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International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010)

Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/mpr.310

Screening for serious mental illness in

the general population with the K6
screening scale: results from the WHO
World Mental Health (WMH)
survey initiative

1 Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
2 Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA
3 National School of Public Health & Health Services Management of Bucharest, Romania
4 Department of Psychiatry and Cognitive-Behavioral Medicine, Nagoya City University Graduate School
of Medical Sciences, Nagoya, Japan
5 Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
6 Department of Global Mental Health, National Center for Public Health Protection, Sofia, Bulgaria
7 Shenzhen Institute of Mental Health & Shenzhen Kangning Hospital, Shenzhen, China
8 Department of Psychiatry, Autonomous University of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
9 Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China
10 Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA and Institute for
Development, Research, Advocacy, and Applied Care (IDRAAC), Beirut, Lebanon
11 School of Public Health & Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
12 Discipline of Psychiatry, the University of Tasmania, Australia
13 Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University, Bogota, Colombia
14 Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
15 Section of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Institute of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

4 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

Key words Abstract

K6 screening scale, psychiatric
Data are reported on the background and performance of the K6 screening
epidemiology, serious mental
scale for serious mental illness (SMI) in the World Health Organization (WHO)
illness (SMI)
World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. The K6 is a six-item scale developed to
provide a brief valid screen for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV) SMI based on the criteria in the US ADAMHA
Ronald C. Kessler, Department
Reorganization Act. Although methodological studies have documented good
of Health Care Policy, Harvard
K6 validity in a number of countries, optimal scoring rules have never been
Medical School, 180 Longwood
proposed. Such rules are presented here based on analysis of K6 data in nation-
Avenue, Boston MA 02115, USA.
ally or regionally representative WMH surveys in 14 countries (combined N =
Telephone (+1) 617-432-3587
41,770 respondents). Twelve-month prevalence of DSM-IV SMI was assessed
Fax (+1) 617-432-3588
with the fully-structured WHO Composite International Diagnostic Inter-
Email: [email protected].
view. Nested logistic regression analysis was used to generate estimates of the
predicted probability of SMI for each respondent from K6 scores, taking into
consideration the possibility of variable concordance as a function of respon-
Received 8 March 2010;
dent age, gender, education, and country. Concordance, assessed by calculating
accepted 8 March 2010
the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was generally sub-
stantial (median 0.83; range 0.76–0.89; inter-quartile range 0.81–0.85). Based
on this result, optimal scaling rules are presented for use by investigators
working with the K6 scale in the countries studied. Copyright © 2010 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Introduction countries when independent calibration is not possible.

The samples on which the current scoring rules are based
The purpose of the current report is to present rules for
range from a low of 1031 in Lebanon to a high of 5692 in
optimal scoring of the K6 screening scale of non-specific
the USA. The largest sample is from New Zealand (N =
psychological distress (Kessler et al., 2002, 2003), a widely-
7435), but random half-samples in New Zealand were
used short scale that screens for the presence of serious
administered either of two versions of the scale described
mental illness. As described below, the K6 was developed
below, so only 3705–3730 respondents received each
for use in community epidemiological needs assessment
version. The combined sample size across all 14 countries
surveys in the USA but has subsequently been validated
is 41 770 respondents.
and used in surveys in a number of other countries.
Optimal scoring rules have never before been proposed
for the K6. The rules proposed in the current report are
based on analyses of representative general population Dimensional scales of non-specific psychological distress
surveys carried out in 14 countries throughout the world have been used in community epidemiological surveys
in conjunction with the World Health Organization since the end of World War II, beginning with the 20-item
(WHO) World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative Health Opinion Survey in the Stirling County Study
(Kessler and Üstün, 2008). The scoring rules are provided (Leighton, 1975; MacMillan, 1957) and the 22-item
separately for each country to convert K6 scores into pre- Langner Scale in the Midtown Manhattan Study (Langner,
dicted probabilities of serious mental illness. 1962; Srole et al., 1962). Although originally used as first-
It is important to acknowledge at the outset that it is stage screens to target respondents with broadly defined
preferable to base such rules on clinical calibration studies emotional problems for more in-depth clinical assess-
embedded in larger epidemiological surveys whenever ment, these dimensional scales came to be used without
possible. However, it is not possible to carry out a new clinical follow-up in later surveys (e.g. Myers et al., 1975).
clinical calibration study every time a scale is used. The Controversy regarding the appropriate cut-point for case
scoring rules presented here are made available with that thresholds on these scales in community surveys (e.g.
reality in mind for researchers who want to use optimal Seiler, 1973) led in later surveys to scale scores being
scoring rules based on community samples in their reported primarily in dimensional terms (e.g. means)

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 5
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

rather than in terms of proportions of respondents not only a DSM diagnosis but also specified indicators of
screening positive (e.g. Pearlin et al., 1981). severity that characterize fewer than one-third of the
Dimensional scales continue to be widely used to people in the US population who meet criteria for a
screen for mental illness in primary care (Coyne et al., current DSM-IV-R disorder (Kessler et al., 2005d).
2001) and to assess symptom severity and treatment effec-
tiveness in clinical studies (Rush et al., 2000). However,
Development of the K6
influenced by the widely published results of the Epide-
miological Catchment Area Study, dimensional screening Dimensional measures of non-specific psychological dis-
scales went out of vogue in community psychiatric epide- tress have come to take on new importance in the context
miology beginning in the early 1980s (Robins and Regier, of this movement to distinguish community cases based
1991). Fully structured research diagnostic interviews on severity rather than purely on diagnosis. In particular,
administered by lay interviewers have become the stan- a number of recent large-scale community epidemiologic
dard measures of psychopathology in community epide- surveys have included brief screening scales to provide a
miological surveys since that time. A number of such rapid assessment of the prevalence of SMI. Included here
structured diagnostic interviews now exist, including the are a number of large ongoing health tracking surveys
Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Robins et al., 1981), the carried out in the USA and Australia as well as large
Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) needs assessment surveys carried out in Europe and Asia.
(Robins et al., 1988), the PRIME-MD (Spitzer et al., 1994); The most widely used screening scale of SMI in these
and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview studies is the K6 scale (Furukawa et al., 2003; Kessler
(Sheehan et al., 1998). et al., 2002, 2003), a six-question scale that was developed
We now know, based on the use of fully structured explicitly to estimate the prevalence of SMI as defi ned by
research diagnostic interviews in a number of large com- US Public Law (PL) 102-321, the Alcohol, Drug Abuse,
munity epidemiological surveys, that up to half the and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) Reorga-
general population meet criteria for one or more lifetime nization Act. This law established a US federal Block
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or Diag- Grant for states to fund Community Mental Health Ser-
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) vices for adults with SMI and the law required states to
disorders and up to one-fifth carry a DSM or ICD diag- include incidence and prevalence estimates in their
nosis at any one point in time (Kessler et al., 2005b, 2007). annual applications for Block Grant funds. The law also
Although the published reports of these high prevalence required the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Ser-
estimates were initially met with a good deal of skepti- vices Administration (SAMHSA) to develop an opera-
cism, subsequent clinical calibration studies showed that tional definition of SMI and to create an estimation
they are accurate (Haro et al., 2006; Kessler et al., 1998), methodology based on this definition for use by the
but that many community cases have considerably less states. The definition of SMI stipulated in PL 102-321
severe disorders than those of cases in treatment requires the person to have at least one 12-month DSM
(Demyttenaere et al., 2004; Kessler et al., 2005d). The disorder, other than a substance-use disorder, and to
fi nding that clinical severity is related to treatment is, of have ‘serious impairment’.
course, not surprising. However, given the high propor- Given the importance for policy-planning purposes of
tion of people in the population who meet criteria for a knowing the prevalence and socio-demographic distribu-
mental disorder in relation to the societal resources avail- tion of SMI in the US population for purposes of allocat-
able for treatment, policy-oriented interpreters of the epi- ing Block Grant funds (which are in excess of $1 billion
demiological evidence have called for (Regier et al., 2000), each year), the architects of all major US federal health-
and in some cases created (National Advisory Mental tracking surveys decided to include a measure of SMI in
Health Council, 1993), distinctions to be made between their interviews shortly after the ADAMHA Reorganiza-
people with severe and less severe mental disorders in an tion Act was published. The K6 was developed for this
effort to define medical necessity for policy-planning purpose to be included in the US National Health Inter-
purposes. For example, the US Substance Abuse and view Survey (NHIS), a national survey of close to 50 000
Mental Health Service Administration, which adminis- households that has been carried out on an ongoing basis
ters Block Grants to States to fund public mental health in the USA for more than half a century (
services for low-income people who are not otherwise nchs/nhis.htm). The goal was to create a very brief (6–10
insured, limits coverage to cases defined as having a items) scale that would provide accurate aggregate esti-
Serious Mental Illness (SMI). The criteria for SMI require mates of SMI prevalence and correlates. Although a

