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Task Performed/Specific Task Assigned

Figure 8. The intern while doing a program

The intern was assigned in the data encoding under the administrative and

finance division. The intern learned how to make a program using a new software,

bootstrap, that was an addition to his knowledge. The intern also learned how to

design programs and was entrusted to do the front-end of the system that has been

working on by the supervisor. The intern also sorted, moved and renamed files by the

use of computer.

Figure 9. Arranging files of the employees

In addition, the intern was assigned to arrange and scan the files of all the

employees. It was a time consuming and exhausting job since they needed to sort

out all the papers from the pre-employment of the employee up to their present work.

Figure 10. Assembling and Cleaning of Central Processing Unit

Lastly, the intern was also entrusted to do several works like laminating the

IDs of the employees, assembling a central processing unit and cleaning of the

personal computers. It was a substantial job to do since it involved precaution,

delicate care of materials and courage of an intern.

Observes Strengths of the Training Area

The administrative and finance division was a good training area for the intern

for the reason that it really fits the information technology program. The working

environment was very light because the employees at the host training establishment

were very much approachable. The staffs were willing to share all the information

they know that could help the interns in the future. It was really an advantage that the

intern was assigned under the data encoding which is one of the subjects of

information technology students. Another strength of the division was that they were

exposed to a production industry so that the data encoding can make a lot of

systems that is needed for the development of the HTE. With this, solutions to

problems encountered could be easily determined for the improvement of the


Daily Journal

Day 01: 14 June 2019

This was the first day of my internship at Indang Water District with my

thesismate, Jhon Kelvin. I did not expect to start at this day since it is Friday, I

thought that we would start on Monday, but our coordinator told us that we could start

already. Mr. Genrell, our supervisor, told us to make a login form using notepad++

and bootstrap. I am not familiar with bootstrap since our school is only using html, but

then I found out that it’s cool to use it because the output is way better than the

others and the buttons have already simple designs. After doing the program, our

supervisor gave us a break and he told us to continue it on our house, and that we

will be showing it to him on our second day. Our morning break is from 10:00 to

10:30, our lunch break is from 12:00 to 1:00, and lastly, our afternoon break is from

3:00-3:30. Ten minutes before our morning and afternoon break, we performed an

exercise like stretching because the employees at Indang Water District do lots of

office work that requires them to just sit and sit. The day before our first day, they told

us to bring basketball attire because we’re going to play basketball since it’s a Friday.

You’ll be choosing between the two options: play basketball or zumba dance, but it is

not mandatory to join them. Since my hobby is to play basketball, I chose it. It was a

fun first day, I learned a lot and get to know them better. I am looking forward to my

next days here in Indang Water District.

Day: 17 June 2019

Supposed to be second day of my internship, but we need to go to school to

pass our notarized On-the-job Training Form 1 and Parental Consent Form. We also

need to get our Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to pass it to our respective Host

Training Establishment which is Indang Water District. After going to school, we

already went home to finish our assignment of making a login form using bootstrap, I

searched the internet on how to make a cool form and I made it. I also tried doing

other programs using bootstrap, so I can explore it more and to learn a lot in it. This

is how my day goes.

Day 02: 18 June 2019

Second day of our internship and we started to arrange the 201 files of all the

employees part by part, starting from the day they joined the Indang Water District.

This 201 consists of their medical records, saln, pre-employment, certificates and

many more, we need to put them at their respective labels since they are

unarranged. That’s what we did the whole day and same as the first day we did our

daily routine of exercising. If there are free times, Mr. Genrell teaches us on how to

do a program and he also showed us some of the systems he already made.

Day 03: 19 June 2019

Third day of our internship and there is a new intern which is also our

classmate, Ivan. We are still arranging the 201 files of all the employees. It is quite

hard to arrange it since some of the employees are at the Indang Water District for a

long time ago, they already have a lot of accomplishments which we is obligatory to

compile. There are also some papers which are put somewhere else and is needed

to be find. We punched the papers to arrange it and we also replaced the old folders

with a new ones. Same as the other days, we did our daily routine and that ended my

third day.

