A1+ Wordlist Unit 11

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11.1 chalk (n) /tʃɔːk/

Be Creative!
Page 135
Reading Pages 136–137
a very soft kind of white stone used for writing 11.12 culture (n) /ˈkʌltʃə/
or drawing ● The teacher cleaned the chalk the beliefs, art and way of life in a country
from the board and then wrote some new ● I learnt about Spanish food and culture on
examples. ➣ chalk (v, adj), chalky (adj) my trip to Barcelona. ➣ cultural (adj)
11.2 pavement (n) /ˈpeɪvmənt/ 11.13 cave (n) /keɪv/
the path made on the side of a street for a large hole in the side of a mountain or under
pedestrians to walk on ● A lot of people were the ground ● There were paintings of animals
standing waiting on the pavement next to the on the walls of the cave.
bus stop. ➣ pave (v), paved (adj) 11.14 tribal (adj) /ˈtraɪbl/
connected with people in tribes ● Anna
designs T-shirts using traditional Australian
Word Focus Page 136 tribal art. ➣ tribe, tribespeople, tribesman,
11.3 canvas (n) /ˈkænvəs/ tribeswoman (n)
a strong cloth used for painting on; a cloth for
11.15 frighten (v) /ˈfraɪtn/
making sails, tents, etc. ● Martha did a quick
scare; make sb feel frightened ● The villagers
drawing on paper first, then began to paint her
told the story about a giant to frighten their
picture on the canvas.
enemies. ➣ fright (n), frightening,
11.4 cloth (n) /klɒθ/ frightened (adj)
material made from cotton or wool, etc. ● Her
11.16 ceremony (n) /ˈserəməni/
beach bag is made of blue and white cloth that
a traditional event where people do things in
looks like canvas.
a special way ● After the wedding ceremony,
11.5 warrior (n) /ˈwɒriə(r)/ they had their reception in a big tent in the
sb who fights in a war ● The brave warriors park. ➣ ceremonial (adj)
fought to save their city. ➣ war (v, n)
11.17 transform (v) /trænsˈfɔːm/
11.6 fighter (n) /ˈfaɪtə(r)/ change sth/sb into sth else ● We tranformed
sb who fights ● We watched the fighter in the our playground into a theatre for the school
judo tournament. ➣ fight (v, n) play. ➣ transformation (n)
11.7 villain (n) /ˈvɪlən/ 11.18 dramatic (adj) /drəˈmætɪk/
a bad or evil character in a story ● Sherlock connected with drama; exciting and surprising
had a clever plan to catch the villain who killed ● The paintings on the back of the stage made
the old man. ➣ villainous (adj) the whole scene look dramatic. ➣ drama (n),
11.8 evil (adj) /ˈiːvl/ dramatically (adv)
very bad to others ● The evil king killed his 11.19 root (n) /ruːt/
wife and children. ➣ evil (n) the part of a plant that grows under the ground
11.9 character (n) /ˈkærəktə(r)/ ● Make sure the roots of the plant have
a person or animal in a story ● Hamlet was a enough water.
strange and confused character in the famous 11.20 berry (n) /ˈberi/
Shakespeare play. a small fruit that grows on trees or bushes
11.10 enemy (n) /ˈenəmi/ ● Sheila picked some juicy berries to make
people who hate you, who want to harm you jam.
or who are fighting against you ● They built a 11.21 ingredient (n) /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/
high wall around the city to protect it from their one of the things needed to make particular
enemies. food or to put in a meal ● Have you got all
11.11 dye (n) /daɪ/ the ingredients you need to make chocolate
a substance used to colour material or hair biscuits?
● Bess bought some purple dye and changed 11.22 crush (v) /krʌʃ/
the colour of her bag. ➣ dye (v), dyed (adj) press sth hard so that it breaks ● Farmers use
a special machine to crush grain to make flour.