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
6 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

number of distress scales existed that had been used for the largest tracking series on the prevalence and correlates
many year as of the time the K6 was developed (Derogatis, of SMI in the world.
1983; Dohrenwend et al., 1980; Gurin et al., 1960), only a Based on the adoption of the K6 by these three large
few of them were brief enough to meet this time require- ongoing US federal health tracking surveys, K6 validation
ment (Pearlin et al., 1981; Ware and Sherbourne, 1992) studies were carried out in a number of other countries
and none was developed using modern psychometric throughout the world (Fassaert et al., 2009; Furukawa
methods to maximize precision in the clinical range of et al., 2003, 2008; Gill et al., 2007; Patel et al., 2008).
the population distribution (van der Linden and These studies uniformly found the K6 and a larger related
Hambleton, 1997). Based on these considerations, the scale known as the K10 (which includes the K6 in addi-
decision was made to develop a new screening scale for tion to four other items) to have very good concordance
use in the redesigned NHIS. with independent clinical ratings of SMI. These studies
The conceptualization of this task relied importantly also found, consistent with results in the USA, that the
on the work of Bruce Dohrenwend and his colleagues K6 performed as well as the K10, leading to the recom-
(Dohrenwend et al., 1980; Link and Dohrenwend, 1980). mendation that the six-item version be used rather than
Their review of screening scales of non-specific psycho- the 10-item version. Additional studies found similarly
logical distress showed that these scales typically include good concordance in special patient populations that
questions about a heterogeneous set of cognitive, behav- included primary-care attenders (Haller et al., 2009),
ioral, emotional, and psychophysiological symptoms that postnatal females (Baggaley et al., 2007; Tesfaye et al.,
are elevated among people with a wide range of different 2009), and patients with substance-use disorders (Hides
mental disorders. However, despite this heterogeneous et al., 2007; Swartz and Lurigio, 2006). Methodological
content, the vast majority of the symptoms in these scales research also showed that the K6 has little bias with
have high factor loadings on a first principal factor. People regard to sex and education (Baillie, 2005), a feature that
with a wide range of mental disorders typically have high was built into the scale from the outset, as items were
scores on this core dimension of non-specific distress. selected for the K6 based on formal comparisons of age,
Based on this result, this core dimension of non-specific sex, and education differences in differential item func-
psychological distress was taken as the focus of the new tioning to minimize biases with regard to these variables
scale. Because the requirements called for a very short (Kessler et al., 2002).
scale, the K6 was developed using modern psychometric
methods to select questions with the maximum precision
Alternative approaches to K6 scoring
at the clinical threshold of the scale. Based on the fact that
no more than 10%, and probably closer to 6%, of the US The widespread adoption of the K6 in epidemiological
population were estimated to meet criteria for SMI in a surveys throughout the world is based on the very good
given year (Kessler et al., 1996), the decision was made at performance of this short screening in the validity studies
the onset to seek maximum precision around the 90th reviewed in the last paragraph. However, despite this wide
percentile of the general population distribution. use, no clear standards have yet emerged for optimal K6
scoring. As each scale item has five categories and there
are six items, the unweighted scale has values in the range
K6 validation studies
0–24. The scoring rule used in most applications based
As detailed elsewhere (Kessler et al., 2002, 2003), indepen- on standard validation studies is to classify respondents
dent clinical validation studies showed that the K6 has with scores of 13–24 as having probable SMI and those
very good concordance with blinded clinical diagnoses of with scores of 0–12 as probably not having SMI (Kessler
SMI in general population samples from the USA. Based et al., 2003). However, Furukawa and colleagues
on this evidence, the other two major ongoing national (Furukawa et al., 2003, 2008) have shown that this simple
health tracking surveys in the USA, the CDC Behavioral dichotomous scoring approach can be refi ned by using
Risk Factors Surveillance Survey ( polychotomous rather than dichotomous scoring rules
and the SAMHSA National Household Survey on Drug that collapse K6 scores into strata based on analysis of
Use and Health (, both data in a clinical calibration study such that the observed
adopted the K6 as part of their assessment of health prevalence of SMI differs significantly across strata. For
shortly thereafter. Taken together, these three ongoing US example, one such scoring rule might collapse K6 scores
surveys interview representative samples of nearly 500 000 into strata with K6 score values of 0, 1–7, 8–12, 13–18, and
people each year, creating the potential for making them 19–24, with respondents in each stratum assigned a

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 7
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

