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Credential Templates – Republic of India

Secondary School Certificate ..................................................................................2

Higher Secondary School Certificate .....................................................................6
University-Level Certificates and Diplomas .......................................................11
Technical-Professional Certificates and Diplomas .............................................14
Bachelor’s Degree (3 years) ..................................................................................19
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) ..................................................................................22
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and Master of Education (M.Ed) ......................26
Bachelor’s Degree – Medicine and Dentistry ......................................................35
Bachelor of Law(s) (LLB or BL) ..........................................................................40
Master’s Degree (3+2 years) .................................................................................45
Master’s Degree (4+1.5/2 years or 3+3 years) .....................................................48
Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Executive Master of Business
Administration (EMBA) ........................................................................................52
Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas .............................................................62
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) ..............................................................................73
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil)................................................................77

© 2019 the Crown in right of the Province of Alberta, Government of Alberta,

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), 9th Floor, 108 Street Building,
9942 - 108 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J5

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Secondary School Certificate

Category: Secondary

Credential Actual Name:

Secondary School Certificate

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

All India Secondary School Certificate
Delhi Secondary School Certificate
Matriculation Examination
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Secondary School Examination
Anglo-Indian High School Examination Certificate
Note: These are just examples and do not constitute a complete list of (lower)
secondary level credentials. Some of the names may no longer be current.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body:
Three All India Boards:
– Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
– Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
– National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
State Boards of Secondary Education (

Admission Requirements:
•Graduation from elementary/upper primary school (representing 8 years of schooling)

Program Description:
•Ten-year combined primary and secondary education program (current structure)

Secondary (also called lower secondary) schools in India provide two years of general
education. Upon completion of secondary education, students receive a certificate by passing
an external examination given by either the State Board of Secondary Education or one of the
three All-India boards.

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Admission into higher secondary school and further vocational and technical training

IQAS Recommendations:

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Generally compares to the completion of Grade 10.

Course Equivalencies:
Grade 10 level courses.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
Secondary education (also called lower secondary or high school) is not compulsory. In most
states it lasts two years from Class 9 to Class 10 following the completion of elementary
school (Class 8) and represents 10 years of schooling (8+2). Some older certificates represent
the completion of 11 years of schooling (9+2).

The curriculum includes subjects such as languages, math, science, and the arts. Secondary
school teachers generally hold a one-year postgraduate Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), with
entry based on completion of a first bachelor’s degree.

The following table shows the subjects and time allocations for secondary education as
recommended by the Ishwarbhai Patel Committee in 1977. The committee indicated that the
scheme was illustrative only, leaving it to the state boards to decide whether to make some
subjects compulsory and others elective.
Secondary (Classes 8/9-10) Subjects, 1977
Subjects Hours
(per week)
Languages 8
Math 4
Science 5
History, civics, and geography (as one course) 3
One of the following: the arts (music, dancing, painting, etc.), 2
home science, agriculture, commerce, economics, social
reconstruction, classical languages, etc.
Socially useful productive work (SUPW) and community service 6
Games, physical education, and supervised study 4
Total 32

The 2000 National Curriculum Framework lists the following subjects for secondary
Secondary (Classes 9-10) Subjects, National Curriculum Framework, 2000
Stage Subject
Three languages – mother tongue/regional language, modern Indian
language, and English
Secondary Science and technology
Social sciences
Work education
Art education

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Health and physical education

While following the National Curriculum Framework in terms of educational structure and
general course patterns, the state boards prescribe specific subjects and syllabi for schools
under their jurisdiction and for their secondary school certificate examinations. The following
table lists the subjects and time allocation for secondary education in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Secondary (Classes 9-10) Subjects, Tamil Nadu

Stage Subject
(per week)
English 6
Tamil/regional language 7
Math 7
Science and technology 7
Social sciences 6
Scientific Tamil 2
Computer education 2
Life oriented education 1
Health and physical education 2
Total 40

Upon completion of secondary education, students receive a certificate by passing an external

examination given by either the state board or one of the three All-India boards. With the
certificate, they may seek employment or admission into higher secondary school. They may
also pursue vocational and technical education, such as trade programs of various lengths
offered by industrial training institutes (ITIs) and three-year engineering and technology
diploma programs offered by polytechnics.

Secondary education in the Republic of India requires graduation from elementary school for
admission and takes two years to complete, representing a total of 10 years of schooling.
Earlier programs in some states may have represented a total of 11 years of schooling. Upon
completion of their study, students must sit external examinations administered by the State
Board of Secondary Education or one of the three All-India Boards to receive the Secondary
School Certificate or equivalent. The certificate allows an individual to seek employment or
admission into higher secondary school, industrial training institute (ITI) or polytechnic. Based
on the above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources,
IQAS compares the Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (from the current structure) to
the completion of Grade 10.

The percentage system is predominantly used. The Indian system is low marking, and the
minimum pass mark generally ranges between 30 and 35%. Grades above 80% are rarely
awarded. Grading scales adopted by the state boards and the three All India boards vary and
may have changed over time. A common grading scale at the secondary and higher secondary
levels is given below:

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School Education Grading Scale
Mark (%) Descriptor
60-100 First Class or First Division
50-59 Second Class or Second Division
35-49 Third Class, Third Division or Pass
<35 Fail

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) puts all the candidates who passed the
Class 10 or Class 12 examination in a ranking order to award the grades. The top 0.1% of
candidates will receive Merit Certificates. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 33%.

CBSE Grading Scale

Grade Mark (%) Description
A1 Top 1/8 of passed candidates
A2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
B1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
B2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
C1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
C2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
D1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
D2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
E <33 Fail

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) adopts a nine-point scale.
Grades 1-6 indicate “pass with credit”, with 1-2 as “very good”. Grades 7-8 indicate “pass”,
and grade 9 “failure”. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 40%.
CISCE Grading Scale
Grade Descriptor
Pass with Credit
9 Failure

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Higher Secondary School Certificate

Category: Secondary

Credential Actual Name:

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

All India Senior School Certificate
Delhi Senior School Certificate
(All India) Higher Secondary Examination – Part II
Indian School Certificate
Senior Secondary Certificate
Higher Secondary Certificate
Pre-University Examination
Intermediate Examination
Note: These are just examples and do not constitute a complete list of higher secondary level
credentials. Some of the names may no longer be current.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body:
Three All India Boards:
– Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
– Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
– National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
State Boards of Higher Secondary Education

Admission Requirements:
•Secondary School Certificate or equivalent

Program Description:
•Two-year higher/senior secondary education program (current structure)

Higher/senior secondary schools in India provide two years of education in the academic or
vocational stream. Upon completion of higher secondary education, students receive a
certificate by passing an external examination given by either the State Board of Higher
Secondary Education or one of the three All-India boards.

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


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• Admission into university and other postsecondary programs such as further vocational and
technical training

IQAS Recommendations:
Generally compares to the completion of a High School Diploma.

Course Equivalencies:
30-level (Grade 12) courses.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
Higher secondary (also called senior secondary) education lasts two years from Class 11 to
Class 12. It is divided into the academic/general stream, which prepares students for higher
education, and the vocational stream, which prepares students for employment and may lead to
further education in vocational and technical fields. More than 90 per cent of students choose
the academic stream, which is often divided into subject groups such as science, arts, and
commerce. Earlier higher secondary programs in some states may have represented a total of
11 years of schooling.

Higher secondary education is provided mostly by schools and also by some colleges. Senior
secondary school teachers generally hold a one-year postgraduate Bachelor of Education
degree, with entry based on completion of a first bachelor degree, plus a master’s degree.

The National Review Committee on Higher Secondary Education of 1978 recommends the
following course pattern for both the academic and vocational streams:

Higher Secondary (Classes 11-12) Subjects, 1978

Subject Time Allocation
Languages 15%
Socially useful productive work (SUPW) 15%
Electives 70%

The 2000 National Curriculum Framework prescribes the following course groups for higher
secondary education. In the academic stream, foundation and elective courses should take up
about 40% and 60% of instructional time respectively. In the vocational stream, language,
general foundation courses and health and physical education take up about 30% of
instructional time, with the remaining 70% devoted to vocational electives.

Higher Secondary (Classes 11-12) Subjects, National Curriculum Framework, 2000

Stream Subject
Foundation Language and literature
Courses Work education
(compulsory) Health and physical education, games, and sports
Choose three of the subjects provided by the relevant state or All-India
Electives boards: Modern Indian languages and their literature, Sanskrit and its
literature, classical languages and their literature, English (academic

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and specialised), other foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology,
mathematics, computer science, geology, political science, geography,
economics, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, fine arts,
sculpture, instrumental music, vocal music, home science, accountancy,
business studies, engineering drawing, etc.
Language (compulsory)
General General studies, entrepreneurship development, environmental
Foundation education, rural development, and information and communication
Courses technology
Health and Physical Education (compulsory)
Vocational Choose from a large number of subjects based on local needs,
employment opportunities, students’ interest, and the geographical
Vocational location of the school. A number of courses for developing specific
Electives competencies may be chosen for each broad area of study such as
agriculture, engineering and technology, business and commerce, home
science, health and paramedical services, and humanities.

While following the National Curriculum Framework in terms of educational structure and
general course patterns, the state boards prescribe specific subjects and syllabi for schools
under their jurisdiction and for their higher secondary certificate examinations. In some states,
students in Classes 11-12 opt for a subject group such as science, arts and commerce. The
following tables give examples of higher secondary subjects of three states, Andhra Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. The information is obtained from the official websites of
educational authorities of these states; please refer to the websites for further details.

Higher Secondary (Intermediate) Subjects, Andhra Pradesh

Group Subject
Second Languages Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Arabic, French, Tamil, Kannada, Oriya and Marathi
Optional Subjects Mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, commerce, economics, civics,
history, psychology, public administration, logic, sociology, geography and geology
Modern Language
English, Telugu, Hindi and Urdu

Higher Secondary Subjects, Madhya Pradesh

Group Subject
Group A – First language
Language Second language
Humanities group: history, geography, political science, languages, etc.
Science group: physics, chemistry, biology, higher math, agriculture, etc.
Commerce group: elements of commerce & management, bookkeeping
& accountancy, computer application, business math, etc.
Agriculture group: elements of science & math useful for agriculture,
Group B – education
crop production & horticulture, etc.
Diversified Subjects courses
Fine arts group: drawing and painting, still life and paint making, history
of Indian art and world art, etc.
Home science group: home management & nutrition, mother-craft, health
& hygiene, elements of science, etc.
Vocational courses
Group C Socially useful productive work (SUPW) or vocational training of a trade

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Physical education or National Cadet Cores/National Social Service/ Boy Scout & Girl
Guide or co-curricular & other activities

Higher Secondary Subjects, Tamil Nadu

Group Subject
Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Urdu, Gujarati,
Part I – Language
Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, French, German, and Latin
Part II – English
Part III – Optional Subjects Math, physics, chemistry, biology-zoology, biology-botany,
(Students choose a combination of four history, geography, accountancy, commerce, economics, etc.
subjects for the higher secondary

Upon completion of higher secondary education, students receive a certificate by passing an

external examination administered by either the state board or one of the All-India boards. The
higher secondary education certificate may lead to employment and admission into university
programs. The names of higher secondary education certificates vary across the states and over
time, and some older certificates issued before the implementation of the 10+2 structure may
represent 11 years of schooling.

Higher/senior secondary education in the Republic of India requires a Secondary School
Certificate or equivalent for admission and takes two years to complete, representing a total of
12 years of schooling. Upon completion of their study, students must sit external examinations
administered by the State Board of Higher Secondary Education or one of the three All-India
Boards to receive the Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent. The certificate
allows an individual to seek employment or admission into universities. Based on the above
information and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares
the Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent from the Republic of India to the
completion of a High School Diploma.*

* The comparison also applies to some earlier higher secondary school certificates that
represented 11 years of schooling. This is based on the following factors:
– Such certificates were exit credentials representing the completion of higher secondary
– Such certificates gave access to university programs;
– When a state switched from the 11-year to the 12-year system, students who graduated
from the 11-year system were eligible for admission into university programs without
additional upgrading;
– Students from a state with the 11-year system were eligible for admission, without
additional upgrading, into university programs in another state that had the 12-year system.


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The percentage system is predominantly used. The Indian system is low marking, and the
minimum pass mark generally ranges between 30 and 35%. Grades above 80% are rarely
awarded. Grading scales adopted by the state boards and the three All India boards vary and
may have changed over time. A common grading scale at the secondary and higher secondary
levels is given below:

School Education Grading Scale

Mark (%) Descriptor
60-100 First Class or First Division
50-59 Second Class or Second Division
35-49 Third Class, Third Division or Pass
<35 Fail

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) puts all the candidates who passed the
Class 10 or Class 12 examination in a ranking order to award the grades. The top 0.1% of
candidates will receive Merit Certificates. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 33%.

CBSE Grading Scale

Grade Mark (%) Description
A1 Top 1/8 of passed candidates
A2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
B1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
B2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
C1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
C2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
D1 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
D2 Next 1/8 of passed candidates
E <33 Fail

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) adopts a nine-point scale.
Grades 1-6 indicate “pass with credit”, with 1-2 as “very good”. Grades 7-8 indicate “pass”,
and grade 9 “failure”. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 40%.

CISCE Grading Scale

Grade Descriptor
Pass with Credit
9 Failure

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
University-Level Certificates and Diplomas

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

University-level Certificates and Diplomas

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Certificate in xxx
Diploma in xxx
Post Diploma in xxx
Advanced Diploma in xxx
Note: The above names are just examples and do not constitute a complete list of such

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Certificates/diplomas: Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (usually
representing 12 years of schooling)
•Post diplomas: Completion of a university-level diploma

Program Description:
•University certificate/diploma program [usually one year, though length varies from six
months to three years]

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


•Further education
Advanced standing or credit transfer may be awarded for admission into undergraduate

IQAS Recommendations:
A university-level Certificate or Diploma generally compares to the completion of a
postsecondary Certificate/Diploma with a focus in xxx.

Or assessed individually, depending on admission requirements, fulltime duration of study and

general content of the program.

IQAS Rationale:

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Program Description
This credential template applies to certificate and diploma programs provided by universities
and university-level institutions. Entry is normally based on the completion of higher
secondary school (Class 12), though post diploma and advanced diploma programs require a
previous diploma, usually in the same field of study, for admission. Length of study varies
from six months to three years. Typical fields of study include foreign languages, fine arts,
business, and management.

Many certificate/diploma courses are vocational in nature and do not give access to further
education. However, in some cases, certificate/diploma holders may be admitted into a
bachelor’s degree program with advanced standing.

Other than universities, a lot of institutions also offer certificate/diploma programs. For
example, three-year diplomas in a range of engineering and technological fields, with entry
usually based on the completion of secondary school, are available at polytechnics. Certificate
and diploma courses in nursing and midwifery are mostly offered at institutions attached to
hospitals. Please refer to other credential templates for more information.

Certificate/diploma programs involve six months to three years of fulltime study, with entry
usually based on the completion of higher secondary school. The certificate/diploma allows an
individual to seek employment and, in some cases, admission into a bachelor’s degree program
with advanced standing. Based on the above information and placement recommendations of
other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the university-issued certificate/diploma from the
Republic of India to the completion of a postsecondary Certificate/Diploma with a focus in
xxx (or assessed individually, depending on admission requirements, fulltime duration of study
and general content of the program).

