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‫ع لى ال محاف ظة ل ضمان زادك وا شرك ة ف ي ال م ت ب عة ال طري قة‬

‫ال م ك ت س بة ال قم ية‬
Zaid Hashem Al Habshi
Student ID number 110028

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of MSc in Project Management

Faculty of Business

Dissertation Supervisor

Professor Arun Bajracharya


The decommissioning phase in the life cycle of petroleum installations is an important part of

ZADCO’ asset management strategy. The company is known for its integration of the value

assurance process, or “value assurance review” (VAR), in administering asset management

activities geared towards development. This is critically important because the company, just like

any other oil and gas company, invests a lot on development. Therefore, identification of the root

causes of failure is advised at the beginning of projects before they are sanctioned. Value

assurance that is executed for a project addresses the question: “Are we doing the right project?”

Alternatively, the reviews around extraction time focus on the question: “Are we doing the

project right?” After the sanctioning, similar reviews are conducted.

The value assurance process focuses on the non-technical aspects of projects, as the reasons for

cost and schedule overruns are often found in the non-technical aspects. This leads to the

integration of a technical, economic, commercial, organizational and political (TECOP)

approach. It is important to note that studies have shown that more projects fail from flaws in

project fundamentals than from flaws in the details.

VAR generally takes a week. It is delivered by a team of approximately five senior experienced

staff members. On the first day, project team presentations are made, followed by interviews in

the next two days, then synthesis and analysis of an integrated picture within the value assurance

team, and then finally the delivery of insights and recommendations to the costumer, that is, to

the senior executives that govern the project and those responsible for delivering the project, or

to ZADCO executives in our case (ZADCO HSE Manual, 2003).

‫‪In this study we examine the feasibility of this process through the work of the staff interviews‬‬

‫‪and a questionnaire among the decision-makers in the organization to extract a clear picture of‬‬

‫‪electrode found in developmental institution.‬‬

‫مرحلة التفكيك في دورة حياة المنشآت النفطية هو جزء مهم من استراتيجية إدارة األصول في شركة زادكو‪ .‬ومن المعروف أن الشركة‬
‫لتحقيق التكامل في عملية ضمان القيمة‪ ،‬تماما مثل أي شركة نفط وغاز أخرى‪ ،‬تستثمر الكثير في مجال التنمية‪ .‬لذلك‪ ،‬ينصح تحديد‬
‫األسباب الجذرية للفشل في بداية المشاريع قبل أن يتم فرض عقوبات عليها‪ .‬ضمان القيمة التي يتم تنفيذها لمشروع يتناول عدة اسئلة منها‬
‫السؤال‪" :‬هل نحن نفعل المشروع الصحيح؟" بدال من ذلك يجب محورة السؤال حول‪" :‬هل نحن نفعل المشروع بطريقة صحيحة؟" بعد‬
‫البداء بالمشروع يعاد طرح نفس السؤال على كل مراحل المشروع‪. .‬‬

‫وتركز عملية ضمان القيمة على الجوانب غير التقنية للمشاريع‪ ،‬وغالبا ما توجد أسباب التكلفة والجدول الزمني التجاوزات في الجوانب‬
‫غير الفنية‪ .‬وهذا يؤدي إلى إدماج الجانب االقتصادي و التجاري والتنظيمي والسياسي )‪ (TECOP‬النهج التقني‪ .،،‬من المهم أن نالحظ أن‬
‫الدراسات أظهرت أن المشاريع تفشل في المراحل االولى بسب ظهورالعيوب في التفاصيل في أساسيات المشروع ‪.‬‬

‫‪VAR‬تأخذ عادة اسبوع في االنجاز‪ .‬يتم تسليمها من قبل فريق من حوالي خمسة من كبار الموظفين من ذوي الخبرة‪ .‬في اليوم األول‪ ،‬يتم‬
‫تقديم عروض فريق المشروع‪ ،‬تليها المقابالت في اليومين المقبلين‪ ،‬ثم تجميع وتحليل صورة متكاملة ضمن فريق ضمان القيمة‪ ،‬ثم أخيرا‬
‫تقديم رؤى وتوصيات إلى مصمم المشروع‪ ،‬ثم الى كبار المديرين التنفيذيين الذين يديرون المشروع والمسؤولين عن تسليم المشروع‪ ،‬أو‬
‫المديرين التنفيذيين زادكو في حالتنا ‪.‬‬

‫ففي هذه الدراسة نقوم بدراسة جدوى لهذه العملية عن طريق عمل مقابالت للموظفين و استبيان بين اصحاب القرار في المؤسسة‬
‫الستخراج صورة واضحة عن جدوها في المسرى التطويري للمؤسسة‪.‬‬


1.1 Introduction

ZADCO refers to (Zakum Development Company), which is considered a distinguished oil

company in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (ZADCO, 2006). In 1977 ZADCO became

productive company by the law No.9 which generated by the gaudiness of Sheikh Zayed Bin

Sultan Al Nahyan to initiate the development of Zakum Field. This step allows implementing the

establishment of Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) to evolve and operate the Upper

Zakum field. At present, the company is handled by three major stockholders, including the Abu

Dhabi National Oil Company, ExxonMobil and the Japan Oil Development Company (Al

Jarwan, 2006).

At present, the Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) is embrace by three key shareholders.

it include the Japan Oil Development Company, Ltd. (JODCO), with a 12% share, ExxonMobil,

with a 28% share, and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, with a 60% share (ADNOC

Website, 2012).

The company hold three main fields. The most significant of ZADCO's fields and one of the

prime fulfilments in Abu Dhabi is Upper Zakum (UZ); It is located 84 kilometres north-west of

the Abu Dhabi islands and covers 1,200 square kilometres of The Arabian Gulf marine areas. It

is the second largest employer in the Gulf and the fourth in the world, accommodating 550

personnel (Bhatia 27–30).

ZADCO has considering expanded its exploration a continuous efforts since the early years, and

as a result, In 1969 located 25 km to the north-west of Abu Dhabi Umm Al Dalkh (UA) was

discovered and in 1985 the field prepared to be productive. Also not fare located 200 km north-

west of Abu Dhabi Satah Fields (ST) was discovered in 1975 and starting the production was in

1987(Al Jarwan, 2006).From all above fields the crude oil is pumped via oil pipeline to Zirku

Islands which consider the main industrial base for processing, storage and oil exporting and it

contain the latest technology in oil and gas equipment (ZADCO website: September 2013).

ZADCO’s vision is Building optimal sustainable production is ZADCO vision to ensure reaching

excellence in health , safety and environment caring, people development, efficient operations,

field development practices and use of reach level to be top world class company in

oil field production (ZADCO website).

ZADCO achievements over the years include its merger with ADNOC in 1988, therefore

strengthening the oil industry, according to some analysts.

ZADCO maintain their highly standard by using the advance technologies in developing and

operation in their oil field to ensure high level of quality in health, safety and the environment

level. Its core values have led it to becoming a performance-driven organization that manages its

assigned business portfolio within the Supreme Petroleum Council strategy. For this reason, the

company merge a VALUE ASSURANCE SYSTEM as quality check procedure in all its

processes or projects (Al Jarwan, 2006).

.1.2 Background of the Study

The decommissioning phase in the life cycle of petroleum installations is an important part of

ZADCO’ asset management strategy. The company is known for its integration of the value

assurance process, or “value assurance review” (VAR), in administering asset management

activities geared towards development. This is critically important because the company, just like

any other oil and gas company, invests a lot on development. Therefore, identification of the root

causes of failure is advised at the beginning of projects before they are sanctioned. Value

assurance that is executed for a project addresses the question: “Are we doing the right project?”

Alternatively, the reviews around extraction time focus on the question: “Are we doing the

project right?” After the sanctioning, similar reviews are conducted.

The value assurance process focuses on the non-technical aspects of projects, as the reasons for

cost and schedule overruns are often found in the non-technical aspects. This leads to the

integration of a technical, economic, commercial, organizational and political (TECOP)

approach. It is important to note that studies have shown that more projects fail from flaws in

project fundamentals than from flaws in the details.

VAR generally takes a week. It is delivered by a team of approximately five senior experienced

staff members. On the first day, project team presentations are made, followed by interviews in

the next two days, then synthesis and analysis of an integrated picture within the value assurance

team, and then finally the delivery of insights and recommendations to the costumer, that is, to

the senior executives that govern the project and those responsible for delivering the project, or

to ZADCO executives in our case (ZADCO HSE Manual, 2003).

The process has two fundamentals: integration and independence. Integration is achieved

through an experienced team leader and a team of subject matter experts, whereas independence

is achieved through external company which will provide experts for this matter.

This process has resulted in many benefits, such as significant value being gained by the

discipline and communication required to prepare for the integration review and a better

understanding of the full range of factors affecting the project's success, therefore leading to

better management of risks and opportunities and better preparation of the organization for

surprises. Further, the review enhances project value through changes to concepts, alignment

between project elements, and recommendations to stop, suspend or accelerate (McGowen,


ZADCO identifies three stages of the petroleum life cycle as covered by the following activities:

production, operation, and maintenance. The critical elements of asset management during these

phases include RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT reservoir management, production management,

facility management, well integrity management, and HSE (health, safety and environment) audit

and review (HSE Manual, 2003).

The company’s value assurance process starts with the identification of several development

concepts in order to enable management to assess a few options that could be viable for

implementation. The company then selects only one possible development project from the few

options and then defines it comprehensively to enable execution and operation. The company’s

value assurance process can be further illustrated in the following figure (as presented on the

company’s official website).

Figure 1: VAP Principles adopted by ZADCO (Source: ZADCO HSE Manual, 2010)

It is very important to note that this is just a summary of ZADCO's value assurance process.

There are several other intertwining processes that are not included in the figure, including the

VAR processes mentioned previously. Additionally, the decision support package (DSP) is a set

of deliverables that summarizes the key project information required in supporting the decision-
making process at THE GATE (the examination stage for the collected information). The

purpose of the DSP is to provide information on the project’s completeness, robustness and

readiness to decision makers (McGee, DeFeo, Robertson and McConnell, 2000).

Moreover, the development of management system monitors the different project phases.

Generally, project phases include evaluation, concept selection, concept definition and execution.

Gates are important in value assurance, since they improve the effectiveness of capital

investments and ensure an appropriate level of value improvement. They set the overall

objectives for each project phase, properly assess the project, and identity value drivers, risks and

uncertainties prior to committing any major expenditure. At the gate, the project team presents

the results obtained in the previous phase and their plans for the following phase. This

information may cause five possible outcomes: proceeding, reworking, holding, changing or

killing the project.

1.3 The Aim of the Research

Better management and achievement of production targets is the main objective of ZADCO in

integrating the value assurance process into their asset management. The company has gone

through major events in its history, such as merging with other big companies. For instance, in

March 2006, the American company ExxonMobil bought 28% of ADNOC’s shares in the Upper

Zakum field. Further, there are a lot of changes in technology that are expensive but important to

the company's operations (ADNOC, 2012), as technology continues to advance and become

more environmentally friendly.

For example, ZADCO is always investing in automation technologies. Modern IT has been made

available to end users within ZADCO sites, as it is essential in key areas of work to achieve

greater productivity in the management of various operations and technical and human resource

functions. As political, economic and social environments continue to change, the company

wants to ensure that the uncertainty of field development planning is better identified in a
quantified manner. The company's management is committed to thinking of better ways to

manage the company so that it can stay competitive.

Additionally, the value assurance process has been identified by analysts as the most effective

tool in managing projects, programmes, resources and processes in most companies. This is

crucial, especially with very large companies such as ZADCO. It enhances the identification of

the root causes of potential failure and provides advice before sanctioning. Value assurance is

important, as it answers the questions: Are we doing the right project? Are we doing the project

right? It focuses on the non-technical aspects and leads to integration of the TECOP approach;

therefore, it is a very effective tool in management.

With this, the aim of this paper is to evaluate whether ZADCO’s value assurance process is

effective in the management of the assets of the company.