predicted probability of SMI based on the results of a which an individual patient comes, a predicted
clinical calibration study. distribution of K6 scores can be generated for every pos-
Rather than interpret the precision of the K6 in terms sible value of SMI prevalence based on the known (pre-
of sensitivity (the proportion of true cases who are sumably from some independent clinical calibration
detected in the screening scale) and specificity (the per- sample that is assumed to apply to the population) sensi-
centage of true non-cases who are correctly classified as tivity and specificity of each K6 score or category. The
non-cases by the screening scale) based on a single diag- SMI prevalence estimate that generates a predicted K6
nostic threshold, as in the dichotomous approach, the distribution most closely approximating the observed
stratum-specific predicted probabilities generated in this distribution in the clinical population from which the
polychotomous approach can be assigned as outcome patient comes is the maximum likelihood estimate of
variable scores and used directly for purposes of estimat- prevalence in that population based on the assumption
ing prevalence and studying correlates. In other words, that the sensitivity and specificity estimates actually apply
each respondent’s K6 score is transformed into a score in to that population.
the range 0.0 to 1.0 that represents the predicted probabil- The weakness of this approach is that it requires
ity of having SMI. assumptions to be made about the values of sensitivity
Furukawa and associates proposed to use the K6 in and specificity. A preferable approach would be to embed
clinical screening to assign individual patients predicted a clinical calibration study in the data collection so as to
scores of SMI based on the method of Stratum-Specific estimate PPV directly rather than have to estimate PPV
Likelihood Ratio (SSLR) analysis, a method that begins and prevalence based on external data using a pre-
with estimates of sensitivity and specificity for each K6 established set of estimates of sensitivity and specificity.
stratum and estimates each patient’s predicted probabil- This kind of internal clinical calibration study is a
ity of SMI based on external assumptions about preva- common feature of psychiatric epidemiological surveys
lence in the population of interest (Guyatt and Rennie, (Haro et al., 2006; Kessler and Üstün, 2004), where a prob-
2001). The use of this approach is based on the assump- ability sub-sample of survey respondents that over-
tion that sensitivity and specificity are more stable across samples screened positives is re-interviewed by clinical
populations than is positive predictive value (PPV; the interviewers who make diagnoses blinded to the K6 scores
prevalence of SMI among respondents with a given K6 in the main survey. Once data of this sort are available,
score), an assumption that is widely accepted in the the SSLR approach can be expanded to use K6 scores along
methodological literature on medical decision-making with measures of other predictors of SMI, such as socio-
(Rao, 2006). When this assumption holds, PPV for given demographic variables, in a multiple regression analysis
values of sensitivity and specificity depends on the preva- within the clinical calibration sub-sample (appropriately
lence of the disorder in the population being screened, weighted to adjust for the over-sampling of respondents
making it necessary either to obtain independent data with high K6 scores) that explores both the functional
on this prevalence or to make an informed assumption form of the association between K6 scores and SMI and
about this prevalence before estimating PPV from data the possibility that this association varies as a function of
on sensitivity and specificity. The SSLR approach pro- the respondent’s age, sex, education, or other character-
vides a convenient way to do this when sensitivity and istics. When a best-fitting model is found, a predicted
specificity are assumed to be known (presumably based probability of SMI based on this model can be assigned
on a previous clinical calibration study) and prevalence to each sample respondent. These predicted probabilities
is estimated externally. Examples of using SSLR analysis can then be used to estimate prevalence and correlates of
in this way are reported in the literature (Furukawa SMI. As noted in the introduction, the purpose of the
et al., 2001, 2002). current report is to present scoring rules based on such
We propose in the next paragraph a different approach analyses of general population survey data obtained in the
than SSLR analysis for use in epidemiological surveys. WHO WMH Survey Initiative (Kessler and Üstün, 2008).
However, it should be noted that it is possible to use
maximum-likelihood methods to estimate prevalence in
Adjusting for the imprecision of estimates
clinical situations to avoid the requirement suggested by
Furukawa and colleagues of estimating prevalence based In providing these transformation rules, it is important
on external information. In brief, in a clinical situation to recognize that the uncertainty of inference from the
where SSLR analysis is being used and sample data on K6 prediction equations needs to be taken into consideration
scores are available from the clinical population from in analysing estimates of the prevalence and correlates

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
8 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

of SMI based on transformed K6 data. Conventional significant but imperfect, the MI standard error will take
significance testing would treat the individual-level pre- into consideration both the size of the clinical calibration
dicted probabilities of SMI as known rather than sub-sample and the strength of the association between
estimated from a model. The method of multiple imputa- the K6 and clinical diagnoses. The situation is similar for
tion (MI) (Rubin, 1987) can be used to overcome this higher-order statistics, with the exception that measures
limitation by generating a number of different estimates of association will be biased towards zero by lack of con-
of the predicted probability of SMI for each respondent cordance between predicted and true SMI diagnoses. The
and using information about variation across these pre- practical use of this approach is illustrated in a more
dictions to adjust estimates of standard errors for impre- detailed methodological exposition published previously
cision. In our use of the approach, this was done by (Kessler and Üstün, 2004) as well as in a number of sub-
estimating the final prediction equation 10 times, once in sequent substantive reports that used this approach to
each of 10 pseudo-samples. Each pseudo-sample con- estimate the prevalence and correlates of several different
sisted of a random sample of respondents equal to the DSM-IV disorders (Fayyad et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2009;
actual sample size, but selected with replacement from the Kessler et al., 2005c).
actual sample. The with-replacement option means that To allow researchers to implement this MI approach
some respondents in the actual sample were included zero to estimation when they use our transformation rules to
times, others once, and others more than once in each score K6 responses, we generated 10 pseudo-samples for
pseudo-sample. The precise values of the regression coef- each of the 14 countries in the WMH series and then
ficients varied across pseudo-samples because of this estimated the coefficients for the best-fitting prediction
variation in sample composition. equation for the country (which was developed in analysis
The MI method requires us to make all estimates 10 of the original sample rather than pseudo-samples) sepa-
times, once in each pseudo-sample, and then to combine rately in each of those pseudo-samples. These 10 separate
these estimates in such a way as to account both for sets of coefficients are provided in appendix tables for
between-person variation and for within-person varia- each of the 14 countries (available at
tion. The MI parameter estimates are defined as the The remainder of
means across the 10 pseudo-samples of the within-sample the paper describes the methods used to carry out the
estimates and the MI standard error of any given param- analyses that selected the best-fitting equations, presents
eter estimate is then defined as the square root of the sum descriptive statistics describing the accuracy of these
of two components. The first component is the mean of equations, and discusses a number of special substantive
the square of the 10 within-sample standard errors (i.e. analysis issues in working with data of the sort generated
the between-person variance component). The second by these MI methods.
component is a transformation of the variance of the
parameter estimates across the 10 samples (i.e. the within- Methods
person variance component). In the extreme case where
the K6 is totally unrelated to SMI in a particular popula-
tion, the only systematic information in the multiply The WMH surveys were carried out in 14 countries in
imputed dataset will be the consistent 0.0 and 1.0 values Africa (Nigeria, South Africa), the Americas (Brazil,
in the sub-sample of respondents who were in the clinical Colombia, Mexico, USA), Asia and the Pacific [India,
calibration sub-sample. Japan, New Zealand, and separate surveys in Beijing,
The expected value of predicted disorder prevalence Shanghai, and Shenzhen in the People’s Republic of China
for each respondent who was not in the clinical calibra- (PRC), described below as Metropolitan PRC], Europe
tion sub-sample will be the SMI prevalence in the clinical (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine), and the Middle East
calibration sub-sample. In a case of this sort, the MI pre- (Lebanon) (Table 1). Eleven of these countries are classi-
dicted SMI prevalence estimate will be unbiased and the fied by the World Bank as less developed (Brazil, Bulgaria,
standard error of the estimate will be equivalent to the China, Colombia, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria,
design-based standard error in the clinical calibration Romania, South Africa, Ukraine). The others are devel-
sub-sample. At the other extreme, where the K6 perfectly oped. Country-level sample sizes range from a low of 1031
predicts SMI, the MI standard error of the SMI prevalence (Lebanon) to a high of 5692 (US). The total sample size is
estimate will be equivalent to the design-based standard 41,770. The weighted average cross-national response rate
error in the total sample. In more realistic cases, in which was 75.5% with a range between 55.1% (Japan) and 98.8%
concordance between the K6 and the clinical diagnoses is (India).