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Other
programs such as certificates, diplomas and research-based degrees (M.Phil and Ph.D) are
usually awarded without classification. Grading scale varies from institution to institution. The
Indian system is low marking, with minimum pass mark generally ranging between 33 and
40%, though some institutions or programs adopt a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one
or more subjects in a major examination but who have achieved institution-designated
minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be allowed to proceed with their study and
make up the failed subjects at a subsequent examination. The following table shows a common
grading scale along with conversion to Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82

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57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Technical-Professional Certificates and Diplomas

Category: Technical/Professional/Vocational

Credential Actual Name:

Technical-Professional Certificates and

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering
Diploma in Engineering
Diploma in Hotel Management (and Catering Technology)
Diploma in Management
Diploma in Modern Office Practice
Diploma in Pharmacy
Diploma in Radiation Technology
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
Diploma in Rehabilitation Therapy
Note: The above names are just examples and do not constitute a complete list of such

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: State Boards of Technical Education

Admission Requirements:
•[Diploma in Engineering (in most states)/Pharmacy (pre-1994)]: Secondary School
Certificate or equivalent (10 years of schooling)
•[Diploma in Engineering (in a few states)/Hotel Management (and Catering
Technology)/Management/Medical laboratory Technology/Modern Office Practice/Pharmacy
(1994-)]: Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (12 years of schooling)

Program Description:
Three-year (or two-year, etc.) diploma program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


•Further education
Advanced standing or credit transfer may be awarded for admission into undergraduate

IQAS Recommendations:

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A Diploma (2-3 years duration) requiring 10+2 for admission generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Diploma.

A Diploma (at least 3 years duration) requiring 10 years of secondary school for admission
generally compares to the completion of postsecondary Certificate.

A Diploma (2 years or less duration) requiring 10 years of secondary school for admission
generally compares to the completion of a High School Diploma including xx years of
vocational training in xxx.

[Note: Engineering technology diplomas should be awarded by the State Boards of Technical

Diploma Programs in Pharmacy

A Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.) [awarded prior to 1994] generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Pharmacy Technician Certificate.

A Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.) [awarded in or after 1994] generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Pharmacy Technician Diploma.

Certificates are assessed individually, depending on admission requirements, fulltime duration
of study and general content of the program.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
Technical education at the sub-degree level, mainly conducted by polytechnics, includes
diploma/certificate programs in a wide range of fields under the purview of the AICTE, such
as engineering and technology, architecture, computer applications, applied arts and craft, and
pharmacy. The AICTE provides a broad framework of norms and standards for polytechnic
education regarding program structure, facilities, human and financial resources, etc. However,
program structure and entry requirements may vary from state to state.

Diploma courses generally last two to three years, with entry based on the completion of
Secondary School (Class 10) or Higher Secondary School (Class 12). They aim to train
supervised technicians and other middle level technical personnel for a range of professional
duties. Successful completion of the programs leads to a diploma awarded by the State
Board/Council of Technical Education. Certificate courses are one year, six months, or even
shorter in duration. Following is a description of some of the common diploma programs.

The diploma in engineering and technology generally involves three years of fulltime study,
with entry based on the completion of Class 10. Examples of exceptions: Rajasthan requires

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Class 12 for admission. In Assam and Tamil Nadu, applicants may enter a three-year program
after Class 10 or two-year program after Class 12.

In addition to three-year fulltime programs, part-time programs lasting up to four years

through evening school or distance learning are also available for students already in the
workforce. Some fulltime courses are available in the sandwich pattern, which incorporates
industrial training between semesters and lasts three and a half to four years.

Holders of the diploma in engineering and technology may seek employment, e.g. by
undertaking a one-year “technician apprentice” training through the Apprenticeship Training
Scheme. They can also pursue further education at universities or through professional
associations such as the Institution of Engineers India (IEI). Some universities allow them
lateral entry into the second year/third semester of a Bachelor of Engineering (BE/B.Engg.) or
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) program in the same field.

The Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology involves three years of
fulltime study following the completion of Class 12. The program is available at some
polytechnics and 24 affiliated institutions of the National Council for Hotel Management and
Catering Technology.

The Diploma in Modern Office Practice involves three years of fulltime study, including six
months of industrial training, following the completion of Class 12.

As prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), the Diploma in Pharmacy

(D.Pharm.) involves two years of fulltime study followed by 500 hours of practical training.
Entry is based on the completion of higher secondary school (Class 12) with Physics,
Chemistry, Biology or Math as required subjects. The entry requirement of Class 12, as per
PCI education regulations of 1991, applies to pharmacy students graduating in 1994 or later.
Previous programs required Class 10 for admission. D.Pharm. holders may register with the
state pharmacy council to stock, sell, and dispense medicine according to doctor’s prescription.
They may be admitted directly into the second year of the four-year Bachelor of Pharmacy
(B.Pharm.) program but must pass the first year subjects that are not covered in the diploma
program. In Canada, examples of comparable sub-degree programs in pharmacy include the
one-year Pharmacy Technician Certificate and two-year Pharmacy Technician Diploma, both
requiring Grade 12 for admission.

Technical-professional diploma programs generally involve two to three years of fulltime
study, with entry based on the completion of Class 10 or Class 12. They provide access to
employment and, in some cases, advanced standing for admission into undergraduate
programs. In Canada, postsecondary certificate and diploma programs require Grade 12 for
admission, with diploma programs generally involving at least two years of fulltime study and
certificate programs less than two years; they provide access to employment and possible
transfer of credit for admission into undergraduate programs. Based on the above information

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and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the technical-
professional certificate/diploma to:

A Diploma (2-3 years duration) requiring 10+2 for admission generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Diploma.

A Diploma (at least 3 years duration) requiring 10 years of secondary school for admission
generally compares to the completion of postsecondary Certificate.

A Diploma (2 years or less duration) requiring 10 years of secondary school for admission
generally compares to the completion of a High School Diploma including xx years of
vocational training in xxx.

[Note: Engineering technology diplomas should be awarded by the State Boards of Technical

Diploma Programs in Pharmacy

A Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.) [awarded prior to 1994] generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Pharmacy Technician Certificate.

A Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.) [awarded in or after 1994] generally compares to the
completion of a postsecondary Pharmacy Technician Diploma.

Certificates are assessed individually, depending on admission requirements, fulltime duration
of study and general content of the program.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Other
programs such as certificates, diplomas and research-based degrees (M.Phil and Ph.D) are
usually awarded without classification. Grading scale varies from institution to institution. The
Indian system is low marking, with minimum pass mark generally ranging between 33 and
40%, though some institutions or programs adopt a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one
or more subjects in a major examination but who have achieved institution-designated
minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be allowed to proceed with their study and
make up the failed subjects at a subsequent examination. The following table shows a common
grading scale along with conversion to Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77

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53-56 Second 74
51-52 Class/Division 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Note: These are the most common three-year bachelor’s degrees and do not constitute
a complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (usually representing 12 years of

Program Description:
• Three-year undergraduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Admission into university graduate programs, postgraduate bachelor’s degree programs,

diploma programs and professional programs

IQAS Recommendations:
Generally compares to the completion of a three-year Bachelor’s degree.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
From independence in 1947 to the early 1970s, undergraduate education in most states
represented a total of 14 years of schooling. Until 1960, a bachelor’s degree usually involved
two years of fulltime study following 10 years of schooling and two years of intermediate
study. From then on to the early 1970s, most states adopted the 10+1+3 system, with 11 years
of schooling (10 years of school education plus one year of higher secondary or pre-university
study) followed by a three-year bachelor’s degree.

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The current 10+2+3 system, with 12 years of school education followed by a three-year
bachelor’s degree, evolved in the 1970s and was implemented across the country, with some
exceptions, in the late 1980s. One such exception was the two-year pass bachelor’s degrees in
arts, science and commerce offered by a number of universities in the state of West Bengal
until the 1999-2000 academic year. These two-year pass degrees do not give access to further
education in master’s degree programs.

The most common three-year bachelor’s degrees are the Bachelors of Arts (BA), Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com). The courses are usually listed as
“papers”, for which the students must attend a number of lecture hours per week and pass the
annual examinations. The BA, B.Sc. and B.Com are usually offered as pass or general degrees,
though some universities offer honours or special bachelor degrees. Honours or special
programs do not involve a longer duration of study but have more academic depth and tend to
attract high performing students. They are either similar to the pass degree with a few
additional papers, or designed as a separate course that emphasizes specialization in the chosen

Annual examinations are usually conducted by universities at the end of the academic year,
between March and May. Internal assessment by the colleges accounts for a small percentage
of the total marks. Minimum pass mark is normally 33-35%. Students who have failed some
papers in a given year but who have achieved a minimum mark designated by the university
(e.g. 25% in the aggregate) may be allowed to proceed to the next year of study but must make
up the failed papers in the following annual examination.

One can study for a bachelor’s degree on a part-time basis or externally through distance
learning programs, and sit the annual examinations as an external or private candidate.
Universities usually prescribe a time limit (e.g. seven years) in which students must complete
all coursework and pass the examinations to qualify for the award of the degree. After
completing a bachelor’s degree, students may pursue further education in master’s degree,
postgraduate bachelor’s degree (e.g. Bachelor of Education), or postgraduate certificate or
diploma programs.

In addition to the BA, B.Sc. and B.Com, several other bachelor’s degrees also involve three
years of fulltime study. Examples include Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), and
Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE).

After completing a bachelor’s degree programs, students receive degree certificates and marks
sheets (also known as marks card, marks certificate, statement of marks, etc.). Format of the
documents may vary depending on the issuing body and time period. Documents are usually
issued in English, English and Hindi, or English and a regional language (e.g. Bengali,
Punjabi, Tamil, etc.). Universities issue the degrees, regardless of whether the program is
conducted by a university department or an affiliated college. If the program is conducted by
an autonomous college, the name of the college also appears on the degree certificate. Marks

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sheets are normally issued by universities. Marks sheets issued by autonomous colleges are
also acceptable.

The three-year bachelor’s degree (BA, B.Com or B.Sc.) requires a Higher Secondary School
Certificate or equivalent (generally representing 12 years of schooling) for admission. The
degree allows an individual to seek employment or admission into master’s degree,
postgraduate bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, and professional programs. Based on
the above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS
compares the three-year Bachelor’s degree from the Republic of India to the completion of a
three-year Bachelor’s degree.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)

87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Bachelor of Engineering/Technology (BE or B.Engg./B.Tech.)/Bachelor of Science in
Engineering (B.Sc. Engg.)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.)
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agri.)
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (B.Sc. Hort.)
Note: These are examples of the four-year bachelor’s degrees and do not constitute a
complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent such as Pre-University Examination, etc.
(usually representing 12 years of schooling) with required courses (e.g. Math, Physics,
Chemistry for programs in engineering and technology)

Program Description:
• Four-year undergraduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Admission into university graduate programs, postgraduate bachelor’s degree and diploma

IQAS Recommendations:
Generally compares to the completion of a four-year Bachelor degree with a focus in xxx.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
The 10+2+3 system, first introduced in the 1970s, has been implemented in most of the
country since the late 1980s. This represents 10 years of elementary and secondary education +
2 years of higher/senior secondary education + 3 years of undergraduate education (general
bachelor’s degree).

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While a general bachelor’s degree such as Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor
of Commerce involves three years of fulltime study, there are a lot of four-year bachelor’s
degrees offered in specialized and professional fields. Entry is based on the completion of
higher secondary education with certain required subjects as designated by the program, e.g.
physics, chemistry and mathematics for engineering courses. Some applicants may hold a first
bachelor’s degree. Most programs involve four years of fulltime study. The Bachelor of
Physiotherapy (BPT) may be three and a half years or four and a half years, including a six-
month clinical internship.

Engineering and Technology

Bachelor’s degrees in engineering and technology such as Bachelor of Engineering (BE or
B.Engg.), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.Sc.
Engg.) and Bachelor of Science in Technology (B.Sc. Tech.) involve four years of fulltime
study. Entry is based on the completion of higher secondary school, with physics, chemistry
and mathematics as required subjects. Holders of three-year diplomas in engineering and
technology or a general B.Sc. may be allowed lateral entry into the second year/third semester
of the program. Students take about ten courses each semester, including both theoretical
subjects and their lab components. They participate in practical training starting from the third
year and must complete a major project in the last semester. A minimum of about 200-220
credits are required for the awarding of the degree. The AICTE prescribes the following course
structure for the BE/B.Tech. degree:
– General 5-10%
– Basic science 15-25%
– Engineering sciences and technical arts 15-25%
– Professional subjects 55-65%

The seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), designated as “Institutions of National

Importance” by the Government of India, have an international reputation for offering high
quality undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering and technology.
– Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
– Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
– Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (Mumbai)
– Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai)
– Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
– Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
– Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Bachelor’s and graduate degree programs in agriculture are available at over 100 institutions,
including non-agricultural institutions and 45 central and state agricultural universities and
agricultural research institutes (deemed universities). The US has played an important role in
helping India establish a system of agricultural universities, which tend to show strong
American influence such as adoption of the credit system. Agricultural universities are mostly

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A bachelor’s degree in agriculture and related disciplines involves four years of fulltime study.
Examples include Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agri.), Bachelor of
Agriculture (B.Agri.), Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (B.Sc. Hort.), Bachelor of
Science in Sericulture (B.Sc. Sericulture), and Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural
Engineering (B.Tech. Agri. E.). The Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal
Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H) involves five years of fulltime study. Total credits required for
four-year programs range between 140 and 180, and there is also great variation of credit
distribution among different disciplines. In 2000 the Agricultural Education Division of the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research published a model curriculum for undergraduate
program in agriculture that prescribes a minimum of 161 credits, including physical education
but excluding the regional language course. The content of the model curriculum must be
followed, allowing 25% regional variation.

The four-year bachelor’s degree, offered in specialized and professional fields, requires a
Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (generally representing 12 years of
schooling) with relevant subjects for admission. The degree allows an individual to seek
employment or admission into professional master’s degree, after degree, and postgraduate
diploma programs. Based on the above information and placement recommendations of other
evaluation resources, IQAS compares the four-year Bachelor’s degree to the completion of a
four-year Bachelor degree.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

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A number of institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), the central and
state agricultural universities, and Jawaharlal Nehru University adopt a 10-point system. The
grading scale may vary from institution to institution. The points can be converted to letter
grades and are sometimes divided into divisions or classes.

Grading Scale, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Grade Point Letter Grade Description
10 A Outstanding
9 A- Excellent
8 B Very Good
7 B- Good
6 C Average
5 C- Below Average
4 D Marginal
2 E Poor
0 F Very Poor

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and Master of Education (M.Ed)

Category: University-level credentials in teacher education

Credential Actual Name:

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
Master of Education (M.Ed)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (BA B.Ed)
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (B.Sc B.Ed)
Note: These are just examples of possible alternative names for the B.Ed.

