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ae 9 ¢ screenplay by Joke Logan O Revised by x oat Furvis « nore Ke 8 ‘october 8, 2014 ssraseo mosh ce or Hon Productions Limited. dratt screenplay must be returned to the Bond 24 Production Office or Eon Productions Limited at the end of your involvement with the fin. © 2014 banjag Lic and United Artiste Corporation. All Fights resezved, ‘GUNBREREL - BOND ~ BLOOD. ‘The scund of DRUMMING. IRIS CPENS on the eye-socket of a SKULL. xr, SME, wEXtco - LATE oY 1 Put beck from the hal gash reveal a auae of 8 sy Dromere accompany the vast procession. Revollers stream down a road toward an enormous SQUARE where a huge party is happening ..we note heavily-armod POLICE GUARDS her an there, But tie"atmosphere ia one of celebration nt In this sea of RED and BLACK, we aw wares sort AND BLACK MASK, who ie moving ‘stream. = Now the man bumps into someone Mand ae he continues on, WE FOLLOW THE MAN HE BUMPED INTOS Te'e BOND. Although we do Ae yet. He's dressed a11 in Tack, Gy ie masked too. Hie arm is round a MASKED GIRL Shapfly. He carries a death's head cane. ‘The couple push on tnPBl%n the parade, and head into A wore... > rer Y/BLEVATOR - LATE DAY 2 ‘they WFough the ewirl of costuned guests and visitors funda vastatrium which forme the Lobby of the ‘streams through the colourful stained-glass windows +A Coa QS they step into a crovded elevator as the doors shut. WT, ELEVATOR ~ LATE DAY 3 She nurzles at hic neck. #is hands @lide down her back. she Offers little resistance. ‘The otters in the elevator pay thom no notice. Everyone's too excited and pre-occupied with the festivities: (conrzxven) 3 conrmsuep: a AUREFLECTION in the mirrored wall of the elevator: a SMALLER MaN WITH A RED SATAN MASK etanda stock still, carrying & DEVIL'S: TRIDENT. unseen, the small Satan passes Bond a ROOM KEY. ‘The dcors open and the couple leave. 4 vr. HOTEL CORRIDOR ~ LATE DAY The couple pasa more revellers, then BOND slips the ‘the lock, ahd they enter. SINT. HOTEL Room - LATE DAY 5 ‘he girl (Estrella) xemoves her mask. she ig. gorfeoue. ESTRELLA ‘Now you can Kise me... rot oor aon resent nse, wo) aS they Kies. sts te nen par) € you Like ‘Of the Dead? ono ungibectBaly charming. Like you. Ag she tu dress, he takes off his coat and hat. nd lis dressed in a black commando suit. su is the dark clothed, lone assassin. *E back to Bond, fetrella takes a sip of her drink, ‘onto the bed, and turns to see hin opening the windows AS “\ ESTRELLA ote wheze are You going? To check ost the view. ‘And wo follow him OUT OF THE WEKDOR. 6 EXT. HOTEL/ROOPTOPS - LATE DAY ‘ Dangerously high up, he jumpe... (comme) conmisuen: ‘ Lands on a rooftop. He keeps low, walking coolly along the very edge of the roof, the street clearly visible below.-. In the distance we can see the crowded square. ‘The dromg more distant now.-~ le reaches his destination, and stops. Looks acrosa the way at some apartments. Day of the Dead FLOATS and STILT Passing between... Now he dicks behind a low wall on the roottep. Takes out hig Walther PPK, and an additional piece o: equipment, Clips the piece onto the hand grip of avsatistying clunk. tneerts an earpiece. Bond mow tests his gear ~ raises the gun, points st abWh into the crowd. ¢ We see a faint laser beam emanating from Kes the barrel. Bond's earpiece we hear? * then is the Covernér speaking? ot (in sp@nish, Gubeseieay ho caress T juge want to see the Fireworks Bond sniles, the sight away, past empty rooms to ‘another ble hhe finds the’ apart e's 10) fox. Bond sett fey The nt he is observing has several windows through a iL track goings-on. SLL SOUNDS. SUITED MAN (SCTARRA) crosses tovard his apartment door, Grink an hand. opens it to see The Man In The White Suit we met earlier. SCTARRA (pointing, in Tealien, ‘subtitled) It's over there. (conrrnveD © cowrrmuen: (2) 6 White Suit comes in, heads to a table where a case is open - the 1id blocks our view of the contents. The ma looks se his swatch. SCIARRA (CoNT’D) (in stalian, subtitled) here are the others? warte sure (an realty SE set0a) H - @ ¢ (in reallan, subtitiea) And the flight Out of here? warre surn (in reallen, subtitiea) South bide of the Main Square. cerns SS (in Italian, subt ea) vans, eg. ma Ee oun ow Sib se noe snes an = he Snanes «peer ene a breathe- ow, himself, in Latin) Pituri te’ salucamas.. HIARRA pours two drinks. SCIARRA (in Tealien, subtitied) a KYO = ath “ wares soxe re oi BOND FOCUSES, STOCK STILL AS THE MEN DRINK - THEN —— ox Bottoms up. Bond squeezes the trigger. Sciarra takes 2 bullet between the eyes. Drops like atone. (conrziveD) courrmvep: (3) ‘ ‘The Associate instantly pulls a pietol and fires back-- Bullets smash through the window. Bond se arrt ‘The bullet-proof commando suit protects him. But the effect is Like getting kicked by a mule. Not missing a beat, he recovers, retuens fire. White Suit drops behind the table for cover, as bullet! continie to emash though the window, Ho is near the case. Reaches to fire around the sides he — Bond takes the direct 2ine ~ aime through the cagé~ shoots and ~ KABOOM! The case explodes. a rigense EXELOSTON, which ehakes the wh co ite Bond reflexively takes ahelter fow wall. We hear the sound of glaes rait alarms, far off screams. ‘Then a “into the street, car ‘silence. Now in the silence, a spcorp ‘fore. A creaking sound. Bond leoks up slowly, a8... across the street, the lhole building begigh te, land Clits. and then slowly, ALE) a8 Inexorebly begins ~ TORARDS BOD! ‘As the building topplei™own on him, Bond dives and rolle Backwazde —— And the fa. ‘ding SMASHES into his rooftop~ A massive(Eohguecion. Duet and rubble everywhere, put My Tt has missed Bond. sie exhates. CBREK begins to spread across the rooftop. fore ne can move, the crack widens -- the roof splits — ind he FALLS through the crack’. ‘wo storeys. Through the interior of the collapsing building: sua Bis fal: is violently arrested when he hits @ piece of a Floor (contmmveD) 6 © connnwen: (4) « e's battered, but alive. tle gasps for air. exposed wires crackle around him, water gushes trom pipes ‘Ten he feels the ground begin to tilt again. Instinctively he grabs onto an exposed pipe as” This entire floor collapses as well! le holds onto the pipe, swinging dovn dangerously. Leaps ‘the rusble, and lands” on nis fect. nt ground level. the collapeed bln & SoD A He pulls himself up, picks hie way through the debr! Though the clouds of dust, a chilling moment as gfe looks Gown to find... A'dead man's hand in the rubble. Wis carget. Bond notes a DISTINCTIVE RING on the dead Me slips it off the finger. Ne unzips his commando suit. steps ce ‘And nov he opens the front doo Building — the only thing still standing ands Niwhat' est of the building, stesigntening the a ‘hie suits (CAR AND POLICE ALARMS WAT 7 exr. smser, xexrco(. uagg Bay 7 POLICE GUARDS are novi#G through the acene, urgently talking on radios... Bond strides wait from the mayhem, turns a corner. A quieter street. a Over his shoulder, checks he isn’t being followed es a distressed sign above a door: *SCURLA f SAN SALVADOR" (Saint Savior’s Thfant school” — ‘the man mentioned). INNS sot cours tae on ° He finds himself in a deserted courtyard. Many doors lead off it. He listens. above the distant solids of the streets ne hears tie low ium of a conversation, Heads towards ity drawing hia PR. 9 INT. CORRIDOR/CLASSROOW, SCHOOL ~ LATE DAY 9 He enters A DERELICT CLASSROOM. (conrznueD) 1 9 cowrrweD: 9 wo MB sit among empty cane, dirty plates, cigarette butte. Many cellphones charging on a table. ‘The won are chatting, smoking. THREE RIFLES lean against the wall near them. Shunt i ep a wrt 9 ‘The two men get off a fow misdirected rounds but glond is quicker. Both men dead in their chaize Bond searches through the phones trying talgiN an unlocked ons. He STOPS. There on the table wher Hen were the ash tray... dort shen, a ditanesotiee ung NS a rato wt cone out of a door inthe far nee Sola! ‘The man sees Bond, but too ike. We picks up the PPK and The maz Lies dead where b8 Stood. vot n't smoke. Bond now not) hing. Curiously, A SMALL OLD TV BuZzES ‘een ‘a'video recorder beneath it. The TMAGE 18 PAUSED ON maw : Sion ap bond veka page the two dead iodiee, and Saaad Bes os, topg woe ee 7, . RHE TV: ine ct te nan caeciy sn tan sina sia von i mesmerizing, the accent elusive, wow (0.8-) Dia Di Muertos....- The Day of the Dead. wow fiteing an occasion for the task’ ahead. Strength to you, my Brothers. And when the deed se” done contact Signor Sciarra, ‘sho will instruct yeu on the final elimination of the Pale King. (conrzmueD) 10 conrznvEp: (2) ° Bond registers the name, (THE IMAGE CUTS BACK TO WHITE NOTSE. Te distinctly spooked. Now he grabs one of the charging cellphones; punches in a umber: BoxD Pruite. PROT? Bona! wnae tha hell happened? ‘BOND ¢ ster, Pink Meine saviou's sa PRLS teat! ut fou ne HEARS s80pia Come 2¥ 7 ow (ohe Ponalner‘of the farzonsse”saisy sma Make that the bash He moves swiftly through th Gown a corridor and out of entrance to the classroom, ick of the school — xr. scioot/stauens ( rag Bay 20 Back into the noise ofthe city. Bond looks Nback strests. No-one to be seen. ‘Then ou noise of a truck accelerating and - WHAM! a HUGE lasts through the enormous gatee opposite” the tops inches from Bond’s face. It’e an old beer Se ack. Heineken emblazoned on the side. ApS over the hood of the truck, jumps in the cab ~ -/EXE. TRUCK, STREETS — LATE DAY n 4p BS 8 Middle-aged, slighty foppish man, PRUITT, flips his Satan mask to the top of hig head; he's 4 local ex pat contact and the man who slipped Bond the key in the elevator. lie shifts over, holding hie wrist, hurt fron the wmpact, pruret T thought you said a nice quiet job?t Bond takes the wheel — (conzmmvep) ¢Y conrnuED: n Box Yes. Sorry about that. ‘Ae the THREE GUYS COME OUT OF THE BACK OF THE ScHOoL, PISTOLS TW ax ‘They see Bond, run to a couple of cars as Bond floors the pedals the tack sous avays.. a) ‘PRUITT B (re; the truck) 9S ¢ E had to steal thie bloody thing from the service entrance of the hotel. As he barrels down a narrow street: BRUIT? (CONT'D) (CoN! 2 take it thie wasn't meant to. happen. vor ements No) Proxrn here are we Two care are now infu The south S146 of the main aquare. 2h re had an exit strategy. Prue ergepes al sevens, roars om mee conven senscy 18 espe aaah Box of the stadium ae well. a QOD cco: . sae) EAEg to otoe vp tm pRuree Christ... well done you. ox Tim not sure M's going to see it that way. Bond swings the truck down another narrow road, scraping the sides. They race past shrines. Revellers. Floats. (courzwveD) 10. a1 continue: (2) a They turn a corner ~ 4 POLICE ROADBLOCK for the street party. PRU? Bugger. No way through. ‘They turn down another street, to find themselves heading... 12° BKT, MAIN SQUARE - LATE DAY ‘The massive party is in full ewing. PIREWORKS EXPLODE. Clearly the noise of the celebrations masked the ex} MASKED REVELLERS descend upon the truck, climbing = it... out in his wing mirror Bond can just make out cas arriving behind him. Bond forcep his way and then - through the front “indscreen, fe"sees the crow! Fagin fe scatters A ROAR OF DOWNDRAFT, and Bond looks up powgée, 2 HELICOPTER descending, now hovering close to oulpl, directly in Eront of the truck. * The downdraft knocks the readi ks over ~ ROCKETS fizz horizontally ac ‘square ~ the crowds Scatter and scream ~ mayhem hea ‘The helicopter 1ande, TING GUYS get out. PRU fob, God 43 Bond conside: tuation - two care behind, a helicopter ahead. And xX and ag Pour out of the back of the truck, partially burying NI or, co) vos shotalaLERR ave. The gunsen in front start shooting - Bond and Pruitt duck down as the windscreen is smaehed away — Bond floors the pedal heading straight for them, ‘the truck into reverse, ramming the two cars nother. ‘The gunmen DIVE for cover ~ ae Bond hits the brakes-— he goos flying out of the front window of the truck, across the hood, and TNT the gunmen. Bond thamps one. The other ie climbing back into the helicopter. (cowrznuen) 2 a ‘conrruso: 2 ‘The PILOT adjusts the throttle, Lifts the helicopter, getting out of there. Bond dives for tho landing skids, hangs on, the pilot struggling with the lopsided weight Pruitt watches from below ae Bond hauls himself up. as the pilot wrestles with the controls, Bond fights the renaint han in'the helicopter... ‘The chopper spins dangerously over the masses in the Down below, Pruitt makes hie escape into the crowd, time watching the helicopter. ‘The helicopter is gaining sone height. Sond hes manage co aisarm the’man, and holds him over the edge of typ side ‘opening of the helicopter. Bonn (cowr'p) who's The Pale King? But the man Sen't talking. The pilot tries to dislodge wEns the helicopter almost UPSIDE Dow. Bond 13 Vi Spun onto his back, but Manages to hold on. But the man sipe, Blades. and into the helicopter's Now Bord struggles dato the cockpit, fights with the pilot. The crowd below in the™Wquare gasp, ae the helicopter again bucks and pia jerously. the pilot a yf Bond, but Bond manages to wreatle the controle : Bono (cowr'D) fou need to leave. ‘the pilot out as he pull himself back in. BACK IN THE SQUARE Pruitt vatches the HELICOPTER level off in the distance, and the chaotic aftermath in the Square, POLICE now arriving. Pruitt’s CELLPHONE ringe. He answers: BOND'S VOICE T ove you a drink. (conrtaueD) 2 B 12. courmmep: (2) 12 PRorer (into cally A pleasure dear hoy. But Let! ever do it again. BACK 7 BoND PRUITT'S VoIcE Did you get what you wanted? Bond's hand on the joystick. We close in - on the m™Q> BOND rere a otart. CLOSER ON THE RING: A CRUDE STAMP ON THE SURFACE OF 7 ANCIENT SILVER RING — OL OF THE OCTOPUS. AND CLOSER... mimes. The testacles of the octopus take joating journey ‘through the past — x SPIRALLING DoW... ‘The drowning Veaper, ‘The swcat-drenched Leschil ‘The oil-soused agent Fiele from Quantum of solace, ‘The ineane silva, ners mix through into the desert — tentacles becone Bond’s veins — ion of blood courses through them... and becones the the Union Jack = » reveal an envelopes ++ Inside the envelope, a picture of ond. EXP. MI-6, WAITEHALL - DAY B Grey ea:ly morning London. A solitary figure walks up Whitehall. it's Bond. (cowrznveD) a as 1 1 1 conrmnvep: B He enters the front of an austere building. INE, MI-6 CORRIDOR, WHITEHALL ~ DAY a As he strides down the corridor, people fall silent. analysts hisper- Bond clocks its He doesn't miss A MAINTENANCE MAN on a ladder either, installing SECURTTY CAMERAS high up on the walls, every, twenty feet. They're new. WT, AIOTHER 42-6 CORRIDOR, WHITEHALL ~ DAY as Bond passes between desks of SECRETARIES who type fast as hho passes, and pretend not to look up. awn. omsipe W's orrzce, ur-c, mirzeuast, fon 6 te reaches Honeypenny's desk. She's Mer dictation heaapoone ow \ Morning. noneypenny regards tond levely Nghe carries on typing. 2£ ond 8 smubhed ow it, oF that he knows that's nett. He knog fon W's’ door and enters: We stay outside wismWlonghpenny. she slips off the Neadphines And yates suopey ~ {ND THE CLOSED DOOR, the sound of H Shoutiag. Bader louder, angrier then ever befsee, voneyoennd fies vod RRIDOR, BITENALE. ~ DAY o Ketaries can hear it too. and passing Analysts. 4 (0.8. oucH Do0R) tshoutlnds wo xO" c1Ste 10 me. e's only now we cut inside: INT. WS OFFICE, M26, WIETEHALL ~ par 18 Bond sits in front of M’e desk, riding out the storm. (conrmueD) ue 16 cowrrwuen: 18 In case you forgot, your 00 status doce wor give you the right to ewan around the globe settling old score A newspaper hits the desk. Ite headline: “OUTRAGE IN MEXICO" & (cowry Christ man, what the hell were you Shinking? BoxD hy ali the’ cameras? 9d (utter incredulity) wnae?t ¢ ox Out there. ‘In the corridors. 3S everyuhere. « are you even ee minutes the Head of Intelligence Commit So to walk through that. 1S T've got £0 explain how oncer Sur agents decided to Bee to mexico alt fon his own eee [TWTERNATIONAL ‘iicrbEw? r Tt could nave been worse. fou blew up half a bloody Seter half a block than a whole D> sadism. * We're in the middie of the biggest Shake up in the history of Britiss Intelligence. As soon as the ink dries on this merger, GcNo and Mi-s Will be just itching’ for an excuse to Scrap the 00 programme forever, And you just handed them one ON A SILVER ‘BLOODY PLATTER! ox You're right, Sir. You have got a tricky day ahead. 