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 9
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

Table 1 WMH Sample Characteristics

Field Age Sample Response

Country Survey1 Sample characteristics2 dates range size3 rate4

Brazil São Paulo Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2005–7 18+ 2 942 81.3
Megacity residents in the São Paulo metropolitan area
Bulgaria NSHS Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2003–7 18+ 2 233 72.0
residents. NR
Colombia NSMH Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2003 18–65 2 381 87.7
residents in all urban areas of the country (approximately 73%
of the total national population)
India WMHI Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2003–5 18+ 1 373 98.8
residents in Pondicherry region. NR
Japan WMHJ Unclustered two-stage probability sample of individuals residing in 2002–6 20+ 1 682 55.1
2002–2006 households in 11 metropolitan areas
Lebanon LEBANON Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2002–3 18+ 1 031 70.0
residents. NR
Mexico M-NCS Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2001–2 18–65 2 362 76.6
residents in all urban areas of the country (approximately 75%
of the total national population)
New Zealand5 NZMHS Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2004–5 18+ 7 435 73.3
residents. NR
Nigeria NSMHW Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of 2002–3 18+ 2 143 79.3
households in 21 of the 36 states in the country, representing
57% of the national population. The surveys were conducted in
Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa and Efik languages
People’s Republic B-WMH Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2002–3 18+ 1 628 74.7
of China S-WMH residents in the Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas
People’s Republic Shenzhen Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2006–7 18+ 2 476 80.0
of China residents and temporary residents in the Shenzhen area
Romania RMHS Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2005–6 18+ 2 357 70.9
residents. NR
South Africa SASH Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2003–4 18+ 4 315 87.1
residents. NR
Ukraine CMDPSD Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2002 18+ 1 720 78.3
residents. NR
United States NCS-R Stratified multistage clustered area probability sample of household 2002–3 18+ 5 692 70.9
residents. NR
Total 41 770

NSHS (Bulgaria National Survey of Health and Stress); NSMH (The Colombian National Study of Mental Health); WMHI (World Mental Health
India); WMHJ 2002–2006 (World Mental Health Japan Survey); LEBANON (Lebanese Evaluation of the Burden of Ailments and Needs of the
Nation); M-NCS (The Mexico National Comorbidity Survey); NZMHS (New Zealand Mental Health Survey); NSMHW (The Nigerian Survey of
Mental Health and Wellbeing); B-WMH (The Beijing World Mental Health Survey); S-WMH (The Shanghai World Mental Health Survey); RMHS
(Romania Mental Health Survey); SASH (South Africa Health Survey); CMDPSD (Comorbid Mental Disorders during Periods of Social Disruption);
NCS-R (The US National Comorbidity Survey Replication).
Most WMH surveys are based on stratified multistage clustered area probability household samples in which samples of areas equivalent to
counties or municipalities in the USA were selected in the first stage followed by one or more subsequent stages of geographic sampling (e.g.
towns within counties, blocks within towns, households within blocks) to arrive at a sample of households, in each of which a listing of household
members was created and one or two people were selected from this listing to be interviewed. No substitution was allowed when the originally
sampled household resident could not be interviewed. These household samples were selected from census area data in all countries. The Japa-
nese sample is the only totally unclustered sample, with households randomly selected in each of the 11 sample areas and one random respondent
selected in each sample household. Of the 15 surveys, 13 are based on nationally representative (NR) household samples, while two others are
based on nationally representative household samples in urbanized areas (Colombia, Mexico).
Aa noted in the text, the WMH surveys were administered in two parts in all countries other than Romania and South Africa. The K6 was
administered in Part 2. The full sample was administered Part 1, while Part 2 was administered to 100% of the Part 1 respondents who had a
disorder assessed in Part 1 plus a probability sub-sample of other Part 1 respondents. The Part 2 sample was weighted to adjust for the under-
sampling of the Part 1 respondents who did not have a disorder. The sample sizes reported here are the unweighted numbers of respondents
in the Part 2 sample.
The response rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of households in which an interview was completed to the number of households
originally sampled, excluding from the denominator households known not to be eligible either because of being vacant at the time of initial
contact or because the residents were unable to speak the designated languages of the survey. The weighted average response rate is 75.5%.
New Zealand interviewed respondents 16+ but for the purposes of cross-national comparisons we limit the sample to those 18+.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
10 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

All surveys were based on multi-stage geographically SMI

clustered area probability household samples. Interviews
Respondents were classified as having SMI in the 12
were carried out face-to-face by trained lay interviewers.
months before interview if they met criteria for one or
Surveys in 10 countries were based on nationally repre-
more 12-month DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders and also
sentative samples, while two others were based on
had any of a number of indicators of severity, which
nationally representative samples of urbanized areas
included a 12-month suicide attempt with serious lethal-
(Colombia, Mexico), and the other two on regional
ity of intent, work disability, or substantial limitation as
samples (Brazil, PRC). Respondents had to be at least 18
the result of a mental disorder, bipolar I disorder, a behav-
years of age in most countries (20 in Japan). Colombia
ioral disorder with associated serious violence or criminal
and Mexico were the only countries with an upper age
behavior, or any disorder that resulted in 30+ days out of
limit (65). Informed consent was obtained using proce-
role in the year. A more detailed description of the SMI
dures approved by local Institutional Review Boards.
coding scheme is presented elsewhere (Demyttenaere
Detailed descriptions of WMH sampling, recruitment,
et al., 2004).
and consent procedures are presented elsewhere
(Heeringa et al., 2008).
The K6
Other than in Romania and South Africa, where all
respondents were administered the full interview, inter- The K6 consists of six questions that ask subjects to rate
nal sub-sampling was used to reduce respondent burden how often they felt
by dividing the interview into two parts. Part 1 assessed
1 nervous
core mental disorders and was administered to all respon-
2 hopeless
dents. Part 2 included additional disorders and correlates
3 restless or fidgety
and was administered to all Part 1 respondents who met
4 so depressed that nothing could cheer you up
criteria for any lifetime Part 1 disorder plus a probability
5 that everything was an effort
sub-sample of other respondents. The K6 was included in
6 worthless over one of two recall periods: the past-
Part 2. Part 1 data were weighted to adjust for differential
month (respondents were asked to rate how often the
probabilities of selection and to match population distri-
symptoms occurred in the 30 days before the survey)
butions on census socio-demographic and geographic
and the worst-month (respondents were asked about
distributions. Part 2 data were additionally weighted for
the 30-day period during the past 12 months when they
the under-sampling of Part 1 respondents without core
had the most severe psychological distress).
disorders. WMH weighting procedures are discussed
elsewhere (Heeringa et al., 2008). Some WMH surveys used only one of these recall periods
while others used both. The decision about which recall
Measures period to used hinged on whether the investigators were
interested in calibrating SMI point prevalence (most
Diagnostic assessment
useful for screening in clinical settings), 12-month preva-
Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-IV anxiety, lence (most useful for estimating prevalence in surveys
mood, behavioral, and substance disorders were assessed used for health-policy planning purposes, as the year is
using Version 3.0 of the WHO CIDI (Kessler and Üstün, the usual health-policy planning period), or both.
2004), a fully structured lay-administered interview. The The surveys that used both recall periods began by
English source version of the CIDI was translated into administering the past-month questions and then asked
other languages using standardized WHO protocols respondents a single question about whether there was
(Harkness et al., 2008). Rigorous interviewer training and any other 30-day period in the past 12 months when they
quality control monitoring were used to guarantee con- had had these symptoms more frequently than in the past
sistent administration (Pennell et al., 2008). CIDI diagno- 30 days. If not, then the past-month responses were also
ses were compared with blinded clinical diagnoses using used as the worst-month responses. However, if the
the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) respondents reported that there was a worst month, they
(Spitzer et al., 1994) in probability sub-samples of WMH were asked to think about that time in answering the six
respondents from France, Italy, Spain, and the USA. As questions a second time. The six K6 questions had to be
detailed elsewhere, good CIDI-SCID diagnostic concor- repeated for about 20% of respondents when this two-
dance was found for most DM-IV/CIDI disorders (Haro part approach was used. That is, about 80% of the time
et al., 2006). respondents reported that there was no other 30-day