The primary concern of this research is to examine the effects of ZADCO’s value assurance

process and its alignment to the overall business cycle. ZADCO is noted for its use of the value

assurance process in the management of its assets and has an good impact in their industry.

Further, this research will focus the examination of the company's asset management to

understand the industry in which the company operates and to distinguish it from other

companies in the field. Note that there are a number of oil and gas companies, and they make use

of same processes in oil production, processing and even exportation, meaning that they are very

similar in management.

1.4 Rationale of the Study

It is well recognized that asset value management is the underlying concept behind the value

assurance process. Value management is said to have evolved in the post-World War II era in the

United States, when the shortage in supply compelled the manufacturing industry to search for

alternatives or substitutes. Nowadays, the management tool is continuously used in many

industries and companies around the world, both public and private.

Value management can be defined as a technique of systematic adaptation of approaches in

solving the general problems of a company. Other scholars have defined it as a creation of

management tool designed particularly to motivating people, sharpen skills and initiate

innovation, with the an important aim is fully maximize the overall performance of an

organization. This idea was generated out of previous methods based on the concept of value and

a functional approach. These were pioneered by Lawrence D. Miles in the 1940s and 50s. He

came up with the technique of value analysis (VA) as a method to improve value in existing

products. Basically, value analysis was initiated to identify and clarify unnecessary costs to be

eliminated. However, it is equally effective in measuring performance and defining resources

other than cost. Therefore, the application of VA has sparedfar away beyond products into

services, projects and administrative procedures (The Institute of Value Management Report,


The main objectives of value management may vary from company to company, but the main

one is to produce solutions creatively and economically by identifying unnecessary expenditures,

challenging assumptions, promoting alternative ideas, optimizing resources, updating standards

and ideas, saving time and energy, among others.

Value management has proved to have many other benefits that include improving

communications, promoting innovations, maximizing resources, eliminating redundant items,

identifying unnecessary expenditures, and updating standards, criteria and objectives, among


The British Standard Institution provides GUIDELINES to the steps in a value management

procedure. First, information identification is done and the program or project rationale is tested

from the perspective of stakeholders' positions. Secondly, functions are analysed, identified and
ranked as primary or secondary functions. Thirdly, ideas for value improvements are generated.

Fourthly, evaluation, sorting and prioritizing takes place. After this, the action plan, that is, the

strategies required to achieve value are identified. The final step includes analysing, reporting,

describing outcomes and documenting the process.

At present, value management includes the practice of studying product orientation, standards,

protocols and validation, which is referred to as value assurance (Iyer, 2006). Value management

serves to gain an understanding of value assurance, which is the main concern of this paper.

In this century, major changes have occurred in political, economical, environmental, social and

technological arenas, all of which affect the progress of any business with an objective of

growing or expanding. Particularly in the oil industry, which is one of the main drivers of the

world economy, much attention has to be placed on these changes. ZADCO, as one of the

companies in this field, has proved to be a leader in terms of management of resources and

development of projects over the years. Its secret has been the application of its value assurance


This study is expected to add to the existing field of knowledge of value management, especially

in the study of value assurance. Furthermore, this study will be significant in understanding the

issues and opportunities faced by companies in the oil industry and how these opportunities are

maximized by meeting targets while simultaneously assuring rigorous business strategies.

ZADCO is the best of all examples and will be used as the sample of this study to espouse the

challenges it has overcome in its long growth journey through the application of value assurance.

1.5 Research Questions

Considering the objective of the study in analyzing the effectiveness of ZADCO’s value

assurance process, the following research questions are formulated to find specific answers:

a) Question 1: What are the environmental issues that influence ZADCO’s concerns in the

value assurance process?

It is important to note in the first question that ZADCO is in the oil industry, which

involves significant environmental issues. For example, Zirku Island is the industrial

centre of ZADCO’s operations. Evidence that ZADCO operates in harmony with the

natural environment includes a great number of local and migrant birds, rich marine life

and mangrove plantation and greenery.

b) Question 2: What are the elements of ZADCO’s value assurance process and how are

they integrated in the company’s investment decisions?

It is important to know the procedures taken to understand the ZADCO value assurance

process and to distinguish it from its competitors. In other words, it is important to

investigate the elements that make ZADCO’s value assurance process unique and that

have made the company stand out in the oil industry.

c) Question 3: What are the results of the company’s value assurance process in maximizing

field development opportunities?

It is necessary to understand the challenges faced by ZADCO which drive the value

assurance process and to evaluate them in terms of the obtained results.

1.6 Assumptions and Limitations

The study scope is in the global context since oil companies such as ZADCO serve a world


In this study, several assumptions are considered. These include the soundness of the theoretical

framework. In the research, it is assumed that the theoretical framework is clear and represents

the actual activities at the grassroots. Secondly, it is assumed that all variables in the study are

clear and measurable and that they will lead to results that are recommendable or representative.

Third is the validity and reliability of the research methodology. The methodology used in the

research study is assumed to be accepted as reasonable and result oriented. The final assumption

is that the results can be generalized. As stated before, the research’s significance is to clearly

examine the significance of value assurance in terms of ZADCO’s management of assets

(ZADCO Annual Report 2005).

However, limitations also exist, for instance, in the possibility of the theoretical framework being

inaccurate to some extent. In addition, the definition of variables in this research may vary from

other scholars and therefore cause some difficulty in trying to understand the actual thing being

talked about. In addition, the research methodology used in this research could vary from those

used by other scientists or analysts. It is hoped that this research will detect and close some

loopholes that may be remaining in the company’s value assurance process and therefore be of

use to the company.

1.7 Outline of the Dissertation

This research study has five chapters, namely introduction, literature review, methodology,

analysis, results, conclusion and recommendations, in that order.

The introduction chapter subtopics are background of the study, the problem statement, purposes

of the study, rationale, research questions, significance of the study, and assumptions and


In the literature review, the dissertation contains an introduction into the topic of the study, that

is, value assurance. The body of the literature review will involve a detailed discussion into value

assurance as it has been applied at ZADCO.

The next section after the literature review is the research methodology chapter. This generally

involves the channels used in linking up theoretical assumptions in chapter one and the actual

results of the study. In other words, it is how the research is carried out. It will include critical

subtopics such as the research philosophy, the theoretical framework of the study, the research

design strategy, qualitative research techniques, data collection procedures, an overview of data

coding, data accuracy verification, limitations of the methodology,and ethical issues that relate to

this study. Chapter four is simply a description of how the data collected is analyzed.

The last chapter discusses the results of research, and this leads to making conclusions about the

research, such as the relationship of the current study to prior research. Further, the chapter

includes recommendations about value assurance.


2.1 Introduction

Value assurance is a method of ensuring to the higher executive management that the expected

business returns are used for maximizing opportunities and integrating them into company

program strategies and large projects (Phillips, 2008). It is a process of managing assets and

activities over a company’s life cycle. In this literature review, it is aimed to gain an

understanding of the process of value assurance based on the existing studies in the field.

Furthermore, it is aimed to review the existing body of knowledge regarding the role of the

practice of value assurance in achieving business goals.

Companies in the oil industry adopt technological techniques to ensure value. Some independent

entities provide these types of services by formulating software, which is focused on flow

assurance and reservoir optimization in order to improve production while efficiently managing

resources. The drive for capital effectiveness derives from the need for companies to ensure

value due to their nature of investing in projects in risky environments (Mattu and Marini, 2011).

ZADCO’s reservoirs involve some of the most technologically advanced developments in the oil

and gas industry, especially in its value assurance process, which has led to it becoming the

leading oil company that operates in the UAE. The company’s value assurance process covers

three life stages, namely production, operation and maintenance. The elements in this process

include reservoir management, production, operations, facility integrity, well integrity, HSE

audit and HSE review (ADNOC, 2012).

In the company’s value assurance process, the challenge is to meet production targets

simultaneously while keeping its business process strong. A business planning process was

therefore adopted to improve the field development process. Next in the process was to ensure

the alignment of the business planning process with the company’s value assurance process.

The company made sure of the maturity of the field development options and presented possible

actions for potential uncertain consequences. The next issue presented in the case study was the

identification of limitations of the business planning process. This provided the basis for the

company to improve data management and workflow enhancement. The overall results were

satisfying, and there was a noticed improvement in understanding the business process and

greater confidence in every decision made.

In the value assurance process for oil and gas companies, capital effectiveness is the main reason

that many oil and gas companies adopt development management systems. A development

management system is needed for the organization to identify the actions that need to be taken,

when they should be done, and the process to accomplish the needed tasks. In this system,

assurance reviews are necessary so that improvement actions can be implemented. This is

especially important for companies in the oil and gas industry to make sure that the value of

projects and their governance are not reduced and that return of investments are guaranteed

(Mattu and Marini, 2012).

2.2 Project Value Assurance

Value assurance technique is one of the fundamental methods used to determine the current

project state in relation to projected status. Most of the key elements from the project should

involve shared awareness. This will help fill any gaps in a project as defined by the

multidisciplinary team which is concerned with the project assessment. This process is mainly

supposed to be conducted during the planning phase of a project and needs to be in advance of

the execution or operation processes or phases (Phillips, 2008).

Since project value assurance (PVA) is an internal process, it should be done by a multi-

disciplinary team in an organization. The team needs to make an in-depth honest assessment and

review the current realities of the project. Their plan of action will define whether the project

will be able to fill in the gaps and reduce costs in the execution and operation of the project
phases. When the team is conducting its venture, it needs to define some of the assessment

objectives to be completed at the end of the assessment (Metzenbaum, 2006).

The first objective is to provide a general overview regarding project status and to redefine the

forward plans. Secondly, value assurance is geared towards identifying gaps in a just and

transparent manner. The third objective entails allowing the management teams to prioritize and

ensure the application of necessary actions that are taken. Fourth, value assurance is aimed at

conducting integral stage reviews. Another objective is to determine whether the assigned project

team is relevant and worthy to carry out the assessment. Finally, value assurance entails making

sure that the process of quality assurance is followed precisely (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984).

It is very crucial to determine and maintain investments made in various organizations since

most organizations look at achieving greater returns on investment from their assets, especially

from information technology services (IT). The micro-focus assurance process should be

designed in such a way that it helps in deployment, solution planning and maintenance of teams

who have the ability solve problems to their best advantage, regardless of any change in the

business environment or staff (Kowalewski, 1996).

2.3 The Dimensions of Value Assurance

The dimensions of value assurance are very critical and can immensely damage the entire

operations, since they occur in almost 90% of such projects. The quest to solve problems drives

management teams to excel in these main four dimensions: project strategy, capability building,

project management and technical expertise. The value assurance methodology is applied in

many private and public sector clients in a range of industries. This approach combines issues

regarding IT projects and the transfer of capabilities and focuses on business value activities

(Lock, 2007, pp 1-10).

The use of assurance can be featured in four major dimensions: The first dimension is a

managing strategy that covers a detailed analysis of the project, risk identification techniques,

business strategy and mitigation. The second is good mastery of technology in the context of

addressing both technical and non-technical aspects of a project, identifying proper

infrastructural designs, establishing IT architecture, assuring quality, rolling out plans, and

managing the project scope. Third is the ensuring that teams are built up with proper capabilities

that ensure that clients are supported by proper training modules in hard and soft skills. Fourth is

the delivery of proper project management practices, which include establishing a value

assurance agency, resolving issues, preparing a project master plan, and instituting reporting

systems and quality gateways. In order to start a value assessment project, companies need to

establish some of the critical challenges, especially areas of weakness and strengths in every

dimension. Good companies will always check for findings and develop the next steps by

running of diagnostics either quarterly or on yearly basis (Kerzner, 2003 pp 22-35).

The simplicity of value assurance is termed as revolutionary, since it has worked for a number of

decades, especially in large-scale construction and engineering efforts. The procedure can be

applied in ongoing financial, strategic, compliance, and other operational areas. The parts used

for the nine dimensions include areas such as enterprise and risk management (ERM).

