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Top Picks

March 2020

March 26, 2020

Stock picks to ride through Covid-19 phase

Fear, anxiety and pandemonium sums up the current global scenario, which has been brought to an almost
standstill situation in the wake of the Coronavirus issue. The coming few months are expected to be difficult to

navigate as global trade has dwindled and all financial markets have witnessed a swift meltdown thereby
discounting the anticipated damage that will be inflicted upon the global economy.

There exists three key questions in the minds of an investor

1. Till what time the current pandemic will subside
2. Quantum of demand destruction that is likely to happen
3. To what extent asset prices will get reset across financial markets

The straightforward answer is not known to any one, in our view. However, at the same time, history being a good
judge, tells us that financial markets do discount such events at a very rapid pace, sometimes overshooting on the

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

downside. Even on a historical basis, we believe broader markets have coincided with long term averages currently,
which does not surely indicate a bottom. However, at the same time it has started throwing up opportunities in the
large cap/midcap space.

In the current milieu, some of the large and best managed companies are available at attractive valuations on a
historical basis. Hence, in our view, one should venture out and accumulate companies (depending on their risk
appetite and time horizon), which have gone through such challenging cycles and have come out much stronger
when such events subside.

Our Top Picks in the large cap space are HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Titan, Dabur and Bharti Airtel

Our Top Picks in midcap space are Bata, Tata Consumer Products (erstwhile Tata Global Beverages), Trent, Avenue
Supermarts and SBI Life
Top Picks – Large Caps


HDFC Bank has efficiently focused on retail business and has garnered strong liability franchise to yield superior profitability over
the years. Seasoned portfolio and management experience led to higher than industry advances growth at ~24% CAGR in FY08-
19. Advances were at | 9.3 lakh crore as of December 2019, with major traction towards the retail book. Enriched customer
experience, strong network of 5345 branches and focus on digitisation has enabled to build a strong liability franchise with CASA
comprising ~40% of deposits. Such high CASA limits cost of funds and thereby enable to report superior NIM above 4%
consistently. Prudent asset quality has been core to the bank. The same has safeguarded the bank from NPA issues faced by the
industry in recent fiscals. RoA at ~1.5% and RoE at 15-18% remain consistent for the bank with valuations expected to remain at
a premium.

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Kotak Mahindra Bank

Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB), promoted by Uday Kotak, reported a loan book of | 216774 crore as on December 2019. It has built
a branch network of 1539 branches. Increased focus towards retailisation of loans has enabled KMB to earn the best NIM in
industry at 4.7%. The savings rate was hiked by KMB to 6% in 2011, boosting savings deposits growth to | 239354 crore by
December 2019. CASA ratio improved from 50.7% in December 2018 to 53.7% in December 19, which is the best in industry.
Overall asset quality remained resilient with GNPA ratio at 2.46% in Q3FY20. The bank has no major exposure to IL&FS & other
stressed assets. Going ahead, healthy business growth coupled with stable margins are expected to augur well for the bank.
Top Picks– Large Caps


Titan Company is the market leader in the Indian jewellery market through its flagship brand Tanishq. The company also has a
presence in other consumer segments of watches and eyewear. The company has also entered the online jewellery market
through acquisition of Volatility in gold prices, impact of Covid-19 (closure of retail outlets owing to national
lockdown) and reduced demand in discretionary spends are expected to impair consumer demand in the near term. However,
the company is likely to recoup lost sales owing to pent up demand from H2FY21. Tanishq’s sustained efforts towards enhancing
the share of wedding jewellery is paying dividends with the wedding jewellery portfolio growing at a faster pace than non bridal
jewellery. The company has consistently exhibited its ability to gain market share on a sustained basis amid a tough industry
scenario. Robust balance sheet (30%+ RoCE and virtually debt free status) and asset light distribution model have enabled it to
outpace peers in terms of store addition (added 34 Tanishq stores for 9M ended December 2019, which is equivalent to FY19
store addition) Over the longer term, we expect Titan to be a key beneficiary as India’s gold market continues to strive towards
regulation and standardisation.

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel is the key beneficiary of the consolidation in the telecom sector. Airtel continues to report a relatively stronger
retention of its revenue market share with stable KPI across, and also enjoys a comfortable leverage vis-à-vis peers post the fund
raise. Notwithstanding AGR issue, Airtel’s survival is assured post fund raising and tariff hike. Recent development such as full
AGR dues demand will not be an issue as it has the requisite funds at disposal. Moreover, a possibility of government relief
(either in terms of reduction in levy, or spectrum cost reduction or floor pricing) is likely to boost the overall telecom industry
return ratio metric. With a strong footing in challenging times, Airtel is one of the better placed telecom players.
Top Picks– Large Caps


Dabur India with a turnover of more than | 8500 crore and earnings of more than | 1400 crore has a strong portfolio of brands
(Dabur Chyawanprash, Real, Hajmola, Vatika, Amla, Fem, Honey, Meswak, Dabur Red) with focus largely on ayurvedic &
healthcare offerings. With a wave of demand for the ayurvedic & natural products in addition to Coronavirus outbreak globally,
staples segment including Dabur has been gaining significance specially its healthcare and home care categories such as
Chyawanprash, honey, glucose, toothpaste, shampoos and hair oil. Dabur’s broad product portfolio provides a good play on
Indian consumer goods spend by its strong presence in less penetrated and high growth categories. Rural segment contributes
around 45% of its overall sales. Therefore, it is well placed to take advantage of the rural recovery. On the back of improved
product mix & robust volume growth, there has been a significant improvement in operating margins from erstwhile 16%
margins in FY14 & FY15 to ~20%+ margins levels in FY18 and FY19, respectively.