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

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IQAS Recommendations:
Credential Time Period Admission Program Description Access to Employment and IQAS Comparison
(Admission Date) Requirements Education
B.Ed (1 year) Pre-2015 Bachelor’s degree One-year undergraduate A B.Ed (1 year, 2 years, or 4 Generally compares to the
(e.g. BA, B.Com, or after-degree program years) is required for teaching at completion of a one-year
B.Sc.) secondary and higher secondary Bachelor of Education after-
schools. Higher secondary degree.
B.Ed (2 years) 2015- Two-year undergraduate school teachers must also hold a Generally compares to the
after-degree program master’s degree (e.g. M.Ed, MA, completion of a two-year
M.Com, or M.Sc.). Bachelor of Education after-
A B.Ed (1 year or 4 years) gives degree.
B.Ed (4 years) Current Higher Secondary Four-year undergraduate access to the M.Ed (1 year or 2 Generally compares to the
School Certificate or degree program years) program. completion of a four-year
equivalent A B.Ed (2 years) gives access to Bachelor of Education
the M.Ed (2 years) program. degree.
M.Ed (1 year) Pre-2015 B.Ed (1 year) One-year graduate degree An M.Ed (1 year or 2 years Generally compares to the
program integrated) allows one to teach at completion of a one-year
the higher secondary level. Master’s degree with a
An M.Ed (1 year, 2 years focus in education.
M.Ed (2-year Pre-2015 Bachelor’s degree Two-year graduate degree integrated or 2 years) gives [In combination with the
integrated) (e.g. BA, B.Com, or program access to doctoral programs such preceding bachelor’s
B.Sc.) as Ph.D. in education. degree] Generally compares
to the completion of a four-
year Bachelor’s degree and
a one-year Master’s degree
with a focus in education.
M.Ed (2 years) 2015- B.Ed (1 year, 2 Two-year graduate degree Generally compares to the
years, or 4 years) or program completion of a Master’s
Diploma in degree with a focus in
(Elementary) education.
Education plus a
Bachelor’s degree
(e.g. BA, B.Com, or

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IQAS Rationale:

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), which became a statutory body in 1993,
is responsible for formulating regulations and norms for teacher education and recognizing
teacher education institutions. It prescribes minimum educational qualifications for school
teachers at different levels. Since 2010, teaching appointment has also required passing the
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET).

Minimum Qualifications for School Teachers, NCTE

Level Minimum Academic and Professional Qualifications
2001/2003 2010 2014
Class 10 + Diploma/Certificate in Preschool Teacher Senior Secondary or
Education program of at least one year’s duration, or Class equivalent and Diploma in
Preschool/Nursery 12 + B.Ed (Nursery) Nursery Teacher
(Aged 4-6) Education, Preschool
Education, or Early
Class 12 with at least 45% marks + Diploma/Certificate in Childhood Education of at
Preschool/Nursery Nursing Teacher Education program of at least two years’ least two years’ duration,
duration, or or
plus Classes 1-2
Class 12 + B.Ed (Nursery) Senior Secondary or
(Aged 4-8) equivalent and B.Ed
Class 12 + Senior Secondary or equivalent and a two-year diploma in
Elementary – Diploma/Certificate in Basic elementary education (by whatever name known), or
Classes 1-5 Teachers’ Training of at least Senior Secondary or equivalent and a Bachelor of
two years’ duration, or Elementary Education (B.El.Ed), or
Class 12 + Bachelor’s degree and a B.Ed (Notification 2018)
Diploma/Certificate in
Elementary Teachers’ BA/BSc and a two-year diploma in elementary education
Elementary – Training for at least two (by whatever name known), or
Classes 6-8 years, or BA/BSc and a one-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), or
Bachelor of Elementary Senior Secondary or equivalent and a four-year Bachelor
Education (B.El.Ed), or of Elementary Education (B.E.Ed), BA/BSc Ed, BA Ed,
Bachelor of Education or BSc Ed.
(B.Ed) or equivalent.
Bachelor’s degree and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), or
Secondary (High Four-year BA/BSc Ed
School) – Classes
Master’s degree in relevant subject + B.Ed or equivalent, or Master’s degree and B.Ed
Higher/Senior Two-year integrated MSc. M.Ed or equivalent. or
Secondary – Master’s degree and four-
Classes 11-12 year BA/BSc Ed

B.Ed (1 year) (Pre-2015)

The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) (1 year) allows one to teach at secondary (Classes 9-10) and
higher secondary (Classes 11-12) schools. Higher secondary school teachers must also hold a
master’s degree (e.g. M.Ed, MA, M.Com, or M.Sc.).

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The B.Ed also allows one to teach at elementary schools (Classes 1-8), for which the minimum
teacher qualification is a two-year certificate/diploma following the completion of higher
secondary school. B.Ed holders hired as elementary school teachers may be required to
undergo a six-month training in elementary education after their appointment.

B.Ed programs were offered at universities and five Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs),
which are university-affiliated.

The B.Ed was usually earned as a one-year postgraduate bachelor’s degree, with entry based
on the completion of a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, B.Sc. or B.Com). One could also
obtain a B.Ed after completing the first year of a two-year integrated Master of Education
(M.Ed) program.

According to NCTE regulations, the postgraduate B.Ed in Secondary Education involved one
year of fulltime study, including 150 days of instruction plus at least 30 days of teaching
practice and internship, following the completion of a bachelor’s or master’s degree with at
least 45% marks. Where the postgraduate B.Ed was offered through correspondence or other
distance-learning mode, the length of study was usually two years.

The International Education Guide for India has a sample program structure for the one-year

Institutions offered the same B.Ed program for training secondary and higher secondary
teachers. In the Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (2006), NCTE proposed
separate curricula for secondary teacher education and higher secondary teacher education,
further divided into the academic and vocational streams, and envisaged increasing the
duration of the postgraduate B.Ed. program from one year to two years of fulltime study.

B.Ed (2 years) (2015-)

The NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedures) Regulations, 2014 updated norms and
standards for 15 teacher education program, including the B.Ed. Deeming the one-year B.Ed
inadequate for pre-service teacher education, especially at the secondary and higher secondary
levels, the NCTE phased out the program in 2014 and replaced it with a two-year B.Ed,
starting in 2015 (admission date).

The new B.Ed involves two years of fulltime study and can be completed in a maximum of
three years. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree with at least 50%
marks, or a professional bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology with at least 55%
marks. Each year has a minimum of 200 working days, not including admission and
examination. Students must maintain a minimum 80% attendance for coursework and 90%
attendance for school internship.

The program structure for the B.Ed (2 years) prescribed by NCTE consists of three curricular
areas: perspectives in education, curriculum and pedagogic studies, and engagement with the
field. The third curricular area, engagement with the field, has three components:

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• Field-based tasks and assignments (4 weeks)
• Courses on enhancing professional capacities (EPC)
• School internship (16 weeks of practice teaching)

Two-Year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Curriculum, Annual System, NCTE (2014)

Course No. Course Name Marks Curricular Area
Year 1
Course 1 Childhood and Growing Up 100 Perspectives in
Course 2 Contemporary India and Education 100 Education
Course 3 Learning and Teaching 100
Course 4 Language across the Curriculum (1/2) 50 Curriculum and
Course 5 Understanding Disciplines and Subjects (1/2) 50 Pedagogic Studies
Course 6 Gender, School and Society (1/2) 50 Perspectives in
Course 7a Pedagogy of a School Subject –Part I (1/2) 50 Curriculum and
Pedagogic Studies
Course EPC 1 Reading and Reflecting on Texts (1/2) 50 Engagement with the
Course EPC 2 Drama and Art in Education (1/2) 50 Field
Course EPC 3 Critical Understanding of ICT (1/2) 50
Tasks and Assignments for Courses 1-6 & 7a
Subtotal 650
Year 2
Course 7b Pedagogy of a School Subject – Part II (1/2) 50 Curriculum and
Pedagogic Studies
Course 8 Knowledge and Curriculum 100 Perspectives in
Course 9 Assessment for Learning 100 Curriculum and
Pedagogic Studies
Course 10 Creating an Inclusive School (1/2) 50 Perspectives in
Course 11 Optional Course* (1/2) 50 Curriculum and
Pedagogic Studies
Course EPC 4 Understanding the Self (1/2) 50 Engagement with the
School Internship 250 Field
Tasks and Assignments for Courses 7b & 8-10
Total 650
*The optional course can be Vocational/Work Education, Health and Physical Education, Peace Education,
Guidance and Counseling, etc. or can be an additional pedagogy course. Institutions may offer an additional
pedagogy course for (i) a second school subject at the secondary level for interested student-teachers who have
undertaken adequate number of courses in that subject during their graduation or (ii) the same school subject as in
Course 7 but at the higher secondary level for student-teachers with a post-graduate degree in that subject.

B.Ed (4 years)
There are two types of four-year education degrees: Bachelor of Elementary Education
(B.El.Ed) and integrated BA B.Ed and B.Sc. B.Ed degrees.

According to NCTE regulations, the Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) involves

four years of fulltime study, including 16 weeks of internship in the fourth year, following the
completion of Class 12 with at least 50% marks. The International Education Guide for India
has a sample program structure for the four-year B.Ed.Ed.

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Integrated degrees in education, for example BA B.Ed and BSc B.Ed, involve four years of
fulltime study, with entry based on the completion of higher secondary school (Class 12).
Since the one-year B.Ed was upgraded to two years in 2015, integrated degree programs have
remained four years. UGC regulations allow a 20% reduction in duration of study for
integrated degree programs compared with two separate degree programs, provided graduates
only receive one integrated degree, and no intermediate exit or lateral entry is permitted.

M.Ed (1 year) (Pre-2015)

Before 2015, the Master of Education (M.Ed) required one year of fulltime study following the
completion of a B.Ed, or two years of fulltime study following the completion of a bachelor’s
degree (e.g. BA, B.Sc., or B.Com). The completion of the first year of the two-year integrated
M.Ed program led to the award of a postgraduate B.Ed.

According to NCTE regulations, the M.Ed program involved one year of fulltime study
following the completion of the B.Ed with at least 55% marks. There shall be at least 180
working days, including internship and four weeks of field visit for dissertation. Only
university departments and institutions offering B.Ed programs are eligible to run the M.Ed
program. Two-year part-time M.Ed programs for in-service teachers and educational
administrators with at least two years of related work experience were also offered by some
university departments and Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education (IASEs), which are

The International Education Guide for India has a sample program structure for the one-year

M.Ed (2 years) (2015-)

The two-year M.Ed replaced the one-year M.Ed in 2015 (admission date). It is not a required
qualification for school teachers but is designed to provide professional training for teacher

Admission to the M.Ed is based on a variety of teacher education qualifications, for example:
• One-year or two-year B.Ed
• Four-year integrated teacher education degree (e.g. B.El.Ed, B.Sc. Ed or BA Ed)
• Diploma in Elementary Education/Diploma in Education plus a Bachelor’s degree (e.g.
BA, B.Sc. or B.Com)
Applicants must also have some teaching experience and pass an entrance examination.

According to NCTE curriculum standards, the two-year M.Ed adopts UGC’s Choice-Based
Credit System (CBCS), comprising 80 credits in total, with 60% of the credits devoted to core
courses and 40% to specialized courses and dissertation. Each year has two semesters of 16-18
weeks each plus 3 weeks of internship, totaling at least 200 working days.

Two-Year Master of Education (M.Ed) Curriculum, NCTE (2014)

Major Areas Description Suggested
Components Credits
Common Perspective, 1. Perspective Courses in the areas of: Philosophy of 24
Core Tool, and Education, Sociology History-Political Economy of

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(Theory and Teacher Education, Psychology of Education, Education Studies,
Practicum) Education and Curriculum Studies
Courses 2. Tool Courses comprising basic and advanced level 12
education research, academic writing and
communication skills; educational technology and ICT;
self development (with focus on gender and society,
inclusive education and mental and physical well-being
through modalities such as yoga)
3. Teacher Education Courses (which are also linked 8
with the field internship/immersion/attachment in a
teacher education institution) shall also be included in
the core
Specialisation Courses in any The Specialisation branches in one of the school stages: 20
Branches one of the Elementary (up to VIII), or secondary and senior
(Theory and school secondary (VI to XII), each with:
Practicum) levels/areas 1. Core courses, within elementary/secondary
(such as specialisation, focussing on mapping the area
elementary, or 2. Specialisation/elective clusters in thematic areas
secondary and pertinent to that stage, such as: Curriculum, pedagogy
senior and assessment; Policy, economics and planning;
secondary) and Educational management and administration; Education
further for differently abled; Education Technology, etc.
Internship/ Teacher Field internship/attachment in: 4
Field Education 1. A Teacher Education Institution, and 4
Attachment Institution + 2. The area of specialisation
Related to
Research Related to Students (in close mentorship of a faculty member) 8
leading to specialisation/ learn to plan and conduct research and write a thesis.
Dissertation foundations
Total 80

Students who have a “postgraduate degree”, i.e. a postgraduate bachelor’s degree or master’s
degree, have the option to do a three-year B.Ed M.Ed integrated degree.

The one-year B.Ed, with entry based on the completion of a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA,
B.Sc. or BCom), and the four-year B.Ed, with entry based on the completion of higher
secondary school, represent at least four years of university study following the completion of
school education (12 years). The B.Ed allows an individual to teach at secondary schools and
is also a prerequisite for teaching at higher secondary schools. It gives access to further
education in M.Ed (1 year or 2 years) programs.

Based on the above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation

resources, IQAS compares the B.Ed (1 year) to the completion of a one-year Bachelor of
Education after-degree, and the B.Ed (4 years) to the completion of a four-year Bachelor of
Education degree.

The two-year B.Ed, with entry based on the completion of a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA,
B.Sc. or B.Com), represents two years of university study in teacher education. It allows an

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individual to teach at secondary schools and is also a prerequisite for teaching at higher
secondary schools.

Based on the above information, IQAS compares the B.Ed (2 years) to the completion of a
two-year Bachelor of Education after-degree.

The one-year M.Ed, with entry based on the completion of a B.Ed, and the two-year integrated
M.Ed, with entry based on the completion of a first bachelor’s degree, represent at least five
years of university study, including at least two years in teacher education. An individual must
have a one-year M.Ed, or a B.Ed plus a master’s degree (e.g. MA, M.Com or M.Sc.), in order
to teach at higher secondary schools. A one-year M.Ed and two-year integrated M.Ed give
access to further education in doctoral programs.

Based on the above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation

resources, IQAS compares the one-year M.Ed to the completion of a one-year Master’s degree
with a focus in Education. The two-year M.Ed, in combination with the preceding bachelor’s
degree, generally compares to the completion of a four-year Bachelor’s degree plus a one-year
Master’s degree with a focus in education.

The two-year M.Ed represents two years of professional study designed for teacher educators.
Admission is based on a minimum of four years of postsecondary study, including at least one
year in teacher education. The two-year M.Ed gives access to further education in doctoral

Based on the above information, IQAS compares the two-year M.Ed to the completion of a
Master’s degree with a focus in education.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66

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45-46 62
40-44 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Bachelor’s Degree – Medicine and Dentistry

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Bachelor’s Degree – Medicine and Dentistry

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/BMBS)
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.)
Note: These are examples of bachelor’s degrees in medicine and dentistry and do not
constitute a complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
1. Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent (usually representing 12 years of
schooling) with required courses (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), or Pre-Professional
2. Entrance examinations

Program Description:
• MBBS: Five-and-one-half-year professional university degree program, including a one-year
clinical internship
•BAMS: Five-and-one-half-year professional university degree program, including a six-
month/one-year clinical internship
• BHMS: Five-and-one-half-year professional university degree program, including a one-year
clinical internship
•BDS: Five-year professional university degree program, including a one-year clinical
•B.V.Sc. & A.H.: Five-year professional university degree program, including a six-month
clinical internship

Provides Access to in the Home Country:

A bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery/Ayurvedic medicine and surgery/homeopathic
medicine and surgery/dentistry/veterinary medicine and animal husbandry allows an individual
to register with the appropriate council and practice professionally.
•Admission into professional graduate programs

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IQAS Recommendations:
MBBS/BMBS: Generally compares to the completion of a first professional university degree
in medicine.