Day 04: 20 June 2019

On our fourth day, we still continued to arrange the 201 files of all the

employees and we already finished it before our lunch break. At 1pm, after our lunch

break, our HR, Ms. Kris, told us that we need to scan all the 201 files. We were

shocked since it’s a lot of paper works to do, but of course, we can’t complain. We

got the scanner and put it in our cubicle, but the problem is the cable of the scanner

is missing. We’re sort of happy since the cable is missing. We tried finding it, but we

really can’t find it. Mr. Genrell was absent that time, so they told us to just do it next


Day 05: 21 June 2019

On this day, all we did was to make a program of rows and column. Honestly,

I really don’t know what to do, but with the help of the internet, I learned how to do it.

Mr. Genrell was also guiding us on how to do it easily and fast. It really feels good to

learn new things in programming, I suddenly felt like I’m already a programmer. All

you need is patience and perseverance to learn. After office hours, we played

basketball again. That’s how the last day of the week and my fifth day of internship


Day 06: 24 June 2019

It is Monday and we started our week by attending a flag ceremony at exactly

8:00 in the morning. There is a new intern, which is our friend and classmate, Jose.

He started late compared to us because he left his first training company and moved

to Indang Water District with us. We started scanning the 201 files using the Epson

scanner and printer. It took us a lot of time to scan the files using Epson, so we

decided to download a scanner mobile application which is Microsoft Office Lens. In

this application, we can save time and can do the work faster than the usual. After

scanning it using our phones, we just transferred it to the computer to compile it.

Several employees are requesting us to photocopy some of their papers, so

sometimes that’s the work we do.


Day 07: 25 June 2019

My seventh day at Indang Water District. We continued to scan the 201 files,

we still have a lot of papers to scan. Since we are located at the second floor of the

building, we need to go down to do our daily routine of exercising before our break.

When it’s already our break there is a small canteen at the front of Indang Water

District building and that’s where we buy our foods. During the afternoon break, we

just make coffee or milo, since it’s free in the office. That’s how my day ended,

scanning all the papers. Looking forward to finish it already.

Day 08: 26 June 2019

My eighth day of internship. In the morning, we continued to scan the 201

files and did our daily routine. During the afternoon after our lunch break, our

supervisor told us to take a break in scanning those papers. So what we did was we

made a program using the PHP application. In here, we made rows and columns

manually, inputted some data and printed it afterwards. I really thought it was an

easy task to do those rows and columns, but it is really a difficult one. It’s already

5:00 in the afternoon and I haven’t finish my work, I told Mr. Genrell that I will just

finish it the next day. I am hoping to learn a lot as each day passes by.

Day 09: 27 June 2019

On this day, I just continued what I haven’t finished yesterday. I continued

making rows and columns, then print it afterwards. I finished it just in time before our

break. During lunch break, we went to Jollibee to eat our lunch there. It’s a free meal

treated by our supervisor. We were so happy since we can save some of our money.

After lunch break, we scanned again the 201 files, there are too many papers to scan

that’s why we finished only four folders of it. It’s an achievement for us since our work

is now being lessen. This is how my Thursday ended, tomorrow is Friday and I’m

excited since it’s the last day of the week.

Day 10: 28 June 2019

Last day of the week and my tenth day of internship. We continued to scan

the 201 files of the employees in the morning. During our lunch break, there is a

vendor who sells food inside the building, me and my co-interns tried it and it was

good and also cheap. I bought one rice, afritada and lumpiang gulay, it costs me just

55 pesos. In the afternoon, Mr, Genrell needed us that’s why we stopped scanning

the 201 files. He ordered us to input some data on the system that he’s been working

on. This system will be useful for the entire Indang Water Distric and he showed us

some ways on how to do it. Before going home, at 5:00 in the afternoon, there is a

flag retreat. And this is what they do when you are working in a government

institution. Every last Friday of the month, there is a flag retreat. Since it’s a Friday, I

forgot to bring my basketball attire, so I need to go home first and join them. This is

how my second week ended.

Day 11: 01 July 2019

We started our day with a flag ceremony since it’s a Monday. First thing we

did was to scan again the 201 files of the employees. Mr. Genrell called us and told

us that we’re going to assemble, fix and clean some of the personal computers of the

employees. We arranged the entangled cords and clean the memory cards using an

eraser. Having an unclean memory card can affect the performance of the computer.

