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This Agreement to sell is executed on 8 April 2020 by Shri Sumant Khanna aged 36 years S/o
Late Shri Vijay Khanna, a businessman, R/o 86, Paltan Bazar, Dehradun which expression where
the context so admit shall include his heirs, executors, assignees (hereinafter called the Party of
the First Part)
Shri Anoop Mishra, aged 55 years, Son of Late Shri Prabodh Mishra, a builder, R/o 92,
Saharanpur Chowk, Dehradun which expression where the context so admit shall include his
heirs, executors, assignees (hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part)
WHEREAS the Party of the First Part is the owner of House No. 22 at 88, Khurbura, Dehradun
consisting of 5 Room, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchen, one storage, one terrace, a small garden inside
the house. House will be transferred with all the wooden fittings inside it and also along with 1
water purifier and 2 AC already fixed. It is an East Facing Residential property, situated in 1000
sq. ft. area, having two constructed floors, construction dating back to 10 years, property in
good condition and well maintained and bounded as under-
West side – a road is found
South - house of another is situated
North- house of another is situated
WHEREAS the Party to the First Part had purchased the said house from Shri Mahesh Thakur,
S/o Shri Brijesh Thakur, R/o Doiwala, Dehradun.
AND WHEREAS the Party of the First Part agrees to sell the said house to the Second Party, the
consideration of which Rs. 80 Lacs. Second party has further agreed to pay the amount in 4
equal installments of Rs. 20 Lacs each starting from April 2020 to July 2020. Second party has
agreed to receive the property only after all the installments are paid.
1.That the consideration of Rs. 80 Lacs will be paid continuously party in 4 equivalent portions
of Rs 20 Lacs.
2. That the Party of the First Part is as of now possessing the Property which is to be
moved to the Party of the Second Part.
3. That the transfer the property and any rights identifying with the equivalent will be
conceded after installment of whole sum continuously party.
4. That First gathering depicted to second get-together that the said level is self-obtained
property of first gathering in which his beneficiaries, successors, relatives or any other person
have no right, title, intrigue or worry of any nature at all.
5. First party is competent and is able to go into this understanding and move his all the
rights for Second party on the standing and conditions concurred between the same.
6. That the First Party therefore guarantees the Second Party that the above said
Plot/Property is liberated from a wide range of encumbrances, for example, earlier deal,
endowments, contract, prosecution, debates, stay orders, connections, warnings, acquisitions,
charges, liens, sureties, protections, HUF, Benami, possession or some other enrolled or
unregistered encumbrances and if this reality is discovered in any case because of which a
section or entire of the aforementioned house goes out from the hands of second gathering
then first gathering will reimburse the misfortune accordingly endured by second gathering.
7.That the First Party has embraced and made a deal to avoid making any debates or
encumbrances in regard of ownership or responsibility for said house in future.
8. That the First Party has additionally executed an unalterable General Power of Attorney
and Special Attorneys in regard of the said level for second Party and all these lawyer Deeds will
stay permanent in future, first Party has likewise executed different other court archives for
second Party and every one of these reports to be specific, Will, Receipt, Indemnity Bond and
so forth will likewise stay irreversible under all conditions.
9. That All the statutory levy and costs will be borne by second gathering remembering the
Stamp obligation for the enlistment of Conveyance Deed
10. That the principal Party consented to impart the second party the fundamental
prerequisites required to be assembled for execution and Registration of movement Deed just
as giving over the ownership and so on.
11. That first Party will have no protest if second party move all rights vested in her vide this
Agreement to any other person or gets the deal affected in her name or for the sake of her
12. That the principal Party will not abuse any of the terms and states of this understanding
in future bombing which second Party will reserve an option to implement this understanding
through a skillful court by a suit for explicit execution or in any case at the costs, dangers and
outcomes of first Party.
13. That the main Party has additionally executed a General Power of Attorney in regard of
the said level to finish up the deal after the enrollment of Conveyance Deed of the said level in
support of her or for her candidate.
14. That the principal Party concedes that this consent to deal will stay unalterable and first
gathering will not deny or drop the equivalent in future in any conditions.
15. That all the papers relating to the property has been consented to be moved to the
Second Party.
16. That all the assessments and so on payable in regard of the property, past hosts been
paid by the First party .
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF THE PARTIES have signed on this Agreement to Sell Deed on the day,
month and year first above written

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