ASSI Thesis Guidelines Version 1.0 Dated 13 June 2018-2

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version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


Every candidate registered for the ASSI fellowship programme shall carry out research on an assigned project
under the guidance of a recognised Chief Guide/Co-Guide. The result of this research work should be
recorded, analyzed, written up and submitted in the form of a thesis.

1. Last date for submission of Thesis will be 30th of June of exit year. Discretion of Research Committee to
accept the thesis after the above schedule: a maximum period of 15 days. No extension beyond this
period is admissible under any circumstance.
2. He/she must be allocated a guide by the Research committee within a month of his/her joining the
3. The candidate has to submit the thesis protocol within three months from date of admission i.e before
31st December of admission year.
4. The terminology to be used in Thesis protocol/Thesis shall be Chief Guide and Co-guide only. There will
be only one Chief –Guide. A candidate should have only those many co-guides who are just needed for
the guidance of thesis work upto a maximum of three co-guides.
5. In case a co-guide is required to be included, due to nature of research, from a nonteaching department
or a department where a recognised mentor is not available , in that case ; since there can be no co-
guide ; that department can be included as a co-investigative department and no name shall be written.
Only the department name shall be written as co-investigative department in thesis protocol/thesis.
6. In case a co-guide is required to be included , due to nature of research, from an outside institution,
he/she should be a recognised mentor from ASSI. He/she can be allowed to be associated as a co- guide,
for that thesis only, provided the Chief Guide and the candidate seek necessary permission and is
recommended by the ASSI Research Committee.
7. In case a co-guide is required to be included , due to nature of research, from an outside institution,
which is not affiliated to ASSI and the person to be taken as a co-guide is not a recognised mentor of ASSI
, then the ASSI Research Committee may grant necessary permission, on recommendation of the chief
guide and duly forwarded by him for the person to be associated as co-guide in that particular thesis
after considering the (CV)qualification, experience and designation of the person.
8. Maximum extension given for submission of thesis protocol will be one month.
9. If any candidate wants to change the thesis-protocol, it may be permitted within the next three months
i.e. within 6 months from the date of admission of the candidate. However, if the period exceeds 6
months, the Research committee may permit the same at its own discretion on the

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

recommendation of the departmental faculty and chief guide upto a total period of 9 months. The total
period of fellowship will, however, remain the same i.e. 2 years.
10. The candidate must submit the thesis three months before the examination.
11. The maximum extension for submission of thesis granted by the Research committee: upto 15 days as a
special case provided the Chief guide gives adequate justification.
12. No extension after 15 days shall be granted. Thesis submitted beyond this due date would entail
extension of the fellowship period and a delay in the date of final examination.
13. All fellows are required to forward their thesis through their chief guide with a copy of the forwarding
letter to Research Committee. The Chief guide will forward the thesis immediately to the Research
Committee for further processing.
14. If either the Guide or Co-Guide has not signed the thesis, due to the fact that either of them happened
to be abroad/foreign assignment/leave, the same may be accepted by the Research Committee if it has
ben signed by either the Guide or Co-Guide whichever the case may be.
15. If Guide happens to be abroad on foreign assignment for a period of less than 6 months, the Co-Guide
from the same centre should immediately take over the responsibility during the period of his/her
absence under intimation to the Research Committee.
16. If a Guide is away on a foreign assignment for a period of more than 6 months, the senior most of the
Co-Guide of the same centre will take over the responsibility of the Guide under intimation to the
Research Committee.
17. The Faculty members who have less than 2 years of service for superannuation should not be the Guide.
18. While submitting the thesis protocol the Chief Guide must ensure that there is at least one Co-Guide
from the same department.
19. In the event of Superannuation of Guide or resigning/leaving/ proceeding on long leave the co-guide in
the same department will be nominated as Guide and another co-guide will be nominated from the same
20. Those fellows who do not complete their junior residency will not be permitted to appear in the
21. Period of Research work will be a minimum of 12 months from the date of sanction by ASSI Research
22. The Thesis grant of Rs. 12,000/- will be paid to the fellow after submission of thesis.