11.23 powder (n) /ˈpaʊdə(r)/ 11.35 front cover (n) /frʌnt ˈkʌvə(r)/
very small pieces of soft dry material ● The the hard outside page on the front of a book or
actors put coloured powder on their faces magazine ● Katrina was so happy to see her
before the performance. ➣ powder (v), name on the front cover of the book.
powdery (adj) 11.36 orchestra (n) /ˈɔːkɪstrə/
11.24 dust (n) /dʌst/ a large group of people who play musical
very small pieces of dirt that move in the air instruments together ● Marinos plays the violin
and land on things ● The bookshelves are in the school orchestra.
covered in dust. I need to clean the room. 11.37 musician (n) /mjuˈzɪʃn/
➣ dust (v), duster (n), dusty (adj) sb who plays or writes music ● Phil Lynott
11.25 feather (n) /ˈfeðə(r)/ was a great singer and musician. ➣ music (n),
a soft light part from a bird’s body ● The baby musical (n, adj)
chickens looked very cute with their soft yellow 11.38 row (n) /rəʊ/
feathers. a group of people or things in a straight line
11.26 special effects (n) /ˌspeʃl ɪˈfekts/ next to each other ● We sat in the front row at
unusual pieces of action in a film or play, the theatre.
with sounds or lights, etc. made by special 11.39 seat (n) /siːt/
machines ● The special effects in the film were sth for sitting on ● I had a seat next to the aisle
amazing. It looked so real and scary! on the plane. ➣ seat (v), seating (n)
11.27 scare (v) /skeə/
make sb feel afraid ● The cat scared the birds
in the garden and they flew away. ➣ scare (n),
scary (adj) aisle row
✎ Syn: frighten audience seat
balcony silence
11.28 a bit (adv) /ə bɪt/
curtain special effects
a little ● You looked a bit frightened when the
villain came on stage.
11.29 custom (n) /ˈkʌstəm/
a traditional way of doing sth; ● It’s a custom 11.40 title (n) /ˈtaɪtl/
to give visitors flowers when they arrive in the name of a book or story ● The title of the
Hawaii. ➣ customary (adj) book is Fantastic Mr Fox.
11.41 clap (v) /klæp/
Vocabulary Pages 138–139
hit your hands together to show you like sth
● The audience clapped loudly at the end of
11.30 aisle (n) /aɪl the play. ➣ clap (n)
a passage between the rows of seats in a 11.42 novel (n) /ˈnɒvl/
plane, train, theatre, etc. or between shelves in a long story in a book ● The Twits is my
a shop ● The milk and yoghurt are in the fridge favourite Roald Dahl novel. ➣ novelist (n)
in the next aisle. 11.43 curtain (n) /ˈkɜːtn/
11.31 audience (n) /ˈɔːdiəns/ a piece of cloth to cover a stage ● When the
the people who watch a performance in a curtains opened, the two main actors were on
cinema or theatre ● The audience was excited the stage.
when the villain came on stage. 11.44 heroine (n) /ˈherəʊɪn/
11.32 author (n) /ˈɔːθə(r)/ a female hero ● Kate Winslet played the
sb who writes books, articles, etc. ● Who is heroine in the film. ➣ hero, heroism (n),
your favourite author? Mine is Roald Dahl. heroic (adj)
11.33 back cover (n) /bæk ˈkʌvə(r)/ 11.45 energetically (adv) /ˌenəˈdʒetɪkli/
the hard outside page on the back of a book or with a lot of energy or showing excitement
magazine ● There was a short description of ● They sang and danced energetically until the
the characters on the back cover of the book. end of the night. ➣ energy (n), energetic (adj)
11.34 conductor (n) /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ 11.46 brilliantly (adv) /ˈbrɪliəntli/
sb who stands in front of musicians to lead very well ● The guitarist played brilliantly.
their performance ● Our music teacher was ➣ brilliance (n), brilliant (adj)
the conductor for the school orchestra. 11.47 beautifully (adv) /ˈbjuːtɪfli/
➣ conduct (v) in a beautiful way ● Miranda sings beautifully.
➣ beauty (n), beautiful (adj)