This involves developing an integrated uniform assurance capability and support pillars, such as

internal processes, transparency and capital requirements. Enterprise portfolio management

(EPM) applies to the application, project and vendor. Business and IT auditing services include

compliance on document retentions, internal control management, BPO management, and

autonomous authentication and validations (Stellman and Greene, 2005 pp 45-69).

2.4 The Process of Value Assurance

The value assurance process is very costly and involved. The process has become dominant,

especially in Japan, which utilises total quality management (TQM), as applied by Deming, and
business process reengineering (BPR), as kick-started by Michael Hammer (1990). Capacity,

which needs to be clearly in line with the TQM, is another part of the process.

The process of value assurance, especially in IT, gives guidelines in setting up a management

process in all environments. These guidelines provide possible suggestions so that companies

can master key management activities, roles and responsibilities which need to be undertaken or

improved. The guidelines define the indicators of excellent performance and allow companies to

compare management processes (Gido, 1999).

The roadmap to successful assurance can be summarized in three steps as follows: planning,

scoping and executing. In the execution section, some of the key variables to be considered are

those used in determining and understanding the assurance subject, in defining the scope and

nature of operations in the management process, in testing outcomes, in documenting the impacts

and control measures, in testing the effectiveness of the design processes, and in developing

proficient communication, conclusions and recommendations.

The first step entails refining understanding to comprehend the environment in which the testing

should be done. The assurance objectives need to be agreed upon and communicated to all the

stakeholders. Included in the second step is refining the scope in terms of the testing done to

ensure that evaluation and design controls are well accomplished. This helps in assessing the

operational effectiveness in the control design and confirming that controls are placed in the

operation. The third step entails testing the outcome to help look for direct and indirect evidence

of quality outcomes. Fourthly, the design is tested to evaluate and conform to test controls and to

assess the operational effectiveness of the control designs. Finally, documentation of the impact

is done to help illustrate potential achievements through the use of survey results to compare the

general performance with others (Uyttewaal, 2000).

2. 5 The Process of Debottlenecking and Expansion of the Upper GTP Plant

Bhatia and Fiaz (2006) note that the Upper Zakum is one of the biggest oil fields in the region; it

was established to increase oil production within a short time frame. This project has posed great

challenges, especially in terms of managing reservoirs, but also in terms of expanding offshore

facilities. The gas to be produced is projected to increase because of higher oil production and

the likelihood of a gas breakthrough because of continuous gas injection. The company has

already launched the initial stage of its expansion plans for rebottling and expanding gas

compression to export the gas to the Upper Zakum Central Complex (UZCC).

Total gas production depends entirely on gas handling, and the project strategy is set to ensure

minimum interruption of the production process when the project is executed. The company

follows four value assurance processes at different stages. The stages include identification,

selecting, assessing, and defining and executing. The identification, assessing and selection

stages are already complete as per the recent research. The selection stage, also called the

feeding design, is ongoing and is scheduled to be complete by the fourth quarter of 2010. The

project is likely to handle a gas capacity ranging from 125MMSCFD to 230 MMSCFD

(Bhatia and Fiaz, 2006).

During the selection stage, several conceptual engineering processes were carried out with many

specialized personnel. Some of the studies conducted were on: [1] computational fluid dynamics

(CFD), [2] reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM), and [3] the process simulations for

cooling water checkups, fuel and gas system checks, pipeline hydraulics, fare rationalization,

alternative technology evaluations, construction of the QRA of the UZ GTP plant, identification

of safety and environmental reviews, and the critical tie-in points. Some of the issues that could

lead to collapse and loss in the production process of this project were considered during the

initial stages of the project. The approach enabled the management teams to evaluate and focus

on key issues during the FEED and EPC stages. Findings shown so far show that the studies

carried out have increased stakeholder’s confidence in the company, hence enabling it to achieve

its objectives (

The company has been operating in the upper Zakum (UZ) field for over 20 years. It has been

named as one of the largest and richest offshore oil production facilities. It is segmented in four

areas: north, west, south and central, where there are 62 platforms (WHPTs) which are made up

of production wells, gas injection wells, gas lift wells and water wells. A highly integrated

management VAP is thus required to ensure transparency for the benefit of the company’s

stakeholders (ZADCO Annual Report 2005).

One goal in the consideration of restructuring is finding a model that is supportive and workable

to realize a payback from the VAP, especially when planning and execution times are

constrained as a result of an increase in the production targets of the stakeholders. Every strategic

initiative was started based on a potential incremental increase in the oil, water and gas

production rates; it was agreed to focus heavily on the activities of the Zakum Field

Development Department as the most crucial point for proper improvement and development by

the teams. The appointed task force came up with the following conclusions in terms of the most

advantageous strategic aims: developing clear roles and responsibilities, having an integrated

multidisciplinary and multinational approach, and establishing a better embedded project model

(ZADCO Annual Report 2006).

2.6 The Application of the Value Assurance system in an Oil and Gas Development Project:

A Case Study

Oil and gas companies make considerable investments in risky and complex environments. This

therefore calls for the companies to improve their capital effectiveness, which leads to their

application of value assurance at some stages in their project development.

Most companies' projects are divided into phases, and this involves making decisions at the end

of every phase. The project team presents plans to the management team and then decisions are

made by the management about continuing with the projects. However, there are independent,

multidisciplinary expert teams who also take part in evaluating decisions. Their evaluation

covers the methodology of the value assurance checks, different types of project reviews,

techniques and practices for planning and executing reviews, and application of the project

reviews (Delmas and Toffel, 2005).

Therefore, in my assessment, this case study will enable us to understand the effectiveness of

value assurance after seeing its actual application in the oil industry, where all development

projects begin after the discovery of a well and end when a plant is started up. A lot of

investment is done in this risky environment. Therefore, for a company to ensure capital

effectiveness, they have to closely monitor and control their projects, hence creating value for the

company. The main reason that companies use a development management system is to

determine when should something be done and how.

2.7 Development Management System

Development projects occur in different phases. They are usually concluded with a review of the

work done. A review is an indicator of whether extra work is steel needed or whether the phase

has been completed satisfactorily. Further, it can be used as a basis for the start of the next

activities. In general, there are four main project phases for most companies. The first phase

entails evaluation, which includes assessing the value of the existent opportunity and the

orientation of business strategy, based on preliminary reservoir scenarios and development

concepts. Included in the second phase is concept selection, which involves generating concepts

and then selecting and optimizing the preferred concept, based on technical, economic and risk

evaluations. Concept definition occupies the third phase. This means defining the selected

concept and tendering and producing the project execution plan, which leads to project

sanctioning and execution. Finally, the fourth phase entails commissioning, starting up and

performing tests: that is, operating and evaluating the asset to maintain performance and

maximum return to shareholders (Diallo

& Thuillier, 2003).

Figure 2: Development management system Source: Blanchard, and Fabrycky, (2006)

2.8 The Value Assurance Phase Review

The phase review is generally conducted at the end of a project phase at the intermediate

decision point when the management decides on whether to continue with the project or to stop

it. The selection process begins upon looking at the overall project, after which management

approves it and commits funds and necessary resources required in that phase.

At the gate, the management team will present results obtained in the previous plans and assess

the next possible outcome in the following five steps: [1] proceeding if the project has made the

approval criterion, [2] reworking the project if the work performed was not enough to support the

recommendations or holding if the project is viable, [3] killing the project if it cannot hold in the
future, and [4] changing the project if changing he scope is necessary (Kim and Mauborgne,


At the gate, the project team presents the results that have been obtained in the previous phase

and their plan for the coming phase to the management, and this information may lead to several

actions. First, the project may be approved to proceed to the next phase. Second, it may need

some rework if the work done was not sufficient. Third, it may be held if the project is viable but

not to be executed immediately. Finally, it may be changed as in changing the scope to make it a

more viable option, or it may be terminated if the project is not viable at all.

The Gate point sets the overall objective of improving the effectiveness of capital investments as

it ensures both an appropriate level of control and value improvement. It ensures that the value

drivers and the risks and uncertainties are identified before committing any expenditure. It

enables the identification of necessary project activities and activity results that are documented

to support the decision-making process (Ajamian and Koen, 2002).

The internal decision-making process at the gates is intended to be a value-adding process

through ensuring that investment decisions are made in a comprehensive and consistent manner,

considering all elements of a project (technical, commercial, political and commercial, among

others) in making the decisions, and providing uniformity and openness of decision-making

criteria across the development projects.

Access to the gate is possible following the preparation of a corresponding decision support

package (DSP) or the execution of a project value review (AR). Gates ensure that all the

investment decisions are made and carried out in a comprehensive and consistent manner and

also provide uniformity and transparency in the process of decision making in most development

projects (Glass, Ensing, DeSanctis, G., 2003)

2.9 The Decision Support Package (DSP).

The decision support package is a set of deliverables summarizing the key project information

that is required to support the decision-making process at the gates. DSP is therefore the key to

the gates and provides sufficient information to decision makers on the project's completeness,

robustness and readiness.

Assurance reviews (AR) are structured, independent reviews that challenge the project team to

justify the conclusions of their work, identify the weaknesses and shortcomings and make

specific recommendations for possible improvements. ARs introduce outside perspectives

purposely to increase potential project value and allow the project to avoid any risk of missing

opportunities for business and technical solutions (Moonthanah, Poynter-Brown, and Jefferyes,


In other words, the AR takes a detailed look at different aspects of the project and challenges the

project team to demonstrate that changes and improvements should be agreed upon as a result of

the process. An AR is performed by independent groups of experts, project partners and

representatives, among others. These groups are meant to ensure that the process of AR is well

done to facilitate transparency in project teams (Power, 2002).

The review results are presented to the project team for discussion of the improvement actions.

The decisional process at the gates is usually supported by recommendations which arise in the

reviewing exercise by the expert, independent team. The practice is a critically useful tool to

assure the value of projects and project governance (Prague, and Carlson, 1982).

Also, at the end of phase gates, there are specific cases in which intermediate decisions are

required when circumstances justify such an occurrence and when the associated risk has been

identified and accepted.

2.10 Project Review Typologies

A project review is engaging activity to determine the appropriateness, capability and

effectiveness of the situation to achieve recognized objectives.

As stated before, value assurance aims to provide the project team with assurance and assistance

at critical decision points through a process of support, independent challenge and review. The

process is very important, especially because development projects are capital intensive with

long-term returns (Kerzner, 2003).

The company benefits both financially and in terms of strategic relevance and risk from review

monitoring. Value assurance may help the project team to achieve the following: [1] identify

opportunities for value creation, [2] control project performances, [3] suggest possible

improvements and [4] solve technical problems.

2.11 The Value Management Plan

The value management plan is a high-level document that is a guideline for the project reviews.

It defines the project's commitments to assurance activities for the coming phase. It often

contains the following information:

 The scope and objective of each assurance check. These are the expected outcomes and

the terms of reference; competencies should also be defined well in the assurance process.

 The number, timing and duration of assurance checks for the next phase, that is, the

plan’s rationale.

It may also contain plans for other value management activities, for instance, value improving

practices, decision making and the like.

Note that the value management plan is usually produced before the end of each project phase

and added to the corresponding DSP together with the value assurance activity reports delivered

during the phase (Prince2, 2002).

2.12 Review versus Audit

Substantially, an audit is a systemic, self-determining and documented process meant to initiate

audit evidence and to evaluate. On the other hand, a review is an act done in order to define the

suitability, sufficiency and usefulness of the subject with the aim of achieving the established


This dissertation is however concerned with the review. There are several types of reviews with

different objectives and durations. The following are some examples of project reviews in value


2.13 Assurance Reviews (ARs)

ARs are independent reviews that examine all aspects of a project before accessing a gate,

although additional ARs may be required for pre-execution investments and or major project


They focus on the aspects of a project that require the most attention. They take a wider view of

protecting before the gate, and they provide assurance and assistance to booth the project team

and decision makers. This enables the project team to be more confident in accessing the gate

and to be committed to action for achieving the improvement points, and it enables decision

makers and the project team to get both assurance and assistance from the AR team

recommendations. It further helps in all aspects before accessing a gate, and lastly it enhances

the decision making process and makes it more effective, therefore benefiting from different

qualified viewpoints that focus on the recommendations and critical issues (Ireland, 2006).

