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Season eight of the D&D Adventurers League has made significant changes to the way treasure is

handled in adventures. The following modifications should be made to the treasure awards when
playing Ruins of Mezro using Adventurers League rules.

As per the season eight rules for hardcovers, all characters earn one treasure checkpoint for
each hour played in pursuit of the adventure’s stated goals (rounded down). This reward is
doubled for tier 3 and 4 characters.

• Ignore any instruction to roll on the Individual Treasure table or Treasure Hoard table
from the Dungeon Master’s Guide, or the Treasure Drops table from Tomb of Annihilation.

• Ignore any treasure that has a listed gold piece value.

• Any magic items listed as part of the treasure award are unlocked to each player’s list of
available items and can be purchased as normal using treasure checkpoints.
• Consumable magic items as awarded as normal.

• GOBLIN WARBAND: Replace the +1 rapier with a

giant slayer rapier.
• ZOMBIE BEHOLDER: Replace the +1 plate armor
with adamantine armor (splint).
• BROKENBARREL’S HUT: Any character who
succeeds in robbing Brokenbarrel’s chest
gains one treasure checkpoint at tier 1-
2 or two treasure checkpoints at tier 3.

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