideally, an EBPR facility

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22-40 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

FIGURE 22.15 Biological phosphorus timeline.

should avoid nitrification, but if both nitrification and BPR are necessary, then plant
staff should take steps to eliminate interference from combined oxygen.
Settled or waste sludge from EBPR processes must be managed carefully to avoid
secondary release—phosphorus emitted from sludge when it is held under anaerobic
conditions. Such phosphorus can be inadvertently recycled to the process reactors.

INFLUENCES. Good BPR depends on the right environment (low ORP) and the
right type and amount of organic matter. Most wastewater will contain enough readily
biodegradable BOD to allow EBPR. Acinetobacter organisms prefer short-chain carbon
compounds, also called VFAs. If the treatment plant is in a warm climate or the collec-

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-41

tion system has an extended retention time so septic conditions can occur, then the
wastewater typically will have enough VFAs.
In areas with colder climates or wastewater diluted by infiltration and inflow (I/I),
staff may need to supplement naturally occurring VFAs. Some treatment plants gener-
ate VFAs by holding primary sludge (only 20 or 30% may need processing) in a grav-
ity-based thickener called a primary sludge fermenter. Others maintain a sludge blanket
in the primary clarifier. In either approach, staff maintain a sludge blanket with a 1- to
3-day MCRT to generate enough VFAs so the overflow can supplement the treatment
plant influent and allow EBPR to occur.
To optimize EBPR, either nitrate-nitrogen must be removed from the RAS, or the
RAS flow must be reduced (typically 20 to 30%) to minimize dissolved oxygen entrain-
ment. The ratio of BOD to total phosphorus is also important. A ratio of 25⬊1 or more is
considered necessary to achieve good phosphorus removal (the actual BOD-to-total
phosphorus ratio needed depends on the process involved).
Suspended solids at an EBPR facility may have a phosphorus concentration of 6%
or more, compared to 2% at a conventional biological treatment system. Likewise, a
secondary effluent with 30 mg/L of TSS will contain 1.8 mg/L of particulate phospho-
rus at an EBPR facility, but only 0.6 mg/L at a conventional plant. So, effluent filtration
may be necessary to meet low total phosphorus limits.


PROCESSES. Optimal operating parameters for BPR processes are plant-specific,
but the parameters typically used for operation at design conditions are listed in Table
22.5. The advantages and limitations of BPR processes are listed in Table 22.6 (Metcalf
and Eddy, Inc., 2003). Descriptions of common BPR processes follow. Most remove
both nitrogen and phosphorus.

Anaerobic/Oxic Process. Developed in the 1970s and patented in the early 1980s, the
A/O process has a similar flow scheme to that of the LE process [Figure 22.12(a)] ex-
cept it uses an anaerobic zone rather then an anoxic one. The main difference between
the LE process and the A/O process is that A/O does not nitrify. Typically, its anaero-
bic zone’s HRT is between 30 and 60 minutes to select for Acinetobacter organisms, and
its oxic zone’s MCRT is between 2 to 4 days to discourage nitrification. The A/O
process typically is not used at treatment plants that need both nitrogen and phospho-
rus removal because other processes do both more effectively.

Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic Process. The proprietary anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2/O™)

process is a modification of the A/O process in which an anoxic zone denitrifies the
MLR. Essentially, it is an MLE process preceded by an anaerobic zone [Figure 22.16(a)].

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-42 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.5 Typical parameters for phosphorus removal processes.

HRT (hours)


Process (days) (mg/L) An Zone Ax Zone Ox Zone (% of Q) (% of Q)
A/O 2–5 3000–4000 0.5–1.5 — 1–3 25–100
A2/O 5–25 3000–4000 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 4–8 25–100 100–400
UCT 10–25 3000–4000 1–2 2–4 4–12 80–100 200–400 (Ax)
100–300 (Ox)
VIP 5–10 2000–4000 1–2 1–2 4–6 80–100 100–200 (Ax)
100–300 (Ox)
Bardenpho 10–20 3000–4000 0.5–1.5 1–3 4–12 50–100 200–400
(5-stage) (1st stage) (1st stage)
2–4 0.5–1
(2nd stage) (2nd stage)
SBR 20–40 3000–4000 1.5–3 1–3 2–4

Typically, its anaerobic zone is about the same size as that in the A/O process, while the
anoxic zone has an HRT of 1 hour and the MLR is 100 to 400% of the secondary influent.
The A2/O process allows Acinetobacter organisms to be competitive in the anaero-
bic zone—even while nitrification is occurring—by lowering the nitrate content in the
RAS. It can achieve good denitrification via proper sizing of the anoxic zone.

Modified University of Capetown Process. The modified University of Capetown

(UCT) process has anaerobic and anoxic zones preceding what is essentially an MLE
process [Figure 22.16(b)]. It returns denitrified mixed-liquor recycle (MLRAx) from the
first anoxic zone to the anaerobic zone to maintain nitrates at a lower concentration than
most other EBPR processes can achieve. The UCT process is especially beneficial when
treating weak wastewater, which may lack the proper nutrient ratios, because it allows
Acinetobacter organisms to compete with other microorganisms in dilute wastewater.
Sometimes the UCT process is modified with selector zones to operate at higher
hydraulic rates. In this case, the HRT may be 1 to 2 hours because the mixed liquor in
the anaerobic zone will be less than in a comparable A/O process. The flow rate for the
MLRAx is typically twice the secondary influent flow.
A variation of the modified UCT process is the Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP)
process, which has a similar flow schematic [Figure 22.16(b)] but its anoxic and oxic
zones are staged to allow operation at a lower MCRT. In this process, the RAS is mixed
with the MLROx before the anoxic zone to minimize dissolved oxygen recycle.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-43

TABLE 22.6 Advantages and limitations of phosphorus removal processes.