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 11
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

period in the past 12 months that was worse than the last versus 2–4, 0–2 versus 3–4, 0–3 versus 4). Unlike classical
30 days. The response options, which were identical in the psychometric test theory models, the IRT models allowed
two recall periods, were all of the time, most of the time, us to capture information about the contribution of each
some of the time, a little of the time, and none of the time. item to the sensitivity of the total scale using conventional
These were coded 4 to 0, which means that the unweighted one-parameter and two-parameter IRT logistic regression
summary scale has a 0–24 range. However, it is also pos- models for binary scale items (van der Linden and
sible to weight either the scale items (as in a factor analysis Hambleton, 1997). The two-parameter model is given by:
factor-weighted scale; Kim, 1993) or to weight the item
responses within each item [as in an analysis of nested Pij(T ) = [1 + e − a j(TPDi − bj ) ] (1)
dichotomous items in an item response theory (IRT)
modeling approach; Embretson and Reise, 2000]. Where the outcome variable Pij(Ti) is the probability
that respondent i will endorse binary item j as a function
Socio-demographics of his or her underlying true score (T). The slope aj mea-
sures the steepness of the logistic curve at the point where
We considered three dichotomously scored socio-
the probability of endorsing item j is 0.5. A steep curve
demographic variables in the analysis: gender, age (18–38,
means that the item has strong discriminating ability at
39+), and education (completed no more than secondary
the point on the curve where it has maximum informa-
education, completed more than secondary education).
tion value. The intercept bj is the point on the T distribu-
All three were used to predict SMI both alone and in
tion at which the probability of endorsing item j is 0.5,
interaction with the others. Interactions of K6 scores
therefore representing the severity of the item. The one-
were evaluated with each socio-demographic alone as well
parameter model differs from the two-parameter model
as with the cross-classification of the full set of
in that the parameter for the steepness of the slope is
constrained to be constant across items. Inspection of a
wide range of items in such models was used in the initial
Statistical analysis
development phase to select the final set of items to
Six-by-six matrices of Pearson correlations among the K6 include in the K6 (Kessler et al., 2002). In the current
item responses were created for each recall period in each application, the models were used to generate an opti-
country. Principal axis factor analysis using the factor mally weighted version of the scale in each country by
procedure in SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., 1999) was carried summing the item slopes for each endorsed item. When
out to determine if the unidimensionality found in the the item parameters are fi xed, as they would be when
original US psychometric studies was confirmed in each results in a benchmarking survey are used to define the
country in the WMH data. Parallel factor analyses were metric of the scale in later surveys, this score is a sufficient
then carried out based on matrices of polychoric correla- statistic for the person parameter (T).
tions, which allow for non-linear monotonic relationships A series of nested logistic regression equations was
between pairs of variables. The factor analysis results then estimated to predict SMI in each time frame in each
showed that the scale is unidimensional (i.e. has a large country using either the unweighted or IRT-weighted ver-
first unrotated eigenvalue and a second unrotated eigen- sions of the K6 scale along with controls for age, sex, and
value less than 1.0) and has factor loadings on the first education. The equations explored the existence of non-
factor that are quite similar across items in both Pearson linearities in the association of K6 scores with log-odds
and polychoric matrices. This last result means that it of SMI by including not only linear but also quadratic and
would be unproductive to create a factor-weighted scale third-degree forms of the K6 as predictors (i.e. K6,
rather than a simple 0–24 unweighted scale. K6-squared, and K6-cubed all as predictors in the same
However, polychoric correlations were generally some- equation). We also evaluated the significant of interac-
what larger than Pearson correlations, suggesting that tions between K6 scores and the socio-demographic
meaningful non-linearities might exist in the associations variables. Model fit was evaluated using the Akaike Infor-
between items. The implications of this were investigated mation Criterion and the Bayesian Information Criterion,
by estimating IRT models using the bilog-mg program two commonly used methods to select best-fitting models
(Scientific Software International, 1996) based on nested (Burnham and Anderson, 2004).
dichotomous versions of the K6 items. By the term ‘nested Once a best-fitting model was determined, parameters
dichotomies’ we mean that the 0–4 responses to each item for that model were used to generate an estimate of the
were converted into four dichotomies (0 versus 1–4, 0–1 predicted probability of SMI for each respondent in the

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
12 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

WMH survey. That variable was then compared with once we adjusted for non-linearities in the polychoric
observed SMI scores using receiver operating character- matrices, the unrotated eigenvalues of the first factor
istic curve analysis (Margolis et al., 2002) and the area consistently increased (3.7–5.0) and with one exception
under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) the unrotated eigenvalues of the second factor became less
(Pepe, 2003) was calculated as a measure of concordance than 1.0 (0.4–0.8) in both time frames (Table 2). The
between predicted and observed SMI scores. The AUC exception was in India, where the eigenvalues for the first
can be interpreted as the probability of correctly identify- two factors were 4.0 and 1.2 in the past-month time frame
ing a case of SMI in a series of paired comparison tests in and 4.2 and 1.1 in the worst-month time frame. Inspec-
which scores on the K6-tranformed predicted probability tion of factor loadings for the promax rotated second
scale are compared between one randomly selected factor found this to be a unique factor for the ‘everything
respondent with SMI and one randomly selected respon- was an effort’ item. This result was due to a very low cor-
dent without SMI and the respondent with the higher relation (0.06 in the worst-month time frame) of the
score is estimated to be the one with SMI. In cases where ‘everything was an effort’ item with the ‘restless-fidgety’
the predicted probabilities of the two respondents are item and lower correlations of the ‘everything was an
identical, the estimate of which one has SMI is based on effort’ item than the ‘restless- fidgety’ item with the other
random assignment. The AUC has an expected value of four items (0.32–0.61 versus 0.75–0.89).
0.50 when the predicted probability is completely unre- The low correlation between the ‘everything was an
lated to the true SMI and an expected value of 1.0 when effort’ item and the ‘restless-fidgety’ item might be
the predicted probability is perfectly related to true SMI.
Scores between these two extremes are often interpreted Table 2 Eigenvalues for first two unrotated factors from
in parallel with the interpretation of Kappa (Landis and principal axis factor analysis of the polychoric correlation
Koch, 1977) as slight (0.5–0.6), fair (0.6–0.7), moderate matrix of K6 items separately for past-month and
(0.7–0.8), substantial (0.8–0.9), or almost perfect (0.9+). worst-month recall periods1
Once the best-fitting model was selected in each
survey, the parameters of the best-fitting model were esti- Past- Worst-
mated again in each of 10 pseudo-samples selected with month month
replacement from the sample in the WMH survey for the
country. The parameter values for these 10 equations are I II I II
presented for each recall period for each country in
appendix tables (available at Brazil 4.1 0.6 4.4 0.6 that can be used by Bulgaria 4.5 0.7 4.7 0.7
Colombia 4.2 0.6 4.3 0.6
other investigators to convert K6 scores in their samples
India 4.0 1.2 4.2 1.1
into predicted probabilities of SMI. Ten different esti-
Japan 3.9 0.7 4.4 0.6
mates are presented to allow researchers to generate 10 Lebanon 3.9 0.7 – –
different estimates of SMI in their data for use in MI Mexico – – 4.8 0.5
analysis. A brief exposition of appropriate analysis New Zealand 4.3 0.6 4.5 0.5
methods in using these MI estimates is presented below Nigeria 4.2 0.6 – –
in the Discussion section. People’s Republic of China
Beijing/Shanghai 3.9 0.8 – –
Results Shenzhen 3.9 0.8 4.0 0.8
Romania 4.9 0.4 5.0 0.4
Dimensionality and consistency of factor loadings South Africa 4.1 0.7 – –
Exploratory factor analysis showed a strong unidimen- Ukraine 3.7 0.7 – –
USA – – 4.2 0.6
sional structure in both the Pearson and polychoric cor-
Total 4.2 0.6 4.4 0.6
relation matrices in all countries for both past-month and
worst-month recall periods. In the case of the Pearson 1
Some countries used only one recall period. This is why
correlation matrices, the unrotated eigenvalues were in there are missing values in some cells of the table. The
the range 2.0–3.8 for the first factor, but were also gener- results in the total row are based on analysis of pooled
ally greater than 1.0 for the second factor (1.2–1.5). within-country matrices that weight countries by the
However, promax rotation found no consistently inter- number of respondents in their samples rather than by
pretable second factor in the Pearson data. Furthermore, their population sizes.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 13
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