In addition to that, an AR tests the project team's technical and strategic recommendations

against decision makers' needs and expectations, assists in maximizing the value of

opportunities, facilitates best practice transfer into the project team, captures lessons learned for

dissemination across the other projects, and helps in the provision of external challenges to the

project team at each key decision stage.

The independent review team is usually composed of multidisciplinary team members that

should integrate expertise from different areas, including economics, local business, HSE and

quality. The concern of this committee should be to meet the stakeholders’ needs before

proceeding to the next phase. Broadly, the focus of this review is to stimulate feedback, creating

learning opportunities and identifying possible recommendations. This review looks in detail at

different project aspects and challenges the project team as to whether they have optimized and

assessed the project's robustness and weakness and come up with specific recommendations and


The AR confirms that the current phase has been successfully completed in relation to the

objectives and that the project is consistent with company requirements and is ready to proceed

to the next phase. The AR also checks the suitability of future plans and strategies. At the end of

every AR, an assurance review report is delivered and added to the corresponding DSP, together

with the project team's resolutions concerning the most pressing issues addressed by the AR

team. This report contains a summary of AR findings and conclusions, pointing out areas of

weakness and any gaps that require further attention (Young-Hoon Kwak, 2005).

2.14 Progress Assurance Review

A progress assurance review (PAR) is carried out on projects with a long execution phase. They

are intended to provide confidence that the development project is meeting its objectives and that

the specific recommendations will positively contribute to the project. This assurance review

provides confidence to stakeholders that [1] the performance requirements are satisfactorily

progressing during the implementation, [2] the project management systems are adequate and

correctly applied, and [3] the key project risks are clearly identified, and mitigation plans are

properly managed (Sebastian, 2007).

The PAR needs on a significant project are planned yearly between the project team and team

and the PAR team leader. The PAR is usually carried out during the execution phase and

involves canalization of the on-site project structure, organization, cost, timing and contract

status, the identification of critical situations, and the relevant causes and possible mitigation

actions for all major technical or functional areas. The PAR team performs a preliminary

analysis of the project before performing the visit on site. This is based on the project

documentation available and information derived from past activities. The objective of the

analysis is to verify the critical areas that need attention.

A PAR is usually carried out through the analysis and verification of the technical or functional

areas that have been defined by the PAR team through meetings, document review and a survey

performed by the project team. The analysis should lead to the identification of the critical

situations and associated causes, therefore finalizing the relevant finding (Hamilton, 2004).

A preliminary feedback report is usually issued to summarize PAR results; note that this is

discussed before issuing the final feedback report with an action plan. The scope of this review

usually includes [1] controlling physical progress, spending, costs and schedule [2] generating a

statement of conformance to operations and maintenance requirements [3] establishing a well

execution plan and measuring its interaction with reservoir performance, [4] closing out

outstanding issues from ARs, and [5] implementing management systems to ensure maintenance

of the integrity of the facilities during the design, execution, implantation and commissioning of

the operational stage of the project.

The review team is mandated with making recommendations with an aim of improving the

project performance, updating the project execution plan and validating the revised cost and

schedule outlook by an examination of systems, resources, conformance to plans, tolerability of

risk and the operability criteria. These types of ARs should be held either periodically or before

important project execution milestones, such as before commissioning or while being handed

over to production (Melik, 2007).

2.14.1 Peer review

Peer reviews (PR) are recommended independent reviews that examine specific project activities

or work steps in order to ensure appropriate quality. PRs are defined at the pre-gate AR for the

following phase, where the review group will establish their scope and timing by mutual

agreement with the project team. They are usually narrower in terms of reference than ARs, and

they play the role of an intermediate validation point within a phase.

2.14.2 Peer assists (PA)

A peer assist is an activity in which experienced internal or external professionals who have

appropriate levels of experience or expertise suggest improvement points and challenge and

verify the work in progress. These ARs are usually requested by the protect team to identify any

gaps in the project. They are usually technical in nature and single disciplined, and they are

usually required at the end of an interim stage of study.

2.15 Preparation of a Project Review

2.15.1 The role of the project team - preparation

A project review is called and prepared by the project team. The project schedule typically

already contains the tentative dates of the next reviews, which have been planned in the value

management plan presented in the previous DSP. The project team starts to prepare the DSP

when the project is approaching the end. The package already clearly states and demonstrates the

results that have been obtained and describes activities performed and technical studies. In

addition, it should contain objectives and requests for the next phase (Pinto and Slevin, 1998).

It should be noted that the project team presents a project to the management, stating what they

are planning to do and the resources that are required, that is, the budget, manpower and time.

The review team is usually independent, and they usually are not aware of the project’s

difficulties and what has been performed up to that moment. The DSP is a tool that lets the

review team understand the nature of a project. Therefore, it is very important to prepare a clear

and exhaustive DSP. After the DSP has reached a good level, the project manager contacts the

review team leader in order to agree on a review date.

At this stage, a short document called the terms of reference is produced. This contains a short

description of the project, the review objectives, the suggested composition of the review team,

the tentative agenda and the logistics to be followed. Once the terms of reference has been

created, the review team leader starts to organize the event. For instance, some deliverables may

be made available to the review team before the actual session in order to enable understanding

of the project background and the main review topic framing. This documentation should contain

relevant deliverables, such as the project execution plan, basis design, and reports from previous

reviews, among others, and therefore enables the review team to gain an understanding of the

project status (Nilsson and Söderholm, 2005).

2.15.2 The role of the project team - execution

Project reviews are executed by a dedicated team, which is usually made up of a team leader and

a variable number of team members. The team leader plays the key role because he or she is

independent of the project. The team leader should have substantial experience with reviews, be

part of the senior staff, and have a broad knowledge of and experience with typical key driver

issues (technical, commercial, etc.). The team leader coordinates the team and ensures progress,

cooperates in selection of review team members, keeps the project team informed, promotes a

collaborative atmosphere and collects best ideas.

The type and number of team members depend on the nature, vulnerability and size of the

project phase being reviewed. The team should be external and independent to the project. The

competencies and composition of the review team vary according to the focus of the review. The

team should however include individuals who will review from a universal perspective with an

understanding of typical key drivers. The team contributes to the execution of the review and

ensures that all the views of the team members are integrated (Seymour, Hoare, and Itau, 1992).

2.15.3 The Review Process

A project review its include two steps:

 A pre-event step (that is, the preparation of the pre-reading material, review organization and


 An execution step that includes (a) information which involves aligning the review team with

process and rules, carrying out presentations and interviews; (b) development that involves

reviewing documentation, identifying relevant themes, priorities and interconnections,

carrying out in-depth interviews, drawing conclusions for identified themes, drafting a

preliminary theme report, stating the findings and recommendations, adjusting the findings,

prioritizing the recommendations and then lastly producing the final report.

 A post-execution step involving the close out, presenting the final report and defining the

action plan.

2.16 The SAVE Process

This is a value study process in the value management SAVE body of knowledge. It is a tested

and common way of proceeding, and it guarantees a correct and comprehensive development of

the event.
2.17 The Project Review Report

The project review report usually includes a short background of the project, a summary of the

review results and details about the findings and recommendations. Note that the

recommendations represent the score content of an AR report. The project review report is

usually shared with the project team before being presented at the gate. At the end of the review

activities, the AR team should not only state the recommendations, but also give an evaluation of

them in terms of the importance (the potential impact of issue) and urgency (the urgency needed

for them to be solved).

Morris (1994) explains that importance is evaluated on a three-point scale: [1] high importance

(the potential to significantly impact achieving project objectives), [2] medium importance (the

potential for significant values erosion through schedule, costs, reserves or revenue), and [3] low

importance, which is the potential for value erosion. A 3-point scale is usually used for

evaluation of the urgency as in the following.

 High urgency, which is usually before proceeding to the next phase;

 medium urgency, which is usually before the next AR;

 Low urgency, which is usually before project start-up.

2.18 Value Assurance and Corporate Social Responsibility

A recent report shows that over 5000 assurance statements have been provided in the last 15

years, incorporating about 90% of the global reports on assurance. This type of report is now a

part of the business mainstream. The publications provide external assurance of the designated

project with the objective of shedding light on the development and identification of best

practices. With corporate social responsibility (CSR), we can explain some of the approaches

used in quality assurance. Quality assurance elements are used in several countries and across

many sectors in organizations to carry out assurance programs. Some of the sponsors which are
dedicated to providing quality assurance networks include SGS, LRQA and KPMG (Matthew,

and Moon, 2007).

The sustainable report from SGS gives more than what one would expect since it defines

commitment in terms of social and environmental sustainability, impartiality and independence

and commitment towards continuous improvement. SGS has made a lot of effort in advancing

the CSR agenda and identifying the best practices in the field.

2.19 Getting More from Assurance

Sustainability is a basic business requirement, and most stakeholders are demanding companies

to be transparent, thereby increasing competition and thus demonstrating commitment in terms

of corporate responsibility. Assurance ensures that reports are made more credible and thus

improve customer or stakeholder confidence. When one seeks assurance, this is simply a

corporate responsibility process opening up in the management system. The process also gives

quality improvements through increasing system performance. The major function of value

assurance is in determining the current state of a project in comparison with the required status.

Its output can be measured, assessed and shared by the multidisciplinary team in case of any

gaps in the areas of development and planning (Benjamin, 2008).

The process should be conducted during the planning phase through the execution and

operational phases. This is to ensure that there is enough time for implementing and assessing the

outputs and also for positioning the teams to realize a successful execution of results. The

assessment is normally a self-assessment and does not involve an external team of experts. The

multidisciplinary team works first on an honest and in-depth review to remediate the gaps in the

execution and operational phases of a project. The key assessment objectives include providing

an overview of status and forward plans, identifying gaps in an honest and transparent way,

organizing the gaps and recognizing them, determining and recommending whether the project

teams are worthy for the project success, ensuring that the quality assurance process is followed,

conducting stage-to-stage gate reviews, and allowing teams to prioritize the best actions to be

taken in value assurance (Dylan and Morgan, 2010).

2.20 Threats to Value Assurance

Some risks resulting from seeking assurance need to be factored in by all parties. Reporting is

one thing which needs to be done to ensure that assurance is effective in organizations. It is

healthy for stakeholders and other investors to have faith that assurance has been conducted with

integrity, independence and impartiality and that the provider has the necessary knowledge and

the right skills to carry out assurance. Reporting and assurance need resources, and companies

should expect high returns in their investment activities.

Quality assurance of firms or organizations may not be accredited due to the following reasons

that may result in underperformance: [1] an un acceptable quality level arises when products

have defects and when service is not practical or economical; [2] companies may be unwilling to

pay for quality assurance since they may not get an immediate payback; [3] few organizations

are willing to produce requirements at a sufficient level of detail of quantitative measurements;

and [4] many organizations may think that complicated standards are hard to implement, which

might hinder them from complying to standards. According to Phillip Crosby, factors which

might cause poor contributions in organizations include a lack of involvement by management

and a lack of knowledge concerning quality (Ansoff, Declerk, & Hayes, 1976).

Lack of involvement by the management team, as suggested by Crosby, can be explained by the

high costs associated with defects, management unwillingness to accept responsibility fully,

failure in enforcing the right standards and failure to reward those who perform better in

following the quality assurance processes.

Lack of success can also be attributed to the following reasons, among others: poor

communication skills in organizations, lack of principles and knowledge of quality, a poor and

unqualified categorization scheme, poor delivery of information at various levels within the

organization or company, and poor production and services. Quality is very hard to accomplish

because it requires the cooperation of executives and staff. Achieving eminence requires an

obligation and of the establishment of an environment in which quality grows (Munro-Faure and

Munro-Faure, 1992).