Advantages Limitations
A/O Operation is relatively simple when Phosphorus removal declines if
compared to other processes nitrification occurs
Low BOD/P ratio possible Limited process control flexibility is
Relatively short hydraulic retention time
Produces good settling sludge
Good phosphorus removal
A2/O Removes both nitrogen and phosphorus RAS containing nitrate is recycled to
anaerobic zone, thus affecting
phosphorus-removal capability
Provides alkalinity for nitrification
Produces good settling sludge
Operation is relatively simple Nitrogen removal is limited by internal
recycle ratio
Saves energy Needs higher BOD/P ratio than the
A/O process
UCT Nitrate loading on anaerobic zone is More complex operation
reduced, thus increasing phosphorus-
removal capability
Requires additional recycle system
For weaker wastewater, process can
achieve improved phosphorus removal
Produces good settling sludge
Good nitrogen removal
VIP Nitrate loading on anaerobic zone is More complex operation
reduced, thus increasing phosphorus-
removal capability
Requires additional recycle system
Produces good settling sludge More equipment required for staged
Requires lower BOD/P ratio than UCT
Bardenpho Can achieve 3 to 5 mg/L TN in Less efficient phosphorus removal
(5-stage) unfiltered effluent
Produces good settling sludge Requires larger tank volumes
SBR Both nitrogen and phosphorus removal More complex operation for N and
are possible P removal
Process is easy to operate Needs larger volume than SBR for
N removal only

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-44 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.6 Advantages and limitations of phosphorus removal processes (continued).

Advantages Limitations
Mixed-liquor solids cannot be washed Effluent quality depends on reliable
out by hydraulic surges decanting facility
Quiescent settling may produce lower Design is more complex
effluent TSS concentration
Flexible operation Skilled maintenance is required
More suitable for smaller flowrates
PhoStrip Can be incorporated easily into existing Requires lime addition for phosphorus
activated sludge plants precipitation
Process is flexible; phosphorus-removal Requires higher mixed-liquor dissolved
performance is not controlled by BOD/ oxygen to prevent phosphorus release
phosphorus ratio in final clarifier
Additional tank capacity required for
Significantly less chemical usage than Lime scaling may be a maintenance
mainstream chemical precipitation problem
Can achieve reliable effluent
orthophosphate concentrations less
than 1 mg/L

Five-Stage Bardenpho Process. When an anaerobic zone precedes the four-stage Bar-
denpho process [Figure 22.12(c)], the resulting five-stage process can be used to encour-
age the growth of Acinetobacter organisms. The flow schematic of a five-stage (modified)
Bardenpho process resembles the A2/O process followed by a second anoxic zone and a
reaeration (oxic) zone [Figure 22.16(c)]. This process is typically designed to operate with
a total HRT of about 22 hours, although the HRTs vary for each zone: anaerobic (2 hours),
anoxic (3 hours), aerobic (12 hours), secondary anoxic (2 hours), and reaeration (1 hour).
Johannesburg Process. Originally used in Johannesburg, South Africa, this process is es-
sentially a simpler version of the modified UCT process. The Johannesburg (sidestream
denitrification) process minimizes the amount of nitrate fed to the anaerobic zone by in-
cluding an anoxic zone in the RAS flow pattern [Figure 22.16(d)]. It uses the bacteria’s en-
dogenous respiration to denitrify the RAS, while a second (mainstream) anoxic zone
denitrifies the MLR. Its anaerobic zone can operate at a higher MLSS concentration than
the modified UCT process, thereby reducing the HRT necessary for BPR.


following phosphorus removal processes are either emerging or not widely used.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-45

FIGURE 22.16 Suspended-growth processes for phosphorous removal.

Sequencing Batch Reactors. Typically used for denitrification and CBOD removal,
SBRs can also be modified to remove phosphorus (Figure 22.13). This is done by insert-
ing an anoxic period and adding carbon (typically methanol) after the aerated react
period. This ensures that little nitrate remains during the fill period, so the following
anaerobic period will encourage the growth of Acinetobacter organisms. Adding methanol
after the react period (while aeration is shut off) allows nitrate to be consumed. The fol-
lowing short aerated react period ensures that the methanol is totally consumed and

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22-46 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

will not contribute to BOD in the final effluent. To ensure that enough VFAs are avail-
able, a carbon source is also added during the initial mix–react period.
These modifications typically cut the SBR’s cycles to three to four per day. The re-
duced cycles and extra complexity make BPR difficult to achieve, compared to conven-
tional, constant-flow BNR processes.

Oxidation Ditches. Oxidation ditches (Figure 22.14) typically are not considered a
BPR process because of the difficulty associated with achieving truly anaerobic condi-
tions when nitrates are being recycled (Stensel and Coleman, 2000). However, good
BPR can be achieved by constructing an external selector, which may incorporate flex-
ible cells allowing a mainstream BPR process to be used with the oxidation ditch [Fig-
ure 22.14(c)]. One oxidation ditch manufacturer promotes dissolved oxygen control in
the outer reactor ring as a means of accomplishing BPR [Figure 22.14(d)].

PhoStrip Process. The “PhoStrip” process, which removes phosphorus via a side-
stream process, was first introduced in the 1970s before any mainstream BPR processes
existed. Although seldom used today because of its chemical requirements and com-
plex operations, the PhoStrip method of removing phosphorus from RAS deserves de-
scription. It involves transferring about one-third of the RAS to an anaerobic stripper
tank (typically a gravity thickener) for a HRT of between 8 and 12 hours. A small
amount of primary effluent or raw wastewater may be added to the tank to enhance
anaerobic conditions. After fermentation, supernatant from the stripper tank is trans-
ferred to a separate reactor, where lime is added to raise the pH and precipitate soluble
phosphorus (Figure 22.15).
Although it uses lime, PhoStrip is considered a biological process because the RAS
in the stripper tank promotes the proliferation of Acinetobacter organisms.