BAMS: Generally compares to the completion of a Bachelor’s degree with a focus in

Ayurvedic medicine.

BHMS: Generally compares to the completion of a Bachelor’s degree with a focus in

homeopathic medicine.

BDS: Generally compares to the completion of a first professional university degree in


B.V.Sc. & A.H.: Generally compares to the completion of a first professional university
degree in veterinary medicine.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
The Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS or BMBS) programs last five and a half
years, including a one-year internship. Applicants must pass the higher secondary certificate
examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English as required subjects. Those lacking
the required subjects may attend a one-year pre-medical course provided by a medical or science
college. Applicants must also sit a separate pre-medical examination, such as the All-India Pre-
Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT), conducted by CBSE (Central Board of
Secondary Education) for admission into MBBS or BDS courses at central and state medical
and dental colleges except in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.

The Medical Council of India prescribes the structure and time allocation for medical courses.
MBBS coursework lasts four and a half years or nine semesters, divided into three phases. The
first phase (1st to 2nd semesters) consists of pre-clinical subjects such as anatomy, physiology,
and biochemistry. The second phase (3rd to 5th semesters) consists of para-clinical subjects
such as pathology, pharmacology and microbiology, and clinical subjects. The third phase (6th
to 9th semesters) is the continuation of clinical subjects, including medicine and its allied
specialties, surgery and its allied specialties, obstetrics, gynaecology and community medicine.
A total of three examinations are held: 1st professional examination (2nd semester), 2nd
professional examination (5th semester), 3rd professional examination part I (7th semester), and
3rd professional examination part II (9th semester). After passing the last part of the
professional examination, students must undergo a 12-month compulsory rotational internship
to be eligible for the award of the MBBS degree and full registration with the medical council
to practice professionally. In order to become a specialist or medical teacher, one must pursue
further study in postgraduate medical programs.

Postgraduate diplomas in medicine approved by the Indian Medical Council involve two years
of fulltime study following the completion of a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
(MBBS or BMBS). Students can choose from 28 fields of specialization such as clinical

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pathology, obstetrics & gynaecology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, psychiatry,
and radio therapy.

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and Master of Surgery (M.S.) both involve three years of
fulltime study following the completion of a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
(MBBS or BMBS). Holders of a postgraduate diploma in medicine in the same area of
specialization receive one year’s advanced standing. Students enrolled in the M.D. program
can choose from 29 fields of specialization such as geriatrics, pathology, paediatrics, and radio
therapy. Students enrolled in the M.S. program can choose from five fields of specialization
including otorhinolaryngology, general surgery, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, and obstetrics
& gynaecology.

The Doctor of Medicine (D.M.) program involves three years of fulltime study following the
completion of an M.D. Students can choose from 12 fields of specialization such as
cardiology, immunology, medical oncology and neurology. The Master of Chirurgie (M.Ch.)
program involves three years of fulltime study following the completion of an M.S. (or an
M.D. in some cases). Students can choose from ten fields of specialization such as
cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, and surgical oncology.

The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) involves five years of fulltime study, including a one-
year internship. Individuals with an MBBS may be able to complete the program in three
years. The Dental Council of India prescribes the curriculum structure, syllabi, and
examination scheme for the BDS program. Students take a professional examination at the end
of each of the first four years. These are known as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final BDS examinations.
After passing the final BDS examination, students must undergo a one-year rotating
internship. The BDS degree entitles an individual to work in general dental practice.
Postgraduate study is required for specialization.

There are extensive programs for teaching the Indian systems of medicine (Ayurveda, Siddha,
and Unani Tibb) at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The Central Council of Indian
Medicine advises the central government on matters relating to the recognition of such
programs and prescribes the curricula and syllabi. Many institutions offer the
“Ayurvedacharya”, or Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree, which
involves five and a half years of fulltime study, including a clinical internship of 6 or 12
months. BAMS holders may have their names entered in the Central Register of Indian
Medicine and are entitled to practice Indian medicine in any part of India according to their

The Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) is the minimum educational
qualification to become a homeopathic doctor. The Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH)
(, a statutory body established under the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), prescribes minimum standards of
education for homoeopathy and registers homeopathic medical practitioners.

The BHMS involves five and a half years of fulltime study, including a one-year internship.
Entry is based on the completion of higher secondary school or equivalent with Physics,

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Chemistry and Biology. After completing both coursework and internship, students are eligible
for the award of the BHMS degree. BHMS graduates may pursue a postgraduate degree course
introduced in 1989, MD (Homeopathy), which involves three years of study including one
year of house job and provides options of specialization such as homeopathic philosophy,
materia medica, repertory, homeopathic pharmacy, practice of medicine, pediatrics, and

The Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) is the minimum
educational qualification to become a veterinary doctor. The Veterinary Council of India
(VCI), a statutory body established under the Ministry of Agriculture, prescribes the program
structure and syllabus for the B.V.Sc. & A.H. The program involves five years of fulltime
study, including a six-month internship, with a total of 188 credits. Earlier programs may have
been four and a half years. Entry is based on the completion of higher secondary school or
equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology. After completing both coursework and
internship, students are eligible for the award of the B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree and full
registration with the VCI or state veterinary council to practice as a veterinary doctor.
Postgraduate programs such as the two-year Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.) provide
options of specialization.

Admission into the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/BMBS), Bachelor
of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) programs requires Higher Secondary School Certificate
or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, plus entrance examinations. The length of
the programs is five or five and a half years, including a clinical internship. The degrees allow
individuals to enter professional practice in medicine/ Indian medicine/homeopathic
medicine/dentistry/veterinary medicine. Based on the above information and placement
recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the MBBS/BMBS, BDS and
B.V.Sc. & A.H. to the completion of a first professional university degree in
medicine/dentistry/veterinary medicine. The BAMS is compared to the completion of a
Bachelor’s degree with a focus in Ayurvedic medicine. The BHMS is compared to the
completion of a Bachelor’s degree with a focus in homoeopathic medicine.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), Government of Alberta

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Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), Government of Alberta

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Bachelor of Law(s) (LLB or BL)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Bachelor of Law(s) (LLB or BL)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Bachelor of Law(s) (Special/Professional)
Bachelor of Law(s) (General/Academic)
Bachelor of Law(s) (integrated program)
Note: These are examples of the Bachelor of
Law(s) degrees and do not constitute a
complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities

Admission Requirements:
• LLB (Special/Professional) and LLB (General/Academic): Completion of a first bachelor’s
degree (e.g. BA, B.Com or B.Sc.)
• LLB (integrated program): Completion of higher secondary school (generally representing
12 years of schooling)
Program Description:

• LLB (Special/Professional): Three-year university after-degree program

• LLB (General/Academic): Two-year university after-degree program
• LLB (integrated program): Five-year undergraduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:

An LLB (Special/Professional or integrated program) holder may apply to the Bar Council of
India to practice law as an Advocate.
An LLB (General/Academic) holder may work in an allied legal profession.

• Admission into university graduate degree programs

An LLB (Special/Professional or integrated program) holder may seek admission into two-
year Master of Law(s) (LLM) programs.

IQAS Recommendations:
LLB (Special/Professional): Generally compares to the completion of a first professional
university degree in law.

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LLB (General/Academic): Generally compares to the completion of a two-year Bachelor’s
after-degree with a focus in law.
Note: In India, the LLB (Academic/General) does not give access to professional practice as a
lawyer or admission into university graduate degree programs in law (LLM). It allows an
individual to work in an allied legal profession.

LLB (integrated program): Generally compares to the completion of a first professional

university degree in law, preceded by two years of prerequisite university study.

IQAS Rationale:

The Bar Council of India (BCI) maintains a list of approved law colleges that provide law
education in the form of either the newer five-year integrated program or the traditional three-
year postgraduate bachelor’s degree, or both.

The postgraduate Bachelor of Law or Bachelor of Laws (LLB/BL) involves three years of
fulltime study after a first bachelor’s degree. According to BCI rules, a three-year LLB
(Special/Professional) program must include the following:

I. 21 Compulsory Courses
1. Jurisprudence
2. Contract-I(General Principle of Contract-Section 1-75 and Specific Relief)
3. Contract-II (Indian Contract Act, Indian Partnership Act, Sale of Goods Act and other
Specific contracts)
4. Tort and Consumer Protection Laws
5. Family Law-I
6. Family Law-II
7. Law of Crimes
8. Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act and Probation of Offenders Act.
9. Constitutional Law
10. Property Law including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act
11. Law of Evidence
12. Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
13. Legal Language/Legal Writing including General English
14. Administrative Law
15. Company Law
16. Human Rights and International Law
17. Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternate Dispute Resolution Systems
18. Environmental Law including laws for the protection of the wild life and other living
creatures including animal welfare
19. Labour Law.
20. Interpretation of Statutes
21. Land Laws including ceiling and any other local laws

II. No less than three subjects chosen from the following:

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1. International Economic Law
2. Bankruptcy Laws
3. Taxation Laws
4. Comparative Law/Legal History
5. Insurance Law
6. Conflict of Laws
7. Banking law including Negotiable Instruments Act
8. Investment and Security Law
9. Trusts, Equity and Fiduciary Relationships
10. Criminology and Penology
11. Air and space Law
12. Law and Medicine
13. Women and Law and Law Relating to Child/Law, Poverty and Development
14. Intellectual Property Law
15. Maritime Law
III. Six months of practical training including the following compulsory papers:
1. Moot Court, Pre-Trail Preparations and Participation in Trial proceedings
2. Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
3. Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar Bench Relations
4. Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services

After completing the three-year LLB, students may apply to the Bar Council of India to
practice law as Advocates. They may also seek admission into two-year Master of Law(s)
(LLM) programs.

Some universities offer a two-year LLB (General/Academic), which does not give access to
professional practice or admission into two-year LLM programs; graduates may seek
employment in the allied legal professions. Students enrolled in a three-year LLB may choose
to exit the program after two years with an LLB (General/Academic).

The Bachelor of Law or Bachelor of Laws (LLB/BL) integrated program lasts five years,
including two years of pre-law study (part I) followed by three years of professional training in
law (part II). Applicants who have already completed a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, B.Sc.
or B.Com) may be admitted into part II of the five-year integrated program. According to BCI
rules, part II of the program is identical to the three-year LLB; part I should include the
following 6 compulsory subjects:
1. General English - 2 Papers (Part I and Part II)
2. Political Science - 3 Papers (Part I , Part II and Part III)
3. Economics - 1 Paper
4. Sociology - 1 Paper
5. History - 1 Paper
6. History of Courts, Legislature and Legal Profession in India - 1 Paper

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After completing the five-year integrated LLB program, students may apply to the Bar Council
of India to practice law as Advocates. They may also seek admission into two-year Master of
Law(s) (LLM) programs.

According to BCI rules, students who have completed part I of the five-year integrated
program are eligible to enrol in the final year of a three-year Bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA,
B.Com or B.Sc.), and those who have completed the first three years of the five-year
integrated program may receive a degree such as BA (Law) by passing the relevant university
examinations. This enables some law colleges to offer combined integrated degrees such as a
combined Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law(s) (BA & LLB/BL), a combined Bachelor of
Business Administration and Bachelor of Law(s) (BBA & LLB/BL), or a combined Bachelor
of Science and Bachelor of Law(s) (B.Sc. & LLB/BL).

The LLB (Special/Professional) involves three years of professional studies in law, with entry
based on a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, B.Com or B.Sc.). This is similar in structure to
LLB programs in Canada, which generally require at least two or three years of university
study (though most applicants already hold a bachelor’s degree), followed by three years of
professional studies in law. An LLB (Special/Professional) holder may apply to the Bar
Council of India to practice law as Advocates and may also seek admission into two-year
Master of Law(s) (LLM) programs. Based on the above information and placement
recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the LLB
(Special/Professional) to the completion of a first professional university degree in law (as
practiced in the Republic of India).

The LLB (integrated program) involves three years of professional studies in law, preceded by
two years of prerequisite university study. An LLB (integrated program) holder may apply to
the Bar Council of India to practice law as Advocates and may also seek admission into two-
year Master of Law(s) (LLM) programs. Based on the above information and placement
recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the LLB (integrated program)
to the completion of a first professional university degree in law (as practiced in the Republic
of India), preceded by two years of prerequisite university study.

The LLB (General/Academic) involves two years of professional studies in law, with entry
based on a first bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, B.Com or B.Sc.). An LLB (General/Academic)
holder may work in an allied legal profession but cannot practice professionally as a lawyer or
seek admission into two-year LLM programs. Based on the above information and placement
recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the LLB (General/Academic)
to the completion of a two-year Bachelor’s after-degree with a focus in law (as practiced in the
Republic of India).

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt

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a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), Government of Alberta

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Master’s Degree (3+2 years)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Master’s Degree (3+2 years)
Note: Two-year master’s degrees that require a four-year bachelor’s degree for
admission are assessed differently.

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Master of Arts (MA)
Master of Commerce (M.Com)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Note: These are the most common two-year master’s degrees following a three-year
bachelor’s degree and do not constitute a complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Three-year bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, B.Com or B.Sc.)

Program Description:
• Two-year university graduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Admission into Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and doctoral programs

IQAS Recommendations:
A Master’s degree (following the completion of a three-year Bachelor’s degree) generally
compares to the completion of a one-year Master’s degree with a focus in xxx.
Note: The first-year study of a two-year Master’s degree (following the completion of a three-
year Bachelor’s degree) is considered to be at an undergraduate level.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
Master’s degrees in Arts, Commerce and Science (MA, M.Com, and M.Sc.) involve two years
of fulltime study, with entry based on the completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree, usually
in the same field (BA, B.Com, or B.Sc.). The area of specialization is often noted for MA and
M.Sc. degrees, such as MA (English), MA (Linguistics), M.Sc. (Computer Science), and
M.Sc. (Electronics). Universities may set minimum marks for admission, e.g. 50% in the

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aggregate on the Indian scale from a bachelor’s (honours) degree, and require applicants to
write an entrance examination.

MA, M.Com and M.Sc. programs usually consist of coursework only, with no thesis
requirement. Examinations are held at the end of each year, generally known as Previous/Part I
(at the end of the first year) and Final/Part II (at the end of second year). Students may be
allowed to reappear in the examinations in one or more courses either to make up for failed
subjects or for the improvement of marks.

One can study for a master’s degree on a part-time basis or externally through distance
learning programs. Universities usually prescribe a time limit (e.g. four years) in which
students must complete all coursework and pass the examinations to qualify for the award of
the degree.

In recent years five-year integrated master’s degrees, sometimes called bachelor and master
dual degree programs, are available in a variety of disciplines such as MA, M.Com, M.Sc. and
M.Tech. Entry is based on the completion of higher secondary education (Class 12). Students
may have the option to exit the program with a bachelor’s degree after three years.

The MA, M.Com or M.Sc. degree allows an individual to apply for admission into Master of
Philosophy (M.Phil) programs. While some doctoral programs require an M.Phil for
admission, others admit MA, M.Com or M.Sc. degree holders.