4M, his blood boiling, could cheerfully kill Bond. (conrmueD) ue conrznvED: (2) 1s 1 don’t suppose you're going to tell rhe what you were even doing there? 3'd love to, Six... but with respect — 11 these mergers, “Inter- Departmental streamlinings", “Coste Effective Restruceurings”..? Can you Feally say who's calling the shows ‘anymore? 5) H stands now, Looming over Bond’s chair. 9 Don't push me, 007. SUONEY ——- The door opens. ANAK enters, sharp “and Serismncic —and above" the sane age ae Bo W has to regain bis composure. 1 (conto) an, Bxcetlents Come cas Wiel yon to set Sev Head Lplgyies Eeneet Brag, Hote Intelligence Connii dename C- ‘They shake hands. Te'e 9 pleasurd)to finally mest you, 007. I've ‘f great desl about you. A great ‘Weal. « lations on your appointment, (AT were Just discussing the oy daggers. c ior tnen, OF sua. ne neon. stanees process . “yj Gye at in, ruse mos You get used Why wouldn't T trust you? ” 007 was just leaving. oso Bruce Denbigh, rove that dossier feyear on how the 00 progranme was cbsoisee, how drones could do al oor dirty work abroad. (contmwveD) 18 a a 16. courznvED: (3) 18 » ‘That's enough. It's perfectly alright, M. 7 appreciate candour. After all, that’s what this merger is all about. Openness, sharing opinions across departments, bringing Intelligence out of the bark Ages, into the Light. ox Well, that all sounds lovely. That will be all, 007. Report to @ konorrow. ven ae x oO very good, ‘sir- BOND walks out. woot attr ain, Esher. moe . nage mee 2 ee Re tnt wnt @ YS FLAT, LIVING AREA — NIGHT 20 CLOSE UP, looks out of a window into the street below. ss @ drink of Scotch. ‘The doorbell rings. Bond looks round. cur m0: WE, BOND'S FLAT, FRONT DOOR — NIGHT a ‘The froxt door opens. Tt’s Moneypenny. a. 22° INT. EOND'S FLAT, LIVING AREA ~ NIGHT 2 Bond shows her inside. Wie see the flat. Bare. anonymous. Stuff still in boxes. On the kitchen counter, a single bottle of scotch stands Sentinel. Moueyeenyy Have you just moved in? BoxD No. onevermyy Well 1 1ike what you've done with the piace: ¢ ‘The scotch bottle on the counter is the on yration. ox sin not eclpiea SY give EEE cae ees : what is sf? W Pe effects they recovered from 3 Bond 8 ‘che counter next to the ecotch. ox fank you. at him. then: + soxeyeEny X Why the hell did you do it, pond? le looks at her. on Bavesdropper. MoueyPeny You're joking. Half the building could hear. e's all anyone's talking bout. (conse) ae. cownrnven: 2 on For an organization devoted to secrets there's an awful lot of gossip over there. NONEYPENNY There's cortainly a raft of opinions. ox Let me guess. ‘Theory number one: He’ Durnt out, can't admit it, so he blew up half of Mexico city to’ force M's hind. oweeEnyy ‘That's Theory Two. ‘Theory One is you've gone compictely mad. which Ss Similar co but not the same as Theory Three: that you are and always certifiably insane: Not mah ofa att 2e© 80 whien camp are yo NONEYPEN X have my own theo! 01 Roally. apd vhashs/ that? RNY You've got a Becret. Something you a 1 anyone. Because you don’t yYpenny. He puts down his scotch. Picks up ‘turns on the WV, A-disk starts up. NO. irs um... joneypenny is transfixed... If anything happens to me 007, 1 need you to do something. Find » nan Galted Marco sciarra. Kill him. and don't miss the funeral. goes black. oneyeenny Jesus. there dide oxo in my mailbox. A few days ago. ‘marked envelopes" * (conrmnvED) 2. 22, cownIWED: (2) 2 HONEYPRNNY So you've no idea who sent it... BoND ALL I know ts, she wanted me to get fee oweyPeny Because she didn't trust anyone else. (The penny drops...) and 0 neither can you! oxD She wouldn't have gone to these lengths if she didnt suspect something big oweveeny vs oO ‘Three days. Rone. vommnens SNS 2 you ETN ent, Home IE EMR eo OND It's a pros rimy. Phen] X hoard alnane Qn'Nexico. ‘the Pale king’ 8 you can find. NONEYPENNY P Me eee your note? «Ss ‘BOND Ge tine being. MONE YPENWY Pe ‘gt makes you Hhink you can trust OND You want me to frisk you? YY niles. Just then.. 2 voice floats in from the bedroom. ret's vores games? x’ lonely.. Come back to bed Caught flat-footed, Bond merely smiles. Moneypenay's smile doesn't leave her face, but it changes. (contzmveD) 20. se ccwnnesoy 0) a @ onewrene esi PTE wwe to ake oy sonegeny one to ane, nonemee, sone (como) ens £6 pot wo sours end? sone ‘BOND ¢ seve not RRB bo contosons. mn mses rs Ch 28 awe. sono anne, watson = NS » root the vadoy, non atcha 42QQO my exosee the coh SS, oO Behind him, a woman's she} yre legs pass. We see her ha Oa AME eto ese Cae so we wl ond isn't aye evn hae thn, ater a pauses wo . me NCS » neade down the river. {it ie Bond. Next to him ie TANNER, M's Chief of Staff. ‘ranNeR (xo Bond) 50 you enjoyed Mexico? BoND Delightful, Tanner. Got to see all the bare. ‘They pase an IMPRESSIVE NEW BUILDING ON THE BANKS OF THE THAMES. Bond looks up at it. (conrniveD) 2 25 ww 26 conrzyuEp: a. Fa ‘Taner New Centre for National security... Bou ‘Then why aro we going past. it? ramen MI-S are getting st. set, cto EE aig encune © TANNER 9S Mot if this merger goss ahead. Now they're rich, partnered with a couple Of tech companies. M wouldn't ever do anything so unethical. 30 we're ¢ funded by Me. and tres Taxpayer and our old building ie still Sevelis ‘The boat heads into an opening in the ne Their voices echo in the tunne; cx Ucn nin =p ~~ 2» Tey turn| a pressure, what with ng else. rae ‘head into the darkness as the tunnel narrows. armen (cosr'D) ‘The Fleet River. Rune underground all the way from Ladgate circus to Whitehall in about six minutes. Useful in rush hours hey reach a small quay. The underground river flows off into the’ dazknes They step off the boat. ‘TANNER (cowr’D) ‘This way, 007. How be caveful it’s a erifie elippy: INT. UNDERGROUND CORRIDOR - DAY 26 ‘They hesd along a corridor. (courniven) 22. 26 coNFEKUED: 26 TANNER With the merger, @ docen't exactly feel at hone over there anymore, fo he’s moved shop out here. Away. from prying eyes, as it were. ‘They turn 2 corner. TANNER (coNT*D) I hear he’s got something rather special planned for you. oN can hardly wait. They reach a door. Tanner knocks. TANNER wom Pa nO 2 meee ue, m6, nor ae = ome CO) A large zen-like room. white ti1é sn ‘Simple desk, various a half completed and eccentric i ie about. Piles of books end scientific periodical © the effect. 9 Bh, 007. Peasy 42 the mess. Everything: inthe’ air with the changgé-and Qld. "so. Shall we'get started? 28 INT. 0°S MEDI@ARARQOM, sI-5, EAST LONDON — DAY. 26 © opens Nes to a small room with one chair inside and vari jal instrunente and machines and screens: ° 9 PPT imst, pesreg ome ee * 2 (conr-D) So. what r’ve got for you here Ss Strictly speaking still in the developmental phase, bit it’s being fast-tracked in light of recent events. Now (# you'd veil up your Reluctantly, Bond takes off his jacket. He site and slips his am into a snail MRI-type scanner on one atm of the chats. © (cour) Hf you'd just pop your arm in there. (conrmueD) 2a. 28 conzzmusp; 28 OND hy doz havea bad feeling about thie? ° Just relax. That’s it. Lovely. Now you may feel a sail ‘A VIOISND SOUND LIKE A STAPLE GUN - ow christ. ° sesPrick. oxD ¢ vat the nell aus enat2 Bond reacts in pain ae THE ScRRENG LxcuT &S Instancly ve see MEDICAL GRAPHECS a Mtectrical ‘Tpocare Gneesing Ronde blecaoy ° (proud) cutting edge nanots - Smart Blood. ‘Nano-chips ‘ip the bloodstream. Allows us to trp ir movements in the field. Je see a BLIP on a dap shGwing Bond's location: it zooms in fon Loncon, the bunkely ths room. 9 (cowr’) se readouts? We can monitor ¥ jal signs from anyuhere on the ‘everything fram stress fis, emotional responses, fatigue i; to blood pressure, caffeine & ss Ns @ call it a Post-Mexico Insurance By direct order of M. Measure. More screens SHOWS KIDNEY FUNCTION, BLOOD SUGAR, etc. BoxD 1 don’t have to tell you how happy T fam about this. looks at the screen of readouts. «conriwuep) 28 a9 2. courznvep: (2) 28 ° No you don't (rightly) I've just got one other thing for you, and you can be on your way. INT, Q'S RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP, EAST LONDON — DALe 29 Further down in the new Q-Branch environment. Bond and Q walk past 4 series of old brick arches houal Vehicles, (boats, cars, stc.+.) all in differing 2 jenbly or disassembly. MECHANICS work silently; olevators are moving, brings material up and down. ° This old thing has taken guite ap. of time. Mind you there wasn’ left to work on - barely @ seeering wheel They now reach an arch which “oup asToN DBS ~ under ‘in Skyfall) reconstruction (after its deat © (conn! Z believe f ai 19 it back in pes pisce’ § back one plece’s @ Laughs at his om ism. Bond doesn’t. © (corr’D) At the an ‘bay, a large freight elevator descends. of beauty: The now Aston Martin DB10. + admixing, already anticipating the pleasure. She's being reassigned to 009. or @ (cour) ° Rather magnificent, isn’t she? Shane INS Feally. She was meant for you but now Bond's face. stopped in hie tracks. 9 brushes past, reaches in through the window of the passenger side, into the clove compartnent. © (conr-p) Bat you cam have thi He hands Bond an understated, black-strapped OMEGA WATCH. (conrmNueD) 25. 29° cowsawueD: 29 oN What's third prize - a set of eteak Knives? ° Sorzy? It tells the time. Might help with your punctuslity iesues. oxo Mes idea? Q Precisely. T think you get the picture. They walk out through the facility. BA SE ee saa tes Dy civen our Sree OS be tying SPT said a eresced ny mind. = xe GIVE me a Little privacy 1 RQ, th: sid you that 1 anewer cry to wr? sles haves gage. And two'cave to feed. Suk hat if 1 told you that it was a matter of urgent National Security. N 2 at Bond for a beat. a How urgent? oN Extronely, Q holds Bond's gaze. A couple of O-Branch personnel pass by. o (Brightly ~ moving back to hie desk Well, it’s lovely to see you 007. (rere) (conrmnveD) 26. 29° conrrmueo: (2) 29 @ (conn'p) Enjoy, the Watch. Sorry about the car. (hen, “without Locking up) Now as T'said, the enart Elced brograme ts still in ite Gevelonmontat’ phases we may experience one’ or two teething problems. Bond Listens. septhe odd glitch, drop in coverage igtrs'say, during’ the first 24 hours 9d ¢ after administration. BoND (Hien meaning) 24 hours. ° 48 hours. But after thar ie work perfectly. \ wm SS Tl send you a Ree 2 Please don’ Bond walks off. 9 yoking after hin, unnerved cor 8 jack BULLDOG (the one Left to Bond by the decegar ke Straight at ua. reveal that it site on the coffee table amongst les etc. The sound of rain outside. ondEics on the floor. He has the SKYFALL file open in front a Q slug of scotch, the bottle La nearly finished, (OLD PAPERS AND A FEW CHARRED PHOTOS. ‘An image of Bond, ten years old, with his mother and father, Skyfall Lit up by the Sun behind then. All smiling Bond looks at the phote, his face a maak. Another drink. The next item: TEMEORARY GUARDIANSHIP PAPERS. Bond's name briefly visible. (connrnuen) a 30 cowrrmueDs 20 LEBGAL pocumeNtS. He leefs through and cones to ANOTHER PHOTO: A thirteen year-old fond with a TALL MAN; the two of them in Rountaineering gear on a snowy peak--* coo: ¢ 31 ex. izsenatss — ay a te start of another day. sain. O 22° mnt, moweyeenmy's osece, mn 32 The room is dark. muffled so A faint smile comes to Bond's face. le replaces the items, closes the box. Now he turns and looks at that Bulldog on the table, ‘BOND'S BYES ARE RESOLVED. He knows what he has to workplace coming to Life. The door unlocks, Mone} (tere, shakes her wot unbrella, takeaway coffee in Stops at the eight of something on her desk. A gift-wrapped parca anglg/bingle orchid. How the hell did thalges) there? She unlocks i. Then sits at™@peNdesk. opens the parcel. A box. Containing a robile D with the worda: ‘n Memes py pai « mss EST BRO by te AP MESS fy Beem en What's that? . ss te toxin «see NonEveENny Gust something from an adnérer. * Not your birthday is it? Mone¥eEnNY No, six — N heads into hie office. (conrmnueD) 22 2 34 2B. commas: 2 MONEYPENNY (CONT'D) (to herself) sethat was ast week. INT. ¢'S WORKSHOP, MI-6, EAST LonDoN — Day 2 g,teo is starting his day. Ie about to ewipe a card to ope ‘the workshop door ~ when he sees the door is ajan, An ASSISTANT is behind hin as he heads in, suapicious ‘they walk along: 9 assistant 009 has arrived to pick up the D820, sir. T told him to wait upstaizs f Q presses the button to cali the freight elevatof rt bogine tarsi em & woe, yer —“tine, Q watches the elevator. put AN: mh it 4s not the car. owas, PE cur to: xD. ROWE — 24 Ap expan 31 shot of the Eternal city. surnished by the tate oon eine Down! We eee the Aston cutting through the traffic and en city. STREETS OF ROME - DAY 35 thd sweeps along, enjoying the car. the modern muscular ston is somehow right at hone amidst the sneiene stone, Bond takes in the interior. FOUR TOGGLES on the dash: [Atsogphere', ‘Exhaust’, ‘Air’, ‘Backfire’, Plus a sal) Joystick neat the handbrake= Bond looks down at them. 36 a 20. EXT. CHAPEL, CEMETERY, ROME — DAY a6 He pulls up at a cemetery, bathed in a late afternoon mist. Ronumber of other cars alfeady there. Tali leafless trees line the eteps that lead up to forbicdiing looking Chapel. Bond observes MOURNERS spilling down a long flight of ete; avay from a chapel - the funeral service clearly over. black clothes in stark contrast to the white marble a EXT. CPT, CEMETERY, ROME — DAY a7 White naxble colonnades surround a square. Bond obser TES a snalle: gathering for the interment. — anes 2L cere re tt vow “ Watches from a diatance, The Mourners look pyftty tdugh, mostly suited, unreadable. Possibly Mafia. We qense Belarra mist have been inporeaat Centre-stage, the WDOW{LUCIA), black veil covering her face. As she leave she turns and looks straight at Bond. she is very beat She in. for @ second. Moves off. rw Deperion wan, noe — vay (LATER) 38 1e Pception is being held in a large frescood room. cold ie from high windows illuninates the many funeral feathes. AL the end of the room, the widow ig receiving the condolences of the mourners; her veil raised sow, revealing her beauty. Bond watches her. Qut of sarshot, a little behind her, stand what seem Like TO [BODYGUARDS. We are close on Lucia now, ag she hears an off canera voice. BOND (0.c.) i'm sorry for your jess. (conrinueD} 20. 38 cowzzwueD: 3 She turns to look at him. Her face is a mask. ucra You knew my husband? ox ALL too briefly. A flicker of cursosity: cra hat do you do? ucts ¢ (wey eniley A Little Inte for that. oN For your husband, yes. Ww Su? OND I hear the Life exifeetncy of some widows can be 1 Their eyes are LockeAf"tow, How can you talk like this? can't you ee prieving? ‘Bon one @f, fyguards nears. She knows it's 4 signal to go. Rocked with Bond, intrigued, she brings her ves + She heads avay with her men. Bond watches her go. z * VV cur mo: > eee ss A car palls up outside a fabulous villa, tucia gets out and enters the villa. The car drives off- Another car pulls up behind Lucia. The two bodyguards. CAMERA noves down the side of the villa as tucia’s silhouette Passes from window to window, moving through the rosa. The Lights co on inside, Music spilie out of the house fron 2 tcowrzwveD) ae 38° cowsrwyep: 39 Now Lucia exits the back of the villa holding @ drink, the music rising in volume ae the doors open.« She taces a sip as she stands before her leaf-filled pool, ‘the Lights of Rone twinkling in the distance knows is happening. An execution. Both bedyguards raise their pistole behind her veil CLOSE GN LUCIA LOOKING DOWN AT HER REFLECTION iN THE She is shaking. WE HEAR TWO SILENCED SHOTS and a body =e the pool, wrecking the reflection. snes oxo oO Stepe out of the shagows. A Lac, ooke at hiny nobody babs QhQQD ny Longer. the ow ve can see that (fre of Ge bodyguards floata in the pool, che otter Lies crungied ob the lawn. Bond cones to her. nucra x jasting you're time. There are more that will come after Api you buy me is five minutes. ra aE hie vaten. Bond poare them both drinks. crn You killed him didn’t you? my husband. Your husband was an assassin. Trust me. We won't take it personally. He holds out the drink. she SLAPS HIM hard actos the face. (courzmven) 32. 