2.21 Diversity of Approaches

Reports on assurance have many titles: sometimes they are called expert opinion reports, external

assurance, an external audit, or an independent assessment. Each of these types of review is

acceptable, but they contain specific rules and regulations which need to be determined on their

own terms. The presentation of an audit of annual reports and accounts (AR&A) is regulated by

practitioners and forms a statement on a legal basis. Practitioners have to agree on an assurance

report, and it should be communicated; otherwise, it will lead to a bad image, which can be

confusing or misleading. Each of the statements should define references, set objectives for

achievement and for the nature, method and scope of operation. The stakeholders or the

assurance team need to read these articles carefully and understand them.

2.22 Differing Approaches

Many formats exist for assurance approaches. Some of the factors to determine are the

company’s experience in reporting, the scale and size of its operations, budget constraints and

stakeholder demands. Conducting an internal assurance program is essential, since it provides an

opportunity for accuracy and completeness of information. An internal review is less costly and

needs to be balanced with the problem of assurance, which stakeholders may see as not reliable.

It might also be time consuming, since it requires the creation of an internal team with

appropriate skills and knowledge which is independent from the activities being evaluated.

Another disadvantage may arise from the problem that the assurances undertaken will not meet

the specifications of all the stakeholders. The view of the unrepresented stakeholders whose

views are not taken into account will lead to conflicts among the stakeholders (Miller, Goss,

Symons, 1998).

It is good to use an expert corporate responsibility program to provide good commentary and

proper opinion reports. These reports are crucial, especially in creating and building trust among

the members. However, this type of an assurance may not give accurate information on the

underlying systems. It is therefore very important to give an overview of the working scope and

a report on the issues presented.

In order to for value assurance to have an impact, a self-regulating, impartial team is

recommended, and an organization needs proper knowledge, skills and expertise to enable value

assurance to be realized so that the reporting company can meet stakeholders’ needs. However,

proper assurance is likely to cost a lot. Some local arrangements need to be made to undertake

real-time assurance with electronic reporting in which updated information can be included and

assured on a regular basis.

2.23 Continuous Improvements

Continuous improvements of assurance are needed in organizations. Some of the areas which

need improvement are in management systems, the content of reporting, boundaries or approach,

assurance scope and data collection. Assurance is applicable to each company, and it acts as a

driver of corporate responsibility in performance (McNabb and Sepic, 1995).

2.24 Value Assurance in

The process of value assessment helps most CIOs and other senior leaders to diagnose the

challenges they face in most IT projects. Mckinsey’s University of Oxford study showed that

23% of IT projects operate at a level that is more than 80% within budget. Value assessment can

also help organizations to [1] identify whether IT-enabled projects are on the right track under

the stated objectives, [2] determine how the IT team should work together in a more effective

way, [3] discern the risks which may cause the project to fail, [4] capture the full value of an IT

project, and [4] distinguish the likely techniques which should be applied to improve on the

success of a project (Macdonald, 1995).

2.25 Working of Value Assurance 3600

Integration of web-based surveys of IT team members can be useful in helping the value

assurance team identify and clearly articulate the issues and drive the performance of an IT

project. The survey assessments require slight preparation and at least a two-day intensive review

of the documents. The findings are then discussed as well as the possible next steps to be taken.

In the preparation stage, the activities involved include scheduling interviews, launching a web

survey, and sending out data requests. Under project review, analysis of documents and

interviews are carried out, while lastly, sundry discussions on the review findings are done in the

workshop stage.

2.26 What Value Assurance 3600 Delivers

The outcome of value assurance is measured by what it delivers, especially in research.

Conditional on the dimension and complexity of the project, the process might take up to two

days before it proceeds. Managers should try to strike a balance between the internal and external

factors both in technical and project performance. The value assurance 3600 program helps

organizations decide or focus on what matters, connects business and technology by integrating

McKinney’s top management approaches to nurture experts, [4] attains stability in terms of

vendor and project partnerships and in integrating and implementing their work (Marshall and

Rossman, 1999).

The procedure for value assurance is not complicated in that it first involves assessment of the

readiness of a project in terms of good sustainable values before proceeding to the next step.

Secondly, it requires that the team be ready in assessing major challenges that are likely to hinder

them in the next step. A cross section of a range of actives which are necessary in achieving

sustainability can be represented as a lifecycle, as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 3: Value Creation Process (Source: Miller, Goss, Symons, 1998)

In the above diagram, the identification procedure is required in order to understand the starting

point and the probable issues related to the project before if starts. The assessment process

requires that all ranges of values be identified and considered; in the selection stage, the optimal

alternatives should be identified. Then, everything needs to be defined to ensure the success of

the project. In the post-implementation stage, the researcher should determine the best decisions

for a better future.

The process of adding value has a number of advantages and can help a company avoid negative

perceptions about a project. The process includes the following: [1] provides an external

challenge at each of the decision point levels in a project lifecycle to help assess the decisions
made at various dates and identifies areas needing attention in the next stages; [2] the lessons

learned from value assurance can be disseminated across other projects so as to facilitate best

transfer of ideas to be used elsewhere; [3] assures management stakeholders in terms of

economic, social and environmental impacts and ensures that opportunities are properly

assessed; [4] well-done portfolio analysis will ensure consistency in assessing risks across

businesses (Miller, Goss, Symons, 1998)

2.27 Value Assurance in Management Investment

In today’s world, a major challenge is establishing positive relationships with third parties,

especially administrators. Effective relationships are necessary to ensure that values are being

maximized. It is usually easier to use available service providers rather than seek alternative


In outsourcing relationships, management leaders face issues regarding whether they have the

right delivery locations and whether businesses they work with are aligned with the performance

and strategy of the organization. There is a big need to understand cost performance that is

relative to other models both within and across sectors. The KPMG’s 6P model is one of the

benchmarking models designed to provide routes for aligning services effectively. It is good to

assess the 6P areas in service delivery, including price, performance and processes. In the

performance part, it is good to ensure that there is continuous, positive performance over the life

of a project. The processing part ensures a continuous change in environment, and the processes

need to be updated and clearly defined so as to make sure that documentation is adhered to in

order to support both corporate and good practice standards (Youssef and Zairi, 1995).

The 6p model includes planning and potential and perception stages. In the planning and

potential step, there needs to be a clear understanding of the business targets, since they are

crucial determinants in the success of a business. The provider of a service needs to demonstrate

an ability to improve and anticipate future needs. Service providers should provide evidence of

innovation and a drive for future improvements. On the other hand, a clear understanding of

perceived and actual performance is necessary and should be considered in assessing future

expectations in service level agreements to ensure that contractual agreements are met.

The process of achieving optimal performance requires employment of the 6P model in

analyzing outsourcing performance. To work, it requires the following strategies be laid down

and enforced: [1] a strategy defining the relationship between the business and the service

providers, [2] an operational strategy which includes day-to-day activities in the management of

organizations, [3] projects activities should be finished within a set time frame. The 6P is split

into two main domains, which are the fundamental domains and the differentiation domains. The

fundamental domains include hard factors which are focused on the core and contract services,

while the differentiation domains are the soft factors that mostly focus on business direction and

strategies. With the fundamental domains, the price should not fluctuate beyond a given level of

consumption, and the charges should be comparable to those provided in the market for any

given similar services provided.

The differentiation domain is subdivided into the following subsections: planning and potential,

innovation, price prediction, billing accuracy, benefits realization and reporting, resources units

and value and others. The process involves communication, measurement, incentive schemes,

reporting, perception and management, service levels, and service improvement strategy, and in

terms of people and governance, good decision making, process documentation, a governance

structure that allows adherence to the contract, continuous improvement and process adherence

are required (Moreno-Luzon, 1993).

2.28 Responsibilities of a Value Assurance Specialist

The responsibilities of a specialist in value assurance of a company include several roles. Among

the roles which are performed by these specialists, the following are included: [1] facilitating

value assurance activities such as shaping , assisting peers, performing functional reviews,

framing and doing after-action reviews; [2] identifying value adding opportunities and the

processes employed in value assurance; [3] providing feedback obtained from reviews of

technical, economic, commercial, operational and political (TECOP) issues (which include a

range of opportunities in gas/oil projects; [4] providing support and advice to SME managers and

other sponsors of E&P projects; [5] up streaming of BD&I codes of practices; [6] assisting

managers following the IEPMS processing components and participating in IEPMS projects to

complete the asset portfolios; [7] provision of ongoing coaching, teaching and advice in the

application of IEPMS within customer opportunity projects; and [8] capital excellence, whereby

individual needs and customer representations are well represented. Any candidate dealing with

this field of specialization is supposed to have knowledge of E&P management systems and the

gate phase processes. Specialists should be a B-Tech or hold a BS degree with some years of

experience and proper project management certification credentials (Gunningham, Thornton, and

Kagan, 2005)

As shown from above discussion, most companies' projects are segmented into phases, and this

involves making decisions at the end of every phase. The project team presents the results to the

management team and plans for the following phase, and then management makes the final

decisions about continuing with projects. However, as also discussed, independent,

multidisciplinary expert teams also take part in evaluating decisions. They are involved with the

methodology of value assurance checks, different types of project reviews, preparation for

conducting reviews, techniques and practices for planning and executing the reviews, and the

application of project reviews (Cooper and Slagmulder, 1997).

2.29 Theoretical framework

The concepts of value management and governance comprise the underlying framework from

which this study analyses the use of value assurance systems by oil companies such as ZADCO.

ZADCO belongs to complex and risky environment in which it makes risky investment decisions
(Marini, 2011). This drives the company to improve capital effectiveness and assure value of

every project in every stage of development. Value management and governance assures the

value of projects through incorporating technical and economic expertise.

Value management works towards ensuring that savings in resources are managed and governed

to convey business value, thereby enabling optimal business strategies to be adopted. In this

writing, it enables us to reconcile the varied expectations and views of stakeholders with regard

to the way value is perceived and managed for initiatives involving change. Its main aim is to

ensure that an enterprise has achieved its core goals and objectives. This is done by choosing and

executing all investments and managing assets by the use of an affordable resource with a

reasonable degree of risk so that there is overall maximization of value in the long run (Stewart,


Value management is a diverse field that comprises the following interrelated disciplines:

 Portfolio management: this involves prioritizing the top IT-enabled investments in the

value assurance process.

 Benefits realization: This involves having insight into the organization and efficiently

managing most changes in the business, thereby establishing benefits.

 Value governance: This largely deals with the decision-making organ of the company. Its

key responsibilities are monitoring information processes and making pertinent decisions

for the company.

ZADCO has proven scientific techniques that support the above named interventions. These

techniques ensure that all the stakeholders in the organization are in agreement and that they are

actively involved in supporting the company’s course in the value assurance process. Their

assistance is in terms of services delivery, for example, in the provision of training and coaching

so as to enhance the internal capability through teamwork. To facilitate these services, support

offices have been established to encompass the varied needs of the organization. Examples of

support offices found in the company are the portfolio management office, the process

improvement office and the investment management office, among many more.


3.1 Introduction

In this research, a survey was conducted to ascertain the efficiency of ZADCO’s value assurance

process. A qualitative research approach was adopted to initiate a comprehensive investigation of

ZADCO’s value assurance process through various sources of information. To gain a contextual

understanding, a quantitative and qualitative research was conducted. This enabled the researcher

to establish a thorough examination of all the principles governing the company and to learn how

they facilitate the effectiveness of ZADCO’s activities. In addition to the qualitative research, the

researcher incorporated diverse quantitative sources of information so that both empirical and

objective results of the study can be well known (Kothari, 2005). This helped in reflecting reality

in mathematical terms, thus enhancing the authenticity of the information given in this literature.

Furthermore, quantitative data has the ability to effectively translate data into easily quantifiable

statistical models, thus ensuring that the information passed is easily understood and elucidated

well. Generally, this section will cover the various methodologies adopted in the analysis.

3.2 Research Design Strategy

The research design serves as the plan of how the study was conducted. Here the researcher

established the objective of the research together with all the identified research questions that

facilitated the data gathering process so as to fulfil the objective of the study. The main objective

of the study was to ascertain whether or not ZADCO’s value assurance process is effective in the

company’s asset management. Generally, this part of the text helps the researcher in answering

research questions accurately, validly, objectively and economically. It is important to note that

the research design serves two critical roles (Rugg and Petre, 2007).