The two-year master’s degree (MA, M.Com or M.Sc.) requires a three-year bachelor’s degree
(e. g. BA, B.Com or B.Sc.) for admission, representing a total of five years of postsecondary
education in the current structure. In Canada, a four-year bachelor’s degree, or a three-year
bachelor’s degree plus at least one year of additional university study, is required for
admission into a master’s degree program, which involves one to two years of fulltime study.
The MA, M.Com or M.Sc. degree allows an individual to seek employment or admission into
M.Phil and doctoral programs. Based on the above information and placement
recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the two-year master’s degree
from the Republic of India, in combination with the previous three-year bachelor’s degree, to
the completion of a four-year Bachelor’s degree and a one-year Master’s degree.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

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Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), Government of Alberta

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Master’s Degree (4+1.5/2 years or 3+3 years)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Master’s Degree (4+1.5/2 years or 3+3 years)
Note: Two-year master’s degrees that require a three-year bachelor’s degree for admission
are assessed differently. Refer to the separate Master’s Degree (3+2) template.

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Master of Agriculture (M.Agri.)
Master of Science in Agriculture (M.Sc. Agri.)
Master of Science in Agronomy
Master of Engineering (ME/M.Engg.)
Master of Technology (M.Tech.)
Master of Science in Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)
Master of Computer Science and Engineering (M.C.S.E.)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.)
Note: These are just a few examples of two-year (or one-and-a-half-year) master’s
degrees following a four-year bachelor’s degree and do not constitute a complete list of
such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Four-year bachelor’s degree in same or related field (e.g. Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of
Technology, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture, Bachelor of Pharmacy, etc.), or
•Master’s degree in a related field (e.g. Master of Science degree following the completion of a
three-year Bachelor of Science degree), or
•Three-year bachelor’s degree in the same or related field (e.g. BCA)

Program Description:
• Two-year (or one-and-a-half-year) university graduate degree program, or
• Three-year university graduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Admission into Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and doctoral programs

Note: Some programs (such as the MCA) have an applied focus and do not typically lead to
further education.

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IQAS Recommendations:
A Master’s degree generally compares to the completion of a Master’s degree with a focus in xxx.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
Master’s degrees in a range of specialized and professional fields such as engineering,
technology, agriculture, and pharmacy involve one and a half or two years of fulltime study.
Entry is usually based on the completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree in the same or a related
field; alternatively, some eligible applicants hold a Master of Science degree following the
completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree. Universities set minimum marks for admission, e.g.
60% in the aggregate on the Indian scale from a four-year bachelor’s degree, and require
applicants to write an entrance examination. The master’s degree (4+1.5/2) allows an individual
to apply for admission into Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and doctoral programs in the same or
related field of study.

The area of specialization may be noted in the name of the degree, e.g. Master of Engineering in
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering in Computer Technology and Applications, Master of
Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, and Master of Agriculture in Soil Science.
Following is a description of some of the master’s degree (4+1.5/2) programs.

The Master of Engineering (ME or M.Engg.), Master of Technology (M.Tech.) and Master
of Science in Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.) involve one and a half or two years of fulltime study,
or up to four years of part-time study. Entry is based on the completion of a BE/B.Tech. or M.Sc.
in the same or a related field. Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. In addition
to coursework, students have to complete a major research project. Following is a sample
program structure for the Master of Technology (M.Tech.):

Program Structure: Master of Technology in Microwave Electronics, University of Delhi

Duration: 4 semesters (2 Entry Requirements: M.Sc. Electronics or M.Sc. Physics with
years) of fulltime study specialization in electronics and at least 60% marks, or BE
Electrical/Electronics/Electronics and Communication/Instrumentation
Engineering with at least 60% marks, plus entrance examination.
Grading: The minimum pass mark is 40% for each paper, and 50% in the aggregate for each semester
and for the major project. Students who have successfully completed the program are classified
according to their marks in the aggregate from the four semesters:
First Division with Distinction: 75% or more
First Division: 60% or more but less than 75%
Second Division: All others
Course No. Course Name Mark
Semester I
1.1 Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines 100
1.2 Microwave and MM-Wave Planar Transmission Lines 100
1.3 Microwave Measurement Techniques and Industrial Microwaves 100
1.4 Microwave Devices 100
1.5 Microwave Measurements Laboratory 100
Subtotal 500
Semester II
2.1 Microwave Passive Components 100

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2.2 Antenna Theory and Techniques 100
2.3 Communication theory and Wave Propagation 100
2.4 Computational Electromagnetics 100
2.5 Computational Laboratory 100
Subtotal 500
Semester III
3.1 Microwave Active Circuits 100
3.2 Communication Systems 100
3.3 Microwave Integrated Circuits (CAD, Fabrication and Measurement) 200
Subtotal 400
Semester IV
4.1 Major Project (six months duration) 400
Total 1800

Master’s degrees in agriculture such as Master of Agriculture (M.Agri.) and Master of Science
in Agriculture (M.Sc.Agri.) involve two years of fulltime study following a bachelor’s degree in
agriculture. Agricultural programs in India generally adopt the American-style credit system. The
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) prescribes a minimum of 35 credits of
coursework and 15 credits of thesis for Master’s degrees in agriculture.

The Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) involves two years of fulltime study consisting of both
coursework and the completion and defence of a thesis. Entry is based on a four-year Bachelor of
Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) with minimum marks (e.g. 50%) and an entrance examination. The
M.Pharm. offers various specializations, such as pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, pharmacology,
pharmaceutical chemistry, etc.

The Master’s degree (4+1.5/2) requires a four-year bachelor’s degree or M.Sc. in the same or a
related field for admission. In Canada, a master’s degree program involves one to two years of
fulltime study, with entry based on a four-year bachelor’s degree, or a three-year bachelor’s
degree plus at least one year of additional university study. The Master’s degree (4+1.5/2) allows
an individual to seek employment or admission into M.Phil and doctoral programs. Based on the
above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS
compares the master’s degree (4+1.5/2) to the completion of a Master’s degree with a focus in


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Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the marks
students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading scale
varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum pass mark
generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt a 50% pass.
Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who have achieved
institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be allowed to proceed
with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent examination. The following table
shows a common grading scale along with conversion to Alberta grades.

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)

87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

Agricultural universities generally adopt the 10-point system prescribed by the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research. For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter
Grading Scale in International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the
Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Executive Master of Business
Administration (EMBA)

Credential Actual Name:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Master of Business Administration (Executive) (EMBA)

Time Period Credential Offered:


Issuing Body:
Universities and university-level institutions
Note: The issuing body must be a university or university-level institution that appears on the
consolidated list of universities published by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Admission Requirements:
• Three-year Bachelor’s degree with good marks (e.g. least 50%)
• Admission test (e.g. Common Admission Test, or CAT) and interview
• Work experience (for some programs)

Program Description:
Two-year graduate degree program, or
One-year (one-and-a-half-year) graduate degree program, etc.

Provides Access to in the Home Country:

• Employment
MBA and EMBA programs are designed primarily for career advancement. Two-year MBA
and EMBA degrees are recognized for employment with the central government. MBA and
EMBA programs of shorter duration may be accepted for employment outside the central
• Further education
Two-year MBA and EMBA graduates may apply for admission to MPhil and PhD programs.
MBA and EMBA programs of shorter duration may not be accepted for the purpose of further

Placement Recommendations:

IQAS Recommendations:
• (Two-year MBA) Generally compares to the completion of a Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree.

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• (Two-year EMBA) Generally compares to the completion of an Executive Master of
Business Administration (EMBA) degree.
• (MBA/EMBA of less than two years) Do not assess.
Note: Programs that are accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) at the MBA/MBM
level (based on admission date) are assessed as MBA or EMBA.

IQAS Rationale:
Business and Management Education in India
University-level business and management education originated in the United States in the late
19th century. In 1908 Harvard Business School offered the world’s first MBA program, and in
1943 the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business introduced the first Executive
MBA program.

Soon after India gained independence in 1947, a number of institutions started offering various
types of management education. For example, Xavier Labour Relations Institute, established
in 1949, began by offering courses for industry and trade unions and has since developed into
a prominent business school. The Administrative Staff College of India, modelled after the
Administrative Staff College at Henley-on-the-Thames, the UK, was established in 1956 to
provide training for mid-level managers and administrators. In the 1950s University of Delhi,
University of Madras and Andhra University were among the first universities to offer
management programs.

Modern management education in India has evolved under great American influence in both
curriculum and pedagogy. The first Indian Institutes of Managements (IIMs), IIM Calcutta and
IIM Ahmedabad, were founded in 1961 in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, the Sloane
School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard Business
School. A total of 20 IIMs have been established. Initially set up as autonomous institutions
under the Societies Act, the IIMs were reauthorized as degree-granting institutions under the
IIM Bill of 2017.

Management education began to enjoy a high profile in the country after the economic
liberalization of 1991. The 1990s and 2000s saw rapid growth in management education at
various sectors and levels – more universities offered MBA as well as three-year BBA
programs, and thousands of private institutions were approved by the All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE) to offer non-degree programs in management education such as
Post Graduate Diplomas in Management (PGDM).

Minimum Standards for Master’s Degrees

A master’s degree involves a minimum of two years of fulltime study after a bachelor’s degree
of at least three years’ duration, or a minimum of five years of fulltime study after the
completion of higher secondary school (Grade 12) if taken as an integrated program.

The UGC (Minimum Standards of Instruction for the Grant of the Master’s Degree through
Formal Education) Regulations, 2003 (amended in 2013) prescribes the following:
• Admission to a master’s degree program is based on completion of an undergraduate
program of at least three years’ duration, or completion of the prescribed number of

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credits of an undergraduate program, or a qualification considered by the admitting
university as equivalent to an undergraduate degree.
• Each academic year in a master’s degree program must have at least 180 teaching days
(for lectures, tutorials, seminars and practicals) excluding holidays, vacations, and the
conduct of examinations.
• Students may be admitted to the second year of a master’s degree program if they have
completed the first year of the same program at another institution. The 2013
amendment removed the provision in the 2003 regulations that students may be
admitted to the second year of a master’s degree program if they already have a
master’s degree. The 2013 amendment added the provision that a master’s degree can
be one year in duration if students hold two bachelor’s degrees, one of which in a
relevant field, or if students hold an integrated master’s degree in a relevant field.

MBA Curriculum Standards

Business and management education, including MBA and EMBA programs, is one of the
sectors where the country’s two major regulatory bodies, the UGC and AICTE, have
overlapping jurisdiction.

In December 2001 the UGC published model curriculums for 32 programs, including the
Master of Business Administration, and requested universities to adopt the curriculums (after
making amendments, if needed) by July 2002.

According to the UGC 2001 model curriculum, the MBA is a two-year fulltime program,
consisting of the first year, summer training, and the second year. In the first year, students
take compulsory, foundational subjects. The summer training lasts eight to 10 weeks, when
students work at an organization to complete a project. In the second year, students take a few
more compulsory subjects as well as optional subjects in various fields of specialization. Each
course or paper carries 100 marks. Students must complete 31 courses for a total of 3200
marks plus summer training to receive the MBA degree. All listed courses come with
descriptions (objectives, course content, and suggested readings).

MBA Program Structure, UGC Model Curriculum, 2001

Time Course Number Name/Description
First Year, CP101 Management Process and Organizational Behaviour
Semester I CP102 Quantitative Methods
CP103 Managerial Economics
CP104 Environment and Management
CP105 Managerial Skill Development
CP106 Indian Ethos and Values
CP107 Accounting for Managers
CP108 Computer Applications in Management
First Year, CP201 Organization Effectiveness and Change
Semester II CP202 Management Science
CP203 Human Resource Management
CP204 Financial Management
CP205 Marketing Management
CP206 Production and Operations Management
CP207 Research Methodology
CP208 International Environment and Management

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Summer Students are required to undergo summer training of 8-10 weeks
Training with an industrial business or service organization by taking up a
project study. A project report must be submitted within three
weeks of the commencement of the third semester.
Second Year, CP301 Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
Semester III CP302 Decision Support System and Management Information System
CP303 Business Legislation
CP304 Summer Training Project
Optional Courses (Choose 6)
A number of optional courses are available in each of the
following specializations:
Finance, marketing, organization behaviour and human resource
development, production and operations management, small
business and entrepreneurship management, information
technology management, rural and urban management, public
system management, health care administration, technology
management, and international business
Second Year, CP401 Corporation Evolution and Strategic Management
Semester IV CP402 Project Study (equivalent to two courses or 200 marks)
Optional Courses (Choose 3)

The draft regulations on technical education published by the UGC in 2013 (and yet to be
enacted) provides a list of qualifications in technical education along with entry requirements
and durations of study. MBA, along with Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), is
described as a two-year program that requires a minimum of a three-year bachelor’s degree for

While the 2001 UGC model curriculum for MBA has not been updated, AICTE published a
Model Curriculum for Management Program (MBA & PGDM) in 2018, applying the same
standards to MBA and PGDM programs. Both the MBA and PGDM are two-year programs
involving a total of 102 credits; the model curriculum identifies six learning outcomes and
prescribes core courses, electives, and compulsory internship/field work.

Six Learning Outcomes for MBA/PGDM, AICTE Model Curriculum, 2018

1. Business environment and domain knowledge
2. Critical thinking, business analysis, problem solving and innovative solutions
3. Global exposure and cross-cultural understanding
4. Social responsiveness and ethics
5. Effective communication
6. Leadership and teamwork

MBA/PGDM Credit Requirements, AICTE Model Curriculum, 2018

Time Credits
First Year (MBA Semesters I and II, or PGDM Terms I, II, and III) 54 credits of core courses
Second Year (MBA Semesters III and IV, or PGDM Terms IV, V and VI) 42 credits of electives
Internship/Field Work 6 credits
Total 102 credits
Note: One credit is defined as “equal to 10 hours”. In comparison, the UGC choice-based credit system defines
one credit as one hour of teaching or two hours of practical/field work per week, in a semester that lasts 15 to 18
weeks. 102 credits in the AICTE model curriculum can therefore be converted to 102x10/15=68 UGC-defined
semester credits.

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Core Courses, AICTE Model Curriculum, 2018
Functional Areas Core Courses
Foundations of Management Managerial (Micro) Economics
Indian Economy & Policy
Business Communication
Legal and Business Environment (Micro & Macro)
Indian Ethos and Business Ethics
Finance Financial Reporting, Statements and Analysis
Corporate Finance
Indian Financial System & Financial markets
Marketing Management Marketing Management
Marketing Research
Operations Management Operations Management
Project Management
Management Information System Computer Applications for Business
Human Resources Management Human Resources Management
Managerial Skills for Effectiveness
Organisational Behaviour Organizational Behaviour
Organisation Design
Strategy Corporate Strategy
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
Business Analytics Business Statistics and Analytics for Decision making
Quantitative Techniques

The model curriculum lists a number of elective courses in each of the functional areas and
identifies a few new and evolving specializations beyond the traditional functional areas.

MBA Sample Programs

Universities largely follow the UGC model curriculum in their MBA programs. Following is
the general program structure of the two-year fulltime MBA at the University of Delhi.
Students must complete a total of 32 courses worth 3200 marks.