Table 3 Unrotated factor loadings for the first factor from principal axis factor analysis of the polychoric correlation
matrix of K6 items separately for past-month (P) and worst-month (W) recall periods1

Nervous Hopeless Restless Depressed Effort Worthless


Brazil 0.80 0.82 0.85 0.88 0.78 0.81 0.90 0.92 0.81 0.85 0.84 0.85
Bulgaria 0.75 0.80 0.91 0.93 0.81 0.82 0.93 0.94 0.91 0.92 0.87 0.87
Colombia 0.75 0.76 0.83 0.85 0.81 0.82 0.87 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.90 0.91
India 0.86 0.93 0.97 0.96 0.82 0.81 0.88 0.86 0.43 0.50 0.84 0.89
Japan 0.72 0.80 0.87 0.92 0.76 0.82 0.90 0.93 0.78 0.85 0.78 0.82
Lebanon 0.71 – 0.85 – 0.81 – 0.90 – 0.70 – 0.85 –
Mexico – 0.82 – 0.92 – 0.90 – 0.93 – 0.92 – 0.90
New Zealand 0.75 0.80 0.92 0.90 0.78 0.79 0.91 0.92 0.82 0.86 0.90 0.92
Nigeria 0.79 – 0.87 – 0.85 – 0.88 – 0.78 – 0.84 –
People’s Republic of China
Beijing/Shanghai 0.68 – 0.85 – 0.79 – 0.92 – 0.78 – 0.82 –
Shenzhen 0.80 0.79 0.87 0.87 0.76 0.77 0.85 0.86 0.73 0.78 0.79 0.80
Romania 0.82 0.83 0.93 0.94 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.94
South Africa 0.77 – 0.87 – 0.82 – 0.86 – 0.76 – 0.85 –
Ukraine 0.71 – 0.84 – 0.77 – 0.86 – 0.68 – 0.85 –
USA – 0.76 – 0.89 – 0.78 – 0.90 – 0.82 – 0.89
Total 0.76 0.80 0.88 0.89 0.80 0.82 0.89 0.91 0.80 0.84 0.86 0.88

The K6 asked respondents to rate how often they felt (1) nervous, (2) hopeless, (3) restless or fidgety, (4) so depressed
that nothing could cheer you up, (5) that everything was an effort, and (6) worthless over one of two recall periods: the
past-month (the P columns in the table; respondents were asked to rate how often the symptoms occurred in the 30 days
before the survey) and the worst-month (the W columns in the table; respondents are asked about the 30-day period
during the past 12 months when they had the most severe psychological distress). The response options, which were
identical in the two recall periods, were all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, and none
of the time. Some WMH surveys used only one of these recall periods while others used both. This is why there are
missing values in some cells of the table. The results in the total row are based on analysis of pooled within-country
matrices that weight countries by the number of respondents in their samples rather than by their population sizes.

expected because the first is associated with retarded each country, leading us to focus on the unit-weighted
symptoms and the second with agitated symptoms. (i.e. 0–24) scale in the remainder of the analysis.
Indeed, this correlation is generally the lowest one in both
the Pearson and polychoric matrices across countries.
The IRT analysis
Despite this fact, though, the factor loadings of both these
items are acceptable in both the past-month and worst- It was noted above that the polychoric correlations were
month time frames in all countries, including India generally larger than the Pearson correlation, indicating
(Table 3). Even in India, where ‘everything was an effort’ that meaningful non-linearities exist in the associations
formed a separate factor, the factor loading of this item among K6 items. Consistent with this observation, the IRT
in the one-factor solution was acceptable (0.50). It is also severity parameters were in most cases found to be non-
noteworthy that variation in factor loadings was relatively linear across the range of item responses. This was true
small in all countries other than India in both the past- both in one-parameter IRT models (i.e. models in which
month and worst-month time frames, with within- slopes were constrained to be equal across items) and in
country ranges of 0.10–0.24 (past-month) and 0.10–0.15 two-parameter IRT models (i.e. where slopes were esti-
(worst-month). This implies that factor-weighted scales mated separately for each item). Indeed, severity parame-
would be very highly correlated with unit-weighted scales. ters were very similar in one-parameter and two-parameter
We found this to be the case empirically, with Pearson models because all slopes were excellent. In saying this, we
correlations above 0.95 between the two kinds of scales in note that good IRT slopes are generally considered ones

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
14 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

Table 4 Severity parameters for the two-parameter worst-month Item Response Theory (IRT) model based on nested
dichotomous scoring of the K6 in all countries combined

Frequency of symptom (How much of the time . . .)1

All Most Some A little

Nervous 2.4* 1.8* 1.1* 0.3*

Hopeless 2.3* 1.9* 1.4* 0.9*
Restless or fidgety 2.4* 1.9* 1.2* 0.5*
So depressed that nothing could cheer you up 2.3* 1.9* 1.4* 1.0*
Everything was an effort 2.4* 1.8* 1.2* 0.6*
Worthless 2.3* 1.9* 1.5* 1.1*

* Significant at the 0.05 level, two-sided test. Standard errors of parameter estimates are not reported, as each rounds
to 0.0.
Coefficients are for dummy variables for the four response categories in comparison to the none of the time response

that are greater than 1.0 (van der Linden and Hambleton, models for unweighted (i.e. unit weighting) and weighted
1997). The K6 slopes were in the range 1.1–3.0 with a (i.e. IRT-based weighting) K6 scores, these models
median of 1.8 and an inter-quartile range (25th to 75th turned out to be virtually identical because the weighted
percentiles) of 1.6–2.7. This means that scales based on and unweighted K6 scores were found to be very highly
one-parameter and two-parameter IRT models are very correlated to each other in all countries. These correla-
highly correlated (over 0.9 in each country). tions were in the range 0.96–0.99 for past-month K6 for
The general pattern of IRT severity parameters can be all countries. The correlations were all 0.99 for worst-
seen by inspecting these parameters based on the two- month K6. In countries where both past-month and
parameter IRT model for the worst month estimated in worst-month K6 were assessed, the models based on these
all the countries combined (Table 4). We see there that two different recall periods were also very similar because
the severity estimates for responses of ‘none of the time’ of high correlations between past-month and worst-
(benchmarked at odds of 1.0 by construction) differ little month K6 scores (0.78 in Japan, 0.87 in Brazil, and 0.92–
from those for responses of ‘a little of the time’ (odds- 0.97 in the other countries that assessed the K6 in both
ratios of 0.3–1.1 across items) or ‘some of the time’ (1.1– recall periods).
1.5), whereas the severity estimates for responses of ‘most A number of the total of 93 multiple regression equa-
of the time’ are considerably higher (1.8–1.9) and those tions were estimated to predict DSM-IV/CIDI diagnoses
for ‘all of the time’ are higher still (2.3–2.5). This means of SMI for each recall period assessed in each country. (As
that a scoring scheme that gave especially high values to a result of the high correlation between unweighted and
the highest two responses (e.g. 0,0,0,5,10) would do better weighted K6 scores, all results reported below refer to the
than the unit-scoring scheme (i.e. 0,1,2,3,4) in maximiz- unweighted version that used 0–24 scoring.) The first
ing inter-correlations among the six K6 items. It is not three models considered the K6 alone with either a linear,
clear from this result, though, whether an alternative quadratic, or third-degree functional form (e.g. K6,
scoring scheme would be superior to the unit-weighting K6-squared, and K6-cubed all in the same equation) in
scheme in predicting SMI. We investigated this question predicting SMI. A series of seven additional models for
next by comparing the strength of predictions based on each of the three K6 functional forms then added socio-
versions of the K6 scale using unit weight versus IRT- demographic controls either one at a time, two at a time,
based weighting. or all three at once. Eight more complex models were then
estimated that included two-way interactions among the
socio-demographic variables either one at a time, two at
The regression analysis
a time, or all three at once and then added the three-way
A number of multiple regression equations were esti- interaction among all the socio-demographics. The
mated to predict DSM-IV/CIDI diagnoses of SMI in each remaining models then added interactions of the K6 (with
country. Although we originally considered separate and without its successive polynomials) with the socio-