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

Each fellow is required to work on a topic for research and design the research project

and write it in the form of a Protocol. While selecting a topic for research the following aspects should be
taken care of:

1. The feasibility of conducting the study within the available time frame and Resources.
2. The study design should satisfy the statistical requirements in respect of sample size and proposed
statistical analysis of data.
3. It must be ensured that the same thesis topics are not repeated year after year.
4. The thesis-protocol must accompany a disclosure/ undertaking that a similar study has not been
undertaken in last five years under ASSI.
5. No obligation is to be received in any form what so ever, from the Pharmaceutical/ implant companies.
6. The study subjects/patients to be enrolled for thesis purpose, should not be asked to spend for any
tests, medication etc. if they are outside the standard management.
7. The Thesis –protocol must be presented and discussed at the centre level before it is finalised.
8. Each thesis-protocol should be preferably (not mandatory) considered and approved by the
Institutional Ethics committee (IEC) before it is submitted to the ASSI research committee
9. One copy of the Thesis –protocol, after the approval be the IEC should be submitted by the stipulated
date to the ASSI research Committee alongwith the ethical clearance letter .
10. Fellows, who fail to submit the thesis- protocol by stipulated date due to any reason, except maternity
leave, may face serious action like termination of fellowship if recommended by the chief guide.

Thesis – Time schedule, Format etc

1. The thesis work must be undertaken strictly, according to stipulated time frame as depicted above, to
ensure proper scrutiny of thesis protocols, ample time for student for research, compilation,
interpretation of data, writing the thesis, timely evaluation of thesis and scope of resubmission of
thesis-protocol and thesis if required.
2. The completed thesis should be submitted to the ASSI research committee through chief guide by the
date specified above. No extension will be granted in this regard. In case a student fails to submit the
thesis in the stipulated time, he/she will be debarred from appearing in the final examination. He/she
will only be permitted to appear in the supplementary examination or in the next examination.
3. It is the responsibility of the fellow, Chief guide, co-guide, to ensure timely procurement of the
materials/equipment etc needed for conduct of the research and timely completion of the thesis. It is
again emphasized that the students and the mentors should refrain from being unrealistic in selecting
the research topic and keep all sorts of uncertainties in mind before finalizing a protocol.
4. Two hard copies of the thesis should be submitted in the following general format:
version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

Title of the Thesis

A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the



To the department of

Institution Name


(Name of the Mentor, Designation and Place)

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge the thesis entitled “ ” is

the result of original work done by Student name in partial fulfillment for the ASSI Fellowship Course.

(Name of the Mentor)

Designation and Place

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “ ” embodies the

original work done by me at Institute’s name, Place. This work in part or full has not been submitted to any

other university/institution.

Name of the student

Designation, Place

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


I dedicate my research work to all my teachers who contributed in my academic growth and with whose

blessing I could reach this level.

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(if any)

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Page 1 - No page number

Signature of mentor (left side)

Page ii - Certificate
Signature of mentor/guide
Official Stamp / seal

Page iii - Certificate of Ethical clearance (if any)

Page iv - Certificate
Student’s signature

Page v - Acknowledgement
• Student write name on right corner at end of acknowledgement

Page vi - Dedication

Page vii - Table of contents

Next page - List of tables

Next page - List of figures

Next page - List of graphs

Next page - List of abbreviations

Chapter 1 - Introduction

i) Describe the problem under consideration (disease/condition) briefly,

ii) Discuss about „What is known? and „What are the gaps?‟ summarize the
review of literature briefly,
iii) Write about the research question and its importance. How would answering
this research question modify the current state of knowledge?,
iv) Conclude this section by stating how the proposal plans to answer the
question which should be focused, measurable, achievable and relevant, clear
and precise

⚫ Aims and objectives: “Aims‟ refer to what would be achieved by this study or how
this study would address a bigger question/issue. “Objectives‟ refer to what
would you actually do in this study

⚫ Hypothesis

⚫ Significance of the Study

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

Chapter 2 - Review of Literature

▪ Summarize the knowledge about the magnitude of the problem under

consideration (disease/condition),

▪ Discuss the relevant pathophysiology/pathology (do not include textbook

material – very obvious facts),

▪ Review available studies on the subject/intervention related to research question. It

is good to provide a summary table of the relevant studies whereever required,

▪ Write a summary of the review- „What is already known about the subject?,

▪ Identify relevant gaps in knowledge,

▪ This should facilitate writing a para on „Rationale for the study‟ which should be
concluding part of the review of literature.

