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Cross out the word that does not have a short vowel sound.
1. check wreck deck be step
2. pray Sam glass jazz nag
3. Kim sight brim win will
4. cup dump buzz gull puke
5. nod rod sod grow fox

Cross out the word that does not have a long vowel sound.
1. play shame gate sand Jake
2. sea glee me wee men
3. pint glide mint knight hive
4. pole cone throne host blow
5. use fuse urine fun dune

Write S if the word has a short vowel sound and L if it has a long vowel sound.
_____ 1. Knelt _____ 9. Find
_____ 2. Make _____ 10. Finish
_____ 3. Line _____ 11. Ram
_____ 4. Low _____ 12. Tablet
_____ 5. Page _____ 13. Nun
_____ 6. Dots _____ 14. Muse
_____ 7. Zipper _____ 15. Here
_____ 8. Usual

Circle the word/s which has the same diphthong as the underlined word.
1. sound tune clown plow skew mountain
2. join play buyer foyer poise riot
3. choice joyful Roy show trio town
4. about lie shout doubt now Choy
5. vowel growl snow mow flower shower

Read each row of words and circle the two words that are synonyms.
1. fun tall short exciting
2. fast slow big speedy
3. glad sad happy hungry
4. slow smart angry intelligent
5. forward small stop cease
6. above under go over
7. pencil eraser close shut
8. mom dad brother mother
9. truck cab taxi train
10. exit leave arrive fly

Read each row of words and circle the two words that are antonyms.
1. fast quick slow angry

2. tall fast quick short

3. fast upset big happy

4. go slow come short

5. no nod yes hot

6. fun cry old new

7. fast quick right left

8. girl ball red boy

9. high wet dry pool

10. black answer dirt question

Write R for Reality and F for Fantasy

_____1. The cowboy rode a brown horse across the road.
_____2. We painted the house yellow.
_____3. The frog flew the blue airplane.
_____4. My cat has eight baby kittens.
_____5. The fish sang four songs for us.
_____6. The snake got a haircut on Saturday.
_____7. We learned about addition in class.
_____8. The bird answered all the questions.

Write S for simile, M for metaphor and P for personification.

_____ 1. He is like a rocket on his bike.
_____ 2. The fire roared to life.
_____ 3. The leaves fell like rain.
_____ 4. The glasses danced on the shelf during the earthquake.
_____ 5. The clock is the keeper of time.
_____ 6. The water called invitingly to the hot children.
_____ 7. The rusty door hinge screamed every time the door opened.
_____ 8. The wind was like a piercing arrow.
_____ 9. The stage was the canvas upon which the play was painted.
_____ 10. The train screamed down the tracks.
_____ 11. Music is the salve that soothes us.
_____ 12. The swing rocked like a baby learning to walk.
_____ 13. Fruit is fuel for a healthy body.
_____ 14. The fresh apple was crispy like a new dollar bill.
_____ 15. Water is the hammer that erodes the rocks.

Tell whether the sentences uses H-hyperbole, P-pun, or I-irony.

_____ 1. If you marry me, I will give you the entire universe.
_____ 2. When the actress saw her first strand of gray hair, she wanted to dye.
_____ 3. Falling off the stage in front of the crowd makes me so proud!
_____ 4. Stories about ghosts, monsters, and creepy places relax my mind a lot!
_____ 5. Reading while sunbathing makes you well-read.

Write E for Euphemism and P for Proverb.

_____ 1. Vertically-challenged people are rare in the field of basketball.
_____ 2. Aling Susan works as a domestic engineer in Hong Kong.
_____ 3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
_____ 4. Don’t count your chickens before the egg hatch.
_____ 5. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Read each sentence. Underline the proper noun or nouns once and the common noun or nouns twice.

She went toe the Grand Canyon for vacation.

She went toe the Grand Canyon for vacation.

1. The man bought a Sony television for Christmas.

2. We went to Disneyland for vacation.

3. The puppy named Skip ran to us in the morning.

4. Johnny enjoys playing football with us.

5. Susie loves riding her bike on the weekend.

6. The Grand Canyon is a beautiful place for my family to visit.

7. My family traveled to Yellowstone National Park in the summer.

8. The Dodgers are a very well-run baseball team.

9. I love to go to Magic Mountain with my friends.

10. The Boston Celtics always entertain their fans.

Write A for abstract, B for concrete and C for collective

_____1. Humour _____11. Club
_____2. Kindness _____12. Photograph
_____3. Army _____13. Poetry
_____4. Danger _____14. Family
_____5. Committee _____15. Honesty
_____6. Towel _____16. Patience
_____7. Pry _____17. Banana
_____8. Audience _____18. Mercy
_____9. Bird _____19. Calculator
_____10. orchestra _____20. generosity

Choose the correct spelling of the word.

1.  relative riluteve reletive relativi
2.  fme fume fumi fue
3.  bounary boundary buondary boundery
4.  comromise compromise compomise copromise
5.  memoable memorable memarable memorablee
6.  dormitory dormitoory dormitary durmitory
7.  thif thief theif thayf
8.  sancion saction sancoin sanction
9.  amedment amendment amenment amendent
10.  sqiurt sqirt squirt squrt

Write the plural noun of the following words

1. volcano - 14. zoo -

2. city - 15. offspring -

3. species - 16. roof -

4. sheep - 17. deer -

5. louse - 18. alumnus -

6. wolf - 19. criterion -

7. child - 20. library -

8. woman 21. half

9. cactus 22. ox -

10. bacterium - 23. stitch -

11. foot 24. parent -

12. thief - 25. baby -

13. witch -

Read each phrase below and write it in it’s possessive form.

1. New York skyscrapers - ________________________
2. dad rocking chair - ________________________
3. children toys - ________________________
4. dog owner - ________________________
5. Los Angeles beaches - ________________________
6. Steve Job product - ________________________
8. James invention - ________________________
9. the computer of Michael - ________________________
10. the jump rope of Sarah - ________________________
11. webster dictionary - ________________________
12. the children plans - ________________________
13. the basketball of Stephen - ________________________
14. the book of Karen - ________________________
15. the hurricane in Miami - ________________________

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