40 cowrzwuen: 40 oxo (cont’D) Bxactly how long do wo havo to pretend you mise hin? Given we only have five minates. cra You signed my death warrant. 1 wae respected, a Sorella D’Onerta BOND Loyal to aman you hated. He trusted my silence. That T would take what I'knew to the grave. with him gone, I'ma dead wonan.. I can*t trust anybody. c BoD I know the feeling. ocra Welt 1 sure as hel? dog po. Box “SS ‘Then you have impeccs Teinete. Ef you don’t Je we die together. 1 can thai sree ways to go. wera were obviously crazy, Mister. hie Lifts So own fond. James. Bond. fsses her, his hand sliding down her back, unzipping . ~ ssa cans These people. If you just knew what they could 45. What power they have... ‘They make the mafia look Like chilazen. ning her neck, her shoulders... Did your husband ever mention ‘The Pale'Ring’? (contznveD) cn 40 cowrmmeD: (2) 40 ucra Me Kept these things to himself. (kiesing him back, Passionately now) ‘The organization - "they hardy ever meet. But because of what happened to By husbands (breathes, tries to contrat herself) they are meeting tonight. oN ny? wuera "To choose a replacenent. ‘BOND ¢ vaca aS. falls to the floors snes + ne bond continues to kiss her. OR to. rive met, crazy’ a8 ROOM, ROME ~ NIGHT an Kod under the shests. essed again, stands over her dreesing table writing a ucra (writy) Leaving your number? own An American friend ~ Felix. He'11 call his Brbagsy people and they'll get you out of here. You'll be safe. He crosses the room and hands her the paper. (cowrswve) on 41 connrnumn: a1 BORD (cown'D) Your husband. Did he ever use a password? cra Diana. Box who's Diana? ucra Bis mistress. OND ‘Then he was the crazy one. He bends and kieses her. c uucra If you go there tonight you are crossing over to the eR place vere there ds no. madness and blood. wera Don't go, Janes. re with me. Please: Ho looks at ner. 42 BHT EARDENZR, ROME — NIGHT a a magnificent but oppressive Palazzo. It looks ‘the outside. ton drives into one of the enormous courtyards. The & Scffalba ESaagtgpome of Stoo EIGHT ENTRANCES 10 Tie BUILDING ~ outeide each one, a cougle of cars and a bodyguard. It feels like a significant event, He walks past one entrance, notes the engraved word above the door: FORTUNA, then past ancther® MARS. ‘The names of Roman Gods. He smiles to hinself, hae worked it out. Stope by the next entrance; DIANA, the Goddess of Love. [A group of people are just disappearing inside. (conraaueD) as. 42° cownmmuens a A heavy set man WITH A SCAR OW HIS CHEEK spota Bond. Approsches. vas (in ttalian, subtitied) Hoy.’ Stop. Bond is facing avay from the man. maw (conr’p) (in ttalian, subeitiea) Identity yourself. Who are’ you? Bond slowly turns. Box (in teatian, eubeseied) ¢ iim wickey Nouse, asshole. Who are you? Bond steps forward. Turns his palm wo je ring glints inthe moonlight. nt Teg. HD (in r&alisng subtitiea) The widow put yb a Fight. They cleaning it HB. he they ~ the man 200% about. 420 aw on GENER, GRAND HAG, ROME — wrciTD as a Tae corridor, a closed door at the end. 1 of the corridor the group wait, then A RELt bell echoes in a magnificent room. Eight doors open at X seas SERS AL ASUS ges ree: sabe dom Bond finds hinself in the gallery, looking down inte the hall. ‘The huge hall is dominated by a vast geonetric table. ALL the groups enter. Bond witnesses it all from up above, in ‘the shadows He watches as twenty two men and women take their seats around the table. (contrnuED) 43 eg a6. conrznvep: rr Formidable businessmen and women of different nationalities Behind them their entourages stand, some forty in ell- As Bond looks around him, he sees that on the GALLERY surrounding him are around sixty PEOPLE. Different tiers of the organization. An overwhelming sense of power, Bond boldly stands amonget the crowd. ‘Then @ hush starts to descend. A few candles are snuffe lowering the light. People eit downs A sense of expect, Beyond the table, all is shadow. Smoke (rom the candies drifts through the gloom, Gi THIRTY FOOT DOORS OPEN ~ the MYSTERIOUS LEADER OF TF ORGANIZATION makes his entrance. HIS FACE IS snare le. He Bond watches as the leader slowly reaches breathes hard. lunplugs the drip from the back of hia But when he speaks, Ais voice se N LEADER In Ancient Rome in tf GN insurrestion, the 2 id order hie Generale to mu nie legions, and the soldie, Nee divided inte groups of jose groups would draw tot the lot egfts ret guilt, wal ripped Lin from limb by the other’ ‘They called st... decimation: With digtic walks around the table. LEADER (CONT’D) Gr “ays ago I summoned the heads he 22, chapters. agked cach to rontact their celia, and to send one snvoy from each to answer the question tearing at our heart. They Joyal brave servant, Marco Selarra, was cut dow in texico City by an eas aerate eeeraay ee BOND STANDS IN THE SHADOWS. LISTENING. LEADER (CONT'D) Sciarra, the best ‘of you all. Hy hawk. My protector. Goa’ own afrow, Gone... "A hundred Gr sore cane, But none Of them knew. Nobody knew, T'i1 Bell you why thoy did not know. They aidn't know beestae- HORE} (contre) 3 ¢ CONTINUED: (2) ” a Leaner (covt'p) suey Wane HOP PACING ArrevEzoN. The leader reaches down and picke op a SMALL MEEAL sucker, 4e pours the contents of bucket onto the table. It's full of BYERALLS. More than two hundred. A couple of the people nearest turn white. A couple Loo} Sick. The eyes glisten in the candlelight, the essen Bojane to antone. LEADER (CONT'D) How does the fly evad= the web? How does the spider escape the Chiid-.? Te keeps watch. It sees everything. He lowers hig head shaking. Like he ie laugliiag, or crying. Slowly in a low voice, he intones « praye LEADER, (CoNr“D oO Santa merta, Goddess rich defleshed body, "your gx Swallowing the’ stars They repeat it. ALL © + protect /, 80 when the noon is gghe anckthe eternal night falle.-. Bond doasn’t know the WStds. ALL (coNr’D) dance together in the 8, as the sky raing tears and a Oy: The leader signals, the TABLECLOTH ie removed, ‘the eyes. LEADER ve gatnor EN ane « copiacemant to Vv SSAEDIRSS WAS SBeDEMG zens fond resisters the nane - as the Leader fixes his gaze on the WO MEN sitting beside one another at the other end of che table (where Bond is standing in the background), Both are smartly dressed but one is noticeably larger. The first guy, a SPANIARD, looks to the man on his lefts AINE who stares ahead at the Leader~ (courzaueD) 4“ 38. conrmmep: (3) a3 LEADER (CONT'D) There are two candidates. Row, we could split this aesenbly into ayes fand noes ~ but since we're here, let's settle it the way Romilus’ and Remus did. (to one candidate) Show me why you should succeed Signor SPANIARD ) (spanish accent) Xam have mastered dujiteu, Karate ‘and Taekwondo to the highest Levels. Tam an expert shot with all types of firearms, and an highly skilled sn Rnife fignting and, whén necessary, the use of the garotte. ¢ ees sn Hr, SC) arnt SAD Bveryone’s eyes travel upward ‘enormous. And he is suddenly, he grabe his rij jund the temples, his atrong hands toiding Ale ol the jathering now stare, hypnotised, ae sitnx’s thumbs ‘to the Spaniard's eyes, and finally force Ry into his sockets k flence is broken only by the Spaniard’s choking gasps. sf Winx switches, and in one move breaks his neck. Bond watches from the gallery, in the shadows, as the Spaniard drops to the floor. iii Lifeless head falle forwards onto the table with s dull thud. Blood pools from his gouged eyes. ‘The Leader gets up from his chair and alovly, as if drawing Life from the death, he stands straight and strong: (contzmveD) ao. 43° cownmmuen: (4) a LEADER (conT’D) Wo are whole again. Ne emilee. then LEADER (cowr'D) You want to know the funty thing? ‘the fanny thing ige++ 1 knew. 7 knew who was responsibie. ‘Even before the Bullet Struck. Before the shot was fired 1 knew. Bono Iistens. LEADER (conT'D) Only one among you truly understands these words, only one can heer me and T speak now to hin alone. BOND Keope perfectiy stiit. & eaven conr’o toner bic’ nou dere os dete tao Ho turts and Looks eisect On: 0) rear ae, gvaotion Se asstie Bond freezes. Quickly Woks around. LEADER (CONT’D) (CONT’D) song, a8 if toa 1a). jon you're up there. Pointed at Bond. Ww uokgitg Mee ‘And suddenly ~ CRASH! He leape backwards and enashes through ‘the huge stained glass window behind hin 44° Exr. PALAZZO COURTYARDS, ROME — NIGH aa Bullets fly ae broken gla: showers down into the courtyard. Bond reaches out, and JUST grabs hold of « ledge. (conrnven) 45 46 cownrmuep: “4 Now, vhinking fast, he drops to a balcony, looks... and then JUMPS again. ‘Lands'on the foot of a car Inside the building, the men rush to the window, raise their guns. Bullets ricochet around Bond’s feet, as he races across a couple of other car roofs, denting then 211. Reaches the Aston, jumps in. Bullets fracture the side of the car, but his tyres smoke as he roars away... A car blocks hie exit. tie's forced into an adjace courtyard. No exit there either EXT. PALAZZO CENTRAL AREA, ROME — NIGHT ¢ as He scrsans into the central aren to be congfBqted by a ring of heavies, all shooting at him. Hine wat smiling. As the men's bullets ping off the Aator throws the car into a spectacular 360 spin, and ‘ar spinning, faster and faster, kicking Gp a creen of anoke, The car disappears behind the aa Shooting continues. Sudden:y, the car stops omg shooting stops. The car has now disappeared in the beat of silence. And then, just as a ‘car scroans out from behind the smokescreen, Leaving standings Bond's accelerates th the main exit and away. ENT, PALAEZ + ROME — NIGHT 4 ow with fe hurtles out of the main archway. aE BLADES, Looks up: a HR I LEAVING THE ROOF OF THE PALAZZO - must be the te fas lost him. (J sudienly, with a roaring sound, a JAGUAR sports car creams out Of the archway behind him. Mister Binx ie inesde, Other cars now join as they race down the long drive to the MAD ENTRANCE. Emit (on the streets of Rome, the race is on. Just the suo of them. maar SS end, cenidons thon four cogadh Deocphece, eenast', 20% tro cones BS OE cau... Improvising, he flips the “Atmosphere” toggie ~ APPEARING ont VIEW MIRROR: “MUSIC ENARLED FOR ERIC BRYCE’. Bown (conr‘p) ioe fotep ite . toes have nore inportant matters - with Hinx pee ueteuzces SBEoErane,= } 21 machine gune appear at the back of the car. BoD (CONT'D) Bohaees Bond awaits the sound of gunfire, inetead a small beeping olan WORDS AFPEAR ON THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR: “AAMUNITION NOT aan" (conrrnueD) a2. 48 conrmnven: a8 BOND (CONT*D) oh, for God's sake Hin is gaining. Bond makes a fast right turn, surprisin: hiss * He hits the speed dial on his cell phone and the misic mercifully ceases 22 wes. TER “ 49° TNT. wowevesney's apARTMEND — NrcHT 9 Moneypenny’s new cell phone vibrates. She's in bed 128 over, cakes it. Aman is in bed with her, asleep. ONEYPENNY Bond. where are you? oN Bit hard to explain rights Moneypenny, she was #4: is big. I don't have time’ ain bats. Hold that thougys And now Bond seee Hinx has Trigeide, hie aniting face ooking at Bond through his, rindow ad he raises his gun. Bond acts fast ~ sh JEakes, makes another fast right turn as Instantly, the Jagu ist him, then brakes too. winx throwirg the Jaguar intB 2 160 spiny and screams off again in pursuit. 50. EXT. SIRE = rou ~ cowmnuous so fo his rearview mirror. Sees the Jaguar speeding ‘2 greater distance avay, but etiil in pursuit The road leads to a T-junction. A row of parked je the lower level street. ~ joning over the top of @ parked car~ RIFS off the roof. The Aston SLAMS to the ground. ‘Too late for Wink to stop. Only seconds behind Bond, tine follows, catching the descending sheered-off toot on his windsersen. Giant CRACKS spider across the glass. Bond looks in the rear-view mirror, hopeful. Dut... ink is stilt emiling. He simply sets the car going again, she roof top tumbling into the street. a 51 EXP, STREETS OF ROME - NIGHT - cournivOUS 51 Now Bend races around a sharp corner, avoiding a row of Parked scootere as they go. Now tink takes the turn. He overshoots, and clipe the scooters. They fall Like dominoes. Bot still minx porsues. 52 EXP. STREETS OF ROME - WIGHT — conPTNUOUS % Bond seks back in the rearview mirror. He just car this giy eff! A straight residential road Lined with parked cazg. Bond screaning ahead, coming at speed toward a tiny Fiat potcering along on its homeward Journey. Bond zooms up to the rear. He's close. eee. Bond revs the Aston engine, tryin date the FIAT DRIVER to specd up or move agiges ‘The Fist remains at a constant slow speed. We see the Old Driver. He's anywhere. Bond aces ilinx approach Ja hin at speed. Now Bord accelerates Fieréeiy ramming into the back of the Fiat, rushing the tiny vehicle at high apeed ike it's a toy. We seo the old man‘ travel at his 3. ished face, ae the two cars now Up ahead, an Parking space approaches Bond dettfysurns the whosl, shunting the Fiat straight into the ctly parked, leaving the old man sitting in daze ‘rman 1B ROAD ngs gaining, Bond speeds avay, turns onto a street Ai iked by a huge vine-covered wail: 53) EXT. ROME, VINE-COVERED WALLED STREET - NIGHT 53 For a moment it’s the pure speed of the race again. Bond's phone rings. Moneypenny’s calling back. Bond quickly MONEYPENNY (0.5. ) Janes, 1 can't wait all ‘night... what fare you doing? (conten) 33 54 58 56 a. conrmnseD: 33 avout 90. BT, SMREETS OF Roms ~ nu ~ cown2NuoUs a Xow the two cars cresting the brow of a hill, leaving the ground, fash Back downey. Anothe: turn and onto: & EXT. ROME, ROAD APPROACHING THE VATICAN/INE. CAR ~, 55 ‘The majestic dome of the Vatican looms ahead. Hinx in pursuit of Bond. ¢ MONEYPENNY (0.5-) okay, I think I've found your King. voneeny i roe eetiog ot tebD So oer, sm Gigital map of Austria fits will recognize as Mister jptum of Solace. White trom Casins Royale bata files relating fo his ENR There vas nothing specific in the aa So T ran a detailed cross- cheekof Specudonyme, and st turns out i old friend. The man from C5 serene « wn surprise. A nasty one. Mondeee in Austria. : V sateen SY EEE sr ti ae Behind her, out of focus, we see Moneypenny’ boyfriend enter. ile ctanda in the doorways BOYFRIEND, what you doing? (course) as. 56 cowsnweD: 56 HONEYPENNY (covering mouthpiece) on, a client had nis credit card stolen. Go back to bed. MoxEYPENNY — 8 bo se wasn't: ‘MONEYPENNY ¢ ves Ss BoND Who was that? At thie cine of night? try it gone tins, and she's gone. a Dace 18 ame canse he Jaguar Die the ona of the ERCESET ING Sotoan MPGMe'SRINY che c8dua taste 9,2 th TTthe Oy Sea RST pee ner omaee" Bond svings the corner rect running parallel with the River Tiber. wearers SNS 2 te TE ing ee heir way blocked by a giant delivery truck coming her direction, sond ha no choice but to divert... ‘almost neck-and-neck. irreal counterpoint to the tyre-shredding insanity of the \ FRING COLE*S 1.0.V-E. NOW DECIDES 10 FILL THE CAR. A hase: Now the ground suddenly drops away, and they bang down steps on the Tiber enbenknent. 58 EXT. RIVER PATEMAY - NIGHT se ‘The tue cars are now racing along the narrow path by the side of the river. Incredible speed. (courznveD) 46. 58 cowsmwep: se the pethvay starts to narrow. It's a tight squeeze. the cars oecesionally veer to avoid obstacles, scrape against. the, wall. Side-by-side, Bond is foreed to ‘ride’ the sloped wall, Another wall is fast approaching straight ahead - fond shifts Gown a gear ~ the engine screans, but Bond just manases to accelerate in front of Wink, and drop back down onto ene river path. Nou Bond tries another gadget, “EXHAUST’. ALFIAMGTHROWER fires out of the exhaust, it’s huge £1 2% bianketing Hinx's car, blocking his view. BoxD (to himeelt) potter... ¢ And ov they’re heading down a dead end - p®\approaching road too narrow to continues No turnings off. only a bridge ahea Guar behind him Slows. Bond is trappeds.