▪ The available literature should be listed in chronological order and write in your own
words rather than reproducing the para from the sources.

▪ Presentation of review of literature should be in Vancouver Style and names of

authors should be avoided in text and the reference number should be super- scribed
at the end of each sentence preceded by full stop.

Chapter 3 - Methods

The methodology should mention:

⚫ Study design and setting: Descriptive, analytical or interventional,

⚫ Sample size which is adequate,

⚫ Duration of study including collecting of data, analysis, writing and final submission,

⚫ Method of recruitment, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

⚫ Sampling technique,

⚫ Type of Intervention, if any,

⚫ Method of follow up and tools used for assessment,

⚫ Procedure for recording/controlling confounding variable, if any. Standardization of

method and reference to methodology should be given wherever necessary.
version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018
Chapter 4 - Data Analysis
Statistical analysis: Mention procedure for data entry, statistical methods/software
For statistical analysis, methods for handing missing data etc.
Chapter 5 - Results
Chapter 6 - Discussion
Results are to be discussed and justification to be given.
Clinical relevance
Limitations of the study
Future Research

Chapter 7 - Conclusion

References (no chapter number) – but like separate chapter: In Vancouver style only.

Appendices (no chapter number) – but like separate chapter

Appendix A : Evaluation Performa (if any)

Appendix B : Consent Forms/Patient Information Sheet (PIS) (if any):Both Hindi and
The patient information sheet should clearly state the purpose of study, gain
expected out of the study, procedures and tests to be done, how will they be done ,
side effects or risks if any etc) refer sample at the end of the document.

Appendix C : Data Collection Form

Appendix D : Scales / Tools (if any)

Appendix E : Master chart

* Every appendix name to be written like a chapter name (e.g. Appendix A evaluation Performa)
in the middle of page, all capitals, size 14.

No Bold font

Text – Times New Roman (Font)

• Font Size -12

• Double line spacing
• Single tab for starting new Para
• Left margin – 1.5” / 3.8 cm
• Chapter Number & Name
o Size 14
o Middle of page
o No page number on it

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

o All capital
• Headings
o Running Style (1st alphabet for each word capital other small
o Centre

• Subheading
o Running
o Underlined
o Centre

• Further heading
o Left side with colon at the end

• Headings for bar graph, figures, flow chart

o Bottom, centre

• Headings for tables

o Top, centre

• References
o Vancouver style

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


Study Title:

Study Number: Subject’s Initials: Subject’s name:

Date of Birth / Age:

Please initial box []

(Subject) (i) I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet dated for

the above study and have had the opportunity to ask questions.

(ii) I understand that my participation in the study is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any []

time, without giving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affected.

(iii) The procedures required for the study and the time involved have been explained to me, and
any questions I have about the study have been answered to my satisfaction.

(iv) I understand that the Principal Investigator/Site Investigator of the study, others working on []

his/her behalf, the Ethics Committee and the regulatory authorities will have access to my health

records both in respect of the current study and any further research that may be conducted in

relation to it. I agree to this access. However, I understand that my identity will not be revealed in

any information released to third parties or published.

(v) I agree not to restrict the use of any data or results that arise from this study provided such a use []

is only for scientific purpose(s)

(vi) I agree to take part in the above study []