Fulltime MBA Program Structure, University of Delhi, 2019

Admission: Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree after 12 years of formal schooling with
at least 50% marks at graduation level or equivalent CGPA. Selection will be based on a combination
of six criteria: CAT score (60%), Class X marks (5%), Class XII marks (5%), group discussion (10%),
extempore (5%) and personal interview (15%).
Time Course Number Name/Description
First Year, MBAFT-6101 Organizational Behaviour
Semester 1 MBAFT-6102 Quantitative Methods
MBAFT-6103 Managerial Economics
MBAFT-6104 Financial Accounting
MBAFT-6105 Marketing Management
MBAFT-6106 Human Resource Management
MBAFT-6107 Business Communication
MBAFT-6108 Information Technology Management
First Year, MBAFT-6201 Organization Effectiveness and Change
Semester 2 MBAFT-6202 Management Science
MBAFT-6203 Economic Environment of Business
MBAFT-6204 Financial Management
MBAFT-6205 Management Accounting
MBAFT-6206 Production and Operation Management

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MBAFT-6207 Marketing Research
MBAFT-6208 Management of Information System
Summer Students are required to undergo summer training in an
Training organization. A report based on the summer training must be
submitted within four weeks of the commencement of the third
Admission to the Second Year shall be open to students who have cleared successfully at least 12
papers out of the 16 papers offered during the First Year. Students must clear the remaining papers
while studying in the Second Year.
Second Year, MBAFT-6301 Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
Semester 3 MBAFT-6302 Strategic Analysis
MBAFT-6303 Legal Environment of Business
Electives (Choose 5)
A number of electives are available in each of the following eight
areas: finance, marketing, organizational behavior and human
resource management, production and operations management,
entrepreneurship, information technology management, services
management, and contemporary issues.
Second Year, MBAFT-6401 Project Study
Semester 4 MBAFT-6401 Strategic Management
MBAFT-6403 International Business Environment
Electives (Choose 5)
Source: Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (

Some universities and university-level institutions may offer MBA programs that not only fail
to follow the UGC model curriculum but also contravene other UGC regulations. For example,
the minimum standards for master’s degrees require two years of fulltime study after a three-
year bachelor’s degree, yet some MBA programs fall far short of this norm. Before July 4,
2018, the UGC did not recognize any distance education programs conducted solely through
the online mode, yet some universities had been offering online degrees, including MBAs, for
many years. There are also non-university institutions without degree-awarding power that
nevertheless offer MBA programs without any university affiliation.

Online MBA General, ITM University

Admission: Graduates in any discipline. Students awaiting final year results can also apply.
Graduation: If a student clears all semesters, then he/she will be awarded with a degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) from ITM Vocational University, Vadodara,
Course No. Course
Semester 1 ACC301 Financial and Cost Accounting
MKT300 Introduction to Marketing
ECO301 Macroeconomics
STS300 Introduction to Quantitative Techniques
Semester 2 STS305 Research Methodology
CIS300 Computer Information System
HRM301 Human Behavior in Organization
OPR303 Quantitative Analysis in Decision Making
Semester 3 ECO302 Managerial Economics
FIN305 Financial Management
MKT305 Marketing Strategies
ACC302 Management Accounting
Semester 4 OPR305 Production, Operations and Inventory Management
BNV300 Multinational Corporate Environment

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ECO303 Business Government Environment
MGT310 Strategic Management
Source: ITM University Online, Retrieved from

In the above example, the MBA program is conducted online, yet the final credential may not
indicate the online mode of study. While students may spend two years on the program, the
academic workload (16 courses) is comparable to slightly more than one year of fulltime

EMBA Programs
Neither the UGC nor AICTE has published EMBA curriculum standards. While MBA is a
UGC-specified degree (minimum two years after a bachelor’s degree), EMBA is not. On the
other hand, the UGC-DEB (Distance Education Bureau) lists of recognized open and distance
learning programs include a few Executive MBAs. In common usage, EMBA often refers to
non-degree management programs such as Executive PGDMs, and the descriptor “executive”
does not necessarily indicate that a program is designed for working professionals with many
years of business experience but rather that program duration is less than two years.

Executive PGDM programs do not have uniform curriculum standards. Non-degree

postgraduate programs in management that receive AICTE approval typically fall into three
• Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM): two years (20-24 months in 2017
• Postgraduate Certificate in Management (PGCM): more than one year and less than
two years
• Executive Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Executive PGDM): 15 or 18 months

EMBA degrees offered by universities and university-level degree-awarding institutions

follow very different curriculum standards. Some programs are similar to regular MBAs in
terms of admission requirements, academic workload, and curriculum content while adopting a
flexible schedule such as evening and/or weekend classes that cater to working professionals.
Following is the general program structure of the Evening EMBA at the University of Delhi.
Students must complete a total of 28 courses worth 2800 marks, compared with 32 courses
worth 3200 marks for the two-year fulltime MBA.

Evening EMBA Program Structure, University of Delhi, 2018

Admission: Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree after 12 years of formal schooling with
at least 45% marks at graduation level or equivalent CGPA. They must also have at least five years of
experience as an executive or administrator after obtaining their bachelor’s degrees. Selection will be
based on a combination of academic performance, executive experience, general ability test and
personal interview.
Time Course Number Name/Description
First Year, MBAEX-8101 Organizational Behaviour and Managing Transitions
Semester 1 MBAEX-8102 Quantitative Methods for Management
MBAEX-8103 Managerial Economics
MBAEX-8104 Accounting for Managerial Decisions

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MBAEX-8105 Marketing Management
MBAEX-8106 Managerial Finance
MBAEX-8107 Managing Information Technology for Organizations
First Year, MBAEX-8201 Human Resource Management
Semester 2 MBAEX-8202 Operations Management for Executives
MBAEX-8203 Economic Environment of Business
MBAEX-8204 Strategic Financial Management
MBAEX-8205 Marketing Research
MBAEX-8206 Business Communication
MBAEX-8207 Delivering Information Services
Admission to the Second Year shall be open to students who have cleared successfully at least 10
papers out of the 14 papers offered during the First Year. Students must clear the remaining papers
while studying in the Second Year.
Second Year, MBAEX-8301 Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
Semester 3 MBAEX-8302 Strategic Management
MBAEX-8303 Sustainable Business
Electives (Choose 4)
A number of electives are available in each of the following eight
areas: finance, marketing, strategy and leadership, production and
operations management, entrepreneurship, information
technology management, and services management
Second Year, MBAEX-8401 Managing Multinationals
Semester 4 MBAEX-8402 Legal Environment of Business
Electives (Choose 5)
MBAEX-9906 (Project Study) may be chosen as one of the
Source: Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (

Some EMBA programs (e.g. one-year EMBA) do not meet UGC minimum standards for
master’s degrees. The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) indicates that Executive
MBAs of one year’s duration are not given equivalence to regular MBAs.

Venkateshwara Open University, a private university in Arunachal Pradesh, has been offering
online EMBA programs that can be completed in 12-24 months. The academic workload of
the program listed below is comparable to less than one year’s worth of fulltime study.

Online EMBA in Business Analytics, Venkateshwara Open University

Admission: Bachelor’s degree and at least two years’ work experience
Duration: 1 year
Semester 1 Modern Business Organization and Management
Global Business Environment & Economics
Accounting & Financial Management
Semester 2 Business Communication Skills
Fundamentals Of Data Analytics
Presentation And Visualisation Of Data
Management Information Systems And Business Intelligence
Source: Venkateshwara Open University. Retrieved from

There are also non-university institutions without degree-awarding power that nevertheless
offer EMBA programs. For example, Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies (GNIMS)

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is approved by AICTE to offer non-degree programs such as Post Graduate Certificate in
Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Management, and Post graduate Diploma in
Management (Executive), and it conducts certain master’s degree programs such as Master of
Management Studies and Master of Business Administration in affiliation with the University
of Mumbai. However, its website advertises an 18-month weekend EMBA without any
university affiliation. Admission is based on a bachelor’s degree with 50% minimum marks
and at least two years’ work experience. Classes run on weekends (Sat 6 pm – 8:30 pm and
Sun 9:30 am to 4:30 pm) for four 4-month terms.

Two-year MBA programs require a three-year bachelor’s degree for admission, representing at
least five years of postsecondary education in total. They typically follow the UGC or AICTE
model curriculum for MBA, consisting of one year of general business courses followed by
one year of electives in select functional areas of management. They provide access to
employment and may lead to further education in MPhil and doctoral programs in business
and management.

Based on the above information and placement recommendations from other evaluation
resources, IQAS compares the two-year MBA to the completion of a Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree.

EMBA programs that involve two years of fulltime study or its part-time equivalent generally
follow the same curriculum standards set by the UGC or AICTE model curriculum for MBA.
They require a three-year bachelor’s degree plus some work experience for admission, and
typically feature evening and/or weekend classes to cater for working professionals. They
provide access to employment and may lead to further education in MPhil and doctoral
programs in business and management.

Based on the above information and placement recommendations from other evaluation
resources, IQAS compares two-year EMBA to the completion of an Executive Master of
Business Administration (EMBA) degree.

MBA and EMBA degrees that involve less than two years of fulltime study or its part-time
equivalent do not meet UGC minimum standards for master’s degrees and represent less than
five years of postsecondary study. They may be accepted for employment purposes outside the
central government but do not lead to further education in MPhil and doctoral programs. Some
programs may have been conducted online in violation of UGC regulations, though the
credentials may show no indication of the online mode of education. IQAS does not assess
such programs.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum

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pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)

87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas

Category: University-level and other accredited postgraduate certificate and diploma programs

Credential Actual Name:

Postgraduate Certificate
Postgraduate Diploma

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Postgraduate Certificate in xxx
Postgraduate Diploma in xxx
Certificate in xxx
Diploma in xxx
Note: These are just examples of names for postgraduate certificates and diplomas and
may not constitute a complete list of possible terminology.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities, university-level institutions and other institutions with appropriate
program accreditation

Admission Requirements:
•Bachelor’s degree (3 or 4 years)

Program Description:
• Postgraduate certificate or diploma program [usually one year but length may vary from six
months to two years]

Provides Access to in the Home Country:


• Further education (e.g. admission into university graduate degree programs)

IQAS Placement Recommendations

Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma from university-level institutions or institutions with

appropriate program accreditation (such as AICTE)
- Generally compares to the completion of a University Diploma or University Certificate
[Shorter programs (e.g. 1 year) are generally compared to certificates while longer programs
(e.g. 2 years) can be compared to diplomas].

Two-year fulltime Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) from institutions whose

Two-year fulltime PGDM is equated with MBA by the Association of Indian Universities
(AIU) [See the list on next page]

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- Generally compares to the completion of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

Postgraduate Diploma in Medicine approved by the Indian Medical Council

Do not assess.

IQAS Rationale:

General Program Description

Postgraduate diploma programs generally require one to two years of fulltime study, with entry
based on the completion of a bachelor’s degree (three or four years) and, in some cases, a
specified period of work experience. Postgraduate certificate programs have similar entry
requirements but are shorter in duration, usually from six months to less than two years.

Postgraduate certificate and diploma programs provide advanced training in a range of technical
and specialized fields. Many of the fields fall under the purview of the AICTE (All India Council
for Technical Education):
– Engineering & Technology
– Management
– Computer Applications
– Architecture & Town Planning
– Pharmacy
– Hotel Management & Catering Technology
– Applied Arts and Craft

Management is one of the most popular fields for postgraduate certificates and diplomas. Such
programs cover a wide range of management areas including general management, financial
management, human resource management, international management, etc. They last one, one
and a half, or two years fulltime or up to three years on a part-time basis. Entry is based on a
bachelor’s degree in any discipline, though some specialized programs such as Postgraduate
Diploma in Agricultural Business Management (PGDABM) and Postgraduate Diploma in
Materials Management (PGDMM) require a bachelor’s degree in a related area of specialization.

Postgraduate certificate and diploma programs are available at universities, university-affiliated

colleges, private institutes, and professional associations. Institutions offering programs in
technical fields must have AICTE approval, which ensures minimum standards have been met.
AICTE also grants program-level accreditation, through its National Board of Accreditation
(NBA). NBA accreditation is voluntary and indicates quality among peers. The NBA website
( contains a list of over 1,000 accredited programs.

Many postgraduate diplomas are for employment purposes and do not provide advanced standing
for further academic studies. Two exceptions, the postgraduate diplomas in medicine approved
by the Indian Medical Council, and postgraduate diplomas in management (PGDM) offered by
institutions whose PGDM is equated with MBA by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU),
are described below.

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Programs in medicine approved by the Indian Medical Council
Postgraduate diplomas in medicine approved by the Indian Medical Council involve two years of
fulltime study following the completion of a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS
or BMBS). Students can choose from 28 fields of specialization such as clinical pathology,
obstetrics & gynaecology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, psychiatry, and radio
therapy. Holders of a postgraduate diploma receive one year’s advanced standing when admitted
to the three-year Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Master of Surgery (M.S.) program in the same
area of specialization.

Two-year fulltime Management programs from institutions whose PGDM is equated with
MBA by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) provides a periodically updated list of institutions
(including the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management) whose two-year fulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) has been equated with MBA degree for the
purpose of admission into doctoral-level management programs.

Name of the Institutions whose Two Year Full Time Postgraduate Diploma in Management has been equated
with MBA Degree for purpose of admission to Higher Studies (April 21, 2017), AIU
S.No Name of the Institute Course Address Equivalence
Offered Granted
1. Acharya School of PGDM Acharya School of Management, 26.11.2013 to
Management, Acharya Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 25.11.2018
Bangalore Road, Soldevanabhalli, Hesaraghatta
2. Amity Business School, Noida PGDM Amity Delhi/Noida Campus 2002- till the
(UP) Block E2,Amity inception of
(Now University) University Campus the university
3. Amrita Institute of PGDM Amrita School of Business, 2002 - 2007
Management, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Coimbatore Amritanagar, Coimbatore -
4. Apeejay School of PGDM Sector-8, Institutional Area, 30.12.2014 to
Management Dwarka, New Delhi- 110077 29.12.2016
5. Asia Pacific Institute of PGDM Asia-pacific institute of Management August 2010 –
Management, Delhi 3 & 4 Institutional Area, Jasola, 30 June 2017
Opp. Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110025.
6. Asian School of Business PGDM Asian School of Business Management 1.1.2012 –
Management, Bhubaneswar Shiksha Vihar PO- Bhola (Chandaka) 29.12.2016
Bhubaneswar – 754012
7. A Balaji Institute of Management, Balaji Institute of Modern 26.11.2013 to
Management & Human Management, & Human Resource 25.11.2018
Resource Development, Development Pune (BIMHRD)
Pune (BIMHRD) 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad,
Balaji Institute of Marketing & Balaji Institute of Modern Management, 26.11.2013 to
Human Resource Finance Resource Development Pune (BIMHRD) 25.11.2018
Pune (BIMHRD) Management 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
Balaji Institute of Personnel Balaji Institute of Modern Management, 26.11.2013 to
Human Resource Management & Resource Development Pune (BIMHRD) 25.11.2018
Pune (BIMHRD) Human 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
Resource Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
7. B Balaji Institute of Telecom & Telecom Balaji Institute of Telecom Management 26.11.2013 to
Management, Pune (BITM) Management, 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.