Combined Fixed-Film and Suspended-Growth Processes. Although uncommon, BPR

may also be incorporated into flow schemes using fixed-film reactors, including rock-
media trickling filters. For example, a trickling filter/solids contact (TF/SC) process used
an anaerobic selector in the RAS stream and added a carbon source to reduce nitrates
and enhance the growth of Acinetobacter organisms. After the enhancement, the RAS is
returned to the mainstream (solids contact reactor) after the rock trickling filter. Biologi-
cal phosphorus removal has also been successful in biotowers when anoxic and anaero-
bic selectors preceded the fixed-film reactor. In this case, MLSS from the suspended-
growth selector processes was pumped to the biotower. The biotower may also be
followed by a solids contact or activated sludge aeration basin if nitrification is required.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-47

Operators of BNR facilities need more process-control knowledge than those of con-
ventional treatment facilities to keep them operating smoothly. The key operating pa-
rameters for a BNR facility typically include

• F⬊M ratio,
• HRT,
• Oxygen levels,
• Alkalinity and pH control,
• Denitrification,
• Recycle flows, and
• Secondary clarification.

MEAN CELL RESIDENCE TIME. The mean cell residence time (defined in Equa-
tion 22.2) is the key to understanding whether the BNR process has enough time to
function effectively. When evaluating MCRT, operators should answer such questions as

• Is the MCRT long enough to establish nitrification?

• How much sludge should be wasted to maintain a desired MCRT?
• Can the MCRT be increased by maintaining a higher MLSS?

Nitrifying facilities, such as conventional activated sludge, A2/O, and MLE pro-
cesses, typically need between 5 and 15 days of MCRT. Facilities with intricate recy-
cling patterns, such as the UCT process, need between 10 and 25 days of MCRT. Other
processes, such as extended aeration systems, SBRs, and oxidation ditches, need be-
tween 15 and 30 days of MCRT. In cold climates (less than 12 °C), nitrification systems
need at least 30 days of MCRT to function reliably.



MLSS  TSS in the aeration basin,

TSS2EFF  TSS in secondary effluent, and

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22-48 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Example 22.1: Determine Whether the MCRT is Sufficient for Nitrification. Given
the plant shown in Figure 22.17, what is its MCRT? Will it nitrify wastewater reliably at
12 °C? Assume that MLSS  2000 mg/L, TSSWAS  7000 mg/L, and QWAS  31 000 gpd.

1. Determine the biomass in the system:

MAX1  (0.035 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)  584 lb TSS
MAX1  (0.035 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)  584 lb TSS
MAX2  (0.055 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)  917 lb TSS
MOx  (0.375 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)  6255 lb TSS
Total M ⴝ 8340 lb TSS

2. Determine the biomass wasted each day:

TSSWAS  (0.031 mgd)(8.34)(7000 mg/L)  1810 lb/d
TSS2EFF  (1.5 mgd)(8.34)(20 mg/L)  250 lb/d
Total wasted TSS  2060 lb/d

FIGURE 22.17 Biological nutrient removal example.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-49

3. Determine the MCRT

a. For the entire system:

8340 lb TSS
MCRT = = 4.05 days
2060 lb/d TSS
b. For the aerobic (oxic) treatment process:

6255 lb TSS
MCRTOx = = 3.04 days
2060 lb/d TSS
4. Evaluate MCRTOx for nitrification potential:
a. Figure 22.9 indicates that under optimal laboratory conditions, nitrification
could occur if the MCRT is between 2.5 and 8 days. At 12 °C, however, the
process needed an MCRT of about 11 days (using a safety factor  1.5).
b. Calculations showed that the MCRTOx is about 3 days.
c. Conclusion: Nitrification will NOT occur at 12 °C.

Example 22.2: Increase the MCRT. Again, given the plant shown in Figure 22.17, how
much should operators reduce the waste flow (QWAS) to increase the MCRTOx from
about 3 days to 5.5 days over a 5-day period?
Start by determining how many pounds of MLSS must be maintained to achieve
the desired MCRT:


 6255 lb TSS/5.5 days
 1137 lb/d TSS

Target TSSWAS  1137 lb/d TSS – 250 lb/d TSS

 887 lb/d TSS

Target QWAS  (887 lb/d/8.34)(7000 mg/L)

 0.0152 mgd (15 200 gpd)

Change in QWAS  31 000 gpd – 15 200 gpd

 15 800 gpd

Amount to reduce per day  15 800 gpd/5 days

 3160 gpd

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22-50 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Operators should evaluate the process and recheck their calculations before mak-
ing process changes.

Example 22.3: Determine the MCRT an SBR Needs to Achieve Nitrification. A se-
quencing batch reactor facility has the following characteristics:

• Total basin volume (VB)  0.5 mil. gal,

• Influent flow (Q)  425 000 gpd,
• Influent BOD (BOD2INF)  220 mg/L,
• Aerobic react time  60%,
• Produced solids (PX)  700 lb/d TSS,
• Temperature  12 °C, and
• MLSS  2000 mg/L.

The facility does not meet its ammonia limit when winter temperatures are 12 °C
or lower. What MCRT would ensure that nitrification occurs?