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 15
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

demographics in each of the 15 lower-order socio- reliability of the K6 or to systematic differences in the
demographic models. extent to which the K6 detects the kinds of disorders
As noted above in the section on analysis methods, responsible for SMI in these different segments of the
comparative model fit across these 93 equations was eval- population.
uated with the Akaike Information and Bayesian Infor- Differential sensitivity would be indicated by interac-
mation criteria. In cases where these two measures led to tions between K6 scores and the socio-demographics in
different conclusions, we selected the less complex of the predicting SMI. These interactions were significant in
two preferred models. This resulted in a variety of differ- only five surveys (in Colombia, Lebanon, Nigeria, India,
ent models being selected across countries (Table 5). It is and the USA). Significant interactions were found with
noteworthy that the quadratic term of the K6 was signifi- gender in four of these five countries, all involving stron-
cant in about half the surveys. The coefficient associated ger associations between K6 scores and SMI among
with the K6 was always positive and the coefficient associ- women than men. Significant interactions were also
ated with the K6-squared was always negative in these found with age and education, but they were inconsistent
cases, indicating that the log-odds of SMI increased at a in sign across countries. Inclusion of main effects and
decreasing rate as the values of the K6 increased. Socio- interactions involving these socio-demographic variables
demographics were significant in 11 surveys and interac- with K6 scores corrected for bias that would otherwise
tions among socio-demographics in eight surveys. These have occurred in estimating individual-level predicted
significant coefficients indicate that The K6 does not probabilities of SMI. With these corrections in the models,
explain socio-demographic differences in SMI in most the AUC values were generally substantial, with the
countries, a pattern that could be due either to a lack of median value of AUC across countries equal to 0.83, the

Table 5 Significant model parameters of best-fitting regression models to predict DSM-IV/CIDI SMI from K6 scores1

K6 K62 K63 SD SD × SD K6 × SD

Brazil X X X
Bulgaria X X X X
Colombia X X X X X
India X X X
Japan X
Lebanon X X X X X
Mexico X X X
New Zealand X X X X
Nigeria X X X
People’s Republic of China
Beijing/Shanghai X X X
Shenzhen X
Romania X X X
South Africa X
Ukraine X X X X

Significant parameters are indicated by an X. Only a general summary is presented here. See the appendix tables
(available at for a description of exact parameters and parameter
values. Due to the high correlations between past-month and worst-month K6 scores in countries that used both recall
periods, the coefficients found to be significant were identical for past-month and worst-month models in these countries.
The entries for K6, K62 and K63 represent the significance of the main effects of these three transformations of the K6
scale. The entry for SD represents the significance of one or more main effects of socio-demographic (SD) variables.
The entry for SD × SD represents the significance of one or more interactions among the socio-demographic variables.
The entry for K6 × SD represents the significance of one or more interactions between the K6 (or its polynomials) and
one or more socio-demographic variables (or interactions among socio-demographic variables).

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
16 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

Table 6 Area under the receiver operating characteristic attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Kessler et al.,
curve (AUC) for the best-fitting model of the association 2005a). When the purpose of a particular research study
between the K6 and DSM-IV/CIDI Serious Mental Illness is to investigate patterns and correlates of specific disor-
(SMI)1 ders, more specific screening scales such as these should
be preferred to the K6. However, SMI is associated with a
Past-month Worst-month
wide range of different mental disorders and it is impor-
tant to have a more general screening scale for SMI such
Brazil 0.83 0.82
as the K6 when the researcher is more interested in screen-
Bulgaria 0.83 0.83
Colombia 0.81 0.83
ing broadly for SMI than for a particular kind of
India 0.85 0.85 disorder.
Japan 0.79 0.86 It is important in this context to recognize that while
Lebanon 0.86 – the value of the K6 is as a broad screener rather than a
Mexico – 0.85 specific screener for any one mental disorder, a limitation
New Zealand 0.81 0.88 of the K6, as of the concept of SMI itself, is that the spe-
Nigeria 0.82 – cific policy implications for treatment planning purposes
People’s Republic of China of documented trends or correlates can be determined
Beijing/Shanghai 0.85 – only by carrying out further analyses of component dis-
Shenzhen 0.84 0.86 orders. To some extent, of course, the same criticism can
Romania 0.78 0.80
be made even of screening scales for more specific disor-
South Africa 0.76 –
ders, as it might be that some sub-types of specific disor-
Ukraine 0.83 –
USA – 0.89
ders are more strongly related than others with correlates.
However, as treatment approaches are much more similar
Missing values are because some surveys used only one within than between mental disorders, it remains true
of the two recall periods. that policy implications of results regarding correlates of
SMI are less clear than those regarding correlates of
specific disorders.
Another limitation of the K6 is that, despite showing
range 0.76–0.89, and the inter-quartile range 0.81–0.85 substantial concordance with an independent measure of
(Table 6). These high AUC support the use of the equa- SMI based on research diagnostic interviews, the number
tions to generate individual-level estimates of predicted of items in the scale is so small that they might not span
probability of SMI in all countries in both time frames. the full conceptual space that defines SMI in the popula-
tion, leading to less sensitivity in detecting some types of
SMI than others. This would not be a concern if AUC was
perfect, but it is not. An AUC of 0.85, while very good,
The results presented here show that relatively simple still means that 15% of true cases of SMI are not detected
optimal scoring rules can be developed for the K6 in all by the screening scale. If this under-detection is system-
the countries studied that generate predicted probabilities atic (i.e. concentrated in a particular type of mental dis-
of SMI having substantial concordance with observed order in a specific segment of the population) rather than
ratings of DSM-IV SMI based on the CIDI. It is striking random, then even a dramatic increase in the component
that responses to a simple set of six questions, which take of SMI systematically missed by the scale will not be
no more than 2 minutes to administer, can reproduce detected in trend surveys. Because of this possibility, it is
with such good accuracy diagnostic ratings based on a important to carry out a second generation of method-
fully structured research diagnostic interview that takes ological studies of the K6 now that its overall validity has
an average of more than 1 hour to administer. This result been documented. These second-generation studies
argues that the K6 can be a valuable screening scale for should search for evidence of systematic bias. We know
SMI in general-purpose epidemiological surveys where it from the analyses carried out here that biases with respect
is not feasible to include a long assessment of mental to age, gender, and education are minimal and that the
disorders like the CIDI. Other validated screening scales scale has good properties across a wide range of countries,
exist to screen for specific mental disorders, such as the but we are aware of no comparable attempt to study bias
PHQ-9 screening scale of major depression (Kroenke with respect to other socio-demographic variables or with
et al., 2001) and the ASRS screening scale of adult respect to specific types of mental disorders.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 17
K6 screening scale for SMI Kessler et al.