11.48 creatively (adv) /kriˈeɪtɪvli/ 11.60 bottom (n) /ˈbɒtəm/
in a creative way ● She writes music the lowest part of sth ● The vegetables are in
creatively. ➣ create (v), creation, creator (n), the bottom of the fridge.
creative (adj) 11.61 wizard (n) /ˈwɪzəd/
11.49 sadly (adv) /ˈsædli/ a male who does magic ● In the story, Harry
in a sad way; unfortunately ● Sadly, we goes to Hogwarts, the school for wizards and
couldn’t get tickets for the concert. ➣ sadden witches.
(v), sadness (n), sad (adj) 11.62 dragon (n) /ˈdræɡən/
11.50 quickly (adv) /ˈkwɪkli/ a large animal in stories, like a giant lizard
fast ● The actors left the theatre quickly after that breathes fire and has wings ● She wrote
the performance. ➣ quick (adj) a lovely children’s book about friendly dragons.
11.63 all of a sudden (expr) /ɔːl əv ə ˈsʌdn/
Adverbs suddenly ● All of a sudden, the frog became a
beautifully energetically
brilliantly meanwhile 11.64 scream (v) /skriːm/
creatively quickly shout because you are scared ● The boy
downstairs sadly screamed when he saw the snake.
➣ scream (n)
11.65 bar (n) /bɑː(r)/
a long flat piece of sth with straight sides, e.g.
11.51 keen on sth/sb (adj) /kiːn ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ
chocolate, soap ● Don’t eat a whole bar of
chocolate before your dinner.
interested in sth/sb ● Hilda isn’t very keen on
jazz. She prefers rock music. 11.66 expensive (adj) /ɪkˈspensɪv/
costing a lot of money ● Theatre tickets are
11.52 tired of sth/sb (adj) /ˈtaɪəd əv ˈsʌmθɪŋ
expensive, so we don’t go very often.
bored with sth/sb ● I’m tired of watching the 11.67 violin (n) /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/
same kind of films on TV every week. a musical stringed instrument that you hold
on your shoulder to play ● Marinos played a
11.53 obvious (adj) /ˈɒbvɪəs/
beautiful tune on his violin.
clear to see ● It was obvious that the audience
enjoyed the play very much. ➣ obviously (adv)
Grammar Pages 140–141 conductor
11.54 marvellous (adj) /ˈmɑːvələs/ orchestra
wonderful ● The dancers were marvellous!
➣ marvel (v, n), marvellously (adv)
11.55 twit (n) /twɪt/ 11.68 rubbish (n) /ˈrʌbɪʃ/
a silly person ● Don’t call your brother a twit! things that sb throws away ● The bins were
Apologise to him. full of rubbish.
11.56 sunflower (n) /ˈsʌnflaʊə(r)/ 11.69 practise (v) /ˈpræktɪs/
a tall plant with big yellow flowers ● Grandma do sth often to get better at it ● We practised
usually puts sunflower seeds on salads. our songs for weeks before the concert.
11.57 thief (n) /θiːf/ ➣ practice (n)
sb who steals sth ● A thief stole the musical
instruments and the orchestra couldn’t play.
➣ theft (n) Listening Page 142
✎ Plural: thieves 11.70 present (v) /prɪˈzent/
11.58 actress (n) /ˈæktrəs/ show sth to sb ● We presented our school
a female actor ● Who was the actress who magazine to the class. ➣ presentation,
played Mary Poppins? ➣ act (v), actor, presenter (n)
acting (n) 11.71 detective (n) /dɪˈtektɪv/
11.59 recycled (adj) /ˌriːˈsaɪkld/ sb who looks for information about crimes to
made from sth that was used before ● These find criminals ● Diane likes reading detective
programmes were made from recycled paper. stories to guess what happens in the end.
➣ recycling (n), recycle (v) ➣ detect (v)