1. Determine the existing MCRT:

M (0.5)(8.34)(2000 mg/L) 8340 lb TSS

MCRT = = =
Px 700 lb/d 700 lb/d
MCRT = 11.9 days

2. Determine MCRTOx and compare it to the target values suggested to maintain ni-
trification in Figure 22.9:

MCRT (percent time or volume oxic)

11.9 days (60%)
= 7.14 days

According to Figure 22.9, the target MCRTOx should be 12 days when the temper-
ature is 12 °C.

3. Adjust the MCRT for oxic conditions at 12 days:

MCRTOx (100) 12 days (100)

MCRT = =
(Percent time) 60%
= 20 days required for nitrification

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-51

FOOD-TO-MICROORGANISM RATIO. The F:M ratio measures the amount

of “food” (F; typically BOD) available for the population of “bugs” (M; MLVSS) pre-
sent in the aeration basin. F is typically based on the BOD load in primary effluent, or
in raw wastewater if the treatment plant lacks primary clarifiers. When the reactors op-
erate in series, the first cell’s M is calculated using the first cell’s volume and MLVSS
concentration; the second cell’s M is calculated using the combined volume and
MLVSS concentrations of the first and second cells, etc.

BOD of secondary influent

F⬊ M =
MLVSS in the reactor

The F⬊M ratio is a good indicator of how well selector reactors will promote the
growth of floc-forming bacteria. When the F⬊M ratio is high, floc-forming bacteria
have a competitive advantage over filamentous bacteria.
Selector loading also helps ensure that nuisance bacteria will not cause operating
problems. The selector cells should be arranged so BOD is taken up rapidly.

Example 22.4: Determine the F⬊M Ratio of a BNR Facility. Given the BNR facility
described in Figure 22.17, determine its F⬊M ratio.

1. Determine the incoming BOD load (F):

F  (8.34)(1.5 mgd)(220 mg/L BOD)

 2752 lb BOD/d

2. Determine M for each treatment zone. If the MLSS is 80% volatile, then the cumu-
lative M is:

Zone M Cumulative M
MAx1  (0.035 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)(0.8)  467 467
MAn1  (0.035 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)(0.8)  467 934
MAx2  (0.055 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)(0.8)  734 1668
MOx  (0.375 mil. gal)(8.34)(2000 mg/L)(0.8)  5004 6672
Total M  6672 lb

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22-52 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

3. Calculate the F⬊M ratio in each selector zone and for the entire system:

2752 lb/d BOD

F⬊ M An1 = = 5.9 dⴚ1
467 lb VSS
2752 lb/d BOD
F⬊ M Ax1 = = 2.9 dⴚ1
934 lb VSS
2752 lb/d BOD
F⬊ M Ax2 = = 1.6 dⴚ1
1668 lb VSS
2752 lb/d BOD
System F⬊ M = = 0.41 dⴚ1
6672 lb VSS

With consecutive cells (e.g., An1, Ax1, Ax2, or Ox), F is the “applied” BOD in the
first compartment. M increases as greater portions of the reactor are considered in F/M

HYDRAULIC RETENTION TIME. The hydraulic retention time for maintaining

BNR depends on reactor size, which is determined by the MCRT necessary for growth.
Once the biological reactor or basin size is known, then the HRT can be calculated by
dividing the reactor volume (V) by the secondary influent flow (Q):

(mil. gal of V)(24 hr/d)

mgd of Q

Although not used in daily BNR operations, HRT indicates whether the plant is
operating within a normal contact time. Nitrifying facilities, such as conventional acti-
vated sludge, A2O, and MLE processes, typically have an HRT between 5 and 15 hours.
Facilities with more intricate recycle patterns, such as the UCT process, typically have
HRTs between 10 and 18 hours. Other processes, such as extended aeration, SBR, and
oxidation ditch systems, have HRTs between 18 and 36 hours.

Example 22.5: Determine the HRT of a BNR Facility. Given the BNR facility shown
in Figure 22.17, calculate the HRT of each zone. Assume that RAS  0.5 mgd and MLR
 3.0 mgd.

Cumulative Incoming
Volume volume flow Q ⴙ Nominal HRT Actual HRT
Zone No. (mil. gal) (mil. gal) RAS ⴙ MLR (hr) (hr)
An1 0.035 0.035 2.0 0.56 0.42
Ax1 0.035 0.070 2.0 0.56 0.42

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-53

Ax2 0.055 0.125 5.0 0.88 0.16

Ox1 0.375 0.500 5.0 6.00 1.13
Total 0.500 8.00


ventional activated sludge system is converted into a BNR facility, its dissolved oxygen
requirements typically increase, requiring changes in the aeration equipment or dif-
fuser layout. A maximum of 1.2 mg of oxygen is required to treat 1.0 mg of 5-day BOD
(BOD5). Approximately 4.57 mg of oxygen is required to oxidize 1.0 mg of ammonia-
nitrogen (Table 22.1). If the plant also denitrifies, however, then 2.86 mg of oxygen is
recovered for each 1.0 mg of nitrate-nitrogen removed.
When determining aeration equipment needs, treatment plant staff should begin
by consulting with equipment suppliers or environmental engineers, because aeration
efficiency varies widely. The equipment should be assessed based on field conditions,
not laboratory or “standard” conditions (aeration rates in clean water, which may be
more than twice the rate possible in wastewater). The field rates for high-speed surface
aerators, for example, can range from 1.0 to 2.0 lb of oxygen/hp/hr.
Diffuser equipment calculations are more complicated because of the wide variety
of diffusers available. However, the typical field rate for coarse-bubble diffusers in do-
mestic wastewater is 0.375% per foot of submergence. The standard rate for fine-
bubble diffusers in clean water is about 0.66% per foot of submergence.
Following are other useful conversion factors:

• 1 standard cu ft of air  0.0173 lb of oxygen,

• Blower horsepower  (cu ft/min)(lb/sq in. at blower)(0.006), and
• The annual power cost of an aerator or diffuser  $650/hp if electricity costs

Example 22.6: Determine the Oxygen Demand for a BNR Facility. If a 2.3-mgd BNR
facility nitrifies completely, its influent ammonia  25 mg/L, and its BOD2INF  140 mg/L,

• What is the oxygen demand for BOD removal alone,

• What is the oxygen demand for BOD removal and nitrification, and
• How much money will the facility save in aeration costs if electricity costs
$0.12/kWh and the plant denitrifies to 8 mg/L of nitrous oxides?