There’s an about 7 personal computers that we cleaned. And that’s what we did the

whole day.

Day: 02 July 2019

This should be the twelfth day of my internship, but it is raining cats and dogs,

so decided to not go to Indang Water District. My parents don’t allow me also


because they told me that Governor Remulla suspended all the classes in Cavite and

they thought that the trainees are included, I explained it to them, but still their

decision is already final.

Day 12: 03 July 2019

The twelfth day of my internship. All we did this day was to scan the

remaining papers and do our daily routines in the office – do quick exercises before

break time, went outside to buy some food and make coffee and milo in the

afternoon. This is how my day went and looking forward to another day.

Day 13: 04 July 2019

On this day, Mrs. Kris Jane Panganiban, the person whom you will consult to

apply for water connection, called me downstairs to arrange the papers of approved

water installation per barangay. These papers must be in alphabetical order and

there’s more than 30 persons per barangay. Indang is consist of 36 barangays, so it’s

a lot of work to do and I’m the only one who’s going to do it since my colleagues were

upstairs. Time goes by and I didn’t notice the time, I haven’t finished my work since it

requires a lot of effort. Mrs. Panganiban told me that I can already go and that she’ll

call me again tomorrow to try finishing the work.

Day 14: 05 July 2019

I continued doing my unfinished work on my fourteenth day of internship. I still

arranged the approved papers of water installation. I already finished about 1/3 of the

papers, but I still can’t finish it. I’m resting when my eyes are hurting and when my

back is already aching. I got a free meal from Mrs. Panganiban from the work that I

am doing. I am thankful for my hard work is being paid off. It’s a Friday but I went

home immediately because my friends has a game and I am going to watch them

play. I didn’t join them on playing and told them that I will play next week.

Day 15: 08 July 2019


It’s a rainy Monday morning, so there is no flag ceremony. Last day of doing

my work downstairs on fifteenth day of my internship. I already finished arranging the

papers before lunch. During lunch break, we went to Bañadero near Cavite State

University to eat sisig there. It was good and tasty, and we will go back there surely.

After lunch break, I worked again upstairs to scan the 201 files of all the employees.

That’s how my day goes and I went home already.

Day 16: 09 July 2019

Continuation of scanning the 201 files on my sixteenth day of internship.

While scanning, Mr. Genrell told us that the files we scanned must be renamed on

what type of file they are e.g. certificate of training. After that we’re going to put the

file name we retitled on excel, so he can easily put it on the database of the system

that he’s been doing. Another tasks to do and quite a burden of work because we

need to find all the files we scanned and rename it. That’s all the things we did that

day and we are going to continue on the next day.

Day 17: 10 July 2019

Our supervisor is absent on the seventeenth day of my internship. Even

though he is absent, he left us things to do and that is to rename the files we

scanned and move the renames on excel. During morning break, we went to

Poblacion Dos to eat luglug that costs only 10 pesos. During lunch break, we ate at

Manang’s and the food there was really delicious. During our afternoon break, we

just stayed at our building because it is raining really hard.

Day 18: 11 July 2019

On my eighteenth day of internship, we learned how to laminate IDs. Our

supervisor is already present and he was the one who taught us how to laminate. It

was easy than what I expected. We laminated all the IDs of the employees. During

lunch break, I went to the house of my girlfriend because it’s his grandfather’s

birthday, I ate there and went back to work. We still laminated the IDs of the

employees in the afternoon.

Day 19: 12 July 2019

Friday work day and my 19th day of internship, but I worked half day

because I have a stomach ache. We renamed again the scanned 201 files of the

employees and during the morning break, we ate at minute burger treated by our

supervisor. We went back and we still have time so we opened our social media

accounts. At 10:30, we did our work again. I went home during lunch time because I

am not feeling well already.

Day 20: 15 July 2019

Monday, the 20th day of my internship, and I was called downstairs to attach

the additional papers to the already arranged ones. I was called to do this task

because I have done it before and I already know what do. It was time consuming

that’s why I didn’t notice that it’s already lunch break. We bought food outside the

establishment and we ate it there. After lunch time, I was assigned upstairs to

rename the files assigned to me. And that’s how my day goes on.

