El Femenino, Con Una Diferencia de La Mediana de 8500 Dólares Aproximadamente

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1) Construct a boxplot comparing pay between men and

women. What can you conclude?

R/ podemos concluir que el género masculino genera más ingresos que

el femenino, con una diferencia de la mediana de 8500 dólares
2) Construct a boxplot of pay, with respect to the following
attributes: seniority, education, jobtitle and performance. Also
do a scatter plot of pay vs. age. What patterns do you observe?
Edad vs Pago







20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000

Patrón entre el diagrama de dispersión edad-pago vs pago- educación,

título profesional, desempeño y antigüedad. Lo único que puedo concluir
que ambos manejan un margen a la hora del pago y relativamente una
creciente en sus valores, ambos con rango similares en la hora de
3) Now, let's make the same plots as in Exercise 1.2, but
additionally differentiate by gender. What patterns do you
observe? You can also make each plot by gender. You should
obtain as result something like this.
Genero vs Edad







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

R/ Hay un patrón similar con respecto a la dispersión de sus datos,

donde en la primera grafica tiene un rango entre 80000 a 120000
dólares donde se mantiene su mediana, seguido de las demás grafica
hay una similitud con respecto ambos géneros.
4) Consider the following statements:
I. Based on the boxplot and the table, the average salary for men is
8500 USD more than that of women in this organization.
II. Men are paid significantly more than women due solely to gender
Which of the following conclusions about these statements is correct?
a. Both Statements I and II are correct.
b. Statement I is correct, but Statement II is not.
c. Statement I is not correct, but Statement II is.
d. Both Statements I and II are incorrect.
5) Once we identify some independent variables that are
correlated with the dependent variable, a linear model can be
used to capture this relationship quantitatively.
Let us account for all the other factors that could explain pay gaps at
once in our regression model. What can you conclude?
R/. Ahora si se hace el modelo de regresión lineal,
literlamenteconcretaríamos dato exacto sobre la problemática de la
empresa, pero solo sería especificaciones directas del problema ya
evaluado gráficamente.
6) Taking all of the factors in to account as in model4, which of
the following jobs pay the highest?
(a) Marketing Associate
(b) Software Engineer
(c) Manager
(d) Graphic Designer

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