Signature of participant Print name/thumb impression and Date

Signature of Impartial witness Print name/ thumb impression and Date

Signature of Legal Acceptable Representative

(LAR) Print name/ thumb impression and Date

Signature of site investigator Print name/ thumb impression and Date

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018


1. What is the study about? What is the purpose of study?

2. Who is carrying out the study?

3. What does the study involve? Any invasive procedure will be done?

4. How much time will the study take?

5. What are my responsibilities during the conduct of trial/study?

6. Can I withdraw from the study?

7. If I withdraw from the study will my treatment be affected?

8. Will my name or full house address be identifiable?

9. Are there any associated risks with the study, including adverse reactions?

10. Will the study benefit me?

11. Whom should I contact if I require further information about the study or my involvement in it?

12. Whom should I contact if I have a complaint or any concerns?

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

जानकारी सह्मति प्रपत्र
शोध अधय्यन का शीर्षक.........................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................. .................
अधय्यन का नंबर................................................................................................................ ...
रोगी का नाम........................................................... रोगी का लघुहस्ताक्षर.................................
जन्म ततथि/आयु....................................................................................ललंग............................
प्रतेक वििरण पर रोगी के लघुहस्ताक्षर अतनिायष है |
I. मैं पुष्टि करता/करती हूँ कक मैने ऊपर दिए अध्धयन से सम्बंथधत जानकारी प्रपत्र दिनांककत
................... को अच्छी तरह पढ़ और समझ ललया है और मझ
ु े इससे संबंथधत प्रश्न पछने का
अिसर भी लमला है |
II. मैं समझता/समझती हूँ कक इस अध्धयन में मेरी भागीिारी स्िैष्च्छक है और मैं इससे ककसी भी
समय, बबना कारण बताये अधय्यन छोड़ने के ललये स्ितंत्र हूँ | इससे मेरी थिककत्सा सवु िधाओं एि
काननी अथधकारों पर कोई प्रभाि नहीं पड़ेगा |
III. मझ
ु े अध्धयन की कायषप्रणाली तिा इसमे लगने िाले समय की परी जानकारी िी गयी है और
अध्धयन से सम्बंथधत मेरे सभी प्रश्नों के संतोर्जनक उत्तर दिए गये हैं|
IV. मुझे जानकारी है कक इस अध्धयन या इससे सम्बंथधत ककसी अन्य अध्धयन के वप्रंलसपल
इन्िेष्स्िगेिर/साईि इन्िेष्स्िगेिर या उनके उत्तराथधकारी, एथिक सलमतत तिा सरकारी प्राथधकारी को
मेरे स्िास््य ररकॉर्ष का अिलोकन करने के ललए मेरी अनुमतत की आिश्यकता नहीं है, िाहे मैं इस
अध्धयन से अपनी भागेिारी रिि कर िं | मुझे इससे कोई आपवत्त नहीं है | लेककन मेरी पहिान
को गोपनीय रखा जायेगा, इसे ना प्रकालशत ककया जायेगा और ना ही ककसी अन्य को दिया जायेगा
V. इस अध्धयन से जो भी आंकड़े (ररसिष र्ािा) या पररणाम तनकलेंगे उन्हें ककसी विज्ञातनक उद्िे श्य
के ललय इस्तेमाल करने में मुझे कोई आपवत्त नहीं है |
VI. मैं इस अध्धयन में भाग लेने के ललए सहमत हूँ |

रोगी के हस्ताक्षर (या अंगठे की छाप)..............................................................................

अपक्षपाती गिाह के हस्ताक्षर ि नाम .............................................................................

क़ाननी स्िीकृत प्रतततनथध के हस्ताक्षर ि नाम ................................................................

वप्रंलसपल इन्िेष्स्िगेिर/साईि इन्िेष्स्िगेिर के हस्ताक्षर ि नाम .........................................

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

रोगी सूचना पत्र : मुख्य बािें
1. यह अधय्यन क्यों हो रहा है, इसका उद्िे श्य क्या है ?
2. इसका अधय्यन-कताष कौन है ?

4. अधय्यन में ककतना समय लगेगा ?
5. अधय्यन के िौरान मेरी क्या ष्िम्मेिारी होगी ?
6. क्या मैं अधय्यन को बीि में छोड़ सकती/सकता हूँ ?


8. क्या अधय्यन से जुड़े कुछ खतरे भी हैं ?

9. क्या अधय्यन से मुझे लाभ होगा ?
10. इस अधय्यन या इसमें अपनी भलमका के बारे कुछ और जानकारी िाहूँ तो ककससे पछूँ ?
11. यदि मुझे कुछ लशकायत या थिंता हो तो मैं क्या करं ?

version 1.0, dated 13 June 2018

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