Day 21: 16 July 2019

21st day of my internship, Tuesday, our head talk to us that we need to finish

the 201 files before our internship ends. It’s difficult for us since there’s a lot of

employee files that we need to arrange, scan and rename. We need to do it one by

one. The problem was it’s not just the things that we do, sometimes their instructing

us to do other things. But we told her that we can finish it before our internship ends,

even though we’re not sure about it. The solution that we came up is to double our

time and work fast as we could. Back to work after lunch and that’s just how my day


Day 22: 17 July 2019

As usual, we just arrange the files, scanned them and rename it. We were

having a conversation while doing our tasks to lighten the mood of our surroundings.

During lunch time, I went to my girlfriend’s house to eat there since she told me that

she cooked something for me. After lunch break, we continue to work with our tasks

and we set a goal on the things that we need to finish. That’s how my 22 nd day of

internship goes.

Day 23: 18 July 2019

Thursday, 23rd day of my internship, and we don’t have any break time on this

day because we have a lot of things to do and finished. We still scanned and

renamed the files of each of the employees. Since, we set an objective of the things

we need to finish, we tried hard to finish it on that day, so that it would be lighter for

us on the next days. During lunch time, we ate as fast as we could, so that we can

get back to work and do our tasks. It was really a jam-packed day because of the

things we have done.

Day 24: 19 July 2019

24th day of my internship and our head told us that we need to rest and

breathe some air. There is an employee who has a birthday, so during our break

time, we have a free food such as pizza, softdrinks and chicken. We sung happy

birthday to him and say our thanks for the food he have given us. The day goes by

doing the things that we usually do. It was a Friday and it’s flag retreat day for all of

us before we can go home. Since, it’s a Friday, it’s basketball time for the men

employees, and zumba day for the ladies.

Day 25: 20 July 2019


Last day of my training program from Indang Water District and it felt surreal

for me since I exerted all of my effort throughout my training. Mrs. Rodrin called me

to list the things that I have done for my completion form and grades. This day was

very light for me, since I did not have a lot of activities to do. I processed all my

necessary requirements for the completion. During lunchtime, our head treated me

as sign of farewell and thanksgiving for all the support, help and assistance all

throughout the on-the-job training. I bid goodbye to each of the employees and told

them that I will be back.

Problems Encountered

The intern was wary at first because the workplace was filled and surrounded

by respectable employees. In addition, the table of Mr. Genrell Sy. T. Viado,

supervisor, was shared with the intern’s. The intern was really anxious about that

idea because of the feeling of pressure and too much expectation upon the novice’s


The internship program was really tiring for the intern due to the assigned

work activities. There were a lot of different activities to be accomplished everyday

such as sorting and arranging of papers, scanning of files, renaming of the scanned

files and making of programs. Another was most of the times, another employee will

order the intern to do this workload when the intern was not yet finish with his work.

The production of work was really difficult because the intern doesn’t know what he

will do first and the time is also limited. Lastly, the intern experienced difficulties in

coping with new software applications that was used in making programs during the

intern’s training period.


The intern just gave the best that he can do to overcome the feeling of fears

and doubts. In addition, the supervisors and staffs were very approachable up to the

point that they were willing to share everything that they know. They really

considered the interns as part of their family. In terms of the workload, the intern

managed and maximized the time that he had every day to be able to accomplish

every task that was given to him. Time management skills were really improved and

enhanced through the countless activities and hardship experienced during the

internship program. And also if the intern did not understand a thing, asking for

advice and opinions from the supervisor and other employees was really essential.

Over-All Reflections

During the training, the intern was able to expand the knowledge and skills

that he has regarding information technology. A lot of information regarding making

programs and designing systems were being imparted to the intern. Applications of

several IT tools were also learned by the intern such as making forms, rows and

columns using bootstrap and designing system using different kinds of applications.

Mastery of Microsoft Excel was also enhanced because it was the major program

used throughout the training.

The internship program also taught the intern that everything came from hard

work and not all the things were being imparted in the school. Willingness to do work

was really important to be able to learn a lot and improve the knowledge and skills

that an individual possessed. Ergonomics, being nurtured through experiences and

hardships was a vital part of every individual’s life.

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