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Vergara, Sohfia Jesse N.

BS ACC 4-1
Before the class started, Ma’am V clarified some things about the tax refund. In today’s
TRAIN Law, they removed the tax credit certificate and only cash refund applicable for it. The
Commissioner on Internal Revenue has 90 days to decide about the refund, when he didn’t
respond, he will be charged of a criminal liability together with some of his employees. They
also established an enhance value-added tax refund system which grants refund within 90 days
from filing. All pending VAT refund from December 31, 2017 shall be fully paid by December 31,
2019. The Department of Finance also established refund center in the Bureau of Internal
Revenue and the Bureau of Customs. The refund is the 5% of total VAT collections. We also
learned a new acronym, COCCTRP, which means Congressional Oversight Committee on the
Comprehensive Tax Reform Program for quarterly report of all pending claims.

Chapter 5 is all about the items and concepts of income. We discussed the different
theories and ideas from the previous chapters, and in the present chapter there are additional
computations per topic.

There are different matters that we discussed. One of the topics was about the bazaars,
if they are taxable or not. They are not taxable because they don’t sell on a particular place
daily, they just go to a certain place when it is fiesta or some sort of occasions. Another case in
the new TRAIN Law is one cannot sell something or render a service if it is outside the business
or if it is not stated in the Certificate of Registration. The GPP or General Professional
Partnership is not subject to tax, but the partners must file for their ITR on form 1701 for the
individuals. About the tips, one must not say that he received a tip, so it will not be included in
his taxable income. The liquidating dividends is not taxable because it is a return of capital.
Also, the retained earnings unappropriated must not exceed the paid-in capital because it will be
subject to Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax which is equivalent to 10% of improperly
accumulated earnings.

Here are some of the question and answer portion that also happened last meeting.
First is the non-resident corporation, it is a corporation that is not domicile here in the
Philippines and the owner is also not a citizen here. Second is the prizes and winnings which
were tax-free, in today’s TRAIN Law there is no such thing as tax-free, one must pay the tax
before he can get his prizes or winnings. Third is why does remuneratory donation taxable, it is
for educational purposes only. Lastly, why is joint venture not included in tax, it is because joint
venture is a source of economic activity here in the Philippines.

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