A final noteworthy limitation is that the optimal probabilities and then to analyse the data as one would
scaling rules developed here and reported in the appendix with any other dichotomous diagnostic measure. There
tables (available at are two ways to do this that yield equivalent results. One
wmh/publications.php) are known to be optimal only is to use the predicted probabilities as weights. Under this
with respect to the WMH surveys in which the rules were approach, a respondent assigned a 0.25 predicted proba-
developed. This point was made in the Introduction, but bility of SMI is treated as two people, one a person with a
needs to be reiterated here: that it is always preferable to weight of 0.25 who has SMI and the other a person with a
base scaling rules whenever possible on clinical calibra- weight of 0.75 who does not have SMI. More generally, the
tion studies embedded in the very same data collection observational record for each respondent is reproduced so
that is used to administer the screening scale. This is the that the sample is treated as having twice as many observa-
only way to guarantee that the sensitivity, specificity, and tions as it actually has, one for each respondent coded as
positive predictive value of the screening scale in the having SMI and the other as not, with the pair of observa-
population under study are identical to those in the cali- tions for each respondent having a sum of weights of 1.0
bration sample. As described elsewhere is this issue (Colpe (or, in the case of otherwise weighted data, with the sum
et al., 2010), the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health of weights equal to whatever the sample weight would
Services Administration (SAMHSA) is addressing this otherwise have been for the respondent). The relative
problem by initiating an ongoing K6 calibration compo- weighting of the two data records in each pair varies across
nent in its annual National Household Survey on Drug respondents depending on the respondent’s predicted
Use and Health (NHSDUH). In this approach, a probabil- probability of SMI. The MI estimation method described
ity sub-sample of NHSDUH respondents that over- earlier in the paper can be used here by applying this
samples those with high K6 scores is administered a weighting approach separately to each of the separate MI
clinical re-interview to assess the presence of SMI. Clini- datasets and then pooling coefficients across pseudo-
cal interviewers are blinded to the K6 responses in the samples using standard MI methods (Rubin, 1987).
main survey. This allows the SAMHSA investigators to A more parsimonious alternative to the above approach
calibrate K6 scores to predicted probabilities of SMI on that does not require the number of records to be doubled
an ongoing basis so as to protect against the possibility is to classify each respondent either as having or not
that the sensitivity and positive predictive value of the K6 having SMI by using a random number generator from a
decrease over time. Such decreases could be the result binomial distribution that is defi ned by the respondent’s
either of an increase in the relative importance of types own predicted probability of SMI from the imputation
of mental disorders that are not sensitively detected in the equation. For example, if a random number was selected
K6 in making up the total number of people with SMI or between 1 and 100 for a respondent with a predicted
of secular changes in the words people use to describe probability of SMI of 0.25, the respondent would be clas-
their mental disorders. In any case, where the K6 is used sified as having SMI if the random number was in the
as a screening scale in some other country in a large range 1–25 and as not having SMI if the random number
ongoing survey like the NHSDUH, it could be of consid- was in the range 26–100. A separate random number
erable valuable to include an ongoing clinical calibration would then be selected independently for each other
component of this sort. Not only will this allow the respondent such that the respondent would be classified
formula to estimate predicted probability of SMI from K6 as having SMI if the random number was less than or
scores to be modified over time to correct for secular equal to 100 times the respondent’s predicted probability
changes in concordance, but the accumulation of more of SMI and classified otherwise as not having SMI. The
and more clinical cases over time will make it possible to dichotomous outcomes generated in this way can be ana-
refine calibration rules successively to capture subtle dif- lysed in the same way as any other dichotomous diagnos-
ferences in concordance among respondents who differ tic variable. In addition, MI can again be implemented by
in other characteristics assessed in the survey. repeating the entire process for each of the individual’s
The question arises how to make best use of predicted- SMI prevalence estimates (importantly, selecting a new
probability data in analysing transformed K6 scores. random number for each respondent for the estimated
Several methods exist to do this. One is to treat the mean probability of SMI based on each separate pseudo-sample,
predicted probability as the variable of interest in linear or not using a single predicted probability for a given indi-
restricted linear (e.g. Tobit) prediction equations. Another vidual across all pseudo-samples) and using conventional
possibility is to generate actual yes–no classifications of MI methods to analyse and combine results across the
SMI for each respondent based on their predicted separate pseudo-samples.

Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 19(Supplement 1): 4–22 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/mpr
18 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Kessler et al. K6 screening scale for SMI

Acknowledgments Transilvania, the National Institute of Statistics-National

Centre for Training in Statistics, SC. Cheyenne Services SRL,
The analysis is carried out in conjunction with the WHO Statistics Netherlands and were funded by the Ministry of
WMH Survey Initiative. We thank the WMH staff for assis- Public Health (former Ministry of Health) with supplemen-
tance with instrumentation, fieldwork, and data analysis. tal support of Eli Lilly Romania SRL. The South Africa Stress
These activities were supported by the United States National and Health Study (SASH) is supported by the US National
Institute of Mental Health (R01MH070884), the John D. and Institute of Mental Health (R01-MH059575) and National
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Pfizer Foundation, Institute of Drug Abuse with supplemental funding from the
the US Public Health Service (R13-MH066849, R01- South African Department of Health and the University of
MH069864, and R01 DA016558), the Fogarty International Michigan. The Ukraine Comorbid Mental Disorders during
Center (FIRCA R03-TW006481), the Pan American Health Periods of Social Disruption (CMDPSD) study is funded by
Organization, the Eli Lilly & Company Foundation, the US National Institute of Mental Health (RO1-MH61905).
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, The US National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R)
Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Shire. A complete list of WMH is supported by the National Institute of Mental Health
publications can be found at (NIMH; U01-MH60220) with supplemental support from
edu/wmh/. The São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey is the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Substance
supported by the State of São Paulo Research Foundation Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(FAPESP) Thematic Project Grant 03/00204-3. The Bulgar- (SAMHSA), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF;
ian Epidemiological Study of common mental disorders Grant 044708), and the John W. Alden Trust.
EPIBUL is supported by the Ministry of Health and the
National Center for Public Health Protection. The Chinese
World Mental Health Survey Initiative is supported by the Declaration of interests
Pfi zer Foundation. The Shenzhen Mental Health Survey is
supported by the Shenzhen Bureau of Health and the Shen- Dr. Kessler has been a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline
zhen Bureau of Science, Technology, and Information. The Inc., Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi-Aventis, Shire
Colombian National Study of Mental Health (NSMH) is Pharmaceuticals, and Wyeth-Ayerst; has served on advi-
supported by the Ministry of Social Protection. The WMHI sory boards for Eli Lilly & Company and Wyeth-Ayerst;
was funded by WHO (India) and helped by Dr. R and has had research support for his epidemiological
Chandrasekaran, JIPMER. The World Mental Health studies from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly & Company,
Japan (WMHJ) Survey is supported by the Grant for Research GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals,
on Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases and Mental
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc., Pfizer Inc., and
Health (H13-SHOGAI-023, H14-TOKUBETSU-026, H16-
Sanofi-Aventis. The remaining authors report no conflicts
KOKORO-013) from the Japan Ministry of Health, Labour,
and Welfare. The Lebanese National Mental Health Survey of interest.
(LEBANON) is supported by the Lebanese Ministry of
Public Health, the WHO (Lebanon), Fogarty International, References
Act for Lebanon, anonymous private donations to IDRAAC,
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