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22-54 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

1. Calculate the amount of oxygen required for CBOD removal:

(140 mg/L BOD)(1.2 mg/L O 2 )(2.3 mgd)(8.34)

O2 =
1.0 mg/L BOD
= 3223 lb/d O 2

2. Calculate the oxygen demand after nitrification (without denitrification):

a. NOD  (25 mg/L NH4-N)(8.34)(4.57 mg oxygen/mg NH4-N)(2.3 mgd)

 2192 lb/d O2


 3223 lb/d O2  2192 lb/d O2

 5415 lb/d O2

(Note: The above is a simplified approach for a rough approximation.)

3. Calculate how much aeration energy will be saved if the plant also adds denitrification.
a. Determine how much nitrate will be produced:


NOx  (25 mg/L NH4-N – 8 mg/L NO3-N)(8.34)(2.3 mgd)

 326 lb/d NO3-N

b. Calculate the amount of oxygen saved:

326 lb NO X 2.9 lb O 2 recovered
lb O 2 = ×
1 day 1 lb PNO X
= 946 lb/d O 2 recovered

c. Determine how much money is saved each year if electricity costs $0.12/kWh
(assume the facility uses surface high-speed aerators with a field transfer rate
of 1.3 lb O2/hp/hr):

(946 lb O 2 ) 1 hp-hr 1 day

Electricity = × ×
1 day 1.3 lb O 2 24 hrs
= 30.3 hp saved

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-55

$650 $0.12
Savings = 30.3 hp × ×
hp ⋅ year ⋅ $0.10/kWh kWh
= $23, 630/yr

Example 22.7: Determine How Much More Air Blower Capacity a Treatment Plant
Needs to Nitrify Wastewater. Suppose an activated sludge plant must nitrify its
wastewater (its previous limits were for CBOD only), and its aeration basin has coarse-
bubble diffusers that are 14 ft below the water surface. Plant staff already know that
they need 1600 lb/d more oxygen to nitrify the wastewater. So, how much more horse-
power is needed?

1. Calculate the coarse-bubble diffusers’ efficiency at 14-ft submergence:

Percent efficiency  (0.375%/ft)(14 ft)

 5.25% field transfer for coarse bubble

[Note: For fine-bubble diffusers, the percent efficiency  (0.66%/ft)(14 ft)  9.24%]

2. Then determine the required airflow rate:

(100)(lb/d O 2 Required)
Airflow =
(0.0173 lb O 2/cu ft)(Percent efficiency)(1440 min/d)

(100)(1600 lb/d O 2 )
Airrflow =
(0.0173 lb O 2/cu ft)(5.25%)(1440 min/d)
1600 lb/d O 2

 1220 cfm

3. Estimate the discharge pressure at the blower [assume 4-ft headlosses in air
piping and equipment (line losses)]:

Total head at blower  Static  Line headloss

 14 ft  4 ft

Total head  18 ft or 7.8 psi

(Note: 1 psi  2.31 ft of water)

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22-56 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

4. Calculate the additional blower horsepower needed:

Blower hp  (cfm)(psi)(0.006)

 (1220 cfm)(7.8 psi)(0.006)

 57 hp

(Note: These calculations are strictly illustrative. See equipment curves, etc., for more
precise calculations.)

ALKALINITY AND pH CONTROL. Every time 1 mg of ammonia-nitrogen is

oxidized to nitrate, 7.14 mg of alkalinity is consumed. Likewise, every time 1 mg of
nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas, 3.57 mg of alkalinity is recovered.

Example 22.8: Chemical Addition for pH Control. To maintain stable operations, an

effluent’s alkalinity must be maintained at 80 mg/L of calcium carbonate. Suppose a
1.4 mgd wastewater treatment plant’s effluent alkalinity is 120 mg/L, and it plans to ni-
trify 22 mg/L of ammonia. How much hydrated lime should plant staff add to nitrifi-
cation effluent to maintain the desired alkalinity?
1. Calculate the amount of alkalinity required for nitrification:
According to Table 22.2,

7.14 mg CaCO 3
Alkalinity depletion from N =
1 mg N oxidized

so the
7.14 mg CaCO 3
Alkalinity required = 22 mg/L NH 3 -N ×
1 mg NH 3 -N
= 157 mg/L CaCO 3

2. Determine how much alkalinity must be added:

Alkalinity added  (Alkalinity goal)  (Alkalinity required)  (Alkalinity present)

 80 mg/L  157 mg/L  120 mg/L  117 mg/L as CaCO3

3. Estimate the amount of lime needed (assume 1.33 lb alkalinity/1 lb lime).

a. Alkalinity added (lb/d)  (117 mg/L)(8.34)(1.4 mgd)

 1366 lb/d as CaCO3

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-57

1366 lb CaCO 3/d

b. Lime needed =
1.33 lb alkalinity/1 lb lime
= 1027 lb/d

DENITRIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Facilities required to remove nitrate

will need to consider whether there are suitable conditions for NOX removal. The fol-
lowing calculations provided examples of how to determine if there is sufficient reac-
tor volume and if the rate of denitrification is adequate to achieve treatment goals.