11.72 rock (n) /rɒk/ 11.82 romance (n) /rəʊˈmæns/
a kind of music usually played with electric a story about people in love ● Jane writes
guitars and drums, etc. ● I think rock music is novels about love and romance. ➣ romantic
better than rap. (adj)
11.73 comic (n) /ˈkɒmɪk/ 11.83 mystery (n) /ˈmɪstri/
a magazine that tells stories with pictures, sth that is difficult to understand or explain
usually for children ● Do you like reading ● The clever detective solved the mystery at
comics like Superman? ➣ comic, comical (adj) the end of the story. ➣ mysterious (adj)
11.74 presenter (n) /prɪˈzentə(r)/ 11.84 balcony (n) /ˈbælkəni/
sb who presents a TV or radio show ● The the seats upstairs in a theatre; an area on the
presenter welcomed the actress to the talk outside wall of a building that you can walk out
show. ➣ present (v), presentation (n) on to ● We had a great view of the stage from
11.75 writer (n) /ˈraɪtə(r)/ the front row on the balcony.
sb who writes things for others to read ● Anna 11.85 silence (n) /ˈsaɪləns/
Sewell was an unusual writer who wrote only a state of having no noise or sounds ● Tania
one book – Black Beauty. ➣ write (v), sat down to relax and enjoy the silence in her
writing (n) room. ➣ silent (adj), silently (adv)
11.76 maximum (n) /ˈmæksɪməm/ 11.86 relax (v) /rɪˈlæks/
the most that is possible or needed ● The rest and do something you enjoy ● After
maximum time allowed to do the writing exam finishing the difficult project, Mike took a
is one hour. few days off work to relax. ➣ relaxed (adj),
11.77 announce (v) /əˈnaʊns/ relaxing (adj)
to tell people an important plan or decision 11.87 preference (n) /ˈprefrəns/
● Julia and Hugh announced that they’re liking one thing or person more than another
getting married. ➣ announcement (n), ● Maria has a preference for detective stories.
announcer (n) She has read all the Inspector Rebus books.
➣ prefer (v)
People 11.88 respect (v) /rɪˈspekt/
take care not to say/do sth sb else thinks is
actress presenter wrong ● Visitors have to respect the local
author thief people on the island. ➣ respect (n)
character twit

detective villain
enemy warrior Pages 144–145
fighter wizard
heroine writer 11.89 narrative (n) /ˈnærətɪv/
a story; an account of sth ● It was an
interesting narrative with colourful descriptions.
➣ narrate (v), narrator (n)

Speaking Page 143

11.90 calm (adj) /kɑːm/
quiet; without wind ● The sea was calm when
we sailed out of the port. ➣ calm (v, n)
11.78 portrait (n) /ˈpɔːtreɪt/
a picture of a person, often just the head and 11.91 as soon as (expr) /əz suːn əz/
shoulders ● The art gallery was full of portraits in a short time; the moment when ● As soon
of kings and queens from the past. as I heard about the earthquake, I called my
family to make sure they were okay.
11.79 abstract (adj) /ˈæbstrækt/
generally from the imagination, not based 11.92 meanwhile (adv) /ˈmiːnwaɪl/
on real things or events ● He did an abstract while sth else is happening ● Mum and Dad
painting with a beautiful pattern using the were putting the tent up. Meanwhile, I was
colours of fire. exploring the campsite.
11.80 adventure (n) /ədˈventʃə(r)/ 11.93 firewood (n) /ˈfaɪəwʊd/
a journey or experience that is exciting and wood cut into pieces for making a fire
may be dangerous ● The story about pirates ● Outside the house, there was enough
was full of action and adventure. firewood to last for the winter.
➣ adventurous (adj) 11.94 rubber (n) /ˈrʌbə(r)/
11.81 fantasy (n) /ˈfæntəsi/ a small piece of soft material to remove pencil
a story often with magic and things that are marks ● Take a pencil and rubber with you for
different from real life ● Alice fell down the the test. ➣ rub (v), rubber (adj)
rabbit hole into a fantasy world of talking ✎ Syn: eraser
11.95 erase (v) /ɪˈreɪz/ 11.108 punctuation (n) /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃn/
make a pencil mark disappear ● This pen has the system of marks used to separate
special ink that you can erase easily. sentences, phrases or questions ● Correct
➣ eraser (n) punctuation helps to make the meaning of the
11.96 sketchbook (n) /ˈsketʃbʊk/ sentence clear. ➣ punctuate (v)
a book with paper for drawing on ● Rosemary
sat under a tree with her sketchbook to draw Books
some pictures. ➣ sketch (v, n)
adventure novel
11.97 wherever (adv, conj) /weərˈevə(r)/ back cover punctuation
in all places ● Wherever she went, her dog comic romance
followed her. fantasy setting
11.98 find (n) /faɪnd/ front cover solution
sth that sb has found ● They made some mystery title
interesting historical finds when they dug in the narrative
fields near the castle. ➣ find (v)
11.99 scream (n) /skriːm/
a loud cry made by sb who is scared or hurt
● She heard a scream outside and looked out
of the window. ➣ scream (v)
Video 11
11.100 downstairs (adv) /ˌdaʊnˈsteəz/
the lower floor of a building below the Creative Recycling