Its first function is to aid the identification and later the development of rational arrangements

and actions required to commence a study. Secondly, the research design lays prominence on the

quality (validity, objectivity and accuracy) of the procedures adopted during the study. During

the process of research, it is critical to note that a research design is not the same as the methods

adopted during the data collection process.

Research design can be classified into the following forms: correlational, descriptive,

experimental, review, semi-experimental and meta-analytic. Furthermore, a design can be

categorized into two broad methods, namely qualitative and quantitative research designs. This

study will primarily settle on a descriptive design, specifically a survey (Babbie, 2010). The

logic behind the choice of this design is basically based on the financial constraints. That is the

major reason that I ignored other forms of design, such as experimental design, which often

require substantial financial input. Moreover, unlike other forms of design, this type of design

allows the researcher to use both quantitative and qualitative data in establishing answers to most

research questions. This is basically because the descriptive design permits a wide variety of data

to be considered during the survey process.

Broadly, the design adopted in this study has five crucial phases (see Figure 5 below). The first

stage deals with identification of the problem under study. Then, the second phase actualizes a

literature review process regarding the effectiveness of ZADCO’s value assurance process.

Afterwards, the researcher embarks on the process of collecting empirical data, methodical

analysis and interpretation of the collected data and finally draws valid conclusions based on the

data collected.

Figure 4: Research design (Babbie, 2010)

In this research design, the survey methodology ensures that a sample of individuals from the

entire target population is evaluated by the use of data collection techniques such as interviews

and questionnaires (Babbie, 2010). This is aimed at establishing statistical inferences about the

population, which in this case is ZADCO.

In this research, the researcher conducted a single survey, which focused on the effectiveness of

ZADCO’s value assurance process systems. The success of the entire exercise largely depended

on the wise choice of a representative population sample with regard to the target population.

Despite its ease of use, the survey methodology is often coupled with a number of challenges

that include making decisions on how to evaluate and test questions, supervise and train

interviews, spot and select sample participants, check data files for internal consistency and

accuracy, select the approach for posturing questions and collecting responses, and adjust survey

approximations to correct errors (Pett et al., 2006). In this regard, it is therefore mandatory for a

researcher to use authentic means of survey, taking into consideration the difficulties one is

likely to face in the course of action. This will greatly reduce survey challenges.

3.3 Research approach

Qualitative data helps in providing a rich and detailed picture of different aspects of real life

(Rugg and Petre, 2007). It facilitates reality by providing the most original and first-hand

information, thereby enhancing the credibility of the information being gathered. Furthermore,

qualitative data has the following advantages if adopted: it provides a detailed depth of

information, creates openness and thus reduces bias, stimulates personal experiences during data

collection and finally attempts to prevent prejudgments by enabling the researcher to have a

meticulous investigation of the subject matter. Evidence is the most important aspect in research.

At times, it is hard for a researcher to provide substantial proof of his or her findings. This

eventually leads to doubts being cast on the researchers’ work. To curb this menace, qualitative

data is considered the best option for providing tangible evidence to research work. Researchers

often use qualitative data in illuminating hypothesis, attitudes, motivations and even beliefs.

Ideally, qualitative research is usually a first step, since it enables the researcher to simplify the

words that will be incorporated in the quantitative tools.

Qualitative research works under various fundamental principles, which ensure that the data

collection process is conducted without fear or favour. Researchers should always use techniques

that give the respondents a substantial degree of freedom. By doing, so they ensure that they

have created the right atmosphere, which enables people to speak from their hearts without bias.

In this regard, researchers opt to use less rigid strategic approaches that are familiar to the

respondents. Qualitative research always tries to find out a new aspect from the participants other

than what is already known. In this research, the researcher correctly used open-ended

questionnaires that are less narrow and more explanatory to gain the true information about the

value assurance process.

One of the major principles of qualitative research is that it often involves few respondents or

participants. This is perhaps because of the methods used in data collections. For example,

interviews require a small sample of the target population for valid inferences to be made. It is

important to note that the small number of individuals involved in qualitative research does not

make the research less scientific. The method still remains authentic and valid, regardless of the

number of participants involved.

The approach employed in this paper focused on three basic areas and issues related to those

fields. It emphasized the following aspects:

 Segments: What segments of ZADCO exercise the value assurance process?

 Needs: What value assurance needs are currently being met by ZADCO? Which ones are

not being addressed at the moment, and which ones are not being met at all?

 Barriers and drivers: What are the common drivers of the value assurance process, and

what are the barriers to the value assurance process?

These three key areas offered the outline around which the information collected was

organized during survey.

3.4 Qualitative Research Techniques

In this paper, the researcher adopted a historical type of case study in which a holistic approach

of describing and analyzing ZADCO historically was illustrated, laying emphasis on its value

assurance process. Case studies are a form of qualitative research used to collect substantial

information from a small group of people or a whole population of people. It can also be defined

as an empirical analysis used in examining a real-life state. Researchers use observations,

interviews, tests, performance records and writing samples to collect samples for case study.

Historical case study helps the researcher in explaining complex issues, thereby strengthening

what is already known by the participants. Moreover, it lays emphasis on the detailed contextual

scrutiny of the narrow relationships of various parameters found during survey. The diagram

below shows the process by which information is disseminated through a case study approach.

Figure 5: Qualitative data modelling (Ludwig, 1988)

As shown in the above diagram, the case study has the following targets in this paper:

 Describing the phenomena: The researcher used a case study approach in describing the

actual aspects of the value assurance process at ZADCO.

 Explaining: This approach helped the researcher in explaining the reasons ZADCO’s

value assurance process is effective in the influence of asset management and overall

capital effectiveness.

 Predicting: The researcher employed this method in anticipating the success of the

company regarding its value assurance process, thereby establishing the likelihood of

opportunities for future growth of the company.

 Planning improvements: A historical case study looks at the historical background of the

subject matter. In that regard, the researcher was able to obtain a record of historical

events surrounding ZADCO’s value assurance process systems through a normative

approach of analysis. The historical aspects of ZADCO Company to a great extent,

allowed the researcher to deduce whether a significant probability of success exists in the

company’s value assurance process and whether its effectiveness will be permanent or

just short lived. Below is the historical background of ZADCO Company.

ZAKUM Development Company, commonly known by the acronym ZADCO, was formally

established on 15 November 1977 as per Law No. 9, which was issued by the late sheikh Bin

Sultan Al-Nahyan. ZADCO’s main responsibility was to develop the region of Zakum for the

interest of investors and partners. At present, ZADCO has three shareholders, namely the Abu

Dhabi National Oil Company, which is commonly known by the acronym ADCON, ExxonMobil

and lastly the Japan Oil Development Company Ltd, which is also commonly known by the

acronym JODCO. The three shareholders own shares in the ratio of 60:28:12, respectively. On 1

April 1988, ZADCO merged its operations with the Umm Al-Dalk Development Company

(UDECO). The main aim of this union was to cut the operational cost of the two companies,

thereby increasing profits in the long run. The first ship carrying crude oil from the region was

seen on 24 May 1983. This was an achievement for ZADCO, since it had already publicized

itself globally. In 2000, ZADCO reorganized itself into units of business whereby it was able to

effectively undertake trade with the outside world. By the end of 2000, ZADCO had exported a

total of 4000 oil shipments. This was a major achievement as far as the value assurance process

is concerned. Due to its efficiency in value assurance and management, ZADCO received a

major award, the ADNOC HSE Award in 2007. This was a major boost considering the fact that

the company was then celebrating its 30th anniversary in the same year. It is important to note

that since then, the oil company has received two more ADNOC awards (in 2009 and 2011,


Subsequently, the company has been able to meet its objectives through its value assurance

process systems. It has done this while ensuring the safety of its personnel and preserving and

maintaining a clean environment. Moreover, the company has been able to achieve an

outstanding record in the area of safety, which has been marked by an integrated performance in

its value assurance process.

3.5 Data Collection Procedures

An extensive variety of data that focuses on ZADCO’s value assurance process was available.

Information in this study was largely collected from primary data sources consisting of a sample

of 50 respondents who were the primary stakeholders of ZADCO. The data collected has been

interpreted in relation to ZADCO’s value assurance process. This aspect was of great

importance, since it enabled the researcher to distinguish between ZADCO’s value assurance

process against those of other oil and gas companies around the globe. Moreover, the evaluation

measures were formulated based on the research conducted in order to determine the

effectiveness of ZADCO’s value assurance process and any change management needed in the


Despite the existence of various methods used during the collection of primary data, the primary

data collection techniques in this survey consisted of questionnaires, personal interviews and

observations. The researcher utilized both open- and closed-ended questions in administering

questionnaires to various individuals in the company (Royse, 2008). These questionnaires were

administered to various respondents via a number of ways. These included hand delivery, postal

addresses and emails. Consequently, the delivery of the questionnaires was made in time to

enable respondents to prepare adequately in answering the questions. In particular, the secondary

data sources utilized in this survey were mainly organizational databases, scholarly journal

articles, trusted web sites, conference papers and reference books (Montello et al., 2006). Only

sites relevant to the value assurance process were visited. Finally, the argument in favour of

using many secondary data sources in this research was to increase the precision of the data

collected, since some of the sources might have been biased.

3.6 Overview of Data Coding

The organization of data in a research study is important in order that data can be monitored,

tracked and retrieved for future use. A computer database is a very useful tool to achieve this.

With the increasing trend of technology advancement, several statistical tools have been

introduced to aid in studies. An example of this is the Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis

Software, which enables data recording, storage and retrieval (Baxter and Jack, 2008).

In this research, the researcher used the software package for storage of credentials, such as

interview transcripts and questionnaires. Subsequently, the software was used in the indexing of

manuscript units and coding of research information, thereby refining and establishing categories

within data contents. In general, the programme significantly reduced the time typically needed

for sorting, cutting and pasting interview records (Warren and Ramakrishnan, 2006). In the long

run, the researcher was able to effectively merge the data together with ease. Initially, the

researcher concurrently employed the use of a detailed logbook, which allowed the tracing of

both the progress made in data analysis as well as the changes encountered in the analysis of

data. This allowed the researcher to exclusively focus on the methodological issues faced during

research (Baxter and Jack, 2008). Finally, the researcher settled for a computer-aided coding

system because it ensured the following aspects in the data collected:

 Reliability and validity: ZADCO is an important oil producing company. Its value

assurance process is of great interest globally, especially to its competitors. To that effect,

it is therefore imperative to always keep the information obtained about the company

confidential. Above all, the information must be kept in its original state. Therefore, the

data collected was reliable and valid.

 Objectivity: The quality of research entirely depends on the researchers’ ability and

efforts to establish accurate data collection. In addressing this issue, coding facilitates

objectivity in research, thereby providing reality in the information gathered.

A common criticism of the coding method is that it aims at converting qualitative data into

empirically legitimate data containing scientific-oriented properties. The critics argue that coding

drains the variety and richness from data. In this survey, the researcher responded promptly to

this argument by establishing comprehensive descriptions of codes and by linking the specific

codes appropriately with regard to the underlying data, thus retaining the richness of the data


3.7 Verifying Data Accuracy

Data accuracy is significant on all fields of study and the data collection. Dependability and

truthfulness of a case study depend on the accuracy of data gathered. Data accuracy is made

through choosing the best tool that appropriate and fit the study. In this study, data accuracy has

been accomplished through reducing errors in each particular data item, avoidance of protocol

violation and avoidance of fraud.

To assure the accuracy of the study, which also affects its validity and credibility, the researcher

needed to consider a number of responsibilities. It was important to establish research questions

at the start of the study. It was also necessary to establish a research design that could fit the

objectives of the study. To address this issue, a systematic collection and treatment of data was

heavily emphasized for proper analysis, which is a key element for obtaining credible results.

