Personal Monthly Budget-October

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Create a Personal Monthly Budget in this worksheet.

Helpful instructions on how to use this worksheet are in cells in this column. Arrow down to get started.
Personal Monthly Budget-October
Projected Monthly Income Projected
Projected Monthly Income label is in cell at right. Enter Income 1 in cell C5 and Extra Balance
Income in C6 to calculate Total monthly income in C7. Next instruction is in cell A7.
₹ 9,126.00
Income 1 ₹ 50,000.00 (Projected income minus expenses)

Extra income ₹ - Actual Balance

₹ 50,000.00
Total monthly income ₹ 50,000.00 (Actual income minus expenses)
Projected Balance is auto calculated in cell H4, Actual Balance in H6, and Difference in H8. Next instruction is in cell A9.

₹ 40,874.00
Actual Monthly Income (Actual minus projected)
Actual Monthly Income label is in cell at right. Enter Income 1 in cell C10 and Extra Income in C11 to calculate Total monthly income in C12. Next instruction is in cell A14.
Income 1 ₹ 50,000.00
Extra income ₹ -
Total monthly income ₹ 50,000.00

HOUSING Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference ENTERTAINMENT

Enter details in Housing table starting in cell at right and in Entertainment table starting in cell G14. Next instruction is in cell A27.
Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Mortgage or rent ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Movies ₹ - ₹ -

Phone ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Other (Bonus) ₹ 10,550.00 ₹ 10,550.00
Electricity ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Other (Gift-L-Kiva birthday) ₹ 1,000.00 ₹ 1,000.00
Gas ₹ 1,282.00 ₹ - ₹ 1,282.00 Other ₹ -
Cable ₹ 650.00 ₹ - ₹ 650.00 Subtotal ₹ 11,550.00
Maintenance or repairs (RO-Filter)₹ 1,800.00 ₹ - ₹ 1,800.00

Subtotal ₹ 3,732.00 LOANS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Personal ₹ - ₹ -
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference other ₹ -
Insurance ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Subtotal ₹ -
Fuel ₹ 1,000.00 ₹ - ₹ 1,000.00
Maintenance ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - TAXES Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

EnterSubtotal ₹ 1,000.00
details in Transportation table starting in cell at right and in Loans table starting Federal
in cell G26. Next instruction is in cell A37. ₹ -
State ₹ -
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Local ₹ - ₹ -
Health ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Other ₹ -
Life ₹ - ₹ - ₹ - Subtotal ₹ -
Other ₹ - ₹ - ₹ -

Subtotal ₹ - SAVINGS OR INVESTMENTS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Retirement account ₹ -
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Investment account ₹ -
Groceries (including Veg+Fruit) ₹ 3,539.00 ₹ 3,539.00 Other ₹ -

detailsout 450.00
₹ at right
in Insurance table starting in cell 450.00
₹ in cell
and in Taxes table starting Subtotalis in cell A44.
G35. Next instruction ₹ -
Other-Diwali Celebration) ₹ 2,210.00 ₹ 2,210.00

Subtotal ₹ 6,199.00 GIFTS AND DONATIONS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Charity 1 ₹ -
Servents Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Charity 2 ₹ -
Pravinbhai ₹ 10,000.00 ₹ 10,000.00 Charity 3 ₹ -
Pravina ben ₹ 1,600.00 ₹ 1,600.00 Subtotal ₹ -

EnterMina ben
details ₹ right 2,500.00
in Food table starting in cell at and in Savings table starting ₹ 2,500.00
in cell G42. Next instruction is in cell A50.
Santoshben ₹ 2,000.00 ₹ 2,000.00
Kachravado ₹ 150.00 ₹ 150.00
Total Projected Cost ₹ 40,874.00
Milk-Tusharbhai ₹ 1,058.00 ₹ 1,058.00
Milk-Kishorbhai ₹ 800.00 ₹ 800.00
Dhobi ₹ 285.00 ₹ 285.00 Total Actual Cost ₹ -

Subtotal ₹ 18,393.00

Enter details in Pets table starting in cell at right and in Gifts table starting in cell G48. Next instruction is in cell A58.
Total Difference ₹ 40,874.00
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Medical ₹ - ₹ -
Hair/nails ₹ - ₹ -
Clothing ₹ - ₹ -
Dry cleaning ₹ - ₹ -
ironing of clothes ₹ - ₹ -
Other ₹ -

EnterSubtotal ₹
details in Personal Care table starting in cell at right and in Legal table starting in cell- G54. Next instruction is in cell A61.

Total Projected Cost is auto calculated in cell J61, Total Actual Cost in J63, and Total Difference in J65.

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