one where you are ● Our bedrooms are
upstairs and the kitchen and living room are Page 146
downstairs. ➣ downstairs (adj)
11.109 recycling (n) /ˌriːˈsaɪklɪŋ/
11.101 crab (n) /kræb/
using things again that were used before
a small animal that has a hard shell, eight legs
● Recycling is important for our environment
and two sharp arms and lives in the sea
so we don’t throw so many things away.
● The crabs ran between the rocks into the
➣ recycle (v)
11.110 label (n) /ˈleɪbl/
11.102 hermit crab (n) /ˈhɜːmɪt kræb/
a piece of paper on the side of a container,
a type of crab that lives in the shells of other
etc. to give information about what is inside
sea creatures ● When a hermit crab gets too
● Always read the labels on cans or packets to
big for its shell, it moves out and find another
check what’s in the food you’re buying.
➣ label (v)
11.103 setting (n) /ˈsetɪŋ/
11.111 pane (n) /peɪn/
where sth happens ● The island of Corfu was
a piece of glass that is part of a window
the setting for Gerald Durrell’s novels.
● The thief broke the pane of glass on the
➣ set (v)
door to open it.
✎ Syn: location
11.112 stained-glass (adj) /ˌsteɪnd ˈɡlɑːs/
11.104 solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/
pieces of coloured glass used to make
a way of solving a problem or doing sth ● Let’s
windows ● The neighbours have a lovely
talk and try to find a solution to our money
stained-glass window on their front door.
problems. ➣ solve (v)
11.113 lorry (n) /ˈlɒri/
11.105 all at once (expr) /ɔːl ət wʌns/
a large vehicle for transporting heavy things by
suddenly ● All at once, I realised that he was
road ● There was a big lorry driving in front of
the thief.
us, but we couldn’t pass it on the country road.
11.106 stuck (adj) /stʌk/
11.114 melt (v) /melt/
not able to move out of a position ● When the
heat sth, e.g. ice, to turn it into liquid ● Put the
boat engine stopped, we were stuck in the
ice cream in the freezer so that it doesn’t melt.
middle of the sea. ➣ stick (v)
11.115 vase (n) /vɑːz/
11.107 improve (v) /ɪmˈpruːv/
a container for putting flowers in or as a
make sth better ● Your drawing has improved
decoration ● We saw a display of beautifully
since you started taking art classes.
painted old vases in the museum.
➣ improvement (n)
11.116 recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/
use sth again that was used before ● In our
neighbourhood, you can put papers into the
special bins to recycle them. ➣ recycling (n),
recycled (adj)
11.117 craftsperson (n) /ˈkrɑːftspɜːsn/
sb who makes artistic things by hand
● Tourists often stop in the village to buy
carpets made by the local craftspeople.
✎ Plural: craftspeople
✎ Also: craftsman, craftswoman
11.118 turn (sth/sb) into (sth/sb) (phr v) /tuːn
ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈsʌmbədi ˈɪntə ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈsʌmbədi/
change sth/sb to make them become sth/sb
else ● The weekend course has turned Jim
into an expert photographer.
11.119 warehouse (n) /ˈweəhaʊs/
a large store where a company keeps things
to send to shops or customers ● The building
was a clothes warehouse before it was turned
into flats.
11.120 oven (n) /ˈʌvn/
a machine that sth is baked in; the inside
part of a cooker where food is cooked ● The
craftsperson took the vases out of the oven,
then left them to cool before painting them.

abstract pavement
canvas portrait
cave powder
chalk rubber
cloth sketchbook
craftsperson stained-glass
dye sunflower
feather vase


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