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A.M. No. 1856
October 28, 1983


Salvacion E. Marcayda filed a complaint to withhold the oath-taking of respondent

Justiniano P. Naz on the ground of immorality. Complainant alleged that she had a son with the
respondent, who the latter, denied at first, but eventually admitted when they executed a
notarized agreement in Manila. In the agreement, he acknowledged the paternity and
promised to give support to the child. Because of this promise to support, Marcayda dropped
the complaint against Naz who was then allowed to take his oath. But Naz did not live up to his
promise and alleged that he was "coerced" to sign the agreement of support.

ISSUE: Whether or not Naz should be disbarred because of his conduct.


NO. The Court ruled that Naz is not guilty of gross immorality. He should not be
disbarred because he had admitted the paternity of Rey in a public document and agreed to
support him. This circumstance rendered his immorality not so gross and scandalous. But his
stand of not giving any value to that public document shows a certain unscrupulousness
unbecoming a member of a noble profession. It is tantamount to self-stultification. Thus, he
was severely reprimanded for his attempt to nullify the notarial agreement to support a child
whose filiation he had admitted.

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