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Top Picks– Midcaps


In the short-term, revenue growth is expected to be impacted owing to the disruption caused by Covid-19. However, we expect
the company to tide over the uncertainty owing to its strong brand image and robust balance sheet. Bata has constantly taken
enhanced efforts to transform its image from a mass brand to a premium brand through launch of new trendy collections,
increasing spend on marketing and redesigning existing store models to appeal to the younger generation. The share of
premium products is currently at ~ 50% while the focus is on continuously premiumising the product portfolio further over the
medium to long term. The company’s efforts of premiumisation have yielded better profitability as the RoCE has increased
substantially from 16% in FY17 to 23.7% in FY19. It has a robust balance sheet with healthy cash and bank balance worth | 839
crore with a negative working capital cycle. On the store expansion front, the company is planning to open 500 franchisee stores
over the next five years. The asset light expansion is expected to further boost the return ratios over the medium to longer term.

Tata Consumer Products (erstwhile Tata Global Beverages)

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Tata Consumer Products (TCPL), earlier known as Tata Global Beverages, commands 20% market share in the Indian tea
segment. It expects to continue to grow above industry led by new launches and focus on premium tea varieties. The branded
tea business has delivered robust volume growth of 8% in 9MFY20 driven by market share gains, inorganic growth, product
innovation and focus on premiumisation. Tata Chemicals’ consumer business has been growing at a strong ~20% over the last
two years backed by robust growth in volumes across salt, pulses and spices. It has been maintaining its operating margins
around 16%, much higher than TGBL’s ~13% (as on 9MFY20). Though pulses and spices segments are smaller in size, we
believe these underpenetrated and high growth categories would aid TGBL’s growth. We believe investment behind new
categories (Tata Dx detergent powder and Tata Nx sugar-free natural sweetener) including other newer segments, would be the
key to growth, going ahead. On the back of strengthening its core business, expanding its geographical presence and shift to
lower tax regime in India business, we expect adjusted PAT CAGR of 15.6% in FY19-21E. TGBL’s India business revenue
contribution has increased from the previous 47% in FY19 to ~52% in 9MFY20 with impressive EBITDA margins of 13%. The
company has been exiting non-core international markets (exit from loss making China, Russia and Czech Republic subsidiaries
and stake divested in its Sri Lankan plantations), which has been a drag on sales growth. This would further improve the overall
Top Picks– Midcaps


Trent, a leading retailer with presence across various consumer categories is gearing up for rapid growth driven by aggressive
store addition. Trent’s flagship store format ‘Westside’ generates one of the highest gross margins in the industry (~56%).
Westside continues to be one of the most successful established franchises, deriving 97% share of revenues from private labels.
Westside has continuously sustained same store sales growth of over 7%, outperforming peers in the industry. Over the last few
quarters, the company’s ‘Zudio’ value format stores are also being ramped up at a fast pace while Zudio revenues have
outpaced the revenue growth of Westside (albeit on a low base). Over the last three quarters, the company has recorded 30%+
revenue growth on the back of aggressive store addition pace, coupled with healthy SSSG. The revenue trajectory is expected to
be lower in Q4FY20, Q1FY21 owing to temporary store closures due to Covid-19. However, we expect a gradual pick-up in
H2FY21. Over the last two years, Trent had aggressively shored up its store addition pace with capital infusion by the promoters
(| 950 crore). Higher promoter commitment signifies positive momentum in core business performance metrics.

Avenue Supermarts

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Over the years, D-Mart, through its proven business model, has been able to maintain consistent profitability and remains an
exceptional performer in its peer group. Given the robust store operating metrics (breakeven in first year of its operations and
industry best revenue/sq ft: | 36000), D-Mart has progressively enhanced its return ratios despite being capex intensive. We
expect the impact of virus to be limited owing to non-discretionary nature of the business. In a bid to reduce promoter stake to
75%, the company had successfully concluded qualified institutional placement (QIP) placement worth | 4100 crore (2.0 crore
shares at | 2049/share). Incremental cashflow infusion in the company is expected to significantly shore up store addition pace
(as per our calculations ~45 incremental stores can be opened) with foray into newer geographies. DMart has a capital efficient
business model generating superior RoCE of 23% and fixed asset turnover ratio of 4.1x. The infusion of funds into the business
would provide Avenue Supermarts the ammunition to enhance its store expansion pace resulting in higher revenue and
Top Picks– Midcaps

SBI Life

Continued focus on business growth and improvement in the product mix has remained the core strength. In terms of business
growth, SBI Life has reported highest NBP growth among top private insurers above 30% CAGR in the last four years, thereby
increasing its market share to ~20%. Proportion of high margin protection business has been on an uptrend from 5% in FY18 to
~11% in Q3FY20, which remains accretive for VNB margins expected at ~18% ahead. Improving persistency and excellent
operating efficiency remain strong levers for earnings. Strong distribution with ~24000 branches of SBI and more than 1 lakh
agents, remain key catalyst. With annual gross premium of |40000 crore and AUM of | 164000 crore in FY20, we expect
operating RoEV to improve to ~18% in FY22E translating into EV growth at 15-16% CAGR in EV in FY20-22E to | 35000 crore.
Therefore, we remain positive on SBI Life, being a play on growth led by distribution, brand reach and adequate product mix.

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research
Pankaj Pandey Head – Research [email protected]

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