- . we yen the only unpressed sorte Y. Not completely certain of itg/@ugQbwe he flips it. BOND (to bs ere's hoping. Watches with ap al ached curiosity as part of the roof Slides back —"foll @ second geat Belt sliding over his chest trom his ‘shoulder, crossing fot unlike a parachute harness, head-reat tits back: close ox iB DIALS he ars: 543.4, out. Readies himeelt... as . ME DIAL, son's row ere 20 INSIDE THE CAR: A ERIEP FLASH OF BOND'S BODY LAUNCHING UP. cur to: (conrmnueD) se 59 60 a conmimusD: (2) se Anas fixed as ever, a AT. now, ABOVE ow FooreRIDeE — wrcit Q ‘9 A garbage truck makes ite early morning rounds Close sy, James Bond drifts down to earth, hi parachute collecting behind him. ce He eeleases the “chute, dunpe the harn Socen't check stride a2 he calmly, stfolls past the garbad truck. The busy garbage collectors hardly notice Mie) ‘simply ‘walke on bye < ssot ropeats (Sia See < Soiscientious, » « | Through large windows we can INT. MEETING ROOM, A huge UN-style weet! See Tokyo spread out beter. A meeting ia Mhiprdgress. A counens ND WOMEN of many nationalities gathered. Placards: (W@ yonited States of Anerica, France, Germany, eee, bal Ty, been defending himself, Tanner site behind him Eing of tables where aidée take notes on their’ he had no time to inform the loxican authorities of the unfolding Threat. He mado a judgement call of extraordinary seneitivsey in exceptional circumstances. JAPANESE REPRESENTATIVE Revealing yet again that many of the external intelligence agencies are dominated by rogue elements, and have ceased co-operating with each other for our safety. (coneznvep) 60 we 61 48. conrznogp: 60 Sudden:y, Bruce Denbigh(C), steps in. They all turn. If co-operation is the goal, then no- one in this room ie innocent. Silence, as the room digests this. ¢ (cour’D) Phone hacking, computer surveillance, Intelligence gathersng on our friends ae well as cur enenies — all of ue here are crippled by matruat- M watcles with interest. Where is ¢ going with thi ¢ (cour) I believe we ave secing something new = not just coordinated attacks, different terrorist organizati joining together. They crust other more than we fe doing, at's f ‘The room absorbs this tough an aS During thie, Tanner, who is ee johind M, sees something on his laptop: Cloge on Tanner's 19 SA meseage gent from an MI-6 analyst; the inage gf an TRAMIAN NEWSPAPER, zz TEMPO: “Widow of Mexican bokb yJetin Marco Sciarra missing, two bodyguerde found dead ¥8 villa." «ica re you. A yes vote is the only way Forward. We face, Concerned. EXT./TWM. RANGE ROVER - ALPINE FOREST, AUSTRIA ~ DUSK 6 [An aerial shot picks up a dark Range Rover as it sweeps down a long snowy road, high in the mountains. [An otherworldly setting of haunting desolation. Grey and cola. «a 63 6 6 a9. EXT. LAKE - ALPINE CHALET, AUSTRIA - DUSK eo Bond climbs from the car. HIS Pou: across the lake, an igolated chalet. xr. DARE - ALPINE CHALED, AUSERIA ~ DosR « Sond stands at the rear of a mali boat ~ operating the oC outboard motor. We see the boat from high above as it cuts acrose S ENT. AGPINE CHALET, AUSTRIA - DUSK ¢ 6 Bond carefully approaches the house, draw: gun. a security canera blinks at him from the wa unows he's Being vatched. [As Bond steps onto the porch, he fuze of vorces from wethine WV channels. Flicks fred Lighte, refracted through the windows ‘the door. Tt opens. Perhaps White ie dead already? ond enters the house. Os avr. supine center, Atstark pus 6 Bond moves through 12 carefully. A qV ir the Ldysflroom plays neve reports of an industrial explosion ite’ gas cloud heeding for a population But the cdgbutary ie fighting with TV news reports playing in : oh SCREENS and RADIOS in every room, all tuned to 's from around the world. Disasters and crises. A Honduras. Pires raging ovteide ‘Sydney. fearage in the world playing out on every screen, ae Bond ves stealthily around the houge. All rooms’ seem to’ be ey He tries the basement door, it swings open. Bond looks in. Enpty. But now Bond notices something odd. Right next to the basenent door, a panel. Flickering ight from beneath the wall Ie there a PANIC ROOM hidden right in front of hin? He starte fo trace back the wires of the security cameras. Funds the spot where they disappear. (cowrzsvep) 50. 65 cONTENED: 6 Bond ropeat-fires where the wires head in, each shot exposing more of the hidden Junction box until ie BURSTS INTO FLAME. ‘The Lights, Ts and sounds die. ‘The panic room door locks automatically retract - and the door gently swings open. Bond speaks into the darkneses rine to cali, & Distantly, @ back-up generator starts. The Lighte in 6 am. mune ons, spr — ume « Mister White in a chair in the panic room ¢ Bond and Mister white eit opeei¥e each other, a che between then. table i x always seth would wear a fonsliar pat not youre. BOND ‘m here to kill you? warts s Yo what do I owe this pleasure, ler Bond? {ore talking about ae. Tt wasn't MI-6- Bond tosses the ring onto the chess board. Tt epine off the pisces, landing in front of White. White stares at it. Slowly he picks it up and examines st. Ho is clearly disturbed by what he sees. (courziveD) si. oo 61 connie: ware Last month'D found thallium in ay Cellphone. It's done ite job. T have Stew weeks at bests {he studios it closely.) So, here we are, Mister Bond. Two dead mon, enjoying the afternoon. He drops the ring back on the board. oND ‘the leader. What’e his name? ware oh. come now. sono Why protect him when he wants you ¢ mle ‘there are sone things a nore than death. If RS hat he ie capable of-*, oN 50 what ie he cap: yapart from sponsoring terror. ihite looks at Bond Yh difficulty white gets up fand fetches 4 bottig/trom Agide table. Bis ma fray tele Shai et tans Sieh eee at . stens, as White brings the bottle back to the table. You know why he didn’t elit ay throat? Because he needed someone to carry the food. And whon the storm Was over — he ied us out by the face be drinks. ware, (cowr’D) mat 2 ne capable of? (courmiueD) 67 cour: (2) er He looks levelly back at Rond. warTe (conT‘D) ‘LOOK AROUND YOU, Nseter Bond. He's Everywhere. Evetywhere and Tavisible. Like pain. Alwave one move ahead. How do you know he's hot watching you Halt nou? z's enough to make you, hat’S the word.. "Paranoid?" Bond doen't blink. oo So where can I find him? At this White laughs heartily. He looks upon hie old adversery with gonething close to affection. ure 3's good fo see you again, Mis Bond. You know I alwaya. lost - Now at least 1 know you 1) horeibiy Alone, ‘and’ In & nite stops laughing 1p ]ccour'D) if you're! ffraid of him than death, why wile? A razor blade. a ba: ype. What have you got to i nite oh anxiously. And Bond queeses-- ox (cowr') (with realization) fou have somebody. Somebody you're trying to protect. + Ait scares at the chessboard, “\ worm Wot a wise thing in our Line of work. AS you know. ‘The one thing you love in the world, the one ray of light, fand there's fothing you ean do to Save her. Sone of us might realize he is talking about Vesper. oN ho ie ehe? white shakes is head. (cowrmnuen) 53. 67 cowrnmue: (3) 67 BOND (cont’D) You said it yourself, you're already dead. There"s nothing you can do now. But I can. telp me, and? give you my word 1/12" soe shes safe.. ware Your word, Bond? Your word? ‘wo lost killers. At the crossroads. Bond puts his gun down on the table between then. Turn! the handle faces White, and the barrel faces. Bond oN ‘There's my word. (ite anderstands. Picks up the gun. We stay on Bond's eyes, Yeokea with wie wore You know 1 kept my word once! sr youvoadere BS SEE ox \ shat do yoo mean? worze Vesper. she bot F Life with her Inside Bond is convilsed By the body blow. outwardly, he doesnt blink. ware (cowr'p) o Wi, surely you most have a? bd Beene turn. WP fe cocks the weapon. strokes the back of his neck with the muzzle. warTe You have caused me # lot of pain. white pate the gun to Bond's head. ware (cowr:p) T blame you, just Iike he does. Bond heare the words. (comrmnuep) sa. 67 cowrrmep: (4) a With his other hand, White reaches to a low shelf, lifts up A FRAMED PHOTOGRAPH OP HIMSELF AS A YOUNGER MAN, WITHA 10 YEAR OLD GIRL. Puts it on the table in front of Bond, aire (cown’D) My daughter. She Will lead you to Lamericain. BOND Lamericain? 1 can't protect her now ~ but naybe ee é you can. He renoves the gun from Bond's temple. wares, (connD) You are a Mes dancing tn a Minrieane, "isce® song. ood Lo GP, ehrows nie and suddenly, White puta the pistol hhead back and squeezes the trigger BLAM! White slumps down the blé ia case, dead. His half of the bargain. the deal seale Bond contemplates the scene, He smashes the photo 52 out the photo of the girl. lie pockets it. walxsfeut. The sherds of glass Bexos# the chessboard. 68 Nr. ToKYO ROOM - wxcHD 68 "8 vote for Nine Eyes Le now in progress. round the nine member states. M is watching je atmosphere ie tence. je, each member says ‘Yes’. The French. The Germans. fanese. c hingelf says yos on behalf of the UX. Seo wwe get to the South Africana. A ‘xo’ vote. Behind M, Tanner is still studying hie laptop. Now, another news report, forwarded by MI~6: ‘Speeding car crashes into Tiber.’ Tanner thinks... Forvards the message with a new header. ‘CHATRUAR Gentionen the vote is eight to one in favour. (wore) (cowie) 68 cownrmep: ee ‘CHAIRMAN (CONT'D) But we cannot proceed unless by unanimous vote: So the Nine Byes motion is hot passed. During the above, M receives the message from Tanner on his cellphone sereet “ARE WE QUITS CERTAIN BOND IS IN LONDON?’ M frowe, perturbed. wy 6a 69 INT. ALPINE CHALET, AUSTRIA — nzcHT ‘Ke move slowly through the Living room to reveal the SWadowy Bass of Hinx Standing over White's dead body. the body over with hie foot. wutgrBgond even stare iin Jooks around. sees the BHENY 8 tying on the ion * 70 awe. mauamr, torso - rane — Mey 1 M is outside in a corridor, 8 eRe phone, pacing. He gets through: — ni axa. a's GpTipSiemz room, ease nono ~ oa n ° Or. Spot. He walks swiftly from his lab into the & : ON een foes we maiee his ovoice o (coxe'o) f Well 1 want ay eyes on him when T get Back. Undereteod? (conven) n n a WY commie: n ° Yee, of course — © hears the call go dead. 0 (corr'n) = ot ve 200 what 9 sees. the sorson shoving co7's stereatouf fe Lrgcker noven across the screen, At the top of tafe anes ‘raeoueL, aun’ 9 en, soatoatis, asrnan — one ¢ A snow plane cuts across a perfect blue It could not be more serene. < The anow-plane descends over the x austrian Alps. sr. sron uae, aasonzn ~ any XS 2 Close to nature in the onal ‘the beautiful scenery. fut alt we ace in nif Cyesg focus. & man who hae sensed the Giseant thunder: xn. peoy PA, AUSEREA - DAY a Bond stepe oh plane. Survey the scene. ‘the Bocy 1 Spa. aft, Bond looks out over The of Set high in the mountaine. A pristine collection is glass boxes and pale wood perfectly situated © stunning winter scenery. fen of expensive cars parked out front, And for the fy elite: a few more snow planes. 4a very specialized clinic for the hyper-rich. EXD. RIVER THAMES - DAY 1s ‘The new Centre For National Security site on the banks of the ‘Thames HWE, CENTRE POR NATIONAL SECURTY - Day 6 Inside, people busy with themselves with preparations: (contmnvED) 16 st. conmnsuED: 16 ¢ is {iniehing giving M 9 tour of the building. While they talk, ‘they walk around the concourse. The building is chic and very inpressive. c -.-S0 with access to this central Gable, “we nave a database that ic the ovat onl, activ? ~ te. tey wa past servent hetng umerpped, toro c Nothing too complicated. on a basic level, this systen collects data on avery’ man, woman and child in country, analyses it at extr ‘Speed, and then ISLES pletave of each inaivich Rinety to sinety eR necuracy. seorge Orwell's =< > nightnare. omsagey glad you they have RS what clearly going to be c's office. 77 ow, ons wa C's OFFICE - DAY ” age vin ye out over the Thames. In the distance, the sha ile, along with most ef South London. ind hie desk. ™ remains standing. you don't seam altogather Enthusiastic about this building or thie merger : we F . V If T didn't know you better I'€ say M looks across the table at C. Sounds Like you know me extrenely wells Look, I didn’t want to have to do ehie, but... (ors) (conranuep) se. 77 cowrnwen: ” © (cont) think you should take @ look at a transeript that our algorithmic scanning isolated. © hands him 2 brown envelope. # opens it. Meg POU: Inside, @ header of technical data about a phone call = cell frequency, place of origin (ROME), etc+ And then a transcript of a conversation between a Fz (ENGLISH?) and a MALE (ENGLISH?) the conversation be! Bond and Moneypenny when he wag in the Astons ‘The last line: ‘It's called life, James. You shoul: sonetine. € {conr'n) Maybe there is something to be said ¢ for total urveiiianee after att M looks back at him. Zs prsivg, ngwcnr, mn Me cir tose ting vindoe Untit he apote naomi SMM acrome the room st her desk, _ Please take Weeat, 1/11 be with you Mister white™™ dhyghter ic beautiful. she speaks into a DICTATION der her breath, finishing up her notes on ‘the previ ont MADELEINE (CONT‘D) (anto recorder) following blood tests on Monday, . saree degered Ee an existing Pituitary gland alfunction, She crosses the roon carrying her clipboard, to the window, still talking into her dictation machine. Bond watehes hes Sntenely. MADELEINE (CONT’D) Patient to recoive a single course Of carbinazole, in conjunction with intensive CBT, and craniovsacral therapy. She presses atop. (coxrzwvep) 59. 78 cowrrnven: "8 MADELEINE. (CONT’D) Please excuse me, Mister Bond. ‘She walks over to the wall, and pulls down a blind. MADELEINE (co¥T’D) E hope you don’t mind. The view can be disttacting. oN I hadn't noticed, She locks up from her clipboard and catches his 21 fiigt tne; but if the catches his inference, she Show ste mortem ‘My name ie Dr. Madeleine Swann. ¢ weer tOday i to ansiyae your Bota poydnalogionl ald physical Sout Erttrige eal ote SR Lo Ee ee SE we voossen 1 aoe ye0 EBEN es 2 tne eee ere os Ee ere plans 2 oon MADELEINE. jou consider your employment to be phologically stressful? es Qr a mnt . nomen exp MADELEINE How mich alcohol do you coneune? BoND Ae mich ae 18 necessary. She locks up at him. He gives nothing avay.. cconrniveD) 60. 78 cownawusp: (2) 18 PADELEINE. some broader questions. As a child, would you say you were close to your parents? Box ‘They died when I wae young. MADELEINE, ow old? oN Bleven. MADELEINE How, Af 1 may aake.? A climbing accident. She looks up at him. ond hae weagee O oN ce eS ee Twas caught With one of the maids. MADELEINE Careless. Jelé get pulled further don the personal ‘ended. Now he takes control. oad} nt BOND wy A beat, 50 how do you train at the oxford and the Sorbonte, becone a consultant, work five years for Medecine Sans Frontiers then end up giving backrubs in the mountains of Austria? Anyone might think you were hiding from Sonething- MADELEINE 1 gee you've done your homework. Box And 1 see you didn't answer the question. (conrniueD) a. 78 connrmusD: (3) 8 Who's asking the questions, mister Bond. You or ne? You're paying a lot of money to be here. BoD of course, ‘Carey on. 1 see you left this final question biank.’Wnat is your occupation? oxD Well, it’s not the sort of thing you este on a form. ¢ MADELEINE on? wy? Ss 1 xsi peoples von ww She locks back at him, turns oa BOND (COR snail world, eh?, She realiees what he the paperwork down. aneseive here ie ro"s my father. OND negMieads ‘te died two days ago. sn Gyr oa o> vase * Vy bia you Kill hia? ‘ ow x didn't have to. He did it hineelf. MADELEINE. were you friends? He was my sworn enemy. She regards him, fighting her emotions. (conanueD) 78 cowmnweD: (4) tapenerve fn you cane all this way just co feline this. That your sworn ent is dead? ey I came because your life is in danger. And because I need your help. MADELEINE. ny? ox Your father worked for goneone who ‘views cuotional attachments as Fair Gane. - ‘MADELEINE: ¢ vo le a = eee mm aw vo BoxD To find Leaner! & She turns stone col ‘hig intervie ie over. we Gyan SQ nse SEE oo tare she compound then I'm calling Security. fads to the door, opens it. es onD 1 gave him my word. MADELEINE: What does that even mean to people Tike you? Bond leaves. Madeleine stands, shaken. 62. 