Quality is a crucial element in any work. The quality of this study has been earned with the use

of qualitative research itself as opposed to quantitative research (Johnson and Christensen, 2012).

Generally, evaluating any research work can be done through certain tools such as analysing

validity and reliability.

3.7.1 Validity

According to Mitchell, Mark and Janina (2013), research validity can be existing in two shapes:

internal and external validity. Internal validity it main interest is the point when the study have

the capability to reflect it result in the realism. It tends to generate a essential relationship

between the realism and the collected data as opposed to imitation relationships. However,

qualitative studies must be accompanied by a considerable amount of internal validity. In this

work, internal validity of the study has been achieved by carefully reviewing the information

collected and recorded during the interviews. Conversely, external validity requires the scope to

which the study results can be generalized.

The study results can more easily be generalized if several situations have been considered

during the study and if similar results have been found (Mitchell, Mark and Janina, 2013). In this

study, the external validity was achieved with a large number of respondents and a wide range of

secondary data sources. The secondary sources of information largely emphasized the

effectiveness of ZADCO’s value assurance process. The validity of this information can be

sourced from the writings used to obtain substantial information about the company’s value

assurance process.

3.7.2 Reliability

Reliability refers to the rate to which research can be repeated and still obtain the same study

results. Since it is not practical for a qualitative study to be completed more than once, the

reliability of this study has been realized by establishing trustworthiness. Since this research is
qualitative in nature, the research has been made auditable by frequently checking that the

interpretations are transferable, credible, confirmable and, above all, dependable. In addition, the

research has tightened the reliability of the study by providing an in-depth explanation of the

underlying theories and perspectives of the study and the details regarding interviewees’

selection and background. This aspect greatly helped in authenticating the information obtained

about the effectiveness of ZADCO’s value assurance process.

3.7.3 Limitations of Methodology

The case study shows some restriction and boundaries base on the approach that adopted in this

study which may have affected the truthfulness of the result. It is important to be aware of these

restrictions and limitations, so that actions may be performed to avoid such limitations. On

qualitative case study the limitations was focused on missing of rigidity, unsuitable base for

scientific generalization due to small or only a single number of subject’s ,enormous

documentation and stiffness on behavior

. It is important to drag to attention that results from this study are difficult to generalize, since

the survey only focused on a single subject, which was ZADCO’s value assurance process.

Regardless of the comprehensiveness of this study and the choice of the representative sample,

the researcher faced various limitations in the course of action. Some of the information

collected through interviews about the effectiveness of ZADCO’s value assurance process had

some inherent weaknesses that could affect the conclusion reached in this text in a way. Some

respondents of this survey were required to base their responses on their own personal

knowledge based on the records presented. Consequently, it is impossible to establish the reality

and validity of the records used by the respondents to respond to the questions asked. Therefore,

there is a likelihood that some of the information given was biased, thereby posing a challenge to

some of the methodology used in this survey.

The impact of the lack of a homogeneous definition of the value assurance process posed a great

challenge in the study. Some respondents were unable to establish the meaning of value

assurance, thereby creating a need for clarity. This affected the reliability of some of the

information sourced from a number of the respondents in the long run.

In the research conducted, it was evident that some questionnaires sent through the post office

were not returned or were returned when it was already too late to use the information. This

reduced the number of respondents so that the research did not meet the required number.

Subsequently, the researcher met a number of challenges in conducting interviews. Interviews

were time consuming, and the detailed qualitative data created a challenge in analyzing and

interpreting the information gathered from the respondents in most cases. This was because the

researcher conducted an open form of questionnaire in some interviews, which allowed the

respondents to provide additional information about ZADCO’s value assurance process.

3.7.4 Ethical Issues

Data confidentiality is an important factor that is expected by the respondents in any study. This

was firmly the aim of the research conducted (Krishnaswamy, 2006). The survey aimed at

determining the confidence level in ZADCO’s value assurance process in relation to any other

oil and gas company globally. As expected, the pollster collected data from the company, and the

information gathered was used for legitimate purposes. Ideally, ethics have become a major

cornerstone for carrying out meaningful and effective research.

Before carrying out this study, every study participant was obligated to read and understand the

provision relating to social research ethics. This helped in minimizing the violation of rights of

respondents during the study. Moreover, each participant was required to sign a compulsory

form declaring that they had agreed to operate within the scope of the research ethics, which

emphasized research integrity, a friendly researcher-participant relationship and, above all, non-

violation of institutional rights.

Often, qualitative research captures data that is recorded in narrative form. Therefore, the

researcher uses qualitative methods in observing and describing conditions apart from entirely

explaining them (Yang, 2008). In this regard, the researcher used the basic qualitative principle

for research, which dictated that no one was allowed to tamper with any natural settings in the

study. During the study, caution needed to be taken seriously so as not to cause damage to any

possessions of ZADCO Company. It is necessary to always bear in mind that the responsibility

of conducting research is to gain research information and not to change the existing principles

underlying the usual operation of the institution in scrutiny. Therefore, all participants were

required to exhibit high levels of integrity so that the environment could be kept as it was before

the survey.

Privacy is a very crucial aspect in research. To address this issue, all the participants were

required to maintain exceptional levels of confidentiality and privacy in terms of any information

they get access to regarding ZADCO’s value assurance process. In summary, the following

aspects of ethics were emphasized during the research conducted:

 Integrity in the process of study execution.

 Publishing integrity, whereby all findings were published as required by law.

 Simultaneous submission: All the publishing protocols were keenly followed to avoid

plagiarism of the information gathered concerning the effectiveness of the value

assurance process.

 Sanctions for violation of integrity: Any violation of the stipulated ethics guidelines

resulted in substantial penalties imposed on the participant.

In review, it is the responsibility of the researcher to protect all the participants involved in the

study. This involves obtaining consent, protecting privacy, and ensuring that participants are

protected from harm.


The survey results were presented in terms of descriptive statistics, as shall be discussed in this

chapter. To gain a contextual understanding relevant to the value assurance process at ZADCO,

questionnaires were administered to various employees of the company. Similarly, in order to

increase the viability of the responses given, both closed- and open-ended questionnaires were

used. In general, a total of 50 questionnaires were administered to a variety of employees in the

company. Owing to the sheer magnitude of the study, only representative sample results of the

entire population will be discussed in this chapter. The participants involved in the study were

between 21 years and 69 years old. However, in order to diversify the study responses, the

participants were selected from each unit of the company. This included the Commercial

Department, the Department of Corporate Planning, the Department of NFPD, and the

Department of Construction and Commissioning. For the purpose of this research, findings from

each department will be discussed independently in the subsequent paragraphs.

First, 30% (15 responses) of the entire respondents interviewed were engineers working in the

Commercial Department of the company. These employees have worked in the company for a

period of between four and 15 years. Of them, 10% (five respondents) came from the operation

management level, 10% (five respondents) from the middle management level, and the other

10% (five respondents) came from the strategic management level.

According to 80% of the engineers working in the commercial department, VAP has been

utilized by the company for a period of more than six years, and for that reason, they strongly

agree with the assertion that the value assurance process at ZADCO is effectively timed.

Moreover, they assert that the value assurance process is frequently applied in the company.

However, when asked about the environmental issues influencing ZADCO and the VAP, they

gave varied responses, and 90% (45 respondents) of these engineers suggested environmental

sensitivities, risks and regulations to be the most detrimental issues.

Pertaining to elements of ZADCO’s value assurance process and the way they are integrated into

the company’s investment decisions, 85% responded by highlighting three elements, namely

“choose right”, “develop right” and “deliver right”. Additionally, they claimed that the elements

are integrated by the implementation of VAP stages for appropriate decisions aligned with

business objectives. With regard to the results of the company’s VAP in maximizing field

development, 90% of them said that the process has helped in the achievement of distinctive

investments through successful development and execution of projects.

When asked about the challenges/setbacks involved in the implementation of the VAP at

ZADCO, a variety of responses were obtained. However, a majority of respondents argued that

cost and time posed a very high risk for project implementation. With regard to what can be done

to improve the applicability and successfulness of the process at ZADCO, 75% of the engineers

suggested that essential training of all related personnel regarding implementation of the VAP is

needed for effective and appropriate decisions to be made. Training that results in improved

decision making will help to achieve the primary desired outcomes for the VAP.

To conclude, 64% of these respondents gave additional information on the operation of the VAP

at the company. For instance, one respondent department asserted that, “VAP/VARs are applied

with success over time and extended to non-technical projects such as office refurbishments and

IT”. He then added that “the value assurance reviews are focused on a higher level to ensure that

there are no flaws in project fundamentals”.

Second, 25% of the respondents in the study came from the Department of Corporate Planning.

Most of the personnel in this department have worked for more than 12 years in the company,

and 15% belong to the strategic management level, 5% to the middle management level, and the

other 5% came from the operation management level. According to 90% of these respondents,

the VAP has been fully utilized in the company for a period of more than six years.

Consequently, they agree that the introduction of the value assurance process at ZADCO was

effectively timed. They also affirm that the VAP is frequently applied at the company.

Pertaining to the environmental issues influencing ZADCO’s concerns in terms of the VAP, 60%

claimed that the HSE team is heavily engaged in the VAP process and in enhancing the

gatekeeping process. Additionally, the team advises which HSE studies should be conducted for

each project to be successful. On the subject of the elements of ZADCO’s value assurance

process and how they are integrated into the company’s investment decisions, over 80% affirmed

that ZADCO’s VAP ensures that all projects are generated, selected and implemented in a way

that minimizes risk by studying different options along with the cost. When asked to name some

of the results of the company’s value assurance process in maximizing field development

opportunities, over 50% suggested the need for the early stages of VAP process development

scenarios to be integrated with facilities development. Pertaining to whether there are any

challenges/setbacks involved in the implementation of the value assurance process at ZADCO,

95% said “yes”. Consequently, they supported their answer by giving the following responses.

Some employees are ignorant about the VAP process, but ZADCO corporate planning (CP)

conducts regular awareness sessions for all employees. Also, bypassing CP and getting top

management approval for one of the VAP stages without approaching shareholders is an issue.

Additionally, cost and time factors have been very detrimental in the implementation process. In

this regard, a majority of respondents recommend that in order to increase the applicability and

successfulness of the process at ZADCO, the following should be done: keep conducting VAP

awareness sessions to all ZADCO employees, interlink the VAP system with the commercial

system, and conduct close-out meetings with stage sponsors after each gatekeeping process.

In conclusion, over 75% these respondents gave additional information about the value assurance

program at ZADCO by highlighting a variety of additional information as discussed below. The

types of value assurance processes in the company are:

 Complete VAP (CV): This follows all stages of VAP, i.e. identify, assess, select, define,

execute and operate.

 Short VAP (SV): Identify, assess, and select are combined under one DSP, and then a

separate DSP for each define and execute stage is completed.

 Principles of VAP (PV): Identify, assess, select, and define stages are combined under

one stage. A justification document is issued before the execute stage.

One of respondents in this category, however, said that VAP selection is made using a matrix

based on two variables, namely project complexity and project cost. This particular interviewee

offered a remarkable illustration of the two variables, as shown in the figure below.





Low P.V S.V C.V

Up to 5 Up to 15 Up to 50 > 50 Cost (US$ MM)

 C.V. - Complete VAP

 S.V. - Short VAP

 P.V. - Principle of VAP

Third, 20% of the respondents came from the Department of NFPD. Members who were

interviewed from this department have been employed in the company for a period of between

eight and14 years. Most of these employees work under the middle management level and the

strategic management level. For instance, 12% came from the middle management level, while

8% came from the strategic management level. Just like other respondents, 88% of these

participants claimed that VAP has been fully utilized at ZADCO for more than six years.

Similarly, 91% of them agree with the assertion that the introduction of the value assurance

process at ZADCO was effectively timed. However, 11% of respondents claim that the value

assurance process is moderately applied, while 89% claim that it is frequently applied. When

asked to list the environmental issues that influence ZADCO’s concerns in terms of the value

assurance process, they gave a variety of results. However, most of the respondents listed two

aspects: awareness of the value assurance process in non-project divisions and shortcuts to the

VAP procedure due to urgent requirements/projects.

