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HLURB Form No.

Series of 200____
Annex ___


I, ________________________, of legal age, single/married, with postal address

and residence at _______________________________________________________
after being sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and state the following:

1. That I am the _____________________________________________________

(State Position)
_____________________________________________, owner/developer of
(Name of Corporation)
____________________________________________________ located at
(Name of Project)

2. That we have a pending application for Certificate of Registration and License to

Sell for the abovementioned project;

3. That to the best of my knowledge, there is no other project under such name
under Presidential Decree No. 957 and Executive Order No. 648;

4. That in the event that a project does not exist, located in the same province as
our project and is registered with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB) or with the National Housing Authority (NHA) under a name similar to
our proposed name, we are willing to recognize its prior right over and above our

5. That I am executing this affidavit to signify our willingness to change the name of
our proposed project to another name so as not to effect the vested rights and/or
interest of the previous registered project.

Affiant further says nothing.

_________________________________, ________________________, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______________ day of

____________________, Affiant exhibiting before me his/her Community Tax
Certificate No. ________________ issued at _______________ on _______________.

Doc No. ____

Page No. ____ Notary Public
Book No. _____
Series of _____

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