9 78 O ‘sees the RECEPTIONIST outside the room. Doesn't want to 6a. 78 INP. BAR, BODY AND SOUL SPA ~ DAY 0 Bond velke to a bar within an internal courtyard, brooding on how badly he played it with Madeleine. [A BARNAN approaches. soo votka mctlel® snakon, ot stirred. D iim sorry, ir. We don’t serve ‘alcohol Bond leoks at him with utter contempt. BOND ¢ kim really etazting to love th: see" A vores (0-5) tera have ehe prolyeis © tes sone a4 ott at sn wR exw 1 you've done sgeendNeor, 32 ea oR so 1 near (hers ‘rot to vorsy, 097. Be dat’ sae pheee aitaton Found prototype. BOND you here? e X just fancied a break to be oneet. i've been a tad stressed at work Lately, what with the merger, and the fact that M wants my bale {OS at conspiracy theory coming along? BOND It's not a theory. It’s a fact. o Splendid. Meanwhile in the real world =Pyust in case in your state of ileled self-absorption you hadn't noticed al]-hel] is breaking (connawuep) 79 conravep: oa. What's going on out there is part of thie. A single organization behind SLL the attacks. Led by one man. o Fageinating. And what’s its name? ‘This organization. oN T don’t know yet. ° mhat’e unfortunate. And this Mister Bigs? 4 OND, ALL T know le he’s known ae Baetn o co @ registers this up Ts tHE wadeleine Securicy- Vv picks up K6F phoMe/ Bond knows she’s calling (conr'p) sO hhow big thie is? i fatronise me, 007. oxD aa to mes This rune deeper than stor Ycowid poseisly imagine. @ r’m sorry, but time's up. Bither you drop it and come back in, oF I’m going straight to Me K glances up to see the meseage being passed to Security fon ground 0 wavers. Tevel. SECURITY eyeball Bond. BOND o one more thing for me then you're security arrive at the bar. SecuRITy Herr Bond. Bo have a monent please? (contrnuED) ” 6. conrivep: (2) % Bond turns his back. BoxD See what you can find out from this. Bond palle out THE SPECTRE RING, presses it into Q's palm. BOND (cowr'D) Link it to white’ pase, Quantum, anything. Q studies the ring. He knows it's something. ° on That’ the spirit. ¢ ncurses 2 rnin HET) (3 wey 1 ATE ,. ea SY hore ae? you stay, ae 20%} one hour. © Leaves, neadiyeRgut the other door, towards the ski 1:¢e. ‘the baman << Nien his health drink. saat you ater Sir. -. one prolytic SOp eB ncyme: ohh soto (to the barman) bo me a favour would you? Throw st Bond heads off. Security Guards follow clogs behind him. As he walks, he locks up toward Madeleine's office, tle sees her losing’ out the window. She watches him leave, impassive. And pulls down the blinds. Now we eee only her legs... SuopeNti-- another pair of lege joine her. A MAN. (courzmueD ” 20 66. cowmmED: (3) . And nos, the blind starta to bang against the glass. The man hae closely grabbed her, and she ie fighting him. BOND breaks into a run, back up toward the office-- The Security Guards grab him. Bond fights the guards. aeons tw ne tts an an ont of mm GA) Bond gvings a punch into one man's gut. He doubles Second Guard cones at him. Bond grabe a chair snd into his face. It breaks as the man falls. out cols Ho spine, as the First Security Guard, now recovered, foward him again. veh prae tn ote nn nce beaten oA tnctig Mn EXP. BODY AND SOUL SPA, AUSTRI 80 He immediately sees Madeleini pushed into the back of a car. Aid looming over her, immense figure of HINK! But betore Bond has act, two men are on him. Bond deale with the ith deadiy precision. shoots the Hirst man with his ova-Gon, ‘Then tare it on the second man. Swift and deady= ut still noc enough, as now he locks out down the nountalns iyanassces c car driving avay, shadowed by two Land Rovers. foligtecond he spies the face in the back seat of the tdeleis Meanwhite-- oe Ppl second of Sought, and ond turns and runs. e EXP. CABLE CAR STATION, AUSTRIA - DAY a @ allovs a half-full cable car to pass, steps into an empty fone. He pulle out his laptop, examines’ the ring. Just ae the doors close, A MAN WITH GLASSES steps in ‘unexpectediy. (conranueD an 82 83 or. cowrnwen: a ‘The cable car launches into the great white void. They're: alone from the world. Just the two of them. A fact not lost onde © gives him a surreptitious glance. The man smiles politely. © tocks away. the silence ie unnerving. © throve himself into his research. Pairs a snall epectri analyzer with his laptop, scans tho ring ~ his computer Instantly analyzing the stone's constituents, the Seto pattern, etcey +. ‘Then he bringe up Mister White's file... pack ¢ EXP, MOUNTAIN, AUSTRIA ~ DAY 82 ‘The car and the two support Land Rovers feding down the Elating’aouneain Toast auay trem We It's incredibly icy and dangerou#, ‘They exeed into a tunnel cut 4 ‘rook. INT. CAR, INSIDE TUNNEL, ~ pay @ vp trove, the orivenand ufo, who has a gun trained on Madeleine in the rear seab. ANOTHER HEAVY is next to her — opening @ stall medial jt. MADELEINE sa want? there. MADELEINE (CONT’D) D at are you doing? can’t you speak? %s the syringe. She kicks it out of his hand. the Heavy G fe case. She sees a hypodermic needle in high of the Heavy next. to her. oN if ae they tey to overpower her, she plunges i¢ into the EXT. TUNNEL, MOUNTAIN ROAD, AUSTRIA - DAY a ‘The care energe from the tunnel. Suddenly-- A.snow-plane cuts scr he front . tte pond. (conrrnuED) 4 as es ~ 68. cowrziven: ee lie see him at the controls of the snow-plane, banking round-— INT. CAR, AUSTRIA - DAY es They've overpowered Madeleine, but the spiked Heavy sinks to his knaes and sacks out. Madeleine is stirred to have seen Bond trying to save her: Binx stares out at the sky looking for Bond. where the hae he cone from?! tin. ABE can, ABSA ~ oY oO. @ works away on his laptop. A bloodhound on the géent. He's running checks on every location whitey known to have visited plug all kinds of data related to GhatNlocation e-dey Juno else had been at that hovel, train for airport within a similar tine frame closseregpreljred with the Materials within the ving, Not ey 7 LE CHIFERE'S IMAGE COMES UP... e Shifts uncomfortably: BACK To: EXT, MOUNTAIN VALLE RUsTRIA ~ paY 87 ‘The cars are on a roadWhich rune alongside a high valley. A steep drop be he roads Bond scare a in parallel to them-— Hinx'e mel Land Rovere open fire-— pat ak across the snow-plane. They amaeh and clatter eh cockpits BACK TO: "| CRELE CAR, APPROACHING HALF-WAY STATION, AUSTRIA - DAY 68 ON Q's LAPTOP, the connections are starting to accumulate. THe IMAGE OF iz CHIFERE TS JOINED BY VESPER LywD, DOMINEC GREENE AND THEN... RAOUL STLVA. Q studies the information. unnerved by the knowledge he now has he glances back up - at the worrisome man facing hin: ‘Then he’s relieved to see that the cable car is about to pass ‘through a halfway tation. (conrmven ) 98 29 90 6. connie: ee le closes the laptop, firma hie grip on it, ready to delay his exit so the mn can't follow... The doore open--. He Tenges — shout to go - when ANOTEK MAN gete ons Biacking his oxit, Shit. ‘They both smile at him now - gun-hands in their pockets. But just as the doore start to close, 2 bunch of #IGH SPIRITED SHOW-BOARDERS clamber in. The MEN'S smiles disappear. Bond quickly lowers the plane, below then now ‘the bullets now hit the roof of the plane. ?e Still keeping abreast with the cars on the #8qd above— ind rep gal sey fixe at his Ss ‘then Bond accelerat Saat anaide the lead car, they fe Tim. te appeara to be sae ON nro. auras nono, afenzay Mone v0 tow they enter a wide P8ad, trees on either side. Ahead in th ate, they spy a dot, moving closer... plane. This ie a gane of chicken he will not lose. Bond'e plane dangerously low and close. Hinx'e driver veers off into the traes as the second vehicle follows, manceuvering ahead of Hink's car. ‘At the last second, Bond pulls up, barely missing the third Vehicle ao the driver loses contrél, SuARS INTO THE TREES, BURSTS INTO FLAMES. (cowrmnveD) 90 2 92 93 0. courznveps 90 The remaining two cars travel fast in close formation through the forea! ond banks quickly. And follows Right into the for: INT, CABLE CAR, AUSTRIA - DAY & In contrast to the sound and fury of the pursuit - serenity of the descent. and then the MUSFLED ROAR of a distant BXPLOSrON. ‘snow-boarders turn and lock. So do the men. Q cakes nis chance and moves so he's next to the door with the snow tm tre novia, waing EQNS tasegn cnc oceans oe oeees Prowlirg the crowd dor hig EXP. ALPINE AUSTRIA ~ DRY 3 the care tw: Eurn down the hill, through the forest as Bond. sears hen, thrillingly cide, in and out of the the siom down the slope, trying to ahake off Bond. et fonds by following the cars even more closely. aakes a fractional misjudgnent. He steers slightly too Immediately, the other wing dips viciously, and Bond starts to lose controls Fighting for control of the plane now, he instinctively shears otf the other wing on'a passing ts And now the wingless plane elans to the ground, ripping off he wheels and undercarriage — and now he's obouaenin fhe snov path in the fuselage of the snow plane = the cass tn fronts (conazmuep) 93 9s 96 ne conmnmzep: 8 Coming up fast on Madeleine's car — Madeleine staring at Sond through the rear window. The speed of the fuselage is too fast, Bond rane nto the back of Madeleine's car... The car ie propelled forward, forced to go faster behind the Land Rover to break free of the plane. EXT. KITZBUNEL/HORATIO HOTEL, AUSTRIA - DAY Q has nade it through the lunch-time crowds, starting BS Safe now. His surreptitious glances back suggest he's lost AMIDE SHOP shows him heading across a bridge towards "€ large hotel. The HOTEL HORATIO. EXT. ALPINE FORES?, AUSTRIA — DAY 9s The trees start to thin out. Up ahead about to break out Into open tern burst cut fron the tress anto A BET. ALPINE SKE-SLOPE, some 96 Ahead, 2 giant forest.. The care veer off Gee Bond is heading straight for it, Be seco. Ma face staring at him through the rear window as. the turn away. Bond uses eve he has to make the turn, the engines scream as hh jown ‘the throttle on one of the propellers, lle with all hie strength on the Lever Sontrollis tical tail fin He ‘ehe turn. to breathe, because suddenly, now, in front of iuge SNOW DRIP. as no time to react ~ he careers up the wall of snow, #8 up, crashes back down... The tail ef the plane hits the tow hard, and is ripped off. Fragments of plano Litter the hillside. And now the cars are getting away... EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF KITZBUEEL, AUSTRIA - DAY 37 Bond sees they're heading for a emall village. A collection of large Alpine barns and outbuilding and eventus!ly buildings and sleepy etreets. No way to stop the monentim (conrzxvep) n 97 cownrweD: 7 But seeing them drive around a large barn, Bond sees his chance lle hits the throttle hard and the plane crashes through the barn like a missile, comes out to f-Bone the leading Land Rover. ncn 18 is dentroyed as-— 4 ‘The fuselage of the plane epins to a atop-- Bond scepe out from what remains of the plane. Pulls Me gun-- as the car holding Madcteine aceferates Fowatat ha Winx lunges forward, DEAFENING the ave ee ress for dinner. os Gr you'ean scrub up... BOND Don't worry about it. “ ‘boards. she follove quizzically. IVE, MADELEINE *S COMPARTMENT, TRAIN - DAY a9 Bond ureips hie luggage. Madeleine watches ae he removes a tightly relied up suxedo. Unrolls it in one move. Opens the Soot. A GUARD 1s paging. Bow can you 00 if the Valet can prose thie for se? (cowrmvep) er. 119. cowrrmsD: a9 ‘GuaRD yee, Sire hie Leave MADELEINE you travel with a tuxedo? oo — he valet carries the tuxedo along the corridor, gassing the Riggefeneet sexe scr. < 121 BRP, DESERT - DAY LO aat the gun ig high ag the train oxbgsiqWe beginnings of the Poeeieh Saale Sette. 122. TNT, NADELEINE'S COMPAR bond and Madeleine gf€ in, tye conpartment, opposite one Binx de ineide, reading » paper. pond takes a GUN appropflated from the secret room, places it on the sable prthen Just. like he did with her father. OND wpe voor 9 V0 Rta MADELEINE. hat if 1 shoot you by mistake? OND ie wouldn't be the first time. Pick it Spe She dosen't. So he does. BOND (conT'D) crock 33 point 357 (Points) (hone) (connie) aa. 122 cowmmwyeD: azz BOND (coNr’D) Roar sights. Hamer. Ejection port. Safety. Slide stop. Magazine release. Trigger. Takeo sind 9nm parabellom rounds with one in the chamber. He puts the cartridge on the table. Loads it. Unloade it. BoND (cow?*D) You try it. mapELENE. T said t hate gune. my ite 8 She picks up the gun. And in the next few secondgy with amazing dexterity and epeed she strips the gun, 2e-aasenbles it, reloads it with the cartridge ~ and pouty it straight at S Your father's daughter’, MADELEINE, Who else would I by But have Tee to our house and jhe assassin didn't nark’9 twelve year old Aman one: attacked ‘with the bleach. She: the cartridge, ratchets the gun to eject the elug in it, catches it, She lays the gun back down on the fet to the bullet. . vacesane (coe) me tte NG sects te ee tots, cao I think we can skip hand-to-hand combat MADELEINE, If you don’t mind T'd 11ke gone privacy While T change for dinner. oxD Of course. a3 125 126 a9. WT, CORRIDOR, TRAIN - DAY a2 Bond closes the door after himself. ‘The guard passes. uaa Your suit, Mister Rond, soup ‘Thank you. He heads into his own compartment. 9 IW, POND'S COMPARTMENT, TRAIN — DAY 14 Inside he hangs the suit on the back of the door/and takes off his shit, thinking about what Suse hogéBeed ules Slowly... EXT. FOREIGN OFFICE COURTYARD, “LATER THAT wick 125 ‘The love figure of M moves across the cobbled courtyards Iv, tus FoRsioN orice -jwicur 126 M waike into a large S864 panelled room — one of many such Fanelote mes! in thitehali to see a crowd of important Ie pple flowing out of a meting, calking ahinatedly. Mendis ec memes WU io. T dsdn't. DW eosses tes tan suerte c You missed it I’m afraid, Shortest meeting I can remember. 4 South Africane on board, T take it? c ‘And who can blame them now? (nods) cwoRe) «conrniue) 126 war 128 © 90. ‘conmimuED: 126 (cont'D) took, I should tell you - T've been Books Thea the sew group. My first ae Stlbnes if Sere any congolarion, gprvaa goaidn’t have stopped this. na he vaike off, Leaving # the only sti2h point an 2 S08 fair of movement un. TRAIN, AFRICA - SUNSET S&S sme oun is setting ~ purple and orange streak the INT, DINING CARRIAGE, TRAIN ~ ‘NIGHT ¢ pond site in the dining booth, tmmaculas waste ‘Aunser jacket. Fa ace, union ga) ri a ¢ onze XS vos noua te oN ‘you shouldgi hat ‘the waiter approachés~ R an sf, Madan? a8 MADELEINE, BOND Forgot, you don't drinks addrosse ‘the waiter. MADELEINE. ‘re gots me into trouble. Makes me do Eraay things. ‘tne waiter nods uncomfortably. ow (ro the waiter) ana (Eo can't nave that, can ve? MADELEINE, (te Bond) he (hist part ie, T don't remember 4 The MMe thing about it the next day (conrrnvzD) 128 ~ on contzxuep: ae Dear me. That mist be awful. mapELerwe So I etick te this. She leans in, conspiratorially.. MADELEING. (CONT“D) Unless my whole world haz been turned upside dewey my Wife is in danger, Tim feeling recklees and? really don’t care what happens to me anymore. + BOND 1/11 bear that in mind. ¢ He doesn’t take his eyes off her ae he a 15 the waiter. own (cowr'n) sets mee Sage) wane XS Slowly Bond emilee. she 1, ck, a elt. The waiter 1 ‘worried. Af butter wouldn't coming righty. Oe favea question. Non what's chat? MaDELETE option, the paid at favfan choote the 1ife of Vy So It wae that oF accountancy. MADELEINE T'm serious. Te this really what yoo want? Living in the shadows. shunting. Being hunted. Always looking behind you. Always alone. BOND ot alwaye. (continue) oa. ae cowrrmuep: (2) 128 '@ soorane “svasion. Deflection. Manipulation: Geployed to protect the core psyche Ged thus svoid accountability.” My Pap... oN ‘tell me, Dre Swann. Am I paying for this session? maoELEmNe, Do you ever dream of getting out? BoND x never dream about anything. ond doesn’t answer. She keeps looking at him. MADELEINE. You know r'wae wrong. You're not Oa N Tive deatt with it. vapELErNe: bo you dream about her? x already fold you T don't dream. waDELEINE. e@ Not anynore.