With regard to the elements of ZADCO’s value assurance process and how they are integrated

into the company’s investment decisions, they responded by emphasizing the same elements

listed by other respondents (i.e. asses, select, define, execute and operate). It is evident from the

responses that each of the aforementioned stages is detailed to a level which defines the activities

required to complete the stages and to develop decisions on whether to invest in moving the

project to the next stage or not. Also, 94% of them claim that the VAP supports the company on

stage-wise steps to decide on investments in projects and to ensure the successful

implementation of projects. This is done by following best practices and structural methodology

for each stage.

With regard to the results of the company’s value assurance process in maximizing field

development, survey participants gave varied responses, though most of the responses applauded

the effectiveness of the process. For instance, one of the respondents said that the process gave

“assurance in meeting project objectives by applying a systematic, integrated and structural

approach”. Consequently, when they were asked to give the challenges/setbacks involved in the

implementation of the value assurance process, most of their answers were based on the change

in procedures followed in the process. For example, one participant indicated that “shortcuts of

VAP procedure due to urgency and the change in management hindered the implementation of

the process as change scope was not in line with project stage”.

Pertaining to what can be done to improve the applicability and successfulness of the process at

ZADCO, they gave some of their recommendations as:

 Lack of awareness is hampering the VAP procedure in the non-project division.

 The MOC procedure awareness campaign to ensure the changes, impact/evaluation and

change scope alignment with the project stage is understood.

 A fast track should be developed for the VAP for urgent requirements/projects.

Fourth, 15% of the respondents came from the Department of Project Supports/New Field

Project. Most of the employees in this department have been working for the company for a

period of between three and nine years, and they operate under the operation management level

and middle management level. To be precise, 10% of the respondents belonged to the operation

management level, while 5% accounted for employees from the middle management level.

According to 96% of these respondents, the value assurance process has been fully utilized at

ZADCO for more than six years. A total of 90% of participants strongly agree with the idea that

the introduction of the value assurance process at ZADCO was effectively timed. However, 5%

of them only agree with that idea, while none of them disagree. Regarding how often the value

assurance process is applied at ZADCO, 84% of respondents argue that the process is frequently

applied in the company, while 16% claim that it is moderately applied. Conversely, concerning

the environmental issues that influence ZADCO’s concerns in terms of the value assurance

process, 92% of these participants argued that the changing environment was the main activating


On the question on the elements of ZADCO’s value assurance process and how they are

integrated in the company’s investment decisions, 94% overwhelmingly indicate that “choose,

develop, deliver with the agreed quality, and HSE measures in addition to economics

parameters” are the main elements of the process. Similarly, when asked to name the results of

the company’s value assurance process in maximizing field development opportunities, over

90% claimed that “the approved economics in addition to high excellence in HSE/quality” is the

main result of VAP process.

With regard to the question seeking to establish whether there are any challenges/setbacks

involved in the implementation of the value assurance process at ZADCO, over 84% of

respondents placed blame on cost and prolonged project time. For example, one participant gave

the following response on that question: “very minimal like prolonged schedule/additional cost

but not comparable to the gaining”.

Lastly, 70% of respondents conclude that regular and fixed training sessions, as well as the

inclusion of VAP as part of new employee induction course, will help in improving the

applicability and success of the process at the company. However, 28% of these individuals

recommend that the VAP requires more awareness by all ZADCO employees.

Fifth, 10% of the respondents came from the Department of Construction and Commissioning -

NFPD. Over 70% of employees in this department have been employed in the company for a

period of six to 14 years. They operate within the middle management level and the strategic

management level. A total of 86% assert that the value assurance process has been fully utilized

at ZADCO for more than six years. Subsequently, 82% strongly agree with the idea that the

process was effectively timed at the company. With regard to how often VAP is utilized in the

company, 88% of them claim that the value assurance process is frequently applied.

Regarding to the question about the environmental issues influencing ZADCO’s concerns in

terms of the VAP, over 92% of participants alluded to the notion that the prevailing

environmental factors are the main triggering factors. For instance, one respondent asserted that

“environmental regulations and standards are becoming more and more complex, and based

upon that rationale, ZADCO’s management is committed to adhere to those disparities in full”.

Pertaining to ZADCO’s value assurance process, 92% of them gave responses relating to the

business case, the structural approach to project selection, and execution, and full alignment with

overall business objectives. Most interestingly, one of the participants claimed that “these VAP

demands are integrated there, and therefore the value assurance process ultimately facilitates

investment decision making in the company”.

With regard to the results attained by virtue of the company’s VAP in maximizing field

development opportunities, 89% of these participants responded that the company has attained

full project results through effective implementation of the process. One of the respondents said,

“VAP helps in making sure that the projects executed by the company are properly chosen, well

planned, properly sequenced and executed in order that the final outcome is successful in

meeting the company’s goals and objectives”. Pertaining to the challenges and setbacks involved

in the implementation of the value assurance process at ZADCO, 78% affirm that the time factor,

a constantly changing environment, and impatience among project planners are the main

challenges. An example is this response from one of the study participants: “Challenges &

setbacks exist, including prolonging project durations and the constantly changing environment

of projects”.

Finally; in order to improve the applicability and successfulness of the process at ZADCO, one

of the participants in this department recommended that there should be more awareness of the

VAP. He however elaborates on this point by asserting that, “I have worked for BP before, and

they provide a lot of training and awareness to their staff on CVP (same as VAP), unlike

ZADCO”. He adds that, “I have been in the company for six years and never attended training or

awareness sessions/workshops”. Moreover, the respondent recommended that the process should

be rigorously implemented right from the SELECT phase.


5.1 Conclusion

The current study is expected to add to prior research and to the body of knowledge regarding

the issue of exploration. In this regard, the current study provides the basis for answering

questions encountered in the prior research. The positive feedback from the participants clearly

advocates that the process is of great economic importance to the company at large. Based upon

the results obtained from the Commercial Department, the Department of Corporate Planning,

the Department of NFPD, and the Department of Construction and Commissioning, there is valid

evidence that the value assurance process has been fully operational for a period of more than six

years. Most interestingly, over 85% of responses obtained from all units of the company indicate

that the VAP is frequently applied in the company. This clearly shows that its implementation is

adequately utilized in the management of the company’s assets.

As discussed in Chapter 4, it is also evident that over 89% of employees interviewed agreed with

the idea that the VAP enabled the company to maximize field development opportunities. Given

the overwhelming number of participants who asserted that VAP ensures that projects are

executed properly, well planned, properly sequenced and executed well, it is rational to conclude

that the VAP is of great significance to the company. Moreover, over 90% of responses obtained

illustrate that the process facilitates approved economics in addition to high excellence in

HSE/quality. Owing to the above responses regarding the VAP at ZADCO, the study shows that

the VAP is effective in the management of the company’s assets.

5.2 Relationship of Current Study to Prior Research

The current study is expected to fill the gap in the field of study related to the value assurance

process of oil and gas companies. The investigation into the company’s asset management can be

a basis for studying the oil and gas industry and its influence on society. The current study is

expected to be significant; since its goal is to add to the body of knowledge regarding the issue of

exploration and since oil and gas are two of the most important commodities in the world and

becoming scarce. In this regard, it is therefore wise to note that; the current study provides the

basis for answering questions encountered in the prior research. Basically, it provides continuity

to the initial research problem and seeks to identify strategies to be implemented in the system in

order to check out the problem under study. Significantly, the current research relies entirely on

prior research in the establishment of ZADCO’s historic background, which forms a major

platform in the establishment of the company’s market trends over the past years. The market

trends are vital in assessing the company’s economic growth over time. Growth in this case gives

an inference towards the effectiveness of the current systems of management and with regard to

previous supervision. The researcher has noted that prior research sought to establish the

significance of ZADCO’s marine environment in the company’s economic development success.

This research was diverse and did not give account of internal mechanisms facilitating ZADCO’s

economic development. The current research gives an account of the internal drivers of the

company’s growth and development. This clearly provides an overview of the significance of

ZADCO’s value assurance process in terms of asset management and serves as a pillar for

opportunities for future growth.

5.3 Implication of service

Findings in the current study may also have implications to practice. Results can serve as a basis

for any strategic modification necessary for improving the value assurance process. This can also

help management make better decisions that maximize investments made on project

developments, since companies aim to derive greater investment returns from their assets. This is

especially important for ZADCO, since it belongs to an industry where its assets are considered

waning assets. Oil keeps getting scarcer and scarcer over time. This is basically due to it being

overused. Moreover, human beings have failed to employ the use of renewable sources of energy

in carrying out economic activities. The results obtained in this research can be used to

encourage the incorporation of value assurance processes at other oil producing companies,

thereby facilitating outstanding management of this important asset that might be depleted if not

properly administered. The world economy is currently facing financial challenges owing to the

fact that sustainable resources are decreasing. This has forced most oil producing companies to

hike the prices of their products. The end result has been an increase in the poverty level of most

developing countries. In the long run, the developing countries have had to rely on the developed

countries for economic empowerment. If more companies utilized a value assurance process at

an earlier stage, then perhaps products could be made available at a more affordable price. The

researcher advocates that major companies should test the value assurance process and its impact

on asset management and its importance in attaining core goals and objectives.

5.4 Recommendations for Further Study

Further research is needed to strengthen this study. This is especially important since this is a

case study, which is focused on the value assurance process of only one company. It is therefore

necessary to gain comprehensive knowledge of the value assurance process from a diverse

perspective. This can be achieved through a contextual study of a wide range of companies and

assessing their value assurance processes. This will be helpful in the establishment of authentic

data that is valid and reliable.

In review, the method adopted in this study was entirely a case study approach. It was in the

form of qualitative research. Consequently, this method faced some limitations in the process of

data collection. The researcher faced challenges in using this qualitative case study to establish a

foundation for scientific generalization due to the small number of subjects involved in the

survey. This is exclusively because the researcher conducted a single survey to infer information

about ZADCO’s value assurance process. In addition, massive documentation and difficulty in

the data collection exercise posed a major challenge as to the accuracy of the data collected.

Furthermore, it was hard for the researcher to establish the validity of the information given

during interviews due to the high probability of bias associated with the method of data

collection. The method employed may have influenced the credibility of the results obtained

during the survey. It was difficult for the researcher to identify the reality behind all the

responses obtained. Owing to the limitations of the research methodology, further research is

crucial to attain a valid and reliable conclusion regarding the effectiveness of ZADCO’s value

assurance process.

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Survey Questionnaire No: _________

Survey: Value Assurance Process at ZADCO

Kindly respond to the following questions. The responses provided are meant for research

purpose and will be highly private and confidential (Please follow the instructions given in each

question carefully).

A. Demographic Information

1. Gender________________________________________________________

2. Age___________________________________________________________

3. Profession_____________________________________________________

4. Department_____________________________________________________

5. Number of years employed in ZADCO_______________________________

6. Management level

Operational Level [ ] Middle Level [ ] Strategic level [ ]

B. Explicit Research Information

7. How long have value assurance process been fully utilized in ZADCO according to you?

Less than 1 year [ ] 1-3 years [ ] 4-6 years [ ] more than 6 years [ ]

8. Do you think the introduction of value assurance process in ZADCO was effectively


Strongly Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ] Not Sure [ ] Agree [ ] Strongly Agree [ ]

9. How often is value assurance process applied in ZADCO?

Frequently [ ] Moderately [ ] Rarely [ ]

10. What are the environmental issues that influence ZADCO’s concern on value assurance







11. What are the elements of ZADCO’s value assurance process and how are they integrated

in the company’s investment decisions?






12. What are the results of the company’s value assurance process in maximizing field

development opportunities?






13. Are there any challenges/setbacks involved in the implementation of Value assurance

process in ZADCO? Please list them clearly.






14. What do you think can be done to improve the applicability and successfulness of the

process in ZADCO?





Additional Comments

15. In case you have any additional information about value assurance process at ZADCO,

please write it here.




Thank Your Participating


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