Example 22.9: Determine the Anoxic Selector Size Needed to Achieve a Specific
Nitrate Limit. Suppose a 2.3-mgd wastewater treatment plant plans to convert to the
MLE process. Its secondary influent has a BOD concentration of 160 mg/L. The waste-
water in the 0.6-mil. gal aeration basin is about 15 °C and contains 3000 mg/L of MLSS
(VSS  2400 mg/L). The plant needs to denitrify 18 mg/L of produced nitrate. What
size must the anoxic selector be to meet an effluent nitrate limit of 7 mg/L?

1. Estimate a selector size based on experience (typically 20 to 40% of the aeration

basin volume). Assume that 30% of the basin will be converted to an anoxic selector:

Vax  (0.3)(0.6 mil. gal)

 0.18 mil. gal

2. Calculate the amount of nitrate to be removed:

NOx removed  (PNOx – NOX2EFF)

 18 mg/L – 7 mg/L

NOx removed  11 mg/L

 (11 mg/L)(8.34)(2.3 mgd)

NOx removed  211 lb/d

3. Determine the selector’s SDNR:

211 lb/d NO X
(8.34)(2400 mg/L)(0.18 mil. gal)

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-58 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

211 lb/d NO X
3603 lb MLVSS
0.059 lb NO X
1 lb/d MLVSS

4. Compare the calculated SDNR with the range of SDNRs published in Metcalf and
Eddy, Inc. (2003) to confirm that too much nitrate will not be applied to the anoxic

Actual SDNRs vary widely because of wastewater characteristics, operating tempera-

ture, and the F⬊M ratio. Let’s suppose the SDNRs in the literature range from 0.03 to
0.12. The calculated SDNR is in the lower end of this range, so the anoxic volume may
be acceptable. However, to better ensure the performance of the denitrification process,
plant staff could

• Enlarge the anoxic selector zone,

• Operate it at a higher MLVSS concentration, and
• Divide the anoxic selector into three or four cells to increase the F⬊M ratio.

OXIDATION–REDUCTION POTENTIAL. Automated control systems for the

internal anoxic mixing process measure the ORP so they can detect nitrate depletion in
the mixed liquor. This variable indirectly measures nitrate availability in an aqueous
media, although there is no direct correlation between any specific ORP value and ni-
trate concentration.
Oxidation–reduction potential measures the net electron activity of all oxidation–
reduction reactions occurring in wastewater. It is affected by temperature, pH, biolog-
ical activity, and the system’s chemical constituents, but its response pattern to changes
in a solution’s oxidative state is reproducible in a specific system.
In continuous-flow suspended-growth systems, the control system’s ORP break-
points must be constantly reviewed and revised. In batch systems (e.g., SBR or cyclic
aeration systems), however, a characteristic “knee” (change in ORP values) indicates
when the system is changing from an oxidized state to a reduced one.

RECYCLE FLOWS. For wastewater facilities with either ammonia and/or nitrate
limitations, it will be necessary to adjust recycle flows (typically RAS flow and/or
MLROx) to achieve operational goals. The following are examples of calculations and
that may be required.

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-59

Example 22.10: The Effect of BNR on RAS and MLR. Suppose that a 1.7-mgd acti-
vated sludge plant has a 0.4-mil. gal aeration basin, 32 mg/L of ammonia-nitrogen in
its secondary influent, 1500 mg/L of MLSS, and 8000 mg/L of TSS in its RAS. To nitrify
its wastewater, the plant will need to operate at an MLSS of 3000 mg/L. The plant will
also be converted to the MLE process, with MLR returned to the anoxic zone for deni-
trification. Its new nitrous oxide standard will be 12 mg/L. With this in mind, deter-
mine the RAS flow needed to maintain 3000 mg/L of MLSS, and calculate the MLR to
the anoxic zone (MLROx).

1. Determine the QRAS:

The mass balance around the secondary clarifier is
Incoming solids  Outgoing solids


Because the TSS2EFF is small, assume it equals zero and rearrange the equation so

= −1


1.7 mgd 8000 mg/L

= − 1 = 1.67
Q RAS 3000 mg/L
Q RAS = 1.7/1.67
= 1.02 mgd

2. Calculate the MLROx (Equations 22.15 to 22.18). First, determine how much
nitrous oxide must be removed to achieve the limit (assume 1 mg/L of produced
nitrous oxide for each 1 mg/L of influent ammonia):

Mr = − 1 − Rr (22.20)


Mr  MLR/Q (MLR flow ratio),

Rr  QRAS/Q (RAS flow ratio),
PNOx  Produced NO3-N  mg/L of NO2, and
NOX2EFF  mg/L of NO3-N  NO2 in the effluent.

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22-60 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

32 mg/L 1.02 mgd
Mr = − 1−
12 mg/L 1.7 mgd
Mr = 1.07 = =
Q 1.7 mgd


MLROx  (1.7 mgd)(1.07)

 1.8 mgd

SECONDARY CLARIFICATION. It is essential that the secondary clarifier be

able to both separate biological solids from the treated effluent and also concentrate the
solids without a buildup of sludge within the clarifier. Parameters of concern with clar-
ification are the hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and the solids loading rate (SLR).

Example 22.11: Calculate Secondary Clarifier Capacity. Given the activated sludge
system in Example 22.10, assume that peak flows are three times the average. There-
fore, plant data are as follows:

Present Future
Flow (mgd)
Q average 1.7 1.7
Q peak 5.1 5.1
QRAS 0.4 1.02
MLSS (mg/L) 1500 3000
RAS (mg/L) 8000 8000

Suppose the plant has two 47-ft-diameter secondary clarifiers (total clarifier area 
3470 ft2). Calculate the current and future clarifier loading.