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Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033 25.11.2018
Balaji Institute of Telecom & Telecom & Balaji Institute of Telecom Management 26.11.2013 to
Management, Pune (BITM) Marketing 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off. 25.11.2018
Management Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
Balaji Institute of Telecom & Marketing & Balaji Institute of Telecom Management 26.11.2013 to
Management, Pune (BITM) Finance 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off. 25.11.2018
Management Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
7. C Balaji Institute of Management Balaji Institute of Modern 26.11.2013 to
Modern Management (BIMM) 55/2-7, 25.11.2018
Management Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
Balaji Institute of Executive Balaji Institute of Modern 26.11.2013 to
Modern Management Management (BIMM) 55/2-7, 25.11.2018
Management Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
Balaji Institute of IT & Balaji Institute of Modern 26.11.2013 to
Modern Marketing Management (BIMM) 55/2-7, 25.11.2018
Management Management Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
Balaji Institute of Personnel Mgt Balaji Institute of Modern 26.11.2013 to
Modern & Management (BIMM) 55/2-7, 25.11.2018
Management Human Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off.
(BIMM) Development Mumbai- Bangalore Bypass, Pune
7. D Balaji Institute of International Balaji Institute of International Business 26.11.2013 to
Business (BIIB) Business 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off. 25.11.2018
Management, Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
Balaji Institute of Marketing Balaji Institute of International Business 26.11.2013 to
Business (BIIB) Management 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off. 25.11.2018
Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
Balaji Institute of Finance Balaji Institute of International Business 26.11.2013 to
Business (BIIB) Management 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad, Off. 25.11.2018
Bangalore Bypass, Pune 411 033
8. Birla Institute of Management PGDM Birla Institute of Management 1.10.2009 –
Technology, Greater NOIDA Technology 30.06.2020
Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park II,
8.A Birla Institute of Management PGDM-IB Birla Institute of Management 1.06.2015-
Technology, Greater NOIDA Technology 30.06.2020
Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park II,
9. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s PGDM Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Usha & 1.06. 2012 –
Usha & Lakshmi Mittal Lakshmi Mittal Institute of 30.06.2017
Institute of Management
10. Centrefor Management PGDM Centre For Management 2003 –
Development, Modinagar Development, Modinagar (U.P.) 201204 30.06.2017
11. A DCSMAT Business School, PGDM DCSMAT Business School, 1.06. 2012 –
Kerala D C County, Pullikkanam, Vagamon, 30.06. 2017
Idukki Dt, Kerala- 685503
11. B DCSMAT School of Media & PGDM DCSMAT School of Media & Business, 1.06. 2012 –
Business, Kerala Kinfra Film and Video Park, Sainik 30.06. 2017
School,P O,
12. Dr. Gaur Hari Singh Signhania PGDM Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania October 2012 –
Instt. Institute of 30 June 2017
Of Mgt. and Research, Kanpur Management &
13. Entrepreneurship (PGDM-BE) Entrepreneurship Development 26.11.2013 to
Development Institute Institute of India Gandhinagar (Via 25.11.2018
of India, Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Airport & Indira

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14. EMPI Business School, New PGDM EMPI Business School 1.07. 2010 –
Delhi Camp P.O.: CSKM Educational 29.12.2016
Complex, Satbari,Chattarpur, New
Delhi – 110074, India
15. Foundation for PGDM Foundation for Liberal And Management 01.01.2016 –
Liberal And Education, 30.06.2020
Management Gate
Education, District No.
Pune 1270,
16. Fore School of Business PGDM FORE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT July 2002 –
Management, New Delhi B-18,Qutub 30.6. 2017
16. Fore School of PGDM-IBM FORE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 30.12.2014-
A Business B-18,Qutub 29.12.2016
Management, Institutional
17. Fortune Institute of PGDM Fortune Institute of International October 2012 –
International Business 30.6. 2017
Business, New Delhi Plot No.05, Opp. R & R Hospital
18. Goa Institute of Management, PGDM Goa Institute of Management 1.1.2012 –
Goa Ribandar, GOA 403 006 30.12.2018
19. Guru Nanak PGDM Guru Nanak Institute of 03.06.2013 –
Institute of Management Road No. 30.06.2018
Management 75 West Punjabi Bagh
20. Graduate School of Business PGDM Graduate School Of Business & 2003 –
Administration, Noida (UP) Administration 30.6.2010
Plot No. HS-02, Block-F, Sector-
Alpha-2 Greater Noida – 201
21. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute of Management Since
Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 38001 5, Gujarat, 03.04.1969
22. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute of Management Since
Management, Prabandh Nagar, Off Sitapur Road, 06.03.1991
Lucknow Lucknow – 226 013.
23. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute of Management, Indore Since
Management, Prabandh Shikhar, Rau – 26.03.2001
Indore Pithampur Road Indore
24. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute of Management, Since
Management, Bangalore 15.04.1978
Bangalore Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, India
25. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute Of Management, Calcutta Since
Management, Diamond Harbour Road 03.04.1969
Kolkata Joka, Kolkata (Calcutta) – 700104 West
26. Indian Institute of PGDM Indian Institute of Since
Management, Management, Kozhikode 25.09.2003
Kozhikode IIMKCampus P. O., Kozhikode,
27. Indian Institute of Health PGDM- Health Institute of Health Management Research 2002 –
Management, Jaipur Management 1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer 30.06.2014
Airport, Jaipur – 302 011
28. Indian Institute for Tourism & (PGDM- Indian Institute for Tourism & Travel 1.06. 2011 –
Travel Management, Services) Govindpuri, GWALIOR, 474 011 (M.P) 30.05. 2016
28 A Indian Institute for Tourism & (PGDM- Indian Institute for Tourism & Travel 1.06. 2011 –
Travel Management, International Govindpuri, GWALIOR, 474 011 (M.P) 30.05. 2016
GWALIOR, MP Business) India

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28 B Indian Institute for Tourism & (PGDM-Travel Indian Institute for Tourism & Travel 1.06. 2011 –
Travel Management, & Tourism Govindpuri, GWALIOR, 474 011 (M.P) 30.05. 2016
GWALIOR, MP Management) India
29. Institute of Public PGDM Institute of Public Enterprise 2002 –
Enterprise, Osmania University Campus, 31.12.2017
Hyderabad Hyderabad – 500 007. Andhra
29 A Institute of Public Retail Institute of Public Enterprise 26.11.2013 to
Enterprise, Management Osmania University Campus, 25.11.2018
Hyderabad Hyderabad – 500 007. Andhra
29 B Institute of Public International Institute of Public Enterprise 26.11.2013 to
Enterprise, Business Osmania University Campus, 25.11.2018
Hyderabad Hyderabad – 500 007. Andhra
29 C Institute of Public Enterprise, Banking Institute of Public Enterprise 26.11.2013 to
Hyderabad Insurance & Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad 25.11.2018
Finance Andhra Pradesh, India.
29 D Institute of Public Enterprise, Postgraduate Institute of Public Enterprise 26.11.2013 to
Hyderabad Diploma in (Bio- Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad 25.11.2018
Technology) Andhra Pradesh, India.
30. Institute of Management PGDM Institute of Management Technology 1997 –
Technology, Ghaziabad Raj 29.12.2016
31. Institute of Technology & PGDM Institute of Technology 2004 –
Science, Mohan Ngr, & Science, Mohan Ngr, 30.06.2017
Ghaziabad Ghaziabad G.T. Road,
31. A I.T.S. Institute of PGDM I.T.S. Institute of Management 26.11.2013 to
Management, Greater 46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida 25.11.2016
32. Institute for Integrated PGDM Institute for Integrated Learning in 2003 –
Learning in Management IILM Graduate 24.09.2018
Management(IILM), Greater School of Management
NOIDA 16, Knowledge Park – II Greater Noida–
33. Institute for Technology and PGDM ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai 01.09.2011 –
Management, Plot 25/26, Institutional 30.06. 2018
Kharghar (East), Navi Area, Sector -4 Kharghar
34. Indian Institute of Forest PGDFM Indian Institute of Forest, Management Masters
Management, Bhopal Po Box 357, Degree in
Nehru the relevant
Nagar Field
35. Institute of Rural PG Diplomain Institute of Rural Management, Post MBA(RM)
Management, RM Box No. 60, Anand 388001, Gujarat, India
36. Institute of Financial PGDM Institute for Financial Management Oct. 2006 –
Management, and Research (IFMR) 30.06. 2014
Chennai 24, Kothari Road, Nungambakkam,
Chennai – 600 034, India.
37. Institute of Finance and PGDM Institute of Finance and International July 2002 –
International Management, Bangalore 29.12.2016
Management, (Opp. Infosys Campus Gate # 4) # 8P &
9P, KIADB Industrial Area Electronics
City 1st Phase Bangalore
Institute of Management PGDM 560100 01.01.2012 –
38. Institute of Management Technology
Technology, Nagpur 35 Km Milestone, Katol Road, NAGPUR 30.06.2019

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39. Institute of Management PGDM Institute Of Management Studies April 2001 –
Studies, Lal Quan, Bulandshahar Road 29.12.2017
Ghaziabad Ghaziabad-201 009, National Capital
40. Institute of Management PGDM Institute of management Studies, Noida 1.07. 2012 –
Studies, A-8B, Sector-62,Noida UP-201303, INDIA 30.06. 2017
41. International PGDM International Management Institute 2001-
Management Institute, B-10, Qutab Institutional Area 30.12.2020
Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent. New Delhi – 110016.India.
41. A International PGDM- HRM International Management Institute 26.11.2013 to
Management Institute, B-10, Qutab Institutional Area 25.11.2018
Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent. New Delhi – 110016.India.
41. B N D lhi
International PGDM International Management Institute, 01.07.2016 to
Management Kolkata, 2/4C, Judges Court Road, 30.06.2018
Institute, Kolkata Alipore, Kolkata-700 027, India
41. C International PGDM International Management Institute 01.02.2017 to
Management Bhubaneswar IDCO Plot #1 30.06.2018
Institute, Gothapatna, PO- Malipada,
42. Institute of Plantation PGDM- ABPM Institute of Plantation Management 01.07.2016 to
Management, Jhana Bharathi Campus P.O. 30.06.2018
Bangalore- 560 056 Malathalli, Bangalore- 560 056
43. Ishan Institute of PGDM Ishan Institute of Management, New 1.07. 2012 –
Management, Delhi 30.06.2017
New Delhi 219 Hans Bhavan, 1 Bahadur
44 Jagan Institute of PGDM Jagan institute of management, Studies 2004 –
Management 3, Institutional Area, Sector – 5, 29.12.2016
Studies, Delhi Rohini, Delhi – 110085.
44. A Jagannath PGDM Jagannath International 16.07.2013 –
International Management School 30.06.2016
Management MOR, Pocket 105 Kalkaji,
School New Delhi-110019
45 Jaipuria Institute of PGDM Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, 3.06.2013 –
Management Jaipur 1- Bambala Institutional Area, 30.06.2018
Pratab Nagar, Sanganer, Jaipur- 302033
45 A Jaipuria Institute of PGDM Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, 3.06.2013 –
Management, Noida Plot No. A-32A, Sector-62, Noida-201309 30.06.2018
45 B Jaipuria Institute of PGDM- Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, 01.01.2016 –
Noida Marketing Plot No. A-32A, Sector-62, Noida-201309 30.06.2017
45 C Jaipuria Institute of PGDM-Service Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, 01.01.2016 –
Noida Management Plot No. A-32A, Sector-62, Noida-201309 30.06.2017

45 D Jaipuria Institute of PGDM Jaipuria Institute of Management, 26.11.2013 to

Management, Lucknow Lucknow, Vineet Khand, Gomtinagar 25.11.2018
45 E Jaipuria Institute of PGDM- Retail Jaipuria Institute of Management, 01.01.2016 to
Lucknow Management Khand, Gomtinagar Lucknow – 226 010 30.06.2017
45 F Jaipuria Institute of PGDM- Jaipuria Institute of Management, 01.01.2016 to
Lucknow Financial Khand, Gomtinagar Lucknow – 226 010 30.06.2017
46 K J Somaiya Institute of PGDM (Retail K J Somaiya Institute of Management 1.06. 2012 –
Management Studies & Management) Studies & Research 30.06.2017
Mumbai Vidya Nagar, Vidya Vihar,Mumbai-400077

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46 A K J Somaiya Institute of PGDM K J Somaiya Institute of 1.06. 2012 –
Management Studies & Management Studies & 30.06.2017
Research, Mumbai Research
46 B K J Somaiya Institute of PGDM K J Somaiya Institute of Management 1.06. 2012 –
Management Studies & (International Studies & Research 30.06.2017
Mumbai h Business) Vidya Nagar, Vidya Vihar, Mumbai-400077
47 Lal Bahadur Shashtri Institute PGDM Lal Bahadur Shashtri Institute of 1.10.2010 –
of Management, New Delhi 17.09.2016
Management, New Delhi Dwarka Campus: Plot No.
11/7, Sector 11 (Near
Metro Station) Dwarka,
47 A Lal Bahadur Shashtri PGDM (Finance) Lal Bahadur Shashtri Institute of 30-12-2014-
Institute of Management, New Delhi 29-12-2016
Management, New Dwarka Campus: Plot No. 11/7, Sector 11
Delhi (Near Metro Station) Dwarka, New Delhi -
48 Loyala Institute of Business PGDM Loyala Institute of Business 2001 –
Administration, Chennai Administration 29.12.2016
Loyola College,Chennai - 600
49 Management PGDM Management Development Institute July 2004 –
Development Mehrauli Road,Sukhrali, Gurgaon - 122 29-12-2016
49 A Management Development PGDM (HR) Management Development Institute July 2009 –
Institute, Gurgaon Mehrauli Road,Sukhrali, Gurgaon - 122 29-12-2016
49 B Management Development PGDM (IM) Management Development Institute 30.12.2014 –
Institute, Gurgaon Mehrauli Road,Sukhrali, Gurgaon - 122 29-12-2016
50 Mudra Institute of PGDM- Mudra Institute of Communications, 1.09. 2010 –
Communications, Communication Ahmedabad (MICA) 30.06.2017
Ahemdabad Shela, Ahmedabad - 380 058 Gujarat, India
51 Narsee Monjee Institute of PGDM Narsee Monjee Institute of Sep. , 2001- till
Management Studies, Management Studies, the inception
Mumbai (Now V.L.Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W), of the
Deemed University) Mumbai - 400 056, Maharashtra, university
52 National Insurance Academy, PGDM National Insurance Academy, 25.07. 2013 –
Balewadi, Pune Balewadi, Baner Road, NIA P.O., Pune-411 30.06. 2018
53 National Institute of Financial PGDM National Institute of Financial July 2008 –
Management, Faridabad Management, Faridabad 29-12-2016
Sector-48, pali road, faridabad- 121001.

54 National Institute of PGDM-ABM National Institute of Agricultural 01.01.2016-

Extension Management (Agri Business Management (Manage), 30.06.2017
Rajendranagar, Mangement) Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad Hyderabad- 500 030, A.P. India

55 New Delhi Institute of PGDM New Delhi institute of Management May 2008 –
Management, New Delhi 60 & 50(B&C), Behind Batra Hospital, 29-12-2016
Tughlakabad Institutional Area New
56 NIILM Centre for PGDM NIILM Centre for Management Studies April 2004 -
Management Plot No-53, Knowledge Park V, Greater 29-12-2017
Studies, New Delhi Noida-201306, U.P.