++ Bond looks at her. (conrmven) re 328 cowmmwuED: (3) 128 Not anymore. ‘The drinks are here. BAR two martinis. shaken not stirred. vo Ke she raises her glass. ADELINE, ‘that shall we drink to? 0x0 ¢ eaditionally, it’s heartless bastards. se miu: esate me aes CS) worse ro new tesla ne raises hie. LAS Se to veginninae: o ‘they drink. (0.8.) Ready to ordee, Mister Bond? Bond sees 1 hands of the waiter, folded patiently. The sacket jusually short. And turns white. reve arn! can react. Winx grabe the underside of the table, jard, slamning inte Madeleine, sending her werce he grabe Bond, Lifting him from the booth, (G hin against the carriage wall. Hinx's thunbe start fe his signature move toward Bond's eyes... faa punches winx with no effect, manages to pull out, hie Guns They struggle and the gun goes off, shattering the glass on cither side of the table. undecerred, Hin Lifte, spins end throws pond onto a table, boves in agains Bond strikes out with a kick, but Winx simply Geabs hin and hurie Bond's Body anto the service area Just as Madeleine, recovered, runs at Hinx with an ice- @ Buckets ewinging it over his back ~ again, no effect. inx turns, avings a brutal alap to Madeleine knocking her to ‘he floor (courzwoED) 128 130 oa conmmump: (4) 128 fe turns back to Bond, sees him grabbing for the Walther, grabs him with both hands, rane him forward, crashing thtough into next carriage. INT, TRAIN, BAR CARRIAGE — NIGHT 123 Binx barrels through the opening in pursuit, stops in his tracks. Where's Bond? aus nae ‘The bathroom door slams open twice, catching Mink Not for long though. Hing ie grabbing Sond agains the moentum to kick off the carriage walt, lama of ‘them back into the bathrooms 2 ‘They slam side to cide before busting though the all. Now Boad grasps for any weapon within rea: snes a beer bottle into Hinx’s face, Hinx releases om his vice Like grip. Back on his fect, Bond now hurle Bor Hine ie Unstoppable, advances swinging Bie back and forth Forcing Bond down the length of = Bond grabe a lit bar candle rows it at Hinx estening his waiter'e Jacket on fa jes in to throw some punches Distracted, Hinx rea! fon fire and tries to enuff cut the flames Bond seizes the oppodgunity, jumps up, grabs the beam above and double kicks nx Back into the wal! and rune past his neo’ the nescegenage. Bins, seanaife je frantically removing his jacket. TP HINING CAR, TRAIN (TRAVELLING) - NIGHT 130 a ing table sits unused in the car. Bond passes thfoysh Opening every cabinet coking for anything that will = a Woapon. opens a larger lower cabinet, we see tied up, gagged ‘4 bundled inside, the real SENIOR WAITER whose oniform Hinx Ias clearly stolen. Bond deftiy closes the dosr again and Keeps 01 going into the next car as he scce Minx cater, INT, KITCHENS, TRAIN (TRAVELLING) — wzcHT 1 How in the kitchen, using pots, pans, knives... the fight Feeunes again. Bond grabs a knife, stabs mink in the shoulder. Leaving chaos behind, they fall ‘through ts 132 9. EWE, GOODS CAR, TRAIN (TRAVELLING) - NIGHT 132 Cases burst open, more weapons improvised. Hinx's huge hands vip through everything Bond hive him with, The two men crah around the carriage. Until Winx has the upper hand; holds Bond's head, his th moving over Bond’s eyes, starting to prose ines Whon three gunshote ring out. Rinx suddenly froezes, falle away. Hadeleine stand: him with the clock. 2/2 Kands, Minx spine around and knocks the gun from Medelein gid. slipe ner, to the ground’ Ashe turchow for haf Bond loops #'fire hose around his throat, throttling Hum ‘uggles ~ the hose reel mounting 3 coc tae ot? Le He's indicating the side door. She acts swiftly, opening SN id rushing into the carriage. ‘They're in a long tu facks and brickwork hurtling bytes Just as Hinx elbows usted Bond in the stomach, whacks hhim dow he goes eli8fng across the floor. and now Hinx 1s Starting to hoses ++ ~ when in a litch effort, Bond boots the hose reel out of the tr = sn the tracks, goes under the wheels, wrapping onto de, tightens fast around fink’ throat ~ and Pes forward tonard the door. in @Pabs hold of Madeleine en route ~ pulling her with him — fog through all the debris from the fight... they're 1g cut of the door together — "until she pulls the knife out of hie shoulder and hanners ituinto his wrist “he YELLS, letting go ‘Bond grabs her on the brink — 2,88 Hinx goes disappearing out the door, bashing against the brickwork, then the tracks, until he’s sucked SCHEMING under the wheels. And instantly the train exits the tunnel and all is suddenly quiet. (conrznveD) an 133 138 96. conrnven: 12 Bond and Madeleine sit, in stunned silence. They look at each other sapELerwe, What do we do now? They look at each other. INE. MDELEINE'S COMPARTMENT, TRAIN — wrGHT Sy ‘The deor to her sleeper compartment bursts open. The already in cach other's arms. They slam up againet Now they are tearing at each other's clothes, makis desperate, passionate Love. > xP. TRAIN ~ NIGHT 14 The stars shine brightly, as the train “the desert. & holds the Legionnaize’s PH neypenny has found, 9 file of Sther ald documents on his desk. Moneypenny Stands before hin. ‘The whole have died ‘know White survived. (t seems, one other. ext) sper Te can’t be a coincidence. ve niyo M (comr’D} 1d none of these other faces have thrown up matches on the system? 4? nu ‘The octopus symbol. The face of the man next to White... « The question ie, who ie thie other man? And what’® bis name? MoREYEENY Oh, we know that. According to the files the only other man left alive was a nan sanad Heinrich Stocknann. on 136 EXT. TRAIN, EMPTY DESERT — DAM. 136 Dawn breaks over the desert ‘The distant train traces @ thin Line across the immense emptiness. 137 WT. COMPARTMENT, TRAIN (TRAVELLING) ~ MORNING Inside the cabin, Bond ie up, and sitting with the map; fon the table. He‘hag half a happy eye on Madeleine, ge bod. Tey feel the train grinding £0 a stop. Checking the coordinates, he looks to her- erre neve. ¢ 238 EXT. SPAPrON, OFBN DESERT - DAY & 13e Bond and Madeleine stand and vate! ain heade off into the distance: vi They are at a spat abandoned dias Yn the middie of nowhere. Rsolitary station ® ike" in the breezes Nothing as far ae the eye — Then ~ nove poe enere on the vast plain. Sho tne terse, ond\epinhtpleine waten os it grou in the shismering heat. f the cloud gradually becomes clear: BENTLEY, driven by 4 UNIFORMED CHAUPEEUR. irreal eight. mhe Bentley drives closer. Wow it pulls up next to then. The Chauffeur gets out and opens the door for Bond and Madeleine. CHAUFFEUR (indicating for then to step in} Please. (conranueD) 138 139 98. comme: 138 ‘They exchange a look. Bond nods. They get in, game for the ride. XP. OPEN DESERT — LANE AFTERNOON 139 The Bentley drives across the vast plain of the Northern Sahara. Gradsnity, send apd waceiesne see «shape 2008 vp throug) ~ and beyond it they glimpee strange eilveced DOMES of different sizes, sitting on the floor ofthe crater. As the Sentley passes through the mout! crater we now see a beautiful pool, set in an imaguifaee green Lawn. Next to the pool, 2 vast, sleek house site amidst ‘the huge domes. EN ‘The Bertley pulls up. The chauffeur opens the Madeleine. Sond follows her out, avare now of i ‘ting gune at him fron nearby. [A BUTLER loons: Botte eantty) yfteenoon, Mister Bond. Herr 5 sn extends his arnest y and invites you and Dr, "tO rest, relax and join him for Tell Horr Stockman, thank you and we as 4 his meaning. one eye on the henchnen, Bond places + Piast onthe" tray ~ oN promise not to be late. BUTLER Your rooms are prepared. we trust. they are to your liking. [Bond and Madeleine Look at each other. ua 2 99. INT. HER BEDROOM ~ DUSK ma A beautiful bedyoom. Light filters in through linen curtains. Madeleine enters. A tall woman (IRMA) awaits her. Looks her ‘up end down, An almost sexval appraisal: RMA (indicating wardrobe) your dress is in there. MADELEINE. 0 you know my 2126. 9 err Stocknann knows everything about you, br. Swann. 2 you nesd Eeeletance.- IRMA (CONT*D) i'm a big girl. T can dre soo win oBRB ICONS ~~ Madeleine watke to the wardr ‘Single beautiful dark blue dress, which catches the as at looke not unlike the night Bey. mo se SS or his be, eNO, ‘the bed and looks at the pictures around the ‘Thom playing cards in front of @ roaring fire. Bond smiling. On the wall, a giant blown up photogvaph of Bond and Oberhayaer. And Obezhauser'# son. A chin smile on the other boy's face. BOND STARES AT THE PICTURE... 200. © — ses exe. samc, catenncone ~ wzoet ss Madeleine emerges onto the terrace, very beautiful in the stunning drei From another door, Bond onerges, in his suit OND How do you Like your room? MADELEINE Incredible. I hate it. How's youre? oN stirring. A fine dining table has been set for three. ‘They are taken silently to their seats by [fVgried servants. They take their seats. vameny_ SO nat do yo oN That's no jane. t's made up. Another maskevanother game” MADELEINE NOydusre scaring me. What’s going ‘from Rome appears. Dressed immaculately. 2a. oe ssc Peoria stocraann (CONT'D) (addressing the cat) Get off there, you bloody fool. @ se puso the cat otto the fac, 2 nous tse cesta, (conrmmueD) 143 conrmnep: stocknenn aor. STOCEMANN (CONT'D) Shut up. Filthy creature. WAITER (to ond) champagne? oso ‘Thank you. warren cevtainiy. roca You will have to excuse me. As you ¢ probably know T have Condition whlch me chronic Sequisely undergo eurgexy. pecnontly Secoversng dreaagu En operation and ene arage the pain make mo-deevigie on edge. KN ou went we can't haven’) can wo? looks at a: time. (smi Lot ug tosstthie... reunion, ister 2h . STOCKMANN (CONT’D) ith, love and money, and the time Madeleine. NOP site shen nek ot pit hn i ves oN Here’s to that. his glass. Takes a sip. Stockman turns to STOCRMANN t's such a pleasure to finally mest you Dr. swank. It's strange because T feet 1'know you 0 well after all these years. MADELEINE. you may know my dreas aize but you don’t know me. (conranuen aaa a 102. conrmueD: (2) 13 STOCHMANN on the contrary. I've been watching you your whole iife. You see with an Grganization as big ae mine you have to Koop a close eye on your associates. T'vo watched you grow froma snail girl, into a woman. But's that’s just ’me. I always, always ++-loved to watehs He emilee broadly. STOCKMANN (CONT‘D) Now r have something I'd like you to wateh. Shall we? INT. OPERATIONS CENTRE, OBSERVATORY - NIGHT ¢ 14a stockrene leads fond and vadeleine into a jade, modernise spacer the centrepiece of whlch ia eeseane that Provides a Scosdegtee tieid'ef infSaqationand inssery. tos gaan setae BSS rg ‘The screens chow a wide varsi ‘views of an unnamed city. cor footage, securit satellite images. Stockman turns to face nnd ce hey doing? ened’ just 48 hours age. Watch.» ‘is probably ay favorite part. 1@ moments just before, when the scene is pristine, everything is ‘well, and no harm can come to anyote.. Everything ie ae it should ber Observe. STOCKMANN ge thg to show you eonething that fad focuses on the screens. and then. ‘The canera images shake. An explosion appears to have taken place in the city. Rendered ali the nore surreal by the Silence of the images. STOCKMANN (CONT‘D) ‘ihoosht Bond's blood hae gene cold. (conrmnueD ) 103. 144 cowermeD: 14a By nov the images begin to £11 with people. Running dots move tcrose the screens. STOCKNANN (CONT’D) Look at that. Just look at ite. Bond turne to stockmann. ox ny? STOCKMARN I'm sure that, before he blew his brains out, De. swann’s father, informed you that ay motives were far too strategically complex for you to Sven Eenoteiy comgtenonds And fe'with all due respect, Mister Bond, let’ ¢ Rot waste timo trying to explain, Mozart to the sonkeys. Seocimny waeones noreen on unicneg KON le with a Suddenly that screen blacks ou! PLOSION HITS. camera dead. He closes his eyes. (conr’p) ei. The cacophony of ‘ilding. And one by one more screens come or Ao outer circle of TV sereans beyord the Hire. Breaking from all round the world, reporting the by one they come on - CNN, AL~Jazeera, BBC, NBCy Hil there is'a escophony of sound. along the bottom of the images reads “Terror ‘cape Town" MADELEINE. Vv Why did you do thie? IN croc Imac you're witheseing, ector, on « molecular level, 8 power itself taking shape. More images from different TV channels, different angles on the carnage. ox The pover to Kill innocents? (cowrmnueD} ron. 144 cONFEHUED: (2) at SSTOCHMANN Let me try to explain, What is the Gifterence between this and an Garthquake? Answer: Nothing. The only Teaon we exist is the frequent Cccurrence of cataclysmic events in hature. Earthquakes. Flood. Droughts. thie (takes Little rabbit ears) waomination’ Le simply the power to affect the greater good through = Strategy of linked, controlled Gatastrophee designed to manipulate {Seal political feeling to place naximn pressure on the global stage. vaoeterte The unshakable belief characterii ¢ by consistently inflated feelin: personal ability, privilege, oF Engallspility. cam SSO ore08 Sobetens ee a =e r've got another, ye ike Stockman looks at tt s x Enough of ‘rake her away. 245 vr. SOLAR 2NS nicer as A dark Place. giled floor with small drains. ike an aatto! repre fon the floor. stocioma (to usr) . nie his hands. Tight. ~ fa 1s pushed into the centre of the chamber. ‘The nen tie hie arms ag Stocknann approaches him... BoND Tf anything happens to her... STOCRMANE (bored) ves, yer (conrawueD) 14s cownnuen: Stockman Bond sees Stockman’ NG le steps £% Bond rope 105. us BoD (ying) Her father told me a document would be released. A passport application with your fingerprints. ien't Frane Oberhauser wanted for murdering his oun father? turns. Considers Bond. STOCKMANN wo You're bluffing. BOND But can you afford to take that chance? the fLicker of doubt. and stocknann knee he aw som cone Se steno means a oo Your real hams help. ‘That diod with ay father. Hannes Ob srs Renanber hin? Taught you taphh, fe clin. How many peaks Sid x je in the Aiguilies Rouges. wo? (ey) Well Twas. Tt vas quite a feat. You land he out ‘on those mountains day after day. while his sickly Gisappointment of «son watched from inside ais ron long: o~ Wasn't oi ‘sos You're right. I forgot about you. stocmann hell I never forgot about you. forward and throws @ PUNCH into Bond's gut. Fo one Knee but the Guards haul him up. (cowrmwvep) 145 106. conrmNUED: (2) 145 Stockrann indicates an opening in the done high above: StocKMANN (ConT’D) This is a solar furnace. When the gun rises there will be nothing left of you... So your pain in the present is very important to me- Now it’s Bond who havle himself to his feet, unaid: Another PUNCH. He delivers two blows to the head and Bond hits the ~@y Stockman looks at Bond with eympathy; StOcKMANN (CONT*D) ¢ We desire truth, and find within ourselves only uncertainty. Stockman KICKS Sond hard. Breathing he ow. Stockmann's lungs begin to wheeze. sracouan (NS Sotnyh arenes nother punetuating FICK a eats (cont) We cannot ¢but deayre truth und happiness and Bre incapable of Finding et Another kick.say@Mancther. Stockmann stops. Backs away, Fightirg fo STOCHMANN (CONT'D) nur friend Q would say; it) on ‘men hands him a HANDKERCHIEF. He ops hie brow. A stood from his hairline. ‘gly, Bond drags himself to hia fect again. Stocknann's burn’ into him. ~ zoe cx in the stars that we mest again; You cane after mo without even knowing it S"when you Stunbled onto my money tan," Le chiffre. ‘The pleasure it gave ne to watch you fall in love with Vesper, then take her away. Bond's agony as he processes this. He elumps down to his knee. (conrzuen) us or. conmimuD: (3) us STOCKMANN (CONT‘D) Have you noticed how the women around you tend to die: (beat) It was. so inspized to send Silva after your beloved M. Yet still so. unsatisfying. Because you didn’t. kaow it'was ae. Well how you do. Bond stares at him. And then he speaks, quietly and elo blood dripping from his moth: I'm going to Kill you, Stocknann. Stcomen Knee dot oo ia face ta ive with SDH “ese 4 Scsomon intents ew tw ctr WYuLain to ene sees meee Be Your next ekghbour . we cur mNsrom THE sEcONSROOFLESS CELL. here a be: is slumped in the corner. Q. He's been badly beaten scious SG stocrumaw (0.5.) (conr’o) louchingly refused to Help us ack your Opecial Blood. ‘The man is rely elivey but 1 eaved him so you might waten Gach other die. nn looks to his watch. Father strict timetable. Besides, there really isn't anything to sée — too Bright for the naked eye \ sro (one) Stocknann indicates to one of his men. The roof slowly slides open. stocexANN (coNt’D) ‘hen the sun rises you will be burnt (conrnwvep) 46 a7 108. CONTINUED: (4) as ‘STOCKMAA (CONT“D) I would Like to say ~ slow and Lingering... but it will be surprisingly fast. He moves to the door, turne. STOCKNANN (CONT’D) You know, it’s ironic. You are in ay home, and soon Twill be dn yours, your girl on my arm. I've come a long way. Goodbye, Littie brother and he ie gone. Bond sits clunped and weak in the cell. ‘The dosr cloges on him. sr, oasenvarony ~ oams & ue A REDICOPTER Sees from anong the £) Madeleine looks back out of the Se. window, fon tectegtes seal QL one cision mi, INT. SOLAR FURNACE — a7 ‘the somp of PRE HBLicopter recedes In the cel stares at the fingars of Light. He's been awake all (g4Gut. is wrists bloody fron his efforts to loosen hie qty ‘ecoming Like an oven. the first time, he calle out: a No reply. IW TRE OTHER CELL, ‘The Licht is waking Q - he lapses in and out of consciousness. BoND (0.8.) (cowr’D) o (conrmueD) 109. 