1. First, check the clarifier’s HLR (only one calculation is shown):

(Q)(1 mil. gal/mgd)

Clarifier area
(1.7 mgd)(1 mil. gal/mgd)
HLR 1.7 =
3470 sq ft
= 490 gpd/sq ft

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-61

A summary of HLRs for present and future is:

Condition Present Future

Average flow (1.7 mgd) 490 490
Peak flow (5.1 mgd) 1470 1470

When these HLRs are compared to those typically suggested for operations, the
average HLRs are within the range typically suggested for good performance (400 to
600 gpd/sq ft). Future peak HLRs, however, fall slightly above the recommended
range (800 to 1200 gpd/sq ft).

2. Next, check the clarifier’s SLR (only one calculation is shown):

(Q + Q RAS )(8.34)(MLSS)
Clarifier area
(1.7 mgd + 0.4 mgd)(8.34)(1500 mg/L)
Present SLR 1.7 =
3470 sq ft
= 7.6 lb TSS/d/sq ft

A summary of SLRs for present and future is:

Condition Present Future

Average flow (1.7 mgd) 7.6 19.6
Peak flow (5.1 mgd) 19.8 48.1

When these SLRs are compared to those typically suggested for operation, the
average SLRs are below that recommended for BNR plants (20 lb TSS/d/sq ft).
Future peak SLRs are slightly above that recommended for BNR plants (35 lb
TSS/d/sq ft).
So, the secondary clarifiers seem to be adequate for average loading but marginal for
peak loads. Success depends on the clarifier design and configuration. Sludge settleabil-
ity and characteristics will determine whether more clarifiers should be constructed.

Some of the most common operating problems at BNR facilities are foam control and
bulking (nonsettling) sludge (Table 22.7, 22.8, and 22.9).

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-62 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

TABLE 22.7 Troubleshooting nitrification and denitrification facilities.

Observations Solutions
BOD  25 mg/L, NH4-N  3 mg/L Ensure MCRT is sufficient for design temperature
Effluent NH4-N varies erratically,  3 mg/L and Waste sludge operation not stabilized, stop wasting
 2 mg/L, in a short period of time until NH4-N is  2 mg/L for 3 consecutive days; restart
a careful sludge-wasting operation
Effluent NH4-N  3 mg/L, dark brown or Check aeration zone DO, should be  2 mg/L; check
black MLSS MLSS solids balance; MCRT may be too high
Brown clumps of sludge floating on final clarifier Nitrogen gas bubbles being produced in stagnant sludge
surface; effluent NH4-N  2 mg/L, BOD in clarifier; check return sludge recycle rate, increase
 30 mg/L frequency of cleaning of clarifier walls and weirs
Effluent NH4-N  10 mg/L, BOD  25 mg/L Check MCRT, check mixed liquor DO, check MLSS; if all
appear satisfactory, plant may be receiving inhibitor of
of nitrification from industry; check pretreatment program
Effluent NO3-N  7 mg/L, NH4-N  2 mg/L DO in anoxic zone, should be less than 0.2 mg/L

FOAM CONTROL. Activated sludge processes typically have foam (froth) floating in the biolog-
ical reactor. In a well-operated process, a 50- to 80-mm (2- to 3-in.) layer of light tan foam will cover
between 10 and 25% of the reactor surface. Excessive foam, however, can degrade operations. Three
types of foam typically are problematic: stiff, white foam; brown foam (either greasy and dark tan or
thick, scummy, and dark brown); and very dark or black foam.

TABLE 22.8 Troubleshooting biological phosphorus removal facilities.

Observations Solutions
Effluent SP  1 mg/L, TP  2 mg/L, Ensure DO in anaerobic zone is  0.2 mg/L, NO3-N in
BOD  20 mg/L anaerobic zone is  5 mg/L
Effluent SP  1 mg/L, TP  2 mg/L, Check SS frequently, use polymer or metal salt to control SS;
BOD  25 mg/L, SS  30 mg/L find reason for high SS, such as high flow rates, high return
sludge recycle rate, or bulking
Effluent SP  0.2 mg/L, TP  1 mg/L, Plant may be organically overloaded; check F:M ratio
BOD  30 mg/L
Effluent SP  1 mg/L, TP  2 mg/L, May not be enough low molecular weight acids in anaerobic
BOD  15 mg/L zone; consider adding anaerobic digester supernatant to
this zone
Thin-looking MLSS, effluent TP  2 mg/L, Sludge may be forming a blanket in secondary clarifier, check
BOD  30 mg/L sludge blanket depth, adjust recycle rate if necessary
Effluent TP  2 mg/L, BOD  25 mg/L, Start or increase dose of metal salt to assist in precipitating TP
SS  25 mg/L

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Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-63

TABLE 22.9 Troubleshooting facilities that remove both nitrogen and phosphorus.