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57 School of Communication & PGDM School of Communication & July 2001 –
Management Studies, Cochin Management Studies SCMS 30.06.2016
Campus, Prathap Nagar, Muttom,
58 S P Jain Institute of PGDM S.P.Jain Institute of 1997 –
Management & Management & Research, 30.06.2014
Research, Mumbai Munshi Nagar, Dadabhai Road,
59 Shri Dharmasthala PGDM Shri Dharmasthala 01.01.2016 to
Manjunatheshwara Manjunatheshwara Institute for 30.06.2017
Institute for Management Development,
Management No1 Chamundi Hill Road,
60 T A Pai Management PGDM T. A. Pai Management Institute MBA Degree
Institute, Manipal - 576 104, Karnataka, India
61 Thiagarajar School of PGDM Thiagarajar School of Management, 1.07.2015-
Management, Pamban Swamy Nagar, 30.06.2017
,Madurai- 625 005, India Thirupparankundram, Madurai-
625 005, India
62 The Rajagiri Business School, PGDM The Rajagiri Business School, Kochi, 1.06. 2012 –
Kochi (Kerala) 30.06.2017
63 Vaikunth Mehta National PGDM Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of 2002-
Institute Cooperative Management 30.06.2017
of Cooperative Mgt, Pune Ganeshkhind Road, Near Pune
64 Vignana Jyothi Institute of PGDM Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management 03.06.2013 –
Management Bachupally, Hyderabad- 500 090 30.06.2018
65 Welingkar Institute PGDM Welingkar Institute of Management July 2008 –
of Management Development 29-12-2016
Development & Research
& Research, Mumbai Lakhamshi Napoo Road,
65 A Welingkar Institute of PGDM Welingkar Institute of Management 26.11.2013 to
Management Development & Research 25.11.2018
Development & Research No.102 & 103, Electronic City Phase-
Bangalore I, Bangalore – 560100
65 B Welingkar Institute of E-Business Welingkar Institute of Management 26.11.2013 to
Management Development & Research 25.11.2018
Development & Research No.102 & 103, Electronic City Phase-
No.102 & 103, Electronic I, Bangalore – 560100
City Phase-I, Bangalore -
66 Xavier Institute of PGDM Xavier Institute of Management, Sept 2002 –
Management, Bhubaneswar 30.06.2014
Bhubaneswar Xavier Institute of Management,
66 A Xavier Institute of (PGDM-RM) Xavier Institute of Management, Sept 2011 –
Management, Bhubaneswar 30.06. 2016
Bhubaneswar(Rural Xavier Institute of
66 B Xavier Institute of Social PGDM Xavier Institute of Social Service Masters
Service, Dr. Camil Bulcke Path (Purulia Degree
Ranchi Road) Post BOX – 7, Ranchi-834
001, Jharkhand, India

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66 C Xavier Labour Relations PGP XLRI PGP (Buss.
Institute, Jamshedpur (Buss. Circuit House Area (East), Mgt.)- June
Mgt.) & Jamshedpur 831 035, Jharkhand 1989
PGP (PM & IR) - India – till date
1991 – till

Postgraduate certificate and diploma programs involve six months to two years of fulltime study.
While the general entry requirement is the completion of a bachelor’s degree in any discipline (3
or 4 years), programs in some specialized and professional fields require a bachelor’s degree (4
years) in the same or a related field for admission. The certificate/diploma allows an individual
to seek employment and, in some cases, admission into a master’s degree program with
advanced standing.

In comparison, universities in Canada offer certificate and diploma programs in a variety of

disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels. For undergraduate-level programs,
admission is typically based on high school graduation. For graduate-level programs, admission
is typically based on a bachelor’s degree (4 years) and, in some cases, related work experience.
There are also post-baccalaureate programs with entry requirement and program level similar to
those of after degrees. Based on the above information and placement recommendations of other
evaluation resources, IQAS makes the following comparisons:

Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma from university-level institution or institutions with

appropriate program accreditation (such as AICTE)
- Generally compares to the completion of a University Diploma or University Certificate
[Shorter programs (e.g. 1 year) are generally compared to certificates while longer programs
(e.g. 2 years) can be compared to diplomas].

Postgraduate Diplomas in Management (PGDM) offered at institutions on the AIU list involve
two years of fulltime study, with entry based on the completion of a bachelor’s degree. This
translates into a minimum of five years (3+2) of postsecondary study in total. The PGDM,
equated with MBA by the AIU, allows an individual to seek employment and admission into
doctoral-level programs in management. In comparison, MBA programs in Canada usually
involves at least one year of fulltime study, with entry based on the completion of a four-year
bachelor’s degree.

Based on the above information and placement recommendations of other evaluation resources,
IQAS compares the two-year fulltime Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
from the institutions on the AIU list to the completion of a Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree.

Postgraduate diplomas in medicine approved by the Indian Medical Council involve two years of
fulltime study following the completion of a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS
or BMBS). Students can choose from 28 fields of specialization.

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In Alberta and Canada, training in medical specialties and sub-specialties leads to professional
certification, which is beyond the scope of IQAS assessment. Therefore IQAS does not assess
postgraduate diplomas in various fields of medical specialization.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the marks
students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Other programs
such as certificates, diplomas and research-based degrees (M.Phil and Ph.D.) are usually
awarded without classification. Grading scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian
system is low marking, with minimum pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though
some institutions or programs adopt a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more
subjects in a major examination but who have achieved institution-designated minimum marks
(e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed
subjects at a subsequent examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along
with conversion to Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

M.Phil in Chemistry
M.Phil in Commerce
M.Phil in Computer Science
M.Phil in Economics
M.Phil in English
M.Phil in Library Science
M.Phil in Population Studies
M.Phil in Sociology
M.Phil in Statistics
M.Phil in Zoology
Note: These are just examples of possible majors of master of philosophy degrees and do
not constitute a complete list of such programs.

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
•Master’s degree

Program Description:
• One-year (or one-and-one-half-year, two-year) university graduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:

•Admission to doctoral programs

IQAS Recommendations:
A Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) degree [in combination with the previous Master’s degree]
generally compares to the completion of a two-year Master’s degree with a focus in xxx.

Or assessed individually.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description

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The Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) is a pre-doctoral research degree that involves one to two
years of fulltime study, with entry based on the completion of a master’s degree in at least the
Second Division/Class. Some M.Phil programs consist mainly of directed research leading to
the completion of a thesis, while others require substantial coursework.

The UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees)
Regulations (June 1, 2009) prescribes some general guidelines for M.Phil and Ph.D. programs.
For example, M.Phil/Ph.D. students must undertake a minimum of one semester of
coursework, which must include a course on research methodology. After completion of
coursework, students proceed to work on the thesis, which must be evaluated by at least two
experts, one of whom from another state or outside of the country.

The UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees)
Regulations (May 5, 2016), which superseded the 2009 regulations, prescribes more detailed
standards for various aspects of M.Phil programs:
• Candidates for admission to the M.Phil program must have a Master’s degree or a
professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding
statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade
on the UGC 7-point scale.
• M.Phil programs shall be for a minimum duration of two consecutive semesters or one
year and a maximum of four consecutive semesters or two years.
• In the first one or two semesters, M.Phil students must complete between 8 and 16
credits of coursework, including 4 credits of coursework on research methodology, as a
prerequisite for M.Phil/Ph.D. preparation. At least 24 total credits shall be completed
for the M.Phil program.
• An M.Phil candidate has to obtain a minimum of 55% of marks or its equivalent grade
in the UGC 7-point scale in coursework in order to proceed to the preparation and
defense of the thesis.
• An M.Phil candidate must present at least one research paper at a conference or
seminar. The M.Phil thesis shall be evaluated by the supervisor and at least one
examiner from outside the institution.

Following are a couple of sample program structures for M.Phil:

Sample Program Structure: M.Phil in Statistics, University of Delhi (a central university)

Duration: One year of fulltime study
Entry requirements: First or second high class Master degree in statistics
M.Phil Part I (six months): Choose three from ten courses (with each course worth 100
1. Stochastic Processes
2. Applied Probability Models
3. Design of Experiments
4. Design and Inference in Survey
5. Bayesian Inference
6. Order Statistics
7. Bio-Statistics

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8. Multivariate Analysis
9. Non-Parametric Methods
10. Reliability and Life Testing
M.Phil Part II (six months): Write a dissertation pertaining to one of the three courses
completed in Part I. (Written dissertation: 150 marks; viva voce: 50 marks.)

Sample Program Structure: M.Phil (English Literature), Jamia Millia Islamia (a central
Duration: One and a half years (three semesters) of fulltime study
Entry requirements: Minimum 55% marks in MA (English)
Semester I
(1) Research Methodology (Compulsory)
(2) MP 1: Introduction to Literary Theory (Compulsory)
(3) Choose any one of the following courses:
MP 2: Renaissance Studies
MP 3: Life, Literature and Thought in the Eighteenth Century
MP 4: Texts of Modernism
MP 5: Continental Fiction
MP 6: Indian Writing in English
MP 7: Theory and Practice of Translation
MP 8: Seminar I (a flexible course based on teachers’ academic interests)
Semester II: Choose any two of the following courses:
MP 9: Shakespeare
MP 10: Life, Literature and Thought in the Nineteenth Century
MP 11: Twentieth Century Fiction/Poetry
MP 12: Australian/Canadian Literature
MP 13: Twentieth Century American Literature
MP 14: Indian Literatures in English Translation
MP 15: English in India
MP 16: Colonial Discourse Theory
MP 17: Readings in Theory
MP 18: Semiotics
MP 19: Texts of Popular Culture
MP 20: Seminar II (a flexible course based on teachers’ academic interests)
Semester III: Dissertation

The M.Phil degree gives access to employment such as lectureship at a higher education
institution, and admission to doctoral programs. Some institutions require an M.Phil for entry
into their doctoral programs. An M.Phil holder may complete a Ph.D. program in a minimum
of two years, compared with three or more years for a master’s degree holder.

The UGC-AICTE-DEC Committee, which was responsible for regulating distance education
in India until 2013, approved a few M.Phil and Ph.D. programs offered through distance
education until 2007. No distance education programs at the M.Phil and Ph.D. level have been
approved since 2007, and the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of

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M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees) Regulations, 2009 and 2016 both stipulate that no institution shall
conduct M.Phil and Ph.D. programs through distance education mode.

The M.Phil program requires a master’s degree for admission and involves at least one year of
fulltime study consisting of coursework, directed research and the completion of a thesis. It
represents a total of six or more years of postsecondary study. In comparison, master’s degrees
in Canada involve one to two years of fulltime study following the completion of a four-year
bachelor’s degree, or a total of five to six years of postsecondary study. The M.Phil degree
gives access to further education in doctoral programs. Based on the above information and
placement recommendations of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the M.Phil degree
from the Republic of India, in combination with the preceding Master’s degree, to the
completion of a two-year Master’s degree.

Most bachelor’s and master’s degrees are classified into divisions or classes based on the
marks students obtain in the major examinations at the end of each year or semester. Research-
based degrees such as M.Phil and Ph.D. are usually awarded without classification. Grading
scale varies from institution to institution. The Indian system is low marking, with minimum
pass mark generally ranging between 33 and 40%, though some institutions or programs adopt
a 50% pass. Students who have failed in one or more subjects in a major examination but who
have achieved institution-designated minimum marks (e.g. 25%) in the aggregate may be
allowed to proceed with their study and make up the failed subjects at a subsequent
examination. The following table shows a common grading scale along with conversion to
Alberta grades.

Higher Education Grading Scale

Indian Marks (%) Descriptor IQAS (%)
87-100 96
74-86 88
60-73 82
57-59 77
53-56 74
51-52 70
47-50 66
45-46 Third 62
40-44 Class/Division 58
33-39 52
<33 Fail <50

For more information on Indian grading scales, please refer to the chapter Grading Scale in
International Education Guide for the Assessment of Education from the Republic of India.

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Country: INDIA (Republic of India)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil)

Category: University

Credential Actual Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil)

Credential Alternate Actual Name(s):

Time Period Credential Offered: Current

Issuing Body: Universities and university-level institutions

Admission Requirements:
• Master’s degree (e.g. MA, M.Com and M.Sc.) or Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Program Description:
• Advanced research-based graduate degree program

Provides Access to in the Home Country:

• Employment
• Post-doctoral studies

IQAS Recommendations:
A Doctor of Philosophy degree generally compares to the completion of a Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.

IQAS Rationale:

Program Description
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil.) involves at least two years of fulltime study
following the M.Phil or at least three years following a master’s degree, and is normally
completed within five years after registration. Entry is based on the completion of a master’s
degree with minimum marks (e.g. 55%), and applicants may be asked to take a qualifying test
such as the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the University Grants Commission
(UGC). Some programs require applicants to hold an M.Phil, or prescribe additional
coursework in research methodology for those who do not have the M.Phil. Ph.D. study
consists mainly of research, though some programs include substantial coursework. Students
must complete a substantial thesis based on original research and undergo evaluation and oral
examination by a board of examiners.

The UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees)
Regulations (June 1, 2009) prescribes some general guidelines for M.Phil and Ph.D. programs.
For example, M.Phil/Ph.D. students must undertake a minimum of one semester of

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coursework, which must include a course on research methodology. After completion of
coursework, students proceed to work on the thesis, which must be evaluated by at least two
experts, one of whom from another state or outside of the country. Ph.D. candidates are
expected to publish a research paper in a referred journal before submitting their thesis for

The UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees)
Regulations (May 5, 2016), which superseded the 2009 regulations, prescribes more detailed
standards for various aspects of Ph.D. programs:
• Candidates for admission to the M.Phil/Ph.D. program must have a Master’s degree or
a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding
statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade
on the UGC 7-point scale.
• In the first one or two semesters, M.Phil/Ph.D. students must complete between 8 and
16 credits of coursework, including 4 credits of coursework on research methodology,
as a prerequisite for M.Phil/Ph.D. preparation. Students who are admitted with the
M.Phil, or those who have completed the M.Phil coursework in an integrated
M.Phil/Ph.D. program are eligible to proceed to research work leading to the Ph.D. All
other students are required to complete the prescribed coursework.
• Ph.D. programs shall be for a minimum duration of three years including coursework
and a maximum of six years.
• A Ph.D. candidate must publish at least one research paper in a refereed journal and
make two paper presentations in conferences or seminars before the submission of the
• The Ph.D. thesis shall be evaluated by the supervisor and at least two examiners from
outside the institution.

Following is a sample Ph.D. program structure:

Program Structure, Ph.D. in International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia (a central

Duration: Ten semesters. The candidate shall submit the thesis not earlier than two years and
not later than five years from the date of registration.
Entry Requirements: Minimum 55% marks in M.Phil, and an interview. Individuals with MA
who have done high quality research may also apply.
Coursework: Students with MA must complete one compulsory course and one optional
course in the first two semesters. Students with M.Phil are exempted from coursework.

The UGC-AICTE-DEC Committee, which was responsible for regulating distance education
in India until 2013, approved a few M.Phil and Ph.D. programs offered through distance
education until 2007. No distance education programs at the M.Phil and Ph.D. level have been
approved since 2007, and the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of
M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees) Regulations, 2009 and 2016 both stipulate that no institution shall
conduct M.Phil and Ph.D. programs through distance education mode.


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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil) programs in the Republic of India require applicants to
have an M.Phil or a master’s degree with minimum marks (e.g. 55% on the Indian scale) and
pass an entrance exam and an interview. They usually require three or more years of fulltime
study consisting of coursework and the completion and defence of a dissertation. A Ph.D.
gives an individual access to academic, research and other employment opportunities as well
as post-doctoral studies. Based on the above information and the placement recommendations
of other evaluation resources, IQAS compares the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil) to
the completion of a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.

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