147 covrzyueD: “7 © stize some more. starts to realize who 4e calling. Barely able to speak: 007. IW BOND'S CELL ‘The Light concentrates, starts burning into the floor nea hnim, coming closer, the focus widening, a larger area “the destructive heat upon his skin now... Box Q, It's getting bloody hot. Any Sdeas? Bond hears this, gradually regMigSbAunat he means. As tho pair on his arms singe he stfaggies to get the warch off, 01 ‘ONT’ D) 007. Now his skin is burning. ond gate st. He twists th twice to zero, then to seven. A tiny wine 1s in the watch: A digital display begins tee count: jek, tick, tick. +. Bond i ely slides it under the door of the cell, prac elf. zy juge explosion. . er RS BLOW OFF, one exashing straight into one of the NW resort aces eeree to #1 on epace, st ster guard gets tc nis ects pulling nig gus sona'Bicks Ate Sond ‘he gor skaver across the floor, Janding at g'= feet. As the guard reaches for hie partner's gun,... Bond can’t get fo him quick enough; the man turns with the gun ae — He falls dead. The gun shakes in 0’e hand. Traumatized. (conamnvED) ae. 147 conmrmeD: (2) ur 9 is a killer now. ‘the oun invading fast oso Sometimes a trigger has to be pulled. Ho helps him into the shade, Sees # message appear on one ‘the wenchnen's phones. *ARE THEY DEAD?’ ond types on the phone, replying... Then pockets (to @) e've got to put an end to this place soot tnime’> inew tow: Me or we ae wO 7 the neneage on stocknann'a pronkgty Not. received ~ “Yes. Fey petage,on Stoetnaan,« caer ev ies ne tooks across to smi it is dong? jer ig dead. ALL hope dies in he ‘The jet cuts yp blue skiee. Stocknann gestures at their seman STOCIOARN (CONT‘D) Gr 0 unbearable? be CENTRE, OBSERVATORY - DAY 19 ue on sng how updates of the attacks throughout the world. screens show potential new targets..+ f@ of the Technicians heare a noise and turns to see the seated mirrors at the base of the ‘telescope’ ripple into a new configuration, Hie surprise and unease tolls us this is fot normal in seconds the mirrors have focused the sun's rays onto the CooLANT STORAGE VAR. ‘the Technician’ eyes go wide. 150 153 an. EXT. CBSERVATORY — DAY 150 Bond and @ crouch behind the cell block, at a safe distance They'ie near the helicopter launch pads Strange bright Light ie emanating from the control dome. ° By redirecting the Light onto the cooling system, the computer will Snetantly overheat, causing @ chain B oKD and? ¢ 2 ‘two possible outcomes. one, it will maton = o and the second? weiss Sagticanang a pS ns if the system is othe extent Pehink ie A uassive wave oF ExfOsr -EPS THE FLOOR OF THE CRATER — FOLLOWD BY A DEEP’ IN OP ALL OF THE OBSERVATORY DOMES. THEY CISAPPEAR IN A FTORN OF DUST. A far bigger than @ could ever have imagined. T get it. ax pus 1s ; Rain falle hard. An aerial shot moves over the ‘ty, the River Thanés snaking through it Like a cobra. CENTRE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY — DUSK (RAINING) 12 ‘The new building gleams on the north bank of the Thanes |INT, CENTRE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY ~ DUSK ~ RAINING 183 We are with ¢ as he walks through the central atrium. A buzz of expectation around the place as the final preparations are nade. Champagne bottles are being opened, glasses laid out on side fables (cowrmwuED) a. 153 contrsuED: asa A tomrorary curtain has been set up for the unvelling of Plague. A small stage and» podium have been set ap as west. We're online at @. Where is our Benefactor? He's landed = just making that detours ma. $ We) © nods, looks around the new building proudly. € {coxr'n) Amazing how fast history moves. ¢ 194 EXT. OLD MI-6 BUILDING ~ NIGHT (RAININ & 154 As if to illustrate c's point — th 6 building eite, Sark and forgotten, on the banks vanes. High up, @ windblown TARP cLuny fee the old scar of the Giant explosion from view. Down on the river, a sles) EAUNCH pulls up at the shadowy quay at the building: Stockman, Madoleing, remij and HENCHMEN step out. Waiting with » GLAND = JENKINS, ce aide. JENRINS we Mister Stockman. 355 ann, IILDING, LOWER LEVEL - NIGHT (RAINING) 15s the interior swings open. Ae it doce: senkins srs 80, Mister Denbigh was very : aa senkins of course. Jenkins nods avkwardly and withdraws. Stockmann looks around as if he’s just bought the place. (contmnveD) as. 155 cownnmuen: 1ss ‘The vest empty shell. Belly blown out by the huge explosion from skyfall: Amidst the dust and rubble, he sees the old MI-6 Menorial Wall. Those who have diod in service of their country, ie laughs quietly to himself. STOCKNANN very touching. He looks around the shadowy lobby. We see up through 4 middie of the chasm ~ A CONSTRUCHION ELEVATOR. Hanai and wires fringe the exposed dolls house rooms Js concrete, twisted wire reinforcements, constructio a. Stockman turns to Trma — STOcKMANN (CONT'D) Go down to the vaults. ¢ If this document 42. in ee, worl know Bond vas ave you. How apt. that he lio with 2 Tie 'on his lips. (looking aroun’ and that thie your coffin. Now he locks up. nigfeye edgvies on a floor halfway up the buildirg where the danage}is centred, A GANTRY extends tout fron the elevators StocKMAMN (coNT’D) at ene of the ‘crime. 156 men. oD UILDING, M'S FLOOR ~ NIGHT (RAINING) 156 They" It of the elevator, cross the high gantry. Sts turveys the damage, The scare of a bulidiag blown within it’ like standing inside a broken rim V srocomm ey coe ee caca opus ~ Re aseoy to eave ag Teenage eaey, we atelon ahaa sce asys Sool tet tee ESE, Sarees MADELEINE You dia thie? STocRNARN Yy friend Mister Silva had some issues with the head of Mi-6. simply fanned the flanes. (conrmyvep) 156 na. conmniveD: 156 MADELEINE No wonder my father cut you loose: You've just another small tine erininal: Stockman You're right on one count, Mise Swann. A criminal, But ceftainly not ‘snail tine. He has moved to the tarp, and looks out over London. oursipe: STOCKMANN LOOKING CUT OF M'S(JUDI‘S) SHATTERED OPT We see the Lights of Whitehall in the distance.. cor 0: INE, M'S OFFICE, MI-6 OFFICES, WHIM ® crams) 157 In Whitehall, looks around his Tt is empty. He holds a small box, wath the x ob his belongings. ‘Then he renenbers something, ¢fgeW drawer, and looks down. CLOSE oN A MEDAL: GEORGE AN SAS. AWARD FOR GALLANTRY. Moneypenny enters offt: t are you ready eir? Wha ever be. A tase 1oGP phon he pushes the drawer shut, Leaving it. te SS door behind hin. P-6 OFFICES, WAITEHALL - NIGHT (RAINING) 158 rope in hie tracks ihe entire staff of MI-6 ie waiting for him. They stand in silence. ‘Tanner stands facing him. « ‘TANNER siz. M nods to one or two in acknowledgement. Dignity in defeat. (conrmnueD) us. 158 conzrwuED: ase " ‘The French have a saying - it is the fate of glass to break. Well perhaps it’s the fate of spies to disappear. But with any luck, wo Leave something behind. ‘The gathered faces look back at him. «cowry ‘Thank you all. He walks through the room, and out into the night 159 -EXT, WIITEHALL, STREET — NIGHT - conpmvoUS (RATNING) 159 Moneypenny and Tanner have followed, and now watch as M stops into's 1ikeusine, ‘The Linousine pulle avay fast. ere, QO anes, x wat do yoo san? HONE: Wrong nus ‘They cok at each offer. so amg, mas nae nm) * What the hell NVM i ete, sete eee tnt tn sox sacked - I apologize. M Gs shell-shocked but recovers quickly. " Don't be go blocdy pompous Bond. What's going on? ie phone RINGS. (courziveD) ae. 160 conrrwueD: 160 Who's calling? " tanner. ts ose an oso i ty) Yow Light lluminates 9's lab. S Weapons Lie on a table, Bond is close to a large a which shows a cross section of the new CSNIRE’ FOr SECURITY. He taps a spot high (up inthe building, ooking at M, who is palling ons shouldabeolster. Bow veuGotNe to get 9 into there. a ‘NENG) 162 0 is typi ta laptop. @ (distractediy) Vertex “it's the terminal where the highest level data is outpat. wy Ye can’t be hacked from the outside? rd worry £6 46 could be, Bond has finiehed arming himself. Come on 0, are we still blind? @ hits a lest key and something cones up on hie own screen. lie gee the map, with a blinking cursor next to Vauxhall Bridge on the South bank of the Thames. (connmveD) a7. 162 cowsrwuED: 162 ° Not perfect, but here's the phone's Last eppearance. He was on the south bank, but then the eignal einply disappeared. Box There's only one place that could BoD AND @ sssThe Faraday Cage~ M locke at them, catching up: In the old building? a ° Tat has to be it. sence gies HDD = Bond sakes a quick assessnent | Have you g€itl ght/your section 6 ze © ie beginning to unds¥€and where he’s heading. » ‘the door Gpehg, Noneypenny and Tanner come in. Bond gives Hone special nod of acknowledgement on ‘What took you 80 long? Ve OLD MI-6 BUILDING, LOWER LEVEL - NIGHT (RAIWING) 163 construction elevator touches down at ground level. ‘The doors open on Stocknann. Ixma is facing him. IRMA xo file. ‘They mast have it. (comme) ne. 163 coNTINGED: 16 Bond is dead. ‘They won't know what it means. We should kill her STOCHMANY No. I need to be sre, then you'll have your kill. 164 INT. OLD MI-6 BUILDING, M’S FLOOR - NIGHT (RAINING: Qs i Madeleine watches from high up in the building as boat polls out from the shadows at the base of ME heads off down rivers ema stepe behind her. Madeleine turns and gtared“et her with Sohne? MADELEINE 265 nme comme ron meron spams QMEM earns) es The building is subtly 1it, #& pekits the function. Ministers, Mandarine, sen ‘itary and police personnel, all insults © looks over it alt (gith Batisfaction. then he sees conething and frome aerose the Grink in hand, watches ¢ approach. say I’m surprieed you took he. invitation. gigas. almost in wonde magoshists. 166 EXT. THAMES ~ NxGHE (RAINING) 16 ‘The new CRS building stands tall beside the river. ON THE BLACK LAUNCH STOCKMAMT, looks up at the building with pleasure. (conrmiven) e ns. conrznugp 166 stocemaan (to himgelt} And away wo JO: INT. CLD MI-6 BUILDING, M's FLOOR - NrcHr 167 Madeleine is at the window. Wind biows. Rain drips in from the heles in the roof, ‘The tarp creaks inward with a gust of wind ~ somentar: cloaking her from Irma. Noticing a broken metal strut from a window frame, ‘nti Tima disappears’ trom view agaln = then geass She prapares to strike. But as the tarp ewings bygk, st reveal; Irma - already close, and onto her, a Madeleine swings with the metal, but Tema away, and Punches her viciously in the stomach. QO Madeleine elides back az she £412 YS ig her weapon. suddensy"~ rung. She makes it to a door, yanki\itYepen - only to find that there is no floor on the’ ide! A massive drop of thee stdeeys. All the way to the ground ftoor. She testers on the edg¥y“pulle herself back - only to be hauled back own actos the room. She lends onM¥pe\floor. winded. Looks up at Trma with hatred. Spite Elot zai SO* pathetic chia, ‘onen becone auate of A SOUND crown. - R helicopter approaching. very close. @raws aside the tarpaulin, and together the two wonen watch asa helicopter drops dovn RIGHT SN FRONT OF RueN, And thes BRIGHT LIGHTS BLAST THE ROOM, the tarp blown inwards from the downdraft, the lights even brighter now. Rain lashes in, Madeleine shields her eyes to the light. she cannot see hin, but she knows who it is, Bom. 16e 169 120. EXP. EELICOPTER, THAMES — NIGHT (RAINING) 168 In the cockpit we see Bond at the controls, struggling against’ the conditions. WE, GLD MI~6 BUILDING, H's FLOOR - same TIME 169 Inside the building. The lights and noise keep on rising opearae. Irma vuns to the thin walkway leading to the construc! elevatar, calle down santo the darknese. IRMA Get up here! Now! ¢ EXT. O:D MI-6 BUILDING ROOF — WIGHE (RaTWn 170 Swinging wildly in the wind, the helic fe down on a high roof of the building. Lights g&o€f. ost gets our dato the pelting rain. 25,26 Sowos te she closest, windy SiR ees a shadow on the other side. The window 18 ic) "TWO KEN Gone out oh to the root £0 gee hin. With no cover except the One lof the men otra be leaving in it, tye's ter, Bond moves behind it. sing to blow it up. Bond won't They're getting clos 2 trapped. Unti2 te ai ide the smashed cockpit, flicks the Lights back ot a 3 BLAM Bad wo fe them down. a strides forward from behind the lights. the roof of the old MI-6 building and straight h the open window. IND. OLD MI-6 BUILDING, UPPER FLOOR - WIGHT (RAINING) m Now he's into the building. High up on a gantry. He looks down, planning his attack. Bond's 90V: The massive building drops down into the darkness beneath hin. ai. INT, CNS BUILDING, MAIN ATRIUM — NIGHT (RATNING) im Speeches are being made. Stockman is in the audience watehing. Up on the raised platform, ¢ stands and watches the Home Secretary at the podium, addreseing the crowd. HOME SECRETARY Ladies and gentionen, today is an historic day marking @ new era. A now era in Internationa cooperation. Anew era in advanced echnotogy. A new era in national defence. During this, ONE OF STOCKMANN'S MEN approaches. Ygans down to whisper in hie ear. Mvatcies hin Like 2 havk from the sansa HOME SECRETARY ‘Thie extraordinary new Be eneersinny a sociminn's face goes white wfEh gh st what he hae teen oie Kas muni QO rie. a ut soto Qesooes sineon = wtsen anna) 273 fe CONDI toon aide too. mheyars lir machine pistols. pen and they start shooting. But no-one is inside. fon is replaced by the deadly certainty of Bond - rg on the roof of the elevater. Two shote and the two ‘are downs Noy bullets rain upwards from SOMEONE DOKN BELOW, sparking Off the frane of the elevator, No time Sond runs, leaps across a chasm to get to safety ~ gun in hand. ‘The men shoot from below. Bullets ricochet. They miss him. Bond lends on the other side of the chasm. Turns, shoote upwards. Boom! His bullets hit 2 skylight high up in the building (conrnnveD) m i” ¢@ 12. conmtsuEDe ma ‘The massive sheet of glass shatters and rains down on the Shouts from down below - the men are ripped up by the glass. one leoke up, face biody ‘Two more shots from Bond, and they both Lie dead. He Locks to where Madeleine ie... He's getting closer. WT, CNS BUILDING, MAIN ATRIUM — NEGHT (RAZNENG) nt Applause. Back at the event, M is watching closely Comes to the microphone, ¢ c ‘Thank you, Welt, ae you must all know by now, thie great building was nade possible by an oxtraordinas Sonation from an extraordina x man whose name will surely. bf a Alongside the greatest. philanthropista: Carne@iehy tite, Guggenhoin. step £01 , Mister Heinrich Stocktinns [A spotight picks out stool ‘the crowd. Triggering more applause. ‘Stockman looks (j= ©, his face @ mask. ¢ sense: something is wrong. And # inows it too. Stocknenn jowledges the crowd. ut © tas foun off his stride alightty. o (cou'D) SOX Finally tempted out of the ihadowes = we all owe you an enormous debt of gratitude: Qe mons, LL exe) He pulls a cord and a curtain parte to reveal a stone: {THE CENTRE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE (GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION OF THE SHOCRNANN FOUNDATION. More applause. (conrzsuep) 176 conrimen: ma (cowr’p) (to Stockman) and how Iwonder if ve might call on you to take the eysten online? stoceman of course. applause as Stocknann makes his way up to the podtun, 1 has seen vatching him and waiting for this moment, a ee ee ee ene tpote sankege a ned from ax internal vindow high in the building - Tas Bek, INT. CNS BUILDING, TECH AREA - NIGHT (RAINING) ¢ 178 Now Tasner turne to address the occupants room... ‘TARNER W106 70 RAVEAL a rive clean-cut anaiyete and ‘enkine watch hetplosly fag TAINER stands with a Seen fe gun trained on then. vou'11 beflathedug for thie Tanner. Seqghgagng fou wor’ ake © bind \ Aca wwe. oi a vx Aen = ONE qa) 6 wn vaggpen Acorn roates the smelt tage. 1s him and addreeees him urgently, under the noise lause. is Vv (sotto Sece to stocknann} stocKHARN bond és alive. ¢ ie struck dunb. Stockman turne, suddenly smiling. STOCKHANN (CONT’D) (to the crowd) Well, I/ll do my best, but 1 have to arn’ you - T’m terribie with Pechnology- (conammueD) 128. 