Observations Solutions
Effluent TP  2 mg/L, NH4-N  2 mg/L, Check recirculation rate between aerobic zone and anoxic
NO3-N  7 mg/L zone, increase rate if necessary; check DO in anoxic zone,
should be  0.2 mg/L
Effluent TP  2 mg/L, NH4-N  2 mg/L, Check feed rate of optional chemical dosing pump for
NO3-N  2 mg/L, BOD  30 mg/L adding organics to second anoxic zone
Effluent TP  2 mg/L, NH4-N  3 mg/L, Check DO in aerobic zone, should be  2 mg/L
NO3-N  5 mg/L, BOD  25 mg/L

Stiff, White Foam. If stiff, white foam builds up and the wind can blow it onto walk-
ways and other structures, where it looks unsightly and makes working conditions
hazardous. This foam also can be odorous and transport pathogens. If it overflows to
the secondary clarifiers, this foam tends to collect behind the influent baffles, creating
more cleaning problems, and can plug the scum-removal system.
This type of foam indicates a “young” sludge (low MCRT); it is typically found in
new or underloaded plants when the MLSS concentration is too low and the F⬊M ratio
is too high. The foam may consist of detergents or proteins that cannot be converted to
food by the type of bacteria that are predominant in the mixed liquor. Such foam may
occur when

• Activated sludge is not returned to the biological reactor;

• MLSS is low because the process is being started up;
• MLSS is low because of excessive sludge wasting or a high organic load from an
industry (typically occurs after low-load periods, such as weekends and early
• Operations conditions are unfavorable (toxic or inhibiting materials are present,
pH is less than 6.5 or more than 9.0, dissolved oxygen or nutrient concentrations
are too low, or seasonal temperature changes have reduced microorganism ac-
tivity and growth);
• Secondary clarifier effluent loses biomass unintentionally because of excessive
(shock) hydraulic loads or biological upset;
• A high sludge blanket in the secondary clarifier because of leaking seals or open
dewatering valves; or
• Wastewater or RAS is improperly distributed among multiple biological reactors.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-64 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Excessive Brown Foam. Brown foam occurs in plants operating at low loading ranges.
Nitrification plants operating in nitrifying mode, for example, typically have low to
moderate amounts of chocolate brown foam. If Nocardia (a filamentous organism) is
present, the foam will be strong (not easily collapsed), greasy, and dark tan. It also will
overflow onto the clarifier surface. Filamentous organisms containing scum should be
wasted from the system rather than returned to the biological reactors in order not to
concentrate foam-causing organisms.
Treatment plants that re-aerate sludge typically have heavy, greasy, dark brown
foam in their aeration stage. A thick, scummy, dark brown foam indicates an old
sludge (long MCRT). This foam can build up behind influent baffles in the clarifier, cre-
ating a scum disposal problem.
Overall, brown foam is likely to occur when

• The F⬊M ratio is low because of nitrification and denitrification;

• The MLSS concentration is high because of insufficient sludge wasting (can hap-
pen unintentionally when seasonal temperature changes increase microorgan-
ism activity and, therefore, sludge production);
• Sludge is re-aerated (especially if the F⬊M ratio is low); or
• The wasting controls are insufficient.

Very Dark or Black Foam. Very dark or black foam occurs when aeration is insuffi-
cient (anaerobic conditions) or industrial wastes, such as dyes and inks, are present. To
correct this problem, operators should

• Increase aeration;
• Investigate industrial waste sources for dyes or inks; and
• Reduce the MLSS concentration.

BULKING SLUDGE. If the supernatant above poorly settling sludge is clear, fila-
mentous microorganisms are hindering settling. To correct this problem, operators should

• Add nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron;

• Raise the dissolved oxygen concentration in the biological reactor; or
• Correct the pH (either raise or stabilize it).

If the supernatant above poorly settling sludge is cloudy, the problem is dis-
persed-growth bulking caused by improper organic loading, overaeration, or toxics.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes 22-65

Daigger, G. D.; Sedlak, R.; Eckenfelder, W.; Jenkins, D.; Stensel, D.; Banard, J. (1988)
Principles and Practice of Nutrient Removal from Municipal Wastewater. Presented
seminars sponsored by The Soap and Detergent Association, New York.
Harrison, J. R. (1999) Coupling TFs or RBCs with Activated Sludge. Paper presented at
the 4th Annual Central States Water Environment Educational Seminar, Madison,
Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. (2003) Wastewater Engineering, 4th ed.; McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New
Randall, C. W. (1992) Design and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Biological
Nutrient Removal, Vol. 5; Technomic Publishing Company: Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Stensel, H. D. (2001) Biological Nutrient Removal: Merging Engineering Innovation
and Science. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Ex-
position and Conference [CD-ROM]; Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 13–17; Water Environment
Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Stensel, H. D.; Coleman (2000) Technology Assessments: Nitrogen Removal Using Oxida-
tion Ditches; Project 96-CTS-1; Water Environment Research Foundation: Alexan-
dria, Virginia.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1993) Nitrogen Control Manual; EPA-625/R-93-
010; Washington, DC.
Water Environment Federation (1996) Developing Source Control Programs for Commer-
cial and Industrial Wastewater; 2nd ed.; Manual of Practice No. OM-4; Water Environ-
ment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Water Environment Federation (1998a) Biological and Chemical Systems for Nutrient
Removal; Special Publication; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Water Environment Federation (1998b) Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Plants, 4th ed.; Manual of Practice No. 8, Water Environment Federation: Alexandria,
Water Environment Federation (2000) Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactors; Special Publica-
tion; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Water Environment Federation (2001) Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment, 2nd
ed.; Manual of Practice No. FD-16; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria,

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

22-66 Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Water Environment Federation (2005) Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Operation in

Wastewater Treatment Plants; Manual of Practice No. 29; Water Environment Federa-
tion: Alexandria, Virginia.
Water Environment Research Foundation (2000a) Membrane Technology: An Innovative
Alternative in Wastewater Treatment; Project 97-CTS-10; Water Environment Research
Foundation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Water Environment Research Foundation (2000b) Investigation of Hybrid Systems for
Enhanced Nutrient Control; Project 96-CTS-4; Water Environment Research Founda-
tion: Alexandria, Virginia.

Copyright © 2007 Water Environment Federation.

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