176 conrinsen: a6 Laughtor. Stockmnn presses @ button. LIGHT STARTS 70 PULSE SILENTLY UP THE MESH OF FIBRE OPTICS lain THE GLASS CORE. in an inetant, data i streaming across screens around the room. 177 INT. CHS BUILDING, TECH AREA ~ SAME TINE Back up in the upper area, 0’ screen suddeniy come: : 9 Tanner watches ae Q's hands nove across the keys gike Lightning. The sereen flows with datas Letening. SY ‘he sound of the elevator again 1 eising. 4379 INP, oD M6 BUILDING, sTAZ NIGHT (RAINING) 109 Unknown to Bond, we FIGURE OF A HENCHMAN climbirg the stairs 180 WT. OLD sre surmprNG ERPLODED INTERIOR — NIGHT (RAINING) 160 Back with 5 looks out from che shadows. nie Powe obscured outline of ANOTHER HENCHMAN riding up in thelex@ystor. Now eps out, ains at the elevator cable. He shoots at the cable. it ahreds... but it ‘break — lenly, behind Bond, we see the door to the stairwell open, (@ aman in the doorway! ‘he man shoots, misses. Quick ae * flash, Bond spins round and kills him witha single shot — ‘But now he has hie back to the elevator door - and it’s Just ‘opening. Bond is revealed to the gunman ineide who haz his gun pointed right at hin Bond holds up his hand: |. Serrender. (conrnuen) as. 180 conrtsuep: 180 ow you got me. Bond turns, hands over his head. Then, without breaking pose — BANG! ~he’ fires a single shot. It severs the cables A split second while the man realises vhat is going to happen. And then he plusmets four storeys to hie death. Bou (cowr’D) (watching his descent) ccoing downs A shudiering crash at the base of the elevator eck the emty space. Now, higher up in the building, Bond sees the shadow of 2 wondn. Izna’s silhouette. Bond s:arts off, moving slowly, wary, pas irough the chiaroscuro ruis, the cascading water, way to the high gantry. only the high gantry is between 181 GWT. CHS BUILDING, MAIN ATRI! ser The Lighte of the central, stilt pulse and glow. Stocknenn again addxfeses So nowy rtSE cla you peshaps sive & ee Sonsastsabaaae be my pleasure. st fs past him back into the audience. AS he goes: ‘audience. croctu cundes E ee es casa bec eaves. © gathere nineelt. Wine ne ‘The scrzen behind him cones to life, Clearly a pre-planned presentations © (analysing data on screen, off the eutt) Well... From the presence of your phones, cross-referenced with your bredit'card details, and ahs (conrniven) 126. 161 contrsuep: ae He watches as Stockman moves through the crowd towards the exits Now we see Moneypenny on the other side of the room. She hae boon waiting for this monent. she followe Stockman, staying ata distance, © (conn) j;and other records, I can tell you that .<.seven of you woke up in & Gifferont country this morning, one pereon actually travelled here by Public transport! QS Laughs from the audience. ¢ 162 INT. CHS BUILDING - TECH AREA - WIGHT (RAINING) ae Tanner watches from the higher floor. Now he turns back to Q, waiting at LO ramen wow. x» © punches a key on the me) 183 TWP. cus BUTLOING, © roar (rarwrne) 183 Down in the main rogm, th Graphice on the screen change. © looks at it, slight puzzled. IS. eect ee From the Giplig, a familiar voice - like a good-natured aa #S playing along with the act? . represent? * Fascinating stuff. chose charts up 4s Eehind-you'meus hate they Nona nimorg searing ot 2 norphing ‘organten’ of data robbing on the! sczeesy Giftorcht connesetsusn poe, Sy? € pressze his remote. the screen continues to £411 with data, ¢ weong page® teething probiene. How pronlctalls, Weak laughs from the audience. ¢ pres: Still nothing. his renote again. (conrmmvED) 183 164 wr. courznvep: aes He tams to face the audience. © (cont) Well, perhaps this wag all a bit optimistic. What © hasn't seen is that the eoreen is working perfectly, and has now finished ite data search. A name is now written in capitals at the heed of the pi [BRUCE DENSIGH.. © turns, and realises that he is looking at his (cour'p) Welt, 1 ~ this wasn’t... ¢ » Bh yes, 1 think 2 see... You res can tell everything #2on proper! anelysed data. Al? the occas fand Mister Seccknann haveqg Secret, for examples Set Switzetiand, four in St too. And yet ie a now know that onder hie identity, he wae murderer. M etarte to move towards organization then he pat you in os indiscriminate bombing. © is extent. ‘the audience. a com-0) v0 1 alas TA Rg ost Oe om, aan coms see Moneypemy has followed Stocknann down to the exit. We see her Pov: stocknann and ONE HENCHMAN are heading towards the Black Launch. And as before, the rest of hie MEN are making for the RIB. NoeYPENNY (nto the phone} tanner ~ they're heading for the boats: (cowrrnseD) 128. 184 cowmniweD: 1a ‘TaRNeR Gall Bond. Tf you can’t get through fo him it'mean8 he’s still in the building. MONEYEENNY And what happens then? ‘rannen ‘Take thom down. Moneypenny moves off through the rain. She takes out, 365 WT. CVS BUTEDING, TECH AREA ~ SaME TIME ‘Tanner is on the other end of the call. ¢ TTARNER Q - get road blocks up. Keep pet away From the river. Across the room, Q attacks his ke renewed vigour. ¢ GN © knows th Sup. ‘ eis Ne BI an ncn ey nee ioe : WT, OUD MI~6 BUILDING, MS PLOOR - NIGHT (RAINING) 187 ‘Thunder rumbles in the darkness as Bond stealthily tracks Emma across the gantzy. Sudden flashes of Lightning illuminate the huge drops on either side. But he is getting closer. Bond firds cover behind some construction machinery. (conrnive) ier aaa. conmmsuED: 487 He locks up ahead into the near darkness. A flash of lightring reveals Trma, gun drayn. Briefiy silhouetted against the gaping holé. The rain behind her~ She has her gun to someone's head. But Bond's view is obscured. ile cranes his neck to see: Madeleine, She is knelt against the back wall, below the windows. She ia CHAINED and gagses. He looks... realises ho is crouched next to a DIGGER. Se Locke around, thinking. 2? snes unchaining Madeleine. sh Sona teteaRes ieeatnde RMA é (a harsh whisper) fone Sound and you're dead. She unlocks the chains. they look arout © gloom. Wo Soundscape the dipping oF the ea 1n the silence, tema starts to w& ine actors the room ena is crouchin gun to Madeleine at gunzoine. Whon suddenly... Boo! sh ‘The DIGGER elane wall. Screaming straight tovarde th and nov Tima makes a WE{sion. a suicidal one. she runs flat fut, and pus wdeleine thicugh the door she nearly fel) fron erie ‘# huge leap. And the t Em go flying out into darkne: oN ot from the digger, reaches the door, too late. uyefow, looking down, ancther flash of Lightning nates something ~ the two women are caught on SAFETY TING two Storeye below. But their weight is causing the netting to shred on a jagged edge... Madeleine reaches out for some dangling wire: fingoté just missing... ixma clings to hers Bond leaps down some crunbling stairs to try to help. Madeleine and Irma struggle ... the net unravelling... Pond grabs the netting just as it gives way on one side — now he is holding the weight of both of them. (conrzauen 130. 187 conrzmeD: (2) ae? Madeleine scrambles toward him, kicks Irma away and with that jeverege manages to grab the wires above ao Bond Lets go of the nets And Ima disappears down, down... into the depths of the Building. Yadeleine avings on the wires. she lets go. Lande safely - in ond’ arma. % ono (co¥-p) Are you alright? MADELEINE, Nott ¢ She pumels him in the chest with both fists. ronnie (com-04-—Y Fame MPN 188 EXT. cus BUTLOING, Qt 18S - NIGHT (RAINING) 18 he rain pours dounl wonepenny is trying to contact Bond. ‘The call won't go th¥gugy” he's still ost of cones, MonByPeNNy tOsthe phone) c come on: Stocknann fafbigat starts up ite engines. the rib follows close behind, he away. ny realises what she has to do. She breaks out into NC oe ee eos oes sp ene Ase as Shoots shrough the rain and darkness. the bullet skims the edge of the trailing ribs fone of the men notices, icoke back, readies his gun - the others aotice too - thiee of them about to fire St her she Eskes quick im, shoots again direct shot into their PUEt ‘TARE. RABOOM! A HUGE EXPLOSION. Pour men taken out in one fell swoop. Noneypenny flinches st the explosion, (coxrniven) 130 aor N 192 ai conrzayep 188 AN ANGRY ENVELOPE OF FLAME rises up — EXT. OLD ME-6 BUILDING - SAME TIME 19 The RIMBLE of the explosion ie heard by Bond and Madeleine as they leave the buslding: AMBULANCES and FOLICE CARS are turning up... EXD. RIVER THAMES — NIGHT (RAINING) stockmann's launch hurties along the dark waters back at the explosion. Worried. EXP. OUD MI-6 BUILDING ~ NIGHT (RAINING) Bond pille adeleine aay, heading for nee on wo need congel auay tig te potice and nedice run tovar Jing, Bond polis e. Madeleine to one eide. Towards ‘ambulance. Wateeie ste Soto the pase Ho fixce the engis @ che accelerator ~ and they head Beay from the ing. MADELEINE. wre we going? oxo Se sate. > sagptenve It's difticuit to stay eate around you. roars through a roadblock, the ambulance the perfect jetaway vehicle tonight. Bond's shone flashes. EXP. RIVER THAMES — NzoHIT (RAIWENG) 192 MONEYPENIY Thank God. Bond. Stockman. e's heading for Westminater Bridge. 193 132 EWT./EKP. AMBULANCE, LONDON STREETS — NIGHT (RAINING) 193 How many men with him? MONEYPENWY ust one. oxD What happened to the others? NONEYEENNY Turns out I’m not such » bad shot after all. Bond miles. Hangs up. Thinks. Madeleine looks at hin. suddenly, ne atane on thf brakes. iMene'the unec!. Acelovacestalbets the 2 oN Bond doen't anewer. sascrsae XS You're going wees fen't you? THE AMBULANCE scree fh the wet streets. Skids around the ben&egling up onto Westmineter Bridge. Scresches to a halt at the entrance to the Bridge. Big ben and 's of Parlianent rise up massively on the other side rivers jaike into the rain. ‘TmAMES - wrcHD 194 Stockman sees a SILHOUETTE on the bridge. Backlit by the head lanpe of the ambulance. it’s Bond. ‘The gauntlet laid down. 195 197 198 aaa. XP. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE - NIGHT (RAINING) 195 Bond's POV: The Thames. Through the dark and rain, the wash of a launch heading his way. +s Sou tons om 0 ha Aaron rane te cay aoe tecugh tn cain, mie onsen siete oF 9 So) SSMS, Soca iota nook to ons tunnaw tan 98 Ho gestures to the Man, who steers the boat towayg the shore. EXP. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE - SAME TIME 196 Bond watches the boat pull up near SK the exbanknent. weston rage et ee BONS INT, AMBULANCE - SAME 7: 197 Madele:ne watches ag/the sn Close on each other. EXP. WESTMINSTER sRIDGES same TIve ase The rain 2a ), the two men walk toward each other, Bond with guiainpand, down by hie side, Stockman with nachine 'o ised, Tealing he has the advantages ‘They Stop STOCKEANN fou and me have had thie date from the beginning. 2 Box Don't flatter yourselt. Stockman is shocked. sStocexaKN He moves toward the gun. BOND Stop. (contzwveD) 199 200 & cowrrmuED: Stocknann ignores im. the trigger. CLICK. 138. 198 Keeps moving for the gun. Bond pulls The gun has jammed. God has intervened. And Stocknann now has th He smiles. fires the engine, floors EXD. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE Madeleine directs the w Seeing the car screamin: fires. Boom! He nite th THE AMBULANCE SWINGS OF} SIDE ~ SLIDES ALONG THE the machine pistol. the pedal: soe, mentee ~ sage te 9 Madeleine sees what has happened. She gets behind 8 p ~ sae ome ¢ 200 jehicle toward Stockiy, - ig towards him, yn turns and "¢ Front. tyre 7 com, NTE, ars 9 ws “ee Baca, tie ee” Stockman, unconcerned, ‘The ambulance powers ‘through the wall. The back of the anbul wate! JUST MISS HEM. ide of the bridge. snashes Thangs over the edge. Bond can see Haeleine,te\congesous” Through the aindows Share anaes fi ger ont. conogytmceon oat ‘Stockmann adie 2 gan to Bond. sroctent ve, winter Sond? 1e was written che dears: uefDepMop to the skies, nodding thanks to the heavens. feoks at him. Stocknain hesitates. BoND 1 do renenber you. stoceMaNN wnat? ont I lied. of ce! > surge I remember you. Now Bond starts slowly walking closer. (courzwven) 1s. 200 cowszwwED: 200 Bono (cowr’D) Your father would talk about you all the tine. Wen we were out climbing. Stoclaann is hooked, even though he wants to shoot him. And Bond is edging forward. sown (cont’p) to ween SS seh yo. He Roel Riseeie*BOD not" ucash Beis SS Seesaee ee foe fond ie ctoser now. dg son cone’) te bianea Molf 22 Your sniness. He SOPEGS Roting qobe” aban ees ESEP Esa evan hein rims Yd Now we see , getting out of a ca bridge. Watching in the rain. voxo (coms BS ses yon RP Stockmann stares, in a ks; everie. PD) s0 there'§ Justus now, (nai jadeleine) and her. ir end of the Stocknenn kat her ~ as Bond takes a quick step fand grebs atthe gun. Stockman struggies, the gis FALLS: And Bord es Nin around the throat. ks confused, Like Bond could never really kill jave too strong a connection. Bond and Stocknann in profile. Alnost aa if they are ‘to kiss. The sound of their breathing. ‘ockmann gasps, Bond's hande around his throat: StocMANN But... You've my Little brother. ‘BOND I never hada family. With every ounce of strength left, ond Lifte stockmann off the ground. (cowrmnveD) nae. @ 200 200. cowrrmvED: Stocknann's face so close to hia, RISING OUT OF FRAME, as Bond equaezes his throat tighter, Stocknann’s face is still above frame, but we hear his death rattle. His body slumpe and bacones heavier, Dead, Bond slowly lowers him. Stocknann frame, facing Bond. dead face re-enters ‘Then we watch as Bond ete hie body slide to the road. Bond looks down. Thunder rumbles. Dead eyes stare up at Bond, the rain, the dark clouda above, ¢ Stockmann Lies on the pavement. Now Boxd looks to the ambulance. Moves swiftly, Clinbs up so he's standing on the upturned side, reachei invand pulls Madeleine up through the smashed side coz NSS pet epnis D ust then, 8 the bridge collapses under the genus ee Soifance Slash dow Ay feet sno sey {corn LOM ie non ree un tne . Bond looks at him. 2 M looks back at Bond. Ig this the end? Bond taxes out HIS PISTOL. He looks at it for a moment ~ a last manent — and then. He throvs it into the river. MADELEINE why did you do that? (cowrzwuep) ast. 200 cowsrHuED: (3) 200 oxo It was weighing me down, tay ftom Hs Aioy fromthe Bridge, Any thom tendon rave 10 ey 201 er. ASP Bx ons A ween cane aos {A black cat walks acrogs an East End cobbled stragt. Rubs up against the leg of a figure dressed in black. “ ‘The PIGURE is breaking into a lock up. SaaS “P 202 INT. BLBVATOR/Q'S WORKSHOP, Mr ~ pasa 202 Inside the workshop, a dark £4 levator descends. Tt stops. Doors open. Yo reveal canes song" Tit.My/e single naked bulb. Snartly Gressec once more. ip ates out. We realize that we're Ef'0"s vehicle workshop. Bond’s footsteps ect (© dark chamber Suddeniy, alWghty1ights cone on. And there, looking back at le older. A littie wiser ear : . woo “VV rernioa, of ~ , 1 eaougne Poa gon. ox have. 1 an. Bond looks at Q... BOND (cowt’D) There's just one thing T need. @ looks at him. Bond looks back. And @ knows. (conttnvED) ane. 202 cowrtaueD: 202 Now we might hear the distant etraine of the Bond Theme... emilee. Shakes his head. Throws the KEYS across the room to him. Bond reaches out. Catches them. BOND (coNr’D) (smiles) ‘Thank you. 203 EXP. LONDON StREST ~ pam 203 A series of close ups: A hand urna the key in the Lgnition. S A rev counter bursts to Life. aN BN oop Madeleine in the pas S she emites back vaues nonp urns que (accELgRATOR. .. Wuseis sm, se -AND THE "TH DBS ROARS AWAY. TAKING 1 nee a

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